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A16539 The last battell of the soule in death diuided into eight cof̃erences ... : whereby are shown the diuerse skirmishes that are between the soule of man on his death-bedde, and the enemies of our saluation : carefullie digested for the comfort of the sicke / by Mr. Zachary Boyd, preacher of Gods word at Glasgow. Boyd, Zacharie, 1585?-1653. 1629 (1629) STC 3447; ESTC S881 434,219 1,336

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so fullie fraughted with all sortes of sins which like most filthie streames flow from the first fountaine or rather puddle of our originall sinne which wee haue from the Loynes of Adam Wee are all infected with this spirituall Leprosie there is nothing that can wash vs and make vs cleane saue onelie the Iordan of the blood of Iesus Besprinkle our consciences O LORD with the vertue of that Blood which cryeth for better things than the blood of Abel Seale vp thy Loue in our heartes by the blood of the Sealed man whom Thou the Father did seale and appoint to bring Life eternall to the world In him thou art well pleased In his Name and for his Loue wee begge thy fauour He himselfe hath tolde vs that what wee shall aske thee in his Name we shall receiue it O Father of mercies remember the promise of thy Sonne In confidence of his Command wee take the boldnesse at this time particularlie to put vp our prayers vnto thee for this thy diseased Seruant toss●…d to and f●…o with diuerse temptations Sathan the enemie of his Saluation the feare of Death the loue of the world and of worldlie things haue set themselues in Battell-array like armies betweene his Soule and the entrie of Heauen They haue maliciouslie ensnared his heart and taken his affections captiues with the immoderate loue of perishing thinges Oh how hath hee beene bewitched with the seeming sweetenesse of such vanities O Thou LORD IESVS the LORD of Life encourage him so with thy liuelie Spirit that he may be bold couragiously to face Death and the Graue Put these interrogations in his mouth O Death where is thy Sting O Graue where is thy victorie Cause thy Spirit whisper in his eare that thou hast put out the life of Death Cast into his rememberance the words wherewith Thou boasted Death and the Graue O Death I will be thy plagues O Graue I will bee thy destruction Let his Soule knowe that the Graue is a Bed of rest for all these that die in the LORD wherein they rest from their labours beeing at ease in peace without any toile or turmoile Worke in his heart a desire to be dissolued for to bee fred from the sinfull bonds of mortality for to goe dwell where hee shall neuer anger the Lord againe Let the Loue of Christ waine his heart from the desire of anie abiding heere O deare IESVS who was both buffeted slaine and buried for to saue man set the print and stampe of thy mercie vpon this Soule Seuer all his thoughts from all that is earthlie whether it bee Life Lands Children Houses or whatsoeuer other thing may allure him for to sojourne heere in a strange Land wherein wee are all strangers from God whom wee cannot see heere but behind Vntye his heart from the loue of this his natiue soile Purge him of this out-bearing humour O LORD flesh and blood will neuer teach a man to renounce his deare selte and such other carnall things wherewith hee is in phantasie The earthlie minde is so lumpish that it wearieth to thinke of thee and of the pleasures of thy Palace A carnall hearte is euer rouing and wandering heere about this worlds businesse Martha is a mother of many Children who trouble themselues about many thinges But few are these that with Marie can fold their heart for to sit downe at the feete of IESVS for to make choise of that best part which should neuer bee taken from them Thou to whō nothing is impossible draw this Soule vnto thee make the bent of his affection to bee vpon thee O great IEHOVAH thou hast heard and seene how carnall temptations haue teared the Soule of thy Seruant this day in the bedde of his languishing Immoderat cares for thinges below haue depriued him of all rest and joyes which he should haue in thee Wee must confesse to thee and from his heart hee acknowledgeth to bee true that his minde hath beene too bent vpon such perishing shadowes which can not bee gripped Such trashes of no worth haue taken too much roome into his heart Hee who is not content to quite all for to come to thee is not worthie of thee But LORD if mans Saluation were grounded vpon the sand of his owne worthinesse such a building could not stand against the winds floodes of temptations But his Saluation shall neuer bee branled because it is builded vpon the euerlasting and most sure Rocke the foundation of thy Church O LORD wee faile all in many things If hitherto this thy Seruant hath not as hee should minded th●… thinges which are aboue but lodged in their place the desire of thinges below now in thy grea●… mercie inlighten his mistie mind●… and bee mercifull to him in th●… thing Make the flesh now to cede and giue place vnto the Spirit Let the heauens come in with the pledges of thy Loue which no mortall armes can fadome Come with thy Spirituall and diuine motions and fill therewith the chambers of his heart where earthlie thoughts had their abode Make his Soule to inuite thy Spirit to come in Saying with Laban Come in thou blessed of the Lord wherefore standest thou without O deare IESVS direct so all his thoughts that hee wearie himselfe no more with the desire of that which sooner or later heee must ●…orgoe Why should thornie cares for dust and clay choake the good motions of thy Spirit Let no such care cumber him any more for foolish fáding commoditie Dissolue this glew by which his heart is tyed to the ground In thy Light let him see Light whereby hee may perceiue how fraile fickle are all such transitorie trashes which beeing too much loued both coole our zeale and clogge our affections so that they can in no wise soare vp toward thee O blessed Sauiour in whom is the very pith sweetest marrow of Gods mercies make thy seruants heere to loue thee aboue all things in heauen or earth Make his heart to say Whom haue I in Heauen but thee Make him to loue thee for thy selfe and not for thine onelie which is but an hyred Loue Put in thine owne hand at the hole of the doore of his heart and let some droppes of the Mirrhe of thy mercie this night fall vpon the handle of the Barre that his Soule beeing affected therewith may runne out of the Chamber of sleepe for to seeke him who loueth his Soule euen his blessed Sauiour the LORD IESVS Bee mercifull to all thine afflicted members in the Church militant fighting vnder the bloodie Banner of the LORD IESVS CHRIST The Church is thy Spouse keep her as the Apple of thine eye make all her members with one minde and one mouth to glorifie thy Name Blesse our gracious Soueraigne the Kings Majestie with thy best blessings Adorne him with spirituall Graces and giftes wherewith hee may please thee in his whole carriage both Ecclesiastice and Ciuill Make Iustice and Iudgement the habitation
subject vnto changes lik the Moone Crownes haue their composse triumphs haue their tombes All our sweetest thinges in end proue but honied poyson Thus all that yee see heere below is vnconstant The greatest kingdomes are turned about as with whirling wheeles The Kinges vpon its spokes are marked vpon this ditt●… 〈◊〉 Regnabo regno regnam su●… 〈◊〉 sine regno One Prince is lying vpon his backe another hath a spok in his hand climing vp the Wheele The third is vpon the top The fourth is fallen hauing his heeles vp his head down All the things of this world are diuided into foure Either they lye low or they climbe they stand or they are fallen The poore man is lying vpon his backe without any helpe or hope Another is fall of climbing conceits The third beeing there where all would bee euen vpon the toppe the higher hee is mounted the greater is his fall He then falleth that another may stand in his place while hee againe is lifted vp hee must stand with feare and heare Let him that standeth take heede lest hee fall At last also to him the hādwritting commeth foorth that in Gods ballance he is found wanting that therfore his kingdome must bee taking from him Then all the pleasures of his wine of his whoores then all his feasting his mirth and his Musicke is turned into a trembling feuer which maketh all his joyntes to shiuer and his knees to smyte one against another Beholde and consider how the glorie of Kings the gods of this world is brought to destruction Though their heads bee golden their feete are but of clay like Nebuchadnezars image Gods litle stone cut out without hands is able to bruise grinde in powder their Golde Siluer Brasse Yron and Clay for the allaying of the pride of their peacocke feathers Hee can let them see the blacknesse of their feete None of them can stand before the winde of that voyce Returne ye Childrē of men Though their honours which they doe broach with so bold a face were reared aboue the highest cloudes and exalted aboue the starrie Skie yet must they descend at the Euening of their life and make their bed with the beggers in the dust Thus after they haue drunke vp the pleasures of this world as Behemoth the Riuer of Iordan they at last find all to be but vanitie and change When their houre is come they must quite all and make resignation of all into the hands of a new succession for to goe dwell in the Land of darknesse and shadow of death Who knewe the weight of their Crownes they would neuer be so sicke for them as King Ahab was for Nabothes vine yarde If of any man may bee said this is most true of him who is in highest places While his flesh is vpon him hee shall haue paine and his Soule within him shall mourne After that for a space hee hath feasted with Belshazzar and fatted himselfe against the day of slaughter with Wheat Wine and Oyle at last shall hee know but too late that no Feast is continuall but that of a good Conscience * Oh that great men while their minds with Dauid are beastlie would with Dauid goe to the Sanctuarie of God for to learne that if great men be not good men though they were Kinges they are sette in slipperie places Seeing Kings and Kingdomes are but vanitie what is that on earth that is not vaine There is nothing that can stretch to eternitie below In this world all men are strangers in their birth Pilgrimes in their life at last lik combersome guests by death they are thrust out at doores The language of Tabor was that It is good for vs to bee heere But the language of heauē proclaimed that Peter knew not what he said Striue to keepe euer your heart loose from the earth The glassie sea of this vvorld is neuer without tempests Hee that would haue his Soule wained from the loue of this world let him remember but these sixe things 1. What hee is in himselfe 2. What is within him 3. What is aboue him 4. VVhat is beneath him 5. What is before him 6. What is behind him Man in himselfe is but dust and ashes a cage of corruptiō Thrise with one breath is he called Earth earth earth Earth by creation sustentation and corruption saith Bernard Within him is a blind minde a peruerse will and most vile affections yea so that euerie imagination of the thoughts of his hearte are onelie euill continuallie Aboue is a weightie vengeance hanging by a small twined threed of Gods patience Below him is a fierie fornace and the smoking brimstone gulfe of euerlasting burnings Against him Sathan and sinne with their legions posting to and fro so that when one departeth it is but to fetch seuen others worse than himselfe Before him is nothing but miserie volumnes of woes and lamentations Those bee his Day-booke Behind him pale Death followeth with stealing steppes See vvhat a masse of miserie like an hudge armie besetteth and besiegeth the whole course of the life of man till death at last come with the dead stroke and separate the Soule from the lumpish heauinesse of clay Then they that die in the Lord are blessed yea saith the Spirit That they may rest from their labours But because the day is alreadie spent yee shall now carefullie thinke vpon that which hath beene said It was a speciall propertie required in Sacrifices fitte for God that they could chewe the cude I leaue that which ye haue heard vnto your nights meditations I pray God that by his Spirit he would conuoy into the substance of that which your eare hath receiued Before I leaue you let vs all bend our knees vnto God in prayer that it would please his Highnesse to blinke downe vpon you with a reconcealed face His boundlesse and bottomelesse mercies did neuer yet know how to breake a bruised reed or quench a smoaking flaxe Let vs pray A Prayer for the sicke Man O LORD the GOD of the Spirits of all flesh the preseruer of men in whō is both power for to saue and to destroy Thou art the true Teacher of Israel Thou hast the keyes of Heauen of Hell and of the Graue Come and cast the armes of thy mercie about this sorrow-beaten sinner Rejoyce him with the comforts of thy Spirit Inspire him with holy motions and with the life of Grace till hee bee made partaker of the diuine Nature Thou hast alreadie made his heart to melt within him at the sight of his transgressions Thou hast sette all his sinnes in order before him This is out of thy great mercie wherby thou wold not suffer him to freeze in the dregs of his corruptions Now at last LORD after thou hast refined him in the fierie fornace of temptations send him
Creator Praised be the Name of the most High who hath borne and broken that vnspeakable burden of wrath where with yee were surcharged at our first meeting The sicke Man Amen Amen Blessed bee the Name of Iesus At that Name the knees of my Soule bowe in a most humble manner to the ground for to kisse it with my mouth a thousand times vpon Conscience of my bygone miserie and of his present mercie All mine affections are set on foote and are so cheered and rauished with the loue of my God as no tongue can expresse O happie thrise happie change Once I feared damnation nowe Christ is my Saluation Once I sat in darknesse hee is now my Light Once I was in Death hee is now my Life Once I was in bondage hee is now my Libertie Once I was in want hee is now my Wealth Once I was in sicknesse hee is nowe mine Health Once I was in shame hee is nowe my Glorie What shall I say mo●…e Hee is mine onelie Deare and and dearest heartes desire Hee is my strongest Tower I haue none other Arke to saue mee from the flood Mine heart is prepared mine heart is prepared Oh that I were where without let I shall sing Halleluiah for euer where all earthlie objects shall seeme but filthie abjects in comparison of him Now Sir I intreat you to conceiue another Prayer that thereby as by the Charet of Elijah my Soule may bee carried vp into Heauen Commend my Soule into the hands of Christ the Redeemer Yee the Lords Priest stand still with the Arke till my Soule hath passed the Iordan for to enter into Canaan O Lord Iesus pittie this poore Soule that panteth at thy feete draw it out of this clogge of clay B●…e with mee vnto the end Graue thine owne shape deepe within mine heart that it may bee in judgement as a piece of euidence that the Heauens are mine heritage O look vpon mee who am heere waiting vpon that blessed hope Comfort refresh mee with the sweetest breath of thy blessed Spirit Set my sillie Soule upon Pisga the sight hill of Canaan Guarde mee with the invinsible troopes of thine Angels O thou whose Name and Nature is mercie take my wearied Soule and lull it sweetelie in the softest armes of thy most tender compassions Ioyne your prayers vnto mine The effectuall feruant prayer of a righteous man auaileth much The Pastour According to your desire Sir wee shall worsle with God in prayer that your end may bee peace The Lord gather all our scattered thoughts that beeing as twisted together into one threede they may be like the three-fold corde which is not easilie broken powerfull to draw downe Gods Graces from aboue Let vs pray A Prayer for the sick mā O Lord settle earnest prayer in our Soules vpon true sense of our neede Let not our prayers be tumultuous Tune thou our words by thy Spirit while our lips walke make our hearts to moue Preserue vs from vaine babyling lest our prayers bee turned into sinne O God the God of all Spirites who hast the keyes of Heauen and of Hell Thou steeketh and no man openeth Thou openeth and no man steeketh Open now thy mercifull doores vnto this poore Soule which panteth after thee as the chassed Hart panteth after the water brookes Let none of his sinnes stand betweene thy face and him for to ecclipse his Soule the light of thy countenance Seale vp in his heart by thy Spirit the free full forgiuenes of all his transgressions Thou who by the vertue of thy death made the vaile of the Temple to rent for to mak an open way to the Holie of holies mak also the partition wall of all his iniquities to cleaue from the toppe to the bottome that his Soule remoued from his bodie may get entrie to the Highest and holiest of the Heauens where thine honour dwelleth Make thy Graces in him to growe like Elias his cloud which at the first no bigger than an hand at last by and by did ouer spread the whole skie Sanctifie his Soule and soften his heart with the diuine dew of thy Grace Say vnto his Soule I am thy Saluation Behold Lord his Soule is seeking thee let nothing in his search carie him on the by Keepe fast in his remembrance the blessed bloodie passion of his Redeemer Iesus When Death shall come let him die with thy Christ in his Armes Strengthen and increase his desire to be dissolued assuring him that it shal be much better for him Furnish him with strength whereby he may row against the strictest streams of all temptations till hee arriue into the hauen of the Heauens the sole and safe harberie of Saluation And seeing no vncleane thing can enter into Heauen Lord wash this thy seruant and wash him throughlie that by the vertue of thy Blood his sinnes though they were red like scarlet and crimson may bee made white like wooll and whiter than the snow Pull off his Soule the menstrous cloath of his owne righteousnes and cloth him with the righteousnes of him whose statelie style is THE LORD OVR RIGHT TEOVSNES Thou who hast alreadie added strength vnto his Faith while it was scant like a smoking flaxe let not the sparkle which once thou hast kindled for euer bee quenched Amid the sight of his sins make him to lay hold vpon the merite and full satisfaction of his Sauiour Let him with all the Faithfull receiue of that fulnesse and grace for grace And seeing nowe Lord hee is comming vnto thee thorow the snakie fielde of manie temptations lette his feete bee shod with the preparation of thy Gospel Thou Lord wilt neuer suffer anie that trust in thee to bee confounded Hee followed thee constantlie in his life nowe let thy Spirit tryst him at the houre of death Hee disclaimeth all hope of helpe by anie other than by thy selfe alone Though hee knoweth not perfectlie what to say yet his eyes are on thee Thou who is Alpha and Omega hast begunne this good worke in him crowne it with the perfection of thy goodnesse Let him more more feele that hee is euerlastinglie acquite by the Blood of the Lambe from the terrors of Gods Tribunall Refresh his Soule more and more with celestiall spirituall joyes proceeding from the Spirit of Grace Let him feele himselfe assuredlie knit vnited to thee O thou preseruer of men that in and by thee hee may be presented blamelesse before thy Majesties Iustice-seate Furnish his minde with light and his memorie with strength that hee may vnderstand and remember that Christes death is an absolute and all sufficient Sacrifice for remouing the guilt of all repenting sinners Shewe him a signe of thy loue Multiplie in his heart the pledges of thy kindnes Make him faithfull vnto death that hee may receiue the Crowne of life Thou hast alreadie subdued in him alloue and liking of this world
bee thankfull vnto thy good and gracious Lord O what tribulations am I come thorow O with what balmie comfortes hath the Lord asswadged the dolours of my Soule O my Soule I charge thee by the Roes and by the Hynds that thou haste thee vnto thy God in thy strongest affections Keepe nowe tryst with the Spirit of thy God who is now here waiting till thou bee readie The Pastour My Soule and all that is within mee praise the Lord for the powerfull working of his Spirite within you whereby hee hath made such a change as is wonderfull This particula●… remembereth mee of a certaine Martyre who beeing condemned to bee burnt could feele no working of the Spirit within his hearte till hee came neare to the stake But beeing once come there with a cry hee clapped his hands and crying out amaine said O Austen hee is come hee is come The Martyr was called Master Goner The sicke Man By the grace of God I hope shortlie to say as much My Soule is readie bent waiting for his comming O come Lord Iesus come Let this mine hungrie Soule win in now at the ports of thy Palace for to get a share of the mariage supper of the Lambe in hope already I feast vpon the joys of eternitie In my Soule is now the Charter of my Saluation sealed with that most pure and purifying Blood of the immaculate and spotlesse Lambe that came to take away the monstrous and menstrous sin●…es of the world In the vertue of his Blood is my strongest comfort and highest resolution By it alone all my blacke and bloodie sinnes are clensed from their crimsin colour The Pastour Indeede Sir it is onelie that Lambes Blood that can purge away sinne and iniquitie Though man should wash himselfe with nitre and take him much sope yet for all that shall his iniquitie bee marked before God except that hee bee bathed into this blood of sprinkling Seeing now your Charter is well sealed hold fast these writtings that nothing aboue or belowe no not principalities and powers bee able to wrest them out of your hands Happie is your heart now wherein is that white jewell of the Reuelation euen the white stone wherein is a new name which no man can knowe except the receiuer O the boundlesse bleeding bowels of Gods compassions O that infinite store-house of Christs merites and mercies which no sinne were they neuer so hainous can bee able to stint or restraine before the repenting sinner get a parte of that purchase Neither Death nor Life things present nor to come shall be able to with hold a mourning sinner from a share in our Lords dearest compassions Christ now Sir is readie to receiue ●…ou Make your selfe readie for him Lift vp your hea●… for your Redemption draweth neare The ende of your time and toile is fast comming The Angels of God are here waiting vpon your Soule which is now looking out to Christ as the morning faire as the Moone cleare as the Sunne and terrible as an Armie with Banners Wherevpon is your minde nowe fixed The sicke Man All mine affections are bended toward God O what shall bee able to hold or hinder me from hastening to my Lord the repairer of life the destroyer of death the conquerour of Heauen the vanquisher of Hell O my Sauiour come neerer yet vnto mee let my Soule creepe in by thy wounds euen to the verie bowels of thy mercie Warme it like a Chicken vnder the vvinges of thy loue The Pastour In Christ alone is Saluation Out of his side did issue the water that hath quenched the vnquencheable fyre of Gods wrath with the Blood that taketh away the sinnes of the world His holie Heart was racked his Armes of compassiō were stretched out vpon the Crosse for to declare to all repenting sinners the infinite widenesse of his mercies His sacred Head hang down bowed for to giue eare vnto the gronings of his prisoners His blessed Bowels rumbling with compassions rolled together made him to proclaime that Oyas of mercie Come vnto mee all yee that are wearied and ladened with sinne and I will ease you Much hath hee suffered for our cause Like a painefull labourer hee powred out sweate not onely of water but of blood at the working the great worke of mans Saluation At last by laying downe that Life of loue hee achieued the victorie ouer Sathan flesh the world all the enemies of mans Saluation Them all hee hath crushed and trodde vnder foote Stand fast by Iesus In Faith and Hope thrust your heart vpon him What now Sir thinke ye vpon The sicke Man Christ hath bund vp all my woūds he hath perfectlie closed them with the blessed Balme of his comfortes Now at the end of mine appointed time I am waiting earnestlie till my changing come I hope ere it be long to bee translated from grace to glory The Pastour O Lord set this Soule as a seale vpon thine Hearte and as a seale vpon thine Arme Out of thy great loue make this Soule beautifull as Tirzah comelie as Ierusalem terrible as armie with banners Thou Lord who crownest the yeare with thy goodnesse tak in thine hand the crowne of immortalitie in this Soule crowne thy graces with thy glorie Now Sir yee are neare the borders of Canaan three or foure steppes more would set you in that Land of life and loue The sicke Man Mine heart like an Hart braying after waters panteth after God O when shall I come and appeare before him Now mine heart shiuers within mee I am so sicke that I feare to faint The Pastour O Lord now be mercifull shew fauour toward this thy seruant Distill thy graces into his heart vvith a blessed influence from the Spirit of thy loue pull in all his spirits to Thee and thrust out all distractions O Lord of Life and Loue breath into his soule the life of immortalitie Take heede now vnto him ye who are neere about him for death now approacheth with its last assaultes in all appearance Looke well to him for hee seemeth to bee fallen into a sowne THE SICKE MAN IN A SOVVNE A SOLILOQVEE Or a priuie conference betweene the Soule and the bodie of the sicke Man lying in a sowne The Bodie MY Soule desireth thou now to leaue mee that haue borne thee about mee so manie yeares If thou goe from mee I must no longer remaine among the inhabitants of the world but incontinent after thy departure I a vassell of death must bee hid vnder the dust among crawling wormes farre from the eyes of the liuing These who were once glad to kisse my mouth shall abhorre to see my face Is not the Graue a Babel a place of confusion Doe not Iim and Zim resort there Doe not the Satyres and the Fairies daunce there Mine haire startes all vp for feare while I
anima mea egredere quid dubitas Egredere quid times His multis annis Christo Domino servisti ad huc mortem timebis O anima insignita Dei imagine decorata similitudine desponsata in fide dotata in spiritu redempta sanguine deputata cum Angelis capax beatitudinis haeres bonitatis rationis particeps quid tibi cum carne qua haud aliud vilius sterquilinium invenisti Augustin Vita haec misera est mors incerta si subito obrepat quo hinc exibimus Et ubi nobis discenda sunt quae hic negleximus Annon potius hujus negligentiae supplicia luenda sunt TEMPVS IN OPVS CVM VIventibus tum Morientibus vtilissimum A. D. ZACHARIA BODIO Glasguensis Ecclesiae Pastore adornatum AD LECTOREM Epigramma FOElix qui sancte potuit traducere vitam Et tandem extremum Sanctè obijsse diem Haec duo qui didicisse cupis tibi pandit vtrumque Hic Liber hunc animo volue revolue tuo Ad Authorem Libri distichon ejusdem Qui calamo qui voce doces vitaque perennè Vivore in aeternum vivito ZACHARIA IOHANNES BELVS Glasguensis Ecclesiae Pastor Academiae RECTOR AD VIRVM PIETATE Et eruditione praestantem D. ZACHARIAM BODIVM GLASGVENSIS Ecclesiae Pastorem de praeparatione ad mortem postquam ex deplorato morbo convaluisset Scribentem ERGO te nuper mortis de faucibus atrae Ereptum nobis reddidit Omnipotens Vt Doctus moriendi artem expertusque doceres Qua datur aetheream transitus adpatriam Qui bene vivendi toties praecepta dedisti Doctrinae reserans horrea plena sacrae Foelix Zacharia Doctor Sanctisima cuius Vox pariter Scripta consona vita docent IOHANNES STRANGIVS S. S. Theologiae D. Accademiae Glasguensis Praefectus IN DIVINA INTEGERrimi viri D. ZACHARIAE BODII Ecclesiastae non è multis meditamenta cum è desperatâ valetudine ad pristinam salutem revalu●…rat FRustra veternum sollicitas meum Bodi Thaliae ad munta barbitos Obmutet exurdante nostras Voce Scholae str●…perâ Camoenas Iam colligendas sarcinulas monet Quae vulsit aurem Mors modo pallida Laureta Cyrrhae Musicasque Thespiadum fugito choreas Tu perge Homeri carminis alite Laudande quò te mens ammi vocat Qui baccare lauro revinctos Castalio lavis amne crines Fatalis ex quo crudâ Hecates manu Attonsa pene est caesaries tibi Fato superstes reditusque Incolumis renovas duellum De morte partam appendis adoream Vtque Hydra secto corpore fortior Crevit revîxti ter triumpho Clarior spolijs opimis Qualis Caystri fluminis accola Morti propinquus dulciter incinit Melos supremum talis ista Naenia quâ superos remulces Macte indole istâ macte faventiâ Excude fructus uberis ingenî O aureum vere libellum Melle sacro sale temperatum Hoc amoris ergò scribebat Io. Rayus ludi publici litterarii Móderator Edinburgi THE LAST BATTELL of the Soule in death diuided into eight seuerall Conferences The first dayes conference Of carnall and worldlie temptations The sicke man MY Bodie is sicke my Soule is wounded Gods wrath is fearefull it burneth to the bottome of Hell The heate thereof already maketh my Soule to sweate I can find no Skrine or Sconce to set betweene mee and this fire Oh in all appearance I shall shortlie●…ee dissolued for to be brought before that great Tribunall Alas what terrours are these Sinne Sicknesse Death the Graue and an vnprepared Soule I tremble all like Belshazzar Mine heart is entangled with feares my knees shiuer and smite one against another Mine heart is pricked while I remember mine euill spent life While I had time to doe good I was of the frozen Generation Nowe Gods glowmes like Boanarges Sonnes of Thunder armed with fierie furie make heart and Soule to melt and to fall downe in droppes within my bowles Oh for a drop of water for to coole the boyling heate o●… mine heart Is there no man heere that can affoord me a word of comfort for to vphold mine heart into this heauie houre A spirituall Friend Sir I thinke it expedient that ye send for your Pastour the man of God that beareth the keyes of ●…he Kingdome of heauen It may bee that the good God shall put some words of comfort into his mouth whereby your wearied Soule shall bee refreshed* while the chosen Servants of God speake his words to the fainte heart the Lord putteth foorth a power to enable them to doe all that wherfore they are spoken So soone as S. Peter had spoken to the lamed man his feete and ancle bones receiued strength Though miracles cease now yet this shall bee true so long as the world standeth The effectuall feruent prayer of a rightcous man auaileth much Will it please you Sir that I goe for to fetch him The sicke Man Hee shall bee welcome vnto mee But alas while I might I frequented him too little I haunted rather the cōpanie of these that delighted mee with sportes and jests whereof now I haue no comfort Because I thought I could repent heereafter I did that whereof I may now repent and whereof indeed as I feare I shall repent but too late ●… This now puts my Soule into the dumps now al my foolish laughters are turned into mourning for I feare exceedinglie to die I tremble and tosse within this bed GOD alone knoweth what shall bee the end of this lingring tryall Goe Sir I pray you and desire the man of God to come and visite a bruised reede and a smoaking flaxe A spirituall Friend I goe for him presentlie I hope before hee leaue you yee shall find this tempest of temptations to growcalme In the meane-time till hee come I pray you to remember that all your paines are but a crosse sent before to crucifie the loue of the world In your greatest distresse striue to bee a Disciple of Iesus the Author and finisher of our Faith who for the joye that was set before him endured the crosse Bee not discouraged in your greatest smarts For reproofes of instruction are the way of life In your greatest feare remember the joy that is set before you The Pastour Sir hauing knowne of your disease by your godlie friend I am come to see you and to impart vnto you some spirituall comforts While the Soule is sore troubled thereis danger in delay A bruised Spiritis like a bone out of joynt the longer it be let alone the hardlier it is set If I had knowne of your sickenesse sooner I would haue visited you ere now The Sicke Man I rejoyce Sir to see you my Soule euer loued you But alas not as I should haue done If God should but at this time spare my life with the helpe of my God yee should see mee at once a farre changed man The Pastour Come Death come Life God maketh all
ground for Colewort or Cabbage for to liue vpon saying This will I giue thee for thy life-time But if afterward this Lord should say Fetch mee my good feruant out of his clattie Cottage and bring him to my Palace that he may eate at mine owne Table for euer Tell me if by the change that seruāt hath lost Would that seruant think yee say No Lord I will not come to thy Table for thou hast promised mee this Cottage-house for my life-time What Lord in the Land was euer troubled with such an answere And yet indeede it is so that God doeth with his faithfull seruantes when they die into the midst of their dayes When men are departed from this life it is the Lord that hath sent his messenger Death for to fetch their Soules from their bodies which Scripture calleth Tabernacles of clay vnto his heauenlie Mansions there for to banquet eternallie at his Table with Abraham Isaac and Iacob Now tell mee O man what haue yee lost for to goe from the Earth to the Heauens Is there any thing in this world of such worth that should make you desire to liue for to stay from your God but an houre The sicke Man That which yee say Sir is verie true But how few are these who in this world can gladlie condescend to depart out of this life The life is sweete The Pastour I confesse indeede that euery one hath not attained vnto this high degree of grace as to say with S. Paul I desire to bee dissolued c. Yet all the godlie will subscribe to this that all the faithfull are happie who are dissolued Though euerie man can not wish to die yet euerie man of God will say That Death is better than life Death is a salue which healeth vs of all our sores Is not Death Gods messenger sent for to pull the troubled Soule out of this sinfull world as Gods Angel pulled Lot out of S●…dom Is not our life heere a warfare Are we not here as Daniel was in the Dungeon among Lions Are not vvee here with Ieremie sticking fast into the myrie clay Are not wee heere with Israel into the House of bondage ouerburdened vvith sinne as they vvere vvith bricke Are we not heere with S. Paul vnder the bodie of Death And with Ioseph in the stockes not of tree but of sinne If it were well tolde a man what is heere and what hee may looke for in the life to come if hee had but a graine of grace as great as of Mustard seede hee should easilie discerne vvhereof to make choise Is not our life heere a wind and a vapour of vanitie But which is most of all to be considered Is there not heere a necessitie of sinning laide vpon all the liuing Who should not bee glad to bee fredde and ridde of these sinfull bondes Is not this life continuallie sicke of the filthie flooxe of sinne a most lothsome disease When wee seeke our daylie bread wee must immediatelie subjoyne forgiue vs our sinnes First as wee see heere wee must begge our bread and then pardon What then are wee heere but daylie beggers for the bellie The King must begge his bread from God In the Heauens there shall bee no begging but thanking of God for his benefites Who should for all that he can beg on Earth desire for to liue out of Heauen but one houre Are we not all heere vnder a corruptible burden a burden of corruption vnder which the Soule is pressed as a Cart full of sheaues So long as wee are heere our Soules are laden with sinnes A Soule burdened with such baggage runs on wheeles as it were downe an hill all post haste except that God stay it it shall neuer cease till it arriue in Hell where God shall breake it in sunder by the tempest of his wrath The sicke Man But Death is the wages of sinne who shall not feare The Pastour Indeed Death is such of the owne nature But God in great mercie hath made death to the godlie like the Raine-bow which being naturallie a signe of present raine by Gods Couenant becommeth a perpetuall signe of faire weather to come after that raine As throgh Death Christ wrought our Life so must wee bee killed for to bee made aliue The glorious Resurrection must bee through dust and corruption Our paines must goe before our pleasures and lashes before our laughters After that in come pleasures for euermore If wee had the faith of God wee should not much feare the smart of death which by Christ is made transitus ad vitam a passage vnto Life Let vs once passe thorow this Iordan and behold wee are in an instant in Canaan The sicke Man All that is true Sir No man can controle you yet naturallie all loue Life The Life is sweete The Pastour How sweete is it I pray you Is not our whole Life trouble and wearinesse What is our sleeping our resting our eating our drinking but a seruitude to the flesh Who should not desire to bee rid from such seruile necessities who for to bee free of such bondage should not renounce his deare selfe and all the loue of this irk some life To bee with Christ is it not our best Yea is it not our rest what shame is it for Christians to dote so after this present life who should haue learned to long after the life to come Christ came downe that wee might goe vp If wee desire not to goe vp wee know not wherefore hee came downe Hee came downe to bee a Seruant wee goe vp to bee Lords Hee came downe to bee hungrie wee goe vp to a perpetuall Feast Hee came downe to bee banished where hee had not wherevpon to lay his head we goe vp to dwell in Palaces of pleasures into euerlasting Tabernacles In a word hee came downe to distresse to sorrow to paine to miserie to fight against our enemies Deuils Death and temptations yea hee discended vnto Hell we goe vp to Ioy to Honour to Light to Life to Libertie to our Father to our Friends to our Sauiour and Comforter What shall I say more Euen to vnspeakable Glorie in Paradise with God his Angels What a folie is this that a man should desire to bee depriued of such Comforts for a puffe of breath Bee glad Sir to quite the ranke Onions of Egypt for that heauenlie Manna Sweete like Wafers made with honey The sicke Man If a man could bee fullie perswaded of that which ye say I think that hardlie could hee with-hold himselfe from putting hands into himselfe that so hee might change for the better If all that be why should any desire to stay from God but an houre If I may desire to bee dissolued why may I not dissolue my self The working out of a lawfull desire cannot bee vnlawfull The Pastour
is come to the dregges The image of the worlds vanitie is like that of Nebuchadnezars all gold and siluer in the vp most parts but in this last most corrupt age wee are come to the clay If wee bee wise we must seeke a new world in this olde world for this will neuer grow a better As the loue of Venisō wan Isaac to blesse one for another so if we loue this world with a blind loue for a morsell of its Venison wee will preferie it to Gods blessing All the dayes of this wretched life wee remaine in a fooles paradise But I leaue this I desire your earnestlie Sir that yee would let mee heare something more concerning olde Age which is a thing that euery man desireth to come vnto as if it were the best time of life The Pastour In this point appeareth the vanitie of man the weaknes of his wit Euery man would liue to be old and yet no man desireth to bee olde Let men say what they will I speake of naturall men all men desire to liue long which is to bee olde and yet they desire to remaine young * Their wrinkles their gray haires the companions of olde Age the end of their desires are vn welcome vnto them Then would they turne backe againe that with the Eagle they might cast their Bill whereby they might renew their youth Heare old Nestor who as Poets record had liued three ages a surfet of yeares Heare him with his wish O miht praeteritos referat si Iupiter annos Like a foolish Pyla●… while hee is at the mouth of his Harberie hee would raise vp the Sailes for to turne to the tempestuous sea againe See howe the olde man if hee get but a faire Sunne blinke of a weekes health after cloudes returning after the raine how hee will rejoyce as though it shuld neuer be foule weather againe Men may pyne themselues with desire of dayes But doe what they can their life is like one that saileth whether hee standeth or hee sitteth whether hee watch or sleepe hee is euer vpon his course The sicke Man Let it please you Sir to continue in that discourse The Pastour Solomon in the last lecture of the Booke of his preaching letteth the young man see the vanitie of many yeares In that place is most clearelie set downe how olde Age the end of our appointed time is enwrapped with a cloud of miseries as beeing a time wherevnto like waues in a Sea one trouble ariseth vpon the necke of another the latter beeing euer worse than the former till at last fluctus decumanus the last and the greatest waues of Death come and sweepe the man away The imaginarie sweetenesse of all earthly contentmentes is closed and concluded with a bitter Farewell In that Lecture the Preacher bringeth in the old man like a Skellet whereat in the presence of all yong men hee pointeth out all his infirmities saying vnto the young Ones Beholde if such a life bee so much to bee desired First of all hee pointeth at his dayes calling them The euill dayes 2. Hee toucheth his yeares calling them Yeares without pleasure 3. He speaketh of the moyst raw rainie winter of his colde old Age the dayes of sorrow vvherein clouds returne after the raine As one defluxtion hath rained downe another is arising like a cloude 4. Hee pointeth out all the imperfections of his bodie When olde Age is come then the keepers of the house tremble that is the handes which keepeth the bodie become sicke of the palsie they tremble so that they can not carry the cuppe to their heade Then the strong men bow themselues their legges are not able to beare them Then the grinders cease their teeth rotte and become mouldie so that they can eate no bread Then they waxe darke that looke out at the windowes their eyes become bleared and blind Then the doores shall bee shut in the streetes when the sound of the grinding is low when the teeth the mouthes grinders are rotten the lippes which are the doores of the streete of the mouth are shut so that the old man cannot speak so distinctlie as of before Then shall hee rise vp at the voyce of the Bird olde men cannot sleepe hee muste rise so soone as the Birds beginne to sing or his sleepe is so vnfound that the chirpe of a little Bird will w●…ken him Then shall all the daughters of singing bee abased neither can an olde man sing himselfe for lacke of voyce neither can hee heare others sing for deafenesse so both his wind pipes and his eares the daughters of singing are abased Thē shall he be afraide of the high thing he dar climbe no more hee is no more for Stares and vpper Chambers * Then feare shall bee in the way while they walke they tremble as one that is afraide to fall Then the Almond tree shall flourish their gray haires growe white like the flourishes and blossomes of an Almond Then a Grasse Hopper shall bee a burden they are so weake that they can beare nothing their knees are weak as water so that they are a burden vnto themselues See howe the weight of a grasse hopper which is little greater than a Bee is a burden to the man of yeares Then shall the siluer cord bee loosed and the golden bowle shall bee broken his Sinewes shall become slacke and his Gall shall breake Then shall the pitcher bee broken at the well the vaines shall draw no more blood out of the well of the Leuer Then shall the wheele bee broken at the Cisterne his Lightes become so ●…otten and riuen that he can no more draw any breath with his broken Bellowes See howe Death stealeth vpon vs with insensible degrees Behold O young man the anatomie of thy selfe when thou shal●… haue gottē thine hearts wil of years Heere is thy portrature drawen before hand Painters can portray but according as they see but tymes to come are present vnto God Heere is thy portrature for the dayes of olde age that is to come Beholde thy selfe in it before hand a receptacle of maladies See there thy balde head and thy bleared eyes and thy deafe eare and thy wrinkled face and thy rotten teeth and thy stinking breath hauing thy body bowed and crouched with thy third foote into thine hand Of thee may bee put out a Riddle What is it which hauing three feete walketh with one foote into its hand I shall assoile it It is an olde man going with a staffe To this let mee subjoyne another What is it that hath his stomacke into a Booste and his eyes into his pocket It is the same viz. An olde man fedde with boost Confections or cured with cōtinuall purgations hauing his Spectacles his eyes of glasse into a case His dayes are dayes of drousinesse
before the Lord Let vs all humble our selues heere before our Maker A Prayer for the sicke Man O LORD prepare our heartes to prayer Let vs not be rash with our mouth nor hastie with our heart to vtter any thing before Thee O glorious GOD and all mercifull Father which art the true Physicion both of Soule and bodie we must humblie bend our knees before Thee intreating thee to be with thy seruant heere whom thou hast now laide into this bedde of languishing Let not his sinnes whereof hee hath beene guiltie from his youth vp prouok thy wrath any more against him Knit them all in a bundle and cast them all behind thy mercifull back burie them al into the bottomlesse sea of thy compassions that they neither bee able to accuse him any more in this worlde nor yet to condemne him in the world to come Though his sinnes LORD were like Scarlet and Crimsin there is vertue into the Blood of thy Lambe to make them white like woole and whiter than the Snow For thy Sonnes sake remoue all his transgressions as far frō him as the East is from the west Hell LORD Destruction are before thee how much more the hearts of the Sonnes of men Thine All seeing Eye pryes most clearelie into the in-most closet of mans heart Look with the Eye of thy compassions within the Doores of this wearied heart of thy Seruant Looke in and proclaime mercie and pardon vnto his sillie Soule Let him know that neither Death nor Life shal be able to separate him from thy Loue O LORD assist him and stand fast by him in this houre Desert him not in his greatest last agonie Let thy Spirit possesse him so fullie that there be none entrie or roume for Satans temptations whē the Temper is bufiest let thy Spirite bee strongest Arme him with all Pieces against the last conflict of this bloodie battell Honour him with the Lawrels of victorie Let thy strength be made perfect in his greatest weak nesse Doe the turne by thine owne force and take all the glorie to thy selfe By the vertue of thy Christ crucifie into him the olde Man and his vvorkes Make him to die into him that hee may liue to Thee vvho to all the Faithfull is aduantage both in life and death Hee is now LORD walking betweene thy Mercie and thy Iustice through many-temptations Gouerne thou his steppes vvith such vvisedome that the feare of Iustice may keepe him from presumption and the hope of mercie may preuent despaire Increase his patience vvith his paine Sanctifie his Sickenesse make it as Bellowes to thy graces that thereby they may be kindled and blowne vp to a greater flame Enamour him vvith the loue of thy goodnesse Powre in the oyle of thy mercie into his bruissed hearte which hath bene filled with mournfull groanes And seeing now thou art calling him to repetitions to see vvhat hee hath profited in thy Schoole cast into his rememberance all the good things that hitherto hee hath heard or meditate for to comfort this houre Bee strong in him now in this time of tryall Applye vnto his wounds the Balme of Gilead Hee is weake and therefore O LORD forbea●…e him in thy mercie O pittie this wounded man as did that Samaritane Powre Oyle into his wounds bind them vp and take him to thine Inne For thy mercies sake remember him Forthy Sonnes sake pittie him For thy promise sake forget him not Free his Soule f●… the maze of all worldlie cares Inspite into him the life of grace with a most fresh vigout and feruent heate of zeale to thy Glorie Hee LORD in his most piercing paines knoweth not what to doe but his eyes are on Thee In thine handes is both Life and Death Thou bringest to the Graue and bringest backe againe In thy greate mercie O LORD make all his bedde in his sicknesse make his bedde to be a Schoole vnto him wherein hee may not onelie learne the hudgnesse of his owne miserie but also the greatnes of thy mercie Let neither Death fright him nor the Graue grieue him Let him knowe that Death is but a sleepe for the friendes of Christ and the Graue a bedde for the resting of their wearied bones Let not the weight of mortalitie beare downe his Spirite frō minding the things which are aboue Make him content to quite gladlie all earthlie pleasures and contentments for to goe dwell with Thee his GOD in immortalitie Let neither the sweetnesse of the Figge nor the grapes of the Vine nor the fatnesse of the O liue hinder his desire to reigne in heauen Against the feare of death comfort him with hope of the glorious Resurrection Assure his Soule though his bodie goe to bee eaten of the wormes that hee in that bodie againe shall see his Redeemer and none other for him Furnish him with spirituall courage vnto the end Giue him boldnesse to march without feare thorow the valey of death for to come to Thee yea to run were it thorow Hell for to come to Thee in Heauen Tell vnto his Soule that his paines dismay him not seeing his trauell is to bring foorth eternall life Let thy Iustice seate trouble him no more seeing Christ hath payed his debts Let him not bee afraide to come before the Face of his Iudge seeing the Iudge himselfe is his Brother who hath both cut cancelled that hand-writting of the Law which no flesh was able to performe Pittie him LORD pittie him for loe hee is nowe in thine handes looking pittifully vp to Thee for thy mercie Some of thy setters are yet vpon him none can loose him but the hands which haue bund him Pittie good LORD and pardon set vnto this Soule the seale of thy pardons by the Spirit of adoption Heale and sweetlie close vp the wounds of his Spirit by the vertue of thy most blessed Blood This is our confidence that thou who hast stricken him is able to heale him and will also doe it if it bee for thy glorie and his well if not Lord in judgement remember mercie If it bee his best that after some dayes sicknesse he depart out of this mortall life let these paines which hee suffers nowe bee like Ionathans arrowes which were not shot for to ●…urt but to giue warning Giue him grace that like an obedient Childe hee may as w●…ll kisse thine hand while it beateth as while it blesseth If thy decree be come foorth that hee must remoue from this World assure him of a better place where pleasures are in greater number th●… the starres Teach him by thy Spirit that by death hee shall change a mortall habitation a dungeon of darknes●…●… cage of corruptions for euerlasting T●…bernacles most heauenlie sacred M●…sions where constant peace vnmi●… joyes remaine Weane his heart from the loue of all things that are vnder the Sunne Let the beautie and glorie of the Heauens whereof hee hath heard at length this day
vp nowe to the Heauens Thou hast alreadie past all toyle and turmoyle The way that rests vnto the Kingdome is both smooth euen without anie rubbe of opposition thou shalt enter into immortalitie O the showres of grace and mercie which raine downe vpon vs both Farewell till that desired day of the Resurrection come The Pastour His eyes stirre a little they are full of teares the tribute of Repentance He beginneth to shake he now seemeth to bee wakened out of his traunce I will inquire what his minde is set vpon What meditations are these Sir that yee are vpon Yee seeme to haue beene in some good motion The sicke Man My Soule Sir and my bodie after a blessed agreement haue beene taking their adewes one from another They haue bene blessing each other be●…ause they haue serued God together they looke to bee one day both glorified together A sea of comfortes hath rained downe vpon my Soule from the Heauens in most sweete and pleasant showers The Pastour Surelie that is a worthie exercise Such good motions are plants of God and impressions of his finger Happie are the Soule the bodie that can serue God together with one shoulder At that last day they shall haue a joyefull meeting they two shal be clasped together in loue with such contentmentes as tongues of Angels are not able to expresse But O when the vvicked soule shall returne from hell to take vp its bodie for to carie it to euerlasting torments then shall they curse each other with manie a woe for their Fornications Adulteries Lyes Deceits Ryot Drunkenesse Then would the bodie if it could haue intelligence of the soules comming wish that a rock or a mountaine would fall vpon it for to hide it from the Soule that beeing voyde of life it might bee free of feeling But the decree is come foorth of necessitie they must bee joyned together O but they then shall looke one to another like Lyons Their feede shall receiue none agreement no not They shall neuer agree in anie thing but in this to 〈◊〉 together that their comfortlesse dolours may bee doubled This is a deare pennie-warth so little pleasure for so much paine In that day all the wicked shal bitterlie repent such barganes Now happie is your Soule Sir and your bodie both that are so well resolued to depart Yee are certainelie blessed that euer yee were borne Behold nowe yee rest in hope of the resurrection which shall bee in that great day of Gods generall assemblie when all that euer tooke breath shall compeare before Christ the Iudge of the World for to receiue that which they did in the flesh bee it good bee it euill Now Sir seeing yee are an inrolled Citizen of Heauen and an adopted haire of God vp still with your heart towarde that heauenlie Heritage with sighes and grones beate on still at the doores of Gods mercie God giueth vnto prayer victory against himselfe Nowe the time draweth neere Sir your houre is come to a quarter fight out the good fight fixe the eyes of your Faith vpon the bloodie wounds of Iesus Lay hold on him listen to his voyce ere it bee long yee shall heare these words of joye Come faithfull seruant and enter into thȳ Masters joye O Lord the giuer of grace and of glorie out of the blessed bowels of thy mercie bath and wash this Soule with that arteriall blood which sprang thorow the pierced filme of the heart of his Redeemer At the beginning of this Battell Lord thou did see howe his poore Soule was scorched with the flames of hellish temptations which did burne the verie marrow out of his bones this is thy ordinarie dealing with thine owne Hell on earth is for the heires of Heauen But heauen on earth is the portion of the heires of hell Now Lord from his hell bring him to thine Heauens Mak his Soule more clearelie to look vp toward the blessed bloodie wounds of his Sauiour wherein hee may perceiue the props of his protection Make his Soule now to be fullie possessed with an entire loue to the fairenesse of thy face wherein are pleasures for euermore The sicke Man Lord Iesus make clay againe with thy Spittle for to anointe my dimmed eyes that clearelie with Simeon my Soule may see thy Saluation We in our life receiue but the first impositiō of handes like the man that saw men walking like trees Now Lord at death giue mee the second imposition that I may see thee euen as thou art The Pastour Lord heare thou in Heauen●… Maintaine the life of his loue towards thee Now vvater the seede vvhich thou hast sowne Weede out the tares vvhich Sathan hath sowne Pittie and pardon Lay all his sinnes vpon the Sonne of thy loue Now let his feete be shod for the journey which hee is making to a better place Inspire his Soule with the spirit of grace till his life bee expired Saue him by thy blood which saued thē that spilt it The sicke Man I finde Death besieging my heart with sēsible blowes O bring out my Soule out of this bricke of bondage of the bodie Mine heart stringes are so racked within mee that they are like to breake The hope that is deferred is the fainting of the Soule Lord helpe mee in this heauie houre The Pastour Lord heare thou in heauen and satisfie his hearts desire The sicke Man Pray pray that the Lord vphold mee in the throng of these throes wherewith mine heart is gripped lest I be whollie swallowed vp of despaire The Pastour O Sauiour of mankinde who out of thy meere mercie and loue came vnder the charge of his accounts Mak now answere for him as his Aduocat before that high Tribunall before which his poore Soule is now arraigned to cōpeare Turne all thy wrath in mercie and thy Iustice-seat in a Throne of grace Call home all his wandering thoughtes settle and them vpon thy selfe Maintaine the life of his loue Make death to him a Messenger of mercie and his paines a meane to bring him to thy pleasures O Captaine of his Saluation vnder whose bloodie banner hee hath in his life made warre against the enemies of thy glorie at death ouercome thou all the enemies of his Saluation With thy Trumpets and Lampes terrifie all these merciles Midianites Make them like a wheele as the stubble before the winde Graunt the victorie vnto thy weake Seruant heere that in the Heauens thou may crowne his Soule with glorious garlands of immortalitie Lord heare vs for the sake of thy Sonne vnto whom with thee and the Spirite of Grace bee all glorie and honour Amen Now Sir vp with your heart to the Father of mercies Fight out couragiouslie the fight of Faith Christ now is holding out the Crowne your Saluation is sealed yee neede not feare yee haue your warrant vnder the Broad Seale of the King of Heauen The sicke man O My deare
Pastour hee is come hee is come whom my Soule loueth I am my Beloueds his desire is towards mee The lost sheepe is found The vnthriftie Son is come home againe All the snares of destruction are broken My Soule is escaped like a Birde I am now at a point infinitlie desirous rather to goe to my God than to sojourneanie more on earth Mine heart is more in God than in my selfe I haue a begunne possession of Heauen by the first fruites I looke for perfection in fulnesse of joye and pleasures fore euermore O blessed Iesus set me as a Seale vpon thine heart O deare Sauiour the Roote and the Rocke of my Saluation loe I come stretch out thine Armes and take my Soule into thy bosome yet a little while and I shall bee no more a stranger vvith thee and a sojourner The Pastour O blessed bee our God for euermore who hath made you to triumph so ouer all your enemies after such vnuterable groanes of griefe where your mind was sore perplexed at the first Hold fast now that which yee haue Your heart is now richlie stored with the true treasures of godlinesse Yee are but sipping of these joyes wherof in Heauen ye shal drink in a full cup. The sicke Man Christ the Lord is mine Hee is mine Hee is to mee hoth in life and death aduantage My comforts are in my Bosome The Angelicali Guardes are heere about mee I dye in the Faith of Iesus Come euen Lord Iesus come quicklie and loose this Soule a prisoner in clay groning to bee at liberty O my Soule returne vnto thy rest for the Lord hath dealt bountifully with thee Now may I say This poore man cryed and the Lord hath heard him deliuered him out of all his troubles The Pastour The Lord is with you who ere it be long shall fulfill all your hearts desires yea hee shall doe aboue all that yee can thinke or wish Now Sir yee haue him whom your soule loueth His Spirit is in the verie bosome of your heart Hold fast the grip yee haue Dye in his Armes sleepe in the blessed bosome of your God Full libertie is at the doore readie to enter in Yet a little and yee shall haue a joyfull meeting with Christ and all his Angels in the Kingdome of your Father Till yee come out of this bodie sticke fast by Faith to Christ your Redeemer Claime boldlie that which hee hath deerelie purchased by his Blood O deare Iesus his Staffe and his Strength wrape now his Soule into the white winding-sheete of thy righteousnesse While hee hath life liue thou in him that while he breaths hee may liue to thee and after death may liue with thee for euer Let neither life nor death bee able to separate him from thy loue The neerer death approacheth for to separate his Soule from his bodie d●…aw thou the neerer vnto his Soule till thy Spirit the Spirit of Life fullie finallie in all perfection liue into him the Soule of his Soule Fixe your eye nowe vpon the heart of Christ deadlie wounded for your transgressions Behold that Speare-hole in his heart which hee suffered for to sa●…e you Consider his bleeding woundes all dropping the balme of mercie which hath proceeded from the bowels of his compassions Hee it is who hath died for your sinnes and is risen againe for your righteousnesse The sicke Man I know that my Redeemer liueth his blood of an vnualuable price is the onelie ransome of my Soule Hee onelie is the joye of mine heart and the health of my countenance The Pastour Holde fast that confidence Let your Soule repare vnto the euerlasting Armes of his loue Shroud shelter your selfe vnder the winges of the Almightie Yee are nowe neere the ende of the Race The Lord guarde you with his Grace that no temptation of Satan be able trippe your heele before that yee be entered in his rest Nowe the lowring showring seede-time of teares is past and the Haruest of joye is hard at hand Now Sir Christ is at the doore Beholde hee standeth at the doore and knockes hee is nowe for to suppe with you on earth that yee may suppe with him for euer in the Heauens Behold hee is with you The sicke Man I haue found him whom my Soule loueth I will surelie hold him and will not let him goe My Soule hath already taste of the fruite of Canaan by the report of the spye of my faith Christ now is mine The Pastour Seeing yee haue him wrap your soule into the bowels of his euerlasting compassions waite on perfectiō is the last gift Lift vp continuallie the eyes of your spirit to the worthy woundes of Iesus In them behold read in great Capitall characters the vnspeakable loue of the Father The sicke Man O Lord I haue waited for thy Saluation Remember mee nowe while as thou art into thy Kingdome Father into thine handes I commend my Spirit my Soule I giue to thee who hast giuen it to mee The Pastour Now Sir your wished houre is come Christ is laying his Arm●…s about you for to receiue your Soule in his bosome Solace your selfe in your Sauiour who hath made it free of al weights that swiftly without anie let it may flee vp to its God O the loue of Iesus towardes you Hee hath not onelie beene an Inte●…cessour to pray for you but an Advocatalso to pleade for you By the vertue of his Blood your cause is win And therefore homage ye now your heart sealed with the sense of his loue Yeelde and surrender your Soule into the Armes of his mercie that hee may perfect his graces in you with glorie in immortalitie The sicke Man Lord Iesus receiue my Spirit and glad it with thy glorie The Pastour He againe is fallen into a traunce His battell is now neere an end Let vs waite a little see what he doth Hee now beginneth a little for to stir There is yet some life into him as I perceiue Now Sir be glad Christ is knocking at the doore for to call foorth your Soule from bondage to libertie from your banishment to an heauenlie home from a prison of paine to a palace of pleasures for euermore That we may haue assurance that ye die in the Faith of Iesus shew vs some signe Lift vp your hand in token that yee are assured to goe to God Behold how he hath lifted vp his hand Cortenet quod lingua tacet His hande telleth what is in his heart O but this poore Soule since the beginning of this bloodie Battell hath beene miserablie mangled howed and hacked vpon by most bitter and bloodie temptations what carnall what spirituall Now blessed bee God from all his troubles he is come to his good things We are all oblished to giue praise vnto God who hath set out this man before vs as an excellent example and mirrour of his mercie It is the
No man liuing Sir may absolutelie desire to be dissolued but vnder condition that it bee for the glorie of God and the Saluation of his owne Soule For two respects a man may desire to be dissolued First for to bee deliuered from the bondage of sinne which the Apostle calleth A bodie of death Secondlie for an earnest desire to bee with his God a man may desire to bee dissolued But for no reason must a man dissolue himselfe that were selfe murther If we may not kill our Neighbour whō we should loue as our selues neither must wee kill our selues who are the rule and square of neighbourlie loue Man in this world is as a set Watch hee must not remoue till it please him by whom hee was set to command him to come Though lawfullie wee may desire death that we may bee deliuered from the bodie of death which is sinne for to bee with Christ which is meekle better for vs yet wee must not cry for death for some triflles of worldlie troubles as Ionah did for the lossing of his leafes Our desire of Death should bee chieflie grounded vpon a desire to bee with Christ and to bee fredde from the spirituall bondage of our sins well is him that can sincerly say from his heart Miserable man that I am who shall deliuer mee from this bodie of death That Soule is happie whose desire is vpon that which is meakle better for it To bee with Christ in Scripture stile is called meakle better What say ye now Sir doeth not your heart grone vnder this burden of sinfull death Doeth not your Soule long to bee out of this bodie for to bee with him where it shall bee meakle better for you The sicke Man I take vp the matter better than I did I see by your reasons that there is no reason wherefore a man should desire to die but for to bee with his Christ and to be deliuered from the bodie of bondage which is a death But alas The Pastour I see you yet Sir into a plunge I heard that word Alas Wherefore say yee Alas Yee looke yet as one who desireth to liue My wordes are not gifted with perswasion yee seeme to be afraide at that word dissolued What aileth you There bee doubtlesse some thing within that troubleth you The sicke Man I am sorie to goe out of this world wherevnto I am chained by diuerse respects In the cutting off of my dayes I will mourne with sicke Hezekiah in the words of his doole I am depriued of the residue of my yeares c. The Pastour I see Sir that yee are taking vp the Lamentations of Hezekiah I will striue to make answere to euerie sentence apart Yee are depriued saye yee of the residue of your yeeres Hee is not depriued that hath changed for the better The residue of your few yeeres shall bee turned into eternitie Hee who seeth many yeeres seeth many miseries and which is worse contracteth many sinnes the cause of all our woe Moreouer what is a residue of life Death is not farre when it is farthest The sicke Man But if I die I shall not see the Lord euen the Lord in the land of the liuing The Pastour This is your ignorance What can man see of the Lord in the land of the liuing What can a sinner see of that great IEHOVAH here What is to bee seene on Earth but the Backe-parts of IEHOVAH Into the Heauens wherevnto yee now approach yee shall see that great and glorious IEHOVAH face to face What are all men on Earth but a number of wormes crawling and creeping vpon a clat or clod of clay But againe what is this that ye call the land of the liuing What is all the Land yee see but a dead lump of earth where the most part of men are dead in their sins Doe not the best part die daylie vnto Sin which death is our best life and yet laden with a bodie of death Can ye now call this earth the Land of the liuing Call me not Nahomi pleasant said Nahomi but call me Marah that is bitter for the Almightie hath dealt verie bitterlie with mee So may the Earth say Call mee not the Land of the liuing No rather call mee a dungeon of death a place for the burying of the dead a place where all must needs die and bee as water spilt vpon the ground which cannot bee gathered vp againe The sicke Man But alas if I die I shall behold men no more with the inhabitants of the world The Pastour This heere is your griefe that death will strik you with a blindnes so that yee shall not bee able to see any more the faces of these whom yee loue best into this world as of Wife Children and of Friends of your old acquaintance This is your d●…lour thē that ye shall see them no more Let such thoughts Sir moue these to mourne who know not Death better than that Pagan who speaking of a slaine man said In eternam clauduntur Lumina noctem That is Death closeth mans eyes for euermore This is most false A true Christian knoweth that though both his eyes should sinke ●…owne into his head or droppe out like blobbes or droppes of water yet that with these same eyes runne into water hee and none othér for him shall see his Redeemer Though after my skin said Iob wormes destroy this bodie yet in my flesh shall I see God whom I shall see for my selfe and mine eyes shall behold and not another Lay this comfort to your heart Though your eyes were eaten out with the wormes if you die in the faith of Iesus yee shall see God and none other for you and that with these same eyes yee now looke vnto mee●… If yee bee perswaded that yee shall see your God in the Heauens in whose face is fulnesse of Ioye yee haue little cause of doole that yee shall no more behold man with the inhabitants of the world What are all the creatures of thi●… World but things that dwell in d●…st The Sainctes and Angels that dwell into these vpper Chambers whose feete are aboue ou●… head are so fa●… in glorie aboue all the glorie of the world as the Heauens are aboue the Earth As Zebah and Zalmunah said of Gideons brethren so may we say of all these that dwell there euerie one of them is like the Sonne of a King What are all the Creatures below but beggerlie things The sicke Man But alas if I die mine age is departed and remoued from me as a Shepheards tent The Pastour What is your doole It is all then that yee must quite your shepheards tent Now poore man What haue yee lost Yee shall change a poore shepheards tent for the most pleasant Palace of your God a life mortall for a life that is eternall
heart Sir bee on your house It is now time to mind the things that are aboue Eye vpon clay and stones What are all the royall Palaces of the world to these statelie houses aboue whereof the floore or pauement glisters with thousands of Starres as with as manie golden nailes o●… twinkling Dya●…onds There the Sun the Moone the two great Iewels of Heauen shall bee vnder your feete which are now aboue our heade What is within no mortall tongue can tell S. Paul saw there some-thing but hee neuer reuealed it neither was it lawfull for him to declare what he had seene This one thing wee may know seeing the out-side of Heauen is so beautifull how pleasant must it bee within Heauen is like the Kinges Daughter whose whole beautie is within There is profite pleasure health wealth honour happinesse beautie blesse In a word there bee thinges that eye neuer saw neither eare heard yea which neuer could enter into the heart of man The sicke Man But alas must I then forsake all my wealth and so leaue all my treasures behind mee The Pastour Such treasures are but traitours though they bee counted gods God said to Magistrats I haue called you gods But hee neuer called gold god To call gold god is Ashdodien language Gods of gold must be forsaken for to goe to the God of Glorie What are all these worldlie thinges whereon naturall men so doe gaze What are they but idoles lying vanities To ouercome the loue of such lyers is the triumph of Trueth If Gods Arke be within our heart such Dagons will fall downe Turne therefore your eyes from such clay and minde the things that are aboue Manie gather riches as hee that earneth wages to put it into a bottomlesse bagge The first lesson of Christianitie is selfe denyall The Sicke Man How is it then Sir that a man must goe through this world for to come to Heauen The Pastour Euen as the Israelites desired to goe through the Land of Sihon the King of the Amorites for to come to Canaan the figure of Heauen Let mee goe through thy Land said Israel Wee will not turne aside into the fieldes nor into the vineyards neither drinke of the waters of the wells wee will goe by the Kings high way vntill wee be past thy Countrey It is so that wee must passe through this world for to come to that heauenlie Canaan we must not turne asid into the faire fields of pleasure nor drink our selues drunke in its vineyards But wee must follow directlie the rule of Gods Law the King of Heauens high way that so we may enter into Canaan What say ye Sir Is it not time to bee resolued The sicke Man Mine heart is pined within mee It is like to breake for sorrow when I looke to my little Children Who shortlie shal be fatherlesse Alas hard shall their estate be when I shall bee away who will take care of them The Pastour That which Christ said to Peter may bee said to you O man of little Faith why hast thou doubted Hath not God promised to shew mercie vnto thousands of these that loue him If the King of this Land should now come himselfe to your bed-stocke and say Iames or Iohn heere I giue to you mine hand befor God and good witnesse that I shall bee a Father to your Children after you and shall so prouide for them that they shall want nothing that may doe them good If yee heard such a man make such promises I thinke that yee should not bee in paine for the estat of your childrē And yet what is a King but a man But so it is that all men are lyares or may lie But God who can not lie hath giuen his Hand and his trueth to the faithfull man yea hath oblished himselfe by an oath and hath taken Heauen and Earth to bee witnesse that hee shall neuer forsake the godlie man nor his seede his promise is to thousands If yee beleeue God to bee true relye vpon his promise Let not the care of Children trouble you any more prepare your selfe for God and let Death bee welcome Put your house to an order in time Discharge your selfe of all worldlie burdens denude your hands and your heart of all temporall affaires that your Soule haue nothing to doe but to waite vpon your God It is not time to bee combered with the world while the whole heart should bee taken vp with heauenlie meditations It is now high time to thinke earnestlie vpon that life wherevnto yee are going by Death It would seeme Sir that yee are not contentas yet for to remoue What can this be that troubleth you shuld not your heart rejoyce to goe vnto your God The sicke Man I finde contrarie draughts within mee Your wordes indeede Sir beginne to worke vpon mine heart and to draw vp my Soule toward the pleasures that are aboue But againe I finde the desires of this life like weightie paisses drawing mee downe to the ground againe This is my regret Alas must I then leaue this world and the light thereof and neuer see it againe any more Shall I beholde man no more with the inhabitants of the worlde Shall I neuer see after this into the Land of the liuing any of all these whom I haue loued so well The Pastour Sir it shall bee your farre best to suffer the loue of Christ swallow vp the loue and all other considerations of worldlie thinges as Moses his serpent swallowed vp the serpents of the Magicians What euer seemeth pleasant into this world vnto the naturall eye it is but by juggling of the senses If we haue the grace of God this grace shall be indeede like as a foure nooked Clauer is in the opinion of some viz a most powerfull meanes against the juggling of the sight If wee could seeke this grace it would let vs see the vanitie of such thinges which beguile the naturall senses The eye of a mans Soule is betimes like the eye of a man come out of a bilious feuer all things seeme to him to bee yellow because of the bile which haue peruerted his sight Sathan can forge temptations like glasse of whatsoeuer colour hee pleaseth wherethorow all things seeme to bee of the colour of his temptations Thorow one glasse a mans owne spouse will seeme to be filthie Thorow another a bordel-whore will seeme to bee pleasant Thorow one the world will seeme to bee glorious thorow another the brightest heauens will seeme to bee but cloudes Thorow one fables will seeme to be Scripture thorow another Scriptures will seeme to bee but fables Thorow one if a man feast as Christ did hee will seeme to bee a glutt●…n thorow another if hee feast with the Baptist hee will seeme to bee a deuill The chiefe gripe of your temptation is in this that
if ye were once dead yee shall beholde man no more with the inhabitants of the world Yee are far beguiled into the sight of the wo●…ld wherewith yee are so rauished Change your Spectacles and all that is below shall seeme to bee of another colour If your Soule could once sore vp towardes Heauen the loue of the Earth and earthlie things would fall from you as did the Mantle of Elias when he was rapt and rauished vp vnto glorie The sicke Man But ye know Sir that it is verie hard not to bee sore grieued to goe out of this world Non amplius visur us neque videndus neither for to see anie more nor yet to bee seene Who without teares can say his adewes to all his joys pleasures and contentments that are here Whē I once shal be caried out of my house yee shall see mee no more Hencefoorth yee and I will speake no more together I departing from you must goe to the place of silence among stinke wormes Who can-without displeasure say to all worldlie joyes farewell The Pastour It is best that ye turne your backe vnto such naughtie things as Hezekiah turned his backe to the stocke and his face to the wall that hee might conferre with his God It is great folie to bee so fond vpon such transitorie trashes What is so pleasant in this world that should allure vs to it Are not all thinges inconstant heere below There is nothing that standeth at a stay but either it is comming in or going out like the Tyde There is no creature but while it beginneth to waxe it also beginneth to waine A child of the age of a day hath lesse time to liue at Eauen than hee had in the morning Since hee came out of the bellie from the morning vnto eauen hee hath made a dayes journey in the way to his graue In ipso ortu vergimus ad occasum Our arising vp is but a course to our fall The degrees of a mans life are as as manie stepp vnto his death All that wee see below is in a continuall whirling from a beginning to an end The course of all the Creatures below is in a trance of transitorie trashes I can but teach you with vvords as Iohn baptized with water It is onelie the Lord vvho can perswade The sicke Man I take delight to heare you I pray God to perswade mee Continue I pray you into that discourse concerning the vanitie and inconstancie of vvo●…ldly things ripe them vp and open them wider that I may see them within the bowels The Pastour The vvisest among men preached Vanitie of vanities and all is vanitie All things are vaine and all things cry vnto vs that wee are vaine So vaine a thing is man The Trees the Herbes the Flowrishes the Fruites the Fishes the Beastes the Spring the Summer the Haruest the Winter the Aire the Water the Earth the Heauens are all appointed teachers by God to tell man of his changing Their line is gone out through all the earth and their words to the end of the world All that haue eyes eares may heare read their doctrine that heere is nothing permanent One creature calleth to another Let vs leaue this World See wee not how vvee melt away by droppes for to bee dryed into dust Moses saith that wee spend our yeares as a tale that is tolde a strange speach for to declare the vanitie of lōg life so much desired while a tale is in telling it seemeth to bee something but when a tale is once told these that haue heard it will in end say That it is but a tale So long as mans life is lasting it is like a tale that is in telling But so soone as Death the end of all commeth it is but like a tale that is tolde Thus as yee see all mans life in Scripture language is called but a tale All the times of our life past present and to come are turned at last into a fuimus wee haue beene Wee that liue now let vs remember our case Ecce tempus nunc futurum quo dicen●… nos fuisse The time shall bee shortlie that man shall say of vs that wee haue beene And thereafter a time shall come that none shall know that euer wee had a beeing Our life is like a sparkle fleeing out of the fire which dyeth out into the flight it failleth before it falleth The sicke Man These bee wordes of great power I finde now some working thereof within mine heart I pray you continue The Pastour Wee haue none abiding heere We all both yong old post swiftlie away to the graue the last bed wherein euerie man must sleepe we are long of comming to But how soone are wee pulled downe Our strength saith Moses is soone cut off and wee flee away Wee are like the Yee which thaweth sooner than it froze This is the Law of all flesh Prince People Poore and Rich all must goe to Golgotha The Preacher saith plainlie There is no discharge in that warre Though a man in the morning bee proude like a Peacocke with lifted vp feathers if Death come before the night come hee must lay downe his head among dead mens Skuls What a thing is this that within an hundreth yeares not one of vs all that are heere shall bee left aliue no not in this great Citie wherein wee liue Are wee not all as water spilt vpon the ground which can not bee gathered vp againe What memorie is now of these tha●… are past And what shall bee said o●… vs when wee are gone It is o●… farre best then to follow our God and to turne our backe vpon all suc●… lying vanities The sicke Man I requeast you Sir not to be wearied Proceede I pray you into tha●… purpose that I may learne what vanitie is into this life which is so much desired The Pastour Mans life into this world is but a Pilgrimage and a race not of great length for man that is borne of a w●…man hath but a short time to liue Iacobs answere to King Pharaohs question concerning his age was few and euill haue my dayes beene What is man saith one but Vermis crasti●… moriturus a worme that will die to morrow Dauid putteth the length of his dayes betweene his little finger his thumbe My life said he is like a span long some get but an inch consider well I pray you Sir seeing it is so what is it then of your life which is but of the length of a span what thogh it were an ell of length Is not Methusalah with his many hundreth yeeres as well in dust as as hee that liued but a day Other haue giuen place to vs and we must also giue place to others To mee to day to thee tomorrow There is no lodging
for immortalitie vpon the Earth The sicke Man My Soule rejoyceth to heare you Sir proceede I pray you The Pastour Wee haue no great cause to desire to sojourne on earth What are we heere on earth but like poore beggers shute downe to the lowest chambers of the world This low contrie may well be called Cabul as Hiram by disdaine called the dirtie cities of Solomon Be glad no●… Sir for to leaue this earth a dirti●… dwelling Step vp the Staire eue●… the Ladder of Iaacob that yee may mount vp to your God for to see what hee is doing aboue Well is you who shall heare shortlie the musicke of Angels into that Palace whose pauement is the roofe of al●… mortall dwellings O if yee kne●… what is there Fye on our ignorance The Childrē of God in this worl●… are like Lords children sent out to bee fostered into little Cottages o●… clay when they are sent for by sicknesse and death their Fathers messengers they weepe to come home to their Fathers Palace because they know not these many pleasant Mansions that bee in their Fathers house But after that they haue once trye●… what it is to bee in Heauen with their God they shall wonder 〈◊〉 their childishnesse Be not Sir l●… these fort of men that cannot abid●… to heare speake of Death but euen sicken at the name thereof or waxe wroth at the speaker as Ahab fumed at the Prophet because hee spake not good thinges vnto him The sicke Man Hezekiah spake more wiselie while hee was threatned by the Prophet Good said hee is the word of the Lord I pray you to continue your purpose concerning death It is good that wee remember our latter end The Pastour Indeed Sir the thoghts of Death are helpefull and healthfull to the Soules of men to bee corrections for their corruptions Such thoughts keepe euer God in our sight They are like a strainer wherthrough the thoughts wordes and workes of men are purified Hardlie can a man thinke of a sho●…t life and thinke euill as hardlie can hee d●…eame of a long life thinke well All the sinnes of Gods Church in Icrem●…es dayes vvere imputed vnto this that shee remembred not her end Wee for the most part deceiue our selues vvith the opinion of long life and so did they vvho are dead alreadie O how gracious vvould one day bee to these novv who vvhile they liued did scorne at these vvordes Redeeme the Time But their ma●…ket time is now past Gods Faire vvas ended before they could vnderstand vvhat it vvas to buy without money Well is the man vvho vvhile he hath time so liueth to dye that hee may dye to liue If our life be good our death cannot be euill To the godlie man death is a comfort as beeing a medecine for all his diseases a cure for all his cares a rest●… from his labours But in this is his greatest joye that by it the filthie flooxe of sinne is dryed vp into an instant * By it also the prison doore is opened that the Soule like a Doue may flie vp to its God The consideration of such things made Solomon to preach The day of death is better than the day that one is borne Hee spake the trueth for the one is the beginning the other is the ending of all our woe and miserie Now Sir before that I proceede any further I pray you to tell mee what yee thinke now of this world In this as I remember was your last temptation grounded that going out of this world yee should no more see nor bee seene I haue let you see as in a glasse what vanitie is in it yea that all is but vanitie of vanities the verie abstract of an abstract or for to speak so vanitie fined and quintessenced out of vanitie which I may call the spirit or quintessence of vanitie Now Sir tell me what ye thinke of this world wherin gods must die like men No worldlie thing below in the day of neede will bee able to keepe touch vnto vs. The sicke Man Fye fye on my faultes and my folie I foolishlie once thought that I should feather a nest into this world that should neuer bee pulled downe Mine heart hath beene so bent toward this vanitie that I haue neither moued foote nor finger toward eternall Life It is true that I haue beene nourished and brought vp into this world like a Child into a rurall cottage I like a Child thought that there was no better Ionah was angrie for to quite his Gourd The greatest pleasures that are heere beeing well weighed are but like the shadow of that Gourd euanishing and worme-eaten pleasures All such comforts are but slender they faile man in his greatest neede The Pastour Though worldlie pleasures be sweete for a space to these whose portion is into this Life yet as Abner said of the deuouring Sword to Ioab It will bee bitternesse in the latter end In all the gourdes of worldlie pleasures are wormes of paine which shall make them to wither The sicke Man That is most certaine well is him that hath turned his backe to all such lying vanities So long as a man is in nature not reformed by grace hee is but a stranger from heauen The loue of the world in his heart like a moth cats out all liking of Heauen I haue beene too long alas sucking the breastes of this Nourse whereout of I haue drawen nothing but the swill of wickednesse Blessed bee my God who hath sent this affliction for to waine my Soule from the loue of all things below I beginne now to incline for to returne to my Fathers house in Heauen where as I heare it shall bee much better for mee Oh forlorne Sonne that I am who haue wandered so farre from my Father The Pastour I thanke God Sir for these good motions flesh and blood cannot teach such lessons But one word I haue obserued into your speach yee haue said that ye beginne to incline to goe home to your Father Are ye not as yet fullie resolued Desire yee not indeede presently to be dissolued Is it not your greatest desire to flitte f●…om this bodie which is but a Booth a Shoppe or Tabernacle of clay Is not your Soule wearied to sojourne into such a reekie Lodge Is not your heart panting after God l●…ke an Hart panting after the water brookes He are yee not your Soule crying within you O when shall I come and appeare before God A small feeble inclination to goe to God is not sufficient ye must now come to a stedfast resolution He who is not resolued is not readie for to be dissolued Ta●… courage bee not dashed into this danger declare your mind freely be not nice there bee none heere but friendes The sicke Man I am so pyned with sicknesse that hardlie can I
bee shortlie deliuered Hee who is tyred with sin is tyred not to bee a drudge of sin Sinne is not heauie to the Wicked because it is in them as water in its owne element though it bee of weight yet it weigheth not Well is the wearied Soule it hath Christs promise of ease But woe to them who with Laodicea haue neede of no thing For the most part men are drowned in drowsinesse Securitie is farre more dangerous than despaire As was sung of Saul and of Dauid so may bee heere Despaire hath slaine her thousand but Securitie her ten thousand Manie are not wakened till they bee so wakened that their judgement and senses are lost It is a fearefull curse for a man to blesse himselfe while hee should mourne for his sinnes Such as blesse themselues while the Lord pronounceth the wordes of the curse The Lord will not bee mercifull to that man Securitie hath shaken hands with Hell and Death But well is him who feareth alwayes Hee is greatest in Gods sight who is least in his owne eyes The sicke Man But alas Sir my conscience speaketh home that I haue beene a stranger from my God O but I am wearied how shall I bee deliuered from this burden of bondage The Pastour These who are ladened and wearied may heare Christ in his Gospel crying vnto them Come vnto me Goe to him who cryeth so louingly Come Striue aboue all things to get a sight of your Sauiour by the eye of Faith Vrge vpon your heart a deepe meditation of his mercie his merits are able to cure our maladies The sicke Man There is such a mist betweene me and the Messias that it is not possible for me to see him Oh that my eyes were cleared with Gods Eye-salue that I might clearelie be hold him The Pastour The great desire ye haue to see him is a sort of sight All men see not Christ alike All goe not vp to the mount with Peter Iames and Iohn All see not God face to face with Moses All men lay not their head in Christs bosome with his best beloued Disciple Be not discouraged thogh ye cannot winne so neare to Christ as ye would If ye cannot winne to him for to embrace him as Simeon did striue to touch the border of his garmēt behind with the finger of faith and it shall stay the bloody fluxe of your Sinnes Ye sigh for a sight of Christ * A sigh for a sight of him is a sight of him indeed He who wold be found of these that sought him not will bee much more found of these that seeke him and sigh for him Bee of good heart Though for a space your spirituall day be mistie yet at last your drumly sky shal be cleared Christ is not euer absent while hee is not seene The Sunne as we see will be couered with a cloud the Moone will bee vnder wake but incontinent thereafter the cloudes beeing ouer-blowen wee enjoye their brightnesse and their beames What shall bee able to separate a Christian from the Loue of his Christ What then shall be able to mak a Christian soule despaire Shall Damnation No For Christ Gods Saluatiō is ours Shall Hell No For our Christ hath the keyes both of Heauen of Hell Shall the World No For Christ hath ouercome the World Shall the Law No For our Christ hath fulfilled the Law Shall Death No For our Christ is the Way and the Life Shall the Fathers wrath No For Hee hath troden the wine-presse of his wrath for you and for all repenting sinners All Scripture pointeth at him saying This is the way walk ye in it Run Sir to him he shall deliuer you from all your sinnes and from all your feares Striue to curbe your owne corruptions which are so broodie within you The sicke Man I cannot alas bee quite of my sinnes I striue to runne away from them but the faster they follow mee like curre Dogges that are so accustomed to follow their Master they will not bee boasted home againe Where euer I goe with my thoughts aboue or below my sinnes follow hard after mee Though I threaten them thogh I boast them yea betimes intreate them to depart their answere is Wee are thy vvorkes wee will goe with thee This putteth my Soule out of peace and order and thrusteth mee away from the Lord my God I haue beene long seeking and sighing for comforts But as yet I can espye none appearance The Pastour Comforts sought sought and sighed for are not aye seene at the first Elijahs seruant went vp the hill Carmell eight seuerall times to espye some appearance of raine The first seuen times hee could see nothing at the eight hee saw but a little cloud of comfort Behold said hee there ariseth a little cloud out of the sea like a mans hand A little after that the heauens were blake with cloudes and winde and there was a great raine Hold your face Sir a little space with Elijah betweene your knees and cast your selfe downe vpon the Earth as hee did that is fall downe in all humilitie of Soule before your God in prayer That done send vp your prayer the spirituall spye vnto the top of the hill Send it againe and againe euer till it espye some little cloud of comfort If your Soule take paines in prayer till ye perceiue but an hand breadth of mercie at last Gods comfortes shall raine downe in great aboundance vpon your wearied Spirit What shall I say if yee will not bee informed yee cannot bee reformed The sicke Man Indeede that is a pleasant and fit comparison worthie to bee printed with a Note on the margent It hath beene well adapted by you Oh that it could bee as well applyed by mee Oh that the Lord whose loue expelleth feare would strengthen my weake Faith with an hand-breath of his mercie O for such a little cloud of comfort it would lif●… vp mine hands which hang downe and strengthen my weake knees But in steede of such a comfortable cloude I see nothing but cloudes of w●…ath readie to fall and become a deludge of vengeance from my birth I must not dissemble I haue dallied with my God and haue dispised the gratious day of his visitations And now all my comforts resemble to the Eagle that taketh her to her wings and flyeth aloft high into the Skye from my sinfull reach O feare O horrour O the multitude of my transgressions how shall I be quiet The Pastour The best way to be quite of sin that it reigne not in vs is to bend vp our hearts to Christ who is Emmanuel God with vs Thogh all be worthie to bee damned yet there is no condamnation to these that are in Christ Hee is that heaue-offering which wee must euer
workes may easilie ouertoppe all your sins iniquities God will haue man with his narrow bowels of mercie to forgiue his brother seuen times in a day if hee shall returne seuen times in a day saying It repenteth mee If God requireth such mercie of man whose bowels in the widest are not of a span breadth what shall hee doe whose compassions are rouled together into bowels broader than the Sea yea wider than the heauens If ye can repent Sir God can forgiue When man ceaseth to spurne God beginneth to spare The sicke Man I take God to witnesse that I am sorie for my sinnes and so ashamed that with the Publicane I cannot lift vp mine eyes to the heauens I would be content to kisse the ground a thousand times for to get but one kisse of the feete of him who is the on●… lie helpe of the conscience and the health of the countenance I finde myselfe deepe to the Chine in a gulfe of miserie Tell mee truelie Sir I pray you Thinkeyee that if with a mourning heart I confesse my sinnes to God that hee will haue pittie of me I am sore perplexed the deepe thoughts of mine owne guiltinesse strike men with such a set silence that I am not able to vtter my griefe My feare is that I bee of the familie of hell an haire of horrour and vtter woe Be free with mee I pray you Thinkeyee th●…t such an hord of miserie as mine can euer meete with his mercie The Pastour It is great ignorance Sir to thinke that anie miserie of man can ouer reach the infinite power of his pitie and boundlesse compasse of his compassions It were more easie to turne the Sunne from his course than God from shewing mercie to repenting sinners both his Name and Nature is mercie See wee not out of what myres of miserie Gods mercie hath deliuered repenting sinners In Scripture wee may read long Catologes of pardoning sinnes Consider well I pray you thinke deepelie vpon the mercies of your God Look well what hee hath done to others Could the adulterie of Dauid the incest of Lot the drunkennesse of Noah the murther of Simeon Leui the persecutions of Paul the perjurie of Peter or any other like sinne hinder God to be mercifull to the●… so soone as they repented * Wherefore wereall these pardons printed into God Booke but for to tell all ages that no man were hee neuer so sinfull should despaire of the mercie of his God As I liue saith the Lord take no delight into the death of sinners but rather that they should repent and liue These bee his owne words If words beare no weight behold effects God hath so loued the world that hee hath giuen his onelie Sonne that whosoeuer belieueth in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life This is not a verball loue when a man giueth his best beloued for to die for another God hath not spared his onelie Sonne that by his satisfying sufferings his Iustice beeing payed hee might shew mercie to man his poore vnworthie creature not onelie the Father hath loued the world but also the Sonne out of vnspeakable loue was as desirous to die for man as the Father was to send him This out of his owne mouth hee declared that no loue could ouer-reach his loue No man said hee hath greater loue than this than when a man layeth downe his life for his friend The highest of mans loue is to die for his friend But Christs loue was greater hee died for vs euen when wee were his enemies In another point behold the loue of Christ scarselie saith the Apostle for a righteous mā wil one die yet per aduenture for a good man some would euen dare to die But God commendeth his loue towardes vs in that while wee were yet sinners Christ died for vs Who shall doubt of this loue which the Lord hath registred on earth with the dearest blood of his onelie begotten Sonne There is such a loue in the Father and such a loue in the Sonne and such a loue in the holie Ghost toward the Saluation of man that all the heauens are filled with loue of our well so that at the conuersion of one sinner on earth there is more joy among the Saints and Angels than for fourescore and ninteene righteous who neede not repentance * If Sir yee would haue the heauens to rejoyce cast your selfe into the armes of your God with these words Lord doe with mee what thou wilt though thou shuld slay me yet will I true in thee If yee would see the picture of Gods mercy ye must draw aside the curtaine of all carnall surmises The sicke Man Oh that I might cast my Soule into his Armes But how can I doe this The Lord hath turned his backe on mee shall I cast my selfe into a consuming fire At the first sight of his angry face my Soule will die for feare The Pastour Men often are deceiued So soone as Manoah had seene the Angel hee said to his wife Wee shall surelie die because wee haue seene God But his wife answered more wiselie If the Lord were pleased to kill vs hee would not haue receiued a sacrifice from vs As shee said to him so say I to you If the Lord were pleased to kill you hee would not haue giuen his Sonne in a Sacrifice for you * I is a greater loue token that God hath giuen his Sonne in a Sacrifice for you than that hee should receiue any sacrifice from you It is the Apostles argument that since God hath giuen vnto vs his owne Sonne hee will not refuse vs any other thing that may doe vs good Christ alone is the sinners refuge hee is a Rocke of comfort which cannot bee shaken a Rocke which commandeth all seas of sorrows the pole of our peace Be earnest in prayer with God cry till he hea●…e The sicke Man I am wearied with crying to God my prayers may be called The voyce of my roaring But what shall I say I cry but there is none that maketh answere God hath couered himselfe with a cloude that my prayers should not passe thorow hee hath stopped his eares that my prayer should not bee heard This is a most fearefull blast and blow in his bloo die battell The Pastour Deceiue not your selfe often our prayer framed and followed by the Spirit of grace is heard though the fense of grant bee not yet brought to vs God for causes will let a time goe betweene seeking and finding After this the Angel spake vnto Daniel At the beginning of thy prayer God heard thee and now I am come to tell thee See how a space will interceede betweene Gods hearing of mans prayer and mans knowledge that God hath heard him Though yee as yet know not whither God hath heard you or not yee must not
infer that God hath not heard you at all Waite on a little with Daniel till God thinke it time to send you a Messēger for to tell you that he hath heard you yea that hee heard you at the beginning of your prayer till th●…s Messenger come depend whollie vpon Christs good will Let all your trust bee in him who is your most faithfull Aduocate for to plead your cause Hee will bee a Guide to all these that seeke him and a light to all these that see him and life to all these that loue him Though a Mother should forget her Childe the Lord will not forget his owne whom hee hath printed vpon the palmes of his hands Many Mothers thinke it enough to beare and bring foorth their Children that done they send them out a fostering vnto others But Christ not onelie is as a Mother beareth and bringeth vs foorth by the second birth but also feedeth and fostereth vs vpon his owne breasts as a louing Nurse I haue said he caried Ephraim as a Nurse in mine armes Bee of good comfort Sir let the joye of Christ rellish all your sorrowes hee was the man of griefe that he might bring joye to the world he was beaten with stripes that of his stripes hee might make physicke for sicke Soules by his stripes wee haue health In a word his flesh was pierced and bored that in these holes there might bee a Citie of refuge for sinfull Soules pursued with the tempest of Gods wrath the auenger Woe to him that maketh an idole of his own sufficiencie as the Thunder chieflie beateth the highest steeple heades so doeth the fire of Gods wrath strike at the hight and top of proudest spirites The Sicke Man By the most part of your speach Sir I thinke that your chiefe comfortes against Death and all other troubles are grounded vpon Christs Blood and his wounds The Pastour That which I say Sir is true When as all things will forsake vs fall frō vs Christ will sticke stand fast by vs that I speak truelie I darre be answereable for it in the presence of my God As yee must one day make a reckoning to God of that which yee heare so must I that selfe same day giue an account of that which I teach My Sermons must be read before him that sent mee to preach for he will know how I haue fedde his Lambes * If I build vpon Christ the fundamentall Stone the perles and precious Stones of Christes passions I shall get a reward But if I builde vpon him Stubble Hay or Wood Because I holde fast the foundation he will saue my Soule when hee shall trye my Doctrine with the fire and light of his word But because I builded vpon him the combustible light Stubble and Hay of humane words of wordlie eloquence I shall bee saued verie hardlie as by the fire of great affliction For this cause knowing the great danger I wish that all my comforts to you and all others bee onelie of Christ who is both our suretie and our Sauiour Hee in loue swallowed the bitter pill of death the cure of all our diseases After that for our cause his face had beene couered for our blasphemous spittle his backe battered with bruises hee continued in his loue and for our cause would bee hanged vpon that stinking l●…ll Mount Caluarie suffering a death which God had blasted with a curse I will tell you plainlie Sir that there is no meditation so comfortable to a wearied Soule as that which is concerning the bleeding wounds of Iesus the vanquisher of hell His wounds are as many windowes wherethrow wee may see the vnspeakeable aboundance of our Lords loue Let men runne from East to West from South to North they shall finde no place of auoydance from the fie●…ie wrath but onelie into these his woundes which well may bee called The refuge or Sanctuarie of a troubled Soule Heere is libertie for a Soule that is enfolded into the snares of Gods judgements Heere is a hiding place against the euill day Heere is the hole of the Rock the window of the Arke where poore Soules like Doues that can finde no footing may enter in * Heere is a Citie of refuge for chaissed sinners The people that dwell therein shall bee forgiuen their iniquitie There bee wide boundes within the compasse of his compassions Seeing Christ is such an One runne and hie you as fast as yee can vnto this Rocke of refuge Hee who shall bee founded thereon shall neuer be confounded Take vp all the matter in a word the righteousnesse of Christ Iesus purchased vnto vs by his Blood is the onelie cure and couer of our sinnes All other things are but like fig-leaues too short and thinne a couer like these cutted coats of Dauids seruants which couered not their buttockes How darreanie rotten stinking attainted flesh attempt to attribute anie worth vnto it selfe in the atchieuement of that Pearle peerelesse work of mans Saluatiō wherof Christ Iesus is the only Author actor Manie who would seeme in this world to carie away the Garland of godlinesse are hanged in this snare Away with such a pang of pride and eleuation of Spirit The sicke Man I see now Sir that Christ is onelie the Salue which is able to heale the sores of the Soule the blisters and bitinges of our Conscience I see that his Blood is the onelie liquour of that Fountaine of Dauid for sinne and vncleannesse But I am so defiled with wilfull wallowing in the puddle of sinne that hardlie thinke I that euer hee will daine to looke vpon such a bemired Dogge as I am who haue followed the swing and the sway of the most filthie Of mee it is written Let him that is filthie bee filthie still The Pastour Let not that discourage you * Yee cannot bee ignorant in what estate he found his Church At the first before hee maried her he found her in her first birth a cast away a bloodie brood a misshapen creature with a long Nauell vncut vnsalted and not swadled lying in the open field to the lothing of her person in the day shee was borne Yet all that made not him to loth her But after that by two cōmands of life he had bidden her Liue liue whereby she got strength hee decked her and sware vnto her and entered into couenant with her and shee became His Behold and wonder at the loue of our Lord the Spouse of our Soules All our filthie and bloodie deformities could not scarre him from the loue of our Soules If any bee defiled with sinne and vncleannesse let them come to him who will not refuse to wash them Hee is the onelie lauer of the Church There is nothing pure but that which he hath purged It is he alone who hath repaired all our
wicked will refraine from outward scandals yea they may preach yea prophecie with Saul Cajaphas and Iudas so that they will bee wondered at like Soul among the Prophets or lik Simō magus to whom the world for a space gaue heede from the least to the greatest saying This man is the great power of God Manie hauing but this superficiall glistering of grace applaud and content themselues thinking that they are wise while they indeede are fooles By this Spirit also they will taste the good gift of God but an one they spite it out againe * Meate tasted in the mouth onelie and not let downe to bee digested in the stomacke is vnprofitable for nourishment By this same Spirit also they will bee inlightened so that they will loue the deare Sainctes of God and will reuerence them as King Herod did Iohn But heere is their stay they haue euer an Herodias which they will not forsake Some one reigning sinne or other like pestilent canker cleaueth fast vnto them and beareth rule into their mortall bodies Either one sinne or other secret or publicke must be their Darling And this againe like a mother sinne must haue a dancing daughter called Hatered of reproue whose chiefest sute is that the preacher were he an Iohn either want the head or else bee silenced This is the verie border of the wicked mās progresse with all his might and maine in the way to glorie Further I cannot see that hee can winne but onelie to a taste in the mouth of the goodnesse of Gods giftes and to a certaine or rather incertaine liking of that which is good which at last shall losse the head with the Baptiste before hee losse his pleasures with Herod Thus as ye see manie are deceiued with the false flashes of an euil grounded assurance that they are in the readie and right way to Heauen when as indeede they are but faggots prepared for euer lasting burnings The sicke Man There bee one passage in Scripture which hath often affrighted my Soule in it I see a Reprobate to ma●… such a progresse in the way to Hearen that hardlie can I thinke that euer I did match him The Apostle saith 1. That hee will bee inlightened 2. That hee will taste of the heauēlie gift 3. That he will be made partaker of the holie Ghost 4. That hee will taste the good word of GOD. 5. That he will taste the powers of the world to come And yet for all that hee shall fall away so that hee can not bee renewed by Repentance and so shall die a Reprobate and last after death shall bee caried with the wicked into the same streame till he fall downe into the gulfe and poole of perdition I intreat you Sir to giue mee some light for the clearing of these wordes for often haue they troubled my Soule and dryuine it deepe into the dumps * At the first view of these wordes it would seeme that a man may get seisin of Heauen and yet thereafter bee diss●…ised by some sinnes and iniquities and depriued of all hope of eternitie The Pastour The Lord inlighten my mislie minde that I may cleare these your doubts to your well and contentment I confesse that at the first sight of these words I my selfe was amazed so that I did wonder how all that could bee Indeede at the first view as ye say it would seeme that a man may get seisin of Heauen and yet thereafter bee diss●…ised by one sinne or other whereby all his former vert●…es shall losse their grace But let a man lift vp his heart to God in prayer and thereafter consider well the words and weigh them in the Ballance of the Sanctuarie hee shall easilie perceiue that a Reprobate may bee endewed with all these giftes and after all bee debarred from entering into glorie In the words ye haue obserued fiue difficulties vnto which God willing I shall make answere seuerallie First of all it is said that the Reprobate who is but a Bellie blind will bee inlightened For to stād vnder this yee must first cōsider that into that place of Scripture the Apostle speaketh of Apostats that is of men that haue forsaken the true Religion which once they did professe for to become professors of lyes mē who haue reuolted from the Trueth after that the windowes of their Soule were shute close for to barreout the Light and that willinglie and of set purpose First then it is said That they were inlightned that is once they knew the Trueth For knowledge is light But because that hauing light they wanted loue God sent them strong delusions to belieue lyes S. Paul speaking of these that had but the light of nature the twilight of reason said That they were inlightened in such a sort that thereby they knew God But because that when they knew God they glorified him not as God neither were thankefull but became vaine in their imaginations how grieuous was their punishment A little after both their sinne and their punishment is more plainely ser downe Euen saīth hee as they did not like to retaine God in their knowledge God gaue them ouer in a Reprobate minde That is hee put out and quenshed that little light of Nature which once they had as hee tooke the Talent from the idle man that rolled it vp into a napkin The greater that light bee within a mā if it be abused the greater is the punishment which is for to ensue But to come to that Light wherewith a Reprobate brought vp in the Church may be inlightened The Light of knowledge within a man who hath not the loue of the Trueth is but like the light of a blazing Comet which shortlie dyeth out and filleth the world with a pestiferous stinke An Apostate on earth is lik a Comet in the heauens a star but in appearance Such men with all their apparent eminences of zeale and dazeling shewes bee but blazing starres such as the Dragon is said to sweepe downe with his taile * S. Iude calleth them wandering starres they keepe not their Station They are Planets in their motion and Comets in their substance not fixed in the heauens but kindled meteores in the aire which seeme to bee in the heauens and therefore they losse at last their light so that as S. Iude saith To them is reserued blacknesse of darknesse Such may haue the spirit of illumination for the good of others without the Spirit of Sanctification for the good of their own Soules Though they haue some light of knowledge yet in loue and life they walke by the darke side of the cloude with the Egyptians There is Loue and Light in the life of all true Israelites whose course is by the light side of the fierie Pillar The wicked for the most parte are with the Sodomites either stricken with blindnesse or if they see they
discourse hath done you good giue God the praise yet vvould I knowe vvhat all these vvordes hath vvrought in your heart The sicke Man I blesse God for that vvhich I haue heard By Gods Grace I haue catcht some hope of a better life The desires of mine heart beginne to enter the confines of eternitie I find the motions of the Spirit of Grace vvorking into my Soule the great vvorke of Saluation I am now refreshed vvith the sweete streames of spirituall comforts I finde now my Soule lifted vp toward God and I finde the loue of this vvorld falling downe like the Mantle of Elijah I think that I goe novv more sweetlie and swiftlie to my God with a more holie and heauenlie desire than euer I did heeretofore Your comfortes Sir make mee to hyefaster I take this to bee a nevv worke-man-shipe of grace I hope shortlie to be at the vp shot of all my troubles I finde vvithin mine heart some kindled joye vvhich I take to bee the pawne of pleasures for euermore The Spirite of God like a Doue hath brought vnto my Soule a comfort like an Oliue leaue assuring mee in some vveake measure that the floode of Gods vvrath is asswadged vpon my Soule What shal I say The best of Gods blessings are behind Oh that now my Sauiour vvere into the cloudes I had rather die than I should liue for to anger the Lord againe Alas that mine heart hath beene so gleued to the ground like a shell-Snaile fastened on the wall Seeing Sir God hath wrought so well by you in this great worke of my conuersion I intreat you to continue in some good purpose that my minde may still bee kept bended vpon that which is good If yee leaue off to teach mee my minde will but wander in vanitie O Lord worke all my thoughts to holie and heauenlie meditations The Pastour Blessed bee God who hath giuen you such a resolute and contented minde See what yee desire me to speake chieflie of at this time The sicke Man Seeing I am shortlie for to leaue this world and to goe to the Heauens for to take out of mine heart the least roote of regret to quite this world I pray you Sir to say something of the vanitie of this world of the last Iudgement and of the joyes of Heauen where shortlie I hope to bee Let mee heare how I shall losse nothing in the change Striue Sir I pray to kindle and blow vp the dying fire of my deuotion helpe mee to goe from strength to strength till I bee in Zion The Pastour The Lord put such wordes into my mouth which may bee able to winne your Soule vp to Heauen and to weane it from all worldlie pleasures First for to speak but a word in generall cōcerning this world What is it but a peece of earth made barren with Gods curse whose fruites without sweatie labours are but thistles and thornes As for the vanitie of the world seculum speculum This world is a glasse wherin a drumlie eye may see its vanitie Hee who was wisest in it speaking of it after that he was tyred with trying its pleasures preached that it was but vanitie of vanities a verie Idea that is the abstract of vanities which are the abstracts of things that are vaine So according to Solomons Text all that wee account most substantiall is but an abstract of an abstract as if a man shuld dreame that he dreamed which should bee the dreame of a dreame This is like that vanitie which Habak kuke calleth verie vanitie wherein are some few flashes of deceiueable comforts Thus as yee see the life of man in this world is nothing but a fardle of vanities shadowes and dreames a bundle of displeasing pleasures vaine in inside and outside too Our greatest pleasures here are but a mixture of miserie They are soone marred like a mistuned song The flees in the plague of flees were not so thicke in Egypt as vanities are in this world for which the most parte of the world exchange the happinesse of their Soules These who are most glorious in worldly pompe are constrained to say at last with that King in Homer * The great God hath imprisoned mee with cares O happie they who are free of such dangers are secured in cottages of clay After that man hath beene vpon the top of his pompe and is come to the vertical point of his pleasures after which hee hath hunted with great eagernesse of heart Hee must come downe and bee curbed with paines of diuerse diseases distressed till hee bee turned in to dust All his pleasures profites and prefermentes shall slide away like a shadow They shall passe like a Poast passing by like water lift vp with a sife or sand with open fingers As the shippe passeth ouer the waues its trace not beeing able to bee seene on the brim or as the fowle mounting to the Skye piercing the Aire so that no mortall eye can perceiue any token of her passage though the eare heare the noise of her wings so shall it bee of all earthlie things when once the inch of this life being ended our mortall Soule shall bee dislodged out of this clay all earthlie contentments then shall bee like a Bird of whose flight no token can bee found after for a space by the shaking of her wings shee hath parted the aire in a greater heminencie of going In all our greatest pleasures bee lurking sorrowes like serpentes among the grasse which maketh way to a fairing man to steppe backe or start aside Oh that wee were wise What shall I say In this transitorie life we are miserablie blind folded because wee loue not the heauens God letteth vs dote vpon the earth It is righteous with God so to doe Of all this wee must say This is the Lords doing it is marueilous in our eyes Oh that wee could consider in these last dayes of this world there is come vpon the world a plague of vanitie like a plague of flees whereof pride is Beelzebub the master flie which buzzeth in most men womens heads commanding other legions of vanities full of fretting sorrows or of false flattering pleasures wherewith the sillie Soule is fettered The whole life of man is inclosed in Mesopotamia betweene two riuers of teares First wee mourne at our Birth and last others mourne at our Burial Nascimur flentes morimur gementes The whole bounds of our life is inclosed betweene weeping and groaning At the first sight of the light we weepe and last at the closing of our eyes wee gaspe out our life with a groane What shall I say So soone as wee are borne wee are gone like a shadow when it declineth Oh that wee could consider that there is nothing heere which is not mixt with some spyce of vanitie * If wee had eyes to see wee would say What is below in
for to heare Come or Depart Let your attention yet goe a little a long with mee See what it is of olde age Consider how feeble it is being a burden vnto it selfe a time vnfitte for anie affaire And yet most men in their youth swynishlie wallow in vncleannes thinking to keepe the old yeares for the amending of their life for all other spirituall adoes as repentance and returning vnto God as if a man beeing for to goe a farre and foule journey should lay the greatest burden vpon the weakest horse A good man regardeth his beast how much more should hee regard himselfe What regard is heere when a man in his youth rolleth his originall sinne like a snow-ball among actuall sins to such a huge greatnesse that in his strongest youth hee is not able to moue it and yet delayeth thinking that when hee is olde hee shall easilie remoue it and remeede it The sinnes of youth draw vpon old age deadnesse of heart and dulnesse of zeale It is good that man with a watchfull eye holde in perpetuall jealousie the cunning slightes and windings of the deceit of sinne in youth And therefore while it is youth time while God calleth while the wind serueth while the Sea is calme while the Shippe is sound let vs sette foorth in time to saile toward the port of Saluation the harberie of Grace in Glorie O vaine man who in thy youth turneth the grace of thy God into wantonnesse and thinketh to come home to God againe when thou is olde what shall God doe with thy blind lame olde age Is that a sacrifice for God Offer it vnto thy Gouernour saith Malachie If a blind or lame beast wil not please a man what shall God doe with that which is more blind than a beast The King of Babilon commanded Ashpenaz the master of his Eneuches to mak choise of Childrē in whom was no blemish such as had ability in thē to stand in the Kings Palace What shall the Deuill get the finest flower of our age the strength of our dayes and the abilitie of our Soule and thereafter shall God the King of Heauen bee serued with the blind and the lame such as the verie Soule of Danid did hate It is good afore hand to bee furnished with Graces which may be as the staffe of our old age * If we spēd our strēgth in our youth at the seruice of God he shall neuer cast vs off in our olde age But what shall I say nothing will waken foolish Virgines while they sleepe till that shrill voyce bee heard The Bridegrome is come When it is no more time mē who cōtented themselues with counterfeit shewes deceiuing shadowes arise run seeke for Oyle which they shall not be able to get either for buying or begging By all this my discourse Sir ye may perceiue that the long date of dayes bringeth men vnto dotage after dotage vnto dust from thence hee came Man of few yeares is foolish vnto fourtie a little after that folie hath left him dotage succeedeth which vnderstandeth no Precepts In this Mappe of the olde mans miserie yee may see whether or not man haue cause to bee greedie of many yeares Though the world were not vaine yet yee see that man is but vanitie in the world Let all men heere lay aside such doting vanities that bring too doolefull miseries Let all flesh learne that Nothing out of God can affoord sound joye and contentment If a man want God were hee an Emperour as high indeede as the King of Babylon was in conceite euen aboue the stars of God his life shall bee crossed with these th●…ee shrude companions viz. The griefe of thinges by past the paines of things present and the feare of after claps The sicke Man The thought of such thinges beginne to waine mine heart from the loue of all thinges worldlie I pray you yet a little to continue in that purpose concerning the vanities of things below The meditations therof lik sharpe keene spurs should prick and stirre vs forword from the loue of this vnto the loue of these lasting things which are aboue The Pastour The sight of this worlde is like that vision of Ezechiel wherein is often said Turne thee yet againe and thou shalt see moe abominations than all these So say I Sir Turne you yet againe heere and yee shall see greater vanities than either these of Strength or of Honour or of Riches or of Beautie Pleasure Wisedome or long Life Beholde a vanitie which is the cause of all these vanities viz. Sinne and iniquitie where vnto we are all subject so long as we liue in this world the region of corruption where if a man stand on Gods side he shall become the drunkards song with Dauid or a by-word with Iob among the chidren of Beliel Looke thorow this world and consider sin in all sortes of men sorrow following euer sinne at the heeles In this place behold Dauid making his bedde to swimme with his teares for his adulterie In that place againe behold Peter weeping b●…tterlie for his denyall In this place againe behold Lot vexing his righteous Soule from day to day for the vnlawfull deedes of the wicked In that place behold S. Paul groaning vnder a dead bodie of sinne euen a bodie of death No man is able to hunt all the corners of mans corruption From particular men let vs come to whole Churches defiled with spots and blemishes Heere is the Church of Ephesus which hath left her first Loue. There is Smyrna where some of Gods best seruantes are cast into prison Heere againe is Pergamus defiled with the doctrine of Balaame and of the Nicolaitanes In Thyatira the whoore Iezabel sat as a Prophetesse teaching and seducing Gods seruants to committe fornication to eate things sacrificed vnto idoles Sardis had a name to liue and yet was dead Laodicea was neither cold nor hote so that God threatned to spewe her out of his mouth Among all the seuen Churches onelie Philadelphia kept the word of his patience and yet her life was not without feare to losse her Crowne Behold I come quicklie said the Lord hold that fast which thou hast that no man take thy Crowne But long since hauing neglected this precept shee is bereaued of that comfort Crowne Where nowe are all these most flourishing Churches of Asia where now are all these Churches of Grecia most glorious in Constantius dayes Because they helde not fast that which they had they haue all lost their Crowne By deare Experience haue they learned what vanitie is Behold and see how this world is like a working sea wherein sinne like a gall winde or strong Tyde carrieth many tribulations and destructions from Countrie to Contrie All is made thereby
all bee comfounded and turned backe that hate Zion confound all hatchers of Here●…ies let them bee as the grasse vpon the house tops which withereth afore it groweth vp wherewith the Mower filleth not his hand nor hee that bindeth sheaues his bosome Protect Her by thy cloud by day direct Her by night by the pillar of fire let neuer the bright star of thy Gospel goe downe which pointeth out vnto vs the Sauiour Saluation of our Soule O righteous LORD thou hast juste cause against this Church to make Her Sunne goe downe at noone and darknesse to surprise vs in the cleare day with a sudden and ineuitable sin prizall and destruction GOD blesse vs with an holie vnion and banish farre off the Deuill of diuision Blesse our gracious SOVERAIGNE the Kings Majestie Mak him to joy in thy strength greatlie to rejoyce in thy Saluation Direct His Heart His mouth by thy Spi●…it giue him his hearts desire and with-hold not the requeast of his lips Giue to Him the courage of Dauid and the wisdome of Solomon Be fauourable to His Royall Match Inflame Her Heart with the loue of thy deare Sonne Iesus Let all Her desire be to know him crucified Make Her an happie Mother of happie Children euen a blessed Mother in Israel Blesse our Nobilitie make them noble like the men of Berea so that they may haue courage for the Truth And seeing LORD that as wee may see in this our deare Friende man is like to vanitie and that his dayes are as a shadow that passeth away Take vs to thy schoole and teach vs to number our fewe and euill dayes that wee may apply our hearts to wisedome to wel doing Let it please thine Highnesse to grant vs these out sutes for the onely sake of Iesus the Author and finisher of our faith the verie Anchor of our Soule the onelie stay and staffe of our hope the ende and rest of all created desires the true substance of ceremoniall shewes and shadowes To Him with Thee and thy Spirit of Grace bee praise and thankesgiuing glorie and dominion now and euermore AMEN If your sleepe in the night be interupted cause read vnto you the Booke of Ecclesiastes the strong enemie of all worldlie vanitie Moses his psalme which is the ninty Psalme shal be meete for your meditations cause reade also the 1 Pe●…er chap. I. The LORD sanctifie all your spirituall exercises to the comfort of your wearied Soule The GOD of all mercie blesse the little sparke of Grace enkindled by his Spirite in you till it spread into a big flame GOD with a little Dewe of newe Grace can so bl●…sse prosper another Grace alreadie giuen that Hee will make it though so little like a graine of mustard to growe towardes a tree Blesse GOD who hath not suffered you to tread the fearefull and desperate path of these who from the beginning of their life vnto the end haue beene nothing but disturbers of peace waues of the Sea foaming out their owne shame and casting vp mire and dirt vpon the shore of their whole couersation The LORD edge the little measure of your weake Faith with a longing desire after fulnesse of perswasion And season your heart with sauing Grace The Lord make his most Sacred and powerfull Word so to enter into the secretes of your Soule that it may strike a dead stroke at the sweetest of your sinnes that your sinnes being slaine your Soule may liue and haue a portion in Gods new Ierusalem till yee come there the LORD guard you with an inuincible troupe of his blessed Angels The Loue of the Father the Grace of the Sonne with the Peace his Spirit bee with you for euer THE FIFT DAYES Conference Of the last Iudgement The sicke Man OVanity of vanities O vanity of vanities all is vainity this whole night I haue dreamed of vanitie I thinke that my Dreameproceedeth from vesterdays Conference for Solomon saith that a dreame cōmeth through the multitude of businesse Well is the man that is well occupyed in the day for in the night such businesse maketh an impression into his Spirite An euill doer in the day cānot often dreame of good into the night Happie is the man that hath made the Lord the onelie leuell of his life What houres can it now bee I long for a sight of my louing and comfortable Pastour The Pastour Heere I am Sir come againe for to see what progresse yee haue made into your Christian pilgrimage Ye●… heard yesterday of the vanitie of all things that are below I desire now to know how your heart hath beene affected since The sicke Man I haue Sir all this night d●…eamed that this world is but vanitie a lifting vp for a fall a race vnto a ruine I see nowe that all the profites and pleasures thereof are but lik a rotten Nut when men thinke to cracke the kernell they find nothing but worms with rottenesse bitternesse which prouocke the eater to spit O how the pure and cleane streames of diuine grace are stained with the stirring of the foule puddle of corrupt nature I am greatlie oblished to my God who hath giuen to me such patience in my sicknesse that I haue beene able to heare that heauenlie discours which ye had yesterday concerning earthlie things This life as I perceiue is nothing but a toilesome task of cares the best of our time is but labour sorrow our ease is a disease and wee rot in our rest Mine heart is no more in this world He is but a foole and so shall hee feele who euer hee bee that is too bent for the transitorie trashes thereof Heere is not our rest Rest heere is not our best As water by standing becometh stinking so the Spirit rotteth by carnall rest The ease of the flesh is the disease of the Spirit If wee bee without God in the world in our well we shall find but woe in our wealth but want in our loue but l●…cke in our mirth but mone In laughing the heart shall be sorrowfull and the end of that mirth shal be heauiness●… Without God in greatest compan●… is greatest melancholie Hee whose eyes the god of th●… world hath not blind-folded may easilie perceiue that all that is heere is but vanitie which vexeth the spiri●… What follie is this to take pleasure in such perishing things which can bring no comfort at the conclusion of all when dust must returne to the earth as it was Oh that wee were wise to consider that while wee are heere we are compassed about with a bodie of sin in a world of wickednesse All sortes of euil in this world with eager pursute persecute the Soule of sinfull man all the depthes of Sathan and policies of Hell concure into this worke Now Sir I intreat you seeing yee haue spoken so heauenlie of the earth that it would please you to say some-what concerning the last judgement
they who gather themselues before the decree come foorth Behold and consider what a change is this These who mourned of before for their sinnes shall then solace themselues in their sorrowes The shriks squoakes of these damned soules falling down to hel which shal be to the wicked a song of judgement shal be to the Godlie in that day quite otherwise euen a song of mercie full of mirth and of Musicke O how sweete then shall mercie bee to the Godlie when they shall see what Gods fearefull vengeance shall work on the wicked whom their life by an accursed Alchymie turned the grace of their God into wantonnesse O how rejoyced shall their heartes bee when that great IEHOVAH shall begin to sway with his Almightie Arme that mace of yron for to dash these fore-lorne limmes with paine both of sense and of losse Then shall the Theefe wish that both his hands had beene maimed and mutilate Then shall the vncleane person whose eyes are filled with adulterie and filthinesse wish that he had beene borne blind Then shall the Drunkard wish that he had beene borne without a mouth Then shall the Blasphemer a man of bloody oathes wish that his tongue with a Turkesse had beene torne out of his throat This also for a surplus shall bee joyned to their anguish none shall bee for to wish them well or for to condole their miserie The decree beeing once come foorth and the doome of damnation beeing once pronounced with these wordes of command Depart from mee c. All the vngodlie in scarlet abominations who in their excessiue pride rousted on high as in Eagles nests shall in that day fall down with Deuils into that Dungeon and ward house of Hel wher ther is no light but for to let these which are tormented see their miserie no darknesse but that which may hid from their eyes all sortes of comfort Then all their by-past burning pleasures shall bee quenched into the fire of Hell lik●…ed hote yrō quenched into water with an extinguishing noise Nothing shal be then but shouting gnashing of teeth sighing sobbing and fearfull groanes Fewell of fire and garments rolled in blood All wicked Soules shall that daye bee drencht into an Occan of desperat displeasure and shall bee carried away with an invnding spaite of spitefull wrath O what joye shall bee kindled into the heartes of the Godlie when on the one hand they shall behold the miseries of the Theiues Drunkards Adulterers Fornicators and Blasphemers who were wont wantonlie to stretch out their throates into high blastes of blasphemie whē on the other part they shall consider how God in mercie hath fastened them as nailes into a sure place which cannot bee shaken O what gladnesse of heart shall the Saintes haue after that they haue seene the wicked tumbled downe into Hell to see what companie they shall be into among Angels of light loue with Christ himselfe in whose face is fulnesse of joye at whose right hand are pleasures for ouermore These pleasures vnspeakable for the greatnesse of themselues shal bee commended vnto the Godlie by two by-respects First by the consideration of that infinite woe and hellish virulencie without anie mixture of mercie whereinto they shall see the wicked to be plunged wherof they shall bee free Secondlie by the rememberance of the miserie whereinto they liued while they did dwell on earth during the dayes of their vanitie their estate changed to the better shall become the sweeter Are they not these who are called Lillies among the thornes doeth Scripture call them These that are come out of the great tribulations Their by-past tribulations shall wonderfullie commend their present felicitie This wee see to be of great force by daylie experience The considerations first of other mens woes of the calamities wherewith at other times vvee haue beene perplexed are like Hunger which like good sauce giueth rellish and taste to course things which at other times wee thinke to bee no dainties To the hungrie Soule euerie bitter thing is sweete How sweete thē shall the sweetnesse of Gods face be to the Godlie after all their terrours are past after they haue seene the wicked these fearfull mis-chappen brats tumbled down the steepe precipes of eternall destruction What pleasures I pray you shall these bee when pleasures for euermore shall be joyned with the rememberance of all these tribulations wherin wee were enwrapped while our feete stackefast in the myre All these considerations joyned together with vnspeakable pleasures shall make the Harpes of God sound Halleluiah Halleluiah for euer and euer Such meditations ouerflow my Soule dyuing in such depths Now Sir yee haue heard of the last thinges which shall bee done in this world heere is the conclusion of the last judgement The wicked as S. Matthew saith shall goe away to euerlasting punishment but the Righteous to Life eternall The sicke Man O but mine heart is sore moued within mee while I thinke of that deepe Gulfe whereinto all wretched Soules shall bee plunged O yee who in the dayes of your vanitie drink vp the very Creame flower of the earth al your pleasures now thē must be gone Oh that euer anone we culd applie this vnto our hearts My soule is look one liking down from an high and steepie place The meditations of these woes of the wicked makal my senses to be troubled al my spirits to be confusedlie shuffled together my heart within me is so tossed to fro that it is come like a squissed egge whose yolke is mingled with its white All my thoughtes are confounded as one that is into an hurlie burlie Good Lord let thy visions bee vnto my Soule visions of peace The blessed God preserue vs from all these woes Lord make vs all to cleaue to thee with full purpose of Soule Now to come to the purpose In your discourse ye haue powerfullie let mee see the wicked swallowed vp in a fearefull gulfe Let mee heare now what becommeth of the godly The Pastour After that Christ hath giuen them his Blessing saying vnto them Come yee blessed of my Father c. They all beeing crowned and clothed in royall apparell shall all in good order goe triumphantlie in Charets vp to the Heauen of heauens with such shoutes of triumph and of Ioye of Loue and of Laud as was neuer heard since the world was founded Then shall that prophecie bee fulfilled God is gone vp with a shout the Lord with the sound of a Trumpet Sing praises to God sing praises That shal be the Lambes marriage day a day that shall neuer bee darkened with a night a Feast that shall neuer bee followed with a Fast. The day of the bringing of a Queene to the King of the Land is a day of great joye What pleasure can bee had of Mirth or Musicke shall not bee away that
arrows of thy wrath which thou hast made to stick in his ribbes the poyson whereof hath drunken vp his Spirit O how fearefull haue thy terrours set themselues in aray against him Beginne Lord and continue to slacke thy wrath Be with him now in thy great mercy O LORD and conuoye him by the graces of thy Spirit thorow the snakie field wildernesse of this world wherein hee hath beene like a Pilgrime or a Traueller passing from Towne to Towne till hee come into his Inne where he hopeth by thy mercie to bee exempt from all mixture of miserie Hee is now in the heate of his journey Let some cooling droppes of thy comforts bee send vnto him for to coole and quench his drougth in the scorching heate of this spirituall skirmish Thou who made waters to rush out of the jaw bone for the refreshing of Samson after his fight with the Philistimes giue vnto this wearied soule a drink of that water whereof if a man drink hee shall neuer thirst any more And now seeing in all appearance he is not for to remaine manie dayes vpon this Earth make him to be still looking all the dayes of his appointed time till his changing come grant that when it shall come hee may change for the better and that for the glorie of thy great Name and for the euerlasting rest peace and joye of his sillie sorrow beaten Soule O crush the head and breake the heart of euerie sinne that lurketh within his breast left they choke the Soule of this thy Turtle Doue Bee no more sowre vnto him If thou should appeare grieslie with a sterne countenance vnto sinners how soone should they bee out-faced if thou straitlie m●…iniquitie who shall stand But O mercie is with thee Let that mercie that is with thee come to him wherby all his floating thoughts may bee made to sink soake into the Blood of the Lambe the softner and soupler of stiffe and hardened heartes In the darkest houre of death bee thou the comfort and darlling del●…ght of his heart O Pastour of Israel now put an end to all the cloudie and darke dayes of his distresse Tak in this silly Soule thy little Lambe within the compasse of thine heauenlie folde till it winne there refresh it with a baire in its journey let no meanes bee deficient til in it thou crowne thy graces with thy glorie LORD blesse thy Church vniuersall the deare Spouse of Iesus as they are all members of one Body make them all to bee of one heart that in an heauenlie harmonie they may all thinke one thing Stop the mouth of the red Dragon from spewing out the red bloodie floodes of persecution against Her if not giue Her the winges of Faith whereby Shee may flee to the wildernesse for Her escape O cloth her Priests with Saluation that all her Saints may shout a lowd for joye Giue them one mind and one mouth But alas Icabod where nowe is that glorie Preserue our gracious SOVERAIGNE with his Royall Match Send down a princelie Spirit vpon him Keepe them as the Apple of thine Eye As thou hast bund their bodies into the bond of wed locke so bind their Soules into the bandle of life Make the Heauens to rejoyce at her Majesties conuersion Loue Her LORD as thou loued Lidea by the opening of her heart Make both Crowne and Court seruiceable to thee the greatest Majestie aboue Sanctifie all our Nobles make them lik the men of Berea couragious for the Trueth Plants of renowne Guide vs all in the way of righteousnesse and weane vs from the loue of this Worlde Prepare vs for the last Battell of the Soule Suffer neuer Sathan with the mood of his temptations to trouble or distemper the cleare Riuers of thy comforts wherwith thou refresheth thy beloued Ones Suffer neuer that prince of darknesse to put out with his dampes the glorious Light of thy Gospel which now most orientlie shineth among vs. LORD perfume all our vnwhorthie prayers with the sweete smelling righteousnes of Iesus Christ our Lord Master in whose most blessed Name wee pray as hee hath pleased him to teach vs Our Father which art c. By Gods grace Sir I shall returne the Morrow earelie The Spirit of Iesus print into your heart the best comforts of his Treasures Remember Sir that all our goodnesse is of him for naturallie wee are hewen out of a sinfull rocke All our guises are but guile till we bee cast into another mould by the Spirit of regeneration Striue more and more to bee constant and couragious till this bitter Battell bee ended For euerie Battell of the Warriour is with confused noise and garments rolled in Blood Now the night is fallen downe while deepe sleepe falleth on mē strin●… to bee acquainted with the Teacher of the reines in the night season If the paine of your sicknes rob your eyes of sleepe cause read vnto you this night Dan. 7. 1. Cor. 15. 1. Thess. 4. The LORD pul off your Soule al the filthie menstruous cloutes of your corruptions and cloath you with the most rich invaluable Robe of Christs righteousnesse The Lord fill your heart with the inspirations of the Almightie His Grace bee with you THE SIXT DAYES Conference of Heauens Glorie The Pastour ACcording to my promise Sir I am heere come againe for to see what it shall please God to doe with you at last waite constantlie on your God His mind is to doe you good in the latter end I earnestlie now desire to know what the meditation of the last judgement hath wrought into your heart this night bygone The sicke Man Except that a man bee well occupied in the day his heart in the night will swarme with worthlesse witlesse thoughts Sathan the lord of the night is euer busie by secret foisting in of corruptions into mans thoughts to justle out of his heart all holie and heauenlie meditations All this night it seemeth vnto me that I heard the shrill sound of the last Trumpet sounding most fearefullie the Alarum of the Resurrection at the second and sudden comming of our Lord All Saintes and Angels seemed to bee present at that great Iubile I thought in my sleepe that I saw the Sonne of man enuironed with innumberable Charets of fyre comming downe with vnspeakable pompe Glorie and Majestie I thought him more glistering than the Sun while he sbineth in his greatest force Mine eyes were dazeled with the brightnesse of his Beames All thrones made roome vnto his Throne Mine heart was neuer so rauished as it hath bene this last night by-past In the thoghts of mine heart in the night while deepe sleepe falleth on mā there came into my memorie some passages of Scripture concerning heauens glorie wherof most gladlie I desire now to heare The Apostle S. Paul speaketh of this with great power Wee faint not said hee but though our outward man perish
her Consider well I pray you If the beholding of the glorie of an earthlie Prince so rauished the heart not of a rusticke that will easilie wonder at any thing but of a Queene yea and so that no more spirit remained in her what should it bee if we should get but as through the gra●… one sight thorow the heauens of that great God of Solomon sitting vpon his Throne If but for the quarter of an houre wee might see the meate of his Tabl●… and the standing of his seruants the attendance of his Ministers Saincts Angels casting downe their Crownes at his feete if I say wee could see these things as they are this our Spirit shuld be caried toward him wit●… such a strong bent affection tha●… 〈◊〉 should not tarie within vs but being rauished should runne out of this body of clay for to goe abide with him that made it among pleasures perfectlie abstracted from paine If God as hee is should appeare vnto vs were it neuer so little the bonds of our bodies should not be able for to fetter so our Soules but at the first sight of God they with a most flagrant desire should flutter out of sinfull clay for to enjoye his most amiable presence wherein are pleasures exempted from all hazard of surprysall That which I say giueth some light to these wordes which God said to Moses No man can see my face and liue As for the wicked I giue this interpretation that the sight of Gods face shuld kil them as light killeth darknes or as the day is the slaughter of the night But God who killeth not but quickeneth the killed of his owne chosen if by them hee were seene in the face on earth they shuld dye not a violent death but they should die for loue to bee at him At the first sight of his Face their Soules would not remaine any more in clay but loathing their bodies they should make haste for to flie to their God So soone as Steuen saw the Heauens opened the Son of man standing at the right hand of God his Soule tooke post to the heauens Albeit the Burrios thought that they chaised it out with stroakes and with stones yet it is certaine that fra once hee got that sight his Soule was more desirous to bee out of his bodie for loue of Heauen than the Soule of the most wicked man can bee desirous to abide still within for feare of Hell There is such an attractiue loue in Gods countenance that if the Soule in flesh could once see it the bodie should not bee able to keepe it any more within no not for the space of a moment As the load stone draweth vnto it the yron by a secret and vnspeakable draught so in the face of God there is such an attractiue force that of neede force the godlie Soule at the first sight of it must flie vp vnto it As the Sun by the force of his beames raised vp the vapours towardes heauen euen so if God would but turne his face to anie Soule with the least blinke thereof hee should draw vp that Soule vnto himselfe like a vapour raised vp by the force of the Sunne Consider how the sight but of his backe partes maketh many a well resolued Christian to cry vp vnto him Cupio dissolvi I desire to bee dissolued What is that but the faithfull Soule haling like an Hawke for to flie from the mortall heart as from the hand of a stranger for to come home to her Lord in eternitie O thrise happie hee whose name is in the Booke and whose Soule is in the bundle of life O the gaine that wee haue by the mercie of God in the fall of Adam In Paradise man might liue or die On earth hee now liueth and must die But in Heauen wee shall so liue that wee can no more die O blessed life of eternitie neuer to haue an end into that other world Oh that wee could spend this life in a sacred violence in pursute of that celestiall crowne of immortalitie Happie is hee who keepeth a narrow watch ouer all the stirringes and imaginations of his heart in consideration of that day Happie is hee who maketh all his joys pleasures and all his best beloued thinges below to bee by standers waiting on the seruice of that one thing which onelie is necessarie The sicke Man My Soule is so rauished with you●… speach that it flutters within mee ●… haleth to bee away from this mortalitie for to goe dwell into these heauenlie Mansions with the God of glorie Our best thinges below in their verie quintessence are defiled with the moode of home bred corruption All haue neede to be renewed in the verie spirit of their minde Let it please you Sir yet to continue in describing the beautie of Paradise The Pastour If man o●… Earth could belieue the beautie of the Heauens to be in any measure such as it is hee would bee glad at his heart to forsake the moulding cottages of clay Seeing the out-sid of heauen is so glorious what must bee the in side Solomons Temple was a type of Heauen The further a man went in he saw the greater beautie In the out most Cou●… was but an Altar of brasse for the s●…crificing of beastes Into the inward Court stood an Altar of Gold for offering of incense of sweet persum●…s But that which was in most viz Sanctum Sanctorum the Holie of holies was all full of Glorie There God himselfe was heard in a voyce beetweene the Cherubins There was the Ark called The Glorie wherin were the Tables of Gods word Aarons flourished Rod the Manna There was the Word for the instruction of the Soule There were the Almond floorishes like a pleasant Spring for rejoycing of the eye There also was Mannah for meate the type of that euerlasting Soule feast in the Heauens Behold a compend of the three most pleasāt seasons of the yeare First there was the seed of the word after that the Summer flowers of pleasure in the flowrishing Rod And last there was the fruitfull haruish of Manna for meat In a word in that Holie of holies the figure of Heauen was the Merciesea●… the speciall place of Gods residence But all the beautie of that Temple were not sufficient to expresse the shadowe of these that are aboue the starres S. Paul after that hee had beene rauished vp to the third heauens got a charge from God that hee should not tell what hee had heard or seene there Onelie this hee declared after that hee was come downe that vp into Paradise hee had heard vnspeakable words which no tongue of flesh could bee able to pronounce But though such words had beene speakable the Apostle declareth that it was not lawfull for a man to vtter them Alas what can the earthlie low creeping wor●…s of our highest eloquence expresse of these
shall ye bee Mans life at the longest may bee measured with a spanne Behold said the Psalmest thou hast made my dayes of an hand-breadth Mine age is as nothing before thee Our life is but a vapour and a wind which once passeth away returneth not againe It should therefore bee your best in time to prepare your selues for a better life and not with many to relye securelie vpon a possibilitie of pardon If yee bee wise venter not vpon such broken staues which faile in greatest neede The carnall Friend Thinke not the worse of mee Sir if I desire you to be honoured with the best in Buriall bee not too precise I hope that wee all shall come to heauen at last wee are all sinners I hope before I die to repent mee of all my sins The sicke Man S. Augustins wordes are of great power Metuendum est ne te occidat spes cum multum speres de misericordia incidas in judicium It is to be feared that while men hope for nothing so much as mercy euen then they fall into damnation I pray God that such hopes deceiue you not Many foolishlie make a packe horse of Christs merites and Gods mercies not caring what burdens they lay on A broken heart is onelie an heart qualified for the pardons of heauen If Christ Iesus his wordes bee of anie credit among men this wee must hold that none shall come to heauen but by the narrow way Sathan with his temptations hath bored out the eyes of many as the Philistins did to Samson But alas who hath the courage of Samson to seeke to be ledde to the chiefe pillars that he may pull them down for to bee reuenged vpon his foes Alas this is the fashion of this world men like the sluggard liue in delayes in steepe and in sloth Yet a little while and yet a little while No man will build an Arke vntill the floode come Lot himselfe did linger to saue himselfe from a brime stone fyre Men haue no leasure to bee saued so hard is it for the most part to pluke their feete out of the clouches of this world If wee could ouercome the loue of this worlde which is the great Goliah of our enemies then shuld we easilie ouercome the pride of the Philislins and the feare of Israel But carnall men know not what it is to mortifie olde Adam with his corrupt lustes Fooles feede on folies and tickle their fond fancies with imagined contentments not knowing the strick narrow course of sanctification Such mens speach is often both vnseemelie and vnseasonable Blessed bee my God who hath giuen mee the staffe in the hand and the stone in the scrippe wherewith I haue stricken all my strongest corruptions in the temples Sathan is tread vnder foote my flesh is subdued mine heart is in Heauen I care for the worlde no more neither desire I to speake anie longer of clay or of anie thing below My minde is aboue farre from the dirt drosse of all earthlie thoughts O my heauenlie Father wrap my Soule wrappe it vp in the righteousnesse of thy Sonne Let that bee the white long robe of my Soule while my body wrapt in its winding sheete shal lye rotting into the graue O my God fill my fainting heart with a joyfull confluence of the precious sufferings of Iesus of the promises of life of the joyes of heauen mak mine ende with that of the vpright man to bee peace Bee not cast downe my Soule neither bee thou disquieted within mee Hope in God for I shall yet praise him who is the health of my countenance and my God Oh but mine heart is sicke Oh where is my deare and louing Pastour His conference is most comfortable vnto my Soule The Pastour I am heere Sir waiting till I see the end of your Battell I haue heard all your wordes with great contentment I haue plainelie perceiued that Gods Angels these noble Spirits attend both to guide to guarde you God by the arme of his power hath brought you out of the thicket of thornes and pricking thistles of monie temptations He who hath made all things in number weight and measure hath not surcharge your Soule aboue that which he hath made you able to beare God in great grace hath made you first to know your selfe in your offences and miserie and after that to know him in his Majestie and mercie The Lord God in great kindnesse hath furnished you with firme Faith constant Hope and sincere Loue He hath led you thorow many trauerses and perplexities Now haue ye passed the most dreadfull darkest houre of all your temptations Now the dawning of a new day approacheth now labour might maine to be prepared for you God within a short space Christ the Sun of Righteousnesse that day spring from on high shall arise vpon your Soule neuer for to goe downe Continue in your prayers to God that he wold possesse your Soule with true hearted holinesse without which no Soule shall see Gods face What now Sir are yee doing The sicke Man My sillie Soule is heere waiting till Death come and open the prison doore that she may flee to her God to her Contrie from whence she came Fogs mists arise before mine eys O my God from the Throne of thy Grace r●…ine downe vpon my wearied Soule the refreshing showrs of thy most iender mercies Vouchsafe vpon mee some crummes of thy comforts Oh that I had the wings of a do●…e for to flee to the woundes of Iesus as to the holes of the Rock My poore Soule in this bodie is like a Bird in a Cage looking through the wyres Faine would it bee free of this sinfull captiuitie O but my Soule panteth fast after my Sauiour What now shall stay mee from my God from my Christ from my Father my brother and my Comforter my dearest Darling of delight I long to bee in Heauen the place of my rest My desire is to goe to Goshen the Land of light of Life and of Libertie Mine heart is fast linked vnto Christ in loue O Lord what is man that thou art so mindfull of him O man what is God that thou art so forgetfull of him O my GOD prepare mee to meete thee with a bruised Spirit Melt my sinnes into sighes and my troubles into teares Let thy good Spirit leade mee into the Land of vp rightnesse Lord let neuer this clay returne to clay till my Spirit be readie to goe to him that gaue it O quicken sharpen my care of heauen dulled and blunted with earthlie thoughts Make sound wisedome and discretion to bee life vnto my Soule and grace to my necke Make my Soule trimme with that costly wedding Garment bought with thy Blood O Iesus the blessed Bridegroome who hast by thy Gospel of Grace betrothed my Soule vnto
whereby he may be shielded from the bloodie blowes of a most cruell aduersarie Put on him Lord the compleate armour of God that hee may bee able to with-stand in this euill houre and hauing done all to stand Before this Battell end make him with stomacke and courage to runne all his enemies throgh with the two edged sword of thy Spirit Haue now Lord a speciall care of him Hemme in all his thoughts within the compasse of thy will Possesse him so with the fulnes of thy presence that in him there be found no roome for any ill motions Furnish him with the supplie of all these graces which thou knowest to bee wanting into him Let thy Spirit make residence in his heart as in an house of God Now Lord while it is time to saue saue the Soule of thy Seruant which is now readie to remoue Open vnto it that euer-flowing fountaine promised to the penitent of the house of Dauid for to tak away sinne and vncleannesse O Fountaine of Grace wash him and wash him throughlie with the blessed Blood of thy satisfaction After that thou hast made him perfectly cleane hold out thy succouring helpful armes vnto this Soule and take it into thy bosome Let it there taste of the honie of thy Compassions In this time of gloummines darknesse of death inlighten his Soule with the light of thy countenance Turne thy face now vnto it Hitherto it could see nothing but the Back-parts of Thee that Great IEHOVAH which bringeth joye but in parte From such parts now bring him vnto the fulnesse Turne thy selfe vnto this Soule that it may fullie see thy face wherein is fulnesse of joye And seeing no man can see thy face liue let this thy Seruant now see thy face and die that after death hee may liue with thee for euer in the Heauens Let neither the loue of life nor the feare of death turne his eyes from the prize of the high calling of God Make him now with a long steppe from the earth to the heauens to step in into immortalitie Now Lord engraue deepelie this Soule into the palmes of thine hands Set it as a seale on thine heart Wrap it within the Mantle of thy mercie war●…e it within the bowels of thy loue lappe it in thy bosome with that vnspeakable joye which Christ hath purchased with vnspeakable paine euen through the bloodie merites of his most bitter passions His wordes now are failed Square thou all his thoughts by the rule of thy Spirit of grace Lord make these our weake prayers to mount vp lik Pillars of smoke parfumed with the mercifull merites of thine onelie Sonne To him with thee his Father and with the Spirit of Grace be all Glorie Praise Power and Dominion for euer AMEN The spirituall Friend O deare Friende whome I haue seene a sorrow beaten sinner Rejoyce now in your Sauiour whose mercies haue beene the Bane of all your sinfull miseries Cleaue still fast vnto your Sauiour Let not him goe whom your soule loueth till ye come to Peniel where yee shall see him face to face The Lord refresh your wearied soule with the soft sweete breath of his Spirit The Lord kned into your heart these spirituall meditations which are of the purest straine O Father of mercies giue vnto this soule a most sure Infef●…ment of heauen by the hand of thy Spirit Make some drops of thy Myrrhe to enter in by some litle creuice of his heart Put in thine hand by the keye hole of the doore that his bowels may bee moued for thee Let such a strength now repare from thee vnto him that the world may see that thy strength is made perfect in weaknesse It shall bee expedient that nowe yee his Pastour in a short prayer recommend him to God againe Behold him now at the last gaspes his eye stringes are broken The water of death trickleth downe ouer his cheekes His life is now drawen to an haire O Lord while bodilie sight and senses faile make spirituall sight and sense succeede in a greater perfection Make a spaite of thy grace with a mightie streame to carrie him to glorie O deare Friend vp with your heart to your God Nowe all your sins shall die with your sicknesse The Rocke of your Saluation Iesus hath shiuered them in pieces There is 〈◊〉 condemnation to these that are in Christ who out of the pangs of loue suffered that paines of hell for mans Redēption His Angels Sir are heere waiting vpon your Soule for to carrie it to pleasures for euermore Yet a little while and loe yee shall bee at the vpshotte of all your woe Yee are nowe vtterlie out of the reach of all the powers of hell euen vpon the borders of euerlasting pleasures vnmixed pleasures which shall turne all your teares into triumphes The Pastour Now Sir Gird vp the loynes of your minde make haste to your God who shortlie shall put into your hād the palme of victorie Sathan is chained vp now for doing you anie more harme The night of your trouble is past Christ that blessed Day spring hath brought a morning mercie vnto your Soule His graces in you hath shined more and more and so shall doe vntill the perfect day euen vntill your Soule carried on Eagles winges reach the hight of Heauen where without teares or tediousnesse are pleasures for euermore Though your tongue now faile you Sir let your heart be busie with God in prayer hee will hearten and encourage you in all the businesse Your taske is at an end Heaue vp your heart to Christ crucified with vs and that with sighes and sobbes the groanings of his owne Spirit Though your bodie now be cold the Spirit of Iesus shall by a free and vitall operation maintaine the heate and vigour of your Soule The Spirit of comfort conueye vnto your soule the warmest blood that euer heated the heart of Iesus Let vs pray The last prayer for the sicke Man in the verie jawes of death O LORD whose mercies are aboue all thy workes it was neuer thy custome to send away a broken heart without comfort Now heare the secret g●…oanes and sighes of thy seruant whose soule is ready in this gasping agonie to come out of its Tabernacle for to cōpeare before thee Thou who hast giuen him thy Son for a ransome giue him thy Spirit for a pledge Furnish him with force for to fight and finish this Battell in victory As thou hast bene at the beginning of his beeing euen the beginner of his beeing so now bee thou the ende at which hee aimes euen the ende of all his woes And seeing hee is now in the narrow throat of death helpe him by thy power till hee hath past this passage Put now into him a fresh li●…e that in a strong vigour hee may runne with the feete of the Hinde till hee come to thee in ete●…nitie Make him now supple and nimble
while he is neere the ende of his race His sillie soule hath beene sore weather-driuen with many temptations now let his battell take an end Receiue his soule in thy Rest. and lull it in the bosome of thy pleasures Bee a shield and a shelter vnto him for to hidde and couer him from the last blowes and painefull thrusts of his enemie the Deuill Disapoint that euill one while hee looketh for the greatest victorie Let him receiue the foulest foile Loose now sweetlie these two which thou hast joyned together that after his eyes with olde Simeon haue seene thy Saluation he may depart in peace Seeing the Battell is nowe come to the la●…f stroke make thy Spirit O Lord in him to fight it out that hauing ouercome thou may put the palme of victorie into his hand after that the dayes of dangers are past O draw this soule now vnto thee with the strongest cordes of thy loue Proclaime vnto his Conscience a full a finall remission of his sinnes whether Originall or actuall whether of Commission or of Omission Subscribe his pa●…don with the arteriall blood of thy blessed Sonne O Father of mercies the Spouse of all faithfull Soules receiue this Spirit into thy wed locke-bedde It was betrothed vnto thee by thy faire promises in the Gospel now according to thy promise accomplish and fulfill that blessed Band in the presence of thine Angels Long Lord hath hee thought on it and earnestlie longed for it Seale thou it now with the sense of thy loue Fulfull it Lord and this day be thou the Bridegroome of his Soule Heere hee hath seene but the Copie of thy countenance let him now come where he may see thee euen as thou art As thou gaue him his measure of grace in the world so nowe giue him his portion of glorie b●…sides thy selfe Let nothing sway his thoughts from thee in this last ag●…nie Season so his heart with thy loue that there bee no roome in his heart for any thing by thy selfe Now loose the pinnes of the Tabernacle while his soule shall bee out of the bodie let it enter into the Palace of pleasures Say vnto it as Laban said to Abrahams seruant Come in thou blessed of the Lord Thou who hast clasped his name within the Booke of life Bind now his soule into the bundle of life Drawe it out of this myrie mortalitie place it among the Angels and spirites of just men who are alwayes in thy presence courting thy countenance wherein i●… fulnesse of joye Vnto the end and in the end keepe his heart vnblameable in holinesse that Sathan that roaring Lyon bee neuer able to catch him within the reach of his paw Preserue the true rellish and sound joyes of thy Spirit of grace within him till from grace thou bring him vnto glorie where thou shalt crowne thy giftes and graces with thy goodnesse O now open the euerlasting doores let in this Soule decked with the lawrels of victorie Let all the Heauens welcome this conuerted sinner with songes and shoutes of joye O Spirit of Comfort thou hast guided him thorow many seas of sorrowes sit still at the Helme till thou haue brought him to his Hauen O now crowne thy graces with thy glorie Lord Iesus receiue my spirit To the Father Sonne and holie Ghost be euerlasting praise and dominion for euer AMEN Michael and the Deuils dispute for the ' Soule of the sicke Man alittle before its departure out of the Body Sathan I Haue many things to lay to this mans charge I am the Lordes Proctor and Acturney appointed to plead for his justice I haue alreadie sifted his life Of force this Soule must bee damned None Assise can cleanse it It is now taken red hand in the path and passage of sinne The Angel Michael I will not vse against thee a railing accusation neither darre I for my Master the God of mercie and of meekenesse It hath pleased his royall Majestie to license thee to accuse the soules of men Thine accusations are euer most bitter and most bloodie I am heere standing on my Masters side for to defend this Soule which hee hath bought with his blood But what can thou say against this man whose Soule is committed to me for to be carried vnto Paradise I know thee of olde to bee the accuser of the brethren I remember well how once I contended grappled with thee for the bodie of Moses which was buried sore against thy will It is likelie that of it thou thought to make an idole Loose now thy leach and let all thy hell-hounds come forward Come come with thy most foule mouthed objections what cā thou now alledge against the soule of this man before that it come out of this bodie Thou art heere a Lyon against a Lambe Declare now what thou can in this Assise Thou can say no more than he hath alreadie said against himselfe But come on f●…aime thine inditement against him Discharge thy fie●…ie dartes with the outmost of thy force Sathan Knowest thou not that there is a large haruest for Hell manie called but few chosen Hee is my Vassall I require but Iustice Let him receiue but according to his deseruinges Heere is a Bill of inditement able to conuinee him In his wickednes he turned to his course as the horse rusheth into the battell Both fiercelie and feareleslie marching vnder my collours in the pursute of his pleasures hee ranne ryote in the way of wickednesse The Angel Michael Is not God a God of mercie able to forgiue But what hath hee done Sathan Beholde the pieces of Euidence which I produce against him Let all the actions of his life bee brought to a true touch and it shall appeare what a monster hee hath beene In his youth hee scorned at the Thunder of Gods word counting it but Paper shot His soule was neuer grieued to grieue the Spirit of grace seldome came hee to the Church hee was of the kinred of Noahs Raùen delighting to flie about the Arke not willing to enter into it Gods hony word of vnspeakable sweetnesse was vineger to his teeth The pure commandement of the Lord which inlightened the eys was lik smok vnto his eyes the cause of blearednesse In all pointes he was disloyall vnto his God Hee misregarded his Parents He burned with lust like an Ouen heated by the baker Hee so loued his lust that it was his law His hands were full of pickerie his eyes were full of adulterie and his heart was full of guile and his tongue full of lyes euer gaggling like a Goose. He was a cunning clawbacke a paunchpike thanke His custome was to defile the aire with most filthie belghs of blasphemie Hee sported at all reproofes O the noble jugling There there this geare goeth trimme By hooke by crooke he sought for gaine Howe hee wanne it hee cared not if men perceiued not his fraude With Iudas hee was whollie giuen to the
appointed his boundes that hee cannot passe As the enemies of Christ could not laye handes on him till his houre was come neither Death the 〈◊〉 enemie touch the Sainctes till the houre of their change come As for you M. whom now the Lord hath made a Widow yee haue to take patience and holde your peace with Aaron Dauid said to God I was dumbe and opened not my mouth because thou diddest it A Widow in the holie tongue is called Almanah from a worde that signifieth dumb a word warning her to lay her hād on her mouth for to seale it with a reuerend silence because God hath done it Let his decease prouoke and enkindle your desire to goe to him for hee will no more come to you God M. hath not left you comfortlesse for now happie is your Husband who hath drunke of deaths cuppe so peaceablie euen a sleeping drinke wherewith hee hath gone to sleepe with these righteous who are said by the Prophet to rest in their beddes The friendes of Christ die not but softlie with Lazarus that friend of Christ they sleepe in their Graues where they lye still and are quiet Trauell M. with your owne heart that it bee silent O but yee haue to blesse God who hath dealt so mercifullie with your dearest hearte whome hee hath so powerfullie vp holden in so bloodie and bitter a Battell against the enemies of his Saluation wherein by the strength of God in his weakenesse After bitter bickeringes hee hath obtained so glorious a victorie which hath made all the heauens torejoyce Now assuredlie M. yee may say My deare Husband the desire of mine eyes is now a Prince in heauen crowned with the euer greene Lawrels of immortalitie Hee hath changed a fraile life a wind in a worme for eternitie of Glorie Faithfull Iob patientlie blessed God by whose permission Sathan in a whirle-wind crushed all his Children together vnder the ruines of an house howe much more comfortablie may yee say The Lord gaue the Lord hath taken away blessed bee the Name of the Lord. How manie good and godlie persons haue their Husbands taken by Pyrates pyned in Galleyes rotting in prisons slaine by poysō stobbed in duells murthered by Traitours killed in warre drowned in Riuers sunke downe in Seas with their whole substance and diuerslie taken away in most doolefull manner But be hold which may blunt the edge of your dolours your husband peaceablie deceased in his bed hauing his eyes closed with the finger of a Friend Though all the sortes of death of Gods beloued Ones be precious in his sight yet it is most comfortable for the liuing when these whom they loue best are remoued in this outward peaceable manner both spirituallie and temporallie comforted This Iob calleth to die in our nest If God had done otherwise to you in the rigour of his Iustice who durst controll him This also ye must remember for the settling of any drūblie mood of impatiencie that may be in your heart that hee was but lent vnto you for a space and so contracted yee at the first to tarrie but a space together for if yee will take leasure to reade your Contract of m●…rriage yee shall finde that therein is made mention of the death of you both Let mee yet come neerer after hee had taken you by the hand before the 〈◊〉 on your marriage day your handes a little after few wordes spoken did goe asunder againe euen for to tell you that none immortall knot can bee had of any things heere below happie shee whose hearte is plyable and obsequious to the will of her God I confesse that yee cannot but mourne beeing depriued of such 〈◊〉 pleasure the fairest jewell of all your worldlie joy the staffe of your estate on whō your greatest comfortes did depend what wōder for many days haue ye bene glad together so that it is no possible were ye neuer so sāctified but your heart must be deeplie wounded Why not Gods will was neuer against anie moderate mourning for the dead * Grace maketh no●… men and women Stoicks and stockes that cannot bee moued for anything Nay God permits vs to mourne but not to carke care as these which haue none hope who ●…ugging out their haire and downe their cheekes powre out their roaringes as waters beeing swallowed vp of discouragement hauing none hoe in their griefe they some out myre and dirt It is permitted to mourne when Gods hand is gone out against vs It is naturall True grace is not against it but against its corruption in excesse In the Olde-Testament Abraham mourned for Sarah For the death of Deborah Rebeccas Nurse was sore weeping for which cause y● Oak-tree vnder which she was buried was called Allon Bachuth the Oake of weeping Iacob wept exceedingly for Ioseph whom hee thought by some wilde beaste to haue beene rent in pieces After that Iacob had gathered vp his feete yeelded vp the ghost Ioseph fell vpon his face and wept 〈◊〉 him and kissed him Naomi after shee had lost both Husband and Children would no more bee called Naomi that is pleasant Call me not Naomi said shee that is pleasant but call mee Marah that is bitter For the Almightie hath dealt verie bitter 〈◊〉 with me I went out full and the Lord hath brought mee home againe emptie Why then call yee mee Naomie seeing the Lord hath testified against mee and the Almightie hath afflicted mee These all were interested and therefore they mourned beeing pinched with the smart Behold M. how in the Olde-Testament God by taking away by death hath afflicted his dearest Ones for to vse Naomis words hath testified against them consider also how they haue mourned In the New-Testament Christ himselfe groaning in himselfe wept at Lazarus his Graue The wordes are these And Iesus wept The sight of Christes death was by Simeon foretold to his Mother Marie This Simeon called a sword which shuld pierce her thorow the Soule Thus as yee see a Christian heart is not a Marble heart but a mel●…ing heart furnishing teares the tribute of our loue appointed for the funeral obsequies of our best beloued whose appointed monethes of life are expired Indeede where grace is it stayeth at the course stoppeth the ●…ent and the streame of Natures blind and bold corruptions bringing our most violent affections into an holie compasse of an humble submission vnto Gods will But it neuer dissalloweth a tempered Turtle crouding for the absence of our dearest comforts Such cleare crystall teares the Lord will put vp in his Bottels But as for these drumlie and barmie teares of fierce and vnrulie passions comming from the muddie fountaine of an vnhallowed heart the Lord will not respect them no more than 〈◊〉 regarded the sacrifice of Cain Suc●… teares are like the waters of jealousi●… to the whoorish woman which mad●… her thigh to rotte