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B05977 The map of the little world, illuminated with religion being a practical treatise, directing man to a religious scope, and right measure, in all the periods of his life; with devotion suitable. To which is added an appendix, containing a gospel ministers legacie, in some sermons, upon 2 Pet. 1. 12, &c. / By Patrick Strachan minister of the gospel at St. Vigeans. Strachan, Patrick, fl. 1693. 1693 (1693) Wing S5775A; ESTC R184656 117,746 314

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Christ in thy arm● but in thy heart The Prayer LORD Help thy servant and all such 〈◊〉 thou art pleased to bless with a long life 〈◊〉 attain unto that pitch of puritie and preparati●● as may make us ripe Fruit to GOD that 〈◊〉 may come to the Grave in Good old age a●● Shock of Corn in full maturity give us by t●● Grace under the Burden of old age that 〈◊〉 may be unburdened of the body of sin and dea●● that after all the travels of our life We may r●● our Ark under the Pavilion of Thy Etern●● Majesty Amen STAGE Second OF The Quatuor Norissima or feur Last things and how Man is to improve himself in the Consideration of th●se § 1. IT is a great Mercy while we last and endu●e that the last things be minded For the longest Day will come to an Even and these last things are so new that they never change except that the last Enemy Death will be destro●ed 1 Cor 15. 26. It suits well then with a Christian to be well setled as to these Tria sunt omnia said some of the Philosophers but four things are necessary sayeth the Scripture and it is the Vnum N●●ssarium The one thing needfull to know the●e practically for what more certain than D●ath What mo●e searching than Judgement W●a● more dreadfull than Hell And what m●re comfortable than Heaven Take then a View of them for thy Christian pr●fi● Of Death § 2. All the World sp●ak of Death but I know not by what a pleasant yet a●e unhappy Charm few seriously lay it to heart Betwixt our Birth our Dea●● there is but a thought or an instant it 〈◊〉 happy then to awake and go to the House● mourning and see the end of all things Ecc. 7. 〈◊〉 All things dye Empires and Kingdo● decay the four Monarchies are out of D●● The whole Creation groaneth Rom 8. 22. T●● Universe is but an Universal hospital 〈◊〉 Grave a common Mother where the gre●●est Potentats lay down their power a●● crowns and all Mankind put of their gl●ry for Dust we are and to Dust must we ret●●● All have sinned all must dye ss 3. I shall only mention this comm●● Theme that it may be practically i●proved by a short discourse of Dea●● an● a right preparation for it ss 4. First in discoursing of Dea●● thou art to consider what it is 2ly 〈◊〉 it is 3ly How it is 4ly When it is 〈◊〉 Its sting and strength 6ly The victory ●ver ss 5. What it is Altho there be nothi●● more obvious than Death yet would 〈◊〉 require one from the dead to inform t●● World of it but Abel y●t speaketh a●● CHRIST cryes by his Word and Spiri● that Death is the Term of thy Tempora● ●ife the dissolution of thy earthly Ta●ernacle and a separation of the Soul ●om the Body It is a long sleep it makes strange Change upon Man it turns the 〈◊〉 House to Rubbish it sets thee off ●e Stage of time to the darker Regions ●f the dead it layeth strength Beauty ●ortune and all the commodities of life ●n the dust it destroyes Nature and thô its Conquest be but over Dust yet this King ●f Terrors Reigneth till the Resurrection § 6. 2ly Why it is All have sinned all ●ust die In the day thou eatest thereof thou shall ●urely die By one Man sin entered into the World and Death by sin The Vltimus Conatus and ●last effort of Death is to dissolve nature Soul and Bodie must sunder The Body sleep and be Refined in the Dust till the last Trump § 7. 3ly How it is The way and manner of Death is dark it comes either by nature or by accident It hovers over our heads like an Eagle in the Air It is like a ship in the Sea whose footsteps are not known It lurks as a Serpent under the Herb And the more hidden the more dangerous it kills us as a Basalisk when we see it not It kills many with pleasure as it hath been observed Plures pereunt G●● qvam Gladio It besets us before and behi●● so that it is good to have our Wits● bout us § 8. 4ly When it is In the beginning● progress and end of our Race When 〈◊〉 ver thou begins to Live thou Dies an● thy Breath is within thy Nostirles And Death hath smitten the Cedar an● the Grass the Good and Bad the Rid● and Poor in divers manners and very un● expectedly to many it comes as a Thi●● by Night and taketh our earthly house by surprize and although in gene●al th● Term of our Life be d●t●rmin'd by GOD Job 7. 1 Yet are there so many incident Tryals and exercises that Man being ●eft to the freedom of his own will by unlu●kie adventures makes his own Diet of Dying tho so sore against his will when it comes so the wicked is said to die before their time and in the midst of their dayes § 9 5ly The strength and sting of Death Death hath a great strength for no man can see it and live and that which imbi●ters it is sin If thou therefore inortifie sin thou plays upon the hole of the A●p and needs not fea● the Sting of the S●●pent It is only sin that makes Death dreadfull for it poisons its dart and makes it bitter to the U●sanctified But CHRISTs Death sweetens all its Acerbities to the Godly and makes them say with Our Saviour The Cup that is given us of GOD shall we not Drink § 10. 6ly The victory over it There is no Cure of Death But in the Prince of Life if we ●ie with Him we shall Live with him We live in our Head and it is he that can say O Death I●e be thy Death There is no Herb on Earth that can cure Death but there is a Tree of Life in Heaven and to such as apply this arig●t Death is but a passage to Life and because Christ Lives such shall Live also Secondly THE CONSIDERATION OF DEATH REDVCED TO PRACTICE § 11. It is Excelently well observed by Dr. Taylor that the Scripture acquaints us with one only Way to Die well which is to Live well Which generally holds of all them that have the Use of Reason and of the Means of Grace so that Instance of the Convert Theif doth rather extol the wonderful Love and Merit of our Dying Lord than give any exception against the general Rule For al●●hough such as have lived bad lives may dye with a sort of Peace Yet t●● is no peace sayeth my GOD to the wicked a●● it is only the Upright and the Perfect Ma● Whose latter end is Peace But This new Life● not to be measured by dayly Excursio● of Temptation but from an habitu●● Course of sincere Obedience Since righ● preparation for death consists in a Hol● Life and a dayly dying to sin and 〈◊〉 Life being but a Vapour as St. James sayeth It is sad to let it Evaporate in sin and folly● It is good then
to keep Memento mori in the Vade-mecum of our Mind that we may be ready to render up our Soul unto the Hands of a Faithful Creatour ss 12. 2ly Thou must be willing to die Death is indeed Irksome to Nature bu● when thou considerest it as a passage to thy Fathers house it is pleasant thou must be so willing as to submit to GOD and resign thy Life to His Will for GODS Will is still Good and g●ided with excellent ●udgment whether thou Nill or Will thy times are in His band Consult not therefore Flesh and Blood but Faith and chearfully drink of that Cup that all before us have tasted which is sweetened by the death of Christ and better to die willingly than to live in ●pposition to GODS Will say therefore with old Eli the Will of the LORD be done And if it be well principled thy willingness will come up the le●gth of a desire to die not of a pievish discontent with Jo●●h But with an Apostollick and Heavenly Spirit to desire to depart and be with Christ which is best of all Let not therefore the dreadour of death hinder thy desire since GOD is with thee to give thee a safe passage Death simply cannot case thee but it is dying in the LORD that makes thee Blesse● It is goo● then to have a well dected Mind and Soul For there are such attractives in the Recompence of Reward the Crown of Righteousness and of being ever with th● LORD As may make thee desire to be uncloathed that mortality may be swallowed up in Life 2 Cor 5. 4. I ●issintangle therefore thy self of Worldly Letts that thy Soul may as naturally tend to Heaven as the sparks flee upward ss 13. 3 l● M●ke Death familiar to thee for many put off the Evil Day and leave the thoughts of Death to ●ick and Dying Persons but thou should be more prudent walk every day as it were thy Last Day and frequent thoughts of it will make it to be no strange nor sad thing to die Fr●quent use makes the habit Easie and 〈◊〉 well prepared Christian will say my he●● s fixed § 14 4ly If any doubts fears arise whi●● may be incident to Christians when ●he● come seriously to look upon Eternity 〈◊〉 dark passage of death leading thereunt● thy death can make thee d●ubt of nothin● but what state it will put thee into but Giv● no place to doubt since it is certain 〈◊〉 thou Relie on Christ thou art secur● Thou must not consult the disorders 〈◊〉 thy life but the well ordered covenan● Are thy sins many GOD hath a multitude of mercies are they great he ca●● pardon them because they are great hast thou Backslidings He can hea● thy Backsliding Hast thou d●fficulties Light can clear thee art thou tempted He can Succour thee Art thou dijected He can comfort thee So whatever by thy case if thou come to Him upon the terms of the Gospel thou mayest be Satisfied in his love I● death be the King of terrors CHRIST is the King of comforts Thou needs not fear in f●tifaucibus in the jaws of Death If 〈◊〉 be i● Gremio Dei in the B●some of GOD let the dart of Death ●trick the shield of Fa●th will resist its force All Mortals before you have suffered ●eath even Children and the Weaker Sex and it is a sillie thing to dread that which is conquered can do nothing to a Christian but loose him from Bondage There is nothing dreadfull in Dea●h but to fall into the hands of an Angry GOD and if your pasillanimous Mind makes thee flee Death it follows thee Get thy Heart and conscience in a right frame then and then thou has nothing to do but to ly d●wn and sl●ep ●et thy faith and hope on work and By a heavenly Spirit lahour with Samson to destroy GODS Enemies Colect thy powers to render up thy Soul with comfort and that same GOD who has made Martyres Rejoice in their tortoures may make th●e sing as a Swan in death and Triumph with St. Paul O Death where is thy Sting 1 Cor. 15. 55. § 15 6ly To pray for a happy death Labour to die well and i● it be the LORD's will deprecate any thing extraordinary in thy Death except an extraordinary Repentance and a heavenly frame of Spirit Thou shouldest submit to the time and mann●r of thy Death but with all beg a comfortable demission to depart in peace and since there are thousand accidents incident to thy lif● and many have been taken off the Stag● by surprize and in the act of sin tho● art to pray for a happie Death and composed mind in dying and think it n● unsuitable to Deprecate a sudden Death tak● Sanctuary in GOD that in the uncertanties of this World thou mayest be secure Labour to Kill this Pasisisk with the Ey● of Faith Dayly die to sin and cleay to Christ pay the debt of nature with pleasure Lay down thy Body to a Grave perfumed with CHRIST's Burial and commit thy soul to a faithful Creatour and Blessed Redeemer Prayer in order to Death O LORD G●D of Life and Death Tho● only hast the empire over Death O Prince of Life who was once dead and art now alive Give me to live for Thee and in Thee and I shall not die but sleep Thy Love ca● keep my Soul warm in the dark Valley of Death save me from the bondage of the fear of Death and the sting of it and then I may harmlesly like a Child play on the hole of the Asp Fill me with Light and Spiritual Life and deliver me from ●●y thing that may make Death irksom that I may lay up store in my best circumstances against the power of it Save me from procuring my Death by the ill Government of my Life save me from all Misdemeanour that may procure a violent Death Deliver me from sudden Death if it be Thy Holy Will and let me not he surprized by my last Enemy Into Thy Hands I commend my spirit perfect Thy Grace in me that I may attain to the end of the Vpright and perfect Man to die in Peace Amen The Second last Thing JUDGEMEMT § 1. AFter Death the Judgement The belief of a Judgement is an Article of our ●reed and a great principle of our Religion Death and Judgement are both decreed Heathens have believed it and Nill they Will they Conscience asserts it and the worst of Men in Crosses and about their dying have had apprehensions of Judgement and such as have stiffled convictions have now within them fatal and fearful Convulsions for as GOD is so is He just and will bring all things to Judgement and tho Sentence be not pr●sently execute here Yet there remains 〈◊〉 Judgement Concerning which let● it 〈◊〉 first enquired as to the Truth of it 〈◊〉 The time of its Commencement 3ly The Judge 4ly the Process And 5ly Th● Sentence § 2. First That there is a Judgement to come
teipsum know thy self The Heathens Lesson is very fit for a Christian The benefit of S● Acquaintance tends much to right Discretion and the Government of our Life● Which makes many invert that of S● Paul I know nothing by my self for want of reflection they can curse swear● lie and work abomination and their● heart never smites them So they are lef● to themselves and put under the sadd●● plague of getting success in sin Better 〈◊〉 have the Way hedged with Thorns lea●● thou run to ruine and labour so to guid● thy self that thy Heart condemn thee not and to exercise thy self with St. Paul to have 〈◊〉 Conscience void of Offence towards GOD and Man § 12. Many other things may be aded as rashness 〈…〉 and following vain customs 〈…〉 into a calling and course of life 〈◊〉 with no Deliberation but meerly from fondness and folly drive like Jehn in the pursuit of their carnal love and enter into a married sta●e so rashly and indiscreetly that thev may have leasure eneugh after to regrate and so youth runs himself into inextricable difficulties But quod faciendum semel deliberandum diu And he should engage in this warefare with good advice but of the most of these I may have occasion to speak to after this § 13. And so I come to the second thing to wit The directions and motives for his recoverie and the ordering this state of Age. 1. As long as Man climbs to the top of the Wheel and Ascends to the hight of his Temporary Horizon he should take leasure to look back on his bygone life and view well that he act contrary Good to these evils fore-mentioned that he be Considerate Knowing tender hearted busie in good Exercise rhat his Conscience be awak'd himself humble even cloathed with humility which layes a good foundation for the Reception of Grace in his after Age that he learn to change Vain thoughts● into Deliberation and Passions to rule them by a quiet Mind peaceable by patience and Moderation and the sooner he listens to the Call of GOD it will be easier for him that with great Aug he be alarmed with that of the Apostle Rom 13. 11. It is 〈◊〉 time to awake out of sleep Memory may decay in old Age. But Youth must remember hear Children the instruction of Wisdom Prov 6. 7. And since some a●● snatched away in their younger yea● some sin away and some play away their time Youth should not think i● too soon to be serious since posibly h● may not live till he think it time to b● serious § 14. It is Good for youth that is ready to stare upon rarities to take Wisdom from the example of such as miscarry least he himself become an Example and all sad accidents to others should make us listen to that of Solomon Follow the way of good men Better to be A monument of mercy than of wrath He must impartially correct● the errors of his bygon life and not be sparing in his own case to cry out with Judah against the Harlot and yet be the man himself that is defiled Gen. 38. 24. He must consider how he hath carried in all relations what sentiments he had of Religion what was his Temptation inclination humour and phansie what was his gift and what little good he hath done And if he Consider well he may acknowledge that he hath not obeyed the voice of his Teachers and that his Religion hath but Come by fi●s and that Possibly he hath harboured and does harbour some predominant sin and if he were serious he would find out the Dalilah that hath possessed his heart and know where the strength of his sin lyes and pray with the Psalmist LORD who knows his errors Psal 19. 12. § 15 It is high time then to smite thy thigh and knock thy breast and to be humble for thy bygon errors which thou may know to be a sincere repentance for them that if thou were placed in the former circumstances thou wouldst not react these follies And that thou doest not relish them with wonted affection And since they have not ruin'd thee show thy zeal revenge against these thy former Idols keep no reserve least thy Religion be Partial and Unpleasant look back with grief and redeem it with Duty sell not thy time for nought be no more beguild with toyes look back with Repentance and before thee with Prudence § 19. It is more then time also to consider thy Baptismal Engagement Whereby thou art sworn to GOD gets his mark and his Cognizance of Christianity Thou must renunce sin and Sata● GOD can make thy Baptism Effectual but 't is by Faith Repentance and Obedience that it works in the Adult Tho● must give the Answer of a good Conscienc● 1 Pet. 3. 21. to thy Baptism as St. Peter speak● thou must wash in the Laver of Regeneration till it produce the new Creature An● draw Vertue as a living Member from thy Blessed Head § 16. Who is now wise to consider these things look how the LORD trains thee in his Providence from Childhood to Youth GOD may bring thee hom● with the voice of the Rod look the● what Influence Providence hath upon thy Younger heart if it be humbled and 〈◊〉 to receive the Blessings of Religion § 17. And yet more particularly to direct this ingoverned Age that needs solidity to keep it from Reeling 〈◊〉 the Scripture teacheth thee 1 to remember thy Creator in the dayes of thy Youth It is a part and a great part that layes the foundation of practical principles Memento 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 vere memento Mori both to remember how to live and how to die And 2ly the Scripture bids thee flee youthfull lusts 2 Tim 2 2 1 What these lusts are thou reads not there but certainly youth hath its 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 proper lusts the vice of their age of their nature person and Nation Yet if thou look to the contrary Vertues which the Apostle there commends as Righteousness Grace Faith Love c. Thou shalt find Injustice Ambition Animosity Carnality Vnruliness Facileness Broils Tumults Contests and Duels that produceth dearfull deaths all which are against Charity which the Apostle there commends bnt thou must follow after Faith Love and Peace Secondly Shun idleness and evil Company beware of the Tavern and Stew If sinners entice thee consent thou not It is a Token that GOD hath called thee If thou choice a Right Calling It is time for thee now to think how to live Every minute of our short day has its Work Consider then well what Work thou puts thy Hand to and what Calling by the Advice of these that are Wiser than thy self may through GOD's Blessiing serve thee in this World and not Impede thy general Calling as a Christian Let thy Calling not be insnaring but approved propone not so much Gain as Contentedness And as I hinted before Oeteris paribus the Holy
7. Fifthly How thou art Resolved to encount●● the Tr●als of this Period § 6. The longer man lives he is 〈◊〉 more subject to infirmities and beca●●● of our rudeness and many Indisposi●io● we are subject to the Rod and Discipli●● of the Holy JESUS Man in the beginni●● of his Life is much inconcerned in 〈◊〉 Youth like a Bullock unacquainted wi●● the Yoak and in his after life he ha●● need to be keept under by Fatherly Chastilement and so is subject to personal domestick and publick Tryals B●● he hath this for an Antidote that the Spirit of GOD in the Word represent● these Tryals very favourably as instances of Fatherly Love and Mercy Heb 12. 6 Whom I love I chastice sayeth the LORD Kev 3. 19. And count it all Jo● when ye fall into divers temp●ations sayeth St. James Jam 1. 2. It is the great Concern then of a Christian to hear the voice of the Rod To let patience have its perfect Work Jam 1. 4. To be of a contented ●ind to guard against Melancholy● Des●ondency to kiss the Rod to humble ●nder the Mighty Hand of GOD and to ●mprove the Rod as well as the Word ●or the purpoles of Religion 〈◊〉 But now in ●is declining Age he enters into broken ●aters and therefore should have a well ●uilt Ark and Cast his Anchor within ●he Vail Which in all the T●ssings and Troubles of this Period remains sure and stedfast Heb 5. 4. He must arm with pa●ience and have his Feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace Eph 6. 15. that so through Faith and patience he then may inherit the promises Heb 6. 12. Sixthly If all Delayes be defeated and thou be now intent on thy Work § 7. 'T is dangerous to delay till now yet the Nature of Man is prone to pro 〈…〉 and put off till to morrow but if thy Work be undone th●● will be undone for ever There are many wants and defects indeed for which thou hast an All sufficient Help to recover thee yet must thou be dilligent in the ●use of the Means and GOD that prevents with free Grace can cure it to His Glory Seventhly What is thy Stock and Store in Grace and Vertue § 8. A Vertuous Man brings his Work to some fine and thou should have provision against evil dayes found well upon a Rock that will stand out the storm Labour to be Rich in Faith and good Works and to have fresh Oyl for thy Lamps and the Weddlng Garment neatly wrought Thy Heart and House in order that Tryals and Death do not surprise thee and the cry be at midnight Matth 25. 6. when thou art Sleeping and sudden destruction come when thou sayes Peace And after this serious Recollection thou must ponder aright Secondly What now remains to be done § 1. EVEN the Work that GOD hath given thee to do Look then to thy great bussiness Proficiency and wherein thou are short double thy diligence See that thou has First The methods of thy Life ordered unto Salvation 2ly Thy Progress and middle Work betwixt Youth and declining Age And then how you are prepared to enter the Vltima or the last things It is clear then thou should be now serious and seek first the Kingdom of GOD with all Seeking and persevering Constancy Be faithfull unto Death and the LORD will give thee the Crown of Life § 2. But particularly there are three things ought to be done 1 st That thy house and Affairs be in as good Order as possible 2ly that you may work out the work of your own salvation And 3ly that you Give all dilligence to make sure your Calling and Election § 3. First that thy house and affairs be in as good order as possible To manage thy Earthly concern with Discretion that thou may leave to thy Issue a good example and a 〈◊〉 the portion which GOD hath 〈◊〉 thee with a Blessing Least through thy Neglect thou render those behind thee destitute and despicable without a settled calling and course of vertue And if through incident accidents thou has been hurt in thy Estate GOD can make any remnant be like the Widows Cruse for thee and thine If thou improve dispensations to the best And to all that desire to thrive I cannot but Recommend a discreet Charity The merciful man disperseth and gives to the poor lends to GOD And his seed shall be well behind him as in Psal 37. and 112 But thy great work is 2ly to work out the work of thy own salvation Phil 2. 1. That thou put on the copstone as well as lay the foundation that thou perfect thy Faith and Repentance Charity and other Graces to have thy soul ●rim'd with the Wedding Garment and thy Lamps full of Oyle till the cry come Behold the Bride Groom cometh That thou fight that fight of Faith that so upon good Ground thou may expect the Crown of Righteousness that will be given all those who love Christs appearing 3ly That thou give all diligence to make thy Callling and Election sure which is not obtained by listening to humour and instinct but by that diligence that becomes a Christian in the exercise of faith And good works for it is not by the Revolving the leavs of destinie but by a diligent search of the Book of GOD and by a life suitable thereunto that thou canst secure thy peace and thy soul for there is no peace layeth my GOD to the wicked A Continuation of this STAGE From 50 to 70. and to the uttermost extent of Mans Life § 1. ALtho many fall ere they arrive to this stage of Life Yet since GOD hath given it and does give it to some to teach the length thou art seriously to consider thy Duty and how thou may improve it to the best which through Grace may be done If 1. thou labour to arrive at any pitch of Wisdom 2. If thou be well resolved to encounter and endure incident personal afflictions 3ly What account thou can give of thy self to GOD and Man 4. If through CHRIST helping thee thou labours to perfection 5. If thou be running thy Race in the good fight of Faith 6ly If thou be bu●ie now in ripening thy self for Heaven 7ly If thou dayly prepare for Death and have thy Soul fixed upon wing to flee to yonder Regions where CHRIST is And last of all to consider the means and motives to advance these § 〈◊〉 First If now thou hast arrived ●o any pitch of Wisdom The Apostle James Gives a full direction as to this Who is a wise Man among you let him shew forth by a good Conversation with Meekness Wisdom For as the Fear of GOD is beginning of Wi●dom so it compleats Wisdom forseeth and is provident F●●rageth with vain confidence Wisd●● makes thee a wise Virgine to provide 〈◊〉 in thy Lamps it directeth and clear● your affairs it puts thy house and Soul order and it keeps a clear account by good conscience since
is the Faith of the Church the hope of the Just the comfort of the aflicted and the great Crise and Result of of mortal Life Which will determine all the Intriges of Providence and destribute Rewards and Punishments according to their Works The●e is a princip●e and facultie in every Man which makes him accountable to GOD. This as it is an Article of our Creed so the Scripture fully determines it Ecc. 12 14. Matt 25. Acts 17. 30. 2 Cor 5. 10. GOD will be publickly manifested in His H●liness and Justice the Equity and Reasonableness of His Laws and severity against sin Who will not acquite thy guilty And the monuments of Grace will s●e their Demerit had not the Merit of Christ prevented the pun●shment Fixe then this Truth in thine heart and constantly apprehend ●●th an Ancient Father that thou hearest 〈◊〉 S●u●d●ngs of the last Trump with ●he Voice of GOD Arise Dead and come te Judgement § 3. 2ly That this Judgement in a part commenceth immediatly after Death is ass●rted by the Apostle Heb 9. 27. The Saints of old have ●nherited the Promises The Convert Thief immediately after was judged and entered Paradise and the rich Glutton got his Doom and after his death was set to the place of Torment But the open visible and general Assize of the whole World is delayed to the time of the Restitution of all things When and where Soul and Body Good bad Young and Old without Law and under Law will be judged According to their Works and tho in the Apostles times some were ●hanatick said that the Resurrection was past some Atheitical scoffers as St. Peter sayeth Impio●sly Rag●ing and ●corning where is the promiss of his coming not knowing that God worketh hitherto hath great patience in whose Eternal View a Thousand years are but as one day yet when his works is done all the World will be judged which day and Hour GOD hath keept secret in his Eternal Council 〈◊〉 good and holy ends And there somethings yet unaccomplished before 〈◊〉 end to wit the full conversion of the Je● Rom. 11. 26 and the discoverie of 〈◊〉 declension of the Christian Church 〈◊〉 exposing of that man of sin and son Perdition The pure Gospel becom 〈◊〉 divive and the Christian Church be mu● liberated from the great Corruption 〈◊〉 manners and worship according to 〈◊〉 Primitive Patern When these shall come● pass and not till then shall the end 〈◊〉 In the mean time let us p●ssess our sel● with the Belief of This truth that all 〈◊〉 nerations shall be judged before the T●●bunal of the Soveraign Judge ss 4. 3ly The Judge GOD hath co●mitted all Judgement to the Son A●● hath appointed a day in which he will Judge 〈◊〉 world in Righteousness by him Acts. 17. 3● We must all appear before the judgement sea● 〈◊〉 CHRIST 2 ●or 5. 10. When the Son 〈◊〉 Man shal appear in his Glory Matt. 25. 3●● And in this he Exerciseth his medi●torial Kingdom which will continue t●● the last Enemie be distroyed which 〈◊〉 Death He declined to be a Judge on ●arth but came to be Judged and it is ●ighly reasonable that he who was un●ustly judged should judge the World in Righteousness Then shall they who have ●earced him by their sins mourn and ●owl But His afflicted people shall lift up ●heir head and say This is the Day that ●he LORD hath made Blessed is He who com●th to save us For our LORD and King●o whom the Godly have submited in ●heir time whose Scepter Cross they wil●ingly have born is now come to deliver ●hem He that bore our sins on His own Body on the Tree He that is a Compa●sionate High Priest He that is the King of Peace is now come to Judge them according to the Gospel of Peace and His easie Yoak which they did take upon them and walkt under What then shall such expect but Love and Peace and Pity from their LORD King and Brother Who is much Meeker than Moses more Loving than David and more Merciful than Man can be Whereas it shall be a great dreadour to the wicked to behold this Meek LAMB roa● like a Lyon against them § 5. 4ly The Process We cannot coneeive how soon and yet how exactly this-shall be done since every ones Conscience is in the place of a Thousand Witnesses and the Judge needeth no Information nor farther probation Every one then will be Judged according to that Law which was Given them to walk by And such as are under the Gospel shall be Judged by the Law of libertie Jam 1. 25. And the Issue will be whether they have obeyed or disobeyed the Gospel and walked suitably thereunto and answered the opurtunities they have enjoyed above o● thers to make them Christians indeed And fit for the Kingdom of GOD. ss 6. 5ly The Sentence will be accord to thy works tho thou be justified by Faith and saved by Grace yet the LORD will reward according to thy works For to the true Christian there is a wonderful mitigation of the Rigor of the Law by the easie terms of the Gospel and such shal receive sentence according to that Infinite Love revealed therein then shal the great sheepherd appear in Glorie yet probably with the Honourable marks of the Cross that all who have gloried in Hi● Cross may rejoice such as have stumbled at ●t hang their heads The Sentence shall decide in favours of Believers and all who have Closed with the conditions of the Gospel and Obe●ed the Faith 1. 5. Which is the great specifick of Christanity Such may appear before him with his marks upon them of Faith Mortification and Self-denyal c. And that in their time they have born Testimony against a sinful Generation they shall receive that favourable sentence Come ye Blessed c. The Prayer O Soveraign Judge prepare me for Death and Judgement It is much my comfort that thou art Judge Competent and Compassionate Thou wilt not acquite the Guilty yet Thou delights in mercy and there is forgiveness with Thee that Thou may be feared LORD give me my discharge in time for Who can condemn CHRIST has dyed I make my humble application to the Mercies of Thy Infinite Bowels the Merit of Thy Death the worth of thy Blood and the Power of Thy Intercession I have many Accusers am convict But LORD say to me that thou will not condemn me Thou knows all the Intrigs of my Soul What I cannot clear LORD do Thou cancell I make Mercy my claim Thy Merit my Trust and Thy Righteousnes● my Justification Give me the White stone to refresh my Soul till Thou grant me the Crown o● Righteousness at Thy Appearing Amen The Third Last Thing HELL 1. TO treat of Hell is a sad Subject Tophet should have a Beaco● set over it that Passangers may be aware Let us then consider 1 The Certainty of a future punishment of the Wicked in another World and
manifest that not like Moses in a ●i●t of Z●al breaks both Tables but in a course of i●pious madness they say Come let us break the bonds of the Lord and His Anointed assunder They have said in their hearts that there is no GOD and as to the Universal decay of Religion it may be now said comparatively There is none that doth good no not one And they act the worst of crimes habitually and with freedome they deny GOD by their works and so live as if they had a new Creed and espoused the Anathema of another Gospel to believe and so live as if GOD had forsaken the Earth Ezek 9. 9. and t●at he Whose Eyes see and his E●e-lids try the Children of Men did indulge and allow them to lick up the Vomit that the Heathen hath cast our and to be much more wicked than their Fathers Follow the most of men even to that peece of Formality which is all their Religion in coming to the Church ye may hear some of them cursing swearing laughing raging as men intoxicat with Mammon and Sensuality Behold them in the Church ●ou shall see them as dull as the seats they sit upon And follow them from the Church ye shall find some of them haunting the Tavern and others wandering and erri●g as if they had not a GOD to fear nor a Soul to save And amongst many as little Religion in their Family as among their Oxen Isa● 1. 3. Is not this then a Lamentation and for a Lamentation Is not the LORDS Wrath to be feared that he will be avenged on such a Nation 〈◊〉 ●bis The World now in the last times is secure as the old world before the Deluge and that which aggravates all ●ew or none lay it to heart § 3. It will not he amiss then modestly to enquire into the Case The Cause and the Cure or Remedy of this sad declension o● the Church § 4. First The Case is both sad and singular against such Grace such Light and such wonderous Demonstration of the Love of GOD to Man to sin against Love Light and Mercy and all the Endearments of Heaven to sin against the Coming of the LORD JESUS His Word His spirit His Blood and Powerful Intercession The sin of the old World had it● own aggravation that it was Epidemick that all flesh had corrupted its way and against the Pathetick Preaching of Noab before the Deluge The sin of the Jews was also very great against the Indulgence and the peculiar Instances of Mercy to that people that GOD in a manner in the ordinary strains of reclaiming people Could not done more Isa 5. 5. and it was their great gratitude that makes the LORD by His Prophet complain That he had nourished and brought up people that had rebelled against Him which is such an amazing transgr●ssion that it ma● be very well with the Prophet expostulated Be astonished O ye Heavens c Isa 1. 2. For my people hath committed two evils they have forsaken Me the Fountain of Living Waters and digged to themselves broken Cisterns that can hold no water And altho GOD did punish them with the Assyrian and Babylonish Rod. after which upon their Repentance H● restored them yet when the cup of their sin came to the brim as that of the Ammonites before them He did with great Indignation destroy that City and People and abandoned them to perpetual Exile Yet after all this there was some hope of Outgate a new dispensation to follow And the Son of GOD came in the flesh to save both Jews and Gentiles But good LORD Where shall the corrupt Christian appear that hath rejected Christ and the Glotious ●eams of His Light For if they escaped not who despised Moses Law Of how much sorer punishment shall the● be accounted werthy who have trampled under foot the blood of the Covenant What can they now forsee but look for a firy Indignation and hav● nothing to stand in the gap against th● wrath of an angry God And if this Gospe● be not a powerful enough engine to cu●● and heal them they cannot expect another nor other Terms nor another He●venly Messenger to come down to sav● them What remains then but Desperation and dismal dread our of that wrath which shall burn in great fervor upo● that Miserable Victim that exposed miscrea● that hath no Sacrifice nor Propitiatory to present but himself to be a miserable Vi●tim to eternal fire and that which make● this Case yet the more sad is the consideration of that inavoidable Judgement that cannot but fall upon such that have slighted the opportunities of Grace and sinned against the whole Series of GODS Love and infinite Mercies § 5. 2ly As to the cause of this sad Case it lyes in the corrupt Nature of Man which tho it may be closed up for a time when the Church is in Vigour yet as a sluse of Water that is restrained for a while to run it comes out with the greater force when it gets any liberty and makes the man like a Brute without Fetters to run at random and so they cast off the tyes of Religion and turn either brutal or devilish and take pleasure to greatifie their Lusts in the Expressions of the Irrascible or Concupiscible appetite and in Regard this Excellent Religion of Christianity Puts a stop to their Carrier If they were not deaf and unreasonable they Reject it while they grow worse and worse and sin without fear and keep thei● Delilahs in their bosom notwithstanding of the dreadful Threatnings of the wrath of GOD So that having their Eves darkned and being alienated from the life of GOD they run to all excess of Riot and work wickedness with greediness in which continuing in the frequency of use they habitually sin against GOD and cannot more change their customs than the Ethtopian can change his hew and beeing thus separated from GOD they are turned into brutal savagness with Nebuchadnezar and so provoke GOD to give them up to a Judicial stroak and leave them 〈◊〉 the GOD of this World to blind their 〈◊〉 least the Light of the Glorious Gospel should Shine upon them 2 Cor. 4. 4. Tha● as their opportunities of Light and Grace were the more ample being under the dispensation of the Blessed Gospel thei● Judgement and dreadful Declension from the way of GOD is the more dreadful and criminal That as St. Peter sayeth it had been better for them not to have known the way of Righteousness than after they had known it to turn from the Holy Commandment And being thus Stricken of GOD they are glad of licentious times and an armless Church that every one may do according to the Imagination of his wicked heart § 6. 3ly We may easily then perceive what will be the proper cure of this And that is that the Gospel of CHRIST and the Oeconomy of His House be received and punctually observ●d for in effect the Gospel of it self is such a
Soul I choise thy Statutes as my Heritage in the Land of my pilgrimage and Thy Salvation as my Inheritance for ever Give me victory over the World by Faith and grant me Peace Patience and Perseverance to the End Amen Sixthly Devotion for Old Age on Saturday O Ancient of Dayes who remains still in that prime of purest Light and Glory look upon me whom Thou hast preserved in all the periods of life in great mercy Visit me in this my groaning stage with Thy Salvation Let all the errors of my Youth and by gone Age be done away that I may have no burden from my former life now support me when old age hath overtaken me Blessed be God that I have escaped sad Accidents and the hurtful effects of any miss-government of my Life Grant I may now be taken up with Heavenly Exercise and contemplations that I may Receive Dimission with Christ not only in my Arms but in my Heart Renew my inner-man day by day that tho my Limbs be weak my Faith Hope and Charity may be strong And grant me a house with Thee 2 Cor. 5. 1. When my Earthly House shall fall I entered into the World with a groan and nature of necessity must groan being Burthened But Lord exhilera●e my Spirit that I may leave the World with great Joy that the day of my Redemption draweth near and may be Refreshed in the Suburbs of Heaven with the Joyful Musick of the Saints that so I may sing in Death and triumph over the Grave through JESUS CHRIST the Prince of life my LORD and life my strength and Redeemer Amen Devotion in order to the Eternal Sabbath On Sunday or the Christians LORDS Day O Lord of Sabbaoth I Bless thee that has brought me out of the toils of the World to rest with thy self Lord take me up to some mou●t to ●ee thy Glory where I may erect a Tabernacle not for Earth but Heaven Quicken me with the Life of CHRIST to seek those things above and if I look back to the World it is not for love to it but to see it's vanity I admire the works of Creation and providence and the portract of the little World to show the praise of GOD But I cannot get words nor thoughts to expatiat tiat on the work of our Redemption by Thy Son Nor capacity to Comprehend the height deepth breadth and length of thy love in him But I desire so love him with all my heart and above all the World I behold him now Rising from a Sea of Blood with the Glory of all his conquest LORD put me in the Spirit on this day to Relish the sweet influences of the Holy Ghost that I may be fitted fo● the Eternal Sabbath where all duties and longing shall be turned into rewards and enjoyments and thy Name be Celebrated with Everlasting wonder Hymns Hallelujahs World without end Amen AND in Regard that Evangelical work of Praise and Singing of Psalms is a special Part of Devotion cease not in thy Pilgrimage and Solitudes to Sing And if you restrict your selves to David's Psalms For your Birth and Child-hood Sing Psalm 51. From the Beginning and the 71. Psalm from Verse 5. For your Youth Psalm 25. And Psalm 109 from Verse 9. For your ●iper Years and your Family the 101 Psalm and Psalm 144 at the End For your Old Age Psalm 71 9 and 18 Verses and if the Church thought fit ye may also make use in your Devotion other Scripture Psalms The Song of Israel on the Banks of the Red-Sea ●he Song of Simeon Zacharias and the Blessed Virgin and the Songs in the 1 5. and 7. Chapters of the Revelation And particularly the Doxologie which hath been of constant use in the Christian Church and is no other but an ascribing of sempeternal Praise to the Ever Blessed Trinity Which tho the Leprous Church of Rome use yet is it Clean to the Pure and it is very sad that it should be controverted in the Militant Church since it will be sung for ever in the Triumphant And since the Mysterious but Salutary Doctrine of the Trinity was contradicted by the Arians in Old and some of that same Gang under another Name of Late there is still occasion for the using of it And to distinguish the Modest and Regular Christian from such as in vade it by Opposition for to commend their Beloved Sect it is not amiss to rise up in token of a more immediat Address and closing with the custom of the Church wherein we should not be contentious And if ●ou please in your Private Devotion to Sing after this manner 1. MY heart is fix'd my ●eart is fix'd now will I sing and praise I 'le praise the Lord with songs unmix'd and still Thy Glorie raise 2. Now Ha●elujah's shall extoll the Lord God of my praise And still in praises Thee enroll and laud and never cease 3. My little Harp is tun'd to laud my Lord my God my Love With Heavenlie Queer Thy Name applaud Thy Glories all approve 4. All Songs below ●ad not the Clief to raise Thee thus in ault They were sincere but not the chief as those which GOD exalt Second Hymne 1. I Wear the Crown Christ still renown I reign and He 's Supream I am extol'd to praise my King and glorie in His Name 2. I am as well as heart can wish m● Soul is all in bless With Joy and Peace Rests and Relish the sweets I now express 3. I see my God my Christ my joy all mysteries are gone Nothing now but Love I know and melodie Divine 4. The Tree of Life ma●tains my life never to die again O Death in time thou art so rife but here thy strength is vain 5. I live I love I much delight I ●raise and never cease I see and fee● with Soul and Sp'ri● I m all in Light and Bless 6 What can I ●ake For I have all my God is here with me And I with him perpetual my Christ and God to see 7. Here without doubt I 'le glorie give to Father Son and Spirit I 'le praise my God and not deprive fr●m his just Right and Merit 8. From the first Minute to Ages all I will ●ssert ●●y Golre In melodies sempiternal to Tri●e Vne evermore Third Hymne 1. O Sp'rit of Light tune now my sp'rit with Heaven fill my heart And give me se●se of that great Light that I may act my part 2. With all the Host and Heav'nlie Queer that never ceass to cry Thrice holie Lord and Thee admire in Peace and Rest and Joy 3 My Soul my Heart my Sp'rit my Powers all joyn to Praise Thy Name My GOD my Life my Hope my Help I 'le praise Thy Mercies Fame 4 Thy Help in need hath made me Glad Thy Grace was still my claim And fresh Supplie hath me releiv'd I magnifie Thy Name 5. I 'le Praise I 'le ●ing I 'le Hope and Joy in Thy great Grace so Good I