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A01752 An ansvver to the deuillish detection of Stephane Gardiner, Bishoppe of Wynchester published to the intent that such as be desirous of the truth should not be seduced by hys errours, nor the blind [et] obstinate excused by ignorance Compiled by. A.G. Gilby, Anthony, ca. 1510-1585. 1548 (1548) STC 11884; ESTC S103111 212,305 458

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interpretations and similitudes shal sone perceine your gloses to be of smale knoledge For Paule knowyng that suche shoulde come after hym as woulde not suffer holesome doctryne expouneth his owne wordes strayght wayes declaryng them to be of the outward remembraunce of Christes death which is doone in this Sacramente as in all other bothe of the olde Testamente and of the newe and not of the inwarde memorie must be continual at al tymes and not in the eating of this bread only So oft as you eate th●s bread and drinke this cup sayth Paule you shewe forth the death of the Lorde to the tyme that he come as Erasmus doeth translate it and after the olde translation you shal shewe furth the death The greke worde ▪ 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 causeth thys ambiguitie For it may be either the present tyme of the indicatyue or the present of the imparatiue commaundyng the memorie to be done And so agreeth it wyth Luke Do thys in the remēbraunce of me So agreeth it with the passeouer in whose steede we haue it for they had speciall commaundemente of lyke remembraunce of the worke of God Thus agreeth it wyth diuers other commaundementes for the merueylous worke of God to be had in memorie as appeareth by Iosue the. iiij and Erod xiiii And vpon these are the verses of Dauid knowen to be true Great are the workes of the Lorde and worthy to be searched furth that all delite and pleasure maye be in them Glorie and maiestie are his workes and his ryghtuousnes remayneth for euer He made a memoriall of his workes etc. The Hebrues do vse the imparatyue for the future tens of whose phraces the newe testament is full Thys memorie of the workes of God and highe estimation of his loueinge mercies ought to be had in perpetual remembraunce therfore doth Dauid brast furth into suche wordes by the vehemēcie of the spirite saying Oh al you seruaūtes of the Lorde praise you the Lorde Optabilis laus eius Psalme Cxlvii His praise is to be wished and desired and therfore we desire praye that his name may be sanctified hallowed renowmed and praysed Sanctificetur nomen tuum Ex ore infantium et lactantium perfecisti laudem The prophete truly instructed by the spirite of God knoweth that he hath made perfecte his prayse by the mouth of infautes suckelynges and babes and therefore byddeth he that yonge men and maydens olde men and childrē should prayse the name of the Lorde sayinge that this prayse becometh all his holions It was the course of the olde testamēt and the Iewes vse the same at thys daye that the whole congregation shoulde after the lawe and prophetes reade vnto them acknowledge theyr synnes and gyue thankes for theyr beuefi●es or elles promise to do the thynges commaunded and wyth one herte and mouth thus glorifie God And the same ordre continued amongest vs tyl suche tyme as you byshoppes by your arrogant ignoraunce dyd shutte vp the kyngdome of heauen whiche standeth chiefely in the renowmynge praysynge and glorifiynge of God and neither woulde entre in your selues no suffre them that woulde entre Paule alloweth thys generall praysynge and preachyng of Christes benifites and wō derous workes saying So oft as you come together euery one of you hath a songe hath a doctrine hath a tonge hath a reuelation hath an interpretation Agayne you maye all prophecie one by one that al may learne and al maye haue conforte But bishoppes wyll none of thys It is ynough say you to haue it done once for all it needeth not to be done againe Yea you wyll not haue it done at all You wyl haue vs mūble al our life longe in a blinde and vnknowne lāguage But the sermon and preaching and shewing furth of the lordes death muste be in our liuing after the exēple of the bishoppes and prelates in loue charitie and the contempt of the worlde Not in makynge a sermon wyth the tonge declaring howe Christe died for vs. Oh blynde guides you oughte to wishe that the name of God and the special worke of his mercies in the death of his sonne Christe mighte be moste largely renowmed praised and sanctified in the cōgregation not only by the mouth of sucklinges and babes by the lowest by the highest by the smallest by the greateste but if it were possible that the very stones should brast furth his praise And wheras we are all to slacke and negligēt in rēdering thankes for this great benifit that we haue thorow the death of Christ good bishoppes woulde encourage vs and steare vp this heauy slackenes in vs callyng vpō vs to be thankeful But cōtrariwise you discourage vs so muche as you can possibly commaundinge that we shall not euery man preache furth the Lordes death in this moste worthy sacramēt but in steede therof you do by your cōma●●demēt establishe your Idolatrous sacrifice wherwith we must be fully contented and satisfied and not so hardy as once to demaunde in it any one worde to be spokē to the edification of the vnlearned So that your bishoppe Deuyll lurketh in thys worde not more wickedly working his purpose to put to silence the death of Christe thē in the greatest but that euer was made Howe be it if we myghte opteyne of our noble Prince as no doubte we shall if your Deuyll do not ouer renne all together if we myghte opteyne I saye the thynge that Paule commaundeth that nothynge shoulde be spoken in straunge language in the congregation wythout an enterpretoure that we myghte all wyth knowledge and not wyth blynde mumblynge matte●s worship god gyue glorie to his name your Idol woulde wax so sicke Idoubte not that you should stāde nede of some expert maister of phisicke to see his water Doctour Buttes if he were on lyue coulde do it ryght well Where as you deride thys thynge that euerie man shoulde make a sermon I wyshe that euery man coulde do it and wyll exhort them that can do it enē for the loue of God that they do it more diligently For I do nothynge feare that they wyll be ouer ready to the thinge that is good No I haue dwelled fully seuen yeres in a place where I neuer hearde sermon But for the declaration of the text vnderstande that we do not thynke euery mā bounden and cōmaunded to make a sermō but to reioyce blesse God Which is all one borowed of the Hebrue language to acknowledge in our herte and if occasion to profite the cōgregation or the ordre of the churche and assemble do permitte it to confesse wyth the mouth the death and benifite of Christe and generally to gyu● thanke● together in comlinesse and ordre that by the multitude thus praysyng and gyuing thankes the honoure of God maye be amplified and we the better resēble that heauenly Hierusalē where they do incessantly syng praise criynge wyth one voice Sanctus sanctus that is holye holy holy And
spirituall do we knowledge and confesse But to eate Christe any other waie in the fourme of bread we iudge impossible And to eate him bodili carnallie reallie and substancially as a liueing man it is cruel vnnaturall vnprofitable yea vnpossible In the which we saye not that God is become the creature of breade as the deuil inspireth his mēbres to reporte blasphemouselie but that Christe familiarly and of a maruailouse intier loue towardes vs cōsecrateth him selfe in those fourmes of bread and wine to be so eaten and druncken of vs. This Iudggeling haue we touched before We can not vnderstand you bishopes when you speake of your transubstanciacion consecracion and your chaunginge onlesse you do saye this cake this bread this creature is become the bodie of Christe God and man and this thinge is chāged into that For your demonstratiue Hoc this muste demonstrate or shewe somethinge vnto vs. But you clock it lyke a spirituall father and poynte vs the fourme of breade with your demonstratiue as it is the chiefe pointe of your professiō to adulterate the word of God which teacheth that Christ did take breade in his hand blessed and sayed thys is my bodye A wonderful mattier that it should nowe be deuelles doctrine to speake thus not groslye but spiritualli This is my bodie which wordes we would faine haue rydde of your blind gloses and do wishe that al the world should haue them taught and beleue them in spirite to be true as they were spoken and written So that herby myght be preached and ●…h the inestimable loue that God bare to the worlde when he gaue hys owne and onely begotten sonne that who so beleue i● hym shoulde not perishe but haue euerlasteinge life and not this strange doctryne neuer ●…d before neither in the olde nor in the newe testament that Christ familiarly of ●…tier loue towardes vs consecrateth him selfe in those fourmes of bread and wyne wherby you do not onely adulterate the wordes of Christ with your straung termes and doctrine of Christ cōsecrateing him selfe into fourmes ▪ but you would bring on flepe the faith and hope that we haue of our aduocate sittinge at the right hande of God a continuall mediatour for vs and burie that greate benifite and singular lo●e of Christe oure sauioure offeringe hym selfe once for all vpon the crosse settinge vp a newe Idole that the olde fathers Hahraham Isaac and Iacob neuer harde once named Bring einge in a newe gospell and glade tidinges that Paule the Apostles neuer preached Wherfore by the mouth of Paule we maye pronouce you accursed and by Moyses worthy to be stoned to deathe blasphemers As for the familiaritie that you calenge in coniureinge hym into a cake I feare me it wyll haue thys Answere ●ade post me Satana Nowe to declare howe vniustlye you do chaunge the blesseing of the bread into these founde wordes Christ cōsecrateth him selfe because I haue shewed it before I wyll onelye note that that Christ alwayes whan he dyd vse the creatures of God did blesse and geue thankes vnto hys father But you do vse thys darcke terme to deceine the people and woulde haue vs beleue that strayght after your consecracion as you cal it yea after your bloweinge as we do se it ther shoulde be suche a sodaine chaunge and insensible as can no where else be shewed but after your moste holy finger And in your other blesseinges whan ye do wagge your pope holy fingers they haue you saye lyke powre of holynesse in heauen earth and the thirde place I wot not where It were greate pitie that these holie blesseinges and consecracions the chife establishementes of your popeishe empier shoulde be vttered to their worthynesse For then your triple crownes proude miters and bloudy hattes woulde fall your croyser sta●es glittereing gloues woulde be despised For whē in your pontificalibus you do geue your orders of Antichriste you c●n not be content to tel your prosilites that christ cōsecrateth him self but ▪ you saye thus We geue the powre to consecrate and offer to God sacrifice to pacifie hys wrath Thus do you make the doeing and offering of Christ on the crosse of none effecte and set vp your owne consecracion And For this is al your contencion God filleth hauen and earth and is not cōprehensible to be conteined in temples made wyth mans handes no man can limit gods dwellinge place God hath powre ouer man but man hath not powre ouer God and therfore Solomons temple was no habytacion to restrayne gods presence frome other places If thys be t●we as you dare not denye it for shame why did the olde byshoppes your prodecessours stone Stephane to death for so sayeinge And howe dare you Byshopes brenne vs for sayeinge that God dwelleth not vpon your Alutares in your temples neither that you can limyt hym hys place of dwellinge in your little boxes tyll he wax mould thē bren him at your Altaries end If thys be not to lymyt hym a place to chalenge powr ouer that you cal god what shal we cal powr Fyrst you haue powr you say to cal by your inchauntyng wordes Christ God and man into your bread and chalice Thē to create him as your owne bokes shal bear ▪ witnes againste you After this to cōsecrate sacrifice him for the quike the deade For thys powr is gyuē to euery one of your marke be he neuer so moche an horemonger drunkard or Sodomite Accipe potestarem sacrificandi pro viuis et mortuis Damus ti bi potestatem consecrandi et offerendi placabiles hostias That is to say Take powr to make sacrifice for the quyke and the deade we gyue the powr to consecrate offer pleasaunt sacrifices vnto God All thys is sayed to euery one of your shauelyngs Thē haue you powr to breake hym to eate hym or kepe hym in the corporasse as you cal it or in your pyx or where you luste whiche are manifest blasphemies and grosse blyndnes of the fleshe wyteout the manifest worde of God to inuent such fond toyes of your own brayne as be manyfest dexogation to the sacrate majesty of the euerlyueyng God And yet scripture telleth vs how our sauiour christ god man hath taught in tēples taried in tēples made with manes hand and that he dwelleth with good men and also in tēples made with mās hāde for the assēble of good men wher good men truste to be releiued wyth cōmun prayer and refreshed with the most preciouse fode of hys bodie bloud and he is presēt and ●arieth in the sacrate host Thys do we cōfesse more playnlye that Christ the sōne of God dyd becom man dyd suffer hūgre and cold was conuersaunt amōg men walkeynge and teachynge vpon the ear the dyd all thynges that man doeth onelye sinne excepted But thys doth not proue therfore that you may spar Christe either as he was God or as he was man in a boxe
An ansvver to the deuillish detection of Stephane Gardiner Bishoppe of Wynchester published to the intent that such as be desirous of the truth should not be seduced by hys errours nor the blind obstinate excused by ignorance Compiled by A. G. Iudicum vi ¶ Oh let thē perish from the erth and from vnder the heauen all the Idoles that haue not made the heauē the erthe destroye you theyr groues and altares If they be goddes let them reueng them selues ¶ Anno. 1547. the. 24 of Ianuary ¶ In the viii leafe i. page and xiiii line for staine mne reade same mine To the Reader DEarely beloued bought wyth the same bloude and therfore parte takers of the same kyngedome because the Lorde oure God is the God of knowledge and wyll haue suche seruauntes as by knowledge in trueth wythout fleshely fantasies either of fained goddes or any fonde worship of mans madde brayne who alwaies from the beginneinge hath renne after vanities wyll be radie to geue answere of their faieth in him the God of lyfe and of the hope conceiued by his onely worde it becometh all his ●o labour for knowledge that they maye walke vpright in the waie of their Lorde and by no halting ignoraunce to slide furth of the same and so to prouoke his worthi displeasure And as he is the God of loue peace vnitie and concorde and will haue vs al tied together with the bonde of loue and made therby in hym all one bodie so doeth it become vs wyth open hertes wythout all doublenesse one to enstructe an other to the edifiynge of oure brethern that in sure grownded fayth we maye loue together and so enioye the hope of our vocacion Therfore though mi talent bee verie smal and no principall gifte either of eloquence or learninge but onely a loue of the trueth geuen vnto me yet seinge the worlde is so blinded with Idolatrie and so beewitched with popishe sophistrie and euen nowe the spirittes and powers of darcknes worcke the chiefe mysterie of iniquitie and wickednesse to set vp and maintaine the moste weake Idole that euer was in the worlde in the steade of the most mightie and euerliuinge God I coulde thincke it no lesse thē my most bounden dutie openly to beare wittnesse vnto the truthe And where as the wordes of truth haue bene slandrously and spitfully named the saieinges of the deuil by the spiritual crafte of a souldiour of Sathā which by painted wordes woulde transform him self into an angel of lyght Whose boke is spred euerie where and receiued in manie places more reuerentlie then the blessed bible the holie worde of God Yet no mā hath so farre as I know once opened his mouth or taken penne in hand to make answere to this blasphemouse messenger of the proude Senacherib neglectinge the liueinge God for the littel I dole that he maketh God or no God at hys pleasure who suffreth Mise to eate him and the wicked to deuoure him Lette all other men do as they shall thyncke good wyth silence to let suche thynges slip Truly if I coulde saye nothinge thereunto but onely naye denienge Idolatrie and renouncynge all supersticion therin maintained I iudge it my parte to publishe my faith rather then by my silence to seame to consent to suche diuillishe doctrine So also do I esteme it the dutie of the faithful in this perillous tyme plainely to professe the Lord the liueuinge God to be the onely God in heauen a boue and in the erth beneth leste bi our silence for sakinge hys cause here vpon erth we be forsaken in his heauenly palace For lyke as in herte we do beleue to oure rightuousnes so must we necessarily confesse to oure saluacion as Paule teachethe We must beware as Paule warnethe and the bishope taketh the same text first ofal that our senses be not corrupted from the simplicite and sing lenesse that is in Christe as the serpent begiled Eua. We knowe but one God We are maried vnto one We knowe but one Christ made man and none other creature for ourcause This thing as we beleue it in herte so muste we in mouth ●o●fesse the same if we wyll walke in the simplicitie and sing linesse that is in Christe as becometh christians For if the hert and mouth go together then is it sing lenesse otherwise it is doublenesse and dissembling But there is one other simplicitie as it hath bene compted as the worde hath bene abused which is verie folishnes This maye we cal the simplicitie that Antichriste woulde haue styl to reigne amonge vs and therefore his champion when he brought in the texte of Paulle lefte out the principall wordes Que est in christo Whyche is in Christe as their olde texte hath it And thorowe out hys whole boke he woulde driue vs to be simple That is to saye to folowe as we be led like blinde men that the proude papisticall prelates still leadeinge vs into the pitte of perdicion abuseing our wines and goodes maye saye in their connentes Let them alone let them offer still vnto Imeages a pice of bread or any thinge else of a good intent all is well done that is done of a good intent They maye worship a stocke or a stone let them folow their auncient fathers They are good simple soules They do as we and oure doctours teach thē If we let thē knowe al trueth they wilbe as wise as we and then they wyll smally regarde vs. Thys is their workeinge these are their wordes howe so euer they haue clok●d hertofore all the worde nowe seeth it Let vs beware therfore of this thir simplicitie and let vs no longer thynke that this their doctrine is'true that al should he well done that is done for a good intent and that it is well done in all thinges to beleue theyr doctours For this ignorante opinion that thei haue grounded in their hertes hath hitherto stopped the waie to all knowledge and nowe letteth faith to be grounded and causeth men to continew styll in their olde errowres wythout any desire to come out of blindnesse Consider therefore good reader a gaynste their blinde lessons that Saull was caste from hys kyngedome for his good intent euen because he intended to do sacrifice vnto the Lorde of the best and fatteste of the Amalechites And yet maye thys seme a gloriouse intent The bishoppes of the Iewes and the Idolatours of al ages folowed theyr good intent euen when they put Christ and all hys prophetes and Apostles to death The byshop of Norwich when he burned pore Bilney folowed his good intent our other byshopes also burneninge and murtheringe theyr bretherne in prisone and out of prisone folowed theyr good in tentes But God is the iudge of the intētes and thoughtes of vs al and sercheth the verie raine and the holes of our hertes Yea the lord our god abhorreth and the prophetes reproue vs alwayes because we wyll do euerie man that semeth good in his owne
reine you of that foule carion and leade you home to take heede of your maisters folde And to teache plainely what is carion we do take it to be what so euer you do bringe into the church of Christ as his religiō without hys holy worde and the liuely spirite of God The same I saye is that stinckinge carion that Paulle calleth Anathema and the prophet warneth vs we touche it not And Iohn biddeth vs that we do not so much as saye Ane and salute the bringers therof leste we be compted partakers of their iuell workes I wyll passe with silence the roten ragges and carion bones of your reliques and suche lyke ware that sauoure little of the spirite of life and of the worshipeing of god in spirite and trueth But for thys thinge we haue in hande lettinge slippe all other your vnsauourie cerimoneis and carianlyke relyques more stinckinge carion surely and more poisenfull sophistrie causeinge deathe and murren of so many soules was ther neuer in the worlde then the gloses and dreames of your idle braines about this mattier that we shal now handle as shalbe proued plainelie by the grace of the liueinge God Your termes of realities qualites accedentes and dimencions sauour nothinge of the spirite of God and therefore are they fleshe and carion The whole course of your boke labouringe to make Christe really and naturally present vnder these fourmes qualites and quātities sauoureth of the rotten pastures and stinckinge fleshli braines of your dreameinge doctours Dunse Thomas de Aquino and petrus Lombardus Therfore is this the carion wherof we muste be ware This is the diuellishe sophistrie wherwyth the world hath bene so lōg bewitched in such sorte that in the steade of the liuelie feading of their soules by the worde of God the breade of lyfe you haue filled theire eares and eies with darcke termes dombe signes and deceiueable shadowes allwaies beateinge and burninge the poreshep bleatinge a gainste the filthy stinckinge carion of your popeishe and I dolatrouse tradicions What other thinge let all men iudge betwexte vs are these sophisticall termes of realitie quantitie accedentes dimentions and alteracions whyche are the onely foundacion of your boke and the establishement of thys fleshly doctrine but the vsuall termes of the subtile sophistes of Cambrige and exforde and the Sorbonistes of parise They can not be founde in the bokes of the holy spirite of the holy scripture of God ▪ and therfor are they fleshely sophistrie and stinckeinge carion Thys your boke all grounded vpon man which is but flesh vpon the darcke sentences and blind termes of blind teachers as Iohn Damascene and such other can be likened to nothinge so well as to carion The whiche mattier is picked out of the maister of the sentences or carionouse sophismes chouse whether you wyl call hym And where you woulde seme to be most spirituall about the words of Christ Hoc est corpus meum ther you are all to gether carnalle and fleshly You wil haue a carnall chaunge a carnal presence a carnall sacrifice A piece of paste as we saye fleshe and bloude as we saye to be carnally worshipped wyth fonde gestures A creature to be made the creatoure A vile cake to be made God and man Which doctrine beinge examined by the spirite of God the triar of all trueth shalbe founde Idolatrouse carion The residue of your preface would haue vs captiue to you Christes vikeres to your doctours and mainteners These haue you alwayes heretofore called the churche of Rome But nowe that you maye deceiue if it be possible the verie electe by a false name calling it Christes church But in verie dede it is the sinnagog of Sathan and the church of Antichriste because you are in liueinge so contrarie to Christe and because you set ▪ and establish therin the ceremonies of Antichrist and bannishe the pore shepe from the worde of theyr shepherde seldome or neuer preacheinge vnto them Christe but your owne baggage nor yet sufferinge the pore lambes to reade and feade of hys worde and pasture But we all are not so folishe thus to be enchaunted We haue Iesu Christe before oure eies crucified by your predicessours which boasted them selues to be the church ▪ Whome alone we learne to knowe to heare and to folowe nowe in these latter daies because your fathers boeth of Rome and of Englande haue led vs out of the waye vn whoreinge in to Babilon and haue hitherto taught vs to worshipe suche thinges as by their nature are no goddes But nowe seing that we knowe God yea rather seinge that we are knowne of God we wil not returne agayne to your weake Idoles and your beggerie ceremonies to the whiche you woulde haue vs slaues and do seruice a freshe But marke and take it for an answere We haue begone in the spirite and we nether wyll nor can be made perfite by the fleshe We wyll make subiecte our senses and captiue our vnderstandinge to all trueth of goddes holy word but to no lies of your idle braines and couetous conspiracie We are no longer vnder the schole of your popeish tradicions for we are all the children of God because we haue beleaued in Christe Iesu For so many of vs sayeth Paulle as are baptised we are clade with Christe so that there is no Iewe nor Greke no exception of yoman from Ientleman or man from womā but wee are all one in Iesu Christe Therfore wil we stād in the liberti wherin Christ hath deliuered vs and we wyll no more be wrapped with your seruile bondage knowinge that whoso trobleth vs shal receiue his iudgement who so euer he be Therefore all the fruites of the fleshe and al the workes of darckenesse set a parte adulterie Idolatrie and suche like we will walke in the workes of the spirite loue Ioye peace gentlenesse liberalitie goodnesse faith mildenesse and sobrenesse And we wil glorie in nothinge ●aue onely in the crose of oure Lorde Iesu Christ by whome the worlde is crucified vnto vs and we vnto the worlde beinge fully parswaded that Christe is the good shepeherde that putteth his soule for his shepe and that al you bishopes are but hirlinges workyng for wages whiche scatter the f●oke barcke not for the sh●pe But he knoweth his shepe and is knowne of them His voice onely wil they heare hym onely wyll they folow and he onely geueth vnto them euerlasting lyfe they shall neuer perish No man shal be able to take them out of his hande for his father and he be all one Thus are we beinge grounded vppon oure heade and maister Christ by faieth the very true church of Christe againste the whyche the gates of hel can not preuaile ❧ An answere concerneinge the true vnderstandeinge and wisdōe that God geueth to all men that aske it in sure fayeth wherin is declared the true vnderstandinge of these wordes Hoc est corpus meum Winchesters text THe first chiefe and principall point of
the good man for he hath no Idoll I know there haue ben good men whiche haue hated all Idolatrie and the persecution of al ages can report the same The bokes also of theyr fayth so many as haue escaped your handes do yet testifie that they were sore offended wyth thys blynde chaunge of these dead ceremonies in the steede of the lyuely feaste of the Lorde where al men shoulde be fed wyth the body and bloud of Christ the sonne of God not turned into bread but lyuely workynge by the spirite in our soules And they do a●he thys question why you do breake his body in three and why you do put one piece into the chalice to the wyne seinge you d● teache that the wine alone is fleshe bones though you do put no grosser substaunce thereunto For because it is liquidum you can make it what you lust and dare entre some deale far ther then Christe did for he at the vttermost made it but bloude but you wyll make it bloud bones and fleshe say we shalbe brēt if we do not beleue you and yet for all the stickinge to the bare letter you haue not one word through out the whole Bible wherby you maye clooke thys matter that the wyne shalbe the whole body fleshe bloud bones though ye crie The worde the word Faith fatyh These heritickes wyll not beleue the worde of God For your terme really presēt you shal vnderstande that after Bonifacius the thirde about the yere of our Lorde vi C. and. iij. obteyned of Phocas the false Emperour to be the heade of the churche by the craftie practise of the monkes Paschasius Humbertus Guimundus Algerus Rogerus Frauciscꝰ Anselmus and such other was realitie inuēted and termed to the sacramēt Before that time the spiritual eating only was magnified amonge the olde doctours But then beganne the churche of Rome to be gyuē ouer to al pōpe wickednes and Idolatrie the mother church of al mischiefe The bishop his adherētes of the Antichistes generation are now fully bent to lifte vp thē selues against euery thynge that is good and godly commaunding Images and other vile creatures to be worshypped But the Emperour Leo the. iiij gathered a counsayle at Bysantium of CCC bishoppes which decreed that only God ought to be worshypped and caused the Images to be brēt and destroyed Then Damas●en becommeth their proctoure stubburnely resistynge the Emperour so longe tyll he had his ryghte hande cut of howe he gatte it agayne you must bringe some credible authoure or els we wyll not beleue you longe after when Idolatrie had gotten the vpper hande then dyd Petrus Lombardus maister of your sophisticall sentēces bringe vp your transmutation and transaccidentatiō About the yere of our Lorde M. Cxlvi gathered out of certeyne blynde wordes of the doctours afore his tyme. Then Pope Innocent the thyrde gaue it thys newe name that you maynteyne wyth fyre He called it Accidens sine subiecto Of the whiche Sophisme doctoure Duns doctoure Dorbell and doctoure Thomas de Aquino do dispute verie subtilely Theyr termes you may see more at large by the moste diligent confounder of theyr errours Ihou Bale in his boke named the misterie of iniquitie Then folowed the blynde rable of Scotistes and Thomistes and they haue broughte the worlde into thys contention that we nowe heare and are busyed wyth all Thus was thys high misterie of mannes saluation and moste comfortable sacrament cleane chaunged from the institution of Christe whiche was to be taken wyth thankesgyuynge in cōmune amongest christian men that wyth open herte euerie man myght reioyce in the death of his Sauiour and gyue thankes for his redemption that thereby fayth myghte be established and brotherly loue nourished But nowe it is become a vayne gasyng and starynge vpon the sacrament in the steede of the Sauiour takyng the sacrament for hym that made it a sacrament Worshippyng the creature in the steede of the creatoure as we see nowe thys blynde swarme whiche for the lyuely preachynge of the death of Christ to be the life of the soule do cause mumbling al in a straunge tonge that the people might surely be kept from the consideration of the misterie And where Christ cōmaundeth vs to deuide it amongest vs and that we shoulde all dry●… of the ●●ppe the popishe priest muste get him into a corner alone and there so many shall be part takers of the merites of his blowing blessyng and other coniuringe a●… wyll gyue hym any thynge They shall be prayed for in the middest of his Masse and shal haue their sinnes takē away This win● they that wyll be the priestes benefactou●s The other shal see Christ really they saye but because he is dombe there and can not speake and the pristes lesson is no peny no Pater noster they maye knocke hande on breast and worship they wot not what lyfte vp their hādes and stroke their heades lyke the Popes owne deare chyldrē but they shal haue no parte there neither of the sacrament whereof they are appoynted to be part takers by the opē worde of Chiste eate and drinke of this you all nor yet of the remissiō of those synnes that the priest wor●heth for ●nlesse they gyue some money Thys money it is that causeth it to fyght so sore agaynste Christes institution and to maynteyne your gaynful sacrifice and reall presēce This money for the maynteinaunce of your dignities and Lordelyke porte hath caused you euer sith you were first poisoned therewyth to magnifie your owne handy worke But the God immortal wil aduenge his iniuries vpon al Idols and Idolatours Nowe to mistrust the immortalitie of the euerlastynge God as you laye vnto oure charge by whom all thynges endure were extreme blindnes And so likewise to compt your God which neuer had breath of lyfe immortall when the priest that hath made him and perchaunce eaten him the same day that he dyeth is mortall and goeth to the graue with his newe made God and many other mē as you say that dye wythin a quarter of an houre after they haue eaten him In whō you make the doubte whether the hoste consecrate shall mouide corrupte or cōsume lyinge in their bodies beinge deade for you are the first to my knowledge that euer moued that question To call this immortall I saye that neuer lyued lyeth in the grounde wyth the dead man maye well be called fo●de Sophistrie But to toutche your wordes a little more You call thys the hoste wherein the body of Christ is presēt You begynne me thynketh to waxe ashamed to call this your hoste the bodie of Christ contrary to your playne text of scripture Thys is my bodie I must also laye thys vnto your charge Why you dare call hym hoste by a newe terme and not breade by the olde terme Some thynke it is because you take your owne wordes to be wyser then the wordes of Christe and his chosen Apostles And surely it is