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A69868 Don Sebastian, King of Portugal a tragedy, acted at the Theatre Royal / written by Mr. Dryden. Dryden, John, 1631-1700. 1690 (1690) Wing D2262; ESTC R16736 85,331 150

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Sebastian Let Dorax be enjoyn'd to bring his head Emperor to the Mufti Go Mufti call him to receive his Orders Exit Mufti I taste thy Counsel her desires new rowz'd And yet unslak'd will kindle in her fancy And make her eager to renew the Feast Bend. aside Dorax I know before will disobey There 's a Foe 's Head well cropt But this hot love precipitates my Plot And brings it to projection ere its time Enter Sebastian and Almeyda hand in hand upon sight of the Emperor they separate and seem disturb'd Almeyda He breaks at unawares upon our Walks And like a mid-night Wolf invades the Fold Make speedy preparation of your Soul And bid it arm apace He comes for answer And brutal mischief sits upon his brow Sebast Not the last sounding cou'd surprize me more That summons drowzy Mortals to their doom When call'd in haste they fumble for their Limbs And tremble unprovided for their charge My sense has been so deeply plung'd in Joys The Soul out-slept her hour and scarce awake Wou'd think too late and cannot But brave Minds At worst can dare their Fate Emperor coming up to them Emp. Have you perform'd Your Embassy and treated with success Sebast I had not time Emp. No not for my Affairs But for your own too much Sebast You talk in Clouds explain your meaning Sir Emp. Explain yours first What meant you hand in hand And when you saw me with a guilty start You loos'd your hold affrighted at my presence Seb. Affrighted Emp. Yes astonish'd and confounded Seb. What mak'st thou of thy self and what of me Art thou some Ghost some Demon or some God That I shou'd stand astonish'd at thy sight If thou cou'dst deem so meanly of my Courage Why didst thou not engage me man for man And try the virtue of that Gorgon Face To stare me into statue Emp. Oh thou art now recover'd but by Heav'n Thou wert amaz'd at first as if surpriz'd At unexpected baseness brought to light For know ungrateful man that Kings like Gods Are every where walk in th' abyss of minds And view the dark recesses of the Soul Seb. Base and ungrateful never was I thought Nor till this turn of fate durst thou have call'd me But since thou boast'st th' omniscience of a God Say in what cranny of Sebastian's Soul Unknown to me so loath'd a Crime is lodg'd Emp. Thou hast not broke my trust repos'd in thee Seb. Impos'd but not receiv'd Take back that falsehood Emp. Thou art not marry'd to Almeyda Seb. Yes Emp. And own'st the usurpation of my Love Seb. I own it in the face of Heav'n and thee No Usurpation but a lawful claim Of which I stand possest Emp. Sh' has chosen well Betwixt a Captive and a Conqueror Almeyda Betwixt a Monster and the best of Men. He was the envy of his neighb'ring Kings For him their sighing Queens despis'd their Lords And Virgin Daughters blush'd when he was nam'd To share his noble Chains is more to me Than all the salvage greatness of thy Throne Seb. Were I to choose again and knew my fate For such a night I wou'd be what I am The Joys I have possest are ever mine Out of thy reach behind Eternity Hid in the sacred treasure of the past But bless'd remembrance bring 's 'em hourly back Emp. Hourly indeed who hast but hours to live O mighty purchase of a boasted bliss To dream of what thou hadst one fugitive night And never shalt have more Seb. Barbarian thou canst part us but a moment We shall be one again in thy despight Life is but air That yields a passage to the whistling Sword And closes when 't is gone Alm. How can we better dye than close embrac'd Sucking each others Souls while we expire Which so transfus'd and mounting both at once The Saints deceiv'd shall by a sweet mistake Hand up thy Soul for mine and mine for thine Emp. No I 'll untwist you I have occasion for your stay on earth Let him mount first and beat upon the Wing And wait an Age for what I here detain Or sicken at immortal Joys above And languish for the Heav'n he left below Alm. Thou wilt not dare to break what Heav'n has joyn'd Emp. Not break the Chain but change a rotten link And rivet one to last Think'st thou I come to argue right and wrong Why lingers Dorax thus Where are my Guards Benducar goes out for the Guards and returns To drag that Slave to death Pointing to Sebast Now storm and rage Call vainly on thy Prophet then defie him For wanting power to save thee Seb. That were to gratifie thy Pride I 'll shew thee How a Man shou'd and how a King dare dye So even that my Soul shall walk with ease Out of its flesh and shut out Life as calmly As it does words without a Sigh to note One struggle in the smooth dissolving frame Almeyda to the Emperor Expect revenge from Heav'n inhuman Wretch Nor hope t' ascend Sebastian's holy Bed Flames Daggers Poysons guard the sacred steps Those are the promis'd Pleasures of my love Emp. And these might fright another but not me Or me if I design'd to give you pleasure I seek my own and while that lasts you live Enter two of the Guards Go bear the Captive to a speedy death And set my Soul at ease Alm. I charge you hold ye Ministers of death Speak my Sebastian Plead for thy life Oh ask it of the Tyrant 'T is no dishonor trust me Love 't is none I wou'd die for thee but I cannot plead My haughty heart disdains it ev'n for thee Still silent Will the King of Portugal Go to his death like a dumb Sacrifice Beg him to save my life in saving thine Seb. Farewel my life 's not worth another word Emp. to the Guards Perform your Orders Alm. Stay take my farewel too Farewel the greatness of Almeyda's Soul Look Tyrant what excess of love can do It pulls me down thus low as to thy feet Kneels to him Nay to embrace thy Knees with loathing hands Which blister when they touch thee Yet ev'n thus Thus far I can to save Sebastian's life Emp. A secret pleasure trickles through my Veins It works about the inlets of my Soul To feel thy touch and pity tempts the pass But the tough metal of my heart resists 'T is warm'd with the soft fire not melted down Alm. A flood of scalding Tears will make it run Spare him Oh spare can you pretend to love And have no pity Love and that are Twins Here will I grow Thus compass you with these supplanting Cords And pull so long till the proud Fabrick falls Emp. Still kneel and still embrace 't is double pleasure So to be hugg'd and see Sebastian dye Alm. Look Tyrant when thou nam'st Sebastian's death Thy very Executioners turn pale Rough as they are and harden'd in the trade Of Death they start at an anointed Head And tremble to approach He hears me
worse condition but give me leave to say that if I can please by writing as I shall endeavour it the Town may be somewhat oblig'd to my misfortunes for a part of their diversion Having been longer acquainted with the Stage than any Poet now living and having observ'd how difficult it was to please that the humours of Comedy were almost spent that Love and Honour the mistaken Topicks of Tragedy were quite worn out that the Theaters cou'd not support their charges that the Audience forsook them that young men without Learning set up for Judges and that they talk'd loudest who understood the least all these discouragements had not only wean'd me from the Stage but had also given me a loathing of it But enough of this the difficulties continue they increase and I am still condemn'd to dig in those exhausted Mines Whatever fault I next commit rest assur'd it shall not be that of too much length Above twelve hunder'd lines have been cut off from this Tragedy since it was first deliver'd to the Actors They were indeed so judiciously lopt by Mr. Betterton to whose care and excellent action I am equally oblig'd that the connexion of the story was not lost but on the other side it was impossible to prevent some part of the action from being precipitated and coming on without that due preparation which is requir'd to all great events as in particular that of raising the Mobile in the beginning of the Fourth Act which a Man of Benducar's cool Character cou'd not naturally attempt without taking all those precautions which he foresaw wou'd be necessary to render his design successful On this consideration I have replac'd those lines through the whole Poem and thereby restor'd it to that clearness of conception and if I may dare to say it that lustre and masculine vigour in which it was first written 'T is obvious to every understanding Reader that the most poetical parts which are Descriptions Images Similitudes and Moral Sentences are those which of necessity were to be par'd away when the body was swoln into too large a bulk for the representation of the Stage But there is a vast difference betwixt a publick entertainment on the Theatre and a private reading in the Closet In the first we are confin'd to time and though we talk not by the hour-glass yet the Watch often drawn out of the pocket warns the Actors that their Audience is weary in the last every Reader is judge of his own convenience he can take up the book and lay it down at his pleasure and find out those beauties of propriety in thought and writing which escap'd him in the tumult and hurry of representing And I dare boldly promise for this Play that in the roughness of the numbers and cadences which I assure was not casual but so design'd you will see somewhat more masterly arising to your view than in most if not any of my former Tragedies There is a more noble daring in the Figures and more suitable to the lostiness of the Subject and besides this some newnesses of English translated from the Beauties of Modern Tongues as well as from the elegancies of the Latin and here and there some old words are sprinkled which for their significance and sound deserv'd not to be antiquated such as we often find in Salust amongst the Roman Authors and in Milton's Paradise amongst ours though perhaps the latter instead of sprinkling has dealt them with too free a hand even sometimes to the obscuring of his sense As for the story or plot of the Tragedy 't is purely fiction for I take it up where the History has laid it down We are assur'd by all Writers of those times that Sebastian a young Prince of great courage and expectation undertook that War partly upon a religious account partly at the sollicitation of Muley-Mahumet who had been driven out of his Dominions by Abdelmelech or as others call him Muley-Moluch his nigh Kinsman who descended from the same Family of the Xeriff's whose Fathers Hamet and Mahomet had conquer'd that Empire with joint Forces and shar'd it betwixt them after their victory That the body of Don Sebastian was never found in the Field of Battel which gave occasion for many to believe that he was not slain that some years after when the Spaniards with a pretended title by force of Arms had Vsurp'd the Crown of Portugal from the House of Braganza a certain Person who call'd himself Don Sebastian and had all the marks of his body and features of his face appear'd at Venice where he was own'd by some of his Country-men but being seiz'd by the Spaniards was first Imprison'd then sent to the Gallies and at last put to Death in private 'T is most certain that the Portugueses expected his return for almost an Age together after that Battel which is at least a proof of their extream love to his Memory and the usage which they had from their new Conquerors might possibly make them so extravagant in their hopes and wishes for their old Master This ground work the History afforded me and I desire no better to build a Play upon it For where the event of a great action is left doubtful there the Poet is left Master He may raise what he pleases on that foundation provided he makes it of a piece and according to the rule of probability From hence I was only oblig'd that Sebastian shou'd return to Portugal no more but at the same time I had him at my own disposal whether to bestow him in Affrick or in any other corner of the World or to have elos'd the Tragedy with his death and the last of these was certainly the most easie but for the same reason the least artful because as I have somewhere said the poyson and the dagger are still at hand to butcher a Heroe when a Poet wants the brains to save him It being therefore only necessary according to the Laws of the Drama that Sebastian shou'd no more be seen vpon the Throne I leave it for the World to judge whether or no I have disposed of him according to art or have bungled up the conclusion of his adventure In the drawing of his character I forgot not piety which any one may observe to be one principal ingredient of it even so far as to be a habit in him though I show him once to be transported from it by the violence of a sudden passion to endeavor a self murther This being presuppos'd that he was Religious the horror of his incest tho innocently committed was the best reason which the Stage cou'd give for hind'ring his return 'T is true I have no right to blast his Memory with such a crime but declaring it to be fiction I desire my Audience to think it no longer true than while they are seeing it represented For that once ended he may be a Saint for ought I know and we have reason to presume he is On
not it was discovered Bend. No The thoughts of Kings are like religious Groves The Walks of muffled Gods Sacred retreat Where none but whom they please t' admit approach Emp. Did not my conscious Eyes flash out a Flame To lighten those brown horrors and disclose The secret path I trod Bend. I cou'd not find it 'till you lent a Clue To that close Labarynth how then shou'd they Emp. I wou'd be loth they shou'd it breeds contempt For Herds to listen or presume to pry When the hurt Lion groans within his Den But is 't not strange Bend. To love not more than 't is to live a Tax Impos'd on all by Nature paid in kind Familiar as our being Emp. Still 't is strange To me I know my Soul as wild as winds That sweep the Desarts of our moving Plains Love might as well be sow'd upon our Sands As in a brest so barren To love an Enemy the only One Remaining too whom yester Sun beheld Must'ring her charms and rolling as she past By every Squadron her alluring eyes To edge her Champions Swords and urge my ruin The shouts of Soldiers and the burst of Cannon Maintain ev'n still a deaf and murm'ring noise Nor is Heav'n yet recover'd of the sound Her Battel rows'd Yet spight of me I love Bend. What then controuls you Her Person is as prostrate as her Party Emp. A thousand things controul this Conqueror My native pride to own th' unworthy passion Hazard of Int'rest and my Peoples love To what a Storm of Fate am I expos'd What if I had her murder'd 't is but what My Subjects all expect and she deserves Wou'd not th' impossibility Of ever ever seeing or possessing Calm all this rage this Hurrican of Soul Bend. That ever ever I mark'd the double shows extream reluctance To part with her for ever Emp. Right thou hast me I wou'd but cannot kill I must enjoy her I must and what I must be sure I will What 's Royalty but pow'r to please my self And if I dare not then am I the Slave And my own Slaves the Sovereigns 't is resolv'd Weak Princes flatter when they want the pow'r To curb their People tender Plants must bend But when a Government is grown to strength Like some old Oak rough with its armed Bark It yields not to the tug but only nods And turns to sullen State Bend. Then you resolve T' implore her pity and to beg relief Emp. Death must I beg the pity of my Slave Must a King beg Yes Love 's a greater King A Tyrant nay a Devil that possesses me He tunes the Organs of my voice and speaks Unknown to me within me pushes me And drives me on by force Say I shou'd wed her wou'd not my wise Subjects Take check and think it strange perhaps revolt Bend. I hope they wou'd not Emp. Then thou doubt'st they wou'd Bend. To whom Emp. To her Perhaps or to my Brother or to Thee Bend. in disorder To me me did you mention how I tremble The name of Treason shakes my honest Soul If I am doubted Sir Secure your self this moment take my life Emp. No more if I suspected thee I wou'd Bend. I thank your kindness Guilt had almost lost me Aside Emp. But clear my doubts think'st thou they may rebel Bend. aside This goes as I wou'd wish to th' Emp. 'T is possible A secret Party still remains that lurks Like Embers rak'd in ashes wanting but A breath to blow aside th'involving dust And then they blaze abroad Emp. They must be trampled out Bend. But first be known Emp. Torture shall force it from ' em Bend. You wou'd not put a Nation to the rack Emp. Yes the whole World so I be safe I care not Bend. Our Limbs and Lives Are yours but mixing Friends with Foes is hard Emp. All may be foes or how to be distinguish'd If some be friends Bend. They may with ease be winnow'd Suppose some one who has deserv'd your trust Some one who knows Mankind shou'd be employ'd To mix among 'em seem a Malcontent And dive into their breasts to try how far They dare oppose your love Emp. I like this well 'T is wholesom wickedness Bend. Whomever he suspects he fastens there And leaves no cranny of his Soul unsearch'd Then like a Bee bag'd with his honey'd venome He brings it to your Hive if such a Man So able and so honest may be found If not my project dyes Emp. By all my hopes thou hast describ'd thy self Thou thou alone art fit to play that Engine Thou only coudst contrive Bend. Sure I cou'd serve you I think I cou'd but here 's the difficulty I 'm so entirely yours That I shou'd scurvily dissemble hate The cheat wou'd be too gross Emp. Art thou a Statesman And canst not be a Hypocrite Impossible Do not distrust thy Vertues Bend. If I must personate this seeming Villain Remember 't is to serve you Emp. No more words Love goads me to Almeyda all affairs Are troublesom but that and yet that most Going Bid Dorax treat Sebastian like a King I had forgot him but this Love marrs all And takes up my whole brest Exit Emperor Bend. to the Emp. Be sure I 'll tell him With all the aggravating Circumstances Alone I can to make him swell at that Command The Tyrant first suspected me Then with a sudden gust he whirld about And trusted me too far Madness of Pow'r Now by his own consent I ruin him For shou'd some feeble Soul for fear or gain Bolt out t' accuse me ev'n the King is cozen'd And thinks he 's in the secret How sweet is Treason when the Traytor 's safe Sees the Mufti and Dorax entring and seeming to confer The Mufti and with him my sullen Dorax That first is mine already 'T was easie work to gain a cov'tous mind Whom rage to loose his Pris'ners had prepar'd Now caught himself He wou'd seduce another I must help him For Church-men though they itch to govern all Are silly woful awkard Politicians They make lame mischief though they mean it well Their Int'rest is not finely drawn and hid But seams are coarsly bungled up and seen Muf. He 'll tell you more Dor. I 've heard enough already To make me loath thy Morals Bend. to Dor. You seem warm The good Man's zeal perhaps has gon too far Dor. Not very far not farther than zeal goes Of course a small days journey short of Treason Muf. By all that 's Holy Treason was not nam'd I spar'd the Emperors broken Vows to save The Slaves from Death though it was cheating Heav'n But I forgave him that Dor. And slighted o'er scornfully The wrongs himself sustain'd in property When his bought Slaves were seiz'd by force no loss Of his consider'd and no cost repaid Mufti Not wholly slighted o'er not absolutely Some modest hints of private wrongs I urg'd Dorax Two thirds of all he said there he began To shew the fulness of his heart
for a Renegade Dorax And thou too little faith to be a Fav'rite Is not the bread thou eat'st the Robe thou wear'st Thy Wealth and Honours all the pure indulgence Of him thou wou'dst destroy And wou'd his Creature nay his Friend betray him Why then no Bond is left on human kind Distrusts debates immortal strifes ensue Children may murder Parents Wives their Husbands All must be Rapine Wars and Desolation When trust and gratitude no longer bind Bend. Well have you argued in your own defence You who have burst asunder all those bonds And turn'd a Rebel to your Native Prince Dorax True I rebell'd but when did I betray Indignities which Man cou'd not support Provok'd my vengeance to this noble Crime But he had strip'd me first of my Command Dismiss'd my Service and absolv'd my Faith And with disdainful Language dar'd my worst I but accepted War which he denounc'd Else had you seen not Dorax but Alonzo With his couch'd Lance against your foremost Moors Perhaps too turn'd the fortune of the day Made Affrick mourn and Portugal triumph Bend. Let me embrace thee Dorax Stand off Sycophant And keep Infection distant Bend. Brave and honest Dorax In spight of thy Temptations Bend. Call 'em Trials They were no more thy faith was held in Balance And nicely weigh'd by jealousie of Pow'r Vast was the trust of such a Royal Charge And our wise Emperour might justly fear Sebastian might be freed and reconcil'd By new Obligements to thy former love Dorax I doubt thee still thy reasons were too strong And driv'n too near the head to be but Artifice And after all I know thou art a Statesman Where truth is rarely found Bend. Behold the Emperour Enter Emp. Seb. and Almeyda Ask him I beg thee to be justify'd If he employ'd me not to foord thy Soul And try the footing whether false or firm Dorax Death to my Eyes I see Sebastian with him Must he be serv'd avoid him if we meet It must be like the crush of Heav'n and Earth T' involve us both in ruin Exit Dorax Bend. 'T was a bare saving game I made with Dorax But better so than lost he cannot hurt me That I precaution'd I must ruin him But now this Love Ay there 's the gath'ring storm The Tyrant must not wed Almeyda no That ruins all the Fabrick I am raising Yet seeming to approve it gave me time And gaining time gains all Benducar goes and waits behind the Emperour The Emperour Sebastian and Almeyda advance to the front of the Stage Guards and Attendants Emp. to Seb. I bad 'em serve you and if they obey not I keep my Lions keen within their Dens To stop their maws with disobedient Slaves Seb. If I had Conquer'd They cou'd not have with more observance waited Their eyes hands feet Are all so quick they seem t' have but one motion To catch my flying words Onely the Alcayde Shuns me and with a grim Civility Bows and declines my Walks Emp. A Renegade I know not more of him but that he 's brave And hates your Christian Sect. If you can frame A farther wish give wing to your desires And name the thing you want Sebast My Liberty For were ev'n Paradise it self my Prison Still I shou'd long to leap the Chrystal walls Emp. Sure our two Souls have somewhere been acquainted In former beings or struck out together One spark to Africk flew and one to Portugal Expect a quick deliverance turning to Alm here 's a third Of kindred Soul to both pity our Stars Have made us Foes I shou'd not wish her death Almeyda I ask no pity if I thought my Soul Of kin to thine soon wou'd I rend my heart-strings And tear out that Alliance but thou Viper Hast cancell'd kindred made a rent in Nature And through her holy bowels gnaw'd thy way Through thy own Bloud to Empire Emper. This again And yet she lives and only lives t' upbraid me Sebast What honour is there in a Womans death Wrong'd as she says but helpless to revenge Strong in her Passion impotent of Reason Too weak to hurt too fair to be destroy'd Mark her Majestick Fabrick She 's a Temple Sacred by birth and built by Hands Divine Her Soul's the Deity that lodges there Nor is the Pile unworthy of the God Emp. She 's all that thou canst say or I can think But the perversness of her clam'rous Tongue Strikes Pity deaf Seb. Then onely hear her Eyes Though they are mute they plead nay more command For beauteous Eyes have Arbitrary Power All Females have prerogative of Sex The She s ev'n of the salvage herd are safe And when they snarl or bite have no return But Courtship from the Male. Emp. Were She not She and I not Muley-Moluch She 's Mistress of unevitable Charms For all but me nor am I so exempt But that I know not what I was to say But I am too obnoxious to my Friends And sway'd by your Advice Sebast Sir I advis'd not By Heav'n I never counsell'd Love but Pity Emp. By Heav'n thou didst deny it not thou didst For what was all that Prodigality Of praise but to onflame me Sebast Sir Emp. No more Thou hast convinc'd me that she 's worth my Love Seb. Was ever Man so ruin'd by himself Aside Almeyda Thy Love that odious Mouth was never fram'd To speak a word so soft Name Death again for that thou canst pronounce With horrid grace becoming of a Tyrant Love is for human hearts and not for thine Where the brute Beast extinguishes the Man Emper. Such if I were yet rugged Lions love And grapple and compel their savage Dames Mark my Sebastian how that sullen frown She frowns Like flashing Lightning opens angry Heaven And while it kills delights But yet insult not Too soon proud Beauty I confess no love Seb. No Sir I said so and I witness for you Not love but noble pity mov'd your mind Int'rest might urge you too to save her life For those who wish her party lost might murmur At shedding Royal Blood Emp. Right thou instruct'st me Int'rest of State requires not Death but Marriage T'unite the jarring Titles of our Line Seb. Let me be dumb for ever all I plead Aside Like Wild-fire thrown against the Wind returns With double force to burn me Emp. Cou'd I but bend to make my beauteous Foe The Partner of my Throne and of my Bed Almeyda Still thou dissemblest but I read thy heart And know the power of my own Charms thou lov'st And I am pleas'd for my revenge thou dost Emp. And thou hast cause Alm. I have for I have pow'r to make thee wretched Be sure I will and yet despair of freedom Emp. Well then I love And 't is below my greatness to disown it Love thee implacably yet hate thee too Wou'd hunt thee bare-foot in the mid-day Sun Through the parch'd Desarts and the scorching Sands T' enjoy thy Love and once enjoy'd to kill thee Alm. 'T is
a false Courage when thou threat'nest me Thou canst not stir a hand to touch my Life Do not I see thee tremble while thou speak'st Lay by the Lions Hide vain Conqueror And take the Distaff for thy Soul 's my Slave Emp. Confusion How thou viewest my very Heart I cou'd as soon Stop a Spring-tide blown in with my bare hand As this impetuous Love Yes I will wed thee In spight of thee and of my self I will Alm. For what To people Affric with new Monsters Which that unnatural mixture must produce No were we joyn'd e'vn tho it were in death Our Bodies burning in one Funeral Pile The Prodigy of Thebes wou'd be renew'd And my divided flame shou'd break from thine Emp. Serpent I will engender Poyson with thee Joyn Hate with Hate add Venom to the birth Our Off-spring like the seed of Dragons Teeth Shall issue arm'd and fight themselves to death Alm. I 'm calm again thou canst not marry me Emp. As gleams of Sun-shine soften storms to show'rs So if you smile the loudness of my rage In gentle Whispers shall return but this That nothing can divert my Love but Death Alm. See how thou art deceiv'd I am a Christian 'T is true unpractis'd in my new Belief Wrongs I resent nor pardon yet with ease Those Fruits come late and are of slow increase In haughty Hearts like mine Now tell thy self If this one word destroy not thy designs Thy Law permits thee not to marry me Emp. 'T is but a specious Tale to blast my hopes And baffle my pretensions Speak Sebastian And as a King speak true Sebast Then thus adjur'd On a King's word 't is truth but truth ill tim'd For her dear Life is now expos'd anew Unless you wholly can put on Divinity And graciously forgive Alm. Now learn by this The little value I have left for life And trouble me no more Emp. I thank thee Woman Thou hast restor'd me to my native Rage And I will seize my happiness by force Sebast Know Muley-Moluch when thou dar'st attempt Emp. Beware I wou'd not be provok'd to use A Conqueror's right and therefore charge thy silence If thou wou'dst merit to be thought my Friend I leave thee to perswade her to compliance If not there 's a new gust in Ravishment Which I have never try'd Bend. They must be watch'd aside For something I observ'd creates a doubt Exeunt Emperour and Benducar Seb. I 've been too tame have basely born my Wrongs And not exerted all the King within me I heard him O sweet Heavens he threat'ned Rape Nay insolently urg'd me to perswade thee Ev'n thee thou Idol of my Soul and Eyes For whom I suffer Life and drag this being Alm. You turn my Prison to a Paradise But I have turn'd your Empire to a Prison In all your Wars good fortune flew before you Sublime you sate in Triumph on her Wheel Till in my fatal Cause your Sword was drawn The weight of my misfortunes drag'd you down Seb. And is' t not strange that Heav'n shou'd bless my Arms In common Causes and desert the best Now in your greatest last extremity When I wou'd ayd you most and most desire it I bring but Sighs the succors of a Slave Alm. Leave then the luggage of your fate behind To make your flight more easie leave Almeyda Nor think me left a base ignoble Prey Expos'd to this inhuman Tyrant's lust My Virtue is a guard beyond my strength And Death my last defence within my call Seb. Death may be call'd in vain and cannot come Tyrants can tye him up from your relief Nor has a Christian privilege to dye Alas thou art too young in thy new Faith Brutus and Cato might discharge their Souls And give 'em Furlo's for another World But we like Centry's are oblig'd to stand In starless Nights and wait the pointed hour Alm. If shunning ill be good then Death is good To those who cannot shun it but by Death Divines but peep on undiscover'd Worlds And draw the distant Landshape as they please But who has e'er return'd from those bright Regions To tell their Manners and relate their Laws I 'll venture landing on that happy shoar With an unsully'd Body and white Mind If I have err'd some kind Inhabitant Will pity a stray'd Soul and take me home Seb. Beware of Death thou canst not dye unperjur'd And leave an unaccomplish'd Love behind Thy Vows are mine nor will I quit my claim The tye of Minds are but imperfect Bonds Unless the Bodies joyn to seal the Contract Alm. What Joys can you possess or can I give Where groans of Death succeed the sighs of Love Our Hymen has not on his Saffron Robe But muffled up in Mourning downward holds His dropping Torch extinguish'd with his Tears Seb. The God of Love stands ready to revive it With his etherial breath Alm. 'T is late to joyn when we must part so soon Seb. Nay rather let us haste it ere we part Our Souls for want of that acquaintance here May wander in the starry Walks above And forc'd on worse Companions miss our selves Alm. The Tyrant will not long be absent hence And soon I shall be ravish'd from your arms Seb. Wilt thou thy self become the greater Tyrant And give not Love while thou hast Love to give In dang'rous days when Riches are a Crime The wise betimes make over their Estates Make oer thy Honour by a deed of trust And give me seizure of the mighty wealth Alm. What shall I do O teach me to refuse I wou'd and yet I tremble at the grant For dire presages fright my Soul by day And boding Visions haunt my Nightly Dreams Sometimes methinks I hear the groans of Ghosts Thin hollow sounds and lamentable screams Then like a dying Eccho from afar My Mothers Voice that cries Wed not Almeyda Forewarn'd Almeyda Marriage is thy Crime Seb. Some envious Demon to delude our joys Love is not Sin but where 't is sinful Love Alm. Mine is a flame so holy and so clear That the white taper leaves no soot behind No smoak of Lust but chast as Sister's love When coldly they return a Brothers kiss Without the zeal that meets at lovers mouths Seb. Laugh then at fond presages I had some Fam'd Nostradamus when he took my Horoscope Foretold my Father I shou'd wed with Incest Ere this unhappy War my Mother dy'd And Sisters I had none vain Augury A long Religious Life a Holy Age My Stars assign'd me too impossible For how can Incest suit with Holiness Or Priestly Orders with a Princely State Alm. Old venerable Alvarez sighing Seb. But why that sigh in naming that good Man Alm. Your Fathers Counsellor and Confident Seb. He was and if he lives my second Father Alm. Mark'd our farewel when going to the sight You gave Almeyda for the word of Battel 'T was in that fatal Moment he discover'd The Love that long we labour'd to conceal I know it though my eyes
stood full of tears Yet through the mist I saw him stedfast gaze Then knock'd his Aged breast and inward groan'd Like some sad Prophet that foresaw the doom Of those whom best he lov'd and cou'd not save Seb. It startles me and brings to my remembrance That when the shock of Battel was begun He wou'd have much complain'd but had not time Of our hid passion then with lifted hands He beg'd me by my Fathers Sacred Soul Not to espouse you if he dy'd in fight For if he liv'd and we were Conquerors He had such things to urge against our Marriage As now declar'd wou'd blunt my sword in Battel And dastardize my Courage Alm. My blood cruddles And cakes about my heart Seb. I 'll breath a sigh so warm into thy bosom Shall make it flow again My Love he knows not Thou art a Christian that produc'd his fear Lest thou shoud'st sooth my Soul with charms so strong That Heav'n might prove too weak Alm. There must be more This cou'd not blunt your Sword Seb. Yes if I drew it with a curst intent To take a Misbeliever to my Bed It must be so Alm. Yet Seb. No thou shalt not plead With that fair mouth against the Cause of Love Within this Castle is a Captive Priest My Holy Confessor whose free access Not ev'n the barb'rous Victors have refus'd This happy hour his hands shall make us one Alm. I go with Love and Fortune two blind Guides To lead my way half loth and half consenting If as my Soul fore-bodes some dire event Pursue this Union or some Crime unknown Forgive me Heav'n and all ye Blest above Excuse the frailty of unbounded Love Exeunt Ambo Scene 2. Suppos'd a Garden with Lodging Rooms behind it or on the sides Enter Mufti Antonio as a Slave and Johayma the Mufti 's Wife Mufti ANd how do you like him look upon him well he 's a personable Fellow of a Christian Dog Now I think you are fitted for a Gardiner Ha what say'st thou Johayma Johayma He may make a shift to sow lettice raise Melons and water a Garden plat But otherwise a very filthy Fellow how odiously he smells of his Country garlike fugh how he stinks of Spain Mufti Why honey-bird I bought him a purpose for thee didst not thou say thou long'dst for a Christian Slave Joh. Ah but the sight of that loathsom creature has almost cur'd me And how can I tell that he 's a Christian and he were well search'd he may prove a Jew for ought I know And besides I have always long'd for an Eunuch for they say that 's a Civil Creature and almost as harmless as your self Husband speak fellow are not you such a kind of peaceable thing Ant. I was never taken for one in my own Country and not very peaceable neither when I am well provok'd Mufti To your Occupation Dog bind up the Jessamines in yond Arbor and handle your pruning knife with dexterity tightly I say go tightly to your business you have cost me much and must earn it in your work here 's plentiful provision for you rascal sallating in the Garden and water in the tanck and on Holydays the licking of a platter of Rice when you deserve it Joh. What have you been bred up to Sirrah and what can you perform to recommend you to my service Antonio making legs Why Madam I can perform as much as any Man in a fair Ladies Service I can play upon the Flute and Sing I can carry your Umbrella and fan your Ladyship and cool you when you are too hot in fine no Service either by day or by night shall come amiss to me and besides am of so quick an apprehension that you need but wink upon me at any time to make me understand my duty She winks at him Anton. Very fine she has tipt the wink already Aside Joh. The Whelp may come to something in time when I have enter'd him into his business Muf. A very malapert Cur I can tell him that I do not like his fawning you must be taught your distance Sirrah Strikes him Joh. Hold hold He ha's deserv'd it I confess but for once let his ignorance plead his pardon we must not discourage a beginner Your Reverence has taught us Charity ev'n to Birds and Beasts here you filthy brute you take this little Alms to buy you plaisters gives him a piece of money Ant. Money and a Love pinch in the inside of my palm into the bargain Aside Enter a Servant Sir my Lord Benducar is coming to wait on you and is already at the Palace Gate Muf. Come in Johayma regulate the rest of my Wives and Concubines and leave the Fellow to his work Joh. Look how stupidly he stares about him like a Calf new come into the World I shall teach you Sirrah to know your business a little better this way you awkard rascal here lyes the Arbour must I be showing you eternally turning him about Muf. Come away Minion you shall show him nothing Joh. I 'll but bring him into the Arbor where a Rose-tree and a Myrtle are just falling for want of a prop if they were bound together they wou'd help to keep up one another He 's a raw Gardiner and 't is but Charity to teach him Muf. No more deeds of Charity to day come in or I shall think you a little better dispos'd than I cou'd wish you Joh. Well go before I will follow my Pastor Muf. So you may cast a sheeps eye behind you In before me And you sawciness mind your pruning knife or I may chance to use it for you Exeunt Mufti and Johayma Ant. alone Thank you for that but I am in no such hast to be made a Musulman For his Wedlock with all her haughtiness I find her coming How far a Christian shou'd resist I partly know but how far a lewd young Christian can resist is another question She 's tolerable and I am a poor Stranger far from better Friends and in a bodily necessity Now have I a strange temptation to try what other Females are belonging to this Family I am not far from the Womens apartment I am sure and if these Birds are within distance here 's that will chuckle 'em together pulls out his Flute If there be variety of Moors flesh in this Holy Market 't were madness to lay out all my money upon the first bargain He plays A Grate opens and Morayma the Mufti 's Daughter appears at it Anton. Ay there 's an Apparition This is a Morsel worthy of a Mufti this is the relishing bit in secret this is the Mystery of his Alcoran that must be reserv'd from the knowledg of the profane Vulgar This is his Holyday Devotion see she beckons too She beckons to him Morayma Come a little nearer and speak softly Ant. I come I come I warrant thee the least twinckle had brought me to thee such another kind syllable or two wou'd turn me
me more by barely naming him Than all thy foul unmanner'd scurril taunts Dorax And therefore 't was to gaul thee that I nam'd him That thing that nothing but a cringe and smile That Woman but more dawb'd or if a man Corrupted to a Woman thy Man Mistress Sebast All false as Hell or thou Dorax Yes full as false As that I serv'd thee fifteen hard Campaignes And pitch'd thy Standard in these Forreign Fields By me thy greatness grew thy years grew with it But thy Ingratitude outgrew 'em both Sebast I see to what thou tend'st but tell me first If those great Acts were done alone for me If love produc'd not some and pride the rest Dorax Why Love does all that 's noble here below But all th' advantage of that love was thine For coming fraughted back in either hand With Palm and Olive Victory and Peace I was indeed prepar'd to ask my own For Violante's vows were mine before Thy malice had prevention ere I spoke And ask'd me Violante for Enriquez Seb. I meant thee a reward of greater worth Dor. Where justice wanted could reward be hop'd Could the robb'd Passenger expect a bounty From those rapacious hands who stript him first Seb. He had my promise e're I knew thy love Dor. My Services deserv'd thou should'st revoke it Seb. Thy Insolence had cancell'd all thy Service To violate my Laws even in my Court Sacred to peace and safe from all affronts E'ven to my face as done in my despight Under the wing of awfull Majesty To strike the man I lov'd Dor. Even in the face of Heaven a place more Sacred Would I have struck the man who propt by power Would Seize my right and rob me of my Love But for a blow provok'd by thy Injustice The hasty product of a just despair When he refus'd to meet me in the field That thou shoud'st make a Cowards Cause thy own Seb. He durst nay more desir'd and begg'd with tears To meet thy Challenge fairly 't was thy fault ●o make it publique but my duty then To interpose on pain of my displeasure Betwixt your Swords Dor. On pain of Infamy He should have disobey'd Seb. Th' Indignity thou didst was ment to me Thy gloomy eyes were cast on me with scorn As who should say the blow was there intended But that thou didst not dare to lift thy hands Against Annointed power so was I forc'd To do a Soveraign justice to my self And spurn thee from my presence Dor. Thou hast dar'd To tell me what I durst not tell my self I durst not think that I was spurn'd and live And live to hear it boasted to my face All my long Avarice of honour lost Heap'd up in Youth and hoarded up for Age Has honours Fountain then suck'd back the stream He has and hooting Boys may dry shod pass And gather pebbles from the naked Foord Give me my Love my Honour give 'em back Give me revenge while I have breath to ask it Seb. Now by this honour'd Order which I wear More gladly would I give than thou dar'st ask it Nor shall the Sacred Character of King Be urg'd to shield me from thy bold appeal If I have injur'd thee that makes us equall The wrong if done debas'd me down to thee But thou hast charg'd me with Ingratitude Hast thou not charg'd me speak Dor. Thou know'st I have If thou disown'st that Imputation draw And prove my Charge a lye Seb. No to disprove that lye I must not draw Be conscious to thy worth and tell thy Soul What thou hast done this day in my defence To fight thee after this what were it else Than owning that Ingratitude thou urgest That Isthmus stands betwixt two rushing Seas Which mounting view each other from afar And strive in vain to meet Dor. I 'le cut that Isthmus Thou know'st I meant not to preserve thy Life But to reprieve it for my own revenge I sav'd thee out of honourable malice Now draw I should be loath to think thou dar'st not Beware of such another vile excuse Seb. O patience Heaven Dor. Beware of Patience too That 's a Suspicious word it had been proper Before thy foot had spurn'd me now 't is base Yet to disarm thee of thy last defence I have thy Oath for my security The only boon I begg'd was this fair Combat Fight or be Perjur'd now that 's all thy choice Sebas drawing Now I can thank thee as thou wouldst be thank'd Never was vow of honour better pay'd If my true Sword but hold than this shall be The sprightly Bridegroom on his Wedding Night More gladly enters not the lists of Love Why 't is enjoyment to be summon'd thus Go bear my Message to Henriquez Ghost And say his Master and his Friend reveng'd him Dor. His Ghost then is my hated Rivall dead Seb. The question is beside our present purpose Thou seest me ready we delay too long Dor. A minute is not much in eithers Life When their 's but one betwixt us throw it in And give it him of us who is to fall Sebast He 's dead make hast and thou mayst yet o're take him Dor. When I was hasty thou delay'st me longer I prethee let me hedge one moment more Into thy promise for thy life preserv'd Be kind and tell me how that Rivall dy'd Whose Death next thine I wish'd Seb. If it would please thee thou should'st never know But thou like Jealousy enquir'st a truth Which found will torture thee He dy'd in Fight Fought next my person as in Consort fought Kept pace for pace and blow for every blow Save when he heav'd his Shield in my defence And on his naked side receiv'd my wound Then when he could no more he fell at once But rowl'd his falling body cross their way And made a Bulwark of it for his Prince Dor. I never can forgive him such a death Seb. I prophecy'd thy proud Soul could not bear it Now judge thy self who best deserv'd my Love I knew you both and durst I say as Heaven Foreknew among the shining Angell host Who would stand firm who fall Dor. Had he been tempted so so had he fall'n And so had I been favour'd had I stood Seb. What had been is unknown what is appears Confess he justly was preferr'd to thee Dor. Had I been born with his indulgent Stars My fortune had been his and his been mine O worse than Hell what Glory have I lost And what has he acquir'd by such a death I should have fallen by Sebastians side My Corps had been the Bulwark of my King His glorious end was a patch'd work of fate Ill sorted with a soft effeminate life It suited better with my life than his So to have dy'd mine had been of a peice Spent in your service dying at your feet Seb. The more effeminate and soft his life The more his fame to struggle to the field And meet his glorious fate Confess proud Spirit For I will have it from