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A03949 Bromelion A discourse of the most substantial points of diuinitie, handled by diuers common places: vvith great studie, sinceritie, and perspicuitie. Whose titles you haue in the next page following. S. I., fl. 1595.; Bèze, Théodore de, 1519-1605. Summa totius Christianismi. English. 1595 (1595) STC 14057; ESTC S107410 412,250 588

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tribulation reioycing in persecution reioycing in torments reioycing in death because they haue bin so well learned in gods schoole in gods booke that the loue of God is throughly shed abroad in their harts by the inward secret and most heauenly working of his holy spirit Triumphing against the world and the cruelties thereof being fully perswaded that neither life nor death nor any thing else shall be able to seperate them from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus We learne that we are the children and beloued of god and that we are heires euen the heires of god and fellow heires with Christ if so be that we suffer with him that we may also be glorified with him For the afflictions that may fall out vnto vs are not worthie of the glorie that shall be shewed vnto vs and that we shall receiue in the kingdome of heauen If it were not so saith the Apostle we were of all men the most miserable if our hope were ended in this life and if that persecution had not a ioyfull recompence He that striueth not shall neuer be crowned and he that doth not take vp Christ his crosse euen to the death shall neuer come where he is To them that thus endure trouble and are thus hated reuiled and slaine of the world they know and are assured by gods word that there is a crowne reserued for them which the Lord shall giue them at that day dreadfull to others but ioyfull to them When it shall be said vnto them Come ye blessed enioy the kingdome prepared of my father for you from the beginning of the world Search the scriptures for in them ye thinke to haue etrnall life And thus they do performe it It followeth in those words which I haue reade vnto They testifie of Christ you touching the effectuall reason that should moue vs to the reading of the scriptures And they are they which testifie of me In them ye thinke to haue euerlasting life because they direct vs vnto the knowledge of Christ wherein consisteth life According as he saith of himselfe I am the way the truth and the life To him saith the Apostle Act. 10. 43. giue all the Prophets witnesse that through his name all that beléeue in him shall receiue remission of sinnes This is life euerlasting saith the Euangelist S. Iohn 17. 3. that they know thée to be the onely very god and whome thou hast sent Iesus Christ And thus the word of god doth testifie of our Sauiour Christ Ioh. 3. 16. That God so loued the world that he hath giuen his onely begotten sonne for the redemption of the world that whosoeur beleeueth in him should not perish but haue life euerlasting They are they which testifie that I am the onely life to true repentant sinners to giue them ease and comfort that are swallowed vp and ouerwhelmed with heauie sorrowes and as it were vtterly cast away through griefe and distresse of minde for their sinnes According as the Apostle saith Christ came into the world to saue sinners Come vnto me saith Christ all ye that be heauily loaden with the burthen of your sinnes and I will ease you and I will refresh you For I came not to saue the righteous but to call the sinners to repentance They are they which testifie of his holie and vndefiled conception being conceiued by the holie Ghost and borne of a virgine and so being without all blot of sin to the intent that we might be freed from our vncleannes which we draw from our parents being born in sinne and conceiued in iniquitie being defiled by originall sinne and naturall corruption which testifie of his life and conuersation that it was altogither vnrebukable blamelesse and that in euery point he fulfilled the law of God y● his righteousnes perfect obediēce might be imputed vnto vs which are otherwise vnder the curse of the law that our sinne and disobedience might be couered and that we might not be called to account for the same which testifie that hée was condemned before an earthly iudge to acquite vs from the dreadfuil sentence of the heauenly iudge which testifie that in bodie soule he suffered gréeuous torments that the wrath of god might not take hold of vs which testifie of the wonderful worke of his resurrectiō of his triumphing ouer death sin hell and the diuel to make vs ioyful conquerers which testifie of his glorious ascention into heauen to giue vs assurance of y● heauenly possession which he hath purchased for vs which testifie y● he shal be y● iudge of quick dead to giue vs euerlasting comfort which haue put our whole trust in him when all other vnbeléeuers wicked vngodly people shal stand in his presence with great horror séeing his comming shall bee to be reuenged of their vnbeliefe and contempt Finally in an other consideration we may say that they They bring vs to the knowledge of God our selues are they that testifie of him For first and principally they teach vs the knowledge of God Secondarily and consequently the knowledge of our selues The knowledge of the Almightie power of God in the creation of all things of his infinit wisdom in disposing them in their due order of his great goodnes in doing al these things for the vse and benefit of mankinde Indéed the creation of the world and all the creatures therein do bring vs to the knowledge of God and this is onely the scripture of the heathen people but yet this doth not shew vnto vs sufficiently how God is our God and our father in Iesus Christ which knowledge we do only attain by reading the word of God And this is the scripture of the Christians Through which knowledge of God in respect of Christ we learn that God hath entred into a couenant with all faithful people that he would be their God and that they should be his people And that therfore they ought to performe vnto god his due scruice which especially consisteth in these thrée points First to worship the true God and to detest all idolatry and false gods to make our praiers to God alone and religiously and deuoutly to serue him Secondly that the worship of God doth cōsist in spirituall matters as faith hope charitie obedience righteousnes holines innocency patiēce truth and all godlines Thirdly to improue accuse and condemne all wickednesse and sinne infidelitie desperation disobedience impatience lying hipocrisie hatred slaunder iniurie and wrongfull dealing vncleannesse lust gluttony and all other vngodlinesse and iniquitie Furthermore that God doth in mercy and fauour reward the good and according to his iustice punish the offendors and that therefore he hath prepared ioyes and torments after this life For our soules are such that they neuer die and our bodies shall rise again to be ioyned to our soules at the latter day In respect of which knowledge of God the scriptures do perswade vs so to liue in this world that
11. 12. According to the eternall purpose which he wrought in Christ Iesus our Lord. By whom we haue boldnesse and entraunce with confidence by faith in him 1. Thes 5. 24. Faithfull is he which calleth you which will also do it Hebr. 10. 23. Let vs kéepe the profession of our hope without wauering for he is faithfull that promised Rom. 8. 38. 39. For I am perswaded that neither death nor life nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor thinges present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to seperate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. And therefore I cannot nor I may not doubt of my saluation So farre then it is against reason to say that this doctrine maketh men negligent or dissolute that contrariwise this alone dooth open vs the way to search out and vnderstand by the power of the holy Ghost Gods deepe secrets 1. Cor. 2. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. The things which eye hath not séene neither eare hath heard neither came into mans hart are which God hath prepared for them that loue him But God hath reuealed them vnto vs by his spirit For the spirit searcheth all things yea the déepe things of God For what man knoweth the things of a man saue the spirit of a man which is in him Euen so the things of God knoweth no man but the spirit of God Now we haue receiued not the spirit of the world but the spirit which is of God that we might know the things that are giuen to vs of God It maketh vs painfull in good workes Ephe. 2. 10. For we are his workemanship created in Christ Iesus vnto good workes which God hath ordained that we should walke in them 1. Iohn 3. 24. For he that kéepeth his commandements dwelleth in him and he in him and thereby we know that he abideth in vs euen by the spirit that he hath giuen vs. Gal. 5. 17. For the flesh lusteth against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh and these are contrary one to the other so that we cannot do the same things that we would Knowing this infirmitie to be in vs it stirreth vs to good workes And chap. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Be not deceined God is not mocked For whatsoeuer a man soweth that also shall he reape For he that soweth to the flesh shall of the flesh reape corruption And he that soweth to the spirit shal of the spirit reape life euerlasting Rom. 6. 1. What shall we say then Shall we continue stil in sin that grace may abound God forbid Hebr. 10. 24. And let vsconsider one an other to prouoke vnto loue and to good workes Iam. 3. 17. The wisedome that is from aboue is first pure then pe●●eable gentle easie to bee intreated full of mercy and good workes without iudging and without hipocrisie It maketh vs inuincible against all temptations and vexations For how shall he stand sure and constant against so many grieuous temptations both within and without against so many assaults of fortune as the world doth terme it that is not well resolued in this point of Gods predestination toward him and of his election in Christ Iob. 13. 15. Loe though hée slaie me yet will I trust in him Rom. 8. 28. Also we know that all things worke togither for the best vnto them that loue God euen to them that are called of his purpose Verse 31. What shall we then say to these things If God be on our side who can be against vs Verse 35. 37. Who shall seperate vs from the loue of Christ Shall tribulation or anguish or persecution or famine or nakednesse or peril or sword In all which things we are more then conquerours through him that loued vs. Iohn 16. 33. Maruell not though the world hate you In the world ye shall haue affliction but in me ye shall haue peace Be of good comfort I haue chosen you out of the world and none shall take you out of my hands Rom. 15. 3. Through Christ we reioyce in tribulations that we may say with the Apostle We are persecuted but not forsaken cast downe but we perish not Ia. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. My brethren count it exceeding ioy when ye fall into diuerse temptations knowing that the trying of your faith bringeth forth patience And let patience haue her perfect work that ye may be perfect and intire lacking nothing Of the which number of the elect he is that findeth himselfe in this daunger and trouble Rom. 8. 16. 17. 18. The same spirit beareth witnesse with our spirit that we are the children of God If we be children we are also heires euen the heires of God and heires annexed with Christ if so be that we suffer with him that we may also be glorified with him For I count that the afflictions of this present time are not worthie of the glorie which shall be shewed vnto vs. Luke 23. 43. Iesus said to the théefe on the crosse Verily I say vnto thée To day shalt thou be with me in Paradice This part is to be considered and weighed and that with great modestie principally in these two considerations First that the height of Gods iudgements may at all times bridle our curious fancies Secondly that we doo not apply it to any man particularly or any certaine company For the first let it be sufficient that we vnderstand generally that there be vessels prepared by Gods iudgement and appointed to destruction The which séeing God doth not reueale vnto vs who they are we ought both in example of life and praier diligently to endeuour to winne and recouer to their saluation yea euen very such of whom by séeing their horible vices we almost dispaire Mat. 5. 16. Let your light so shine before men that they may sée your good workes and glorifie your father which is in heauen 1. Pet. 2. 12. Haue your conuersation honest among the Gentiles that they which speake euil of you as of euill dooers may by your good workes which they shall sée glorifie God in the day of the visitation And chap. 3. 15. 16. Sanctifie the Lord God in your hearts and be readie alwaies to giue an answere to euery man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you And that with méekenesse and reuerence hauing a good conscience that when they speake euill of you as of euill dooers they may be ashamed which blame your good conuersation in Christ 1. Cor. 9. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. For though I be frée from all men yet haue I made my selfe seruant vnto all men that I might winne the moe And vnto the Iewes I become as a Iewe that I may winne the Iewes to them that are vnder the lawe as though I were vnder the lawe that I may win them that are vnder the lawe to them that are without the lawe as though I were without the lawe when I am not without the
and readie Marke the minde but of a worldly man that accounhimselfe greatly beholding to another is not this his courage that he could finde in his heart to die in his quarrell and to offer his seruice before he commaunded thereunto The readinesse of our Sauiour Christ whose example if it be too high for imitation yet that of the Apostle Saint Paule heerein is notable and able to giue the weakest minde great courage Get thée behind me Sathan saith Christ vnto Peter thou art an offence vnto mée because thou vnderstandest not the things that are of God but the things that are of men The Prophet Agabus Act. 21. tooke Pauls girdle and bound his owne hands and féete and said Thus saith the holy Ghost So shall the Iewes at Ierusalem binde the man that oweth this girdle and shall deliuer him into the hands of the Gentiles Then his friends perswaded him and besought him with teares that he would not go vp to Ierusalem To whom Paul answered and said What do ye weeping and breaking my heart for I am ready not to bee bounde only but also to die at Ierusalem for the name of the Lord Iesus And in an other place And now behold I goe bound in the spirite vnto Ierusalem and knowe not what things shall come vnto mee there Saue that the holy Ghost witnesseth in euery citie saying that bands and afflictions abide me in Ierusalem but I passe not at all neither is my life deare vnto my selfe This is a notable example of incouragement beside the promise of excéeding great reward Hee that looseth his life for my sake shall finde ●● But weake mindes are soone offended and fraile flesh cannot beare out these bitter brunts neither stand to the triall of so worthie a cause when we shall behold as it were great mountaine to fall vpon vs and great surges readie to swallow vs vp No doubt we shall méet with hinderances inow and those mighty hinderances yet greater renowne it is to ouercome our selues then to winne a citie both are hard to do and to accomplish but the first most hard and to flesh and blood impossible True it is that we should cast off all hinderances in this so waightie a matter and deny our selues and in this combat betwixt the spirit and flesh and blood we should shewe our selues conquerers but our hearts for the most part are so faint that strawes can make vs stumble We bl●nch at the least matters and are astund euen at the very name of persecution When King Hezechiah heard of his death he wept sore and so do many of vs carry the like affliction that in no sort we can brooke affliction The pur●●●ion is too bitter although health and immortallitie bee the effect of it Why is it that we are readie to put finger in the eie when we heare that we must endure trouble but that the world a●desh and blood do carry more sway with vs then Gods spirit and that the ioy of this life can abide no sorrow Although God hath appointed this to be our lot Ye shall weepe and lament yea furthermore although we heare that our sorrow shal be turned into ioy Gladly we would be at peace with the world but when the world shall hate vs that beginneth to breake vs then are we surprized of sorrow and for the time swallowed vp of griefe The Prophet Ieremy a man of great courage patience and constancie before he could frame himselfe to drinke of this bitter cuppe as one most passionate breaketh out into these words and in the presence of God Cursed be the day wherin I was borne oh that my mother had bene my graue or her wombe a perpetuall eonception How is it that I came forth of the wombe to see labour and sorrow And againe chapter 19. Woe is me my mother that thou hast borne mee a contentious man and a man that striueth with the whole earth I haue done them neither hurt nor wrong yet euerie one doth curse me According to that of the Prophet Dauid They hated mee without any cause and that thou ô God knowest Yet should this matter be so farre from mouing vs to heauinesse that therein we should reioyce As the Apostle S. Paule doeth moue vs by his example Gal. 6. 14. God forbid saith he that I should reioyce in any thing but in the crosse of our Lord Iesus Christ whereby the world is crucified vnto me and I vnto the world Our Sauior Christ hath foretold vs that we should be hated of all men for his name and for the profession of his truth And lest any of vs should faint he addeth further But hee or they that endure to the end they shall be saued What if the world and the mightiest in the world hate ve what if they séeke our blood Feare not their feare saith the Apostle neither be troubled but sanctifie the Lord in your hearts Feare not them saith our Sauiour which haue power ouer your bodies and whose furie and rage can goe no further but rather feare him who after the body is distroied by death can cast both soule and body in hell God hath commanded vs vnto this wéeping and lamentation Foure principal● reasons to pers●●d●●s to vndertake perse●cution w● 〈◊〉 the first is Gods Commandement and appointed vs vnto this trouble and sorrow and persecution let vs not therefore feare men to auoid gods commandement but rather glorifie God by withstan●●ng euill men and such as are bent to resist and deface to suppresse and vtterly to roote out gods truth And because the world is giuen to nothing more then to oppresse gods truth therefore ought we the more to maintaine it and not to regard our liues in respect of the defence therof Striue for y● truth vnto death saith the wise man Eccle. 4. 28. And defend iustice for thy life God hath created vs for his glory and if we loue God and his loue be setled in our hearts wée ought to the vtmost of our power to maintaine his glory Dearely beloued saith the blessed Apostle thinke it not straunge concerning the firy tryall It pleaseth God to try you by the extremities of this wicked world whether ye will like valiant souldiours stand to the defence of his cause We count it a glorious matter and worthy of immortall fame to spend our liues in the defence of our prince and country yet is it more glorious if wée be called thereunto not to refuse any torment and extremitie in shewing our dutie and our loue to God and his Church Re. 2. 10. Vnto the Angell of the church of Smirna it was said Feare none of those things which thou shalt suffer behold it shall come to passe that the diuell shall cast some of you into prison that ye may be tried and ye shall haue tribulation tenne daies that is a long time Bee thou faithfull vnto the death and I will giue thee the crowne of life Hee that ouercommeth shall not bee hurt of
could neuer swimme before how do they catch hold of boords and practise labour to swim the cowardly souldier when he is in his enemies danger and like to be murthered how dooth he bestir himselfe and in necessitie shewe himselfe valiant and all for feare of death So is life swéete to the woman in trauell and she striues and takes great paines in hope that in time she shall be deliuered and auoyd death But when at last she sées all her paines taking in vaine and that she cannot be deliuered but of force must yéeld her last breath alasse what lamentation and griefe she makes for death approaching Againe as some take great paines so some of them either dare not or wil not put to their strength to endure it and for lacke of courage fall away In sorrow and especially in distresse of persecution let vs plaie the men and be as painfull as the woman in trauell if it be no more but for this to saue our liues I meane the life to come which is wonne by painfulnesse and courage and also lost by faintnesse For the nearer the trauell the greater is the womans griefe and feare and the nearer the triall of our death is the more the flesh is fraile The children are come to the birth saith the Prophet and there is no strength to bring forth vnlesse God giue strength So we when we are brought to triall by death then a hundreth to one but we faint and are féeble till God giue constancie courage which through fearefulnesse and faintnesse of courage we reuolt then death approacheth yea a fearfull kind of death For they saith Christ that séeke to saue their life shall loose it and they that are desirous to enioy this world shall perish in an other And then what pittious outcries shall we make wéeping and woe and great lamentation The woman that must néeds die through the sore anguish that she hath endured yet if she be deliuered and sée her childe liue it is her great ioy but through faintnesse of courage and for lack of paines taking oftentimes it faileth out that the childe dieth within her and with her The constant Martyres that are deliuered by death in the sorest anguish and agony of death this comforteth them and that out of measure that their hope is with God their good report with the faithfull and that their labours shall follow them and nothing shall be lost But if either the loue of the world lands possessions wife and children kinsfolke friends acquaintance hinder vs or life it selfe and feare of death let vs then assure our selues that we haue lost all All the glory of our christian profession our confident boasting that we made to endure persecution the good report and ioy of the godly which by our constancie might haue béene so much the more comforted and confirmed and especially our hope with God I would I could not say that all these excellent matters fall to the ground are void decaied and that they all die together within them and with them Let none take away thy crowne from thée let nothing kéepe thée from thy excéeding reioycing knowing that God hath promised vnto thée to be thy excéeding great reward This is y● sorrow that God hath laied vpon women persecutions are the burden that God would haue men and all sorts and al degrées yea and manly couragious women also to beare in no sort to refuse in paine of death let them take héede of damnation An office she weth y● inward qualities of a man bringeth Ioyes that to proofe which lay hid in him long before whether he were giuen to oppression and corruption or to innocency and vprightnesse whether he haue more regard of his owne priuate estate and gaine then of the publike commoditie and welfare of the people The one endeth in shame and contempt the other is crowned with glory Persecution is the office that the godly and faithfull are called and promoted vnto and nowe it shall be knowne whether they loue God more thē themselues or whether the glory of God be of more account with them then their owne estimation although they might liue in the highest roomes in the world with Shadrake Meshake Abednago be set ouer the chiefest prouinces in any Emperours large dominions God hath ordained persecution to bring forth patience constancy courage and all the vertues and graces of the godly and that to their great praise commendation which otherwise would lie hid and altogither vnknowne When the man is exalted he is tried saith Solomon but wée being tried by persecution are exalted euen to the highest heauens Blessed is he that endureth temptation and trial and sorrow and trouble and persecution For when he is tried he shall receiue the crowne of life In the fight and combat there is sorrow and hazard but after the victorie triumph and reioycing And certainly after persecution and death commeth life and ioy And now let vs a litle behold the ioyes of a trauelling woman One ioy is the hope that she shall be deliuered which maketh her the more patiently to endure her trouble stil looking when her houre will come and waiting for the good houre that God shall send For they that put their trust in the Lord shall surely haue helpe and deliuerance so far as he seeth good for his glory and their comfort Wait thou the Lords leisure and he shall giue thée thy hearts desire And because of impatiencie God often turneth away his face and leaueth vs to our selues and to our troubles to sinke or to swimme get out how we can But the patient abiding of Gods promises maketh things impossible most comfortable and distressed cases to haue gladsome issues It was a great persecution for the thrée children that they should be cast into a hot firie furnance but howe great was their hope that God would bid them come foorth either out of the furnace or out of this troublesome life to receiue ioy either by credit and fame among men or which was more méete by receiuing ioy from God The hope of Iosephs deliueraunce was with ioy Which fell out according to his hope being brought from the dungeon to the seate of honour The Israelites that groned long vnder their oppression s●aied themselues vpon Gods promises that they should be deliuered Being in the desert and waste wildernesse and the time of their enteraunce into Canaan long delaied through their fault of impatiencie God caused many to die there but they that rested vpon the hope of Gods promises God made them partakers of their desire They that wait on the Lord sée what comfort the Prophet Esay giueth them chap. 66. 8. 9. Shall I cause to trauell and not to bring foorth As if he had said Shall I laie sorrow and take away ioy yea I wil comfort you and that to your contentment and y● hand of the Lord shal be knowne among his seruants God hath
the iniuring and oppressing of our neighbours to do good to all and by little and little it draweth vs not onely to the loue thereof but euen with an earnest purpose of mind we are therby wonne to take that way that leadeth to euerlasting life For it mortifieth our sinfull desires by shewing vs the It mortifieth sinfull desires bitter punishments that remaine and that they shall neuer enter into the kingdome of God that are led by them Let not sinne raigne in your mortall bodies for the wages of sin is death that is the euerlasting death of bodie soule Know ye not that the vnrighteous shall not inherit the kingdome of God Be not deceiued neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor wantons nor buggerers nor theeues nor couetous nor drunkards nor railers nor extortioners shall inherit the kingdome of God God is not mocked for what we sowe that shall we reape for he that soweth to his flesh and followeth his fleshly desires shall therehence reape corruption and woe but he that soweth to the spirit shall of the spirit reape life euerlasting For we must all appeare before the iudgement seate of Christ that euery man may receiue the things which are done in his bodie according to that hee hath done whether it be good or euill And blessed are they that doo his commandements that their right may be in the trée of life and may enter in through the gates into y● Citie For without shall bedogs inchanters and whoremongers and murtherers and Idolaters and whosoeuer loueth or maketh lies Finally to whom it shall be said Depart from mee ye cursed into euerlasting fire prepared for the diuel and his angels It abateth and restraineth sin within vs as we reade Psal It worketh bettering 119. I haue hid thy word in my heart that I might not sinne against thee Through the reading of thy word I got vnderstanding therefore I hate all wicked waies Yea they that are godly minded and painful and diligent in searching the scriptures with a desire by Gods grace to profit by them they for the most part bring foorth such plentifull good fruit to godward and such an vpright conuersation to the world that in their faith beliefe to God and in their life to men they séeme in a maner blamelesse without fault although indéed while we liue in this world we are compassed with many infirmities and greatly pressed with the burthen of our sinnes which doo so hang and cleaue so fast vnto vs. By the reading whereof and the working of Gods good spirit in our hearts and consciences and in our liues and conuersation wee beginne to bee altered and chaunged into that which wee reade And we become daily lesse and lesse proude lesse wrathfull lesse couetous and lesse desirous of worldly and vaine pleasures And daily forsaking our olde vicious life we encrease in vertue more and more Well therefore may the word of God Iames 1. 21. be called a sauing word which is able thus to saue vs by bringing vs in hate of sinne and bréeding in vs the loue of God and all goodnesse So that we may say with the Prophet Dauid Thy word is the verie ioy of my heart It teacheth vs to be heauenly minded and to prepare our selues to heauen by setting the vanities of the world Prepareth vs vnto heauen before our eyes and the ende of the worlde and howe we should watch against that time that we be not condemned with the world Loue not the world saith Saint Iohn nor the things that are in the word For the loue of the worlde driueth out the loue of God but he that regardeth the word of God and fulfilleth his will abideth in GOD for euer whereas the world and all the vanities thereof doo perish and fade away 2. Pet. 3. 10. 11. The day of the Lord meaning thereby the latter day will come as a théefe in the night in the which the heauens shall passe away with a noyce and the elements shall melt with heat and the earth with the workes therein shall be burnt vp Séeing therefore that all these things must be dissolued what manner persons ought we to be in holy conuersation and godlines being prepared to heauen and heauenly minded Take heed to your selues watch and pray continually that ye may escape those things that shall fall on the world and that ye may stand before the sonne of man not tremblingly but with great ioy and comfort Aduersitie misery crosses and troubles through griefe VVorketh patience in all worldly miserie● and thought cast many away but they that are practised in reading the word of God know that there is nothing more auaileable to lift vp our hearts to Godward and to settle our mindes there whereas true ioyes are to be found then is the reading of the word of God Many fret and fume and vexe themselues when losse of goods and friends and other such worldly helpes doo ouertake them but the word of God doth bréede a quiet and contented mind as to say with Iob Naked came I into the world and naked shall I go out The Lorde hath giuen and the Lorde hath taken away blessed be the name of the Lord And to say with the Apostle Saint Paule Phil. 4. 11. 12. I haue learned in whatsoeuer state I am therewith to be content and I can be abased and I can abound euery where in all things I am instructed both to be ful to be hungry and to abound and to haue want all which I am able to do through the helpe of Christ which strengthen me Godlines is great riches and a contented minde passeth all resoluing with our selues according to the direction of Gods word that God worketh all for the best to them that loue and feare him That which doth ouerthrow some and cast them in their graues through the fault of their owne impatient minds worketh wonderously in other some which haue recourse and séeke counsell in Gods word as to ioyne them vnto God and to bring them out of the loue of the world and all the vanities thereof And as he wisheth to the Colos so let vs desire that we may be strengthened through his glorious power vnto al patience with ioyfulnes giuing thanks vnto the father who hath requited all griefs and troubles all losses all miseries with a farre greater recompence in this that he hath made vs méete to be partakers of the inheritance of the Saints in light As the word of God doth strengthen vs in all worldly Maketh vs indure persecution death it selfe miseries to take all things with a contented and patient minde so euen in the losse of our liues for the defence of a good cause and Gods truth it moketh vs ioyfull and excéeding glad As some when they were whipped and scourged for the profession of Christ endured it with ioyfull mindes and praising God that they were counted worthie to suffer for his truth Reioycing in
through him that loued vs. For I am perswaded that neither death nor life nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor things pr●sent nor things to come nor heigth nor depth nor any other creature shal be able to seperate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. The s●●●ne of all is this that the righteousnesse of man by reason of idolatry and wickednes procéeding from his corrupt nature is abhominable in the sight of god and that by no excuse or deuise he may acquit himselfe before the iudgement seate of God but hée is subiect both Iewe and Gentile to the condemnation which the iustice of God doth require Therefore lieth it not in mans power by the lawe of the workes thereof to attaine vnto righteousnesse because in his hart hée hateth the lawe he being carnall and the lawe spirituall As hée desireth to hide his sinne so by the lawe is the knowledge of sinne and as he séemeth to himselfe to be iust before he examine his life by the lawe not but that by the lawe hée is condemned but he putteth his condemnation farre from him and thinketh not of it so is the lawe the cause of transgression of sinne and of death Yea the regenerate man is stained with sin therefore neither can he be iustified by the lawe So that the righteousnesse of man is that which is from God by faithe in Christ vnto all that beleeue Of which righteousnesse there are thrée braunches Remission of sinnes which is not frée from correction though there be deliueraunce from eternal punishment and damnation The second braunch is the Conclusion Imputation of Christ his righteousnes whereby the filthy garments of our sinnes are taken from vs and we arraied in a vesture and garment of broydered gold I meane hauing not only our sinnes forgiuen vs but the righteousnes and holines of God also imputed vnto vs. The third branch is sanctification and holines of life by the which we are made fit to fulfill the lawe Yea séeing that while we are cloathed with this body of flesh sinne remaineth and that the flesh fighteth against the spirit we are to meditate and practise the mortification of our sinfull flesh Hauing this aduantage that we are vnder grace and that also by Christ we obtaine victory And not only to practise mortification but to bring forth the frutes of the spirite and of the inner man euen the loue which we do owe vnto God and that charitable duty which we are bound to extend to our neighbour And at all times we offer vp our selues as an acceptable sacrifice vnto God séeking the glory of his name as well by our death as by our life knowing this that in afflictions whatsoeuer if so be it we endure with patience we shall not be destitute of comfort and consolation Yea such that may swallow vp the bitternesse of all torments beside that rich reward that is reserued for them in the life to come who with all confidence and boldnesse willingly and readily confesse Christ before men standing to the triall of their faith and the assurednesse of their vndoubted hope euen to the sheading of their blood Now the God of all comfort and consolation euen the God of peace which brought againe from the dead our Lord Iesus Christ the great shepheard of the shéepe through the blood of the euerlasting couenant make vs perfect in all good workes to doo his will working in vs that which is pleasant in his sight through Iesus Christ To whom with the Father and the holy Ghost be all praise dominion and power both now and for euer Amen Deo soli laus gloria Of Predestination A briefe declaration of Predestination set forth by that learned man and principall member in Christs Church M. Theodore Beza A waightie and most necessary matter for euery true Christian to know containing the very ground and principall scope of religion which the more we read the more we may both for the sweetnesse and singular profit that it yeeldeth to them whose harts it pleaseth God to open and whose mindes are lightned by Gods good spirit He that hath eares to heare let him heare Mat. 13. 9. They which pertaine to the kingdome of God to them it is giuen to know this and all other secrets and misteries belonging to saluation and euerlasting life As for the rest and them which are without all things are spoken in parables there is a vaile before them that they seeing should not see and hearing should not heare and hauing hearts to perceiue should not vnderstand Mat. 13. 11. Act. 28. 25. 26. 27. The first Chapter The question of Gods eternall Predestination is not curious or vnprofitable but of great importance and very necessary in the Church of God SAint Augustine in his booke of Perseuerance De bono perseuerantiae Obiection chap. 14. saith that they which were against him as aduersaries in this question did alledge that this doctrine of Predestination did hinder the preaching of Gods word and caused that it could not profit As if saith he Answere this doctrine had hindred the Apostle Saint Paul to do his dutie who so oftentimes doth commend vnto vs and teach Predestination and yet neuer ceaseth to preach the word of God Also saith moreouer As he that hath receiued the gift can better exhort and preach so he that hath receiued this gift doth hear the preacher more obediently and with greater reuerence c. We do therefore exhort and preach but they only which haue eares to heare do heare vs quietly and to their comfort and in those that haue them not this sentence is fulfilled That hearing with their eares they do not heare for they heare with outward sence but not with the inward consent Now why some men haue these eares and others not it is because it is giuen to some to come and to others not Who knew Gods counsell must that be denied which is plaine and euident because that cannot be knowne which is hid and secret Againe in the 15. Chapter I pray you saith he if some vnder the shadow of Predestination giue themselues to slothful negligence and as they are bent to flatter their flesh to follow their owne lusts must we therefore iudge that this which is written of the foreknowledge of God is false Now surely this is verie handsome and to the purpose that we shall not speake that which by the scripture is lawfull to speake Oh we feare say you least he should be offended which is not able to vnderstand and take it And shall we not feare say I lest while we do hold our tongues he that is able to take the truth be taken and snared with falshood and error Also in the twentie chapter of the same booke he writeth in this sort If the Apostles and Doctors of the Church which came after them did the one and the other both teaching the eternall election of God purely and truly and
looking for of iudgement Vppon this gift of faith and perseuerance the godly doubt not to call vpon God in all afflictions Rom. 8 38. 39. For I am perswaded that neither death nor life nor Angels nor any creature shall be able to seperate mée from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. 2. Cor. 1. 21. 22. It is God which stablisheth vs with you in Christ and hath annointed vs who hath also sealed vs and hath giuen the earnest of the spirit in our hearts Iom 1. 6. 7. 8. 9. He that wauereth is like a waue of the sea tost of the winde and carried away Neither let that man thinke that he shall receiue any thing of the Lord. A wauering minded man is vnstable in all his waies Hebr. 4. 16. Let vs therefore go boldly vnto the throne of grace that we may receiue mercy and find grace to help in time of néed Hehr. 10. 21. 22. Séeing we haue a high Priest which is ouer the house of God let vs drawe neare with a true heart in assurance of faith sprinckeled in our hearts from an euill conscience and washed in our bedies with pure water 1. Iohn 4. 17. Herein is the loue perfect in vs that we should haue boldnesse in the day of iudgement by reason of this perseuerance wherewith he hath inabled vs. Yet the godly may swarue and fall as did Moses Aaron Dauid Peter but at length by Gods grace they returne againe 1. Iohn 3. 9. Whosoeuer is borne of God sinneth not finally For his séed remaineth in him neither can he sin because he is borne of God Through the power of his word and the operation of his holy spirit 2. Pet. 1. 10. Wherfore brethren giue diligence to make your calling and election sure For if ye do these things ye shall neuer fall No man is made righreous but hee that is made holie and framed to good workes Ephe. 2. 10. For we are his workemanship created in Christ Iesus to good workes which God hath ordained that we should walke in them Ephe. 1. 4. He hath chosen vs in him before the foundation of the world that we should be holy without blame before him in loue The way whereby God by his mercy doth prepare his elect to his kingdome is by the mediation of our sauiour Christ while they stedfastly beleeue not onely that he is their perfect sacrifice but their aduocate and intercessor to God for them Heb. 9. 13. 14. 15. 16. For if the blood of Bulls Goates and the ashes of an heifer sprinckling them that are vncleane sanctifieth as touching the purifieng of the flesh How much more shall the blood of Christ which through the eternall spirit offered himselfe without spot to God purge your conscience from dead workes to serue the liuing God And for this cause is he the mediatour of the newe Testament that through death which was for the redemption of the transgressions that were in the former Testament they which were called might receiue the promise of eternall inheritance 1. Tim. 2. 5. For there is one God and one Mediator betwéene God and man which is the man Christ Iesus As concerning infants which die assoone as they are borne who are elected and chosen vnto life by Gods secret purpose the way is more speedie For they are presently in the hands of God Because he accepteth the children of the faithfull Gene. 17. 7. Moreouer I will establish my couenant betwene me and thée and thy seede after thée in their generations for an euerlasting couenant to be god vnto thée and to thy seede after thée Exo. 20. 6. Shewing mercy vnto thousands to them that loue me and kéepe my commandements 1. Cor. 7. 14. For the vnbeléeuing husband is sanctified by the wife and the vnbeléeuing wife is sanctified by the husband else were your children vncleane but nowe are they holy Chap. 5. After what sort almightie God doth execute and effectually declare his counsaile touching Reprobation BY these things whereof we haue spoken it may easily The old Adam is the foundation of the reprobation which mans iudgement can attaine vnto appeare howe God maketh them to goe to their owne place whom he created to that end that he might be glorified in their iust condemnation For as Christ the second heauenly Adam is the foundation very substance and effect of the elects saluation so also the first earthly Adam because he fell is the first author of the hate and so consequently of the damnation of the reproued For whē god moued with these causes which he onely knoweth had determined to create thē to this end to shewe foorth in them his iust wrath power he did likewise orderly dispose the causes and meanes whereby it might come to passe that the whole cause of their damnation might be of themselues as hath bin declared before in the third chapter Whē man then The iudgement of God towards infants that are reprobate was fallen willingly into that misrable estate whereof we haue spoken in the chapter before God who hateth iustly the Reprobate because they are corrupt in part of thē he doth execute his iust wrath assoone as they are borne and towards the rest that be of age whō he reserueth to a more sharpe iudgement he obserueth two waies cleane contrary one to the other For as concerning some he sheweth How Reprobaton is first manifested No calling to the Cospell them not so much fauour as once to heare of Iesus Christ in whome onely is saluation but suffereth them to walke in their owne waies and runne headlong to their perdition And as for the testimonies that God hath left to thē of his diuinitie serue them to no other vse but to make thē without all excuse yet through their owne default séeing their ignoraunce and lacke of capacitie is the iust punishment of the corruption wherein they are borne And surely as touching that they can attaine vnto in knowing God by their light or rather naturall darkenesse albeit they neuer failed in the way but so continued yet were it not in any wise sufficient for their saluation For it is necessary for vs that shall be saued that we know God not onely as God but as our father in Christ The which misterie flesh and bloud doth not reueale but the sonne himselfe to them whome his father hath giuen him As An vnprofitable calling or of none effect concerning others their fall is more terrible For he causeth them to heare by preaching the outward worde of the gospell but because they are not of the number of the elect being called they are not And forasmuch as they are not able to receiue the spirit of truth therefore they cannot beléeue because it is not giuen vnto them Wherefore when they are called to the feast thy refuse to come so that the worde of life is folly vnto them and an offence finally the sauour of death to their destruction There
giuen for the purchase of a zealous giuing of our liues to those workes And therefore doth the Apostle tell vs that we are not our owne as to frame our liues after our owne liking but we are to serue the Lord both with our bodie and with our spirite because they are the Lords who hath bought them with a price If we humble not not our selues to a zealous following of good works we withhold the Lords due for he hath paide a great price to purchase a good life at our hands and dearly paide for a life ledde in zealous obedience vnto his word For we are not barely to giue some good words either to shewe some good countenance towards religion and Christian conuersation but to haue our conuersation declare that we are affected with the same and become studious of such an estate of life And such are they which declare themselues to be the peculiar people for whome the Lord laide out his life As for those who walke so indifferently betwéene true religion and false that a man cannot discerne whether they are more inclined vnto as also those that walke so euen betwéene a eiuill life and a Christianlike behauiour that the difference is not easily perceiued they doo declare themselues as yet not to be affected in desire toward those dueties which the Lord hath laid vpon his people to performe Now where this purchase of his hath taken place and effect they are become a peculiar people zealous of good workes And if cold and luke-warme christians may haue but litle comfort frō the death of Christ what shall become of them who are sworne enemies either to true religion or els to a good life and christian behauiour It is said here that we must be purged and so the Apostle would haue vs to become a peculiar people vnto our God zealous of good works Which agreeth with that of S. Peter 1. Ep. 2. 9. Ye are a chosen generation a royall priesthood an holy nation a peculiar people that ye should shew forth the vertues of him that hath called you out of darkenesse into his maruellous light Which in time past were not a people yet are now the people of God which in time past were not vnder me rcie but now haue obteined mercie He gaue himselfe to purge vs which office of purging the holy ghost performeth not by miracle but by meanes as I haue said afore Which spirite of God pray we that it may so worke togither with his grace in our heartes y● we may be throughly taught and also perswaded vtterly to deny vngodlinesse and worldly lustes as we haue made a vow and faithfull promise thereof in our baptisme so that we may liue soberly without excesse and riot righteously without doing iniurie and wrong and godly with a care to do all good workes whereby we may please God and liue in fauour and credit among men Spending as much time as remaineth in this life not after the lustes of the flesh or the vanities of the world or after the temptations of the diuell but after the will of God knowing this that if we liue after the flesh we shall die but if we mortifie the déeds of the body by the spirite we shall liue And what though some should mocke at vs for our reformed life and godly and holy conuersation for the diuell will stirre vs vp enemies inough for al such matters we must be pr●uided prepare our selues before-hand And this is a great comfort vnto vs in that matter to teach vs not to be dismaied but still to hold on our course constantly considering that they that are so wilfully and so maliciously bent against vs shall giue account of their doings to him that is readie to iudge them Rather let vs be contrarily minded vnto them and let vs learne to set out our selues against all worldly hinderaunces whatsoeuer framing our selues to be such as looke for the blessed hope and appearing of the glorie of the Almightie God and of our Sauiour Iesus Christ And let vs not make the death of Christ of so small account as not to be zealous and carefull of good workes séeing he tooke vpon him a bitter death for our sakes not only to deliuer vs from our ●innes but also that we should leade a godly a holie and sanctified life Which God graunt and giue vs the grace that we may so doo And the Lord guide our hearts to the loue of God and to the waiting for of Christ To God the Father God the Sonne and God the holy Ghost thrée persons and one euerliuing God be rendred all praise dominion and power now and for euermore Amen Deo gratia solique gloria Here endeth the Patterne of Sanctification To the Right Worshipfull and one of his chiefest friends M. Francis Newport Esquire Iustice of Peace and Quorum in the Countie of Salop S. I. wisheth blessings of God in this life and the ioyes of that which is to come THe remembrance of your former curtesies Right Worshipfull makes me that I cānot forget you when I remember my chiefest friends Wherefore deuising with my selfe how I might in some sort shewe my thankfull mind toward you I could not do it otherwise then by presenting this slender gift of my studie before your eyes wishing praying that the effect and meaning thereof might take so deep a consideration in your hart that it may worke your heauenly consolation assurance VVhose patronage likewise I humbly desire may giue credit and countenance thereunto I should haue remembred the right worshipfull my Ladie your mother but the matters of learning are more fit to bee directed to men of knowledge then vnto that sexe which is not so well acquainted therwith Only this I may say to shewe my good will from my heart and to giue vnto her Ladiship her due that although her estate be worshipfull yet is her report and remembrance honorable As long as she liueth she shall increase it when it shall please God to take her to himself she shall not loose it God requite vnto her and comfort her in her most need as shee hath bountifully relieued and comforted my father and mother and vs his children euen all the houshold of vs. And I doubt not but that many housholdes in Shropshire especially in Shrewesbury may saie the same Yet ought this so much to bee her comfort as that her onlie staie I meane her saluatiō is wrought by the death and precious blood-sheading of Iesus Christ our Sauiour onlie of his mercy without any desert of ours and by no other meanes whatsoeuer I would to God that many both honorable and worshipfull women in the lande whom God hath inriched no doubt to do good to others and to supplie the wants of those that stand in need would take her course that they might deserue the like commendation and haue the praiers and hearts of the people which is more woorth then all their landes and treasures or
lament Which although we ought not to wish for yet being laide on our shoulders wee must both patiently and thankfully beare it According to the answeres of Ely the Priest and Hezekiah the King though in an other case It is the Lord let him doo what seemeth him good The Iere. 10. 19. word of the Lord is good which thou hast spoken The will of the Lord be done Act. 21. 14. 2. The next thing mentioned in the text is the difference betwixt the godly and the wicked concerning ioy and sorrow in these wordes And the world shall reioyce and ye shall sorrow Wherein it is worthy the consideration to know and vnderstand what is meant by this word world VVhat is meant by this word world Which generally is taken for the heauen the earth the sea and all thinges therein contained Yet more néerely it is taken for the people that dwell in the world Also the customes and fashions of the people are meant by this word world According to our prouerbe and vsuall phrase This is the world that is this is the dealing of the men in the world and this is practised now adaies Againe it is taken for a spéech of woonder It is a world to sée that is it is a maruellous matter Also for those chiefe desires wherwith men are much led and ouertaken in the world as honour dignitie and promotion riches pleasures All which are of chiefest account and doe most raigne in the world Confirmed by S. Iohn 1. Ep. cap. 2. ver 15. Loue not the world neither the thinges that are in the world If any man loue the world the loue of the father is not in him For all that is in the world as the lust of the flesh the lust of the eies and the pride of life that is ambition promotion and honour is not of the father but is of the world And the world passeth away and the lust thereof but hee that fulfilleth the will of God abideth for euer Elswhere it signifieth the wisdome of worldly minded men 1. Cor. 1. 21. For seeing the world by wisedome knew not God in the wisdome of God it pleased God by the foolishnesse of preaching to saue them that beleeue ca. 26. And we speake wisedome among them that are perfect not the wisedome of this world neither of the Princes and great men of this world which come to nought Sometimes it is taken for the elect people of God according to that we reade Iohn 3. 16. God so loued the world that he hath giuen his only begotten sonne that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue life euerlasting And although it be manifest that Christ his death is sufficient for all yet this benefite of his death doth rather properly pertaine to the elect that is to them that truely and vnfainedly haue repented them of their sinnes applying the mercies of God in Ieus Christ to the comfort of their distressed soules and relying and depending wholly vpon Gods promises But most commonly it is taken for the worser sort of the people in the world As it is said that Sathan is the prince of this world 2. Cor. 4. 4. Nay the God of the world because the most part serue him more then then God and in whose heartes and mindes and consciences he doth both rule and raigne The godly are against him and against his procéedinges and therefore by this word world the godly in the world are not meant but rather opposed against them that liue in the world Which is confirmed by the spéech of our Sauiour in his praier to God for the elect and godly Iohn 17. I pray for them which haue knowne me beleeued in me I pray not for the world The world hath hated them because they are not of the world as I am not of the world And in the fiftéenth chapter of the same Gospell verse 19. If ye were of the world the world would loue his owne but because yee are not of the worlde but I haue chosen you out of the world therefore the world hateth you And in this last sence this word World is taken for wicked and naughtie men for the haters and persecutors of Gods truth and his Gospell We know we are of God saith Saint Iohn 1. Epist cap. 5. 19. and the whole world lieth buried in wickednesse and is giuen ouer to euill doing In the world saith Christ ye shall haue trouble afflictiō persecutiō ye shal be hated of al men for my sake the Gospels be of good comfort I haue ouercom the world Hauing opened vnto you what is meant by the world The ioy of the world and of the wicked it followeth that I should shew you the difference concerning ioy sorrow betwixt them that are of the world and them that are not of the worlde The worlde hath many things wherein it reioyceth but it is an vsurped and a cou●erfeit ioy no true and sound ioy For the kingdome of God is not meate or drinke or any thing that the world yéeldeth but righteousnesse and peace and ioy in the holy Ghost Ro. 14. VVorldly matters 17. As they are of the worlde so are worldly matters the chéefest cause of their ioy as to be in honour and high promotion with Haman and Absolon although they know not how neare they are to the fall to swimme in wealth and riches to fare deliciously euery day and to go in purple fine silke with the rich glutton spoken of in the Gospell to enioy large dominions and great possessions faire houses and pleasaunt orchiards swéete gardens with all things that may satisfie the eie and fill the soule with pleasure like to King Nabuchodonosor that b●sted of his beautiful pallace Yea they imagine such continuance that they call their houses lands after their owne names as though they should endure for euer The viole tabret singing and dancing feasting banquetting riot and brauery this is the life the ioy of the world while the troubles of Ioseph are not remembred and the poore altogither forgotten in their sight This was the sinne of Sodom Pride idlenesse fulnes of bread contempt of the poore and néedie So that although the people of Sodome be consumed with fire and brimstone from heauen yet it séemeth that their posteritie remaineth and will remaine vntill the wordes ende till fire come downe from heauen the second time and make a wofull and finall destruction The iestures also and dispositions of the world are giuen vp to foolish reioycing and if any be sober and sadde they are not for their company Childish and péeuish gigling prophane laughter dissolute mirth wanton striking out disordered lifting vp the voice and mirth with incontinencie in euerie place All their life is spent in meriment and pastime as though God had not called euery one to painfulnesse and labour in that course of life wherein he hath placed them In time of diuine seruice when we should
will write vpon him my new name Mary hath chosen the better part which shall neuer be taken from her he that drinketh of the fountaine of life shall neuer thirst againe The despised of the world and the beloued of the Lord shall be to the Lord for a name and for an euerlasting signe that shall not be taken away He will make them an eternall glorie and a ioy from generation to generation the Lord shall be their euerlasting light and God their glorie For God shall appoint comfort to them that mourne and giue them beautie for ashes the oyle of ioy for mourning the garment of gladnesse for the spirit of heauinesse Esay 61. 2. 3. For their shame and vnworthie reproach they shall receiue double euen aboundant recompence and for confusion they shall reioyce in their portion In the holiest land of all where none but the chosen shall dwell they shall possesse the double euerlasting ioy be vnto them This is the heritage ● Esd 2. 27. of the Lordes seruaunts It is a ioy that their miseries shall haue an ende and their sorrow shall quite bee taken away but howe much more may they reioyce that their ioy when it commeth shall neuer be taken away And all that haue this hope may well say with the Apostle with great comfort and gladnesse of heart Who shall seperate vs from the loue of Christ shall tribulation or anguish or persecution or famine or nakednesse or perill or sword As it is written For thy sake are we killed all day long we are counted as shéepe for the slaughter Neuerthelesse in all these things wee are more then conquerours through him that loued vs. Wherefore I am now perswaded and fully resolued that neither death nor life nor Angels nor principallities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor heigth nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to seperate me from the loue of GOD which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. To conclude let vs with all loue and zealous affection vndergoe this burthen that it shall please God to laie vppon vs howe heauie so euer For God will not faile those that trust in him but will giue them a comfortable issue neither will hée laie any more vppon vs then hée will make vs able to beare Admit the burthen bee verie heauie yet séeing we are sure to be well paide for our laboure and againe that we haue but a little way to beare the same and shall after a while and that a little while bee eased who is it that would not straine himselfe greatly to go through to his waies end rather then for sparing so short and so small a labour to loose so great and so present a reward Wée are kept by the power of God through faith vnto saluation which is prepared to be shewed in the last time and at the day of iudgement Wherein wée reioyce though nowe for a season if néede require we are in sorrow and heauinesse through manifold temptations That the triall of our faith béeing much more precious then golde that perisheth though it bee tried with fire might bee founde vnto our praise and honour and glorie at the appearing of Iesus Christ Who hath purchased an inheritance immortall and vndefiled and that fadeth not away reserued in heauen for vs. And if through hope and patience being strengthned by Gods spirit we hold out in all sorrowes troubles extremities and persecutions we may be well assured that all our sorrow shall be turned into ioy and such ioy that shall neuer be taken from vs. All which vertues and supernaturall and celestiall qualities which is the glory and crowne of the godly God in mercy bestowe vpon vs. Which glory hauing receiued we may surrender it into his hands that gaue it vs and in all humility with the Elders spoken of in the Reuelation we may cast downe our crownes before the throne saying Praise and honour and glory and power be vnto him that sitteth vpon the throne and vnto the Lambe for euermore Amen A meane to moderate our ioy and to abate the excesse thereof and to moue vs to preparation of minde R. T. IF we consider how the mallice of the whole world and the hatred of the greatest princes men of might is kindled and inflamed against vs partly through enuie of our wealth and partly for the hate they haue to true religiō and how they are confederate and haue combined themselues against the truth of God and against the Lords annointed for the defence of the same who by secret conspiracies and open attempts of horrible treason by raising the subiects against the Prince and the people against their lawfull soueraigne haue at many times by diuers waies endeuoured the death of her royall person decay of religion destruction and calamitie of this our natiue country shall not our laughter be turned into mourning and our ioy into heauinesse Whose determination had they effected according to their minds our stréetes had run with streames of bloud our children had béen slain before our faces our daughters rauished in our sights our wiues abused before our eies our houses on flaming fire in our presence our selues finally murthered in most cruel manner Gods truth had perished from among vs religion and the gospell had béene put to flight romish superstition had inuaded this land againe to the destruction of innumerable soules When with carefull diligence we recount these dangers and with thankfull hearts for that miraculous deliueraunce out of the iawes of so cruell lions and gratefull memorie to God for so wonderfull safetie from so bloudie enemies wee shall remember these thinges shall not our laughter be turned to mourning and our ioy into heauinesse When we consider besides this that the hope of our happinesse the state of our wealth the continuance of the Gospell in mans opinion with vs the terme and time of our peace the prolonging of our prosperitie standeth in the life of one most tender woman and vertuous Princes vnder the shadow of whose winges by the great prouidence of God we haue these thirtie seuen yeares bene shrouded from many daungers and mightily protected from suddaine perilles at home and abroad by our open professed enemies and our owne vnnaturall Country-men by whose godly zeale religion hath bene erected the truth of Gods word established the glorious Gospell of Christ maintained though the princes of the world haue snuffed and raged fretted and fumed stampt and stared thereat by whose gracious gouernment euerie man hath hitherto in peace eaten the frutes of his owne orchiard the grapes of his owne vine the commoditie of his owne land not the least of Gods blessings among men without either hostile inuasion or ciuill discention to any great damage whose terme of daies cannot be but the ende of our prosperitie whose day of death shall be the beginning of our wofull wretchednesse whose rest with God in eternall peace our enterance into troubles in this Common-wealth her yéelding to nature which the Lord deferre long to his glorie and her endlesse comfort the first steppe and degree as it were to our miserable calamitie this I say when we do consider shall not our laughter be turned into mourning and our ioy into heauinesse to sée the vncertaine ticklish and hard condition whereinto we are driuen Gloria Deo soli gratia FINIS LONDON Printed by Tho. Creede dwelling in Thames streete at the signe of the Katheren-wheele neare the olde Swanne 1595.
not imagine that there are more gods then one because God said Let vs make but rather the authoritie of the Trinitie is proued vnto vs that though there be thrée persons in the Godhead yet there is but one God For as God the father createth so is God the sonne the wisedome of all the creation and from God the holy Ghost procéedeth the vertue and power of all things The excellent qualities of the soule and wherein the image of God consisteth is especially to be séene in these two points namely Holinesse and Holinesse and Righteousnesse Righteousnesse yet furthermore they had Frée-will and by their creation were immortall and frée from death and last of all God gaue vnto them this great priviledge as to haue the soueraigntie the rule and gouernment ouer all his creatures By which we plainly vnderstand that our first parents in their time were frée from all sinne which time is called their time of innocency In respect whereof Salomon searching the nature of man and comparing the time of his iniquitie to the time of his innocency doth thus pronounce of him Onely loe this haue I found that God hath made man righteous but they haue sought many inuentions and are gone astray through their owne foolishnesse and so are the cause of their owne destruction and are fallen away from the image of God which hee had planted in them The image of God consisteth in the depth of wisedome in the vnmeasurablenesse of power in the infinitnesse of his goodnesse and mercy being perfect holy perfect righteous doing all things according to the pleasure of his own will in whom onely dwelleth life and immortalitie The most of which qualities if not all man at the first was indued withall which were and are in God in the highest degrée but to man they were giuen onely in a measure and in a farre inferiour degrée and that with a condition if so be hee did continue in the obedience of gods commaundements This image of God in our first parents is nothing else but the natural conformitie and disposition of the soule and of all the functions powers and operations thereof vnto the lawe of god whereby fréely and voluntarily it inclineth vnto true and perfect holinesse and righteousnesse that according to that rule he might serue god his Creator all the dayes of his life For as god is a spirit so will he be worshipped in spirit and truth and in sinceriie of heart and minde hating all manner of counterfait and false worship wherunto the nature of man is now too much inclined and had rather worship any thing then god himselfe Also his dealing to his neighbour should bee inst and vpright but such are vanished out of the world and now there is nothing but subtiltie and craft and wrongfull dealing and all iniury and oppressien practised good hearbes are plucked vp and nothing is now to be séene but wéedes The holinesse that god requireth of vs and according to the which our mindes and hearts were first framed is the holy obedience and true worship of god ioyned with a sincere loue of god procéeding from an effectuall faith in the knowledge of God his word and his works In stéed wherof now ratgneth idolatry the loue of the world and worldly lustes the ignorance of God his word is more rife then the knowledge of the same and none more accepted then they that most despise it The righteousnesse also which God nowe requireth and wherwith we are inabled is such a louely respect and friendly regard of our neighbours that we haue care of them as of our selues and wish no otherwise vnto them then to our selues and doo vnto them as we would other should do vnto vs and that not outwardly for a fashion but inwardly and from the heart not in a word onely but in déed yea in our thought secrets This holinesse and righteousnesse was once planted but neuer came to perfect growth the good corne is choked vp and as we say il wéeds grow apace The dayes of this present euill worlde are such that now the age wherein we liue may well be termed an iron age and worse if worse may be in respect of the first age and the beginning of the worlde which time was a golden and precious time when the hearts and mindes of men were as fine and pure as golde or if there bee any thing that may bee saide to be more pure Now is there a vaile cast ouer our mindes and consciences our faces are couered as it were with visors and a thicke skinne is growne ouer the heart all shame is banished and a holie minde and a true and sound heart is either very rare or no where to be founde Which in the beginning was not so So that now we had néede daily to haue these wordes often repeated vnto vs. Lord who shall dwell in thy tabernacle Who shall rest in thine holy mountaine and bee receiued into heauen when this life is ended None but suche as walke vprightly and woorke righteousnesse and that speake the truth from their heart Who doo not abuse their tongue in slaundering nor doo any euill to their neighbours nor receiué and beléeue a false report against them In whose eyes a vile and wicked person is contemned and who maketh much of them that feare the Lord who performeth his oath and chaungeth not his mind although it be to his owne hinderance Who giue not their money to vsury séeking thereby the vndooing and vtter impouerishing of their neighbors who take no rewarde against the innocent or stande against them and doo them harme And they that doo these things and whatsoeuer else may stand with an vpright conscience in the feare of God they shall neuer bee mooued that is they shall not be cast from Gods presence as they shall bee that doo the contrary but their part shall bee in the kingdome of heauen and their soules onely shall rest among the blessed soules Let vs looke into our first creation and let that be our example and our patterne and let that be the high way for vs to walke in In the soule of man there are two especiall parts first his vnderstanding and reason secondly his will and desire and all the motions affections and inclinations that procéede from the same His vnderstanding by his creation was furnished with all knowledge méete and conuenient for him so that hée néeded not any to teach him but God had endued him with that knowledge which might haue well directed him chiefly in those things that pertaine to the worship and seruice of God to his owne saluation and the benefite of his neighbour And not only his vnderstanding and reason was fraught with all knowledge but his will also and his desire was most readie to performe the worship of God his will and desire was most readie to the obedience of Gods commandements Then by his vnderstanding hee was able to discerne the trueth perfectly
life in the spirite Spirit for righteousnesse sake Which spirit quickneth our mortall bodies beareth witnesse with our spirit that we are the children of God Whereby we are ridde from the spirit of bondage which is in feare and are indued with that of adoption which bringeth foorth good frutes which the father accepteth though indéed they be of small perfection not aunswerable to that high calling which is in Christ God doth not only by imputation accept our workes but Affliction the end of this fight also by affliction trieth our obedience before we come to that spirituall rest which he hath prepared for vs and we in hope enioy Yea we are heires with Christ Howe or in what respct If so be that we suffer with him that we may also be glorified with him Which affliction and persecution is the end of our spirituall fight the entraunce into glory Which in this world is to vs as a proofe of our patience our patience a helpe to experience our experience a furtherer of our hope which hope maketh vs not ashamed The proffite of affliction because the loue of God is shed abroad in our harts by the holy ghost which is giuen vs. Againe it maketh our infirmities and imperfections knowen vnto vs it correcteth our sinfull desires the euill lusts of our flesh it bringeth vs to a mutuall and harty loue one of an other it bréedeth in vs a couragious mind to withstand the assaults of Sathan it increaseth in vs the hope of our election frameth vs to immortality worketh a most effectual and gladsome Perseuerance in affliction is the stay of the spirituall man comfortable meditation of the life to come Only we are to take héede of this downfall that we faint not because the crowne of glory is not giuen but to him that ouercommeth and endureth vntill he come to the end of his race Moreouer vnto these commodities which come vnto vs by reason of these afflictions there are also added most Consolatiō in affliction comfortable consolations For it is the will of God that wée suffer affliction for his name sake and blessed are they that do so And if God be on our side who can be against vs All things come from the prouidence of God if with gladnesse wée receiue blessings from the Lord why should wée not in all obedience receiue punishment correction also Wée knowe also that al things worke togither for the best vnto them that loue God and to them that are called of his purpose Yea our afflictions indéed light afflitions which are but for a moment cause vnto vs a farre more excellent and an eternall waight of glory Not that wée in respect of those afflictions are worthy of the same but because it pleaseth the father to giue vnto his children the kingdome of heauen Let vs therefore with all patience wait for the perfection of our adoption euen the redemption of our soule and body And though wée sigh while wée are in the flesh yet are wée not alone for our bretheren also which haue the first frutes of the spirit sigh togither with vs yea euery creature groneth with vs also and trauelleth in paine euen to this present time vntill it be deliuered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the sonnes of God And séeing euen the creatures shall be restored how comfortable should our hope bée while wée looke not on the things that are séene for they are but temporal but on the things which are not séene which are eternall For the which with patience wée abide knowing that our hope is not of those things which wée sée and shall in time most certainly come to passe Not only our bretheren and euery creature sigheth with vs but also the spirit is partaker of our gronings and while wée offer vp our praiers to god in our afflictions and extremities the spirit helpeth our infirmities and in a greater measure maketh request for vs with infinite sighes which The spirit a helper of our infirmities ignoraunce cannot bée expressed Yea hée helpeth also our ignoraunce in that according to the pleasure and will of God he maketh request for the saints and he which searcheth the harts knoweth what the meaning of the spirit is Moreouer the finisher of our hope and the crowne of our glorie euen Christ Iesus which is dead yea or rather which is risen again who is also at the right hand of God he maketh intercession and request also for vs. Nowe then are there any accusers of whome we The assured confidence of saluation which wee haue in God through Christ ought to be affraied before God seeing that God absolueth vs as iust can sathan charge vs or doeth his accusations anie whit auaile séeing that through faith in Christ wée haue peace towards god and our conscience is deliuered from the guilt of sinne Who shall laie any nay the whole burthen of our sinnes to our charge It is god that cleareth it is god that iustifieth yea it is Christ that vnladeth vs. Come vnto me saith he ye that are heauie laden and I will ease you and refresh you Who shall condemne vs Is it not Christ that hath redéemed vs who also shall come to be A caueat our iudge Only let vs cast aside our high mindes which are lifted vp with merit and desert and confessing our vnworthinesse Humility is greatly requited to Iustification in all feare and humilitie let vs approach vnto the throne of grace there to receiue these bounteous almes and rich treasures which the gifts of Sheba nay the wealth of Salomon cannot accomplish which neither siluer gold or precious stones yea the delicatest treasure in the worlde nay the worlde it selfe may match and counteruaile Which heauenly treasure could by no other meanes be bought and purchased for vs but by the precious blood of Iesus Christ who as an innocent lambe without spot How our righteousnesse and iustification is accomplished was offred vp for our sinnes euen the iust for the vniust who being frée from sinne and knowing no sinne yet was made sinne for vs that is a sacrifise for sinne that we might receiue I say this rich treasure euen the righteousnes of God in him redemption and iustification So that the punishment of our sinnes is swallowed vp in victorie that with the Apostle we may in ioy burst foorth and say O death where is thy sting O graue where is thy victorie The sting of death is sinne and the strength of sinne is the lawe But thankes be vnto God who hath giuen vs victory through our Lord Iesus Christ Who shal seperat vs then from the loue of Christ shall tribualtion or anguish or persecution or famine or nakednesse or perill or sword As it is written For thy sake are we killed all day long Wée are counted as shéepe for the slaughter Neuerthelesse in all these things wée are more then conquerers
God For whosoeuer hath obtained the gift of true faith hath also by the same grace and liberality of God obtained the gift of perseuerance So that in all manner of temptations and afflictions he doubteth not to call vpon God with sure confidence to obtaine his request as far as it is expedient for him knowing that he is of the number of Gods children who cannot faile him Moreouer he neuer swarueth so from the right way but at length by the benefit of Gods grace he returneth againe For although faith sometime séeme in the elect as it were for a time hidde and buried so that a man would thinke it were vtterly quenched which God suffereth that men might know their owne weakenesse yet it doth neuer so farre leaue them that the loue of God their neighbour is altogither Loue. plucked out of their hearts For no man is iustified in Christ who also is not sanctified in him and framed to good workes which God prepared that we should walke therein This then is the way whereby God by his mercy doeth prepare to the full execution of his eternall counsaile them amongst his elect whome it pleaseth him to reserue till they come to ripe age and discretion As touching the other whom he calleth into his kingdome so soone as they are borne or in there tenuer yeares he vseth a more short way For séeing he doth comprehend in that his frée couenant whereof Iesus Christ is the mediator not only the faithfull but also their posteritie into a thousand generations calling the same by expresse words holy there is no doubt but the children of the Saints which appertaine to election whom he only knoweth he hath giuen to his son who will not cast them out The chiefe matters with places of scripture for proofe The orders and degrees whereby the faithfull the elect and chosen children of God are made partakers of their saluation And the principall degree whereby God would bring his elect to his kingdome was in appointing his onely sonne to be our Mediator and Redeemer Ephe. 2. 3. 4. In times past we had our conuersation in the lusts of the flesh in fulfilling the will of the flesh and of the mind and were by nature the children of wrath as well as others But god which is rich in mercy through his great loue wherewith he loued vs euen when we were dead by sinnes hath quickned vs togither in Christ by whose grace ye are saued Ioh. 3. 16. 17. For god so loued the world that he hath giuen his only begotten sonne that whosoeuer beléeueth in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life For god sent not his sonne into the world that he shuld condemne the world but that the world by him might be saued The sonne of God by the power of the holie Ghost was made man Mat. 1. 20. While Ioseph thought to put away his wife the Angel of the Lord appeared vnto him in a dreame saying Ioseph the sonne of Dauid feare not to take Mary for thy wife For that which is conceiued in her is of the holy Ghost Luke 1. 34. 35. Mary said vnto the Angel How shall this be that I shall conceaue and beare a sonne séeing I know no man And the Angel Gabriel answered and said vnto her The holy Ghost shall come vppon thée and the power of the most high shall ouershadow thée therefore also that holy thing which shall be borne of thée shall be called the sonne of God To the end that both natures being ioyned in him the corruption of man might be healed Ioh. 1. 14. And the word was made flesh and dwelt among vs and we sawe the glory thereof as the glory of the onely begotten sonne of the father full of grace and truth 2. Cor. 5. 19. 21. God was in Christ and reconciled the world to himself not imputing their sinnes vnto them For he hath made him to be sin for vs which knew no sin that we should be made the righteousnesse of God in him Who should accomplish all iustice Rom. 8. 3. That that was impossible to the lawe in as much as it was weake because of the flesh God sending his owne sonne in the similitude of sinfull flesh and for sinne condemned sin in the flesh That the righteousnesse of the lawe might be fulfilled in vs which walke not after the flesh but after the spirit Rom. 5. 18. As by the offence of one the fault came on all men to condemnation so by the iustifying of one the benefit abounded toward all men to the iustification of life 1. Cor. 1. 30. We are of him in Christ Iesus who of God is made vnto vs wisedome righteousnesse sanctification and redemption And should be able inough to sustaine the iudgement of God Rom. 3. 25. God hath sent forth his sonne to be a reconciliation through faith in his blood Esay 53. 4. 5. 6. 10. Surely he hath borne our infirmities and carried our sorrowes He was wounded for our transgressions he was broken for our iniquities the chasticement of our peace was vpon him and with his stripes are we healed All we like shéep haue gone astray we haue turned euery one to his owne way and the Lord hath laid vpon him the iniquitie of vs all yea the Lord would break him and make him subiect to infirmities when he shall make his soule an offring for sinne 1. Pet. 3. 18. For Christ also hath once suffred for sinnes the iust for the vniust that he might bring vs to God And by the one and onely sacrifice of himselfe might sanctifie the elect killing and mortifying sinne and quickening them to newnesse of life through the vertue of his resurrection Rom. 6. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. How shall we that are dead to sin liue yet therein Know ye not that all we which haue bene baptised into Iesus Christ haue bin baptised into his death that like as Christ was raised vp from the dead by the glory of the father so we also should walke in newnesse of life For if we be graffed with him to the similitude of his death euen so shall we bee to the similitude of his resurrection Knowing this that our old man is crucified with him that the body of sinne might be destroyed that hencefoorth we should not serue sinne Colloss 2. 13. Y● which were dead in sinnes and in the circumcision of your flesh hath he quickened togither with him for giuing you all your trespasses And chapter 3. 1. If ye then be risen with Christ séeke those things which are aboue where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God The most part of the chapter pertaineth to this effect and no time lost in the reading Ioh. 17. 19. For their sakes sanctifie I my selfe that they also might be sanctified through the truth Heb● 9. 13. 4. For if the blood of bulles and of goats and the ashes of an heiffer sprinkling them that are vncleane sanctifieth as touching the purifying of the flesh
How much more shall the blood of Christ which through the eternall spirit offred himselfe without spot to God purge your conscience from dead workes to serue the liuing god That this grace might not be in vaine God gaue with his sonne vnto his people all things pertaining to saluation and euerlasting life Rom. 8 3● 32. What shall we then say to these things If god be on our side whom can be against vs Who spared not his owne sonne but gaue him for vs all to death how shall he not with him giue vs all things also Iohn 17. 2. 9. 10. 11. 12. 22. 23. 24. 26. Thou hast giuen him power ouer all flesh that hee should giue eternall life to all them that thou hast giuen him I pray for them I pray not for the world but for them which thou hast giuen me for they are thine and all mine are thine and thine are mine and I am glorified in them and now am I no more in the worlde and I come to thée holy father kéepe them in thy n●●e euen them whom thou hast giuen me that they may be one as we are while I was with them in the world I kept them in thy name The glory that thou gauest me I gaue them that they may be one as we are one I in them and thou in me that they may be made perfect in one and that the world may know that thou hast sent me and hast loued them as thou hast loued me Father I will that they which thou hast giuen me be with me euen where I am that they may behold my glory which thou hast giuen me for thou louedst me before the foundation of the world I haue declared vnto them thy name and will declare it that the loue wherewith thou hast loued me may be in them and I in them He openeth this secret when men least looke for it Gen. 3. 15. When God was appointing punishment vnto our first parents he interlaceth this comfort I wil also put enmitie betwéen thée meaning the serpent or the dinel by the serpent and the woman and betwéene thy séede and her séede He shall breake thine head and thou shalt bruise his héele Gen. 22. 18. When Abraham thought there was no way but death with his sonne because God had so commanded God altered his commandement and hauing tried his obedience he said That in his séede all the nations of the earth should be blessed Ephe. 2. 4. 5. God which is rich in mercy through his great loue wherewith he loued vs euen when wee were dead by sinnes hath quickened vs togither in Christ by whose grace ye are saued Rom. 5. 6. 8. 10. For Christ when wee were yet of no strength at his time died for the vngodly God setteth out his loue toward v● séeing that while we were yet sinners Christ died for vs. And when we were his enemies God reconciled himselfe vnto vs by the death of his sonne 1. Cor. 2. 7. 8. We speake the wisedome of god in a mistery euen the hid wisdome which god had determined before the world vnto glory Which none of the Princes of this world hath knowne for had they knowne it they wold not haue crucified the Lord of glory Collos 1. 25. 26. I am a minister according to the dispensation of god which is giuen me vnto you-ward to fulfill the word of god which is the mistery hid since the worlde began and from all ages but now is made manifest to his saints Eze. 16. 6. 8. 9. And when I passed by I sawe thée polluted in thine owne blood and I said vnto thée when thou wast in thy blood Thou shalt liue euen when thou wast in thy blood thou shalt liue Passing by thée and looking vppon thée behold thy time was as the time of loue and I spread my skirts ouer thée and couered thy filthinesse yea I sware vnto thée and entered into a couenant with thée saith the Lord God and thou becammest mine Then washed I thée with water yea I washed away thy blood from thée and I annointed thée with oyle Ephe. 2. 12. Ye which were without Christ and were aliants from the common-weale of Israel and were strangers from the couenants of promise and had no hope and were without god in the world Now in Christ Iesus ye which once were farre off are made neare by the blood of Christ 1. Pet. 2. 10. Which intime past were not a people yet are now the people of god which in time past were not vnder mercy but now haue obtained mercy Men are blinded and yet thinke they see Iohn 9. 41. Iesus said vnto them If ye were blinde ye should not haue sinne but now ye say we see therefore your sinne remaineth Iohn 3. 19. This is the condemnation of the world that light is come into the world and men loued darknesse rather then light Iohn 1. 10. 11. He was in the world and the world knew him not he came vnto his owne and his own receiued him not Philip. 3. 6. Concerning the lawe I was vnrebukeable saith the Apostle of himself examining no more but his outward life Then in mercy God causeth their dangerous estate to be set before them by preaching of the lawe Rom. 3. 20. By the lawe commeth the knowledge of sin Lawe chap. 4. 5. The lawe causeth wrath chap. 5. 20. The laws entred thereupon that the offence should abound that it might appeare to be notorious in the sight of god Rom. 7. 9. For I once was aliue without the lawe but when the commandement came sinne reuiued and verse 14. The lawe is spirituall but I am carnall Rom. 2. 15. Which she we the effect of the lawe written in their hearts their conscience also bearing witnesse and their thoughts accusing one an other or excusing 1. Tim. 1. 9. 10. The law is not giuen to a righteous man but vnto the lawlesse and disobedient to the vngodly and to sinners to the vnholy and to the prophane to murtherers of fathers and mothers to men-stealers to liars to the periured and if there bee any other thing that is contrary to wholesome doctrine Gal. 5. 19. 20 21. 22. Moreouer the workes of the flesh are manifest which are adultery fornicatiō vncleannesse wantonnesse idolatry witchcraft hatred debate emulations wrath contentions seditions heresies enuy murthers drunkennesse gluttony and such like whereof I tell you before as I also haue tolde you before that they which doo such things shall not inherit the kingdom of god but verse 18. are vnder the curse of the lawe Deut. 25. 15. Rom. 7. 13. Sinne that it might appear sinne wrought death by the lawe 2. Cor. 2. 16. It is the sauour of death vnto death It casteth downe to hell it feareth and woundeth our consciences 2. Cor. 3. 9. It is the ministration of condemnation Ro. 7. 7. I knewe not sinne but by the lawe For I had not knowne lust except the lawe had said Thou shalt not lust 2. Tim.
the second death Sathan hath a throne in this worlde but Hell is his seate and euerlasting death is his due Be not deceiued for the amitie of the world is the enmitie of God The worlde loueth his owne and they that will stand to the triall of the truth in despight of the world they shall be excommunicated and in vtter disgrace with the world yea it shall so come to passe that the sheading of innocent blood shall be thought a thing of nothing in their sight Behold saith Christ Mat. 23. 34. I sende vnto you Prophets and wise men and Scribes and of them ye shall kill and crucifie and of them shall you scourge in your Synagogues and persecute from citie to citie That vpon you may come all the righteous blood Beware of men Mat. 10. for they wil deliuer you vp to the councels and will scourge you in their Synagogues And yee shall be marke this word ye shall be brought to the gouernours and kings for my sake in witnesse to them and to the Gentiles If any man come to me saith Christ Luk. 14. 26. and hate not his father and mother and wife and children and brethren and sisters yea and his owne life also hee cannot be my disciple Christ and the crosse I meane persecution and trouble are so néerly ioyned togither that nothing must part them And therefore Christ saith Hee that will follow me must take vp his crosse and follow mee and if any looke for a seate in heauen they must taste of a bitter cup here on earth The Apostle knowing how neare the loue of God and the crosse and persecution were ioyned togither sheweth vs how we should put foorth our selues vnto the triall Rom. 8. Who shall seperate vs from the loue of Christ Shall tribulation or anguish or persecution and so forth The diuel that hath but a short time on earth wil raise vs vp innumerable troubles and we are subiect to the same so long as we liue in this world Ye shall wéepe and lament therfore settle your selues to abide it and to endure it For ye shall be betraied of your parents and of your brethren Acts. 14. 22. 23. 11. Act. 9. 16. 1. Th●s 3. 3. 4. and kinsmen and frends som of you shal they put to death And looke to be hated euery where Yet comfort your selues for a hair of your hed shal not perish By your patiēce possesse your soules And lay vp these things in your harts prouide for thē Behold I haue told you before Cā the childrē of the mariage chamber mourne as long as the bridegroome is with them But the daies will come when the bridegroome shall be taken from them and then shall they fast and then shall they mourne When Christ slept in the ship then waues and tempests and scourges It pleaseth God to absent himselfe and God leaueth vs awhile to sée what account we will make of him to sée whether we can finde in our hearts to leaue and forsake parents and kinsfolke and friends wife and children and that which we hold dearest in this world our owne life for his sake and whether there be courage patience strength and constancie to fight vnder the banner of persecution Well here we sée what Gods commandement is and how he hath laid trouble and persecution vpō our loines and put adnesse into our harts and heauinesse into our mindes and happie is he yea happie are all they that can finde in their hearts willingly to fulfill his will and to performe his commandement and patiently to submit themselues to whatsoeuer shall fal out if God sée it good for his glorie and our profit Yet doubtlesse we shal perceiue a mightie striuing within The second reason is drawne from the punishment that may insue our selues before we shall finde in our hearts to obey If God appoint trouble shall we séeke case If God aske our life shall we deny it If his blessed truth be called in hazard and like to bee defaced vnlesse thou offer thy selfe to stand to the maintenance and in the defence thereof before kings and rulers and against their vnlawfull decrées and wicked statutes wilt thou shrinke Thou must yéeld to the one or to the other either thou must deny God his truth for the countenance of the world and the enioying of this life and the comfortes of this world or else thou must forsake yea and hate the world and the comforts thereof and despise thy life in this respect Choose which thou wilt take fire and water is set before thée life and death good euill stretch out thy hand to whether thou wilt leaue the one imbrace the other Now deceiue not thy selfe and thinke thou hast the choice for thou art not at thy libertie God hath commanded to endure all trouble yea and death it self rather then to forsake his truth and the maintenance of the same If we must passe through the fire shall we looke for water If we be commaunded not to feare the sword shall we bee desirous to sléepe in a whole skinne That which séemes to be good to vs is euill and that which we thinke to be life we shall finde to bee death Séeke not to saue thy life for thou must loose it and better to loose it in this world then in the world to come If thou refuse thou shalt be refused if thou deny thou shalt be denied Mat. 16. 26. Alas what shal it profit a man or any of vs all though we should be Kings and Emperours and though we should winne the whole world if wee léese our owne soules Or what what shall a man giue for the recompence of his soule Thē farewell life lest death follow and kéepe thy soule lest it be plunged in hell torments For whosoeuer shall be ashamed of me and of my words among this adulterous and sinfull generation of him shall the sonne of man bee ashamed also when he commeth in the glory of his father with all his holie Angels Mar. 8. 38. Mat. 10. 33. And whosoeuer shall deny mee saith Christ him will I deny before my father which is in heauen and when hee thinkes to haue euerlasting comfort hee shall haue euerlasting sorrowe and in steede of heauen hee shall finde hell Marke therefore the punishment that will follow if Gods commaundement in this behalfe bee not performed on thy part and tremble A heauie sentence there is if thou refuse to beare this burthen Set before thy eies the comfortable presence of a Sauiour The third reason is drawne from the reward and the fearefull countenance of a iudge And let the holy martyr S. Steuens comfort fill thy heart who in the midst of his persecution sawe the glory of God and Iesus standing at the right hand of God the heauens being open to receiue him into his inheritance the Angels being at hand to carry his soule into heauen And most certaine it is that there is no way more readie to
yea though we had knowne Christ after the flesh yet now henceforth know we him no more Our Sauiour Christ when he departed from his Apostles and was taken away by death he tooke his leaue of them but not his last farwell After a while ye shall not see mee and yet after a while ye shall see mee Did not the holy Martyr S. Stephen sée Iesus standing at the right hand of God And shall not the time come that all the godly shal sit with him in the kingdome of heauen A friend being departed farre out of sight and abiding in a straunge land our heart and delight being setled vpō him how earnest is our desire to sée him and to talke with him and to be in his presence yea if we can heare but any talke or tidings of him or receiue any token from him how greatly doth it reioyce vs And all is because of the doubt and feare that holdeth our mindes that we shall sée him no more But if our friend being desirous of our welfare and for the bettering of our estate do send vs word what a fruitfull soile he dwelleth in and howe he can prouide vs if wee will come vnto him a place to dwell in so that it shall be to our great contentment and good liking not only the ioy of our friendes presence will moue our hearts but also the bettering of our estate shall cause vs to vndertake a long iourney and that without wearisomenesse and fainting And when we méet what kissing what ioy what imbracing Ye shall see mee a while saith Christ and after a while ye shall not see mee for I go to the father Therefore he put forth this parable A certaine noble man went into a farre country to receiue for himselfe a kingdome and so to come againe bringing rewards with him For them who by continuance in wel-doing haue fought for glory and honor and immortalitie and eternall life Wherefore went Christ to his father but to drawe vs vnto his father that where the head is there might the members be and where he is there might we be also He went to receiue for himselfe a kingdome but when he was gone did he forget vs after the maner of the world Out of sight out of mind No he is most careful for vs. And although a mother may forget her child yet will he not forget vs whom he hath written in the palme of his hand and whome he remembreth and beholdeth as the signet on his right hand Ioh. 14. 2. In my fathers house are many dwelling places if it were not so I would haue told you I go to prepare a place for you also as well as for my selfe And though I goe to prepare a place for you I will come againe and receiue you vnto my selfe that where I am there may ye be also Now though he be absent from vs yet he remembreth vs and sendeth vs many tokens of his loue to put vs in minde that wee shall come to his sight to our great comfort Which tokens are his gifts and graces benefits and blessings daily poured vpon vs. But of all tokens this is the surest that he hath sent his holy spirite into our hearts to witnesse vnto our spirtite that we are his children and shall also in time to come be heires of the kingdome Whome although we doe not presently sée yet are we in good hope that we shall sée and in the meane time we must with patience abide for it They shall sée him which put him to death and pierced Mat. 23. 39. him through but it shal be litle to their comfort But when we shall sée him then shall our sorrow be turned into ioy then shall we be caught vp into the clouds to méet the Lord in the aire and so shall we be euer with the Lord. Wherfore comfort your selues saith the Apostle one another with these words And though as yet we cannot sée Christ yet the time shall come that we shall sée him face to face In whose presence is the fulnesse of ioy and at whose right hand are pleasures for euermore The next place of proofe is in these words And your Your harts shall reioyce hearts shall reioyce With how great ioy it is may be perceiued by these words of the wise man Eccle. 25. 14 The greatest heauinesse is the heauinesse of the heart Giue me any plague saue the plague of the heart For griefe and sorrow and taking thought doth make them pine away which be yong lustie and strong and by the course of nature are like to liue many yeares The reason is because that the heart thereby doth diminish and weare away by little and little vntill the vitall spirits be spent which haue all their comfort and strength from the heart Your hearts which haue béene cast downe with sorrow shal be raised vp againe with ioy euen at the sight of my presence In the sadde and sorrowfull winter all thinges decay and come to nothing but when the ioyfull countenance of the sunne at the spring time appeareth then euery thing that lay dead and buried péereth out of the ground and taketh heart and groweth to strength and commeth to perfection So in the sorrowfull dayes of this worlde the godly are abased but in the ioyful time of deliuerance when Christ their onely comforter shall appeare in glory then shall their dead heartes receiue life and comfort and ioy In respect whereof Christ comforted his disciples saying Let not your heart be troubled Confirming them by thrée reasons The first from his loue and the certaintie of his promises Ye beléeue in God beléeue also in me which am readie not onely to promise but also to performe what euer shall bee for your good In the worlde yee shall haue trouble and affliction in mée ye shall haue peace be of good comfort and let not your heart be dismaied I haue ouercome the world The second reason is drawen from the friendly care that hée had to prouide for his Disciples and for all the godly In my fathers house are manie dwellinges places and I goe to prepare a place for you euen for euerie one of you And if it had not béen so yée shoulde haue knowne it long ere this The third reason séemeth most forcible because of the perfourmaunce and present and full possession of his promises When I haue prepared then will I come againe and establishe euerie one of you in his euerlasting habitation and receiue you vnto my selfe that where I am there may ye be also All which reasons are set downe in the fourtéenth chapter of Saint Iohn and the thrée first verses What can keepe the heart more from comforte and reioysing then a troubled minde and an vnquiet conscience the which among all the miseries and afflictions of this worlde the godly are frée from Which comfort of heart Christ perfourmeth vnto them Iohn 14. 27. Peace I leaue with you my peace I giue vnto you not