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A09502 Spirituall exercyses and goostly meditacions and a neare waye to come to perfection and lyfe contemplatyue, very profytable for religyous, and generally for al other that desyre to come to the perfecte loue of god, and to the contempte of the worlde. Collected and set foorthe by the helpe of god, and diligente laboure of F. Wyllyam Peryn bacheler of diuinitie and pryor of the friers preachers of greate Sayncte Bartholomes in Smythfyelde. Peryn, William.; Essche, Nicolas van, 1507-1578. Exercitia. 1557 (1557) STC 19784; ESTC S114592 137,241 328

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kind of vertues And make me to abhorre al sinne aboue al hateful thynges in this worlde specyally pryde and vainglory arrogācy mine owne wyl in obedience irreuerencie towarde the and thy substitutes al impacience wrath rancor muche talke detraction and al vices that commeth of them And graunte me grace to drawe and sucke frome the precious woundes of thy most blessid fete mooste profunde and lowe humylytie perfecte pacience obedience and perfecte sylence wyth all the kyndes that procedyth of these And from thy blessyd head crouned with thornes graunt me grace to detest and forsake al pertynacie stubburnes in my owne opinion and wysedome al abuse of my sences and disolucion all the neglectyng of the holy feare of the al flattery and feare of man al indiscrection and my greate intēperaunce my impure intencion and sekyng of my selfe and al other vyces belongyng here vnto ¶ Most mercyful sauiour Iesu I humbly beseke the for the most bitter payne that thou sufferest in thy heade crowned wyth thornes prynte into my head and adorne it with thy godly wysedome so much as maye be moost to thy honour and my saluacyon That I may vnderstand thy infinite goodnes my vnmesurable vyle wretchednes ¶ Graunte me also thy holye and filyall feare and hate of sin be it neuer so small ¶ Graunte me cleare and perfect discrecion that I may se al the grinnes of sathan and seking of my self my errors excesses ¶ Graunte me the holy simplicitie of thy lytle ones that I may purely take al thynges to the best and obey the and all men in the and for the and wyth al symplycytie do what euer be commaundyd me except sin wythout gruging resysting or seking why or wherfore And for thy most louing and swete harte launced with a knyghtes speare for my loue and saluacion graunte me grace to deteste and abhor al the pryuate and inordynate loue of my selfe and of any creature the abuse the yrreuerence and neglygence of thy blessid sacramentes and gyftes all mystruste infydelytie and errors al feare inordynate wekenes of spyryte and disperacion my greate negligēce and vnstedfastnes in those thinges that belongeth to my estate and callyng and all other vyces that belongyth to any of these and al kyndes and cyrcumstances that cōmyth of any of these Besekyng the moost louynge lorde Iesu of thy moost ardente burninge charytie and loue of thy deuyne harte and for that precyous wound and al the heuynes whiche thou sufferest therein for my sake and loue and saluacion graue and prynte into my hart thy woūdid hart and fulfyl my harte with the most perfecte loue of the and charytie whiche may sleye and mortifie in me al pryuate and inordynate loue vnto my self and to al creatures and make me to loue the only wyth al my harte al my soule with al my mynde and al my strenght and to loue al men in the for the as my selfe ¶ Grant me perfecte cōstance catholyque fayth to auoyde al errors ¶ Graunt me perfect hope and trust in the that I may in al trouble gostly and bodely auoyde al desparacion and euermore mekely trust in thy mercyful helpe protectiō and comforte ¶ Graunte me stabylitie perseueraunce that I may procede and encrease dayly frō vertue to vertue and grow in al perfectiō ¶ Moost mercyful sauyour Iesu for the incōprehencible loue and sorow of thy woūded and blessid right hand graunt me grace to detest abhorre al vnryghteousenes wronge al bytter melacolynes of hart al displeasure and enuy al falsed vntruthe and ypocrisie al vnkyndnes and vnthankfulnes towardes the and thyne besekynge the moost mercyful lord Iesu for the most bytter payne and grefe of thy wounde in thy ryght hande to graunt me perfecte iustice and ryghtwysenes that I may geue vnto the my lorde al honor and glory thākes prayse and obedyence in al my cogitacyons wordes and dedes And to gyue to my superiors my eguals and inferyors vnto my bodye and soul al thynge that belong vnto them doing and performyng al thynges truly that is my duety vnto them accordyng vnto my state and callyng ¶ Graunte me grace also to folow thy blessyd example in al mercy pytie compassiō and boūtyfulnes both to my frendes and foes Graunt me to folowe thy holy truth and godly zeale agaynst al vyce and sinne both of myne owne and of other men for thy honoures sake and theire soules helth ¶ Graunte me also the grace of thankefulnes that I may be thankeful and kynd alwaye vnto the my louyng lorde Iesu for thy innumerable benefites and vnto euery man for there kyndnes and benefytes shewed vnto me ¶ Moost myghtyful maker and swete sauioure Iesu for the incomprehensyble loue and payne of the blessid wound in thy lefte hande I humbly beseke the graunt me vtterly to deteste and abhor cowardnes sluggysnes and slouth al ydelnes and losse of tyme al vnclēnes of bodye and soule al intemperaunce and excesse in meate drynke and al other necessaryes al gredynes couetise and al vyces and sinnes that commyth of any of these humbly beseking the my lorde Iesu for the intollerable payne sorow that thou sufferedst in the wound of thy lefte hande powre into my sinful soule so muche fortytude as is necessarie for me to thy honoure and my souls helth Wherby I may rule and gouerne my wyl the powers and sences of my bodye and soule so that nether fearyng the deuyl the world nor men nether yet mine owne wil or flesh life nor death I may māfully passe thorow and contemne al thinges for thy loue ¶ Graunt me grace to folow thy amyable chastytie of bodye and purytie of harte that I may vehemently detest al vnclēnes and that I may contynually kepe al my cogytacions and my senses from all sinne and occacyons thereof and from al inpuritie cleuynge vnto any creature ¶ Graunt me the grace to folowe also thy moost holy sobryetie whereby I maye refrayne and mortyfie al my sensies and powers of my body from al inordinate delectacion pleasure and superfluitie and that I maye vse bare necessaries wyth the grace of the wythout any lust or pleasure inordynate in them ¶ Graunte me grace also to folowe thy moost blessed voluntarye pouertye which ledyth a man maruelous spedely vnto god whereby I maye by thy grace be made remayne so bare so poore in spirite so lose from al loue and delyght in any creature frō cleuyng to thy gostly giftes inwardly and from al affection of temporal thinges outwardly that I may vse and take my very necessaries wyth lothesomenes paine that I may neuer desire to possesse any thing but that I bare and nakyd from al creatures may fyxe my delyght ioye and ful rest betwene thy blessyd bare armes being crucyfied thus wyth the and so to render and make amendes wyth my verteus lyfe in some parte that whyche wyth my former synful lyfe I toke from the
together in all the whoole world can thinke or speake it is lesse in comparison of hys hyghe worthines and perfeccion then one lytle droppe of water in comparyson of the whoole mayne sea And yet marke well he so myghty so great so hyghe and so wonderfull a lorde god hath creatyd thy soule moost nobly vnto hys owne lykenes and made it able and mete to be pertaker and to receaue his hygh maiestie and goodnes by loue of hym For he hathe knytte vnto thy soule three excellent myghtes or powers that not only in the lyfe to come in heauen but also in this present life and world thou myghtest know hym by thy vnderstanding in fayth and goostly contemplacyon And by thy wyll thou myghteste choose and loue hym And by thy memorie thou mightest reste in him and be knyt vnto him thou myghtest remayne and dwell euer in hym And playnely yf thou weere not blyndyd by the deuell the world and the fleshe and the loue of thes thou woldest be so rauished in the pleasure and loue of hym that for Ioye and wonder thou shuldest not be able to stand but faynt and synke The Ioyes and sorows of this world thou shludest not marke nor take any heede to them nor passe for them any thyng at all For thou woldest not suffer thy selfe in any wyse to be seperatyd not one momente from the consyderacyon and loue of that hyghe and infinite goodnes ¶ Secondlye consyder and beholde with greate Ioye gladnesse and thankefulnesse how so hyghe excellent wonderfull a lord of his euerlastynge loue and charytie offreth hym self euery where in euery place specyally in thy soule very presently vnto the. Yea more nearer the then thou arte to thyne owne self to vpholde thy lyfe and being to conserue to gouerne the and to saue the and to bring the to eternal blisse Wherfore thou haste more neade to be ware and charie of thy honestie of verteous couersacyon yf thou wylt not dissemble for as muche as thou dost all thynges yea al that thou thynkest and spekest is openly done spoken and thought in his very presence whiche seeth all thynges Take heede therfore and consyder thy moste deare louyng lord god thy creator thy very hartes loue alway before the present and walke in thy conuersacion lyke a chaiste spouse with reuerent feare louely shamefastnes mekenes obedyence and pacyence before the eies of so highe a maiestie of god preparing thy selfe alway without ceassyng to please him syghyng and desyryng in the botome of thy hart to haue hys loue in thy hart and moost louyngly to enbrase hym ¶ Oh what abūdance of grace wold grow in thee yf thou coldest thus do At the leaste do as thou maist vntyll more grace come ¶ Thyrdely consyder that the same so myghty and omnipotent lord of his vnmesurable charytie and of moost constant and free loue turneth hym selfe and hath speciall regarde to the so specyally and syngularly that it passeth the vnderstanding desire of the aungels So great is his dignacion and goodnes toward the an vncleane and vyle worme that he intendyth and taketh soo great hede and care for the as though ther were no mo creatures left hym neyther in heauen nor in earth but thou alone He also hath deliuered the and defendid the from many periles and dangers both of body and of soule and dothe styll euery moment kepe the. He also vnaskyd doth geue thee allure the and intyse the wyth so many benyfytes gyftes and graces thoughe thou be very vnkynd and most vnworthy vnto hym agayne that thou canst not number the least part of them And of the same hys charitie he geuyth the most free lybertie to come to hym euery momente so that with onely a good thoughte and a louely desire thou maist obtaine and possesse infinite and euerlastynge goodnes whiche he his hym selfe In so muche that thou mayst safely surely and most profitably open vnto hym as vnto thy moost faithful louing and trustye frynde all thy necessyties Wherefore for a special laude and praise vnto so louing and so good a lord god among the infynite number of these thinges that myght be spoken or written to hys honor it shal help the greatly to come to hys loue contynually to remember and to haue meditacyon of his infynite and perpetuall goodnes wysedome mercy swetnes lowelynes and charitie That by this as by smal coles of fyre thy hart may be kindled to rēder some loue for loue agayne And that thou mayest be transformed and made lyke hym in lyke vertues and graces Oh wolde God thou couldest and woldest exercise thy selfe contynually in these thre how wold it delyght the to aryse earely and to watche wyth thy lorde god How sone sholdest thou be delyuered from thy vices and passions from al betternes and from all temptacions beynge in maner dronken in the loue of thy sauyour Yea thou shuldest be turned into a newe man and be transformed in maner into almyghty god For there is no exercise more holyer and more fruteful thē this whiche perced the harte of holye saint Augustine and other fryndes of god with the darte of loue when they wyth their inner eyes lyghtened of god did depely consyder the wonderfull tokens of the loue of God towardes them specially in this incarnacion lyfe and passion wyth other innumerable benefites of so greate and myghtye a lorde god geuen vnto them specyally whē they consydered earnestly the wonderfull charyte of god wherby he hath geuen him selfe vnto vs by his birth as a felow in our nature in the sacrament as our foode In hys death as the pryce of our redempcion and reigninge in heauē as our euerlasting rewarde whiche he graunt vs of hys mercy and charitie Amen ¶ Of the consyderacyon of thy selfe AFter this done then turne thy thought vnto the profunde and depe consideracion of thy selfe earnestly behold how noblye thy soule was created of God and made by his power of nought to his ymage and likenes Then consyder also how miserable fylthy and abhomynable it was made by orygynall syne in Adam and howe mercyfully thou arte redemed throwe the vnspekable loue and moost harde and paynefull satysfaction of thy lord Iesu Yet after thy baptisme thou hast innumerable tyme defyled thy selfe agayne by thy actual synnes turnynge thy loue and obedience from the sēpiternall goodnes which is god hym selfe by thy frowarde cursed and noughty wyl and arte become now more filthye more vyle than is the vnresonable beast Consyder well and marke into how manye euyls thou arte fallen by thy owne sinnes from the whiche euylles thou arte neuer able to aryse by thy selfe but only by the helpe of almyghte god by whom thou arte able to do all thynge that thou can do For by the true turninge or conuersion of thy loue to god and to all vertue thou mayst come agayne vnto the vnion wyth god Attende consyder earnestly that thou arte created therfore of god bycause that thou
shouldest alwaie loue him to haue cōtēplacion fruiciō of him shuldest euer possesse him And that thou arte set here that thou shuldest faithfully serue hym thanke hym laud prayse and honour hym and to knowe and fulfyl his moost blessyd wyll and pleasure in thy self and in al creatures Consider also that thou art here in thys world as concernyng thy soule in a straunge contrey as an outlaw and a stranger beset round about with many grynnes and ennemyes in danger of innumerable peryls But yet yf thou remayne in god there can no man hart nor harme the. Consyder how noble how fayre how wyse thy soule is creatyd of god to hys owne lykenesse and ymage and yet neuerthelesse thou arte created as concernyng thy bodie of the slyme of the earth weake myserable vyle nedy redy and prone to all sinnes and vyce in goyng styll toward distruccyon Wherefore take good hede dylygently thou compel not thy soule to serue thy vyle fleshe for the moost filthi and most vile pleasures and delightes whiche soone passeth awaye of thy stynking fleshe and caren and so cast both body and soule into euerlastyng paynes and turmentes of hell and dampnacion Consyder diligently all thy cogytacyons thy workes and dedes whether the end and purpose in the vse of all thy powers and sensies be alway towarde god eyther toward thy selfe or toward creatures And thou shalt perceyue that thou canst neuer marke nor amend thy selfe suffyciently Consyder also how thou of thy self art nought thou hast naught canst naught do but syn Where fore I say consider oft tymes frō whens thou camst wher thou art what thou art whither thou shalt Thou maist see in thy selfe thre sorts of naught The first by innumerable deadely synnes thou art come to naught but to be turmentyd yf it please god perpetually in the deapth of hel like a stinking vessel and fier meate Secōdly by the great corrupcyon of al thy powers and senses of thy bodye and soule thou canst do naught but syn and sholdest fall in to innumerable enormyties yf god dyd not preserue the. And thus art thou become a botomles deapth of darkenes a vessell worthy of all contumelye and reproche be gotten by vnclennes and syn lyuyng in concupiscence and shalte die in anguyshe and agonye Thyrdly in comparyson vnto thy lord and sauyor Chryst thou and all creatures are naught and creatyd of nought and should in a moment come to naught yf thou and they were not contynually conseruyd of almighty god Wherefore thou shuldest desyre to be contempned dispised to be vnknowen of all men yet without thy faulte and deseruyng it For thou must not do any thynge synfull to be dispysed but if the worlde dyspise the god permittyng it thou must be glad and thinke thy selfe very worthy therof Thou must also punishe thy self wyth thy lorde Iesu but yet wyth discrecion Feare god euery where alway with chyldely or louely feare Speke fewe meke and lowely wordes Thynke and remēber alway beleuing that the commynge of thy heauenly brydegrome spouse is at hand alway callyng and saying to the Ecce spōsus venit exite obuiam ei And thus alway returninge thy thought and consideracion vpon thy naughtynes thou shalt merueyle greatly that god doth suffer the so foule filthy and vnthankefull a creature to abyde one moment before his eies or sight Thou shalte wyth all meekenes cry vnto thy lord god from the botomles deapth of thy mysery deuoutelye callynge for the botomlesse deapth of hys mercye with the ofte searche of thy conscience wherby he of his mercy by his grace synguler for of it thou haste nede wyl vouchesafe to geue thee the clere sight and knowledge of al thy vices imperfections passions and synful inclinacions to syn and all thy sinnes which cleaue and lye hidde within and withoute thy powers and sences and do miserablye blynde thy soule and drawe the continualy to perdiciō and destruction And thus must thou lerne to know thy selfe and that very dilygently For thoughe thou profite very much continually yet art thou not able to penetrate and perse to the botome of thy naughtynes the herte of man as Esay sayeth is so wycked and vnsearchable yet by grace thou mayst come to a great knowledge therof Where fore to optayne thys specyall grace thou shalt make deuoutely vnto god in thy herte and most herty desire and not with voyce thys prayer which is the practyse of this exercyse that folowe these fewe aspyracions ¶ These briefe short prayers be called aspyracions for they be as it were syghings and longinges to obtaine of almighty god that which we aske in them and they must be vsed and sayd in hert and desyre as often in the daye as they come to mynde what euer we do or where euer we be euery daye so longe as we do vse thys present exercise ¶ Oh most mercifull Lorde whose loue is the lyfe of my soule lyghten my soule with thy grace to knowe thee ¶ Oh mooste swete Iesu to knowe all the worlde and not to know the is but darkenes and foly graunte me grace therfore mercifull lorde to knowe the. ¶ Oh most mercifull Lorde make me Ignorant and a foole in all thynge so I maye knowe the whiche is the hyghest wisdome of all ¶ Oh Gracius Iesu whiche arte not knowen but of clene heartes purge my harte that I maye see the. ¶ My Lorde Iesu whiche doest reuele thy secretes vnto the litle babes make me perfecte meke and a babe in euyll that I may knowe the. ¶ Oh mercifull Lorde graūte me to come to the knowlege of my selfe the ground of all mekenes ¶ Graunt me grace good Lord perfectly to contempne my selfe and to se the botom lesse pytte of all my myseries ¶ Mercyfull sauiour graunt me an holye hate of my selfe for the verye pure loue of the and thy honour ¶ The practise of the exercise to come to some knowledge of god of thy self O Moost myghtyful maker swete sauiour Iesu whiche taughtest saydest Thys is the lyfe euerlastinge the very hygh waye to the blysse of heauen that we maye knowe the very god thy father thee his sonne whom he hath sente to redeme the worlde There can none come to the knowledge of the father but such to whom thou wylte vouchsafe of thy gracious mercy to reuele hym For it is thy gyfte onely and we must receyue it only at thy hand Wherfore most mercifull mediator Iesu by whose onely mercyfull meanes and the blessed merites of thy holy manhead all grace is geuen to vs wretched sinners of thy father celestial and thou also as very god doste geue with thy father al mercy and grace I most humbly beseche thee graunte me thy heauenlye lyght and the blessed knowledge of thy blessed godhead Manifest and open to me thy blessed father and thine owne selfe whych arte one god with hym and the holy goost I knowledge good lorde that to know the
knowlege of thy blessyd godhed of thy infinite charite towarwe me And that I maye contynaally remember thy blessed presens in euery place Lyghten myne inward and goostly eyes to se consyder effectuously the wonderfull tokens of thy infinyte loue kindnes to me and the innumerable benefites geuen vnto me and all mankynd specially by thy most holy Incarnaciō thy life deth and passion and that I maye the better perceyue what thou hast done for me graunt me most mercyful good lord grace to com to the perfecte and exacte knowlege of my selfe Fyrste to consider and acknowlege howe noble thou haste creatyd my soule vnto thyne owne similitude and ymage of nought And howe myserable how foule fylthy and abhomynable it was made by oryginall sinne as sone as euer it entred the synfull bodye and fleshe And how thorow thy infinite mercy and tender charytye it was redemed by thy precious deathe purged by vertewe of thy bloud and passion in baptysme and so restoryd vnto grace and mercy agayne Yet afterward syth that tyme I haue innumerable tymes most fylthyly defyled my selfe wyth many a deadly synne forsakyng thee my lorde god turnynge awaye my loue frome the and from thy holy commaundementes folowynge myne owne corrupte wyl and beastly lust and desyre and haue made my soule more filthy feble and more vyle in thy syght thē any vnresonable beast And thus in the foule puddell and durtie dongiō of sinne I must nedes haue sunke in vnto the bottome of dānacion yf thy mercy had not or wolde not yet helpe me vp agayne by thy Infynite mercy and blessed grace For of my selfe of myne owne power I am not able to arise by trewe and perfecte repentaunce with out thy mercyfull grace do helpe me And yet thou arte so good and gracious that I may yf I wyll euery daye houre and mynet recouer thy gracius fauer for thou art euer redie knockīg at my harte cōtinually ¶ Oh merciful Iesu how moch nede haue I of thy mercy and grace ¶ Graunt me good Lorde grace earnestly to consyder oft tyme from whens I came what I am wher I am and whether I go Fyrst frō whens I came playnely I came frome vyle and synfull fleshe begotten in fylthy concupysence and beastly lust in the stinkyng vylenes of oryginal sinne fed in my mothers womb with foule menstruus vilitie And where thou moost mercifull lorde god creatyd the planettes the starres of the fyer the fyshes and foules of the water thou haste created me and all other beastes of the foule and vyle earth so that as touchyng my bodye I am no better thē a beaste created of the earth vnto the earth I shall agayne What I am I maye sone perceaue I am nought els but drosse and durte rotten earth wormes meate much lesse perceuing how I shal depart subiecte vnto many necessities ful of misery borne in sinne liuing in wretchidnes and labour and must dye in payne and agonye And yf I shuld earnestly depely consyder I may perceiue and se that the trees herbes bring for the leaues swete flouers frutes my bodye bryngeth nothing els the foule wormes stynking sweat and corrupcion Yf I wolde wel consider and marke what commeth out of the nose the eares of other yssues of the bodye I shall perceaue that ther can be no fowler and more horible or more stynking dunge hyll in the worlde Nowe wher I am plainly ī this wretched worlde the vale of mysery as an out lawe stranger and in a foren contrey beset wyth many galthroppes and grinnes on euery side in the myddes of innumerable dangers perels among my most mortal ennymies against whome I must fyght bothe nyght and daye for they lye in wayte for my dysstruction contynually whose mortall malyce I can not escape wythout thy moost mercyfull helpe And whither I go lorde whyther els but from whens I toke myne orygynal that is vnto earth dunge claie Of earth asshes my wretched fleshe was created and to the earth it must go fyrst or last But when and howe sone thou only knowest most myghtyfull lord but sure I am that thyther I go contynually where euer I be what euer I do wherfore moost mercyfull lorde graunt me grace that the perfect knowlege and consideracion of my wretched estate neuer go from my memorye Wherby wyth the helpe of thy grace I may seke earnestly and contynually the amendemente of my selfe wyth thy mercyfull help and fauour ¶ Oh merciful lord were not thy exceding greate mercy my soule throwe the innumerable and most greuous sinnes where nought els but a brand of hel fyre a foule stynking vessell full of abhomynaciō of sin apte to be caste into hell and euerlastynge damnacion Moreouer yf thy grace were not I colde do nothing els but synne and increase my damnacion yea ther were no kynde of synne so abominable the which I should not commyt yf thy grace dyd not preserue me yea my soule shoulde returne to ryght nought yf thy myght and godlye power dyd not vpholde it conserue it ¶ Oh mercyful Lord howe many euyl affectyons croked inclynacions synfull passions noughty dysposicions and redynes to all kynde of synne and myschefe are in the senses wit and power of my soule both inwardly and outwardly Whome I can neuer wythout thy specyall grace helpe know nor perceaue and much lesse amend reforme mortyfie wherfore myghtyfull gracious and moost pytyfull sauiour In the blessed merytes of thy most bytter paynfull passion whiche thou sufferest in euery member parte power and myght of thy blessed bodye and soule lyghten my sinfull blyndnes that I maye come to the perfect knowlege of my selfe and therby to come vnto that most acceptable the grounde of all vertue and grace blessed mekenes and contempte of my selfe and to the very and most perfecte loue of the my lorde God vnto whome only belongeth and euer myght be all glory honour of al creatures nowe and for euer Amen ¶ The seconde exercyse to optaine remyssion of sinnes THou must haue a generall cōtricyon and hate of all thy sinnes yf thou haste not made a general confessyon all redy then I wolde coūsel the to make one intendynge wyth most ful and constante mynde to forsake detest al kynde of synne and for the verye pure loue of God and deape hate of thy self and of al sinne to bewayle them as hartely as god shal gyue the grace And that thou mayst come to the perfect hate of thy selfe thou must beleue that ther is no creature ī the worlde that hath done so greate iniury and shewed so great contempte to God as thou And therfore thou shalte Iudge thy selfe worthy of al the payne of hel and al the shame of the worlde for thy manyfold and great synnes for thy great neglygence thy wonderfull vnkyndnes shewed vnto God for the whiche cause thou shall haue moost fyrme and perfecte wyl in
spede hilarite The second the obedience of conformitie and thys consistyth in the prompt and redye wyl inwardly not only in cōmaundements preceptes but in any other thyng leful wythout commadement and that purely for the loue of god wtout al respect of any fauor of man so that thou wolddest rather be contempned and dispysed of man for such obedience then to be praysyd or to haue any rewarde for it The third is the obedience of vniō with god which knittith so the wyl of man vnto the wyl of god that it is become but owne wyl with it so that what so euer god doth permyt and suffer to come vpon hym yea in al inward pressure heauynes and agonye of spyryt desolacyon and dereliccyon he is fully perswadyd be leuith al together to come by the ordinaūce of apoyntmēt of the vnmesurable loue and mercy of god and therefore he receauyth it with al affeccyon be it neuer so hard paineful shameful or greuus for thys time and for euerlastyng accordyng to the example of his deare louyng lord and sauyor Iesu whych from the most payneful agony and bloody swet in the garden vntil the crewell death vpon the crosse he was destitute of al sensyble grace consolacyon as thoughe he had byn the extreme enemye of god abydyng most crewell and most intollerable payne and tormetes only beyng resignyd moost perfectly of loue into the handes and wyl of his father When thou hast once optayned thes .xii. mortifycacyons then shall thou wyth the powers of thy soule be redy and able to flow and to haue recourse to god and in hym to rest cōtynualy wyth out any let or impediment Not withstandynge thou must lerne to come to more cleare playne knowelege how thou maist optaine and possesse the very trew loue and stable sure vnyon betwene god and the myghtes and powers of thy soule firste in the ornament of actyue lyfe by perfect mekenes obedyence other morall vertues and by the increase of them also by faythe hope and charytie Secondly in lyfe contemplatyue spyrytual by burnyng and ardent aspiracions and the gyftes of the holy goost and also other godly and gostly exercyes Therfor thou shalt marke obserue dylygently those thynges that thou shalt fynd declaryd brefely ī thes exercyses folowing next after this practyse that folowythe ¶ Ther are no aspiraciōs for this exercise but take some of the sentencies of the practyse as shall lyke you ¶ The practise of this exercise for mortyficacion MOst almighty and immortal God my moost mercyfull sauyoure Iesu whiche of most tender loue and pytyfull mercy that thou beare vnto me and to all mankynde dydest suffer most cruel most painefull and shamefull death for me al mankynde I most mekely and most hartely beseke thy mercyful goodnes for the innumerable merytes of thy most precyous death graunte me grace and power vtterly to renounce and to forsake all thinges that might let me from the synceare loue of the and fully to mortyfie in me al suche thynges that is not good ether that which thou woldest not ether that whiche thou louyst not For these do presse downe and drawe backe my soule when it wolde and myght wholye aryse vnto the perfecte and pure loue of the by gostly vnyon and spirituall knote to be knyte vnto thy blessed godhede Fyrst I humbly beseke the swet Iesu for thy pouertie and nedines that thou tokest vppon the and sufferedst in this world for me graunt me by the myght of thy specyall grace to mortyfie most perfectly all care al loue al affection be it neuer so lytle vnto anye worldly or transytory thyng that I may alway wyth most quyet mynde resygne and offer vp all thinges wordly vnto thy most hyghe wyll and pleasure wether thou wyl gyue them or take thē that I neuer desyre any thinge be it neuer so small nether to holde it nether to geue it nether to saue it nether to bestowe it nether to kepe it nether to forsake it but only for thy honour ¶ Graunte me god lorde by perfect pouertye of spirite to forsake al thing in my hart what so euer chanceth in al fortunes good or bad that I may euer offer my bare hart and loue restfully vnto the. ¶ Graunte me gracyous Iesu to forsake and do away al superfluus thynges al curyous thinges and in thynges that seme necessary neuer to rest wyth any affeccion to them but that I may wyth yrkesomnes and werines vse such thinges that I must nedes haue to satisfie naturall necessytye where by I may the better folow thy holy pouertie and be more lyke vnto the moost meke Iesu beseke the for thy obediens that thou shewyst vnto god almighty thy glorious father for that most blessyd and moost tender loue that thou dydest beare vnto vs myserable sinners vnto the death soughtest of pure loue towarde vs and the glory of thy father celestyal not thine owne glorie and honor but the heuenly fathers not thyne owne comoditie and comforte but ours Thou forsakyst no paine nor punishmente nor labor nor trauell no shame nor confusyon to set forth the glory of thy gloryous father and to procure our saluacion our redempcion oure felycitie ¶ Good lorde graunte me grace to distroy and mortifye in me the seking of my selfe and the inordynate loue whyche I bare to my selfe For in euery thing that I do wel and in all euyll that I forsake I haue by reason of my corrupte nature euer an eye and respecte vnto mine owne commoditie myne owne consolacion and myne owne honor glorye and prayse and in al the gyftes of god that I haue or do vse and exercyse or do aske whether they be outwarde or inward my corrupte and crafty nature euer seketh craftely some commoditie and honoure and seketh euer moore to escape and auoyde hurt dammage shame confusyon payne and punishment as wel in this worlde as in the worlde to come more thē for pure loue Of this inordinat loue of my selfe I do counte al thinges that I do wel of muche reputacion I esteme myne exercyses to hyghly and thus I fal into gostly pryde in this gyftes Wherfore moost mercyfull lorde Iesu helpe me by the power of thy specyall grace and graunt that I may begyn and procede in al thinges and do al thinges of moost pure and fylyal loue and pure intente for thy only fauer honor sekyng purely and sincerely to please the with an amorous and louely affectiō of my inwarde spirite being lyghtened wyth a dyuyne and a godly vnderstanding by faythe hope and charite not seking any maner of gostly comforte of the soule but rather to desire if it please the al derelicciō al aduersitie for thy sake that I maye be lyke vnto thy afflicted humanytie in this world and in the worlde to come I maye by thy grace and mercy haue the fruicion of thy godhed ¶ Most mercyful sauioure Iesu for the bitter payne thou suffdrest in thy
fyue sensies and in al thy most innocent body and blessyd soule graunte me grace vtterly to extynguyshe and to mortyfie in my selfe all sensualytie and sensual delectacyon as in meate and drynke in worde talke in gesture or behauoure in seynge curyouse thynges to haue gaye and pleasaunte thynges to here newes and in vsynge my fyue sensies vaynely euery where wythout reasonable necessytye graunte me moost gracyous Iesu grace to mortyfye perfectly in my selfe all suche naturall and vnnessesarye comforte and solace by moost perfecte turnynge of my harte from all thyng wherein sensualytie wolde reaste and to lyfte vp of my harty loue and desyre to the for suche sensualyte delectacion naturall comfort makyth goostly exercyse vnsauery and more harder ¶ Good lorde graunte me therfore grace wyth all my power to auoyde out of my harte all affeccyon to any solas or comfort or to any sinne be it neuer so lytle whiche synne I woulde not vtterly leaue that all sensuallytie maye be mortyfied in me and so shal al goostly affeccion the better incresed to thy honour and glory ¶ Gracyous Iesu whiche waste forsaken of all thy frendes worldly sauynge only of thy blessyd mother whiche also dydest not regarde the pleasure or dyspleasure of any person and fleddyst al worldlye worshyp and honour graūte me grace for thy pure loue and honor vtterly to mortyfie in me all loue and worldly affeccion to any persō in this worlde For oft tyme the loue and feare of creatures wordly causeth me oftin to be redy ether to do that I shoulde not do ether to omyt that whiche I ought to do desirynge ether to please them ether fearing their dyspleasure And for this cause I do many of my good workes I feare me to receaue some honor or comoditie of them ether to exchewe some damage or confusiō at their handes Wherefore moost blessyd sauiour mortyfie in me by thy grace all the carnal affeccyon loue vnto my kynsfolke and to my frendes for theire benefytes so that wythout all accepcyon of person and pryuate loue I may syncearly loue in all men ye in myne ennimyes only the my lord god and thy blessyd Image graces vertews that I neuer flatter loue nor dessemble wyth any mans vyces but that I may indifferently and moost hartely wyshe and desyre the soule helthe of euery man Mortyfye in me good lorde al suche fauoure in ordynate whyche myght ingender in me any dysquietnes dystraccyon or desyre of person to haue hys fauoure fryndeshype or presence and thus paynte my harte and mynd wyth many fansies in the tyme of praier And when I shuld turne my hart vnto the it infectyth it and defyleth it as it were a very poyson of the loue of god ¶ Grant me good lord to loue the only and for thy sake to renūce and for sake the loue of al creatures that the ymage and memorye of the only maye remayne onlye in my mynde at al tyme and season ¶ O most blessed Iesu whose blessed soule was euer occupied and ful of heauenly cōtemplacion I moost humbly beseke the in the merytes of that precyous woūd of thy godly and most louinge harte graunte me grace by thy mightiful helpe most perfectly to mortifie in me the intolerable combreaunce of vayne and vnprofytable yea and vycious phancies whiche wonderfully do occupie my mynde moost commenly in the tyme of prayer though I do not consente vnto them yet they do defyle some what the soule and harte and makyth heuy the holy goost and do muche hurte and damage vnto the profyte in spirituall lyfe I knowelege most merciful lorde that all these cogitacions do aryse and growe by reson of my neglygens and vnmortifycacion bycause I do not dylygently laboure and wyth vyolence compel my harte to be occupied in good thoughtes but suffer it to wander both vicyusly and ydelly wasting my tyme and therfore when I wold turne in my hart and recolect my spyryte whooly vnto goostly thoughtes I fynd my harte laden wyth innumerable dystraccyons whiche greatly do hynder my profyt and encreace in perfeccyon Wherefore most louynge Lorde graunte me grace so deapely and perfectly to prynte in my hart and memorie thy blessid image the louely remembrance of thy moost bytter and blessyd passyon and death of thy moost ardent vnmesurable charyte of thy most low and profund humylyte of thy moost blessyd pouertie thy myldnes thy obedyens wyth all thy holy vertues with the memorie of al thy moost mercyfull benefites giftes graces geuen vnto me and all mankynd that the earnest oft memory of thes may occupie my hart alway and put out of place al the remembrance of other transytory thynges good or bad And the oft cogytacyon and memory of the may turne into a pure affeccion And the knowlege of the may also be turned into moost perfect loue And wyth my outewarde sylence I may haue holde also moost perfect sylence from the Iangelyng of al vayne fansies in my hart that thou only mayst rest ther in ¶ Most mercyful redemer Iesu whych sufferedst moost cruell kynd of passyon and death graunt me in the merytes of all thy paynes and passyons grace most perfectly to mortyfie in me al care natural passions as ioy and sorow hope and dread loue and hate and shamfastnes that nothyng may rest in my hart but thou only Lord. For when any of thes occupie my hart yea thoughe it be a thyng lauful yet the care the loue feare or hope sorow or hate of the thyng do greatly dystracte the mynd darkenyth the hart it mynyshyth deuocyon and make all goostly exercyse vnsauery and yrkesome Wherefore moost merciful Lorde ryd my my affeccyon desyre from al thynges vnder the that I may also dyspyse contēpne my self for the pure loue of the then shal no thyng make me glade nor sory but thou only So shall my hart be frea from al thing and from the care loue feare hope Ioy. Then shal I wyth ease by thy grace at all tymes recollect my whole spyryte inwardly vnto the and so in the and with the to rest to thy honour and glorie ¶ O moste meke Iesu whose pacyens and swettnes of hart was so great that thou wast not discontentyd wyth them that cruelly and paynefullye put the to deathe but of burnig excellent charitie thou praidist moost charytablely for them as thoughe they had ben thy deare frendes in merites of the whych thy moost pacyent passyon and thy most meke death whych thou sufferedst for me graunt me grace fully to mortyfie in my selfe al bytternes of hart angrines agaynst myne euen christen specyally that dothe aryse of a wyckyd or a cankeryd conscience and secreat enuy towardes myne euen chrysten for the grace which he hathe more then I whereby I should desyre him to fal to syn and to be as wyckyd as I or els should wyshe and goo about to obscure and hyde his vertue and grace lest he shuld be preferred and
worthy of them and moch greter and greuos desiringe euermore to suffer more payneful and more harder paynes wyth long sufferynge for very desyre to be lyke in sufferyng and pacyence vnto the my Lord Iesu crucified for me and for thy sake I may wyllyngly ioyfully and thankefully suffer at al tyme al thinges ¶ Graunte me also according to thy example meke silence and taciturnitie wherby I maye the more diligently harkē inwardly thy talke louely wordes in my harte outwardly I maie vtterly and strongly abstaine both from speach and heringe of al ydle wordes lyes and harmful wordes that I may speake only very profitable needefull and that wyth all meekenes I maye desyre to edyfie more in good lyfe thē with many workes and all my life time specially at the oure of death maye haue a sure and a certaine refuge and comforte in these thy precious woūdes of thy most holy feate ¶ Vnto the blessed heade of oure sauioure Iesu I Laude and praise the and geue vnto the most hartie thankes most merciful Iesu for thy great wisdome and for the great loue and sorowe of thy moost holy heade whiche was most painefully most cruelly prickid and crowned with thornes and sore beten for my sake I most humbly and lowly commend and commite my weake head with al my senses and wyttes into the innumerable woundes that thou suferidst in thy blessed heade for al my sinnes and offēces but specially the pertinaci and proude stubburnes of mine owne wit and wisdō The misuse of al my sences and wittes in warde and outwarde The negligences of the feare of the. The inordinate feare the flatteringe of men The lacke of discrecion and my greate intemperaūce my vnpure intente in my doing and the sekinge my selfe And the vices and sinnes that appertaine to these or any of them that they may be forgeuen me in the merites of thy precious bloude I moost humbly beseke the most gracious good lorde for the most bytter payne of thy woūded heade and for that charitie and loue that mouyd the to suffer that most bytter cruelnes for me and by thy inestimable wisdome thy most holy feare thy blessed dyscrecion moost meke simplicitie adorne my weake heade with thy godly and gostly wysedome as moche as is expedient for me to thy glory and my saluacion And vochesafe moost mercyfull lorde with the same to gouerne me so with in and without that I nether thinke speke do or suffer any thinge be it neuer so lytle excepte I knowe that it maye please the and that by wainge duely the cyrcumstance the ende hereof and in my reasō lyghtened with thy grace I may perceaue as it were a certaine leaue geuen vnto me of the to do that I intend Lyghten also good lorde my vnderstanding with the cleare perfecte knowlege of thy greate goodnes holy wyll and of the vilenes and noughtynes both of my selfe and of all transitorye thinges Replete fulfyll and make dronkē myne affection with the swete taste of thy loue and wyth the infaciable desyre to honoure the and to dysspise my selfe Turne al temporal thinges in me vnto bytternes Make me deaffe dome and blynde by thy myghtie power vnto all thinges whiche thou arte not or besydes the. ¶ Graunte me also good lorde the lowlye feare of the and the perpetual hate of al sin be it neuer so lytle and a strayght costodye and kepyng of bothe my inwarde and outwarde man that I may alwaye remember and thynke on before hand al my wordes and workes hauing an eye alwaie inwardly vnto my consciens that I may deuoutly call vpon thy diuyne and godly helpe before that I speake or do any thynge that as sone as I perceaue any thynge agaynst the order of reason or thy lawe I maye by and by leaue of least I shulde lose thy grace and offend thy blessed maiestie ¶ Graunte me also mercyfull sauiour perfecte and cleare discression wherby I may both knowe and also auoyde al snares of the deuyll and al the naturall seakynge of my selfe and that I maye wysely take heade ryghtly decerne also execute euery thing that appertaineth to me in their dewe maner order and tyme that I maye come to the meane of vertue whiche is betwene to muche and to lytle ¶ Graunte me also moost swete Iesu the symplicitie of babes wherby my vnderstādinge may be voyde and bare of all doublenes and combernes of many thinges and of muche curyose and vnprofitable knowlege My wyll maye be voyde and cleane of al the sekinge and loue of my selfe My memory may be cleane cleare from all cares cogitacions and imaginaciōs My wittes powers may be as they wer shut vp and turned inward that I may become a dweller inwardly wythin my selfe cōtinually thus forgettyng al wordly thinges I may in the pure cogitacion desyre of my harte cleaue and rest in the one pure lorde god And walkinge continually with all reuerens in thy godly presens I mai be careful and busy to kepe the vnitie of my sprite vnto the in the bond of goostly peace ¶ Graunte gracious lorde that I may dylygently take great heade of al my thoughtes my wordes and dedes of pure symple obedience vnder the and other mē in the by the I may do thē without scrupulus bād or cleauing to thē Graunt me grace good Lord that I may take as at thy hand prouidens al thinges that euer come vnto me good or bad and that I may remembring my noughtines for euery one of thē first geue harty thankes to the and then take good hede marke to what end they may serue me or what they do warne me of as whether thy goodnes by thys gyft doth warne me to geue the thankes for the euel or aduersyties which thou hast suffered to come to me or to them or hast taken away from me or thē Or that I shuld be more feruent in prayer Or I should wexe more meke in my selfe Or that I shulde take better hede to my selfe Or that I shuld yeld resygne my selfe vnto thy wyl Or that I shuld acknowlege and amende my fawte my infirmytie or neglygence Or to do any other thynge For thou doiste neuer sende anye thinge to any creature but it is for some good purpose Teache me therfore good Lord to know thy pleasure in al thinges of al thinges to take encrease of vertue and purely wysely to fulfil thy holy wyll in al things vtterly forsaking mine owne wil and the seking of my selfe And graunte me moost mercyful Iesu al the dayes of my lyfe but specially in the agony of death a sure and a certaine succur in the precyus woundes of thi moost blessed head Amen ¶ Vnto the swete harte of Iesu I Laud and prayse the and geue vnto the moost louynge Lord and sauyor Iesu for the infinite loue and charitie for the great sorow and heuines of thy most swete
louyng and moost godly hart laūcyd with a knightes spere in the sight and presnes of thy most sorowful mother mary I cōmend resigne and commit most lowly humbly al my whole harte with al my affeccyons and desires hereof into thy precyus wond of thy most dyuyne hart the wel of al goodnes And also all my synnes and offences but specyally al my priuate loue to my self and al vycyus loue that euer I bare vnto any creature The abuse and neglygens of thy blessed sacramentes of thy gyftes of graces My mystrust my infidelytie my heresies and errors my inordynate feare pusylanimitie and desperacyon All the neglyence and lytle care that I haue taken in the thinges pertaining vnto my callinge and state with al my instabilitie and the vyces and synnes appertanynynge to thes or any of them that they may be forgeuen me be purged in thy moost precyus blod I moost humbly besech the moost gracius Lord Iesu for the moost burnynge loue and charytie of thy godly harte and for the precyus wond hereof and for al sorow agonye and heuynes that thou sufferedest in it and by the ineffable charytie cōstance and all the vertues of thy blessed hart fulfil my hart with moost perfect loue charytie which may sley in me al loue to my self and vnto creatures that it mai woūd and set on fyre my harte with the dart of thy fyry loue that I may moost hartely and moost perfectly loue the with al my whoole harte wyth all my mynd wyth al my strength and power puerly without any respect of any reward saue only for thy goodnes ¶ Graunt good Lord that I may for thy sake and loue forgo al thynges be they neuer so greate I may do al good thinges be thei neuer so hard I may suffer al paines be they neuer so paynful that for thy only loue and for thy sake to perseuer herein vn tyll the ende ¶ Graunte me most merciful lorde grace that I may sighe cal and knocke cōtinually vnto the wyth burninge desyres and cōtynuall prayer for the perfecte forsakynge of my selfe and for the louely and godly vnion of my soule vnto ye. That I may euer thinke on the. I maye alway talke of the I may thurst hunger the that I may seke fynde the vntyll that I be fully trāsformid and changed al together into the made one spirite wyth the euer remaynynge in the and thou in me ¶ Graunte also that I may in the same charitie loue euery mā sor thy sake as my self ¶ Graunte me most faythful Iesu a lyuely and a stronge faith that workyth great meruelus workes for thy honoure Iesu ¶ Graunte me also a ryght and a godly intente lyghtenid with the lyght of fayth which maye dyrecte my wyth the symple eye of my pure mynde to thy glory and most acceptable wyl in all thinges that I do or that I suffer and that it maye cut of cast away al the sekinge of my selfe whervnto my corupte nature alwaye craftely drawith me ¶ Graunte vnto me also good lorde stedfast hope and stronge trust and confidence in the where by my soule may be lyfted vp vnto the aboue al changable and transitory thynges that it maye execute al workes mocyons so purely wythout al carefulnes and imaginacions of outwarde thynges that it neuer let nor lose the louely rest and influence in the but amonge al perels and aduersities wyth a ful hope and trust in the it maye abyde wyth longe sufferaunce thy hyghe pleasure and prouydence and with al mekenes it may stedfastli hope that my prayers to be graciously harde of the for thy greate goodnes wythout any doute abidinge in the helpe and protection of the hyeste ¶ Graunte most louynge lorde Iesu stabilytye and constance in all godlye purpose proceding from a stronge and trewe loue wherby I maie loking often vpon the blessed example of thy moost holy lyfe go forwarde in perfection wyth a continual and a feruente desyre and laboure to growe in vertue forgetting al thinges past ¶ Graunte me grace swete sauyour Iesu ofte to examyne my selfe and to remember what I do what I thinke and as sone as I perceaue my selfe distracted from the thē with a new feruour and desyre I maye returne againe vnto the. And that I may not feare nether fiere nor water but constanly to runne thorow al thinges for thy sake loue and therin to perseuer vnto the ende ¶ Graunte me most mercifull Iesu all the dayes of my lyfe but specially at the houre of death a stronge and sure refuge and cōforte in the precyous wonde of thy moost blessed louynge most trusty harte Amē ¶ Vnto the ryghte hande of Iesu I Laude and prayse the and geue most harty thākes vnto the most ryghteus lorde Iesu for thy most omnipotente rightousenes and thy vnspekable loue and greuous paine that thou suffurest in the woūde of thy holy and myghtie ryght hande And into the same most blessed wounde I caste commytte and commende my selfe wholy and my synnes and offences but specyally all my vnryghteousnes and wronges that I haue done to the and to thy creatures Al the bytternes of my harte all my dyspleasure angrines and enuy Al my falshed my vntruth and hypocrysie Al my vnthankefulnes to the for thy benefites and to thine for theyr benefytes That all these my sinnes myght be forgeuen me and be purged in thy precious bloude I most humbly beseke the most meke sauior Iesu for the most bytter and sorowful paine of that precious wonde of thy ryght hand and for the great charitie that moued the to suffer so greuos payne for me to Iustifie me and by thy in estimable ryghtwysenes thy great mercy thy godly treuth most louely thākfulnes graunte me pecfecte rightwysenes where by I maye render my duetie to the my lord specyally and for thy honoure vnto al creatures that which belongeth vnto thē First graunt gracious good lorde that I may of pure loue geue euermore vnto the my lorde god al honoure and glory reuerence and feare all laude prayse thankes and obedyence in al my thoughtes wordes and dedes Secondely I maye also geue vnto my superyors vnto my eguals vnto my inferiours yea vnto my soule and body I may alwaye geue eche of these that whiche belongeth vnto euery one of them ¶ Grant me good lord grace to do al these thinges whiche I am bounde to do by my callynge and profession in due tyme and order wyth moost meke deuocion That I may also flye that which is forbyden me that I may sley and make a sacrifice of my selfe dayly for my sinnes and neglygens wyth the swete teares of loue and repentāce And thus by the merytes of thy bytter holy passion I may be purged here in thys world and walke worthely al the dayes of my lyfe in the callyng and state that thou hast mercifully called me ¶ Graunt me also most meke and pytifull Iesu
me of nought not a stone but like vnto thy most blessed and godly ymage and lykenes and hayst created all the worlde to do me seruice Thou hast preseruid me in the womb of my mother where I myght haue peryshed as many doth that neuer commyth to byrth From my byrth thou hast perseruyd my lyfe both in bodye and soule and broughtest me to holy baptyme where I myght haue dyed wythout it as many do and do therby loose the blysse of heuen for oryginal sinne And from that tyme hether to thou hast prouyded for my necessaryes Fyrst by my parentes and frendes and afterwardes by other meanes So that I haue had alwaye succoure at thy mercyful hand whyche contynually hast and dost prouide for me wyth muche more louely care then euer dyd my natural mother and hast cheryshed me both in body and soule And like a most carefull and louynge parente father thou hast dost deliuer me daily from innumerable perels and daungers both of body and soule whiche innumerable tymes syth I was borne I might and should haue fal in if thou haddest not most mercyfully delyuered and defendyd me How long hast thou lyke a mercyful pityful parent borne wyth my great enormytes and innumerable deadly sinnes mortal wher thou myghtest Iustly haue dampned me both body soule yet of thy infinite mercyful goodnes thou hast taryed and abydē my conuersion because thou woldest not dampne me though I dyd deserue a thousand thousād tymes And whyle thou haist so paciently suffered me so detestable and contumelius towardes the my lorde god sclanderous vnto the world ther hath many that were ferre better then I for lesse syn then myne bene vtterly dampned for mysse lyfe Moreouer though I were am neuer so destable and greuous a synner in thy syght yet thou of thy infynite mercy hast neuer lefte me vtterly but hast by dyuers meanes and many holy mocions and inspiracyons called and prouokyd me to repentaunce And though I gaue no eare to the but in maner contempnyd and set the at nought yet thou ceased not vntyl at the length wyth thy myghtyful power grace thou broughtest me agayne to grace and repentaunce and of thy ineffable goodnes hayst brought me to this most blessed state of relygion and yet doyst not mysse but fatherly dost prouid daily for my necessaries though I be neuer so vnkind and vnthākeful to the. And by cause no synne be it neuer so greate and enormious should dameme yf I wyl repent thou hast geuē to most cruell death and passion thine owne sonne and by his merites and for hys sake thou arte redy to in due me wyth al kynd of vertue and grace And specyally blessyd be thy in effable goodnes and mercy For thou hayst indued me wyth N.N.N. ¶ In this place remember thy speciall benefittes that thou thynkest thy selfe specially bounde to thanke almyghty God for Turne thy thought and meditaciō here vn thy sauyour Iesu deuoutly saying O Most louing Lord and deare sauyour Iesu now I turne my harte vnto the. O most swet Iesu most faythful frind and true louer of my pore soule for whose sake and saluacion thou wast incarnatyd and came in to this wretchid mysery and suffered innumerable labors fatigacyons sorows and incōmodyties much wronge and heuines great pouertye paines thou sufferedst for me many a teare thou shedest wyth many a sore syghe many afore rebuke reuyle blasphemie great shame and much worldly confucyon thou sufferedest Many a sore stroke and sharpe strype thou haddest for my sin And of most tender true loue and most burnyng charytie that thou barist to me thou sufferedest most paineful passion and creuel death ¶ Thou swetest and shedest al thy precyus blod not leuyng one drop within thi blessid bodye And after moste deadly and mooste mortal panges and pynchynges of deathe iii. longe howres hangyng moost paineful vppon the crosse at the lengthe with the moste cruel bitter and paynefull stynge of dredful death thou yeldest vp thy blessid soule for to saue and redeme my synful soule ¶ What poynte of loue coldeste thou haue shewed more Yet besyde al thes thou hayst most louyngly left to my weake and wretchyd soule for my gostly comforte and strengthe the very same bodie and bloode wherwith thou boughtest me and al the world in the most blessid sacrament of the aulter that I might often se the often receaue the remember that great loue thou beredyst towardes vs and so to lerne as to loue the agayne and of very loue to delyght in the medytacion of thy moste bitter and blessyd passyon with harty desyre to folowe the in it And specyally to lerne and affectuusly to consider that great loue and charytie thou shewdest to me here in that mi hart might be inflamed and set on fyer with the loue of the. Wherefore most mercyful sauyor and most louynge and louesome lord Iesu of that great charytie and burnyng loue which causyd and mouyd the to suffer al thy bytter paynes and passyon and in the merytes of thy most precyous blood and blessyd death kyndel now in my cold harte the blessid fyer of thy moost deare loue and make me to loue and to delyght in the to set al my ioy felycitie plesure in the loue and desyre of the my lord that by perfecte loue and blessyd charytie my soule may be knyt and made one with the. The whiche vnyon wyth the in loue is the beginnyge the perfeccion and end of al cōtemplacion here in earth and of the blessyd fruycion of thy godhead in heauen Where thou art all in al thynges to thy glory and honour sempyternal without end Amen ¶ This foresaid praier vse daily by inward desire and harty deuocyon that by costome thou maiste when thou wylt set thy harte on fyer with the loue of thy Lord with a litle laboure and thoughte of his passion other benefytes Yf thou canst come to thys redines of loue then haist thou the very instrument and redy way to contemplacyon for yt is the rote beginnynge of lyfe contēplatiue Thou shalt also that daye that thou haiste this exercise in custome vse and accostome thy selfe euery where where euer thou be what euer thou doo to haue in thy mynde and wyth hartye and burninge desyre to say not in voyce but in hart and mind one of thes louely swete sentences which may be callid dartes of gostly loue And lyke as the worldly or fleshely louer hath styl his burnyng desyre to his paramour and is redy in euery place corner wher he metith with his loue to expres by louely and swete wordes his feruent and hote desyre that he beryth vnto her loue with depe sighes and most harty lamentable cōplaynt with such meane to set his loue on fyre and to wound as it wer her hart with loue towards him agayne euer so with thes or such lyke louely and swete sentences we do open vnto our louer Iesu
dysfygured and fully defaced it in me wyth innumerable synnes dailye fautes vyces and imperfeccyōs and haue brought and made my soule farre vnlyke that my lord god Wherefore now I moost humbly beseke the in that the moost blessed and burning loue which mouid thi mercy to make me lyke the to redeeme me with so cruel payneful and shameful death and passyon of my lord and sauyor Iesu thi only most dear sonne consume burne vp vtterly destroy in me al my vnlykenes toward the in me al mi sinfulnes mi vices al mi fauts and my imperfeccyons al my inordynate passyons and redynes to syn al the mysorder and abuse of my sences inward and outward al noughty and inordynate affeccyons to any creature al my impacyens and scrupulusenes And graūte me most deare Lord and most mercyful father with most burnyng desyre at this tyme and euermore to aske and most vehemently to craue of the my most gracyoꝰ lord the perfect lykenes in me of thy most gloryus and blessid sōne my Lorde Iesu ¶ Oh mercyful Lorde and most gracyous god wochsafe to adorne and decke my bare soule withal those moste holy vertues and graces that he was adorned bothe in his blessyd dyuynitie and his holye humanitie most specyally with those vertues whyche apeared in hym in the tyme of hys mooste shameful death and payneful passion ¶ Graunt me the perfect affecciō and most harty desire of most lowe mekenes by most perfect abyection and contempt of my selfe desyryng from the botome of mi harte now and euer to be abiect and vyle ¶ Graunt me most perfect desyre and affeccyon of most perfect pouertie pacyencie and charytie and in thes vertues mooste busely dyligently and affectuuslie to trauel and exercise my selfe in them Specyally by moost ardente and burnyng desyres and most deuout and cōtinual prayers vnto the vntyl that I may feale in on selfe in al dammage wrongs rebukes sclanders pains yea in the time when grace is subtracted taken away from me then to haue a most harti desyre to suffer most hartly al greues for the loue of the and so perseuer vnto the end that I myght herein be conformable and lyke vnto my Lorde Iesu that suffered of pure charitie so moch so many greuus paynes to thy honoure and glory and for my saluacyon Amen THat day that thou doyst vse this exercise thou shalt haue oft in thy mynd such desyres shorte prayers euery where where euer thou be and lerne to force thy hart with most harty affeccion and earnest desyre to remember them and wishe for the in thy mind and to desyre the crying most hartely earnestly and deuoutly in this maner or lyke ¶ Aspyracyon for thys exercyse ¶ Oh mooste blessyd sauyor Iesu howe vnlyke am I vnto the which art so gracyous so good so ful of grace and vertue And I wretchyd synner am ful of al vyces wyckednes dystroy good Lord al my sinneful deformyties and restore in me thy blessyd image to thy honor and glorye ¶ Oh merciful Iesu that died for my loue make me to dye to al the world for the true loue of the. Mortifie in me al impacyence al inordynate passyons and affeccyons to any creature that thou myghtest haue al my loue and whoole hart ¶ My most gracyous Lorde and sauyoure Iesu put in my soule and hart most perfect pacyence obedience most perfect charytie with all other of thy blessyd vertues that it may be lyke thy blessed humanytie ¶ Oh blessyd loue of my soule set me so on fyre in thy loue that I may thinke that all payne shame confusion and turment that is possible to be suffered is to lytle to be sufferyd for the that al my delyght and desyre may be in the myddes of al my prayer to suffer for thy loue al thing swete Iesu ¶ Swete sauyour Iesu whiche dyddest suffer moost payneful death for my sin mortyfie in me by thy specyall grace the great redines vnto sin in me al my viciousnes fautes al my negligences and imperfections that I may come to the goostly vnion in the by moost burnyng loue and ardente charytie THou must moost feruently desyre aske in thy harte and deuoute mynd contynually of god that thou maist be made lyke conformable vnto his blessyd crucified humanitie specially in this point that thou in al thynges neuer seke nor desyre any thyng that partayninge to thyne owne selfe or thy owne commodytie but only that whiche belongyth to thy lord Iesu how thou mayst moost feruently perfectly honour serue and please and be lyke hym euermore And how thou mayst most exactly forsake thyne owne wyll and contempne thy selfe and loue hym forgettyng in maner thy selfe and al thynges And for the vehemente burnynge loue of hym thy mynde may runne so muche vpon hym that thou dost take no hede nor consyderest not what is bytter what is swete nether hour time nor space nor place nor markest not one persō from another but in al thynges thou must seke consider and remember thi lorde god and hys blessid wil pleasure and honour seing verely thy sauioure christ in his members And thus doyng thou doyst lyue a contemplatiue lyfe in an actiue life For in thy outwarde doynges thou hayst contemplacion goostly of god and fyndest hym euery where and in euery thynge specially thou do recollect thy selfe wholy and dost enter into thy hart and serchynge the bottome therof resoluyng and resigninge thy selfe dost put thy selfe wholy in the handes of god For then thou arte in maner transformed into god or deifyed And vnto what thynge soeuer thou turne thy selfe to and what good worke soeuer thou doyst thou shalte thinke that god doth it and not thou And to forder the in this goostly exercyse thou must indeuer thy self as nere as thou canst in al thinges euer more choose that whiche is most to goddes honour or most lyke vnto chryst and his example or most profytable to thyne euen chrysten or most against thine proper wyl or most grefe and payneful to thy body wyth dyscrecion or moost rebukeful worldy whereof thou arte wordly ashamed so it be not sinful Euer thou must crye out vnto thy lord god in thy hart vnfainedly I am nought I haue nought I can do nought but sin only I seke nought I desyre nought but Iesu a lonly Yf thou do this truly contynewe faithfully in thys spyritual worke and trauel god at length wyl without dout here thy dyligent knockyng and delyuer the from al the trouble goostly from al the tumulte noyse and cōberaunce of cogitacions and fansies and from al earthly affeccyons which thou canste by no better meane put away then by the contynual and feruent desire of the loue of Iesu the whiche desyre he muste nedes in spyre in the and geue it and worke it in the whiche he wil very wyllyngly and redily do so thou in the meane time do feruently aske by mooste deuout prayer yf thou wylt
therfore greate cause to loue hym agayne and to shew louyng kindnes vnto so curtyse and kynde louer and lorde god Nowe if thou canst feele thy harte mouyd vnto loue towardes thy lorde Iesu by thys or lyke comtemplacyon of hys benefites and of his infinite goodnes that hath loued the from the beginning of the world wyth an euerlastyng charyte then shalte thou procede and force thy wyl and affection to these thre sortes or degrees of loue The fyrst is bare loue that is to saye thou must moue thy selfe to loue hym only and forsake al loue that thou berest to thy frendes kynsfolkes apparel bokes and of any other thing in thys world For thou canst not loue these and loue god only For he wil haue al thy loue as he is most worthy and must be louyd barely alone wythoute any thing wyth hym For so dyd oure lord Iesu hang al bare and nakid of al frindes conforte and of al thynges vpon the crosse Yf thou can fynde and feale this pointe of loue in thy harte then must thou procede laboure to haue loue Thou must haue no desyre to any thyng created and specyally this pure loue is when thou hayst ful mortyfied in the al natural passions and vyces as angrynes melancolly inordinate Ioy lyghtnes suche other so that the powers of thy soule be pure and cleane from al sinful inclynacions and dysorder cleane delyuered from al imaginacions or any lettes or impedymentes of the pure and synceare loue of god that they may imbrace their lord god with most pure clene loue Thurdly thou must procede to come to the thurde poynte of loue that is thou must loue thy lorde god with vehemēte strong and affectuous loue And this loue compriseth the other two aforsayd loues makyth the one wyth god and makyth the towardes al other thynges as it were insensyble and feltyst nothing els but only thy owne moost swetest loue Iesu Heare of commyth it that thou canst and shalte remayne styl in god wher euer thou becomyst and wyth whom soeuer thou be For thys loue wyl neuer suffer the to cesse from louyng of thy deare Lorde Iesu nor wil not suffer the to rest but make the bestowe al that thou arte to the glory and honoure of thy lorde god And of this loue it is that thou woldest if thou coldyst make of euery lytle grasse thou seist some excellēt creature that it myght loue and laude the lorde thy god wyth the. Yea if it were possible thou woldest make of euery mā an whole heuē and so many heauens as ther are men and offer them vp to god wyth al thy harte and moost pure and louely desyre to hys glory laude prayse and honoure Now whē thou fealyst this threfolde loue in thy hart kindlyd and thou altogether incensid and set on fyre wyth the loue of thy lorde thou muste recolecte and gether to gether with force al thy wyttes sencies and powers of thy body and soule as it were wyth in thy self as though thou were deade from al other thinges in the worlde And so as one ful of loue thou shalt approche vnto the most gracious most louinge and most swete hart of thy Lord Iesu Thou shalt enter therin as into an infinite sea of goodnes botomlesse depeth of vnmesurable loue and charitie wyth these foure exercyses But yet whether thou feale in thy hart these pointes of loue or no thou shalte procede neuerthelesse and folowe wyth these foure exercises and haue a good wyl and desyre to haue these pointes of loue and this shal suffice I trust in god for a beginner vntyll god geue to the grace of this loue for it is a syngulare gyfte But thou must eare thou enter these four exercises in the hart of Iesu make this peticion vnto that moost blessyd and mercyfull harte saynge O Most dearest louer of my soule my moost swete sauiour Iesu whiche of thy infynite charytie and most tender loue that thou baryst vnto my pore synfull soule sufferdst moost payneful passiō and and moost cruell and dreadful death in the same charytie and loue in the most blessid merites of the same passion and death grant I beseke the that moost excellente gyfte of loue and charitie that I may be set on fyre and so incensed wyth the moost feruente and syngulare loue of the that I may loue nothing but the alone that neather frynde nether louer nether anye thynge in this world be it neuer so pleasant or profytable may haue any parte of my loue but thou only ¶ Graunte me also cleane and pure loue in al the powers and sences of my soule body that they may be pure from al passiōs and inclynatiōs to sin disorder of sinfull corruption that my soule in al her myghtes powers may wtout let or impedimente frely wholy loue that her creatoure redemer herswete spouse most faithful louer Graūt me also most mercyful lord to loue the vehemētly affectuously that I maye be towardes al other thinges dead as it were insensyble wythout any fealyng That I may not feale nor perceaue any thynge but the only my dere lorde and louer Iesu that where euer I be wyth whome euer I be I may neuer forget quayle or slake in thy burning loue that I may neuer stynte nor cesse to bestowe al that I am and can to thy glory and honour and worshyp and neuer to be satysfyed in wel doynge to thy sempyternal honour and my soule helthe THen shalt thou approch with moste harty affeccyon and deuocyon vnto the blessed hart of Iesu recollectyd as is aboue saide in al thy powers sensies of body and soule and shalt enter in as it were in to that most blessed tresure howse of grace and bottomlesse fountayne of al goodnes with these fowre exercyses folowynge Fyrst thou shalte make from the bottome of thy harte or as wel as grace shal helpe the resingnacion offerynge thy selfe bodye and soule whooly with al that thou art and haist and al creatures moost frealy vnto hys moost louely wyl and blessyd pleasure in thys world to the end here of for euer to abyde al aduersytie pressure or sorow of hart al payne of bodie vnto al thynges that is possyble to come vnto the at his wyl Yea to abyde the paynes of hel yf it shulde be his pleasure for hys loue thou must be redye that he may haue and vse the as hym pleasyth euen as he hadde the at his pleasure ear thou wer creatid Thou muste make this oblacyon thus in thy hart and desyre MOOst mightiful and most louing lord Iesu al thing that I haue and that I am and al thynges in this worlde in heauen and in earth are thyne Wherfore moost gracious good lorde I here offer yelde vp to thy blessyd wyl and pleasure my soule my body wyth all my substance that I am or that I haue and al creatures that euer were or shal
Spirituall exercyses and goostly meditacions and a neare waye to come to perfection and lyfe contemplatyue very profytable for Religyous and generally for al other that desyre to come to the perfecte loue of god and to the contempte of the worlde Collected and set foorthe by the helpe of of god and diligente laboure of F. Wyllyam Peryn bacheler of diuinitie and Pryor of the Friers preachers of greate Sayncte Bartholomes in Smythfyelde Imprynted at London in Foster lane by Ihon Waley Anno Domini M. D.L.vij ¶ Vnto the deuoute and very religious Suster Katherin Palmer of the order of saincte Brigit in Dermount and Suster Dorothe Clement of the order of sainct Clare in Louaine F. Wyllyam Peryn wysheth all grace and mercye in Chryst Iesu oure sauioure AFter long muche strife within my selfe betwene dred and desyre dred of presumpcyon in so hard an enterprise and desyre to satisfie your most earnest moost īportune desire dear belouid susters in Christ our sauior I haue now at the lenght set forth here in wrytinge certaine spyritual meditacions or exercyses yf I be not disceauyd very gostly and godly wherein as ye desyre ye may be ryght wel very godly exercised occupied in the vacant tymes from your diuine seruyce and iust obediens Thes I haue gatherid and collectyd of dyuers but specyaly of the deuout father Nycholas Eschiꝰ who set forth in laten .xiiii. exercyses as he namyth the whiche are very godly gostly meditacions the which I haue not only translatyd in to englyshe but I haue also cōtracted thē in to fewer in nūber of .xiiii. making ten and haue moreouer turned the same into the forme and maner of peticions and praiers whom I haue named the practyses of these same exercyses so that to euery of the ten exercises is addid one practise correspondēt and agreable to the exercise I haue also ioyned vnto euery exercyse certayne aspyracyons or briefe and burning desyres according vnto the exercyse That after the deuoute meditacions of the gostly exercise ye might most earnestly aske the grace of almyghty god to comme to suche poyntes of vertue and perfection as ar taught you in the present exercise For as the iudgement is of al holy and goostly wryters there are thre special means to optain of almighty god the grace of perfectyon That is to say Holy medytacyon Deuoute praier feruente desyre For the first I haue set forth thes exercyses For the second are the practises And for the thurd I haue apoyntyd the briefe aspyracious Ther is no meane that doth so sone opteine grace of almighty god as doth thes louely deuoute and feruent aspyracyons And lyke as it is very necessary for hym that purposyth and wolde fayne spedely and affectuously achieue or wynne any thyng by mastry and labour to knowe what are the thynges that myght hynder or let his purpose or procedinges that he might remoue them and put them out of his way euen so that ye myghte spedely and and affectuously attayne perfeccion by gostly trauel spiritual industry I haue discrybid vnto you the most specyal and greatest impedimentes vnto perfeccion about the remocion and takynge awaye of the whyche shal be the greatest yea in maner al the busnes and labour that ye shall haue eare ye can attaine and achiue that heauenly and most blessed state of perfeccyon And that ye myght al so se and know what spede ye make and how neare ye drawe vnto that whiche ye seke trauel to for that often tymes helpyth much for if we perceiue our selfes to be behind thē we take occasyon to make the more hast if we go forward it encoragith vs lustely to procede Therefore I haue describyd heere also certayne steppes by the which we ascend vnto perfeccyon Thes are the chyefe thynges that I haue set forth here for to satysfie somewhat your verye godly and importune desyre Other compendius I haue put vnto thes not that I thought thes not to suffice but that those that can not cary awaye the longer rules they maye beare away these shorter Notwithstandynge these exercyses are so profitable to suche that desyre to come vnto perfection and lyfe contemplatyue that they only myght so suffise you if they be earnestlye and dylygently vsed and practysed that you shall not nede any other rules or instructions For these conteine the absolute doctrine the whole summe and trade vnto perfection Wherefore I mooste humblye desyre you if ye haue not as good or better ye maye thankefullye take these geuynge all thankes vnto almyghtye god who hathe of his mercye putte into my hart a desyre and good wyl to helpe and further you and all other that myndeth perfection in all that I can bycause I can not or am not worthi to attaine vnto it my selfe Thus I commēd you both to almighty god and me vnto youre dayelye deuoute prayers The laste of December Anno. Do. M. D.L.iiiij Exercises ¶ Twelue instructions verye necessarie for them that wyll take fruite in the vse of these exercyses THe fyrste is ye muste put al your trust in the special and singuler mercy of god that he for his mercies sake of hys only goodnes wyl help brynge you to perfection if you wyth hertie and feruente desire do continualy wyshe and longe for it wyth moste humble deuocion do dayly pray vnto god and call for it and with al diligence do busely labour and trauell to come to it vndoubtedly it shall be geuen to you For ye maye not thynke it sufficient to vse the exercyses as thoughe they had suche vertue in them that they coulde make of them selfe alone suche that do vse them perfecte For neither these neither any other what soeuer they be canne of them selues with the onely vse bringe you to perfection But our mercifull Lorde God of his mercyfull goodnesse when you do seeke wyth hertie desire and feruente syghinges maketh you to fynd it When you do aske daylye wyth deuoute prayer then he geueth it to you And when ye do continually wyth infatigable labour and trauel knocke perseuerantly then he doth mercifully open it vnto you And because that these exercises do teache you to seeke aske and to knocke yea they are none other then verye deuote peticions seekynges and ghostly pulsacions for the mercifull helpe of god therfore they are very profitable and a very greate helpe to come to perfection by gods grace The seconde ¶ Euery daye when ye intende to vse your exercise for that daye before you begyn ye shall deuoutely cal vnto almyghty god for the grace of the holy gooste moste hertelye desiringe that ye maye so vse that exercise and take suche goostly fruite thereof as it maye be most to his honoure and for your saluacion and saye as deuoutely as ye can the Antheme of the holy goost Veni sancte spiritus With the collect Deus qui cor da. And an Antheme of our blessed Ladye what ye wyll And an
my Lorde god perfectly and profoundlye is the synguler gyfte of thee whiche I cannot come vnto without thy speciall grace which I most hertely and most mekely beseche thee to graunt me that therby I may perfectly know thee and thy holy wyl and moost blessed and acceptable pleasure ¶ Graunt me good lorde now at thys present and oftentymes to consider profoundly perfectly to knowe that thou my lorde god art moste higheste and moost excellent aboue al thynges moost blessed wysedom euerlasting and vnchaungeable goodnes A very incomprehensible and sempiternal substaunce an infinite and mooste blessed bryghtnes and an euerlasting and incomparable lyghte of blysse whiche in thy selfe arte so myghtye so gloryous so good and so perfecte that there canne nothynge be thought so good so perfecte so worthye so excellent so gloryous but thy goodnes thy perfeccion thy wysedome thy power and thy incomprehensible loue surmounteth and excelleth it infinitely and incomparably For if al power vertue goodnes wysedome the perfeccions of all the creatures in heauen and in earth and in al the whole worlde were knytte in one it weere not so muche in comparison of thy blessed and most excellent maiestie as is one lytle drop of water in cōparison of the vnmesurable maine sea Yea what soeuer the thoughtes of al men the vnderstandyng of al aungels good and bad be able to thynke or vnderstande of anye goodnesse or perfection thy blessed goodnes vnmeasurable might and infinite perfeccion passeth it without comparison ¶ O moost blessed holy and glorious trinitie most myghtyful father euerlastyng ineffable incomprehensible goodnes which of thyne owne substance sēpiternally doest brynge forth an euerlastyng ineffable and incomprehensible goodnes coequal consubstanciall wyth thy selfe which is thy sēpiternal onely son And both you father sonne equally the one louyng the other infinitely in a charitie delighte infinite are knyt together in one holy gost the third persō For this infinyte charytye is none other then the holy goost proceding incogitably of the father and of the sonne ¶ Thus art thou my Lorde God thre dystincte persons in one very God thre persons in one godhede and one very godhed in thre persones ¶ Most dredfull mayestye I moste lowlye and most deuoutly as I can I adore the worshype the with all myght and powers of my body and my soule moste swete and blissed vnite most blessed holy Trynitye ¶ Oh my deare and mercyfull lorde and my god shew thy selfe vnto me and I aske no more ¶ Oh most myghty maker and most swete Lorde God infunde powre into my hart and my vnderstanding thy heauenly light and blessed charitie that I may know and loue the aboue al thynge comforte the wekenes and infyrmytie of my frayle nature wyth thy blessed presence fyll my harte my delyght with the loue of the and wyth the goostly influēce of thy synguler grace that I maye knowe how louyng how gracious how good howe mercifull a Lorde God thou arte and hast bene vnto me specially and vnto all creatures ¶ Graunte me grace most mercyfull lorde ofte tymes louyngly and verye delectably to remembre how so myghtyful so dredfull a lorde god hast created and made my soule most nobly vnto thyne owne likenes and ymage and hast geuen vnto my soule thre excellent powers or myghtes that I myght and should not only in the worlde to come but also in this presente lyfe by wit and vnderstandinge in constant fayth knowe the by wyll I myght and ought to chose and loue the aboue all thinge and by memorye I myght rest in the and beyng knytte fast vnto the I myght so faythfully remayne and cleue vnto the that for the pure delyght and loue of the I myght contempne and forget all thynge ¶ Graunte me good Lorde that I may be so rauyshed in the loue and the delyght of thy blessed essence goodhed that for Ioy gladnes and admyracion I may forgette my selfe I maye feele nether prosperytie neyther aduersite of this worlde and that I maye not feare to suffer all the payne in this world rather then to be pullyd or parted away from the whiche arte of infinite power wysedome Iustice goodnes charytie swetnes lyberalitie and of infynite pytie clemencye and mercy whose perfeccions excedyth infinitely all thought and vnderstandynge ¶ Graunte me most mercifull and louing Lorde grace to perceaue and remember alwaye wyth gostly Ioy and thankefulnes that thou so gloryous and gracious lorde god of Infinite charitie of godly myght mercy doest offer thy selfe vnto me euery where specially in my soule more verylye present then I am with my selfe beyng alwaye and euery where redye to conserue to gouerne to saue me and to brynge me to thy blysse ¶ Wherfore most dredfull Lorde I haue a great cause yf I wyll do my dewty to be circumspecte and take greate hede how I do vse my selfe in the presēce of the my lord whiche seist and lokest vpon al my wordes dedes and thoughtes ¶ Graunte me therfore moost mercyfull Lorde grace to walke and conuersant my selfe before thy blessed presens like a chaist and an holy spouse with al reuerēce feare shamfastnes mekenes obedyence and pacience contynually preparing my selfe with al dilygence to please the sight of thy dredfull maiestie and wyth al my hearte and wyl to loue the aboue al thyng wherby al grace and vertu may encrease in me ¶ Graunt me o merciful sauiour alwaye in euery place to remember that thou so myghty a Lorde God berest towarde me vyle wretched worme of the erthe an euer lastinge vnmesurable most constant fre loue and charitie which passeth al thoughtes and desire so greate is thy goodnes towarde me moost vyle wretche whiche am but sinne and claye that thou doest vouchsafe to tende and to take so great hede and care vpon me as though thou haddest no mo creatures in heauen or earth and hast and doest deliuer me and defend me from innumerable perels dedly dangers bothe of body and soule and hast and doest frely adorne me indewe me and multyplye in me most vnthankeful and vnworthy with so many gyftes and benefytes at al tymes that I am not able to reken the least parte of them and of thy Infinite loue and charyte moost lyberally I maye at all tyme yea euery minute of an houre come vnto the in so muche that with one godly thought and desyre I maye optayne and haue the whiche art euerlastyng felicitie and to the as vnto my most nearest derest most faithfull and trusty frende in heuen or earth I maye safely open all my griefes necessytyes and be certayne and sure to haue such help of the as shal be most for my soule helth Wherfore most merciful lord god which arte the sempyternal lyght of heauen vochsafe for thy mercy sake to lyghten the darkenes of my synfull soule and the blindnes of my harte with the blessed beme of grace that I may come to the perfecte
the length thou most paynefully most miserably yet most louynglye and willinglye sufferest moost crewel moost bytter and moost shamefull deathe for me specially and for all mākynd and so well thou yet louyst me that if nede were thou art redy to suffer the lyke yea more paynfull passion more cruel death rather then I should perysh if I wold faithfully loue and serue the. ¶ O Most louing and mercyfull sauyoure Iesu I moost vnkind sinner haue neglected and set at nought the that haue done so muche for me and I haue offended as vnkyndly and as greuously as though thou haddest done nothing at all for me For I haue contynually offendyd and synned all my life but specially ī these N. Thou most here remember thy special dedly sinnes one after another and be speciallye sorye yf tyme wyll serue And generally I confesse my innumerable enormytes wherin I haue contēpned and offendyd the. Fyrst in breking of thy holy .x. commaundementes In the .xii. Artycles of the catholyque fayth The statutes and commaundementes of holy churche In the .xii. coūsels of the gospell In breking such priuate vowes as I haue promised In the .vii. mortal sinnes ¶ Omytting the .vii. workes of meryc gostly and in not doing the .vii. gyftes of the holy inspiracions I haue misused the gyftes of grace lent vnto me I haue mysused my v. vyttes or senses outwarde and my senses inward I haue misspent al the powers members and myghtes of my body and of my soule I haue mysspent the gyftes of nature the gyftes of fortune the giftes of the holy goost I haue not desposyd me to haue constante fayth perfect hope and burning charitie which are the thre theological vertewes I haue not had in me the foure cardinall vertues Prudence Iustice Fortytude and Temperaunce I haue not labored to haue in me the .xii. frutes of the holy gost I haue not labored so ernestly to com to perfection of lyfe and to the perfect loue of the as I wolde haue done to come vnto hyghe dignitie and honour of the worlde I haue sinned and lyued sinfully in euerye place in euery state in euery office that I haue lyued in by word by dede thought in omission in losse of my tyme and in vnkyndnes and vnthankfulnes towardes the my Lorde God towardes thy blessed mother and all thy blessed angels and saintes And agaynst all myne neighbors against the good folkes the blessed frindes of god agaynst the weake and sinners agaynste my benefactours and frendes agaynste my superiors my egalles my inferiours agaynste the quicke and the deade against the sowles in purgatory againste all creatures against my owne selfe agaynste both my body and my soule for I haue misvsed these creatures to the great dyshonor of the my lord god to the iniurye of myne neghbours and to the condemnacion of myne owne soule So that ther is no gyfte nor benefyt that thou haste geuen me nor no good thing in the whiche I haue sought the sincerely and purelye For I haue lesse or more sought myne owne commodytie myne owne wyll or pleasure Thus in all my hole lyfe I haue ether done commytted sinne eyther omyttyd and not done my dewty or els doing my dewty or any good woorke I haue not done it so syncerelye purely as I ought to haue done Wherfor I forsake here al kynde of sinne and al my dedes good and bad and I runne only vnto thy greate mercy and infinyte merytes ¶ O most mercyfull petyfull and most louyng lorde Iesu I moost humbly lowly beseke thy mercyful goodnes for thy most holy concepcion and natiuitye For thy blessed conuersacion and moost holy lyfe For thy moost harde and sore laboure and trauel for the great sorow and heuynes of thy blessed harte for thy most payneful agonye and bloudy sweat for al thy bytter and most paynfull passion for al the cruell effucion of thy moost precious bloud for thy most painful most cruel moost bytter and shamefull death graunt me mercy and forgeuenes of all my vnkindnes and sinne mortyfye in me al that offendeth the worke in me suche vertues as moost maye please thy blessed wyll in me to thy honour my saluacion Amen O Moste gloryus mother of mercy and ladye of grace my syngular help and comfort in heauen and in earth nexte vnto my lord god and sauyor Iesu I humbly beseke the for that holy passyon death and al the paines that thy deare sonne Iesu sufferyd in thy sorowfull syght For al the sorow heuines and most bytter compassion that thou sufferedst for him and me optain for me cleane remyssyon of al my synnes and all the paines that I haue deserued for them and increase of al vertue perfeccion Here praye to thy specyall aduowryes O Mooste blessyd and holy N N. N. N. and al ye moost holy and blessed company of heauen for al the paynes and labours that ye suffered here by the grace of the holy goost and for the very loue and honoure of god I humbly beseche your blessyd charyte pray for me vnto my lord and swet sauyour Iesu that he vochesaf to remyt my wickednes and synnes and so to confyrme me in his grace and loue that I neuer returne to syn agayne Here turne thy heart agayne vnto thy Lorde Iesu saynge ¶ And were I dayly fall and am redy to syn vochesafe to graūt me oh Lorde grace euer moore as ofte as I fal to arise againe with perfect sorow hate of syn and with most lowely cōfidēce trust of his blessed swet mercy That the multytude of my syn and mi great frailtie driue me not to disperate sorowe and inordynatte heuynes Nether let me mistrust the great and most gracius redynes of thy moost louyng mercy that is euer redye to forgyue as ofte as we do repent be yt neuer so ofte Draw me not to presūpcyon but that I how so euer whan so euer and how often soeuer I offend the I may moost lowly and mekely acknowelege my wretchydnes and frayltie and repente myne offences and synnes wyth a fyrme purpose to amend and with an vnfayned trust of remyssyon and forgeuenes in the infynyte merytes of thy most blessed blood payneful passyon and most precyus death to the glory honoure of thy mercy ful charytie most myghty maiestie Amē ¶ The Thyrd exercyse of reformacyon of the soul in the fyue wyttes sences COnsider how thy fyue wittes are wonderful wekened and dysorderid by the fall of our forefather and parent Adam But a greate deale more infected and disorderyd by thy owne actual synnes the great abuse of thē Wherefore that they may be redyer brought againe vnto ther former and original purenes wherin they were before the fall of adam thou must nedes shut vppe and refrayne from all misuse of all thy senses as thy syghte hearing taisting with thy tong smellyng and fealyng in the crucyfied humanitie of Chryst accordyng to hys exāple wyth so
For thy sorowfull naylyng of thy blessed feet hold fastē my feate frome all steppes to euyll from al vnprofytable gaddyng make them quicke and spedye to do all deedes of charytie and obedyence to thy only honour ¶ Gracyus Iesu in whose mouth was neuer found disceat nor nothing but al godly and heauenly wysdome and gauest vnto vs moost perfecte example of scilence when thou most mildly and wysely didist hold thy peace when thou waste falsely accused bycause thou by thy answere colde not profite them and specially when thou shouldeste aunswere for lyfe and deathe Then lyke an innocent lambe thou hyldyst thy peace And all the tyme of thy moost bytter passion thou didest speke syldom for thou spakest but onely seuen wordes vpon the crosse which wordes were spoken of most excellent charitie Graunt me good lorde the grace of sylence that I neuer open my mouth to any euyl or ydel wordes that I may speake only thy wordes Shut vp also good lord mine eares with thy grace frō al heryng of euell and vayne wordes for thy merytes of the payne that thou sufferedst whē thou hardest the greate blasphemyes rebukes reuyles of the Iewes ¶ Gracious Iesu for thy tēder teares that thy most gracyous eyes shed oft tymes for me kepe myne eyes and syght frō al syghtes of euyll and of al vnnecessary thynges in this worlde And for the horible sauour that thou feltest in that stynkinge place of caluarye when thou wast crucified kepe my smellyng from al mysuse and for the mooste bytter and sowre drynke of gall and vyneger that thou drankest for me ¶ Good Lorde graunt me grace to exchew all kynd of glotonye and excesse and graūt me perfect temperaunce to eate for onlye necessarye and bare neede Most merciful sauiour Iesu for thy moost crewell schurgyng and all the payne and woūdes that thou suffredst in all members and partes of thy most precious and blessed bodye mortyfie in me by the power of thy mightiful grace all the mysuse of al the sensies and powers of my soule and of all the lymmes members of my bodie that by thy grace I may neyther feele see heare taste smel eate drynke nether moue no member of my bodye nor vse no sense of my soule but in the and for thy honoure not sekynge my pleasure or my selfe here in but puerly and only the. ¶ Gracious God and moost mercyfull redemer of my soule Iesu I moost humblye beseke the for al thy sorowes and paynes that thou sufferedst in the inner powers of thy most blessid and holy soul in the merites and for the merytes of thy most blessed crucified humanytie puryfye reforme rule lyghten the inner myghtes and powers of my synful sowle speciallye my vnderstandyng my wyll and my memorye where in apearyd in my creacyō the holy ymage of the moost blessed trinitye but by my most sinful corrupt lyfe I haue all most clene blotted and put oute the ymage of the my lorde god and I haue fowlye defaced my soule wyth the horyble ymage of sin For wher I should haue in my vnderstanding the knowlege of the wythout ignoraunce and error I haue sought to knowe wyckednes and syn and so haue lost the gostly knowlege of the. And wher my wyl and desyre was creatyd to desyre and loue the aboue al thyng I haue lost that loue in louyng and desyreng inordynatly creatures Where my memory ought to be occupyed only wyth the my most deare Lorde God I haue paynted it wyth the memories and innumerable fanses not only of creatures but of horryble detestable sinne and wickednes Wherfore most merciful Iesu I mekely beseke the for the merytes of thy most rufully and cruelly deformed face for the wofully woūdyd and sorowful coūtenaunce restore and reforme agayne in me the blessed ymage of thy moost blessed diuynite in my soule that I may with moost stable and constante knowlege loue and thought of the desyre contynually to increase more more in the true knowlege the feruent loue and most blessed remembraunce of the that I maie knowe al thinges loue al thynges remember al thinges and vse al thynges only in the and for the. And I beseke thee my sauyour Iesu in the most tender loue that mouyd the most blessyd lorde to suffer so paynefull passiō and death for me and for the precious hart bloud and water that yssewed out of thy most louyng harte when thou hangist bare and al naked vppon the crosse graunte me grace that I may abstracte and pull awaye my harte from the loue of all creatures and to put vtterly out of it the loue of al creatures and specyally of my selfe that thy bare pure loue may fyl occupye al my whole harte desyre and wyll And that al that I shall loue desyre or wyl I may loue desire and wyshe in the and for the only ¶ Graunte me grace also so to confirme so to knytt my whole wyll vnto thy moost blessed and godly wyl that I may haue no other wyl then thyne And the I may be most hartely and fully contente wyth what soeuer thou wylt do wyth me in thys worlde and for euer yea if thou wylte put me into hell and to suffer al the paines there so that I hate not the but retayne thy loue I may be hartely wel contented wyth my whole hart without any be it neuer so litle gruge inwardely Also most mercyfull redemer I beseke the in the merytes of the innumerable woūds of thy blessyd head lightē my vnderstanding wyth perfecte and syncere knowlege of thy blessed god hed that I maye verely and truly know what thynge thou my lorde god art and haste that hyghly profundly knowyng the that thou arte infynite in goodnes moost noble dredfull maiesty most blessed and moost holy lorde god my wyl by thy grace most hartelye earnestly may desyre to be in loue wyth the so gracious so good so louing so kynde mercyfull a father and lorde god ¶ Graunte therfore most gracious Iesu thy grace to me to quycken and to sharpen my wyt and vnderstanding that I may come to the gostly and godly knowlege of the by knowlege to come to the perfecte and pure loue of the. Helpe also most mercyful sauyoure my busye and incomberyd memorye and fansye that by thy merciful grace I maye cast out and purge it of al euyl yea and vnnecessary fansies and imaginaciōs and from strange cogytacions that be not of the that I maye kepe my memory clene and pure as a wedlocke chamber from al worldly and vnprofytable thoughtes and to decke and tryme it wyth all kynd of heuenly thoughtes and gostly ymaginaciōs wyth al holy medytacions of thy holy humanite crucified for me minding alwaies some poynte of thy passion of thy vertue or some other holye medytacyon or good thoughtes That thou my lord god may delyght take pleasur to dwel rest in me as oftē as long
better set by then I. ¶ Graunt also good Lord thal I may vtterly mortyfie in my selfe al that anger bytternes that may aryse in me of any rancor or hate for any displeasure done in tyme past to seke wher what I myght find in mine euē christē to his dispraise or rebuke Also al that anger that arysyth in me oft time when I haue not that whiche my vnmortyfyed desyre wolde haue and causeth me some tyme to murmur in my heart agaynst them that lettyth me frome suche thynges that I would haue as my prelates or any other ¶ Good lord of thy great mercy graūt me helpe to mortifie in me the angrines of my harte whiche I haue many times agaynste the vyces of other or rather agaynste them where I ought to haue compassyon pitie But mercyful Lord this arysyth of presūpcyon of myne owne lyfe and merits whyle I thinke my selfe ryghteous or better then other And thus do I rashlye iudge them theire dedes and waxe wrathful agaynst them and their dedes Wherfore mercyful lorde graunte me grace wyth the swetnes of meke pacience and of perfecte charytye vtterly to mortyfie al bitternes of stomake and angrynes that I may loue most hartely all me yea my most ennimes and suche as seketh my death and as hartely to pray and to do for them as though they wer my entier frends and in very dede so they are for they brynge vs vnto great merytes ¶ Moost mercyfull sauiour most worthye of all worshyp honor and prayse whyche for my sake diddyst suffer the greatest shame and most worldy confusyon that the spytefull malyce of the moost enuyous Iewes coulde deuyse I moost humbly beseke the for all the rebukes sorowfull shames and confusions that thou suffredst graunte me grace to mortyfye in my selfe all my affeccyon and appetyte of vayne glorye vayne prayse and pryde the delyght and vayne ly kynge of my selfe of my wordes dedes of thy gracyes and giftes by most cleare knowlege and seyng of myne owne vyle wretchydnes and wretchyd vylenes and by vnfayned desyre of all contempte that I may euer more ascrybe al my goodnes goodes gostlye and bodily vnto the my lorde god only rekenyng my selfe most vnworthy of the least of them bothe for the enormytie the fylthynes and the multytude of my synnes and vnthankefulnes and for that that I had fallē vnto innumerable mo and more enormius sines yf thy grace only had nat preseruyd me and also bycause that there is not so wretchyd a synner in the world but if he had the graces that I haue he wolde serue and honoure and loue the more faithfully and trewely then I do Wherefore moost mercyfull Iesu graunt me grace from my very harte to desyre vnfaynedly to be contempned dispised mocked and ouer troden of all the worlde and to suffer all wordly shame and confusion that when any of these come I maye with a glad and Ioyfull harte receaue them as at thy hād my lord god to thy glory honor ¶ Moost mercyfull sauyoure Iesu whiche hangest moost paynefully vpon the holy crosse thre long houres for me destitute of al comforte and consolacion inwarde and outwarde as though thou haddest ben the very enemye of god graunt me grace and power to mortifie in my selfe al desire of al delyghte and swetnes sencible in grace deuocion loue sensible whiche is only in the nether powers of the soule which swetnes sencible though it be in grace in loue deuocion and prayer yet it is not very sanctimonie or charitie but good lord certaine gyftes of thy goodnes sente vnto vs weke sinners to comforte our wekenes not to rest in them but that we comforted with them should laboure more ernestly to mortifie our selues and the seking of our selfe For Lorde God loke howe muche I am mortified to al creatures and to my selfe so muche I haue of trew sanctimonie and very charitie Wherfore moost gratious Iesu graunte me grace to dye perfectly vnto the desyre of al conforte voth bodely and gostly And to be fully constante with al derelyccion and desolaciō That for thy sake and wyl forsakinge here al comforte and abidinge al desolacion I maye of thy mercy haue the celesteal consolaciō which thou dydyst promyse sayinge blessed be ye that sorowe for ye shal haue consolacion to thy glory and honoure ¶ O most mercyfull redemer of my sinnefull soule whiche sufferedst so sorouful so paynefull so bytter and cruell payne and passion that there was neuer no paine nor passyon lyke vnto thine that wyth suche mekenes suche obedyence longanymitie and pacyence as neuer was sene nor hard of graūt me most wrathful wretche grace perfectly to mortyfye all Inpacyens in al bodyly aduersytie infamye rebuke mockes contumelie syckenes trouble payne persecucion and desolacion and in losse dammage or hurte whiche maye chaunce or come vpon me by thy sufferaunce good lorde wyth the whiche thou arte wonte to trye thy moost deare belouyd and electyd as golde in the furnes In the whyche also thou thy selfe my most deare Lorde Iesu was greatly tryed whiche sufferydst wyth moost mylde mynde and pacyente hart all contumelie all scorne sore strypes spytetynge scorges the turmente vpō the crosse and so many paynes as thy enemies could deuise And yet was thou redie to suffer moche more for the honoure of god the father for oure soule helth ¶ Moost gracyous Iesu therefore graunt me grace wyth moost meke and perfecte pacyence all outwarde and inward aduersitie hurte or grefe to suffer and beare it so longe as it shal please the that I neuer in hart word nether dede do shew any point of rancore or gruge that I maye beare no sorow norbytternes in my hart but I may euer rekē my selfe worthy of much worse and more payne offering my selfe to suffer what euer thou shalte send me And that I maye of most louely affeccion to be lyke conformable in sufferyng vnto the wyth greate desyre abyde and loke for al aduersytie and payne whereby I maye obtayne the abundaunce of grace to thy glory ¶ O most louyng lord Iesu whose propertye is to haue mercy and of thy in effable mercy dydest suffer moost cruell deathe passion that trew repentaunt siners were they neuer so abhomynable and enormius shoulde obtayne ful remyssion of ther enormytes graunte me moost wretched sinner I humble beseke the grace to mortyfie in my selfe all scrupulosnes of consiencie by most full confydence trust and hope of thy vnmesurable mercy and by thy most swet goodnes I knowlege moost mercyfull sauyoure that this aryseth in me for lacke of confidence in the and this lacke of confydence spryngeth of the slender loue that I haue towarde the. For they that haue a feruente and a greate loue they haue a greate hope but I wretched sinner haue a lytle slender charytie therefore I haue not such confidēce as I ought to haue in thy mercy but by reasō that the loue of my selfe is vnmortyfied
in me and I feare more thy Iustice and the payne of hell then I do loue beleue thy infynitie goodnes blessed mercy and therfore I am disquietid wyth this scrupulous feare whiche letteth me greatly from many good dedes and increace of thy loue and holy perfectiō Therfore most mercyful lorde for thy mercy sake graunt me the pure loue of the most fyrme hope and trust of thy mercy that al scrupulous feare may vtterly be mortified in me to thy honoure and glory ¶ O moost meke sauiour Iesu whiche cāmest into this wrecchyd worlde not to do thyne owne wyll but the wyl of thy heauēly father and in the tyme of thy moost soroufull heauy and deadly agony and intolerable heuynes of thy godly and most innocente harte didest forsake thy owne wyl and dydest resigne thy selfe wholy vnto the wyl of god thy father In the gracius merites of thy most painful agonie sorouful blody swete graunte me I humbly beseke the swete Iesu the grace vtterly in me to mortifye the propryetie of my owne wyll and perfectly to yelde and resygne my selfe wholy into thy most blessed pleasure handes to abide whatsoeuer thou shalt in time or for euer suffer to come vpon me be it solas or sorow payne or plesure hel or heauē so it be thy blessed wil wtout any gain sayng murmur or gruge of hart that ioifulli I may for thy loue suffer al paine gostly bodely ¶ Graunt me good lorde moost perfecte obedience not only vnto my superiours but also to al others in thynges lawefull ¶ Graunte me obedyence vnto my superiours not only in outwarde dedes but also inwardly in redines of my wyl to cōforme my wyll vnto the wyll of my Prelate in al thinges and that for no regarde of any fauer laude or prayse therfore but that I maye rather desyre to be dispised therfore ¶ Graunte me most gracious Iesu so exacte and perfecte obediens vnto the my lord god that I may neuer haue any other desyre or wyl in me sauing only thyne That thyne and myne by singular grace maye be made one wyl one harte one desyre ¶ Take frome me oh mercifull maker my wicked will the ground of al sinne and geue me thy blessid wyl ground of al grace and goodnes Take from me my proud harte take from me my vnpure and vnclene desyre put into my soule the insaciable desire of thy honoure and to do thy only will to thy honor and glorye Amen ¶ The Fyfte exercyse to come to the conformytie in vertue of Chryst crucyfyed in the desyre of al vertue and hate of al synne THou must exercyse thy self in the cōstante very trew hate of al syn so that thou woldest neuer comytte any wer it neuer so lytle for the fear of no dammage sclaunder or torment in this world were it neuer so greate and dredeful Al sinne muste neades be pullyd out of thy harte before any perfect vertue cane growe there and eare thou canste be permyttyd to enter in to the harte of Iesu to be knyt and made one spiritually wyth hym Thou shalt therefore hate nothynge so euyll as syn yea the least that can be for it dyuydythe and sondryth thy soule from god and god from thy soul In lyke maner thou shalt exercyse the in the dylygent and contynual serche loue and geuynge of all and euery vertue be they neuer so wonderful or neuer so many yea if thou wyst that euery drop of water in the sea were a vertue thou shouldest labour for thē al for the very honor of god Thou oughtest as muche as is possyble for the to adorne to crucyfie thy bodie wyth vertues alway and euery where cōformyng it vnto Chryst crucyfied for the accordynge to the example of hys most blessyd bodie which lyued alwaye crucyfied and crucyfied he dyed and departyd this world and that of hys infynite loue which was as freshe new in hym toward vs as it had ben the loue of a new maryed bryde gromme Our loue therfore ought to be euer freshe and new towarde him lyke the loue of a new maryd bryde that a faithful and trew spouse dothe beare towardes her moste louynge housebande THus by thys trewe perfecte loue towarde oure swete loue Iesu we shuld in maner sucke and draw in to vs oute of hys sacrate bodye thes fyue pryncypal vertues that folowe with theyr daughters and prynte thē very strongly perfectly in our soule and bodie that they myght shyne therein lyke as they were sterres in the firmamente The first vertue is very true mekenes This thou shalt carye in thy feate and shalt desyre thy Lord Iesu by the precyus woundes of his moost holy feate and hys infynite humilitie whiche he shewed alway but specyally in takynge vppon him manhed that he wyl vochsafe to grant the to be so meke in al thyngs as his moost pleasant wyl wyl requyre of the. Thys humylitie then thou haist perfectly optayned when thou sorowest lamentest art vnfaynedly sory as oft as any benefyte or honor is geuen or shewid vnto the wher of thou verely thynkest thy selfe very vnworthy and also when the perfecte desyre of al contempte perseueryth and abydethe in the in the myddest of al sclanders iniuries rebukes paynes sorowes that are layde vppon the and thou thynkest thy selfe most worthy of them and of much worsse Thys humilitie bryngeth forthe thre daughters obedyens pacyens and sylens or kepynge of the tonge The true and very obedyent doth nat only obey his prelate for his promyses and hys vowes but also he obeyeth al creatures The very patiēt sufferith and beryth al thynges for the honor and loue of god be they neuer so paynful sharpe that god permyttyth to com vppon hym for he beholdyth and consyderyth how pacyenly our Lord Iesu sufferid his crosse and al his paynes passyon for our helth The meke person thoughe he be very wyse and ryght wel learnyd yet he speakyth fewe for all thinges are not gotten by muche talke and sayng many For it wer better to lyue well and in fewe wordes to shewe that which thou canst say when nede is and art demaūdyd And the very meke spekith lytle for he is obedyent patient kepeth wel his tonge The seconde pryncypal vertue is true wisdome or sapience in the exercyse and vse of all thy thoughtes workes and dedes This wysdome wyll gouerne the strōgly and resonabli that thou shalt nether thinke speke nether do any thinge be it neuer so litle as is the styrryng of any ioynte of thy bodye but only of very reason and the permyssyō and pleasure of God This wisedome thou shalte carye in thy head pryntyng thy head into the pearsed head of Iesu chryste most humbly besekynge him for the sorowe and payne that he suffered in his most holy head that he wyll vochsafe to adorne thy head with hys godly wysdome as moche as it shall please hym and he shall know
for wyttyngely if wyl not admyt nor suffer anye ercesse or superfluitie It bryngyth forth also pouertie for it possesseth nothyng in this world nor of thys world verely pouertie volūtarie is a meruelus yea an excellent mean to possesse god Thes foresayd vertues of our Lorde Iesu Christ thou muste aske of him and labor to prynt them in to thy body and soule as muche as in the lyeth all thy lyfe tyme conformynge thy selfe in thes holy vertues to thy lord Iesu as muche as is possible for the alway eueriwher beholding by deuoute contemplacyon the image and memory of his crucyfied lyfe and death and folowynge the same in thes vertues that we haue spoken of or at the least in the fyue pryncypal stretchynge and naylynge thy self in thes vertues vnto hys cros so that what so euer thou turnest thy selfe ether on the ryght hande ether on the lefte hande thou mayst beholde on the parte of thy body and on that syde one of these vertues of Iesu set before thyne eyes to be holde and to folowe For oure Lorde Iesu wyl make none partakers of his death the refuseth to crucifye for his sake his owne fleshe with vyces and lustes and to mortyfye the same More ouer al be it that the mortification and crucyfieng of our most vyle fleshe be nothing in comparisō of the crosse and death of oure lorde god Yet that most myldest and mercyfull lorde of his endles pitie and goodnes dothe vochesafe to take thankefully the small crosses and paynes that we for hys loue do wyllingly bere and suffer whether by his permission and sufferaunce they be inwarde derelictyon and gostly tentaciō ether outward iniures oppressions and sorowes layde vpon vs. For how euer suche crosses come vpon vs he taketh them thankefully so that we bere them for hys sake and dye to our owne wil and desyre ¶ This exercise after thou haste well sucked and dygested it into thy hart thou shalt not forsake all dayes of thy lyfe ¶ Aspiracions for this exercyse ¶ Oh my deare redemer Iesu in the merytes of thy most bitter death mortifie in me all sinne and vyciosnes and plante in me all verteus ¶ Oh moost meke sauioure Iesu for thy meke death sake make me perfectly meke and sley in me all pryde ¶ Moost blessed and sempiternall wysedō of the father for thy cruel coronacion with thornes lyghten my wyts wyth thy holye wysedome and take from me all sinful ignoraunce ¶ My most dere and louynge Lorde Iesu for the precious woūde of thy swete harte woūde and perse my hart with thy perfect loue and burning charytie ¶ Moost ryghtfull Iuge of quicke deade my lorde Iesu graunte me perfecte ryghtwysenes that I maye geue vnto the vnto all creatures that I owe them ¶ Moste myghti lorde god my sauiour Iesu for all thy blessed payne passion grant me gostly fortytude and strēgth against al the assaltes and temtacions of the deuyll the worlde and my fleshe ¶ The practyse of this exercise to the feate of Iesu I Laude and prayse and geue most humble thankes vnto the meke and most mercyfull sauyour Iesu for the example of thy greate meekenes and for thy vnmeasurable loue and payne of the mooste blessyd woūdes that thou sufferydest in thy swete feate and in to this thy blessed woundes the merytes of thē I comyte my selfe wholy and all my wyckednes and sinnes of all my former lyfe specially all my detestable pryde vaine glorye and arrogancy Al my selfe wyl my desobediens my irreuerency and dyshonoure that I haue done to the thy mynisters and seruauntes All my impacyency my angrynes my rancore and malyce my vnprofitable ydell euyl talke detraccion and all kynde of sinne that appertayne vnto any of these besekynge the that they may be forgeuen and purged in thy precyous bloude and by the payne and sorowe of the same I most humble beseke moost mercyful Iesu for thy greate mercy In the merites of thys thy blessed woūdes of thy most holy feate by the payne and sorowe of the same by thy ineffable most profunde mekenes that thou shewed in taking on the our nature and for the loue and charytie that compelled that to suffer this payne and passion ¶ Graunte me most inwarde perfecte and deape mekenes of harte before thy deuine presence by the whiche I maye perfytely and clearely se the dignitie of thy infynite maiestye and the greate mekenes of the same And one the other syde I maye perfectly and clearely se and perceaue the bottomeles pyt of my vyces and naughtines I maye also at al tyme submite my selfe most lowly in harte and mynde and as oft as it shall be expediente in dede also vnto vnder al creatures I may wholy hate esteme my selfe as a thīg of nought I may desire and wyshe my selfe to be cōtempned dyspised and ouer trodden as the most vylest durte of the streetes of all men that I maye also be sory and refuse to haue anye benefyte or honoure of any creature That I maye also speake alway most mekely most gladly euer more acknowlege wyth out all excuse my greate faut and offence And vtterly dispeiring of my owne power and myght I may thynke retaine euermore frome the bottome of my harte these wordes vnfanyedly I am nought I haue nought I am able to do nought I desyre nought but one I maye also in mine own Iugemente for my greate wrechydnes vylenes place my selfe moost iustlye and worthelye in the loweste and depest place in hell ¶ Graunte me also gracious sauioure in the merytes of thy obediente death and passyon grace to folowe thy moost pure perfecte obedyence by most flexible and redye submission of most prompte wyl so that I may neuer be wery in forsakinge and denyeng myne owne proper wyl and fansyin al thynge subduinge my fleshe vnto the spirite both in kepinge and fulfylling most mekely thy will and pleasure inwardlye also outwardly in obeying not only my superiors but also al creatures as far as it maye be lauful Graunte good lord grace that I neuer do any thinge with proprietie or affection singular being to ernest or to moche geuen vnto it but with a continual mekenes of my harte and mynde vnto thy wyl I may as it were lye at thy foote I maye desyre nothinge neyther in my selfe netyher in any creature while the worlde standith saue only to knowe execute thy blessed wyll saynge alwaye in my harte with the desyre of my mynd Lord what wilt thou that I shall do And so euermore I maye transforme and conforme my wyll into thyne or vtterly forsake my wyll and turne it to nothinge ¶ Graunt me also most gracious lorde to folowe thy most wonderfull pacience and myldnes where in I may with most quiet and thankefull harte receaue at the hande of thy hyghe prouydence all pouertye all rebuke and shame al payne grefe and sorowe acknowleginge my selfe moost
into this stable sure ioye that he maye he refresshed with the magnificētie of the goodnes of god Let him approche and ascend vnhye in harte by contemplacion of these and let the most excellente and inenarrable clemēcye of Iesu be exalted in his harte Fyftly thou must haue medytacion of the moost blessed passion of oure sauyoure Iesu to reuolue thy harte and to transforme it into him the whiche thou doyst when thou doyst not only folowe and haist compassion thou merualyst and reioysest but thou art wholy cōuerted and turned into thy lord Iesu christ crucyfied so that in maner euery where and alwaye the lorde Iesu chryst crucyfied metyth wyth the yea then arte thou veryly and trewly resolued into hym when thou leauyng thy selfe and going out of thy selfe and surmountynge and transsendynge all thing yea aboue thy selfe abstracryd from all thynge thou arte all together turned into thy lorde Iesu crucified so that thou canst se nothinge thou canst feale nothynge with in thy self but only christ crucified scornid reuyled and put to payne of pure loue for ye. ¶ Syxtly thou must consyder behold that most blessed passiō of thy lord to come to rest of inward swetnes the which thing thou dost whē thou being resolued as I sayd dost not cesse with a thursty hart or or feruent desyre to reuolue tosse in thy mind the most blessed passiō And enteryng as far as thou arte able into that infynite treasure of that blessyd passiō mekely and deuoutly thou doist melt for pure and deuoute loue and wyth feruent deuocyon and burninge loue thou falleste from thy selfe and doeste reste all together in chryste crucified But the more that thou doste cleue leane vnto him onlye so moch the more thou fallest decaiest from thy self dost relent by most deuout loue and how moch the more that thou dost decay leaue thy self by loue and deuocion so moch the more thou dost cleaue art knyt vnto thy loue that dyed for the and doyst rest in hym And so doth the cleauinge vnto chryst by loue and louely deuocion increase one the other vntyll the spouse of chryst that is to saye thy soule be all to gether swallowyed vp and deuoured of that moost burning hoote furnes of loue of the passiō of thy spouse most dere beloued in whose blessed armes thy soule restyth a slepe haue therfore medytacion of the moost blessed passion of thy lord Iesu in folowyng it to purge thy mynde hart By compassiō to get loue and vnion wonderyng at it to eleuate lyfte vp thy harte reioysing therin do delyte and conforte thy hart resoluing to come to parfect conformacion and lykenes resting therin kepe thy deuocyon ¶ Aspyracions ¶ Gracious lorde and swet sauiour which sufferidst most paineful passiō for my loue graunte me grace in the merytes of the same passion most faithfully to folow it ¶ Mercyfull and most petyfull lorde Iesu which art full of pytye graunt me grace to take compassion and to lamente thy moost Innocente and wrongfull death and most paynefull and gracious passion ¶ Graunte me good lord I humbly beseke the that I maye so ernestly mynde thy bytter passion that I may sorow it as tenderly as though I sufferyd it my selfe ¶ Oh deare lord sauiour prynt thy most bitter death blessed passion in my harte that I maie neuer feale nether any thing dysire saue the my louyng lorde crucified for me ¶ My most gracious sauyour Iesu make my stubburne and sturdy harte melte and be resolued of very pure and deuoute loue in the meditacion of thy moost precious death painefull passion ¶ The practise of the syxte exercise MOOST mercyfull sauioure Iesu I wretched siner do knowlege that I am infinitly bounde vnto the for the innumerable most singular benefites which thou moste louingly and lyberally hast bestowyd vppon me and al mankynd but specyaly for the ineffable benefit of my redemcyon by thy mooste crewel death and passion from the thraldom of the deuyl sin and hel And for that thou hast franchessid and made vs the children and heyres of heauen For the which benefyt specially we remaine and are become bond detters vnto the and thoughe we can neuer make a iuste recōpense for it yet of thy gracyus goodnes thou wylt mercyfully accepte that whiche we are able to make be it neuer so simple And bycause that amonge all that wee can do there is nothyng more acceptable to the than with thankeful and oft medytacyon to folow thy most blessid lyfe and passyon pryntyng and perfectly expressing it in the powers of our soule in al sensies of oure bodye therfore I moost humbly beseke the moost gracyus Lord Iesu graunt me the grace so perfectly to conforme me in my whole lyfe vnto thy blessid life and passion that al my cogitaciōs my words midedes and maners may be so lyke vnto thy holy thoughtes wordes dedes and blessyd maners that wher euer I be sean harde or felte ther mai nothing be found in me but that which was foūd in the my lord Iesu And lyke as thou were crucyfyed in thy blessyd humanytie so graunt me grace by the merytes of thy crucifyxion to crucyfie nature and sensualytie by the acquyringe of al true vertue ¶ Graunt me grace also to consider and to conforme my soule vnto thy mooste heuy and sorowful soul that I may continually lament thy great dishonour the losse of soules my sinnes and the sinnes of all men ¶ Good lord graunt me grace so depely to print in my hart thy bitter paineful passiō very loue that I may feale more the paine that thou suffred for me then any payne that I haue or should haue if I where woūdid in myne owne bodie ¶ Graunt me good Lord Iesu that my spirite may euer burne in thy loue be eleuat and minde euer more the vtterly resignid into thy blessid pleasure ¶ Graunt that my soule also may be contryte compassyonate with the mortified vnto al creatures ¶ Graunte that my bodie also to be ful of trauel payne and afflyccyon for thy honor and thus I may be conformable and lyke vnto thy blessid humanyte ¶ Graunte me moost louyng Lord Iesu thy grace to exercyse moost effectuusly thy holy and mooste blessid passyon by perfect ymitacion by perfect cōpassion by perfect admyracyon by exultacyon and ioy by perfect resolucion by perfect rest ¶ Graunte me grace wyth often memory of thy blessid lyfe and passion to folow thy blessid example in suche vertues as aperith in thy holy passion and lyfe For thy blessid passion and lyfe is the mooste holyest and hyest relygion and the rule and example of al vertue and perfectyon ¶ Graunt therefore moost merciful Lord Iesu that thy passion may be the very rule of al my lyfe ¶ Graunt me grace that I may wyshe and desyre from the bottome of my hart wyth al delyght of my soule for thy loue to be contempned set at nowght
kyndes of humylytie The one is that aryseth of the trew acknowlege of thy sinnes thyne owne vilenes by the iudgemēt of reasō And this humilitie thou oughtest to exercyse towarde thyne euen chrysten In comparison of whom thou oughtest to brynge thy selfe to nought in thyne owne estymacion and to esteme thy selfe more vyle then anye other and inferioure to al men and that from the botome of thy hart And thou shalt therfore aske mercy of thy lorde god that is present wyth the both for thyne owne sinnes and al others and shalt excuse them in thine owne conscience and Iugement beleauing that ther are no synners so far gonne from god but that they may and do oftē times though not alway turne them selfes vnto god and do loue honour hym wyth a more synceare affection and more faythfully they do sorowe their sinnes and do purpose to amende thē selfes according to the grace geuen to thē of god then thou Thou shalte beleue that ther can not be found any man which if he had commytted so many and so greate synnes as thou and had receaued so many graces and gyftes of god as thou but he wolde serue god more feruently then thou dost if thou can not perswade this and beleaue this with al thy harte thou shalt for this same cause repute thy selfe most proud wretch that lyueth and more vyle then any man that lyueth For this thy ipocrisy and pryde in excusable most odyous to god hath verylye blyndyd the that thou canst not know thy selfe nor se how that the mo benefites and graces thou hast receauid of god the more greuus and greater are thy sinnes and neglygences and therfore there shal be required of the a more strayghter rekeninge for euery one of thē And this mekenes as I haue sayd loue doth worke by reasō wherby a man estemyth hym selfe vyler then any other creature and most worthy of all turment and contumely of all rebuke and paine And this is the mekenes of such that are begynners and profyters and must go before and that after it may be confirmed wyth this mekenes that foloweth ¶ The other mekenes is the mekenes of the perfecte and the mekenes whiche loue alone by her selfe dothe worke whome the soule fealeth in her selfe by goostly syghte and knowlege of Iesu For whom the holy goost doth lyghten the reason in the syght of Iesu Chryst to consider clearly the holy humylytie charitie of his blessyd manhed to tayst both of them by the goodnes of hys diuinitie and by by the soule perceauyth so great loue ioy in that sight the whiche is very true holy and delectable that it for gettith her selfe and al thinges els and leanith cleuith holy to her moost swettest spowse and Lorde Iesu Chryst by reason that she is caryed or borne with al her whole loue to consyder and to beholde him She for that tyme considerith not her synnes done in tymes past nor her vnworthynes but estemyth her selfe with all her synnes and good workes that euer she did as right nought and nothing as though ther were nothing in al the world but only her Lorde Iesu Cryst Labor therefore dylygently by the consyderacyon of the mekenes and charytie of Iesu to iuge thy selfe with full beleue eyther els fealyng thy selfe not only to be most wretch in the world but also as very right nought And labor to bring to nought in thyne owne estymacyon and iudgement thy self with al thy exercyse good workes done in tyme paste and to make thy selfe nakyd frō al thyngꝭ Thus in the pouertie of spirite loue to feale thi selfe to be nought or nothyng that thou maist ascrybe al thy goodnes only vnto thy Lord Iesu Chryst that thy substāce as the prophet saith may be as a thing of nought before him not estemyng thy selfe here after to be any thynge syth thou arte nothing For without doute in comparyson of the increate and vnchāgeable godly substance of thy Lorde Iesu which only hath very essence or being and is al thinges in al thing thou al thinges els are nothyng For al peple and nacions in the world they are before him as thoughe they were not at al. And thus shalt thou not iudge thy euē christen nether good nether bad but thou shalte perceyue thē al equally with al other creatures to be nothynge as thou art in regard of thy Lord Iesu and in respect of his mekenes loue mercy glorie For as muche as they are made of nought and should comme to nought if they were not kept and conseruyd by him Therefore whē loue by the gift of the holy gost openith the inner eye to se and perceiue this verytie wyth the other cyrcumstances the soule is made veryly meeke for then she seyth her selfe euen as she is indede And then she considereth not her selfe nor doth not truste or leane to her selfe but she tendith bendyth her selfe al together in to the knowlege and loue of Iesu with stable medytacion and desyre beholdyng him continually And then doth she worke more perfectly great workes both inward outwarde then she was wont before This sight of Iesu cōforteth and liftith vp the soule so meruelously and swetli that she can not ioy or be glad of any ioye or comforte of his world nether can she be heauy or sory for any aduersitie of the same For she remaynith vnmouable and vnsensible vnto al suche worldly thinges couiting to rest in Iesu only hauynge euer her eyes on him for he pullith out her feate from out of al the grynnes of sinne and of temtaciōs distraineth in her al the sterings and mocions of pryde and all vyces wonderful secreatlye defendinge her from the myghty feare from the arowe or dart that flyeth in the day from the trouble that walkyth or commyth in the darkenes from incursyon or inuadyng from the mydday fynde and leadyth her by holy simplycytie whiche is a secrete by pathe vnto a stable and a sure vnyon with her selfe wherby she shal remayne and dwel in god god in her ¶ How thou shuldest labour contynually couyting but only one whiche is only necessary to come to this blessid vnyō by ardent or fyerie aspyracyons wyth mooste deape resignacyon of thy selfe it shal be declaryd here after ¶ Aspyracyons for this exercise ¶ Mooste merciful sauyour for thy greate pouertie that thou suffredst here for me being most rychest graunt me perfecte barenes pouertie in al creatures in my affeccyon and memorie ¶ Swet sauyor Iesu which were borne of immaculate mayde and without syn to dye and redeme me frō synne delyuer me from the affeccyon vnto any syn be it neuer so smally ¶ Moost swete sauoyour Iesu the delighte of my soule take from me the delyght of al creatures ¶ Oh mooste gracyus Iesu lyghten the inward eye of my soule that I may veryly se and know my vyletie that I am nought and nothyng of my selfe ¶ Mooste
me If I haue the I haue al that good is that pleasant that delectable is that is Ioyfull and blessed yea very heuen it selfe For where thou arte ther is heuen and blysse And wher thou art not ther is very hell ¶ Graūt me therfore good lord Iesu most hartely to loue to wyshe to desyre wyth all the powers of my harte the only to mynd the only to contempne al things for the to suffice my desyre with the to content my loue wyth the to delight my selfe with the only ¶ Oh moste meke sauyour Iesu dystroye in my harte all kynd of pestlylent estymacion of my selfe Lighten my vnderstanding to se my owne vylenes that I may euermore perfectly beleue and vnfaynedly thynke from the bottome of my harte that I am more vyler more sinfull more vnkynd vnto the and inferyor and worse then anye man Ther is none other sinner good lord Iesu that hath runne so farre from the in sinne but they haue very ofte time though not alway turned their hart by contricion vnto the and they do oft tyme loue the and honor the with more pure affection then I do They do sorow more hartely their sinnes and purpose more earnestly to amend then I do accordyng to the grace that thou hast geuen them Ther is no man but yf that he had commyttid so many sinnes and so cowardly fallen to synne as I haue and had had so many graces and benefites of the as I haue had but he wolde more feruently and deuoutlye serue the then I do And bycause that I can not thynke from the bottome of my harte thus of my selfe therfore I aske mercy most humbly of this most detestable pryde besekyng the moost mercyfull Iesu be mercyfull to all sinners and specyally vnto me most wretchedst and vnkynd of al pardō our sinne most gracious good lorde And as I haue here lorde accusyd my selfe in worde as the most sinner of all other so most mercyfull Iesu graunte me grace to come to that poynt of humylitie that I may verely beleue and vnfainedly esteme my self so in dede that I am most vylest of all creatures moost worthy of all shame punyshment and confusion al turmente and payne And by this poynte of mekenes which is the mekenes only of begynners graunt good lorde that I maye come to the mekenes whiche is of those that are perfecte For this blessed and excellent mekenes of the perfect very loue and charitie workyth it in the soule by the gostlye syght and knowlege of the swete sauyoure Iesu Wherfore most mercyful Iesu lighten by the speciall grace of the holy goost my reason and vnderstanding in the syght of the to beholde and consyder perfectly plainely the ineffable mekenes of thy blessyd humanytie and to tayst goostly of the infynite goodnes of thy blessed deuinitie that my soule may take by that goostly syght so greate loue and pleasure in the that it may vtterly forget it selfe and al the world and so to be wholy rauyshed in the holye loue desyre styl to behold the and to forgette my sinnes my vnworthines and to set litle by and lytle to esteme all the good dedes that euer I dyd yea and to set lytle by al thinges as though there wer nothyng in the world but thou alone wyth me moost swete sauioure Iesu ¶ Most merciful and louing lorde Iesu I moost humbly beske the open my goostly eyes by the grace of the holy goost to see and perfectly to beleue wyth whole fayth my selfe to be most miserable wretched sinfull and wycked And vnfaynedly to iudge and esteme my selfe and all my good workes and exercyses to be nought worth and so to come to the very pouertie of the spirite thynking my selfe and all that I haue ryght nought And to ascrybe al my goodnes vnto the only as in very dede yf thou dydest not vphold me and the whole world both I and all the worlde shoulde come to nought in a moment as we were made of nought And I am not able to thynke one good thought by myne owne power o myght but al good thoughtes and dedes al that good is is only of the merciful lord Iesu When the holy goost doth open mine inwarde eye to beholde and beleue this verytie of my selfe then shal I be very meke then shall I not consyder my selfe but forget my selfe as a thyng of nought and set all my mynde my desyre all my knowlege and al my loue wyth moost stable meditacyon vpon the my swete sauiour Iesu For this syght and beholdyng of the comforteth and lyftyth vp so meruelusly and delectably the soule that it can take no Ioye in any pleasure of this worlde nor take no heuines nor sorowe for any aduersitie or grieffe that can chance or hap for it remaynyth very stable and vnmouable in the and insencyble towardes al worldly thynges euer desyryng to rest in the swete Iesu hauing euer the eys of the soule vnto the. And then thou dost delyuer it from the gynnes of temptacyons and dost dystroy in it all the mocyons of the strength of pryde and of al vices meruelus secretly And bi holy simplicite whiche is a secreat by path thou doest leade it vnto a stable and a blessyd vnion in the where by thou dost remayne and dwel in it and it in the to thy honoure and glory for euer more Amen ¶ The practise the holy exercise to come vnto the holy vnyon wyth god by aspyracyon resygnacyon and postulacion In the whiche thou must more vse the affectyon hartye desyre thē vnderstandyng And feruente aspyracion and vehement wyshyng more then only meditacion And fyrst thou shalte haue thys or like medytacion to stire and in flame thy desyre and to kyndel thy loue vnto god Most deuoutly in thy mynd and in thy harte saye vnto god the father MOOST almyghty Lorde God father celestyal dredful mayesty the very and only life of my soule and myne only trew blysse and felycitie I most myserable sinner and sinful wretche do syt here in thy godly presence desyryng wyth al my harte to enkindle my harte in the most holy and blessed loue of the my lorde by burning charitie to be made and knyt vnto the my creatour and maker and vnto this moost blessed loue I can not come but only by thy mercyfull helpe and grace Wherfore I most humbly beseke the moost mercyful father in the most blessyd merytes of my lorde and sauyour Iesu thy only sonne graunte me grace most deuoutly most hartely and most louyngly to cal to remembraunce the inestimable benefittes gyftes and graces whiche thou onlye of thy infynite goodnes charytie and loue towarde me hast and dost geue vnto me And by this holye and louely memorye my harte and mynde maye be in kindelyd and set on fyrre in the very loue of the of pure loue to laude and prayse the. And first howe much am I bounde to loue the my dere lorde whiche hast created and made
our feruent desyre of his moost blessyd loue wyth swet and louely syghes harty deuoute desyres where euer we mete hym that is as oft as he commyth to oure mynd where euer we be or what euer we do And the vse of suche blessid aspiracions who cold get acustome in thē is a wonderful redy way to gostly profyt ¶ Aspyracyons for this exercyse ¶ O most louyng louer and dere spowse of mi soule swet Iesu I beseke the for thi moste louing hart that was pearsed with a spear and woūdyd for my loue woūde my harte and inflame my mynd so flagrantly with the fyer of thi loue that I mai comtempne al the world for thy sake ¶ O most amyable Iesu wolde god that I myght so hartely and so hard imbrace the with the gostly armes of my hart that I myght neuer let the go out of my hart and mynde ¶ O moste deare loue and swet Lorde Iesu why do I not loue the. Canst thou suffer that any creature shulde not loue the. Thoughe thou do suffer other yet I beseche the suffer not that in me but breke into mi hart come in to mi mind with al thy might violence most mighty lord Oh most swete violence when shall I suffer thys thy blessyde and swete vyolence ¶ Oh swete Iesu howe wel were I yf I myghte loue the. Oh wolde to god I could perfectly set nought by my selfe and by al the world for thy deare loues sake ¶ Oh deare loue of my soule styrre my hart to seke the lyghten mi hart that I mai fynd the possesse thou my whole hart that I may rest in the only forget al thyng beside the. ¶ O the swete treasure of mi hart the only ioy and lyfe of my soule howe fayer howe bewtiful art thou blessid be al that loue the Oh when shal I loue the also ¶ O most swete Iesu the very true loue of my harte make me sycke for thy loue yea make me dye for thy swet louessake ¶ O moost deare Lorde howe fayne wold I loue the and that I thus wold thou hast geuen it me geue me grace also that I mai loue the wyth al mi whoole hart For with out the I can do nothyng ¶ Mooste amyable mooste louesome and gentyl Iesu the comforte and hope of my hart graunte me to loue the moost purely most faythfully most derely most chastly ¶ Most swetest delight and pleasure of my soule the consolacion and ioye of my harte whiche louest me eare I was hast made and created me such a one that I may loue the and haue the graunte me grace to seke the to runne after the and that I may not reste tyl I haue found the and for the great desyre and loue of the swete Iesu I maye loth al thyng beside the. SVche swete sentences or like thou must alway haue in thy mynde and harte force thy selfe to saye them in thy mynd as swetly and as deuoutly as thou canst Though perhaps at the fyrste thou shalte feele lytle swetnes yet do as well as thou maist and in long custome grace wyl take pyty on thy trauel Thou shalte not bynde thy selfe exactly to these thynges but only if thou haue not of thy selfe such lyke then mayst thou vse any of these or as many as thou wylt Yet thou shalt not nede scrupulusly to folow al the wordes but folowe as well as thou canst and take them as god puttith in thy mynd Thou maist perhapes some tyme haue as good or better come to thy mynde as these be And suche as the holy gost puttith into thy mind they are best AFter thou hast had the medytacion of the benefytes of god in this prayer that went immediatly before these aspyraciōs if thou feale thy harte styrryd with loue towardes thy lord then loke what swete desyres or prayer or meditacion delyghteth the that followe vntyl thou feale deuocion decaye But eare thou canst come to the swet loue that knyttith thy soule vnto god thou must take some trauel and stand as it wer wythout the dore abyding the pleasure of thy lord and louer when he wyl let the in Therefore when thou canste not feale the loue of thy harte styrred nor kyndelyd by the meditacion of his benefittes thou shalt swetly dyscretly deuoutly and dylygently knocke as it were at the gate of hys pyteful goodnes wyth these foure goostly hammers that is to saye Oblacion Petycion Conformacion or likenes and vnion or knot With these thou shalte awake thy beloued to opē the dore of hys blessyd loue vnto the that thou myghtest enter in by aburning charitie be made one with hym Yet if thou feale thy harte drawne goostly towardes the swete loue of god any other wayes thē by these meanes thē leaue these and folowe the trayne of the holy goost ¶ The fyrst goostly hammer whiche is oblacion or offering thou shalt thus vse wyth as deuoute harte as thou canst saye in thy mynde wyth harty meditacion and wyth an vnfayned harte if thou can or as well as grace shal assyst for the tyme. ¶ An oblacion goostly MOOST myghtyfull lorde god very true loue of my soule in my harte and whole desyre I offer vnto the and resygne into thy blessed wyll handes as a sacrifice my selfe to al that thynges that thy blessed spirite shal by inspiracion wyl and moue me to do And specyally to the vtter contempt and forsaking of my selfe and myne owne wyl to the vtter cutting of and forsaking al delyght and pleasure of sensualytie and of all my sēces though they be neuer so lytle things as an ydel worde vayne company lyghtnes c. whereby my hart maye be by any meanes moued or defyled Also I offer vnto the my selfe to the perfecte mortificacion of al natural passions as heuynes ioye sorowe anger hate hope feare or shame Also I offer to the my selfe to the volūtarie lacke and wante of al sensyble grace deuocion other gyftes of thyne that ar not necessary for my saluaciō In like maner I offer mi selfe to suffer willingly with most prompt and redy wil for thy sake al aduersitie and harme in fame in goodes and fryndes all syckenes disease paine pressure and heuines of hart And generally I offer me most gladly and wyllyngly to al chaunces and misfortune that can happē to any creature in this worlde be it neuer so euyll sauyng sinne yea if it be thy blessyd wyl and pleasure to put me in hel that I myght suffer al the paynes of all the dampned excepte the hate of the and seperacion or losse of the loue of the. And though it be impossible for me thus to do or suffer yet good lorde my wyl and harte ought to be redy at al times if thou wilte it should be so And wher mercyful lorde Iesu I can not be so wyllyng redy vnto al these thinges and make so perfecte oblacion frō the bottome of my harte as I
sekyng purely thy only glory and honoure here in nowe and euer Amen AFter thou haiste made this deuoute petycion in thi harte then must thou fully hope and trust that thy louynge Lord Iesu hathe in the vnmesurable sea of his infynitie merites consumed al thes thy fawtes and vtterly forgeuen them the. Then al thy sinnes are lefte as it were beneth thou must ascende vp vnto his blessed handes whiche are alway stretchyd out vnto his deare fryndes in token of singulare frindship thou shalt then in this place approche in thy hart and desyre vnto god askyng of hym and desyryng that thou maiste be knyt vnto hym and made one with him in true loue and charytie And firste thou mast put out of thy hart al carefulnes al thy dystraccyon casting and committing them in to the handes and pleasure of almyghty god by whom there can nothing be lost nor peryshe Then thou must set thy ful mind and behold thy Lord god that is veryly present with the ther which louith the most hartely which also tarith for the yea he knockyth and callyth the louingly And so muste thou knyt thi mind so earnestly vpon god that thou maist be as it were inclosed within thy lord god thy selfe with in him gatheryng and recolectinge al the powers of thy soule and bodyly sensies in the blessed woūdes of his most holy handes And whyle thou art thus recollectyd thou shalt make these thre prayers in thy hart mynd vnto god the thre persons in trinite And first to the father say this prayer O Most omipotent god father celestial in the mooste blessyde merytes of my sauyor Iesu take away and put out of my memorye phansie by thy infinite power and myght al the imagynacyons and outward affeccyons and fulfyl my memorie wyth thyne owne selfe and with al godly imagynacyons and desyres ¶ Secondly vnto the Some O Moost al myghty sonne sempyternall of god I humbly beseke the of thy infynitie mercy by thy eternal and euer lastynge wysedome mooste gracyously vochsafe to lyghten my wyt and vnderstandyng with the most blessed knowledge of thy goodnes increate and īfinitie which thou art and to know thy blessed benefites and mooste holy wyl and pleasure and myne owne noughtynes ¶ Thurdly thou must make petycyon vnto the holy goost after this maner O Gloryous Lord god holy gost moste humbly I beseke the of thy infinitie mercy and charytie whiche thou arte thy selfe vochesafe with thy in comprehēsyble goodnes to raiushe and swalowe me vp all together in to the with my will and al myne affeccyons and set them on fyere with most ardent loue and charytie ¶ The fourth is vnto Christ Crucified O Moost louing sauior and most derest loue of my soul my swete Lord Iesu I humbly beseke the for thi crosse and passyon and for thy most payneful deathe that thou of most perfect loue towardes me dydest suffer vpon the crosse vochsafe by thi most holy powers of thi blessid soul and the senses of thy moost holye bodye to make bare and nakyd all my wytes and powers of my boodie and soule frome al phansyes vyces imperfeccions and inordynacyons and restore them to their fyrst perfeccyon and order vochsafe to knyte and to inclose them within thy selfe and thy selfe al together within them Amen MORE ouer as often as thou wilt knyt thy wil and vnderstandynge vnto thy Lord god thou must stirere vp and not without some labor these two that is to say thy vnderstandyng and wyl towardes thy Lord. First thou must force thy vnderstandyng earnestly to consyder and faithfuly to behold the highe goodnes of god and his infinyte hys moost super-excellent and incomprehensible nobylytie and holines and therwtal consider and fele also the innumerable tormentes paynes sorowes and passyons that he so hyghe so noble so excellente and so infinite maiestie suffered of most ineffable loue and charitie for vs most vile wreched and most vnkind synners And with greate wonder thou muste meruayl at the moste wonderful loue that god almyghtye hath shewyd towardes the by his owne moost deare sone whome for thy loue only saluacion he gaue to suffer al kynd of myserye saue syn of trauel labour fatigaciō care honger thirst watch trouble sorow shame reuyle rebuke cōfusyon sclander blasphemye persecucyon false trateri heuines dread feare and deadly agony vntyl blody swete wrongful cōprehencyon and captyuitie lyke a thief in bondes most cruelty most vyle entreatyd halyd pullyd and led from poste to pillar moost worngeful accusacion and mooste vniuste condempnacyon spyttynge and conspurcacion yllusions mockes and skornes forsworne forsaken of his owne apostles mooste cruell flagellacyon and beatynges fore strypes and buffets most payneful coronacyons with thornes hys tender limmes body and fleshe rent torne moost cruelly And in al these plages and woful aray made a gasyng stocke to al hys most cruel enemies At the length cōptyd moost abhomynable more vyle and more worthy of deathe then a stronge thiefe and cruell murderer he was condemnyd the other delyuered and so ladē wyth his most cruel and heuy crosse vpon his torne shoulders and weake body vnto his paine and al wordly wonder confusion and shame he was lad vnto the most fylthy and horyble place of his moost cruell shameful death moost bytter drynke offered hym and violently spoyled naked of al his garmentes rackid to the lengh and bredth of his crosse most paynefully nayled with sturdy blunte nayles eleuated on hygh vpon the crosse hys mēbers most cruelly torne rent his vaynes and synowes violently broken his precyous bloude moost paynefully shed trayled downe vpon the earth in greate aboundaunce in suche paynfull plyghte he honge thre long houres vpon the crosse in moost wooful panges and paynes of death sustayning moost deadly burnyng thurst blasphemye reproche and reprofe mooste payneful derelection wythout al comforte or consolacion And thus he most wofully yeldyd vp his blessid soule by moost bytter cruel paineful and shameful death And al only for the mere and most burnynge loue and charitie that he bare vnto the hys enymye that thou myght be delyuered from the wrath of God and sentence of damnacion that thou haddest deseruyd by the sinne oryginal and innumerable other in normytes deadly and dayly offēces which thou hayst done myghtest haue done and mayste do yf he reserued thee not by hys grace And yet requyreth he nothynge in this worlde of the for al these that he hathe sufferid and done for the but only thy trew harte and loue And for this cause he suffered his moost dyuine and louely hart to be opened wyth a speare that thou myghtest yf thou woldest in maner crepe into hys most blessid syde and swete harte the treasure house of al grace and mercy of al vertrue and perfection where thou mayst optayne what thou wylt aske And all for the moost tender loue that the swete louynge hart of thy deare lorde Iesu berith to the. Thou hayst
be created moost frely and franckely for this tyme for euermore to abyde at thy pleasure all aduersytie goostly and bodely al payne grefe of harte and of bodye and vnto all thynges whatsoeuer thou wylle sende or suffer to come vnto me Yea moost mercyful lorde Iesu for thy loue I offer my selfe redie to suffer yf it be thy blessyd wyl the bitter paines of hel And I desire that thou might so haue me at thy pleasure as thou hadste me before thou creatydst me to thy honour and glory SEcondly thou shalt aske of thy lord Iesu not only all the graces and gyftes that he hath which thou nedest but also al that god him selfe is that thou myghtest haue the fruycyon of hym reste in hym and in his only and infynyte loue Thou shalte aske also a bare and a perfecte spirit the open and cleare knowlege of his dyuine goodnes and wyl and of thine own vnworthynes the knowlege and perfectiō of al vertues and most strong perseuerāce in godlynes and vertue Thou shalte aske al necessaries for thy soule helth and for al thy special frendes and for the whole world and the holy churche of chryst and for the soules in purgatorye in this maner or other lyke MOst blessyd and glorious lord and swete sauyoure Iesu for the tender loue of thy moost swete harte graunte me in al those gyftes and graces that thou hayste and be necessarye for me to my soule healthe and saluacion but specially graunte me aboue and afore all thynges thyne owne selfe thy incomprehēsyble and moost blessyd godhede that my soule maye haue the fruicion hereof and that I maye rest only in it and in the sinceare and infynite loue of it ¶ Graunte me swete sauioure also a bare senceare and a perfecte spirite wyth moost perfect and clear knowledge of thy dyuine goodnes the knowlege of thy wyl and plesurs and perfecte syght and knowlege of my noughtines and greate vnworthynes the knowlege and perfection of al vertew and perfecte and stronge perseueraunce in the same ¶ Graunt me al thinges necessary for my soules helth and for the comforte soules helth of al my specyal frendes and louers And graunte peace and thy protection to al holy churches and mercy to the soules in purgatory to thy honor glory Amen ANd for as much as god hath louyd that from the begynnyng with an infinite charytie and for that charitie thy lord and sauiour Iesu suffered his cruel deathe and passion thou shalt confyrme thy selfe vnto his charitie desyryng moost hartely yf it shoulde please hym that thou myghtest lyue in this worlde in as greate derelyction and desolacion in as greate sorowe and shame in as greate pouertie and myserye as thy sauioure Iesu dyd And that thy bare soule myghte be adornyd and indued wyth the same vertewes wherwyth hys blessid soule was indued And bycause that he ys the very euerlastyng charitie it selfe and thou canst not come into hym but if thou be trāsformed and turned al together into loue Therfore thou shalte aske wyth moost feruente desyre to be indued wyth the charytie and loue that thy sauyoure Iesu was indued That thus thou mayste become formyd and made lyke vnto hym both in hys manhed and hys godhed makyng this peticion wyth harty desyre GRaunte me also moost merciful and moost myghtyful sauioure Iesu as shal please the that I maye for thy honoure and loue lyue in this worlde in as greate desolacion and as comfortles in as great sorow shame in as great labor and trouble in as greate myserye and pouertie as thou dydest for me And most gracyous lord adorne indue my soul wyth al those blessid and holy vertues that thy blessyd soule and humanitie was indued wtal And specyally I most hartely and with most ardent desyre beseke the my most gracius lord god transforme me altogether in to the perfecte loue of the. And specially my soule into that charitie whych thy moost blessyd soule had and hath euermore to thy moost honoure and glory Amen FOurthlye thou shalte vehementlye and hartely desyre that thou maist be knyte and made one wyth hym moost blessedly and happely wythout any meane immediatly Thē if thou feale thine harte and mynd knit in most feruente and burning desyre and loue of hym thou shalt approche vnto the blessyd dyuinitie eleuatynge and lyftynge vp thy whole thoughte vnto the blessyd godhed of chryst forgetting cleane and leauing out of thy mind and for gettyng al thyng creatyd Yea not fealyng nor thynking vpon thy selfe Thus shalte thou depely drowne hide transforme or turne thy selfe wholy into the moost delectable moost swetest and most blessyd loue of thy lorde god yea thy very euerlastynge loue ful of moost ardent charytie So that thou myghtest neuer here after be found or knowen of any creature Here also thou shalte moost hartely desyre to be swalowed vp to be cleane consumed of that infynit goodnes and also to swalow vp and consume in to thy selfe that blessyd goodnes saynge in thy harte OH moost blessid goodnes and most holy and gloryous godhed of my sauior Iesu I humbly beseke the rauyshe me and hyde me wythin thy blessid goodnes infynite charytie that I neuer be founde lyke other frayle creatures that I may forget al thinges and also forget and lose my selfe that I may both be consumyd swalowid of the and into the and thou into me for ther only is the true loue rest and felicyte of my soule there is my begynning my most blessyd rest and ending in that infynyte goodnes whiche is none other then an vnmesurable bottomeles depth of eternal infinite loue ¶ Thus in suche contēplacion in the harte of Iesu thou mayst be al moolten in the admyrable loue and superadmyrable goodnes of thy lorde god the spouse the most swetest loue of thy soule Moost humbly then thou shalte desyre him to open vnto the that moost fayrest most lyghtsome and pleasante kyngdome of his holy dyuinitie and that he vochesafe to trāslate and vtterly drowne the whooly in it sayenge in this maner wyth harty deuocion or lyke O Superadmyrable power vnmesurable wysedome and infinitie goodnes of my lorde God O superadmyrable wonder and ouer wonderful goodnes whē wylte thou transforme and hyde me al to gether in thyne owne selfe and thy selfe in me O myghtyful lord it is as lytle leasse for the thus to swalow vp and deuour me in the as it is to the vnmesurable mayne sea to deuoure one lytle drop of water O my lorde god creatoure and confirmer of al thyng wold to god I could make of euery creature in the world a resonable soule and of euery soule specially of myne owne soule the kyngdome of heauē wher thou myghtest haue al peace and al ioye swete Iesu for al the sorowe and heuynes thou sufferedst for me I wold most hartely and gladly geue al these vnto the. Most louyng lorde yf it may please the let me suffer
the paynes of al the dampnyd for thy loue and honoure and let me laude and honoure the wyth the laude prayse of al the blessid compayny of heauen O moost swete and dere loue my lorde god open to me I beseke the the moost delectable and ioyeful ryches of thy most ardent and most blessyd diuinitie and hyde me al together in the that I may neuer be founde of any creature to thy moost hygh honoure and glory whiche arte the onlye moost blestyd felycitie of my soule Amen NOwe yf thou canst yet a lytle hygher lyfte vp thy harte and thought of thy minde thou maist more gostly consider the eternal power wisdom of almighty god vntyll thou wyth the thought be in maner rauyshed in a trance and arte thinkyng wythout thought knowing with out knowlege louyng ardently wythout loue And so thou maist be made by grace that whiche god is by nature To conclude yf thou canst thus shote vp and conuersāte thy selfe in the harte of Iesu therto be swalowed vp and consumed in the holy dyuinitie and blessyd godhed then shalt that be most fortunate and blessyd For ther shalt thou feale and know such thinges whiche can neuer be told with tong nether wrytten with penne nether thought with any mans harte whiche he only knowyth ryght wel that hath had the experyence hereof by the grace of god to whom be al praise thankes world wythout ende Amen ¶ Ten gostly lettes and losses in the way of perfeccyon TO muche and to manye worldlye thoughtes and gaddings of the mind and affeccyon to outward thynges therfore such losyth the inward consolacyon ¶ To much and to great familiarytie and desire to please man therfore such pleasith the lesse god ¶ To much and to great boldnes and rashnes therfore suche losyth goostlye shamefastnes ¶ To vehemente earnestnes and to gredy delyghte in bodelye worke and doynges therfore suche losith the tranquyllytie and peace of mynd and memory ¶ To much and to great standing in their owne conceyte reioysyng in them selfes of theire vertue which in very dede is only gods and not theirs therefore they lose the very true mekenes ¶ To rashe and hasty iugemente of theire euen christen therefore they loose oft their charytie ¶ To much loue of temporal thinges therfore the goostly loue of god is subtractyd from them ¶ To great negligēce coldnes in praier therfor such lose al gostly sauor swetnes ¶ To slowthful or feareful to take payne and labor in mortifying theire vyces and fautes therfore such losyth the furderance and increase of perfeccyon ¶ To muche and to oft geuen to bodylye workes and exercise without necessytie of obedyence or charytie such whyle they labor not also bi oft cōsyderacion to know them selfe whiche is a greate furderance in contemplacyon it must nedes be longe eare they be perfect ¶ Ten pointes of a perfect person to remēber and haue them alwayes in mynd THe first is to thinke and to remember alwaye where euer thou be that thou arte in the presence of god ¶ Seconde is to way well and exactly all thy wordes dedes and thoughtes and to dyrect them alway actually to the honour and glory of god ¶ Thurd is to receaue and to be glad with al pacyence and to take as at the hande of god all thynges good or bad that euer shal chance or come vpon hym ¶ Fourth is to forget al other mens dedes and fautes and to haue a dylygent eye vpō hys owne and wyth al meekenes be glad to acknowledge them ¶ Fyfte is to forsake and sequestrat from hym selfe bothe bodylye and also in loue and affeccyon al temporal thynges in the world sauyng his very necessaries whom he must not haue in loue or affeccyon but for necessytie with yrkesomenes ¶ Syxt is to knyt thy whole hart and loue with moost burnyng desire and hartye affeccyon vnto god ¶ Seuēth is to remember very oft and deuoutelye the blessed lyfe passyon of oure sauyor christ and to folow it to his power ¶ The Eyght is to forsake his owne proper wyl and to knyt his wyl vnto the wyl of god in al thynges eather aduersytie or prosperity in swete or sower to haue or to want to lyue or to dye ¶ Nynthe is to caste al his care and carke and al hys busynes vpon god to commyt al to his blessyd pleasure ¶ The tenthe is to laud and prayse and to geue moost hartye thankes vnto almighty god for al thynges and in al thinges good or bad smal or great ¶ Eyght other good poyntes which are a good foūdacion to profit ī perfect life ¶ Fyrst kepe thy selfe alone in thy celle or other place apt for contemplacion or good worke from al sauing only whē obediens or charitie compellyth the contrary ¶ Second kepe wel thy silence eueri wher and speke not wythout necessytie and then take good hede what howe and to whome thou shalt speke ¶ Thurd kepe wel thy hart and thoughte that no vayne specially no euyl cogitacion abide therein occupie thy mind with some good thoughte alwayes as nyghe as thy frayltie wil suffer the. ¶ Fourth in al thyngs seke purely the plesure of god and intende only his honoure contempnyng leaueyng and forsakyng alway thyne owne wil. ¶ Fyft is in al thynges that thou haste to do way wel and serche dewly what it is that mouyth the to do that which thou entendyst wayte wel vpon thy selfe what thou doyste and consyder howe lytle thou art able to do of thy self Syxte is occupie not thy thoughte or mynd with any thyng that thou hayst not to do iudge it not dyscusse it not but let it passe as it is yf good good be it if bad bad let it remayne and iudge it not Seuenth be euer in thyne owne syghte vyle and of no estymacyon whether thou consyder the inwarde gyftes of God in thy soul or outward giftes of bodi esteme no whyt thy selfe the more for them but laboure to come to a very contempte of thy selfe which hayst nought of thy self but sin Eyght is labor to haue pure sinceare charytie and loue not only that sencyble loue towarde god and thyne neyghboure where by thou fealest affeccyon towardes thyne euen Chrysten but also the goostly loue whiche is in the bottome of thy harte and mynd wherein thou sekest purely and syncearly and only god alone ¶ Syxe poyntes to bee obseruyd yf thou wylte contynewe and perseuer in thy good and godly purpose FYrste thou must lyfte vp thy harte and mynde to god often tyme moost hartely intreating desyring hym of his gracyous assystence and helpe for without his helpe thou canst do nothyng Seconde when thou hayst offendid with al spede thou must cal thy selfe home agayne wyth contryciō and reconcyle thy selfe by confession and penaunce if it be mortal or dedely sinne And stedfastly purpose to auoyde that wyth al other and the occasyons of sinne Thurdly thou must heare daily
the blessyd sacryfyce of masse wyth harty deuociō callynge to god most hartely to renew and encrease his loue in the. Fourthly thou must receaue as often as thou mayst conueniently the blessed sacramente or at the least receaue the bodye of our sauioure Iesu spiritually Fyftly thou must reade once in the days and haue medytacion of some good vertuous and holy lesson that thou mayst be the better therby Syxtly thou must exchew and auoyde as neare as thou canst the company and famyliaritie of al persons of what estates soeuer they be yf they may be occasion to the to omyt any good exercyse or to do any sinne be it neuer so lytle ¶ The fyftene impedimentes THe fyrst impediment whiche is in maner the grounde of al sinne as saynt Augustyne sayth is the loue of thy selfe and of thy owne commodytie and profyte the subtyle nature of manne sekyth the owne commodytie in al thinges and is not perceiuyd excepte thou take very greate hede and serch depely the very ende and trewe purpose in al good thinges that thou doist or euylles that thou doyst exchew For in al thy good dedes thou doyst and in al sinne that thou flyest yf thou loke wysely and depely dost searche the cause hereof thou shalte fynde that thou doyst oftentyme seke more thyne owne commodytie then the synceare and pure loue and wyl of god For sometyme thou shalt fynde that thou desyrest and laborest for vertew and doyst praye and vse good exercyse bycause thou wold come to the blysse of heuē and flyest sinne to escape the paynes of hell and purgatory in thys sekest thou not purely the wil of god but the commoditie of heuen and the exchewynge of payne Trye thys and aske thy selfe yf thou were sure that thou shouldest neuer come in heauen nor neuer haue rewarde for this good deedes and verteous life but neuer the lesse yf it were the pleasure of god that thou shouldest suffer hel paynes for euer whether thou woldest neuer the lesse do as wyllyngly as gladly as many good workes as dylygently flye sinne for the onely wyl and honoure of god as thou woldest do for feare of payne and for loue of heauen Yf thou feele thy selfe in thys mynde and good wil in al thy dedes plainly then doyst thou not seke thyne owne cōmoditie but purely goddes wyl and honor For this woldest thou do whether god wil rewarde or regard it or not so it be his plesure and honoure In lyke maner in oure dedes we seke ofte tymes oure commdytie before man We oftetime exchewe euyl bycause we wolde be ether praysed honored ether we wold not be rebuked or punished Some time we esteeme oure exercises and doynges streyte Thus we fal into goostly pryde or els we delight in our swet thoughtes and sencyble deuocion or in our swete teares and set so much by them that if we feale them not or if they be subtractid and be taken frome vs then we waxe dull heauye and sorye and vndeuoute and haue no corage to go forward in good lyfe thus we fal into goostly glottony or auaryce whiche is wery perylus A gaynste those greate dangers goostly we must study to do goostly and bodely for the pure and only loue of god without al respect or regard of reward only bicause that the dede prayer or exercyse doth please god and bycause that I am bounde to do al that I can wyth al the myght and powers of my bodye and soule of very pure loue to honoure him selfe and to rest in hym wythout scruple of bond or custome wyth a certeine inclinacion of inward loue as my hart wer taught inwardly by god that suche good dedes and vertue shoulde please hym and in no wyse to seke any secreate comfort commodytie or consolacyon of the spyryte or soule but rather for goddes sake to desyre al desolacyon aduersytie and derelyccion at the pleasure of god The second impedyment THe second impediment is affeccion loue and care of temporal and corruptyble thinges of this worlde What is thi inordinate loue towards creatures Playnely al that loue which infectith dystractyth or troublyth the mynd of man or caussyth a man to desyre to haue thys or that to hear or se this thyng or that except it be only for the pure and only honoure of god And chiefely the couetousnes or loue of certeine or peculiar thingꝭ as of money of housyng of garmentes or ornaments of napkyns of bokes of exquisite and fyne housholde stouffe of other commodities apperteining vnto their daily vse whether they be necessary or superfluꝰ in the which thynges they rest with a certayne sensual pleasure and delyght vnto the whych they are so affeccionate and al together geuen yf that thes thinges should be taken from them they wolde be euyl contented Thes maner of parsons be very proprietaries before god For the pouerty of the spirite that the gospel teachyth consistyth pryncipally in this pointe That a man shulde possesse these transitorye thinges that he shulde remayne lose from al loue of them from all affecciō toward them frō al rest in them as thoughe he had them not So that at the pleasure and wyl of hys prelate he shulde be euer redy to forgo them gladly wold find in his whole hart without any gruge wyth quyetnes and gladnes to forsake thē vtterly and suffer them to be taken frome hym And that he do nether desyre to haue nor to holde thē neather to forsake or geue them but only as it may moost please god for his moost honour And thoughe carnal affection do gruge and murmure that maketh no greate matter so he vtterly in hys harte and wyl wolde be ryd of such noughty grugyng for in tyme by grace he shall ouer come it For his mynde ought to be so fre and nakyd from them that he may at al tyme offer vp hys harte frely to god what euer chanceth or fortunyth to hym wythout trouble at the lest in hys wyll inner desyre he may be at quyet rest He must therefore not only ryd hym selfe and do away the thynges that he hath superfluus vnnecessary and al such as he hath only for pleasure and curyositye but also in suche thynges as ar very necessary he must take no delight nor pleasur At the least he must not rest in the pleasure whiche he fealyth in them Ye rather let hym learne to be wery of such burden of necessitie and be euer desyrous of moost extreme pouertye and barenes that he may be more conformable and lyke vnto his master and sauior christ whiche honge al nakyd on the crosse not only of fryndes and of bodely comfort but also of al delyght and pleasure ful of bytter sorow and payne ¶ The thirde impedyment THe thirde impediment is the vnmortyfied sensualite by the whiche men be very ready to gadde abrode in their affection mynd and turne them selues to the pleasure and delyght that we haue to se fayre thynges
lackyd thys inordynate loue feare The affection of natural loue vnto their kinred The affection of the loue that they beare for the greate benefytes of fryndes do ingender in them moch vagacyon of mynd and causyth them ofte tyme be dystracted dysquyetyd when they feare the losse of their fauour or desyreth to please and to contynew or increase their loue towardes them Ye some tyme yt makith thē to dyssemble and to flatter their friendes and suche as they loue or fear in their vicyous condycious and dedes Ye to fauoure that in them that they shoulde hate and ought wythout respect or accepcion of person purely and only to loue in them god hys Image grace vertew so that they shoulde not supporte dissemble flatter nor wynke at any mans faute or mysdoynge sinne but they shoulde desyre with al their harte the soule helth of euery man Wherfore thou must abolysh from thy harte all inordinate loue affection whiche might cause in the any vnquietnes distraction or occupie thy fansye wyth imagynacions specyally of the desyre that thou hayst ether of frendshype or cōpany if thou wylt come to the pure loue of god For this is a very poyson and venome of the loue of god infectyng and poysoning thy harte Thou shalte therfore vtterly sley it and mortifie it in thy selfe al that thou can ¶ The syxt impedyment THe sixt impediment are the passions sensual as loue hate with othere the naturaly floweth oute of these passyons as immoderat myrth or gladnes sorow or heuynes hope feare loue hate shamefastnes To say the trewthe inordinate loue is mother and parent of al thes and of al other natural passyons Thes passions are redy at euery chance good or bad to dysqueet and moue the hart and mynde of man And when the inner eye is troblyd or dymmed with thes and suche lyke then can yt not iudge nor dyscerne nether him self nether what is right nether resonable Wherefore yf thou desyre to haue peace of hart thou must kepe thine hart clene pure free from the loue of creatures and from al suche passions Thou must also commit vnto the hyghe wyl and prouidence of god al thinges that shal fortune vpon the good or bad castynge al thy thoughtes and care vpon hym takynge alway good hede that ther nothynge reste in the nothynge enter thy hart saue only god Al thynges in the earth be but vyle yea and to vyle that thou shuldest so loue or set by thē that thou take any care haue any desyre inordynately to haue them or to be sory heauy or a shamed to lacke them or to trouble thy noble harte thy immortal and heauenly minde for any such vyle drosse Let them loke for these temporal thynges loue and take care ioy and be merie glad to haue these thynges of this worlde that are al worldly and of the world for whom Christ wold not pray Thou canst not please nor serue two masters at on s Thou canst not loue .ij. diuers and contrary thynges Yf thou wilt know what thou louyst Marke well what thing thou thynkyst moost on Leaue thou the world and the earth vnto the worldly and the earthly and thou shalt find heuen Leaue the world and haue god Geue vp the earth with al his pleasure and treasure and thou shalt haue god and fynde heauen and the blysse euerlastyng ¶ The seuenth Impedyment THE seuenth Impedymente is the bytternes of hart of melancoly and as it were a testines or frowardnes whereby many be very and ofte prone and redie vnto impacience angrines melancoly hatred and to reuenge Ye and to dispise other and take al thynge to the worst very vneasy to cōtent or please redy to murmur and gruge Suche commenly do murmur agaynst their superiors and prelates they iudge and cōdempne their neighbors they report euyl and slander with venomous eyes of malicie with which they thē selues are infectyd beholdynge al thynges they iudge al thing peruersly to the worst This arysyth in some of nature and sometyme or much studie and then it is so muche the lesse fawte But it muste be mortyfied by grace And in some it arysyth of a certeyne secreate presūpcyon and consyderacion of theire owne merytes and dedes grace or estymacion whereby many are very redy to iudge rashely other and to dispise them preferryng them selfes and their lyfe and their false ryghtwysenes gettyng indygnacyon and not compassyon Some tyme this bytternes arysyth of in mortyfyed desyres Whan they may not haue that they wold then thes passyons inflamyth them to murmure and grudge agaynste theire superiors and those that wyl not folow or graunt thier vnresonable desyres or do resyste them Sometyme it arysith of hate or rancor for offences and greffes past for the whiche cause the desyre to peruerte and mistake the deedes of thē that they thus hate and sekes in theire dedes somewhat to put them to rebuke Some tyme it arysyth of Enuy wherby they desyre to obscure or to hyde the vertues of other bycause they thēselfes lacke them lest that the other should be lyke estemyd before them Some tyme it arisith of a wickidnes bycause they enuy the vertues and graces that they se in another Therfore they of mere malyce wherof they are full repleate interprete and take al thynge to the worst and so offende they the holy gost But this bytternes of hart and al other thou must ful mortyfie consume and ouercome with the swetnes of godly loue and charytie that thou maist fynde in thy harte as hartely to loue thy very ennimes and persecutors as thoughe they wher thi dere fryndes as in very dede they be for they bryng the and promote the vnto greate merytes Wherefore yf thou wylt euer profyt in perfeccyon thou must nedes loue thyne euen chrysten in god Thou must honour the ymage of god in euery parsō thou must suffer no bitternes nor dyspleasure to rest in thy hart agaynst any man but thou muste beare a mery cheare and countynance swete charytie mekenes of hart gentilnes in speach vnto al persōs redy to beare the burdens and infyrmities of al men to helpe the nede of euery man to suffer and forgeue the offences of al to take interpret all thynges to the best to iudge no parsō to greue no mā but glad to do good to al persons to cōfort al generally wtout acceptiō of persons indifferētly to shew vnto al euery one pytie compassiō ¶ The .viii. Impedimente THe Eyght impedimente is impacience and as it were a grudge or secreate murmurynge agaynst god a discontentacion of mind in outward aduersite infamy scorne rebuke cōtumely losse of thinges sicknes payne of the body persecuciō dereliccion and desolaciō of mynde which may fortune vnto a mā by the permissiō of god with the which god almighty is wont to trye proue his dere belouid chosen and that of most exceding charitie for ther euerlasting saluacion Such
accordydg to the example of oure sauyor Iesu who in moost payne and sorow whiche began in the gardyn vpon thursday at night abydyng therin vnto the moost paynefull deathe vpon the crosse cleane destytute of al cōfort sensible consolacion as thoughe he had byn the very ennemy of god onely hauyng the essencyal loue and charytie of god but in al other consolacyon he was moste perfectly resigned to the wyl of hys heauenly father ¶ The tenth impedyment THAT is an inordynate earnestnes and cleauynge to whereby manye be addycted and so earnestlye set vpon the woorkes that they haue to do eather of obedience or necessitie of charitie that whyle they do them their harte and mynde is al occupyed in them and for the tyme they seme to rest in thē And thoughe this delyght in suche good and necessarie workes be not notable sinful yet is it a greate let and impedyment to goostly profyte Wherefore all thy outward workes that obedience or necessitie requirith thou muste do them wythout to muche care or combraunce or to much earnest mynde or delight vpon them And haue thi affeccion resygned and thy mynd liftid vp vnto god For when thy mynd hart is set to earnestly vpon such lauful busynes it is distractyd by that distractiō thy mynd is the more darkened and thy gostly affeccyon decayth and thy gostly exercise losyth his swetnes and it wyl be the harder for the to recollecte thy wittes conuenyently to prayer Lerne therfore what euer thou doyste to haue thine hart and mynd more vpon god by inward exercyse of loue and vse also more often suche gostly and inward exercyse then the outward works of vertue But yet to haue thy mynd and harte as it were rapte vpon god whyle thou doyst outwarde busynes that is not easy but only vnto suche whose loue and affeccion is fre and ryd cleane of al thynges vnder god such one can without great labor when him listith cal in his whole mind and memorie vpon god only But if thi mind be comberyd eather with carefulnes either with any passyon either to earnestly set to do any outward thinge then shalte thou feale it very harde for the to recollect thy selfe when thou woldest Therefore suche dystraccyon is a greate hynderance in the pure restful loue of god The eleuenth impedyment THat is scrupulosytie of the mynde for lacke of a ful confydence in the infinite goodnes of god This scrupulosytie vereth and troublyth very many by reson of the inordynate loue that they haue towardes them selfes Wherby they feare more the wrathe and the vengāce of god hel his iustice or rightwisenes then they do loue his mercy and goodnes And therfore they do al good workes auoyde al euyl that they do auoyd only of seruyle feare Therfore they do not faythfuly and earnestly amend their fautes with whose sharpe stinges and remorse they be often tyme payned and greuyd and they can not put their whoole trust confydence in god The cause is For such is their trust in god as is their loue Lytle loue lytle trust But a great loue bryngyth a great confydence ¶ O blessid hope For so long as thou doist not slacke or decay thy duetie there by but doyste indeuer thy selfe to more earneste mortificacyon and to more pacyence in aduersytie and to more thankefullnes in prosperytie that hope is a very blessed hope ¶ The twelfth impediment THat is to much lybertie of the fansie in wanderynges in vayne and vnprofytable thoughtes whiche is an vnstablenesse of hart and negligence of the inner manne and thereof commith it that the hart and mynd is contynualy occupied and ful of imaginacions and thoughtes of other thynges and can not take heede nor parceaue the inspyracions of god For the mind of man can not be vnoccupied Therfore when we do not occupie it with good thoughtes then doth other thoughtes take place sometyme ydel sometyme euyl Bothe these and al other muste be vtterlye put out of minde specialy such thoughtes as are euyl For thoughe thes grow not to cōsent of sinne yet they do defyle the soule and make heuy the holy gost and do much goostly hurt vnto the soule Thes therfore and al other imaginacions and thoughtes must be vtterly caste away and mortifyed For they aryse of oure owne neglygence bycause we do not laboure to occupie oure mind with holy and gostly thoughtes but suffer it to wander and passe not to waste vnprofitably oure precyous tyme. Therefore when we wolde turne oure harte and mind vnto god inwardly we find our hart and minde combred with innumerable dystraccyons which do let greatly our gostly profyt Thou shalt therefore lay a parte all occasyons of vagacyons of mynd and as muche as is possyble all ymagynacions thoughts fansies memories of al things of al mennes sainges and doynges or of that that shal come vpon the herafter and al other fansies thou shalt I say put them vtterly out of thy mind And recolectinge together al the mightes of thy soule inwardely in thy selfe thou shalt abyde and lerne to dwel in gostly rest and sylence of thy hart that thy minde and harte beynge puryfyed and clēsyd from the memorie imaginacions of al creatures thy memorie lyftyd vp to god what euer thou doyst thou mayst tend and draw towardes him and cleaue fast vnto hym only What nedest thou or why trauelist thou about so many thyngs Thynke vpon one Desyre and loue one and thou shalt fynd great rest Therefore wher euer thou be let this voyce of god be at thyne eare My son returne inwardly vnto thy hart abstract thy selfe frō al thinges and mind me only Thus with a pure mind in god clene and bare from the memorie of al thyngs remayning vnmouable in him thinking desiring nothing els but him only as though there were nothyng els in the world but he and thou alone together And with al mekenes mooste feruently labour and couet to come to this one poynt that thy whole soule with al thy mightes powers hereof colectid in god mai become one spyryte with him And that thou mayst the sooner come hereto thou shalte therefore fyxe in thy mind alway the memorie of thy sauyor christ crucified And remember cōtinally his great mekenes his loue obedyence his pure chaistiti his inestimable pety and mercy his vnspeakeable pacyens and al his holy vertues in his humanytie And remember also his myghty mercy how he creatyd the how he redemed the howe he iustyfyeth the and workyth in the al vertue graces and goodnes Thou must so hartly remēber hym that thi memorie may turne in to loue and affeccyon Thou shalte also vse oft to draw thy mind from the remembrance of al creatures and bryng thy hart as it were vnto a certeyne sylence and rest from the ianglynge and companye of all thinges vnder god And when thou canste come here vnto thē is thy hart a place mete and readye for the Lorde
god to abyde in there to talke vnto thy soule ¶ The thurtenth impedyment THat is studie vnmesurable where in the vnderstandyng is al together occupyed wyth bare speculacion of suche thynges wherin is nether deuocyon nether incensyng or kyndlyng of the minde nor vertuous affeccyon is sought for but the bare redynge for it selfe bycause it delyghtyth or pleasythe the reder or els it is taken for some vayne knowledge Suche maner of parsons become vayne and puffyd vp in their great lernyng and of suche knowledge presūptuous yet very baren in the affeccyō of that wherof they cā so wel talke For they can bable and say much of spyritual lyfe and goostly fealing but they neuer tast it but be for from the fealynge here of Thou shalt not rede and study therfore that thou mayst be countyd learned but that thou mayste be the more deuoute and godlie Alway thinke rather that thou art ignorant and canst nothing And desire to know nothing with the holy apostle paul but thy Lorde Iesu Chryste and the same crucyfied For if thou canst and knoweste Chryst it is ynowghe thoughe thou know nothing els Exercyse thy selfe in his lyfe and passyon cōtynually beholdyng deuoutlye in medytacyon what he suffered that thou mayste haue compassyon and sorowe wyth him and how he sufferyd with what Obedyence mekenes pacyence with al other vertues that thou thereby mayste be prouokyd to folow lyke vertues and wherfore or why he sufferyd that thou mayst be thankeful vnto him in louyng hym againe as he louyd the syth he suffered passion and death for the. Let there grow and encrease in the contynually desyre to be lyke vnto thy louyng Lord and sauyor Iesu Chryste in sufferyng that as he sufferyd most cruel passyon and payneful death for the so thou must be wylyng to suffer al aduersitie and griefe for his loue and honor that he shal lay and suffer to com vpon the. ¶ The .xiiij. Impediment THat is the inordinate delectacion and as it were a rest in gostly spiritual swetenes as when we do rest in the delight in grace in deuociō in loue in sensible or felyng deuocion which be al the giftes of god lent vs. We must not rest in them or set to muche delyght in thē but vse them as meanes to leade to lyfte our hart and ful affection to god for him selfe They are not the very sanctimony charitie but certeyne gyftes of god geuen to vs for a helpe to our infirmitie that we shuld mortifie more diligentlye the inordinate loue and affecciō to our selfe and not that we shuld rest in them The more then that a man is mortified to hym selfe in al these poyntes that are here spoken of the more charitie true loue he hath and no more Yea whatsoeuer he askith of god if he doth not vse it to the mortifiyng of hym selfe it is impure and myxte wyth nature whiche sekes it selfe in all thynges so subtylly yea in godly thynges that if it be stayed or letted on the one syde it wyl craftelye apeare and crepe in at another hole before we can well perceiue it The .xv. Impediment 〈…〉 THat is the coldnes in deuocion and in the desyre of perfeccion whereby many be led by costume do many good workes thynkinge that perfeccion lyeth more in the multytude of good workes then in the feruour and increase of charitie therfore they folowe not the tracte and monicion of the holy gost in forsaking them selfe But thou shalt take and holde thys rule as the summe of gostly profite At al tyme as nyghe as thou canst kepe thy hart mynd eleuated vnto god with louely turnynge memory of him with feruent desire to please hym most perfectly sighing crying with out ceasyng with some brief burning aspyracions louely sentences as for example ¶ Oh my lord god the only lyfe of my soul Oh the whole desire of my hart whē shall most hertely loue the when shall I perfectly and vtterly forsake all the world contemne my owne selfe for thy pure loue ¶ Oh that I could depart wholy from my selfe and be wholy turned to the my lord that I myght wyth most burnyng loue be transformed and altered into the. ¶ Oh the swete thought of my hart graūt me grace to loue the with al my hole hart with al my hole soule and mynde with all the myghtes and powers of my body and soule And thus dyuers wayes as the holy gost shal put in thy mynd at al tymes thou muste desyre loue sighe for thy loue thy lorde Iesu Thou must also laude prayse and geue thankes often tymes vnto hym Thys is most worthy and most noble exercyse whereby thou mayst optaine infinite thynges of the infinite goodnes of thy lord god for the desire of charitie shuld extende it selfe infinitely God hym selfe cōmaundeth vs to aske and he hym selfe also hath promised to heare vs which of his infinite liberalite suffreth no sygh nor mone made to him to passe voyd or without frute For either he infūdeth grace either increaseth the same either draweth the harte to hym more effecteousely either he refresheth it swetely either geueth it some gostly light or els cōfirmith it more stedfastly Do not therfore loose by negligence nor neglecte suche noble gyftes which thou mayst optayne euery hour Cease not flye not from the face of thy louyng lord but folow pursue thy dere loue and lord thorow fyre and water And when thou art distracted frō him whē thou art temptid or ouerthrowen thereby be it neuer so often or neuer so foule a fal returne agayne I say vnto the lorde of all mercy and pytie he wyl not forsake the. Begyn againe boldly intend māfully and most hertely desyre to cōsume and bestowe al that thou arte al thyne in his loue and laude in his honor seruice For vnthākefulnes causeth the wel of hys mercy to dry vp the spirite within vs cryeth withoute ceaseing in our soule that we shuld be thankeful vnto god for hys giftes lauding praysyng hym in hart worde and dede which is blessed and praise worthye worlde withoute ende Amen Certaine steppes of stayres general to know how much thou doest profite and grow in the loue of god forsaking of thy selfe And as ofte as thou shalt loke hereon lament be sory that thou arte no farther forward and force thy selfe with a good hope corage in god to increase and growe better THey stand on the fyrste stayre or step which are wel groūded in catholike faith and the feare of god and for gods sake exchew al deadly syn But yet they are but colde in charitie and neglygent and slowe in the gostlye lyfe For they seke al together natural cōmodities and sensual cōfortes and solace whose gostly lyght is but dym obscure theyr liuyng is daungerus not withoute peryll and theyr saluacion is but doutful Bycause that whyle they thynke it inough for saluaciō to
by repentaunce and returnynge agayne vnto god do clime vp againe vpon thys stayre by full resignacyon of thē selfe vnto the blessyd wil of god ¶ The syxte steap or stayre THey stand vpon the syxte stayre whiche with many and oft desyres and deuoute exercyses doo resygne perfectly al propertie without al retraccyon or repyninge of harte with perfect and ful constance to perseuer in to the hyghe wyl and plesure of god knowlegyng certeynly that al thynges both prosperites and aduersyties that come ouer such as louyth affecteously god makyth for them and turneth vnto their profyt and furderith their gostly commodytie And these exercyse them selfe very busylye in the very loue of god But thes of a certayne secreat and craftie natural inclynacyon towardes them selfes do seke to gredely with a certayne propryetie at the hand of god goestly or spiritual comfort or consolacyon whereby they myghte the easelyer beare al aduersyties whose intent playnely is not al perfectly pure therefore they let greatly the workes of the holy gost in them selfes What gyftes soeuer that wee receaue of god whether they be outeward or inward bodyly or gostly do not vse them vnto our mortifycacyon and the pure honour of god we do abuse them vnto our owne condempnacyon ¶ The seuenthe steap of stayre VPon the seuenth steap stande they that can helthesomely and wel vse doth their handes alyke that is to say the ryght hande of prosperytie and the lyft hand of aduersytie at al tymes very redy to folow the hyghe pleasure and the wil of god as wel in the inward cōtemplacion or introuercyon also in the outward workyng as wel in the inward goostly intent as in outward and sensyble loue They do desyre to be made perfectlye lyke vnto the holy lyfe and passyon of our sauyor Christ in al aduersitie derelyccion or desolacyon findyng goostly rest for they are grounded stedfastly in bare loue in whom they haue lerned not only to do greate thynges but also to suffer very hard thynges And therefore they are indewed of god wyth many great secreate graces They be lightenyd in their vnderstandynge they are insensyd in their affeccyon with most burnyng charytie but bycause that thes beyng ignorante and not wel remembred that plente is perilous some tyme they are blynded with Ignoraunce and do mysuse the giftes of god that they oft do receaue do rest to muche in the sencyble loue of god al thoughe they do not perceaue the same but this must they mortyfye also if they wyl be perfect ¶ The eyght steap or stayre THey stand vpon the eight stayre whiche haue resygned them selfe and all theirs purely in to the handes pleasure of almighty god being fully contentid with al thynges what euer he shal send thē or do with them in this world and for euer reseruynge no kynde of propryetie nor no poynte of any loue vnto any creature but purely and only in hym yea cleauyng only to him and not cleauyg vnto the gyftes of god in them selfe These aboue other are vysited with great gyftes of god and with secreat reuelacyons the whiche gyftes and secreat reuelacion by reason of a certayne secreat propryetie they bee not so glade to want as to haue for this cause they haue yet a poynt of secreat proprietie which god knowyth ryght wel and is a faute and an-imperfeccyon before him For they ought to be so fre in their hart from al the gyftes of god as though they had receauyd none and when they receaue they shoulde only prayse the great and mercifull lyberalitie of god towarde so vnworthye wretchyd synners and turne al to the honor praise of god and to resygne them selfe vnto his wil and pleasure to be destytute to lacke and want al his gyftes and to remayne redye to al derelyccion and desolacyon gostly and bodyly For in suche gyftes and reuelacyons standyth not perfeccyon but by thes gyftes god almyghtie dothe declare hys great goodnes to alure and intyce to anymate and incourage vs to folowe and to seke affectuously perfeccyon ¶ The nynthe steap or stayre VPon the nynth stande they which with strong and hard exercise and earneste and holye desyres for the pure loue of god thei haue in maner almost consumed their fleshe and blod and the mary of their bodye and bones that they mighte seme to haue no more strenghe thē the lyfe and quyckenyng of the holy goste doth mynister vnto them For their blod semyth to be sodde vp and wastyd with the hote feruour of goddes loue whiche chalenges in them perfect lordshyp rule dominacyō makith and causyth them to suffer and to do aboue nature They are the deare darlynges and beloued chyldren of god thoughe they are for the most parte hydden and vnknowen vnto the worlde in to whom he infundith the plentie of his giftes and graces some tyme he lyftith them vp to haue a ceartaine syght contemplacion of his blessid essence or beynge Yet are they so mortyfyed that they wyl not rest in thes giftes and graces for they haue vtterli troden vnder ther feat al regard of their owne commodyte pleasure and haue layd ther fundacion in only bare fayth formyd with perfect charitie wherby they desyre to suffer al aduersytie for the honour of god and the helth of soules with out al stay or helpe of any dyuine consolacion or comfort for thei reken and count thē selfes worthy of al abieccyon desolacion Also they thynke wythout al fayning them selues vnder and worsse then al creatures and wissyth nothyng more then to be set at nought to be dyspised and ouer trodden of al creatures to be put to mooste greuous myserie and most bytter and crewel death And thoughe they are very wel taught to haue al their ioy only in the crosse of theire Lord Iesus yet for al that thei do neuer let by their negligence the manyfold heauēly ilumynacyons vysitacyons and goostlye influence but they offer thē selfes alwaies as muche as in them lyeth lyke redy wyllyng and as lyuely instrumentes of the holy gooste vnto al thynges that the holy gooste shal vouchesafe to worke in them lest they shoulde be vnthankefull vnto the grace of god They geue lyght in good example and they burne in the charitie of god and their neyghbors At any other time whē they be not vysitid thē as concerning the outward man they seke moost abyectest and vyleste things to be without al meane comfort and consolacyon And concernynge the inward man they seke bare loue and charitie withoute al sensible comfort consolacion griefe and heuines of hart in so muche that thei can neuer suffer somuch but they euer desire to suffer abyde more sorowe wherbi they might be more conformable or like vnto our Lord and maister Christ whiche in the tyme of his bytter paine and passyon wrestlelyd agaynste sensualytie wyth bare loue destitute of al comfort and consolacyon goostly or bodyly that he might redeme and also teache vs the same lesson for this is the very way of abnegaciō or forsaking of our selfes By the whiche way we muste folow him thorow the narowe gate of saluacion wher vnto he bringe vs safely by his grace whiche lyuith ther and raignith euerlasting lord god Iesu Christ our sauiour for euer euer Amen ¶ A good token and argumente of a well forsaken and well resygned wyll YF thou haue a fyrme confidence and perfecte truste in the goodnesse of god in all chaunces If thou doiste take all thynge what euer chaunceth good or badde as at the hande of god and thynke it to come of hys sendyng and doist thynke and vnfainedly beleue that suche thynges are chosen as the beste for the by the hyghe prouydence of god and therefore doyste commytte thy selfe and all thyne wholye vnto goddes wyll and pleasure If in all kynde of aduersytie and mysery thou makeste no complaynte to no parson nor seekeste no comforte nor consolacion but humblye and pacyentelye doyste abyde the vttermoste of the hyghe pleasure of almyghtye god offerynge thy selfe readye vnfaynedly to abyde all that thou sufferedst if it so please god worldes wythoute ende If thou doyste thynke thy selfe worthye of all that whyche thou sufferedste and muche more and worse and therefore thou arte ready to suffer muche more harder more greuouse and more paynefull thynges then thou doyste suffer If thou be leane and thynke vnfaynedlye thou arte vnworthye that the earthe should bare the and therfore thou thinkest thy selfe vnworthy of anye goodnesse and most worthye of al paine griefe FINIS ❧ Imprynted at London by Ihon Waley dwellynge in Foster lane