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A18672 The foundation of Christian religion: comprehended in three godlie and learned treatises. 1. Faith. 2. Hope. 3. Charitie L'Espine, Jean de, ca. 1506-1597. Traité de la foy. English.; Veghelman, S. 1612 (1612) STC 5188; ESTC S118874 139,379 370

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and washed in his bloud wee become as cleane and as white as snowe hauing neither spot nor wrinckle nor any thing else to bee reproued and condemned Now this Iustice by whose couering we escape the Iudgement of God is allowed vnto vs and applied by the Faith of Iesus Christ which is the cause that in Saint Iohn it is sayd that whoso beleeueth in him Ioh. 35. commeth not into Iudgment And for the which the Apostle to the Romanes speaking with great assurance sayth Rom. 8. who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods chosen It is God that iustifieth who is hee that condemneth It is Christ which died yea rather which is risen againe which is also on the right hand of God and maketh intercession for vs Who shall separate vs from the loue of Iesus Christ shall tribulation or anguish or persecution eyther hunger eyther nakednesse eyther perill eyther Sword As it is written for thy sake are wee killed all the day long and are counted as sheepe for the slaughter neuerthelesse in all these things wee ouercome through him that loved vs For I am sure that neither death neither Life neither Angels nor rules neither Power neyther things present neithings to come Neyther height nor depth neither any other creature shal be able to separate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. If by Faith we are assured to be justified before him and that this consuming fire which maketh all the creatures of the world to shake when it is once enflamed can neither annoy nor consume vs That when we consider it narrowly ought quickly to take that feare from vs that we may haue of all dangers for that which is the fearefullest of all to wit the wrath and anger of God can neither offend nor make vs affraid following then the exhortation and example of the Apostle we ought not onely to be resolued against the feare of Death but also insult ouer it as he did in saying O death where is thy victorie 1. Cor. 15. O Sepulcre where is thy Sting Now the sting of Death is sin and the power of sinne is the Law But thanks be to God who giueth vs victorie through our Lord Iesus Christ Then when wee shall see the day of Iudgement approch the which is fearefull to the Diuels and reprobates wee to the contrary ought to lift vp our heads being joyfull of his comming being well assured that it shall be the day of our full and entire redemption and deliuerance in the which we shall enioy all the goods which Iesus Christ hath purchased for vs and the fruite of our hope that is to say of the permanent and perfect happinesse which God hath reserued for his Children And if the children of Israell after they had passed the Riuer Iordan beginning to take possession of the Land which God had promised them had great occasion to reioyce and to comfort themselues so shall we haue when we shall see Iesus Christ appeare in his glory the second time and when we shall heare this pleasant and happie voice Math. 5. Come ye Blessed of my Father and possesse the Kingdome which hath been prepared for you from the beginning of the world ¶ The fowrth effect of Faith Mortification FAith also begets in vs mortification of the flesh and true repentance purifying our hearts as saith Saint Peter of disordinate passions Act. 10. lusts and ●ffections foolish loue auarice ambition and other like vanities Breife it ●s the meanes which God vseth to regenerate vs and to make vs new crea●ures and by consequent to cteate in vs ●ew thoughts new affections new ●peaches new actions and a new life Because it is accompanied with the Spi●it of God as it is written in Esay who ●eeing holy Esay 59. sanctifieth all those that ●re furnished therewith That is attributed to Faith because it is the Instrument wherewith hee serueth himselfe ●o regenerate man which we see in all ●hose that are faithfull who in a mo●ent hauing been called and beleeued ●e word which was preached vnto ●hem haue been changed from carnall ●o spirituall and euen as a tree after ● hath been ingraffed bringeth other ●ind of fruite then it bare while it was wild Rom. 6. also by Faith ingraffed into Iesus Christ wee bring forth fruits through grace of an other kind then we did when ●ee walked in our owne wayes which we ●e in Zacheus Example Zacheus who beeing an insaciable ●ublican to heape goods vpon goods and to gather riches vppon Riches by hooke or by crooke without hauing any respect vnto Iustice and without bejng mooved to pitty the poverty of those which he ransomed cared for nothing so he might encrease and gather riches at any price Neverthelesse Iesus Christ having looked vppon him with his good eye and having vouchsafed to be his guest changed and transformed him jnto an other man so that of a covetous and lustfull man as hee was he became liberall and charitable and of one that was pittilesse and barbarous towards the poore and needy and those that had need of him he became gracious humane and tractable God did even change his heart in such sort that he did not content himselfe to restore fower fold to those that hee had ransommed but would giue and distribute the halfe of his goods to the poore We see that evē in S. Mathew Mathew who bejng actiue and attentiue to gaine and to his profite when Iesus Christ had called him forgetting at the very jnstant that he heard his voyce all his desires and avarice forsooke his bancke his Apron his house and all his temporall commodities to follow him The Harlot likewise The harlot Luk. 7. whereof mention is made in S. Luke although shee were given over to all dissolution and steeped in all worldly and filthy pleasures neverthelesse bejng called to the Faith of the gospell she was presently so changed that one would haue sayd that her eyes had beene fountaines by reason of the aboundance of teares that ranne from them S. Peter also who was a great sinner as hee himselfe confessed and who onely amongst all his fellowes denyed Iesus Christ three severall times was in the end so strengthned by Faith that by reason of his constancy and firme jmmooueablenes hee was surnamed by the name of Peter S. Paul also who was a cruell blasphemer persecutor and furious and like a wild Bore Act. 9. Psal 80. who was broke jnto the Lords Vineyard to spoyle it and to devour vp all the branches having been called by Iesus Christ when hee went jnto Damascus there for to dissipate the Church wholy was so changed by Faith which God of his grace did jnspire in his heart that of a Wolfe that he was he became the greatest Pastor of his time in the Church and flocke of the Lord. Whereby wee see what is the power and force of Faith the which doth altogether
and falling from the Church and the doctrine therof did shew at last that in them there was no true faith Iames. 2. The fift kind of Faith is that which is called dead by S. Iames by reason of the likenesse it hath to a dead body for as after the separation of the soule the body which remaineth being dead hath neither mooving nor feeling also a dead faith hath no feeling of the benefits and graces of God to poyse and esteeme them according to their value wherein they are like vnto Hogs that eat vp the Mast which falleth from the Oake and neuer looke vp whence it commeth Those people are prophane who thinke neither on God nor Iesus Christ nor vpon his word nor vpon his Sacraments the which hee hath ordayned in his Church for the exercising nourishing and jncreasing of the faith of his children despise publike exhortations prayers thanksgivings and confessions Breefe they shew themselues in all their behaviours to bee Libertines and disordinate never having before their eyes nor in their memory the great debt which they owe vnto God for so many graces and favours by them receaved and which they daily receaue at his hands and as they are without feeling of the aboue-said things so are they vnprovided of all good motions For there is no man amongst thē that jmployeth him selfe to doe well nor confirme himselfe to the will of God but are rather contemners of all the admonitions and advertisments which are given them people altogether given to the world slaues to their flesh and to the lusts therof who neither serue God nor make shew of it If these people thinke they haue faith they deceaue themselues as doe those that call a carkas or a dead body a man CHAP. III. ¶ Of true Faith by the which Christians are iustified which is the sixt and last kind of Faith BEfore we enter into the diffinition of the true Faith which justifieth him that hath it we must take our subject a little higher and declare what is the office and dutie of a christian man which is to know what hee ought to wayt for from God and what God requireth of him That which the faithfull wayt for from God is their salvatiō everlasting life That God which requireth of him is a trust in his goodnes a feare of his Majestie and an obedience to his will The which three things are taught him by the word of God the which being divided into three parts that is to say the promises the commandements and the threatnings by the promises it teacheth the Christian man to trust in God and vppon him to set all his hope and to wayt from him all comfort ayde and blessing in all his affayres and necessities and by the commandements teacheth him what obedience he ought to render to God and the readinesse and great care which he ought to shew therein and by the threatnings the feare which he should haue to offend him and to doe or commit any thing that may displease him Now Faith sets before it selfe these three kinds of words And even as the object of the sight is the colour and the sound is the object to the hearing also the object of Faith is the word of God the which it looketh vppon continually ayming at it as at a marke and thereto bending her whole sight and her jntention from the which word shee can never so little stray but shee must loose her selfe because that to bee sure shee must of necessity rest vpon a word that is certaine and such a one as is the only word of God Therefore is it that honest folkes doe with good right condemne the faith of Papists who depend altogether of the Pope and beleeue jndifferently all that hee sayth vnto them and all that he teacheth them Because that beeing a lying and variable man filled with jgnorance as are others it cannot be but his word and his doctrine must bee doubtfull and subject to warranties But the Christian Faith which is assayled in so many sorts and which hath so many assaults to withstand and so many devises to prevent hath great need to bee vpheld by a word that is firme and which cannot bee easily shooke with all the temptations wherewith it is assayled Then for to know what Christian Faith is it is needfull to giue a breefe and succinct definition thereof CHAP. IIII. ¶ A definition of Faith THe Christian Faith is a certaine knowledge and firme perswasion which the elect by the vertue of the holy Ghost haue every one in themselues of the vndoubted verity of all the things contayned in the word of God as well in the old as in the new Testament joyned with a true and perfect trust of their salvarion propounded vnto them in the Evangelicall promise by the grace of God and ratyfied by the satisfaction made for their sinnes vnto his justice by the death and obedience of his sonne in their name wherevppon followeth in their hearts a perpetuall joye and consolation and an assurance against all dangers and temptations and a resolued will to walke before his face and to acknowledge towards him all their life time so great a benefit by a loue feare and obedience which they vowe vnto him and doe striue to render him for ever The which definition we must now declare in particulars We say first that Faith is a certaine knowledge of the word of God Psal 102. Rom. 3. 2. Cor. 1. Psal 100. Psal 138. because there is no other word wherevppon it may be well grounded to be assured and certaine seeing that God alone is jmmoueable and permanent for ever and true everlastingly so that in him there is never yea and no and it is one of the reasons for the which the Hebrewes named him Iehoua because it is his property to bee true and to maintaine his truth for ever alwayes to effect whatsoever he sayth and promiseth at the time by him appoynted All men then to be well jnformed and assured thereof ought to haue an expresse and cleare knowledge of the word of God which teacheth it vnto vs whereby wee may perceaue the great errour and abuse of the Pope and of his Cardinals Archbishops Bishops Curats and other Pastors of papistry who to deceue the simple people make thē belieue that to be faithful it is not required that they shold haue a clear distinct knowledge of the word of God and that it is sufficient that for that matter they referre themselues to their Pastors who shall answere for them before God But this surety is not sufficient for being their guides as blind or more blind then they are they cannot misse in following thē but they must both fall together according to the saying of Iesus Christ wherto may be joyned that which Esay faith Mat. 15. Esaie 29. What can a Booke profit a man if it be shut or if it bee open and bee in an vnknowen tongue and not vndestood It cannot
And even as in the time of the ancient people when walking by the horrible deserts of Arabia it happened that some one of them were bitten by Serpents to the end that of the poysoned byt death should not follow Nom. 21. hee lifted vp his eyes to behold the brasen Serpent that was set vp in the middle of the field and by the beholding of it was preserued from the daunger Iohn 3. so wee walking through the deserts of the world where happening that our desires sting vs with their venome and giue vs some mortall wound to be preserued from it the onely remedy is to lift vp the eyes of our Faith in the contemplation of Iesus Christ who is raysed aboue the heavens and to aske of God his Father in his name that he would quitte our debts as we quitte our debitours Of this obedience vertue and effect thereof is spoken in the Epistle to the Romaines chap. 5. verse 19. As by the disobedience of one man many haue beene made sinners also by the obedience of one many are made righteous Also in the 2. Epistle to the Corinthians chap. 1. God was in Christ reconciling the world to himselfe not jmputing their sinnes vnto them Also in the Epistle to the Phillipians chapter 2. vers 7. He made himselfe of no reputation taking vpon him the forme of a servant and made himselfe in the likenesse of men and found in figure as a man he humbled himselfe made obedient to death even the death of the crosse And in the Epistle to the Hebrewes chap. 6. vers 11. Christ being become an high Priest of good things that should bee by a greater and more perfect Tabernacle not made with hands that is to say not of his building Neither by the blood of Goates and Calues but by his owne bloud he entred once into the holy place and found eternal redemption And in the 10. chap. vers 8. having sayd before that sacrifice and offering and burnt offerings and offerings for sin thou wouldst not neither hadst pleasure therin which are offered by the Law Then sayth hee Loe I come to doe thy will O God he taketh then the first away to the end to establish the second By the which Will we are sanctified To wit by the obligation once done by the body of Iesus Christ It followeth in the definiton that of this Faith there commeth forth of the hearts of those that are justified a perpetuall peace joye and consolation Which is easie to be vnderstood for it is not possible that wee can bee assured and perswaded of the grace of God and of the remission of our sinnes of our salvation and of the everlasting blessing which Iesus Christ hath purchased for vs also of the justice and of the life and of a certaine hope of the Kingdome of Heaven and of that perfect and entire felicity which there waytes for vs for ever that we may feele in our hearts and in our consciences a peace a joye a rest a comfort and contentment vnseparable which is the cause that S. Paul in the Epistle to the Romaines chap. 5. verse 1. sayd Therefore being iustified by Faith we are at peace with God through our Lord Iesus Christ and in the 14. chap. and 17. verse The kingdome of God is not meate and drinke but righteousnesse and peace and ioy in the holy Ghost And Iesus Christ in S. Iohn chap. 16. verse 20. Verily verily I say vnto you that yee shall weepe and lament the world shall reioyce ye shall sorrow but your sorrow shall be turned into ioye A woman when she trauaileth hath sorow because her hower is come but so soone as shee is deliuered of the child shee remembreth no more the anguish for ●oye that a man is borne into the world And yee now therefore haue sorrow but I will see you againe and your hearts shall reioyce and your ioye no man taketh from you Dauid also to this purpose in the 126. Psalme sung They that sowe in teares shall reape in ioy They went weeping and carryed precious seed but they shall returne with ioye and bring their sheaues And in Esay chap. 51. Euerlasting gladnes shall be powred on your heads And S. Iohn in his Apocalips chap. 21. verse 4. And God shall wipe away all teares from their eyes and there shal be no more death neither sorrow neither crying neither shall there bee any more paine for the former things are gone And Dauid in the 36. Psalme How excellent is thy mercy O God therefore the children of men trust vnder the shadow of thy wings They shall be satisfied with the fatnes of thine house and thou shalt giue them drinke out of thy pleasures It followeth in the definition that this Faith is accompanyed with assurance against all dangers and tentations The which is added to jnstruct the faithfull man that when by faith he is vnited with God and receaued his protection and safegard Rom. 8. nothing can mishappen vnto him but all matters and accidents of what nature and quality soever they can be further him to salvation as sayth S. Peter 1. Pet. 3. Who is it shall hinder you if you follow that which is good And S. Paul Rom. 8. Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods chosen It is God that iustifieth who is hee that condemneth it is Christ which dyed yea rather which is risen againe which is also on the right hand of God and maketh intercession for vs who shall separate vs from the loue of Christ shall tribulation or anguish or persecution either hunger either nakednesse either perill either Sword As it is written for thy sake are wee killed all the day long and are counted as sheepe to the slaughter Neuerthelesse in all these things we ouercome through him that loued vs for I am sure that neither death nor life neither Angels nor rule neither power neither things present neither things to come neither height nor depth neither any other creature shall be able to s●parate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. Dauid also in the 27. Psalme sayth The Lord is my light and my saluation whome shall I feare The Lord is the strength of my life of whome shall I bee affraide Though an hoast be pitched against mee I will not bee affrayd though warre be raysed against mee I will trust in God For in my trouble hee shall me hyde in his tabernacle in the secret place of his pauillion shall he hide me and set mee vp vpon a rocke Therefore will I offer in his Tabernacle sacrifices of ioye I will sing and praise the Lord. And in the 46. Psalme God is our hope and strength and helpe in troubles is ready to bee found Therefore will wee not feare though the earth bee mooued and though the mountaines fall into the middest of the Sea Though the waters thereof rage and bee troubled and the mountaines shake at the surges of
our vnderstanding prefirring his loue before all other loues Louing nothing but in him and ruling the loue which we beare to all things whether to our Father to our wiues children kindred neighbours goods heritages and other things to to bee loued by that which wee beare to God who beeing our soueraigne creator Father and protector of whome we hold wholy all the good which we possese and hope for ought to be preferred before all creatures whatsoeuer they be the loue whereof should in no thing preiudice that of the creator Then the couetous who loue their goods and riches better then him The ambitious who set him behind their honours and estates The voluptuous who would not leaue nor abate any thing of their pleasures to obay him and follow his will Those also that loue the world and themselues more then God and his word are not truely faithfull what opinion soeuer they haue to bee so and what apparance soeuer they haue of it from elsewhere Charitie hath also a regard to our neighbours Now euen as the faithfull man cannot bee prouided with a true Faith if he do not loue God so it is necessarie that hee loue his neighbour if hee will bee knowne to bee faithfull for as sayth S. Iohn If wee loue not our brother whome we see how can wee loue God that is invisible besides that our neighbours being our brethren and members of Iesus Christ as wee are it is not possible that wee can remember that in our selues but we shall be stirred vp to loue them and shew that we loue them by all the good offices that wee can do for them And it sufficeth not but wee must also loue vertue and our dutie to acquite vs towards God and our brethren of that which wee are obliged to them for we do not only owe them assistance in their necessities but also the care which wee ought to haue as well of them as of their salvation to procure it with all our might and by all the meanes wee can These Loues draw on others with them For if wee loue God How farre Charitie tendeth our neighbours our dutie and vertue wee shall loue all other things to be loued as the celestall and jncorruptible things wee shall loue the companie of the good and seeke after it wee shall loue the word of God to be jnstructed exhorted comforted reproued and edified in all knowledge and all feare of God wee shall loue the light to be guided in all our wayes and not stumble wee shall loue peace and order in all thinges in the Church in the gouernment in husbandry and in our selues we shall hate to the contrary the loue of the world that is to say of honours riches and vaine and corruptible pleasures wee shal also hate the loue of our selues by the which wee might be drawne to the loue of many things quite contrarie to the will of God yea we shall little loue this present life and all our temporall commodities which might turne vs from the loue and desire of the Kingdome of heauen and of those things that are helthfull for vs. And for conclusion wee shall altogether hate vice and all the occasions which may drawe or summon vs therevnto the which we shall abhorte as a plague and a contagious sicknesse The third thtng ioyned to Faith Hope accompanieth faith FAith also is j●dissolubly ioyned with a certaine hope by the which wee patiently wayt for the effect of the promise which is made vs for the difference which is betweene Faith and hope is taken from their obiects which are different The obiect of Faith is properly the word of promise The obiect of faith of hope which it regardeth and receiueth by Faith and perswade her selfe to be certaine and indubitable and the obiect of hope i● the effect of this promise which it waiteth for without doubting at all at such time as god hath appointed to effect and accomplish it And although that somtimes it be very long and that betweene the promise and the effect thereof there is a long space and respite neverthelesse setting before vs the jmmutable and everlasting truth of him that made the promise it vpholdeth it selfe and relyeth vpon it as vpon a pillar or collom to patience vntil the hower that it shal please God to make vs know and feele in effect that which hee hath promised without precipitating or ouerthrowing it selfe into temptation whereby it might be assaulted by the length of the time which God taketh to effect that which he sayth We see that by many examples which the scripture sheweth vs in many as first in Abraham Proofe by example of Abraham who wayted for the effect of the promise which God had made about twenty fiue yeares without wauering or being any whit shooke with any doubt or mistrust that he had either that God had forgotten him or chaunged his will The Patriarks likewise in Egipt Of the children of Iacob after the promise receaued of the jnheritance which God had promised to giue them stayd long before they were established in the possession and fruition therof neverthelesse they neuer doubted but it should come to passe in time and season knowing well that word of God is euerlasting and that the Heaven and Earth shall passe before the least jot o● litle poynt therof shal be obmitted bu● all that is contained therin shal be accōplished For it is not so with the word of God as with that of men who bejng mutable and variable in their counsels desires and wils cannot for these reasons assure the hope which may bee set vpon their word But God who i● jmmutable and who continueth still the same in his nature cannot promise any thing but the effect must follow yea the promise and the effect in him are one selfe-same thing and residing in him at the same jnstant which is the cause for the which the Apostle sayth Rom. 5. That hope maketh not ashamed And Esay sayth also that whosoeuer hopeth in God shal neuer be deceaued ●sal 25. of that which he looketh for from him And Dauid sayth Vnto thee O Lord I lift vp my soule My God I trust in thee let me not be confounded Let not mine enemies reioyce ouer me Also Psal 40. I wayted patiently for the Lord and he inclined vnto mee and heard my cry he brought me also out of the horrible pit out of the myrie clay and set my feet vppon the rocke and ordered my goings And also Psal 144. He is my goodnesse and my fortresse my Tower and my deliuerer my shield and in him I trust which subdueth my people vnder me Now this hope Fruits of Hope as sayth Gregorie the diuine is a fit and soueraigne remedy for all the miseries and calamities that can arriue to a faithfull man how great soeuer they be Heb. 6. Because as saith the Apostle It is an anker the which being cast not as
thou art the same and thy yeares shall not faile The Children of thy seruants shall continue and their seed shall stand fast in thy sight A firme conclusion Wee then what changing soeuer we see although it seeme vnto vs that the Heauens the Earth and all the Elements doe threaten vs and that all creatures seeme to haue conspired our rujne neuerthelesse we ought not to judge of the nature of God as of creatures but to be resolute that the nature of God is invariable and that in his counsels his words and all his workes he is constant and permanent for euer and abyding alwayes like vnto himselfe By reason whereof we ought not to esteeme him according to our jmaginations and tha● he seemeth to shew and represent him selfe vnto vs in the estate of his creatures but alwaies to apprend him such as he is manifested in his word ¶ Vaine feare contrary to Faith What such a feare is VAine feare is also a thing that is cōtrary to Faith whereof S. Pete● 1. Pet. 3. maketh mention when hee sayth Be not ye affraid for any terrour of them neither bee ye troubled And Iesus Chris● sayth Mat. 10. Feare ye not them that kill the bodie but are not able to kill the soule b● rather feare him which is able to destroy both bodie and soule in hell Are not tw● little Sparrowes sold for a farthing and on● of them shall not light on the ground without your Father yea euen the haires of you● head are numbred feare ye not therefore ye are of more value the many Sparrowes In this sentence wee must note man● things to strengthen our Faith Wherefore wee ought little to feare men First that the power of Tyrants and enemie● of the Church is limited and goeth no● farther then the leaue and permission that God giueth them to effect his For although that God sometimes to exercise his children giueth them power to vexe and torment them in their bodies he alwaies preserues their soules and doth not at all suffer that their furie reach so farre as to endamage them in any thing in matters concerning their saluation Although that sometimes we see many Princes so outragious and transported with furie that they vndertake against the ordinance and expresse will of God to kill if it were possible for them the soules of their subjects constrayning them to goe to the Masse and jdolatrie The other poynt which we ought to note is Remedy against vai● feare that our enemies cannot euen offend vs in our bodies without his prouidence no more then the Sparrowes which cannot fall vpon the earth but God doth appoint it Seeing then that the children of God are more deare and precious vnto him then not onely one but many Sparrowes wee must resolue that whereas God suffereth that we should fall into the hands of tyrants to afflict vs by prison by confiscations by banishments by fire and water all this being conducted by the counsell and prouidence of God it cannot bee but profitable and healthfull vnto vs. And for the last poynt wee ought well to laye before vs that which hee sayth That the haires of our head are all counted Mat. 10. and that not one of them cannot be diminished but by the expresse will of our God who cannot seeing his jmmense and infinite goodnes giue any thing of the estate of all his elect but it must be for their good and saluation The other thing which ought to furnish vs against this feare is the charity of our God the which as sayth S. Peter being well apprehended in our hearts and meditated in our minds will alwaies chase away all casuall feares which may happen vnto vs to trouble vs. For knowing that God hauing once receaued vs into his fauour continueth it towards vs for euer Rom. 8. And that there is no creature whatsoeuer whether it be death life Angels principalities power nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature that is able to separate vs from the loue of God which hee beareth vs in Christ Iesus our Lord. What accident could happen vnto vs sufficient to astonish our hearts firmely perswaded of this dilection of our God There is yet another reason which ought wel to assure vs against all feares Third remedie that is to say the presence of our God who is neuer farre from vs but is alwayes at our right hand to vphold vs ●s sayth Dauid I will prayse the Lord Psal 16. who hath giuen me counsell my reines also teach mee in the nights I haue set the Lord alwaies before mee for hee is at my right hand therefore I shall not slide Wherefore my heart is glad and my tongue reioyceth my flesh also doth rest in hope For thou wilt not leaue my soule in the graue neither wilt thou suffer thine holie one to see corruption Exod. 4. Iere. 1. Mat. 28. It is the reason which God vsed to Moises to Ieremie and to all the Apostles to assure them against all feares and assaults which may bee giuen them by their enemies to hinder or stay them in the executon of their charge Feare not sayth he for I am with you They shall fight and giue you many assaults but I will maintaine you and place you euerie one like a furnished citie and like a Collom of Iron and like ● brasen wall vppon the earth against th● Kings of Iuda and her Princes against the high Priests and all the people of the earth that shall make warre against the● but they shall not ouercome thee for I a● with thee sayth the Lord to deliuer thee Let vs then thinke as saith S. Iohn 1. Iohn 2. That the word of God and his promise dwelling in our hearts by faith wee are strong an● inuincible against all temptations Besides 2. Tim. 1. That the spirit of God remaineth i● vs which is not a soft and weake spirit bu● a spirit of force as saith the Apostle which will vphold vs against all temptations although that it seeme in appearance that we are verie infirme and weake But let vs thinke that the weake and feeble things of this world are sufficient to confound and beat down all the highest and the strongest that can be found and euen lead them prisoners in the obedience of Christ ¶ The euill conscience contrary to Faith THE euill conscience also Whence this contrarietie commeth is very contrary to Faith because it always ●ets the wrath of God before it and ●aith to the contrary doth alwaies set ●he grace of God before it For a man ●hat sinneth voluntarily although hee know that the reward of sinne is death and that the curse of the wrath of God are propounded in the law against all those that transgresse it That presupposed it is not possible but he must bee astonished and that in his heart he hath prickings gnawings and stingings which doe transperse it
superficies of the earth and the brāches of the trees bereft of leaues flowers and fruits that they were dead Nevertheles the rigour of the season past and the softnes of the spring time come againe wee see that the life was not al●ogether extinguished but only repres●ed and shut vp for a time vntill the cold and frosts were past So we see in ●he Church that the faithfull who are ●he trees and plants of the orchard of God doe not alwaies shew their Faith and life which is in them Example as in the ●ime of Elyas although there were ● great number who had not bow●d the knee to Baal Neverthelesse ●et were they not in euidence Which ●eceaued the Prophet and made him ●alsely to thinke that he alone remained ●he seruant of God So it commeth often that the faithfull men shall not be knowne exteriourly by the works and actions of faith although it bee inclosed in their hearts and that vpon occasion when it presenteth they declare it according to the grace which God giueth them agitation of the spirit which mooueth them to doe it when time serueth ¶ The fift and last question whether true Faith can fall away The elect of God are preserued finally in Faith THe fift and last question is to wit whether faith can be quite taken away from the heart of him that hath receaued it of God Answere Faith is permanent vntill the end in him vnto whome God by his spirit and his word hath once truely communicated it And there is no slight nor tēptation whether of the diuell of the world of tyrants o● the flesh that can quite extinguish it when once it is kindled in the soule o● the faithfull man Error of the Scholemen And howsoeuer th● Schoolemen say that men truely faithfull are vncertaine of their perseuerance in faith yet must the Christian against their false erroneous opiniō hold resolutely by the scripture that that which God hath begunne in him by his Grace he will aduance it Psal 138. and will not desist from raysing and pursuing vntill such time as he hath fully accomplished it whereto all the passages and parcels of scripture following may serue First that of the Epistle of S. Paul to the Philippians Of perseuerance in Faith Phil. 1.6 I thanke my God hauing you in perfect memorie alwaies in all my prayers for you all praying with gladnesse because of the fellowship which ye haue in the Gospell from the first day vntill now And I am perswaded of this same thing that he that hath begunne this good worke in you will perform it vntil the day of Iesus Christ The Apostle confirming that also saith The foundation of God remaineth sure 2. Tim. 2. hath this seale The Lord knoweth who are his and let euery one that calleth on the name of Christ depart from iniquity Also whome he predestinated Rom. 8. them also he called and whome he called them also he iustified and whome hee iustified them he also glorified Finally speaking of himselfe and of all the elect I am saith he perswaded that neither death nor life nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor thinges to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall bee able to separate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus Christ also speaking to his sheepe saith in generall of all Iohn 10. That none can put them out of his hand and that they shall not perish euerlastingly and that hee will giue them euerlasting life and no man can hinder him in that And also Iohn 5. he sayth That all those which God his father hath giuen him shall come vnto him and that being come he will not cast them behind him for euer Moreouer seeing hee is neuer denied of any thing which he asked of God his Father Iohn 17. and that before his death hee prayed him solemnly for those that his Father hath giuen him whervpon may bee inferred certainely that all the elect that are comprehended in his prayer cannot faile to perseuere in Faith and finally by it be saued Luk. 22. When also speaking to S. Peter and exhorting him with his fellowes to stand vppon his gard least they should bee surprised by the lurking ambuscadoes of the diuell and not to fall into their nets he sayd vnto him That he had prayed for him to the end his Faith should not faile him that ought not only to be applied to S. Peter but to the whole Chruch vniversally which was presented vnto vs in his person and to the which for this reason that prayer did also appertaine When also speaking to the to the Pharisies he sayd vnto thē That all that God his Father had not planted Mat. 15. should be plucked vp he ment to say the contrary that no thing which his Father had planted as he did all the elect should be plucked vp doth not S. Iohn also say in his first Epistle 1. Iohn 5. That whosoeuer is borne of God sinneth not that is to say to death because he is begotten of God he kepeth himselfe and that wicked one toucheth him not And also whosoeuer is borne of God doth not sinne for the seede of him remaineth in him and he cannot sinne because hee is borne of God Againe doth not Iesus Christ promise to whomesoeuer shall eate his flesh and drinke his bloud Iohn 6. which is done by Faith that hee shall dwell in him and hee reciprocally in him that shall eate it wherevppon it followeth that Iesus Christ who is the life dwelling in the Faithfull man who by Faith hath eaten his flesh cannot faile for this reason to liue eternally in him The prophets likewise confirme Esay 45. as Esay among others who speaking to Israell sayd That God saueth them with a perpetuall salvation Esay 51. and speaking to the elect sayth vnto them to comfort them Lift vppe your eyes to heauen and looke downe vppon the earth for the Heauens shall vanish like smoke and the earth shall be worne like a garment and the Inhabitants thereof shall likewise bee abolished but my saluation shall bee for euer and my justice shall neuer faile Ieremie also speaking in the name of God sayth of them That God loueeth them with an eternall loue And Ose speaking likewise of the marriage and alliance which God Ose 2. contracteth with them saith That it is for euer and that they must not feare that betweene him and his church there can euer come any diuorse nor libell of refusall Dauid also assureth vs of that in many places as in the 23. Psalme Thou doest annoynt my head with oyle and my cuppe runneth ouer Doubtlesse kindnesse and mercy shall followe mee all the daies of my life and I shall remaine a long season in the house of the Lord. And in the 30. Psalme Sing praises vnto the Lord yee his Saints and giue thankes before the remembrance