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A35164 Philothea's pilgrimage to perfection. Described in a practise of ten dayes solitude, by Brother John of the Holy Crosse, Frier Minour. Cross, John, 1630-1689. 1668 (1668) Wing C7250A; ESTC R214384 86,154 274

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Adoration Thanksgiving to God Annihilation of thy selfe now so wholly swallowed up in God become one spirit with him whereby thou maist say Possesse Me O Lord for I am thine and hence forth Nothing shall seperate me from the Charity of JESUS CHRIST And frō hence will flow such an aboundant sweetnesse of peace tranquillity into all the powers of the soul that she will feele her selfe to be in a manner transformed into a Divine Being For having a lively Apprehension Philothea that God is in Thee as the Life of thy heart has so united thy heart to himselfe that thou livest breathest movest only by influences received from him Thou wilt soon Imagine that He is as much in Thee as carefull of thy Beeing actions as if He where no where but in Thee nor cared for any creature besides Thee Whence will arise so delightfull a serenity in thy Conscience so admirable a Tranquillity in thy whole spirit that Thou wilt think thy selfe beginning actually to Possesse God gloriously And wilt therefor fly from all creatures least they disturb thy conferences with thy heavenly Espous the chast Embracements he then gives Thee Abandoning thy selfe wholly to his Providence as if Nothing were in the world but only God Thy selfe COLLOQUIE Alas My God! how far am I from feeling these delicious Motions of thy all-comforting Spirit within Me Thou fillest all Creatures giving life motion to all dost wonderfully lead them all to their proper Ends yet have I not yeilded my selfe up to Thee to be guided by Thee the fountain of all Goodnesse unto thy selfe My only Happinesse O that thou woulds't powre into my heart a torrēt of Love wherby I may be violently carried towards Thee drowned in Thee O Infinite Sea ever overflowing with sweetnesse Mercy Then shall I abandon all thinges for Thee then nothing shall relish to me but Thee nor will I then care how thou disposest of me Draw Me O Lord I will run after Thee in the odour of thy oyntments I will rejoyce be glad in Thee mindfull of thy breasts above Wine the righteous shall then Love Thee Amen EIGTH DAYES VOYAGE God Speaking to the Soul THE MORNING EXERCISE FIRST POINT Hearken to God CONSIDERATION COnsider That although by our Flight from Creatures the frequent Sallies our heart makes towards God we may arrive to some degree of spirituall Tranquillity yet this will not be compleat or permanent unlesse we grow dumb to all Creatures oft enter into conference with God have our Eares open only to harken what the Holy Ghost speaks in us whereby to confirme our hearts in the search of rest joy in Him as our substantiall happinesse We must therefor Philothea observe a strict Silence as a most necessary preparation of our hearts to appeare in Gods presence conferr with him for he reveales not himselfe to a soul busied in harkning to conferring with Creatures Nor can we profitably apply our minds to the practice of a recollected spirituall Life if our Eares be open to wordly tumults or tongues loosened to discourse on the varieties thereof No noyse was heard in the building of Salomons Temple nor may any disturbance be found in Us while Gods Holy Spirit builds up our Heart into a Temple of grace Holynesse If thy heart be not warmed burn within thee with the vehemency of divine Love while JESUS confers with thee in thy way to perfection 't is because thou hast not been attentive to his Inspirations Be thou silent therefor Philothea at all times but particularly when wher it is required by the constitutions of that state thou hast chosen least thy heart being opened the balsom of Gods Grace evaporate loose its Vertue or be poysoned with the stenches which may proceed from sinfull conversation Be silent too when injur'd or reprehended in conformity to JESUS CHRIST when arraigned for his life a sharp word provokes wrath excuses deprive patience of its due merit But especially thou must be silent during this thy spirituall Retirement for the Holy Ghost will not make thy heart its Sanctuary or deliver his Oracles therin unlesse thou banish thence all danger of casting forth baits of sin to others by thy tongue or sucking in the Venom of evill thoughts into thy own heart by thy Eares unles thou dost seriously apply thy selfe to harken unto what he reveales of himselfe to Thee for thy encouragement to persever in thy blessed choyce the encrease of spitual comfort in thee AFFECTION Ah my soul wilt thou abandon thy Creator for Creatures or deprive thy selfe of the delicious conferences embracements of thy Heavenly Espous for the vain sinfull conversation of Worldlings O my God I perceive I am yet far off from the perfection of holy solitude having hitherto lavisht away so much precious time in unprofitable sinfull discourses O that I could recall those many houres dayes yeeres of my life now past gone whereof I must one day render a severe account Alas my God did st observe all moments of Time allowed us to serve Thee to sue for pardon of sins encrease of Vertue freedom in holy conferences with Thee who could sustain the bittern●sse of thy iust wrath Speak now O Lord thy servant will give eare unto thee RESOLUTION I will hence forth place a strict guard upon my lips eares observing a religious silence at all times places conformably to my calling the example of my Saviour JESUS amidst his false accusers but particularly during my Retirement to the end I may heare the Voice of my Beloved speaking the language of peace comfort within me that I may improve my spirit by his heavenly Colloquies encrease my Love duty to him And therefor I will make a daily Examin of my selfe how I spend my time that no moment of my life may passe without some advance in piety nor any of Gods Inspirations be uncomplyed with Call therefor upon me now O Lord I will give eare unto Thee thou thalt blesse the works of my hands SECOND POINT Gods Speaks by Visible Creatures CONSIDERATION COnsider That Our Glorious God created all the Visible Things in this Great World not only to preserve us by their use in this mortall Life but especially that in them he might shaddow out unto us his own Majesty the good things prepared for us in Heaven with Himselfe Their perfection order usefullnesse declare the greatnesse of his Glory Wisdom Bounty they are stepps whereby we may clime up to God in them discover how admirable how amiable how adorable he is in Himselfe they are so many Tongues without cease speaking to us the Infinite Excellencies of their Creatour inviting us to admire love adore that Divine Essence wherin all are contain'd from whence they all had still continue their Being Clime therefor
glorious how pleasant how delightfull is the Kingdom of the Saints where Thou O God happy in thy selfe art the happinesse of thy glorifyed servants No greife all content is there where thou dost abide through a fulnes of their Love ever flowing towards thee Oh that thou would'st transport me forth of this kingdō of darknesse misery that I may with a fixed Eie ever behold Thee the Light which no darknesse comprehends possesse Thee the Peace that surpasses all Imagination then will the rowlings longings of my faynting heart have an End it will appear in me that I have been in a Region of Light Peace am full of both I in Iustice shall appear in thy sight shall be satiated when thy Glory appears Amen NINTH DAYES VOYAGE Repose of the soul in God THE MORNING EXERCISE FIRST POINT The soul hidden in God CONSIDERATION COnsider That Beginners in the Contemplative life goe frō Creatures to God admiring loving Him by the beauty lovelynesse discoverd in them Proficients look on God as he is revealed by divine faith by that dimme light make pleasant sallies towards him by acts of admiration love restlesse desires to live move in by to God But they who are now happily arrived to the state of Perfection which thou aymest at Philothea in this thy solitary Pilgrimage doe contemplate Gods Majesty Beauty Glory as if cleerly revealed seen in Himselfe by an Illapse of God into the sanctifyed soul of the soul into God in whom she hides herselfe reposeth without disturbance enjoyes a fulnesse of content without wandring abroad Thus S. Paul even in this life could say that his life was hidden with CHRIST in God that his conversation was even then in heaven having placed his happinesse in spirituall divine actions wherby his soul ever moved towards God emptyed its selfe into him concealing himselfe from the World by bearing with ioy the Miseries mortifications therof contrary to the custome of those who living in the World live wordly And thus the lives of the Saints have been ever accounted folly their deaths dishonourable whereas they live with in God a divine life contented to know love move in him according to the lights helps received from him It is in our power Philothea through divine helps to lead this hidden life in God have our conversation in heavē even abiding or Earth in our mortall flesh but thou must then be very pure holy having thy Soul cleansed from all sin sinfull inclinations pressing towards earthly satisfactions for no spot or stain enters that beautifull cleer region of the Saints Thou must also be cloathed with the garment of Charity towards all cōply with divine Inspirations putting on JESUS Christ by imitatiō of his mortifications prōptnesse in obeying his counsells Thus abiding in the world thou wilt not be of the World or be known by it having not its livery on nor performing its actions But God will acknowledge thee to be his in whom thou now livest hast a Divine Being in Him therefor maist say I live now not in my selfe but in God my life my sweet repose my finall happinesse AFFECTION O admirable sweetnesse of this Divine Being of the Soul hidden from the World in God! even in this life thou maist ascend thither my Soul quitting earthly conversation comforts passing the Starrs transported above the Quires of glorious Angels drowning thy selfe in the Abysse of Gods infinite Essence O who will give me the wings of a Dove I will fly repose in God My heart hath desired his face my Soul covets his presence O beautifull Face O delicious presence O rich aboad in God in the fulness of the Saints only the clean of heart may abide there RESOLUTION I will hide my selfe from the world casting off its livery which are worldly vain actions abandoning all earthly conversation which may soyle my heart And I will henceforth live in God by contēplating his Glory performing heavenly actions ordring my whole life according to his holy Will not regarding what passeth here on earth as if not att all belonging to Me or the life of One hidden living in God Oh that my Soul were swallowed up in that Divine Sea God in Me I in God besides Nothing As I began from Thee so will I end in Thee O End without End SECOND POINT Search of God in God CONSIDERATION COnsider That being now entred into God there as Moses on Gods Holy Mountain hidden in a Divine Mist we must search into him endeavour to discover plainly what he is how amiable is his hidden beauty we so thirst to behold enjoy This must be performed by an act of pure Contemplation without depending on created Images or discourse of reason but as if the Eie of the Soul were dazled with the beams of Gods Divine unaccessible Light diffused through that Mist She must simply consider God to be so full of Majesty so Good so Glorious that he can never be seen loved or admired as he is or we ought so that what ever we conceive of him is far beneath the Excellencies of his Being what ever we admire in him he is incomparably more admirable how ever we love him he is infinitely more amiable lovely desirable although each one should love him as much as all the Saints Angels together can for a whole Eternity love him Wherefor the amorous soul will be ever busied in searching into God discovering his hidden perfections in that divine Mist being unable to discern cleerly even what she there already sees therefor cryes out to God Shew me thy face And although she therein feeles a most excessive sweetnesse ioy yet she is ignorant both what it is whence it comes therfor acknowledges him to be infinitely more excellent delightfull then she is able to expresse or imagine as it hapned to S. Paul in his divine rapture If thou wert extrem hungry Philothea didst stand betwixt two tables loathing the meat of the one not permitted to tast of the other what conflicts would'st thou then feele Thus it will be if the soul be hidden in this divine Mist for being wearied with the search of her beloved in created Likenesse not permitted to contemplate the naked Essence of God in its selfe cleerly though present with her she still inquires after him loaths the obscurity wherein she is through her own weaknesse thirsts to be filled with a cleer Vision full Fruition of God in himselfe oft looks forth to make a better discovery of him entertains all his inspirations as so many Whisperings of her Espous sighs amorously for his delaying the comfortable Revelation of himselfe to her as one drunk with love sends messages to him by all she meets that She lanquishes with Love AFFECTION
aboad being there with God our employmēts in what belōgs to him Although nothing be more ours then we our selus titles of honour most cōforting delights our dearest friends as leaves blossoms from the tree being easily blown off from us yet having our Being with what ever appertains to it from God whatsoever we are in our selus can doe or may have belongs to God as the Soveraign Lord Master of all so that to him we owe all we should be guiltie of a most greivous disloyaltie should we venture to dispose of our selus according to our own liking Gods inward Excellencie wherby he contains in himselfe all perfections disperst amongst Creatures those sacred influences wherby he preserus us from falling into our Originall Ashes his precept of loving him above all things which includes the actions of all other morall divine Vertues the price of Christs precious Bloud wherewith he bought us those unspeakable rewards of holiness of life prepared above with his Angells for us are strong tyes of Dutie to him challeng all homage fidelitie from us Wherfore Philothea should we spend our whole liues every thought all our actions on him we pay but the least part of what we owe to him Now therfore at least show thy readiness to follow love obey him sith he specially invites Thee to a more familiar conference freedom with him during thy Solitude COLLOQUIE Even so it is My Dearest Lord I am thine O that I might for ever abide with thee The world is a sea full of tempests confusion holie Solitude is a safe harbour where there are great calms securitie O that thou wouldest fill the sayles of my heart with a gracious gale which may sweetly carry me forth of these turbulent depths free me from the dangers of a spirituall shipwrack give me a sure shelter under thy comforting protection then should my spirit have liberty to pant after the escaped dangers s●e the perills wherin she hath been hitherto tossed pay those duti●s which on so many titles are due unto Thee Save me thou O Lord I shall be saved thou shalt be my praise for ever SECOND DISCOURSE Our Returnes to God HAving now perswaded thy selfe to embrace Solitude through reflection on the Dignitie Innocencie Necessitie therof in order to thy freedom from worldly cares solicitudes as also that thou maist therby pay to God part of that great Dutie which on so many titles thou owest to him fitt thy selfe for the due practise therof by Acknowledgment of Gods speciall favours to thee in inspiring thee with so holie just a design The same God that sanctifyed thee a Member of his holie Church has by hidden means drawn thee now nigher to himselfe will that thou break in pieces those fetters of sensualitie which have hitherto kept thee tyed to Creatures without which thou hadst still wallowed in thy old vices never look't into thy corrupted manners or thought on begining this thy holie Pilgrimage Wherfor acknowledge thy nakedness povertie weakness to walk these sublime wayes of perfection that this divine Call all other favours thou shalt ther by reape are pure effects of Gods mercies bountie to thee O Philothea could we duely value the greatness of this favour of being thus cald to walk converse with God whereas many others who perhaps would make better use therof are passed by left to work out their salvation amidst the tumults of worldly cares we would esteem no labours no sufferings enough to express our Gratitude to him Resolve therefor to employ thy Memorie in thinking on God on the generall speciall means best known to thy own spirit wherby he hath drawn thee thus far from Creatures towards himselfe thy Understanding in searching forth means wherby readily to execute his cōmandements inspired counsells thy Will other inferiour powers of thy soul in loving him refrayning from what he hath forbidden performing whatsoever he hath or shall require of thee And because the aime of Solitude is to lead thee to a private conference with God wherin the Immortall Angells now glorifyed Saints will be spectatours before whom none may appeare without his wedding Garmēt or with feet sullied by sinfull affections Thou must Philothea endeavour to Rectifie thy intentions in undertaking this Retyrement for if thy motives be but customarie the fruicts therof will soon fade Then Purge thy mind of worldly vaine affections by a deep act of repentance least they ever anon call upon thee disturb the repose of the spirit And lastly Offer up thy heart to God united with that of thy crucified Saviour for whose sake thou art resolved to walk the hard ways of thy Pilgrimage to Perfection so that henceforth whether JESUS feasts thee with his disciples in Cana or fasteth in the wilderness be glorious on Mount Thabor or prayeth in the Garden or hangeth on the Crosse thou must never forsake him Thus wilt thou happyly walk through the varieties dangers of this unconstant life make a fruitfull progress in this thy holy Retyrement COLLOQUIE Wellcome then O most delicious paradice of my God O Sacred Solitude wherein is again revived the decayed Image of our Originall Innocency by conformity of will to God Obedience of sensualitie to the precepts of reason sweet trāquillitie of all passions powers in the Kingdome of the soul I acknowledg O my God thy great bounty in inviting me hither will endeavour to prun my spirit of all irregular Motiōs that Imay be Afitt Offring to my heavenly Lord Master Sanctify O God these my earnest desires from thy holie Temple of Hierusalem confirme the good things thou hast wrought in me Amen SECOND DAYES VOYAGE Entertainments in Solitude THE MORNING EXERCISE FIRST POINT Humilitie Austeritie CONSIDERATION COnsider that there 's a great difference between Solitude Idleness A wise holie Soul will choose therefor to be alone that shee may be better employed whither it be that the Retyrement be for the whole life under some Religious Vows or for some certain dayes wherfor entring into Solitude thou must Philothea make use of such Entertainments of spirit body as may consist with retyredness advance thee in the practise of Vertue Wherfore we must be well groūded in the use of Humilitie which is the foundation of all other Vertues a fair disposition both to acknowledg amēd what 's amisse For Solitude is a state wherin the soul is raised to a private conference with God unlesse we have a perfect Humilitie we are in danger of a precipice Nay what ever other progresse we make in our Pilgrimage to Perfection without a profound humilitie we are never secure as appears in Lucifer our first Parents Therfor Our Lord JESUS by doctrine exemple exhorts to the practise therof as the cheife work of Christianitie the prefervative of
in his Passion to redeeme Man from the tyranny of sin satan What greater argument of Love could God give to Miserable Man then this then when the Jews sought to destroy him all mankind had abandond him even then to bestow on us not fading honours riches or pleasures but himselfe who is the Maker of the whole world that as a Ransom to discharge us from our Captivity as a Physitian to cure our Spirituall diseases as a Father to protect us as an Espouse to comfort us as the Earnest of his eternall glory what greater bounty then this If the Jews with so great Reverence assisted at offred up their Sacrifices of beasts surely We should with far greater Veneration piety approach to our Altars whereon the living God in our Nature is offred up a Propitiatiō for the sins of the World a Reconciliation between God Man a Source of all blessings of grace glory No sooner does the Priest pronounce those words whereby that Mystery is wrought but the substance of the bread wine is changed into the body bloud of JESUS CHRIST the sensible elements thereof only remaining there he is whole in every part in all places where he is consecrated without division or multiplication in him selfe or departing from the right hand of the Father Certainly Philothea This guift that bounty these wonders wrought for our reparation from our sinfull state should strongly engage our hearts in Loue Duty to God AFFECTION I adore Thee my soveraign Lord hidden in this Divine Mystery acknowledge Thee to be there really present God Man my Redeemer Sanctifyer Glorifyer Alas My God all my Good how little have I hitherto thought on this thy inestimable love bounty to me whereby to releiue me from the slavery of sensuality satan to heale the deep wounds of my sinfull soul fill it with enlivning sanctifying graces what have I returned to God for all these favours bestowed upon me I will approach to Gods Altar with a repentant heart eate there the bread of salvation will call on the Name of God RESOLUTION I will ever have a lively faith towards this Mystery of the Holy Eucharist confirmed to me by CHRISTS own words the authority of Apostles Fathers the consent of all ancient modern Christians united under one supream head CHRISTS Vicar on Earth I will lay open all my wants weaknessesse before my Soveraign Lord here really present confiding in his comforting helps for the freeing my Mind from distractions Will from sinfull affections that I may profitably approach to him eate of that living bread sacrifize my soul to him by abnegation of my will my body by Obedience to Christian Duties SECOND POINT Fruits of the Holie Sacrament CONSIDERATION COnsider That approaching to Gods holy Altar there eating of that repayring fruit of the Tree of life We become like the Sacred Virgin conceiving him in her womb therefor should study to imitate her Humilitie Obedience Faith Charity whereby she was fitted to that great work raised to familiar conferences with JESUS CHRIST which we specially aime at in our holy Retyrement We become also Temples of God therefor our hearts should be Altars whereon to offer up our enflamed thoughts desires admitting no negotiation there but what may tend to the cleansing our souls from evill affections adorning them with divine vertues whereby it may be fitted to entertayn this heavenly Guest Had JESUS CHRIST when on Earth vouchsafed to make his aboade with us as in Bethania with Mary Martha with what solicitude would we have prepared all things befitting his sacred presence that nothing might appear in us undecent or wanting where with to give him a ioyfull welcome The like care should now be had My Philothea especially since he comes here to us in his glorifyed body environed with Angels invisibly present with hands full of blessings to bestow upon us In JESUS CHRIST abides the fulnesse of the Divinity therefor He giving him selfe to us in this heavenlie Manna containing all sweetnesse he gives withall the whole treasury of his heavenly guifts graces whereby the soul is cleansed from veniall sins mortall inculpably forgotten in confession Reason receives cleerer lights of spirituall truths the Will is enflamed to Christiā Duties the Conscience eased Inclinations to evil are weakned our Love to heavenly things strengthned encreased O living food of Angels be thou my Dayly bread fill my soul with thy divine sweetnesse that my conversation may be in heaven by the Imitation of the life of those blessed spirits by hopes of feeding for ever on that bread in the kingdom of thy Father AFFECTION Oh that I might conceive JESUS in my heart by Love bring him forth by performance of his Will then should I truly feed on this bread of Angels But alas too often have I approached Gods Altar with a Spirit full of earthly desires too frequently have I entertaind the great Lord of the world in a soul defiled with sinfull affections tepid in divine Exercises distracted with worldly sollicitudes therefor I still remain dry barren to good actions insensible to the comforting presence of JESUS within me Oh that Gods holy Spirit would overshadow my soul cleanse it from all imperfections enflame it with heavenly loue replenish it with his gracious blessings that it may be a fitt Sanctuary for the Saviour of Men Angels RESOLUTION I will banish forth of my heart whatever may displease my Divine Espouse adorning it with Vertues holy desires whereby it may be prepared to entertain him experiēce the sweetnesse of his comforting presence And I will endeavour that my outward decency in behaviour conversation may testify the inward tranquillity alacrity of my spirit an earnest longing to be One with him Live Thou O JESUS in my soul that I may live by the heat of thy divine flames walk by the light of thy inspirations from Vertue to Vertue till I see Thee my God in thy holy Sion THE THIRD POINT Intention in Communion CONSIDERATION COnsider That if in all actions of this life we study to have a due upright intention this ought then especially to be when we approach to the Holy Sacrament that great proofe of Gods Love to mankind that efficacious means of confirming us in our spirituall life a most assured pledg of our future blessed life above We may not then venture hither of meer custome or for companie sake nor to purchase a vain esteem of holinesse or an encrease of temporall blessings or some spirituall gust or sweetnesse in that great Act of Christian worship No Philothea we must goe to God for God himselfe that our loue to him may be greater our devotions quicker our Spirits stronger in performing the will of our Soveraign Lord and
Heralds to proclaime the coming of the Espouse to invite thee to this gracious Supper being thē decently prepared accompanied with thy choicest freinds of heaven approach humbly devoutly to Gods Altar saying in thy spirit Whence is it that my Dearest Lord vouchsafeth to come to me abide within me O Philothea if thy soul be not quite frozen thou wilt here feele the heat of this heavenly fire returne hence full of enflamed affections panting swelling through an aboundance of divine Love If ever there be hopes of a spirituall advancement any zeale of Christian duties or constant resignation amidst temptations it will now appeare while this great Giver of all good things lodges in thy bosome as the soul of thy spirit Manifest then to him thy wants wishes say Thou thalt not depart hence unlesse thou doest blesse me with the blessings of Peace Mercy COLLOQUIE Ah my soul canst thou be hungry hauing eaten of the bread of Angels Or a thirst hauing tasted of the fountain of living water Or cold having been at this divine fire Alas my Soveraign Lord my carelesness in attending to thy presence in this sacred banquet my frequent relapses into my old vices ungratitude for thy many wonderfull favours has even deaded my heart rendred it insensible to the gracious influences of this heavenly food Enliven my spirit O my God with thy grace fortify it with this bread of Angels in the strength thereof I will walk to thy holie Mountain the Mountain where God delights to abide where he liveth for ever Amen FIFTH DAYES VOYAGE Mortification of Sensualitie THE MORNING EXERCISE FIRST POINT Mortification of the Senses CONSIDERATION COnsider that the soul being now cleansed from all stayns of sin by Repentance strengthned in its Spirituall life by that divine bread which is JESSUS CHRIST we must use all endeavours to reforme such evill habits inclinations as may slacken our pious resolutions purchase those helps of Vertue which may most efficaciouslie advance us in our Pilgrimage to perfection We must therefor Philothea withdraw our outward senses frō all those objects which are apt to seduce our hearts from Gods Law engage them in sinfull affections so contrary to the perfectiō of our designe This is done both by a carefull custody of our senses from viewing feeding on such sensible objects as may allure us to take complacence in them by a moderate castigation of the body by acts of pennance that it rebells not against the dictates of reason grace All Christians have a strickt obligation to endeavour this custody castigation of the senses For being Children of the earthly Adam through whose sin all are borne enemies to God Rebells against his holy Law we all find both body soul alienated from their due Obedience to reason Gospell which cannot be repayred but by withdrawing our senses even from lawfull objects undergoing hard painfull duties Being also in holy Baptisme happily spoused to JESUS CHRIST by a solemn Vow then made in our Name to renounce Satan all his works to apply our selves to the observance of all CHRISTS Precepts we ought seriously to study the imitation of the life of Our Soveraign Lord fullfill our promises made to him by mortifying our concupiscences performance of his Will But this must be especially done during our spirituall retreat that crucifying our sensualitie by prayer fasts watchings such like austerities we may the more freely harkē to the whisperings of the Spirit thereby become wholly spirituall according to our designe And therefor those great Examples of solitary perfection whose lives fill us with admiration no sooner withdrew themselves from the noyse of worldly solicitudes but they applyed themselves to corporall austerities therby to quell the inordinate suggestions of corrupted sensualitie raise up their hearts in the contemplation of heavenly permanent comforts AFFECTION O painfull pilgrimage of this mortall Life how miserable how fraile how bitter art thou And yet have I thus long loved thee feeding my senses on perishing objects filling my heart with vain emptie desires of sensuall pleasures thereby forgetting that great ransom my Saviour payd to redeem me from the tyranny of Satan which the disorders of sensuality brought upon me neglecting that glorious inheritance he by his bitter Passion purchased for me Oh I will rather suffer a thousand deaths then abandon my selfe to these unclean deceitfull delights I renounce you for ever O Impure suggestions doe defie any concupiscence which may bring the wrath of God upon the children of distrust RESOLUTION I will make a covenant with my senses not to admitt of any unlawfull or vain object will place a guard over them that they seek not after what may be pleasing to flesh bloud I will mortify them by a prudent descreet use of corporall austerities denying to my selfe all superfluities which may delight my sensuall inclinations in conformitie to the counsells of holy Gospell by assuming particular acts of Mortification sutable to my calling as far as Obedience will permit And I will say with the Royall Prophet For thy love O Lord I have mortifyed my selfe all the day long SECOND POINT Mortification of the Passions CONSIDERATION COnsider That it sufficeth not to mortify the outward senses unlesse we reforme also the inward Man by ordering and deading our inward passiōs What availes it to weare a haire cloath on the back in the bosome to beare a rancorous proud heart or what profit will it be to our spirit to fast much to pray often to watch long speak seldome if Envie Impatience Pride or some other hidden affections poyson the soul within destroy that delicious harmony which should be between the Will of God our own It is a great mistake Philothea of some souls otherwise wel-willing devout that heeding the mortification of the outward man they neglect to prune their hearts of vicious affections so contrary to the spirit of JESUS CHRIST thereby misse of that tranquillitie perfection they seek after in their Retyrement Wherefor My Philothoa make a carefull survay of all thy sensuall inclinations what passions lay lurking in thy heart how ready thou art to beare Crosses forbeare carnall satisfactions sett a watch over every one that they stirr not but by the order of Reason direction of Grace AFFECTION Alas my Soul it is the Way but not the end of perfection to mortify thy poore body if thou beest thy selfe the cause of all disorders there Be thou humble thy body will not be proud be thou chast thy body will not be lascivious be thou temperate thy body will not be gluttonous Oh that the powerfull hand of my God would quell the tumults of my inordinate passions putt bounds to the rowlings of my affections I have strayed from Thee O my
Creatures lay lurking within thee in thy bosom with what chaines thy heart is linked to them by what means they may be slackned by what degrees broken a sunder Are they Riches Beauty Cloaths some deare Friend all must be cast forth thy heart that the God of purity peace may enter therein abide with Thee No prophane Altar may stand in Gods temple nor can we together serve God Mammon If God be able to fill thy heart make it happy let not any creature presume to challenge any corner thereof AFFECTION Oh that my God would break asunder all those chains which so strongly bind me to creatures then will I fly to him with the wings of an ardent Love abandonning all for him My heart has been too long fill'd possest of Vanity O that I had a new a disinterested an unspotted heart that would be a fitt Temple wherein to entertayn so glorious a Guest Give me then a clean heart a heart of Love O Soveraign Lord of Hearts thou shalt for ever command therein I will ever abide with Thee by contemplation of thy selfe RESOLUTION I will no longer delay my flight from Creatures to God or only stand to file off the fetters that fasten me to them but will presently break them in peices cast them from Me that I may freely entirely possesse my God Nothing that is agaynst him nothing without him nothing as my felicity besides him shall enjoy any part in Me. Adieu therefor all yee Creatures that may hinder my society with God Honours wealth pleasures parents friends I abandon all that may possesse my heart unjustly hinder it from being the pure Temple of my eternall God My heart O God I give to Thee both because Thou lookest for it lovest it saying My Child give me thy heart because Thou only dost deserve it without thee it is never at rest SECOND POINT Flight from our selves CONSIDERATION COnsider That as our first Flight towards God is made by a withdrawing our affections from creatures forth of our selves that we may the more freely unite our selves to God so the second Flight must be by abstracting our affections even from the outward man that is part of our selves by reason of its great neernesse intimacy with us may the more easily doe us harme This is a dangerous Enemy indeed because most neer most dear most importune evermore worketh against our spirituall progresse however Philothea if thou dost trust in God use strong endeavours thou wilt soō make a considerable advance in this Victory over thy selfe When therefor selfe Love prompts thee to seek after any sensuall satisfaction take no notice at all of it If it growes more petulant importune reproach it with its own corruption blindnesse But if it persevers becomes insolent then Kill slay it by the sword of Austeritie rigorous Mortification so wilt thou Philothea by degrees triumph over thy selfe be able to doe beare or forbeare what ever thy spirit will with little repugnance or repining of thy sensuall appetite Thus thou feest how strict a guard our Solitary pilgrim must have over her selfe in her advance to Perfection since to purchase true happinesse 't is not enough to quitt affections to outward Creatures unlesse we also by a perfect abrenunciation of selfe Love private interest overcome that which is part of our very selves AFFECTION Oh that I could truly say My heart now ●●●th but it is not my heart which liveth but CHRIST who liveth in Me Live then sweet JESU in my heart as the heart the life the soul of my heart possesse it wholly permit no love to harbour therin which hath not its beginning from thee or at least is not consistent with Thee then will I sing My God is a strong warrier has overthrown my enemies RESOLUTION I renounce defie Thee O treacherous selfe Love which hast so often sought still intendest the ruin of my better selfe I will henceforth only esteem that selfe Love which will preserve my spirit safe in the last day and will therefor warily watch over all the motions of my heart examining all its designs projects ordering it according to the Will of my Soveraign Lord Master THIRD POINT Flight from Spiritall Comforts CONSIDERATION COnsider That to accomplish our Flight to God in himselfe wee must be willing even to be abandoned of God himselfe when he so wils it that is to say Out of our sincere love to him willingly to want those graces comforts whereby he uses to sustain his servants in their combatts advances in the way of Perfection This is that sublime state of perfection whereunto the holy Espouse was arrived when she cryed out Fly from me O my Beloved A state wherein the soul seeks not after any sensible feeling of the sweetnesse of divine Inspirations but is contented to be wholly abandoned of all inward consolations of the spirit the savory gusts of the gracious presence of Almighty God to be exposed to inward anxieties spirituall conflicts as if she were actually in the state of sin really deprived of Gods Love his Sanctifying graces This is an admirable Flight indeed Philothea yet very necessary if we ayme at the height of solitary Perfection whereby the heart must be prepared to whatever condition God alots it Examine then whither thou hast a sincere Resolution to quitt all things beneath God to love him although thou should'st not reap thence any sensible fruit or consolation during this present life AFFECTION Oh infinite beauty of my wholly amiable Creatour who would not love Thee even for thy own sake since thou art nothing but Goodnesse O you Cittizens of the heavenly Hierusalem I adjure you when you meet my Beloved that you tell him I languish with Love because he is wholly desirable chosen of thousands RESOLUTION I will Love my God for his own sake because he is wholly lovely not for any spirituall gust or comfort which may arise from the presence of his graces those good thoughts affectiōs it pleaseth him to work in me I will so love Thee My only Soveraign Lord that if I were God not Thou I would cease to be God that Thou alone mightest be the God of my soul My God all THE EVENING EXERCISE FIRST DISCOURSE Vanity of Creatures ALl creatures are either things abroad or wee our selves both are full of Vanity hinder the solitary soul from flying unto God We must therfor speedily goe forth the Sodom of this world seperate our selves from outward creatures For how can The heart enjoy the sweetnesse of solitary perfection if it wanders abroad after sensible contentments feeds upon the trash of earthly pleasures Say then Philothea Vanity of Vanities all is Vanity empty unconstant which is not my God Why then shall I permitt my affections to be
bountifull most comfortable Giver If therefor either the delighfull or profitable things of this life has yet any power over thy affections or the tribulations thereof doe still presse down thy spirit to any greife or disquiet Thou art not as yet strongly united to God enamour'd on his ravishing Beauty or arrived to the delicious harbour of spirituall peace Tranquillity Wherefor Thou maist imagin thy self to be a Reed floating to fro in the Sea of the Divinity now tossed above now under water hither and thither as thou art driven by the force of those Divine Waves so that in what ever condition thou art whatsoever happens to Thee thou maist attribute all to Gods Spirit moving upon these divine Waters in by which thou now livest movest Thus no comforts will puff up or humiliation beat down thy spirit but thou wilt ever have a generous courage pleasant evennesse of thy whole selfe amidst all the chances of this thy mortall state how ever violent they be AFFECTION Ah my soul why hast thou not hitherto aspired after this Divine BEEING to live love move to God only in the fullnesse of his own Essence O Abysse of all comfont swallow up my heart in thy delicious depths let me perish to all things but Thee never repine at any thing being so nigh to Thee O my JESU O fathomlesse fountain of Love Oh who will give Thee unto me My Brother sucking the breasts of my Mother that I may find Thee embrace Thee then none shall despise me RESOLUTION I will for ever fix my heart earnest desires only on my God thirsting to be united wholly to him for his sake I will abandon whatsoever is not consistent with him or may separate my heart from him therefor My whole study henceforth shall be to discover the poverty of Creatures to loath all earthly comforts to empty my heart of all affections to them amidst all accidents of this life to carry an even calme heart Then shall I tast see how sweet God is to those who love the Peace of his holy Citty THE EVENING EXERCISE FIRST DISCOURSE Loves Tryall GOds Spirit settles not but upon an humble meek heart which having had a relish how sweet God is earnestly sues to be admitted into the ioyes of her heavenly Lord enjoy a perfect Tranquillity peace in her whole selfe yet willingly resignes her selfe to his Will for the manner thereof contentedly expecting the happy time of his delicious Visitation and the fruits theirof To this Visitation she must prepare her selfe by an Inward Retirement of her selfe within her selfe whereby weaned wholly from all love towards creatures she feels such a passionate languishing desire to be One with God that she has an extream pain irksomnesse when forced to use outward helps of meat sleep divertisements such like necessary supports of decaying nature desirous rather if so it may please God to be ever employed in mentall Elevations to entertain her selfe in contemplating conferring caressing her beloved Espous then to enjoy any earthly satisfaction however necessary to her Neither may this heaven-thirsting foul only content her selfe with this inward Retreat of the spirit into its selfe by loathing all Creatures abroad but she must also aspire to a Nakednesse of her selfe in her selfe whereby raised even to the highest degree of Contemplation Love Union with God she is willing to be deprived of all sweetnesse which usually flowes thence And although in this state she looks on God as her only treasure haveing right to Him grounded on his own promises To spouse himselfe to her in Justice kindnesse mercies for ever yet is she contented still to lay at the Gate of happinesse there patiently humbly begging some few crumms from Gods heavenly table to be admitted to tast of his delicious Wines neverthelesse resigning her selfe to be denyed that favour as long as it so pleases him ever esteeming either her selfe unworthy thereof or Gods time not to be as yet come COLLOQUIE How happy wert thou My soul hadst thou no other employment on Earth then to contemplate the beauty of God love him glorify his Name O my God that I were wholly exempt from the use of perishing Creatures needing no other food then Thee the only true Life of my Spirit but yet far happier should I be if loathing all Creatures drown'd in the Sea of the Divinity I could be resigned to the losse of all sweetnesse which may arise from the greatest Illuminations Extasies of Love in Thee patiently expecting my gracious admittance unto thy comfortable presence Then shall I be my Beloveds he will turne his face towards Me. SECOND DISCOURSE Loves Entertainments THe soul being thus resigned to the want of all Eartly comforts sweetnesse of divine Love Gods delicious presence with her may humby soare up to heaven endeavour an Union with God a fruition of him in Himselfe by such helps as he shall graciously inspire which we must readily entertain carefully comply with for our spirituall advance towards Perfection Wherefor Philothea thou must accustome thy selfe to spirituall Introversions of the Mind into its selfe therin quietly contemplating God in thy own Beeing often sallying forth by Jaculatory Aspirations amorous sighs towards heavenly things as What art thou O my God what am I My God my All Oh that I could love Thee as I ought which must be leisurely made attentively consider'd that they may work a feeling love in thy heart whereby it may by degrees be enflamed melt into affections of hope desire joy or such like whence thou wilt find an admirable sweetnesse calme to arise in thy spirit Thou must also endeavour to have a strong apprehension of Gods presence with Thee which may be had either by an efficacious beleife that God is substatially present in all places of the World as our soul is in all parts of the body without any separation from its selfe or by Imagining him to be especially in the Center of thy heart as the soul heart life thereof animating quickning it by his presence Whence we shall find our spirits stird up to a cordiall reverence towards the Majesty of God so nigh unto us a readinesse to referr all our thoughts words actions to God seated in the Center of the heart as the Judge of their Worth last happy End of all its Motions And by this means without recourse to Creatures only by a simple apprehension of Gods presence in Thee a reference of thy whole life to Him as thy Mysticall life thou wilt have an easinesse in abandoning creatures a great quietnesse in thy whole soul Having gained these Lights wherby to discern Gods greatnesse in himselfe presence to thee Cast thy selfe into the immense Sea of his Essence admitting no other motion in Thee but of Admiration
up to this Great glorious God speaking to Thee by simple or unmixt bodyes such as are the Elements heavens behold how the Earth hangs ballanced in the midst of the World by its own weight enriched within with mines of Gold precious stones seeds of all sorts without garnished with flowers fruits many kinds of living creatures how the Water cleaves sphearally to the Earth runs through about it in Seas Rivers Springs of different Vertues How the Aire is perspicuous dissolves into showres to moisten the Earth abounds with all sorts of birds for our profit pleasure How Fire has its light heat flames how Heaven is adorned with stars moves without cease by its influences conserves things beneath in their Being due temper Then ascend to Mixt Bodyes voyd of life contemplate the Variety Vertues of sulphurs mettals stones gummes consider then the perfection multitude of Vegitable creatures as seeds plants herbs leaves blossoms flowers fruits Lastly take a View of Sensible Creatures voyd of Reason such as be the severall sorts of Beasts of the Earth fish in the sea fowles of the Aire God speaks to us Philothea by all these Visible creatures their Being growth properties declare his Power whereby they are created their Order Varietie number discovers his Wisdom their usefulnesse both to preserve our bodyes raise up our souls speaks his admirable Love Bounty to us AFFECTION How full is the World of the Majesty Glory of God! how carelesse hast thou been my soul in these Visible things to admire the Invisible Power Wisdom Bounty of the Maker Governour Lord of All Thy own kingdom above O God where all obey thy Will is surely very glorious since Thou hast furnished this our earthly habitation for sinners those who rebell agaynst thy holy Commandements with such Excellent admirable Creatures Who would not in all these love adore the God of all Let the Heavens speak forth thy Glory the firmament thy wonders for thou art Great Wonderfull thy Wisdom is without End RESOLUTION I will attentively read over the Book of Creatures that I may therein learn how full of Majesty Wisdom Goodnesse God is who has communicated such Perfection Order profitablenesse to Visible Creatures I will admire Him in All using them as steps wherby to clime up to him therefor I will be carefull not to abuse them contrary to the End God has ordained placing my felicity in his helps to it least hereafter they become my chastisers whē all Creatures shall fight Gods war agaynst Sinners How wonderfull are thy works O Lord Thou hast created all things in Wisdom Thou hast rejoyced me in them I will delight in the works of thy hands THIRD POINT God speaks by Man CONSIDERATION COnsider That all Creatures beneath Man are only the Footsteps of God representing some one or other perfection of that infinite Abysse but Man himselfe is the true Image Likenesse of God As a Little world he contayneth within himselfe the Excellencies dispersed through the Greater expresseth in some degree those in God the Fountain Authour of both therefor in the beginning of the Creatiō he is establish't Soveraign Lord of all the earth with its ornaments is his pavement meadows and garden Waters his baths fishponds Vallies his cellars storehouses Hills his Walls pillars Heaven the roofe that covers all the stars are the windowes wherby he has a glimpse of Gods glory which shines upon him enlightens the world discovers the beauty of this our earthly habitation Looke over the whole fabrik of Man behold Philothea how the Immortall mind is linked to mortall flesh In the body what comelinesse of limmes proportion of Members variety order use of senses without Entrails within what aptnesse of organs for life action motion what capacity of the spiritualizing Endowments of Agility Clarity Impassibility Subtility wherby it putts on the very likenesse of the glorifyed Angells In the Soul how Excellent the prerogatives of being an Immortall Invisible spirit The memory how vast for objects time circumstances of both the Understanding how active boundlesse reaching as high as God above diving into the Abysse of Nothing The Will how free to good evill What variety of subordinate powers passions operations What capacity of sciences Arts Vertues Morall Divine also of the Sight eternall Possession of God in himselfe All which with a loud voice speak how glorious God is in his own Being happinesse how wonderfull his providence is in our creation conduct to our supreme End should stirr us up to a serious attention admiration love of him strongly engage us to apply all these outward inward Guifts according to the intent of our Wise Creatour And although Mans disobedience to God wrought sin darknesse in his soul wherby she became unable to contemplate or move towards him yet being repayred by the Mercies of JESUS CHRIST the Light of our spirituall World we are agayn establisht in a spirituall Life capacity to supernaturall gracious actions By divine Faith we see heare what God reveales of himselfe the way that leads towards him by Hope we Savour the sweetnesse of Heaven Vertue by Charity we have a foretast of the ioyes of the Saints already touch embrace God with the armes of an Extaticall love begin to sing Salomons Song of Songs which by the sensible pleasantnesse of creatures abroad leads the now Purged Illuminated Perfect soul to an intellectuall Light Harmony Odour Savour Embracement of her heavenly Espous Who seated in the midst of the heart as on an Imperiall Throne environed with a Mysticall Quire of Angelicall Spirits Seraphins by Love Cherubins by knowledge Throns by Justice Mercy Dominations by Majesty Principalities by Government Powers by Salvatiō Vertues by helping Graces Archangels by speciall revelations Angels by continuall presence to us by himselfe inspires a divine life directs the powers passions of the soul inclines to heavenly thoughts actions by his Holy Spirit sent into all parts of this our lesser World produces those wonderfull workings of Love feelings of Gods Intimacy to us tranquillity of the whole Man We experience in our Pilgrimage to perfection performance of the duties thereof wherby we become Images of the heavenly Hierusalem where God lives eternally in his glorious Saints AFFECTION Thou wert within Mee O most amiable God I have sought Thee abroad defiled my heart by Cleaving to these outward Beauties whilst Thou O Soveraign Beauty of all Creatures abidest in the sanctifyed soul as in thy proper kingdom What hopes may I have to contemplate thy glorious face who livest in an unaccessible light or to approach unto thy presence who art an ever flaming
into a most heavenly Slumber whereby freed from all noyse of Creatures even in her Imaginative part she enjoyes a perfect tranquillity of spirit peace in her whole soul Which is sometimes accompanied with Extasie wherby the lower Regiō of the soul becomes Insēsible to what passes through the outward senses being wholly absorpt by the intense workings of the superior portion thereof which fixed on God through Vehemency of Admiration love sweetnesse becomes Familiar with him views all the treasures of his Glory receives plenty of guifts blessings converses with him face to face These are the delicious fruits Philothea growing on the Tree of Life which is planted by the River of Divine Grace ever flowing in the Soul which God admitts to his amiable presence Embracements That Soul needs no other Light to walk by God himselfe being the Sun that gives light to her nor any other fire to heat her the Holy Ghost being diffused through all her powers purging whatever is fraile mortall transforming her into a supernaturall Being wherby she is raised to the highest Happinesse Imaginable the Experience of whatever God has promised unto her COLLOQUIE O Divine Tree how pleasant is it to repose under thy delicious shades whence such fragrant smells sweet tranquillity are diffused through the amorous soul O chrystall streames of overflowing Grace how delightfull is it to walk upon thy fruitfull banks in thee to contemplate the overflowings of Love in our breasts O heavenly fruit how sweet confortable art thou to the thirsty languishing soul since what ever knowledg love ioy tranquillity pleasantnesse or Repose may be imagined proceed thence Oh! who will give Me that I may for ever rest under the shade of this Living Tree to walk upon those pleasant banks to eate my fill of that heavenly fruit Let the Spirit say Come my soul shall melt within Me because my Beloved bath spoken unto Mee SECOND DISCOURSE Loves Descents GOds unsearcheable Counsells Decrees are that Perfection ever move on two poles extremly opposite which S. Paul calls Height Depth S. Francis What is God What am I Although God invites Us Philothea to clime the Tree of Life tast its fruits repose under the shadow thereof in his Contemplation Love yet must we still descend into our selves by Consideration of our present state the Obligations thereof which must ever be complyed with Descend then Philothea in regard of thy selfe For the Exercise of Divine Contemplation raising us to an eminent knowledg love Union with God unlesse we descend by humble acts seat our selves with holy Magdalene at the feet of our Beloved Espous there may be danger of falling into presumption of our own perfection loosing his favour trust then in the Mercies of God yet feare his Justice Power amidst the delights of thy Illuminations spirituall Caresses have ever a filiall Feare say Not to Me but to Thee O Lord be all honour glory Then see how oft thou hast had a complacence in thy sweet contemplations the amorous Embracements of thy Beloved assure thy selfe if thou hast at any time faln into drynesse of spirit that proceeded from thy not humbling thy selfe while exalted to those singular favours By these humble acts thy inward Vertue will also become conspicuous in thy outward Conversation to the Example Edification of others For our earthly conversation is sociable our actions are subject to many Censures if then our outward lives expresse not that piety we harbour in our bosoms we may be accounted singular or guilty of hypocrisy Wherefor let not any contemplation or familiarity with God withdraw thee from a friendly conversation with those thou livest cause an affectation of thy own opinion ways or breed a harshnesse towards thy lesse yet possibly more perfect Neighbour but towards all be humble modest cheerfull courteous But especially the Contēplative Soul must oft apply her selfe to the exercises of the Active Life therby to shun Idlenesse the Nurse of all sin source of Temptations For seing t is hardly possible in this Life to be permanent in our heavenly Contemplations affections towards God we must accustome our selves to some bodily exercises Especially if we have some singular Talent wherby we may benefit others At least if Obedience requires that service from us And the work be of that nature that it rather adds then diminishes of our Zeale to Perfection But be thou ever carefull Philothea that thou perform it with an upright Intention promptly in due time place fervently cheerfully humbly Thus thy labours undertaken for God will be gratefull to him cherish our Love towards heavenly things Thou must also descend in regard of thy Neighbour whither Superior Subject or Equall for although nothing can be more pleasant to us then sweetly to repose in the bosom of our heavenly Espous to dive into the Abysse of his Goodnesse yet must we quitt all these overflowings of Love when our Neighbour needs our help so that whither thou bewaylest thy sins Philothea with Magdalene at the foot of the Crosse or with S. Paul art rapt to the third heaven or in thy private closett conversest familiarly with thy Beloved as S. Anthony of Padua without delay abandon all descend to comfort those who expect that duty of thee Art thou a Prince or Governour of a family by thy office duty thou art bound to have as much care of thy subjects as of thy selfe especially if by their own free choyce guided by divine Inspirations they be under thy custody direction not as slaves but as tender Children for whom thou art to render an account unto the Great Just Judge who expects of every one to his own extrem perill that he be faithfull in his charge Wherefor if thou beest cald to any such trust with feare trembling accept of it comply with its duties but if thou art not called thither have a care thou never covet a place of so much danger Art thou a subject The Vow of Obedience under which thou art born or by which thou hast freely sacrifized thy Will to God his Vicegerents doth then oblige thee to leave God for God that is to quitt thy highest contemplations comply with the Will of God revealed to thee by the lips of thy Overseer Governour Since the Word of the Eternall Father equall to himselfe in some manner quitts the bosom of his Father in heaven to obey his Will even to a most painfull shamefull death we may for his Love submit our Judgements Wills to that of our Superior ruling in his stead promptly entirely perseverantly to our dying day Art thou equall to him Thou must then endeavour when Charity requires it to releive his wants unto thy power either corporally or spiritually by Visiting for example helping the needy weak sick by counselling
Oh! how happy are they O Lord who eate drink at thy divine table where they see Thee cleerly love Thee ardently praise Thee incessantly possesse Thee with a fulnesse of ioy Exultation whilst I here perish with hunger thirst in this sacred Mist of thy Divine Essence am not permitted to behold the cleere Light of thy glorious face My soul O God thirsteth to behold Thee as thou art enjoy Thee fully yet thou hidest thy selfe from Me. Reveale thy face to Me O my most amiable God for my soul hath languished after my Beloved Oh when shall I come appeare in the presence of my God RESOLUTION I will night day mourne for the absence of my Beloved oft send missivs of Love holy desires unto him earnestly requesting Him to shew his face to Me therefor I will ever study to render my soul amiable to Him that Nothing may be found in me displeasing to him or which may make him hide his face from Me I will seek out all means whereby I may allure him to exhibite his gracious glorious presence to Me in his own pure Essence therby alleviate the painfulnesse of this my earthly pilgrimage for Thou O Lord hast promised If we aske we shall receive if we seek we shall find if we knock it shall be opened unto us our Ioy shall be full none shall take it from us THIRD POINT The souls repose in God CONSIDERATION COnsider That the sweet Repose of the soul in God is attained sometimes by the naturall Industry of the Affective part thereof aided by certain passing flashes of divine Lights graces whereby making Enquirie through Creatures or contemplating God by what he has revealed of himselfe she discovers him to be very Glorious Amiable then by Anagogicall Motions she sweetly powres herselfe into God by Acts of Admiration Love Adoration Thanksgiving thus takes her Repose in him But this delicious Repose is more efficaciously permanently obtain'd by means of divine Irradiations wherby our bountifull Espous compassionating the languors of the soul fainting in the search of him dissipates the Mist wherin we hitherto sought Him opens the treasures of his Majesty shews his amiable face more plainly to her infusing into her an attractive sweetnesse by his more cleer gracious presence whence still arise new Illustrations of the soul discoveries without end of Gods Intensive extensive Perfections most delicious streamings of the heart towards her Beloved by sublime acts of Love Adoration Whence proceed a hearty compunction for the sins committed by the World against so gracious glorious a Father of pure Lights restlesse strivings to be inseparably united with God transformed into him by likenesse in the powers operations of the spirit at length has a most amorous slumber in God For although the heart still watcheth in contemplation of the Beauty of her Beloved yet she sweetly sleepes in his Embracements wherby she is oft so abstracted from herselfe all feeling of sensible Creatures that she seems wholly out of herselfe through excesse of admiration Love causing an unexpressible sweetnesse Tranquillity Joy in all the Regions of the Soul This is a most sublime degree of Happynesse Philothea nor may it be attained but by a permanent Contemplation most ardent Love of God in himselfe by extraordinary Illustrations heats of divine Grace Wherefor let it not suffice Thee to have sued oft to be admitted unto a tast of these delicious Wines of thy Beloved no Philothea Thou must be importune with God for it closing up thy heart to all earthly cōforts imaginable powring it forth night day by sighs earnest Entreaties ere God will come to Thee by an open discovery of his amiablenesse make his aboad with Thee by stronger friendshipps lead thee forth to the pleasant Orchards of his divine Love admitt thee to a sweet Repose in himself AFFECTION How happy wouldst thou be My soul were there an universall silēce in al the Regions of the soul no Clouds of distractions a cleernesse freedom in contemplating embracing our Most Glorious God! O that this Orient Sun would arise in my heart dissipate the Mist wherein I now labour sigh after my Beloved then may I discover how beautifull how amiable how desirable he is Nor shall I then care for any earthly comforts but shall ever rejoyce in the fulnesse of content ioy of my heavenly Espous be filled with his sweetnesse O Incomprehensible O Ineffable Sweetnesse above Honey honey-comb the odour of sweetest spices RESOLUTION I will for ever abandon all desires of earthly consolations only thirsting after comforts from God the Fountain Abysse of all sweetnesse And therefor I wil ever keep my Mind fixt on God earnestly craving to be admitted unto his amiable presence delicious Embracements opening my heart to entertain work with all his Irradiations of himselfe into Me Attraction of Me unto himselfe to take my Repose in him For Thy lipps O most Lovely above Men Angels are as a Honey combe distilling honey milk are under thy tongue the odour of thy garments as the odour of Frankincense THE EVENING EXERCISE FIRST DISCOURSE Loves Ascents NO sooner is the Soul entred the Paradice of her God there admitted to the delicious Embracements of her heavenly Espous but he opens the spring of his speciall graces powres into her heart pure plentifull streames of Divine Love gentlely flowing in her with an excesse of sweetnesse consolation On the pleasant banks of this sacred River God plants two living Trees one of Light to cleer the Understanding the other of fire to enflame the Will each bearing twelve most delicious Fruits which are the Effects of the Unitive Life of the soul transformed in to God by Love Oh Philothea how happy wilt thou be maist be admitted to set by these Chrystall streams repose under the shade of this Tree of Life tast its fruit First God Awakes the soul fainting through long Enquirie frequēt sighs after her Beloved during her aboad search of Him in the divine Mist then he powres into her a most delicious Savour feeling of his more immediate cleer presence which so seizeth on the heart that it presently fills it with an Over-swelling Ioy which makes the Eyes overflow with Teares of love the tongue by Spirituall Cantiques witnesse the inward Jubily of the spirit Whence often proceeds a Spirituall inebriation which renders the soul unable to discern where she is or what she doth sometimes causeth faintings swoundings of the body in which state the heart feeles a wonderfull Opening or dilatation to welcome the caresses of her divine Espous wherby she is Wounded deep with Love Languishes with new desires of she knows not what it is or how to expresse it thus she falls