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A13837 The exercise of the faithfull soule that is to say, prayers and meditations for one to comfort himselfe in all maner of afflictions, and specially to strengthen himselfe in faith: set in order according to the articles of our faith, by Daniell Toussain, minister of the worde of God: with a comfortable preface of the author, vnto the poore remnant of the Church of Orlians; containing a short recitall of extreme and great afflictions which the said church hath suffered. Englished out of French, almost word for word, by Ferdenando Filding.; Exercice de l'âme fidele. English. Tossanus, Daniel, 1541-1602.; Filding, Ferdenando. 1583 (1583) STC 24144; ESTC S100748 160,179 397

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doe hide their faces before him And man vnlesse that hee died could neuer see his maiestie yea man such as he is on the earth a sinner and mortall But oh happie and blessed shall that daie be 1. Iohn 3. and this houre ought to be desired of vs when as wee shall see this great God such as he is with a soul altogether cleane and a glorified bodie The knowledge of God from hencefoorth is vnto vs as Nazianzen saith in respect of the spirit as the sunne is vnto the bodie This is a light well liking vnto vs but happie is the soule that shall see him face to face and in seeing him shall liue for euermore In the meane-while let vs put our trust in the sonne who speaketh in his Gospell of that which hee hath seene and hath partaken his secretes vnto vs Iohn 15. as vnto his friendes and louers Vppon the 3. Chap. of S. Iohn God so loued the world that hee hath giuen his onely begotten sonne that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life MEDITATION S. Paul oftentimes saith how he would not boast but in Iesus and the same crucified And in deede if man would consider these thinges at leasure which are contained in this sentence of S. Iohn hee would easilie agree with that which S. Paul speaketh and should finde that there is no knowledge in the world that giueth so much contentation as the knowledge of Gods loue through Iesus Christ in such sort as this sentence of S. Iohn ought to be as a pretious owel which a man dailie weareth about his necke euen so ought wee to imprint in our heartes this excellent witnesse of Gods loue For what are men that GOD loueth them What cause hath the immortall to loue the poore woormes of the earth The righteous to loue sinners The Maister the ingrate and vnfaithfull seruauntes Are wee not of nature the children of wrath Ought hee not without ceasing rather to represent vnto vs the hatred and the iust anger of this mightie God and that because of our corruption And moreouer if GOD had beene affectioned to some iust or excellent men yet say I this should bee greatlie to debase him But O diuine loue Oh woonderfull diuinitie Thou hast loued the world without considering anie certaine world anie Sexe anie Qualitie yea all the creatures which are come of the earth since Adam and Eue men and women great and little poore and rich fooles wisemen And all the cause and occasion that thou hast had to fauour them was not for their beautifull eyes but it was euen thy great and extreme bountie All their righteousnesse is as an vncleane cloth before him Esaiah 64. And their excellencie is but as a flower Esaiah 40. which withereth and fadeth from day to day Therefore it hath pleased thee O God to loue man But what say I to loue What tongue shall not iudge himselfe vnsufficient yea what heart shall not bee vnable to deduct or comprehend this so great a loue which hath brought thee to giue one onelie and innocent sonne to death and that to giue life vnto those creatures that are so vnthankfull and so corrupted Where is it that one shall finde a man in this world that will pledge himselfe euen to suffer death for an other were hee his friend and an honest man Truelie it is verie rare But what O Lord thou hast doone truelie more For thou hast not giuen an Angell or an Archangell but thou hast giuen thy onelie sonne vnto a sorrowfull and most shamefull death for to redeeme thy enemies that were reuolted from thee but alas wherefore is not this friendship alike Wherefore doe wee not loue thee with a burning desire as thou hast loued vs Wherefore complaine wee of a little earth lost in thy Seruice and thou hast not cōplayned at all of the death of thy welbeloued sonne of thy delight when the question was of our redemption When a prince dooth not giue vs his good countenance and fauour then we are sore troubled and greeued and yet in respect thereof we make ah alas but small reckenning of thy loue which art the king of kinges and the eternall God Therefore that which wee doe want is that we doe not sufficientlie tast how much the Lord is good and sweete Seeing now O Lord that thy loue is endlesse graunt vs heartes that may comprehend his infinite goodnesse and that wee may forthwith feele therein an endlesse comfort which may swallow vp all the sorrowes of this wretched life So be it Out of the 6. of S. Iohn Simon Peter answered Iesus Maister to whome shall we goe Thou hast the wordes of eternall life And wee beleeue and know that thou art the Christ the sonne of the liuing God Out of the 3. Chap. of the first to Timothie Without all gainsaying great is the mysterie of godlinesse to witte that God is manifested in the flesh iustified in the spirit seene of Angels preached vnto the Gentiles beleeued on in the world and ascended vp in glorie Out of the 4. Chap. of the first Epistle of S. Iohn Hereby know yee the spirit of God Euerie spirit that confesseth that Iesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God And euerie spirit which confesseth not that Iesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God but this is the spirit of Antichrist of whome you haue heard how that hee should come and now alreadie he is in the world And wee haue seene and doe testifie that the father sent the sonne to bee the Sauiour of the world Whosoeuer confesseth that Iesus is the sonne of God in him dwelleth God and he in God And wee haue knowen and beleeued the loue that GOD hath in vs. Here followeth VVhich vvas conceiued by the holie Ghost borne of the virgin Marie CONSIDERATION THis is not vnto vs as saith S. Basyl in a Sermon which hee made of Iesus Christes humane nature neither for vs much to inquire how Christ is come downe here below And wherefore God is serued with such a meane rather than with anie other For thou man saith hee thou wast lost and so recoiledst backe from the face of thy God that thou couldest not come neere thereunto Sith now that he is so humbled and brought low to come vnto thee wouldest thou dispute much thereuppon Rather acknowledge in all humblenesse this blessing of the sonne of God yea and with as great affection as thou canst or maist who is according to the euerlasting diuine nature ingendred by the Father not made nor created as it is said in Athanasius Creede both without Mother and without beginning but is according to the humane nature a like vnto vs sinne excepted begotten of a woman and the sonne of Dauid In such manner as Sedulius saith in a Hymme The creator of the world hath taken shape of a seruant to the end that hee might redeeme our flesh through his flesh and that those
brethren A citie is not vnhappie to be vnwalled spoyled A city whē he is vnhappie robbed and outwardly ruined and sacked but if it be depriued of the fauor of God if it be filled full of ydolatrie with vanitie with theft bloud and with pride Furthermore if we doe feele our selues verie weake to sustaine the assaults threateninges and feares amongest cruell Idolaters why doe we tempt God in dwelling amongest them Heb. 13. Why doe wee not come out of our tentes to beare the rebuke of Christ Why goe we not out of Babylon to the ende we be not partakers of her sinnes and that wee receiue not of her plagues Howe many meanes might a man haue had since this fiue yeares to haue retired himselfe from amongest these fleshlie people so thirstie after the bloud of the faithfull Who is he that would abide one night amongest Scorpions Who is hee which would not quickelie vnharbour himselfe Dwelling amongest Idolaters verie dangerous seeing his house on a fire how deere soeuer it were vnto him Who is hee which would remaine in the fairest citie of the world in which hee could haue no bread What order then is there that they shoulde soiourne amongest them so long time Dwelling amongest Idolaters is verie daungerous amongest whom there can be founde no true bread and amongest whom there is neither faith nor loue nor yet respect of anie person We are in this worlde to knowe and serue God and the time of our life being so short ought we not to enforce our selues to the vttermost to bestowe that as well as is possible For as S. Cyprian hath verie well sayde in his treatise of twofoulde Martyrdome All the life of man ought to giue witnesse to GOD not that he hath any neede or maketh much reckoning of our Martyrdome or witnessing of him but that it pleaseth him that his glorie should be thus aduaunced and declared amongest men by men Nowe my brethren Whence infirmities proceede considering that these great infirmities which are at this day founde in many proceede from no other thing but onely through default of not being well grounded and rooted in the faith and also because we pray not vnto God Mark 9.23 so often and so earnestlie as were requisite For all thinges are possible to the beleeuer and the beleeuer also hath this aduauntage that God heareth and fulfilleth his desires I haue thought to comfort and to strenthen more and more those which through the grace of GOD remaine firme and constant vntill this present Psal 145. The purpose of the Author in this booke as also to giue courage againe vnto them which haue lost it and suffer themselues willinglie to be borne with the tempest of Idolatrie that there is nothing more fitte and to the purpose than to set before your eies the Articles of our faith with short meditations and prayers that shall giue vnto you a briefe knowledge and vnderstanding thereof being as it were the verie iuice and substance to the ende also that this may shortly put you in remembraunce of the pure doctrine which was preached vnto you For this is our glorie 2. Cor. 1. euen of vs all which haue beene your Pastors the testimonie of our conscience that in simplicitie and godlie purenesse wee haue beene conuersant amongest you preaching vnto you the word of God And wee are not ignorant in meane while that this is an auntient subtiltie and craft of the Diuel and of the wicked The slaūders of the aduersaries in the middest of their greatest wickednesse to slaunder good men and the trueth So was Elias slaundered by Achab as a seditious person so was Iesus Christ charged with faultes So did that abhominable Nero who hauing set the citie of Rome on fire layd all the fault vpon the poore Christians Wee doe not doubt at all but a man may finde some of our renegates which to receiue the seruice to the contrarie side and to reape the benefite of a flattering tongue both haue and doe straine themselues to misuse vs in speach and not onely with the like speach falselie to misuse vs but also to make odious euen the whole doctrine of the holie Gospell But he whome we doe serue knoweth vs and we call none other but the conscience of those who haue hard vs and haue seene our behauiours in witnesse of our affection towards you of our chearefulnesse and readines wherewith all we haue beene alway accōpanied preaching vnto you the pure word of God so much as was possible for vs and that you could be suffered to heare the same The worlde hath also seene knowen of long time the impieties of this seat of Rome many Emperours yea and many kinges of Fraunce haue prooued their insolencie and crueltie Fraunce alas seeth at this day the detestable vntrustinesse treasons violences and murthers the like not hearde which that Apostaticall Romish seate hath bredde and brought forth vnto vs and for the which they haue many times made bonfires yea and great triumph but all in vaine wee shall weepe and the worlde shall laugh in the meane time our heauinesse shall one way bee turned into ioy which the world shall not be able to spoile vs of And how much better shall it bee to weepe in this world than in the other and to reioyce in the life to come than in this vale of miseries The order then that wee keepe in this booke is The order kept in this booke that wee drawe to the Articles of the faith as close as is possible certaine places of the holie scripture which serue best to explane them and make them cleare with prayers and meditations to that purpose to the end that as faith and prayer ought to be ioyned together so euerie one might bee resolued in the faith be pricked forward to prayer True it is that in that which tyed me to those prayers and meditations which were before imprinted I haue not altogether kept such order as I desired neuerthelesse these prayers nowe are brought into a better order than those that were before and are augmented with manie goodlie places And this booke will serue as a Christian Manuel to the end to teach euerie one to see euerie houre of the day and euerie Moneth of the yeare that is to say continuallie what hee ought to beleeue and meditate vpon as also what was the whole Catechisme or maner of instruction of youth vsed by the ancient fathers like as Augustine witnesseth in his Enchiridion that is to say in his Manuel that it contained the meaning and exposition of the Creede and the Lordes prayer Wherefore I hope that this little treatise so reuiewed and digested into such order will serue not onelie to direct vs how to make our prayers for all kinde of necessities and wantes but also for an instruction more and more to confirme those that are the true faithfull in the principal pointes of our saluation
woonderfull thing that the coniunction of humane nature is made with the diuine without changing of natures also without anie confusion of persons therein For Christ hath so knit the natures together as hee both God and man is in diuine substance but one person with the father and the holie ghost O strange thing wee were not woorthie to be seruauntes and now wee be children and coheires with Christ And now I pray thee good God graunt mee grace in good ernest to acknowledge thy vertue that I may with a burning desire loue thee all the daies and time of my life and that my faith be stayed on my redeemer who was seene in the world and was lifted vp into glorie It Followeth Suffered vnder Ponce Pilate was crucified dead and buried hee descended into hell CONSIDERATION YEe neede not to maruaile that in this Article of our faith wee doe passe from his natiuitie vnto his death For first all his life was a preparatiue vnto death a perpetuall passion Secondlie the death and passion of Iesus was the true witnesse of his obedience and then was ended this true Sacrifice that hath abolished sinne and death Euen as the auncient high Priestes did take of the people that which they had to sacrifice so hath hee also taken of vs our nature and this bodie which hee hath sacrificed on the crosse being the sacrifice and the sacrificer Therefore hee had will to suffer truelie in our flesh and to die that in him we might haue life And that wee may liue and die in him dailie dying to the world to vice to liue vnto all righteousnesse and to his glorie who hath redeemed vs. Death the graue hell are verie terrible thinges yea more than terrible But Iesus Christ hath triumphed ouer death and arising againe hee hath sanctified our graues and hath by his vertue ouercome the sorrowes of hell and hath broken all the boltes and chaines to make free and to set in safetie all his elect so as there is no condemnation vnto those that doe beleeue in him Rom. 8. Away with these sacrifices of these popish Priestes seeing that this true sacrifice made with the shedding of the bloud of the Lambe without spot Iohn 1. taketh away all the sinnes of the world Places of the holie scripture testifying the death and passion of Iesus Christ Out of the Prophecie of Dauid 22. Psalme For Dogges haue compassed me the assemblie of the wicked haue inclosed me they pearced my handes and my feete I may tell all my bones yet they behold and looke vppon me According to the exposition of some as if the should haue said he shal not be ouerwhelmed with troubles and sorrowes For he is the euerliuing sonne of of God of an euerlasting generation But this is for our sinnes and by the counsel of God that it should happen vnto him They part my garments among them and cast lottes vppon my vesture Out of the 69. Psalme I was constrained to restore that which I tooke not They gaue me gall in my meate and in my thirst they gaue me vineger to drinke A prophesie of the death and passion of Iesus Christ Out of the 53. Chap. of Esaiah Surelie hee hath borne our infirmities and carried our sorrowes yet did wee iudge him as plagued and smitten of God But hee was wounded for our transgressions hee was broken for our iniquities the chasticement of our peace was vppon him and with his stripes are wee healed All wee lyke Sheepe haue gone astray wee haue turned euerie one to his owne way and the Lorde hath laid vppon him the iniquitie of vs all He was oppressed and hee was afflicted yet did hee not open his mouth he is brought as a sheepe vnto the slaughter as a sheep before her shearer is dumme so hee openeth not his mouth He was taken out from prison and from iudgement And who shall declare his age For hee was cut out of the land of the liuing and for the transgression of my people was he plagued And hee made his graue with the wicked and with the riche in his death though hee had doone no wickednes Vnto the rich neither was anie deceite in his mouth Yet the Lord would breake him and make him subiect to manie infirmities This was Ioseph of Arimathe when hee shall make his soule an offering for sinne hee shall see his seede and shall prolong his dayes and the will of the Lord shall prosper in his hand Of the abasing of Iesus Christ in this world Daniel also hath prophesied in the 9. Chap. and 26. verse ANd after threescore and two weekes shall Christ bee slaine and shall haue nothing and some doe translate there shall none remaine to helpe him or hee shall bee altogether made of none effect This death of Christ was figured by the offering of weathers and Lambes and likewise by the offering that Abraham made of his sonne Isaac in the 22. of Genesis The brasen serpent and by the brasen serpent set vp in the wildernesse whome those that did behold were deliuered from the venemous bitings of serpentes as it is written in the 21. Chapter of Nombers This brasen serpent did signifie that Christ should take the forme of a sinner and should bee notwithstanding without sinne That which was set vp on a tree did signifie that Iesus Christ should bee lifted vp vppon a crosse as wee doe reade it in the 3. of Saint Iohn As Moses lifted vp the Serpent in the wildernesse so must the sonne of man be lifted vp That whosoeuer beleeueth in him shall not perish but haue eternall life And to shew in deede that it was not in the brasen serpent that had anie vertue annexed to it but that wee ought to looke more high King Ezechias seeing how the people did goe a whoring after this Serpent ● King 1● hee brake it in peeces and named it Nehustan that is to say a vile thing and woorth nothing The historie of the passion and death of Iesus Christ wee haue drawen out by the foure Euangelistes especiallie in the 22. 23. of S. Luke THe causes of the passion and death of Iesus Christ The causes of Christes death were first the vnchangeable counsell and prouidence of GOD as it is said in the second of the Actes and the 23. verse Hee was deliuered by the determinate counsel of God And againe the loue of God towardes mankind God so loued the world that hee hath giuen his onelie begotten sonne as saith S. Iohn in the 3. Chapter And wee doe reade in the 5. Chap. to the Ephesians and the 25. verse how hee also loued vs and gaue himselfe willinglie for vs. If wee must come vnto other outward causes of this death and which bee inferiour there is the hatred of the diuell and the enmitie whereof it is spoken in the 3. Chap. of Genesis betweene the serpent and the seede of the woman There is
this strange doctrine of the vbiquitie or the Alpresence of Christes bodie Of the vbiquitie attributing a bodie vnto Christ which is through all and inuisible that is to say which is not a bodie Nowe many seeing these diuisions would blame the doctrine of the Gospel and take an occasion to mistast the same But hath not the Lorde foretolde it Were there not also diuisions amongst the Apostles Ought this to keepe vs from going forwarde No for our faith is not builded vpon men and further when a man looketh neere thereunto it is easie to trie the spirites and we must praise the Doctors of the Church which haue in them those guiftes and likewise acknowledge their imperfections and reade them with iudgement As Luther himselfe A warning by M. Luther in the preface of his first Tome of his Latine workes besought that men would reade his workes with pitie iudgement and discretion and that men should remember him to bee an inraged Papist heretofore and a poore Moonke which could not see and perfectlie comprehend forthwith all the pointes of religion Also when one seeth the Church of God so assaulted within by diuisions and heresies without with so cruell persecutions it were enough to shake him if he be not wel setled to make him thinke whether it were possible that this companie which we call the Church being so contemptible and so subiect to great offences be the Church of GOD or no or at least whether it bee possible that God dooth loue it laying it open to so manie euils These are in deede the violent assaultes which the faithfull dailie doe proue in this wretched world wherein one may see so manie contentions and affections boyling with ambition and pride and so manie heartes more than frosen in matter of zeale and charitie Wherefore if there be anie sentence now at this day to be considered this is it that he which shall continue to the end shall be saued For as Iesus Christ speaketh in the 11. of S. Matthew Those that suffer once and continue in their zeale shall carie away the kingdome of heauen Therefore let vs not be fleeting children and caried hither and thither by euerie puffe of doctrine through mans deceite but followers of the trueth with charitie growing in Christ with loue and aboue all other thinges holding sure our Catechisme and the Articles of our Faith Suffering afflictions patientlie 2. Timo. 2. seeing this word is certaine that if we doe suffer with Christ we shall raigne with him considering also that this world waxeth olde as dooth a garment 2. Pet. 3. and that the Elementes shall melt with heate and the earth shall be dissolued let vs aspire vnto the kingdome which cannot be shaken holding grace fast by the which we may serue God in reuerence feare and assured hope awaiting the great day of Christs comming Other godlie places speaking of Faith The 3. of S. Iohn GOd hath so loued the world that hee hath giuen his onelie Sonne that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life And he that beleeueth in him shall not bee condemned but he that beleeueth not in him is condemned alreadie because he beleeued not in the name of the onelie sonne of God The faithfull ought not to seeke but the glorie of God The 5. of S. Iohn the 44. ver How can yee beleeue which receaue honor one of an other and seeke not the honor that commeth of God alone Places taken out of the Epistles of S. Paul out of the 1. Chap. of the Epistle to the Ephesians ver 13. YEe are in Christ hauing heard the word of trueth euen the Gospell of your saluation wherein also after that ye beleeued yee were sealed with the holie spirit of promise which is the earnest of our inheritance vntill the redemption of the possession purchased vnto the praise of his glorie Therefore also after that I heard of the faith which yee haue in the Lorde Iesus and loue towardes all the Saintes I cease not to giue thankes for you in my prayers The 1. of the Thessal 1. Chap. Wee giue GOD thankes alwayes for you all remembring your effectuall faith and diligent loue and of the patience of your hope in our Lord Iesus Christ in the sight of God our Father knowing beloued brethren that ye are elect of God For our Gospell was not vnto you in word onely but also in power and in the holy ghost and in much assurance The 2. to the Thessal 1. Chap. Wee pray alwayes for you that our God may make you woorthie of his calling and fulfill all the good pleasures of his goodnesse and the woorke of faith with power that the name of our Lord Iesus Christ may be glorified in you and ye to him according to the grace of our God and of our Lord Iesus Christ The 1. Epistle of S. Peter 1. Chap. You are kept by the power of GOD through faith vnto saluation which is prepared to be shewed in the last time wherein ye reioyce though now for a season if neede require ye are in heauinesse through manifold temptations that the triall of your faith being much more pretious than Gold that perisheth though it be tryed with fire might be found vnto your praise and honor and glorie at the appearing of Iesus Christ whome you haue not seene and yet loue him I beleeue in God Heere followe certaine Meditations and prayers of one onelie true God and of three persons in one substance or essence CONSIDERATION AS it is said in Athanasius Creede the generall faith is that wee worship one God in one Trinitie and one Trinitie in one vnitie Let vs not confound the persons nor diuide the substance For we must know God as he reuealeth himselfe otherwise we should but woorship a fantasie in place of knowing and woorshipping the true God Now the true God in whome we doe onelie beleeue Iohn 7. and that is mans soueraigne good for this is life eternall that we know him hath thus declared himselfe in his word and in his most excellent workes that is to say in that hee is one onelie true God in substance as it is said in the 6. Chap. of the 5. booke of Moses and in the 4. of the Ephesians but in this one substance wee do acknowledge three persons subsisting that is to say 1. Tim. 1. this onelie true God which is the king of worldes immortall inuisible wise onelie onelie good who manifesteth himselfe so as we doe see one God maker of heauen and earth And yet all this by his word which word is not a sound in the aire or a thing hauing beginning but was from the beginning with God and was God of whome is spoken in the 33. Psalme and also in the first Chap. of S. Iohn And afterward the holy spirit spread and mooued himselfe aboue the waters For the spirit cannot signifie in this place the aire or the winde that was not
paine the which also hee hath charged vppon him in short that to the end to haue pitie on vs Hebr. 2. he might partake with our flesh with our miseries to the end to make vs his brethren so to carrie into heauen our nature as the gage of our hope euen as hee hath giuen vnto vs a counterpledge that is to say the holie Ghost as Tertullian hath written verie well speaking of the resurrection and of the flesh of Christ When therefore we say that we doe beleeue in Iesus Christ it is not as if we had manie kindes of faith For there is but one God and one faith Ephe. 4. and the father and the sonne are one as it is said in 10. of S. Iohn To beleeue in Iesus Christ But this is that wee beleeue in God according as he hath shewed himselfe in the making of heauen and earth as also in his holie word that beareth record vnto vs how that the euerlasting Sonne of God Iesus Christ taking our nature in the fulnesse of time to bee the mediator of the couenant of our God the two natures diuine and humane being knitte together hee hath reconciled vs to God his father when by his merite and obedience and through his strength and incomprehensible goodnesse hee hath by his death and passion made satisfaction for our sinnes and by his resurrection ouercome death and hell and is ascended into heauē to make intercessiō for vs so as for the loue of him god loueth vs his righteousnes is imputed to vs as if it were our owne God holdeth vs for righteous so be we sure that neither the law hath power to condemne vs against which we doe set this perfect righteousnes of Iesus Christ neither death nor the diuel shall astonie vs for seeing the Christ for vs hath ouercome the world death all that which was feareful In summe we doe beleeue not onelie the historie of the birth passion death resurrection ascensiō of Iesus Christ But euerie faithful persō dooth apply all the benefits that he hath gotten for vs assuring comforting thēselues in his holie louelie promises doe lay hold vppon him as the true Iesus sauing blessing vs hauing prepared an euerlasting saluation and a most blessed life by his pretious blould For what we shall be dooth not yet appeare but we doe know that when he shal appeare V s e. 13. we shal be like vnto him shall see him as he is And whosoeuer hath this hope in him is purified as he is also pure This say I is the first Maxime first foundation that we doe set against the heretikes and others which know not Iesus Christ true God true man It is the wonderful coūsel of God which hath prouided for vs such a mediator and sauiour as did behooue vs to haue Secondlie we doe set against them the agreemēt of the old new Testamēt cōcerning Iesus Christ where wee see how that which the ceremonies of the law had figured was fulfilled in Christ as it is said in the Epistle to the Hebrewes 1. Iohn 3. for so dooth S. Paul witnesse proue how Christ was the end of the law Lastlie we doe set against thē the effects of this healthful knowledge which giueth peace rest of minde vnto the faithful So as manie haue suffered death with great ioy for the name of Iesus Now on the other part the issue of those who haue blasphemed as Cerinthus Manes Arrius and others were alwayes miserable And how soeuer it were that manie times the heresies of those which haue striuen either cōcerning the true diuine nature or cōcerning the veritie of Christs human nature were for a season maintained by violence impudēcie God in this giuing place vnto his iudgements prouing the constācie of his owne yet it is cleare by the Ecclesiasticall Histories how the Lord hath made his trueth dailie to triumph yea that manie times by weake Organes hath confounded the wise men of the world preseruing his trueth the Articles of our faith euen vnto our time whereof wee ought to thanke this good God without ceasing and to beseech him that he will likewise haue pitie also of our posteritie suffer them to inioy this wholesome treasure not suffering that for our vnthankfulnesse and by the damnable and ambitious contentions of certaine wicked members that at this day doe trouble the Churches the trueth should be darkened and this good Sauiour Iesus true GOD and true man should bee misknowne to the world Now to the end that euerie faithfull man might so much the better tast and learne what this sonne of God is and what foundation wee haue to beleeue in him and to hold him for our mediator the holie scripture dooth attribute two names chieflie vnto him Iesus Christ whereof the one is Iesus and the other is Christ to the end that wee may note and marke in the first what is the person of the sonne of God to witte that he is God the sauiour and the word of life manifested in the flesh In the second his Office because that Christ dooth signifie as much as Messias that is to say Annointed which was annointed for vs destined and ordained of the father and dwelling in him in all fulnesse that hee should bee our king our sacrificer and our Prophet and Doctor As concerning the first name which is Iesus it was giuen to the Lord not by aduenture but by a heauēlie Oracle declared by the Angel vnto Ioseph as wee doe reade in the 1. Chap. of S. Matthew Thou shalt call his name Iesus For hee shall saue his people from their sinnes The like was said vnto Marie euen as wee doe reade in the first Chap. of S. Luke Thou shalt beare a sonne and thou shalt call his name Iesus Hee shall be great and shall bee called the sonne of the most highest and the Lorde God shall giue vnto him the Throne of his father Dauid and the Angell speaking vnto the shepheardes in the 2. Chap. of S. Luke interpreting this word of Iesus said Behold I bring you tidings of great ioy that shall be to all the people That is that vnto you is borne this day in the Citie of Dauid a sauiour which is Christ the Lord. Moreouer Irenaeus a right auncient Doctor in the second booke against the heresies of Valentinus witnesseth that the Greekes called him Soter that which the scripture called Iesus that is to say Sauiour The which Iesus Christ was in deed straightway declared himselfe so to bee healing the sicke and raising vp the dead Especiallie by this euerlasting saluation and that saluation of the soules which hee hath gotten for vs who is the true saluation of whome we ought to make reckenning of 8. Pet. 1.5 as S. Peter saith that he should be fullie reuealed in the latter dayes Now such a Sauiour was not Iosua how braue a Captaine soeuer hee
teacheth you Hee would not simplie say that they haue no neede of instruction but that they being kindled by the holy spirite might not suffer themselues to bee deceiued by Antichrist a people altogether rude and ignorant A prayer out of the 51. Psalme Create in me a cleane heart O God and renue a right spirite within me Cast mee not away from thy presence and take not thine holy spirite from me Restore in me the ioie of thy saluation and stablish mee with thy free spirite I beleeue the holy Catholike Church A consideration vpon this Article AS there is but one onely true and verie God to wit these three persons the father the sonne and the holy Ghost euen so there is but one faith whereof it was spoken in the former Articles Wee doe therefore protest now that we do beleeue the Catholike Church for we say not as before time I beleeue in the Church but it is God in whom we do put all our whole trust it is he as wee doe reade in the first Chap. of the Apocalips that is α ω that is to say the beginning and the end And as it is written in the 43. Chap. of Esaiah Before mee there was no God that was the maker of the worlde neither shall there be after me I euen I am the eternall and beside me there is no sauiour What is it then to beleeue the Catholike Church First it is to beleeue that whatsoeuer corruptions ydolatries persecutions and disorders there haue beene in the worlde that this great God creator 1. Peter 2. redeemer and sanctifier hath gotten out his chosen people whom he hath called out of darkenes into his wonderful light Psal 147. vnto whom he is reueiled through his holy testimonies the he hath washed and sanctified 1. Tim. 3. and that is his Church and the house of the liuing God builded vppon the pillar of trueth Matth. 16. vpon this corner stone which is Christ so that the gates of hell shall not preuaile any thing against it because that all things helpe vnto the profite and wealth of the children of GOD Rom. 8. 2. Tim. 2. and that this foundation resteth sure howe God knoweth those which are his as in the times of Eliah he reserued to himselfe seuen thousande men 1. Kings 19. which hadde not bowed their knees vnto Baal Secondly we doe witnesse protest and beleeue by this article of our faith that we be members of this true Church Heb. 10. and doe ioyne our selues to it to be good faithful citizens therein Heb. 10. following the holy assemblies and making that profession and confession of the name of God that all true faithfull ought to doe Thirdly by this article we doe beleeue and also doe protest that wee doe not acknowledge all assemblies indifferently for the Church of God but that as it is declared in the symbole of Nice that which is Apostolike that is to say which doeth holde it selfe vnto the doctrine of the Apostoles and is not tyed vnto anie certaine place or citie but is vniuersall gathered together by the preaching of the Gospell and through the vse of the holy sacramentes Ephes 1. Colos 1. in all the partes of the worlde vnder this onely heade that is Iesus Christ 1. Colos 12. in whom is grounded this communion of the saintes which in him are made members of one and the selfe same bodie Actes 2. partakers of one and the selfe same spirite of the same Gospell of the same sacramentes howe so euer the outwarde ceremonies be not altogether alike yet are they knit by the same bonde of peace and ioyned through the true loue calling vppon one and the same sauiour and the awayting as brethren for one and the same heritage which is the blessed life For these be the offeringes that God maketh vnto his Church which he hath purchased for himselfe to wit the forgiuenesse of sinnes and the life euerlasting which a man can not finde out of the true Church Whereupon it is to be noted that the faithfull are called holy yea in earth not that they should be perfect and voide of sinne as some do imagine a perfection to be for so should they haue no more neede of the forgiuenesse of sinnes But they are called holy because they are sanctified because of their calling which is holy and to all holinesse whereunto they doe aspire without ceasing not that they haue alreadie apprehended all but because they doe followe after seeking to learne drawing towardes the marke in respect of that heauenly calling as S. Paule sayth in the 3. Chap. to the Philippians Figures of the Church Noes Arke In the 7. Chap. of Genesis By the floud euery thing in whose nostrels breathed life died Noah only remained and they that were with him in the Arke And S. Ierome writing vnto Damasus sayth that there is no saluation without the Churche and as there is but one Arke euen so there is but one Church and as he himselfe writeth vnto Euander we ought not to thinke that the Church of Rome is any other than that which is in other places of the worlde where that Iesus is worshipped be it in Fraunce or in Englande or else where There is the Church where it is bounde in Christ and knit together by the bande of loue But if we must speake of authoritie the autoritie of the worlde is greater than the autoritie of a citie the autoritie of Churches spread throughout the world greater than that which is in one place A Prayer O Lorde our God and father although that thy ordinance is Genes 8. that thou wilt not smite anie more the whole world with the floud of waters and that from hence forwarde the seede time and haruest and cold and heate and summer and winter and day and night shall not cease and that so long as the earth remaineth in confirmation whereof thou hast established the heauenly arke for a signe Notwithstanding O my God what is this poore life but a floud of euilles But in this my soule is comforted then when as namely in thy wrath thou diddest powre out the ouerflowinges of waters vpon the lande then at that time O God thou diddest powre out by thy fauour thy grace and protection vpon the Arke of Noah For why was it that he did not perish with the rest Did he see the same floude Was hee couered with the same waters Yes truely But in his Arke he had thy promise He had thy grace which did defende him in such sort as thousandes fell at his right hande and thousandes at his left hande hee was sure vnder thy wing So Lorde although that in this worlde a like floud of euilles doth fall both vpon the good and the euil Eccle. 3. and that both the one and the other dies yet we knowe that thou wilt saue those which are in the Arke of thy Church and
our heartes bee as his temple O right blessed are they that thus doe eate the flesh of the Lorde hauing a desire to remaine with him and to obey him The bodie of Christ set foorth in his worde is our foode The meane and way to eate him is faith that doth stay vpon his promises and is ioyned vnto him On earth we do communicate with Christ by the helpe of his worde and sacramentes but on hie in heauen we shal eate this heauenly bread without anie outwarde helpe and shall drinke this holy drinke feeling effectually his presence the ioie of that glorious life O happy time so much desired in the which we shall eate with the holy Angels at the table of the Lorde in his kingdome O we now very happie blessed from hence forth seeing we sauour already the sweetenesse of the life to come in Christ O howe easily may we despise the rich mens tables and their iounket and delicate meates to partake the bloude of Christ in the Church of God Yea this bloud yea this is our victorie and glorie this is it that we ought to take chearefully in the supper and so to beare with Christ all afflictions in this life although the banket of the crosse seeme verie thinne and troublesome vnto the beastly ignorant worlde But they which do possesse Christ care not to possesse the world and they that haue drunke of the Lordes cup care not they are at a point to powre out their bloud for the name of Christ for their liues are most assured in their sauiour Reioyce thou thē flocke of the Lorde seeing thou hast so liberall a sheepeheard which feedeth thee with his bloud that thou maiest liue by his life For they that liue not but of the infected bloud of Adam and of the carnall and sensuall life are more wretched than the beastes To this feast are not onely bidden the sacrificers and priestes of Leui but all the Church But aboue all let vs take heede that this gift of God be vnto vs a wholesome gift and that we partake not therein to our condemnation Let vs therfore take on the wedding garment and make cleane our vessels to receiue so excellent a gift Let vs also beware of hauing therein any profanation in steede of deuotion Let vs keepe our selues from communicating in darkenesse when we doe come neere vnto this light And as S. Ierome sayeth writing vnto Theophilus When we drawe neere to Christ let vs not giue him a Iudas kisse Let vs knowe that these are the poore in spirite that shall finde comfort in that banquet These are not the worldlinges nor the high in degree neither the ouerweening and brablesome persons For if Christ declare that euerie oblation displeaseth GOD without reconciliation howe should he make an offering vnto vs of a thing so singular if wee haue not peaceable heartes And if we be not knit together with our brethren howe would we that he shoulde knit himselfe with vs A prayer concerning the holy supper O Lorde God the heauen of heauens cannot comprehende thee and yet thou doest vnto vs this honour to haue fellowshippe with vs. Alas who are wee that thou shouldest take pleasure to bee with vs yea in vs Neuerthelesse wee doe thanke thee in that through thy mercie thou makest vs able to receiue thy graces whereof Psalm 36. of our owne corrupt nature we were altogether vnwoorthie For in trueth they onely are blessed that doe not depart from thee and they that doe partake with the bodie of thy sonne on earth beginne alreadie to liue in heauen The Israelites haue eaten manna in the desert but the most part in the meane while are dead in the wildernesse without seeing the lande of promise But they that eate of this sacred foode are assured to come to the euerlasting heritage O what comfort is this vnto vs in this vale of miserie to bee refreshed with such a pasture O woonderfull pasture which seemeth to bee eaten with teeth in so much as the signes doe beare his name and yet in the meane space is neuer consumed but nourisheth the soule with great vertue That which Adam and Eue did eate in the earthly gardein by the temptation of Sathan caused them to die But O Lorde this meate that we do eate by thy appointment bringeth vnto vs life Now Lorde seeing it hath pleased thee to ioine the earthly with the heauenly by this sacrament the humane creatures with the celestiall graunt vs grace truely to consider these so hie mysteries and to vse them withal innocencie and reuerence For Lord Iob. 14. who is he that shall make cleane that which is vncleane O father who hast redeemed vs by the bloude of thy sonne thou canst only wash and sanctifie vs by thy spirite And as the fulnesse of ioie and gladnesse is to see thy face and to feele thy presence So let our soules feele effectually the sweetenesse of thy son Iesus let vs feele the increase of strength and of faith by the meanes of this holie sacrament and suffer vs not to followe the example of Esau who for a messe of pottage lost his birthright but rather that wee doe not forsake thee for any worldlie thing But that all our consolation may rest in thee Graunt vs O Lorde that thou keepe that assurance which thou hast promised likewise as thou wilt that wee keepe a remembraunce of thy sonne and of his death so haue thou daily remēbrance of vs and as he was giuen for vs so let vs yeelde ourselues louing vnto our neighbours through christian loue and that aboue all our heartes may be lifted vp where our head Iesus Christ is in thy glorie Further more for so much O Lord as we doe eate at thy table as thy children and familie of thy house let vs also walke in all goodnesse as it is becomming those which doe belong vnto such a Lorde And for so much O God as this sacred meate beseemeth not an irkesome and full stomacke Graunt vs grace that we may haue a true and a right hunger yea and a holie appetite vnto these graces that we may sauourly tast these meats of thine and well degest thē tasting how gratious sweete thou art also how bitter all the delights of the worlde are in comparison of the sweetenesse of Iesus Christ So be it Another prayer concerning the supper What tongue O Lorde can expresse and what heart can comprehend thy wonderfull loue towardes vs for that to redeeme a wretched creature thou wouldst that thy sonne should suffer so many labours and sorrowes euen to bee sacrificed on the crosse And howsoeuer it be that thou doest not content thy selfe with all these things that are alreadie done but to the end that the remembrance of thy loue should not be blotted-out of our heartes or that our faith should flite or be shaken syth that thy sonne is ascended vp to thy right hande thou leauest not yet to nourish
shut out of Gods kingdome But that we may be vnder his guide and Empire Manie shall come saith hee from the East and West and they shall sit with Abraham But the children of the kingdome shall be cast out into outward darknesse there where shall bee weeping and gnashing of teeth The Iewes were the children of the kingdome so long as they were the children of God and hauing lost this qualitie they haue well changed both their condition and their estate It followeth then Thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen Wee say not let God doe that hee will but that wee may doe that hee will For who is hee that wil resist against God What is hee that shall let him to doe his will Now because that the diuell is continuallie about vs to turne away our hearts from obedience to God and to doe that which God would wee must bee holpen by himselfe and none alas is assured but by his grace Our Lord Iesus being in the agonie of death and according to the infirmitie stronglie fighting against a number of temptations hath left vs yet a faire example When hee bursteth out in this sort If it bee possible O father let this bitter cuppe passe away from me Yet neuerthelesse not my will but thy will bee done There is in the second Chapter of the first Epistle of S. Iohn an other faire sentence Loue not the world for in so doing the loue of God is not in you Seeing that the world with all his desires shall passe away And as concerning God hee is euerlasting and he that will dwell with him for euermore must doe the will of the euerliuing God Now The will of God what is the will of God It is that which Christ hath fulfilled and that hee hath taught vnto vs. And what is that Humblenes in conuersation stayednesse in faith modestie in wordes iustnesse in doings mercie in workes discipline in manners and not to doe wrong vnto an other and to abide it in himselfe to keepe in peace with his brethren to loue God with all his heart to loue him as a father and to feare him as God and to haue nothing more dearer than Christ for hee also hath nothing more dearer than vs to keepe our selues vnseuered in his charitie to beare him cōpanie couragiouslie in his crosse when his name or glorie is called in question And in our talkes to shew a stayed confession and an assurednesse in our aunsweres when wee bee set vppon and to shew patience in death seeing that by it wee are crowned To doe these thinges is to bee willing to be coheires with the sonne and to fulfill the will of the Father In heauen and in earth We may take the spirit for the heauen and the flesh for the earth that all our partes may bee obedient vnto God or rather that we doe the will of God as Angels Giue vs our dailie bread This may be vnderstood spirituallie of Christ which is the liuing bread as S. Iohn in his 6. Chap. saith But it is certaine that here the Lord would teach vs not to be caryed away with the cares of this present life for as it is said elsewhere it sufficeth for euerie day to haue his miseries Mat. 6. And in deede this will not agree well to desire the kingdome of God and withall to loue the earthlie life and to delight therein Now as S. Paul saith 1 Tim 6. sith that we brought nothing into this world neither shall wee carie anie thing away wherefore doe wee not content our selues with foode and apparell seeing likewise that those which doe aspire vnto riches fetter themselues in manie sorrowes and easilie fall into the snares of the diuell To bee short the coueting of riches is the roote of all ill This is a goodlie shewe that our Sauiour maketh in the 12. of S. Luke Oh wretch that thou art this day shall they demaund thy soule and for what purpose shall the great heapes of thy ritches stored vp serue thee And will we be well disposed to follow Christ It behooueth vs at the least to hinder the causes of worldly thinges In the meane time the iust remaineth not forsaken neither brought into an extremitie by famine The heauenlie Father which prouideth for the young Rauens and Sparowes Pro. 10. Psal 37. well knoweth to furnish vs of our lackes that are necessarie Wee doe see by example apparantlie that which happened vnto Elie in the first booke of the kinges and the 17. Chapter where wee reade that namelie a Rauen caried vnto him wherewith to refresh him After wee doe pray that the Lord forgiue vs our offences as wee doe forgiue them that offend against vs. Now hauing receaued assistance of our foode wee doe demaund the forgiuenesse of our sinnes to the end that hee who is nourished of God may liue to God and that so wee may not onelie haue our bread in this life but that wee may also haue the inioying of the other that is farre better and whereunto wee cannot enter if our sinnes be not forgiuen vs. Now our sinnes are called debtes as likewise in the 18. of S. Matthew I haue forgiuen thee all thy debt because thou hast required it of me Wee are then my brethren here warned that wee be sinners praying to God for the forgiuenesse of our sinnes and asking grace of God the conscience being ouercome through offence Therefore let none of vs set vp our selues what giftes soeuer wee have seeing that dailie we sinne and doe aske mercie of GOD. If wee doe confesse our sinnes saith S. Iohn in the first Chap. of his first Epistle hee is faithfull and iust to forgiue vs our sinnes But if wee say that there is no sinne in vs wee doe lie And since that this good Iesus doeth make vs aske forgiuenesse o● our offences hee giueth vs a certaine assurance to finde it hee I say that maketh vs strong through the mercifulnesse of his father The condition that hee hath ioyned to this demaund buindeth vs before GOD to forgiue others if that wee will that he forgiue vs. This is it that hee speaketh in an other place With what measure you mete vnto others the same shall they measure vnto you And in the 18. Chap. of Saint Matthew the seruant that goeth on against his companion with all rigor is reproued cast into prison and declared vnwoorthie of the fauour of his Maister And yet this is more clearelie expressed in Iesus Christ When yee shall appeare before God to pray vnto him If you haue anie thing against anie bodie Forgiue him otherwise your father will not forgiue you Then doe wee neuer make this prayer but that we doe condemne our selues if wee forgiue not one an other For as the Lord calleth vs to peace in regenerating vs so will hee that wee doe continue in that brotherhoode and friendship And in deede this is the fairest sacrifice that wee can offer vnto God