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A04391 Seauen helpes to Heauen Shewing 1. How to auoid the curse. 2. How to beare the crosse. 3. How to build the conscience. 4. How with Moses to see Canaan. 5. Simeons dying song, directing to liue holily and dye happily. 6. Comforts for Christians against distresses in life, and feare of death. 7. Feruent prayers, to beare sicknesse patiently, and dye preparedly. The second edition: much enlarged by Steuen Ierome, late preacher at S. Brides. Seene and allowed.; Moses his sight of Canaan Jerome, Stephen, fl. 1604-1650. 1614 (1614) STC 14512.3; ESTC S118682 265,158 563

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godly haue a taste of Heauen here enioyed hereafter 253 God blesseth the wicked oft for his seruants sakes 255 God deliuers his seruants from generall iudgements sixe wayes 257 God and Sathan cannot be serued together 258 The case of Sathans captiues opened 259 Seauen Reasons why the godly must dye as well as the wicked 263 Tenne sins that haue prouoked the Lord to sweepe away the wicked 268 That all must dye exemplified and amplified by many instances 269 The deaths of the worlds Worthies of all sorts epitomized 274 Fiue naturall causes of death 282 Death is as inexorable as vnresistible with his Trophies ouer all 283 We must not too much loue this life which we must shortly leaue 287 Those that loue life must hate Sinne the cause of death 289 Death onely makes the Prince and the poore man equall 291 Deaths effect in equalizing all illustrated by fit similies 296 Sixe Reasons further shewing the necessitie of dying 299 How euen in liuing wee dye and are dead in part 301 By how many meanes we dye 304 Diuers examples of seuerall sorts of deaths violent and naturall 305 Some cut off in the midst of their lawlesse lusts 309 Our dayes abbreuiated in respect of the long liues of the Patriarkes 316 Foure causes of the long continuation of things 318 Because our life is short we must spend it well 319 Our many sinnes to be mourned for and why 320 The practise of Epicures and profane men reproued and threatned 321 How wee must sow in teares in this short seed-time 323 Further vse to be made of our short time 325 Our life is laborious and miserable euery calling hauing his crosse 328 No place priuiledged from foure things 1. Sathan tempting 2. The hearts wandring 3. Ill tongues biting 4. The world crossing 330 Examples of humane calamities 331 Twelue meanes to get that peace with God which the world wants 334 The vanitie of life with all the things in life truely discouered 336 The world truly described by eleauen similies 340 How Christ in his practise crossed all the worlds proceedings 342 The benefits of death to a Christian vnder the Crosse 343 God oft cats away the best soonest 345 How death is fearefull and not fearefull 347 Death is onely a departure out of life not a finall destroyer 348 Eight Arguments prouing the Resurrection of our bodies 351 Illustrations from Nature that our bodies shall rise 352 Foure Reasons besides from the Word 354 The Christians comfort in the consideration of our Resurrection 355.356 That wee may rise ioyfully we must liue holily in tenne particulars 359 Tenne Arguments to proue the soules immortality 362 Seauen moe from the Word 364 Death vnmasked what it is to the godly 365 Reproofe of those that respect the body more then the soule 367 The seruants of God alwayes dye in peace 369 The godly oft haue their desires at before and in their deaths 372 The very last words recorded which the Saints vttered in their death beds 374 How great men haue liued and dyed good men 377 Reasons why the godly depart in peace 379 Nine Obiections answered that seeme to contradict the peaceable departure of the Saints 380 Nine Reasons that his death may be good that dyes of the Plague 384 How selfe-murther doth not alwayes imply a wretched death 387 Hee that would dye well must liue well 389 The fearefull ends of wicked persecutors in euery age 391 An ill life the vsuall Prologue to a Tragicall death 395 None can repent when he will 397 The Word layes downe a way to a blessed death 402 Death is certaine yet vncertaine 403 The paines of Hell without remission or redemption 405 Repentance is not to be deferred till death 406 The danger of deferring discouered 408 The Theefes Repentance vpon the Crosse examined 412 Sixe effects of Deaths meditation 417 The life of Faith brings dying Peace 429 Repentance the meanes of peace with God 430 How to dye daily three wayes 433 How to leaue the damnable custome of Swearing 434 Eighteene things to be prayed for that death may be prosperous 437 A good conscience in life brings peace in death 442 Sixe causes of sickenesse besides sinne 445 With fiue duties to be done in sickenesse 446 The sicke man must send for a Minister before the Physitian and carnall friends 451 The necessitie and lawfull vse of Physicke proued and vrged 455 Rules obseruable in the vse of Physicke 457 Against seeking to Witches and Charmers in sickenesse 459 Reconciliation and Restitution vrged 461 Fiue Reasons why a sicke man must make his Will 465 Foure Rules in making all Wills 466 A Christian carriage prescribed in the houre of death 468 Twenty seuerall Comforts in the death of friends 1 Because God takes them away 470 2 The Saints haue beene patient spectators of the deaths of their deare friends 471 3 If he dyed in the faith of Christ he is translated from this life to a better 472 4 He is blessed being dead in the Lord. ibid. 5 Hee is returned home to his Fathers house ibid. 6 He is inseperably vnited vnto God the chiefest good 473 7 He is marryed vnto his Bridegroome Christ ibid. 8 His warfare is now at an end ibid. 9 Being here a pilgrime hee is returned into his owne Country 474 10 Thou hast not lost but left him ibid. 11 He shall be restored vnto thee againe at the Resurrection ibid. 12 Ere long thou shalt goe vnto him 475 13 His better part is yet liuing ibid. 14 His estate is bettered by death ibid. 15 Thou sorrowest for that could not be preuented 476 16 Thou hast many companions in thy sorrow ibid. 17 Thy impatient sorrow hurts thy selfe 477 18 Thy extreame sorrow is as fruitles as faithlesse ibid. 19 The Lord thy best friend is still liuing ibid. 20 They are insensible of thy sorrow 479 Twenty Cordials against the crosse of sicknes 482 And Meditations how to beare the intollerable burthen thereof 499 Eight seuerall Consolations against the vnkindnes of mercilesse Friends 500 1 Thy case is not singular but ordinary ibid. 2 The Saints haue had the same measure 501 3 Christ himselfe was maliced of his owne brethren ibid. 4 There hath beene hatred amongst the nearest friends by nature ibid. 5 Though thy friends forsake thee yet God careth for thee 502 6 As thy friends are vnkinde to thee so thou hast beene vnthankefull to God ibid. 7 God hath elected thee though man reiect thee 503 8 Though thou canst not see thy friends here with comfort yet ere long thou shalt see God as hee is ibid. Thirteene Preparatiues against Pouertie 504 1 It is the prouidence of God that thou shouldest be poore 504 2 Thy crosse is not singular 505 3 Pouertie is no token of Gods displeasure ibid. 4 A little with the feare of God is better then great riches of the vngodly 507 5 As well Pouertie as Riches fals out to the best to them that feare God ibid. 6 The Lord
nor cannot long be deferred nor delayed for as rauening Time this old deuouring Saturne hath already swallowed downe all former ages so he comes with as swift a foote to deuoure vs and all the earths children in his gurmundizing iawes Swiftly indeede for as an Arrow out of a Bow as a ship on the Sea as a Bird in the Ayre nay as our thoughts so swift is our time and how euer wee runne on in sinne yet euery day runnes on with vs to our graues marching vehemently with Iehu our life sliding away whether wee eate drinke walke or talke like the Ship that sailes how euer the Passengers perceiue not nay Tune quoque cum crescimus vita decrescit euen when wee grow and increase then our life doth decrease Yea so mortall are wee and so momentanie our life that euen whilst vvee liue wee may be said to be dead not onely potentially dead as hee that is poysoned or the theefe condemned is said to be but a dead man though the one be yet wrastling for life and the other vnexecuted because the one is potentially the other ciuilly dead in Law euen so wee are dead in Law as Adam and Eue were because wee haue sinned like them but vve are for the greatest part euen actually dead For let vs take the life of man as it is diuided into seauen parts Infancie Childe-hood Adolescencie Youth Man-hood Old age and the Decrepit olde age Now in these successiue ages what is the latter alwayes saue the death of the former as both Inchinus and Seneca haue wittily noted What is Childe-hood but the abolition and death of Infancie what Adolescencie but the death of Childe hood Youth of Adolescencie Man-hood of Youth Old age of Man-hood and Decrepit age of Old age and of Decrepit age Death it selfe is the Death Which truth though our eyes be blinde to see and our hearts dead to ponder yet our tongues like Caiaphas his prophecying against our wils confesse it For I pray you when an old man or a man of middle yeeres findes an vnaptnesse and vnablenesse in himselfe to performe that which in his youth he did and delighted to doe what is his phrase Oh saith he that whorld is past with me intimating that he is dead and departed from the world in respect of that age Oh then how had euen the very Childe neede to prepare for his finall departure since one part of his life is dead already his Infancie how the youthfull Ephebus that hath two parts dead and but fiue at furthest to liue how the youth that hath three parts dead in him and but foure to liue how the lusty man that hath foure parts of time spent certainely and hath but three parts to liue and those vncertaine how the old man chiefely that hath acted fiue parts of his life already and hath but two to act vncertaine by reason of his faultring tongue and dryed braine whether hee can act these or no before Death strike him non plus But chiefely the Decrepit gray-headed man who is dead sixe times and now hath but one age vpon his weake and wearyed backe about to rest him in his graue How should these premeditations excite our preparations that as we are compared to fruit in the Scripture being called the fruit of the wombe the fruit of the loynes c. so betimes to bring forth fruit worthy of repentance ere we fall like mellow fruit from the tree of life If wee haue past some ages wee are dead to those euen as in fruit the flower is the death of the bud and the fruit is the death of the flower Therefore let vs be fruitfull in doing good ere vvee be pluckt away and be no more Oh how soone fruit perisheth How soone doth it ripen how soone rot How doe the Wormes that breede of it and in it consume it The North and East winde blasts it the Mill dew infects it Caterpillers spoyle it now by violence it is pluckt from the tree now rotten-ripe it fals and so festers So it is with all the seede of man the fruit of woman wee haue all one manner of grafting and of growing but a thousand different wayes of decreasing and decaying Omnibus est eadem laethi via no● tamen vnus Est vitae cunctis exitijque modus All haue one way to life one way to death Yet many wayes doth stint our vitall breath Moe wayes lead to the Sepulcher then to any Princely Palace Molle patent adi●us c. Meanders Labyrinth had not so many windings as Death hath wayes Hos Bell● hos aequora poscunt c. Warres waters fancies frenzies loue mad lust Besides diseases doe dissolue our dust As Seneca and Silius once sung as pithily as Poetically Histories of all times places and persons Sacred and Humane consort and confirme this experienced truth The old World wee know was drowned so was Pharaoh with his Aegyptians Sodome and Gomorrah Ziglah the two Captaines and Companies of fifties that came against Elias Nadab and Abihu Achan and his familie burned Herod eaten with wormes Daniels accusers deuoured with Lyons the mocking children vvith shee Beares the Philistines smit with Emerods the Israelites cut off many thousands in the dayes of Moses and Dauid by Plague and Pestilence Bethlems Children and the Sichemites butchered by the Sword Ierusalem and Samaria by the sword and Famine Er and Onan killed by the Diuine power Ananias and Saphira throwne downe dead by an Apostolicall Spirit Simon Magus his necke broke by Peters Prayers Iulian killed with a Dart by the Prayers of the Church If wee would wade into Heathenish Stories vvee might adde to the Catalogue vvithout number such as haue perished by vvater as Hylas in his Colchos voyage Orontes Lucaspis Palinurus Iearus Laeander Sappho Menander c. whom Virgil and Ouid so oft mention by fire as Sardanapalus Empedocles in Aetna Phaeton Dido in the Poet. Some destroyed by wilde beasts as many Martyres in the Primitiue persecution as Satur●einus by a Bull Ignarius Policarpus by a Lyon Felicitas by Leopards Milo the wrastler by a Wolfe Ba●il●ns slaine by a Hart Hatto the Bishop of Mentz eaten with Mice louely Adonis cunning Dedalur prophecying Idmon torne in pieces by Bores Some by Dogs as Euripides the Poet dogged Diogenes weeping Heraclitus Philosophers apostate Lucian c. How many haue beene strangled vpon the Crosse not onely Martyres as Andrew Peter Gorgonius Simeon the Son of Cleophas Peter Aulanus c. following their head Christ but euen many Kings as Policrates the Spartan Leonides Sindualdus Arnulphus Hanno of Carthage c. Besides Malefactors such as Helen the Graecian Whore Daphitas the Grammarian c. and such as haue hanged themselues as Iudas Achitophell Phillis Erigone Biblis Some haue beene stoned to death by others or shot with arrowes as Achillis by Paris Procris by Cephalus Acron by Romulus Hyrene by Sisinnius yea a stone from a wall as vpon Abemelech out of a
his Inheritance vnto his next Kinsman of his Family and hee shall possesse it and this shall be vnto the Children of Israel a Law of Iudgement or an Ordinance to iudge by as the Lord hath commanded MOSES In which gracious Answere these things may serue for our vse Note 5 First we may note that God reiected not these women from hauing a place in his earthly Canaan because so earnestly they sought and desired it and thereby wee may gather comfort assured and infallible that out of his Heauenly Canaan hee neuer reiecteth any that are desirous to haue a place in it for Hee that commeth to me saith hee I cast not away God would not the death of a sinner but rather that hee would turne from his sinne and be saued God would haue all men to be saued and to come to the knowledge of his truth And in this God is no excepter of persons but in euery Nation hee that feareth him and worketh righteously is accepted of him There is neither Iew nor Grecian bond nor free male nor female in this but wee are all one in Christ Iesus Exclude not then your selues out of Canaan and the Lord of mercy and goodnesse will not exclude you Note 6 Againe wee may note how harsh this disinheriting of Daughters is because wee desire to continue the name If God be pleased to continue the Land or Inheritance in our name blessed be his will if hee be against it and to that end giue no Sonne but Daughters wee fight against one that is too strong for vs in seeking by-wayes contrary to his rule and how can it please him God raiseth vp houses and putteth downe at his pleasure for the Earth is his and all that is in it with his owne to doe his will who will controule and checke him Now if he doe this by a woman why may hee not May hee raise a name by women inheritors and may hee not change the name againe when hee seeth good by giuing a daughter and no Sonne Let vs often thinke of the Psalme in a religious feeling and humbly desire to receiue instruction from the Lord They thinke their houses and their habitations shall continue for euer euen from generation to generation and call their lands by their names but man shall not continue in honour hee is like the beasts that dye This their way vttereth their foolishnesse yet their posteritie delight in their talke c. Here wee may note how grossely and grieuously they erre that condemne the gouernment of Women when Crowne and Kingdomes by lawfull descent in the all-guiding prouidence of God fall vnto them for be they not within this Law of God that he saith should be a Law of Iudgement that is a Law to iudge by of this matter for euer If a man haue no Sonne his Inheritance shall descend vnto his Daughter CHAP. II. Moses is fore-warned to die and how God fore-warnes vs. Sect. 1. THE second part of this Chapter now followeth in the 12. Verse to wit the shewing of the Land of Promise to Moses and the telling him of his death in these words Againe the Lord said vnto Moses goe vp into this Mount of Abarim and behold the Land which I haue giuen to the Children of Israel And when thou hast seene it thou shalt be gathered vnto thy people as Aaron thy Brother was gathered c. These points that are naturall from this place will come againe to be spoken of in the last Chapter of Deutronomie to which I referre you Let vs therefore I pray you euen seriously and zealously pitch our mindes vpon these points Note 1 First that Moses is not here taken away sodainely but is premonished before that he must away and a time giuen him to prepare himselfe for it a great and sweet mercy of God to his Children Wherefore Dauid prayeth heartily Lord let mee know my end and the measure of my dayes Let me know how long I haue to liue And againe in another Psalme Teach mee to number my dayes that I may apply my heart vnto Wisedome The Lord doth not this by expresse words as here to Moses but first by increasing weaknesse and infirmities vpon vs secondly by many yeeres thirdly by Examples of others daily before our eyes and fourthly many times by a secret instinct in our hearts with arguments and circumstances fitting to confirme vnto vs that wee must dye so that if wee be vnprepared it is our fault that wee carry no better an eye to the Lords dealings with vs no better a watch ouer our selues for state of body and minde nor make better vse and application of things as that often repeated counsell in Scriptures willeth vs saying Watch watch for you know not at what houre the Bridegroome will come c. Sweet is the Lord and most gracious is his course Let vs not be wanting in ours and all shall be well the time neuer sodaine the thing neuer fearefull but as welcome as quiet sleepe to a wearied and ouer-wearied body A sodaine death to any one prepared is no hurt for the word of God is firme and immutable hee that beleeueth shall be saued No man taketh my Sheepe out of my hands There is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Iesus which walke not after the flesh but after the Spirit Againe Who shall separate vs from the loue of Christ shall tribulation or anguish or persecution or famine or nakednesse or perils or sword No no for I am perswaded that neyther death nor life no not sodaine death nor Angels nor Principalities nor Powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. Now if none of these certainly not sodaine death as I said before and therefore well saith the Booke of Wisedome concerning the godly that though he be preuented by death yet shall hee be in rest hee was taken away least wickednesse should alter his vnderstanding or deceit beguile his minde though he was soone dead yet fulfilled hee much time for his soule pleased God therefore hasted hee to take him away from wickednesse c. It is said that S. Iohn dyed of an Apoplexie and Policarpu● wished hee might doe the like yet wee vsually pray against sodaine death first in regard of the rash iudgement of the world secondly many mens negligence in preparing themselues for all houres the want of which hath made the godly sometimes timerous as wee see in Dauid Psal 39.15 thirdly as their soules are not alwayes set in order so neyther their houses as in Ezekia 2 Kings 20.1 But I say againe to one that hath laid his ground-worke well it is no hurt blessed be God and for the iudgement of men in taking Gods office vpon them in iudging weakly or wickedly of their Brethren Mat. 7.1.2 it is too rash
againe in their Pharisaicall Orisons Paganish Prayers Heathenish Bablings vse this word Lord in their Tantologies and repetitions as the Papists the word Iesus euen like a Superstitious Popish charme thinking to be heard for their much babling nay imagining which is the grosse and foggy ignorance of our both vulgar and vicious common and carnall people that if euen in the houre of death like the Theefe on the crosse or in their old age with Simeon they cry Lord Lord if they can haue time but to say Lord haue mercy vpon them they are cocke-sure of heauen it is no matter how they liue Ans It is true indeede if they had the Faith of Simeon and the penitent Theefe if they had the Spirit of God and zealous hearts like them they should be heard and helped yea inter Pontem Fontem crying betwixt the Bridge and the Riuer betwixt the Axe and the necke for Velox Spiritus sancti gratia the Spirit is nimble and speedy like the winde in breathing grace and Penitentia vera non sera True Repentance is neuer too late and hee that cals vpon the Lord shall be saued But alas then thou must call vpon the LORD with such an heart as did Simeon for the Lord reiects and abhors all prayers that come not from the heart as hee did Caines Sacrifice as execrable and abhominableh. But now thou that hast liued in sinne in health and in youth in thy old age and in sickenesse by these sinnes art likely to be depriued of Gods Spirit and of thine owne heart For as Sinne quencheth the Spirit as vvater quencheth fire so it takes away the heart Ose 4. verse 11. therefore Nabal vvhen hee dyed hee vvanted his heart it was dead like a stone Now thou Nabal thou foole thou stony heart what profit wilt thou haue in crying Lord Lord thou maist cry so till thy tongue cleaue to the roofe of thy mouth thou maist howle vpon thy bed like a Wolfe and yet the Lord stoppe his eares from hearing and folde vp his hands from helping The foolish Virgins knocked and cryed Lord open vnto vs yet were shut out so shalt thou Mat. 25. For not euery one that saith Lord Lord shall enter into the Kingdome of Heauen Math. 7.21 But hee that doth the will of God as Simeon did now the will of the Lord is that thou shouldest repent betimes call vpon him pray vnto him and prayse him but all from a touched heart His desires Limitation In this word Now. THE second thing obseruable here is his Desires Limitation in this word Now which denotates the Time present Which word like all the rest in the Scripture hath his weight for as S. Ierome once obserued Nulla Littera nulla Syllaba c No Letter no Syllable nay no Tittle no Pricke wants his energie and force or is vnsignificant in the originall Here Simeons minde may be thus expressed Lord it hath pleased thee of thy mercy not my merit to giue mee a reuelation that I shall not see death vntill I see the Annoynted of the Lord verse 26. now by the motion of thy Spirit comming into the Temple verse 27. I perceiue that this Babe that is brought in hither to be done vnto according to the custome of the Law by his Parents is annoynted and appoynted to be the Prince and Priest and Prophet of his Church therefore Lord now I am willing nay desirous to depart in peace since I haue in mine armes the Prince of peace in my heart the spirit of peace in my conscience inward peace thou hast kept touch and performed what thou hast promised I haue my expectation satisfied my desires accomplished therefore I desire not to liue any longer I am an aged man and ready to be gathered to my Fathers A ripe apple fit to fall from the tree I cannot liue long by the course of nature I desire not to liue long by the instinct of grace it is better for mee to remoue out of this Tabernacle then to runne further in the Pilgrimage of my few and euill dayes better to depart in peace then continue in this worlds Prison I know I must dye neuer so well neuer so willingly as now euen now when I haue in mine armes the conquerour of death the Lord of life Wee see in Simeon that the godly haue oftentimes diuers raptures and sweet ioyes as in life so chiefely in their dissolutions So had Steuen when about to be stoned hee saw the Heauens open and the Sonne of man standing at the right hand of God Acts 7.56 Such feelings diuers of the Martyres haue had at the Stake nay euen in the heate of flames and fires so experimentally that Mr. Glouer knew as well when Gods Spirit came to him as a cold body feeles externall heate or warmth so comfortably that good Cra●mer indured the burning of his once guilty hand with lesse motion then some abide the Goute or Tooth-ach Many such rauishments and inward comforts diuers of the Saints haue felt how euer at other times with perplexed Iob and penitent Dauid so deiected as though they were reiected of God that they haue desired the Lord a while to with-draw his presence the weake vessels of their fraile nature not being able to containe that fulnesse of the Spirit which they haue felt Such an extasie was Paul in when rapt vp into the third heauens hee heard Verba ineffabilia words not to be vttered himselfe transposed from himselfe whether in the body or without the body hee wist not hee was more then in an ordinary rauishment in his sure Sanctuary that he had against Principalities and Powers life and death c. built vpon the sure anchor and Corner-stone of Gods loue to him in Christ so in his annihilating and vilifying all things as Pharisaicall learning birth knowledge riches and the like as drosse and dongue in respect of the excellent knowledge of Christ IESVS and him crucified so when hee was ready not onely to goe to Ierusalem to bee bound but to dye for Christ so in his expectation and assurance of that Crowne vvhich Christ that righteous Iudge would bestow vpon him hauing fought a good fight and finished the Faith his affections were inflamed his Spirit wondrously reioyced his heart ouer-ioyed and his desires transcendent The like Iubilies haue many of Gods Children kept with their God in such extasies of ioy as haue shewed themselues like the Sunne-beames through a cloud through the vaile of the flesh euen in outward alterations and Symptomies Some in their Meditations hauing their thoughts so sequestrated and their spirit so abstracted from all earthly things that their corporall senses haue not perceiued outward obiects no not so much as the sound of Bels neare ringing Others haue forgot their repast and feeding the loue of Christ being better then wine and the taste of the Spirit sweeter then honey and the honey-combe such things the Papists write
come out of the earth but onely that they loue the earth too well being desirous euer to liue vpon the earth but neuer to lye in the earth Why list not worldlings returne to their dust but onely that as true children of the old Serpent the curse of the Serpent is vpon them to licke the dust minding earthly things here their end being damnation hereafter Phil. 3.17 Secondly when this is performed in breaking off thy desires from the world which is Terminus à quo the place which thou leauest then fixe thy eye vpon another world Terminus ad quam the place whither thou goest Looke not too much at the grisly face of Death which will agast thee but at the end of it where thou shalt see as many comforts as Elishaes Seruant saw to encourage thee Euen as hee that is to passe ouer some great and deepe Riuer must not looke downe-ward to the water but must cast his eye to the bancke on the further side so looke ouer the waues of death and fixe the eye of thy faith vpon eternall life Looke not at Death in the glasse of the Law in which it is set out as a curse and the downe-fall to the gulph of destruction but in the Christall Glasse of the Gospell as it is changed and altered so by the death of CHRIST that it is a sweet sleepe and resting coole harbour First therefore consider how there is a blessing accompanies and attends thy death pronounced by the Spirit it selfe Reu. 14 13. which is alone sufficient to stay the rage of thy affections in the ordinary feare of death for who feares blessings since euen profane Esau sues for a blessing and euen the very Heathens so much desired that blessednesse which their Philosophers of all sorts so much disputed but neuer so soundly determined as God doth here Secondly the same Spirit cals it A resting from thy labour Now euen the Oxe Horse and Asse desire resting from labour to be vntyed from their taskes vnloden from their Burthens all the creatures and the Elements which groane vnder vanitie desire cessation from motion euery thing aymes at his quiet and rest and dost not thou Now death I pray thee what is it but a buster of bonds a destruction of toyle an arriuing at the Hauen a Iourney finished thy co●summatum est thy q●ietus est thy laying away of an heauy burthen euen sin it selfe which as Erasmus wittily is heauier then Gold Siluer Lead and Iron in that the weight of it weighed and pressed downe the Angels of light into the pit of hell and payned Christ our Sauiour our substitute on the Crosse What I say is this death but the shaking off of gyues and an end of banishment a period of griefe an escape of dangers a destroyer of all euils Natures due Countryes ioy Heauens blisse Woes Hauen the Key to ope the dore to Christians as it did to CHRIST Luke 24 26 of blessednes rest and immortalitie dignifying nay almost Deifying whom God hath elected and called in grace and called to the graue this is the right partition of it into his parts and passages as Antiquitie hath christned it and our age hath called it and the godly haue found it Oh then why shouldest thou boggle at it since there is as little hurt in death to the good as there is little good in life to the bad as we shall further proue in some particulars hereafter Thirdly let this cogitation animate thee to sing Simeons Song in being at least willing if not desirous to depart because God takes thy part in thy departing if thou beest his thou hast as the Promise so the Performance of his comfortable presence It hath beene the Lords constant and continuated custome to be with his Children like a friend at neede in their distresse whose exigents and extremities haue beene his opportunities Thus hee was present with Noah in the Floud Gen. 7. with Lot in Sodomes flames Gen. 19. with Iacob in his flight from Esau Gen. 33. with Ioseph in Dodons pit and Putiphars prison vvith Moses when hee went to Pharaoh when he was with Pharaoh and sled from Pharaoh with Israel in the Red Sea Exod. 14. vvith Dauid in Sauls pursuite 1 Sam. 19. with Eliah in the Desart 1 Kings 19. with Elisha vvhen the Syrians came against him 2 Kings 6. with Hezekiah in his sicke-bed Esay 38. with the three Children in the fire Dan. 3. with Daniel in the denne of Lyons Dan. 6. with Ioseph and Mary and the wise Magi flying from Herod Mat. 2. with Christ in his combat with Sathan Mat. 4. and hee will be vvith thee in thy last conflict and tryall for this is his Promise which he keepes more inuiolably then the Decrees of the Medes and Persians to be with thee when thou passest through the waters and through the riuers through the fire that thou shalt neyther be ouerflowne nor ouerblowne in any temptation Esay 5.6 c. Now God will manifest his presence with thee these three wayes eyther in moderating or mitigating thy paines as the words of that Propheticall promise doe import making death no more dolorous to thee then many ordinary crosses and afflictions which haue befallen thee in life as some of the Saints haue tryed it Or by the inward and ineffable comfort of the Spirit which occasioned Paul to reioyce in tribulation since euen then the loue of God was shed abroad in his heart by the holy Ghost Rom. 5.35 yea euen in his grieuous sickenesse it seemes when hee had receiued the sentence of death as the suffrings of Christ did abound in him so his consolations did abound through Christ 2 Cor. 1.5 God is the chiefe Physitian and chiefe visitor when any of his Patients are afflicted in his owne person ministring vnto them staying them with flagons comforting them with apples vvith his right hand holding vp their heads and vvith his left imbracing them Cant. 2.9 Thirdly he sends a victorious Host a guard of Angels to be keep●rs and Nurses vnto his Seruants to hold them vp and beare them in their armes as Nurses doe young Children and to be their champions and guards against the Diuell and his Angels Psal 30. All these comforts with many moe going along vvith thee like the Cloud and the fiery Pillar with the Israelites should cause thee to march valiantly euen through the Pikes ●f death to thy appointed Possession And so wee passe in this passage of Simeon to the third Point His acknowledgement of the Diuine Permission In these words Lettest thou IN which phrase obserue that what euer comes to passe is by the letting and permission of God whether in life or death for there is nothing done in the world but that which the Almightie will haue done eyther by permitting it to be done or by doing it himselfe Or as the same Augustine All things are eyther done by Gods helpe or suffered to be done by his permitting Domino
manner how the beginning of sickenesse cause originall continuation and end that euery fit in thy sickenesse nay the very pangs of death are particulerly set downe in the counsell of God Did God so as hee did Dauid when thou wast an Embrio without forme in thy mothers wombe when thou wast made in a secret place and fashioned beneath in the earth Psal 139.15.16 and doth he not now thinkest thou behold thy trouble Will he not strengthen thee in the bed of languishing and make all thy bed in thy sickenesse Psal 41.2.3 In the 56. Psalme v. 8. Dauid prayes that the Lord would put his teares into his bottle Now consider with thy selfe hath God a bottle for the teares of his Seruants much more hath hee bottles for their bloud and much more doth he respect their paines and miseries with all the circumstances of sickenesse and death How did this comfort the Church of Ierusalem in the death of Christ in that nothing came to passe in it but that which the fore-knowledge and eternall counsell of GOD had appoynted Acts 4.28 Thirdly the Meditation of this point must teach thee to possesse thy soule in patience to kisse Gods Rod to subiect thy selfe like an obedient childe to his correcting hand to couch downe like Issacar vnder thy burthen what miserie soeuer in life what manner of mortalitie in death doth befall thee because it is the Lords doings it is a message from thy King an errand from thy Father a summons from thy Iudge a Loue-token from thy Bridegrome a warning from thy Generall therefore to be receiued with all loue and loyaltie submission and subiection without muttering and murmuring belching and barking against God as the manner of some is Oh consider the practise of Dauid Psal 39.10 I held my tongue saith hee and said nothing Why so because thou Lord aidst it The same consideration sealed vp the lips of Aaron when two of his owne Sonnes were consumed with fire Leuit. 10.3 So Eli when hee considered it was the Lord that threatned him and his house was content that he should doe what seemed him good 1 Sam 3.18 Ioseph thus reuiues his brethren when their harts failed them in a great perplexitie Gen. 43. Feare not saith hee for it was the Lord that sent mee before you Oh obserue how the very meditation of Gods permissiue prouidence armes him and his against griefe impatience and discontent open thou the boxe and apply thou these Cordials and Mithridate to thy owne particular I warrant you who euer had a window into Simeons Soule had seene no small Iubilie of ioy in his inward man arising euen from these very thoughts that it was the Lord that let him depart in peace after hee had imbraced the Prince of peace to whom that thou maist conforme thy selfe let this one motiue moue thee besides many moe Namely the greatnesse of this sinne of impatience a sinne not onely condemned in the Word Prou. 14 29. 19. vers 19. if it be but against man much more if against God as that of Iobs was Iob c. but also punished most seuerely in the Lords owne people as yee may see at leasure in euery Chapter almost of Ex●dus and Numbers it neuer scaping scot-free but bringing a greater iudgement with it then that which did occasion it As doe the people murmure for Quailes for Water c. against God against Moses and against Aaron they shall be plagued vvith Pestilence and Serpents and Death and Murraine and mortalitie Oh then if thou wilt be angry be angry with thine owne sins the occasion of all crosses and of all curses the causer of Ter●ours and Consumptions and Burning Agues and Biles and Botches and Plague-sores yea of Death it selfe Leuit. 26.16 22. Wherefore is the liuing man sorrowfull Man suffereth for his sinnes Lament 3. Sinne was the cause of Ezekias botch of Gehesies and Miriams Leprosie of the Philistines Emerods of the Aegyptian plagues and therefore Christ bids the blinde man sinne no more least a worse thing befall him Iohn 5.14 For Death by Sinne entered into the world Rom. 5.12 which Sinne still continueth Deaths sting wee carrying that sting in our bosomes that vvill kill vs oh then plucke this sting out drowne Sin in the salt Sea of repentant sorrow as the Marriners cast Ionas into the Sea and the cause being remoued the effect will cease The tempest shall turne to calme when thou turnest to Christ though thou hast outward paine thou shalt haue inward peace and shalt depart in peace Secondly in that God limits and lets and permits our departure it teacheth vs that the dayes of man are so determined as that no man no meanes can protract them or detract from them beyond and besides their limits for God which hath appoynted the seasons and times for euery thing Acts 1.7 ch 17. hath determined also the dayes of euery mans life as hee did Iobs Iob 14.5 which life as it is like a weauers Lombe Esay 38.10 so it must last till the last thread thereof be wouen like an Houre-glasse running till the last minute of time be expired before which time this thread cannot be cut by the power of men and Angels this Glasse cannot be broken all externall created power cannot cause the Lord to alter what hee hath written in the numbring of our dayes no more then Pilate would change what hee had vvritten vpon Christs Crosse Obiect 1. But here a scruple may arise concerning Ezekias who was told from God that hee should presently dye Esay 38.1 yet after there were fifteene yeeres added to his dayes 2 Kin. 20.1 Answ First Gods will is alwayes one in it selfe like God himselfe how euer in respect of vs it may seeme contrary or contradictory as it is secret and reuealed Secondly there was no change of will or decree in God but in Ezekias himselfe who receiued the sentence of death like the Niniuites conditionally as the Theefe may receiue the sentence of death from the Iudge vnlesse hee carry himselfe after more carefully or get the Kings Pardon presently For all Legall Threats as also Euangelicall Promises haue their relation and reference vnto the condition of Faith or Infidelitie of Repentance or Impenitencie by the performance or not performance vvhereof wee auoid or incurre the curses denounced or are capable of or not capable of the promises propounded therefore when God staid the execution and as it were repriued this good King hee did nothing but what hee determined for hee decreed by this threatning to bring him to the sight of his sinnes and so to repentance that hee might liue Obiect 2 Obiect 2. Iob complaines that his breath is corrupt that his dayes are extinct and that the graue is ready for him Iob 17.1 So Dauid complained that the Lord had weakened his strength in the way that he had shortened his dayes yea hee feared that God would take him away in the midst of
NOW followes the last part of this holy Hymne Simeons Qulet●s est or his Pacification God suffering him to depart in peace Caluin and Bucer renders Simeons minde thus Nunc libenter sedato quieto animo moriar Lord now I depart willingly with an appeased heart and a setled soule since I haue seene thy Christ From whence I gather that a good man that liues piously alwayes dyes peaceably It appeares here in Simeon so in the rest of the Saints as in Abraham to whom it was promised Gen. 15.15 that hee should goe vnto his Fathers in peace and should be buryed in a good age which promise was plentiously performed to Abraham for he yeelded the spirit dyed in a good age an old man and of great yeeres Gen. 25.8 So Isaack the Sonne of Promise gaue vp the ghost and dyed peaceably being old and full of daies Gen. 35.29 Neither was the death of good Iacob that preuailing Israel discrepant to his holy life for he dyed quietly making an end of his charge vnto his Sonnes hee pluckt vp his feete into his bed and gaue vp the ghost Gen. 49.33 After the like manner was the death of chaste and mercifull Ioseph Gen. 50.26 of penitent and patient Iob after hee had seene his sonnes and his sonnes sonnes euen foure generations Iob 42.16 Of zealous and sincere Dauid 1 Kings 2. after hee had counselled and charged his Sonne Salomon to walke in the wayes and Statutes of the Almightie Of Moses the faithfull Seruant of the Lord who dyed when his eye was not dimme nor his naturall force abated though he were an hundred and twentie yeeres old God himselfe being present at his death and buriall So Ioshuah that couragious Leader of Israel Iosh 24.29 Aaron the Lords Priest who dyed before the Lord in the Mount Hor Numb 20.28 Eleazar Aarons Sonne Iosh 24.33 Samuel the Lords Prophet 1 Sam. 25.1 with all the rest of Gods Children Patriarkes Prophets Iudges Kings Martyres Confessors the learned Lights of the Church such as Ambrose Augustine c. as they haue liued holily they haue dyed happily of which in their seuerall Histories they haue giuen demonstrations most of them if not all in these three particulars First that they were gathered to their Fathers in a mature and full age full of yeeres reaped like a Ricke of ripe Corne into the Lords Barne taken like mellow Apples from the Tree of life in which full age Abraham Isaack Iacob Ioshuah Iob with the rest before mentioned as also the Patriarkes before the Floud which out-liued them with others of the faithfull did blessedly yeeld their spirits and quietly slept in the Lord which blessing of long life being the promise annexed to that fift Commandement of Obedience is peculiarly incident to the godly rather then the wicked whose sinnes as the Iuie kils the Oake ordinarily abbreuiate their dayes or if any of the faithfull dye young or in their middle age before they haue attained to the yeeres of their Fathers eyther by a naturall dissolution as Iosias or by a violent death as the auncient and moderne Martyres eyther they are taken away from the euill to come as Augustine was immediately before the siege of Hippo by the Gothes and Vandals or else because they are ripened already in grace and come to that maturitie which GOD in his fore-seeing wisedome knowes they would or could attaine to and so are fitted for glory or else they testifie the truth here to others confirmation Gods glory and their owne consolation Secondly the Elect vsually haue their wishes and the fruition of their desires ere their departure to the great satisfaction of their soules the contentation of their hearts the corroberation of their faith and the sealing pledge of Gods speciall loue vnto them thus Simeon ere his death had CHRIST in his armes which was the desire and longing of his heart So Abraham saw Christs day before his death in the spirit and reioyced what did old Israel so long after in the whole world except the sight of Shiloh the Messias in the flesh as to see his darling Ioseph which longing of his the Lord satisfied at the full ere his death for his dying eyes did not onely see Iosephs face but his seede Ephraim and Manasses Gen. 48.11 What did Moses desire more then the fruition of Canaan the promised Land Now euen before the Lord shut his dying eyes the Lord tooke him vp into a mount and as a rellish and a taste of his fauour gaue him a sight of Canaan Deut. 34. ver 1.4 In what could Dauids heart be more setled then to see his Throne setled in Salomon his Sonne which his desire was accordingly accomplished for his eyes did see what his heart desired for which hee blessed God 1 Kings 1.48 And the like ordinarily fals out as many aged Christians at this very day can bring in their experienced probatum est as many that are fallen a-sleepe before them could haue testified how the Lord hath heard their requests and granted the desires of their soules in these and these particulars before their deaths Thirdly the godly expresse the hidden ioy and inward peace which they finde within their soules by their seasoned and sanctified words of grace which they breathe out as a sweet Perfume from holy hearts to the refreshing of others vpon their sicke beds with which they vsually winde vp the thread of their life words so good so gracious that they are worthy to be writ in Letters of Gold and for euer to be remembred as they are recorded in the sacred Cannon and collected by holy men from the Saints of latter times For example vvhat a sweet gratulatory speech is this of Simeons in his farewell to the world Lord now lettest thou thy Seruant depart in peace c. Euery word hauing his waight and Emphasis Ponder the last Sermons that Moses and Ioshuah and Samuel these faithfull Seruants of the Lord made immediately before their deaths vnto the Israelites Gods chosen people how zealously they perswade to the seruice of the true God disswade from Idolatrie and false Gods enumerate Gods speciall mercies exhort to obedience dehort from rebellion against God and their Superiours proclaime the promises to the obedient pronounce mercies to allure denounce iudgements to terrifie the disobedient blessing GOD by gratulatory Songs for his benefits and blessing the people in their Tribes Deut. 32. ch 33. Iosh 12. 1 Sam. 12. and a man shall see the peace they had in their hearts by the grace of their lips The last words of Iacob were blessings and prophecies Of Ioseph were admonitions and cautions the one to his Sonnes the other to his Brethren Gen. 49. Gen. 50. The last words of Dauid were his charge to Salomon his Son concerning Gods worship and the gouernement of his Kingdome 1 Kings 2. vers c. The last words of Steuen the first Martyr after CHRIST were prayers for his
because they haue dyed of the Plague Suppose it be an accursed death did not Christ the penitent Theefe Peter and Paul which were crucified by Nero with their heads downewards dye an accursed death euen the death of the Crosse Fourthly besides is it not Gods visitation like other diseases Fiftly is it not oft-times sent as Cyprian well notes as well for the sinnes of those that liue it of those that dye as appeares in the Plague sent vpon Dauids Sheepe when he the Shepheard sinned in numbring of them Sixtly is it not a disease though sharpe yet short and more tollerable then the Stone Dropsie Gout Palsie or the French disease Seauenthly did not Dauid desire this kinde of death rather then eyther Famine or Warre Eightly nay haue not Gods Saints as namely Iob for many moneths together beene troubled with a more grieuous maladie Ninthly is not God very mercifull to many that dye of the Plague that haue their senses and memories till the last houre are not those blew spots which appeare Gods tokens as they are called fore-warning them that haue them as God did Ezekias to prepare themselues for they must dye Lastly is their any death much lesse this can hinder the soule after her d●arting from Gods present and immediate fellowship or the body from a glorious Resurrection and what if none visit the afflicted in this sort the fewer that gaze on them the fitter they are to looke vp to God And what if they dye and vvant solemne buriall what preiudice is that to the bodies resurrection or soules saluation Obiect 7. But some of the godly dye of Famine as did Lazarus from which God promiseth to preserue them Psal 34. Answ First it is vncertaine whether Lazarus dyed for want of food or the violence of his disease Secondly this death is rare and seldome fals out God prouiding for his as hee did for Iacob and Elias euen in Famine but if this happen God armes his with patience and strengthens them with the assured hope of life eternall as hee did the persecuted Hebrewes who were exposed to nakednesse and hunger Heb. 11.38 Thirdly the Promise is conditionall as all others are that concerne these outward things which fall alike to all Eccl●s 9. Fourthly some vnderstand the place in the Psalmist concerning the soules of Gods Saints which are fed with the hidden and precious Manna of the Word to life eternall Iohn 6. Apoc. 2.17 Obiect 8. But some are slaine by their enemies these dye not in peace Ans Yes for no death can seperate Gods Children from his loue Rom. 8.38 Secondly though they kill the body as Cain did Abels the Philistines Ionathans yet as Zwinglius said in the like case as you haue heard they cannot kill the soule Thirdly it is a priuiledge if they dye in Gods cause and procures them a greater increase of glory Apoc. 14.13 Mat. 5.8 Obiect 9. Lastly it is obiected that some of the godly as Sampson and Rasis haue killed themselues others haue done the like in our dayes How haue these dyed in peace Ans For Rasis it was a weakenesse in him if hee were a good man or a wickednesse if he were not For Sampson what hee did was typicall as he prefigured Christs death that ouercame dying Secondly it was by a speciall instinct and motion of Gods Spirit inimitable no more then Abrahams sacrificing his Sonne for those which our experience instanceth in I confesse it is a ticklish point and the knot is hard to be loosed I know that Saul Achit●phel and Iudas that killed themselues are noted in the Scripture for reprobates And it seemes that those which doe this inhumane deede doe not for the instant thinke of hell torments yet vvhat then God neuer forsakes his chosen Secondly his mercy is bottomlesse from the Ocean of which mercy hee may distill some drop of grace at the last point of time Thirdly this act is done commonly in some Frenzie or predominant Melancholy when they are not themselues Fourthly Sathan is a wilie Serpent that obserues his aduantages and the Lord knowing his malice and wickednesse and mans frailtie and weakenesse punisheth this sinne as he did the first sinne wherein this Serpent vvas chiefe actor more in Sathan the agent then in man the patient Fiftly many Selfe-murtherers liue after the selfe inflicted fatall stroke and repent ere they dye Let vs iudge the best of them and pray to GOD to giue vs grace neuer to yeeld to the like temptations Amen And now these Doubts discussed these Obiections remoued we come to the Vses The first is this is it so that the Seruants of the Lord doe dye in peace wee must then if wee meane to dye well as the Lord shall inable vs learne to liue well If wee will dye in peace wee must liue the life of grace for it is not ●am vetus quam verum so prouerbiall as true Qualis vita finis ita as is the life so is the death Instance in all particulars in the Scripture from the first line in Genesis to the last Letter of the Reuelation and wee shall neuer see otherwayes excepting one example of the Theefe vpon the Crosse which is particular miraculous vpon a speciall occasion to magnifie the effect of Christs bloud and the power of his Passion to eternize his mercy that gaue life euen at his death and to shew and demonstrate his Deitie that at the lowest ebbe of his crucified Humanitie was able to saue a soule to strengthen the Disciples and allure the vnbeleeuing Gentiles I say excepting him which is an extraordinary example and not to be propounded as a president by any presumptuous soule wee shall not finde any one that liued ill and dyed well but that had the Prologue of their euill life shut vp with the Tragedie of a damned death Looke vpon Cain the murtherer that desperate Runne a-gate on the licentious Worldlings on Lamech the seauentie time auenged Polygamist on polluted Onan and wicked Err on vncleane Sodome with her Sister Gomorrha Gen. 19 25. on rebelling Israel hard-hearted Pharaoh obdurate superstitious and irreligious Aegypt Exod. 6.7.8 ch 14. on disobedient Saul 1 Sam. 15. on lying Iesuitically aequiuocating Gehezi 2 Kings 5. on theeuish Achan treacherous Achitophel traiterous Iudas adulterous and murtherous Herod bloudy Ioab couetous Ahab persecuting Iezabel deluding Ananias deceiuing Saphira cruell Antiochus proud Hamman vsurping Athalia rebelling Absolon with millions moe looke at their liues obserue their deaths peruse their Stories paralell their doings with their sufferings and tell mee if they haue not sealed vp and concluded sensuall and sinfull liues with cursed deaths nay as the Prophet saith Goe yee to Calneh and see and from thence goe you to Hamath the great then goe to Gath of the Philistines looke vpon Ioppa behold Tharsus wonder at Niniuie the pride of Assur gaze vpon Babilon the beautie of all the Chaldees honour And
ends as gaine profit prayse neyther am fed with any such ayerie and froathy conceits being so conscious to mine owne imperfections that I haue been by the importunities of others rather passiue then actiue in this kinde as is well knowne to some who are acquainted with my more then Fabritius-like lingring euen to the preiudice of the Printer who expected and prepared the Presse for mee much sooner but my onely end and ayme is Gods glory his Churches good conuiction of the World of Sinne conuersion of the Wicked from sinne confirmation of the Weake in grace discharge of my Dutie in my generall and speciall Calling furthering mine owne Account in my particular and generall Iudgement desiring and with all the powers and parts of soule and body endeuouring as I purposed and proposed betwixt GOD and my owne soule in my first ingresse into this sacred Function to imploy my Talents to my Masters best aduantage painfully and gainefully as I could so farre as a wearyed if not weakened body would hold any proportion with a willing soule Further good further gaine then these in these I desire not I require not besides satisfaction to mine owne soule and comfort in my conscience in deliuering in this Tractate the very Image and Idea of mine owne thoughts which as constantly as vehemently worke vpon this sad and sable subiect of Death euery day more and more occasioned by the preparatiues to it and summons of it the crosses of life chiefely from the discouragements and discomforts of an vngratefull and vngratious world in that part of my life which is eyther Morrall or Ministeriall concerning my Person or Profession 2. In respect of others from the obligation of loue I desire to lend the best light that is in mee being originally fetcht from the word to lead them thorow the darke wildernesse of the world euen in the very shadow of death to their Canaan shewing all along in this Passage and Pilgrimage to the weake and willing Christian the Amalekites and the Amorites c. the World with her warres weapons horrours terrours breuitie miserie vanitie fitting them to fight and incouraging them to their desired rest by meditating of death and preparation for death Which points and parts with their seuerall adiuncts as they are penned and published for the behoofe and benefit of all in generall so more specially as in my first designes and desires I did both pretend and intend in all dutious and deuoted affection I humbly recommend them vnto your Lordships perusall protection and practise and that for sundry and weighty Motiues First in respect of the subiect here intreated of which is not light and triuiall such as Virgils Gnat Erasmus his Mori● or commendation of Folly Sir Thomas Moores Eutopia or the generous Sidney's Arcadia or such as Lucians Flie Apuleius his Golden Asse Plutarkes Gryllus c. nor such friuolous and licentious stuffe as our Poets and Poetasters Comedians and Pamphleters staine so much Paper withall and adulterate and defile the minds of so many but the subiect is graue sad waighty ponderous euen that which is the suburbs eyther of heauen or hell the Prologue to euerlasting sollace or sorrow as it is good or euill euen Death worthy your Honours Grauitie Graces Yeeres Place and Iudgement beseeming your most retyred Meditations sincerest Thoughts greatest Priuacies and deuoutest Soliloquies yea euen in the confluence of these earthly Honours and Blessings which you haue receiued from your King your Country your late happy Espousals c. euen as Ioseph of Arimathia made his Sepulcher in his Garden as the Heathen Emperours were wont to be crowned amongst the sepulchers of the dead as the Nobles of Aegypt were wont to banquet beholding the Anatomie of Death as King Agathocles was wont to drinke wine out of a Cruize of earth as Philip of Macedons eares were euery morning saluted that hee was mortall as S. Ieromes thoughts were euery houre possest with that imaginary sound Arise you dead and come to Iudgement that so with these thinking of Death amidst your earthly Honours you should so moderate or mortifie all earthly desires and delights that liuing holily dying happily you shall be rightly Noble in life and death with God and man Secondly in respect of the sympathie and proportion betwixt your Honour and those Heroes Moses and old Simeon the one a Magistrate the other a Minister both Prophets both great both good both truely Noble like those Beraeans x in the best and new birth the one walking with God and comming in as neare priuacie and familiaritie with GOD as euer did meere mortall man the second a man venerable amongst the Iewes called Simeon the righteous fearing God replenished with the Spirit of God fellow-Disciple with that great Ionathan to that famous Hillel of whom euen their owne Rabbies haue writ and they belieued that the Disciples of Hillel should neuer faile till Christ were come in which Simeon the spirit of the great Synagogue vtterly failing and ceasing as is vrged against them it is an euident signe both that our and their Messias is come which they deny as also that God doth vtterly abhorre that Synagogue and Sanctuary which they condole Now both these holy parallels as propounded and in some measure expounded in their persons in their practise I by these Presents propose as Patternes worthy your Lordships Imitation and vertuous Aemulation liuing and dying as your Honour is a shining President to others euen of your place of Wisedome Iustice Clemencie Sinceritie Moderation Affabilitie and other Vertues both Morrall and Christian Thirdly this poore Orphan of my Intellectuall powers and first mentall Childe as it were of my Vnderstanding part wrapt in these shedules and sheetes which Trauell and Time as the Mother and the Midwife haue brought to light in a dumbe and silent Oratorie seemes to call your Lordship Patrone both in Dutie and Desire of Right and of Necessitie for hauing as its inchoation in the Citie so continuation and perfection in that place of the Country where I my selfe had my first breathing beginning production and education euen within the confines of your owne territories to whom doth it owe as due his first dutie of Homage and Fealtie but to your Lordship Besides it being strayed from mee whither and to whom GOD knowes being as Wafe and Straife to whom belongs it but to the Lord of the soile Neyther doth it lesse incline to your Honour in necessitie least it be abased and abused of the iniurious world in the nonage and minoritie least it be torne and rent with Doegs or Dogs like Euripides least it be poysoned and enuenomed with the black and Theonine teeth of Enuie Ignorance Aemulation or their Daughter Detraction Monsters that I haue alwayes fought withall in humane shapes as Paul did with Beasts at Ephesus therefore least some Flyes buzze some Snakes sting some Crittiques carpe and Cynickes scoffe least it finde his Hieronomastix as Homer found his Homer●mastix and Virgil his
repentance Dan. 4.24 Turne to the Lord with all thine heart in fasting weeping and mourning Ioel 2.12 Turne from the wickednesse thou hast committed with the Niniuites Ionah 3.7.8 Wash thee and make thee cleane Esay 1.16 Cleanse thy heart from euill thoughts Ier. 4.14 Leaue thy formalitie in Religion and worship the Lord in truth and spirit Iohn 4.24 Get faith and learne to liue by faith Hab. 2.4 and to dye by faith Be a Nathaniel in thy dealings with men let thy heart be vpright as thy hand Ioh. 1.47 Remember the poore and needy then the Lord will remember thee in the day of thy sicknesse Christ will visite thee as hee did Iairus Daughter and Peters wiues Mother he shall be thy Physitian when the simples of Nature and the arme of Flesh faile his Angels shall pitch their tents about thee and carry thy flitting soule as they did Lazarus his into the seates of the blessed Make vse of this and the LORD giue thee vnderstanding in all things 16 As the examples of the Saints of God that hauing liued conscionably and dyed comfortably must comfort thee in this houre so their willingnesse to dye must encourage thee willingly to drinke of that cup which the Lord offers thee without resisting or relucting Looke vpon old Simeon singing that Swan-like song prophecying his death Lord now le●t●st thou thy Seruant depart in peace Luke 2.29 But especially of Saint Paul vveary of this mortalitie desirou● to be disburdened of the burthen of his corruptions to be deliuered from the body of sinne Rom. 7. to be present with the Lord to be dissolued and to be with CHRIST 2 Cor. 5. Phil. 1. But the best president that wee haue in life and death as the best comfort is the practise of Christ who although hee feared death as man desiring conditionally the passing of that bitter cup yet neuerthelesse wee shall see in him a great alacritie chearefulnesse propensitie and willingnesse to dye for besides his often conference with his Disciples about his death the frequent nomination of it vpon all occasions which shewes how vehemently hee was affected towards it the tongue speaking from the hearts abundance all his words and acts declare it for to shew his desire to dye hee counts it but a Baptisme or as it were a sprinkling of cooling water Mat. 20.22 nay it is meate and drinke to him to doe his Fathers will which was that hee should dye hee counts it a Iourney to goe which hee was willing to vnder-goe nay hee was euen payned vntill it was past when it came to the push that his houre was come hee seekes death as it seekes him hee goes forth to meete and welcome it as his friend as Abraham and Lot to meete and entertaine the Angels hee offers himselfe to the instruments of his death his backe to the smiters and finally his soule is not taken from him compulsorie but as hee commended it so hee resigned and gaue it vp to his Father willingly hee gaue vp the ghost hauing power to lay downe his life sending out his spirit as Noah did the Doue out of the Arke which after three dayes returned againe to quicken the body from heauen from whence also Lazarus his soule returned after foure dayes Now apply this to thine owne particular art not thou a Christian so denominated of CHRIST then euery one of Christs actions ought to be thy instruction chiefely in his death all whose dying gestures are worthy to be writ in thy heart in letters of Gold Did hee then vnder-goe such an extraordinary vnnaturall painefull shamefull cursed death the worst that euer was for therefore Christ dyed the worst death that euer was both for the ignominie of it and the exquisite tortures in it that a Christian should not feare any death since euery death is sanctified vnto him in the death of Christ Did Christ not onely indure his pangs and paines in death so patiently as a Lambe before the shearer but was euen desirous of this bitter pill for the ioy that was set before him and the loue hee bore to redeeme thy enthralled soule and art thou scrupulous and timerous of a naturall and an ordinary passage from life to life through this dead Sea Wilt thou mutter and murmure and shew thy selfe refractory to come to the Kings Court when thou art so gently summoned by such a sweet messenger as a lingring sickenesse Hast thou so little longing to goe to him by the rupture of a weake thread of life who was so desirous to come to thee from heauen to earth from the earth to the Crosse from the Crosse to the Graue euen through a red Sea of blood thorow Pikes and Speares and nayles and thornes being dieted in this his bloody march with the bread of affliction and the water of teares with gall vinegar oh hast thou so little delight in him so little desire towards him so small liking of him so little loue to him that thou list not step ouer the narrow bridge of this life to meete him to greete him and to inioy him Expostulate with thy soule how it comes to be so dull so dead so lumpish so leaden how it is that thou professest thy selfe to be a Spouse of Christ a member of Christ a branch of Christ which thou must beleeue and professe if thou hast any part in him and yet hast no desire to put off the outward mantle of this bodies couering to be inseparably imbraced in the armes of this Bridegroome not to leane with Iohn but for euer to rest in his bosome to be ioyned to thy Head to be fixed in this vnion But if Christs loue and desire to dye and to dye for thee be too high a pitch for thee to soare to which yet ought to be aymed at yet imitate the desires and the patience of the Saints in this kinde so farre as the Apostle speakes of himselfe as they imitate Christ for as the examples of the wicked are recorded for our detestation 1 Cor. 6.10 so the examples of the godly are written for our comfort and consolation Rom. 15.4 You haue heard saith Iames of the patience of Iob and what end God made with him You haue heard of the desires of Paul and Simeon of the graces that appeared in Dauid Iacob Steuen c. Ambrose Augustine c. Caluin Luther c. and vvhat ends they made vvith God Then thou vsing the same meanes that they did euen Faith and Repentance why shouldest thou demurre or be vnwilling to goe that Iourney vvhich they haue gone 17 Yet if examples and presidents of others as of Christ and Christians set not an edge on thy desires to dye yet let the mutabilitie breuitie and vncertaintie of life with the certaintie of death cause thee to make a vertue of necessitie as Esay said from God to Ez●kias thou must dye and as God to Moses thou
heate of their persecutions being refreshed with the vision of that incarnate Babe Prince of peace branch of Iesse eternall Counsellor which they did preach and of whom they did prophesie In Christ reioyced the Apostles Peter Iames and Iohn yea Paul himselfe in the midst of stripes whips and imprisonment In Christ reioyced the ancient Martyres Policarpus Ignatius Cyprian euen like the three Children in the middest of the fire In Christ reioyced the ancient Fathers Augustine Ierome Bernard c. witnesse their words works and writings amongst the rest of him that could say Deus meus omnia my Christ and all things Wife Childe Friend Father ioy sufficient efficient in life and death Nay lastly as with Christ so in Christ and for Christ reioyced the Angels in earth and in heauen be glad then oh yee righteous and reioyce ye that feare the Lord as the Angels to the Shepheards as Esay to the Church For vnto vs a childe is borne and a Sonne is giuen For to vs is borne a Sauiour in the Citie of Dauid which shall deliuer all his Israel from their sinnes Matth. 1.21 Luke 19.10 Many and manifold are the ioyes of the sonnes of men as dangerous as diuers few with those sonnes of God by Creation and Adoption Angels and Saints reioyce in or for Christ but sinners according to the diuersities of their darling sinnes solace their soules in such contents as I may call meerely Antichristian and against Christ and the Lords annoynted in which they please themselues and displease him content their flesh but crucifie CHRIST and grieue his Spirit Nabal and Baltazar the Epicure and Drunkard hath ioy enough in his feasts and festiuals the colour of the wine delights his sight the relish his deuouring sense like a base Bagge-pipe hee makes such Musicke as the Diuell daunceth at when hee is full The Vsurer the worldling and the miserable able miser hath his heart rauished when his eye reflexeth vpon his glittering Idoll and golden God the Calfe that this beast bowes too The impure Onan filthy Fornicator and inexcusable Adulterer which like to Salomons foole goes into the harlots house and like Ieremies neighing horse without vnderstanding runnes after his neighbours wife like the Oxe to the slaughter to his owne destruction delights himselfe as the Swine in the mi●e as the Toade in the puddle as the Panther with excrements as the Scarabean Flye with ordure and filth as the Diuell his Father amongst filthy Hogs with his vncleane courses and discourses feeding his appetite with strange flesh as the lusting Israelites with loued and loathed Quayles v as the Italian Pselli and Mersi feede on poyson his chiefe ioy is to touch and taste Sodomes Apples and the forbidden fruit his onely Paradise the ioying in and inioying here which hee dreames of hereafter a Turkish Heauen a Mahumetaine portion of Wine and Women as for Christ hee hauing no heart at all Hosea 4.11 can haue no heart to him neyther in delighting in him or desiring him no more then the very Diuels themselues who quaked and trembled and made out cryes and exclamations at the very sight of him Luke 8.28.29 so all other Libertines amongst vs haue some Herodias or other some one beloued sinne which they more loue and like and ioy in then in the worlds Sauiour As some in their carnall companions and vvicked associates vvith whose dispositions and conuersations as they receiue as much infection in their soule as their bodyes from a Pest-house so they haue their refections as Baltazzar and Sardanapalus had with their Queenes and Concubines and so in the rest Well these carnall and common Christians which haue as much zeale to Christ and loue for Christ as common women plainely demonstrate that they haue the spirit of Sathan and not the Spirit of GOD as had Simeon And therefore as they ioy not in Christ neyther doth he ioy in them no more then a chaste Bridegrome in a whorish Spouse as they desire not him he desires not them nor their company in his Chamber no more then hee did the foolish Virgins as they delight not in him he delights not in them no more then a man delights in his crucifier and tormenter as they loue not him so hee loues not them no more then he doth Cain and Esau whom the LORD hated As Peter said to Simon Magus so I say to them They and their money perish together they and their lustfull pleasures perish together as did Z●mri and Cosbee they and their Gold perish together as did Achan and his wedge they and their Idols perish together as did the Israelites and their Calfe they and their sinnes perish together as did the murmuring Rebels in the Wildernesse they and their companions perish together as did Corah and his complices cursed be their sinnes and their Societies like Sim●on and Leui brethren in iniquitie So let them perish Lord that are thine enemies like the vntimely fruit of a woman If any loue not the Lord Iesus let them be accursed Anathema Maranatha If any reioyce not at the birth of a Sauiour here with Simeon let the Sunne of all their carnall ioyes s●t and be eclipsed in the cloud of death Secondly as wee must ioy in Christ so wee must ioy and reioyce and be thankefull for Christ yea for all the blessings and the benefits that wee receiue in and from Christ temporall and spirituall externall internall or eternall so was Simeon here his song is Eucharisticall and gratulatory for the reuelation of Christ hee blesseth God that hee liues to see the conduit and the fountaine of all blessings to his Church Christ the Messias And since his Deuotion is our Instruction Christians must be thankefull for Christ Thus all the faithfull and beleeuers when Christ was borne offered vp their tributarie prayses the sacrifices of their soules breaking out into holy Hymnes and Songs The Angel did caroll out Glory be to God on high so the Easterne Magi the zealous Shepheards glorifie God the blessed Virgin magnifies the Lord Elizabeth and the prophecying Babe within her wombe leape and reioyce Anna Zachary and Simeon are not behinde with their parts in continuing their prayses and so must wee with our best hearts and affections make vp the Quire since wee haue no lesse interest in nor no fewer priuiledges by Christ then they The Reasons to inforce this duety are these First if the Saints of God in the old Testament were so thankefull for their temporall protection preseruation and redemption from their outward enemies the Egyptians Amalekites Canaanites Ammonites Moabites Philistines c. by temporall Sauiours Moses Ioshua Gideon Iaphte Sampson Dauid c. as may be seene in the spirituall Songs of Moses and Aaron and Miriam and Deborah and Baruch
from the fore-seene preuailing part of Dauid and Saul pretends this as his best argument to kill himselfe least the vncircumcised Philistines should fall vpon him and mocke him and Abimelech will be guilty of his owne death rather then it be said that a woman slew him 8 Others out of vaine-glory and desire of fame as Empedocles the Scicilian Poet vvho to be accounted immortall threw himselfe into Aetna Deus immortalis haberi dum cupit Empedocles c. 9 These that haue desired the immortalitie of the soule after death haue vpon false grounds vsed this vnequall meanes of killing themselues as did Cleanthos Crysippus Zeno and others besides Empedocles as did Cleombrotus also after hee had read Platoes Phedo the Booke which Cato read also before his death all whom Lactantius for that cause of making away themselues in his third Booke of False Wisedome Cap. 8. recites and refutes 10 Some haue beene deceiued by the Diuels Delphicke Oracles as Codrus amongst the Athenians to preserue their Countries by their owne voluntarie deaths 11 Others haue beene so ouer-whelmed in the flouds of Passions and so transported from themselues in the eager pursuit of their desires that they haue sacrificed themselues to their beloued and adored Idols suppose these be fictions 1. of Didoes killing her selfe for the loue of Aeneas 2. Sappho for the loue of Phao 3. Phaedra for Hippolitus 4. Phillis for Demophoon 5. Hemon for Antigone though they be all testified by Authors The first instanced by Virgil Ouid Siluis Politian and all that haue followed Virgil the second by Statius the third by Ausonius the fourth by Pontanus the fift by Prepertius to say nothing of those that haue cast themselues into flouds and riuers and so drowned at the command of their Mistresses as Pontanus instanceth in Galeatius Caelius in T●magoras we haue too many pittifull presidents euen in our times of no small number of foolish Flies and deluded doters who are profuse of their bloud which inconsiderately they expose to effusion in single combats or madly they let out with their owne hands eyther when their supposed lawfull loue or lawlesse lust is crossed by their corriuals or reiected of their beloued ones Lastly and most ordinarily to omit him that killed himselfe by the instinct of Gods Spirit who also killed his enemies that Typicall Sampson whose fact was particular and inimitable most make away themselues out of impatiencie vnder the Crosse ioyned with Infidelitie and Atheisme neyther greatly beleeuing or regarding any future estate after death And therefore as the crosses and miseries incident to this our mortalitie are diuers and manifold so many snares hath Sathan not onely for the soules but the bodies of vnbeleeuers Some in the extremities of warre haue warred with themselues and let out their owne bloud with their owne hands ere they would fall into the hands of their enemies vvhich was Sauls case when the Philistines pressed sore vpon him So Cassius and Brutus the murtherers of Caesar murthered themselues sath Plutarch with the same weapons vvith which they stabbed Caesar being ouercome by Anthony and Augustus at Philippos for Which Io●ianus and others blame them The like parts in the like Tragedies acted Cato when Pompey was ouercome of Caesar who of the Citie Vtica where he dispatched himselfe was called Vticensis saith Pliny and Gellius So Dolobella one of Caesars fauourites when hee was vanquished by Cassius in his Sirian warres So vsurping Fla. Fimbria in his conflicts with Sylla at also Gnorban when hee was banished by the same Sylla So Norbanus when hee was ouercome by Scipio So Otho the Emperour after one battell lost in his warres vvith Vitellius So Petreius one of Pompeis Captaines foyled by Caesar Labio by Octauius with many moe As Portia Catoes Daughters destroying dyet was hot coales after the death of her Husband Brutus and as Aria accompanied her Husband Petoes proscription with her owne death so diuers other Wiues haue voluntarily accompanied the dead ashes of their Husbands as also Husbands of their Wiues as Plantius of his Wife Erestilla so Marke Anthony when hee heard but a false rumour of the death of Cleopatra aggrauating his troubles with Augustus saith Oresius killed himselfe Some haue taken to heart the crosses of their Children as Boetus that killed himselfe at the Tombes of his daughters Hippo and Miletia who being defloured by some Spartan young men were cast into a pit so old Gordianus is by Marcellinus reported to haue hanged himselfe when hee heard his Sonne was slaine in the warres so Mopsus threw himselfe downe from a tower when hee saw his sonnes dead before him so Iocasta the Mother affrighted with the horrible spectacle of her two Sonnes Eteocles and Polinices that had slaine one another would liue no longer So Children haue followed their Parents Funerals as Erigone that hanged her selfe when her Father Icarus dyed So Brothers and Sisters haue sympathized in sorrowes and in Selfe-murthers one with and one for another as Iuturna Daunus his Daughter that drowned her selfe after her Brother Turnus was ouer-turned by Aeneas Others in a despayring repentance for killing other out of the horrour of conscience and Gods remunerating vengeance haue killed themselues as Argobastes after he had caused Valentinian the younger to be strangled at Vienna So Ecelinus the Tyrant after innumerable slaughter of others made hauocke of himselfe Lesser Crosses haue occasioned others selfe destruction as the losse of friends scandall of name miscarrying of some things which they ouer-weeningly loued in life as Terence that drowned himselfe because some hundred and seauen Comedies which he had turned out of Greeke into Latine perished by Sea so Hipponax the Poet made Bubilas the Painter hang himselfe by his ierking Iambickes In all which particulars these desperate salues that they vsed were worse then their sores These were Heathens that knew not God nor the soueraigne good nor the true being or beatitude of man the most of them they wanted illumination from the Sunne of Righteousnesse and Sanctification from the Spirit of Grace they were in the shadow of death both in life and death and were vnder the power and Prince of darknesse who ruled so powerfully in them and ouer them that oft times they haue made away themselues for little or no cause as haue also some in the rancke of Christians as Celius and Crinitus write of one Laurence a learned Florentine who threw himselfe into a pit in the health and strength of body as also of one Peter Leonius an excellent Philosopher and a singular wise man that did the like no probable cause being knowne or suspected in eyther Let vs feare the Fates and the vntimely fals of such Cedars whom God hath cut downe with the Axe of death put into their owne hands let vs by faith in CHRIST and repentance from dead workes be reconciled to
rich prizes Old age is venerable youth is lusty but death reuerenceth not the gray hayres of the one for though Adam Enoch Sem Methusalem Malaleel Iaired Noah Heber and others in the primitiue times as also Arganton Nestor Valerius Coruinus Epiminedes Metellus Terentia Clodia Hipocrates Sybill and infinite others amongst Christians and Heathens liued so long that the Historians write and Poets sing that Tercentum Messes c. That they liued their one two and three hundreds yet though their lifes day were very long at last came Euening Song Neyther respecteth it the greene lockes of the young but like an Eagle and Vultur seazeth on the flesh of Infants as in the murther of Bethlems Infants and in the death of many Children younger then Dauids Childe that dyed Experience saith that Prima quae c. The houre that gaue them breath did end that houre in death as Seneca saith of others Yea Mista c. Both young and old Deaths cruell armes infold Et fugacem c. The man can neyther flie him nor the youth passe by him Hazael was as swift as a Roe and Atlanta was too swift for a woman yet Death ouertooke them Goliah was a great fellow but Death was greater Sampson was strong but Death was stronger it killed him that killed a thousand with the iaw-bone of an Asse it cut downe him that pluckt vp trees by the rootes That Enceladus that great darter could not shunne his darts neyther can any for it is like that Ram●ne which Daniel saw in his Vision that shakes his hornes against the East and the West the North and the South and the beasts are notable to resist him It is like a Haruester that with his Sickle cuts downe all Corne and Tares good and bad Mors resecat mors omne necat nullumque veretur What ere it meetes with vp it sheares For none it fauours none it feares It is a mad Dog that bites all as it hath his name like the Vsurer of biting so Mor● mordet omnes c. It bites all yea euen the biting Vsurers and grindes those that grinde the faces of the poore It is a fire vnsatiable burning the greene Iuie and the cragged Oake young and old It is a Tyrant ouer Tyrants bringing them to their graues cum eaede vulnere as it did Nero and Domitian with bloudy heads It is like the Sea terrible not to be dramd not to be turned out of his channell carrying all away with it by as many wayes as there be wayes to the Sea all waters runne to the Sea and all men tend to their earth It is like the Lyon in the Fable to whose denne many Beasts went but none returned It accepts as many as comes like the Harlot in the Prouerbs but none returnes since like those Oxe-like beastly fooles that goe in to a whore they goe into the chamber of death like a couetous Niggard it receiues all but parts with none Spaires none neque moribus nec aetati Nay saith a Papist nec Matri vitae nec vitae neyther the Virgin Mary which they say is the Mother of life nor CHRIST the life it selfe then much lesse will it spare vs for Pallida mors equ● pulsat pede c. With aequall foote it knockes the gate Both of the rich and poore estate And that so indifferently that as one saith if hee should make choyse of a Iudge in the whole world he would chuse Death it is not corrupted like a corrupt Officer but is as vnpartiall as imperiall Thus much for the necessitie of dying Now it is time by Vse and Application to bring home vvhat hath beene said vnto the heart of euery Reader First therefore from the necessitie of death let it teach vs not too much to be in loue with life or with any thing in this life What a folly is it for a man to set his heart vpon a strange woman in a strange Country whose face it is likely hee shall neuer see more If Sampson had knowne how soone he should haue beene taken from his Dalilah hee would neuer haue so doated on her if Sichem had knowne how speedily his lusting loue to Dinah would haue occasioned his destruction hee would rather haue loathed her before his folly with her as Ammon did Thamar after then haue loued her If wee did but ponder how soone vvee are to leaue these perishing pleasures and profits which will be our ruine and irreuocable destruction wee would cast them from vs as a menstruous cloath wee would hate them as wee doe a Toade detest them as wee doe the Diuell and flye from them as Moses from his rod when it turned into a Serpent Oh the thought of death may moderate euen lawfull affections and curbethem in their idolatrous exorbitancie from being immeasurable least by a violencie of desires they be carryed away after any outward thing that wee doe inioy and may cause vs as it did the holy Patriarks Prophets Apostles primitiue Christians ancient and moderne Martyres to leaue father and mother wife and childe house and land portion and pence for Christs cause voluntarily as Moses did the pleasures of Pharaohs Court since as Horace hath it Linquenda tellus c. Wee must leaue them will we nill wee Necessarily and sure if vvee ought to leaue in affection the good things that vvee liue by much more vvee ought to leaue both in Affection and Action the sinnes that vvee perish by ere vvee leaue the vvorld least wee dye as vvicked men haue dyed before vs as wretchedly as vvickedly Secondly since wee must all dye and that as wee haue heard because vvee haue sinned then if wee loue life as all doe naturally let vs hate sinne that depriues vs of life A man that loues his Wife dearely cannot loue him that would make a breach betwixt them or deuorce him from her hee that loues his life me thinkes should not loue the intentiue murtherer that plots and contriues his death This disturber this destroyer is Sinne It is a right Faux a plotter of thy perdition a right Cateline a conspirator of thy calamitie it watcheth opportunities as the Foxe doth the Hare as the Lyon doth the Dogge as Iael did S●sera as Iudith did Holofernes and as Delilah did Sampson when to deceiue thee when to destroy thee yea euen when it fawnes vpon thee and flatters thee and playes with thee then like the Cars play with the Mouse it purposeth to prey vpon thee Thus it fawned and flattered vpon Adam and Eue and offered them as Witches and poysoners offer Children an Apple to play withall but by this Apple it killed them so hath it done all mankinde besides and wilt thou fauour it Zealous was his spirit that once expostulated with one as I now with thee Peccatum omnes maiores tuos occidit tu fouis Sin saith one hath slaine all thy Predecessors and Ancestors and wilt thou
make much of it Wouldest thou desire to looke vpon and gloriously to sheathe that Sword or Knife that killed thy good Father thy kinde Mother thy speciall Friend thine onely Childe This Sinne hath done or will doe Couldst thou finde in thy heart to bid those Varlets welcome that did kill the Kings of France Now canst thou finde in thy heart to entertaine and retaine that sin in thy soule which hath killed all the Kings in Christendome then perish thou by it with the rest if thou wilt not be warmed be harmed But sure to loue that sinne that not onely hath killed thy Progenitors but that labours to imbrew his hands in thy bloud to that sweetens his temptations to poyson thee that spreads his ginnes daily to trap thee that bends his bow still ready to strike thee that lyes in ambush still to surprize thee and yet to trust it and follow the lusts and commands of it to obey it is great folly but to make it thy bosome-friend to lodge it in thine owne bed to set it at Table with thee as Dauid did his treacherous Companion to carry it about with thee to suffer it to haue free accesse euery day to the Castle and best Chamber of thine heart through the dores of thy eares and the vvindowes of thy eyes and the entrance of thy mouth to acquaint it vvith all thy secrets I say it is extreame madnesse For the pleasing of sinne thou dost preiudice thine owne life temporall spirituall and eternall and displeasest GOD and wilt prouoke him to cut thee off for vvhereas other Kings destroy onely the forraine Castles and Cities of their enemies to establish their owne Crownes so GOD for sinne destroyes the Citie and Castle which himselfe hath built and made the body and soule of sinfull man Thirdly this consideration of Deaths commaund ouer euery created nature consisting of body and soule whereby all humane flesh is designed to the graue serue notably to comfort and erect the poore deiected and reiected vvormes of the world and to deiect and cast downe the high lookes and eleuated thoughts of the proud and potent for if both the one and the other consider well that as they had both one originall and beginning from the earth their foundation being from the dust and clay and that both of them ere long shall be paraleld and equalized in the graue where they shall see corruption Neyther shall the meane man too much distaste his owne estate and emulate the mighty neyther shall the proud Potentate exalt his Crest and insult ouer the poorest Peasant Alphonsus in one word resolues what it is that equalizeth the poore man with the Prince the Mechanicall with the Monarch and that is the graue some say sleepe in vvhich the poore man participates halfe his life time with the rich nay oft-times in the better share the poore Labourer soundly sleeping when Agamemnon and Assuerus are vvatching when Ieroboam and Nabuchadnezzar are troubled in their thoughts about golden Calfes and such things as they dreame and doate vpon which made Caesar vvilling to buy the bed of the indebted poore man of Rome who slept better then hee but vvhether that Deaths yonger brother Sleepe vvorke alwayes this effect or no it is as little materiall as it is vncertaine I am sure Death the elder Brother brings all states and conditions to this paritie Hence the vvitty Painters pictured it like Loues Cupid blinde and vvithout eyes hitting and hurting at randome Kings Princes Popes Prelates Lords Lownes c. vvithout difference and distinction of degrees Crownes Diadems Scepters Miters Pals Roabes Rotchets Ragges Purples and Leathren Pelts being all Ensignes of his Trophies Subtua Purpurei veniunt vestigia Reges Deposito luxu turba cum paupere mix●● The rabbling rout and purpled Kings Are all alike Deaths vnderlings Yea Mors Sceptra Ligonibus aequat There Scepters and the sheep-hookes sympathize The Carter doth the Courtier aequalize This thought much possest Augustine and Bernard in their Meditations and therefore they send vs to the graues and sepulchers of the deceased to see if wee can finde any difference in their bones and munmiamized earth saue onely in the externall pompe and superficiall vernish of their Monuments nay sure there is no difference at all vnlesse as once it was said wittilie that the corrupted bones and putrified bodies of the rich being more crammed and fatted with surfetting and drunkennesse doe smell and sauour more strongly then the withered karkasse of the frugall and abstenious poore man This Consideration caused the wittie Cynicke when hee was vpbraided by Alexander what hee could finde him to doe amongst the sepulchers of the dead for indeede there was his choyse study Oh quoth hee I am here searching for the bones of thy Father Phillip of Macedon and I cannot discerne them from others An answere as sound as Satyricall as Dogmaticall as it was dogged for Victor ad Herculeas c. For though a man could conquer more then eyther Philip or Alexander in their times and could extend his conquest beyond Hercules his Pillars yet his portion of earth shall be but a few feete no greater then the meanest of his vassals when he shall mete it out with his owne dead body as Alexander himselfe was forced to confesse when by an occasioned fall hee was constrayned to imprint his body in the dust And sure if Alexander had rightly applyed to himselfe eyther Diogenes his girds at his ambition or his inclining dying condition he would neyther haue so soared ouer all the world besides liuing neyther should he haue subiected himselfe to the quipping censures of the wisest in the world dying for as it is recorded after hee was dead and his bones were put in a vessell of Gold diuers Philosophers meeting to see this dead and vnexpected dumbe show One quipt at him thus Yesterday hee that treasured vp Gold now Gold him Another thus Yesterday the world would not content him now a Sepulcher of sixe feete must containe him Another thus Yesterday hee pressed the earth now the earth presseth him Another thus Yesterday hee ruled the world now Death ouer-rules him Another thus Yesterday all the liuing followed him now hee followes all the dead and euery one had the like diuersitie of Descant the last knits vp all their censures thus Heri multos habebat subditos c. Yesterday he had many subiects now all are his equals Thus did these liuing Hares insult ouer this dead Lyon so will the meanest insult ouer thee in the like case though thy loftie lookes now ouer-toppe thine equals though thy pride trample vpon thine inferiours as Pope Alexander did on the necke of Fredericke and dare contest and contend with thy superiours therefore leaue thy hautinesse and learne humilitie doe not magnifie thy selfe against those that are mightier or aboue those that are meaner then thy selfe scorne not to sit at table with him that must lye in the same
28. ●9 comforts them with the promised Comforter Iohn 16.7 Thus Peter endeuoured that those to whom hee writ and preached should haue remembrance of what hee taught them euen after his departure 1 Peter 1.15 If Peters pretended Successors stood not so much on their personall succession as they should in the right of succession labouring to imitate the doctrine of Peter of the Prophets and Apostles nay if this care of doctrinall succession were in the Ministers of the reformed Religion wee should not haue here so much blindnesse and ignorance where once was light there so many Schismes Errours and Heresies where once was an vnitie in veritie else-where so many Wolues come into the roomes of faithfull Pastors Acts. 20 ver 29. Thirdly if thou beest a Master of a Familie thou must set thine house in order as the Prophet from God commands Ezekias Esa 38.1 Now for as much as all Scripture is from God 2 Tim. 3.16 2 Pet. 1.20 and all examples are for our learning Rom. 15.4 what vvas said to Ezekias is said to euery man Set thine house in ordrr For Order saith Nazianzen is the mother and preseruer of all things Now for the procuring this order in thy Familie doe two things 1. concernes the temporall 2. the spirituall estate of thy Familie For the first make thy Will and Testament thou shouldest make it in thy health as Abraham did who in his health makes a Will and giues Legacies but chiefely in thy sickenesse as did Isaack and Iacob in that propheticall Testament of his Gen. 49. So some thus set downe Christs Will on the Crosse he giues his Soule to his Father his louing Mother to his beloued Disciple Iohn his body to Ioseph of Aramathia to the penitent Theefe Paradise to the Iewes his heartiest desires when hee prayes for them c. Now it is not a matter of indifferencie but a thing that conscience bindes thee to euen to make a Will and to distribute thine inheritance as Siracides counsels Syr. 33.22 for thus discharging a good conscience thou maist more freely depart in peace as a man takes his iourney more freely when hee hath set his house in order Secondly so thou cuttest off many contentions and stayest many suites in Law Thirdly thou takest away scandall and offence and so preuentest a woe threatned Mat. 18.7 Fourthly thou shalt be thought a wise man and not dye like a Nabal and a foole in setting all at sixe and seauen and so shalt leaue behinde thee a good name as a precious Oyntment Eccles 7.3 Fiftly thou shalt in this imitate God vvho is the God of order and not of confusion Now in the manner of making thy Will let the Rules be 1. the Law of GOD 2. of Nature 3. of that Nation whereof thou art a member 4. of common equitie If thy will be against any of these rules it is culpable First then it is Gods will to preferre thine owne bloud in disposing of thy estate before others as GOD tels Abraham that Eliazer a stranger shall not be his heyre but his owne Sonne Gen. 15.4 The like God commaunds the Israelites that if any man dye his Sonne shall be his heyre if hee haue no Sonne his Daughter if no Daughter his Brethren so descending still to the next of kinne Numb 27.8.17 It is a fault then for any man to alienate his goods or lands wholy from his bloud and posteritie the light of Grace and of Nature to condemnes it euen the very Schooles of Plato and Aristotle Secondly those are culpable that giue all to the eldest and little or nothing to the rest or all to Sonnes nothing to Daughters for though it be equall that the eldest haue more then the rest First because he is the eldest the Re●ben and first strength of the Father Secondly because Stockes and Families are preserued in their persons Thirdly that they may doe speciall seruices to the Common-wealth yet it is exceeding vnequall to giue so much to the eldest as though he should be my young Master and a Gentleman and the younger borne to beare the wallet as though he onely were a Son and the rest Illegitimate Fourthly in the Lawes of equitie remember him with something or her in thy Will that haue beene trusty and faithfull Seruants to thee gratifie in thy death their loues labours and strength spent for thee deale not with them as the Spaniell with the water shake them not off when thou hast no more vse of them Secondly allot some Legacies to thy friends as memorials of thy lasting loue Thirdly as thou art able remember the Chruch of God and those that are in it poore Ministers or poore Members Fourthly such Societies in the Common-wealth as thou hast liued in Now concerning the spirituall estate of thy Family teach instruct exhort admonish and pray for euery particular person in thy Familie In this reade and imitate the example of Dauid 1 Kings 2. the whole Chapter Exhort thy Wife to be the Spouse of CHRIST thy Children Gods Children thy Friends Gods Friends thy Seruants Gods Seruants so shall God and Gods Spirit giue that testimonie of thee that hee did of Abraham Gen. 18.19 euen for instructing thy Familie after thee The practise of these Precepts concernes thy peace both in sicknesse and in death Lastly when thou feelest Death approaching comming neare to the Agonie and pangs of it then vvith the Marriners stearne aright to get into the Hauen there is the greatest danger and if recouered the greatest ioy Now labour as thou hast liued so to dye by Faith Now apply the Promise to thy Soule trust in it let it quicken thee as it did Dauid Psal 119.49 Comfort thy selfe as that persecuted Patriarke did when Death was before him euen in the Lord thy God 1 Sam. 30.6 Now let God be the strength of thy heart euen vvhen thy flesh fayles and thy heart also Psal 73.26 Now vvith the Israelites looke to him vvith the eye of Faith of whom the brazen Serpent was a figure euen when the Serpent Death imbraceth thee to sting thee Iohn 3.14 Now call to minde all the former mercies of thy God to thy soule and suck spirituall sweetnesse from them Now vvith Moses cry vnto God euen when thou seest the dead Sea as hee the red Sea before thee Exod. 14. Now pray with all thy powers and spirits loue the Lord vvith all thy heart and affections reioyce that thou art going to meete thy Bridegroome now mourne and weepe more then euer that thou hast offended so good so gracious and so louing a GOD Now with Ezekias remember thy former sinnes in the bitternesse of thy soule turne thy selfe to the wall and weepe in the secret silence of thy Soule Esay 38.3 that so thou vvashing thy soule with penitent teares thy CHRIST may at that instant vvash away the pollutions of it vvith his bloud that so it may be presented spotlesse before the