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A09147 The Protestants theologie containing the true solutions, and groundes of religion, this daye mainteyned, and intreated, betwixt the Protestants, and Catholicks. Writen, by the R. F. F. VVilliame Patersoune religious priest, Conuentuall of Antwerpe, preacher of Gods word, and Vicar generall of the holy order of S. Augustin, through the kingdome of Scotland. The 1. Part. Paterson, F. William. 1620 (1620) STC 19461; ESTC S101863 199,694 338

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nothing they were of no force but only the death of Christ redeemes promerits for vs and that his preaching is lesse a vaylable then other mens who by preaching do cancell the multitude of sinnes Lykewyse his fasting and prayers werelesse worth then the Niniuites who thereby eschewed the wrath of God likewyse lesse worth thē Moyses who purchased to the Israelits gods fauour more ouer his volūtary pouerty his innocent lyfe his circumcision his workes of mercy are of noe value and benefit Wheras in any other all and euery one of these had been a sufficient pryce for Heauen which cānot be denyed to be of infinit pryce in Christ and consequently of sufficiencie all and euery one of them to redeeme a thowsand worlds vnlesse Christ be denyed to be of infinit dignity Wherfore all divynes belieue that Christs death was a demonstration of excesse of loue because he so loued his that of the end and consummation of all loue he left them aboundant proofes and that his merites were sufficient to redeeme a thowsand worldes if Christ would haue ben cōtented with that which was sufficient omitting what was aboundant D. Thom. 3. part de Christs mers is 1.2 quaest 114. rota Wherupon it followeth that neyther his death was sufficient satisfaction of sinne and consequently neyther Christs lyfe nor death are allowed to be meritorious and sufficient to redeeme vs. Morouer a great absurditie followeth because they euacuate Christs death who make Christ vnuoluntary to haue suffered for vs for as euery sinn is voluntary so is euery merit But Calu. in cap. 26. Mat. v. 39 sayes that he refused to discharge the office of a mediator reputed Christ at the tyme of his passion to haue had no sufficiencie aboue other men and that in his prayer did not appeare a temperate moderation et Caluin lib 2. inst cap. 13. § 10 11.12 sayth that he was tormēted with doutfulnes of his conscience and that he was astonished with the horror of Gods malediction and tormented with the fear of the bottōles pit of horrible destruction and he burst out into a voice crye of desperation and being ouerwhelmed in desperatiō he ceased to pray long to God Which doctrine also cōfirmeth Beza in cap. 27. Matth. Marlor in Psal 22. Morouer they euacuate the passion of Christ who affirme him to haue been our deliuerer only and not our redeemer He●lius apud Cle●itium in Victoria part 2. And lykewyse also they who reiect the name of merit and with Caluin affirme lib. 2. inst c. 17. § 1 If any would sayth he oppose Christ to the iudgement of God there would no place remayne to any merit because there is not in man that dignity to deserue any thing of God And so for conclusion of Caluins assertion the merit of Christs death is naught Christ is only affirmed to be but man not God For in expresse tearmes all Hereticks saye Christs blood Death and passiō to haue nothing auayled to the redēption of mankynd and that Christ with all his workes deserued not heauen or at the least to say that his death and passion are profitable only for the predestinat and that no other haue any benefit thereby Calu. cont Heshus pag. 39. Beza in colloq Mompel 1. pag. 522. Bucc sup Ioh. pag. 34. Musc in loc Theol. fol. 363.367 Zanch. in miscellam pag. 3. 200. 206. Aret. apud Schlus lib. 1. art 6.25.26 lib. 2. fol. 42. Theol. Calu. Wherby it followeth that Christ is not redeemer of all or mediator for all offences and offenders neyther intending their saluation Against the 6. Article How the protestants deny Christ to haue descended into Hell Moreouer as concerning that Article He descended into Hell the third day he rose againe frō the dead It is mightely impugned of the Protestantes for Carlil in his book that Christ descended into Hell sayes it is a pernicious Heresie to say that Christ descended into Hell and Beza in Apol. 2. ad Zantes pag. 385. These wordes sayes he entred into the creed by inaduertisement Or otherwayes by glossing these wordes that his descending was only the suffering of the panges of death on the crosse wher not only his humanity but also his diuinity indured paynes yea and death Luth. conc pag. 276. sayes that he would not acknowledge Christ to be his Sauiour if only his humanity had suffered Yea Caluin backes Luther in Cataeches cap. de fide This is Christ descention to hell that he suffered that death which God in his angre inflicteth on the wicked And againe lib. 2. inst cap. 16. § 10 cap. 26.27 Matth. That he suffered all the paynes in his soule which by God in reuendgmēt are exacted of the damned thus he In which doctrine is contayned besyde the death of Christs body the death of his soule Calu. blasphemies against the holy Ghost and of his diuinity that after he had endured such deaths to haue suffered all punishments of the damned Morouer they impugne this article by making his descentiō nothing els Christ descention to Hel how it is vnderstood of the Hereticks but Christs buriall in the sepulchre as Zuing Oecol Buc. Calu. inst Trem Marel Beza doe affirme And because the common name for Hell in Hebrue doth signifie somtyme a graue or ditch And yetnotwithstanding Caluin confesseth that the sayd name more vsually properly doth signifie Hell the place and state of the damned also many of the Protestāt professors oppose Beza shewing by manifold passages of Scripture that the Hebrue word Scheol the Greek word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and in Latin Infernus doe signifie an Infernall proper place of the damned And yet neuerthelesse some are not ashamed to deny Christs descention to heel thereby to maintayn their former blasphemies They intend to deny limbo and purgatory by denying Christs descētion of his suffering the paynes of the damned on the Crosse and to euacuate the delyuerance of the Fathers out of the Limbo and purgatorie And therfore to remoue these blockes out of way Beza in cap. 2. Act. He trāslates by his owne confession and contrary to the opinion of his fellow compagnions contrary to the Greeke Latin interpretors and Fathers Wherupon D. Humfrey lib. 2. derat interpret pag 219 220. saies that the forsayd Hebru word should not be trāslated graue but hell if the authority of the holy Ghost be obserued For this hath been Bezas intētion to trāslate graue for hell and Christ soule for body to deny hell Hell is taken metaphorically of the Protestantes and all infernall torments and that mention is made of hell metaphorically Albeit forgetting himself proueth by Scripture and Fathers the cōtrary saying in cap. 16. Luc. That Christ descended into the earth into the receptacle of those who were there long retained Moreouer Bullinger in 1. Pet. cap. 4. impugnes this article that Christ descended no otherwayes into hell then as he dayly
obtayning of blessednes which only fayth failles to that end The Doctor neuer dreamed that it should suffice without good workes and farre lesse that fayth can saue any mā without workes QVAESTIO XXIX Of the incertitude of Righteousnes VVHerefore denyeth the Papists that a man of his owne propre righteousnes is vncertaine seing the spirit himself giveth testimony to our spirit that we are the sonnes of God as it is written Rom. 8. v. 16. Luth. art 10.11 Kem. in exam sess 6. Calu. in Antid sess 6. lib. 3. iust cap. 2. § 16 17.39 40. ANSVVER YF yow affirme with your Rabbines that all the faythfull assuredly and infallibly ought to belieue with themselues sinnes no wayes to be imputed Who are assured of the remission of sinnes should not say the Lords prayer because of the righteousnes of Christ to what effect rehearse yow the Lordes prayer and why aske yow remission of sinnes saying forgiue vs our sinnes c. Why is not this prayer reiected aswell as the Puritās in Scotland hath reiected the beliefe For if you hold this opinion infallible and true of the certitude of righteousnes the Lordes prayer is no wayes profitable or necessary as is mentioned already in the second quaestion in discouering only fayth c. Therefore no man howsoeuer iust and holy cannot attribute vnto his owne righteousnes without peculiar reuelation of God that infallibiliter confidence in his owne righteousnes which is proped No man is certaine of grace farelesse of remission of sinnes and grounded vpō common reuelation made in holy Scripture that thereby any shall know himself to be in the grace of God it is vncertaine which proposition if it were true Iob would haue been more bold nor any Protestāt who as it were doubting sayd howbeit I were simple yetnotwithstanding my soule is ignorant of that cap. 9 v. 21. where distinctly by the name of simplicitly he names his owne righteousnes absolutly to be vnknown as thought he would say albeit I am iust notwithstanding I cannot confidt to it assuredly Moreouer this assertion is opposed to reason for whosoeuer is certaine of the remission of sinnes estate of grace it falloweth of necessity to haue the same certitude of their conuersion to God with true pennance and others motiues of fayth as charity patience and perseuerance c. requisite to iustification inteire receauing of the sacramentes but none is that can promise to themselues such certitude for no man is assured of his disposition to be supernaturall or in the receauing of the Sacramentes to haue a perfect intention Therfore no man without speciall reuelation of God is certaine to be in the state of grace And consequently the Rabbies of the reformed Synagogue are lyke vnto the serpent in paradise who whyle he promised to our first parents knowledge spoyled him of knowledge broght him in grosse ignorance euen so whyle they would teach the confidence of rightousnes to iustification send vs away empty of righteousnes but wrapped in grosse ignorance with presumption as at lenght is discussed in the third quaestion vt sup OBIECTION It is sayd by the Apostle Rom. 4. v. 16. That it is by fayth according to grace that the promise may be firme which is to say that we are iustifyed by only fayth and that we may be certaine to be confirmed in grace ergo c. ANSVVER THe Apostle meane an other thing for he teacheth men to be iustifyed by liuely fayth in Christ without the obseruation of the old Law and by that fayth we are made certaine and the promisses of grace is fulfilled and this assumptiō is proued in Abraham who belieued him to be a Father of many nations so that this promise of grace is made to Abraham and his fellowers of fayth whether in the tyme of the Law or after without the workes of the Law OBIECTION Lykewyse the Apostle sayth Rom. 8 v. 38.39 I am certaine that neyther death nor lyfe neyther Angells c. Neyther any creature may separate vs from the loue of God Therefore in this lyfe we haue certitude of grace through the certitude of Gods loue which argument Caluin vehemently vrgeth lib. 3. inst cap 2. § 40. That this certitude is not only for S. Paul but also it is a certitude apperteyning to all the faithfull and a perseuerance of the grace of God ANSVVER THis word I am certaine or as Caluin willeth I am persuaded speaketh not of the certitude of only fayth neyther infallibly of the fayth it self but only of morall confidence trust hope as is probable of the frequent common phrase as Rom. cap. 15 v. 14. where the Apostle speaketh confidently of the Romanes saying and I my self also am persuaded of you What is else this persuation but to confidt well Lykewyse 2. Tom. c. 1. v. 5. The Apostle repeates the same saying When I call to remembrance the vnfayned fayth that is in thee which duelt first in thy grād-mother Lois and in thy mother Ewnice I am certaine it dwelleth in thee also Here is no mention made of the certainty of fayth but only a good confidence and trust of them to haue pietie to saluation not to boost of fayth but to hope to haue it OBIECTION IT is sayd by the Apostle Rom. 8. v. 16. That the spirit himself beires witnes to our spirit that we are the sonnes of God And lykewyse S. Iohn 1. Epist cap. 5. v. 10. sayth who belieue in the sonne of God hath the testimony of God himself But the testimony of the holy spirit bringeth certitude therefore all are certaine in themselues to be the sonnes of God ANSVVER THe Scripture is falsly alledge because the meaning of the Apostle to the Romās is that ye H. Ghost with diuerse miracles distributions of giftes did worke wonderfull things in tyme of the primitiue Church for the confirmation of the fayth and to beare witnes of the same fayth vnto all those who worshiped and imbraced the fayth of Christ and keep it in lyfe to be the sonnes of God In this manner also is vnderstood that saying of the Apostle to the Gal. 4. v. 6. Because yee are sonnes God hath send forth the spirit of his sonne in your hartes which cryeth abba Father this witnessing of the spirit is to the wholl Church to no priuate persone as the Apostle sayes Gal. 3. v. 26. saying for yee are all the sonnes of God by fayth which is in Christ Iesu And lykewyse these places verify the same testimony of the spirit to be promised and giuen to his Chrurch as expoundes all the ancient Fathers 1. cor 2. v. 12. 1. Iohn 3. v. 14 4. v. 13 5. v. 19. and not particularly is to be attributed to only one For albeit in the righteous man this affirmatiue might be attributed notwithstanding not so really but by a certaine moral certitude of his own righteousnes good lyfe with hatred to