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A17400 The paterne of wholsome words. Or a collection of such truths as are of necessity to be belieued vnto saluation separated out of the body of all theologie made euident by infallible plaine proofes of Scripture. And withall, the seuerall vses such principles should be put to, are abundantly shevved. A proiect much desired, and of singular vse for all sorts of Christians. By N. Bifeild [sic], preacher of Gods word at Isleworth in Middlesex. Byfield, Nicholas, 1579-1622. 1618 (1618) STC 4226; ESTC S120680 139,132 558

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was a King also able to feed and nourish the most mighty on earth as the King of Salem did Abraham 2. The second was the efficacy of his Priesthood noted in two admirable benefits flowing from his obedience and passion viz. Righteousnesse and Peace Righteousnesse for hee is the Lord our righteousnesse Peace in that hee fully pacified Gods anger for our sinnes as our attonement and so he was indeed that King of Zedech that is of righteousnesse and of Salem that is of peace 3. The third was the eternity of his Priesthood hee is a Priest for euer he dieth not as did the sonnes of Leui nor doth the efficacy of his Priesthood euer cease The holy Ghost of purpose concealeth the mention of the birth and death of Melchisedeck that so hee might bee the fuller type of Christ who had no father as man nor mother as God and of his dayes there is no end which last thing is the speciall consolation for which I alleaged this type There is no time wherein we can want the benefit of Christs sacrifice if we haue accesse to God and the throne of his grace and the rather because God hath sworne and will not repent Psalm 110.4 Thus in generall In particular there are many excellent comforts may bee raised from the passion of Christ for First hence wee may gather a matchlesse testimony and vndoubted of the infinite loue of God to man in that hee spared not his owne Sonne but gaue him to the death for vs Ioh. 3.16 For God so loued the world that hee hath giuen his onely begotten Sonne that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life c. 1. Ioh. 4.9 In this appeared the loue of God toward vs because God sent his only begotten Sonne into the world that wee might liue through him c. Which may likewise assure vs that there is nothing can be good for vs but hee will certainly giue it vs also Rom. 8.32 Who spared not his owne Sonne but gaue him for vs all to death how shall hee not with him giue vs all things also 2. Secondly shall wee euer doubt our freedome from condemnation that know from hence what a price was paid for discharge of our debts by such a surety How can we be so vildly infected with vnbeleefe as to feare arresting or imprisonmēt or vndoing when all is in Christ so fully and exquisitely satisfied to the very vttermost farthing How could the surety haue euer escaped such iustice in God such malice in men and diuels the sargeants and iaylors if he had not most abundantly payed all could bee demanded 3. Thirdly what an encouragement may this bee to beleeue what Christ saith to vs was not he a faithfull witnesse teacher that sealed his doctrine with his blood great therefore is the infallibility of the Gospell that truth which is according to godlinesse and to bee receiued with all full assurance without wauering or feare Reuel 1.5 4. Fourthly shall not his example comfort vs in all trials especially when we suffer the extreamest things can befall vs in this life what are those to the sufferings of Christ and with what compassion will he receiue vs in affliction that was so afflicted himselfe Esa. 63.1 9. c. And in particular it may ease in paines and in death it selfe to remember the dolours of Christ especially considering that from thence flowes a vertue to helpe vs in all our pangs and distresses in life and death 5. Lastly there are many particular comforts may bee gathered from the manner of his sufferings and diuers particularities in them as 1. He suffered in Ierusalem so both fulfilled the types of the old Testament for there was Isaac offered vp and there the sacrifices were slaine and also signified vnto vs that he had obtained for vs the vision of eternall peace which the name Ierusalem importeth 2. Secondly he suffered the first part of his chiefe passion in a garden to comfort vs in the abolishing of the first sin which was committed in a garden and imputed to Christ. 3. Thirdly he was betrayed taken bound and forsaken and all for vs hee was betrayed to expiate our treason in Adam he was taken to restore vs captiues hee was bound that wee might be loosed he was forsaken of all euen of his owne best disciples to let vs know that hee alone did performe the worke of satisfaction and redemption for vs Esa. 63.3 4. Fourthly he was araigned condemned both by Iewes and Gentiles in the consisiory of the Priests and at the tribunall of Pilat therby to notifie both to Iews and Gentiles that he was giuen to sacrifice for sins of both to signifie that he was the true Messias or Shiloh because now the scepter was departed frō Iuda Gen. 49.10 5. His silence to the most accusations shewes 1. that he was a greater person then hee that iudged him 2. Secondly that he fulfilled the Scriptures that said he opened not his mouth Esa. 53.7 3. That hee suffered for our euill words but especially it assures vs that he suffered them as our surety in that he did endure the imputation of such monstrous crimes and yet held his peace 6. He was whipped and crowned with thornes he was whipped to deliuer vs from both spirituall corporall and eternall scourges that was due vnto vs. The crowne of thornes may signifie 1. That hee expiated our ambition in Adam 2. That he might merit for vs an eternall crowne 3. That he would gather a kingly people out of the most thorny and hurtfull nations which as a crowne should compasse God about in seruing and honouring him 4. That he had borne our thorny cares and therfore we should cast all our care vpon him 7. He was clothed with a purple garment and a reed in his hand which both signified that he was a King though they did it in scorne His purple garment shewes that hee was that great Warrior which was forespoken of when they said Who is this that comes from Edom with red garments c. Isaiah 63.1 to 7. The reed was two waies comfortable for first it shewed that this was hee that should breake the Serpents head for a reed is the most mortall thing to a Serpent as the learned record and therewith they were vsed to kill them and besides by a reed as by a pen he did blot out the hand-writing in the debt-booke that was against vs. 8. He suffered in Golgotha a place of dead mens bones in which the most notorious offenders did suffer their punishment that so hee might raise vp the Banner of Iustification euen in the very place of contamination and damnation 9. Hee was vnclothed and made naked to satisfie for the sin of our first parents who were spoiled of the garment of innocency and to deliuer vs from sin and mortality of which the garments of skinne giuen to our parents were a monument and perhaps to shew how we should enter
foundation of our grace now one labor doth both if we make our calling sure wee make our Election sure 2. Pet. 1. 10 and we may be sure our calling is right if we adde vertue to our faith if we can find the gifts of grace in our hearts for this I fay we must study the doctrine of the signes of which before If we find assurance of our Election we should with all thankefulnes acknowledge Gods goodnesse to vs and the riches of his free grace as the Apostle teacheth vs Ephes. 1.3 and 2. Thes. 2.13 But we ought to giue thanks alway to the Lord for you brethren beloued of God because that God hath from the beginning chosen you to saluation through sanctification of the Spirit and the faith of truth and so rest in this happines as our chiefe desire to God should bee still to vouchsafe vs this fauour to blesse vs with the fauour of his chosen Psalm 106.4.5 Remember me O Lord with the fauour of thy people visit me with thy saluation That I may see the felicitie of thy chosen and reioyce in the ioy of thy people and glory with thine inheritance And for euer stand and gase at the maruelous riches of Gods grace that suffered vs not to perish in the condemnation of the world Our Election should work vpon vs a wonderfull care of holinesse of life Are we Elect then how should wee confirme our selues in separation from the world shall wee euer loue the world and the things thereof that heare that God hath chosen vs out of the world Yea why fashion wee our selues vnto this world Rom. 12.2 And fashion not your selues like vnto this world but be yee changed by the renewing of your minde that yee may prooue what is the good will of God and acceptable and perfect Deut. 14.2 For thou art an holy people vnto the Lord thy God and the Lord hath chosen thee to be a pretious people vnto himselfe aboue all the people that are vpon the earth God hath chosen vs and called vs with a holy calling and therefore we should as a people peculiar vnto him be zealous of all good workes and shew forth the vertues of him that called vs and walke before him with all desire to please him that hath thus Elected vs we should euer be ready to choose the Lord to bee our God and to shew it by auouching him and by walking in his waies as these Scriptures plentifully shew Deut. 7.6.7 For thou art an holy people vnto the Lord thy God the Lord thy God hath chosen thee to be a pretious people vnto himselfe aboue al the people that are vpon the earth The Lord doth not set his loue vpon you nor chuse you because yee were more in nūber then any people for ye were the fewest of all people Deut. 26.16.17 This day the Lord thy God hath commanded thee to do these ordinances lawes keepe them therefore and doe them with all thine heart and with all thy soule Thou hast set vp the Lord this day to be thy God and to walke in his waies and to keepe his ordinances and his commandements and his lawes and to hearken to his voice Ephes. 1.4 As he hath chosen vs in him before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and without blame before him in loue 1. Pet. 2.9.16 But ye are a chosen generation a roial Priesthood an holy Nation a peculiar people that ye should shew forth the vertues of him that hath called you out of darknesse into his maruelous light As free and not as hauing the libertie for a cloke of maliciousnes but as the seruants of God Wee should giue our names to God as they that will subscribe and deuote themselues only to the God of Iacob Isaiah 44.1.5 Yet now heare O Iacob my seruant and Israel whom I haue chosen One shall say I am the Lord another shall be called by the name of Iacob and another shall subscribe with his hand vnto the Lord and name himselfe by the name of Israel 4. It should teach vs to imitate God and chuse the godly as the persons wee would most obserue admire loue defend and liue withall Ioh. 15.17 These things command I you that yee loue one another Iohn 17.26 And I haue declared vnto them thy name and will declare it that the loue wherewith thou hast loued me may be in them and I in them c. Yea we should not haue the glorious faith of Christ in respect of persons to despise poore Christians and onely respect great men for God hath chosen the weake things of this world to confound the mighty and the poore hee hath chosen to be made heires of the Kingdome and rich in faith Iames 2.5 1. Cor. 1.27 Yea we should be content as the Apostle saith to suffer all things for the Elects sake seeing they are so deare to God 2. Tim. 2.10 We may know our Election by two sorts of signes First the one respects God Secondly the other respects our selues God declares his eternall choise by diuers markes of it and man proues himself to be Elect of God by diuers tokens of it God shewes whom hee hath chosen from euerlasting three manner of waies 1. By Election in time when God separates a man from the world vnto himselfe and his seruice It is a manifest signe of Election it shewes an eternall choise when God singles a man out from the multitude of carnal and carelesse men and inspires him with an vnchangeable resolution to deuote himselfe to God it is an euident declaration of Gods predestination to glorie God separates a man from the world when he makes him a wearie of wicked and vnprofitable society and takes away from him the taste in earthly things so as the loue of the world is not in him and sanctifies him to his owne vse 2. By the entertainement God giues them in his house and especially by the efficacy of the word and principally by the life of the promises for God makes his word a word of power and the holy Ghost falles vpon their hearts and they at sometimes feele a maruelous assurance in hearing and so much comfort that they can receiue the word though it be with much affliction and reioyce greatly in it and the word transformes them also to a constant desire of practice imitation of the godlines of the Saints 1. Thes. Knowing beloued brethren that ye are Elect of God For our Gospell was not vnto you in word only but also in power and in the holy Ghost and in much assurance And ye became followers of vs and of the Lord and receiued the word in much affliction with ioy of the holy Ghost Psalm 65.4 Blessed is he whom thou chusest and causest to come to thee he shall dwell in thy courts and we shal be satisfied with the pleasures of thine house euen thy holy temple Rom. 9.8.11 That is they which are the children of the flesh
which is the head that is Christ. By whom all the body being coupled and knit together by euery ioynt for the furniture thereof according to the effectual power which is in the measure of euery part receiueth encrease of the body into the edifying of it selfe in loue Thirdly that shee is knit vnto Christ her head by an indissoluble vnion Colos. 1.18 And hee is the head of the body of the Church hee is the beginning and the first horne of the dead that in all things he might haue the preeminence Colos. 2.19 And holdeth not the head whereof all the body furnished and knit together by ioynts and hands encreaseth with the encreasing of God 1. Cor. 12.27 Now ye are the body of Christ and members for your part Ephes. 1.22.23 And hath made all things subiect vnder his feet and hath appointed him ouer all things to be the head to the Church Which is his body euen the fulnesse of him that filleth all in all things So as she is truly bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh Ephes. 5.30 For wee are members of his body of his flesh and of his bones One with Christ not in nature as the Trinity is one nor in person as the two natures in Christ but in spirit Ioh. 4.13 Hereby know we that we dwell in him and he in vs because he hath giuen vs of his spirit For the spirit of the Sonne dwelleth in vs. Fourthly that shee is holy Ephes. 5.27 That he might make it vnto himselfe a glorious Church not hauing spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that it should be holy and without blame c. 1. Pet. 2.9 But ye are a chosen generation a royall priesthood an holy nation a peculiar people that ye should shew forth the vertues of him that hath called you out of darknesse into his maruellous light c. Dan. 7.18 And they shall take the kingdome of the Saints of the most high and possesse the kingdome for euer euen for euer and euer And so she is holy 1. By separation from the world in that the godly are consecrated to holy vses they are holy by calling 2. By inchoation of true holinesse in nature and practice Tit. 3.5 Not by the workes of righteousnesse which wee had done but according to his mercy he saued vs by the washing of the new birth and the renuing of the holy Ghost 3. By imputation of Christs holinesse being washed in his blood Heb. 10.10 By the which will we are sanctified euen by the offering of the body of Iesus Christ once made 4. By consummation of all holinesse in the other world Fifthly she is Catholick this is one of the Articles of the Creed the Church is Catholick in three respects 1. In respect of time all the godly being members of this one body though they liue in all the seuerall ages since the beginning of the world 2. In respect of place because all the iust both in heauen and earth are all of this one body Ephes. 1.10 That in the dispensation of the fulnesse of the times hee might gather together in one all things both which are in heauen and which are in earth euen in Christ. And so from all parts of the world is the Church gathered all the particular Churches in the world are but members of this Church vniuersall 3. In respect of persons because it is gathered especially since Christ out of all nations there being no difference put in respect of mens outward condition Reuel 5.9.10 And they sung a new song saying Thou art worthy to take the booke and to open the seales thereof because thou wast killed and hast redeemed vs to God by thy blood out of euery kindred and tongue and people and nation And hast made vs vnto our God Kings and Priests and wee shall raigne on earth Galath 3.28 There is neither Iew nor Grecian there is neither bond nor free there is neither male nor female for yee are all one in Christ Iesus Sixthly that shee is militant that is she is in this life exposed to crosses and afflictions and tentations and oppositions 2. Timoth. 4.7.8 I haue sought a good fight and haue finished my course I haue kept the faith For henceforth is laid vp for me the crowne of righteousnesse which the Lord the righteous Iudge shall giue me at the day and not to mee onely but vnto all them also which loue his appearing Luk. 9.24 For whosoeuer will saue his life shall lose it and whosoeuer shall lose his life for my sake the same shall saue it Act. 14.22 Confirming the disciples hearts and exhorting them to continue in the faith affirming that wee must through many afflictions enter into the kingdome of God c. Reuel 1.9 I Iohn euen your brother and companion in tribulation and in the kingdome and patience of Iesus Christ was in the isle called Patmos for the word of God and for the witnessing of Iesus Christ. Reuel 12.11 But they ouercame him by the blood of the Lambe and by the word of their testimony and they loued not their liues vnto the death c. Ephes. 6.12 For we wrastle not against flesh blood but against principalities against powers against the worldly gouernours the princes of the darknesse of this world c. Now the Lord would haue his Church so exposed to crosses both for his owne sake and for hers and for his enemies sake 1. For his owne sake that he might shew his hatred of sin euen in his owne and the glory also of his power and mercy in their deliuerance as well as his iustice in their afflictions 2. For their sakes that being in the warfare humbled and tamed for their sinnes they might not perish with the world 1. Cor. 11. 31.32 and may be herein like to Christ Rom. 8.27 3. For their enemies sake that they may know that they shall neuer bee spared if God spare not his owne children 1. Pet. 4.17 For the time is come that iudgement must begin at the house of God if it first begin at vs what shall the end be of them which obey not the Gospell of God Seuenthly that she is inuincible Matth. 16.18 And I say also vnto thee that thou art Peter and vpon this rocke I will build my Church and the gates of hell shall not ouercome it Rom. 8.37 Neuerthelesse in all these things we are more then conquerers through him that loued vs. 38. For I am perswaded that neither death nor life nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come 39. Nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. 1. Pet. 5.10 And the God of all grace which hath called vs vnto his eternall glory by Christ Iesus after that yee haue suffered a little make you perfect confirme strengthen and stablish you c. The vses of these principles may be either
for 1. Instruction 2. Consolation 1. For instruction and so the sound consideration heereof may serue First to stirre vs vp to pray that God would open our eyes to see the glory of his power and grace in the calling of his Church out of the world and the most happy supremacie of Christ ouer the Church and our owne felicity if we be members of the Church Ephes. 1.17 c. Secondly to inflame in vs the care to make our calling and election sure that so we may be infallibly assured that we are members of the true Church If any aske for some plaine signe by which briefly the heart of man may establish it selfe in this point I answere that to be assured that we are true members of the Church and body of Christ we must carefully try our selues by such signes as these For they are members of the Church 1. That are called out of the world by the voice of the crier and separated by the power of the word 2. That relie vpon Christs merits for righteousnesse and saluation 3. That cleaue vnto such as feare God with vnchangeable affections as the onely people of the world 4. That are reformed from their old euill conuersation to the constant endeauours of a holy life Thirdly if we finde our selues to be of the Church wee should striue for exceeding thankfulnes to God that hath called vs out of darknesse to this maruellous light and saued vs from the common condemnatiō of the world 1. Pet. 2.9 Fourthly we should labour by holinesse of life to exceed all the Papists or Pagans of the world that men might see by our piety that God hath done more for vs then for any such as they our workes should speake for vs that we are of the true Church and not by our sinful liues dishonour God as our Father or the Church as our mother Ephes. 1. 4. Ephes. 2.8 Christ comes into his garden to see how his plants grow Cant. 6.10 I went downe to the garden of nuts to see the fruits of the valley to see if the vine budded and if the pomegranets flourished Fifthly wee should know no man after the flesh nor reckon of men by their meanes in the world but by their relation to Christ or the Church 2. Cor. 5.16 Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh yea though wee haue knowne Christ after the flesh yet now henceforth know we him no more Sixthly wee should therefore auoid the society of the wicked and not forsake the fellowship of the godly 2. Cor. 6.15 What concord hath Christ with Belial or what part hath the beleeuer with the infidell c. Ephes. 5.7 Be not therefore companions with them 11. And haue no fellowship with the vnfruitfull workes of darknesse but euen reproue them rather 2. Thes. 3.14 If any man obey not our saying note him by a letter and haue no company with him that he may be ashamed Heb. 10.25 Not forsaking the fellowship that wee haue among our selues as the manner of some is but let vs exhort one another and that so much more because ye see the day draweth neere Seuenthly wee should therefore carrie our selues one towards another as fellow-seruants in the same family and fellow-citizens in the same City with all meeknesse patience vnity and loue Ephes. 4.2.3 With all humblenesse of mind and meeknesse with long suffering supporting one another through loue endeauouring to keepe the vnity of the spirit in the bond of peace c. Willingly imploying our gifts for the good of the Church Rom. Eightly seeing wee are in a continuall warfare wee should stand vpon our guard quitting vs like men and bee strong putting on all the armour of God Ephes. 6.10 Ninthly wee should for euer learne to thinke and speake reuerently of the Church of God seeing it is the house of God the family of Christ the ground and pillar of the truth that Gods people are Gods hidden ones Ephes. 3.15 1. Tim. 3.15 Psalm 83.3 And in particular both Ministers and Magistrates that are deputed to the gouernment of the Church vnder Christ shuld be carefull to doe their duties with all care Ministers are charged in these Scriptures Ioh. 21.15.16 1. Pet. 5.2 1. Cor. 12.28 1. Tim. 3.15 as before And Magistrates must remember that God hath giuen them to bee nursing fathers to the Church Esa. 60.10.11 2. Chro. 34.33 and 35.3 c. And here is matter of singular consolation for all the true members of the true Church if they consider First the loue of Christ toward them Hee affecting them as a Spouse or Wife 2. Corint 11.2 Reuel 19.7 Secondly the fellowship they haue with Christ 1. Cor. 1.9 God is faithfull by whom ye are called into the fellowship of his Sonne Iesus Christ our Lord c. Thirdly the care of Christ for their sanctification Eph. 5.25.26 Christ loued the Church and gaue himselfe for it that he might sanctifie it and clense it by the washing of water through the word Fourthly the roiall furniture with the which from Christ they are clad being not destitute of any heauenly gifts 1. Cor. 1.7 So yee are not destitute of any gift waiting for the appearing of our Lord Iesus Christ. Ephes. 1.3 Blessed be God euen the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ which hath blessed vs with all spirituall blessing in heauenly things in Christ. Col. 2.19 All the body furnished and knit together by ioynts bands increaseth with the increasing of God Fifthly their safetie in al their warfarings and their conquest and deliuerance out of all their troubles and their assurance of full happinesse in the end Rom. 8.37 Neuerthelesse in all these things wee are more then conquerours through him that loued vs Vers. 38. For I am perswaded that neither life nor death c. Vers. 39. Shall be able to separate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. Col. 1.18 And he is the Head of the body of the Church he is the beginning and the first borne of the dead that in all things hee might haue the preeminence 1. Pet. 5.10 The God of all grace which hath called vs vnto his eternall glory by Christ Iesus after that ye haue suffered a little will make you perfect confirme strengthen and stablish you c. And all this should comfort the more 1. If we remember what wee were and are in our selues The Church is black Cantic 1.4 And the daughter of Pharaoh Psal. 45. and Christ found her out first in her blood Ezech. 16.6 2. If we consider that there is no accepting of persons but the Eunuches and the strangers may be admitted into the Church as well as the children of the Kingdome Isaiah 56.3 Let not the son of the stranger which is ioyned to the Lord speake and say the Lord hath surely separate me from his people neither let the Eunuch say Behold I am a dry tree c. CHAP. XXIV Of Iustification HItherto of
Gospell 2. Thes. 1.8 In flaming fier rendring vengeance vnto them that doe not know God and which obey not vnto the Gospell of our Lord Iesus Christ. And thus for terrour Lastly the doctrine of the last iudgement should be exceeding comfortable to al the godly and that in many respects First if they shall consider who shall be their Iudge euen he that is their brother husband aduocate head and redeemer hee that was iudged for their sakes and therefore they neede to feare no hard sentence from him Secondly if they consider the present assurance of hope For first hath not Christ giuen them many promises that it shal goe well with them at that day 2. Hath not Christ iustified them already and absolued thē from all their sinnes Rom. 3.24.25 3. Haue they not receiued the earnest of the spirit and the seale of the Sacraments 2. Cor. 1.21.22 2. Cor. 5.5 4. Haue they not iudged themselues and therefore are they not free from condemnation with the world 1. Cor. 11.31.32 5. They haue been iudged already the afflictions of this life will be accounted sufficient vnto them 1. Pet. 4.17 They may trust their soules to God and that God that hath begun his good worke in them will performe it till the day of Christ Philip. 1.5.6 1. Cor. 1.8 Thirdly if they consider the benefits they shall attaine vnto at that day for Christ will bee made maruellous in all them that beleeue 2. Thes. 1.10 They shall haue honour and praise their innocency shall be cleared and their miseries and sinnes ended And when Christ shall appeare then shall we also appeare with him in glory Colos. 3.4 Fourthly if they consider the circumstances of the Iudgment as 1. The neernesse of the time should make them hold vp their heads Matth. 24.22.33 Philip. 4.5 Let your patient mind be knowne vnto all men the Lord is at hand Iam. 5.8 Be ye also patient therfore and settle your hearts for the comming of the Lord draweth neere 2. The greatnesse of the assembly before whom they shall bee so much graced by Christ they shall be honoured before all men and Angels 3. The condition of the sentence it shall be a finall sentence neuer to bee reuoked but acknowledged to all eternity 4. And besides they shall haue this fauour that nothing shall bee remembred but goodnesse in good men their sinnes shall not bee mentioned vnto them Matth. 25. CHAP. XXVIII Of the glory of heauen 1. Cor. 2.9 But as it is written The things which eye hath not seene neither eare hath heard neither came into mans heart are which God hath prepared for them that loue him HItherto of the principles that concerne the resurrection the last iudgement The principles that concerne the glory of heauen follow There are foure principles concerning the glory of heauen The first concernes the greatnesse of it It is vnspeakable and in respect of vs heere on earth incomprehensible 1. Cor. 2.9 as in the beginning 1. Ioh. 3.2 Dearly beloued now are we the sonnes of God but yet it doth not appeare what we shall bee and we know that when we shall appeare we shall be like him for wee shall see him as he is Colos. 3.3.4 For yee are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God When Christ which is our life shall appeare then shall wee also appeare with him in glory 2. Cor. 12.4 How that hee was taken vp into Paradise and heard words which cannot bee spoken which are not possible for man to vtter Reuel 2.17 Let him that hath an eare heare what the spirit saith vnto the Churches to him that ouercommeth will I giue to eate of the manna that is hid and will giue him a white stone and in the stone a new name written which no man knoweth sauing he that receiueth it Psal. 16.11 Thou wilt shew me the path of life in thy presence is the fulnesse of ioy and at thy right hand there are pleasures for euermore Psalm 31.19 How great is thy goodnesse which thou hast laid vp for them that feare thee and done to them that trust in thee euen before the sonnes of men The second concernes the continuance of it and so it is eternall and therefore is this life called eternall life and immortality Matthew 25. vers 46. And these shall goe into euerlasting paine and the righteous into life eternall 2. Timoth. 1.10 But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Sauiour Iesus Christ who hath abolished death and hath brought life and immortality vnto light through the Gospell 1. Pet. 1.4 To an inheritance immortall and vndefiled and that fadeth not away reserued in heauen for you c. 2. Cor. 5.1 For wee know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle be destroyed we haue a building giuen of God that is an house not made with hands but eternall in the heauens The third concernes the cause of it Heauen is the gift of God and proceeds onely from his free grace and not for any merit in vs Luk. 12.32 Feare not little flocke for it is your Fathers pleasure to giue you a kingdome Titus 3.4 But when the bountifulnesse and loue of God our Sauiour toward man appeared not for our righteousnesse but according to his mercy he saued vs c. Ioh. 3.16 For God so loued the world that he hath giuen his onely begotten Sonne that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life Rom. 6.23 For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternall life through Iesus Christ our Lord c. 1. Pet. 1. all the chapter The fourth concernes the persons that shall enioy it the elect of God onely obtaine this glory 1. Cor. 15.50 c. This say I brethren that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdome of God neither doth corruption inherit incorruption Reuel 21.27 And there shall enter into it none vncleane thing neither whatsoeuer worketh abomination or lies but they which are written in the Lambes booke of life 1. Cor. 6.9 Know ye not that the vnrighteous shall not inherit the kingdome of God be not deceiued Neither fornicators nor Idolaters nor adulterers nor wantons nor buggeres c. Rom. 2.7 That is to them which by continuance in well doing seeke glory and honour and immortality eternall life 10. But to euery man that doth good shall be glory and honour and peace to the Iew first and also to the Grecian The vses follow and are either for instruction or for consolation First for instruction and then the doctrine of the glory of heauen should worke diuers impressions vpon our hearts 1. We should with all earnestnesse importune God to enable vs to behold by the effectualnesse of contemplation the greatnesse of that felicity is prouided for vs in heauen wee are naturally extreamly vnable for the contemplation of it wee should beseech God by his spirit to force open our eyes and make vs able to stand and gaze with admiration at
trust in God 5. As any are more godly so they must know they shall bee more assaulted Thus for instruction This doctrine of the fall hath matter in it of extreame humiliation in that eternall shame lies vpon our nature by this vile offence both in respect of the extremity of our losse and the fearfull displeasure of God Lastly it may comfort the godly to thinke of their estate by Christ hauing receiued the assurance of a better condition then euer they could haue had in Adam and the rather because they are now confirmed as the Angels of heauen that they can neuer fall from the happinesse they haue in Christ. CHAP. IX Of Sinne. Rom. 5.12 Wherefore as by one man sinne entred into the world and death by sinne and so death went ouer all men for as much as all men haue sinned c. HItherto of the cause of our misery The parts follow viz. 1. Sinne. 2. Punishment The principles concerning sin are First that all men haue sinned Psalm The foole hath said in his heart there is no God they haue corrupted and done an abominable worke there is none that doth good The Lord looked downe from heauen vpon the children of men to see if there were any that would vnderstand and seeke God All are gone out of the way they are all corrupt there is none that doth good no not one Prou. 20.9 Who can say I haue made mine heart cleane I am cleane from my sinne 1. King 8.46 There is no man that sinneth not c. Eccles. 7.22 Surely there is no man iust in the earth that doth good and sinneth not Rom. 3.9 What then are wee more excellent No in no wise for we haue already proued that all both Iewes and Gentiles are vnder sin Iam. 3.2 For in many things we sinne all 1. Ioh. 1.8 If we say that we haue no sinne we deceiue our selues and the truth is not in vs. The second principle is that the nature of man is stained with sinne from the birth Iob 14.4 Who can bring a cleane thing out of filthinesse there is not one Iob 15.14 What is man that he should bee cleane and hee that is born of a womā that he shuld be iust Psal. 51.5 Behold I was borne in iniquity and in sin hath my mother conceiued me That this infection hath ouerspread the whole nature of man hence called the old man For explication of this principle we must consider that the nature of man is tainted 14. waies For there is in man by nature Extreame darknesse sightlesnes especially in the knowledge of God and happinesse Colos. 1.13 Who hath deliuered vs from the power of darknesse 1. Cor. 2.14 But the naturall man perceiueth not the things of the spirit of God for they are foolishnesse vnto him neither can hee know them because they are spiritually discerned Insensiblenesse and vnutterable hardnesse of heart Ephes. 4.18 Hauing their cogitation darkened and being strangers from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them because of the hardnesse of their heart c. Impotency and extreame disability to deliuer our owne soules or breake off our sinnes Esa. 44.20 He feedeth of ashes a seduced heart hath deceiued him that he cannot deliuer his soule nor say is there not a lie in my right hand Enmity to that which is good Rom. 8.7 For the wisedome of the flesh is enmity to God Rom. 7.23 But I see another law in my members rebelling against the law of my mind and leading me captiue vnto the law of sin which is in my members 5. Impurity foulnes filthines all ouer Tit. 1● 5. Vnto them that are defiled 〈◊〉 ●●beleeuing is nothing pure 〈◊〉 euen their mindes and conscien●● are defiled Psal. 14.3 All are gone out of the way they are all corrupt there is none that doth good no not one 6. Abundance of false principles 7. Pronenesse to al sorts of euil Rom. 7.14.21 For we know that the law is spirituall but I am carnall sold vnder sinne I finde then by the law that when I would do good euill is present with me c. Concupiscence Want of all righteousnesse defects of the loue feare Ioy. c in God so of mercy c Psalm 14.3 All are gone out of the way they are all corrupt there is none that doth good no not one c. Rom. 3.10 As it is written There is none righteous no not one The members are naturally seruants of sinne so the senses Rom. 6.13.16 c. Neither giue you your members as weapons of vnrighteousnesse vnto sinne c. Know ye not that to whomsoeuer ye giue your selues as seruants to obey his seruants you are to whom ye obey whether it bee of sinne vnto death or of obedience vnto righteousnesse c. A seruile will a will that apprehends no liberty but in sinning Rom. 7.14 A natural aptnesse to be scandalized so as Christ himselfe is an offence a rocke of offence 1. Cor. 8.7 1. Pet. 2.6 A naturall sauouring and relishing of the things of Satan Ephes. 2.2 Wherein in time past you walked according to the course of this world and after the prince that ruleth in the ayre euen the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience This hath been euer since the first tentation in Paradise Corruption of memory Forgetting Good Retaining Euill A naturall dis-union one from another lusts of disagreement shunning all harty communion with others through dislike and self-selfe-loue Iam. 4.1 From whence are warres and contentions amongst you are they not hence euen of your lusts that fight in your members These things proue that wee haue all vile natures that there is not one of a good nature in the world by nature The fourth principle is that besides these sinnes that sticke fast vpon our natures euery man is guilty of horrible and many and vile actuall sinnes Psalm 14. 1.2.3 They haue corrupted and done an abominable worke c. Iob. 15.15.16 Behold he found no stedfastnesse in his Saints yea the heauens are not cleane in his sight How much more is man abominable and filthy who drinketh iniquity like water Rom 3.12 They haue all gone out of the way c. Such as are 1. A world of euill thoughts Genes 6.5 When the Lord saw that the wickednesse of man was great in the earth and all the imaginations of the thoughts of his heart were only euill continually Atheisticall thoughts innumerable Impure thoughts innumerable Vaine thoughts innumerable Errours in all parts of Religion 2. Vile affections Impatiency Lust Anger Enuie Suspition Malice Worldly feare Trust Ioy Loue c. 3. Vile words bitter idle false flattering slādering proud filthy deceitfull scornfull censuring words 4. Atheisticall workes Psal. 14.1.3 as in many places before Against Gods worship in all the parts Against the Sabbath In our particular and generall calling At home and abroad Secret open Of omission and commission Of ignorance of knowledge Sudden and of custome In
are not the children of God but the children of promise are counted for the seed 3. By the sanctification of their afflictions euen by the many experiences of Gods loue in afflictions as when God comforts their hearts in the midst of distresse when they come to him making their mone and when he turnes the crosse to a blessing to them making them more humble by it exercising their gifts purging out their sinne c. and at the length giuing gracious deliuerances causing all to worke together for the best so as they themselues being Iudges they can say it was good for me that I was afflicted Rom. 8.28.29 Also we know that all things worke together for the best to them that loue God euen to them that are called of his purpose c. Psalm 119. in many places Now as God manifests his owne choie by these and such like signes so the godly make sure their owne election by diuers markes of it as generally by the sanctification of the Spirit and beliefe of the truth 2. Thes. 2.13 But we ought to giue thanks alway to God for you brethren beloued of the Lord because that God hath from the beginning chosen you to saluation through sanctification of the Spirit and the faith of truth so in particular 1. By the vertues of Christ which more or lesse in some measure shine in them such as are humilitie piety knowledge temperance and contempt of the world patience in aduersitie and other excellent sauing graces in them 2. Pet. 1. Pet. 2.9 By their fruits you may know them Ioh. 15.16 2. Secondly by the affections of godlinesse that are in them aboue al others Ephes. 1.5 1. Ioh. 3.14 They approue themselues to be elect by loue that is by their great affections to God to the word of God and his ordinances and by their brotherly kindnesse to the godly and this loue is the more euident marke when it lasts euen in affliction when no distresses makes vs abate of our affection to God or good things or good men Rom. 8.28 3. By their Priesthood Gods elect are a kingdome of Priests they offer God daily sacrifice they haue the spirit of prayer they daily mortifie the beast their sinnes vpon the Altar of Christ crucified So then by their praying and their mortification Gods elect may bee euidently knowne 1. Pet. 2.9.10 4. Fourthly they are vsually knowne by the opposition of the world If they were of the world the world would spare and loue his owne but because they are chosen out of the world therefore the world hates them and pursues them with reproches and indignations of all sorts Ioh. 15.18.19 If the world hate you you know that it hated mee before you If ye were of the world the world would loue his owne but because ye are not of the world but I haue chosen you out of the world therefore the world hateth you 5. Lastly this doctrine of Election should fill the hearts of all the godly with vnspeakable reioycing Euerlasting ioy should be vpon their heads and sorrow and mourning should fly away and the rather if they consider the maruellous priuiledges of their Election and the wonderfull happinesse vnto which they are chosen of God For if by the former signes thou know thy selfe to be one of Gods Elect. 1. First thou art sure of thy saluation and the glory of heauen when thou diest 2. Thessal 2.13.14 Whereunto hee called you by the Gospell to obtaine the glory of our Lord Iesus Christ. 2. The loue of God to thee is vnchangeable God will neuer cast off the people whom he hath chosen Rom. 11.2 God hath not cast away his people whom hee knew before 3. Thou art sure of gratious entertainment in Gods house and sweete communion with God whilest thou liuest Psal. 65.4 Blessed is he whom thou chusest and causest to come to thee he shall dwell in thy courts and we shall bee satisfied with the pleasures of thine house euen of thine holy Temple Esa. 65.13.14 Therefore thus saith the Lord God behold my seruants shall eate and ye shall bee hungry behold my seruants shall drink and ye shall bee thirsty behold my seruants shall reioyce and ye shall be ashamed Behold my seruants shall sing for ioy of heart and ye shall cry for sorrow of heart and shall howle for vexation of mind 4. Thou shalt be sure of protection against all aduersaries that dare or can rise vp against thee Esa. Feare thou not for I am with thee bee not afraid for I am thy God I will strengthen thee and helpe thee and will sustaine thee with the right hand of my iustice Behold all they that prouoke thee shall bee ashamed and confounded they shall bee as nothing and they that striue with thee shall perish 5. Fifthly all thy afflictions shall be sweetned vnto thee and work together for the best Rom. 8.28 Also we know that all things worke together for the best vnto them that loue God euen to them that are called of his purpose 6. In all thy suites to God thou art sure of audience and compassionate respect howsoeuer thou bee neglected in the world Ioh. 15.16 Yee haue not chosen mee but I haue chosen you and ordained you that yee goe and bring forth fruit and that your fruit remaine that whatsoeuer ye shal aske of the Father in my name hee may giue it you 7. Christ will graciously communicate to thee the secrets of God and the mysteries of the kingdome vsing thee therein as a most deare and carefull friend Ioh. 15.16 as before 8. Lastly all complaints brought vnto God against thee are sure to be non-suted and cast out so as nothing can bee laid to thy charge nothing can condemne thee in as much as Christ hath paid all thy debts and sitteth at the right hand of God to make request for thee Rom. 8.33 Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods chosen It is God that iustifieth c. CHAP. XII Of Christ. Act. 4.12 Neither is there saluation in any other for among men there is giuen none other name vnder heauen whereby we must be saued HItherto of Election The second fundamentall meanes of grace is Christ concerning whom the principles respect either 1. His Person 2. His office The principles concerning his person looke either 1. Vpon his diuine nature 2. or vpon his humane The principle that concernes his diuine nature is this That Iesus Christ is very God and that he is God may be proued 1. First by testimony of Scripture Esa. 9.6 For vnto vs a child is borne and vnto vs a sonne is giuen and he shall call his name wonderfull Counsellor the mighty God Ioh. 1.1 In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and that word was God Rom. 9.5 Of whom are the fathers and of whom concerning the flesh Christ came who is God ouer all blessed for euer Amen 1. Tim. 3.16 And without controuersie great
vngodly among them Rom. 14.9 For Christ therefore died and rose againe and reuiued that he might bee Lord both of the dead and the quicke c. 2. Cor. 5.10 For we must all appeare before the iudgement seate of Iesus Christ c. Ro. 14.10 We shall all appeare before the iudgmēt seat of Iesus Christ. Psalm 9.8 For hee shall iudge the world Obiect All men are beleeuers or vnbeleeuers now the beleeuers shall not come vnto iudgement as appeares Ioh. 5.24 Verily verily I say vnto you he that heareth my word and beleeueth in him that sent me hath euerlasting life and shall not come into condemnation but hath passed from death vnto life And the vnbeleeuer is condemned already Ioh. 3.18 He that beleeueth not is condemned already Solution The beleeuer shall not come into the iudgement of condemnation and the vnbeleeuer is condemned already in effect and substance 1. In the counsell of God 2. In the word of God 3. In his owne conscience but yet the manifestation and finishing of this iudgement remaines vnto the last day Fourthly all the secret things of mens natures or workes shall be brought to light Luk. 8.17 For nothing is secret that shall not be euident neither any thing hid that shall not be knowne and come to light 1. Cor. 4.5 Therefore iudge nothing before the time vntill the Lord come who will lighten things that are hid in darknesse and make the counsels of the heart manifest Rom. 2.16 At that day God shall iudge the secrets of men by Iesus Christ. And therefore called a day of reuelation or declaration Rom. 2.5 Fifthly it shall bee at the last day but the precise day and houre is not knowne to any men or Angels the proofe for the like principle concerning the resurrection serues for this place Mat. 24.36 Sixthly the iudgement shall be most iust and righteous and all shall confesse it Rom. 14.10 But why dost thou iudge thy brother or why dost thou despise thy brother for we shall all appeare bofore the iudgement seat of Christ. 2. Tim. 4.8 For henceforth is laid vp for me the crowne of righteousnesse which the Lord the righteous iudge shall giue me at that day and not to me onely but vnto all them also which loue his appearing c. Rom. 2.5 But thou after thine hardnesse hart that canot repent heapest vnto thy selfe wrath against the day of wrath and of the declaration of the iust iudgement of God Psalm 9.8 For he shall iudge the world with righteousnesse and shall iudge the people with equitie Seuenthly the iudgement shall bee according to mens workes 2. Cor. 5.10 Euery man shall receiue the things which are done in his body according to that he hath done whether it be good or euill c. Rom. 2.6 Who will reward euery man according to his workes Obiect Wee are iustified by faith alone without workes Solution 1. Workes are inquired after in the last iudgement as the signes of faith and vnbeleefe Sol. 2. We are iustified by faith onely but shall bee iudged by faith and workes both together For that iudgement doth not serue to make men iust that are vniust but only to manifest them to be so indeed which were so in this life being truly iustified The consideration whereof should serue for diuers vses and first for instruction and so it should teach vs First in generall speedily to repent vs of our sinnes and it should stirre vs to all possible care of holy life and to the loue of all well doing by which our reckoning might then bee furthered Act. 17.31 2. Pet. 3.11 Seeing therfore that all these things must bee dissolued what manner persons ought ye to be in holy conuersation and godlinesse 14. Wherfore beloued seeing you look for such things be diligent that yee may bee found of him in peace without spot and blamelesse Philip. 1.10 That ye may discerne things that differ one from another that yee may bee pure and without offence vntill the day of Christ. Tit. 2.12.13 And teacheth vs that wee should denie vngodlinesse and worldly lusts and that we should liue s●berly and ●ighteously and godly in this present world Looking for the blessed hope and appearing of the glory of the mighty God and of our Sauiour Iesus Christ. Secondly in particular it should teach vs 1. Not to doate vpon earthly things seeing they must all bee consumed in that day in the fier 2. To bee patient vnder all wrongs seeing wee are assured there shal be vengeance rendred at that day 2. Thes. Iam. 5.6.7 Phil. 4.5 Thirdly to take heed of rashnesse in iudging other men and men offend in censuring 1. When they inflict censures and meddle ouer busily or curiously with them that bee without 1. Cor. 5.12 For what haue I to do to iudge them which are without 2. When men speake euill of that which is good and call good euill Esa. 5.20 Woe vnto them that speake good of euill and euill of good which put darknes for light and light for darknes that put bitter for sweet sweet for sowre 3. Whē men iudge of things doubtfull as the hiddē things of the heart the secret things of darknes 1. Cor. 4.5 Therefore iudge nothing before the time vntill the Lord come who wil lightē things that are hid in darknes and make the coūsels of the hart manifest And censure things in the worst sense 4. When men vncharitably censure others about things indifferent Rom. 14.3.4 Let not him that eateth despise him that eateth not and let not him which eateth not iudge him that eateth for God hath receiued him 4. Who art thou that condemnest another mans seruant he standeth or falleth to his owne master yea he shall be established for God is able to make him stand c. 13. Let vs not therefore iudge one another any more but vse your iudgement rather in this that no man put an occasion to fall or a stumbling blocke before his brother 5. When men commit what they condemne Rom. 2.1.2 Therefore thou art inexcusable O man whosoeuer thou art that iudgest for in that thou iudgest another thou condemnest thy selfe for thou that iudgest dost the same things But we know that the iudgement of God is according to truth against them which commit such things Or being guilty of greater faults condemne others for lesser Mat. Iudge not that ye bee not iudged And why seest thou the mote that is in thy brothers eye and perceiuest not the beame that is in thine owne eye c. 6. When men make a fault worse then it is Fourthly it should strike a feare into our hearts concerning God and his dreadfull Maiesty and Iustice and make vs afraid to offend him and seeke by all meanes to glorifie him whatsoeuer become of vs and the world Reuel 14.7 Saying with a loud voice feare God and giue glory to him for the houre of his iudgement is come and worship him that made heauen and earth
and not to mee onely but vnto all them also that loue his appearing Reuel 21.24 And the people which are saued shall walke in the light of it and the Kings of the earth shall bring their glory and honour vnto it Which as it imports a perfection of splendor in euery Saint so it doth not dissolue the degrees or orders of glory euery man shall bee aduanced in his owne lot Dan. 12.13 But goe thou thy way till the end be for thou shalt rest and stand vp in thy lot at the end of the dayes 1. Cor. 15.40 There are also heauenly bodies and earthly bodies but the glory of the heauenly is one and the glory of the earthly is another Patriarches Prophets Euangelists Martyrs shall not want their eminency in heauen The fourth is dominion and rule ouer all creatures that which we lost in Adam shall be perfectly restored in heauen after the last iudgement Reuel 2.26 For hee that ouercommeth and keepeth my words vnto the end to him will I giue power ouer nations The fifth is possession of all the pleasures which are at Gods right hand vnutterable ioyes riuers of pleasures This is that which in a sparing language is called the time of refreshing Act. 3.19 Amend your liues therefore and turne that your sinnes may be put away when the time of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord. Psalm 16.11 Thou wilt shew me the path of life in thy presence is the fulnesse of ioy and at thy right hand there are pleasures for euermore For if the ioy of the godly in this life be called 1. Pet. 1.17 A ioy vnspeakable and glorious And if the Lord giue them drink out of the riuer of thy pleasures in this world as Psal. 36.8.9 How much more shall it exceed all language in heauen called the masters ioy The felicities which I haue here mentioned are for the most part common both to soule and body Now there is a peculiar felicity in heauen belonging to the bodies of men which consists in that maruellous transfiguration of them to a condition in respect of qualities farre aboue what they are or can be in this world Our bodies in generall shall be made like the glorious body of Christ though on earth they are but vile Philip. 3.21 Who shall change our vile body that it may be fashioned like vnto his glorious body according to the working wherby hee is able euen to subdue all things vnto himselfe They shall enioy eternall health but of the glory of the body I haue entreated before in the vse of the doctrine of the Resurrection Thus of the parts of this glory The Adiuncts of it follow And so there bee foure things in the consideration of the glory to come should much affect vs. First that it is a glory vnspeakable that is it is so great that no language on earth can describe it For though we mention those foresaid parts of it yet our narrow hearts and mouthes are infinitely straitned in comparison of the full glory of man in these things 1 Cor. 2.9 But as it is written The things which eye hath not seene neither eare hath heard neither came into mans heart are which God hath prepared for them that loue him c. Secondly that it is certaine and we cannot be disappointed of it else it were vncomfortable to heare of so much felicitie and holinesse and yet not bee sure to possesse it The certaintie of it that God will bestow such glory may appeare diuers waies 1. There is an act or ordinance for it in Gods eternall Counsell 2. Tim. 2.19 But the foundation of God remaineth sure and hath this seale The Lord knoweth who are his and Let euery one that calleth on the name of Christ depart from iniquitie Ephes. 1.4 As he hath chosen vs in him before the foundation of the world that wee should bee holy and without blame before him in loue Rom. 8.30 Moreouer whom he predestinate them also he called and whom he called them also he iustified and whom hee iustified them he also glorified Matth. 25.34 Come ye blessed of my Father inherit ye the Kingdome prepared for you from the foundations of the world 2. Christ purchased it with his blood Ephes. 1.14 3. Christ hath made intercession when he was on earth vnto his Father that hee might haue his redeemed Ones to be where he is Iohn 17.11 And now am I no more in the world but these are in the world and I come to thee holy Father keepe them in thy name Vers. 24. Father I will that they which thou hast giuen mee bee with me euen where I am that they may behold my glory which thou hast giuen me for thou louedst me before the foundation of the world 4. God hath made vs many promises and giuen vs not onely his word but his oth to assure it vnto vs Heb. 6.17 So God willing more abundantly to shew vnto the heires of promise the stablenesse of his Counsell bound himselfe by an oath Vers. 18. That by two immutable things wherein it is impossible that God should lie we might haue strong consolation which haue our refuge to hold fast the hope that is set before vs c. 5. He hath sealed to it not only in the Sacrament but by his spirit which will bee our witnesse and is our earnest Ephes. 1.13 Wherein also after that yee beleeued you were sealed with the holy Spirit of promise Vers. 14. Which is the earnest of our inheritance vntill the redemption of the possession purchased vnto the praise of his glory 6. He hath begun eternall life in vs already 7. Christ is gone into heauen of purpose to prouide a place ready for vs Ioh. 14.3 And though I goe to prepare a place for you I will come againe and receiue you vnto my selfe that where I am there may ye be also Heb. 10.19 Seeing therefore bretheren that by the blood of Iesus we may be bold to enter into the holy place Vers. 20. By the new and liuing way which he hath prepared for vs through the vale which is his flesh Thus of the certaintie of it The third thing is the eternitie of it all this glory were the lesse if it were thought it would euer end but it shall neuer end for 1. Nothing of it shall be lost or decay 2. There shall bee no death there for death and hell are cast into the lake of fier 3. There shall be no old age or withering condition in men that possesse it it withers not 1. Pet. 1.4 To an inheritance immortall and vndefiled and that fadeth not away reserued in heauen for you 4. God being all in all there shal be no wearinesse no fulnesse of affections or satietie no loathing Diuines are wont to shadow out eternity by the similitude of a little bird drinking vp a drop of water out of the sea if euery ten thousand yeeres the bird should come drink vp but one drop yet the sea might bee dry at length but yet this lasting of the sea is nothing in comparison to the lasting of the glory of heauen Fourthly and vnto these may bee added the proximity of it the day of the Lord is at hand It were some lessening of our happines if it were a long time to it FINIS ERRATA Pag. 4. lin 22. for Praises reade Oracles p. 51. l. 4. r. by a perpetuall decree p. 74. l. 16. put out a. p. 107. l. 17. r. vp for vpon p. 108. l. 16. for Sould r Should p. 407. l. 4 r. wrinckle p. 434. l. 17.21 and p. 435. l. 8 put out Sol and r. Secondly Thirdly Fourthly p. 486. l. 11. put out all the Chapter p. 499. l. 11. r. or secondly 3 Things intended in this Treatise The benefit of attending to this course The warrant of this course Question Answere Principles may bee knowne three waies The diuision of Principles according to their chiefe heads Two principles about the Scriptures The Scripturs are the very word of God proued by testimonies externall and internall Iohn 1.7 Prou. 30.6 Reuel 22.18 The vses 1. For instruction 2 For reproofe 1 Of the Papists in 4. things 2 Of Carnall Protestants 3 Of the godly 3 For triall 4 For consolation 4 Principles concerning God That there is a God is proued first by testimonies internall 2 By testimonies externall and so either in the world or in the Church 10 Glories in the nature of God The vses 1 For instruction If wee would study the glorious nature of God we must obserue 6. rules For humiliation For consolation Proofes for the Trinity Vses of the doctrine of the Trinity That there is but one God proued The vses 5 Principles concerning the Creation Vses 1 For information 6 Vses for instruction Vses for reproofe 7 Principles concerning Gods prouidence The vses 1 For information 11 Things admirable in Gods prouidence Vses for reproofe 8 Vses for instruction Vse for consolation Man was after the Image of God three waies The vses The speciall fauour of God to man in his Creation Duties 1 To God 2 To our selues 3 To other men 3 Principles concerning the fall of man 7 Things to shew the greatnesse of Adams sinne Obiect Answ. 3 Occasions of Apostasie 5 Degrees of the diuels tentation 4 Principles concerning sinne 14 Foule blemishes in euery mans nature 9 Vses for information 7 Things make ciuill honest men miserable 17. sorts of punishments inflicted on man for his sinne Eph. 5.14 1. Cor. 15. Act. 17.31 Rom. 5. ●2 c. and● 1 Mat. 11.29 1. Ioh. 2.1 Gal. 3.13 2. Cor. 5.17 Psa. 22.24 Question Answere Question Answere Question Answere Quest. Answ. Obiect Solution Obiect Solution Obiection Solution Iam. 2.5 What these things meane is vnknowne Rise first in soule