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A18271 A treasurie or store-house of similies both pleasaunt, delightfull, and profitable, for all estates of men in generall. Newly collected into heades and common places: by Robert Cawdray. Cawdry, Robert. 1600 (1600) STC 4887; ESTC S107929 530,386 880

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mindes may bring forth her due fruite in feare and reuerence 3. Like as the Palme-tree Psal 92.12 whē there is a great waight laid on it spreadeth and florisheth the broader or as a Camomell with treading and walking on it waxes thicker euen so a faithfull Christian the more Afflliction and persecution he suffereth for his Christ the more is his faith increased 4. Like as the Schoolemaister corrects not his scholler nor the father his childe but for some fault and for their amendment euen so no more doth God send his plagues and chastisements vpon his children but to put them in remembrance of their disobedience towards him that they should turne to him But if the lewde scholler or vnthriftie sonne do not regard the correction laid vpon him nor consider the greatnes of his fault nor the displeasure of his father there is no goodnesse to be hoped for of him Euen so is it with such as lightly or else not at all consider their liues past God his dealing with them and how euill and vntowardly things haue prospered with them during the time that they haue displeased God and bene afflicted Agge 1.5.6 Pro. 16.7.17 Deut. 28.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. 5. As the ashes cast vpō the fire put it not out but is a mean to preserue the same in the night against the morning which otherwise would be consumed or as the barrennesse of the trees in winter are a mean to preserue the roote against sommer which then will ascend vp his iuyce into the body and braunches thereof whereby they are greatly enlarged and made farre more fruitful then euer they were before Euen so are Afflictions vnto the children of God which do not only keepe them from the barrennesse of sinne but also encrease and multiplie them in the life and fruitefulnesse of Cods holy spirit and exerciseth them in patience and hope Rom. 5.3 4 5. 6. As Frankencense when it is put into the fire giueth the greater perfume or as Spice if it be pounned and beaten smelleth the sweeter as the Earth when it is torne vp with the plough becommeth more fruitefull the Seed in the ground after Frost and Snowe and winter stormes springeth the rancker the nigher the Vine is pruned to the stock the greater grape it yeeldeth the Grape when it is most pressed and beaten maketh the sweetest Wine c. Linnen when it is buckt and washt and wroong and beaten is so made fairer and whiter Euen so the children of God receiue great benefite by persecution for by it God washeth and scowreth schooleth and nourtereth them that so through many tribulations they may enter to their rest Pro. 3.11.12 Reue. 3.19 7. Like as they that go about to make Lyons tame do vse to beate little whelpes before them and to make them to couch that so the Lyons seeing they may do so also Euen so oftentimes God chasteneth and correcteth his deare seruants that those that be stifnecked and rebellious should by their example learne subiection and obedience 8. Like as a Phisition who goeth about to cure his sicke Patient doth first promise him health by the assistance helpe of God whereby he putteth him in great hope and comfort afterwards he beginneth to purge to cleanse and strengthen and such like things which make to the recouering of his health Euen so our good God also when he hath remitted and pardoned our sinnes and receiued vs into the bosome of grace and promised vs life which were before sicke to death in our sinnes doth lay on vs Afflictions and so doth scoure and renue vs from day to day in the knowledge and loue of him vntil we become safe pure and renued which then at the last commeth to passe when this mortall body dieth 9. As the precious stone called Amianthon being cast into the fire is made more clearer and purer So the children of God being cast in the fire of troubles and Afflictions do shine more clearer and beautifull 10. As the Gold-smith putteth his Gold into the fire not to marre it but to purge the drosse out of it or as the Husbandman who when his corn is somewhat too ranck either moweth it downe or else eateth it with his sheepe and so he doth prune his Vines not to destroy them but to make them bring more aboundant fruite Euen so the Lord doth trie his children by laying his crosse vpon their necks and purgeth them like Gold in the fire he cutteth from them many occasions of euill that he may bring them to the bearing of greater and more plentifull fruite Ioh. 16.20 Act. 14.23 2. Timo. 3.12 1. Pet. 4.12.13 11. It fareth with Gods children as it happeneth to the children of the houshold All the while they are yoong and little they are as the Apostle saith subiect and vnder Tutors and Gouernours and many times the seruants beate them as though they were their maisters and that the children were their subiects because that the time is not yet come that the Seigniorie of the children ought to bee manifested But when the children are great they abide heires of the house and the varlets and seruants depart and all the labour of the seruants and that which they haue gotten shall continue and abide with them Euen so we all the while we are in this world are in this state for that it doth not yet appeare what wee shall bee But it is with vs as it was with Dauid before the death of Saule Dauid was annointed and ordained of God King of Israell yet neuerthelesse he could not enioy peaceably his Kingdome till after the death of Saule but hee was as the most miserablest which was in Israel chased and persecuted on euerie side But yet in the ende he raigned King maugre his enemies and all that which Saule and his adherents did vnto Dauid was turned to the good and profit of Dauid 1. King 2.1 c. Psal 7.1 1. Sam. 26.1 c. 12. As a peece of Brasse being stricken with a hammer vpon the Anuile or stythie breaketh and withall maketh a sharpe and irksome noise So when an Hypocrite commeth betwixt the Anuile and the hammer of troubles and Affliction he breaketh with impatiencie hee murmureth crieth out and lamenteth in blasphemies against God 13. As a peece of Gold being smitten with the hāmer on the stithie soundeth sweetly and is pliable and may be beaten out in breadth and length as a man would haue it Euen so the childe of God in time of persecution giueth him thankes and submitteth himselfe laying out his owne heart willingly vnder the Lords hand that striketh him 14. As the Sea if it were not tost with the windes would stinke Euen so the godly man if hee were not exercised with troubles and Afflictions would bee the worse 15. As the Mosse called Ros-solis though the heate of the Sunne lye vpon it all the day yet the hotter the Sunne is vpon it the moyster it is So the godly
to such as can find him yet if we can by no meanes find him what shall the vnderstanding hereof profit vs nothing at all 1. Cor. 28.10 Esa 55.6 Christ to be found by hearing the word preached and read 1 LIke as if one haue a Moyne of Copper Tinne or Leade he vseth great paine and diligence to come by the same but if it proue a veine of Siluer or Gold then the owner thereof setteth Pyoners on worke who with great care courage and comfort labour night and day in hope to be greatly enriched thereby and albeit the veine sinke downe verie deepe and proue most hard and difficult to winne yet do they not cease or slacken their labor but rather adde so much the more diligence in hope that their gaines will double their paines when the Moyne is once wonne for this they holde as a rule infallible that the lower any mettal doth lie in the earth the better and more gainful it prooues in substance Euen so it is in the studie of the Scriptures and in hearing the same read and preached the more paines and diligence one vseth therin the more increase of sound knowledge wisedom comfort is gotten in the ende being that most rich and vnvaluable Moyne wherein all the treasures of wisedome and vnderstanding are to be found conteining and comprehending all the counsels and commaundements of the Lord c. 1. Chro. 28.10 Pro. 3.13 14 26. 8.18.19 Ioh. 30.31 Mat. 7.7 8. Children dying before they be baptized are not damned 1 AS by Circumcision which was a cutting off of the the fore-skin the Children of the Hebrewes were brought vnto God were sealed vp with the Seale of his Couenaunt and receiued into his Church to the great comfort and ioy of the Parents which were certified by the same that God was not only their God but also the God of their posteritie and seede and yet if any thing had happened vnto them afore they could bee circumsized they mistrusted not but that GOD would by the vertue of his Testament saue them So by Baptisme the Children of Christians are brought vnto Christ are sealed vp with the Seale of the people of God receiued into his Church as members of his sonne Iesus Christ and fellow-heires with him of his heauenly Kingdome which thing vnto the faithfull parents must be a heauenly comfort For by it they are certified and assured that their sinnes be not only washed away with the bloud of our Sauiour Iesus Christ but also the sinnes of their posteritie and Children But if it be not the pleasure of God that the fathers and mothers should see their Children aliue for to offer and present them vnto him by Baptisme yet there is no cause why they should thinke that they should be damned because the grace of is not bound to the Sacraments For if there were some good man among the Turkes or else among the Idolaters and Infidels which had the knowledge of the Gospell and a true faith in our Sauiour Christ and yet could by no maner of means come by the Sacrament of Baptisme or be baptized yet no man ought so much as to thinke that such a one for want of a little water should be damned seeing he hath the chiefe and principall that is to say a true iustifying faith else the water should haue more vertue and efficacie then the bloud of our Sauiour Iesus Christ or at least as much and the Minister that should minister the outward Baptisme should be of as much power as Iesus Christ himselfe 2 Like as the Water and Minister can do nothing without the spirit and bloud of our Sauior Christ So it should follow if Children be damned that die before they be baptized that Iesus Christ his spirit and bloud should be able to do nothing without the water and Minister And so by this means our Sauior Christ and his Spirit should be as subiect vnto the Minister and Water as the Water and Minister should be subiect vnto Christ and his holy spirit and so consequently his grace and mercie should be alligated and bound vnto corruptible elements and made subiect vnto men Whereby it should come to passe that Iesus Christ should be no more true God nor yet true Sauiour 3 As the fleshly Children of Abraham and such as came of his flesh which departed this life before the eight day of Circumcision were not damned but by the vertue of the promise and couenant of God were saued So also after the same maner the spirituall Children of Abraham that is to say the Infants of all the Christians are not condemned if they decease before Baptisme but are saued by the efficacie of the promise of God and by inuisible Baptisme wherewith our Sauiour Christ Baptizeth them who by his death and precious bloud hath redeemed them Cares of this world coole the loue and desire of heauenly things 1 AS the Sea that the winde hath laine sore vpon is yet tossed and troubled after the winde is laid and the tempest gone Euen so mans mans minde lately comne out of the businesse and Cares of the world still casteth and studieth the same things and panteth after them and cannot after this come straight to it selfe and so to meditate and exercise spirituall matters Math. 13.22 Luk. 8.14 2 Like as when a Riuer or Fountaine is troubled there can no water be taken or drawne out of them but such as is full of mudde Euen so when the minde is troubled and choked with the ouer carefull and vnquiet sauour of the mire and dyrt of this peeuish world there can neither holy prayers nor any godly exercises be found there The breach of Gods Commaundements 1 AS many worldly men deale with their Creditors who will hardly let slip one houre or day but will take the aduantage and forfeiture of their Bondes and Obligations without any more delay Euen so if our good God and mercifull Father should deale as precisely and stricktly with vs in taking aduantage of the Bonds forfeytures and penalties wherein wee daily fall into by breach of his Commandements many wayes then our estate should be most miserable Iob. 9.2 3. 2 As euill debters when their day of payment draweth neare and when their Creditors are at hand to demaund the same doo seeke to hide themselues and to shunne their Creditors presence So likewise the most part of the world bee so carelesse in keeping that couenant vowe and promise which they made to God at their Baptisme that euen wilfully they throw themselues indebted vnto GOD and thrall vnto Satan some by one sinne and some by an other through violating and breaking of Gods Commaundements that when by sicknesse or death they are summoned to render an account of their bayliwicke then they wish that the mountaines would fall vpon them to hide them from the presence of God but all in vaine Esa 2.19 Hose 10.8 Luk. 23.30 Reue. 6.16 Luk. 16.2 Christ is not a Redeemer but
the corrupted wounds of a sicke body and to take away or to feare with an hot Iron the rotten flesh in cutting or searing hath no pittie of the weake man to the end that in curing his sore and healing his wound by cutting and searing he may shew him pittie Euen so our most wise God that celestiall Physition and heauenly Surgeon smiteth and afflicteth vs that hee may heale vs cutteth and seareth vs that he may cure vs. Heb. 12.6.7 Deut. 32.39 Amo. 3.2 Psa 89.31.32 Good Christians are much grieued when God is dishonored AS a water pot or a Viall full of liquor if suddenly it be ouerthrowne doth shed and scatter the liquor So a deuout and godly Christian abounding with teares being mooued and troubled with sorrow because of the iniuries dishonour wrongs and blasphemies committed against the Lord doth presently powre out great aboundance and as it were mightie streames of salt and bitter teares Luke 19.41 Psal 119.136 Math. 26.75 Disobedient Children EVen as a long and a prosperous life is promised vnto obedient sonnes So on the other side all disobedient vnthankfull and obstinate Children are assured of the punishment of infamie ioyned with diuers and great o● lamities and torments Exod. 20.12 1. Sam. 2.22 1. King 1.25 c. Deut. 21.18 c. Pro. 20.20 Ephe. 6.2 The end of our Calling LIke as if her Maiestie to shew her puissance against a forraine power should call foorth one or two of her subiects who are most beholding vnto her to Iust and turney in her presence for her honor they wold no doubt straine all their strength in this seruice yea and their liues too Euen so much more ought we that are Christians to performe this dutie to our God and Prince who hath called vs out by name to fight for his honour to be a chosen and peculiar people vnto himselfe to stand on his parts to shew forth his vertues and to be zealous of good workes yea and that wee might the better performe this seruice he hath furnished vs with his owne armour and weapons yea and his owne hand is with vs too though all men see it not and therefore we must endeuour to doo valiantly and to doo our best to answere the expectation of our heauenly king and prince Tit. 2.13.14 Psal 130.4 1. Pet. 2.9 Cantic 8.6 The Churches variable estate vpon earth LIke as the day and night doo one follow another So likewise in the administration of the Church here vpon earth Christ suffereth a continuall intercourse betweene peace and persecution Christ is to be serued and pleased before our selues or others AS the maister of those seruants that are borne in his house or whome hee purchaseth doo pretend that they doo him wrong when they spend any time either to their owne particular profite or in the seruice of others So may Iesus Christ much more iustly complaine of vs that are his two-fold seruants namely by birth and by purchase if wee imploy euen neuer so little of our liues to serue and please our selues the world or the diuell our enemies 1. Cor. 6.19 Math. 16.24 Luk. 9.23 Rom. 12.2 It is spirituall Adultrie to forsake Christ and loue the world EVen as a woman may rightly be called an Adulteresse that giueth her body to other men and setteth her loue on an other So they which flie from Christ and forsake him being their spirituall husband by setting their loue on this world or any thing therein doo commit adulterie against Christ Iam. 4.4 Ephe. 5.30 1. Cor. 6.17 Christ is sent of the Father AS fire sendeth forth both heate and light but neither heate nor light sendeth fire so the father sendeth both Christ and the all knowing comforter and hee is vnsent Christ and the holy Ghost are of the Father AS both the light the heate are of the fire So Christ and the holy Ghost both are of the Father the one begotten the other proceeding and the Father onely is of himselfe and of no other Christ is to be loued for sauing of vs. 1 LIke as if thou fallest into a deepe ryuer being in apparant daunger of drowning if any man should cast the a rope or himselfe leape into the water to saue thy life thou canst not sufficiently confesse and acknowledge thy selfe his debter to doo him pleasure and seruice all the daies of thy life So likewise wee were not onely in daunger of falling into hell but were alreadie fallen euen from our infancie and dayly through our sinnes fell deeper and deeper Yet Christ cast vs not in a rope to pull vs vp and saue vs but threw himselfe into our sea of woe into our hell to be short into horrible death wherein wee were drowned to plucke vs foorth and therefore with great zeale and affection we are bound to say Lord wee are bound to loue honour serue please and obey thee in all that we may with our whole hearts all the dayes of our life 2 Like as if thou werst vpon a Scaffold ready to be beheaded for thy drunkennesse or adulterie and thereupon shouldest haue a pardon and so thy life saued vpon condition that thou shouldest fall no more thereinto thou wouldest no doubt willingly and heartily promise yea with thy hand subscribe and with thy tongue sweare that thou wouldest neuer more commit adulterie or drunkennesse but that thou wouldest abhorre all Tauernes Ale-houses and drunkerds all whores and bawdes and so amend thy life Now seeing Iesus Christ hath saued thee not from an apparant daunger of death but euen from death it selfe and not from the death of the body but from euerlasting death who requireth of thee to amende thy life which thou art bound so to doo yea thou oughtest cheerefully and earnestly promise and faithfully vowe to reforme and amend and to shun all occasions that might procure thee to displease and offend him Counsell EVen as out of an Apothecaries shoppe where verie wholesome medicines precious oyntments and most pleasant perfumes are solde sometimes commeth most ranke and deadly poyson So very often from men greatly experienced and deepely learned do come very pestilent pernitious and treacherous Counsels The right knowledge of Christ crucified 1 AS Elizeus when hee would reuiue the childe of the Shunamite went vp and lay vpon him and put his mouth vpon his mouth and his hands vppon his hands and his eyes vpon his eyes and stretched himselfe vpon him Euen so if thou wouldest bee reuiued to euerlasting life thou must by faith as it were set thy selfe vpon the Crosse of Christ and applie thy hands to his hands thy feete to his feete and thy sinful heart to his bleeding hart and content not thy selfe with Thomas to put thy finger into his side but euen diue plunge thy selfe wholly both body and soule into the woundes and bloud of Christ 2. King 4.34 2 As the dead Souldier tumbled into the graue of Elizeus was made aliue at the very touching of his body Euen so shalt
together Euen so Faith grounded vppon Christes passion Faith giueth the sappe of loue loue blossometh foorth in good workes And therefore in Faith we must be constant in loue feruent in workes diligent and in doctrine we must keepe order we may not let the effect presume before the cause nor the daughter before the mother 3 As workes without Faith make but a Pharisaicall hypocrite Euen so Faith without workes maketh but a carnall Gospeller 4 Like as the flame of fire burneth the wood without helpe of the light and yet the flame cannot bee without the light Euen so is it assuredly true that Faith alone consumeth and burneth away sinne without the helpe of works yet that the same Faith cannot be without good workes And therefore if wee see a flame that giueth no light we know by and by that it is but vaine and painted Euen so when we see not some light of good workes in a man it is a token that he hath not the true inspired Faith which God giueth to his chosen to iustifie and glorifie them with all So that most certaine it is that the loue of God and a mans neighbour doo of necessitie goe ioyntly together with Faith 5 Like as with the rysing of the Sunne there goeth ioyntly of necessitie the spreading foorth of his beames and his light Euen so of necessitie loue and good workes follow Faith in those that are iustified in so much as hee that loueth not and liueth well abideth in death 6 Like as that body wherein there remaineth no feeling or moouing liueth not And yet it followeth not thereupon that feeling and moouing are the cause of life but life is the cause of moouing Euen so the efficient cause of our iustification is God for the obedience passion and death of Christ onely And Faith is the instrument wherby we take hold of Christ our righteousnesse So then the loue of God and a mans neighbour must of necessitie followe Faith in him that is iustified Like as moouing and feeling do of necessitie follow life But loue and good workes cannot proceede but of Faith like as there can grow no good fruites but of a good tree 7 As wee commonly say that white haires make an olde man and yet our meaning onely is that they declare him to bee an old man Euen so when we say that woorkes doo iustifie it is ment that workes do but declare whom is iustified Iam. 2.18 8 Like as in the fire the light and the heate are ioyned together for mans vse yet the heate onely warmeth So likewise Faith and workes goe together in mans life and conuersation But yet it is Faith alone without workes that saueth 9 As the hand hath a propertie to reach out it selfe to lay hold of any thing and to receiue a gift But the hand hath no propertie to cut a peece of wood of it selfe without a sawe or knife or some such like instrument and yet by the helpe of them it can either diuide or cut Euen so it is the nature of Faith to goe out of it selfe and to receiue Christ into the heart As for the duties of the first and second Table Faith cannot of himselfe bring them foorth no more then the hand can diuide or cut Yet ioyne loue to Faith and then can it practise duties commaunded concerning God and man 10 As in regard of substance although the eye bee neuer alone yet in regarde of seeing it is alone Euen so though Faith subsist not without hope and loue and other graces of God yet in act of iustification it is alone without them all 11 Like as when any one of the Israelites were stung to death by fierie Serpents his cure was not by any Physicke or Surgerie but onely by casting of his eye vp to the brazen Serpent which Moses had receiued by Gods commaundement Euen so in the cure of our soules when we are stung to death by sinne there is nothing required within vs for our recouerie but onely that we cast vp and fixe the eye of our Faith on Christ and his righteousnesse Iohn 3.14.15 Forgiuenesse of sinnes onely from God 1 LIke as the Prince onely hath power to Forgiue and pardon fellonie or treason in his subiects Euen so God onely hath power to Forgiue sinne Mar. 2.7 c. 2 As that man is a Traytor who being a subiect himselfe will take vpon him to pardon treason or fellonie in another subiect Euen so is he a Traytor to God that will take vpon him to pardon that sin that is committed against God 3 Like as no man can forgiue debts but the Creditor to whom the debt is due So no man can forgiue sinnes against whom there is no sin committed but he onely that is hurt and offended by the sin and that is God either immediatly or by meanes Esay 43.25 4 Like as if one doo forgiue an other mans debts the debtor is abused if he do belieue that he is discharged of the bond of his debt and the Creditor hath wrong done him without whose knowledge and will the debts belonging vnto him are forgiuen and his debtor discharged which forgiuenesse he doth make void immediatly and doth neuerthelesse claime the debt vpon his debtor Euen so likewise if any man doo forgiue sinnes which be not done against himselfe he deceiueth him whom he forgiueth and sinneth against him also to whom the offence was done which hath the power only to forgiue or withhold the offences done vnto him and so he doth both not discharge the party that is guiltie and doth offend him also into whose right he doth vnaduisedly intrude 5 As men do not giue almes at any time to a stout begger who although he haue need yet will not confesse it and craue almes gently acknowledging his pouertie Euē so no more will the Lord giue vnto vs any spirituall almes to wit Forgiuenesse of sinnes vnlesse we shall humble our selues before him with true feeling of our pouertie and miserie Math. 9.13 11.28 False Doctrine 1 AS the herbe Blattaria wheresoeuer it bee strewed or laide the Mothes and Bats incontinently find it out and come vnto it So corrupt Doctrine wheresoeuer it be dispersed by and by such people as are corrupt wil flocke vnto it 2 As a dramme of the roote of Solanum somniferum causeth Idle imaginations two drams causeth madnesse and fower drams killeth one So a litle False Doctrine maketh an idle head Feeling of Faith and other good graces which we are indued with is not alwaies alike and the same in vs. 1 LIke as we are not alwaies alike disposed at one time as at an other So we haue not alwaies alike desire to see or to heare the word of God or to read it or to confer with our brethren which are more aduaunced in the knowledge and zeale of the true and right maner of worshipping of God then we are And likewise the spirite of God doth not touch and stirre vs vp alwaies
good part and doo of his owne free will although shee had spoken nothing thereof and when shee knoweth what her husbands will is in things shee gladly talketh with him thereof and accordingly as shee seeth him disposed to doo shee will often desire him to doo it Euen so the godly Christians which vnfainedly loue God in that they know his wisedome and will is best cannot forbeare but often pray and talke with him and desire him to doo that which he knoweth is best and which they know also he would do if none should aske or pray for the same 8 As Rebecca when two twinnes stroue in her wombe was troubled and said why am I so Wherefore she went to aske the Lord namely by some Prophet So when we feele this inward fight betwixt the fleshe and the spirit the best thing is to haue recourse to God by Prayer Gene. 25.22 9 As the children of Israel by compassing the Citie of Ierico seuen dayes by sounding Rams hornes ouerturned the walls thereof So by serious Prayer and inuocation of Gods name the spirit is confirmed and the Turrets and Towers of the rebellious flesh battered Ios 6.34 Math. 26.41 1. Pet. 4.7 10 As the preaching of the word serues to declare and to conuey vnto vs Gods graces Euen so in Prayer wee come to haue a liuely feeling of the same in our hearts for it is the key whereby we open the treasures of God and pull downe his mercies vpon vs. Psal 106.23 Ephe. 6.18 11 Like as if a man be to come before an earthly Prince he will order himselfe in apparell gesture and word that hee may doo all things in seemelinesse and dutifull reuerence Euen so much more are Christians to order themselues when they are to appeare before the liuing God in Prayer Eccle. 5.1 12 As a child cannot without blushing call him Father whom he cares not continually to displease through his lewd conditions neither can his Father delight in such a child Euen so with what face dare any man in Prayer call God his Father whome hee makes no conscience to offend and displease most rebelliously by word and deed 13 As that Citie which is not fenced with Wals may be easily brought vnder subiection of the enemie because it wanteth that which should withstand the force and encounters of the enemie So likewise the diuell will easily bring our soules in subiection vnto him and with no great paines lead them to all kind of lewdnesse vnlesse they be fenced by often and feruent Prayer vnto God 14 Like as the Sunne giues light to the body So Prayer giueth light to the mind for as it is daungerous for a man neuer to see the Sunne So it is much more perillous for a Christian man neuer to pray 15 As trees bring foorth no fruit vnlesse they receiue Sap and nourishment from the rootes Euen so wee can neuer increase in godlinesse vnlesse we bee continually watred by our Prayers 16 As theeues and robbers beholding a man florish his sword about his eares will not then set vpon him Euen so the wicked spirits seeing vs fenced by our Prayers will straightway giue backe and leaue vs vnassaulted 17 As waues of water are tossed and carried away by force of wind So likewise hee that prayeth without faith must needs be carried of euery forcible affection therefore cannot looke to obtaine his petitions Iam. 1.6 7. 18 As women preuaile with men in their suits by great importunitie Euen so godly Christians by Prayer without ceasing do obtaine their requests of God Luk. 18.3 7. 19 Like as the poore Captiue is alwayes creeping to the prison doore often labouring to get off his bolts and fetters and to escape out of prison So likewise must wee alwayes creepe to the Lord for his spirit by Prayer to free vs out of this bondage and prison of sinne and corruption and euerie day come nearer the prison doore looking when our blessed Sauiour will vnbind vs of all the fetters of sinne and Sathan and fully erect his kingdome in vs. 20 As a Mother that carrieth her child in her armes if it crie for the Dugge and suckes the same it is aliue but beeing obserued many dayes together if it neither crie nor stirre it is dead So in like manner it is an vnfallible note of a true child of God to crie to his Father in heauen by Prayer but hee that neuer crieth nor feeleth himselfe stirred vp to make his mone to God is in a miserable case and he may well be thought to bee but a dead child 21 Like as we see green wood lying in the fire sobbing and smoaking long before it wil burne Euen so no doubt all Gods children doo feele a strife and combat in their spirits in many of their Prayers Esay 38.41 c. 22 Like as euery Fencer or florisher proueth not a valiant and couragious man when hee commeth to fight in good earnest Euen so no more are those Prayers found effectuall neither can such men speake a word to the purpose when affliction hath laid hold on thē in deed wheras a true Christian neuer sheweth his manhood nor his cunning in this weapon of Prayer more then when he is to fight for life and death and the greater the daunger is with so much the stouter courage is he endued Psal 32.6 23 As he that truly loueth delighteth in nothing more then in the often talking conference with him whom he loueth Euen so where there is true and vnfained loue vnto God there is a burning desire by often Prayer to talke with God so as no perill nor danger no not of losse of life can stay or hinder it as may appeare by Daniel Dan. 6.10 24 As the more wood is laid on the fire the greater is the flame So likewise is the continuall talking with God by Prayer a great increasing of our loue towards him as on the contrarie the seldomer we common with him by Praier the more doth our loue towards him from time to time abate slake vntil in the end it be cleane quenched 25 As a certaine kind of Serpent when hee commeth to drinke doth vomit vp al his poyson So a godly Christian when he commeth to pray must banish and cast away all anger malice and hatred of his heart 26 Like as the Ship with prosperous wind is speedily carried in her course So our Praier is more profound and is better hard when our minds are feruent with some desire Psal 17.1 27 As Elizeus did cast salt into the waters of Iericho to make them sweete So must wee salt and season our Prayers with teares to make them fauorie and delightsome to God 2. King 2.21 28 Like as if men of great and loftie spirits who to God are as silly wormes creeping on the earth stand so much vpon their reputation that as it is recorded of the Senatours of Rome in old time they thinke it a great disgrace vnto them that any man
are sooner forsaken of God then others Rom. 9.22 Eccles. 9.1 5 As that is not alwayes a good horse which hath his bridle and Sadle adorned with gold So also may not that Rich man be accoūted blessed who hath rich atire sumptuous buildings and costly moueables 6 Euen as a Flie comming to a platterfull of sweete and pleasant honie if shee thrust not her selfe altogether into it but onely touch and taste it with her mouth and take no more then is necessarie and needfull shee may safely goe away and flie to an other place but if shee wallow and tumble in the Honie then is shee limed and taken in it and whiles shee is not able to flie away she doth there loose her life Euen so if a man of all his Riches take onely so much as may sustaine him and honestly maintaine his estate bestowing the rest well and Christianly his Riches then cannot hold him backe nor barre him out of the kingdome of heauen but if couetousnesse shall bewitch him and still pricke him forward to scrape together more and more and shall make him euen vnsatiable then they take him and holde him and so belime the wings of his mind that he cannot once in all his life haue one flight towards the kingdome of heauen and thus being in thraldome and bondage to wicked Mammon the ende of his pleasures in this world is the beginning of his sorrowes in the world to come 7 As Aesopes Dogge who hauing a peece of meate in his mouth and espying the shaddow therof in the water thinking it had beene an other peece of flesh snatched at it and through his greedie desire lost that which before hee had Euen so Rich men who might peaceably and quietly enioy the goods they haue and with pleasure the fruites of their labours by their couetous humour they depriue themselues wholly thereof and setting before their eyes a fraudulent and deceitfull hope of things that seeme to bee good forget for the most part those things that are good indeed 8 Like as when we see a man that drinketh continually yet cannot slake his thirst we coniecture forthwith that he is distempered that he hath more need to be purged and his body to be cleansed from corrupt humours then to giue him more drinke Euen so the great desire of Rich men which alwayes eateth which hath so monstrous a bellie and vnsatiable like vnto the graue doth euidently declare that the mind is very sicke and therefore to recouer it selfe it must be first purged and cleansed of the passion that tormenteth it this being done the disease would continually cease 9 As it is hard for a Periwincle in the Sea to swimme or for a Snayle vpon the land to creepe while they beare their houses vppon their backes Euen so it is hard for a Rich man that trusteth in his Riches with all his bigge bunches of wealth vppon his backe to goe through the needles eye and to enter into the kingdome of heauen Mark 10.25 10 As the Moone when shee is at the full is farthest from the Sunne of whom shee hath her light So likewise many Rich men who doo flowe on euery side with the goods and Riches of this world do euen then in the middest of their wealth withdrawe themselues farthest from God from whom themselues and all their treasures and whatsoeuer haue their being Luk. 8.14 Act. 17.28 11 As the Moone is not eclipsed nor looseth any light but when it is at the ful Euen so some Rich men are wont then thiefly to bee eclipsed and darkned concerning the loue of God and their neighbours when they be full of Riches and abound with worldly wealth A Remnant reserued AS in the time of gathering of Oliues a few berries escape here and there vngathered So when God doth bring generall destruction vpon any land for the impietie of the people therein and for the contempt of his word and ordinances a fewe here and there shall escape Esay 17.6 24.13 Reprobate are in perpetuall remembrance AS the letters carued in stone or other hard mettalles with tooles of yron and steele are wont to be set vp for a perpetuall memorie of that which men will haue remembred So God neuer putteth out of memorie the froward sinnes of obstinate and wicked men Iere. 17.1 The Register of our saluation AS the Penne of man serueth to commit to writing those things whereof hee would haue the remembrance continued So the holy Ghost Registreth in the hearts of the children of God those things which God seeth necessarie for their saluation to bee recorded of them 2. Cor. 3.3 Renued holinesse AS in the natural birth of man his body commeth into the world not so great and strong as afterward it becōmeth but litle weake and impotent So in the spirituall birth of Regeneration the soule of man is not in the first momēt indued with perfection but with a smal measure of Renued holinesse from the which it is to grow and go on forward to a perfect estate The Renued happinesse of man EVen as when Saule turned his backe to goe awaye from Samuel God chaunged him and gaue him an other hart and made him an other man 1. Sam. 10.9 Euen so doth God by changing the minds wills of his elect so secretly as that they themselues know not which way it is done make them new men and prepare them for his euerlasting kingdome A Remnant saued 1 AS a number of things should yearely decay come to nought except seeds of them were saued whereof they are by sowing renued Euen so the people that beare Gods name vpon earth should in the day of visitation of their sinnes be cleane and vtterly destroyed as Sodom and Gomorrah but that God spareth some Remnant to bee as it were a seed for the encreasing of his Church and people againe Rom. 9.29 2 As great and mightie vapors with the force and power of the Sunne are taken and lifted vp from the earth and do seeke after the Sunne by whose strength and vertue they are carried vp on high and growing into clouds doo euen follow the Sunne So there is a Remnant and a little flocke of Christes that in a true and vnfained and sincere loue of God are lifted vp from the loue of the world and from all earthly and fleshly affections so far as is possible for a man in this life to bee and doo seeke the Lord and his kingdome in the singlenesse of their hearts and thinking the time of their abode heere in this vale of all miseries too too long they dayly sigh and grone for a dissolution the comming of Christ to iudge the quick and the dead Esa 60.8 9. The portion of Reprobates LIke as of the shreddings of the Vine cōmeth no profit neither can they serue for any other vse but for the fire So those whome God cutteth and casteth off from his Church can serue for no other end but for Hell fire Ezech.
the iudgement of the best Lawyers So then if we in our causes and earthly matters whether we bee olde or young no hardnesse can stay or hinder vs to slacke our duties but rather cause vs to vse more diligence Euen so should it be yea so would it be in hearing learning and searching out the will and Word of our heauenly Father wherby our hope is to attaine to the possession and inheritance of euerlasting life And if any part of it should seeme hard vnto vs yet that should not cause an hardnesse of heart in vs to cast off the care of the whole and vtterly to refuse to heare read or learne any part of it Iohn 5.39 Act. 17.11 30 Like as our bodies are nourished sustained with carnall and naturall foode Euen so our soules are fed and nourished by reading and hearing the Word of God 31 Like as the crowing of the Cocke was an occasion to mooue Peter to repent Euen so the Word preached by faithful Ministers is a meanes to bring their hearers to repentance Math. 26.74 75. 32 As the Arke was a blessing to those that knewe the right vse thereof as the Israelites did but it was a curse and a plague to the abusers thereof the Phylistines 1. Sam. 5.1 2 3 4. c. Euen so is the Word of God a great comfort and blessing to those that rightly vse it faithfully imbrace it and rightly practise it but it is a plague and curse to those that haue it and abuse it and do not reforme themselues by it 2. Sam. 6.3 c. 1. Chro. 13.5 Iere. 23.19 Deut. 11.27 28. 2. Cor. 2.15 16. Math. 10.14 15. Hebr. 2.2 3 4. Iere. 11.3 33 As a hungrie man will not refuse meate if it bee good and wholesome which is offered to him by a child So ought none to refuse the Word of God if it be offered sound and good though the preacher thereof be a yong man 34 As those men that dwel by the ryuer Nilus are made deafe by the great and exceeding noyse of that water Euen so many people at this day by the plentifull continuall preaching of the Gospell a lamentable thing to heare doo waxe dull hearers wearie of it and loath it euen as the people of Israel loathed Manna Mumb. 11.6 35 Like as yong children that haue Ratles when they bee new and haue them first will loue them very much and greatly delight in them so that they will not forgoe them when they eate or sucke yea and they will haue them with them in their Cradles but when they be a litle olde they will cast them away and care not for them Euen so a great number of people did make great account of the preaching of the Word in the time of ignorance and would go farre and neare to heare it who now hauing plentie of Sermons doo loath them and care not for them c. 36 As hunger is a signe of good health So likewise to hunger and thirst after Gods Word is a notable signe of our spirituall health and safetie Math. 5.6 37 As Spices smell strongest being pounned and beaten then lying whole in a bagge Or as Imbers are hottest being raked abroad and meates do nourish better being cut and shred then being eaten in gobbeth Euen so the Word of God truely expounded preached and rightly diuided is of greater efficacie and power then when it is but barely read 38 As men vsually rubbe the Chaffe from the Corne and then eate it So must the spirituall foode the Word of God be done withall if it haue any corruption added to it by the preacher 39 As by wholesome meates and drinkes the body is strengthned and increased and by the wise counsell of Physitions the sicknesse to be feared is preuented So by the word of God the faith of euerie Christian is encreased and by the admonitions thereof the daungers to bee feared are auoided whilst hee willingly giueth credite to that which is spoken 40 As the materiall seede is counted of small estimation So is the Word of God amongst the wicked and vngodly Luk. 8.11 1. Cor. 1.18 41 Like as the seede hath power to bring forth fruit of it selfe So doth the VVord of God bring forth that euen which Kings cannot cause to spring forth but by it selfe 42 As seed groweth not in the hand not being sowne So the Word of God doth not increase except it be preached published abroad and rightly diuided 2. Timo. 2.15 43 Like as worldly wise men vse to buy bookes of Statutes and to haue them in their houses to read on that they may know how to auoide daunger of Law Euen so the faithfull do alwayes set before them Gods Word and in all their doings it is their Counseller least they should come into daunger of Gods displeasure Psal 119.24 44 As a shower of raine falling vpon fire dooth easily extinguish and quench the flame Euen so the VVord of God being receiued into our hearts doth easily make all concupiscence to vanish away 45 As the skill and cunning of the Physition healeth al the infirmities and diseases of the body So Gods Word onely cureth the sicke sorrowfull and distressed soule 46 As a plant by continuall watering groweth vp at length to a great tree So a man by continuall watering of Gods Word doth at last grow vp to the full height of vertue and godlinesse 47 Like as long as the Physition doth appoint the sicke man what hee shall doo how to diet himselfe and what medicines to take there is hope of life but if hee forsake him we looke for present death So as long as God of his goodnesse lets his Word be among vs there is good hope of his loue and fauour but if hee take the same away from vs then there is no comfort left 48 As those that build without a good foundation either the wind or water soon ouerthroweth it Euē so they which in matters of faith stay not themselues vppon the Word but vpon the credite of their teachers shall not be able to withstand the subtilties of the Diuill but are easily ouerthrowne Math. 7.26 27. 49 As wheat giueth sound good and substantial nourishment vnto the body Euen so doth the true Word of God mightily and wholesomely nourish the soule 50 As a graine of Mustard seede beeing the least of all seeds and sowne in the earth when it groweth vp ariseth to a great height and beareth great braunches so that the foules of heauen may build vpon the shadow of it Euen so the Word of God and faith beeing not idle but working although in outward shewe it seeme small and slender yet dooth it by little and little spread it selfe and like a faire fruitfull braunched tree receiue daily strength and encrease Luk. 13.19 17.6 Mark 4.31 51 As the Sun which was made to lighten all things is most light So the Word which was made to cleare all things is most cleare Psal 119.105 Prou. 8.9
252. Crueltie Folio 496. 499. 784. Conference Folio 554. Sirituall Combate Folio 735. D. DEath of Christ Folio 164. 179. Directing Folio 1●7 Doctrine Folio 215. 220. 231. 278. Fleshly Desires Folio 216. Deceites of the world Folio 216 Dissention Discord Folio 216. 232. Diseases of the mind Folio 216. Death Folio 217. 219. 232. 233. 241. 450. 721. 771. Decree of God Folio 217. Decrease of holinesse Folio 218. Displeasure of God Folio 219. Delight Folio 219. Discipline Folio 220. Drunkards Drunkennesse Folio 221. 222. Diet of the soule Folio 223. Desertion spirituall Folio 231. 331. 412. 848. Death of sinne Folio 231. Diuell Folio 232. Desires heauenly Folio 241. Dauncing Folio 242. Diuines Folio 244. Damnation Folio 558. 727 Prayer for the Dead Folio 581. Deferring of repentance Folio 631. Death in the Lord. Folio 731. Deliuerance from trouble Folio 763. E. EXamination Folio 245. 554. Election Folio 246. 253. 257. 258. Enemies Folio 247. 262. Enuie Folio 248. Enterludes Folio 252. Eyes Folio 252. Eares Folio 252. Example Folio 253. 517. 522. 735. Edifying of others Folio 255. Epicurisme Folio 255. Errour Folio 256. 707. Eloquence Folio 261. Excesse Folio 262. Euill Folio 313. F. FAith dead Folio 297. Faith Folio 73. 262. 270. 273. 274. 281. 282. 289. 290. 291. 335. 550. 739. 751. 557. Forgiuenesse of sinnes Folio 276. 282. 287. 300. 301. 656. 689 Feeling Folio 278. 279. 280. Friendship Folio 286. 293. 296. 299. Flatterie Folio 288. Folly Folio 288. Flesh and spirit Folio 289. Forgiuing of others Folio 290. 632. Feare of God Folio 292. 296. 393. Frailtie of nature Folio 293. Fauour of God Folio 294. 348. 349. Faithfull Folio 294. Fall of man Folio 295. Famine of the soule Folio 295. Face of God Folio 296. Fornication spirituall Folio 298. Fasting Folio 298. Forsaking the world Folio 303. 386. Fellow feeling Folio 305. Free will Folio 306. Finall falling Folio 479. 619. Fancies of men Folio 686. G. GLuttonie Folio 256. 305. 659. Godlinesse Folio 308. 315. 320. 324. 334. 345. 456. Grace Folio 309. 320. 335. Good turnes Folio 311. Goodwill Folio 312. 321. God Folio 316. 321. 329. 343. 345. 350. 351. 415. 518. Holy Ghost Folio 318. 320. 334. 343. All good things come from God Folio 321. Gentlenesse Folio 322. 395. Gospell Folio 322. Gifts and graces of God Folio 325. 327. 335. 336. 783. Glorie of God Folio 328. 349. Guiltinesse Folio 334. Glorie of the elect Folio 337. Generation spirituall Folio 344. Glorie and renoume Folio 347. Greatnesse in the world daungerous Folio 400. Grieuing of Gods spirit Folio 727. H. HYpocrites Folio 191. 370. 382. 388. 593. 849. Hearers Folio 242. 348. 351. 393. 394. 844. 848. 851 Hardnesse of heart Folio 257. 383. Hope Folio 290. 401. Hearing of the word Folio 364 Humilitie Folio 366. 393. 394. Heretickes Folio 382. 388 Hatred Folio 384. Husbands Folio 387. 388. 399. Heauen Folio 391. Houses of the wicked Folio 391. Hell Folio 391. Hoste of God Folio 392. Horrour of sinne Folio 392. Helpe of man Folio 392. Holy dayes Folio 392. Holinesse Folio 393. 651. Heires with Christ Folio 395. Heart of man Folio 396. Health Folio 399. Housholders Folio 509. Earthly Happinesse Folio 523. I. IVdgements of God Folio 61. 421. Impenitencie Folio 181. 596. 726. Iudgement day Folio 218. 412. 418. 500. Inuentions of men Folio 220. 231. 417. 494. 686. 783. Good Intents Folio 254. Idlenesse Folio 256. 407. 721. 732 Iustice of God Folio 333. 412. 414. 499. Ingratitude Folio 401. 414. 779. 781. Imperfections Folio 402. 412. 420. Infirmities Folio 703. 786. 793. 827. 841. 845. Iustice Folio 403. 415. Ignorance Folio 403. 410 Iniurie Folio 403. Instruction of children Folio 405. Inconstancie Folio 406. 417. Iudges Folio 407. Idolatrie Folio 413. Incorporation with Christ Folio 413. 790. Image of God Folio 414. Ioy of the elect Folio 417. 418. Illumination by Christ Folio 419. Iudgement Folio 419. Iournie to heauen Folio 419. Iewes Folio 420. Infidelitie Folio 421. K. KNowledge of God Folio 423. Knowledge Folio 424. 425. 427. King Folio 425. 429. Kingdome of heauen Folio 425. Knowledge of our selues Folio 428. L. VNknown Language in Gods seruice Folio 173. Christian Libertie Folio 178. 456. Loue of the world Folio 429. Loue of God to his children Folio 429. 438. 453. 456. Life variable Folio 430. 452. 495. 499. Learning Folio 431. 449. 452. 455. Lying Folio 432. 454. Loue to God Folio 501. Loue of our neighbour Folio 437. 453. Law of God Folio 442. 450. 455. 523. 667 Lawes of men Folio 452. 538. Labour Folio 452. 453. 587. 579. Lending Folio 456. Lust Folio 458. Liberalitie Folio 459. 771 Going to Law Folio 707. M. MInisters Folio 183. 241. 468. 484. 485. 489. 491. 493. 497. 498 502. 503. 584. Marriage Folio 255. 460. 463. 483. 496. Magistrates Folio 311. 467. 485. 503. 522. Man Folio 460. 495. Maisters Folio 463. Mercie to others Folio 464. 499. Miserie Folio 464. Mercie of God Folio 464. 488. Mortification Folio 465. 505. Mind Folio 479. 480. 551. Mind troubled Folio 466. 486. Meane estate Folio 400. 468. 497. Memorie Folio 480. Merite Folio 481. Murder Folio 488. Militarie discipline Folio 495 Meditation Folio 496. 554. Malice Folio 497. 498. Manners Folio 498. Masse Folio 501. Misteries of God Folio 502. Meanes to be vsed Folio 504. 654. 669. 762. N. NOnresidents Folio 483. 484. Nursing of children Folio 496. Nature of things Folio 508. Good Name Folio 508. Noblemen Folio 509. Names in baptisme Folio 511. Neighbours Folio 511. Nobilitie Folio 512. Newters Folio 721. O. ORiginall corruption Folio 65. 198. 385. 462. 496. 514. 516. Opinions diuers Folio 245 Obedience to God Folio 513. 553. Obedience of Christ Folio 514. Old age Folio 514. Order Folio 517. Office Folio 518. 519. Oppression Folio 518. Obedience to superiours Folio 518. Offence Folio 519. Obstinacie Folio 537. P. PRouidence and Prudence Folio 521. Persecution Folio 122. 566. 581. Persecutors Folio 125. 564. 581. Pope Folio 130. 571. Poperie Folio 557. Prouidence of God Folio 160. 555. Prayer Folio 176. 301. 351. 542. 551. 553. 554. 569. 580. 583. 591. Prishioners Folio 242. Promises Folio 569. 583. 598. Promises of God Folio 315. 554. 557. 594 Peace of conscience Folio 396. 534. Pride Folio 400. 532. 537. 568. 575. 599. Preaching Folio 422. 5●● 564. 577. 594. 653. 840. Pleasures Folio 458. 597. 548. Pluralitie of liuings Folio 484. Principles Folio 521 Persons not to be regarded Folio 521. 533. Princes Folio 422. 533. 535. 570. 601. Prosperitie Folio 523. 552. 558. 564. 570. 579. 580. 595. 631. Patience Folio 524. 572. 578. 765. 768. Preachers Folio 525. 565. 566. 718. 596. 774. Preparation before good exercises Folio 532. 554. Papists Folio 533. 558. 572. Precepts of godlinesse Folio 534. Plague or pestilence Folio 535. Praysing of God Folio 530. Pastors Folio 533 535. 584. Praise Folio 536. 539. Power Folio 536. Parents Folio 537. 557. Peruersnesse Folio 538. Popish priests Folio 538. Poyetrie Folio 538. Poyson Folio 538. Presumption Folio
be able more easily to ouercome his master sinnes So likewise he that would be able to beare afflictions and the crosse of all crosses namely death it selfe must first of all learne to beare small crosses as sicknesses in body and troubles in mind with losses of goods and of friends and of good name which may fitly be tearmed little deaths and the beginnings of death it selfe so he must first of all acquaint himselfe with these little deaths before he can well be able to beare the great Death of all 35 Euen as he that hath a Sonne which is in good and perfect health and a seruant that is exceeding sicke dealeth more roughly and seuerely with his sonne then with his seruant not because hee loueth his seruant more then his sonne but because he would if it might be restore his sicke seruant to his former health but his sonne whom he loueth most dearely he reproueth checketh taunteth and correcteth Euen so our louing God sometimes afflicteth his deare children whome hee most tenderly loueth Heb. 12.6 7 Gal. 6.14 2. Tim. 3.12 Rom. 5.3 Mat. 5.10 and doth suffer them to be exercised with wants with hunger and cold with weepings and wailings with sighs and sorrowfull sobs with nakednesse and want of harbour with heauinesse of heart vexation of soule with sicknesse of bodie and want of libertie and with a thousand other calamities and cares and in the meane time suffereth the wicked and vngodly ones of the world to want nothing hee giueth them health wealth and libertie worldly honour and dignitie and what not meaning and purposing by these meanes if the fault be not in themselues to bring them to know to feare to honour and to serue him by whose prouidence and appointment they haue and enioy all those good blessings and so be cured and healed of the sores and sicknesse of their soules 36 As the skilfull pearle seller and cunning lapidarie doth willingly suffer the Indian diamond or adamant to be smitten and strooken with great and weightie blowes because he knoweth well that the hammer and anuill will sooner be bruised then the diamond or adamant will be broken So likewise our most wise God yea onely wisedome it selfe suffereth men of excellent vertues of vnquenchable loue and charitie and inuincible constancie to fall into diuers temptations and great afflictions and to be plunged deepe into manifold miseries because he will haue their inward graces to breake out and so shine before men that they seeing the constancie of his Saints may glorifie God which is in heauen 37 As a Mother that waines her childe layeth wormewood or some other bitter thing vpon her breast to make the childe loathe the milke So likewise God makes vs often feele the miseries and crosses of this life that our loue and liking might bee turned from this world and fixed in heauen 38 As rawe flesh is loathsome to the stomacke so is euerie sinner and vnmortified man loathsome vnto God till the Lord by Afflictions mortifie in him the corruptions of his nature and specially the loue of this world 39 As Horses that are headstrong and either keepe not their right pace or turne out of the way be rained and kept in with the bridle So the Lord bringeth vs backe from our headinesse by one Affliction calamitie or other 1. Cor. 11.32.2 Cor. 1.4 40 Like as if any shrewde childe purpose to flie from his schoole-maister or refuseth to keepe the schoole diligently there are messengers straightway sent for him to bring him backe So likewise God dealeth with vs who sendeth his messengers to wit troubles the pestilence and other diseases to bring vs backe to himselfe Heb. 12.6 41 As a Maister can in no wise be said to hate his scholler when he fetcheth him into the schoole with his rodde from playing the treuant euen so no more doth God hate vs when he calleth vs backe from our leaude wayes by his correction Psal 5.4.5 42 As in a house where there are many children the rod is necessarie or as in a Citie subiect to diuers diseases and where there is an euell ayre Phisitions are needfull So likewise in the house of God where there are many childrē enclined to euil the rod of Affliction is many times more necessarie then bread Psal 119.67.71 43 As a mad man is angrie with the Phisition chaseth him away and throweth away the medicine but a wise man that is sicke of a corporall disease sendeth for the Phisition taketh drinke at his hand thanketh him yea and giueth him a reward So when God the soueraigne Phisition of our soules visiteth vs with Afflictions and giueth vs wholesome medicines we must not be like mad men reiecting the hand of God but receiuing the medicine wee must giue him thankes and blesse him after the example of Iob. Iob. 1.21.22 44 As corne that is shut vp and closed in the huske and the chaffe commeth not forth if the eare be not beaten and so tarrieth still in the chaffe if it be not fanned Euen so the like hapneth to the children of God if they bee not beaten and fanned by tribulations to be seperated from the chaffe of the world and the pleasures and impediments that be in it 45 As the beasts that go by the way and see on the side of them faire fields assaying to go to them running vpon the hedges of thornes if they feele the sharpe pricks they go backe and returne into the way So likewise whē the children of God go out of the right way to heauen to go to the fields of this world and of the flesh God maketh them to come vpon the thornes of Afflictions to the ende that by their prickings they may turne backe againe Hose 2.6 46 As golde by fire is seuered and parted from drosse so singlenesse of heart and true Christian simplicitie is best seene and made most euident in troubles and Afflictions In prosperitie euery man will seeme godly but Afflictions do drawe out of the heart whatsoeuer is there whether it be good or badde Psal 26.2 47 As the obedience of Christ in the crosse was a gratefull sacrifice to God So our obedience in al Afflictions and troubles pleaseth God not for it selfe but in respect of faith whereby it is seuered from the punishments of the vngodly is layde vpon the altar of Christ through touching of whom it is sanctified and accepted of God Iob. 19.25 48 As myrrhe notwithstanding it be sharpe and bitter yet it healeth wounds and preserueth from putrifaction So the crosse and troubles of the Saints though it be irkesome to the flesh and grieuous yet it destroyeth not but healeth rather 49 Like as when a mother willing to weane her child shall say vnto him night and day My child it is time to weane thee thou art growne great inough and I am with child my milke is corrupt it will make thee sicke yet he is so fond of the breast that he can not forsake
the eye is not in all places that the sight dooth reach vnto As wee knowe that seueritie and mercie are in God so ioyntly ioyned together that the one cannot be seperated from the other and yet they that feele his seueritie doo not feele his mercie that is to say those whom he doth according to his righteous iudgement punish euerlastingly in hell fire them doth he vtterly banish and put away from his bounteous goodnesse and mercie Euen so although the Diuinitie and humanitie of Christ be so lincked and ioyned together that wheresoeuer the one is it doth not therfore follow that the other is there also For the godhead of Christ can be euerie where and in more places then in one at once but his manhood cannot be euerie where nor in moe places then one at once Bread and Wine in the Lords Supper do no more change their substance nor qualities then the water in Baptisme 1 AS in the Sacrament of Baptisme the substance of water remaineth still So likewise in the Lords Supper remaineth the substance of Bread and Wine 2 As in Baptisme is giuen vnto vs the holy Ghost and pardon of our sinnes which yet lie not lurking or inclosed in the water so in the Lords Supper is giuen vnto vs the Communion of Christes body and bloud that is grace forgiuenesse of sinnes innocencie life immortalitie without any transubstantiation or including of the same in the Bread Mar. 16.19 Luk. 24.6.51 Act. 1.9.10 Iohn 12.8.26 3 As by Baptisme the old man is put off and the new man put on yea * Gal. 3.27 Christ is put on but without transubstantiation or chaunging of the water Euen so it is in the Lords Supper wee by faith spiritually in our soules do feede on Christs Body broken do eate his flesh and drinke his bloud do dwell in him and he in vs but without transubstantiation Bookes 1 AS Theeues be loth to assault an house where they know to be good Armour and Artillerie so wheresoeuer the Bookes of the holy Scriptures be wel occupied and exercised there neither the diuell nor any of his angels dare come neare 2 Like as Smithes Masons Carpenters and other handie craftsmen what need soeuer they be in or what shift soeuer they make will not sell or lay to pledge the tooles of their occupation for then they could not worke or follow their trade and so get their liuing So likewise euerie good Christian ought to be like minded and affectioned towards the Bookes of the Prophets Apostles and other holy writers inspired by the holy Ghost the instruments of their saluation and therefore not to sell or pawne them away 3 As vnto those precious stones the greatest price is due which not onely with their colours do delight the eyes but also are of effect for medicines So vnto those Bookes is the chiefest praise due which in them do not onely containe pleasant speech and eloquent but also that do deliuer the minde from all vice and corruption 4 Like as one dish of meate well chewed and digested will comfort nature more then diuerse delicates that lie rawe and vndigested in the stomacke Euen so one good Booke often and throughly read will do thy soule more good then the superficiall sight and taste of a thousand 5 Like as no wise man will receiue a writing for the least plotte of grounde without the counsell of some learned Lawier nor a medicine for his body without the aduise of some learned Phisition Euen so much more ought a Christian not to venture vpon a Booke wherein may be some damnable errour which may conuey from him his heauenly inheritance or some deadly poyson which may kill his soule without the direction of some godly Diuine 6 As vnto men of diuers complexions and affections God hath giuen choise of meates and varietie of apparell So likewise many Bookes to one ende are published and set forth by sundrie men in diuers fashions and with a diuers gift order and facilitie that hee whom one Booke sauoureth not might yet like the taste of an other Our second Birth LIke as we see the naturall Body from the first Birth to receiue diuers members and euerie member diuers offices vses as it is the vse of the eye to see good or euill and of the hand to take vnto it that which is good and to remoue from the Body that which is euill Euen so in the second Birth we receiue new members whereof euerie one hath his diuerse vse and function as knowledge of the will of God hope loue faith which is as it were the hand reaching vnto vs all the mercifull promises of GOD in Christ whereby we are so surely ioyned in affection to the Lord that by nothing we can be seperated Cares of the world hurtfull AS a Clocke can neuer stand still from running so long as the peases and plummets doo hang thereat Euen so a worldly man hauing infinite Cares cogitations and anxieties hanging vpon his minde as waights vpon the Clocke can neuer haue rest or quiet day or night but is enforced to beate his braines when other men sleepe for the compassing of those trifles wherwith he is encombred Carelesse keepers of Gods commandements AS the Scribes and Pharisies that came from Ierusalem picked a quarell against our Sauiour Christ because his Disciples did eate with vnwashed hands wherby they transgressed as they said the tradition of the Elders Our Sauiour Christ in defence of his Disciples chargeth the Scribes and Pharisies which were so zealous to maintaine their owne ceremonies that they were carelesse to breake the commaundements of God Euen so it commeth to passe alwaies that they which are most earnest in vpholding and defending traditions and ceremonies inuented by man are most forgetfull in keeping the commaundements of God But this is the iust iudgement of GOD against those that inuent a new worship of their owne braine That first they loose their labour and secondly that they are depriued of all-right vnderstanding because they haue presumed to be wiser then God Whom the word of God condemneth Esa 29.13 14. 6.9 Math. 13.14 Act. 28.26 Rom. 11.8 Iohn 12.40 Carnall minded men AS with a leaude and naughtie Companion if wee keepe companie we shall learne no good but rather be readie to be infected with his sinne and vice Euen so if wee suffer our selues to be acquainted with the flesh and vse it as a companion in all our dealings and yeeld vnto it we shall then be sure to learne no good of it for the flesh prouoketh vs to whordome to drunkennes to wantonnesse c. Now if we shall acquaint our selues with the flesh we shall learne those things which tend to our destruction Gal. 6.8 Rom. 8.12 13 14 15 16. Tit. 2.12 The Cause of Gods plagues are diligently to be searched out LIke as the Phisition seeing in a glasse by the water the disease within the body by skill and learning searches out the cause of
with pernitious and wicked counsels 2 As he ought to suffer the greater punishment which throweth poyson not into one Cuppe but into the whole vessell whereof euerie one should drinke So offend they the most and are therfore with all extremitie to be tormented which do corrupt the nature and disposition of Princes Comforts for the afflicted 1 LIke as a Father hauing a young Infant sicke of some sore disease though the childe can speake neuer a word is readie to helpe it and if it can speake yet being full of paine cannot call for things as it ought yet if the mother can but by any signes gesse at the meaning of it shee will accept as much of it as if it had spoken verie plentifully yea though it should say one thing meane an other shee would giue it according to the meaning of it Euen so the Lord that is filled with the bowels of compassion towards vs in Christ farre aboue any father or mother though hee delighteth to heare vs pray vnto him yet when as by the extremitie of our miseries wee are oppressed or distracted so that wee cannot in any orderly maner pray vnto him as we ought hee alloweth of the sighes and sobbes that we offer vp vnto him and graunteth not so much our words which are none or fewe as the meaning of his spirit which is plentifull in vs. Psal 103.8 9 10 11 12 13 14. Rom. 8.26 2. Cor. 1.3 4 5. Isa 38.14 2 Like as if one in a burning Feauer should in the midst of his sit aske colde water and his friend the Phisition should in stead of that giue him a wholesome medicine should in denying that particular thing demaunded graunt vnto his generall meaning which was that hee might haue that which might do him most good though now beeing distempered hee was not able to iudge of it but did take one thing for an other So whatsoeuer wee aske in our distresse our meaning must needes be if it be ruled by Gods spirit that wee would haue that which might procure our best good therefore if the Lord turne our crosses to our good though we prayed for the cleane taking away of them hee fulfilleth both these promises at once Rom. 8.28 2. Cor. 12.8 9. 3 Like as if the Phisition through his skill can cure a man by taking away his bloud and humours by cutting and searing his flesh which of themselues are hurtfull if he can by art so temper that which is poyson as the vipers flesh temper it with other wholesome things and correct it with those that be cordiall that of it he will make a soueraigne Treacle euen that which shall expell poyson and so make that which could cause death to be a preseruer of life Euen so shal not the Lord by his infinit wisdome and almightie power who bringeth light out of darkenesse and good out of euill and calleth the things that be not as though they were shall not he be much more able by the most greeuous crosses that can befall vs work the greatest good for vs that may be so that when we would hope for good by our afflictions and so be comforted in them wee are not so much to looke to the things themselues how they are like to worke vpon vs as the promise which the Lord hath made vnto vs concerning this matter and so to be sure that the Lord himselfe will worke our good hereby because he hath said it 4 As it is all one if the fearefull Patient should haue not one but a whole company of Phisitions saying vnto him that vndoubtedly this medicine is like to do you good we know the working of it well and haue hadde great experience of it in many you need not to feare it take it vpon our credit this would much moue him So no doubt this should correct the too much feare that is in vs of being hurt by the crosse that wee heare so many excellent and famous men very skilfull therein to speake so boldly vnto vs of the benefite of it Euen those whom weare most ready to beleeue in all other things why then should we not do so in this 5 As the Mother by some vnpleasant thing weaneth the childe from the breast vpon which it would otherwise alwayes linger to the hurt of it now when stronger meate is more fit for it Euen so the Lord weaneth vs by affliction from the loue of this world and thus turneth it vnto our good 6 As the fire doth not hurt the Gold in consuming the drosse and the file in taking away the rust and the purgation in expelling ill humours So afflictions causing vs to abhorre and leaue some sinne or other which if wee continued in would destroy vs may truly be said to work our good 7 As Phisicke serueth not onely to cure vs of the diseases we are fallen into but to preserue vs from them in some tollerable health Euen so the crosse both recouereth vs out of sinne when we are fallen into it and preuenteth many that otherwise might creepe vpon vs. 8 As some sickly bodies are driuen to diet themselues and are in continuall Phisicke to preuent that which their corrupt estate would otherwise necessarily pull vppon them So likewise some are alwayes or the greatest part of their liues in the diet of affliction not so much to bring them from grosse and grieuous sinnes which they are not yet fallen into as to keepe them from falling which the Lord knoweth they are readie to doo in respect of their ages callings and places that they liue in 9. As vntamed Heyfers which are kept from straying out of their pastures with hedges and ditches Euen so the Lord puts thornes and bryars in our wayes as Hoseah saith 2.6 that is layeth affliction vpon vs and so as it it were stoppeth the way that we might not breake forth by disobedience to our hurt Psal 119.67.71 10 As a father spareth not the rodde till his childe be thereby humbled to the confession and amendment of his fault because his purpose is to doo him good when as notwithstanding he letteth his seruant go when hee seeth that he will not profit by words or a fewe stripes as not caring for him So the Lord when hee spareth the wicked in their sinnes and reserueth them to further iudgement correcting his owne children againe and againe sheweth that his purpose is to doo him good 11 As a wise and carefull Phisition who purposing not so much to giue Phisicke vnto his sicke Patient as to cure him thereby if the first medicine will doo it there he leaues him if not he applieth one medicine after an other because he hath a diligent care of him and if at any time he maketh intermission it is because the Patients weaknesse whom he would by that meanes to gather some strength not that hee meaneth to leaue him Euen so the Lord purposing according to his word by affliction to do vs good when by the first
hungrie to know and beleeue there is meate in the world except he knew the place and the man that had it for him that he might resort vnto him Or as it is in vaine for one to confesse his disease and sicknesse vnlesse he know some good and skilfull Phisition who might helpe him So likewise it shall profit vs nothing at all to know or confesse our sinnes if wee bee ignorant of the Mediator that should take them away Iohn 1.29 1. Timo. 2.5 Math. 11.28 Christ the soueraine salue for our soules 1 LIke as if the sicke person should seeke out such a Phisition as either could not or wold not cure him his labour also were vnprofitable and all one as if the needie man should go to one for an almes that were as needie as himselfe Euen so wee being sicke of our sinnes in our soules must be carefull that we go and run to such a cunning Phisition as we are sure both can and will for his abilitie and compassion cure and heale our infirmities and hath a salue for euerie sore and maladie Luk. 3● 46 47. Act. 10.43 2 As it was in Egipt in the great dearth and famine of corne none could haue any foode of Pharao the King but by the hands of Ioseph whom he had made Ouerse●● and Ruler of the land in his name for when they cried to him for bread he said Go ye to Ioseph and what he saith to yo● doo ye Gene. 41.55 So likewise it is now in the famine and dearth of our soules for spirituall foode wee can haue nothing to feede our hungrie soules from the King of Heauen but by the meanes of the true Ioseph which is Iesus Christ who is ordained of his Father to rule and gouerne all things in his name so that he sendeth vs to his sonne when wee aske any thing of him for in him hee is well pleased and for his sake onely and for no mans else doth he bestowe this benefite vpon vs. 1. Iohn 5.11.12 Iohn 8.24 Christ 1 LIke as our armes hands feete and the rest of our members are nourished not of and by themselues but of and by the meate that is conueyed into our mouth and head Euen so wee are nourished not of and by our selues but by the vertue that is powred in the head of Christ Iesus Heb. 2.11 Ast. 17.28 2 Like as the Sun with his light beneficially comfor●eth all the world So Christ the Sonne of God reacheth his benefites vnto all men so that they will receiue them thankfully and not refuse them disobediently Psal 19 1.2 3 As the Sun is the well-spring of liuely power So Christ giueth life euerlasting to all beleeuers 4 As the Sun with his brightnes driueth away cloudes and foggie Mystes So Christ the sonne of God sitting at the right hand of his Father is the conquerer of Tyrants and Hereticks 5 As the Sun in winter when he is most farthest off from the Pole is most nearest the earth so the sonne of God is most neare vnto the godly ones in miserie and giueth ●hem helpe and saluation 6 As it is a most certain token of death to a sick man as Hypocrates saith if hee dreame that the visible Sunne is hidden obscured and darkned so likewise a most cer●aine death of the soule is nigh at hand if our Sonne Christ be darkned by abolishing or corrupting of the true doctrine 7 As the sunne giues light plentifully to the whole world and yet keepe the selfe same light within it selfe Euen so our Sauiour Christ God and man hath the perfect fulnesse of all goodnesse in him selfe and yet giues part to vs as he thinks good not loosing any peece of that he hath himselfe but lightning our darknesse with that light which he hath within himselfe 1. Cor. 1.30 8 As the fountaine from which all men doo draw water and from which the small creekes and armes doo runne and flowe is said to haue water of it selfe and yet commeth not as of it selfe but from the spring which dayly feedeth it and from the flowing streames and is sufficient for all men to drawe out off Euen so Iesus Christ hath life in himselfe to wit the fulnesse of life wherewith he liueth and quickneth his and yet hath hee it not as of himselfe as he witnesseth in an other place that hee liueth because of his father Iam. 5.26 Carnall profession LIke as all those that were borne of Abraham were not the children of Abraham So likewise all that professe the Gospell are not partakers of the Gospell 2 As it is not vsuall to curbe in the horse in his race but before hee beginne to runne Euen so those which bee by nature cholericke melancholike are by reasons and perswasions to be wonne and restrained before they begin to be angrie Contempt of Christ AS a strumpet loueth the tokens that her louer sendeth her better then her louer himselfe and in time of pouertie shee will vtterly forsake him So Christ is our louer and mans soule is shee whome he loueth hee hath giuen vs tokens as pledges of his loue to wit all kind of riches and good things whatsoeuer wee possesse in this this world now if for loue of keeping these things in time of persecution we forsake our louer wee be abominable strumpets vnworthie to be beloued of him Christ suffered in his soule for our saluation 1 AS the Holocaust or whole burnt offering the whole and euerie whit beeing chopt and cut into peeces was altogether put into the fire and burnt and so it was by a speciall name called the Whole burnt offering Euen so not the body onely but also the soule of Christ euen euerie whit of his humanitie was burnt and consumed in the fire of affliction as a perfect Holocaust and a whole burnt offering for our sinnes Leuit. 16.5 c. Esay 53.20 2. Cor. 5.21 Heb. 2.14 2 As wee haue sinned both in our bodies and soules So likewise Christ was made our propitiation who purposely and answerably did suffer both in body and soule 3 As an armie of souldiers doo altogether get the victorie and not any one of them asunder and yet for all that each one singly is profitable in fight for the attainment of victorie Euen so the sufferings of Christ as his death and bloudshed his hatred his shame and ignominie c. both of his body and of his soule all together doo sufficiently merite but each one in seuerall is profitable and helpeth thereunto Christes victorie ouer Sathan LIke as if two enemies fight together and the one let the other chuse his weapon himselfe and appointe the other what weapon hee is to vse if hee which is dealt so withall doo vanquish and ouercome the other the greater is his glorie which dooth so ouercome So likewise Christ and Sathan fighting Sathan did chuse to fight with him in the flesh the weakest of many weapons yet euen with that weapon did Christ ouercome him which got
then Christ Iesus who with the death of his own heart gaue life to our bodies and soules If the world doo but a little smile vpon vs and giue vs but an alluring looke and a faire word wee will by and by follow it and bestow vpon it all our attendance If the diuell himselfe can make vs belieue that wee shall either haue profite or pleasure by dooing his will our hearts minds wils al are readier for him then for Iesus Christ O matchlesse yea monstrous madnesse they that seeke our destruction can sooner with a pleasant looke then Christ with the giuing of his life for vs haue vs at commandement Christ would haue vs to mortifie our earthly members as fornication vncleannesse inordinate affections euill concupisence and couetousnesse which is Idolatrie But alas we nourish pamper and cherish all these The Lord would haue our conuersation in heauen but we are altogether carnally and earthly minded The Lord would haue our feete to stand within the gates of Ierusalem but we loue rather to bee trampling the streetes of Egypt Babylon and Sodom The holy Ghost would haue vs to fight a good fight to finish our course after the will of God and to keepe the faith not onely in words but also in life and deedes Indeed wee are apt and ready to fight and striue for worldly promotion honour dignitie reuenues and riches but for heauen and heauenly things we will neuer striue take no paines nor once trouble our selues wee will haue it with ease and all manner of pleasures or else not at all farwell it The courses we take here in this life are very bad and the end vnlesse we repent is like to be worst of all And whiles we haue no care to keepe good consciences it is vnpossible for vs to keepe faith If Christ and Sathan should stand before vs the one pointing vs to heauen and eternall felicitie but the way to it full of troubles griefes and sorrowes the other pointing to hell but the way to it full of delicates pleasures and daintie delights and let God call and the diuell call yet the diuell it is to be feared is like to haue the greater number to follow him for those short pleasures Christ but a few to follow him because they must go loadē with Crosses and afflictions dayly experience doth teach vs no lesse seeing all our actions are carnall and haue onely but little outward shew and no taste at all of true godlinesse nor so much as any rellish of the spirit and loue of Chri●● Some will abstaine from the committing of any grosse sinnes now and then and yet not that in any true and sincere loue to God but either for feare of shame and punishment in this world or else feare of vengeance in the world to come which both are vnprofitable for the Lord hath no pleasure in forced seruice hee will haue it voluntarie with the heart and proceeding of loue not of a seruile feare otherwise it shall bee numbred with the rest of our sinnes This doth greatly condemne vs that though we doo not such things our selues yet wee can without trouble of conscience griefe of heart or vexation of mind see and heare the Lords name blasphemed his Sabboth vnhalowed Idolatrie committed parents dishonored whoredome theft murder and Couetousnesse commonly vsed and all the lawes of God vtterly contemned and it shall neuer offend the greatest number so much as a thorne in a foote or a blaine or push vppon a finger This vndoubtedly is euen to forsake God in the plaine field and to be afraid to serue him in truth and sinceritie least we should therby purchase mans displeasure vnlesse therefore wee learne to serue him better in more truth with greater zeale in singlenes of heart we haue nothing else to looke for but that he will forsake vs both in this world leauing vs destitute of his assistance that our enemies may pray vpon vs and also in the world to come in giuing out against vs his malediction curse woe and sentence of death Math. 25.37 Psal 15.2 Pro. 23.26 Col. 3.5 Phil. 3.20 Psal 122.2 2. Tim. Math. 25.41 Breakers of the fourth Commaundement 1 AS those parents that bring not their sonnes daughters being of yeares of discretion on the Sabboth day to the Church to be partakers of the holy exercises as preaching prayer Catechising and Sacraments do transgresse this Commaundement So in like manner those pa●ents greatly offend heerein that bring their yong children to the Church on the Sabboth dayes who either by their crying or running vp and downe the Church doo both trouble themselues the Minister and the people that the word preached the prayers vttered cānot with reuerence be so well heard as otherwise they might And no lesse do they offend herein that bring their Hawkes Hounds or Dogs to disquiet the Congregation 2 As Magistrates Schoolemaisters as also all Artificers and Handicrafts men ought to abstaine from their Offices and callings on the Sabboth day because they are impediments to hinder their zeale and attentiuenesse that they ought to giue to God in his worship and seruice that day So contrariwise if God will not haue them exercise their vocations and trades being lawfull and necessarie then much more he will not haue them exercised in vnlawfull and vnnecessarie works as in gayming dycing daunsing carding drinking rioting other vanities of this world whereby they are not onely drawne from the company of the holy Congregation but also doo thereby defile their bodyes which they ought rather to sanctifie and keepe holy Christ commeth of the Father AS the Sunne remaineth the same and is not lessened by the beames which it spreadeth abroad So neither is the substance of the Father lessened or changed though he haue the Sonne an Image of himselfe Christ not to be denied in persecution AS the Serpent when he seeth he shall come into mans hands defendeth his head either by gathering himselfe into a circle or thrusting his head into a hole leauing the other parts open to the wounds So likewise we must do in time of persecution euen keepe Christ our head from wounds howsoeuer our bodies suffer Curiositie 1 AS the Phisitions do speak of the members of a mans body that they are made and composed of forme substance strength and greatnesse and placed and disposed very cōueniently to shew their effects and operations So likewise in euery Commonwealth God hath raised vp some men either Ciuilians or Diuines furnished them with such graces and gifts as are necessarie to effect such things as he hath before determined now if the foote will take vpō him to execute the office of the hand or that the hand wil needs walk as the foote if the eare wil striue to see and the eye to heare it would be a very vaine foolish thing for them to enterprise such things seeing they haue not bene made and framed thereto In like maner we striue in
heauen and earth whereto thou maist leaue and not be deceiued wherein thou maist trust and not be disappointed He will euer be at thy right hand that thou shalt not fall He will take thy part and will mightily defend thee against all thine enemies of thy body and of thy soule But if thou wilt shake hands with vertue and bid it adew and farwell and forsaking the wayes of God wilt liue as thou list and follow thine owne corruption and make no conscience of ought thou doest defiling and blemishing thy selfe with al manner sinne and iniquitie then bee sure the Lord will appeare vnto thee in his furie and indignation from whose Iustice and iudgements none shall euer be able to deliuer thee M●l 3.6 Iam. 1.17 Psal 16.8 Glorie and renoume 1 LIke as the shaddow followeth the body as a companion inseparable Euen so doth Glorie renoume and fame accompanie excellent vertues worthy giftes and noble qualities 2 As a Smoke which at the first is great and thicke ascending vpward is quickly scattered and out of sight Euen so the Glorie of the proud men of this world by little and litle is obscured and vanisheth cleane away 3 As that fire smoketh not much which flameth at the first blowing So the Glorie that brightly shineth at the first is not greatly enuied at but that which is long in getting is alwayes preuented by enuie Not to belieue that there is a God AS there is no wound more mortall then the same that plucketh foorth mans heart or soule So likewise is there no poyson or pestilence of greater force suddenly in men to kill all faith hope and charitie with the feare of God and consequently to cast him headlong into the pit of hell then to denie the principle and foundation of all Religion namely that there is a God Psal 10.4 14.1 53.1 1. Tim. 3.16 Godly men see clearely the light of the word but the wicked doo the contrarie AS they that haue cleare and sound eyes doo easily induce the bright light of the Sunne wherewith eyes that be sore and diseased are greatly offended So vertuous and Godly men are illuminated and wonderfully cleared in their vnderstanding and the eyes of their minds with the diuine and heauenly light of the word of God wherewith the wicked and vngodly are highly offended in so much that they hate the light and loue darknesse more then it and so growing blinder and blinder euery day at the length they fall and tumble down headlong into the insaciable pit of eternall destruction Iohn 8.12 No heauen without the Grace of God 1 AS the Pilot of a Shippe without the shine of Sunne or Moone cannot take the Hauen of any land So a man without the light of Grace cannot attaine to the Hauen of Glorie but howsoeuer hee perswadeth himselfe that he casteth his Anchor in a place of safety it falleth out in the end that he casteth it vpon a Rocke where there is no hope of saluation 2 As those that were out of the Arke though they had wit glorie riches and learning were neuerthelesse drowned in the floud So no wit nor learning nor riches without the Grace of God can saue a man from euerlasting perdition Gene. 7.21 Gods fauour the safest refuge AS yong Chickens are in safetie from the Hauke and Puttocke so long as they straie not from about the wings of their dammes and when they do straie far from them they are easily taken of euerie vermine Euen so they that depart and lead their liues within the compasse and limits of his lawes and ordinances are most safely kept by him from the force inchauntments engines and all the subtill deuises of Sathan and his instruments but if they forsake God and not regarding his word diuide themselues from him by their sinnes and iniquities they must needes fall into the talons and iawes of that tyrannicall Hauke and hound of hell from whence there is no deliuerie 1. Pet. 5.8 The Glorie of God 1 AS the Glorie of God infinitely surmounteth the body the soule the honour and all that belongeth vnto man So it ought to bee in greater price and estimation with vs must continually be preferred aboue all things and neuer bee brought into the ballance of comparison with them Exod. 32.32 Rom. 9.3 2 As the want of zeale towards the the Glorie of God in all our doings and the preferring of earthly things before heauenly temporall before spirituall breedeth and nourisheth a corrupt manner of profession So it defileth all our counsels and workes and carrieth vs headlong to the loue of the world which is contrarie to the pure vehement and euerlasting loue of God 1. Cor. 10.31 3 As the saluation of men ought to bee deare vnto vs So the Glorie of God which consisteth in that his orders in his Church be kept ought to be much more deare that if at any time the controuersie could be betwene his Glorie and our saluation our saluation ought to fall that his Glorie may stand God would all to be saued EVen as an earthly Father is in such wise affected towards his children that hee would haue euery one of them to come to thriftinesse and be honest and worthie successours to him of his goods and substance and yet notwithstanding beeing made frustrate of his hope findeth the stubbernnesse and disobedience of them whereby they also at the length doo cast themselues with great ignominie into destruction and into some infamous kind of punishment Of this Father it may be said that he hath brought vp children kept to this so great mischiefe not that the will of his purpose was not farre other but that the children through their owne rebellion haue brought this mischiefe vpon themselues So God verily would haue all men made after his owne image to bee saued but if any of these beeing rebellious will not imbrace his word and by faith be conuerted but delighting themselues wholly in sensualitie pleasures and vanities doo die in their wickednesse these God suffereth to perish that they might sustaine the iust punishments as wel of their owne offences against the law of God as also of their contempt of obtaining saluation through Christ 1. Tim. 2.3 4. No man hath seene God at any time AS the children of Israel could not behold the shining face of Moses when hee had talked with God on the mount for the exceeding brightnesse therof but couered with a Vaile where through they did behold him So no man hath seene God at any time or can behold the face and presence of the Deitie and Godhead but so farre as it is both veiled and reuealed by the body and humaine fleshe of our Sauiour Christ Exod. 34.34 Iohn 1.18 1. Tim. 6.16 One God in Trinitie 1 EVen as a Margarite in euery part shining alike which if it bee defiled or fouled on one part looseth all his beautie So the Trinitie is but one God and if one person be dishonoured all three being
of God Numb 23.10.19 c. So in like manner many do wish and be desirous to enter into the Kingdome of heauen but yet they will not doo the will of God neither labour nor take any paines for the meanes that is the preaching of the word of God whereby they may come by it Mat. 7.21 19.16 c. Luk. 13.24 Math. 11.12 Luk. 16.16 Ioh. 6.27 Knowledge 1 AS that man that hath receiued abundance of wealth at his maister hands dooth notwithstanding steale from him and robbe him of that which is his owne is more worthie of death then hee that had no meanes to helpe himselfe Euen so is it with him on whome the Lord hath bestowed Knowledge and yet according to the same will not ioyne obedience for obedience is the Lords and hee that faileth herein robbeth God of his honour 2 As he which hath Knowledge shal if with the same he ioyne not obedience haue greater punishments then he which hath lesse Knowledge So also he that hath lesse Knowledge or none at all and will not labour for vnderstanding and spirituall wisedome shall surely feele those torments wherewith the other was afflicted on whome the Lord bestowed more Knowledge Luk. 12.47 48. Mat. 7.21 Rom. 12.2 Ephe. 5.17 3 As Wine without the mixture of water doth trouble the braine c. So Knowledge without loue doth make a man proud Knowledge and sight of our selues 1 AS salt is made of Sea water but so long as it is in the Sea it is not salt it must be taken out of the Sea and placed vpon the drie land that being in salt pits where the Sunne may shine the ayre blow vpon it the water may be thickned and so conuerted into salt Euen so this world is a Sea so long as wee liue in the world tossed with the ebbings and flowings of the worldes inconstancie and ouerwhelmed in the bitter waters of the sinnes and wicked practises of the same we are as yet no salt we must go out of the world enter into the land to wit into our selues and take a iust viewe of our owne imbicilitie and haue a due consideration of our owne miserable and wretched estate that the Sonne of righteousnesse may thrust out his beames and the wind of heauenly grace may blow vpon vs and so we may be turned into an admirable wonderful salt that being seasoned our selues we may be meanes and the Lords instruments to season others 2 As our eyes which do behold heauen and earth and other innumerable creatures of God doo not see themselues but looking in a Glasse by that meane they perfectly see themselues So we doo not see and consider our owne frailtie brickle estate but if we will set before our eyes the glasse of the remembrance of death and the true Knowledge of our selues beholding diligently this cleare Glasse we cannot choose but very plainely see our selues and what we be Iam. 1.22 23 25. Kings AS in a suddaine casualtie of fire or in a Citie surprised there is great feare So prophane and supersticious Kings and their Counsellors when the voice or doctrine of the Gospel is heard doo tremble for feare and do mortally hate the same as the firebrand of sedition in a common-wealth and as the loosenesse of discipline Psal 2.2 Loue of the world AS a Nurse that weaneth her childe from the loue and liking of her milke doth annoynt her Teate with Alloes Mustard or some other such bitter thing So our mercifull Father to the end that he may retyre and weane vs from the Loue of worldly delights vseth to send vs tribulation and affliction which of all other things hath most force to worke that effect as we see in the example of the prodigall Sonne 1. Cor. 11.32 Luk. 15.12 c. Gods Loue. 1 AS a sure friend is not knowne but in time of neede So Gods goodnesse and Loue is neuer so well perceiued as it is in helping of vs when we cannot helpe our selues Psal 41.11 2 As Adams fall did serue to manifest Gods iustice and mercie the one in punishing the other in pardoning of sinne which otherwise wee had neuer knowne So the troubles of the Church serue to manifest first our deserts by reason of our sinnes Secondly our weaknesse and inabilitie to helpe our selues and thirdly the Louing kindnesse of the Lord our God in sauing and defending that so we might be truely thankfull and returne al the prayse and glorie to God and none to our selues Rom. 9.22 23. 3 As a Father keepeth his Sonne and heire short without any money in his purse or any thing else at his owne will till the time come that hee shall inherite and in great wisedome he doth it for if his Sonne should haue the inheritance presently he wold wast it and spend it vainely So God dealeth with his children and for no other cause both in singular wisedome and Loue that they may say afterward By this I know that thou Louest me c. Psal 41.11 Life variable and troublesome 1 AS the Sea by tempest is sometimes troublesome and then is quiet and calme by faire weather againe So the Life of man sometime is oppressed with sorrow and extreame necessitie and somtimes it floweth with ioy and wealth at will 2 As a flower so soone as it bloweth and is ripe is cut downe or very shortly gathered So likewise is the continuance of a mans Life Iob. 14.2 Esay 40.6 7. 3 As the beautie of a flower sodenly fadeth is quickly gone So likewise is all the glorie and graces of all flesh Psal 103.15 Iam. 1.10 11. 1. Pet. 1.24 4 As now the Sunne is shadowed with cloudes and by and by shineth forth bright So likewise the Life of man is subiect to chaunge Iob. 8.9 5 As Vapours appeare for a little while and afterward vanisheth away quite out of sight Euen so the Life of man is quickly vanished and gone Iam. 4.14 6 As wind suddenly passeth away with a blast So also suddenly passeth the Life of man Iob. 7.6 7. 7 As there is no way so plaine but it hath many turnings and by-pathes that vnlesse a man take good heed he may wander and goe out of his way Euen so the Life of man hath many by-pathes to walke in so that vnlesse he take great heede hee wil easily wander out of the right way 8 As there is no way but it hath a beginning so it hath an ending So likewise the Life of man as it hath a beginning so also it hath an ending Louer of vertue AS some Louers doo much delight in the pale colour of her whome they Loue So the Louer of vertue and godlinesse doth nothing abhorre the banishment of sincere Christians neither the pouertie of sound professors nor yet the condemnation of the faithfull Saints of God Learning 1 AS the Bird bringeth all kind of foode vnto her young ones neast and is nothing the better her selfe therefore So some doo onely Learne
conscience and reproach to vs and our posteritie 8 As Wine and drunkennesse make a man sencelesse c. So Lust and pleasure peruerteth the sense and weakneth the soule 9 As Feuers or Agues the heate or cold wherof though they be internall yet are they more extreame and more painefull to be endured then the coldest or hottest season of all the yeare So likewise there is no fire whatsoeuer whose heate is so forceable as is the schorching flame of our owne Lusts and concupiscences Liberalitie to the poore AS housholders if they keepe their Corne in their Barnes all the yeare the vermine will consume it and so it will decrease but if they sowe scatter it in the field then they receiue increase thereof So likewise if we doo not scatter and bestow our welth and riches on the poore and needie God will rather decrease them then increase them Math. 6.19 2. Cor. 9.9 10. 1. Timo. 6.17 Hebr. 6.10 13.16 Married folkes are one a helpe to the other LIke as in the parts of a mans body there is a mutuall helpe and participation of the one towards the other Euen so ought it to bee also among Married folkes the one ought to bee an eye eare mouth hand and foote to the other In trouble the one must be the comfort of the other In aduersitie must the one bee the others refreshing yea and in all their life must the one be the helpe and succour of the other Gene. 2.18 Man 1 LIke as God hath created all things in the world for Mans vse and seruice Euen so he hath created Man alone for his glorie Act. 17.24 25. 2 Like as al things in the world serue Man and are subiect to man Euen so ought Man to be subiect to the Lord and to serue him and for this end man was created Act. 17.27 28 29. 3 As things that be nought worth are stil throwne out cast away not fit for any good purpose but to be reiected and troden vnder feete Euen so is Man a thing of nought Psal 144.4 4 As the excellent and noble Hauke called a Faulken vpon the fist of the fouler seeing a pray flying on high dooth by and by spread his wings and offer to breake the strings wherewith shee is holden and to bee gone after the pray but if shee be hooded she neither seeth the pray nor is any whit mooued Euen so Man whose nature farre excelleth all other liuing creatures thinking vppon the things that are aboue in heauen with God and with the eyes of his mind beholding eternall blisse and endlesse felicitie he is inflamed and pricked with a great and wonderfull desire to attaine vnto the same but if he bee hooded with ignorance spiritual blindnesse and a loue of this world he will neuer bee touched with any heauenly motion nor any whit moued with any right loue of God nor once turne so much as an eye of his mind towards heauen nor God Psal 42.1 2. Phil. 21.23 5 As the Crocodile is a creature of an incredible bignesse and yet hath his beginning of a very small and little Egge and is knowne onely to Egypt and to those Countries which are watered with the ryuer Nilus and in this thing is very admirable that no liuing creature that hath so small a beginning as of an Egge doth grow to such an exceeding bignesse Euen so such a one is Man when he forgetteth his originall and the foule matter of his beginning waxeth insolent and proud and yet in this one thing hee is more admirable that being moulded out of the earth and dust hee will make his heart a nest for pride and all abhomination to build and to dwell in Gene. 2.7 3.19 18.27 Iob. 4.19 10.9 to 13. Psal 146.4 78.39 Esay 40.6 7 8. 6 As the earth by his naturall course is borne downeward and is lowest of all Elements So Man borne by the talent and motion of his flesh is beyond horse and mule and is by the Prophets warned to learne wisedome by the Swallow by the Ant by the Spider by the Oxe by the Asse and almost by all the beasts in the field 7 Like as if a begger who hath not a ragge to couer him wil notwithstanding brag that he is the greatest Man and the richest in all the countrie and in all assemblies is not ashamed to take the highest place euery Man would iudge such a man worthie to be whipt Or if there were a theefe who being conuicted of many great crimes notwithstanding would be so shamelesse and so stately that he wold not hūble himself before his iudge nor any other Man he deserueth without any pitie to be punished with all seueritie Euen so in like maner if Man dissembling his beggerly estate his vice and ignorance will presume that he is wise rich vertuous he doth by this meanes make him selfe vnworthy of Gods mercy whereof he should participate if by an humble confession of his miserie he would seeke for it 8 As a vessell cannot be knowne whether it be whole or broken vntill it haue liquor in it So can no Man be knowne what he is before he be in authoritie Man wholly corrupted 1 AS we say not the essence of the Load-stone doth draw yron but the properties thereof So likewise the whole nature of Man is corrupt not in respect of the essence of the soule or bodie but in respect of the qualities The soule is corrupt not in respect of the essence which is spirituall but in respect of the qualities which be in the soule Psal 24.4 5. Ephe. 4.22 23 24. 2 Like as if a Man being fallen into a pit should rather be inquisitiue how he fell in then how to come out Or as a Man deserueth to be counted madde and vnwise that hath his house on fire will stand thinking how it came and not rather labour to quench it Euen so hee may be counted a foolish Man that is more carefull to know how he became wholly corrupted through originall sinne then to know and learne how rather to come out of it and so escape the daunger of it Maisters dutie towards their Seruants 1 AS the Centurian who had many seruants vnder his authoritie and they were all at his becke and commaundement most readie to obey him in any thing that he set them about and this good order hee brought them too by reason that his said seruants were deare vnto him that is he made a speciall reckoning of them and was as a father vnto them So likewise all Maisters are in conscience bound to esteeme and account well of their seruants and to vse their authoritie that they haue ouer them mildly and Christianly and then if their seruants do perceiue that they are deare vnto their Maisters so may the Maisters in time worke them like waxe to their owne minde except they be such as haue sold themselues to worke wickednesse Ephe. 6.9 2 As Maisters and Dames doo loue and cherish
the roote be not fatted with new and fresh dung it will wax barren with feeblenesse Euen so no lesse needfull in Christes Church bee these three Officers to wit Magistrates Ministers and Labourers for it becommeth Magistrates not to suffer wronges and thefts oppressions and iniuries to be done and to maintaine Gods law and them that bee the Preachers thereof yea and to see the land kept from insurrection and inuasion of forraine enemies it also appertaineth to the Ministers and Preachers to labour faithfully to weede and cut away the voide braunches of sinne with the sword of Gods word and to Labourers it belongeth to worke and labour bodily and carefully to get out of the earth bodily sustenance both for themselues and others All these estates be so needful to the Church that none may well be without other fo● if Magistrates and men to gouerne the people by law● and wisedome should want then theeues and wicked liuers would so increase that no man could liue in peace and if Preachers should want then the people woul● wax wild in all vice and sinne through ignorance and f●● default of knowledge of Gods word and so perish eue●lastingly And if Labourers and Artificers should b● lacking in the Common-wealth then both Magistrat● and Ministers should become Husbandmen Laboure● and handle craftes men or else must die for want of nat●ral foode 2 Like as if there were but one Horse or one sheepe in the world yet if hee had Corne and grasse as nature and kind hath ordained for such a beast hee would liue well enough by himselfe without any helpe of other of the same kind But if ther were but one man in the world although he had all the good and wealth therein yet for want of other he would die or at least he would be worse then if he were not liuing Principles are necessarily to be knowne AS in a Pothecaries shop wher the knowledge of such things is set forth and professed it is a great shame if common and no lesse profitable simples should be vnknowne So in a Church or family of the faithfull where the knowledge of such matters is professed it is great shame if common and no lesse needful Principles should not be well and rightly vnderstood Persons of men in Christianitie not to be regarded AS Echium or Tipers Buglosse seede is like a Serpents head yet bringeth an wholesome hearbe and remedie against Serpents So a man vncomely may haue good graces and be an helpe to men against the wicked Prudence and prouidence in worldly affaires AS in times past it did suffise if men were not hurt or annoyed by brute and wilde beastes but afterwards ●en vse them for their gaine and commoditie as to bee ●ouered with their skins to feede on their flesh and to be ●ealed with their gall or inward parts So ought we not ●●ely to beware least our enemie doo hurt vs but also to 〈◊〉 him for our vtilitie and profit Princes and Magistrates are especially to eschue vices 1 AS the Eclips of the Sunne is the cause of death and destruction So is an errour or vice which is an Eclips of vertue in a Prince a great calamitie and a pernicious plague vnto the people and presageth the like fall in the apish immitating multitude 2 As the Hart when he can finde no pasture is poore and bare of flesh and void of strength when he is hunted and pursued Euen so are the Princes and Rulers of those countries which by the iust iudgement of God are oppressed and ouerrun with forraine nations Psal 42.1 3 As a great braunch cut from a tree bringeth downe a number of small ones with it Or as a great Prince commeth forth of his Pallace a multitude doo follow him Euen so do subiects ordinarily follow the example of their Prince and Magistrate whether good or bad for whatsoeuer he doth it seemeth that he commaundeth it Deut. 17. 16. c. Iosu 1. 8. 1. Sam. 2.30 4 Euen as from the Sap of a tree dooth proceed that strength wherwith the boughs do florish and bring forth fruit So from a godly Prince and magistrate such iustice vertue and godlinesse doo proceed that thereby all the people are mightily moued to true Religion aright worshipping of God due obedience and honestie of life and conuersation 5 Like as when in mans body the Hart dooth not impart vnto the members the vital spirits but the artiries are stopt shut vp and the bloud forsaketh the vaines it is a signe of death that the partie in this case is either alreadie dead or else he wil die shortly Euen so when kings Princes of the earth are tyranical towards their loyal subiects withdrawing from them pity mercy loue liberalitie it threatneth doth prognosticate the ruine of thei● kingdomes but through the mercy clemencie and loue of Princes their kingdomes doo mightily florish and the Princes themselues doo enioy great tranquilitie securitie and peace Prou. 20.20 Esc 10.3 6 Euen as among the pretie sweete Bees that Bee only which leadeth ruleth al the rest either hath no sting or at the least doth not vse it So clemencie and mercy agreeth with none more in all the world then with a Prince Prosperitie and wealth maketh not a man truely happie 1 AS children do much wonder and prayse those players which on the Scaffold be apparelled in pide and peeuish garments So fooles they be that wil deeme them happy who be loaden either with wealth or braue attire 2 Like as we see horses when they be much pampered to kicke to be fierce not to abide the rider Euē so Prosperitie maketh men drunken as it were bringeth them on sleepe and no maruaile for as the common saying is Fulnesse ingendreth fiercenesse Dan. 4.1 Psal 30.6 3 As a morning cloud that at the Sun rising vanisheth away Euen so shall the Prosperitie of the wicked be 4 As the Grasse on the house top which for lacke of roote withereth afore it can grow vp to bee mowen or to serue to any other good vse Euen so is also the florishing Prosperitie of such men Cities and landes as by manifold wickednesse prouoke Gods wrath and indignation against them Psal 37.1 2. 129.6 7. Esay 37.27 Preachers of the Law when need requireth are no disturbers of the peace of the Church AS the skilful Physition who giuing a sharp purgation to his surfitted patient which for a time doth disquiet all the parts of his bodie may truely bee accounted a distemperer of his patients health for euen as a purgation notwithstāding it maketh much rumbling in the patients bowels and seeme for a time to disease all the members yet afterwards procuring perfect health to his body cannot therefore in truth and in deed be called the disquietter thereof So surely those Ministers notwithstanding they minister some bitter purgation out of the word to such silly poore patients in Christ as haue surfeited long vpon some points of
Isarel that were their brethren and gaue an outward profession of the name of God with them were the greatest and most daungerous So likewise among the enemies that Syon Gods Church hath the most vehement and bitter are the false hearted and counterfeited Israelites carnall Protestants Papists heretickes and other prophane men 2 As one enemie within the Citie is more daungerous then ten without Euen so carelesse Professors and prophane men as they haue most power to hurt so are they furiously enraged against the truth of the wayes of God and being set on fire to remaine in their sinne euen sell themselues to worke wickednesse Persecutors are often giuen ouer themselues AS God in great mercie stayeth the rage of our enemies that they cannot so spoyle and make waste of the bodies and liues of the godly minded and such as daily labour and profit in true feare of God as is like they would So yet they remaine themselues euen men vowed and giuen ouer to the wil of Sathan hauing their harts set on those things that are euill and their feete swiftest to commit sinne Prou. 1.16 The three Persons coequall in eternitie AS fire is not before heate and light no more is the Father before the Sonne and the holy Ghost Against Prayer for the dead AS they that are departed out of this life bee past our Prayers being either in ioy or misery Euen so we hauing no word of God whereupon faith leaneth to Pray for the dead cannot but sinne in doing it and that we do it not of faith Rom. 14.23 2. Cor. 5.10 Ioh. 3.18 The godly profit much by cruell Persecutions AS a man much mooued with anger and through indignation and wrath intending to kill his brother should throw at him precious stones goodly Pearles and rich Iewels should not damnifie nor hurt his brother because hee would gather them vp keepe them and inrich himselfe with them Euen so tyrants disposed to kill and with fire and sword to put to death the Saints and true seruants of God which doo excell in true pietie and vnfained loue to God and man doo Persecute and torment them with diuers sorts and sundrie kindes of true martyrdome of which things the children of God are glad and doo reioyce and grow stronger and richer in Christ and being throughly armed with a godly patience they doo take and beare Persecutions most quietly for Gods sake without murmuring or grudging euen as their crosse wherwith most willingly they follow their Lord and Sauiour Christ and doo account such tortures inestimable riches and themselues happie that they be thought worthie to suffer such things for the truth sake and in the Lords quarrell Act. 5.41 Peace and vnitie of the Church AS in a true perfect and certaine Clocke the wheeles beeing tempered and in equall and due proportion diuided do performe their courses and doo keepe their seuerall compasses without iarring or differing one from an other euenly and alike so that one mouing the others are mooued and one standing the rest are still and stirre not so that though they bee many in number in forme fashion and agreement they are but one Euen so in a Christian Common-wealth and Church there ought to be one and the selfesame will and so great a concord and likenesse of minds reconciled and drawne together with the infringible band of sincere loue in Christ that though in bodies they be infinite innumerable yet in vnanimitie consent and good agreement in the Lord Iesu they should be all as one man Psal 133.1 Luk. 1.79 Ephe. 4.3 Rom. 14.17 Promises made to particular persons appertaine to their successors LIke as what league truth or Promises of fauour soeuer is made to any King in the same is his kingdome contained and his subiects are also partakers of the same So the Promises made to Abraham Isaac Iacob and Dauid belong not to them onely but to their children also their successors heires people and subiects Amo. 9. Physicke commendable 1 AS pure Corral will receiue no colouring Or as pure Ciuet will neuer leese his fauour Euen so Physicke is so exquisitely excellent that it need not haue any counterfeit helpe and the Physitions haue their commission so lawfull that they cannot bee condemned nor iustly disdained 2 As it is to bee prooued by Gods word damnable sinne for a man to kill himselfe with fire water sword or such like So likewise it is sinne for a man to destroy himselfe in not seeking after Physitions and Chirurgions when time and opportunitie is offered for recouerie It is our dutie to be present at publike Prayer LIke as when a whole Burgesses of a Citie doo come before their Prince and with one voice craue pardon for some offence or beg some grace or fauour the Prince will bee more mooued then if they being absent some one man should speake for the whole Euen so when the whole Church assemble together dooth with heart and mind in presence of God accompanie the Prayers which the Preacher as the mouth of the congregation powreth foorth let them be assured that those Prayers doo penetrate the heauens and that God is mooued to heare them Matth. 18.19.20 Act. 16.13 21.5 Zacha. 8.21 Psal 65.2 Ioel 2.15 The dutie of the Poore AS the prodigall childe hauing goods in the wasting of them gaue himselfe to the worlde and the flesh but hauing fallen into pouertie thought vpon his fathers house and returned thereto So should the discommodities and wants which the Poore doo finde in their estates loosen their harts from the earth and cause them to aspire to the house of their heauenly Father where they shal enioy all spirituall and euerlasting treasures Luk. 15.12 c. Iam. 2.5 1. Cor. 4.11 Hebr. 11.24 25. The dutie of Pastors and Ministers 1 AS they which shall be saued by the Ministerie of Pastors shall be their crowne and ioy in the day of the Lord and they which shall win most to righteousnesse shall shine as the starres for euer So contrariwise the bloud of such as shall perish through the negligence of Pastors shall be required at their hands Phil. 4.1 Dan. 13.3 Ezech. 3.17 Hebr. 13.17 2 As he is knowne to be a Taylor that cutteth out and soweth garments he a Shoe-maker that maketh shoes he a Phisition that imployeth himselfe in curing of sicknesses and so of others Euen so likewise is a Pastor and a Minister knowne in that he preacheth and teacheth the word of God 1. Tim. 4.16 1. Pet. 5.2 Mar. 16.15 2. Tim. 4.1 1. Cor. 9.6 Math. 28.19 20. Ier. 1.6 c. 3.15 3 As the Phisition who ordeineth a potion which in stead of health procureth death is not a Phisition but a murtherer Euen so is it with the Pastors that do preach lyes in stead of truth Ezech. 22.27 28. Iere. 25. toto 4 As a Housholder cutteth out bread at meale times to his children So in like manner a faithfull Pastor must be apt and fit to teach and
the cōuersation of the wiues 1. Pet. 3.1 Euen so much more may the maister of the family do vnto God and his Church honourable seruice not only by sanctifying his house by the word of faith but also by hauing alwayes in a readinesse verie notable matter to further the building of Gods dwelling place 2. Timo. 1.5 3.15 Act. 16.1 3 As the disorder of one Priuate family namely of one Micha of Ephraim was an occasion that Idolatry did spread thorow the whole Tribe of Dan and so continued many yeares Iudg. 17 18. Chap. Euen so contrarily Gideon being stirred vp by the goodnesse of God to the reformation of one meane family in Manasseh was the cause of a very great deliuerance to the whole natiō from most mightie and cruell enemies and most abhominable Idolatrie for the space of fortie yeares Iudg. 6 7. 8. chap. Curious Questions to be auoyded 1 AS it is sufficient for one that would bee heated or warmed by the fire that hee stand neare it for if hee put his hand into it he shall surely bee burned So they that presume to dispute and Question about God about hell c. further then the word reuealeth falleth into blasphemie and so into hell fire 2 As a boysterous noyse or hidious sound grieueth the hearing ouer aboundance of meate noyeth the stomacke grieuous burthens bee wearisome to the bearer continuall raine hurteth the earth and ouermuch of any thing is noysome and hurthfull So doo difficult Questions quickly ouercharge weake and meane wits Rashnesse to be eschued especially of the godly 1 AS hee that is soonest wearied that knoweth not how far his iourney is So worketh hee and goeth about his businesse with tediousnesse till repentance ouertaketh him who well knoweth not the estate and manner thereof before 2 As the enemie lying neare the Walles is the cause why the Citie dooth watch and take diligent heed So when your enemie diligently waite and marke you then will you doo nothing Rash or void of reason Resurrection of all at the latter day 1 LIke as at the last day the bodies of the righteous and faithfull shall rise againe vnto immortalitie glorie and honor the greatnesse wherof the eye hath not seene nor the eare heard nor the hart of man conceiued So the vnrighteous and reprobate shall rise againe with their very bodies vnto euerlasting shame and both body soule shall goe into hell with the diuell and his Angels there to abide euerlastingly Esay 66.24 Mark 9.44 Math. 25.30.46 Ioh. 5.28 29. Act. 24.15 2. Cor. 5.10 Dan. 12.3 Reue. 20.13 2. Pet. 2.4 5 6. 2 Like as the vngodly in this word haue with their bodies taken their owne pleasure ioy and delight Euen so in the life to come they shall be plagued and punished with euerlasting paine and torments in the same bodies 3 Like as when we see seed sowne to putrifie and corrupt we are yet in good hope that it will spring vp againe with fruit for vnlesse it be dissolued it cannot rise againe So in like manner we must hope of our owne bodies being buried when we see their corruption yet wee must then bee most certainely perswaded that they shall rise againe for death doth not so much waste the body as the corruption of it Act. 16.8 1. Cor. 15.1 2 3 4. c. Ioh. 5.28 11.24 Act. 24.15 Repentance 1 LIke as if a Noble man or Gentlemans seruant were for committing of treasony fellony or murder condemned and going to the place of execution his Lord or Maister of meere fauour and good wil should not only by suit to her Maiesty procure a pardon for his life and so deliuer him from that villainous death which for his deserts he had worthily deserued but also should adopt and take him for his Sonne heire shuld this fellow after this his deliuerance goe and say I will now be idle take my pleasure and follow mine owne phantasie and neuer endeuor to please or pleasure my Lord or maister but rather I will seeke to hurt displease him euerie way that I can What shall wee say in this case Be not these most wicked and desperate words And doth not such a fellow deserue most grieuous punishmēts Euen so the like say they who either by word or deed say that Christ hath redeemed vs by his death hath purchased for vs forgiuenesse of sins righteousnesse and so deliuered vs from hell and made vs the Sonnes of God and heires of heauen wherefore wee will stand like idle persons or rather doo more wickednesse and liue as we list c. Christ our Sauiour doubtlesse died not for such nor satisfied for their offences no nor yet merited heauen for them to the end that they should spend their dayes in Idlenesse and heape sinne vppon sinne and become altogether wicked but that they seeing his great loue and how greatly sinne displeased him seeing hee was willing to redeeme them from sinne Sathan death and hell should no more commit sinne but loue honour and obey him thanke him put their trust in him and worke vertuous and good works plenteously not as bond seruants to escape hell for so much as Christ hath deliuered them neither yet thereby to winne heauen which he by his passion hath purchased for them but as naturall Sonnes for the glorie of God mooued thereto by motion of the holy Ghost and by faith and loue For godly Christians doo vndoubtedly feare to sinne so much more then the wicked doth by how much more they know that God dooth in this present life punish his legitimate children more then bastards Rom. 6.4 Gal. 5.14.2 Timo. 2.19 Tit. 2.11 c. Luk. 1.75 Eph. 1.4 2.10 1. Pet. 1.15 1. Pet. 4.17 18. Iere. 25.12 Iona. 1.12 2 As for examble like as if an Astrologer should tel an ambicious Cardinall that he should bee Pope although he did put an vndoubted trust therein yet for all that hee would not be idle but would vse all meanes possible to attaine and come to that dignitie Euen so the children of God the surer they are that Christ hath redeemed them so much the more they vnderstand the great good will of God towards them and therefore they are alway forced more and more by Repentance and godly conuersation of life to make certaine vnto themselues the knowledge of their election and redemption in Christ 2. Pet. 1.10 3 Like as the fire without heate or warmth is no true fire So is it a cleare matter that faith without Repentance is no true faith Luk. 19.8 23.40 41 42. Act. 2.37 19.18 19. 4 As it is the nature of some cloth if it bee stayned when it is wet the staine will seeme to bee easily washed out but being drie it will appeare againe Euen so some men thinke that they haue Repented when they haue done it to halfes and therefore they are to repent againe as those that breake out of prison are brought thither
letter as hee had wont to doo and that were a great bondage and wearisomnesse to binde him vnto it still nay it were altogether rediculous and childish in him indeed So now though we be charged to rest vpon the Saboth yet when we are not ouercharged with those Iewish ceremonies which they being children had giuen thē as furtherances vnto them let vs not complaine before we haue cause neither murmure against God because we cannot be so licentious as we would seeing we be at such libertie as we be and as it pleaseth the Lord to bestow vpon vs and let vs bee so much the more carefull to rest by how much we haue but this one thing to attend vpon and are made free from many other which might hinder vs. Deut. 6.8 9. Gal. 4.3 10 As they preposterously labor to reform the church that haue no care to reforme themselues and vndiscreetly complaining of wants and disorders there do not practise better orders in their houses vpon themselues and theirs do hinder it and keep them backe Euen so they that labour for more meanes to sanctifie the Sabbath and are carelesse in practising those that they haue doo stay such good blessings as God might otherwise bestow vpon his Church this way Notorious Sinnes LIke as a man is much more to be blamed which goeth out of his way in the cleare Sunne at noone-tide then he which goeth by night with a candle Euen so such men deserue much more to be punished for committing of foule and notorious Sinnes now vnder the cleare light of the Gospel then in the time of the Lawe Sinne couered by Christs innocencie AS a garment or cloake do serue to couer our bodies Euen so the innocencie iustice holinesse of Christ Iesus doth serue to couer our Sins before the iudgement of God to the end that there appear no one spot of them in his sight Gal. 3.27 Sinner 1 LIke as God is much pleased with the praier of the iust Euen so much more he doth delight in the amendment of the Sinner for it doth little profit for the one to multiply his prayers if the other do not diminish his sinnes 2 As an earthly Father when his childe is sicke he will not cast him away but take pitie vpō him So much more our heauenly Father when a Sinner humbleth him selfe before him and lamenteth his sinnes wil shew his fatherly affection towards him that repenteth 3 As the night in the first dawning of the day in which though the darknesse remaine and be more in quantitie then the light yet when the Sun hath alreadie cast some beames of light in the aire then the breaking of the day appeareth Euen so the conuersion of a Sinner is not wrought all at one instant but in cōtinuance of time and by certaine measures and degrees So that he that is in the first degree of his conuersion when the holy Ghost by the meanes of the word inspires him with some spirituall motions and begins to regenerate and renue the inward powers of his soule Sinne. 1 LIke as that mans disease is most perillous which lyes sicke and feeles not his sicknesse nor cannot complaine of one part more then an other for then the disease hath equally troubled the whole bodie So likewise they which lie wallowing in sin so forgetting God and all goodnesse that they feele no remorse of conscience for their sinnes are desperate and almost past all recouerie 2 As vertue must be imbraced in heart in affection in countenance word and deed or else we are found breakers of the Lawe of God So likewise Sinne must be abstained from as wel in heart in affection in countenance and word and also in deed 3 Like as the dead body lies rotten and stinking in the graue fearefull and loathsome to looke on and grieuous to remember Euen so when we lie buried in Sinne wee stinke in the sight of God he cannot abide to looke on vs nor will remember vs. 4 And as when the body lyeth on sleepe in the bed which is an Image of our graue can neither see feele heare taste smell vnderstand nor yet mooue out of the place vntill it be awaked nor can take any pleasure at all in any one creature of God So we when we lie sleeping and wallowing in Sinne wee neither see the maiestie of God with the eyes of our faith nor feele his mercies offered vnto vs in and by his deare Sonne our Lord and Sauiour Christ Iesus nor yet can taste at all how sweete the Lord is our eares are stopped from hearing good counsell wee perceiue nothing at all of Gods goodnesse towards vs his word is not sauerie vnto vs neither yet be wee mooued or stirred vp to doo any one good worke of charitie Rom. 13.11 5 Like as Carrion dooth not onely smell euill it selfe but infects all that come neare it So likewise that man that is defiled with any notorious Sinne doth not onely defile all things that he takes in hand but all such as keepe him companie so that Sin hath greater force and strength to defile other things then goodnesse hath to make other things holy 1. Cor. 15.33 2. Timo. 2.16 17. Rom. 6.23 6 As a beast ouer-laden is readie to sinke vnder his burden except there bee present helpe at hand to ease him Euen so wee are in daunger to sincke into the pit of perdition by reason of our great and grieuous burden of Sinne except wee flie to Christ who onely and alone can vnburden vs and ease and refresh vs. Math. 11.28 7 Like as if wee doo suspect any vncleannesse in vs wherefore the Prince or any Noble man should loath or abhorre the sight of vs wee would take great paines to remoue put it away Euen so much more we ought with all diligence and speede that may bee to put away that vnclean Sinne and filthinesse that doth seperate and make diuision betwixt vs and God and that hideth his face from vs that he will not heare vs. Esay 59.2 Iere. 5.25 8 Like as if there were an Apostume about the stomack of a man or in his bowells it would be neuer a whit the worse for him if it were seene that it might be launced Euen so that man that thinketh himselfe to be whole and sound because he wil not see his sinne and disease he must needs be voyd of all wit and reason 9 Like as a man that hath a disease or soare in his bodie before hee can be cured of it hee must see it feele the paine of it and be in feare least it bring him into danger of death after this hee shall see himselfe to stand in need of phisicke and he longeth til he be with the Phisitian when he is once come to him hee desireth him of all loues to help him and to shew the best skil he can he wil not spare for any cost then hee yeelds himselfe into the Phisitians hands perswading himself that by Gods blessing
of a rich man and in so small a measure as that his aboundance hardly suffereth the euill thereof to be perceiued yet is he bitten that payeth it and he that taketh it an oppressour Exod. 22.25 How we must Vse the things of this world AS a Traueller vseth his staffe in his iourney as long as it doth further him so long he will carrie it with him but when it hindereth him then he casts it away So likewise must we Vse the things of this life namely as long as they are helpes to further and make vs fit for the kingdom of heauen but if they be any hinderance to this spirituall gegiment of Christ we must renounce them and cast them away bee they neuer so precious to vs. 1. Cor. 7.31 The best but Vnprofitable LIke as seruants bee they neuer so diligent in executing that which is committed vnto them yet cannot iustly vaunt themselues that they haue done any more then bounden dutie So all Christians when they haue trauelled as much as in them is possible yet they are to confesse themselues Vnprofitable seruaunts Luk. 17.9.10 God hath Vengeance in store AS in treasure-houses or store-houses men keepe all manner of things to serue their purposes Euen so God keepeth in store weapons of his wrath to Reuenge himselfe vppon the wicked for the iniurie and violence done to his Church Iere. 50.26 Vain-glorious talkers 1 AS new Wine will burst the vessells which it is put in except they haue a vent So a man desirous to heare himselfe can by no meanes holde his tongue Iob. 32.19 2 As a Dogge hauing an arrow sticking in his legge will not rest till hee haue it out Euen so no more will a foolish pratler rest till he haue spoken all hee knoweth of any thing or by others good or bad Vngodly men 1 AS the filthie Swine regarde not but thrust from them Roses that are most beautifull and sweete and seeme to contemne most fragrant and pleasaunt Flowers and doo rather seeke after foule puddles and stinking myre and forsaking daintie dishes and costly Iuncates doo franke themselues most greedily with wilde Masse and vncleane things So Vngodly men haue no taste of the word of God but hunting after vncertaine riches which are in continuall hazard and at the length wil deceiue them they are as it were fettered in the inchaunting pleasures and pestilent flickerings of the world 2 As Pilates souldiers with the wicked Iewes tooke Christ and stripped him off his garments buffetted him and slew him So likewise do Vngodly men by their wicked behauiour strippe him of all honour and slay him againe Vaine-glorious men 1 AS Organe players vnlesse some bodie blowe vnto them the windie bellowes do make no sound at all Euen so Vaine-glorious men vnlesse they be pricked forward with commendations and praises of others haue neuer any minde or purpose to bende themselues to any good action 2 As the lighter Ballance or ende of the beame will prease vpward and euer be highest So the Vainer more vnprofitable and vniuster that a man is the more will he vaunt and extoll himselfe and being a very impious vngodly and most wicked man will arrogantly assume vnto himselfe righteousnesse most impudently chalenge the name of a good and honest man when indeed he setteth more by one penny of money then by ten poundes worth of honestie and dooth loue more ten poundes of money then he doth the health wealth credite libertie life yea and more then the soule of his neighbour and Christian brother 3 Euen as an Archer dooth shoote nearer and sooner hit a faire great marke then a litle one So the Diuel doth easily hit with his arrowes and strike with his dartes the Vain-glorious man and proud men of the world but the humble and lowly he misseth with all the sleights cunning he hath We ought to Visit them that be in miserie 1 AS Beggers when they wold haue men to pitie them laie open their soares because that though things be neuer so great in themselues yet till they bee seene we will hardly beleeue them and therefore we do the poore much wrong many times in iudging their estate to be better then it is Euen so thereby is shewed what is the nature of all that if we will shewe mercy to others so cheerfully as we should we must Visit them in their necessitie and not turne our eyes away from beholding their need Luk. 10.30 c. c. Math. 25.40 Iam. 1.27 2 As the Queene of Saba came among others to make triall of the wisedome of Salomon which was so great which when she had done and had seene and heard all things she was greatly astonied and said vnto the King it was a true word which I had heard in mine owne lande of thy sayings and of thy wisedome howbeit I beleeued not this report till I came and had seene it with my eyes but loe the one halfe was not tolde for thou hast more wisedome and prosperitie then I haue heard by report c. Euen so may it bee saide of the condition of our brethren that though we heare much yet we shall not know the tenth part of their pouertie and miserie except wee will goe and see it and therefore cannot bee so moued to pitie them as the Lord would haue vs. 2. Chro. 10.5 6. 3 Euen as Abraham when hee would prouoke himselfe to great humiliation as such a chastisement did require hee wept in the sight of the dead corpes that the beholding of it might mooue him the rather So likewise if wee would looke into the necessitie and calamitie of our brethren and set it before our eyes we should be more plentifull in well doing then we are and bee more readie to weepe with them that weepe and to be like minded one towards an other Rom. 12.25 26. Vertuous and godly men 1 LIke as the Margarites those little white shining precious stones which doo grow within shell fishes in the Sea in this point are very marueilous and wonderfull that though they bee bred and encreased in the Sea yet haue they no similitude and likenesse with the Sea for the Sea is blew or skie coloured but the Margarites are white the Sea is horrible and full of discomfiture but they are cheareful pleasant and beautifull to behold they mooue much greatly delight and allure mightily mens eyes to looke vpon them the Sea is bitter but they are amiable and without all bitternesse but rather in some sort and measure by reason of their clearnesse brightnesse they represent the skie the reason is because they receiue influence from thence Euen so such Vertuous godly men who are surely grounded and certainely setled in the loue of God and true Christian Religion who being borne brought vp in this world haue no resemblance likenesse nor fashion of the same in desire they be drawen in will they be seuered in words they differ in workes they vtterly disagree from it