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A07489 The heauenly pro:gresse. By Rich: Middleton Middleton, Richard, d. 1641. 1617 (1617) STC 17872; ESTC S114542 286,451 938

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thy Maiesty Let all the guifts of thy holy Spirit rest vpon me O Lord the spirit of Wisdome and Vnderstanding the spirit of Counsaile Strength the spirit of Knowledge and Piety and let the spirit of thy Feare fill my heart that by these guifts I may bee made immoueable from thee and may grow vp to be a perfect creature in Iesus Christ Of other guifts graces which do not belong vnto sanctification giue mee so much onely as may serue to the saluation of my soule and performance of thy will And grant that I may bee imploied all my life in such businesse as may bee to the glorie of thy name my owne saluation Giue me O my God this grace that in all the talents and guifts which thou hast giuen mee I may neuer seeke my selfe but thy praise glory giue mee of thy goodnesse the guift of perseuerance that by no sin I may euer be separated from thee but vntil death and for euer may perseuer in thy grace Giue me by thy immortality and the most blessed death of my Redeemer a happie end of my daies in him and that after a good life in thee I may die the death of the Righteous take from mee the too much loue of this life and the immoderate feare of death graunt that I may so liue that I may say with the Apostle Phil. 1. I desire to be dissolued and to bee with Christ Giue me an inward light of the houre of death that I may flee the flattering in●icements of the world giue me an inward sauour of blessed eternity that I may ioyfully forsake all transitory things Giue me a true resignation in thy most holy will that I may willingly depart hence when how thou shalt dispose receiue my spirit cloathed with thy grace loue that for euer it may cleaue vnto thee To conclude take from me whatsoeuer may keepe me from thee giue me O Lord my Redeemer most potent helps to liue holily and die happily These are my petitions O my God these are the desires of my heart which I pray beg by all thy mercies the infinit merits of thy Son may be fulfilled not onely in me but in all my brethren vnto the worlds end that we may euer please thee in this life and inioy thy blessed presence in the life to come Amen Being thus prepared for some good time before the communion it followeth that comming into the Temple thou shouldest cast downe thy selfe vpon thy knees and prepare thy selfe further inuocating the name of God thus O blessed Trinity my God and my Lord I doe now come to be partaker of all those heauenly riches of my Sauiours life death and resurrection 1. In confession of that supreme dominion which thou hast ouer all creatures and of all manner of subiection which wee haue towards thee 2 In commemoration of the most bitter passion and death of Iesus Christ thy Sonne and my Sauiour according to his commandement saying As often as you doe this doe it in remembrance of mee 3 In thankfulnesse for all those infinit riches conferred vpon vs by his most precious death 4 In thankfulnesse for all his benefits wherewith he hath in this world magnified his Saints and mee his most vnworthy seruant O most omnipotent Father I come to this thy true refreshment of soules confirme in mee by thy grace all things which may make me worthily receiue the same I come vnto thee that thou who art life it selfe may by thy grace quicken mee thou which art the light may illighten me thou which art the fire may inflame me thou which art the rest may quiet mee thou which art the purity may purifie mee and thou which art ioy it selfe may reioice me I humbly pray by thy wisdome illuminate me that I may worthily vse these holy mysteries adorne my soule with those seauen fold graces of the blessed spirit that by thy infinit charity I may bee inflamed to receiue it worthily O my God I come vnto thee as smalnesse vnto greatnes as darkenesse vnto light as vncleannesse to holinesse as infirmity to power as the creature to God his Creator O make mee great in thy eies turne my darkenes into light my vncleannes to holines my infirmity to power shew thy selfe in mee as a most wise and potent Creator so a most wise and louing Recreator Redeemer I am most vnworthy to receiue so great fauours I confesse altogether vnworthy because I haue euer offended thee and past by al thy cōmandements vnworthy because I haue euer coldly negligētly serued thee vnworthy because I neuer fully with all my heart loued thee vnworthy because I am but dust and ashes nay very filth if any thing be worse worse then that I come vnto thee whom the heauen of heauens is not capable of how much lesse this house I come vnto thee who art the cōmon Father of Men and Angels and who will not reuerence his Father I come vnto thee who art the Lord of all creatures who will not doe homage to such a Lord I come vnto thee as to the Father and Lord whose honour I haue contemned whose sonnes and brethren I haue not once but often both by word and example smitten and who will not tremble to stand before him so offended I come vnto thee my Lord whose seruant I haue smitten vnto thee my Father whose Sonne I haue slaine I smit him by word I slew him by example and shall I not feare such a Lord and reuerence such a Father Yes surely but yet as I come with feare so will I come with hope as I come with reuerence so will I come with confidence For thou hast appointed thy Sonnes bloud whom I haue slaine to be the only soueragin antidote heauenly remedie to heale my wounds and this thy blessed Sacrament to be the Cabinet out of which I must take that sacred plaister for it is the bloud of Iesus Christ thy Sonne 1. Io. 1. that clenseth vs from all sinne He is the bread of life Io 6. hee that cateth of it shall neuer die These words indeed are Spirit and Life they giue Spirit vnto my wounded spirit and life vnto my dead soule O looke vpon thy seruant that I may liue O blesse mee with the guift of such a faith as that out of my belly may flow riuers of water of life Amen 6 How to giue thanke after the Lord Supper is receiued IT were very absurde to receiue so vnspeakable a gift and not to returne thankes if after dinner rest from businesse and imployment be necessary for the health of man that the naturall heate may concoct the meate turne it into the nourishment of the body much more necessary is rest this feast being ended from distractions and businesse that the benefit of this Sacrament may come vnto vs and that it may diffuse his vertue strength into our soules But who will be so
of the wise shall neuer erre If therefore thou shalt obserue these duties vnto God thy neighbour and thy selfe thou shalt wonderfully profit in sanctification of life 7 Prayer O Lord God whose all that is that is best of all who cōmandest thy seruants to shine with vertues the true ensignes of thy house and sendest into their hearts the desire of such excellent beauty kindle I beseech thee in our hearts the flaming desires of all vertues teach vs with prayers and groanes to seeke and obtaine them at thy hands that our vnworthinesse for the worthinesse of thy Sonne our Sauiour Iesus Christ may obtaine of thee who art a most bountifull giuer these true and euer enduring treasures Teach vs the nature of vertues that wee take not vices for vertues stirre vp in vs the loue of them that we may loue them and thee the author of them strengthen our armes by the helpe of thy grace that wee by holy liues setting vpon the City of glory may through the merits of Christ be possessors of it let our life be the life of the righteous that wee may die in Christ and liue in thee for euer Amen The conclusion of the Booke IF shall be obiected that this manner of seruing of God is most troublesome and withall most impossible in repect of our many frailties miseries and also our necessary and alloweable imployments in our vocations I answere that hauing fully acquainted our selues with the seuerall rules and instructions conteined in this booke the greatest part of bodily labour in the seruice of God will easily be cut off and we shall lay for a foundation that of the Apostles that bodily exercise profiting but little 1. Tim. 4. our chiefe care must be to reuerence and loue God in our mindes holy cogitations and good desires albeit yet those duties of our bodies may not as time and place will giue leaue be vtterly neglected For it is godlinesse onely that is profitable vnto all things But besides seeing we are to giue an account vnto God for the expence of our times as the most pretious guift of God it is very necessary that euery man haue a knowledge of some profitable forme of seruing GOD that hee may thereby labour so to spend the foure and twenty houres of the day and so consequently all the daies of his life that he may assure his owne conscience this his life hath beene life indeed and not death and so may obtaine the glory of eternall life and auoide eternall death in which all they doe euer die that liue in these insinit streights of the world and doe not make vse of their most deare and pretious time to that end for which it was leut them namely to know loue feare and reuerence God to delight onely in him and the things directed vnto him Therefore experience teacheth vs that there are three considerations which do not only inuit but ought also to enforce euery man but especially great persōs who thinke thēselues most exēpted frō this kind of seruing God duly in such a streight exact manner as this is to serue God The 1. is the nobility of him which serueth The 2. is his greatnesse and goodnes whō we serue The 3. is hope of reward These 3. if we do rightly cōsider thē with many other motiues very effectuall hereunto wil casily so cōmand our affectiōs that we shal neuer omit to serue the high God in this sort 1 The nobility of him that serueth ought to mooue him to serue well For a generous minde in some sort compels a generous man to perform the taske he hath vndertakē after the most sublime excellent maner that possibly he can that especially when he hath to doe with great noble and generous persons Therefore euery man as much as is belonging to this businesse must consider what himselfe is of how great nobility and worth And thus doing wee shall finde our selues to bee of much more excellency then the heauens nay the whole frame of the world seeing wee are created after the image and similitude of God and are his Sonnes if wee serue him a right and shal be heires of his eternall Kingdome This nobility of ours ought much to incite vs rightly and duly to serue God For albeit we may omit that it is iust that the generous should vse his generosity through his fidelity to serue duly nothing else doth so much effect that generous noble persons may come nere to that most high and true nobility which they wish as to serue the most high God For thus Psal 82.1 of men they become Gods and so become farre more noble then if they were borne of the kings line For that is true liberty and nobility and that onely in which the seruice of Christ is found to bee If the Sonne doe make vs free then are wee free indeede Io. 8.36 if hee inoble vs then are wee truely inobled And surely this is not without great reason Matth. 24.47 for onely those shall be kings of heauen and rulers ouer all their Masters goods As the holy Gospell telleth vs Yea in earth shall be more eminent and high then the kings of the earth For in commanding themselues they doe also command whatsoeuer things else But al those that serue not Christ are not onely the sonnes of Satan but euen at length are made his most vile slaues in eternall darkenesse Therefore if there be any whom the former cause namely that he may obtaine most excellent liberty dominion and nobility doth not inuite to serue God surely that man ought to be terrified with the great euill which in the second place is noted namely that so hee becomes the sonne and slaue of the deuill and for this cause should striue with al his powers to serue God 2 Wee must also ponder the greatnesse and dominion and the bounty goodnesse of him for whose seruice we were created And we shall finde that the dominion which God hath ouer euery one of vs also ouer all the Kings and great Potentates and States both in heauen and earth is without al comparison greater then the dominion that all the Kings great ones of the world hath aboue one base basket of earth nor are they indeed the true Lords of so much but God is so the Lord of all them that with one only blast he can turne them vnto nothing and plunge them all into the deepe dungeon of hell except they shall serue him but if they will serue him he shall so exalt them in another life that they shall truely acknowledge that whatsoeuer they possessed here was nothing else but a base basket of earth compared vnto those worthy things which there they shall enioy There is no cause that wee should in many words extoll the greatnesse of this Lord for albeit wee should neuer cease yet should it be nothing that we had said in respect of that which the
Mary the Apostles and their qualities vertues excellencies and offices secondly what speeches they had amongst them or if their words bee not extant in Scripture then what words in probability they were like to vse thirdly what they did fourthly for what cause and to what end they did it fifthly what were the effects and profites ensuing thence sixthly their cogitations and affections which they had or might haue But if it be a spirituall matter thē these things come to be considered first what it is which is contained in that point secondly what is the originall and efficient cause thirdly to what end it was done fourthly what benefite or hurt it brought with it fifthly what Christ spake or did concerning it sixthly how I haue carried my selfe hitherto concerning it seuenthly what I must do hence forwards eighthly It is also good to consider the name or diuerse names of that thing ninthly and also some sentence of the holy Scripture belonging to that thing These places would bee committed to memory that there might bee vse made of them Yet wee must obserue that all these places are not to bee vsed nor the same order kept but that wee ought to fixe most on that consideration wherin the soule finds more plentifull nourishment But yet in this most heauenly part of a Christians exercise these things are further to bee considered first that if in meditating the soule finde matter of profite in the first or second point wee must not hast to the rest but insist vpon it as long as is needefull and end with a colloquy and prayer Secondly that wee must not satisfie our selues onely in the consideration and knowledge of things but wee must goe on to enflame the will that in our meditation the fire may bee kindled Psal 38. Now the affections which are to bee stirred vp in the will in meditating are loue feare sorrow ioy hope desire admiration and confusion and shame of ones selfe Ergo our meditation must not bee dry not stay in pure speculation but affectuous and ful of inward taste and rellish so that from euery point considered some fruit may arise and that hee who meditates may from the things hee vnderstands make some reflexion into himselfe and propose to himselfe the execution of such things as in his meditation hee learned Thirdly sentences of Scripture will much helpe our meditation and therefore being about to meditate let vs prepare some fit Scriptures as if wee would meditate on the knowledge of our selues and misery of man to take this of Iob Iob 14. or such like Man that is borne of a woman is of short continuance and full of miseries If on Gods loue towards man then that of our Sauiour God so loued the world Iohn 3. that hee gaue his onely begotten sonne that whosoeuer beleeued in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life fourthly similitudes doe much helpe our meditation for the visible things of this world doe leade vs to the knowledge of the inuisible and spirituall things as when wee would set forth the ioyes of heauen then to vse similitudes taken from feasts marriages honours riches and plea ures of the world and if wee would contemplate the torments of hell to compare them to the most grieuous punishments and euils of this world Fifthly besides the application of our senses to the thing meditated doth much help which onely haue place in meditations which haue their matter corporall Now there are two sorts of this application the first is nothing else but to imagine that wee heare see taste touch smell spiritually the persons meditated on and such things as belong to them which application of our senses may either bee made apart from the meditation at some other houre or presently after The second sort of application is to consider what our Sauiour suffered in all his senses or what ioy the Virgine conceiued touching Christ beholding touching and hearing him or what ioyes the blessed haue in heauen and what torments the damned haue in hell in all their sences Sixthly that distractions which are vnto meditation as dead slies to a sweere ointment Eccles 10. may not depriue vs of the benefite of meditation wee must against them vse these remedies First diligently to prepare our selues to meditation commending our selues and it to God in Iesus Christ earnestly begging helpe in these distractions of our minde secondly wee must not continue our meditations too long but ioyne to euery consideration some short prayer thirdly wee must take care to reiect these distractions as soone as wee perceiue them fourthly begge pardon of God that wee so soone turne our backes to him fifthly if distractions cannot be quitted but that they will returne not to bee much grieued at it seeing they come against our wils and therefore the lesse offensiue sixthly humble our selues and be ashamed of our weakenesse and misery in that wee can doe no good of our selues and therefore to esteeme our selues most vnworthy to speake with God or stand in his presence seuenthly nor are wee for any distraction or other grieuance to giue ouer prayer and meditation which is the thing our aduersary much labours for surely hee that seekes shall in the end sinde and heerein if our strength bee so great repetition of our meditation twice or thrice will bee very helpefull for so it brings more consolation and also makes greater impression and withall will penetrate the eares of God who will not returne it without a blessing Seuenthly wee must obserue to meete with a certaine desolation drynesse and barrennesse of the soule in our meditations whereby it often falles out that the best men become dry and dispoyled of all sensible deuotion and euen in a manner quite relinquishing both prayer and meditation in which case first labour to stand in a firme hope and trust in God not cast downe because there was neuer any tempest so great but there followed as great a calme secondly patiently beare it with good Iob n = 2 Iob 2. for shall wee receiue good things at the hand of God and not euill thirdly humble thy selfe before God seeing without him thou canst doe nothing and perswade thy selfe that this befals thee either for thy sinnes or that God may so glorifie himselfe in thee and humbly begge pardon of the one and that his will may bee done in the other fourthly striue to mortifie thy affections especially such as most rebell against thee fifthly examine thy conscience diligently that the cause of the euill may bee taken away sixthly with most diligent prayer commend thy selfe and all to God not seeking thy owne pleasure but onely and alone the honour and good pleasure of God seuenthly after all this the last thing to bee done is to enter into examination touching this meditation and also touching our whole liues the first is thus to bee done Thou art first then either sitting or softly walking for some small time to consider how
it Behold now we are at the point of death For at that time sensuality hath no life but is wholy subiected the miserable reason ●is not then mistresse as it ought but compassionats sensuality as her sister albeit aduersant the deuill who is neuer a sleepe indeauours by all his michinations to inflame vs that we might the more feele the persecucion yet God who is faithfull 1 Cor. 10. will not suffer vs to bee tempted aboue our strength Now it behoueth vs to see what on our behalse we can and ought to doe with Gods assistance in such a danger Namely that the iniury being so present nere vnto vs as much as is in vs for some short time we forget the same and for this time to lift vp the eyes of our consideration to thinke on those innumerable riches contained in the loue of God towards vs and with this consideration we incline the will to loue and desire the infinit good of this loue so as now louing and desiring so great riches we turne our selues and incline our wills to the present persecution before as it were forgotten and reputing it to bee so necessary as wee haue said to obteine the riches of Gods loue we desire the same with all our might inforcing the will with all our power to desire it Thus no doubt the will being mollified and strenghthned with the reward of the loue of God and future glory will bee most ready to be inclined and drawne to accept such persecution which before was so terrible in our eyes and if wee exercise this often wee shal be so accustomed to that which is good that what before seemed aboue nature wee shall now with great delight performe And this would be againe and againe considered because it is of great moment aswell to the whole Chapter as that of Humility Patience Affections of the soule as also that of the loue of our selues and againe to any difficulty or labour inward or outward to conclude to the whole method of seruing God If I should adde more reasons why wee should hate our selues I might tell you 4 That consideration of shortnesse of life were very effectuall hereto For seeing so small time to tarry why should wee fall in loue with our selues 5 The consideration of the euills of this life in the world wee shall haue pressiue and trouble and all things that may iustly make vs hate our selues 6 Consideration of our daunger 7 The consideration of them that haue perished by too much loue of themselues 8 The consideration of our seruitude whilst wee are heere 9 The consideration of the worlds ingratiude And lastly the consideration of the forgetfulnesse of our selues and of God All which might be strong motiues against all selfe loue which is the best of all graces moue vs to this holy hatred as the goale of goodnesse 3 How true charity hatred of our selues do stand together I briefly shew thus They not only stand together but so stand together as we shall neuer be able to climb to the top of charity except we hate our selues For assoone as one doth hate himselfe as wee haue said and not before he then hath all the loue which he ought to haue towards himselfe and which is most profitable for him as also which God would that he should haue that is to say he then hath the loue of God and of vertues and celestiall glory and all things that doe conduce vnto it And this loue suffers not the co-partnership of any vice albeit we are inclined to it and so denying our selues and hating our selues and taking from our selues the euill that we desire we are filled with the true diuine loue which otherwise we could neuer inioy 3 Exercise is to adorne our soules with vertues necessary to the beauty of the soule He is said to haue a beautifull soule that hath his naturall appetites conforme with sanctified reason and the lawes of God And this conformity is nothing else but a certaine troope of vertues whilst euery one being placed in his due ranke in the soule makes it beautifull and directs it as is conuenient for the great dignity thereof mitigating the false and euill concupiscences which cleaue vnto it by sinne and disposing it to serue him and without contradiction obey his will that created it It is not amisse then that wee know what course must be taken to come to these vertues As much therfore as maybe gathered from the sacred word it selfe and writings of the godly belonging hereunto we will reduce all those things wherein it is necessary that he be imploied who would acquire so great beauty of soule vnto three 1 That hee beg helpe of one more potent then himselfe seeing all our powers arc too weake to reach such high things and to this serues prayer 2 That with many acts as with the matter he build these habits of vertues 3 That as with a bridle he may restraine or warily lead and guide the naturall affections which are found in euery man called of diuines and Philosophers ioy sorrow hope and feare 1 Of prayer Our most high and omnipotent God would haue vs stand in need of his supernaturall helpe seeing the good things vnto which he hath created vs are supernaturall And he would also that we should call vpon him for them not but that he more desireth to giue vs them then wee to aske them of him but that we might possesse that with greater glory which we obtaine with greater labour of desire Besides he would haue vs aske that as importunate suiters we should more frequently present our selues before him and so by often presenting our selues in his presence might the better come into the knowledge of him For by how much we haue the thing present before vs by so much the knowledge of it maketh the greater impression and the better we know his greatnesse and super-eminent qualities we shall the more reioice in him and the more we shal reioice in him and know him the more we shall loue him and by how much as we shall know him and loue him more by so much more will the beames of truth shine in our soules and to conclude by how much as this light together with his loue shall shine in vs by so much more whatsoeuer is not good or tending to God shall be nothing reputed in our eyes and by so much more shall we hate that is euill imbrace all vertue and come neere vnto God From whence it is cleere by many reasons that prayer is a sure iourney to obtaine whatsoeuer is necessary for vs and that it leades vs to the height of loue to which we were borne Therefore we must esteeme this prayer or that necessitie of prayer as a pledge which God hath taken of vs whereby to retaine vs with him For hee knowes well how much good comes vnto vs by his presence and how assuredly we would forget him if wee had no need
For one sinner destroieth much good Eccles 9.18 nay the breath of a wicked person is euen bainfull to the company Nor let them euer thinke that such a companion or such a seruant as is not the true seruant of God Suidas can euer bee faithfull to them For as the Historian reports when one changed his religion to please the King hee was iudged to loose his head and one appointed to cry at his execution He that keepes not faith towards God what sound conscience can he haue towards men therefore in euery great house there would bee prouision of besoms and wings to sweep downe the Spiders webs so by leauing them no place nor meanes to hurt the harmlesse slies the Spider it selfe might at last be quite swept our too Nor let them thinke that because they are great they may vse what customs companions and seruants they please For as Alexander to a City of Asia that offered him halfe their riches to desist from war answered I came not into Asia with a purpose to take what you would giue me but that you should retain what I would leaue you so faith God to them I came not into your houses or kingdomes or soules that you should condition with me what I should suffer you to doe and to liue as you list and to take such conditions of you as you would giue me at your pleasure but that what conditions I haue thought fit to require of you you should accept them and thinke them best and most happy For God is our summum bonum wee must not rest below him not yet reach aboue him below him is dangerous neglect aboue him is damnable presumption Therefore must wee not loue God forour owne profit or pleasure which is the soule-killing custome of most in the world for such a one is like a child that faith his prayers that he may haue his break-fast But we must loue him how-soeuer it fare with vs with-out any respect of our owne good because he only is worthy of our loue and nothing is worthy of it but he and in his loue consists all our happinesse I say there is great need therefore of the practise of this art of seruing God as this short pro-gresse sets it out seeing it brings vs not only within the view of the heauenly Canaan but euen into the bosome and communion of his loue And seeing also we liue in the dregs of time wherein it is come to passe that as the waters couered the whole earth so pride and other monstrous impieties hath couered it againe and not suffered eight persons to escape For doe we not see the City of God the holy profession of Iesus Christ to bee destitute of walls gates and guards and the repaire of it either hindered by sects of men madly furious or else oppugned by the craft and cunning violent assaults of men either meerely epicures or sottedly superstitious on the one side Christ Iesus is vtterly cast off by the lust of these most impure hogs that are euer wallowing in the myre on the other side the riches estate● of the meaner sort nay often of the greater sort is exhausted and vtterly rained by the greedy auarice of most cruell and barbarous v●●o●s and other time-sellers here shall we see bodies by drunkennesse and gluttony consumed there by lust surquedry and pride and other intemperancies both bodies soules and ostates ouer-throwne and all places and persons with extreme filthinesse and fopperies slurred and defiled to say nothing of whole Prouinces and Kingdomes by intollerable bribery extortion symony sacriledge craft and cruelty miserably expiled and robbed and none to be found for all this which dare or can meete with these mischiefes and the most part of men hauing so cast off all hope of amendment of these great euils as that they thinke they may bee numbred amongst those diseases which are so desperate as either by no a●t can be cured or else whose cure is as dangerous as the disease For though Nebuchadnezzar bee dead yet his pride is come amongst vs though Sodom be burnt to dust and ashes yet are her sinnes remaining if not raigning with vs though Symon Magus be gone yet hath he left the staine of symony in the highest degree to vs though Iezabel be dead yet doe bribes liue and thriue and beare away the bell in all businesse and men begin to take courage to commit any sinne by example For when the pillars sinke the Temple falls when a great tree is hewen downe which is a shade to the beasts and a rest to the birds many leaues boughs and twigs nay the shrubs and lesser trees are borne downe and crushed with it so many doe fall with them whose lampes should giue light to others and thinke it no sinne to sinne by example and for company This being so it is not only necessary that some stand vp in the gappe to turne away the wrath-full dis-pleasure of God from vs but also is fully confest that frō this Pro-gresse of the soule most apt and necessary helps instructions may be drawne to the vse of all sorts of men of our times For if we call to mind those heauenly secret and wonderfull mysteries of our saluation also those things by which all mankind is either much furthered or greatly hindered in the way to heauen to conclude if we call to minde those things which aswell the Church of God as kingdomes states stand as much need of vs as the world doth of fire and water wee must needs confesse that in this Pro-gresse are proposed most excellent necessary and profitable things of all men to bee knowne and obserued How great a benefit the diligent reading thereof may bring to all sorts accommodating and directing all things therein to the vse of true religion and increase of holy life the due consideration of the parts and true practise of the passages thereof will sufficiently declare For here are shortly and plainely deliuered the true and onely means faculties and helps to raise man to the highest step of perfectiō in glory Now for as much as the world is postered with a kind of people resembling seruants and men of low condition who expecting in the lobbies and out-rooms their masters comming and being idle and brainlesse how to bestow their time well do take a coale and with fond and filthy phrases be-sincare the faire plastered w●ls I assure my self to meet with some such enuious idlebies or ignorāts as most men doe that put themselues vpon the worlds stage by publicke writings who with the blacke coale of a blistered tongue will not sticke to bespawle and depraue both the worke and the worke-man Therefore as those that for some time haue bin exercised in some craggy difficult and dangerous place desire much to come into some safe and wished hauen wherein they may take their rest and with true pleasure and delight call to mind their former labours and losses so I
and regardfull of Sacred Spirituall and Diuine things remembring euer that of our Sauiour Math. 6. Seeke first the Kingdome of God and the righteousnesse thereof and all these things shall bee ministred vnto you From which things euery good Hearer may receiue helpes vnto hearing for then none of those things whereof we spake last shall befall him but the quite contrary But aboue all let him consider well the fourth Commandement what that meanes and what is the scope of the Lords Saboth 1 Then let the care of Fields Farmes and all carthly things be on that day set aside 2 Let all men leaue their labors on the euen of the Sabaoth in a fit and seasonable time that they may repose themselues to sleepe at a conuenient houre 3 Let them bee mindefull of fasting to bring to the house of God a body and minde not cloyed with eating and drinking 4 It will be very sitting that all marriages birth-feasts drinkings and other such feast-full meetings be forborne 5 And that nothing may hinder any of the family from taking the chiefe blessing of the Lords day it were not amisse that all or the most of our prouision for the Sabaoth were prepared the day before least the women should beare the checke of our Sauiour vnto Martha Luk. 10.41 42. Martha Martha thou c●●est and art troubled about many things but one thing is needfull Mary hath chosen the good part which shall not bee taken from her 3 Men may not lie lurking at home on the Sabaoth as many vse to doe least the like befall them that besell Thomas when our Sauiour entred into the house where the Disciples were and breathed on them saying Iohn 20. Receiue the holy Ghost but Thomas not being amongst them sayled of the blessing But let all men desire to frequent the holy Assemblies after the example of Dauid who wished rather to be a doore-keeper in the house of God then to dwell in the Palaces of Kings 4 Aboue all things the hearer first must not come alone for not onely the father of the family is to bee saued vnto him alone was not the fourth Commandement giuen the promise is not onely made to the father of the family secondly much lesse must hee come like a scoffing deriding Lucian to mocke and floute at at the Word or Minister thirdly nor with a minde to iudge as a rigide proud curious busy censu●er fourthly nor must hee come of custome as many doe who are like vnto the high-waies which are so troden that no seed can fall into it fructifie fiftly nor must hee come with a loathing as if hee cared not or needed not to receiue any further instruction sixtly nor must hee come as to Stage-plaies seuenthly nor yet with his eares stopt like the dease Adder or with a purpose not to assent to the doctrine But first hee must come accompanied with his family his wife children and seruants and those must hee bring well prepared and admonished of their duty knowing that vnto them the fourth Commandement was as well giuen ●s vnto himselfe and that vnto their godly and holy profession of Gods name there is a blessing promised as on the contrary to their impiety there is denounced a grieuous curse they also are such as God hath a care ouer and offers vnto them the holy meanes of their saluation Secondly hee must come with an honest and good heart endued with the reuerence of God and his sacred Word euen as the Israelites who being by Moses commanded to prepare themselues for the sacrifice of the Passe-ouer Ex. 12.27 bowed themselues and worshipped Thirdly with the minde of a learner godly holy and not curiously searching out all things Fourthly with a resolution to heare vnderstand and practise the words of holy instruction remembring that sweet inuitation of the Prophet Come let vs go vp to the Mountaine of the Lord Esay 2.3 to the house of the God of Iacob hee will teach vs his waies and wee will walke in his pathes Fiftly with hunger thirst and reioicing euen as the zealous King whose soule panted for the Lord Psal 42.1 ● as the Hart brayeth for the riuers of water whose soule thirsted for God for the liuing God that hee might appeare before the presence of God Sixthly let him come as vnto the Theater of a great King Seuenthly and with his eares open hauing this onely scope before him to heare and giue place to the truth 5 The hatred and contempt of all men must be cast off first of the Minister a thing which many wicked parents plant in the hearts of their children A maine block to all holy preparation This is the most crafty stratageme that Satan ca●●se for the hatred and contempt of the Minister brings with it the hatred and contempt of the doctrine and the whole fruite thereof both in this life and that to come The hatred and contempt of the Minister is a meanes to with-draw the hearer from the Church or if he come moues him not to like of his doctrine or at least to enterprete euery thing vnto the worst sense Secondly there must be no hatred or contempt in him of any other of the hearers least that be truely verified of him 1. Ioh. 4.10 How can hee who loueth not his brother whom hee hath seene loue God whom hee hath not seene What shall wee thinke of him that giuing sentence of death vpon a murtherer shall himselfe kill a man in the face of the open Court And what father will suffer the hatreds and brawlings of his children at his owne Table Then let him bring with him to the Church loue and honour first of the Minister of God remembring well the fatherly and sonnely relation that ought to be betwixt the Minister and Hearer the holy and painefull worke of the Minister for his saluation his owne manifold imperfections and the labour to amend them the variety of gifts and graces for the loue and honour of the Minister will bring with it the loue and honour of God and his sacted Word and other singular fruites of piety Secondly the loue and honour of the other hearers Psal 133.3 For how good and ioyfull a thing is it for brethren to dwell together in vnity Behold the vnspeakable graces of loue dilated and enlarged in three whole chapters to the Corinthians 1. Cor. 12.13.14 chap. Then when the hearers stand thus affected amongst themselues with what alacrity and comfort will the word of God bee heard and without any offence With what fruite will prayers be powred out to God Let euery hearer bee mindefull of that sweete admonition to bee reconciled to his brother Mat. before the offering of his gift 6 The hearer must not cast off the care of his neighbour as if it were no matter whether hee come prepared with him or no for except his neighbour come also sanctified the whole lumpe is corrupted and so
on Christs death is euery day to take one of the chiefest Mysteries of Christ from the Annuntiation of the Angell to Mary vntill the ascension of Christ into heauen to bee meditated on 2 To distribute the whole life of Christ into seuen parts and euery weeke once in meditation to runne ouer his whole life allotting to euery day his part 3 The third is to diuide Christs whole life into ten parts according to those ten places wherein it pleased him to dwell and to consider what hee did and suffered in euery of those places For the first what in the wombe of his mother nine monthes secondly what in the Stable at Bethlem forty daies thirdly in Egypt seuen yeares or thereabouts fourthly in Nazareth twenty two yeares and more fifthly in the Desart forty daies and forty nights sixthly in Iudaea and Galile● Preaching three yeares and a halfe seuenthly in paines and torments one whole day eighthly on the Crosse three houres ninthly in the Sepulchre and in Hell forty houres tenthly on the earth being risen from death forty daies Thus may one in an houres or halfe an houres meditation repeate with himselfe the whole life of Christ pawsing a while vpon euery point which is of no small benefite to the deuoute soule Hee may also if hee please make seuerall meditations vpon euery part as time and place will giue him leaue from the necessary workes of his Calling 4 Another manner of meditating hereon is to distribute the life of Christ into three parts as namely his entrance into the world his abiding in the world his departure out of the world and so cast in his minde what kinde of entrance hee had into the world what kinde of entertainement hee had in it what hee did in it and how hee departed out of the world and on euery one of these to frame one or more meditations 5 Besides to comprehend all the life of Christ in these three generall points first what hee said secondly what he did thirdly what hee suffered Dixit multa fecit mira Ber. pertulit dura Hee spake many things hee did wonderfull things but hee suffered cruell things and heereof also may seuerall meditations be vsed vpon euery one of these 6 Lastly is to take one of the foure Euangelists or the Concordance of the foure Gospels and in meditation to runne ouer it from the beginning to the end 8 How to meditate on the Passion of Christ 1 Is to begin with the last Supper daily to propose vnto our selues one of the Mysteries to bee meditated according to the order of the Text of the Gospell vntill his death and buriall 2 Or to diuide the Lords Passion into seuen parts and in meditation to passe ouer it euery weeke wholy 3 Also to frame so many meditations of it as are places wherein Christ suffered any torment euery day insisting vpon one place first in the lower Parlour wherein his last Supper was celebrated secondly in the Garden wherein hee felt that mighty troublednesse of Spirit and heauinesse of his Soule vnto death thirdly when before Annas fourthly before Caiphas fifthly in Pilates house sixtly in Herods house seuenthly againe when hee was brought to Pilate eighthly in his iourney to Mount Caluary carrying his Crosse ninthly in the Mount Caluary it selfe 4 To meditate our Sauiours seuen sentences which hee spake in those three houres hee hanged on the Crosse which euery Christian ought to commend to memory first Father forgiue them for they know not what they doe secondly to the Thiefe Verily I say vnto thee this day shalt thou bee with mee in Paradise thirdly to his Mother Woman behold thy Son c. fourthly My God my God why hast thou forsaken mee fifthly I thirst sixthly It is finished seuenthly Father into thy hands I commend my Spirit 5 One may meditate on the three kindes of paines our Sauiour suffered viz. what hee suffered in his Soule in his Body in his Honour taking the matter of his meditation from the sacred bookes of the Gospels and making one or more meditations thereof 6 We may also consider these foure things who it is that suffered what things hee suffered for whom hee suffered and how hee suffered 7 Wee may also meditate on Christs Passion to diuerse ends and all of them very good first to the end to suffer with Christ if wee consider the bitternesse of his torments secondly to conceiue and beget in vs contrition and sorrow for our sinnes if wee weigh that hee suffered to put away our sinnes and did vndergoe a death of all other most ignominious thirdly to imitate him if wee consider that Christ suffered that hee might leaue vs an example to follow his steps fourthly to bee thankfull to him if we consider the greatnesse and excellency of this benefite fifthly to loue him if wee conceiue the vnspeakeable charity which in this worke hee shewed towards vs sixtly to conceiue hope if wee behold that hee tooke on him the death for the expiation of our sinnes and for our saluation seuenthly to admire if we bee astonished at the consideration of his infinite goodnesse and loue Thus may wee euery week consider all these ends if euery day we propose to our selues one of these or if in the consideration of euery point of the Lords Passion wee stirre vp in our selues one or more of these affections 9 How to meditate on the holy Sacrament of the Lords Supper 1 For the History thou maist meditate first how Christ did eate the Paschall Lambe with his Apostles secondly how hee washed their feete thirdly how hee instituted this most holy Sacrament and distributed it to his Apostles 2 As touching the names of it thou maist consider that it is called an Eucharist or Thankesgiuing a Sacrament a Communion of the Body and Bloud of Christ the Supper of the Lord Bread and Wine 3 As concerning the figure of it thou maist meditate that it is represented and figured vnto thee by the Bread and Wine which Melchisedec brought forth to Abraham by the Paschall Lamb by the heauenly Manna by the stony Rocke that gushed out water by the bread of Elias 4 If thou wilt consider the causes for which Christ instituted this holy Sacrament then meditate that the first cause is to continue the memory of his Passion secondly to set forth his loue vnto vs thirdly to feede our soules fourthly to be a Seale and Pledge vnto vs of eternall happinesse 5 Meditate on the fruites and effects of this holie Sacrament the first whereof is that as bread and wine nourish the body and make glad the heart of man so this sacred bread and wine nourisheth and maketh glad the soule preserues the life of it streng theneth it against the assaults of the spirituall aduersary and filles it full of ioy and the marrow of deuotion if with due preparation and a liuely faith assured purpose of amendment of life it bee receiured and digested Secondly it in-lightens
appeare beautifull and gracefull in his sight Which is to bee performed by these exercises following 1 Exercise is concerning sorrow for our sinnes which helpes much to relieue the discomfiture of the soule and of the manifold euill that comes by sinne He that hath offended so great a Lord as is our God by such grieuous treacheries as wee haue done would now againe come into his seruice it is meet that first he labour to get his offence pardoned that to doe this hee vse those meanes whereby he may more easily be restored to grace and that we may not as desperate persons or conceited ideots thinke that no remedy is to bee found for so great a malady as that of our malice the diuine goodnesse euer desirous of our good hath prouided for vs an easie remedy namely that we shold be sorry for our heinous proditions and offences which we haue committed against his goodnesse and no sooner shall we intimously from the heart conceiue this sorrow but by by all our wiekednesse shall be blotted out of his memory So great is the malice and poison of sinne that to the extinguishing and putting out of the same not all the sorrow and tears of all men in the world is sufficient of it selfe how much lesse the sorrow and teares of one man alone but yet so great is the clemeney and mercy of our Lord and of such value is the vnualuable price of the pretious blood of the sonne of God that he is pleased so that we repent our sinnes with a sincere heart and with a liuely faith apply that pretious merits of that spotlesse Lambe of God to our wounded soules to supply in mercy what is defectiue in our weakenesse and to accept that all sufficient sacrifice of his blessed Sonne vpon the Crosse for a complete and full ransome and satisfaction for all And surely it is but iust and right that wee grieue for our sinnes committed for there is no man lyuing who is not naturally greeued and doth not repene that hee hath done any act whereby either harme may ensue vnto him or he may be depriued of any good thing that hee affected Now sinne is the cause that wee loose that infinite good euren GOD himselfe it is the cause that grace is taken from vs wherein consists all our riches it is the cause that wee become Sathans seruants and GODS sworne enemies it is the cause that hee that dieth in it shall for euer bee depriued of the inheritance of heauen and buried in infernall dennes and iustly ought hee to suffer so great euill who commits Treason against the most supreme GOD who was content to die that hee might giue vnto vs life To recount the euills wherewith sinne affects vs were to number the drops of heauen in a storme of raine Therefore our sorrow for sins ought to be longer thē any words can reach seeing our GOD offended is so good and so worthy of our seruice and neuer to bee offended whose anger and offence ought most to vrge vs and whose will and goodnesse aboue all things to mooue vs to blot out our sinnes with the sobs of our hearts and teares of our soules that being put out of his sight that deuine goodnesse may be pleased with our lame obedience But the maner of acquiring this sorrow if the heart bee found to bee harde is that wee represent to the Soule the euill that proceeds from sinne and compell our will to desire that it were not committed and that God had not been offended by it And this act of the will we must labour often to produce sometimes generally for all sinne sometimes discoursing from one sinne to another and with the greatest endeauour we can albeit sometimes we may seeme to haue no sensible griefe for such is not in our power nor is absolutely necessary at all times God in whose hands it is will giue it vs if we often assume that which we can obtaine and in this sorrow he that will rightly begin to serue God must continue a month or more 2 Exercise Must be in the hatred of a mans selfe a thing before all other requisite in expelling the euill customes of the soule For as from the loue of our Sauior spring innumerable euils from which ill customes and habits doe arise to when the loue of our Sauior ceaseth and the hatred of our Sauior entreth to which the Gospell in many places exhorts euery sinne and euill custome is banished But because such kind of hatred seems at the first sight to defer vs from this exercise for the inbred loue which euery one hath towards themselues aboue all things in the world vnto which also euery man is bounde we will first shew the manner how euery one ought to hate himselfe Secondly wherefore euery one ought to hate himselfe and thirdly how this hatred can stand with true charity which begins at the loue of ones selfe I Presupposing the rule and Canon of the sixt instruction the manner wherewith euery one ought to hate himselfe must bee this that he neither will desire nor assume to himselfe any thing that may delight him besides that which without the offence of God he cannot omit but if he must desire it and take it to him then it must be so done that as much as in him is he be sorry for it conconsidering how vnworthy hee is of all delectation and pleasure in respect of his sinnes and thereupon is sorry that he is compelled to admit it yet in as much as it is the pleasure of God he willingly and ioyfully admits it As for the purpose eating drinking the like which bring some delectation with them thou must neuer assume will or desire them for thy owne comforts and delights or to satisfie thy owne appetite nay thou must with a firme will determine with thy selfe that thou wouldest not admit it if the will of God were not such as would haue thee to doe it To hold this firme resolution it is needfull that thou call to minde the sixt instruction And herein shalt thou know that thou hall gained such a will when thou takest onelie so much of these and in that manner as thou thinkest God would haue thee to take and desire God would that thou shouldest take of meate and drinke what is necessarie both in quantitie and qualitie In quantitie so much as is truely and not fainedlie necessarie vnto thee whereby thou maist bee disposed and made strong to the seruice of GOD in qualitie that with all thy power thou reiect all sweete taste therein except when it is necessarie for the remedie of thy infirmities In these and the like it will be euer expedient that wee take something lesse yea whilst yet it may seeme necessarie vnto vs to take so much For often the too much loue of our selues will impose vpon vs but seldome the hatred of our selues Besides it is necessarie together with this hatred of thy selfe that thou doest
deceiued and blind in that he loueth it As great madnesse to nourish that seruant that will betray thee and to cherish that theefe that brings thee to the gallowes The loue of our selues will affoord vs no more fauour and therefore it is wisdome to hate our selues seeing it is no better then the worme that destroies the wood it is bred in and the Moth that frets the cloth that feeds it Plato Heathen men found this to be the most grieuous euill that could be in man to loue himselfe because hee could not bee a iust iudge of himselfe 1 Loue built two cities the loue of GOD Aug. the City of God euen to the contempt of a mans selfe but the loue of a mans selfe built the city of the deuill euen to the contempt of God 2 We must hate our selues because that seeing we haue by our sinnes become Traitors against God it is but iust that wee giue him all possible satisfaction wee can But seeing an infinit satisfaction is due according to the measure and mallice of our sinnes and wee poore wretches of our selues can performe so small as the least for this cause we ought to hate our selues and to desire that all men should hate vs as much as without sinne and the offence of God may be because when wee being so vnable to satisfie one for a thousand yet we should presume to sinne against him with a high hand and therefore by this hatred of our selues to render vnto him all the satisfaction that lieth in vs. And if you aske me what treason the sinner hath committed I answere the greatest of all other treasons it is no other but to kill his Lord and take his life from him And that the sinner doth this is plaine Heb. 6. for he crucifieth to himselfe the son of God The vnderstanding whereof if thou desirest the same Saint Paul giues in saying Gal. 4. Christ liueth in me namely by a spitituall kind of life quickning of soules and working in them the works of life as it is written thou hast wrought al our works for vs. Isa 26. In this manner doth God liue in euery righteous and godly man Therefore seeing God doth not liue so in the sinner it is plaine that by sinne hee hath killed him But what a wickednesse this is and what a treason and how many euils it includes in it let him well consider that will iudge rightly of things 3. Let the third reason for which we must hate our selues be this as the most eminent namely that our soules being emptied of the loue of our selues so farre is it acceptable vnto God as that it may he filled with the loue of God whose goodnesse will not suffer vs to bee emptied of the loue of our selues but that he will fill vs with the loue of himselfe and euen in that measure and no further shall we be replenished with the loue of God then we shall be emptied of the loue of our selues For nothing can so rightly bee done as to hate all our sensuall delires that so the moll sublime will of God which is God himselfe may raigne in our will Which is the highest pitch of holinesse that heere we can haue Therefore I beseech you by the mercies of God and that infinit desire wherewith of his goodnes he desireth our aduancement and againe for that naturall desire that all men haue to wish and desire the chiefe good euen God himselfe that you will not be negligent in this but search out the innumerable cranies holds and subtle manners of hauing our selues in this hatred whereby we may obtaine such and so perpetual riches and glory But seeing the coldnesse of our minds doth not suffer vs to handle our selues any thing sharply as we ought at the least let vs desire and with great desire consent that we may be prouoked and may sustaine persecutions disgraces and contempt from others For persecution contempt and the like are no other but as a shop and hammer wherewith to take from vs the rust and drosse of our soules or as the searing iron of the soule whereby to take from it the poison of selfe-loue wherewith we are exulcerated and abstracted from all good that this exulceration beeing taken away we may performe that admirable worke of God which is the loue of him Therfore we should much reioyce When we are ill intreated of others when we are affected with calumniations and iniuries and with great loue to God and him that persecutes vs cry out whence haue I this happinesse in this world to haue the exulceration and infection of my soule taken from me and that it should be the occasion to ●nrich mee with my God with most excellent riches and graces We may consider that it is holden for a great happinesse to light vpon a Chirurgian who can cure the wounds and vlcers of the body albeit that hee doe it not without sharpe prickings and lancings which mightily crucifie euen the marrow of the soule But sure it is much more happinesse to fall into his society who beyond all reason seemes to vse vs ill and withall to take from vs euen those things we stand in need of for so he cureth otherwise the most incurable wounds and stinking vlcers of the soule For if we willingly embrace this we shall bee made sound from that deadly poison of selfe-loue Happy is that man who shall feele and desire this and shall with continuall and effectual care procure it but more happy he who seeing himselfe in the middest of the conflicts of persecution and worldly disasters and misfortunes shall yet swallow those bitter draughts that hee may possesse this loue of God and that hatred of himselfe but most happy is he who through long exercise is so directed towards the greatnesse of this most sweet hatred that albeit for his naturall inclination it brings great paine with it yet the ardent desire of increasing in the loue of God doth change it into so great sweetnesse as that was wont to doe which with a most earnest longing he before desired Of the manner in respect of our duety whereby to obtaine this shal be spoken in the sixth exercise of humility which is the primary foundation hereof Yet this place requires that wee should deliuer the most effectuall manner of obtayning this hatred of our selues because the thing is so out of all practise and vse Therefore we must obserue that it is very expedient we be attentiue that at what time the will is inclined to desire or accept persecution it is not fit to bring into sight the persecution it selfe compelling our selues to accept it for it is something difficult voluntarily to accept persecution being present or but lately laide on vs except wee haue a great measure of the annointing of the holy Spirit therefore we must doe thus vsing a holy caution It falleth out often that we are iniuried and that without all reason much griefe accompanying
that thing beare rule in his heart that was so taken with the loue of it and with a certaine kinde of fruition hee delights in it which is the end of delectation and to conclude doth complete the motion of loue He therefore that is so tempted let him first discerne the fault from the temptation for in such sudden motions of loue and concupiscence often their followes no fault because in men of riper yeares they preuent the consent of reason but if any sinne lie hid by the negligence of reason it is a very small one which I would haue to be obserued in all kindes of temptations that I need not repeate the same thing againe 1 Assoone therefore as any shall perceiue these sudden motions of loue and concupiscence raised in him Hee may many waies represse the appetite that it goe no further for hee may forthwith by reason thus commaund his appetite Let goe this hurtfull concupiscence for it becomes not a man indued with reason and much more excellent in minde then all these bodily things and borne to the studie of wisdome and beauty of vertues to desire this thing whereby the minde is turned away from better goods things But this restrayning of the appetite was in vse amongst heathen Philosephers for it hath nothing in it aboue reason 2 There is therefore yet a more excellent way worthy of a Christian and out of faith which worketh by loue is more effectuall as thus absteine from this noisome concupiscence for it is not lawfull that a man who shall enioy eternall good things and be cloathed with glory as with a garment should by these vile and base things be diuerted from the care of better things 3 But yet there is a way more sublime as thus Let goe thy desire and absteine from this hurtfull concupiscence for it is not conuenient for mee who haue made a couenant with my GOD to keepe his lawes to couet and desire any thing that is anothers And thus may wee doe in all kinde of things bee they honourable profitable or delectable The first of these kinds of repressing the appetite is humaine The second is Christian But the third is diuine But if the appetite doe not giue place yet for all that doe wee not labour in vaine For albeit the appetite doe not obey reason at a becke as the other members doe but after a certaine politike manner and often doe most strongly resist reason Yet wee finde that by thus doing wee are prepared vnto a Christian mortification and by custome of fighting reason at length gets the dominion ouer appetite To end therefore this point with a short but sweet admonition hee that much desres to kill his passions so as that they may not kill his soule must know that if hee shall know to moderate well his loue from whence all passions doe arise hee surely shall carrie awaie the victorie Nor shall he only ouercome but by a wonderfull short cut sooner then others hee shall ouercome and with greater delight contentment And the manner of doing it is this hee must bee very circumspect in the exercise of euery thing that he set not his heart vpō the apparant shew of things but assoone as hee seeth any thing that is pleasant to turne away his heart make hast to breathe after heauenly things For it is altogether impossible that the other passions should wax heauy or hurt vs if the rootes of loue be cut vp Let this bee the example a man sees some profitable good thing and forthwith assoone as he sees it whilest his loue is stirred vp he lifts vp his heart to heauen saying Oh how much more profitable things are prouided for me there He sees something that delights him and whilst his appetite growes in loue of it his heart is instantly lift vp to heauen saying how much sweeter shall my banquet be in heauen where my meate shall be Manna Angels food and my drinke the fountaine of life Hee sees some honourable good thing namely other mens estimation conceiued of his wittie learning dexterity c. And whilst the appetite beginnes to be carried to the loue of honour he runnes and lifts vp his heart saying how much greater estimation and honour shall be conceiued of me in that most ample Court of heauen then if I had the honour of the whole world 2 Of the passions of Hate Flight or abhomination and of sorrow and griefe where also are two things as before 1 The definition of Hate As good so soone as it is seene ingenders the loue of it so euill by and by as it acknowledged begets the hatred of it Now hate is a certaine motion of the concupiscible dissonant from euill or more cleerely it is the motion of auersion wherewith the appetite is affected when any thing dissonant or contrary and repugnant to it is represented for as betwixt the appetite and good there is consent so betwixt the appetite and euill there is dissent Hence comes flight and abhomination of the euill which is the motion of retraction whereby the appetite departs from euill as if we said that that recession or declining whereby the appetite retracts it selfe from euill which displeaseth it were slight or abhomination of the euill which is the intention of flight for after that euill is by the imagination represented the appetite doth not onely disagree and become dissonant which is hatred but also goes backe which is slight Sadnesse or sorrow succeeds when the euill is present sorrow comes from euill ioyned vnto the body with the apprehension of sence but sadnesse is for the euils conceiued by inward apprehension which may also therefore be past and to come which arc inwardly conceiued seeing sorrow onely for the present time continues whilest the body is oppressed Therefore sadnesse or sorrow is a certaine motion whereby the appetite is vexed by the present euill as if I said that it is the motion whereby the appetite is oppressed with the burden of a present euill These passions are of contrarie motion to those we handled in the 9. Chap. for hate is auersion from euill loue the conuersion to good flight is the departing from euill desire is the progresse to good sadnesse is the oppression of euill delectation is the expansion to good But as loue with the two other passions is carried towards the honest profitable and delectable good so hate with the 2. passions arising from it inclines to the 3. fold euill vnhonest vnprofitable vnpleasant Now by good and euill wee vnderstand either the true or the apparant good for whatsoeuer pleaseth the appetite is good and whatsoeuer is repugnant in this kinde is euill But amongst all other things in this place this is most attentiuely to be obserued that sadnesse one of the principall passions which as delight complets the motion of loue so it of hate is a capitall enemy to true vertue for besides the hurt it brings to the body this amongst all passions
a high manner this their desire it fulfilled and how much ioy they haue of the one and the other Therefore it is manifest of what great excellency this worke of the loue of GOD is seeing neither tongue nor pen is able to expresse it 3 Now hauing seene the remedite for this coldnesse of the loue of God what this loue of God is what is the beginning progresse and end of it It is fit that wee know how much and how often we must be imploied in this loue And surely so farre as briefly can be gathered wee must know that wee must euer or at the least by infinit turnes euen in the same houre if it bee possible exercise our selues in this loue yet that wee may bee able the more liuely to feele how wee ought continually thus to loue wee must obserue that if the exchange be commendable whereby one takes vpon him the labour of one houre or giues some small mony for the redemption of a thousand men captined by the Moores without all companion he shall and ought to thinke his time better bestowed that himselfe or any other man should sustaine death yea manie deaths that some other man for a most small time may loue God if that loue cannot be had without suffring of the same death or deathes euen for that small space of time and that is so true that it not onely hath place when he who for that smal space of time loueth God by that loue obtayning heauens glory but also if we were certaine that hee might by diuerse other seruices towards God in that small space of time obtaine the said glory which hence is manifest For that short loue hath in it greater good then the euill of of him that is suffred with much griefe who doth also wish death a thousand times Besides it shall yet incomparably be a greater good if we shal consider that for this short time of loue shall be rendered an increase of grace and further also an augmentation of perpetuall loue together with Celestiall glory And how great a good that is hee shall know who vnderstands what is the greatnesse of diuine loue And this being knowne it will yet more cleerely appeace that wee ought euermore or by inumerable vicissitudes to performe this so sublime a duty of loue that doing here that which is our duety wee may increase in strength to doe the same in heauen where those that ●aue obtained glorie doe so much more excellently loue by how much more they haue loued when they were on earth But if we ought by these inumerable turnes wee ought to loue this our most glorious God because the act of this loue is of inestimable goodnesse then let vs turne our selues to consider our owne negligence and mallice● and behold how bitterly wee ought to lament euery moment of our liues which hath passed without this loue Againe how much more grieuously wee ought to bewaile al those things which haue disioyned vs from this loue and such are all our sinnes by which we become capitall enemies and most contrarious to this loue and at the best brings a shiuering coldnesse and sluggishnesse ouer our hearts to so great a good and withall let vs consider of what great reprehension he is worthy that doth not intimously from the heart reioyce at euery thing which may promote vs to so great a good such as iniuries contempts persecutions and the like are And on the other side if wee doe not mightily lament as often as wee finde any impediment to so great a good such as humaine fauours and all other complacency and temporall delectations are Surely so reprooueable is it that we do not ioy or grieue at the things wee haue spoken by how much it is more better to suffer death a thousand times then the iniuries and persecutions which mans malice was wont to inferre or the sorrowes which wee can feele whilest wee flee the fauours of men and other things which were wont to be delight-some to vs. Againe that in so excellent a iouruey nothing may hinder vs wee must obserue that if sometimes for the debility of bodie or because wee haue not attained so great vertue in the soule as is necessarie to the suffring of aduersities it is necessary then that wee flee persecutions and the societies of such as affect vs with iniuries or to procure I some delicate and sauory things that wee may doe that with an actuall intention of greater euils and often lamenting for that in fleeing from aduersities we should depart frō that which is good which may promote vs to so great a good as is the loue of God and that taking vp these pleasant things wee should omit those bitter things vnto which by the malice of our negligence we are obliged And wee must doe this with an humble Prayer vnto GOD supplicating his goodnesse to strengthen verthe both in body and soule whereby hauing receiued power to resist our frailty for which by the defect of our power it was necessary for vs to flee persecutions or to take vp things pleasant vnto vs wee may bee without any impediment disposed to that same heauenly loue of him and his glory And that wee may the more cleerely know how worthy these our negligences are of reprehension whereby wee fall from this pretious loue it will be to good purpose to obserue that which wee haue written before of the hatred of our selues which is the foundation and primary disposition to this loue of God And because wee haue no balances on earth wherewith continually to weigh the same wee must aske of God that he would prouide vs from heauen and God graunt that our liues may neuer bee weary of the consideration hereof From all these is to be obserued what great madnesse it is not to procure that great glory in heauen seeing the sublimity of that glory doth necessarily follow low the seriousnesse of that loue and although the greatnesse of that glory were not much to bee regarded which is ordained for vs yet are wee much obliged to regarde that we may obtaine the greatnesse of the loue that being made glorious we may euer loue him who is most worthy of all to bee most highly loued But that we may see how we may be able often to loue chiefely when the taste in sweetnesse forsakes vs which of it selfe was wont to stir vs vp we must take a helpe from the sixth Instruction seeing God giues grace to the will to incline to this or that as often as the seruant of God shall prepare himself therunto frō al which the seruant of Christ may obserue what an infinit and irrecouerable losse we receiue when wee omit to loue God in euery moment of time wherein wee may loue him And if it bee to bee lamented whilest by neglecting of great dignities or earthly riches one receiues a great losse How much more lamentable is it seeing the losse is farre greater to omit euen for a
hauing first obtained that holy and pretious hatred of our selues or die affection to some earthly thing remayning or some other thing that may bring delight not ordered actually or at the least virtually towards GOD ●hen with a beetle or mall to bee willing to cleane those things which doe require a rasour or a most sharpe knife Surely it behoueth the will that would bring fourth the acts of true and sincere loue to be so sharpe that it may penetrate whatsoeuer opposeth it vntill it doe come vnto God And such a will euen in peace and without my labour will produce a thousand acts of loue and many more in one day whereof the least sufficeth to aduance a man to a great degree of heauenly glory And on the other side he that indeauours to lift vp himselfe to produce the acts of loue by a ●ill dulled and blunted with a ●mall inordinate loue it is so difficult for this man to loue as it is to ●deuide the heauens with a mall For the sublimity of perfect loue suffers not together with it a thing so vile and abiect Nor ought any to admire that to the obtayning of this loue such circūspection is here aduised saying that many haue obtained it without vsing so many cautions and without this methode and course To which I answere that albeit many haue obtained this loue long before the writing hereof yet who will rightly weigh what our Redeemer meant when hee said that all the law hanged vpon loue shall plainly perceiue that no man obtained it the common way without these courses here prescribed which are no other but such as are drawne from the Sacred Scripture according the declaration of the fathers which methode and meanes our LORD GOD of his infinit bounty and goodnesse doth manifest to all his elect both small and great whose goodnesse is also pleased to graunt that now at the last these things gathered together for the common instruction might bee published vnto all that our frailty and misery euery day increasing there might euer abound the facility of knowing that which is so necessary for vs. And if they vrge further affirming that they haue attained vnto this loue without these courses and meanes I dare presume to intreat them to take heed least happily this their loue bee that cold and weake loue whereof I spake in the beginning of this treatise which seeing it suffers many blemishes and blurs to bee in it there is no wonder if without either methode or labour it bee obteined 2 From this view of the loue of God wee come a little to suruey the loue of our neighbours as a glimpse of that bright Son and a little brooke of that Ocean of the loue of God Therefore as concerning the things which are to bee spoken of this loue of our neighbours there is 〈◊〉 rule to be obserued which may be applied to euery worke namely that whosoeuer desires euer to please God must obserue two things 1 What he would haue vs do 2 How he would haue vs doe it For he should doe very little that should doe what God would haue him doe except withall hee should doe it in that manner he would haue him doe it The most excellent worke which God would haue vs doe is to loue him and thinke vpon him yet if wee doe not this in such manner as hee would haue vs as in the former tract is deliuered it would not bee acceptable to him nor worth the doing There is another worke like vnto this which God would haue vs to doe that is to loue our neghbours but yet albeit God would haue vs to doe it except we loue him in that manner as GOD would haue it done wee shall not attaine those sublime and heauenly rewards which GOD hath prepared for those that loue him aright Greg. For albeit the sacred Scriptures doe not contradict this manner of louing as if they iudged it a sinne yet is it not so done as GOD by them would haue it done This is my commandements saith that great Maiesty that yee loue one another as I haue loued you Therefore it is fit that wee discourse a little hereof how he hath loued vs that wee may vnderstand in what manner hee would haue vs loue our neighbours This our great God loued vs reducing vs to the sublime loue of himselfe hee loued vs inducing to suffer the aduersities and afflictions of the world neuer letting loose the raines of our affections to the vaine pleasures of this world beyond that which should be necessary to the sustentation of the body hee loued vs dying for vs that hee might giue vnto vs grace and glory And in this manner of louing was hee most of all giuen to loue the greatest enemy that could bee of all vaine loue wherewith louers doe loue one another and whereof they make outward shew which kind of loue is very slippery deceitfull And therefore God is earnestly to be praied vnto that this loue may not infect the will which was created to be the temple of God Sure it is if this loue had not infected the will the Son of God would neuer haue said hee that hateth not his father and mother brethren and sisters cannot bee my disciple Therefore wee ought to loue one another and in that manner which our Master Iesus Christ hath taught vs casting away all other vanities which are wont to mixe themselues with loue whereof this that followeth is one It commeth to passe that thou seest one in respect of the soule much giuē to vertue in respect of his corporal presence and conuersation very acceptable and pleasant with this person many are so cordiatly affected that they become captiued with the loue of him and it is grieuous vnto them not to see him not to speake with him not to acknowledge in him a reciprocal loue towards them this is a vaine loue Whence with many it falleth out that they take great paines but profit very little and do vnto God very small seruice But let vs make the vanity of it appeare by a familiar example Thou hast a friend happily who hath a seruant the loue of this seruant of thy friends doth so captiuate thy heart that it pleaseth thee much more to conuerse and talke with him then with thy friend If thou shalt say that the loue wherewith thou louest this seruant is for thy friend who will not laugh at it For although it may be that this loue was begun in that hee was thy friends seruant yet that from whence this loue so increased that thou delightedst more in his conuersation then thy friends doth shew that now thou louest him not for thy friends sake but because his conuersation it pleasant and acceptable vnto thee in like manner wee may say that it is worthy of laughter that thou shouldest say the loue whereof wee spake before was for Gods sake although happily it might haue some part of spirituall loue in
it but it sufficeth not him that is truely addicted vnto God to giue part vnto God but the whole so that the whole affection must be imploied in God or in that which is wholy directed to him Therefore whatsoeuer is vaine in this loue must bee cast away seeing it is certaine that nothing can bee ordered and directed towards God which is more loued in the creature then in God the Creator Our loue towards al persons ought to bee carried with so great affection as can proceed from that affection which wee haue towards God all other affections being cast off that that affection may haue place which wee owe vnto God And to the casting away of these things it shall not profit a little to remember what wee haue spoken before of vaine ioy together with the sixth Instruction Now therefore seeing in part we haue spokē what kind of loue ours ought to be and that wee must cast away the loue that is not such wee will adde an example to open this manner of louing to which purpose wee neede but call to minde the example of that good Sonne of whose loue toward his Father wee spake in the former Chapter by whose imitation wee collected it is fit to loue our Heauenly Father So now let vs see in the imitation of him how wee ought to loue the seruants of our Father namely all that are in the world friends and enemies Therefore wee must adde in that example that the father so beloued of his son who yet expected no benefit frō his father had a seruant whom he onely loued but yet wanted all kinde of necessaries as well for himselfe as for his seruant sauing what his sonne did giue vnto him Now this seruant is odious and hatefull to this sonne and in nothing profitable to him or to his minde and if the sonne should onely seeke himselfe and his owne benefit and pleasure he would cast off this seruant yet vnwilling to doe any thing that may displease his father but rather seeking by all meanes to doe the things that may please his father induced thereunto by no other respect hee maintaines this ser●ant in his house as one of his ●onnes or most dearely beloued seruants and so speakes vnto him ●nd intreates him that if at any time he would seeme to leaue the house the sonne would be grie●●ed and would intreat him to tarry fearing least his father should bee grieued for his absence Such loue must that be which wee ought to carry towards our neighbours namely that considering they are so much beloued of God that hee gaue himselfe to death for them when as yet all of them were his enemies we also should loue them al so much helping them in all that is good and necessary for them as well in body as in soule euen so much I say as we are wont to loue them who do much please and delight vs and that also albeit their conuersation were odious and g●ieuous vnto vs so to speake vnto them and prouide for them in all necessaries euen as for those who are much beloued of that our Father and Lord who both would it should bee so and hath also so commanded it to be done And all these things wee must doe with as great and feruent a will as wee are able because this is most acceptable vnto God and he would haue vs doe it and this he his infinit will that it should bee so done of vs. Let them who desire to serue God chiefly obserue that whosoeuer doe affect vs with any iniury giues vs great occasion to increase in the seruice of God for after this occasion of so great good which comes vnto vs ioyned with the commandement of God who would haue it so what excuse can we haue if wee doe not with intimous and ardent bowels loue then that load vs with euils chiefly whilst wee consider that God himselfe will happily afterwards take from such our perse cut ours all excellent and high duties as it often befalleth many other sinners Therefore the good seruant of God he must neuer be accounted who reioiceth not at the afflictions and iniuries which are cast vpon him for his Lord. If therfore hee shall esteeme himselfe happy when he is set vpon with iniuries and aduersities the onely will of seruing God makes him no lesse stable in louing him whom his inordinate affection made odious then him whom the abundance of benefits compelled to loue Yet it must be obserued that although loue must bee equally borne vnto all yet first it must bee shewed both in affection and good workes towards them that are giuen to vertue and holinesse of life 3 The last thing which I reserued for this place is the loue of our selues how he must loue himselfe that would truely loue himselfe To loue our selues is a thing so naturall that whosoeuer would hereof write may wel do it without feare of prouoking any to anger seeing our appetite doth increase in our loue towards our selues that albeit we be inriched with great riches yet doe wee iudge them but small because we loue our selues labour aduancement to greater matters For this cause our excellent Master the Sonne of God desiring that wee should loue our neighbours very much as those for whom hee laid down his life that he might shew in few words how much hee would haue vs to loue them he gaue this rule Thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe Math. 22. But seeing the blindnesse of sinne hath so inuaded vs that it hath taken from vs the iudgement and knowledge how wee ought to loue our selues it is fit by the direction of the Gospell wee prouide for this euill Therefore we will say that he truely loues himselfe who obserues these three rules 1 That with all his strengh hee procure euery thing whence hee vnderstands any good may come vnto him 2 That hee shun euery thing which may bring any harme damage or euill vnto him 3 That albeit many difficulties and rubs to the attayning of that which is good do offer themselues yet hee shall not refuse to oppose himselfe against them Of these three seeing wee haue often spoken in this discourse we will onely touch some few things which are more necessary to bee knowne that wee may learne aright to loue our selues 1 As concerning the first of these wee will obserue that this Cannon is euery moment very necessary hereunto that the thing which is good may bee made very good namely that in euery thing I repeate it againe in euery thing speaking generally which wee shall desire or obtaine two points may be considered 1 Is the good which from this thing commeth vnto vs or may come vnto vs. 2 That it is acceptable vnto God that this good thing should come vnto vs. Therefore hee that loueth himselfe and desireth great good things to himselfe must little esteeme the good that may befall him from any thing hee doth or desireth I say
reioyeing at all these things to giue GOD singular thankes from whom all good things doe proceed Oh how truely doth he loue himselfe who is euer imployed in this giuing of thankes For assuming as his owne euery good thing which is done to all others after an inestimable manner it causeth his own proper good to increase yea it makes the good of all others to bee his owne proper good and by so much more doth his owne good increase by how much hee doth more reioyce in the onely loue of God and giues him thankes for all without all respect of such increase In these last words consists the summe of that which is required to make thankes acceptable to God and that we assured● so do it is expedient that we be much accustomed to doe all that wee doe because God would haue vs so doe as is expressed in the second Instruction 2 Touching the second thing namely that he who loueth himselfe should shew and auoide all that is euil and damageable vnto him I neede say no more but God forbid that he who rightly loueth himself should think that any thing can do him harme and dammage saue sinne and the occasions thereof all which are to bee auoided of him that loueth himselfe For euery sinne murdereth the soule 3 The last Cannon and rule to bee obserued in louing our selues was that hee oppose himselfe to all kinde of labour and difficulty for the obteyning hereof and that is that he altogether exercise himselfe in all the foresaid things but chiefely in the hatred of himselfe in patience and in gouerning and subduing the foure graund passions of the minde and all other passions as is formerly discoursed Yet besides those things which are there handled it is not vnnecessary in this place to ioyne in manner of an example a thing which is somewhat grieuous which although it often offer it self yet is it very necessary for the obtayning of this true loue It falleth out daily that we doe or say somewhat whence wee may seeme to be confounded and ashamed and that those who heare or see vs doe contemne vs for it whether it fall out by any naturall defect as suppose that wee haue not well composed our Sermons or that we haue not so aptly spoken or so cunningly sung or some such other thing or whether it fall out vpon some of our vnbrideled motions as intemperancy in the gesture of the countenance or in angry words or the like Hee that loueth himselfe must in euery one of such contingents and chances consider two points 1 The confusion and shame it self which in case is this offered to him 2 The euill example of iudging ill of him or of imitating the same which others happily will draw from thence 1 For the first namely confusion in such cases there is wont to be a common refuge whereby they comfort animate themselues considering that others happily did not so much obserue that word or deed of theirs as he that did or said it doth thinke or if they did so obserue it yet that themselues as well as others haue fallen often into such like defects or else that now they haue forgotten it Thus doe they who coldly loue themselues But those who soundly loue themselues doe quite contrary namely imbracing that confusion with great loue considering that others will despise them according to the common custome of the world and will thinke them to bee men of small vertue and worth and profitable for nothing all which doe make vp a vehement act of patience and humility whereof as is before said few men suffice to produce excellent habits albeit we which yet is true will not say that in euery of such acts which are referred vnto God there were great seruice done vnto him And if we be attentiue there is daily an occasion offred vnto vs either of operation or cogitation whereby wee may doe these things all which things they doe loose that without methode and negligently lead their liues albeit they thinke themselues deuout But how much hee who truely loues himselfe ought to esteeme euery of these acts the seruant of God will very well obserue turning himselfe as well to this place as to the things before discoursed in which there is mention made of these acts of the will 2 The other rule which I set downe to bee considered in such cases as breede confusion and shame is the ill example that others may draw from thence And as to the consideration of this the seruant of GOD must presently produce the act of griefe for that happily hee hath beene the occasion of euill or of the lesse or worse seruing of God then was fit And hee that shall so know to loue himselfe shall make benefit both of the one and the other therefore hee that shall haue all these things I say that he loueth himselfe For referring all his loue towards God and drawing it from himselfe and from all other things that it may bee more capable of Gods loue hee shall both liue in this life more comfortably and in heauen shal haue the greater glory albeit he must not doe this for any other respect but for the Lord alone whose wee more are then our owne and to whom we are more debtours then to our selues and also who hath more care for the things that are fit for vs then wee haue for our selues and who hath more laboured and sweat that he might giue vs life then we haue don that we might haue it Thus concluding this first part of the third generall requisition in seruing of God I will shut it vp thu namely that happy is the man who doth all that euer hee doth onely for GOD and happy againe is hee who hath strongly determined in his soule to produce the multiplicity of the acts described in this booke which hee must exactly know that will serue God aright and most frequently bring them into action Therefore let all men read this booke let them who know how to serue God read it that they may more easily remember in what manner the most high will be serued Let them that know not read it that they may attaine that excellent knowledge without which there is no comming neere vnto GOD neither here nor here after Surely I dare affirme that it shall most clearely appeare if men will iudge aright that hee who shall vse this way of seruing God shall in one yeare doe more and more perfect and excellent seruices vnto God of those things which are much to be esteemed for the singular help which he shall by their instruction receiue then hee shall doe in tenne yeares who is not helped by this methode or the like if the Lord God will giue in vnto him This is proued from the great necessity which all men confesse there is of godly bookes teaching this excellent and compendious course seeing that to this purpose the holy Gospell is written and whatsoeuer is good in the world But
a hearty sorrow for them and humbly begge pardon of him 4 Loue him with thy whole heart namely so as that thou haue a firme desire and purpose that thou wilt doe nothing that is contrary to him that thou wilt doe nothing that is contrary to him that thou wilt loue nothing but what in act or vertue tends to him and that thou wilt preferre him before thy selfe and all other things 5 At the last aske of God seauen gifts which some do conceiue the blessed Virgin did dayly begge of God 1. An effectuall helpe that thou maist in some measure performe the commandement of the loue of God 2. That thou maist constantly loue thy neighbour euery holy thing which he loueth 3. That whatsoeuer euill he hateth thou also maist hate the same 4. That thou maist be adorned with humility chastity contempt of the world and al other necessary graces 5. That he would make thy minde thy body a worthy tēple and habitation for himselfe 6. That at length after this mortality being don away thou maist for euer enioy his most blessed presence maist with the eies of thy flesh clearely see his most holy humanity and with the eies of thy minde behold and possesse his diuinity 7. That in this temple and in all other temples and places throughout the whole world he may receiue all due worthy reuerence acknowledgement honour and praise 2 Meditation 1. Behold Christ thy Sauiour in the midst of thine heart as thy Lord who redeemed thee with the price of his bloud and thy selfe as his seruant who by a new conceiued feruour wouldst returne vnto him desirous in all things to please him 2 Giue him immense thanks 1. That he wold be present at the Sacrament as a Master would gouern the habitatiō of thy hart compose with the gift of mortification the multitude of thy affections 2. That with such meekenes receiued the petitions of his runnagate seruant 3. That being King of kings whom the heauens cānot receiue yet vouchsafeth in admirable manner to dwell in the base cottage of his vnworthy seruant 3 Desire that at the presence of thy Lord the house of thy heart may be quiet and in peace And resolue with thy selfe that thou wilt mortifie thy iudgement will affections and fences and cast away whatsoeuer shall displease him 4 Loue him with all thy soule which thou shalt doe if thou doest submit thy life vnto him if onely thou wouldest haue life and wouldest keepe it that it might obey him if thou dost direct all thy cogitations desires words and workes to his good pleasure 5 Thou shalt aske of him those seauen things in the first Meditation 3 Meditation 1 Behold Christ thy Sauiour in the midst of thy heart as thy Master which teacheth thee the way of saluation and giues grace to performe what he teacheth and thy selfe as his disciple who for thy great negligence hast learned little or nothing of him 2 Giue him infinit thankes 1 Because he would be present at the Sacrament that as a most wise Doctor he might teach thee the way of perfection and instruct thee in things to be done and omitted 2 Because with so great mercie hee hath heard the petitions of his Disciple crauing heauenly knowledge 3 Because the Master of Angels and Men hath deigned to remaine in the lowest ranke of thy polluted heart to teach thee 3 Blush before him because thou art so estranged from his Doctrine and art so filly a scholler in the imitation of him Resolue also with thy selfe that thou wilt forsake all created things both in thy vnderstanding and affection and wilt wholy cut off all inordinate loue of the creatures from thee 4 Loue him with thy whole minde Which thou shalt doe if thou resolue to clense thy spirit from euery thing that may displease him if thou purpose to adorne it with vertues if thou doe continually adhere vnto him in thy memory vnderstanding and will if thou dost labour for ttanquillity of the minde that Christ himselfe may dwell in thy heart 5 Aske of God those seauen things before remembred 4 Meditation 1. Behold Christ thy Sauiour in thy heart as thy most faithfull friend who hath aduanced thee his owne workemanship and his owne vassall to his familiarity and friendship and thy selfe as a friend at the table or rather an hireling who when thou receiuest comfort then louest him but being beaten for thy amendement waxest cold in loue 2 Giue him imnense thankes 1. Because hee would bee present at the Sacrament that hee might visit thee being made his friend by grace and that hee might talke with thee words sweeter then hony 2. Because with so louing eares hee heard the petitions of his friend begging perseuerance in friendship 3. Because as a most rich friend hath determined to dwell by grace in the conclaue of his most poore friends heart 3 Conceiue shame and griefe of thy owne nakednesse who art spoiled of vertues and couered with sordid rags of vices kindle the desires of vertue especially such as thou most needest aske them instantly and exercise some of them with internall acts as time and place will suffer 4 Loue the Lord thy God with all thy strength And that thou shalt doe if thou doest offer vnto God the powers of thy soule and also the sences and instruments of thy bodie in the vnion of his powers and sences and determinest to vse them euer to his seruice 5 Begge of God the seauen graces aforesaid 5 Meditation 1. Behold Christ thy Sauiour in thy heart as thy elder brother and the first borne of many brethren who hath reconciled the enemies of his eternall Father vnto him and made them his brethren and thy selfe as a little brother worthily the least or rather vnworthy of such a name because thou art both in life and manners most vnlike vnto him 2 Giue thankes 1. Because he would please to be present at the Sacrament that he might not call thee an enemie but might acknowledge thee for a brother might deuide with thee his fathers inheritance 2. Because hee would heare with so great loue the petitions of his brother so vnlike him in manners and by the coldnesse of conuersation affecting him with tediousnesse 3. Because the first borne Sonne of our heauenly Father reigning now in heauen did not abhorre the base and obscure dwelling of his brother remayning in exile but was pleased to dwell in it 3 Obserue thy selfe to bee distanced from so louing a brother and complaine of thy misery wish ardently by praier his intimous familiarity and propose to thy selfe that all things necessary to obtaine this guift are to be performed of thee 4 Loue him with all thy power which thou shalt doe if thou doest effectually propose and faithfully performe it that with all thy indeauour thou wilt be aduersant to all euill and performe all that is good 5 Thou must aske those seauen things before named 6 Meditation 1.