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A74686 The nonsuch professor in his Meridian splendor, or the singular actions of sanctified Christians. Laid open in seaven sermons at Allhallows church in the wall, London. / By William Secker preacher of the gospel. Secker, William, d. 1681? 1660 (1660) Wing S2253; Thomason E1750_1; ESTC R209664 179,725 448

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He that promises to cover the sincere souls infirmities threatens to disclose the Hypocrites impieties O remember Judas who purchased nothing by his deceitful dealing but a halter in which his body was hanged and a fire in which his soul was burned that 's the tenth 11. singular thing is to be more afflicted with the Churches heaviness then we are affected with our own happiness When we suffer not from the Enemies of Christ by persecution we should suffer with the friends of Christ by compassion wherefore the King said unto me Why is thy countenance sad seeing thou art not sick Nehemiah 2. 2. Sadness is the fruit of sickness What sad when the Kings cup bearer and wine so neare the third verse informes you the reason why should not my countenance be sad when the City the place of my Fathers Sepulchres lieth wast and the gates thereof are consumed with fire Let not Sions sons be rejoycing whilst their mothers mourning are not her breaches like the Sea and there 's none to heal them though you cannot make up her breaches yet let your hearts break for her breaches Have pitty upon me have Non oportet nos laetari in malis proximorum sed compati Stel. in Luc. 1● 3. pitty upon me O me my friends for the hand of God hath touched me Job 19. 21. It s observed of the Bees that if one be sick the other will lament Christianity strips no man of humanity some observe in Swine that there is a sympathy when one is killed the rest are troubled and shall that be lost amongst men which is found amongst Swine Will you see the Church bleed to death and never ask balm to cure her wounds how can such rejoyce in her standing that do not mourn for her falling Others what they do not feel by sence that they will not feel by Sympathy Nero could be playing when Rome was burning we may Suet. in vit Ner. Thus the killing of the infants was Spectaculum Herodi jucundum quia luctuosum Bap. Ferra. Orat. 5. draw up that charge against many persons Amos 6. 4 6. They lye upon beds of Ivory and stretch themselves upon their Couches and eat the Lambs out of the flock and the Calves out of the midst of the stall that drink wine in bowls and anoint themselves with the chief oyntments but they are not grieved for the affliction of Joseph They can weep for the● dying groanes of a child but not for the dying grones of a Church their love unto their relations transcends their love unto their Religion But he that hath a stock going in the Churches ship cannot but lament at every storme I should be jealous that thats but a silver eye in the head an Ivory tooth in the Mouth a Wooden Leg in the body that is unsensible of its sorrows I will know that the Churches Enimies though they may be Waves to toss her yet they shal never be rocks to split her It s only such fabricks as are bottomed upon the sands that are overturned by the wind he that is a well of water within her to keep her from fainting is a wall of fire about her to keep her from hurting Though he may scoure his plate and his Jewels yer ye will throw such wispes on the dunghills yet Enemies will be found pushing as far as their short hornes are reaching Sion like a bottle may be dipt in the water but she shall never be drownd in the water Many had rather see a Churches Expiration then see a Churches reformation they had rather view her as one thats nullified then view her as one that 's purified they care not how many Tares spring up amongst Gods Wheat When the Churches adversaries make long furrows upon her back we should cast in the seed of tears Saul Saul why persecutest thou me Thus the head cryes out in heaven whilst the Toe is trod upon on earth Jesus Christ though he hath altered his condition yet he hath not altered his affection Death took away his life for us but it did not take away his love from us he that loves to see the face of his Church beautiful eare long will wipe away those bloody teares that run trickling down her cheeks the prise of her redemption is already paid and the Lords will not require that debt again Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem and cry unto her that her warfare is accomplished that her iniquity is pardoned Isa 40. 2. When we see the Church pledgin her beloved in the cup of affliction we should drink to her in the cup of consolation a heavy burden is easile born by the assistance of many shoulders others they are like Galeo that care for none of those things Nay when they should be Sympat hisers with them in their miserie Temerarium judicium est quod ex levi conjecturâ levibusque signis colligitur Stapl. in Dom. 1. post Pent. they are Censurers of them for their misery they judge the golds not good because it s tryed and the grounds is naught because it s plowed It s dangerous smitting them with our tongues whom God hath smitten with his hands Christ himself because he suffered for transgressors was therefore numbred with transgressors What 's this but to give the sharpest Vinegar where we should give the sweetest wine Pour out thine indignation upon them and let thy wrathful anger take hold of them Psal 69. 24. But what 's their sin 26. verse for they persecute them whom thou hast smitten and they talk to the grief of those whom thou hast wounded Sympathy is a debt which we owe to sufferer and creature comforts will fit those seasons no better then a Silver lace would do a Mourning sute a particular loss it s but like the putting of out a candle which brings darkness to a room but a general loss is like the Eclipsing of the Sun which overshadows the whole Hemisphear Pliny tels us of two Goats meeting together on a narrow bridge when the one could not get forward nor the other go backwards the one lay down that the other might go over him How much of men were there in these beasts but how much of beasts are there in some men It s better to be in the humble posture of a mourner then in the proud gesture of a scorner Have mercy upon me O Lord thou Son of David my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil Mat. 15. 22. The childs malady was the parents misery the tortures of the daughter was the torment of the mother as if the one had been possessed till the other was dispossessed The righteous When Alexanders Army was ready to perish with thirst he himself refufed water that was proffered to him with this Heroick Ipeech Nec solus bibere sustineo nec tam ex iguum dividere omnibus possum Quin. Curt. l. ● Sect 5. perish and no man lays it to heart Isa 57. 1. Sympathy with others makes an estate
For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that though he was rich yet for your sakes he became poor that ye through his poverty might be rich 2 Cor. 8. 9. A drop of his blood is worth a sea of ours and yet he died our death that we might live his life and suffered our hell to bring us to his heaven He was conceived in the bowels of his mother that we might be received into the bosom of his Father His love began in his eternal purposes of grace and ends in our eternal possessions of glory Why was the Bread of life an hungry but to feed the hungry with the bread of life why was Rest it self weary but to give the weary rest why did he hang upon the cross in mount Calvary but that we might sit upon the throne in mount Sion His face was covered with spittle that ours might be enamelled with glory Why did this Jonah cast himself into the sea of his fathers wrath but to save the ship of his Church from drowning Christians you are not vessels in which the waters of life are lodged but pipes through which it is to be conveyed If the mountains overflow with moysture the valleys are the richer but if the head be full of ill humors the whole body is the worser Happy are those persons that God will use as besoms to sweep out the dust from his Temple that shall tug at an oar in that boat where Christ and his Church are carried For David after he had served his own Generation by the will of God fell asleep Act. 13. 36. Davids service was not swallowed up in the narrow gulf of self He did not Advertite a●i● um popusi cap●ta atque à ●avid distite quid cor vestrum a pe●ere de●eat M●nd●●u●us fallaci u● o●i●us in●ia●e ●●● 〈◊〉 decet Sibel ubi supra draw al his lines to the ignoble center of his own ends Such birds are bad in the nest but worse when winged to fly abroad He served his own generation not the generation that was before him for they were dead before he was living nor the generation that was behinde him for they were living after he was dead Every gracious spirit is publick though every publick spirit is not gracious God may use the Midwifery of the Egyptians to bring forth the children of the Israelties An Iron key may open a golden treasury and leaden pipes convey pleasant waters I saw a great wonder in heaven a woman cloathed with the sun and the moon was under her feet Rev. 12. 1. Though carnal blessings may be communicated to a man that is spiritual yet spiritual blessings shall not be communicated to a man that is carnal When the Moon is waxing she hath her shut end towards the earth and her open end towards heaven but when the moon is waining she hath her open end towards earth and her shut ends toward heaven They that live most downwards they dye most upwards Meteors whilst they keep above in the firmament yield a glorious lustre but if they decline they fall to the earth and come to nothing If I do not remember thee let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth if I prefer not Jerusalem above my chief joy Psalm 137. 6. Old Ely mourned more for the loss of his Religion then for the loss of his relation his heart was broken before his neck was broken If the Church be lost we cannot be saved if the Church be saved we cannot be lost Augustus Caesar carried such an intire love to his Country that he called it Filiam suam his own daughter therefore refused And this he had with the consent of all Patris patriae cognomen universi repentino maximoque consensu detulerunt ei Suet. p. 101. to be called its Master but would be called its Father because he ruled it non per timorem sed per amorem Not by fear but by love The people at his expiration used this bitter lamentation Vtinam aut non nasceretur aut non moreretur Macrob. O would to God that either he had never lived or else that he had never died The worth of good Rulers is best seen in the want of good Rulers As we see more in the discomposure of a Watch then when its wheels are set together Such whose lives deserve no prayers their deaths deserve no tears A self-seeker he breaths unrespected and he dies unlamented When once a man becomes a God to himself he then becomes a devil to others and cares not who sinks in the sea so he arrive but safe at the shore Those wretches in the Acts rather then a few shrine-makers should lose their gains cared not though a whole City lost their souls It s reported of Agrippina the mother of Nero who being told that if ever her son came to be an Emperor she would find him to be her murderer she answered Peream ego modo ille imperet Let me perish so he may be Emperor There is many such who though they do not utter it with their tongues yet harbour it in their breasts Pereat Religio modo ego imperem Let Religion perish so I may flourish Now therefore let me alone that my wrath may wax hot against them and that I may consume them and I will make of thee a great Nation Exod. 32. 10. But the affection of Moses as a Ruler quencht the affections of Moses as a Father And such was the noble disposition of Joshua that he first divided Canaan into several parts and portions for the Tribes of Israel before any provision was made for his own family Give me such carvers as lay not all the meat upon their own trenchers That 's the fourth 5. Singular thing is to have the beautifullest conversations among the blackest persons A wicked man as he poysons the air in which he breaths so he pollutes the age in which he lives The putrid grape corrupts the Principis mores mirâ vi in populū transsunduntur Stapl. pro. mor. p. 57● sound cluster Joseph by living in the Court of Pharoah had learnt to swear by the life of Pharoah A High Priests hall will instruct a Peter how to disclaim his Master The sweet streams lose their freshness by gliding into the salt seas They which sail amongst such rocks may quickly split their own ships When vice runs in a single stream it s then a passable shallow but when many of these meet together they swell a deeper channel I will put enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed Gen. 3. 15. There must be no harmony where the chief Musician will have a jar It s better to have the enmity of wicked men then it is to have the society of wicked men By the former they are most hateful but by the latter they are most hurtful A good man in bad company is like a green stick amongst dry ones They may sooner kindle him
Pibble with the price of which I can purchase a Jewell That which the bountious hand of God gives for a Pension that the covetous heart of man takes for a Portion These foolish Travellers are so taken with their Inn that they forget their home Well you sow the seeds of industry to reap the Harvest of vanity I confesse God hath not made all the Trees in his Garden forbidden fruit Doe you thinke he would spread a Table before us and bind us up with a touch not tast not handle not Godlinesse will allow us to taste of the world as sawce but not to feed on the world as meat Outward mercies are not so low as to be peremptorily deserted nor so high as to be primarily desired If they be seducements from the Mercy-seat they will be indictments at the Judgement-seat I may say of the earth as the Philosopher said of the City of Athens that it was a City Ad peregrinandum jucunda but ad in habitandum non tuta Pleasant for journying but not safe for dwelling Outward plenty it may be a comfortable Ship for indigence to sail in but a dangerous Rock for confidence to trust in Many so they may have but something of earth in their hands care for nothing of Heaven in their hearts Ah what fools are they that are so diligent about what is temporal and so negligent about what is spiritual so careful about decaying vanities and so sloathful about enduring excellencies When Crates threw his Gold into the Sea he cryed out Ego●perdam te ne tu perdas me I will destroy thee that thou mayst not destroy me If men do not put the love of the world to death the love of the world will put men to death Then thou wilt say as Cardinal Woolsey when he was cast out of his Princes favour and left to his enemies fury If I had served my God as faithfully as I have served my King he would not have left me thus O how many men are there that drops into perdition meerly for a Posy to smell on in their Road to Execution It was a notable speech of Erasmus That he desired wealth and honour no more then a feeble beast desired a heavy burden How are cares bound to crowns anxiety disfigures the face of prosperity and makes it like a Christall glasse blown on by an impure breath that retains little or nothing of its native lustre How far may a man goe before he can see the silver picture of a comely body set into the Golden frame of a gracious soul Work out your salvation with fear and trembling or else you will both fear and tremble for not working out of your salvation Most men are like that silly woman that when her house was on fire so minded the saving of her goods that she left her child rosting in the flames at last being put in remembrance of it she cryes out O my child my child Thus sottish sinners whilest they are scraping for a little substance their soules are consumed in flames and being in Hell they cry out O my soul my soul What got Sisera by his Milk and his Butter when he tasted of the Nail and the Hammer O how curious are men of their Out-wards and how carelesse are they of their In-wards What pains do they take to cover their flesh from nakednesse when their Spirits are not cloathed with the Robes of righteousnesse In a vigorous well complexioned flourishing body there 's a feeble languishing and consuming soul The evil disposition of the latter spoils the good composition of the former For a man to be true to that part that is without him and false to that part that is within him what 's this but as if a Husband-man should gather in his stubble and leave out his corn or as if a Gold-smith should weigh his drosse and disregard his gold Wilt thou trim up the Scabbard and let the Blade of admirable Mettal to gather Rust this is Jacob like to lay the right hand upon the younger and the left hand upon his elder child If there be nothing done by your souls on earth there will be nothing done for your souls in Heaven There 's such an eagernesse in contending for the wealth that 's given to the sons of men that there is no earnestnesse in contending for the faith that 's delivered to the Saints of God Ah what pity is it to see those spirits that came down from Heaven to loose their way up to heaven that ever that should go down to misery that came down from glory That 's the Eighteenth 19. Principle that beleevers should walk by is this That integrity is the best security Dogs that have no teeth may bark but cannot bite and Serpents that have no stings may hiss but they cannot hurt A naked man with innocency is Integer vitae scelerisque purus Non eget Mauri jaculis nec arcu Nec venenatis gravida sagittis fusce pharetrâ c. Hor. lib. 1. Ode 22. better armed then Goliah in brasse and Iron And who is he that will harme you if ye be followers of that which is good 1 Pet. 3. 13. As no flattery can heale a bad conscience so no cruelty can hurt a good conscience As steps in the wayes of righteousness are the most gracious so stripes for the works of righteousnesse are the most glorious A pious Martyr is more renowned then a bloody persecutor Righteousnesse is a brest plate to a man in doing and it 's a Crowne to a man in suffering Our integrity will not secure us Falsa crimina piis objectat et impingit Diabolus eosque suspicione et infamiâ aspergit Abel ubi prius pag 259. from infamy the choicest professors have had black markes in the worlds Calenders but though it do not keep us from being shot yet it will keep us from being hurt The Lord taketh my part with them that help me therefore shall I see my desire upon them that hate me Psal 118. 7. God will either find a hand to hold off suffering or an arme to uphold in suffering Though you be as sheep amongst wolves he will keep you from rending and though you be as Ships amongst waves he will keep you from drowning be not too quick to bury Christus quidem rex ille gloriae magnificum palatium scil Ecclesiam in p●trâ firmissimâ aedificavit et circuit muro divinae protectionis Idem pag. 252. a church before she be dead it 's time enough to dresse your selves in sables when you are invited to her funeralls Consult that saying Isa 43. 3. For I am the Lord thy God the holy one of Israel thy Saviour I gave Aegypt for thy ransome Aethiopia and Seba for thee God will pluck up the tares to preserve the wheat as he ript up the womb of Egypt to secure the fruit of Israel as Constantine impoverished all his Empire to enrich Constantinople Noah was sound alone when the