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A51279 The life and death of Sr. Thomas Moore, who was Lord Chancelor of England to King Henry the Eight More, Cresacre, 1572-1649.; More, Thomas, 1565-1625. 1642 (1642) Wing M2630; ESTC R7630 170,245 434

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and so dispatche myself of the office hovvsoeuer I purposed at the last to forgoo the one rather then both Wherefore because I vvould as vvell be carefull of the publike vvellfare as of mine ovvne health I vvas an earnest suiter to my Prince and at last haue obtayned by his singular courtesie that because I beganne to grovv vvearie and euen readie to lye vnder my burden I might be ridde of that though a most honourable office vvhereto his fauour had raised me aboue all my deseruing as it vvas vvholy vvithout my seeking I beseeche therefore all the Saints in heauen that by their intercession almightie God vvould recompence this most fauourable affection of the King 's tovvards me and that he vvould giue me grace to spend the rest of my age in his seruice profitably and not idely or vainely affording me health of bodie that I may be the better able to take paines And to Cochleus he writeth thus I haue bene lately sore sicke for some moneths togeather not so much to the sight of others as to mine ovvne feeling which infirmitie I can scarce shake of novv vvhen I haue left of my office for then I could not exercise my function of Chancellour vnlesse I should endanger my health daily The care of my recouerie but especially the due respect I had not to hinder publike iustice moued me thereto vvhih I thought I should greatly hinder if being sicklie I should be constrayned to vndertake businesses as I did vvhen I vvas stronger That leasure vvhich the fauourable benignitie of my most gracious prince hath vouchsafed to grant me I haue purposed to dedicate vvholy to my studie and the honour of God And as for his contempt of worldlie honour he writeth thus to Erasmus You vvill not belieue hovv vnvvillingly I undertake embassages neither can there be anie thing more displeasing vnto me then the function of an Embassadour Of his Vtopia he writeth that he iudged the booke no better worthie then to lye alwaies hidden in his owne Hand or else to be consecrated to Vulcan Of his poetrie he sayth my epigrammes neuer pleased my minde as you well knowe my Erasmus and if other men had not better liked them then myself they should neuer haue bene putt out in printe THE EIGHT CHAPTER THE FIRST OCCASION and beginning of Sir THOMAS his troubles 1. Hovv he prepared himself to suffer for Christ as yf he foresavv he should so do 2. A vvorthie lesson for statesmen giuen by Sir Thomas More to Cromvvell 3. The vnfortunate marriage of Queen Anne Bolain 4. Sir Tho. More refuseth to be present at Queen Annes coronation the beginning of hers and the Kings indignation 5. The holy Nunne of Canterbury first occasion of calling Sir Thom. More into Question about Q. Anne 6. Diuers accusations procured against Sir T. More all easily auoided by his innocente life 7. His first examination before the Kings deputies 8. His mery hart and braue resolution after this examination 1. THe yeare immediately before his troubles he spent most in spirituall exercises and in writing of bookes against heretikes of whome in another letter he speaketh thus That which I professe in my epitaphe that I haue bene troublesome to heretikes I haue donne it with a little ambition for I so hate these kinde of men that I would be their sorest enemie that possible they could haue if they will not repente for I finde them such men and so to encrease euerie day that I euen greatly feare the world will be vndonne by them Yet for all his hatred to them no heretike suffered death whilst he was Lo Chancellour as Erasmus confesseth in the aboue mentioned letter And indeede it seemeth he would not haue them suffer death because he writeth to that effect in the lawes of his Vtopia Writing another time to Cochlie he sayth I vvould to God my Cochlie I had such skill in holie Scriptures and Diuinitie that I vvere able to vvrite against these plagues of the vvorld fruitfully and vvith good effect Erasmus also confesseth that he hated those seditious opinions with the which the world was then cruelly shaken He would often talke with his wife and Children of the exceeding ioyes in heauen and terrible paines of hell of the liues of holie Martyrs what torments they endured for the loue of God of their maruelous patiēce deathes which they suffered most willingly rather then they would offende Gods diuine Maiestie and what an honourable thing it was for the loue of our Lord IESVS-CHRIST to abide imprisonment losse of goods lands and life adding also what a comfort it would be to him if he might finde that his wife and children would encourage him to dye in a good cause for it would cause him for ioye thereof merrily to runne to death besides as prophecying of his future troubles he would tell them what miseries might chance to happen vnto him With which vertuous discourses he had so encouraged them that when these things after fell vpon him indeede their miserie seemed the more tolerable vnto them because Shafts foreseene hurt not so much 2. Within a while after the resigning of his Office Mr. Cromevvell now highly in the King's fauour came of a message from the king to Sir THOMAS wherein when they had throughly talked togeather before his going away Sir THOMAS sayd vnto him Mr. Cromevvell you are entred into the seruice of a most noble wise and liberall Prince yf you will followe my poore aduise you shall in your counsell giuing to his Maiestie euer tell him what he ought to doe but neuer what he is able to doe so shall you shew yourself a true and faithfull seruant and a right worthie counsellour for yf a lyon knew his owne strength hard were it for anie man to rule him But Cromevvell neuer learned this lesson for he euer gaue that counsell to his prince which he thought would best please him and not what was lawfull For it was he that was the mischieuous instrument of king Henry to pull downe all abbies and religious houses yea to ruinate religiō vtterly whereby you may see the difference betweene king Henry a iust prince whilst he followed Sir THOMAS MORE 's counsell and after a cruell tyrant and bloudsucker when he practised Thomas Cromevvells plotts and deuises and also we may see the issue of both these counsellours the one hauing gotten great fame for his iust deserts the other hauing purchased eternall infamie yea the ouerthrow of himself and his familie For though he attayned to be Lord Cromevvell yea afterwards Earle of Essex yet his honour and life was soone taken away from him most iustly and now there is scarce anie of his posteritie left his lands are all solde yea such was his grandchild's miserie that he complayned verie lamentably to some gentlemen that he had not bread to putt into his mouth whereas Sir THOMAS MORE 's great
him to sende Congratulatorie letters vnto him saying that he came vnto it nec ambiens nec expetens vltroneo fauore Principis humanissimi that is neither ambitiously seeking it nor once asking it but by the meere fauour of his most gracious Prince King Henry tooke such extraordinarie loue in Sir THOMAS his companie that he would sometimes on a suddain as before I touched come ouer to his house at Chelsey and be merrie with him whither on a time vnlooked for he came and dined at his house And after dinner walked with him the space of an hower holding his arme about his necke most louingly in the gardin VVhen his Maiestie was gone my vncle Rooper reioyced thereat and tolde his father how happie he was for that the king had shewed him such extraordinarie signes of loue as he had neuer seene him doe to anie other except the Cardinal whome he saw with the king once walke arme in arme VVhereto Sir THOMAS answering sayd I thanke our Lord God I finde his Grace my verie good Lord indeede and I belieue he doth as singularly fauour me as anie other subiect within this realme how beit sonne Rooper I may tell you I haue no cause to be proude thereof for if my head would winne him a Castle in France for then there was warres betweene France and vs it should not faile to go of By which wordes he euidētly shewed how little he ioyed either in the king's fauour or in his worldlie honour piercing with his singuler eie of iudgement into king Henry's nature that what shew of friendship soeuer he made to anie yet he loued none but to serue his owne turne and no longer was anie in his fauour but as long as they applyed themselues to his humours yet could he not choose but loue Sir THOMAS for his singular partes his profound iudgement his pleasant witt and intire sinceritie for which causes the rare and admirable Queene Catherine king Henrie's first wife would often say that the king her husband had but one sound Counseller in his kingdome meaning Sir THOMAS MORE for the rest she sayd that either they spoke as the king would haue them or had not such matter of iudgement in them and as for Cardinal VVolsey who was then the greatest subiect in the realme for his owne benefitt and ende he cared not what counsell he gaue the king He was of base parentage and as they say a butchers sonne of Ipsvvich yet had he crept vp into fauour partely by his learning partely by his nimble witt and louelie carriadge whereby he could in sinuate himself into great mens fauours he had also a readie toung and a bolde countenance and had gotten manie spirituall liuings togeather bestowing them vpon vanities as great and sumptuous buildings costlie bancketts and greate magnificence for he was vaine glorious aboue all measure as may be seene by Sir THOMAS MORE 's booke of Comfort in Tribulation where he meaneth of him what is spoken vnder the name of a great Prelate of Germanie who when he had made an oration before a great audience would bluntely aske them that sate at his table with him how they all liked it but he that should bring forth a meane commendatiō of it was sure to haue no thankes for his labour And he there telleth further how a great spirituall man who should haue commended it last of all was putt to such a non plus that he had neuer a word to say but crying oh and fetching a deepe sigh he cast his eies into the welking and wept On a time the Cardinal had drawen a draught of certeine Conditions of peace betweene England and France and he asked Sir Thomas More 's counsell therein beseeching him earnestly that he would tell him if there were anie thing therein to be misliked And he spake this so hartily saith Sir THOMAS that he belieued verily that he was willing to heare his aduise indeede But when Sir THOMAS had dealt really therein shewed wherein that draught might haue bene amended he suddenly rose in a rage and sayd By the Masse thou art the veriest foole of all the Counsell At which Sir THOMAS smiling sayd God be thanked that the king our Maister hath but one foole in all his Councel But we shall haue occasion to speake more hereafter of this Cardinal THE THIRD CHAPTER THE COVRTEOVS and meeke behaueour of Sir THOMAS MORES his frinds at home and abroade 1. The gentle disposition of S. T. More in all occasions 2. His prompt and ready vvitt 3. His frindship vvith learned men at home 4. With learned men of other nations 5. His pleasaunt and merry conuersation 1. SIR THOMAS MORE for all his honour and fauour with his Prince was nothing puffed vp with pride disdaine or arrogancie but was of such a milde behauiour and excellent temper that he could neuer be moued to anie passion or anger as mine vncle Rooper wittnesseth who affirmeth that in sixteene yeares space and more that he dwelt in his house and was conuersant with him alwaies he could neuer perceaue him so much as once in a fume Yea Margaret Gigs who was brought vp from a childe amongst Sir THOMAS his children and vsed by him no otherwise then one of them and afterwards married Doctour Clement a singular learned woman would say that sometimes she would committ a fault for the nonce to heare Sir THOMAS MORE chide her he did it with such grauitie such moderation such loue and compassion His meekenesse and humilitie was also perceaued in this that if it had fortuned anie schollar to come to him as there did manie daily either from Oxford Cambridge or else where some for desire of his acquaintance as he had intercourse of letters with all the men of fame in all Christendome some againe for the report of his learning and singular wisedome some for suites of the Vniuersities if anie of them I say had entred into argument whrein few were able to dispute long with him he would vrge verie forcibly and if it fortuned that they entred togeather so farre to dispute that he perceaued they could not without some inconueniēce holde out much further against his arguments then least he should discourage them as he that sought not his owne glorie he would seeme to be confuted that the student should not be discomforted euer shewing himselfe more desirous to learne then to teache and so by some wittie deuise he would courteously breake out into some other matter 2. Such was also his readinesse of witt that going euer in progresse with the king either to Oxford or Cambridge when they were receaued with verie eloquent orations he was alwaies the man appointed by his Maiestie ex tempore to make answer vnto them as he that was promptest and most readie therein Yea when the king went into France to meete the French king Sir THOMAS MORE made a speach of their congratulation which he also
time hath bene betvveene vs as also in respect of the sinceritie of your minde because you vvould be alvvaies readie to take thankefully vvhatsoeuer in this vvorke should seeme gratefull vnto you and whatsoeuer should be barren therein you vvould make a courteous construction thereof whatsoeuer might be vnpleasing you vvould be vvilling to pardon I vvould to God I had as much vvitt and learning as I am not altogeather destitute of memorie As for Bishopp Tunstall he was a learned man and wrote a singuler booke of the reall presēce And although during king Henrie's raigne he went with the sway of the time for who almost did otherwise to the great griefe of Sir THOMAS MORE yet liuing to the time of Q. Elizabeth whose Godfather he was when she berayed the fonte in his olde age seing her take strange courses against the Church he came from Durham and stoutely admonished her not to change religiō which if she presumed to doe he threatned her to leese Gods blessing and his She nothing pleased with his threates made him be cast into prison as most of the Bishops were where he made a glorious ende of a Confessour and satisfyed for his former crime of Schisme contracted in the time of king Henrie's raigne Sir THOMAS MORE 's friendshipp with the glorious Bishop of Rochester was neither short nor small but had long continued and ended not with their famous martyrdomes See how good Bishop Fisher writeth vnto him Lett I pray you our Cambridge men haue some hope in you to be fauoured by the king's Maiestie that our schollars may be stirred vp to learning by the countenance of so vvorthie a prince VVe haue fevv friends in the Court vvich can or vvill commende our causes to his royall Maiestie and amongst all vve accounte you the chiefe vvho haue alvvaies fauoured vs greatly euen vvhen you vvere in a meaner place and novv also shevv vvhat you can doe being mised to the honour of knighthood and in such great fauour vvith our prince of vvhich vve greately reioyce and also doe congratulate your happinesse Giue furtherance to this youth vvho is both a good schollar in Diuinitie and also a sufficient preacher to the people For he hath hope in your fauour that you can procure him greate furtherance and that my commendations vvill helpe him to your fauour To this Sir THOMAS MORE answereth thus This Priest Reuerend Father vvhome you vvrite to be in possibilitie of a Bishopricke if he might haue some vvorthie suiter to speake for him to the king I imagine that I haue so preuayled that his Maiestie vvill be no hindrance thereto c. Yf I haue anie fauour vvith the king vvhich truly is but litle but vvhatsoeuer I haue I vvill employ all I can to the seruice of your Fatherhood and your schollars to vvhome I yeelde perpetuall thankes for their deare affections tovvards me often testifyed by their louing letters and my house shall be open to them as though it vvere their ovvne Farevvell vvorthie and most courteous prelate and see you loue me as you haue donne His loue and friendshipp with yong Poole afterwards a famous Cardinal may be seene by their letters he maketh mention of him with great praise in a letter he wrote to his welbeloued daughter Margaret Rooper in this wise I cannot expresse in vvriting nor scarcely can conceyue it by thought hovv gratefull to me your most eloquent letters deare daughter Margarett are Whilst I vvas reading them there happened to be vvith me Reinald Poole that most noble youth not so noble by birth as he is singularly learned and excellently endevved vvith all kinde of vertue to him your letter seemed as a miracle yea before he vnderstoode hovv neare you were besett with the shortenesse of time and the molestation of your vveake infirmitie hauing notvvithstanding sent me so long a letter I could scarce make him belieue but that you had some helpe from your Maister vntill I tolde him seriously that you had not only neuer a maister in your house but also neuer another man that needed not your helpe rather in vvriting anie thing then you needed his And in another to Doctour Clement a most famous phisitian and one that was brought vp in Sir THOMAS his owne house he sayth thus I thanke you my deare Clement for that I finde you so carefull of my health and my childrens so that you prescribe in your absence vvhat meates are to be auoided by vs. And you my friend Poole I render double thankes both because you haue vouchsafed to sende vs in vvriting the counsell of so great a phisitian and besides haue procured the same for vs from your mother a most excellent and noble matrone and vvorthie of so great a sonne so as you do not seeme to be more liberall of your counsell then in bestovving vpon vs the thing itselfe vvhich you counsell vs vnto VVherefore I loue and praise you both for your bountie and fidelitie And of Sir THOMAS MORE 's friendship Cardinal Poole boasteth much after his martyrdome in his excellent booke De vnitate Ecclesia saying yf you thinke that I haue giuen scope to my sorrowe because they were my best beloued friends that were putt to death meaning Sir THOMAS MORE and Bishop Fisher I do both acknowledge and professe it to be true most willingly that they both were deare vnto me aboue all others For how can I dissemble this seing that I doe reioyce more of their loue towards me then if I should boaste that I had gotten the dearest familiaritie withall the princes of Christendome His frienshipp also with Doctour Lea afterwards the worthie Archbishopp of Yorke was not small nor fayned although he had written an excellent booke against Erasmus his Annotations vpon the new Testament Erasmus being then Sir THOMAS his intire friend and as it were the one halfe of his owne hart For Sir THOMAS writeth thus vnto him Good Lea that you request of me not to suffer my loue to be diminished tovvards you trust me good Lea it shall not though of myselfe I incline rather to that parte that is oppugned And as I could vvish that this Cittie vvere freed from your siege so vvill I alvvaies loue you and be glad that you do so much esteeme of my loue He speaketh also of Lupset a singular learned man of that time in an epistle to Erasmus Our friend Lupsett readeth with great applause in both toungs at Oxford hauing a great auditorie for he succeedeth my Iohn Clement in that charge What familiaritie there was betwixt him and Doctour Collett Grocine Linacre and Lillie all singuler men we haue spoken of heretofore VVilliam Montioy a man of great learning and VVilliam Lattimer not Hugh the heretike that was burnt but another most famous for vertue and good letters were his verie great acquaintance as also Iohn Croke that read Greeke first at Lipsia in Germanie and was after King Henrie's Greek maister
grew first by occasion of a certaine Nunne called Elizabeth Berton dwelling in Canterburie who for her vertue and holinesse was not a little sett by amongst the common people vnto whome for that cause manie religious persons Doctours of Diuinitie and diuerse lay men of good worshipp vsed to resorte she affirming to them constantly that she had reuelations oftentimes from God charging her to giue the king warning of his wicked life and of his abusing of the sword and authoritie committed from almightie God vnto him She moreouer knowing that my Lo of Rochester Bishopp Fisher was of a singular and rare vertuous life and of admirable learning repaired to Rochester and there disclosed vnto him all her reuelations desiring his aduise and counsell therein which the holie Bishopp perceauing might well stande with the lawes of God and his holie Church aduised her as she before had warning to doe and intended it to goe to the king herselfe and lett him vnderstande all the circumstances thereof which she perfourmed stoutely telling him all the reuelations and so returned to her cloyster againe In a short space after he making a iourney to the Nunnes of Sion by meanes of one Fa Reynold a priest of that house there she happened to enter into talke with Sir THOMAS MORE concerning such secretts as had bene reuealed vnto her some parte thereof touching deepely the matter of the king's supremacie which shortly after this followed and about the vnlawfullnesse of the king's marriage Sir THOMAS though he might well at that time without danger of anie lawe of which there was then none freely talke with her therein yet notwithstanding he demeaned himself so discreetely in all his talke with her that he deserued no blame but rather great cōmendations as it was proued after most euidently when it was sore layd to his charge 6. After the diuorce was pronounced there was sett out a booke by authoritie from the Councell which layde downe the reasons why this diuorce was donne wherein amongst other matters it was sayde that therefore the king would not stay for the Pope's sentence because he had already appealed from him to the next Generall Councell Strayte after it was rumoured abroad that Sir THOMAS MORE had answered and refuted this booke of which slaunder Sir THOMAS purged himselfe by a letter to Mr. Cromevvell now Secretarie and in the king's greate fauour shewing by manie arguments that he neither would nor could confute that booke which letter is at large in the latter ende of Sir THOMAS his workes· But for all his purging himselfe accusations still came thicke and threefolde vpon him For the king by threates and sifting of his former deedes would either winne him to his minde or else finde some occasion to except against his doings and had he not bene a man of singular integritie free from all bribes and corruption in all his offices euerie light matter would haue bene layde now heauie vpon him as of some things he was indeede accused which addes more to his honour and reputation There was one Parnell that grieuously complayned against Sir THOMAS because when he was Lo Chancellour at the suite of one Mr. Vaughan his aduersarie he had made a decree against him for which at his wife's handes Sir THOMAS had taken a greate guilt Cuppe as a bribe for the clearing of which accusation Sir THOMAS being called before the bodie of the Councell the whole matter was in grieuous manner layde to his charge and when Sir THOMAS confessed the taking thereof saying that for as much as that Cuppe was giuen him long after the decree for a new yeares guift he at her importunitie of courtesie refused not to take it Then the Lo of Wiltshire Q. Anne's father who was the preferrer of the suite hated Sir THOMAS both for his religion and for that he had not consented to his daughter's marriage with much ioy sayd vnto the other Lords Loe did I not tell you that you should finde the matter true wherevpon Sir THOMAS desired their Honours as they had courteously heard him tell the one parte of his tale so they would voutsafe to heare the other with indifferent eares which being granted he further declared vnto them that albeit at her vrging he had indeede receaued the Cuppe yet immediately therevpon he caused his buttler to fill it vp with wine and therein drunke to her which when he had donne and she pledged him then he as freely as her husband bestowed it vpon him did euen as willingly bestowe the same vpon her againe for her new yeares-guift so forced her to receaue it though much against her will all which herselfe and manie others there then present deposed before that honourable assemblie Thus his accusers were putt to shame enough and he with great honour acquitted At another time on a new-yeares day also there came vnto him Mris Croaker a verie rich womā for whome with no smal paines he had made a decree in Chauncerie against the Lo of Arundel neuer fearing in acte of Iustice anie nobilitie of bloud or greatenesse of personage who presented him with a paire of gloues and fourescore Angells in them he thankefully receaued the gloues of her but refused the monie saying Mris seeing it were against good manners to refuse a gentlewomans new-yeares-guift I am content to take your gloues but as for the lining I vtterly refuse it and so caused her to take her monie againe One Mr. Gresham likewise hauing at the same time a Cause depending before him in the Chancerie sent him for a new-yeares-guift a fayre guilt Cuppe the fashiō whereof he very wel liked wherefore he caused the messenger to take one of his owne Cuppes which was in value better though the fashion pleased him not so well deliuer it to his maister in recōpence of the other vnder no other cōdition would he receaue it wherefore he was fayne so to doe Manie like vnto those actes did he which declared how cleane his hands were from taking of anie bribes which for tediousnesse sake we will omitt these are enough to shew anie liuing man how little he gayned yea how litle he cared for all transitorie wealth esteeming vertues of the minde his richest threasure and Christ naked on the Crosse his chiefe desire which holie pleasure of his almightie God before his death fulfilled when for his loue he lost all that might be most deare vnto worldlie men separation from wife and children losse of all libertie and the vtter ouerthrowe of all his goods and estate yet by leesing these things he gayned better for in steede of temporall he atchieued eternall in lieu of transitorie he hath purchased permanent in roome of deceiptfull trash he hath bought to himselfe a Crowne of glorie centuplum accepit vitam aeternam possidet he was a true marchant that by selling all he had bought the precious margarite spoken of by
Chancellour againe Would you be accounted more wise and of more sincere conscience then all the Bishopps learned Doctours Nobilitie and Commons of this realme To which Sir THOMAS replyed I am able to produce against one Bishopp vvhich you can bring forth of your side one hundred holie and Catholike Bishopps for my opinion and against one realme the consent of all Christendome for more then a thousand yeares The Duke of Norfolke hearing this sayd Now Sir THOMAS you shew your obstinate and malicious minde To whome Sir THOMAS sayd Noble Sir not any malice or obstinacie causeth me to say this but the iust necessitie of the Cause constrayneth me for the discharge of my Conscience and I call God to vvittnesse no other then this hath moued me herevnto After this the Iudges courteously offered him their fauourable audience yf he had anie thing else to alleage in his owns defence who answered most mildely and charitably More haue I not to say my Lords but that like as the blessed Apostle S. Paul as vvee reade in the Acts of the Apostles vvas present consenting to the death of the protomartyr S. Stephen keeping their cloathes that sloned him to death and yet they be novv both tvvaine holie Saints in heaven and there shall continue friends togeather for euer so I verily trust shall therefore hartily pray that though your Lordshipps haue bene on earth my Iudges to condemnation yet vve may hereafter meete in heauen merrily togeather to our euerlasting saluation and God preserue you all especially my Soueraigne Lord the king and graunt him faythfull Councellours in which prayer he most liuely imitated the example of holie S. Stephen ne statuas illis hoc peccatum yea of our Sauiour himself speaking on the crosse Pater dimitte illis quia nesciunt quid faciunt All these of Sir THOMAS his speaches were faythfully deliuered from Sr. Antonie Sentleger Richard Hayvvood and Iohn Webbe gentlemen with others more of good creditt who were present and heard all which they reported to my vncle Rooper agreing all in one discourse THE ELEVENTH CHAPTER THE HOLY DEATH and glorious martyrdom of Sir THOMAS MORE 1. The manner hovv Sir Thomas was led back to the tovver from his arraignement vvhere his sonne publiquely demanded his blessing 2. Mistresse Margaret Roper his daughters noble and laudable loue to her father Sir Thomas novv condemned 3. Hovv deuoutly and magnanimously Sir T. M. expected his exequution 4. Aduertisment of the day of his death sent him from the king 5. The manner and forme of his glorious death and martyrdom 6. The kings sadnes vpon report of his death withsome notable circumstances of his buriall 7. A consideration of the last blessing vvhich he gaue to his heires and their progenie after them 8. Physiognomy of Sir Thomas More 1. AFter his Condemnation he was conducted from the barre to the Tower againe an axe being carried before him with the edge towards him and was lead by Sr. William Kinston a tall strong and comelie gentleman Constable of the Tower and his verie good friend but presently a dolefull spectacle was presented to Sir THOMAS and all the standers by for his onlie sonne my grandfather like a dutiefull childe casteth himself at his father's feete crauing humbly his blessing not without teares whome he blessed and kissed most louingly whose loue and obedience Sir THOMAS in a letter praysed saying that this his behauiour pleased him greately When Sr. William had conducted Sir THOMAS to the Olde Swanne towards the Tower there he bad him Farewell with a heauie heart the teares trickeling downe his cheekes but Sir THOMAS with a stayed grauitie seing him sorrowfull beganne to comfort him with chearefull speaches saying good Mr. Kinston trouble not your selfe but be of good cheare for I will pray for you and my good Ladie your wife that we may meete in heauen togeather where we shall be merrie for euer and euer Soone after this Sr. William talking hereof to my vncle Rooper sayd In good fayth Mr. Rooper I was ashamed of myselfe that at our parting I found my hart so weake and his so stoute that he was fayne to comfort me who should rather at that time haue comforted him but God and the clearenesse of his Conscience is a comfort which no earthlie prince can giue or take away 2. When Sir THOMAS was come now to the Tower-wharfe his best beloued childe my aunte Rooper desirous to see her father whome she feared she should neuer see in this world after to haue his last blessing gaue there attendance to meete him whome as soone as she had espyed after she had receaued vpon her knees his fatherlie blessing she ranne hastily vnto him and without consideration or care of herselfe passing through the midst of the throng and guarde of men who with billes and halberds compassed him round there openly in the sight of them all embraced him tooke him about the necke and kissed him not able to say anie word but Oh my father oh my father He liking well her most naturall and deare affection towards him gaue her his fatherlie blessing telling her that whatsoeuer he should suffer though he were innocent yet it was not without the will of God and that she knew well enough all the secretts of his hart counselling her to accommodate her will to Gods blessed pleasure and bad her be patient for her losse She was no sooner parted from him and gone ten steppes when she not satisfyed with the former Farewell like one who had forgottē herselfe rauished with the intire loue of so worthie a father hauing neither respect to herselfe nor to the presse of the people about him suddenly turned backe and ranne hastily to him tooke him about the necke and diuerse times togeather kissed him whereat he spoke not a word but carrying still his grauitie teares fell also from his eyes yea there were very few in all the troupe who could refrayne hereat from weeping no not the guarde them selues yet at last with a full heauie hart she was seuered from him at which time Margarett Gigs embraced him kissed him also yea mine Aunt 's mayde one Dorothie Collie did the like of whome he sayd after it was homelie but verie louingly donne all these and also his sonne my grandfather wittnessed that they smelt a most odoriferous smell to come from him according to that of Isaac Odor filij mei sicut odor agri pleni cui benedixit Dominus Oh what a spectacle was this to see a woman of nature shamefast by education modest to expresse such excessiue griefe as that loue should make her shake of all feare and shame which dolefull sight piercing the harts of all beholders how doe you thinke it moued her fathers surely his affection and forcible loue would haue daunted his courage if that a diuine spiritt of constancie had not inspired him to beholde this most generous woman his
the education of his mother called before her marriage Anne Cresacre the last of her familie by whose match he enioyed after a competent liuing to keepe him out of needie life Mine aunte Rooper because she was a woman was not so hardly dealt withall but only threatened very sore both because she kept her father's head for a relike and that she meant to sett her father's workes in printe yet for all that after a short imprisonment she was at last sent home to her husband Thus all his friends felt in parte the king's heauie anger for his vndaunted courage 8. Sir THOMAS was of a meane stature well proportioned his complexion tending to phlegmatike his coulour white and pale his hayre neither black nor yellow but betweene both his eies gray his countenance amiable chearefull his voyce neither bigg nor shrill but speaking plainely and distinctly it was not very tunable though he delighted much in musike his bodie reasonable healthfull only that towards his latter ende by vsing much writing he complained much of the ache of his breast In his youth he drunke much water wine he only tasted of when he pledged others he loued salte meates especially powdered beefe milke cheese eggs and fruite and vsually he eate of corse browne bread which it may be he rather vsed to punish his taste then for anie loue he had thereto for he was singular wise to deceaue the world with mortifications only contēting himselfe with the knowledge which God had of his actions pater eius qui erat in abscondito reddidit ei THE TWELFTH CHAPTER THE IVDGEMENT vvhich all nations made of the death of Sir THOMAS MORE 1. Cardinall Pooles lamentation vpon his death 2. Erasmus of Roterdam in Holland 3. Doctour Iohn Cochlaeus of Germanie 4. Paulus Iouius Bishop in Italy 5. William Paradin a learned historian of France 6. Iohn Riuius a learned Protestant 7. Charles the fift Emperour K. of Spanie 8. Circunstances vvorthe ponderacion in his death 9 An apology for his mery apophthegmes and pleasaunt conceipts 10. The first lay man martyred for defence of ecclesiasticall iurisdiction 1. NOw lett vs see what most of the learned men of Christendome not only Catholikes but euen Protestants thought and wrote of king Hērie for Sir THOMAS MORE 's death who were not likelie being free from all partialitie but to speake their mindes sincerely not fearing him as his subiects nor hating him for anie priuate respects First Cardinall Pole then liuing in the Courte of Rome and writing to the king in the defence of Ecclesiasticall vnitie sayth thus by the figure of Apostraphe of the complaints of other men Thy father Oh England thy ornament thy defence was brought to his death being innocent in thy sight by birth thy childe by condition thy Cittizen but thy father for the manie benefits donne vnto thee for he shewed more euident signes of his fatherlie loue towards thee then euer anie louing father hath expressed to his onlie and truly beloued childe yet in nothing hath he more declared his fatherlie affection then by his ende for that he left his life for thy sake especially least he should ouerthrowe and betray thy saluation Wherefore that which we reade in the ancient stories of Greece as touching Socrates whome the Athenians condemned most vniustly to take poyson so thou hast now seene thy Socrates beheaded before thine eies a while after his death when in a playe there was recited out of a Tragedie these wordes You haue slayne you haue slayne the best man of all Greece Vpon these their words euerie man so lamented the death of Socrates calling to minde that iniustice although the Poet himselfe dreamed least of him that the whole theater was filled with nothing else but teares and howling for which cause the people presently reuenged his death by punishing grieuously the chiefe authours thereof those that were of them to be found were putt to death presently and they that could not be found out were banished There was also a statua erected in his honour in the verie markett place Yf they therefore at the only hearing of these wordes vpon the stadge tooke an occasiō to be reuenged of that most innocent man's slaughter what more iust cause mayst thou London haue of compassion and reuenge hearing the like words to these not pronounced only by anie stage-player at home but by most graue and reuerende men in all places of Christendome when as they speake most seriously exprobrating often vnto thee thine ingratitude saying You haue slayne you haue slayne the best English-mā aliue This spoke this learned and wise Cardinall who could testifye this of his knowledge by reason he conuersed often with the greatest States of Christendome being a man famous amongst them for his nobilitie of bloud for his dignitie his learning and excellent vertues for which none haue cause to suspecte him to be partiall 2. Erasmus as may be easily guessed by the stile although he wrote it not in his owne name because he had then manie friends in England sayth thus This is Euident that neither MORE nor the Bishopp of Rochester erred yf they haue erred at all of any malice they had against the king but for sincere conscience sake This they perswaded themselues wholy this was infixed in their marrowes that the matter which they defended was good and lawfull and honourable for the king and holesome for all the whole kingdome Yf it had bene lawfull for them to haue dissembled it they would haue donne it willingly but they tooke their death most patiently peaceably praying to God for the king and the whole realme's safetie In haynous offences a simple and pure conscience and a minde not desirous of hurting anie but of well deseruing excuseth much the faulte besides due respect honour hath bene alwaies had euen amōgst barbarous nations to eminent learning and excellent vertue The verie name of a philosopher rescued Plato from being beheaded by the Aeginetes hauing transgressed the lawes of their Cittie Diogenes without anie feare came into Philipp king of Macedonia's armie and being brought before him for a spye of their enemies freely reproched the king to his face of madnesse that being not content with his owne kingdome he would cast himselfe into danger to leese all yet was he sent away without anie harme at all donne to him and not only so but had a great rewarde giuen him for no other cause but that he was a philosopher And as the courtesies of Monarches shewed vnto learned men doe gett them greate fame so to haue vsed such men hardly hath bene occasion that they haue bene much hated and enuied For who doth not hate Antonie for hauing Cicero's head cutt of who doth not detest Nero for putting Seneca to death yea Octauius incurred some infamie for Ouid's bannishment amongst the Getes When Levvis the Twelueth of France now being peaceably settled in his kingdome would haue bene diuorced