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A10929 The true conuert. Or An exposition vpon the vvhole parable of the prodigall. Luke. 15. 11.12. &c. Wherein is manifestly shewed; 1. Mans miserable estate by forsaking of God. 2. Mans happie estate by returning to God. Deliuered in sundry sermons, by Nehemiah Rogers, preacher of Gods Word, at St Margarets Fish-street. And now by him published, intending the farther benefit of so many as then heard it; and the profit of so many as shall please to read it. Rogers, Nehemiah, 1593-1660. 1620 (1620) STC 21201; ESTC S116104 291,820 402

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Such therefore as pretend loue to one and not vnto another let their pretence be what it will let them professe and say they loue them for the truth yet they doe but deceiue themselues for their loue is not sound but grounded on some by respect for some carnal end it may be they loue them for their gifts but not for their graces I dare say For it is impossible to loue a Saint as a Saint but we must loue euery Saint Thus may we try the soundnes of our loue towards Gods children which if vpon examination we find to be true then may wee make this as a sure signe manifest token of Gods loue to vs for loue them be beloued of him More signes might be brought whereby a Christian may assuredly know whether God hath as yet kissed him with the kisses of his mouth but these are enough and I desire not to say all I can but enough to make this knowne vnto vs take then some paines in examination and it will straight way appeare Desirest thou to know whether God doth loue thee and wouldst thou be assured of the Lords affection towards thee then answere me to these few interrogatories thou shalt haue thy desire And first I demand whether the blessed spirit of God hath been as yet shed abroad in thy heart doth it stirre is it working hath it enlightned thy mind and sanctified thy soule Hath it wrought a change and alteration in thy course and carriage Againe findest thou thy heart enflamed with a loue towards God In so much that thou esteemest him and his fauour before all things in the world Dost thou delight in his presence still hauing recourse vnto him by those blessed meanes both publike priuate by which he is pleased to conuerse with men And art thou desirous to goe vnto him Canst thou say with the Spouse Come euen come Lord Iesus come quickly Againe Reuel 22.17.20 tell me art thou desirous to please him and obey him Art thou readie with Abraham to leaue thy owne Countrey and to goe whether he shall please to send thee And art thou willing to suffer any trouble for his sake Couldest thou be content to suffer the spoyling of thy goods the losse of libertie yea and of life if need should require that he might thereby be glorified Moreouer is it the desire of thy soule to be conformable vnto him in holinesse and puritie Doest thou loue what he loues and hatest thou what he hates And labourest thou to be perfect euen as he is perfect Surely if it be thus thy estate is good thou louest God and he thee But proceed we yet further in this search for a good thing cannot be made too sure and tell me louest thou Gods Saints and seruants and that truely and entirely Is not thy loue grounded on some carnall end is it not some by-respect that causeth it Is it for their pietie and godlinesse thou so much affectest them Doth the very report thou hearest made of them for their vertues enkindle loue in thy heart albeit thou hast had no knowledge of them nor dealing with them And doest thou esteeme of these as the onely excellent ones vpon the earth chusing them for thy best companions receiuing them into thy societie And is thy loue totall to all as well as vnto any Louest thou euery Saint aswell as any Saint Is thy affection towards the poore as well as to the rich is thy heart vpon them in aduersitie as well as in prosperitie If it be thus with thee thou then louest Gods Saints indeed with a loue vnfained and vndoubtedly art beloued of him who is the father of them But if thou beest wholly voyd of these things thy loue is no true loue but such a loue as may be found in any vnregenerated person Thus by a diligent examination of your selues you may soone determine and also soundly whether God hath manifested his loue towards thee Spend some time therefore in this matter it will not be time mispent but redeemed much benefit wil redound to vs by our paines thus bestowed for the surer ground thou art of the more comfort thou wilt haue and without doubt many of Gods children depriue themselues of much comfort for want of a daily examination of themselues by these and the like notes and oftentimes fal into doubting of Gods loue and fauour which in time prooueth pernicious to their soules A third vse of this poynt may be for reproofe of such Vse 3 as brag and boast of Gods loue towards them yet haue not beene thus kissed by him they haue not as yet his loue manifested vnto them by the former signes and tokens As for temporall blessings in them indeed they doe abound hauing great preferments in the world varietie of pleasures and sufficiencie of all earthly contentments which they falsely perswade themselues are manifest tokens of his speciall fauour but as for his spirituall and sanctifying graces of them they haue neuer tasted Now let such know that their estate is fearefull for the present and vncomfortable God indeed may loue thee and thou mayst be elected of him but that is vnknowne to thee or mee or any else till he doth make this manifest by the fornamed signes And as for these common blessings wherein thou doest so abound know they are vsually giuen in a greater abundance to the Reprobate then to the elect Esau whom God hated had as great priuiledges as thou hast any and therefore these premisses will admit of no such conclusion Neuer say that God loues thee till thou findest the fruits of sanctification in thee which being once found thou mayst then say with the Psalmist By this I know that thou fauourest me By these and these signes I know that I am beloued of thee And in the last place this may serue for the great comfort Vse 4 of all such as haue Gods loue manifested vnto them by the former signes For as the terrors are great which that man hath in his conscience who is in doubt of the loue of the almightie towards him So is the comfort as great which that man hath who is hereof perswaded For come tribulation or distresse or persecution or famine Rom. 8.25.28 or nakednesse or perill or sword or life or death Yet the certaintie of Gods loue will support him Heb. 11. This assurance doth make bitter things sweet and gall to relish as hony Comfort then thy heart thou beloued of the Lord let nothing dismay the● though the wicked mocke though the world scorne though thy acquaintance hate thee yet remember God he loues and fauours thee and hath manifested the same vnto thee to put thee out of doubt Is not my loue better vnto thee 1 Sam. 1. then ten children said Elkanah to Hannah so is not the loue of God better vnto thee then the loue of ten worlds Let then the meditation of this harden thy face like brasse against all
so much doth the poynt seeme to imply I answer They are God doth loue his Elect though for the present they be vncalled as the Apostle doth manifestly declare in the place before quoted Rom. 5.8 Rom. 5.8 where he sheweth that God setteth forth his loue and makes it known to them that he loued them euen while they were yet sinners So then in regard of election they are beloued of God being yet vncalled though indeed not with that degree of loue it pleaseth him to vouchsafe to them after their calling Now to the vses Vse 1 And first is this so that God doth not onely loue and inwardly affect his children but doth also manifest the same by signes and tokens that they may bee out of doubt thereof Then this may serue to confute that doctrine of the Church of Rome who hold that no man can be certainely assured of the loue and fauour of God hee may hope well and so foorth But no man can haue any assured confidence What is this but a racke and torment to weake consciences What doth this but extinguish the truth and sincerity both of faith and loue towards God what fruit bringeth this but impatiency in time of trouble and persecution and indeede maketh a way for desperation of Gods mercy Away then with this vnsetled doubting with this vncomfortable doctrine and false opinion Acts 5.41 Rom. 8.38 Gal. 2.20 which is contrary to Gods truth and Saints profession who haue had the sence of Gods loue and reioyced therein euen in their extremest affliction in the flames of fire and depth of darksome dungeons Secondly let this stirre vp euery one of vs to a diligent Vse 2 examination of our selues whether God hath as yet kissed vs with the kisses of his mouth whether he hath as yet manifested his loue vnto vs by signes and tokens For till we haue assurance heereof what comfort can we haue how doe we know whether we be of the number of Elect or of the reprobate Striue therefore to be assured heereof examine thy selfe diligently that thou mayst be assured And forasmuch as we are very ready to deceiue our selues in this matter thinking we are highly in Gods fauour when it is not so bee therefore the more carefull in thy triall neuer giue ouer vntill thou canst say I finde this and this signe whereby I know the Lord loues mee But how may I come to a knowledge of this Quest And by what signes may I haue some assurance heereof Know that whom God loues with this speciall loue Answ to them he giues of his spirit whereby they are sanctified The loue of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is giuen vs saith the Apostle So then Signes of Gods speciall loue The first signe the giuing of the Spirit Rom. 5.5 How a man may know hee hath the Spirit 1. By the inward working of it 2. By the outward Coloss 4.6 this gift of the Spirit is an euident token of Gods speciall loue If any now demand how they shall know whether they haue the Spirit of God within them I answer as a woman knoweth her selfe to bee with childe by the stirring of it the Spirit will soone bee felt and perceiued where it is for it is alwayes operatiue it hath such workings as cannot be hiden First inwardly enlightning the minde sanctifying the affections enclining the will and the like Then outwardly framing and fashioning the outward man vnto all conformity with the Law of God both in word and deede It causeth the words to be sauory seasoned with salt and to bee such as may administer grace to the hearers It driueth corrupt communication out of mens mouthes Iohn 2. as Christ did the buyers and sellers out of the Temple It also causeth mens workes and deedes in some measure to be conformable to Gods most blessed will making them to leaue what God doth forbid and readily to doe what God doth command Easily then may it bee knowne where Gods Spirit is if men would take some paynes in examining themselues In buying of some vessell men will looke both on the in-side and out-side and see it be sound Doe so by thy selfe looke first into thy in-side see if thy minde be enlightned thy affections sanctified Then view well the out-side see if thy wayes be reformed If it be thus then surely God hath manifested his loue vnto thee thou art on a good ground stand sure But this marke is somewhat generall and therefore we will come to others The second signe is loue of God 1 Ioh. 4.19 If the Lord loue thee then thou doest loue him againe This S. Iohn doth confirme We loue him because he loued vs first For as the cold stone being warmed by the Sunne-beames reflecteth againe some of the heat which it receiued So our cold hearts being stricken with an apprehension of Gods loue beginnes to send forth some sparks of loue againe The Lords loue must first heat my heart before I can reflect my affection vpon him Examine then what loue thou bearest towards God try whether it bee sound for certainely if thou louest him thou art beloued of him I know it is thought to be a common thing and easie to loue the Lord and he is a wretch and vnworthy to liue that doth not loue his Maker But let euery one beware lest the wretch be found in his owne bosome For it is not so common a thing to loue the Lord Tace li●g●● loquere vita as the world takes it to be All that say they loue him do not loue him many will loue him with their tongues that hate him in their soules Be thou therefore of a good ground Signes of our loue of God try thy loue by the fruits and effects and for thy better helpe I will touch a few The first signe First if thou louest God truely thou doest esteeme him and his fauor aboue all things in the world besides counting his louing kindnesse better vnto thee then life Matth. 10.37 Psal 63.3 Phil. 3.9 and the signes of his fauour thy greatest ioy All things shall be counted but as drosse and dung in comparison of it Secondly if thou louest God The second signe of loue to God thou wilt then delight in his presence For the nature of true loue is such that it earnestly desireth the presence of the party which is beloued Thou wilt loue his house Psal 26.8 and the place where his honour dwelleth Thou wilt haue frequent recourse to those meanes by which the Lord is pleased to conuerse with his children whether Publique as to the hearing of the Word and receiuing of the Sacraments Or Priuate as reading singing c. taking all occasions to speake vnto him by prayer and priuate meditation yea thou wilt haue an ardent desire to be dissolued Phil. 1.25 2 Cor. 5.8 that thou mayst be with Christ and to bee absent from the body
haue bread enough Math. 6. By hyred seruants are meant principally the Scribes Pharisces and vnder them all others who serue God mercenarily onely for the reward sake and not of loue Pani● est doctrinalis Sacramentalis victualis Ludolph Iohn 6.51 Panem à 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 multitudinem salutum magnitudinem sol●minum plenitudinē omnium bonorū These had Bread enough Bread hath a large extent in Scripture for vnder it is contained a sufficiēcy of food and nourishment both for soule and body and therefore some would deriue the Latine word from a Greeke which reacheth farre and wide and so make it a comprehensiue word signifying all things needfull whether to corporall or animall sustenance It implies then saith one much health great comforts fulnesse of all necessary good things but as I take it in this place that exposition is too large for by bread is especially meant that bread which Christ brake amongst them I meane his doctrine miracles of this bread they had enough for they often heard the one and saw the other Now to the instructions The Prodigall was miserable and in great distresse hunger had already consumed his flesh and almost brought him to rottennesse and wormes I perish with hunger this he had a sence of which driue him home to his Father Here then obserue what excellent meanes crosses and afflictions are to chase men to the Lord and make them looke home The Scriptures are full of proofes for the confirming of this truth in the 26. of Isay and the 16. verse Doctr. Crosses and afflictions are excellent meanes to make men looke home Esay 26.16 Psa 107.10.13 Hosea 5.15 the Prophet saith thus Lord in trouble haue they visited thee they poured forth a prayer when thy chastening was vpon them So in the 107. Psalme verse 10-14 They being bound in affliction and yron c. cried vnto the Lord in their trouble and distresse This the Lord himselfe doth further witnesse in the 5. of Hosea 14.15 I will bee to Ephraim as a Lyon and as a young Lyon to the house of Iudah I euen I will teare and goe away I will take away and none shall rescue I will goe and returne to my place till they acknowledge their offence and seeke my face Chap. 6.1 for in their affliction they will seeke me earely And so indeed they did as doth appeare in words following Come and let vs returne vnto the Lord Esay 17.6.7 for he hath torne and he will heale vs he hath smitten and he will binde vs vp So also in the 17. of Esay 6.7 the Lord telling the people of the common destruction that hee would bring vpon thē for their sins saith that then they should looke vp to their Maker and their eyes should haue respect to the holy one of Israel And hence it was as it may seeme that the Prophet Dauid preferring the saluation of his enemies out of a holy loue and spirituall charity before their outward estate prayeth thus Psal 83.16 Fill their faces with shame that they may seeke thy name O Lord. Many examples I could bring for the proofe of this poynt if it were as needfull as easie so to doe as of Manasses 2 Cron. Ier. 31.18 Acts 16. Reason Ephraim the Iaylor the danger of whose outward man was a meanes to saue both the outward and inward man besides many others but these are sufficient And it is no maruaile they should be so auaileable for hereby we are fitted and prepared for the hearing of Gods voyce true it is the spirit of God is the principall cause of our sauing hearing for he openeth the heart and beareth the eare that wee may attend to it and receiue it as hee did the heart of Lidia Acts 16.14 but yet affliction and tribulation is a speciall meanes Iob 33.16 36.15 which he vseth for the fitting and preparing of vs hereunto as Elihu declareth in the 33. of Iob verse 16.17 and also in the 36.15 he deliuereth the poore in affliction and openeth their eares in oppression when therfore with Eliah we haue had our share in this stormie tempest 1 K●n. 19.11.12 and haue beene well shaken with these earthquakes then are wee well prepared to heare the still and soft voyce of the Lord speaking vnto vs in the ministry of the Gospell Thus then you see they further our conuersion as they fit vs and prepare vs for the hearing of the word which is the ordinary meanes of our saluation Reason 2 A second reason may be this because afflictions are excellent meanes to worke in vs contrition and humiliation which are other meanes of true conuersion our hearts are melted and mollified in this fiery furnace these humble vs and cast vs lowe and plucke downe our lofty hearts which in our prosperity we did so exalt these like a hammer breake our rockie hearts and brings vs to a sence of our owne miserie Obiect But if this be so may some say how commeth it then to passe that so many haue beene afflicted yet are not bettered 2 Cor. 28.22.23 as the Lord himselfe hath shewed Esay 1.5 Amos 4. and as we see in the example of Ahaz who in the time of his distresse did trespasse yet more against the Lord. And also by the example of Pharaoh Saul Ieroboam with others Answ Esay 45.7 Amos 3 6. Sim Poyson of it selfe is hurtfull but by the skilfull tempering of the Physitian becomes profitable● We must know that it is not affliction in it owne nature that worketh this repentance for in their owne nature they are euill and teach rather auersion from then conuersion vnto the Lord but by the secret operation of Gods spirit these fruits are brought forth Now this working of the spirit is wanting in the wicked neither are afflictions sanctified vnto them but are still curses bee they neuer so many and not crosses and make for their further hardening not mollifying This therefore is to be vnderstood onely of the elect and no other True it is they may make the reprobate for a time to be humbled as was Pharoah and Ahab with others But this is worldly sorrow which bringeth death Now for the vses And first it may serue for the reprehension of such as Vse 1 iudge of Gods fauour and loue towardes themselues or others by outward afflictions this is a false measure and will soone deceiue vs and yet how are Gods children counted as cursed and plagued because they are afflicted and corrected and the proud esteemed blessed because they are not in trouble as others but could such a conclusion be drawne from these premises Psal 73.15 Mat. 3. Esay 53.3.4 then must we needs condemne the generation of Gods children yea Christ himselfe that well-beloued of his Father who was a man full of sorrowes and acquainted with griefe smitten of God and afflicted such a conclusion then cannot be drawne from
hardly are we reconciled nay though they sue and seeke vnto vs yet how hardly are we brought euer to receiue him to loue and fauour againe within our hearts so close doth wrong and iniurie sticke vnto vs. But as for God behold his goodnesse who albeit he be daily prouoked by our sinnes is readie to forgiue and doth seeke vnto vs to be reconciled beeing more readie to pardon then we to begge it Oh that we were followers of God herein like good children Ephes 5.1 Secondly let this serue to increase our boldnesse in Vse 2 comming to the Lord thou canst not be so forward to come as God is to meet so readie to craue pardon as he is to forgiue This poynt had need to be vrged for howsoeuer this be common in the mouthes of many God is mercifull and the like yet in time of Spirituall distresse to seeke to God for mercie is no easie matter it is nothing saith one in the day of sencelessenesse to presume but when once the heart is touched with a sence of sinne it is a hard matter not to despaire Oh what a hard taske is it then to seeke for mercie and lay hold of it Consider well what hath been said and store it vp against time of need But now happily some will obiect against this truth Obiect and say I haue often sought to God for mercie with many a teare and groane and yet I haue not found yea and other of Gods children as Moses Dauid Paul c. haue prayed and not beene heard To this I answer It may be thou hast sought for such Answ 1 things as God knoweth to be vnfit for thee tending rather to thy hurt then good If so then God is found in mercie in withholding from thee that which thou derest and is more ready to shew mercy then thou to seek it for thou seekest not mercie but thine owne miserie God therefore giueth mercie beyond thy desire Secondly God may for a time delay to giue thee Answ 2 what thou seekest that it may be a mercie for hadst thou what thou desirest at the very instant it might tend to thy hurt or else not be respected as it should Did God see thee fit to receiue thou shouldest not want thy desire one houre In this also is God more readie to shew mercie then thou to seeke Answ 3 Or thirdly Thou art heard in a better kind and so was Paul and Moses and the rest of Gods seruants with whom God dealt by way of exchange keeping from them what they begged and giuing vnto them a better blessing If then God giue not that particular thou askest but some thing better then it for it whether it bee Patience Strength Exercise or increase of Grace thou canst not say but God is found and is as readie nay more readie to shew mercie then thou to sue for it at his hands Let vs then beleeue remember and apply this poynt for our endlesse and euerlasting comfort And beware of sucking poyson out of this sweet and blessed floure Text. He fell on his necke and kissed him Here is a ioyfull meeting betwixt so good a father and so badde a sonne Mercie and Truth are met and each of them kisse the other here is truth in the Prodigall for he dissembled not and mercie in the father By these circumstances the heat and fire of his affections is declared and his intire loue vnto his sonne expressed for a kisse hath euer beene as a pledge and pawne of kindnesse which is professed by it and by this ceremonie or rite they did expresse their loue in the time of the primatiue Church one to another Iustin Mart. Apolog. 2. which ceremonie continued till the daies of Iustine Martyr in customarie vse before their approaching to the Lords Table thereby to testifie their heartie reconcilement each to other 1. Thes 5.26 this was called a holy kisse It is a ceremonie also of ciuilitie and hath beene and is still in vse Thus Ioseph blessed his brethren Gen. 45. Ruth 1.9 and fell vpon their necks and kissed them c. When Iudas the traytor studied with himselfe what course might be the best to bring Christ to his death hee could deuise not a more subtile shift then vnder a kisse a pretence of kindnesse to couer his villenie Cant. 1. When the Church in the Canticles saith to her Spouse to shew his loue vnto her she intreateth him to kisse her with the kisses of his mouth viz. that he would manifest his loue and affection vnto her by manifest and good tokens Thus the father kisseth his penitent child thereby to seale and confirme his loue and good will towards him that he might make no doubt thereof So then in that the father doth thus manifest and declare his loue and good will to this sonne after his comming into his presence hence let vs learne this Lesson God will manifest and make knowne his loue vnto his children Doctr. God doth not onely loue his children but he will make it manifest by signes and tokens that hee loueth them Rom. 5.5 by euident signes and tokens vpon their conuersion and turning to him God doth not onely inwardly affect and loue his elected children that belong vnto him but hee will also haue them resolued of this his loue and kindnesse and will in due time make manifest the same by euident signes and tokens that they may not doubt of it The loue of God is shed abroad in our hearts saith the Apostle that is the sense and feeling of it is shedde and powred forth into vs that wee might not doubt of it but be fully perswaded and assured thereof And a little after he saith God commendeth Verse 8. that it maketh knowne his loue towards vs in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for vs. And were it not so how could we be affected with it Reason what is it for a blinde man to know that the Sunne is a most glorious bright creature when hee himselfe doth not see it so what is it for a man to know there is much loue hid in God except he haue some sence and feeling of it That precious oyntment Math. 26.7 which the woman poured vpon Christs head gaue no sauour while it was shut vp in the box but being shed and powred out it did then yeeld a most sweet sent vnto all that were in the roome so the loue of God while it is as it were shut vp in Gods decree and not felt of the Elect hath not that fauour with it but when they once come to haue a taste of it then it is as an oyntment powred forth which doth exceedingly and plentifully refresh their hearts and soules Quest Whether Gods Elect as yet vncalled are within the compasse of Gods loue Answ Vpon this that hath beene sayd some may demand whether Gods Elect being yet vncalled are within the compasse of Gods loue for
and able to helpe yet he may be a sleepe or out of hearing and farre off so that he cannot doe as otherwise he would but it is not so with God night and day at home and abroad by sea and land is he at hand to send supply Fourthly Whereas many haue both will and power Reason 4 and are at hand readie to helpe yet they may want wisdome whereby their helpe is oftentimes vnseasonable With our God is wisdome saith Iob and strength I●b 12.13 he hath counell and vnderstanding Hee knoweth best when where and how to helpe Thus wee see this poynt proued both by Scripture and reasons viz. Where Gods fauour is there is want of nothing that is needfull But doth not Paul complaine of hunger and thirst Obiect of cold and nakednesse 2. Cor. 11.27 And haue not many of Gods seruants beene tryed by mockings and scourgings by bonds and imprisonments Heb. 11.36 Haue they not beene stoned hewen asunder tempted slaine with the sword wandered vp and downe in Sheepes skinnes and Goats skins being destitute afflicted and tormented Matth. 8.20 Nay was not Christ himselfe in want when he had not what the Foxes and the Fowles of the ayre had for they had holes and nests but he had not wheron to rest his head How then can this be true that hath beene now deliuered Sol. A two-fold want First I answer there is a two-fold want one in regard of outward condition the other in regard of inward affection There is many a rich man that is in miserable want and pouertie wanting both what other haue and therefore is still coueting and desiring and also what he himselfe doth inioy not hauing the comfortable vse of what he hath but like Tantalus whom Poets faigne to dye for thirst standing in the waters to the chinne Againe There is many a poore man who doth sustaine some want in regard of outward condition yet God doth inlarge his affection and giue him true contentation which is sufficiencie Thus was the Apostle content with his hard estate as appeares Phil. 4.11 So then we see the Lord doth supply the wants of his children giuing them eyther abundance or cheerefull contentation or supportation when meanes fayle Answ 2 In the second place I answer This promise is made with a condition as doth euidently appeare Psal 84.11 no good thing doth he withhold And also Psal 34.10 they shall want nothing that is good So then no further can they expect a supply of these things then makes for their good and welfare Now doe wee not know that oftentimes Thunder and Raine is more seasonable for Corne and Grasse then faire Sunn-shine Affliction and aduersitie Corporis aduersa animae remedia better for Gods children then peace and prosperitie Doth a childe of God want health wealth peace and the like Then may hee boldly say they are not for my good and God doth supply my wants in withholding from me these things Hence is it The children of God stand in as great want of the rodde as of meate and drinke this want God supplies Quest Psal 37.25 that many of Gods children are brought to their ends through penury and want because it is for their good so to come vnto their end The Lord doth call them home to heauen by such a messenger But from hence may another question arise For if this be so that Gods children may be in want and may bee brought to their ends through penurie and want how then can Dauids words be true and how can this stand with that saying of his I neuer saw the righteous forsaken nor their seed begging their bread Dauids speech is well to be obserued Answ How to vnderstand Dauids words Psal 37.25 for he doth not say The righteous is neuer forsaken but I neuer saw it speaking there of his owne experience and obseruation Secondly He saith hee neuer saw the righteous forsaken and his seed too For if God lay any temporall affliction on his children and suffereth them for their good to be in want yet hee remembreth his promise made vnto his seed and reneweth his mercie towards them if they walke in his waies and obey his commandements Thirdly He saith hee neuer saw the righteous and his seed forsaken begging bread that is when they came to the strait that they were faine to begge their bread yet not then forsaken q. d. No not forsaken when they were begging their bread Thus hauing answered this obiection we come now to vse and application First this serues to reproue many Vse who breake their heads till they become hoarie with cares for the purchasing and obtaining of things here below but they neuer goe to the fountaine neyther take the right course for supplying of their wants It is an vniuersall quaere Who will shew vs any good id est the way to become great to waxe wealthie and the like Psal 4. But how few cry with the Prophet Lord life thou vpon vs the light of thy countenance No maruell then if so many runne vp and downe like hungrie dogges and are neuer satisfied Peter may fish all night and catch nothing Psal 127.2 vntill Iesus speakes the word What though wee rise earely and lye downe late and eat the bread of sorrow yet shall wee labour in vaine vnlesse the Lord giue a blessing Vse 2 Secondly this sheweth vs a difference betwixt the fauour of God and the fauour of man True it is the fauors of Princes and of great men brings with it many priuiledges and preferments but they cannot assure vs of euerie good thing neyther are they able to doe all things that they would yea many times they are prouented by sudden death before opportunitie be offered to manifest their loue and when they doe shew fauour vnto any how vnstable is it and how vncertaine This Hamman found to day he is honoured to morrow hanged But it is otherwise with God his fauor brings with it a supply of all things needfull and they that rely vpon it shall neuer be deceyued nor disappoynted We may be bold to build vpon it Vse 3 Thirdly seeing Gods fauour doth make supply of all things that are needefull Seeke then and labour for his fauour before all things for if this be not wanting no blessing shall be nor can be wanting for soule or bodie this life or a better This is the maine and mother blessing so that desire it desire all obtaine it obtaine all other blessings whatsoeuer We see how farre men will goe Psal 146. what labour and paines they will indure and all for the fauour of a prince whose breath is in his nosthrills and whose thoughts perish And yet no King can be so bountifull to his Fauourites as is the God of heauen Excellent things shall be done to the man whom the King doth honour but farre more excellent to him whom the Lord doth fauour Why then doe wee no more respect
141 Preparation needfull before wee come into to Gods presence 138 The Reason why there is so much Preaching and so little profitting 287 The Physician may bee sought vnto but not trusted in 138 God prouideth sufficient Prouision for his 116 Spirituall Pride is a dangerous sinne 49 Pride is the Deuils first-borne 216 God resisteth the Proud 2 7 Sinners cannot endure Gods Presence and the Reasons of it 59 By our louing or not louing Gods Presence we may know whether our sinnes be pardoned or not pardoned 60 Professors taxed who think it sufficient to beleeue well though they practise iust nothing 193 Beleeuers must be Professors ibid. God will be better then his Promise to his children 257 The Prosperity of the wicked becomes their snare 53 Of what kinde is the sinne of the same kinde shall be the Punishment 77 In the Punishment wee may oftentimes see the sinne 79 80. Good Purposes are to bee speedily put in practice 170 Purposes will not bring a man to Heauen 168 Purposes are fooles purchases 169 The wicked haue faire Pretences for soule sinnes 323 Quest Whether a man doth preiudice the truth in enlarging sinne pag. 214 Whether the Elect before their calling are within the compasse of Gods loue 240 How a man may know himselfe to bee a true member of the Church 20 Why the Prodigall sonne is rather figured by the younger then by the elder brother 27 How the children of this world are wiser then the children of light 28 Whether an elected childe of God may finally be forsaken 47 How a man can be sayd to fly from Gods presence 60 Whether the Prodigall did confesse so much as he resolued 194 Whether a man be bound to confesse euery particular sinne 204 Whether it bee vnlawfull to confesse sinn to man 208 Why a man should confesse his sins to God seeing he knoweth them already 210 Whether God cannot forgiue sinne without confess● n be made of it 210 Why so many are afflicted yet are not bettered 106 Whether in doing good wee may haue an eye vpon the recompence of reward 1●● How the motions of Gods may be known from Satans suggestions 133 Whether it bee lawfull to vse a set forme of prayer 139 How Dauids words are true that hee neuer saw the righteous forsaken nor their feed begging bread Seeing many of Gods children haue perished by famine 261 Whether a totall abstinence bee absolutely needefull in time of fasting 266 Whether a man may eat flesh in time of Lent 267 Whether the Apostles Paul and Peter for bid wearing of ornament 273 Whether God can saue without preaching 295 Whether a deformity in the body may bee hid or the complexion mended 274 Whether a woman may not paint her face to please her husband 275 Whether a man may speake well of himselfe seeing Salomon saith Let another praise thee 338 In what case a man is to passe by a slander 339 R. Reasons why men cannot endure to heare sinne spoken against 11 The Reasons why the Papists keepe the Word from the people 118 The Reasons why they keep the cup in the Lords supper from the Laity 120 Repentance from sinne is the first resurrection 130 There are two parts in true Repentance 172 The first step to Repentance is hard to tread 12 Repentance not to be deferred 178 Foure strong reasons why we may not deferre Repentance 178 Men confesse they must repent but few agree vpon the time 180 Three maine lets of Repentance 181 Late Repentance sildom● true 191 True Repentance bringeth vs into Gods fauour 227 Where true Repentance is there sinne is left 173 It is lawfull to haue an eye vpon the Recompence of Reward 115 Sound Resolution needefull for him that would liue godly 125 The wicked repine at others preferments in Gods fauours 310 Priuate Reuenge must be forborne 343 S. The reason why there are so many stinking sauours in the world 286 If we would haue Saluation we must seeke it from God 226 Sinfull men seeke not to God vntill all other helps doe faile them 8● Euery one seekes the Lord at last but wise men seeke him while he may bee found 190 Such as will not serue God shall be enforced to serue a harder master 85 There is no seruice comparable to Gods 85 God must be serued before all 178 The Seruice of Satan is a most base seruice 89 Choyce Sentences to bee remembred to keepe from Pride 221 When How Shame is misplaced 199 Such as separate from our Church because of the bad that are in it reproued 19 It is no easie matter to bring a Sinner to a true sight of sinne 10 Sinners are yonger brothers 27 To fellow Sinne is to forsake God 60 Sinne doth free like a canker 63 Such as make no conscience of little Sins are often giuen vp to hardnes of hart 64 St●●ers are Strayes 301 No sinne so fowle but a wicked man may commit it p 64 As sinne growes so the curse growes 65 Sinne is a shamelesse beggar 6● Sinners are great spend christs 6● God doth often punish sinne in it owne kind 77 Sinne Circes-like doth transforme men into Beasts 8● All sinne is properly committed against God and therefore he onely can forgiue it 209 Sinne is the Partition wall 22● No sinne so great but vpon Repentance shall be forgiuen p. 233 Gods Stewards may not scant Gods people of their Masters allowance 121 Soules of most men starued yet they know it not 76 We may not relie vpon our owne strength p. 56 Superiors are patiently to beare the vndutifulnesse of inferiors because they themselues are vndutifull to God 54 To the godly sinne is the greatest sorrow p. 142 T The example of the Theefe conuerted at the last houre a let to Repentance p 187 Great difference betwixt that Theefe and presumptuous sinners ibid There is a time for Repentance which being neglected shall neuer againe be recouered 190 There must not be onely a rising from sin but there must be withall a turning to the Lord. 176 What kind of turning wicked men make p. 177 V Vnthankefulnesse causeth the Lord to hide away his face for a time from his owne children page 48 The wicked are most vnthankefull when God is most bountifull 53. W Gods children are neuer in want pag 260. Wicked men are wiser in their kind then the children of light 28. Wicked men are ●elfe conceited 30 They preferre trifles before treasure ibid. They are all for the present nothing for hereafter 31 They play with sinne and sport with their damnation ibid. The●● counsell is not to be followed 33 Their whole life is but a wand ing from God ●1 They cry to God and are not heard because they are so farre off 62 They waxe worse and worse 63 He is a wicked man that persisteth in euill 6● No wicked man can be a good husband 69 They spend Gods gifts in sins seruice 70 They are led by sence and appetite as Beasts are 87 They