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A15339 An exposition vppon the Booke of the Canticles, otherwise called Schelomons Song. Published for the edification of the Church of God. By T.VV. T. W. (Thomas Wilcox), 1549?-1608. 1585 (1585) STC 25622; ESTC S119964 142,941 290

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that in him alone should all fulnes dwell Col. 1. 19. Verse 2. Setteth out the excellency and beauty of the Church instructing vs to ioyne our selues to that holy felowshippe which the Lorde him selfe accounteth the piller of truth and his owne house 1. Tim. 3. 15. Verse 3. Doth not onely shew that our Sauiour Christe hath in him the fulnesse of all goodnesse Iohn 1. 16. But also these wordes I doe greatly desire to sit do teach vs what a holy hunger and thirst we ought to haue after him For which see Psalm 42. 1. 2. Psal 84. 2. and that not for a small while but continually for he that continueth to the end shall be saued Mat. 24. 13. Vers 4. Teacheth first that al the good things we haue we haue from God Iames. 1. 17. by the meane of our sauiour Christe which is alwayes taught in these wordes Grace be with you and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Iesus Christ Rom. 1. 7. Secondly that all these thinges whether they be bodily or spirituall or both are bestowed vppon vs for Christes sake and that therefore the Lorde is to be continually praised as Ephes 1 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. Pet. 1. 3. Vers 5. Teacheth vs first that we should comfort strengthen one an other in our faintinges Heb. 3. 12. 13. Heb. 13. 1. 3. Rom. 12. 9. 10. 11. 13. 15. 16. Secondly how earnest and harty our loue shoulde bee to Christ who hath loued vs so tenderly that he hath giuen himself for vs. Rom. 5. 6. 7. 1. Iohn 3. 16. 1. Iohn 4. 9. 10. 11. Vers 6. Teacheth that the presence of Christ to his church by his spirituall power and grace is meruailous comfortable which made our sauiour also to promise it as appereth Mat. 28. 20 Vers 7. Teacheth vs that not only those y t are without the church but those that are lincked ioyned to that holy body haue need sundry times not only to be admonished but also straitly charged that they do not any thing that may grieue or disquiet Iesus Christ the head therof Ephes 5. 23. For if they doe but neuer so little prouoke him then blessed are all those that trust in him Vers 8. Setteth out the great speed and hast as it were that Christ maketh to help succour his church in her griefes and distresses For proofe wherof see Luk. 18. 8. True it is that men many times thinke the time very long as Psal 13. 1. But we must learne in patience to possesse our owne soules Luk. 21. 19. and to tarry the lords leasure Psal 27. 14. Psal 37. 34. Vers 9 Teacheth that it is meruailous comfortable to the distressed oues of God to be persuaded or to see by the eye of faith testimonies and assured tokens of Christes fauor presence help Verse 10. Doth not onely teach Christes loue towardes his church calling her from the vanityes and delightes of this life to the hope of a farre better state but also teacheth her to yeeld obedience to that call and that while it is to daye Heb. 3. 7. 15. least otherwise we heare that terrible iudgement pronounced and practized against Ierusalem Math. 23. 37. 38. Verse 11. Sheweth that our sauiour gratiously remooueth all lettes and impedimentes that might hinder vs from comming to him namely our sinnes as Isaiah 1. 18. Iere. 3. 35. Psal 103. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. So that if there be anye defect or want it is not in him but in our selues who manye times thorow the corruption of our owne nature doe caste stumbling blockes in our owne wayes to hinder and let vs in the course and rase of godlinesse Vers 12. 13. Teach vs further that God doth not onely remooue stoppes and lets but also gyueth vnto vs aboundance of his mercyes as continuall spurres in our sides to prouoke vs to wel doing and obedience Ioseph made his maisters fauoure an effectuall instrument to keepe him back from committing vilany with his mistres Genes 39. 8. See Deutr. 8. thorow out but specially from verse 10. to the end of the chapter Verse 14. Teacheth vs that the church sometimes by one meane and sometimes by another is brought into wonderfull distresses Which thing is liuely expressed Isaiah 5. 1. 2. 3 c. Also Math. 21. 33. 34 c. vnder the parable of the vineyard Which also rightly considered serueth well to stop those mens mouthes that stande so much vpon the outward shew and multitude of the church See Michaiah 7. 1. Rom. 11. 1. 2. 3-4 5 c. Isaiah 1 ver 9. Verse 15. Teacheth vs that all thinges what soeuer though they be neuer so great or little therefore these speeches they are small thinges are of no force hindring y e growth of the church ought to be remooued and that speciallye euen in the beginning of the planting of Churches while the churches themselues be as it were tender and yong This order of reformation the good kings obserued as Iehosaphat 2. Chr. thorow out 17. Hezekiah also 2. Chr. 29. c. Iosias likewise 2. Chro. 34. thorow out namely verse 3. from which our sauiour Christ him selfe was not far off in exāple practise Ioh. 2. 14. 15. c. Vers 16. 17. Set out the assured and continuall affection that ought to be in the church to her spouse and head Christ so that in purpose strength of Gods spirit she may alwaies saye Who shal seperate vs from the loue of Christ Shal tribulation or anguish or persecution or famine or nakednes or perill or swoord No for I am perswaded that neither life nor deth nor angels nor principalities nor powers nor things presēt nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shalbe able to seperate vs frō the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our lord as it is written Rom. 8. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. CHAP. the third and the summe thereof The Church declareth the most earnest desire that shee had euery daye more then other to take hold of and to obtayne her spouse 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Afterward beeing fully assured of the glory of her spouse shee sheweth that it is much better and profitable for her not to stay her spouse here but to follow him ascending into his heauenlye brydechamber 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 1 IN my bed sundry nights I seeking him that my soule loueth I seeking him I saye when I had not founde him I sayd 2 I will now rise vp and I wil goe about the citie by the streetes and by the open places will I seeke him whom my soule loueth but seeking him I haue not found him 3 I sayd vnto the watchmen that goe about the Citie they finding me haue you seene him whom my soule loueth 4 I had but a little passed by from them when I found him whom my soule loueth I tooke hold of him neither will I suffer him to depart till I shall haue brought
they spend there about Vers 5. Teacheth vs that euen euerye thing in the church maye kindle in vs an vnfayned affection to loue and like the same So that he that is not or can not be mooued therewith is altogeather benummed and senceles for if outwarde comelines do worke delight in outward things how much more should inward beauty draw affection to spiritual diuine graces True it is that we walke heere by faith not by sight and therefore we must haue other eyes than the eies of our bodie to beholde these spirituall matters withall or else wee shall neuer thryue thereby which also we may see by daily experience For what is the reasō that so few regard the church and the graces of God giuen to the same but because they measure it according to the rule or yarde of their owne vnderstanding Vers 6. Teacheth vs two thinges first that Christ the head of the church graciously graunteth the petitions of the church made vnto him and yeeldeth to her suit which as it excellently expresseth his wonderfull mercy and great liberality towardes his owne people so is it yea and it ought to be a notable incouragement vnto thē by prayer to repayre to him that is continually and at all times more readye to giue than they are at anye time prepared or disposed to aske Secondlye that the continuall and perpetuall presence of the Lord with his church hath been is and euer wil be vnto his people both generallye and particularlye a notable argument of no small comfort and incouragement to them See for this purpose Exo. 3. 12. Act. 18. 10. For if Gods people should regard either the malice of the wicked on the one side or their owne weakenesse on the other side they might easely be cast downe but when they consider that hee that is with them is strōger then al they take courage and bee as it were men restored from death to life and in him become more then conquerours Vers 7. Containing an excellent commendation of the holines of the church teacheth vs to be rauished as it were with the holy loue thereof for Christ doth not so highly extoll the same for his owne cause onely but to teach vs both by his wordes of prayse and example of practise to do the like Secondly the whole church and euery particular member thereof learneth thereby what strife there should be in them to attaine to an excellent measure of holines and righteousnes that might be acceptable to the Lorde who delighteth in the same profitable to our brethrē who therby may be drawn to performe the like comfortable to our soules whil we see that by y e faithful fruits of a soūd mind God hath discerned vs frō the prophane wicked of the world Verse 8. Teacheth vs that howsoeuer wee maye haue great ioye and contentment in that part of the Church that warre-fareth heere vpon earth and in the great and singular beauty of the same by reason of the graces that God graunteth thereto as his worde the prayers of his people and manye such like yet that we should not alwayes stay our selues heere below but by fayth and patience bee lifted vp and prepared euen to the full fruition and possession of all heauenly ioyes specially sith that Christe as you see draweth his church in this place to the vnfayned beholding thereof which thing if it be rightly planted in our hartes let vs assure our selues of this that no lawfull either pleasures or profites of this lyfe nor no tyrannus persecution of the enemies shall drawe vs awaye from the obedience of our God for why the loue of heauen shall haue such hold in our hartes that it will make vs in regarde thereof to account all thinges but losse and donge so we maye gaine Christ and the fruition of his presence 1. Phillip 3. 8. Verse 9. Propoundeth vnto vs Christes loue towardes the church to the ende that all men might by his example be taught to doe the like that is in an vnfayned affection to loue and imbrace the same Secondly that the graces of the church how great or small soeuer they bee are accepted of Christe euen as sufficient to drawe his loue towardes the same for if Christ loued vs when we were his enemies how much more shall he loue the church that is adorned not with graces of her owne but with gyftes of goodnes from him which seeing they are his owne hee will not refuse though the glory of them may be somewhat darkened thorow our corruptions Verse 10. Teacheth vs not slenderly but in a most large measure to loue the Lorde Christe that loueth his so bountifullye and so tenderlye forgyuing vs so great a debt and infinite multitude of transgressions that so hee might make our loue more plentifull fast and sure vnto him See Luk. 7. 47. Verse 11. Teacheth vs to esteeme aboue all thinges in the church that treasure of the word that God hath committed to it and that not onlye because the worde it selfe is as it were the life and soule of the church from which if the worde be sundred it can bee no more a Church than a corps without a soule can be a man but also because in it is contayned food for all the periods points of our life For if we be infants in Christs schoole it is milke vnto vs and if we be grown to the yeeres of discretion it is strong meate to bring vs vnto a perfect man and vnto the measure of the age of the fulnesse of Christ Ephes 4. 13. Verse 12. Teacheth the church that sith the Lorde in the multitude of his mercies compasseth it about with his fauour and incloseth it as it were with the walles and hedges of his continuall prouidence and all to this ende that she might remayne as a chaste spouse and pure Virgin vnto him selfe coupled vnto him in mercye righteousnes trueth that therefore she should beware that she doe not eyther thorow disobedience vnfaythfully giue ouer her self vnto others or by negligence suffer her self to be carryed frō him but in all care and conscience to bee answerable to that holye chastitie that the Lorde looketh for in her and she in duty oweth to him Vers 13. and 14. Teacheth vs what great delight the Lorde taketh in the seuerall fruites of the church Which should teach the church and euery particular member of the same these speciall dutyes namelye to bee zealous yea plentifull and aboundaunt in all good workes and in the seuerall sortes and varietie of the same and the rather because this is an argument of incouragement to them therein that Christe the head and sauiour of the whole bodye taketh singular pleasure therein Verse 15. Teacheth vs firste that the praises that Christ giueth vnto the church shold not make the church either carelesse of good works or proud in the same not carelesse because they haue not as yet attayned vnto perfection nor proude because they haue
the substance of his house for this Loue. Shee meaneth that though a man woulde giue al that he had either to buy this loue of her or to get it from her it were nothing it were but labor lost and therefore shee addeth In contemning they would contemne him that is they would certainly contemne him and all that he offered to making no account neither of him though hee were neuer so great nor of the thing offered though it were neuer so precious For this the maner of the Hebrue tongue when they highlye praise to duble the word and when they greatly dispraise to duble the word likewise See chap. 1. vers 1. In summe this is it that she meaneth by this verse namelye to declare that her loue was so firme and fast to him that it could not be rent or pulled from him to anye other either by anye force or by anye fraud or by any flattery or fayre promises which are not onelye the strongest but the onely way also that the Deuill and his instruments vse to pull men away from the loue and obedience of God Vers 1. Teacheth the whole church and euery particular member of the same to be thorowly assured and perswaded of Gods election and assured fauour towardes them for euer and euer For if it be true in the whole as against which the gates of hell shall neuer preuaile why should it not be true in euery part and peece of y e same The knowledge whereof is not onelye comfortable in the dayes of a distressed conscience we hauing nothing so strong to leane vppon as the mightye foundation of God which remayneth sure hauing Gods seale set vpon it but also profitable to beat back that point of Popery which teacheth men to doubt of their saluation continuaunce in good thinges euen vnto the ende Neither standeth the strength and staye of this perswasion vpon our selues for then how quickly should we forgoe it sith our first parents kept not their excellent estate in the time of innocency nor vpon any good thing either within vs or without vs for all our righteousnes before God is as a filthye and stayned cloath but vppon the vnchaungeable nature and purpose of the Lorde our God as also vppon those infallible and sure notes that he hath giuen vs of his fauour in which respect also we see that the church heere vpholdeth her self because she was assured of his sound and vnmooueable affection towardes her Indeed if we looke into our selues and into our great sins and manifold vnwoorthines who can then finde any hope either of saluation or any other good grace but if we will feele and beholde this we muste cast our cogitation from our selues and by the eye of faith regarde the Lorde in his eternall loue and mercye chusing vs also in Christe his sonne and that vnto eternall life before the foundations of the world were layde As for that which is obiected by Papistes againste his truth namely that it fauoureth of presumption is most false not only because we renounce all thinges in our selues and disclaime from the same both in whole and in part but also we cleaue vnto God in the truth of his promise in not abusing his mercye nor turning his loue into wantonnesse but making them more forcible meanes to holde vs alwayes in the awe of a good conscience and strength of fayth towards him And if anye doctrine sauor of pride and be intollerablie presumptuous it is that of Popery which teacheth men to trust in the vertue and goodnesse of the thinges they haue perfourmed as auaileable and sufficient not onelye for them selues but for others also and yet we may see the iuste iudgement of God further vppon them not onely while that they them selues are iustly tainted with that cryme which vniustlye they cast vpon others but while they are founde faulty in crossing their owne assertions for how can that doctrine of doubting which is deliuered in their wrytinges and mayntained in their Schooles stande with the matter of mens meryring and deseruing because if there bee desert and that not only of congruitie but of condignity and worthines as they saye in their schooles yea and that there be works of supererogation also what need they to feare clayming onelye of fauour but of that they haue deserued But this we see that the Lorde hath so striken them with the spirite of giddinesse that as they swarue from the truth so they agree not with them selues As for vs we doe so according to truth and godlinesse remooue doubting from men that we establishe no presumption before God but rather teach them stayednesse and strength of perswasion and that not standinge vpon them selues but vppon God the author of all certainty and truth and vpon that infallible verity of his will which he hath reuealed in his word For which see Iohn 13. 1. Also Iohn 1. Verse 2. Teacheth vs in the spirite of all holy loue to exhorte and prouooke one an other and that by all the argumentes and reasons we can to the perfourmaunce of good and holye duties Wherevnto that we may be the better drawen it shall be good for vs to consider that this doctrine is not onelye sanctified vnto vs in the examples of good people but also by the verye commaundement of God in his worde and by that duty of charity which is layde vppon vs towardes other as towardes our selues we furthering their saluation by all meanes possible and lawfull and if there bee anye other reason or reasons besides these rehearsed to vse them al also as knowinge that all is little inough both by reason of our owne corruption as also by the peruersnesse of them that wee are to deale with See for this Leuiticus 19. 17. Math. 18. 16. Colossians 3. 16. Heb. 3. 13. Secondlye we learne by that verse not onelye with speed and earnestnes to pursue good thinges but euen as a man would say to preuent the time It is straunge to see the quicknesse and liuelinesse of men about atchieuing of worldlye thinges how they toyle and moyle very sore and breake their sleepes as we say and how dull and heauie they be in and about spirituall and heauenly thinges No doubt but this carefulnes in the one which are matters of nothing in comparison and carelesnesse in and about the chiefest thinges shall not onely make them voyd of excuse before men but pull vppon them more heauye iudgement in the lyfe that is to come in so much as they haue beene busiliest occupyed about such thinges as they them selues know to haue no durablenes and haue neglected others of whose perpetuity they could not chuse but be perswaded Vers 3. Teacheth the whole church and euery particular member thereof euen with earnestnesse to looke for and hearty desire to wishe the glorious appering of the sonne of God for the perfecting of that betrothing mariage which is begunne betweene him and vs. We say many tymes in the Lordes
the light of thy countenaunce vpon vs. Thou hast gyuen me more ioy of hart than they haue had whē their wheat their wine did abound wherof also he seemeth to render a reason Psalm 30. 6. saying that In the Lordes fauour there is life euen for euer more Vers 8. Teacheth vs not onelye to haue care and conscience in our selues to do nothing to the annoyaunce or displeasing of our Lord and Sauiour Christe but also to labour what we can that others doe not disquiet him By which we maye see that the loue and care we carrye towardes him shoulde not bee contayned within the compasse of our owne bosome but bee extended to others as wel as to our selues y ● by y t means also we may not only prouide for y e pleasure profit of him to whom we belong or wish wel to but further and aduance to the vttermost of our poore powers the saluation of other men Secondly we may learne to beware of prescribing any thing or time to the Lord not only because it argueth intollerable presumption and boldnes in vs we seeing by experience y t superiors will not bear it at their hands to bee controlled no not in thinges vnlawfull or wicked then what a sinne must it be in vs to vsurp vpō the Lord who can appoint nothing but y t which is good and lawful but also because it secretly accuseth y e Lorde as insufficient in foresight to determine or doe whatsoeuer he shall see to bee good for his own glory and the benefite and behoofe of those that belong vnto him Ver. 9. Teacheth vs two speciall things first the whol church euery particuler mēber therof y t will vnfeinedly come vnto Christ must vtterly remoue frō them all impediments and hindrances y t may hinder thē in that excellent race casting away euery thing that presseth downe and the sinne that hangeth fast on Hebrewes 12 mortyfiyng the old man continually with the lustes and concupiscences of the same that so Christ may take delight and pleasure to dwel in vs. Secondly y t whatsoeuer graces we haue either outward or inward we haue thē only frō y e Lord by christ who is not only the mean to conuey thē ouer vnto vs but to continue increase strengthen the same in vs for in him are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge Col. 2. 3 And of his fulnesse haue wee receiued euen grace for grace Ioh. 1. 16. So that we may see heereby that not onely preuenting grace as papistes say is his but euen all graces subsequent or following the same For what haue we that we haue not receiued 1. Cor. 4. 7 Speciallye sith we are not sufficiēt to think a good thought 2. Cor. 3. 5. Verse 10. Teacheth vs that the thing wee should esteeme most precious yea pray and wish for is the assured feeling of Gods fauoure and loue towardes vs in Christ Of this some thing hath bin said before vers 7. of this chapter And this is that also which our sauiour speaketh in Luke vnto his disciples Chapter 10. 20. Reioyce not in this that the spirits are subiected vnto you but rather reioyce because your names are written in heauen Ieremy also speaketh excellentlye of it chap. 9 23. 24. Let not the wiseman glory in his wisedome nor the stronge man in his strength c but let him that gloryeth glorye in this that he vnderstandeth and knoweth me sayth the Lord For I am the lorde which shew mercye iudgement and righteousnesse in the earth for in these things I delight See also 1. Cor. 1. 31. Also 2 Cor. 10. 27. Secondly that our loue to the Lord shoulde be no colde affection or some meane measure of a good minde but that it should be feruent earnest continuall and as a man woulde say fyery to consume all lets eyther within vs or without vs that might hinder vs from expressing the sound affection that wee carrye towardes the Lorde Jesus This doth Christe notably expresse by sundrye particulars Math. 10. 37. 38. But yet more plainlye in Luke chap. 14. 26. When he sayth He that hateth not his father and mother wife children brethren sisters yea and his own life also cannot be his disciple but most effectually in the abridgement of y e law Luk. 10. 27 Thou shalt loue the lorde thy God with all thine heart and with all thy soule and with all thy strength and with all thy thoght meaning that al that we haue both inward and outward shoulde bee imployed in and about the vnfained loue of Gods maiesty Vers 11. Teacheth vs that no feare or flattery of the aduersaries should cause vs to fal from y e holy loue that wee carry and ought alwayes to carry to Christ our head and sauiour It is the nature of the wicked to assay by fawning and fauour offered to fetch that from vs that otherwise perhaps they could not get from vs What soeuer they do we must be resolute being assured of this that as we will holde and defend nothing but the Lordes vndoubted truth so wee will againe in nothing feare our aduersaries because that all that they doe or can do against vs is to them a sure token of destruction but to vs a pledge of saluation and life euerlasting and that from God Philip. 1. 28. Notable for the ouercomming of this assault are the wordes of the Apostle Paule in the latter end of the eight to the Romans Who shall seperate vs from the loue of Christ Shall tribulation or anguish or persecution or famine or nakednesse or perrill or swoord As it is written for thy sake are we killed all daye long we are counted as sheepe for the slaughter neuerthelesse in all these things we are more then conquerours thorow him that loued vs for I am perswaded that neither death nor life nor Aungels nor principalities nor powers nor thinges present nor thinges to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall bee able to separate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. Rom. 8. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. In which wordes and names ver 35. 36. 37. the Apostle sheweth that no terror of the wicked should cause him or the rest of the faithfull to fall awaye from a sound minde towardes Christ and in the other verses vz 38. 39. hee declareth that no shew of good things offered beeing either present or to co●● should pull vs from or should pul from vs either that loue wherewith God in his sonne Christe hath loued vs or wherewith we in some measure of a sound mind do affect and loue him Oh that men woulde duely regarde these thinges that so they might come indeed not onelye to the faith and feeling of the same but also to the sound obedience and performaunce thereof that so God might receiue glory at their handes their owne soules might be saued in the daye of Christe and other men be builded vp by
speaketh it by the waye of comparison q. d. there is euen as much oddes betweene the Church and other counterfayt congregations as is betweene Lilies and Thornes or as we would saye betweene Golde and Drosse What hee meaneth by the terme Loue is playne by that which is Chapter 1. verse 9. And by Daughters he meaneth all those that were and are out of the bosome of the Church and I thincke it shoulde not bee amisse for the more plaine sense of the place to ioyne to the worde Daughters these wordes of men As Genes 6. 2. Verse 3. As an Apple tree Heere beginneth the seconde parte of this Chapter which as I take it contayneth three especiall points The firste is a declaration of the excellencie of the Spouse and of the great desire that the Church hath towardes him and that is comprehended in this thirde verse The second is a declaration of the duties of mutuall loue between them and that reacheth from verse 4. to the ende of the 15. And lastlye shee desireth of her Spouse a perpetuall feeling of the frute of this loue and that is in the twoo laste verses Now in that shee resembleth her Spouse to an Apple tree shee myndeth thereby to set out his pleasauntnesse to the sight his goodnesse to the taste and his profitablenes to other in respect of his frute Now when shee addeth Among the trees of the Forrest she meaneth eyther Trees altogeather barren or else such as though they yeelde fruite yet is it not good for menne And when shee saith So is my welbeloued among the sonns you may ad for more playne sense of men as Psalm 45. 2 yea though they be neuer so good and well accepted of in the Church meaning that hee is most fruitfull and sweete both in shadow and in fruite as the wordes following in this verse doe playnly expound it True it is that he is not so esteemed of among worldlings by reason of his basenesse but yet his owne haue him euer in that account and regard howe base contemptible soeuer he be in the world Read Isaiah 53 thoroughout It followeth I doe very greatly desire to sit in his shadow Here the Church expresseth the earnest affection that shee hath to bee kept vnder Christes prouidence from the heate of persecution affliction sinne c. for so I take the word Shadow to be vsed heere as Psalm 91. ver 1. or else as she her self speaketh it verses 16 17. of this chapter that she might he his and he hers for euer or els as our sauiour himself saith Ioh. 7. I in them and them in mee that they may be made perfect in me that they may be there euen where I am ver 23. 24. And by sitting she meaneth continuall abode and residence His fruit that is that that is to be receiued from him and his worde For as Shadow and fruite and apples are acceptable to the faint and wearied Iob. 7. so all thinges that come from Christe are to his moste sweete and comfortable if they stay vppon him and cleaue onely to his word yea his very yoke and burthen shall be easy and light to them as Math. 11. 28. 29. 30. 1. Iohn 5. 3 is sweete to the roofe of my mouth He putteth one part of the man for the whole and namely that part which is moste apt for tasting vnderstanding thereby not only how delightfull Christe was to the outwarde man but specially and cheefely to the inward vnder y ● outward part also comprehēding the inward Verse 4. He brought me vnto the place of wine These are still the churches wordes celebrating the aboundant kindnesse and loue of his spouse By place of Wine she meaneth the places of delicate fare and feasting as before chap. 1. 2 but all this must bee spiritually vnderstoode to wit that our Sauiour brought the church to life and saluation by the exercises of the worde and sacraments Whereunto the parable of the mariage Math. 22. doth in some sort appertain And his banner towards me was loue that is hee had loue towards me insteed of a bāner Those that are skilled in warre know that by banners and Ensignes the souldiers are called together and kept in awe vnder their owne capitaines Whereunto it should seeme that the church alludeth meaning that the husbande of his onely loue towards the church did by his fauour as it were by a banner set before her eys draw her as it were vnto him Or els it may be thus Sundry people and namely the Turke when hee besiegeth any place doth the first day set vp a banner al of white signifiyng fauour if they wil accept it the next time a red banner betokening the execution of the cheefest and the last time a black one signifying all one and other must to the sworde and fire But Christe the spouse alwaies setteth vp a banner of loue grace and fauor howsoeuer we little deserue the same at his hands The first seemeth to me to bee the more plaine sense Verse 5. Prop me vp with these Flagons These are the wordes of the Church spoken vnto her Damosels or virgins of whom see before chap. 1. 3. and shee seemeth to be so inflamed with the loue of Christ that she is ready euen in the middest of the banquet to sinck down or to swoone as you wold say for loue But she hath two aides and comfortes in this her weaknesse one expressed in this verse the other in the next verse following That in this verse is that those that attend vppon her by the Bridegromes appointment that is the Prophetes Apostles and seruauntes of God See for this purpose Ephes 4. from verse 11. to the ende of the 16 doe minister vnto her at her request the spiritual Treasures and good thinges of her Husband which I take to bee noted and that very forcible and playnly by these wordes Proppe mee vp with these flagons beare me vp with these apples as it were appointing some certain aides which if they were neglected all the rest that coulde bee vsed were worth nothing And by Flagons no doubt she meaneth by the figure Metonimie the thing contayning for the thing contained that is the sweete Water and drinke of life of which see Isaaih 55. 1. which Treasure also wee haue in earthen Vesselles or Flagonnes as 2. Corinthians 4. 7. and is indeede nothing else but the sweet promises of Christ vnto euerlasting life And though by Apples layde vnder her as it were shee meane the selfe same thinge yet there is another order of it For hee alludeth to the custome of men who when other are swooning or faynting are wont to put strong smelling thinges vnto their Nostrelles so the Church meaneth that for her comforte and refreshing and reclayming her agayne as it were from death to life shee woulde haue well smelling Apples fette out of Christes Treasure both helde and applyed to her that by that meanes shee maye bee as it were recouered For I
am sicke with loue q. d. I shall neuer cease nor bee in quiet till I perfectly enioy my Husbandes companye feeling in this life the assured Testimonye of his continuall fauour and possessing the same eternally in the heauenly glory See 2. Corin. 5. 1. 2. c. Philip. 1. 23. Verse 6. His left hande is vnder mine heade and his right hand doth imbrace me These are still the wordes of the church contayning as I sayde before the seconde comfort in her fainting and that is that she had her spouse not onely present with her who alone is able effectuallye to heal the church but shewing singular loue and kindnesse cowardes her staying her vp with the one hand that shee fall not downe and comforting her with the other by lauing imbracing her I know that some put the right hand for length of dayes and the left hande for glory and riches as Prouerb 3. 16. But this is the more simple and agreeth better with the circumstaunce of place person to wit that Christ by vsing the gestures of those that do imbrace their friendes and comfort and ease them in their infirmities doth expresse thereby the singular loue he hath to his church and his tender care ouer her in comforting her Verse 7. I charge you and that by an oth These are still as I take thē the wordes of the church and not of Christ as some suppose resting in the imbrasing of her spouse of which we hearde immediatlye before verse 6. straightlye charging those to whom shee speaketh that no manner of waye they bee troublesome or disquietous to her spouse that resteth him self and taketh pleasure in the imbracinges of her And there is a double reason that leadeth me to thinke that these are the churches words rather then Christes First because that she by reason of the authority shee had might commaunde as shee doth verse 15. of this Chapter Secondly because all the wordes that followe till you come to verse 15 are the Churches wordes When shee sayth that shee chargeth them by an oth she meaneth that shee doth very hardly and straightly charge them and as it were in conscience binde them For the wordes Daughters of Ierusalem see chapter 1 5. she meaneth no doubt such as wished well to the church and had somewhat to doe therein Tarry ye abroad with theroes or with the hindes of the field That is get you abroade for a while take your pleasure and do what you will onely disquiet not neyther vexe my spouse And all this is spoken by the church as though the feast had beene kept abroade in some country towne or Village abroade also it is vttered after the manner of men and their wiues who when they will talke of secrete matters or take their rest and sleepe quietly together will bid their children and seruaunts auoyde and get them abroad to recreate them selues whether they will for a while Stirre not vp neyther make That is disquiet him not any manner of way And this the church speaketh both of her hearty loue that she beareth towards her spouse and also of good wil that she carrieth towards her selfe who earnestly wisheth and destreth to inioy the continuall presence and company of her spouse This loue vz. of mine meaning him whom she most dearly and tenderly loued which thing is also forcible and playnlie expressed by the article this Vntill he will himselfe The Church referreth all to the good will and pleasure of her spouse onely this she taketh care for that he may not be prouoked or disturbed by her or any of hers by anye occasion or offence though neuer so small but sheweth herselfe louing and obedient to him in all thinges See Ephes 5. 24. Verse 8. It is the voyce of my Welbeloued The Church in the verses before going and namely vers 4. 5. 6. had set out one notable duty of our sauiour towards her and that was of life and saluation which he brought her figured vnder the shadow of a banquet and healing Nowe shee recokneth vp another kindnesse shewed to wit the giuing of her pleasure peace and all good thinges necessary for her and this he setteth out vnder the figure of the spring time and of all greene and flourishinge thinges offering them selues as it were to the sight and seruice of the church this reacheth from this vers to the end of the 15. And this speech may be deuided into two partes One is that Christ offereth all good thinges to the church and refresheth her beeing deliuered from the winterly tempestes of sinne this reacheth vnto verse 14. The other is that he putteth back frō her al euil hurtful things and this is comprised in ver 15 both which graces Christ performeth to his church by his word the ministers thereof who are his seruants appointed to y ● purpose as 2. Cor. 4. 5. But let vs come to the words as they lie It is the voice of my welbeloued These wordes are spoken as though while the bride slept the bridegrome had gone abroad some whither and as though she had bene sodainly waked made meruellous glad by the voice of her spouse returning backe againe q. d. Certainly it is my spouses voice wherin I much reioyce al this while I did but dream it or imagine it so to bee as when straunge thinges and vnlooked for come to passe we can hardly be perswaded at the first that they are so as Psalme 126 1 But now I perceiue of a trueth it is not his voice indeed Behold him q. d. I woulde haue you that are my freendes and welwillers to bee perswaded of this as well as I for I take that she speaketh these wordes to them He commeth leaping vpon these mountaines skipping vppon these hilles These wordes of leaping and skipping do not onely note his great speede and hair to succour and comforte his churche which is also set out in the nexte Verse by the similitude of Roes and Hindes but the other wordes also of Mountaynes and Hilles doe meruelously expresse his singular loue as though the Churche shoulde saye the daunger of the iorneye the hardnesse of the waye neyther anye thing else as mans power aydes and such like can hinder him from comming to me to comfort mee in my distresses And that mountaines and hilles are so vsed may appeare Isa 40. 3. Verse 9 My beloued is like a Roe or a hindes calfe The Church meaneth by these wordes to declare how swift and speedy Christe is to comfort and succour her We our selues knowe by experience that Roes and hindes bee very swift footed but besides our owne knowledge wee haue the warrant of the word as Psalm 18. 33 beholding him standing behinde our wall As though the church should say It is a wonderfull thing be standeth by mee and is present with me sooner then I can speake And when she sayth standing behinde our wall I thinke by Wall she meaneth Gods goodnesse and the promises and
to the good of his children who can not chuse but reape profit thereby Secondly that howsoeuer we would that Christ should be glorious amongst others and tenderly beloued of them that yet we should also haue a care that he might bee deare and precious in our eyes aboue the rest and that we might if it were possible more vnfaynedly loue him than all others Vers 10. 11. 12. And so on forwarde till you come to the ende of the 15 wherin is contayned not onely a most large but also a most excellent true descriptiō of the rare and wonderful graces in our sauiour christ do teach vs first to be in continuall loue liking of him y t hath by a maner of speech such a world of spiritual wealth in him In worldly things the name of abundance is argumēt sufficiēt inough not only to cause vs to affect but euen to striue to attayne the things that vnder y t color be set before vs. what a transgression shall this be y t we shal not only haue aboundance but infinit treasures that of good things yea of good things concerning eternal life we shal either with prophane persons as if we were hogs or dogs trample them vnder our feet or with careles mē make no account of thē or with ignorante dull heauy spirited persons not haue them in their due regard It is amōgst others the great sinne of this thankles generation to despise Christ many thinking it inough if they can with the lippes of their tonges talke of him but none striuing in a stedfast perswasion of a liuely faith to feele him his merites effectually in their hartes not only to the apprehension of eternall lyfe but euen to the subduing of euill in them the fashioning of them to good that Christ dwelling in thē by faith the body might be dead because of sin Rom 8. 10. also 6. 6. they beeing rooted grounded in loue they might be able to cōprehend w tal saints what is y t breadth length depth height to know the loue of Christ which passeth knowledge y t we might be filled with al fulnes of God Oh y t it were in me either with a solid mind in deed to imbrace him self or y t I had the tongs of al holy angels to propound him to others that they might taste see how good the lord Iesus is Secondly y t in this large cōmendation the lord hath not only prouided for the manifestation of the wonderful glory of his son but also hath labored to stir vp y e heauines of the harts of his children in setting him before vs y t is so excellent yea excellency it self as also to take frō the wicked all excuse of ignorance who can now alleadge nothing for themselues such Christ is so plainly certainly manifested vnto vs y t euen all our senses may after a sort be euen as it were satisfied with him and in some measure say as Iohn saith that which was from the beginning which we haue hearde which we haue seene with our eyes which we haue looked vpon and our hands haue handled of the word of life c. 1. Iohn 1. 1. Ver. 16. Teacheth vs that the faithful labor not only by demandes to increase their knowledge faith but y t there is a proceeding growth in the same ye y t more they heare of christ y t more they are inflamed w t a loue liking of him that to spare no labour paines or cost euen to seek him and find him also See Psalm 84. 6. 7. Rom. 1. 17. This is liuely set out in the wise men that came to seeke worship Christ Math. 2. And in the queene of the south that came from the vttermost partes of the earth to heare the wisedome of Solomon Math. 12. 42. But the people of this age are like the Israelites with manna the more plenty they haue of it the more soner also they waxe weary of it vpon so vnthankfull a nation hath the Lord bestowed his mercyes Vers 17. Teacheth vs to acquaynt Gods children with all the good thinges made knowen to vs. See the like verse 9. of this chapter Verse 18. Teacheth vs euery day more more to feele the certaintye of our saluation in our selues and the infallible testimonies and tokens of Gods loue towardes vs which that we maye the better do we are not so much to looke vppon our selues in our sinnes for who is it that shall not then distrust or dispayre rather as to looke vpon the Lord and that not onely in his eternall foresight but also in his vnchaungeable loue ther beeing not so much as a shadow of turning in him Iames. 1. 17. whose giftes and calling also are without repentaunce Rom. 11. 29. yea in the holy spirit of truth that he hath gyuen vs which is the earnest of our inheritaunce Ephes 1. 14 and the pledge and earnest pennye of all the promises of God in our harts 2. Corrint 5. 5. CAP. 6. and the summe thereof Christ bearing witnes or yeelding to the earnest affection an loue of the church towards him doth highly commend that her spirituall beauty which is knowen confessed by al to be in her ver 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. He setteth out the earnest affection that he had to marrye her to himselfe verse 8. and confirmeth her in 〈…〉 good will towardes him first by here ●●●ling verse 10. afterwardes by the commendation of such graces and 〈◊〉 things as he had cōmitted vnto her ver 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. And las●y by an assured promise made her of h●● continuall presence and large liberali●● towardes her euen vntill the most de●●red daye wherein the marriage shall 〈◊〉 solemnized and performed vers 18. 19. 1 THou art beautifull my loue 〈◊〉 Tirtzah comely as Ierusalem terrible as an armye with man ensignes 2 Turne thine eyes ouer 〈◊〉 mee that they may lift mee 〈◊〉 thine heare is like the flocke of Goates which looke downe from Gilead 3 Thy teeth are like a flocke of sheepe which go vp from the washing all which bring out twinnes and there is none barren amongest them 4 Thy temples betweene thy lockes are as a peece of a Pomegranate 5 Though there be threescore Queenes and foure scoore concubins no number of the damsels 6 Yet my doue that is alone my perfect one she that is the onelye daughter of her mother euen that cleane one to her that bare her so soone as the damsels saw her they called her blessed euen the Queenes the concubins praised her saying 7 Who is she that is looked for as the morning faire as the moone pure as the sunne and terrible as an army with many ensignes 8 I came downe to the fayre dressed garden to behold the greene plants of the valley to see whether the vyne flourished and the Pomegranats budded 9 Whē I perceiued not these
and we know amongst men how slenderly we regarde those thinges that are done for vs yea though they be done for vs with an heauie and vnwilling minde many men wishing that such vnchearefull doers should rather surcease doing then performe the same But specially before God this is a foule fault as we maye perceiue by manye places of scripture and particularly in that the Lorde appointeth a free will offering by his law See Leuit. 22. 23. Exodus 35. 5. 29. Also Exod. 25. 2. Also 2. Cor. 8. 3. 12 and many other places where he requireth cheerefulnesse of vs. Vers 10. Where Christ so earnestlye seeketh the conuersion of his Churche and laboureth in the spirite of gentlenesse not onely to reclaime but also to receiue the same after hir error to fauour we do not only see the great and tender loue of our Sauioure to penitent sinners who sayth Come vnto me all ye that labour be heauy laden and I will refresh you Math. 11. 28. And who also therfore came into the world that hee might saue sinners yea the cheefest of sinners 1. Tim. 1. 15. But also he by his owne example teacheth vs in the spirite of loue to restore such as are fallen Galath 6. 1. and to labour their conuersion vnlesse they bee hardened in their iniquities rather by meeknesse then by extremity and ouer hard handling of them But as this belongeth vnto all generally so doth it particularly concerne the Churche gouernors and amongest them especiallye the ministers who of calling and conscience ought to doe it Luke 15. 4. 1. c. Also Ezech. 34. 4. c. Ver. 11. Setting out vnto vs the glory comlines and strength of the church teacheth vs to ioyne our selues in an vnfeined affection to that holy body that is indued with such excellent graces For though it be true that these thinges are attributed to the churh as seruing for the singuler prayse of the same yet the end whereat the holy ghost aimeth is to draw men by the same euen inseperably to be ioined thereto to which end also tend al the particulers afterward and reckoned vp in the verses following Vers 12. Commending vnto vs the continuall increase and sweete delights of the Church is also an argumēt very effectuall as a man wold say framed to y e humor of mans nature to moue men to loue like of the church Nothing many times discourageth men more from doing good things then to see y t they are or shal bee left post alone as we say which though it shold fall forth we shold yet labor notwithstāding to ouer come y e same because God wil not haue vs to follow the multitude specially to do euil Exo. 23. 2. Ios his exāple teacheth vs y t same Iosh 24. 15. And yet how great is Gods care ouer vs y t for y e hartening of vs on in y t wayes of righteousnes leaueth vs not alone but giueth vs the holy society fellowship of many of his saints not as thogh we meant the multitude of the church or glorious increase of the number thereof to be so great no though the Lord do extend it from one ende of the earth to the other as though it were able to match and compare with the wicked for we know Gods number to be the least as appereth in the generall floud wherein only eight persōs were reserued See for this purpose also Isa 41 14. Math. 7. 13. 14. Luk. 12. 32. By which also we may see that multitude or vniuersalitye of persons as they saye in poperye is no good sure and sufficiente note of the true Churche of Christe Verse 13. Propounding vnto vs the iuste proportion and holye consent that is in the church and particular members thereof contayning in it an other reason to lead vs to the liking of it for euery particular praise is as it were a speciall reason that Christe alleadgeth to gaine that at our handes by The strength of this good order and blessed vnity in the church standeth not vpon men as the members thereof for we know by corruption of nature they are alwayes vnstayed and contentious but firste vpon God him selfe whose house the church it selfe is 1. Tim. 3. 15. who beeing also the God of order peace and not of confusion 1. Cor. 14. 33. it is reason his house should be conformed and made like to him selfe And secondly vpon the vnity of those spirtuall graces that God hath blessed it withall there beeing but one bodye one spirite one hope of our calling one faith one Baptisme c. All which are notable instrumentes to cause vs to indeuour to keepe the vnitye of the spirite in the bond of peace Ephes 4. 3. 4. 5. Neither is there ment hereby either a perfect vnity or cons●●● o●●●ndes in all thinges because that neither hath beene is or shall bee performed vppon this earth not for that there is anye want in the thing it selfe but by reason of the remainders of sinne in men God hauing reserued that excellent 〈◊〉 to the life that shal be reuealed there beeing here varietie of iudgement in the matters of smallest waight though the foundation it selfe shall be alwayes vnshaken or approuing of vnitye to be an essentiall note to discerne the visible church by because eyther it must be vnity in verity which is the life and soule of the church or else it will not serue and vnity it self howsoeuer it may be very profitable for the preseruation of the whole yet it is no sure marke to know the whole by no not in naturall bodies much lesse in this spirituall body of the church Vers 14. Propoundeth vnto vs two good lessons First the excellēcy of the ministery in that it is resembled to eyes fishepooles c. the Lord by the meanes of them conuerting men vnto him selfe and bringing foorth moste notable effectes both for his owne glorye and the good of his seruauntes of which we may read in manye places of the scripture and particularly Rom. 1. 14. 15. c. 2. Cor. 2. 14. 15. c. Ephes 4. 11. 12. 13. 14. So that whosoeuer they are that doe not verye highly esteeme the same they offer great dishonor to almighty God and tread vnder foot the meane of their owne saluation Secondly in that hee resembleth the church and the particular members yea and if you will also the ministers especiallye to the towre of Lebanon that looketh Damascus in the face we learne therein the courage and constancye of the same that feareth not the faces nor flattereth the persons of any no not of their greatest enemies we knowing that Damascus was an vtter enemy to y e people of God Whereof also wee may yeelde this reason that if the good children of godlye parents shall not bee ashamed nor afrayde to speake to their enemies either in the gates of the City where magistrates sit in iudgement or in the gates that enimies do besiege of which Dauid speaketh Psal
head and his right hand should imbrace me 8 I charge you by an oth O yee daughters of Ierusalem why should yee stirre vp or why should ye awake this my loue vntill he please 9 Who is she that commeth out of the wildernesse leaning vppon her welbeloued Vnder the apple tree I raised thee vp there thy mother conceiued thee there she conceaued that bare thee 10 Set me as a seale on thy hart as a singet vppon thine arme for loue is strong as death iealousie is harde as the graue the coales therof are coales of fire and as a flame from the lord 11 Many waters cannot quench this loue neither can the floudes ouer-flow it if a man woulde giue all the substance of his house for this loue in contemning they would contemne him OUR Sauiour hauing in the former chapter graciously comforted his poore distressed church partlye by giuing her an high and excellent commendation partly by promising her his continuall and gracious presence euen vntill the time of the solemnization of the marriage betweene them be come The church in this chapter sheweth what notable effectes these comfortable wordes of Christe brought foorth in her namelye they did continuallye strengthen her fayth in the truth of those promises and made her euery day more and more in earnestnes and vnfayneones to wish the approching of the mariage day that so they might be inseperably ioyned together for euer Which thing as Christe had done before in the other chapter so doth the church here thereby to let the Lorde as it were vnderstand that there was no want of loue and affection both towardes him and towardes the thinges also that he him selfe affected In this chapter and the next following for in both are principallye contayned the wordes of the church of Christe the church labouring according to her power to render lyke for lyke unto Christ doth set out her most earnest desire towardes that same wished day of their spirituall mariage But in this chapter she doth principally propound two thinges 1 The first is that the church doth generallye declare her good minde towardes Christe her Spouse and this is contayned in the first verse 2 In the second because there are two principall members of this church that is in subiection to Christ that is the fulnes of the Iewes and the fulnes of all the Gentiles as the Apostle sayth Rom. 11. 25. the old church that is to saye specially and principally the church of the Iews doth declare that shee did very earnestlye wayt for her spouse and diligently performe her duties and this reacheth from verse 2. to the ende of the chapter For as for that part of the church which consisteth in the fulnesse of the Gentiles mention is made of it in the next chapter as you shall see by the church of the Iewes Verse 1. I am my welbeloueds that is I do certainelye and assuredlye in the right of affiaunce and mariage belong vnto him q. d. I am no others but his And these are y e churches wordes manifesting what great good the comfortable speeches of Christ mentioned in the other chapter did her and declaring what assurance and certaine perswasion shee had of his holy graces towardes her and in her and of her constauncye and continuaunce in all sounde affection towardes him For his desire is towardes me that is he doth desire me and in this affection most tenderly loue me q. d. There is a mutuall loue betweene vs as I loue him so hee loueth me and as I belong to none but to him alone so hee belongeth to none other but to me onely whereof I haue amongest manye other graces this as a singular pledge that he loued me when I was his enemy that when I was straying awaye he called me backe that hee forgaue mee when I had sinned and did continuallye powre his benefites and mercyes vppon mee yea that he offered and gaue him selfe vnto mee as appeareth by his dealinges in the other chapter and therefore I can not chuse but loue him and belong vnto him alone So that wee see that the Church maketh the testimonies and tokens of Christes fauour sure proppes vnto her owne continuance in good thinges and obedience of his holy will Vers 2. Come my welbeloued Here beginneth the second part of the chapter in which the church but speciallye that of the Iewes which in the dayes of Solomon was in flourishing estate doth by turning her speech vnto Christe whereas in the former verse he had spoken as it were to some others stirre him vp by common affection as well as shee to wayt for and obserue the time of their holy mariage and this is contayned in this and the third verse Secondlye shee yeeldeth vp all the good thinges that shee had to the glorye of her Husbande and head verse 4. yea euen her selfe for the wonderfull loue that shee bare towardes him verse 5. and so on forwarde to the ende of the chapter So that these wordes Come my welbeloued are woordes of exhortation and prouoking as it were taken also from the loue of the church towardes Christ more effectually to perswade the thing she desireth because men willinglye commit them selues to the companye and easelye yeelde to the requestes of suche as they take to bee their vnfayned friendes Let vs goe foorth into the fielde Shee speaketh it after the maner of men inhabiting cityes and hauing their farme houses abroad in the country will walke they and their people to the same for recreation and to see how forwarde the springe is and whether the tyme of Sommer and haruest doe drawe nigh but all this muste bee vnderstoode spirituallye as though the Churche shoulde saye I beseeche thee doe not aloue and by thy selfe imploy thine affection in searching out the wished tyme of oure marriage as thou seemest to saye before chapter 6. 8. but let vs both togeather imploye our common diligence thereto for I likewyse desyre to haue that Marriage daye drawe yeare and the thinge it selfe perfourmed also Neither muste this exhorting of CHRISTE bee vnderstoode eyther as though hee were of himselfe vnwilling to it or needed the prouocations of the Churche for wee knowe hee is moste ready to all good thinges yea and stirreth vp the church to the dooing of the same or else they would neuer be performed but the churche requesteth it for euer for the strengthning and incouragement of her selfe thereby that so hauing his continuall presence and felllowship she may the more cheerfully go forward Let vs remaine in the Villages This part of the verse is diuersely reade by reason of the diuers significations of the words vsed therein as that worde which we turne remaine signifieth also to lodge all night which acception of the word I rather incline to in this place bicause the church seemeth to exhorte to it as it were of this purpose that so the next morning they mighte bee more ready to looke vpon
4. 3. and by fayth haue ouercome all difficulties that so I might at the length come to the heauenly house Hebr. 12. 22. Neither speaketh shee this as boasting of her selfe for she confesseth that shee was fayne to leane vppon Christe and he as it were to vphold and vnderproppe her in all good thinges Yea and by the wordes following shee sheweth that shee had the beginninges by laying both which togeather we maye set that shee gyueth all vnto him euen as the Apostle doth Phillip 2. 13. shee beeing but the instrument of Gods power and goodnesse in the performaunce of the same Vnder the apple tree Iraised thee vp that is gaue thee life and being euen as men that are in a heauye sleepe and are thorowly waked seeme to be raysed vp from death to lyfe And by the Apple tree he meaneth here not onely Ierusalem from whence the Lorde brought foorth a people vnto him selfe but euen all the places of the worlde in which it pleased God to beget and bring forth a people vnto him self all which and euery one of which may rightly be compared vnto an Apple tree not onelye because vnder the shadowe thereof there is comfort and refreshing but also because that the good profitable and plentifull fruit of that tree may very aptly resemble the good workes of holy obedience that the faithfull yeeld to the Lord in which respect also the Prophet calleth them the trees of righteousnesse Isaiah 61. 3. There thy mother conceiued thee How and in whatsense the church is called a mother See vers 6. of this chapter There she conceiued thee that bare thee A description of a mother and this is repeated not as a vaine word but to shew that the church can not bring forth spirituall children to God but with as much both paine and daunger if not farre greater than earthly and worldly mothers bring foorth theirs Vers 10. Set me as a seale on thy hart As thogh the church should say Seeing thorow thy goodnesse and strength I haue vndertaken and performed all these labours and toyles to attyre thee I beseech thee let me not be cast off or lose my labour but let the remembraunce and loue of me take a deepe impression in thee yea euen in thy hart and minde And as a signet vpon thine arme that is let mee bee as deare and precious vnto thee as the signet that thou carryest about thee which how precious it was and highlye esteemed may appeare in that Zerubbabell hath a promise made him that the Lorde will make him as a signet Hagg. 2. 24. and on the contrary side in that Iehoiakim is threatned that if he were as the signet of Gods right hande yet the Lord woulde plucke him from thence Iere. 22. 24. The summe is that it is a request full of affection and earnestnesse which the church maketh vnto Christ q. d. Seeing I haue yeelded thorow thy goodnesse such testimonies and tokens of an vnfaygned heart and loue I beseech thee againe on the other side to carry me continually in thy mind to haue mee alwayes in thy sight and in thy handes euen as men weare iewels about their neckes and vpon their breastes and put ringes specially their signets and seales vppon their fingers both to haue them alwayes in a readinesse and to shew the speciall account they make of them For loue is strong as death that is the loue that I carry to thee is most earnest vehement and mightye and will ouercome all thinges so it maye bee partaker of thee euen as death it selfe Others expound it thus that shee had rather chuse death than want him that shee loued but the former sense is moste plaine and simple in my minde she vsing this the wordes following as reasons to perswade him to loue hir againe and to continue with her for euer seeing she had so earnestly set her minde and affection vpon him Iealousie is hard as the graue By iealousie shee meaneth not an ill humor of suspition but the ardencye and feruencye of her loue towardes him who coulde not abyde as it were that he should loue any but her For iealousie of it selfe is not euill speciallye seeing the Lorde sayeth hee is iealouse ouer vs. Exod. 20. 5. But when it is carryed into the extreamitye of a suspicious minde And when he saith It is hard as the graue she meaneth y t it wil not be conquered no more then y t graue which as it deuoureth all bodyes cast into it whereof also it hath the name so doth she deuour all difficulties distresses that might hinder her from her loue The coales whereof are coales of fire Shee compareth her vnfayned loue to an other thinge namelye to fire not onelye because it warmeth and maketh hotte but also because it kindleth and increaseth yea and is the meane to consume and purge the church meaning by this that the fire of vnfayned loue in her hearte towardes him shoulde not onelye be euerye daye more and more increased and shyne foorth as light vnto others but also consume all cursed corruptions that might hinder her affectition towardes him euen as fire should licke vp straw or stubble before it and that is the reason also why shee addeth And as a flame from the Lorde or as it is in the Hebrue a flame of the Lorde meaning by that a most excellent fire for the Scripture is wont to ascribe great and excellent thinges to God as Psalme 36. 6. Thy righteousnesse is like the mountaynes of God Others take it as a flame of fire sent foorth from the Lorde to destroye the wicked but no doubt shee meaneth to magnifie the greatnes of it as which God by the most mighty light of his spirite doth not onelye begin in those that bee his but also so kindle and encrease that it endureth euen for euer and euer Vers 11 Many waters can not quench this loue Shee proceedeth in setting foorth the earnestnesse of her affections towardes Christe shewing that sith her loue was as a mighty and excellent fire within it it coulde not bee put out but with manye troubles afflictions and persecutions It is an vsuall thing in the Worde to compare both the troubles of the godlye and the troublers of them also to Waters see for this purpose Psalme 69. 1. Also Reuel 17. 15. Neyther can the Flowdes ouerflowe it Thogh shee meane the same thinge in other wordes yet it is no vain repetition for it is as much as if shee shoulde saye no persecution no not the greatest should preuayle vppon mee to quenche out or drowne vp my loue towardes mee And that the worde Floudes is so vsed in manye places of scripture maye appeare by Psalme 124. 5. 5. Also Math. 7. 25. 27. By which hee meaneth as the apostle sayth that neyther trybulation nor anguish nor persecution nor famin nor nakednes nor peril nor sword shall separate vs from the loue of Christe as Romans 8. 35. If a man woulde giue all
prayer Thy kingdome come but who speaketh it eyther with an vnderstanding or a feeling heart By an vnderstanding heart I meane one that conceiueth and perceiueth the true sense and naturall meaning of that petition By a feeling heart I meane such a one as in an earnest desire that hee hath of eternall glorye or of holye loue that hee hath to al wel doing to cease from sin wisheth euen the glorious appearing of our Lord Iesus and the ending of the dayes of these miseries It is lamentable to consider that neither the glory of God nor the loue of our owne saluation nor the ending of our miseries nor the attayning of vnspeakable ioyes nor the practize of Gods seruants can bring vs on vnto the performance of this duty but as though we were glewed to this world in a perpetuall obliuion of eternall blessednesse or as though the cordes of our own corruption were stronger than all the graces of God or examples of good men so we spend the dayes of our pilgrimage here and are very likely so to ende them to the hazarding of our owne soules See 2. Cor. 5. 1. 2. c. Also Phillip 1. 23. Luk. 2. 29. and sundry other such like Ver. 4. Teacheth vs euen carefully to imploy all that we haue to the entertainment receiuing of Christ And therefore looke what graces soeuer God hath bestowed vpō vs we should labour the continuaunce and increase of the same in vs for they alone are the thinges that make Christe to take delight to come vnto vs and to dwell with vs. See Reuel 3. 20. Verse 5. Teacheth vs in heartye sort and maner alwayes to intreat the Lorde for the feeling of his wonderfull fauour and rich mercye No doubt but if we vsed this meane of prayer often times earnestly drawing nigh also vnto the Lord in the faith of his promises for he that wil come to God must beleue that God is that he is a rewarder of them that seeke him Heb. 11. 6. and in vnfayned repentaunce for our former euils for God heareth not them that continue in sinne Iohn 9. 31. See also Prouerb 15. 8. and Prouerb 28. 9. no doubt I saye but if we perfourmed these dutyes as before God that giueth liberallye to all men and reprocheth none Iames. 1. 5. woulde giue vs his sonne Christe together with him all good things also Rom 8. 32. yea euen his holy spirite Luke 11. 13. to lead vs into all truth and weldoing And herevnto we should be stirred vp as well by the effectuall sense and feeling of our present wants both bodely and spirituall as also by the excellencye of the graces to be found in God which reacheth not onelye to this present life and worlde but to that also which is to bee reuealed to the sonnes and seruauntes of God Secondly we maye learne out of that verse for no shame in our selues nor yet for no misiudging or euil speech of the wicked to neglect the performaunce of any dutye that may testifie either our loue or obedience towardes Christe for if we will doe so we shall not finde the want of anye lettes in our selues nor lacke stumbling blockes cast in our wayes by the wicked to hinder vs therein but we muste by honour and dishonor by euill report and good report yea in all thinges approoue our selues as the seruauntes of God 2. Cor. 6. 48. vnto God and men and doe as our Sauiour him selfe hath done before vs that is for the ioye that was set before him he hath indured the crosse and despised the same and is set downe at the right hande of the throane of God that so wee considering him that indured such speaking againste of sinners maye learne not to bee wearied and faint in our mindes Heb. 13. 2. 3. assuring our selues that if we suffer anye thing with him or for him we shall also raigne and bee glorified with him 2. Timoth. 2. 12. for the perfourmaunce of worldly thinges touching our owne pleasures or profitees yea that though sometimes they bee vnlawfull we neither are ashamed nor afrayde of men and why shoulde we bee so in the doing of spirituall dutyes and that to our God It is worthye the noting that manye that will not blush at any thing before men will be ashamed to performe holye duties to God either of Prayer confession of faith Catechising or such like and on the other side manye afrayde to performe euen honest thinges before men will not blush to do holy things in the presence of God Let these latter people make much of this work of the spirite in them and labour to increase in the same before God and man that it maye bee a notable and continuall pledge vnto their fayth but let the other feare and tremble who haue a dubble note of great vngodlinesse in them the one that they are not ashamed of euill before God and man the other that they are ashamed of good dutyes in the presence of God man and let them labour the amendment of it or els it will goe hard with them both before God and man and that in this lyfe and the life to come also Vers 6. Teacheth vs in all reuerence and regard to esteeme the Church because there is in the same the aboundaunce of all treasures fit to furnish vs in the execution of our duties both towardes God and men and to make vs able in al sweet and delicate sort to entertayne the Lorde of life to his glorye and our eternall comfort The prophane and worldly people cannot possibly behold these thinges because they looke no further than the eye of flesh and bloud directeth them or the line of their owne reason will lead them they onelye the eyes of whose vnderstanding God hath opened by his worde and spirite perceiue these excellent misteries for it is the spirituall man that discerneth all thinges yea euen the deepe thinges of God 1. Cor. 2. 10. 15. which is not onely true in the misteries of faith and religion but euen in discrying and discerning the church of God also for if a man haue no beter loades man than the light of his owne witte it is more likely that he shall imbrace the synagogue of Sathan by reason of the outward glory and glittering of it insteed of the church than the Lordes church indeed Vers 7. Teacheth vs that we can neuer haue spirituall ease nor spirituall comfort till we be assured of and doe effectuallye feele Christe and his merites and doe plentifullye taste of the louing kindnesse and fauour of God towardes vs in him They that are distressed in body soule and looke for reste and consolation else where than in him we may perceiue by this are fouly deceiued as they also that haue their onely ioye felicity and contentment in the outwarde either pleasures or profites of this life Notably sayth Dauid Psalm 4. 6. Many say who will shew vs any good But Lorde lift thou vp