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A53606 Ovid's epistles translated by several hands.; Heroides. English Ovid, 43 B.C.-17 or 18 A.D.; Dryden, John, 1631-1700. 1680 (1680) Wing O659; ESTC R6089 82,305 296

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can write How er'e I 'le try With Ceremony gay Just at the fall of Night and rise of Day The wicked Sisters were in triumph led And I among 'em to the Nuptial Bed The Marriage Lights as funeral Lamps appear And threatning Omens met us every where Hymen they call Hymen neglects their Cryes Nay Iuno too from her own Argos flyes Now come the Bridegrooms high with wine to find Something with us more lov'd than Wine behind ●ull of impatient Love careless and brave ●hey seize the Bed not seeing there a Grave What follow'd shame forbids me to express ●ut who so ignorant as not to guess ●ow their tyr'd Senses they to sleep commit ● sleep as still as Death ah too like it ●●was then methought I heard their groans that dyed ●las 't was more than thought I terrified ●ay trembling cold and without power to move 〈◊〉 that dear Bed which you had made me love While you in the soft Bonds of Sleep lay fast Charm●d with the joys of love then newly past Fearing to disobey I rise at last Witness sweet heavens how tender was the strife Betwixt the name of Daughter and a Wife Thrice o're your breast which did so lately joyn In such an Extasie of love to mine I rais'd the pointed Steel to pierce that part But ah th' attempt strook nearer my own heart My Soul divided thus these words among A thousand sighs fell softly from my tongue ' Dost thou not heed a Fathers awful will ' Dost thou not fear his power On then and kill ' How can I kill when I consider who ' Can I think death against a Lover too ' What has my Sex with Blood and Arms to do ' Fye thou art now by Love to Shame betray'd ' Thy Sister-Brides by this have all obey'd ' With Shame their Courage and their Duty see ' If not a Daughter yet a Sister be ' No I will never strike If one must dye ' Linus shall live and my death his supply ' What has he done or I what greater ill ' For him to dye and I much worse to kill ' Were he as guilty as my Father wou'd ' Present him why must I be stain'd with bloud ' Poinards and Swords ill with my Sex agree ' Soft Looks and Sighs of Love our weapons be As I lamented thus the tears apace Dropt from my pitying eyes on thy lov'd face While you with kind amorous Dreams possest Threw carelesly your dear arm o're my breast There thinking to repeat Joys lately known Your hand upon my Sword was almost thrown 'T was time to call nor longer I forbore Dreading the Days approach my Fathers more Wake Linus wake I cry'd O quickly wake Or sleep for ever here Th' alarm you take Start up ask twenty questions in one breath To all I answer thus Delay is death Fly while 't is dark and scape eternal night While it was dark you made a happy flight I stay'd to meet the terrors of the Light With day my Father comes the dead to view And finds the dismal Sum one short by you Enrag'd to see his treachery betray'd By his command I 'me thus in Fetters laid Is this reward due to my Love from Fate Ah wretched flame Passion unfortunate Since Iö suffer'd under Iuno's Rage Nothing that Rival'd Goddess can asswage Th' unhappy Mistress of the mighty Iove Chang'd to a Cow a form un●pt for Love Views in her Fathers streams her heads array Sees her own horns and frighted starts away When she wou'd speak she lows and equal ●ears From her own self surprize her eyes and ears In vain to loose the frightful shape she tries For Iö follows still where Iö flies In vain she wanders over Lands and S●as Can she find Cure whose self is the Disease Sadly severe the change in her appear'd Whose Beauty Iove and lov'd and Iuno fear'd Grass and the Springs her food and drink supply Her only Lodging 's the unsheltring Sky What need I urge Antiquity my fate Is a fresh instance of the Goddess hate A double stock of Tears by me are spilt Both for my Brothers death and Sis●ers guilt Yet as if that were small these Chains arrive 'Cause I alone am guiltless you alive But my dear Lord if any thought you have Or of the Love or of the life I gave If any memory with you does last Or of the Pleasures or the Dangers past Now Linus now some help to her afford Who wants the Liberty she gave her Lord. If life forsake me e're I you can see And death before my Linus set me free Yet my unhappy Earth from hence remove And give those Obsequies are due to Love When I 'me inter'd I know some tears will fall Then let this little Epitaph be all Here lies a Love Compleat tho hapless wife Who catch't the Death aim'd at her husbands life Here I must rest my hand tho much remains 'T is quite disabled with the weight of Chains ARIADNE TO THESEUS The ARGUMENT Minos King of Creet by a sharp Warr compell'd the Athenians who had treacherously slain his Son Androgeos to send yearly seaven young men and as many Virgins to be devour'd by the Minotaure a Monster begotten by a Bull upon his wife Pasiphae while he was engaged in that Warr. The Chance at last fell up on Theseus to be sent among those youths who by the Instructions of Ariadne escaped out of the Labyrinth after he had kill'd the Minotaure and together with her fled to the Isle of Naxos But being commanded by Bacchus he forsook her while she slept When she awaked and found herself deserted she writes this Letter THan savage Beasts more fierce more to be feard Expos'd by Thee by Them I yet am spar'd These Lines from that unhappy Shore I write Where you forsook me in your faithless flight And the most tender Lover did betray While lock'd in sleep and in your Arms she lay When Morning-dew on all the Fields did fall And Birds with early Songs for day did call Then I half sleeping stretch'd me tow'rds your place And sought to press you with a new embrace Oft sought to press you close but still in vain My folding Arms came empty back again Startled I rose and found that you were gone Then on my widow'd Bed fell raging down Beat the fond Breast where spight of me you dwell And tore that hair wh●ch you once lik'd so well ●y the Moons light I the wide Shore did view 〈◊〉 ●ll was Desart and no sight of you Then every way with Loves mad hast I fly But ill my feet with my desires comply Weary they sink in the deep yielding Sands Refusing to obey such wild Commands To all the shore of Theseus I complain The Hills and Rocks send back that Name again Oft they repeat aloud the mournful noise And kindly aid a hoarse and dying voice Tho faint yet still impatient next I try To climb a rough steep Mountain which was nigh My
Triumphs pay My Heart to Grief my Love to Rage gives way Shall I deck Temples and make Altars shine For that false man that lives but lives not mine I never was secure 'T was my long dread You by your Fathers choice a Greek might wed To no Greek Bride t'an unexpected Foe My wounds I t' a Barbarian Harlot owe One who by Spells Herbs does hearts surprize Nor are her slaves the Trophies of her Eyes She from her course the strugling Moon would hold The Sun himself in Magick shades infold She curbs the Waves and stops the rapid Floods And from their seats removes whole Rocks and Woods With her dishevell'd Hair the wandring Hag Does half-burnt Bones from their warm Ashes drag In moulten wax tho' absent kills by Art Arm'd with her Needle goar 's a tortur'd Heart Nay what Desert and Form should only move By Philters she secures her Iasons Love How can you doat on such Infernal Charms And sleep securely in a Syrens Arms You as the Bulls she does to ' her Yoke subdue And as she tam'd the Dragons Conquers you Though your great Deeds and no less Race you boast Linkt to that Fiend your sullied Fame is lost Nay by the censuring World 't is justly thought Your Conquests by her Sorceries were wrought And the Phryxean Ram's Triumphant Oar They say not Iason but Medea bore This Northren Bride your Parents disapprove Consult your Duty in your Nobler Love Let some wild Scythian her loath'd bed possess A Mistress only fit for Savages Iason more false more changeable than wind Have Vows no weight and Oaths no pow'r to bind Mine you departed ah return mine too Let my kind Arms their long lost Scenes renew If high Birth and great Names your Heart can turn Know I 'm the Royal Thoas Daughter born Bacchus my Grandsire is whose Bride divine All lesser Constellations does out shine My Dow'r These and my Fertil Lemnos make All these and me thy Equal Title take Nay I 'me a Mother a kind Father be And soften all the pains I 've born for thee Yes Heaven with Twins has blest our Genial Bed And would you in their Looks their Father read His treacherous smiles they are too young to wear In all things else you 'l find your picture there I 'had sent those Envoys in these Letters stead Both for their own and Mothers wrongs to plead Had not their Stepdames Murders bid e'm stay Too dear a Treasure for that Monsters prey Would her deaf Rage that rent her Brother's Bones Spare my young blood or hear their tenderer Groans Yet in your Arms this dearer Traitress lies Above my truth you this false Poysoner prize This mean Adultrate wretch was basely kind Loves Sacred Lamp our chast embraces ioyn'd Her Father she betray'd mine lives by me I Lemnos Pride she Colchos Infamy And thus her guilt my Piety outvies Whilst with her Crimes her Dow'r your Heart she buyes False man I blame not wonder at the Rage O' th' Lemnian Dames Wrongs do all Arms engage Suppose in vengeance to your Guilt just Heav'n Had on my Shore the perjur'd Iason driven Whilst I with my young Twins to meet you came And made you call on Rocks to hide your shame How could you look upon my Sons and Me Traytor what Pains what Death too bad for Thee Perhaps indeed I Iason had not hurt But 't is my mercy more than his Desert The Harlots blood had sprinkled all the Place Dash't in your faithless and once charming Face I to Medea should Medea prove And if Iove hears the pray'rs of injur'd Love May that loath'd Hag that has my Bed enjoy'd Be by my Fate and her own Arts destroy'd Like Me a Mother and a Wife forlorn 〈◊〉 from her Ravish't Lord and Children torn May her ill gotten Trophies never last But round the World be th' hunted Monster chac'd Those Dooms her Sire and murder'd Brother met May she t' her Husband and her Sons repeat Driv'n from the World let her attempt the skies Till in Despair by her own hand she dies Thus wrong'd Thoantias prays your Lives curst Remnant lead An Execrable Pair in a Detested Bed MEDEA TO JASON BY M r. TATE The ARGUMENT Jason arrives with his Companions at Cho'chos where the Golden Fleece was kept which before he can obtain he is to undertake several Adventures first to yoke the Wild Bulls then to sow the Serpents Teeth from whence should instantly rise an Army with which he must encounter and lastly to make his passage by the Dragon that never slept In order to this he solicits Medea Daughter to the King and skilful in Charms by whose assistance on Promise of Love he gains the Prize Then flies with her the King pursues them Medea kills her little Brother scatters his Limbs and whilst the King stays to gather them up escapes with her Lover into Thessaly where she restores decrepit Aeson to his Youth On the same promise perswades Pelias his Daughters to let out their Fathers Blood but deceitfully leaves them Guilty of Parricide For this and other Crimes Jason casts her off Marries Crëusa Daughter to Creon King of Corinth on which the enrag'd Medea according to the various Transports of her Passion writes this complaining soothing and menacing Epistle YEt I found leisure though a Queen to free By Magick Arts thy Grecian Friends Thee The Fates shou'd then have finisht with my Reign The Life that since was one continued Pain Who wou'd have dreamt the Youth of distant Greece Shou'd e're have sail'd to seize the Phrygian Fleece That th' Argo shou'd in View of Cholchos Ride A Greecian Army stem the Phasian Tide Why were those snares thy Locks so tempting made A Tongue so False so pow'rful to perswade No doubt but He that had so rashly sought Our Shore with the fierce Bulls unspell'd had fought And fondly too th' Arms-bearing Seed had sown 'Till by the Crop the Tiller were orethrown How many Frauds had then expir'd with Thee As many killing griefs remov'd from me 'T is some Relief when ill returns are made With Favours done th' Ingrateful to upbraid This Triumph will afford some little Ease False Iason leaves me This When first your doubtful Vessel reacht our Port And you had Entrance to my Fathers Court There was I then what now your new Bride 's here My Royal Father might with her's compare With Princely Pomp was your arrival grac't The meanest Greek on Tyrian Beds we plac't Then first I gaz'd my Liberty away And date my Ruin from that fatal day Fate pusht me on with your Charms combin'd I view'd your sparkling Eyes 'till I was blind You soon perceiv'd for who cou'd ever hide A flame that by its own Light is descry'd But now thy Task 's propos'd thou must tame The Bulls with brazen Hoofs and Breath of Flame With these the fatal field thou art to Plow From whence a suddain Host of Foes must grow Those dangers past still
his Youth what have thy Gods deserv'd To sink in Seas who were from fires preserv'd But neither Gods nor Parent didst thou bear Smooth stories all to please a Womans ear False was the tale of thy Romantick life Nor yet am I thy first deluded wife Left to pursuing Foes Crëusa stai'd By thee base man forsaken and betray'd This whenthou told'st me struck my tender heart That such requital follow'd such desert Nor doubt I but the Gods for crimes like these Sev'n Winters kept thee wandring on the Seas Thy starv'd Companions cast a Shore I fed Thy self admitted to my Crown and Bed To harbour Strangers succour the distrest Was kind enough but oh too kind the rest Curst be the Cave which first my ruin brought Where from the storm we common shelter sought A dreadful howling eccho'd round the place The Mountain Nymphs thought I my Nuptials grace I thought so then but now too late I know The Furies yell'd my Funerals from below O Chastity and violated Fame Exact your dues to my dead Husbands name By Death redeem my reputation lost And to his Arms restore my guilty Ghost Close by my Palace in a Gloomy Grove Is rais'd●a Chappel to my murder'd Love There wreath'd with boughs and wool his Statue stands The pious Monument of Artful hands Last night methought he call'd me from the dome And thrice with hollow voice cry'd Dido come She comes thy Wife thy lawful summons hears But comes more slowly clogg'd with conscious fears Forgive the wrong I offer'd to thy bed Strong were his charms who my weak faith misled His Goddess Mother and his aged Sire Born on his back did to my Fall conspire O such he was and is that were he true Without a blush I might his Love pursue But cruel Stars my birth day did attend And as my Fortune open'd it must end My plighted Lord was at the Altar slain Whose wealth was made my bloody Brothers gain Friendless and follow'd by the Murd'rers hate To forein Countrey 's I remov'd my Fate And here a suppliant from the Natives hands I bought the ground on which my City stands With all the Coast that stretches to the Sea Ev'n to the friendly Port that sheltred Thee Then rais'd these Walls which mount into the Air At once my Neighbours wonder and their fear For now they Arm and round me Leagues are made My scarce Establisht Empire to invade To Man my new built Walls I must prepare An helpless Woman and unskill'd in War Yet thousand Rivals to my Love pretend And for my Person would my Crown Defend Whose jarring Votes in one complaint agree That each unjustly is disdain'd for Thee To proud Hyarbas give me up a prey For that must follow if thou go'st away Or to my Husbands Murd'rer leave my life That to the Husband he may add the Wife Go then since no complaints can move thy mind Go perjur'd man but leave thy Gods behind Touch not those Gods by whom thou art for sworn Who will in impious hands no more be born Thy Sacrilegious worship they disdain And rather wou'd the Grecian fires sustain Perhaps my greatest shame is still to come And part of thee lies hid within my womb The Babe unborn must perish by thy hate And perish guiltless in his Mothers Fate Some God thou say'st thy Voyage does command Wou'd the same God had barr'd thee from my Land The same I doubt not thy departure Steers Who kept thee out at Sea so many years Where thy long labours were a price so great As thou to purchase Troy wouldst not repeat But Tyber now thou seek'st to be at best When there arriv'd a poor precarious Ghest Yet it deludes thy search perhaps it will To thy Old Age lie undiscover'd still A ready Crown and Wealth in Dow'r I bring And without Conqu'ring here thou art a King Here thou to Carthage may'st transfer thy Troy Here young Ascanius may his Arms emply And while we live secure in soft repose Bring many Laurells home from Conquer'd Foes By Cupids Arrows I adjure thee stay By all the Gods Companions of thy way So may they Trojans who are yet alive Live still and with no future Fortune strive So may thy Youthful Son old age attain And thy dead Fathers Bones in peace remain As thou hast pity on unhappy me Who know no Crime but too much Love of thee I am not born from fierce Achilles ' Line Nor did my Parents against Troy combine To be thy Wife if I unworthy prove By some inferiour name admit my Love To be secur'd of still possessing thee What wou'd● do and what wou'd I not be 〈◊〉 Coasts their certain seasons know 〈◊〉 free from Tempests Passengers may go But now with Northern Blasts the Billows roar And drive the floating Sea-weed to the Shore Leave to my care the time to Sail away When safe I will not suffer thee to stay Thy weary Men wou'd be with ease content Their Sails are tatter'd and their Masts are spent If by no merit I thy mind can move What thou deny'st my merit give my Love Stay till I learn my loss to undergo And give me time to struggle with my woe If not know this I will not suffer long My life 's too loathsome and my love too strong Death holds my pen and dictates what I say While cross my lap thy Trojan Sword I lay My tears flow down the sharp edge cuts their flood And drinks my sorrows that must drink my blood How wellthy gift does with my Fate agree My Funeral pomp is cheaply made by thee To no new wounds my bosom I display The Sword but enters where Love made the way But thou dear Sister and yet dearer friend Shalt my cold Ashesto their Urn attend Sichaeus Wife let not the Marble boast I lost that Title when my Fame I lost This short Inscription only let it bear Unhappy Dido lies in quiet here The cause of death Sword by which she dy'd Aeneas gave the rest her arm supply'd The foregoing EPISTLE OF DIDO TO AENEAS By Sir C. S. SO in unwonted Notes when sure to die The mournful Swan sings her own Elegy I do not hope by this to change my Fate Since Heaven and You are both resolv'd to Hate Rob'd of my Honour 't is no wonder now That you disdain me when I meanly sue Deaf to my Prayr's that you resolve to go And leave th' unhappy you have rendred so You and your Love the Winds away must bear Forgot is all that you so oft did swear With cruel hast to distant Lands you Fly Yet know not whose they are nor where they lie On Carthage and its rising Walls you frown And shun a Scepter which is now your own All you have gain'd you proudly do contemn And fondly seek a fancied Diadem And should you reach at last this promis'd Land who 'l give its Power into a Strangers hand Another easie Dido do you seek And new Occasions new made Vows
be Than to her other Maids more harsh to me But you are bound to guard your Conquer'd Slave And to maintain the Articles you gave Yet should you yield to her imperious sway Do what you will but turn me not away But why should you depart The King repents The Grecian Army wants you in their Tents You conquer all Conquer your Passion too Or else with Hector you will Greece undo Take Arms Aeacides but first take me Your juster Rage let routed Trojans see For me begun for me your anger end The fault I caus'd let me have power to mend In this to me you may with Honour yield Rul'd by his Wife Oenides took the Field His Mothers Sacred Curses him disarm'd But by his Wive's more powerful Spells uncharm'd His Armour once put off he buckles on And fights and Conquers for his Calidon That happy Wife prevail'd why should not I But you that Title and my Power deny Title and Power and all ambitious strife Of being call'd your Mistris or your Wife I quietly lay down but I must have This Claim allow'd to be your faithful Slave I by those dread ill-cover'd Ashes swear Alas their Tomb Lyrnesian Ruins are Of my dead Spouse and by each Sacred Ghost Of my three Brothers honourably lost Who for and with their Country bravely fell By all that 's awful both in Heav'n and Hell And last of all by thine own Head and mine Whom Love though parted now did sometimes joyn That I preserve my Faith entire and chast That I no foraign love or pleasure taste That no aspersion can my Honour touch O! that Achilles too could say as much Some think he mourns for me But others say In Loves soft joyes he melts his hours away That some new Mistris with Circean Charms ●as lockt him up in her lascivious arms And so transform'd from what he was before That he will fight for Greece or Me no more The Trumpet now to the soft Lute must yield To Midnight Revels Marches in the Field He whom of late Greece as her Mars ador'd He on whose Massie Spear and glittering Sword The Fates and Death did wait that mighty Man Now weilds a Busk and brandisheth a Fan. Avert it Heaven can he be only brave To wast my Country not his own to save And when his Arms my Family mow'd down Lost he his sting and so became a Drone Ah! cure these fears and let me have the Pride To see your Javelin fixt in Hector's side O! that the Grecians would send me to try If I could make your stubborn heart comply Few words I 'd use all should be sighs and tears And looks and kisses mixt with hopes and fears My Love like lightning throw my Eyes should fly And thaw the Ice which round your heart does lie Sometimes my Arms about your neck I 'd throw And then embrace your knees and humbly bow There is more Eloquence in tears and kisses Than in the smooth Harangues of fly Vlysses That noisie Rhetorick of a twanging tongue Serves but to lug the heavy Crowd along But Souls with Souls speak only by the Eye And at those Windows one another spie Thus then your Mother Sea rai●'d with the wind More fierce I would compose your stormy mind And my Love shining on my tears that flow Should make a Rainbow and fair weather show So dreams my Love Ah! come that I may try If I can turn my Dream to Prophecie So may your Pyrrbus live to equalize His Grandsire's years his Fathers Victories Let me no longer pin'd in absence lie Rather than live without you let me d●e My heart 's already cold and Death do's spread His livid paleness o're my lively red My life hangs only on the slender hope That your reviving Love your rage will stop If that shou'd fail let me not linger on But let that Sword to mine ah too well known Me to my Brothers and my Husband send Your hand began your hand the work must end But why such Cruelty come then and save Afflicted Greece and me your humble Slave How much more decently might you employ Your ill-spent Rage against Neptunian Troy Then furl your Sails once more your Anchors cast Leave not your Country nor your Honour blast But go or stay with you I ought to move Made yours by Right of War and Right of Love DEIANIRA TO HERCULES The ARGUMENT Deianira having heard that Hercules was fallen in Love with Iole a Captive and at the same time that he was dying by a poisoned Shirt she had presented him with and had been told would recover a lost affection betwixt disdain and anger for the first and grief and despair for the latter she writes the following Lines to her Husband I 'Me pleas'd with the success your Valour gave But grieve the Victor is his Captives slave This unexpected News soon flew to me And with your former Life does ill agree Continual Action nor yet Iuno's Hate Ne're hurt whom Iole does Captivate Eurystheus this this did Ioves Wife design Laugh at your weakness and these tears of mine But Iupiter hop'd better things when he To make this Hero made one night of three Venus has hurt you more by her soft Charms Than angry Iuno that Employs your Arms She by depressing you rais'd you the more The other treads on you whom you adore You'vefreed the World from troublers of mankind All things submit to your Heroick mind You make the Seas secure the Earth have rest Your mighty Name fills both the East and West Heaven that must bear you You did bear before When weary Atlas did your aid Implore Yet for all this the greater is your shame If with mean Acts you stain your Glorious Name You kill'd two Serpents with your Infant hand Which then deserv'd Ioves Scepterto Command Your last deeds differ from your first success The Infant makes the Man appear the less No Savage Beasts nor feircer Enemies Cou'd Conquer him whom Love does now surprize Some think my Marriage a great Happiness Being Ioves Daughter Wife of Hercules But as Extreams do very ill agree The Greatness of my Husband lessens me This seeming Honour gives a mortal wound Amongst our Equalls Happiness is found At home in quiet they their Lives enjoy Tumults and Wars do all his hours employ This Absence makes me so unfortunate I buy your Glory at too dear a rate I weary Heaven with Vows and Sacrifice Least you should fall by Beasts or Enemies When you assault a Lyon or Wild Boar You hazard much but I still hazard more Srange Dreams and Visions set before mine Eyes The dangers that attend your Victories Unhappy I to vain Reports give Ear Then vainly hope and then as vainly fear Your absent Mother blushes she pleas'd Iove Amphitryos absent and the Son you love I see Erystheus has contriv'd your Fate And will make use of Iuno's restless hat● This I could bear did you love none but me But you are Amorous of all you see
Streets I run Who to his Grave attends her only Son Expos'd to all the World my self I see Forgetting Vertue Fame and all but thee So ill alas do Love and Shame agree 'T is thou alone that art my constant care In pleasing Dreams thou comfort'st my Despair And mak'st the night that does thy form convey Welcome to me above the fairest day Then ' spight of absence I thy Love enjoy In close embraces lockt methinks we lye Thy tender words I hear thy Kisses feel With all the Joys that shame forbids to tell But when I waking miss thee from my bed And all my pleasing Images are fled The dear deluding Vision to retain I lay me down and try to sleep again Soon as I rise I haunt the Caves and Groves Those conscious scenes of our once happy loves There like some frantick Bacchanal I walk And to my self with sad distraction talk Then big with grief I throw me on the ground And view the melancholy Grotto round Whose hanging roof of Moss and craggy Stone Delights my eyes above the brightest Throne But when I spy the bank whose grassy bed Retains the print our weary bodies made On thy forsaken side I lay me down And with a shower of tears the place I drown The Trees are wither'd all since thou art gone As if for thee they put their Mourning on No warbling Bird does now with Musick fill The Woods except the mournful Philomel With hers my dismal Notes all night agree Of Tereus she complains and I of thee Ungentle Youth did'st thou but see me mourn Hard as thou art thou would'st thou would'st return My constant falling tears the Paper stain And my weak hand can scarce direct my Pen. Oh could thy eyes but reach my dreadful slate As now I stand prepar'd for sudden Fate Thou couldst not see this naked breast of mine Dasht against Rocks rather than joyn'd to thine Peace Sapho peace thou send'st thy fruitless crys To one more hard than rocks more deaf than seas The flying Winds bear thy Complaints away But none will ever back his Sails convey No longer then thy hopeless Love attend But let thy Life here with thy Letter end CANACE to MACAREUS BY M r. DRYDEN The ARGUMENT Macareus and Canace Son and Daughter to Aeolus God of the Winds lov'd each other Incestuously Canace was delivered of a Son and committed him to her Nurse to be secretly convey'd away The Infant crying out by that means was discover'd to Aeolus who inrag'd at the wickedness of his Children commanded the Babe to be expos'd to Wild Beasts on the Mountains and withal sent a Sword to Canace with this Message That her Crimes would instruct her how to use it With this Sword she slew her self but before she died she writ the following Letter to her Brother Macareus who had taken Sanctuary in the Temple of Apollo IF streaming blood my fatal Letter stain Imagine er'e you read the Writer slain One hand the Sword and one the Pen employs And in my lap the ready paper lyes Think in this posture thou behold'st me Write In this my cruel Father wou'd delight O were he present that his eyes and hands Might see urge the death which he commands Than all his raging Winds more dreadful he Unmov'd without a tear my wounds wou'd see iove justly plac'd him on a stormy Throne His Peoples temper is so like his own The North and South and each contending blast Are underneath his wide Dominion cast Those he can rule but his tempestuous mind Is like his airy Kingdom unconfin'd Ah! what avail my Kindred Gods above That in their number I can reckon iove What help will all my heav'nly friends afford When to my breast I lift the pointed Sword That hour which joyn'd us came before its time In death we had been one without a crime Why did thy flames beyond a Brothers move Why lov'd I thee with more than Sisters love For I lov'd too and knowing not my wound A secret pleasure in thy Kisses found My Cheeks no longer did their colour boast My Food grew loathsom and my strength I lost Still er'e I spoke a sigh wou'd stop my tongue Short were my slumbers my nights were long I knew not from my love these griefs did grow Yet was alas the thing I did not know My wily Nurse by long experience found And first discover'd to my Soul its wound 'T is Love said she and then my down-cast eyes And guilty dumbness witness'd my surprize Forc'd at the last my shameful pain I tell And oh what follow'd we both know too well ' When half denying more than half content ' Embraces warm'd me to a full consent Then with Tumultuous Joyes my Heart did beat And guilt that made them anxious made them great But now my swelling womb heav'd up my breast And rising weight my sinking Limbs opprest What Herbs what Plants did not my Nurse produce To make Abortion by their pow'rful Juice What Medicines try'd we not to thee unknown Our first crime common this was mine alone But the strong Child secure in his dark Cell With Natures vigour did our arts repell And now the pale-fac'd Empress of the Night Nine times had fill'd her Orb with borrow'd light Not knowing 't was my Labour I complain Of sudden shootings and of grinding pain My throws came thicker and my cryes increast Which with her hand the conscious Nurse supprest To that unhappy fortune was I come Pain urg'd my clamours but fear kept me dumb With inward struggling I restrain'd my cries And drunk the tears that trickled from my eyes Death was in sight Lucina gave no aid And ev'n my dying had my guilt betray'd Thou cam'st and in thy Count'nance sate Despair Rent were thy Garments all and torn thy Hair Yet feigning comfort which thou cou'dst not give Prest in thy Arms and whisp'ring me to live For both our sakes said'st thou preserve thy life Live my dear Sister and my dearer Wife Rais'd by that name with my last pangs I strove Such pow'r have words when spoke by those we love The Babe as if he heard what thou hadst sworn With hasty joy sprung forward to be born What helps it to have weather'd out one Storm Fear of our Father does another form High in his Hall rock'd in a Chair of State The King with his tempestuous Council sate Through this large Room our only passage lay By which we cou'd the new-born Babe convey Swath'd in her lap the bold Nurse bore him out With Olive branches cover'd round about And mutt'ring pray'rs as holy Rites she meant Through the divided Crowd unquestion'd went Just at the door th' unhappy Infant cry'd The Grandsire heard him and the theft he spy'd Swift as a Whirl-wind to the Nurse he flyes And deafs his stormy Subjects with his cries With one fierce puff he blows the leaves away Expos'd the self-discover'd Infant lay ●he noise reach'd me and my presaging mind ●oo soon it s own
is that I basely strove T' increase your welcom by a Nuptial Love That night that usher'd in th' unhappy day Which did me to your guilty Love betray I wish that fatal Night had been my last Then I had died but then I had been Chast. ● hop'd you were 'cause I deserv'd you True ●s it a Crime to wish what is our due T is sure no mighty Glory to deceive ● tender Maid so willing to believe ●y weakness does but heighten your offenc● ●ou kindly should have spar'd my innocence ●ou've gain'd a Maid that lov'd you and may 't be ●our greatest Prise and only Victory May your proud Statue rais'd by this success Shame your great Father 'cause his Crimes were less And when late story shall of Tyrants tell And by whom Scyron and Procrustes fell The Centaurs flight the Thebans Over-throw Who 't was durst force the dismal Shades below Then for your Honour shall at last be said Here 's He who by a wretched wile betray'd A Loving Innocent Believing Maid Of all those Acts we in your Father knew His Treachery alone remains in you What only can excuse the Ills you do You both Inherit and Admire it too He Ariadne did betray but she Enjoys a Husband mightier far than He. But the scorn'd Thracians my Embraces shun 'Cause I from them into thy Arms did run Let her they cry to learned Greece be gone We 'll find a Monarch to supply the Throne Thus all we do depends on an ill Fate Which does for ever on th' unhappy wait But may that Fate all his best thoughts attend Who Judges others Actions by the end For should'st thou ever bless these Seas again They 'd praise that Love of which they now complain Then would they say What could she better do Both for her self and for her Kingdom too But I have err'd and thou' rt for ever fled Forget'st my Empire and forget'st my Bed Methinks I see thee still Demophoon Thy Sails all hoisted ready to be gone When boldly thou didst my soft Limbs embrace And with long Kisses dwelt'st upon my Face Drown'd in my Tears and in your own you lay And curs'd the Winds that hastn'd you away Then parting cry'd methinks I hear thee still Phillis I 'll come you may be sure I will Can I expect that thou 'lt er'e see this Shore Who leftst it that thou ne're mightst see me more And yet I beg you 'd come too that you may Be only guilty in too long a stay What do I ask thou by new Charms possess'd Forget'st my kindness on another Breast ' And better to compleat the Treachery ' Swear'st all those Oaths which thou hast broke to me And hast false Man perhaps forgot my Name And ask'st too who I am and whence I came But that thou better maist remember me Know thou ungrateful man that I am she Who when thou'dst wander'd all the Ocean or'e Harbour'd thy Ships and welcom'd thee to Shore Thy Coffers still replenish'd from my own And to that height a Prodigal was grown I gave thee all thou ask'dst and gave so fast I gave my self into thy power at last I gave my Scepter and my Crown to Thee A weight too heavy to be born by me Where Haemus does his shady head display And gentle Heber cuts his Sacred way So great 's the Empire and so wide the Land Scarce to be govern'd by a Womans hand She whom Fate would not suffer to be chast Whose Nupt'als with a Fun'ral Pomp were grac'd Shril cries disturb'd us midst our swiftest joyes And our drawn curtains trembled with the noise Then close to thee I clung all drown'd in tears And sought my shelter where I 'd found my fears And now while others drown their care in sleep ● run toth ' barren Shore and Rocks to weep And view with longing eyes the spac'ous Deep All Day and Night I the winds course survey Impatient till I find it blows this way And when afar a coming Sail I view I thank my Stars and I conclude 't is you Then with strange hast I run my Love to meet Nor can the flowing Waters stop my Feet When near I grow more fearful than before A suddain trembling seizes me all or'e And leaves my body breathless on the Shore Hard by where two huge Mountains guard the way There lies a fearful solitary Bay Oft I 've resolv'd while on this place I 've stood To throw my self into the raging Flood Wild with Despair and I will do it still Since you continue thus to use me ill And when the kinder Waves shall waft me or'e May'st thou behold my Body on the Shore Unburied lie and though thy Cruelty Harder than Stone or than thy self should be Yet shalt thou cry astonish'd with the show Phillis I was not to be follow'd so Raging with Poisons would I oft expire And quench my own by a much happier Fire Then to revenge the loss of all my Rest Would stab thy Image in my tortur'd Breast Or by a Knot more welcom far to me Than that false Man which I have tyed with thee Strangle that Neck where those false Arms of thine With treach'rous kindness us'd so oft to twine And as becomes a poor unhappy Wife Repair my ruin'd Honour with my Life When we can once with our hard Fate comply 'T is easie then to chuse the way to die Then on my Tomb shall the proud Cause be read And thy sad Crime still live when I am dead Poor Phillis dy'd by him she lov'd oppress'd The truest Mistriss by the falsest Guest He was the cruel cause of all her woe But her own hand perform'd the fatal Blow HYPERMNESTRA TO LINUS BY M r. WRIGHT The ARGUMENT Danaus King of Argos had by several Wives Fifty Daughters his Brother Aegiptus as many Sons Danaus refusing to Marry his D●ughters to his Brothers Sons was at last compelled by an Army In revenge he commands his Daughters each to Murder her Husband on the Wedding Night All obeyd but Hypermnestra who assisted her Husband Linus to escape for which being afterwards imprisoned and put in Irons she writes this Epistle To that dear Brother who alone survives lives Of Fifty late whose love betray'd their Writes she that suffers in her Lords defence Unhappy Wife whose Crime 's her Innocence For saving him I lov'd I 'me guilty call'd Had I been truly so I 'de been extoll'd Let me be guilty still since this they say Is Guilt I glory thus to disobey Torments nor Death shall draw me to repent Though against me they use that Instrument From which I sav'd a Husbands dearer life And with one Sword kill Linus in his Wife Yet will I ne're repent for b●ing true Or blush t' have lov'd that let my Sisters do Such shame and such repentance is their due I 'm seiz'd with terror while I but relate And shun remembrance of a Crime I hate The frightful memory of that dire night En●rvates so my hand I scarce
did mix with common Air Nor does thy tardy Fleet the fault repair Thy absence fully does my Crime reprove And seems design'd to pay so cheap a Love My only fault was loving easily And yet that fault claims gratitude in Thee Where 's now thy faith thy supplyant hands and where The God prophan'd by thy fallacious pray'r Where 's Hymen now that should our hearts unite Bless and secure our conjugal delight First by the Sea thou swor'st thy meaning just The Sea that then thou wert about to trust Thou swor'st by thy prentended Grandsire's name The God that does rebellious storms reclaim By Venus and by Love's Artillery The Instruments of mighty woes to me By Iuno who of marriage Vows takes care And Ceres who the hallow'd Torch does bear Shou'd these wrong'd Pow'rs be just cou'dst thou withstand The angry stroke of an Almighty hand Thy Ships I did repair thy Sails improve And strengthen'd the deserter of my Love I gave thee Oars as Instruments of speed And sharpen'd all the darts by which I bleed Thy Words Thy Kindred Gods whate're was fain'd With Joy I heard with Faith I entertain'd View'd with regard thy false commanded tears Thy artful sorrow and thy seeming fears Thy Arts of Love to me thou might'st have spar'd For I was too unhappily prepar'd Nor shou'd I grieve to have well treated Thee And limited my hospitality But to admit thee loosely to my breast Is Treason fatal to my present rest Ah! had I dy'd before that evening came I then had dy'd in peace secure of fame Yielding I hop'd thy gratitude might move And shewing mine deserve thy utmost love But 't is inglorious thus to have betray'd All pittiless a frail believing Maid A Maid that lov'd thee thou hast rob'd of fame And may no greater honour reach thy name In Athens when thy Statue shall be plac'd Near thy great Father with his Trophies grac'd When Scyron and Procrustes shall be read Scinis and Minotaure in triumph lead Thebes quite reduc'd the Centaure's overcome Hell storm'd the black King disturb'd at home Thy hated Image thus inscrib'd shall End He who betray'd his Mistress and his Friend Of all thy mighty Father has atchiev'd Thou lik'st that Ariadne was deceiv'd What he repented thou dost still admire And only to his treachery art Heir unenvy'd she enjoys a nobler Mate And drawn by harness'd Tygres rides in state The Thracian's whom I scorn'd now shun my bed As one by strange polluted hands misled Says one let learned Athens be her place Some nobler Hand shall govern warlike Thrace The End proves all and may he never hit His rash presage who dares condemn thee yet For shou'dst thou now return each will conclude I study'd with my own my Country's good I 've fail'd alas Thou no review dost make Or of my Palace or the Chrystal Lake My eyes retain thy graceful Image when With mournful Bowes thou bad'st me hope agen Thou did'st embrace me and with such delay That long breath'd kisses seem'd to mean thy stay Thou didst exchange and mix our tears swear The Wind was inauspicious when 't was fair When our divorce thou cou'dst no more decline Thou saidst Expect me Phillis I am thine Him I expect who meant to come no more And Ships no more design'd to touch this shore Yet still I hope ah come tho' past thy time That thy delay may be thy only Crime Some wanton Maid perhaps seduces Thee And buyes thy love with cheap discourse of me Thou can'st not be unmindful who I am Consult thy self for my neglected name Phillis thy Constant hospitable Friend Who did her harbour and assistance lend Love Empire All submitted to thy will Who gave thee much wish'd to give thee still Lycurgus's Land surrender'd to thy sway And to thy Hand its Scepter did convey As far as Rhodope and Haemus go And the soft streams of sacred Hebrus flow Thee my last blushes blest thy loves long toyles Rewarded with my conquer'd Virging Spoyles The howling Fiends and ominous Birds of Night With dismal notes perform'd each Nuptial Rite With her curl'd Snakes the fierce Alecto Came To light our Tapers with infernal flame On Rocks I walk and o're the barren Sand Far as my Eyes can reach the spacious Strand Look out all hours to see what Wind stands fair By Earths cold damp untir'd or Heav'ns bleake air When any distant Sayl I chance to spy I fancy thy loose Streamers drawing nigh Launch'd into Sea the tardy Gales I chide And to meet thee I stem th' impetuous Tide When their approach declares my hopes are vain I fainting crave th' assistance of my Train Above the Bay which the spent Billows blocks And form 's a Precipice of pendent Rocks Thence my despair presented me a grave And nought but thy return my life shall save May some kind Wave to thy own Shore convey And at thy feet thy floating Phillis lay Thy melting heart this dismal sound will groan In these Embraces joyn'd we meet too soon Oft have I thirsted for a pois'nous draught As oft a death from some kind Ponyard sought Oft round that neck a silken Twine I cast Which once thy dear per●idious Arms embrac'd By death I 'le heal my present Infamy But stay to choose the speediest way to dye This sad ●hort Epitaph shall speak my doom And fix my mournful story on my Tomb This Monument did false Demophoon build With the cold Ashes of his Mistress fill'd He was the cause and hers the hand that kill'd A PARAPHRASE ON OENONE to PARIS BY M rs A. BEHN The ARGUMENT Hecuba being with Child of Paris dreamt she was delivered of a Firebrand Priam consulting the Prophets was answer'd the Child shou'd be the Cause of the Destruction of Troy wherefore Priam commanded it should be deliver'd to wild Beasts as soon as born but Hecuba conveys it secretly to Mount Ida there to be foster'd by the Shepherds where he falls in love with the Nymph Oenone but at length being known and own'd he sayls into Greece and carries Helen to Troy which Oenone hearing writes him this Epistle TO thee dear Paris Lord of my Desires Once tender Partner of my softest Fires To thee I write mine whilst a Shepherds Swain But now a Prince that Title you disdain Oh fatal pomp that cou'd so soon divide What Love and all our Vows so firmly ty'd What God our Loves industrious to prevent Curst thee with power and ruin'd my Content Greatness which does at best but ill agree With Love such Distance sets 'twixt Thee Me. Whilst thou a Prince and I a Shepherdess My raging Passion can have no redress Wou'd God when first I saw thee thou hadst been This Great this Cruel Celebrated thing That without hope I might have gaz'd bow'd And mixt my Adoration with the Crowd Unwounded then I had escap'd those Eyes Those lovely Authors of my Miseries Not that less Charms their fatal pow'r had drest But Fear and Awe my
and all the Sails Are loosned to receive the flying Gales Whilst I half dead on the forsaken Strand Beheld thee sighing on the Deck to stand Wafting a thousand Kisses from thy Hand And whilst I cou'd the lessening Vessel see I gaz'd and sent a thousand Sighs to thee And all the Sea-born Neriads implor● Quick to return thee to our Rustick shore Now like a Ghost I glide through ev'ry Grove Silent and sad as Death about I rove And visit all our Treasuries of Love This Shade th' account of thousand Joys does hide As many more this murmuring Rivers side Where the dear Grass as sacred does retain The print where thee and I so oft have lain Upon this Oak thy Pipe and Garland's plac'd That Sycamore is with thy Sheephook grac'●● Here feed thy Flocks once lov'd though now thy scorh Like me forsaken and like me forlorn A Rock there is from whence I cou'd survey From far the blewish Shore and distant Sea Whose hanging top with toy1 I climb each day With greedy View the prospect I run o're To see what wish't for Ships approach our shore One day all hopeless on its point I stood And saw a Vessel bounding o're the Flood And as it nearer drew I cou'd discern Rich Purple Sayls Silk Cords and Golden Stern Upon the Deck a Canopy was spread Of Antique work in Gold and Silver made Which mixt with Sun-beams dazling Light display'd But oh beneath this glorious Scene of State Curst be the sight a fatal Beauty sate And fondly you were on her Bosome laid Whilst with your perjur'd Lips her Fingers plaid Wantonly curl'd and dally'd with that hair Of which as sacred Charms I Bracelets wear Oh! hadst thou seen me then in that mad state So ruin'd so design'd for Death and Fate Fix't on a Rock whose horrid Precipice In hollow Murmurs wars with Angry Seas Whilst the bleak Winds alost my Garments bear Ruffling my careless and dishevel'd hair I look't like the sad Statue of Despair With out-stretch'd voice I cry'd and all around The Rocks and Hills my dire complaints resound I rend my Garments tear my flattering Face Whose false deluding Charms my Ruin was Mad as the Seas in Storms I breath Despair Or Winds let loose in unresisting Air. Raging and Frantick through the Woods I fly And Paris lovely faithless Paris cry But when the Ecchos sound thy Name again I change to new variety of Pain For that dear Name such tenderness inspires As turns all Passion to Loves softer Fires With tears I fall to kind Complaints again So Tempests are allay'd by Show'rs of Rain Say lovely Youth why wou'dst thou thus betray My easie Faith and lead my heart astray It might some humble Shepherds Choice have been Had I that Tongue ne're heard those Eyes ne're seen And in some homely Cott in low Repose Liv'd undisturb'd with broken Vows and Oaths All day by shaded Springs my Flocks have kept And in some honest Arms at Night have slept Then unupbraided with my wrongs thou 'dst been Safe in the Joys of the fair Grecian Queen● What Stars do rule the Great no sooner you Became a Prince but you were Perjur'd too Are Crowns and Falshoods then consistant things And must they all be faithless who are Kings The Gods be prais'd that I was humbly born Even tho' it renders me my Paris scorn And I had rather this way wretched prove Than be a Queen and faithless in my Love Not my fair Rival wou'd I wish to be To come prophan'd by others Joys to thee Aspotless Maid into thy Arms I brought Untouch't in Fame ev'n Innocent in thought Whilst she with Love has treated many a Guest And brings thee but the leavings of a Feast With Theseus from her Country made Escape Whilst she miscall'd the willing Flight a Rape So now from Atreus Son with thee is fled And still the Rape hides the Adult ' rous Deed. And is it thus Great Ladies keep intire That Vertue they so boast and you admire Is this a Trick of Courts can Ravishment Serve for a poor Evasion of Consent Hard shift to save that Honour priz'd so high Whilst the mean Fraud's the greater Infamy How much more happy are we Rural Maids Who know no other Palaces than Shades Who want no Titles to enslave the Croud Least they shou'd babble all our Crimes aloud No Arts our good to show our Ills to hide Nor know to cover faults of Love with Pride I lov'd and all Loves Dictates did persue And never thought it cou'd be Sin with you To Gods and Men I did my Love proclaim For one soft hour with thee my charming Swain Wou'd Recompence an Age to come of Shame Cou'd it as well but satisfie my Fame But oh those tender hours are fled and lost And I no more of Fame or Thee can boast 'T was thou wert Honour Glory all to me Till Swains had learn'd the Vice of Perjury No yielding Maids were charg'd with Infamy 'T is false and broken Vows make Love a Sin Hadst thou been true We innocent had been But thou less faith than Autumn leaves do'st show Which ev'ry Blast bears from their native Bough Less Weight less Constancy in thee is born Than in the slender mildew'd Ears of Corn. Oft when you Garlands wove to deck my hair Where mystick Pinks Dazies mingled were You swore 't was ●itter Diadems to bear And when with eager Kisses prest my hand Have said How well a Scepter ' two●'d command And if I danc't upon the Flow'ry Green Wi●h charming wishing Eyes survey my Miene And cry the God 's design'd thee for a Queen Why then for Helen dost thou me forsake Can a poor empty Name such difference make Besides if Love can be a Sin thine 's one Since Helen does to Menelaus belong Be Just restore her back She 's none of thine And charming Paris thou art only mine ●Tis no Ambitious Flame that makes me sue To be again belov'd and blest with you No vain desire of being Ally'd t' a King Love is the only Dowry I can bring And tender Love is all I ask again Whilst on her dang'rous Smiles fierce War must wait With Fire and Vengeance at your Palace gate Rouze your soft Slumbers with their rough Alarms And rudely snatch you from her faithless Arms Turn then ●air Fugitive e're t is too late E're thy mistaken Love procures thy Fate E're a wrong'd Husband dos thy Death design And pierce that dear that faithless Heart of thine PARIS TO HELENA BY Mr. RICHARD DVKE The ARGUMENT Paris having sail'd to Sparta for the obtaining of Helen whom Venus had promised him as the reward of his adjudging the prize of Beauty to her was nobly there entertain'd by Menelaus Helens Husband but he being call'd away to Crete to take possession of what was left him by his Grandfather Atreus commends his Guest to the care of his Wife In his absence Paris courts her and writes to her the following Epistle
Had I been won I had deserv'd your blame But sure my part was nothing but the shame Yet the base theft to him no fruit did bear I scap'd unhurt by any thing but fear Rude force might some unwilling Kisses gain But that was all he ever cou'd obtain You on such terms would nere have let me go Were he like you we had not parted so Untouch'd the Youth restor'd me to my Friends And modest usage made me some amends 'T is vertue to repent a vicious deed Did he repent that Paris might succeed Sure 't is some Fate that sets me above wrongs Yet still exposes me to busie tongues I l'e not complain for whose's displeas'd with Love If it sincere discreet and Constant prove But that I fear not that I think you base Or doubt the blooming beauties of my face But all your Sex is subject to deceive And ours alas too willing to believe Yet others yield and Love o'recomes the best But why should I not shine above the rest Fair Leda's Story seems at first to be A fit example ready found for me But she was Cousen'd by a borrow'd shape And under harmless Feathers felt a Rape If I should yield what Reason could I use By what mistake the Loving Crime excuse Her fault was in her pow'rful Lover lost But of what Iupiter have I to boast Tho you to Heroes and to Kings succeed Our Famous Race does no addition need And great Alliances but useless prove To one that 's come her self from mighty Iove Go then and boast in some less haughty place Your Phrygian Blood and Priam's Ancient race Which I wou'd shew I valu'd if I durst You are the fifth from Iove but I the first The Crown of Troy is pow'rful I confess But I have reason to think ours no less Your Letter fill'd with promises of all That Men can good or Women pleasant call Gives expectation such an ample field As wou'd move Goddesses themselves to yield But if I e're offend great Iuno's Laws Your self shall be the Dear the only Cause Either my Honour I 'll to death maintain Or follow you without mean thoughts of Gain Not that so fair a Present I despise We like the Gift when we the giver prize But 't is your Love moves me which made you take Such pains run such hazards for my sake I have perceiv'd though I dissembled too A Thousand things that Love has made you do Your eager Eyes would almost dazle mine In which wild man your wanton thoughts wou'd shine Sometimes you 'd sigh sometimes disorder'd stand And with unusual ardor press my hand Contrive just after me to take the Glass Nor wou'd you let the least occasion pass Which oft I fear'd I did not mind alone And blushing sate for things which you have done Then murmur'd to my self he 'll for my sake Do any thing I hope 't was no mistake Oft have I read within this pleasing Grove Under my Name those Charming words I Love I frowning seem'd not to believe your Flame But now alas am come to write the same If I were capable to do amiss I could not but be sensible of this For oh your Face has such peculiar charms That who can hold from flying to your arms But what I ner'e can have without offence May some blest Maid possess with innocence Pleasure may tempt but vertue more should move O Learn of me to want the thing you Love What you desire is sought by all mankind As you have eyes so others are not blind Like you they see like you my charms adore They wish not less but you dare venture more Oh! had you then upon our Coasts been brought My Virgin Love when thousand Rivals sought You had I seen you should have had my voice Nor could my Husband justly blame my Choice For both our hopes alas you come to late Another now is Master of my Fate More to my wish I cou'd have liv'd with you And yet my present lot can undergo Cease to solicit a weak Woman's will And urge not her you Love to so much ill But let me live contented as I may And make not my unspotted fame your prey Some Right you claim since naked to your eyes Three Goddesses disputed Beauties prize One offer'd Valour to'ther Crowns but she Obtain'd her Cause who smiling promis'd me But first I am not of belief so light To think such Nymphs wou'd shew you such a sight Yet granting this the other part is feign'd A Bribe so mean your sentence had not gain'd With partial eyes I shou'd my self regard To think that Venus made me her reward I humbly am content with human praise A Goddesse's applause wou'd envy raise But be it as you say for 't is confest The Men who flatter highest please us best That I suspect it ought not to displease For Miracles are not believ'd with ease One joy I have that I have Venus voice A greater yet that you confirm'd her Choice That proffer'd Laurels promis'd Sov'raignty Iuno and Pallas you contemn'd for me Am I your Empire then and your renown What heart of Rock but must by this be won And yet bear witness O you Powr's above How rude I am in all the Arts of Love My hand is yet untaught to write to men This is th' Essay of my unpractis'd pen Happy those Nymphs whom use has perfect made I think all Crime and tremble at a shade Ev'n while I write my fearful conscious eyes Look often back misdoubting a surprize For now the Rumour spreads among the Croud At Court in whispers but in Town aloud Dissemble you what er'e you hear e'm say To leave off Loving were your better way Yet if you will dissemble it you may Love secretly the absence of my Lord More freedom gives but does not all afford Long is his Journey long will be his stay Call'd by affairs of Consequence away To go or not when unresolv'd he stood I bid him make what swift return he cou'd Then Kissing me he said I recommend All to thy Care but most my Trojan Friend I smil'd at what he innocently said And only answer'd you shall be obey'd Propitious winds have born him far from hence But let not this secure your confidence Absent he is yet absent he Commands You know the Proverb Princes have long hands My Fame 's my burden for the more I 'm prais'd A juster ground of jealousie is rais'd Were I less fair I might have been more blest Great Beauty through great danger is possest To leave me here his venture was not hard Because he thought my vertue was my Guard He fear'd my Face but trusted to my Life The Beauty doubted but believ'd the Wife You bid me use th' occasion while I can Put in our hands by the good easie man I wou'd and yet I doubt 'twixt Love and fear One draws me from you and one brings me near Our flames are mutual and my Husband 's gone The nights are
wish at first ' had dy'd of Mothers pains How canst thou rev'rence then thy Fathers Bed From which himself so Abjectly is fled The thought afrights not me but me enflames Mother and son are notions very Names Of worn out Piety in fashion Then When Old dull Saturn Rul'd the Race of men But braver Iove taught pleasure was no sin And with his Sister did himself begin Nearness of Blood and Kindred best we prove When we express it in the closest Love Nor need we fear our Fault should be reveal'd 'T will under near Relation be conceal'd And all who hear our Loves with praise shall Crown A Mothers kindness to a grateful Son No need at Midnight in the dark to stray T' unlock the Gates and cry my Love this way No busie Spies our pleasures to betray But in one house as heretofore we 'l live In publick kisses take in publick give Though in my Bed Thou' rt seen 't will gain Applause From all whilst none have sense to ghess the Cause Only make hast and let this League be sign'd So may my Tyrant Love to thee be kind For this I am an humble Suppliant grown Now where are all my boasts of Greatness gone I swore I ne're would yield resolv'd to ●ight Deceiv'd by Love that 's seldom in the right Now on my own I crawl to clasp thy knees What 's Decent no true Lover cares or sees Shame like a beaten Souldier leaves the place But Beauties blushes still are in my face For give this fond Confession which I make And then some pity on my suffrings take What though midst Seas my Fathers Empire lies Though my Great Grandsire Thunder frō the skies What though my Fathers Sire in Beams drest gay Drives round the burning Chariot of the day Their Honour all in me to Love 's a slave Then though thou wilt not me their Honour save Ioves Famous Island Crete in Dow'r I 'l bring And there shall my Hippolytus be King For Venus sake then hear and grant my pray'r So may'st Thou never love a scornful fair In Fields so may Diana grace Thee still And every Wood afford thee Game to kill So may the Mountain Gods and Satyrs all Be kind so may the Boar before Thee fall So may the water-Nymphs in heat of day Though Thou their Sex despise they thirst allay Millions of tears to these my prayrs I joyn Which as Thou read'st with those dear eyes of Thine Think that thou seest the streams that flow from mine DIDO to AENEAS BY M r. DRYDEN The ARGUMENT Aeneas the Son of Venus and Anchises having at the Destruction of Troy saved his Gods his Father and Son Ascanius from the Fire put to Sea with twenty Sail of Ships and having bin long tost with Tempests was at last cast upon the Shore of Lybia where Queen Dido flying from the Cruelty of Pigmalion her Brother who had Killed her Husband Sichaeus had lately built Carthage She entertained Aeneas and his Fleet with great civility fell passionately in Love with him and in the end denyed him not the last Favours But Mercury admonishing Aeneas to go in search of Italy a Kingdom promised to him by the Gods he readily prepared to Obey him Dido soon perceived it and having in vain try'd all other means to engage him to stay at last in Despair writes to him as follows SO on Maeander's banks when death is nigh The mournful Swan sings her own Elegie Not that I hope for oh that hope were vain By words your lost affection to regain But having lost what ere was worth my care Why shou'd I fear to loose a dying pray'r 'T is then resolv'd poor Dido must be left Of Life of Honour and of Love bereft While you with loosen'd Sails Vows prepar To seek a Land that flies the Searchers care Nor can my rising Tow'rs your flight restrain Nor my new Empire offer'd you in vain Built Walls you shun unbuilt you seek that Land Is yet to Conquer but you this Command Suppose you Landed where your wish design'd Think what Reception Forreiners would find What People is so void of common sence To Vote Succession from a Native Prince Yet there new Scepters and new Loves you seek New Vows to plight and plighted Vows to break When will your Tow'rs the height of Carthage know Or when your eyes discern such crowds below If such a Town and Subjects you cou'd see Still wou'd you want a Wife who lov'd like me For oh I burn like fires with incense bright Not holy Tapers flame with purer light Aeneas is my thoughts perpetual Theme Their daily longing and their nightly dream Yet he ungreateful and obdurate still Fool that I am to place my heart so ill My self I cannot to my self restore Still I complain and still I love him more Have pity Cupid on my bleeding heart And pierce thy Brothers with an equal dart I rave nor canst thou Venus ' offspring be Love's Mother cou'd not bear a Son like Thee From harden'd Oak or from a Rocks cold womb At least thou art from some sierce Tygress come Or on rough Seas from their foundation torn Got by the winds and in a Tempest born Like that which now thy trembling Sailors fear Like that whose rage should still detain thee here Behold how high the Foamy Billows ride The winds and waves are on the juster side To Winter weather and a stormy Sea I 'll owe what rather I wou'd owe to thee Death thou deserv'st from Heav'ns avenging Laws But I 'm unwilling to become the cause To shun my Love if thou wilt seek thy Fate 'T is a dear purchase and a costly hate Stay but a little till the Tempest cease And the loud winds are lull'd into a peace May all thy rage like theirs unconstant prove And so it will if there be pow'r in Love Know'st thou not yet what dangers Ships sustain So often wrack'd how darst thou tempt the Main Which were it smooth were every wave asleep Ten thousand forms of death are in the deep In that abyss the Gods their vengance store For broken Vows of those who falsely swore There winged storms on Sea-born Venus wait To vindicate the Justice of her State Thus I to Thee the means of safety show And lost my self would still preserve my Foe False as thou art I not thy death design O rather live to be the cause of mine Shou'd some avenging storm thy Vessel tear But Heav'n forbid my words shou'd Omen bear Then in thy face thy perjur'd Vows would fly And my wrong'd Ghost be present to thy eye With threatning looks think thou beholdst me stare Gasping my mouth and clotted all my hair Then shou'd fork'd Lightning and red Thunder fall What coud'st thou say but I deserv'd 'em all Lest this shou'd happen make not hast away To shun the danger will be worth thy stay Have pity on thy Son if not on me My death alone is guilt enough for thee What has
Yet Omph●le does now enrage me more Than all the Beauties you admir'd before Meanders Streams have seen those shoulders wear Rich Chains that Heav'n as a small weight did bear But were you not ashamed to b●hold Those Arms weigh'd down with Jewels and with Gold That made the firce Nemean Lyon die And wore his Skin to shew the Victory When like a Woman you did dress your hair Lawrel had been for you a fitter wear As Wanton Maids you thought it was no shame To wear a Sash to please your haughty Dame Fierce D●omedes was not in your mind That fed his bloody Horses with mankind Did but Busiris see this strange disguise The conquer'd would the Conquerour despise Antëus would retreive his Captive State And scorn a Victor so Effeminate Among the Grecian Virgins you sit down And spin and tremble at a Womans ●rown A Distaffe not a Scepter fills that Hand That Conquer'd all things and did all Command Then in her presence you do trembling stand And fear a blow as death from her fair hand And to regai● her Favour you reveal Those glorioous Actions you should then conceal How you that strange and fruitful Serpent slew That by his wounds more fierce stronger grew How when you fought you never lost the field But made great Kings and cruel Monsters yield And can you boast or think of things so great Now you wear Silks and are with Jewels set These Actions and that Garb do disagree So soft a dress do's give your tongue the lie Your Mistress too puts on your Conqu'ring Arms And makes you stoop to her more pow'rful Charms She wears your Robes to shew her Victory And is what you once thought your self to be Your glorious Conquest and Illustrious Fame Give her Renown but you Eternal Shame All is to her by whom you 'r conquer'd due Go now and brag of what remains to you Is 't not a shame that her soft Arms should bear The Lyons rugged Skin you once did wear These Spoils are not the Lyons but your own The Beast you Conquer'd you she Overcome She takes your Club up in her feeble hand And in her Glass she learns how to Command All this I heard yet I could not believe The sad report which causes me to griev● Your Iole is brought before my face I must be Witness of my own disgrace Whil'st I reflect on my unhappy Fate She makes her Entry in the Town in State Not as a Captive with her hair unbound Nor her dejected Eyes ●ixt on the Ground But cover'd o're with Jewels and with Gold As Phrygia once did Hercules behold And salutes all with as much Majesty As if her Father had the Victory Perhaps to leave me is design'd by you True to your Mistress to your Wife untrue You 'l be Divorc't from me and Marry her The Conquer'd must obey the Conquerour This fear torments me more than all the rest And as a Dagger wounds my troubled Breast ● kn●w the time when you did love me more Than any she whom you do now adore But oh as I am writing the news flies That by a poison'd Shirt my Husband dies What have I done whither has Love drove me Is Love the Authour of such crueltie Shall my dear Hercules endure this pain And I the unhappy Cause alive remain My Title to him by my Death I 'le prove And surely Death 's an Argument of Love Meleager will a Sister find in me Shall Deianira be afraid to die Unhappy House Usurpers fill the Throne Whil'st the true Soveraign is esteem'd by none One Brother wasts his Life in foreign Lands The other perish'd by his Mothers hands Who on her self reveng'd the Crime Then why Should Deianira be afraid to die Only this thing I beg with my last breath Not to believe that I design'd your death As soon as you struck Nessus with your Dart His blood he said would Charm a straying heart In it I dipt the Shirt 't was but to try O Deianira make make hast to die Adieu my Father Sister too adieu Adieu my Country and my Brother too Farewel this light the last that I shall see Hyllus farewel my Dear I come to Thee ACONTIUS TO CYDIPPE BY M r. R. DVKE The ARGUMENT Acontius in the Temple of Diana at Delos famous for there sort of the most Beautiful Virgins of all Greece fell in Love with Cydippe a Lady of Quality much above his own not daring therefore to Court her openly he found this device to obtain her He writes upon the fairest Apple that could be procured a couple of Verses to this effect I swear by chast Diana I will be In Sacred Wedlock ever Joyn'd to Thee and throws it at the feet of the young Ladie She suspecting not the deceit takes it up and reads it and therein promises her self in Marriage to Acontius there being a Law there in force that whatever any person should swear in the Temple of Diana of Delos should stand good and be inviolably observed But her Father not knowing what had past and having not long after promised her to another just as the Solemnities of Marriage were to be perform'd she was taken with a suddain and violent Feavour which Acontius endeavours to perswade her was sent from Diana as a punishment of the breach of the Vow made in her presence And this with the rest of the Arguments which on such an occasion would occur to a Lover is the Subject of the following Epistle REad boldly this here you shall Swear no more For that 's enough which you have Sworn before Read it so may that violent Disease Which thy dear body but my soul doth seise Forget its too long practis'd Crueltie And health to you restore and you to me Why do you blush for blush you do I fear As when you first did in the Temple Swear Truth to your plighted Faith is all I claim And truth can never be the cause of shame Shame lives with guilt but you your virtue prove In favouring mine for mine 's a Husbands love Ah! to your self those binding words repeat That once your wishing Eyes ev'nlong'd to meet When th'Apple brought 'em dancing to your feet There you will find the Solemn Vow you made Which if your health or mine can ought perswade You to perform should rather mindful be Than great Diana to rev●●ge on Thee My fears for you encrease with my desire And Hope blows that already raging fire For hope you gave nor can you this deny For the great Goddess of the Fane was by She was and heard from her hallowed Shrine A suddain kind Auspicious light did shine Her Statue seem'd to nod its awful head And give its glad consent to what you said Now if you please accuse my prosperous cheat Yet still confess 't was Love that taught me it In that deceit what did I else design But with your own consent to make you mine What you my Crime I call my Innocence Since
Loving you has been my sole offence Nor nature gave me nor has practice taught The Nets with which young Virgins hearts are caught You my accuser taught me to deceive And Love with you did his assistance give For Love stood by and smiling bad me write The cunning words he did himself indite Again you see I write by his Command He guides my Pen and rules my willing hand Again such kind such loving words I send As makes me fear that I again offend Yet if my Love 's my Crime I must confess Great is my Guilt but never shall be less Oh that I thus might ever guilty prove In finding out new paths to reach thy Love A thousand waies to that steep Mountain lead Tho hard to find and difficult to tread All these will I find out and break through all For with my Flames compar'd the danger 's small The Gods alone know what the end will be Yet if we Mortals any thing foresee One way or other you must yield to me If all my Arts should fail to Arms I 'le fly And snatch by force what you my Prayers deny I all those Heroes mighty Acts applaud Who first have led me this Illustrious Road I too● but hold death the reward will be Death be it then For to loose you is more than death to me Were you less fair I 'd use the vulgar way Of tedious Courtship and of dull delay But thy bright form kindles more eager fires And something wondrous as it self Inspires Those Eyes that all the Heavenly lights outshine Which Oh! may'st thou behold love in mine Those snowy Arms which on my neck should fall If you the Vows you made regard at all That modest sweetness and becoming Grace That paints with living red your blushing face Those feet with which they only can compare That through the Silver flood bright Thetis bear Do all conspire my madness to excite With all the rest that is deny'd to ●ight Which could I praise alike I then were blest And all the storms of my vex'd soul at rest No wonder then if with such Beauty fir'd I of your Love the Sacred pledge desir'd Rage now and be as angry as you will Your very frowns all other smiles excel But give me leave that anger to appease By my submission that my Love did raise Your pardon prostrate at your feet I 'le crave The humble posture of your guilty Slave With falling tears your fiery rage I 'le cool And lay the rising tempest of your soul. Why in my absence are you thu● severe Summon'd at your Tribunal to appear For all my Crimes I 'd gladly suffer there With pride whatever you inflict receive And love the wounds those hands vouchsafe to give Your Fetters too But they alas are vain For Love has bound me and I hug my Chain Your hardest Laws with patience I 'le obey Till you your self at last relent and say When all my sufferings you with pity see He that can love so well is worthy me But if all this should unsuccessful prove Diana claims for me your promis'd love O may my fears be false yet she delights In just revenge of her abused Rites I Dread to hide what yet to speak I dread Least you should think that for my self I plead Yet out it must 't is this 'T is surely this That is the fuel to your hot disease When waiting Hymen at your Porch attends Her fatal Messenger the Goddess sends And when you would to his kind call consent This Feavour does your perjury prevent Forbear forbear thus to provoke her rage Which you so easily may yet aswage Forbear to make that lovely charming face The prey to every envious disease Preserve those looks to be enjoy'd by me Which none should ever but with wonder see Let that fresh colour to your cheeks return Whose glowing flame did all beholders burn But let on him th' unhappy cause of all The ills that from Diana's anger fall No greater torments light than those I feel When you my dearest tendrest part are ill For oh with what dire Tortures am I wrackt Whom different griefs successively distract Sometimes my grief from this do's higher grow To think that I have caus'd so much to you Then great Diana's witness how I pray That all our Crimes on me alone she 'd lay Sometimes to your lov'd doors disguis'd I come And all around 'em up and down I roam Till I your Woman coming from you spy With looks dejected and a weeping eye With silent steps like some sad Ghost I steal Close up to her and urge her to reveal More than new questions suffer her to tell How you had slept what dyet you had us'd And oft the vain Phisicians art accus'd He every hour Oh were I blest as he Do's all the turns of your Distemper see Why sit not I by your Bed side all day My mournful head in your warm bosom lay Till with my tears the inward fires decay Why press not I your melting hand in mine And from your pulse of my own health divine But oh these wishes all are vain and He Whom most I fear may now sit close by Thee Forgetful as thou art of Heaven and me He that lov'd hand do's press and oft do's feign Some new excuse to seel thy beating vein Then his bold hand up to your arm do's slide And in your panting Breast it self do's hide Kisses sometimes he snatches too from Thee For his officious care too great a Fee Robber who gave Thee leave to tast that lip And the ripe harvest of my kisses reap For they are mine so is that bosom too Which false as 't is shall never harbour You. Take take away those thy Adulterous hands ● or know another Lord that breast Commands 'T is true Her Father promis'd her to Thee But Heaven and she first gave her self to me And you in Justice therefore should decline Your claim to that which is already mine This is the man Cydippe that excites Dianas rage to vindicate her Rites Command him then not to approach thy door This done the danger of your death is o're For fear not Beauteous Maid but keep thy Vow Which great Diana heard and did allow And she who took it will thy health restore And be propitious as she was before 'T is not the steam of a slain Heifers blood Than can allay the anger of a God 'T is truth and Justice to our Vows appease Their angry Deities and without these No ●laughter'd Breast their fury can divert For that 's a Sacrifice without a Heart Some bitter Potions patiently endure And kiss the wounding Lance that works their cure You have no need these cruel cures to feel Shun being perjur'd only and be well Why let you still your pious Parents weep Whom you in ign'rance of your promise keep Oh! to your Mother all our Story tell And the whole progress of our Love reveal Tell Her how first at great Dianas Shrine I
fixt my eyes my wondring eyes on thine How like the Statues there I stood amaz'd Whil'st on thy face intemp'rately I gaz'd She will her self when you my tale repeat Smile and approve the Amorous deceit Marry she 'll say whom Heaven commends to thee He who has pleas'd Diana pleases me But should she ask from what descent I came My Country and my Parents and my name Tell her that none of these deserve my shame Had you not sworn you such a one might choose But were he worse now sworn you can't refuse This in my dreams Diana Bad me write And when I wak'd sent Cupid to indite Obey 'em both for one has wounded me Which wound if you with eyes of pity see She too will soon relent that wounded Thee Then to our joys with eager hast we 'll move As full of Beauty you as I of Love To the great Temple we 'll in Triumph go And with our Offerings at the Altar Bow A Golden Image there I 'le Consecrate Of the false Apples innocent deceit And write below the happy Verse that came The Messenger of my successful flame Let all the World this from Acontius know Cydippe has been faithful to her Vow More I could write but since thy illness reigns And wracks thy tender limbs with sharpest pains My Pen falls down for fear lest this might be Althô for me too little yet too much for Thee CYDIPPE Her ANSWER To ACONTIUS By Mr. BVTLER IN silent Fear I read your Letter ore Least I shou'd Swear as I had done before Nor had I read but that I fear'd t' engage By my neglect the pevish Goddess Rage In vain I deck her Shrine her Rites attend The partial Goddess still remains your Friend A Virgin rather shou'd a Virgin Aid But where I seek Relief I am betray'd I languish and the Cause of my Disease As yet lies hid no Medicine gives me Ease In how much pain do I this Letter write To my weak Hand my sicklier Thoughts indite What anxious fear alas afflicts me too Least any but my trusty Nurse shou'd know To gain me time to write the door she keeps And whispering tells the Visitants She Sleeps Worse Ills I could not for your sake sustain Tho you had merit equal to my Pain Your Love betrays my Beauty proves my Snare I had been happy had I seem'd less Fair Whilst with your Rival you contend to raise My Beauty's Fame I perish by your Praise Whilst neither will admit the others Claim The Chase is hinder'd and both miss the Game My Nuptial day draws on my Parents press The Sacred Rights my blooming years no less But whilst glad Hymen at my door attends Grim Death waits near to force me from his Hands Some call my Sickness Chance and some pretend The Gods this Lett to cross my Nuptials send Whilst by severer Censure you are ghest By Philtra's to have wrought upon my Breast If then your love such mischief can create What Miserie is reserv'd for her you Hate Wou'd I to Delos nere had found the way At least not found it on that fatal Day When in our Port our Anchors first we weigh'd Th' unwilling Vessel still i' th Harbour staid Twice did cross winds beat back our flagging Sails Said I cross winds no! those were prosprous Gales Those winds alone blew fair that back convey'd Our Ship and those that oft our Passage stay'd Yet I to see sam'd Delos am in pain And fondly of each hindring blast complain By Tenos Isle and Mycone we Steer'd At last fair Delos winding Clifts appear'd And much I fear left now the Fairy Shore Shou'd vanish as 't is said t' have done before At night we Land soon as the day return'd My platted Tresses are with Gemms adorn'd Then to attend the Sacred Rites we go And pious Incense on each Altar throw My Parents there at their Devotion stay My Nurse and I through all the Temple stray We view each Court each fresh wonder brings Pictures and Statues Gifts of Ancient Kings But whilst into these Rarities I pry'd I am my self by ●ly Acontius spy'd Thence to the inmost Temple we remove The place that should a Sanctuary prove Yet there I find the Apple with this Rhime Ah! me I 'de like to have Sworn the second time The Name of Wedlock I no sooner read But through my Cheeks a troubled blush was spread Why didst Thou Cheat an unsuspecting Maid I shou'd have been entreated not betray'd Is then the Goddess bound to take thy part And ratifie an Oath without the Heart The Will Consents but that was Absent There I read indeed the Oath but did not Swear Yet cannot I deny that I suspect Dianas Rage this Sickness do's inflict Glad Hymen thrice did to our Courts repair Thrice frighted fled to find Death planted there Thin Cov'rings on my Feaverish Limbs are spread My Parents mourn me as already Dead What have I done to merit this distress That read but words whose fraud I cou'd not ghess Do Thou ev'n Thou from whom my suffrings spring T' appease the Goddess Rage thine Offrings bring When will those Hands that writ the fatal Rhime Bear Incense to remove my Pain thy Crime Nor think that thy rich Rival tho' allow'd To Visit is of greater Favours proud By me he sits but still just distance keeps Restless as I Talks seldom often weeps Blushing he takes a Kiss and leaves a Tear And once his Courage serv'd to Cry My Dear But from his Arms still by Degrees I creep And to prevent Discourse pretend to sleep He finds but wou'd his sense o' th flight disguise He checks his Tongue butchides me with his Eyes With grief he wasts and I with Feavours pine 'T is we that suffer but th' Offence was Thine You write for leave to come and see me Here Yet know your former Visit cost me Dear Why wouldst thou hither come thou canst but see The double Trophies of thy Cruelty My flesh consum'd my Cheeks of bloodless Hue Such as I once did in thy Apple view Shou'dst see me now thou woud'st repent thy cheat Nor think me worth such exquisite Deceit To Delos back with greater hast wou'dst go And beg the Goddess to release my Vow On new designs thy fancy would'st employ Contrive new Oaths the former to destroy No Means have been omitted to procure My health but still my Feav'rish Fits endure We ask'd the Oracle what caus'd my Pains The Oracle of broken Vows complains The Gods themselves on your behalf declare What hast thou done to merit this their Care But so it is and I at last incline Since that Thou art their Choice to make Thee Mine Already to my Mother I 've declar'd How by your Cunning I have been ensnar'd I 've done and what I have already said I fear is more than will become a Maid My Thoughts are now confus'd and can indite No more my feeble hand no more can write Nor need I more subscribe but this Be True And since it must be so my Dear Adieu FINIS Earl of Rosc.