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A04789 The exposition, and readynges of Iohn Keltridge: Mayster of the Artes: student of late in Trinitie Colledge in Cambridge, minister, preacher, and pastor of the Church of Dedham, that is in Essex: vpon the wordes of our Sauiour Christe, that bée written in the. xi. of Luke Keltridge, John. 1578 (1578) STC 14920; ESTC S107990 202,637 268

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there hath bin darkenes and ioy vvhere sorrovv and truth vvhete vvas ignorāce so out of the kindome of Satan is the kingdome of Heauen made more glorious and better accepted among men The vvicked hee blindeth the godly hee stirreth vp by his temtations he doth make those that be the Lordes more vvarye God ne●●● forsaketh hist but in desperate cases vseth mightily to restore hi● children God vvilha●e his to mourn a season that they may be glad and re●oyce vvith great honor No trueth is in his lippes but falshod and lyes be the vveapons of the diuell Of euill Parents often times good children and of an euill stocke good branches yet onely the vvill of God that is tyed vnto no person God is not tyed to the greatest number but hee taketh vvhere he pleaseth and chooseth vvhere he listeth God seeth 〈◊〉 and in due time executeth his fierce vvrath Prayer refiss teth all troubles and if vve vvere at the dore of death yet are vve deliuered by it This serpent vvith many heads God vvill bring dovvne and you shall see him treden vnder foote The Pope vvil fall ere long and his time as it is but short so it is the easier to be borne as he is novve rent torne in peeces and his legges also and feete almost cut off The enimies backbite the vvorde and God and the Gospel if any fall neither knovve they hovv out of their fall ther commeth vp strength and abey the better armed Our strife is for trifles albeit great shevve be made of conscience all men may see hovv small ●●nscience these haue vvhich leaue their vocatiō their calling the church the faithfull contemning brotherly felovvship absent them from preaching and hearing the vvorde and distike al but such as they vvould haue this is puritie vvith securatie Very subtil is Sathan seeketh by all meanes to suppresse religion euen by couler of Religion This diuisio● came in but of late yeares and Sathan mightely preuailed I knovv not vvhat this precise life meaneth this dealinge vvilleth but I knovv it is against the vvill of God. Flyinge from the Church ronninge frō preaching so small frequentinge of the Temple on the saboth vvil cause the Lord to take his Gospell from vs. It is filthy whē priuate men become Preachers God taketh to him no man can take from him Gods loue vvas seen before the vvorld in electing vs at the creation in giuing to vs in the vvorld in calling vs then in Christ in redeeming vs and it vvilbee fully shevven in be●uen vvhen he crovvneth vs. All things do appertaing to the Lorde for he vvas made all in all for vs. Wee haue no glorie but in Christ nor kingdō but in Christ no● honour but in Christ therefore are vve joyfull glad onely in Christ Faith finisheth and disposeth all things An instumēt to vvorke vvith all sharper then any svvord to deuide the vvorde of life Though god defer long yet hee vvill pay vs in the ende Man vveake of him selfe vngodlye he is perfited and chaūged by the Spirit of God. The time it is appointed vvhen vvee shal come to God beefore that vvee are as men in this vvorlde drovvned in sin and vvies kednesse If the contēpt of this be death vvhat shall become of them that do contempt it The ordinarie meane to come to God is by hering by this life by life God in him our heauen and our saluation and our life The loue of the father is the loue of his Christ that came for man dyed that out of death there might spring foorth life to all beleeuers No man is crowned if he haue not runne for it no man hath it if also hee win it not no man doth win it bntby strength no man is strong but in God so that wee must stay til God giue vs povver that we may haue the victorie Althings are giuen to knowe God but these are giuen to knowe God our neighbour our selues and his Christ in whome wee finishe and end all The ende of our prayer is that the king dome of God his Christe may shine darkenes and popery and dregs of superstition may bee abolished The kingdōe of God. Nothinge so accepted to the Lord as a vvillinge and ready minde to serue him M. Gualter Ciprian Pelagius con dempned heare The obediēce of creatures to the Lorde doth continu ally checke vs that d●scbay him break his commaūdements The life of man is for a time but he that feareth God liueth for euer The incomprehencible vvisedome of God and the vveakenes of man. Gods prouidence in guiding and prouiding for al. Two kindes of Heretickes bee condempned here the housholde of faith Free vvill men banished by this place Mā striuinge vvith God is as a beast but vvhen he fighteth vvith him he vanisheth as doth the dust Simon Magus the beginner of the houshold of faith some call it the family of loue The beastlinesse of man drovvned in sinne Carpocrates heresie Prodicus errour Donatistes their fall In time of peace men do occupie them selues vvith idle questiōs and among those that thinke them selues purest are greatest ●eresies The house hold of faith brought in among the ●ermans A reason that vve all do sinne this man doth erre The sinneof the elect are not to death but falling they rise again by grace The imbecilitie and fall of the faithfull The godly are neuer cast off the vvicked vvhen they stande fall dovvn to hell The spirit of God is not tied to man but man is ●ied to the spirit Three kindes of operation and vvorking by the spirit Reason that man ruleth not the spirite of God. A comparisō vvith the Fathers and our men that in all manner dealings crye out that it is the spirite of God. The dumbe creatures are a vvitnesse against vs that obay the Lord yet man doth not Mā on earth is a straunger but kept of the Lorde till the daye of iudgement Error and faulte of a false argument The fall of man is for tvvo endes to knovv his ovvne vveaknes to praye the more earnesty Heresy of the Persians Their false conclusion taken avvay Argumentes to proue that vve bee ful of sin and that hee vvhich continueth therin shall die the death The Famely of Loue condempned The doctrine of Balaam Nicolitans that make other mennes vviues cōmō condempned Manlynes is beastlynes humanity is villany vvhē grace vvanteth Nazianzon Ambrose Epiphanus that doth alovve mariages Ierom. Basill Athanasius The revvarde of sin is death The abuse of our men that vsurpe the glorie of god and edifying and suffer all things and he accounted as vvicked that misti keth them This errour is common but as God loueth the good and the godly so he hateth the vvicked and the sinners they be not the Lordes In this age increased this grosle ignorance after Christ the fourth age Iudges take heede hovve you admitt othes for this herisie is commonly sprong vp it is
thy kingdome come Therefore Eucherius vppon the kings doth figuratiuely drawe the kingdome of Saul vnto Christ in that they of Israel lost the kingdome and gouernement by his reprobation and it shoulde be recouered againe vnder the Messtas by free gift Lactantius giueth a spiritual heauēly kingdome vnto Christ for that he was obedient and fatthfull to his father and fulfilled all thinges euen to the death of the crosse therefore he hath giuen him a kingdome and honour and rule Also Epiphanius maketh a comparison betwixt the house of Israel and Ierusalem from whome the scepter and kingdome was some times taken away but saith he for euer shall our glorie last which we shal haue in the throne of the Lorde And his kingdome it is not on yearth for so he testified vnder that testimonie hee gaue vnto Pontius Pilate Therefore Cyprian Christ may be called the kingdome of God whome we looke for dayly and in our prayers desire he woulde come spéedily for in so much as he is our resurrection our glorie our crowne therefore shall we rise be made like vnto him and raigne with him most gloriously It is true and certeine as there is a dominion and sceptar on earth so there is and shal bee a kingdome in heauen so that at such time as wee pray and desire to be with Christe we desire to bee with him in his kingdome which in the ende hee will giue vnto vs in heauen Then as the power of Sathan is great and as he hath his pollicie and ingins readie prepared to snare vs so hath the Lord God his ordinarie meanes to bring vs to his kingdome and hee layeth vp in store for those that bee his against the day of his comming First of all the kingdom of God was knowen and opened inlarged verie aboundantly by his worde which he gaue vs so that they which were snared intangled by Sathan had to runne vnto that eternal decree and heauenly Oracle that was deliuered by the Lorde The séede of the woman shall tread down the head of the Serpent with this as with spirituall foode were our fathers fedd and liued in the hope which they had in one Christ for they hoped for an heritage and for a kingdome and for their redemption which they knewe shoulde bee fulfilled in their season Secondly the amplification and increase of the kingdō of God was shewed to man in that when the appointed houre was come he sent his onely begotten sonne into the worlde that beeing made man of the virgin Marie he might take our weakenesse vppon him and beare our infirmities that our nakednesse might be no more open before God his father but we might be clothed and couered in his peace First he washed away our sinnes and nayled them vnto the Crosse and adopted vs into the libertie of the children of God That we might falter no more and slide from him he lefte a defence and shielde for vs which is our faith that albeit we haue sinne and iniquitie ranging in our mortal bodies yet by a liuely hope in his bloud we might stande stedfast against the enimie and haue our sinnes no more imputed to vs but be counted able to stande before his tribunal in the merite and death of his sonne and such an assurance is giuen vnto vs of life in that kingdom that Paule bursteth out into a verie vehement speeche and wondereth at the Lord that hath brought to passe so much for vs For who can lay ought to our charge that be the children of God It is God that iustifieth who shall condemne It is Christe that is dead nay rather which is risen againe that sitteth at the right hande of his father and is an intercessor and mediator for vs Wherefore séeing the sonne of God hath made a satisfaction for our sinnes and hath by his resurrection vanquished hell death the diuell and condemnation it doth followe that he hath made vs a frée passage to his kingdome and hath set in good order the perfection that was wanting to make vs obedient children in this life and to giue vs his rewarde at the length euen a crowne of immortalitie and glorie And here commeth in the thirde thing that establisheth and giueth vs full certeintie of our kingdom in Christe whereby he squareth vs as fit stones hewen out in good time for so excellent a building and it is the earnest of the spirite procéeding from his father to direct sanctifie and gouerne vs against all the assaultes and temptations of Sathan And here it commeth to passe that where as by nature and offence of the first man we are vnreadie and vnméete to do that which is acceptable pleasant in his sight nowe by his spirite woorkinge in our mindes and consciences and daily striuing with the fleshe wee finde aptnes in our selues and a more readinesse to obey the Lorde This comforter as he was moste plentifully in great terrour and astonishement manifested to his Apostles at the firste enlarging of the kingdome of God so hath he not forsaken vs thoughe visibly he appeare not vnto vs but doth purge and wipe away our infirmities and lighteneth vs by a perfect calling and secreate operation through the obedience of his name that we may knowe what the holy and perfect and readie will of God is And as Saul a verie wicked and vngodly man was founde prophesying among the Prophets and Amos from the Mulberie trées and from the plough was taken into the temple and Sinagog of Hierusalem and as some of the Apostles from the net and the fishers hooke were altered and chaunged vnto other maner of men so is it with vs made and fashioned againe that were before filthie and wicked we are purged renued clensed and renouated by a more liuelye quickening wee stande boldly before his throne of grace and heare knowe the glad tidings of peace for the spirite maketh intercession with groninges for those that be the Lordes and worketh mightily in our heartes vnto saluation Fourthly and lastly this kingdome of God is increased and inlarged by the preaching of the Gospel a verie ordinarie way that God hath left vnto vs to bring vs to heauen euen to beléeue the worde and obey the Lord God and to attaine to the ful measure and depth thereof which is the eternall decree purpose and determination of his death the ende wherof is our life the cause thereof his onely loue good wil and fauour that he bare to man openly knowen and apparant by the Gospell It is therefore called the Gospell of Iesus Christe the sonne of god Mar. 1. It is called the word of Christe Collos 3. It is called the worde of the Lorde Act. 6. It is called the doctrine of Christ or the teaching of the Lorde Act. 13. And it is called the teaching of him that saueth Tit. 2. It is called the preaching of the Lorde Rom. 16. all which titles epithites giuen vnto the
and alowe hir wordes I will commende it But where find we in the word of God to sweare for any and that falsely and that as you think for his glorie I will giue you no weapons to fight withall And those wherwith you séeme to strike are blount already And it may be that he whiche fyled them and deliuered them vnto you as good mettall wanted cunning When ye haue considered better and cast your penyworthes paraduenture also you wil repent you for so shrewde a bargain as you haue had in giuing so largely for such counterfeites it may be a warning vnto you to serch more narrowely As for my selfe I can be but briefe herein the son calleth me back the ronning so hastely putteth mee in mind what to do this iudgemēt shal not be my own take it frō Gregorius that alloweth in some case to be lye thy selfe to saue others But I oppose Augustine against him the in the sermō de verbis Apostili Cap. 29. Determineth more soundly and discréefely a great deale of this matter Fingendo si prius non eras peccator factus eris peccator Nempe dicendo te commisisse quod non admiseris To lye saith Augustine for any thing though beefore thou offendest not It maketh thée as he that finned namely thou saidste thou didest that was neuer done And I am vtterly agaynst all whatsoeuer that giue larger scope to these double harted fellowes then can bée alowed by the worde of God Or that any man should conceale kéepe close his wickednes the filthines of life in others for feare that the Gospell shoulde be discredited and God dishonoured But I say if it bee in Absalon if in thy Sonne if in thy onely sonne conceale it not Heare for I will aunswer that doubt to cut you shorter It is not lawfull to tell an vntrueth no not to saue the life of thy neighbour Augustine in his booke De mendatio to Consentius questioneth thus If a man be sicke extremely euen to death and the same man also knewe his sonne to be in great ieopardie and perill of his life The father hath such loue vnto his childe that the death of his sonne will bee the death of him his father if hee knowe it One standeth by that knoweth his sonne is dead The father asketh the same person as touching his sonne What shal be done in this case If he saith that he is not dead he lyeth if that he saye he knoweth not he dissembleth if he saith he is dead he doth against nature he burieth the father with the sonne Homo vt sum permoueor res dura est As I am a man saith Augustine I am sore affrighted and it is a harde case But hee concludeth Non esse mentiendum Lye not at all Take yet an other Question if you méete with a strumpet with an vnchaste woman that as Putiphars wife to Ioseph would haue thée to defile thy soule in hir dischastitie by Foruication and thou denyest it is come so farre that shee will stea hir selfe vnles shee satisfie hir lust with thée What shal be done now shalt thou agrée condescend vnto hir I say no. And sayth Augustine The reason is alike in both thou shalt not lye and cōmit euill for thy neighbours cōmodity Otherwise there is a Latice an open pathway● to all mischiefe For one lyeth for his substaunce an other for his neighbours wealth another for his fathers commoditie One for his brother and for his honour and for his dignitie and so in al states there is is no ende of lying But yet againe I saye with Augustine Non est committendum vt proalterius corporali vita quicquis suam occidat animam For thy corporall gayne let no man cast away his soule And I say agayne lye not at all But yet to exclude all shifts and lcaue no one creuise to péepe into what shall bée sayde to this Lawyare shift● murtherers and Théeues set vpon a man one hydeth him These men woulde knowe where hée is hidden Reuelabit an non I say commit the matter vnto God if thou canst conueigh him sende him away if not but they demaund where hée is to haue his life Thou néedest not to tell it they be but priuate men If thou art not inforsed conceale it But if they compell thée by thy life Thy soule is in the handes of God thy life is in theirs Obaye thou God before men If the Magistrate do aske thée of a wicked man that hath cōmitted treason againste his person If of an Extorcioner if of an vniust dealer if of a wicked person I say though hee bée thy Brother though thy fréend though thy Maister though thy father though shée out of whose bowels thou commeste Hir blood is on hir owne head disclose it lye not otherwise soule for soue life for life man for man blood for blood you dye both To conclude in thy Marchandize truth in thy dealings truth in barganing truth in selling truthe in inritching truthe Truthe in all thinges For men that deale vntruely ofte times do liue vnruely And these be they that commonly do end their liues most desperatly I am now at length arriued to a very daungerous and troublesome porte Wheras but that now God bée thanked the winde and weather is delayed There might séeme some danger of sanding for thrée already I escaped very perellous kinde of men And I haue now to incounter with the fourth That bée suche as fright mée the more as I sée there pretensed zeale more cunningly cloaked then the rest And yet these forgiue their debtes and pardon their enemyes Yet mooued by the Spirit and for zeale of the Gospell or by reuelation from Heauen or by certayne peruersnes that they bée the enemies of Christ Wil vse the Swoord and aucthority and put their hands to the knife to wound and launche their Brothers throte Some haue dyed in England not long since for the same And the Martirdome of one Burchet a Gentleman with one or two more his companyons Par semper paria petit though vnknowē as yet hanged at the Strand in London a few yeeres now past did much mischeefe heare in England I was in the Country nowe past but two yéeres where in a long Voiage that I tooke I did by chaunce stumble vpon some of them and about Sowthhampton with the Coast there adioyning and Westward towards Portchmowth I had som talke with poore Laymen as I rode that enclined much hereunto Whome after I had admonished with a litle bitter spéech as a terror to them for procéedinge any farther ▪ They reclaimed for a time how since that they haue béene mooued by the Spirite of God I know not In this Cuntry where now I am I can accuse none but how neare in diuers poynctes they come vnto them I refer mée to the discretion of sutch as knowe them without affection béeinge pertiall vnto none I set
For the they of Christ be not babblers as the Ethnickes bée excludeth the long and tedious reading at the Churche and men busied at their bookes when the Congregation is otherwise to bee edified it leaueth thee a small roome to put thy rewarde in The firste it perisheth by this for that God knoweth what wée haue néede of before wée aske wherein the errour of the Gentiles is shut out that kneeled so deuoutly before their Idols when happely they were abrode and busied in some other place and coulde not so presently heare them vnlesse they tarryed till they returned But it is with the Lorde as is with a cunning and expert Physition that can iudge by the sight of him hée seeth what disease it is whereof he sickeneth And our Lorde he knoweth whereof wée stand in néede and searcheth the sorrowe of our soules and wée néede not to tire our selues houres and dayes and nightes and wéekes as the Papistes doe Againe that superstitious custome of old time to praye at certeine houres and at no other I condempne it for Christe all night and in the morning and at noone tyde prayde I am ashamed to stande draining to searche out their beastly customs I therefore leaue them to suche as wil bee blinded in their foolishnesse The Epicure and the Athist haue reasoned verye subtilly agaynst prayer If hée knew before what wee should neede why pray wee hee coulde giue it vs if hee did not know what it was wee needed why hee is not God wherfore then praye wee If hee giueth not it is because hée loueth not if hée loueth not it is because hee-careth not if hée careth not it is because hee will not then wherfore is it that wee praye But let them dye in their carlesnesse and consume in the filthinesse of their thoughtes for wee are assured of his loue and fauour in that hée commaundeth vs to pray and in the name of Christe It were enoughe for vs in that God doth bidde vs yet other causes there bée al which I haue set downe in my former Treatise Notwithstandinge doo the Chickens begge at the handes of her that hatched them and doo the Lyons Whelpes craue for their pray doth the Beare the Sauedge beast féede hir younglings whē they cry and wil the Tigar returne vnto her cowtch to helpe them shee left behinde her and will not God looke vpon vs whom hee hath created But wherfore hath Christe willed vs to aske and taught vs to praye truely for that wee neede many thinges and bée as naked so ashamed of our selues if hée helpe not For of our selues wee haue nothing and in him wee haue aboundaunce and plentye of all thinges If wee looke for the giftes of the spirite wée finde them all in Christe for hee was annointed If for strength it is in his powre and in his gouernment If for puritée and for corruption that it may bee wiped away wee haue it in his conception If for loue wée haue it in that hée was made like vnto vs and hée came into the world to saue vs If for redemption wée haue it in his passion If for absolution we haue it in his submission If to take awaye the curse from vs Why hee hunge vpon the Crosse for vs If for satisfaction hee was our Sacrifise If for clensing of our sinnes wee haue it in his blood if for reconciliatiō we haue it in his descending to Hell If for mortification of the fleshe it is showen in his Buriall who was as touchinge the body layd in Graue that wee as touchinge the body might bee buryed to sinne if for newnes of lyfe wée haue it in his resurrection if for immortallity hee rose and ascended and dwelleth with his Father to make vs perfecte and immortall and Kinges and Préestes for euer If wee praye to bee heires of Heauen his ascending and magnefiynge aboue the Aungels hath giuen it If for securitée for treasure for ritches they bee layd vp for vs in his kingdome If to haue him mercifull and to spare vs in his iudgement why hée is iudge him selfe he will not cast away and condempne his owne fleshe So that out of season came this question wherfore pray wee for wee must and wee ought to pray that the greater encomberaunces ouertake vs not And for a truth if our vesselles did not taste of this lycour and wée our selues ouerthrowen in our vnaduised behauiour the prayers of those which so often times come vnto the Temple would haue bin heard of the Lorde God ere this But the commers they come in sutch disguised and maskinge manner eyther hauing their minde at whom in their Cofars or thinkinge on the pryde and brauery they bee in or cōming sluggishly or returning wawardly or requiring reuenge greedely or askinge coldly or wishinge that which is vnseemely or despisinge thy neighbour vnchristianly That it is no marueyle if the Lorde God thrust thee away and heare thee not the soules of such a number of men cry out agaynst thee But to returne and to leaue the Epicure and the Ethnicke and the other rable whatsoeuer Let vs vnderstand that God hath debased him selfe for vs and tempered his talke and applyed his speech vnto our capacities and hee hath taught vs very breefely to call vpon him The reason hereof is for that wee are weake and very feeble in our dooings in our life in our conuersation and at death in extremity in peril in ieoperdy in calamity at the fier or when wee be at the Block and the Sworde ready to bee layed to our necke wee oftentimes forget our selues Therfore to mollesy their stony mindes and to inamour them as it were to make men haue a lykinge of the Lorde to shewe that hee beholdeth three wordes aduisedly and wisely spoken rather then a number of Aue Marias and a bedroale of Credoes in deum heaped vp without discretion hee hath included in fewe wordes such good and pleasaunt lessons as if they be duely consithered contayne in them a pure and perfecte platforme of prayer first wee praye to whom to our Father Wherfore hee is our God but where not on earth Hee is aboue hee is not heare hee is in Heauen That late and worthy man of God M. Gualter as it seemeth to mee in his Treatise of the prayer of the Lorde hath iusteled with some one or other about the force and vertue and strength which is thought to bee in this prayer I finde also that the Rabbines of the Iewes boasted much of the words that were written in the forhead of Aaron and the Magicians of their exorcismes and the Papistes of this prayer all which they thinke to bee of great force if they hanged about the necke of any man His talke is agaynst them and so is mine at this presente that thinke there is saluation or life or health in that they repeate the wordes of Christe And therfore the enchauntresse to dissemble hir wickednes
nakednesse to the worlde If the reprobate shall haue iudgement in this life and in the world to come to astonish thée if that Ananias and Saphira were guiltie of theft and Sacraledge then when thy commission is good and thy warraunt sufficient and thou hast to deale also with such men I will allowe it Notwithstandinge amonge other reasons that I now remēber laid vnto mée by poore lay men though I perceiue they had good instructers that taught them so counningly yet one among them all in a redde Cappe and a black coate did vere me perlously For my owne part I was amazed and it was straunge to sée a poore fellowe brought vp at plough and cart withered and weather beaten and be shacked in his aray yet to reason so profoundely dost not knowe saith the same poore man that Thelias thwackt the prists of Ball and sklewe them at a Ponde and they were the foes of God and why shall not wee kill those that be hiks enimies Mary masse I trowe the one Skamuel sklewe Ahag hee would haue saide Agag and with that was verie angrye and Spineas he ment Pineas or plainly Phinees did skil a whore as knaue and he iks praysed by god I was afrayd then and rid away as well as I coulde I thought it time yet by his leaue for I am out of his pawes and I haue leasure enough I will aunswere it nowe For it tendeth heather that Elias did kill the pristes of Baal at the brooke of Kison at such time as they had cryed out Baal Baal héere vs c. The ignoraunce of men may appeare therin and true it is an euil scholemaster may easely mar a fine scholer for though these men spake roughly and had grimme talke yet by their trauelling it appeared to me they had a willing minde to atteine sumething And as I haue hearde for that in those quarters there be many Papists I did in verie déede suspect much But I let them alone and God almightie turne them and if these my few lynes may euer happen to come to their fingers I knowe I shall smarte for it Howe euer it be and wheresoeuer nowe they bée I will speake this to them briefly God was then dishonoured the space of many yeares by Ahab his parmission in suffering these Chemerimes those bloudie sacrificers in his common welth And Iesabel that infamous strompette had nourished the Priests of Baal in her house Nowe God beeing sore displeased would haue the Idolaters punished according to his lawe If there be founde in any Cities man or woman whiche the Lorde thy God giueth thée that hath wrought wickednesse in his sight and hath gone and serued other Gods worshipped them The Sunne the Moone c. Carrye him to the gates of the Citie and stone him with stones till hee dye Then that which Elyas did he was commaunded by the Lorde As touching Phineas the sonne of Eleazar the sonne of Aaron the Priest that slewe Zambry Cosby it is sayd that hée turned away the anger of God from the children of Israel in the hee was zealous for the Lord of Hoastes sake the is he did it not but by the singuler spirit of God that stirred him And for his obeisance rewarded him For his commendation remayneth in Dauid Then if hée would not bée pettish I would say some thing to this poore Cuntry man the would learn when Idolatry is come to the ful brimme and Magistracie and authority is contempted as Moses was and when thou art commaunded to hang their heades vp in the Sunne that offend the Lorde when God saith vnto thée do this he raiseth thée vp once again I say it is an offence if thou obay not But al these extraordinary examples the wicked men doo peruerte to their condempnation For they take it as done of themselues in the flesh that was commaunded them in spirit frō the lord And wher they accomplished the commaundement of their God to abolish and roote out sin They doo it in reuengement to their owne condempnation As for Samuell that slew Hagag that Heathnish and Idolatrous Prince that Amalechite whom God hated and abhorred and now commaunded to bée slaine For that hée layd wait for them as in the way vp frō Aegypt It was lawfully done For Samuell was a Magistrate and ruler in Israell and hée iudged Israell fortye yeares And ruled them in vprightnes integritée all his life against whom at his death Israel was not able to say ought or to charge him with any thing Then being the Magistrate hée had Aucthority to vse the sword and execute iudgment Which if I thought you wold deny as the Anabaptistes doo I then would take it an other way in hand But wearied my selfe and hauing euen now tryed you I let them alone for this time when occasion serueth and leasure permitteth and God graunteth vnto mée fitte oportunity I will more largely handle it For this time I cease And this it is my doctrine that I teach if thou or any man else shall take vppon thee the seat of the Lorde enter into iudgement condemne thy brother laye in waite for him take vp the swoorde presume to smyte or else any other way indammage him Thou arte guiltie of his blood and the Lorde will require it at thy handes The laste thing which I note herein Forgiue vs our debtes as wee forgiue our debters Is the agreement and vnitie that the Lorde requireth in vs all that offereth vs as it were our saluation in his Christe and inrolleth vs againe to bee duetifull and obedient to others This I woulde it were if so it séemed good vnto his Maiestie more common then it is lesse debate more loue woulde growe among vs For this cause as beinge one that meaneth wel vnto the famili● of the Lorde and woulde right gladly hazarde that little whiche I haue to ioyne you all in one Christe Take this from mee as a poore testimonie of the loue I beare you Euen a golden chaine precious Emerode that I willingly do giue to linke you and couple you togeether in one Lorde And I giue it in the name of Christe of his church that euen nowe in Englande suffereth shipwracke goeth to decaye and more and more yet like to perish if we stay not on this Anchor and take not holde in his Christe The Perle or Emerolde it is Loue. The Chayne or Iewell is Trueth For if you do remember I protractured out a man not so long since that to my thinking though he was comely ynough in height stature and proportion and able to serue in the house of God yet I lefte him verie naked and to couer his shame I haue giuen him apparell in this place And vppon his rayment hee may hang the two former Iewels Loue Trueth only Let his Robes and his ornaments be Discretion His Pompe and his brauerie Hospitalitie His glorying and beautifying
euill before as vvith vs. Custome of thē in India to pray in Aegipt in Barbarie Errours of diuerse that like not our temples Argument taken from traditions Zenon of Gaza A temple built at Edessa to saint Thomas Question ●oued The Surplesse vvhich keepeth men f●●● church Great abuse littlevse vvhē men so vvillingly abuse the Lord. Disorders i● our church Reason to keepe the Church though the Surplesse bee vvorne No excuse for ceremonies that bee indifferent Our puplike prayer is to be referred in espetiall to the Sabboth Three causes of the celebration of the Sabboth by Gods appoyntment The straight nes that God vsed for sutch as brooke the Sabboth Controuersy that is about the day of the Sabboth The true vse of the Sacraments and hovv to bee esteemed Though vve neuer reccaue the Sacraments vvee may be saued yet for al th●g custome appoynted by God is to be● kepte The manner of priuate prayer In publique prayer agreement is to be made of necessitie Their eu●ome and maner in the time of Ba●ll Athan●s●u● record Praecise maners they be vn manerly novv Concilium Nicenum Much striuing small Christianitie in a number of these Hovve to prepare our selues to praye the last parte of this booke The 〈◊〉 thing in our preparacion to prayer it to be humble and lovvly in heart The manner of vvorling● and of hypocrites Humilitie in all at comming to prayer Psal. 25. Dan. 9. Gen. 8. The state of such as dissemble The perfection of the man of God. Rom. 10. Luke 7. Mark. 9. For that the Infidest and the Panim the vngodly do thinke they haue fayth I haue therfore put in this diuisiō or disterence which is in fayth ▪ The Heru●● the work● of his handes doo declare there is a God. Brutishnes in the ●●nt●●ies and s●ch as know not God. Esay 6. Diocletiam vvorshipped as a God The blindenes and hardnes of harte for their incredulite vpon the Gentilles The end of the election in man at his calling to be godly c. The Gospell bringeth in all trueth vvipeth avvay all idolatrie and all supe●stition all blindnesse errour and teacheth vs to knovve God. Gen. 4 Gen. 21. Gen. 37. Wicked men infidels stroken vvith feeling of Gods iudgemēts though else they knovv him not therein shevv that they deserue death and condemnation A dead faith 1 King. 12. Theodoret of Cyrus Blindnes i● the heretike● The order in double dealers Io●h 7. 1. Sam. 2. 1. King. 16. 1. King. 13. This euill life maketh all the pomp and boasting of our common striuers to vanish avvay The very vvicked are preserued kepte for the good mans lake This kinde taketh avvay the hope that is in Anabap. in papistes in the inchauntresse in the vngodly Crisostom 〈◊〉 Theophilact vpon thi● Prophesing and miracles and signes a tryall oftentimes of his people Miracles the● be● 〈◊〉 signes they be no cert●ya tokens of ly●e Simon magus estemed as God with the Samaritans A bufiue ●●gument 〈◊〉 frō Ciprian The villany of the pope Hildebrand The peeuish nes of their reason appeareth Error is shevved by example Dregges of Popery in ●apistes Trifling bookes of sluggish idle priestes Saluatiō only in a liuely faith Faith vv ● is for a ti● The vn tovvard and vnfearned reason of a popish prelat The true fight of the faithful man To be faithful for a time to reuolt is a signe of reprobation how euer xvc cloak it Time trieth and persecution iudgeth of the good golde and then shall the drosse be knovven poperie th●● vvas once i● England 1. King. 2 〈◊〉 2. King. 10. 2. King. 23. Iudg. 11. There is falshed and vvickednes euen in those that professe the Gospell Eph. 6. These vveapons shevve not thy man lynes but go●lynes Readines in praying steadines in perseuering and vvatchfulnes in thy dealings bee trevv tokens of iustefiyng fayth Th●e things to bee required in a iulcesting fayth A man hopeth that beleeu●th not but hee that hath fayth hath assured hope A sight and vevv efhope before vvee come to faith A true and infallable signe of sayth Starters from the truth Examples o● the true iustesiyng fayth by this from Christe The Spirit that is guide and leader of all such as feare the Lorde The spirite is only retayned by prayer Gen. 4. A reason tha● vve are not iustified by good vvork● The profite and commo ditie that vve haue by faith Without grace vvithout the operation and vvorking of the Lorde vvee fall to the ground Our faith hath adioyned to the knovvlege therof three things A good token of a true Israelite to be a hearer of the vvorde and is also verie often a couering for the vvicked to cloak him vvithall Papistes runners abroade and greate seekers after Bulles and pardons no follovvers seekers of the vvorde of God Papi●es that looke for a day An exhortation to those yong schollars to vvhō this same vvas vvriten As God hath made vs so vvill hee bee honored for vs Comlynes 〈◊〉 commended by Paull el● eucry man vvill haue his custome thē shall there be no order This dealing and dalying precisenes yet vvickednes in greater matters is abhorninable These and such like bee common with vs. More amendment and les iudgement of others is good All order contempned vvith vs. Obedience is superstition vvhere vvisdō is vvantinge Signes are to kens no necessary assuraunces of our saluatiō Hee that forsaketh not the vvorks is the Seruaunt of the Diuell and hee hath no portion in Christe Wee are of the Church euery man is not the Church In speaking dissembling in brotherhood falsehood in thy actions nought else but factions they be tokens of impietie no Christiamtie The con●ēpt of Magistracy is the only token of one that is carclesse F●llinge so grosely and cauilling so dispightfully is a small token of Christiany tie If errors bee not taken in time they will neuer be Seared or weeded out will death Al iudgment is to bee deferred to the Lorde but no authority is giuen to m●● A general repeticion of things contayned in this Booke All our tra●aile in this life all our paine it is made ioy pleasure vnto vs in Christ The differēce in the prayīng of our forfathers the contrarie aic in ours They prayed as for one they looked for vve pray as thankfull vnto him in that vve haue receiued him God is our father in that he is the father to his sonne Christ and God to vs in that vve are his brethren God spake vnto our fathers but roughly to vs familiarly by the man Christe The heauens may passe avvay but the loue of God vvill neuer faile his children The death of Christe sealed our redemption fully and made accōplishment for our sinus The letters patents vvee can shevve or our ●nheitance The loue of God is seene in the vse of all his creatures the heauens the earth c. No excus● can be admitted for thy negligence in the seruice of the Lord.
Short prayers if they be earnest are better then much babbling vvherin is no stedfastnes Abuse of mē if they mislike the man that precheth or if he vse common prayer Precise men haue noplace that pray at those times they like othervvise forget them selues the vvhole moneth and the vvhole yere 〈◊〉 Nature condempneth in the wicked that do as their kinde and manner is only they forget God. Christe alone vnspotted blameles mā of him selfe vvicked and shamelesse ▪ All our corruption is hidden and layed vp in Christe No mā hath hated his ovvne fleshe at any time then Christe can not cast of vs. This mishapen visage in a Christian is filt●y God thinketh vpon our imbecilleties in all he doth Papistes conuicted olde vviues fables haue no place presise and nise long prayers be cause that vvee slip so often Superstition crept in by ignorauce As murtherers Theues vse Kniues Svvordes togeather vvith good men so do the vvicked their praiers together vvith the fàythfull yet to one they are life to the other death God permitteth the Diuel vvorketh and man sinneth vvilfully they proucke God The Sinner doth all hee doth to death hee vvanteth grace and light the godly they vvorke to life and vse the same thing vvell by the Spirite God hath notied vs to pray after one manner● but this and others bee good for his vvill sake and the perfectnes therof vvee vse this God looketh not on man but on the minde All states can reason vvhy they need no praier but all must submit them selues and pray to God. As is the sapp the earth so is prayer and Inuocation to man As vvater confumeth all so God distroyeth all degrees if they call not vpon him As our life it aboue vvith the God of glory so must vvee be spiritually bent at prayer God named him our Father for that as a Father he giueeth all things that vvee his Children neede The Lorde is terrible yet in Christ is his loue and fauour opened in vvhō only there is satisfaction God a Father in the cration and a Father in his blesing and a father to vs in giuing to vs but all alone is hee our father in the attonemente All thinges turne to our destruction if God helpe not If as vvee bee frō the eathe earthly so vvee vvere not also gouerned by the spirite then vvere vve in death Beeing in death in s●n it is requisite that vvee should haue a Mediator Vnmeasurable and vnsearchable is the loue of God that beeinge life gaue himselfe to death fo● vs. Our Father Seeing our benefits are common to all it is reasō that vve pray for al●●and for that God is the author o life vve pray if it bee his vvill that all may liue The electe chosen of God none other come vnto him Why vvee pray to God. All things are not fit for all times For as mutch as God is vnsearchable incomprehēsible it is good reason to submit our selues pray to him All Gods creatures are ready to fulfil his cōmaundements against his enemies We pray in the name of one for that the th●ee persons make but one God. The sainctes vvith god vve confesse they vvere good men but the honour due to the Lord is not to be giuen vnto them seeing all things be vvonderfull and straung hovv is he most glorious that made them In that perill vvhiche is greatest God is readiest If the heauens passe the creatures perish man also shall haue an end No mā hath feared God and remained helples Man commēdeth mā much more man God. First seeke the glorie of God then thine ovvne glorie God honoureth those that honour him and in all thinges that are is he honored if man shuld holde his peace God needeth not man but man needet● God. All goodnes all perfectiō and all holinesse commeth of the spirite Not euery one that saith Lorde Lorde shal be saued but he onely that calleth on him and beleceu●th Plaine men begyled in time of poperie keepe the olde superstitiō still in much bab ling. God knovvē in all his vvorkes hath names giuen him to shevv the same Iunilius cōtra haereticos Gen. 17. No fleshe shall die for others all flesh dieth or liueth to him selfe All flesh ought to seeke the glorie of god and then is the name of God hallovved God gi●eth his glory vnto none and those that serue him those he helpeth Such vvere the holy thinges belonging to the tēple such also vvere the pri●sts in the lavve such be the preachers novv that be kept as holy vnto god and seuered from the vvorld that they might ●●lisse and sanctifie him Holy as like to god for that he is holy God most glorious and vvorthy all honour hath created al the treatures to se●ue for the vse of man man onely did he make to honour him These three are set dovvn for that his mercie and his loue appeareth most in them Theodoree Eucherius in Reg. Here is it knovven that vve loue God vvhen vve set out his name feare god increase the number of his Church These are vn searchable not to be attained of vs yet do they not and they cannot set out the full povver of God. God helpeth the good beatethdovvn the vvicked punisheth the sinner succoureth his faithfull in vvhich chiefely he is glorified Though Israel vvas as it vvere eaten vp of the vvie ked for a time and the tribe of Iuda extinguished and the root of Dauid forgotten and the temple forsaken yet soudeinly vvas all this renued and God glorified in his Christ This persecucion was greate yet vvas God honoured in the sight of men by the courage death of his saincts For all men vve pray for the good that God vvoulde strengthen them for the faithlull hee vvould deliuer them for the vveake he vvold incourage them for them vvithout that he vvould cal them and for the rebell and obstinat that he vvuld consume thē in all vvhiche God is magnified God is a consuming fier to the vvicked to them that fea●e him ●ee is a mercifull God. God trieth his people suffereth thē to fall that they may ha●e a better risinge Sin raigning in our ●●ortall bodyes vvee vvere c●oked vp in the san●e but tha● only vve are faued and li●ted vp in Christ Losenes of life in Christians is the cause of the dishonoring of God and maketh the infidelles the vvorse Scismes in our common vvelth be for our sinnes but the euill life in precise people certefieth vs that they haue an other ende in their dealing then all the vvorld knovveth If God vsed an order in praying then vve in our supplications and in our common vvealth must be also erdered first seeke the kingdome of heauen and the righteousnes therof then all things shall ● giuen you The ●ai●ctes holy men they pine avvay and take thought if any superstition do heare svvay rather thē the truth As the light is more excellent and better vvelcome vvhere