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A18700 An exhortation to all menne to take hede and beware of rebellion wherein are set forth the causes, that commonlye moue men to rebellion, and that no cause is there, that ought to moue any man there vnto. With a discourse of the miserable effectes, that ensue thereof, and of the wretched ende, that all rebelles comme to, moste necessary to be redde in this seditiouse [and] troublesome tyme, made by Iohn Christoferson. At the ende whereof are ioyned two godlye prayers, one for the Quenes highnes, verye conuenient to be sayd dayly of all her louing and faythfull subiectes, and an other for the good [and] quiete estate of the whole realme. Read the whole, and then iudge. Christopherson, John, d. 1558. 1554 (1554) STC 5207; ESTC S117507 113,228 472

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deuises and suffred them by his diuine prouidence to worke their owne confusion Now then seing that this erroneouse doctrine hath so harmed both noble gentle men thē selfes and their children to let them at lengthe spye the wickednesse of it and helpe be tyme to banishe it out of their contrye and exhorte theyr children to detest and abhorre it For so shall they make thē to feare god and serue hym to exercise vertue and eschew vice and to be humble and obedient to them selfes to ▪ As for the yeonianry of our contrye wherin dyd consiste a great parte of the force of this realme it hath so notably decayed synce the tyme that this pestilent doctrine began first within this realme that it would pitye any true Englishe mannes hearte to consider it For where as the yeomen thirty or fourtye yeares passed were well able to do theyr prince and theyr countrye very good seruice when as any occasion required and that euery one of them dydde kepe a substantiall howse by reason that theyr rentes then were very reasonable Now since thys perillouse plage of heresye hath infected thys realme theyr rētes hath bene so enhaunsed and they so miserably polled that neyther seruice were they well able to do for theyr prince and countrye nor to kepe any plenteful house for the relieuynge of theyr poore neyghbours For men that became Lordes of suche fermes when as by reason of thys lewde doctrine they had cast awaye in maner the feare of GOD and good conscience to in stede thereof had caught suche couetouse heartes as wold neuer be satisfied and ioyned withall a large licentiouse conscience whych told them they might go forth in their purpose with out any scruple at al then doubled they theyr rentes and some tripled them and toke suche incommes for theyr leases as where able to begger the fermers that toke them insomuche that where as the fermers had bene verye welthye before they came by this meanes to suche neade and necessitie that scarce were they able to paye theyr rent The misery lykewise that the poore cōmons haue bene bewrapped wyth since the rereceauynge of this deuelishe doctrine can no man without a longe processe throughly declare For what with taxes and tributes what with the chaunge of our money and fall of the same what with gressams and incōmes what with extortion and briberye what with puttyng out of their ferme holdes and tenementes what with craft and false dealing and what with all other kindes of oppression beside they haue bene so sore impouerished that better had it bene for them to haue dyed in their cradles then to haue lyued to suffer such wretched and miserable calamities For when cōscience was banished and charitable hartes wa●ed keye colde then cared no man from the hyest degree to the lowest how he got goodes so that he had them in so muche that this saying of the holye Prophete Hieremye myghte be well verified in them that euerye one from the lowest degree to the hyghest had giuen them selfes to couetousnesse And when this came thus to passe they that were mooste mightie ▪ were greatest oppressours ▪ and lyke greate fysshes deuoured the smal And oftētimes would they take worke of artificers wares stuffe of marchauntes differ the payment so longe y t the poore artificers and marchauntes to were in maner beggered therby And when they demaūded theyr payment they had of diuerse a froward aunswere in so much that the poorer a man was more iniury he suffred at theyr handes and the vnsaciable hartes of suche couetous men coulde neuer content thē selfes But wo be vnto al such excepte they betyme repente them and if there be any such lette them thynke y t at length they shal depart from all that they haue and remembre that they for al theyr gaye and gorgiouse apparel they shal haue no more but a symple shete to wrappe theyr vyle bodye in and for al theyr fayre buyldinges and sumptuouse houses a poore pytte in the earthe to dwel in And wythal let them learne one preatye lesson that Eusebius wryteth in the life of Constantine Thys good Emperoure Constantyne makyng an oration to a great company that was gathered to heare hym specially inuehed and spake agaynste those that were spoylers and verye couetouse folkes sayinge thus Wyll youre greadye couetousnes neuer haue ende Then wyth a litle staffe that he had in his hand he measured vpon the ground the iust lengthe of a man and sayde If a man haue all the riches in the world the whole earth in hys possession he shall at hys ende haue no more but suche a smal peece of grounde as I haue here measured Therfore let al gready hartes remembre this wel and leaue their care that they take in goodes getting and consider their duetie in wel bestowing of them and thynke besyde howe they haue gotten them For euyll gotten goodes as Salust sayeth euill cheueth Ouer this yf they wold compare their bodies and sowles with their goodes and riches me thynke they shuld beware to loose those thinges that be better for those that be worse For goodes and riches be gyuen vs of god for the commoditie and vse both of our bodies soules And like as brute beastes are muche better then grasse strawe and hay which be ordeyned to nourishe thē So is a mans body and soule more to be estemed then goodes riches whiche be prepared for them Who then is so vnwise that wil for the sauing of those thinges that be much more vile put in daūger those that be farre more precious For both oure bodies soules are of suche estimation in the sight of God y t for the recouery of them oute of thraldome he vouche saued to send down into the earth his only sonne our sauiour Christe Iesus by whose blessed bloud which far surmounteth al golde precious stones both our corruptible frayle bodies also oure very sicke sore wounded soules are redemed frō endles dānation restored agayne to y e celestiall kyngedome whyche was from the begynnynge of the world prepared for them Therfore seynge that god of his gratious goodnes hathe taken so much paynes to saue them ▪ we throughe our folye and negligence ought not to trauayle to loose them nor to put them in hazarde for the loue that we beare to our wel thy estate in this worlde and so to chaunge heauen with hell ioye with payne myrthe with sorowe quietnesse with trouble lyfe with death the ▪ pleasaunt presence of god with the horrible syght of the deuyll and the glorious company of aungels and sainctes with the hydious and fowle felowship of fendes In consideracion whereof because of the tender and vnfeyned loue that I as our lord knoweth beare to the welth and helthe of all my coūtry mens bodyes and soules most earnestly beseche almighty God y t he wil vouchesafe so to prouide that for euyll gotten goodes no man in
the death of y e senators for by his graue discrete exhortation y t he made vnto thē he so handled the matter y t their furious rage was out of hande not only abated but also throughly aswaged Was not the souldiers likewise of Publius Scipio whiche made a sore rebellion in their campe quieted onely by an oration made by the same Scipio Therfore this remedye of exhortation haue I prepared to relieue the sycke bodye of my countrye whych is not yet throughlye recouered of the disease of rebellion but hathe I feare me euen styll some rebelliouse hartes within it whiche haue nede of such a medicine to cure them most hartely beseching al my countrye menne to take it in good parte and accepte good wyll where as lacketh habilitye For although there be manye learned men in thys realme who for theyr excellent knowledge and wysedome coulde muche more connynglye haue made this medicine ▪ then I so haue tempered it wyth the goodly pouders of perfyte eloquence that it shoulde perhappes haue wroughte much more effectuously in the patientes bodye and bene more able to haue cured the dysease therof yet none is there that for the feruente loue he beareth to his countrye woulde eyther more gladlye haue attempted it or more wyllynglye to hys power accomplyshed the same Wherefore my sure truste is that bothe your hyghnes mooste gratious soueraygne to whome I offer thys my lytle treatise and all other youre graces louynge subiectes for whose be hofe I haue wrytten it wyll gentely accepte my paynes bestowed therein And yf it so come to passe that my laboure not onlye be allowed of youre grace as I doubte not but also worke in the readers hartes thereof suche an effecte ▪ as I wishe it may then shal I think that I haue receaued a worthy recompence for myne endeuoure For neyther gayne for whyche God knoweth I passe not nor commendation for whyche I loke not moued me hereto but only the harty affection that I owe to my countrye my bounden duetie vnto your highnes who of youre bountefull goodnesse where as I was destitute of all ayde and succoure hath so liberally prouided for me that nowe I maye withoute care serue God go to my booke do my duetie in that vocation to which God hath called me Which I beseche God I may do to his glory and your graces honoure for whose quiete and prosperouse raygne I shall not cease moste earnestlye to praye my life enduring Your hyghnes Chapleyne and daylye oratoure Iohn Christoferson An exhortation agaynst rebellion ALbeit mooste deare and welbeloued country men many thinges bothe there be at this present also haue bene now of late yeares in this oure natiue contrie that wold greatly pitye any faythful and true Englyshe mans hart to consider as our outragiouse misbehauioure in worshyppynge of God oure abhominable blasphemy agaynst him his blessed spouse y e catholike church our wicked geastyng and raylyng agaynst the holy Sacramentes thereof oure detestable swearyng by all the members of oure Sauioure Iesu Christe oure presumptuouse hartes puft vp with vntolerable pride our gredy couetousnes that can neuer be satisfied oure extreame oppression of the poore and neadye oure maliciouse hatred one against another our bribery extorsiō and oure false dealinge for all whych excepte we earnestlye repent vs and amend betime God wil powre downe his vēgeaunce vpō vs wyth some miserable plages miserablye destroye vs yet nothynge is there in mine opinion that euery good manne ought with wepynge teares so sore to lamente as to remembre suche deadly dissention discord as of late hath bene amonge vs and as yet is insomuche that one cruellye seketh to shed an others bloude one doth reioyse in an others destructiō Wherby we well declare that bothe the feare of God is banished from vs wherewyth a Christen mans lustes and affections shuld be bridled and charitie also which is y e bonde of perfection vtterlye broken amonge vs for yf we feared God we wold not so boldelye breake his holy will and commaundement who hath most streyghtlye charged vs that we beware of sedition sheddyng of bloude Or yf we loued one another as we ought to do we wold not one be glad of anothers displeasure one seke anothers death but contrarywise one reioyse in anothers welfare and one studye to defende another one gently beare with another and laboure by brotherlye loue to ioyne oure selues together agayne whome discorde hathe so piteouslye torne asonder But we fare lyke a noughtye surgion that doth not go about to cure the wound of his patient but layeth suche playsters vnto it as may encreace it and so prolonge the time to thintent that he maye gayne more moneye thereby for wheresoeuer we fynd but a litle sparkell of dissension we so kindle it and set it on fire that it turneth into a great flame insomuche that where as before it might haue bene quenched with smal trauayle now it is almooste vnpossible too quenche it Suche folkes as go about so wicked an enterprise do litle remembre Salomons wordes where he sayeth thus Sixe thinges there be that oure Lorde God hateth and the seuenth his soule doth specially abhorre Prowde hyghe lookes a lying tonge handes that shede innocent bloude an hearte that forgeth noughtie diuises feete that be readye to runne vnto mischiefe a deceptfull witnesse that vttereth lyes and one that soweth discorde amonges bretherne Nowe therfore seing that we be all bretherne partly by reason we professe one fayth and partlye that we all be borne broughte vp in one countrye whosoeuer they be y t seke to set vs at debate they hepe vp y e hatred of God agaynst thē for suche as Salomon hathe told you the soule of our lord God dothe vtterlye abhorre Let them be wel assured that albeit they be spared at Gods hande for a season to thintent that they maye forsake their synne betyme and hartely be sory therfore yet yf they walk forthe in their wyckednesse they shalbe payed home at length for altogether then bewayle the tyme that euer they were borne and say with Hieremye the Prophete Cursed be the daye of our birth and cursed be the tyme that our mother brought vs into the world and wyshe styll for death and shall not dye This kynde of men doth continually trauayle to make strife not only betwixt neighbor neighbor betwixte children their parentes betwixt husbandes and their wiues betwixt seruauntes and their maysters but also betwixte subiectes their Prince and encourage them bothe to grudge at him to disobey him also to make opē warre in the field agaynst him And to thintēt that they may moue men more easely to such a mischeuouse enterprise they cloke the matter with a goodly pretense and tel them that they intende nothynge elles but to deliuer the poore commons from oppression to restore them to their olde liberties to cause the fermes
and Lorde of all creatures by whose myghtye hande the humble and lowlye are auaunced the prowde and stubborne are thruste vnder fote we thy seruauntes gyue the most harty thankes for thy greate and bountefull goodnesse which thou hast of late without our deseruynge bestowed vpon vs both in delyueryng vs from the cruell tyrannye and bondage wherwith we were of late oppressed and also in restorynge vs agayne to oure deare mother the Churche of Chryste and the catholyke fayth therof For which thy singuler benefytes and gratious liberalitie because we are in no wise able to render vnto the worthy thankes therfore we make oure humble suite and request vnto the O Lorde that it may please the for thy holy names sake to accept our good willes in this behalfe And to gyue vs grace all the dayes of our life to remembre thys merueylouse worke of thyne that partely by the deuoute and feruente prayer of thy humble handmayden our moste gratiouse Queene and other of thy people and partly by the sure confydence and trust that her grace euermore dyd put in the thou hast without the force strengthe of men put downe not onlye her enemies but also al those that dyd both fyght agaynste thy blessed spouse the churche and trauayled by all meanes to disanull all the godly ordinaunces therof Which wonderfull and miraculouse acte as thou hast moste graciously begon so we beseche the for thy tender mercyes sake to go forwarde with it so to establishe it as thy glorye may be auaunced therby and all the crafty diuises and malicyouse assaultes of the deuyll and his ministers cleane ouer throwen and subdued And nowe moste mercyfull lorde thou that art our heade byshop and priest graunte that all oure Byshoppes priestes and the reste of the clergye maye so diligentlye occupye thē selfes in preachinge to thē that be ignoraunte in good counseyle gyuyng to suche as lacke it in exhortynge those that be blinded to returne to the truth in correctynge the badde that they may amend in commendynge the good that they may contynue that the ruines and decayes of thy holy church may be repayred and buylded vp agayne And ouer this that they may so vertuouslye order their lyfe and so deuoutly behaue them selfes in al their doinges that y e light of their good workes may shine cleare in the flocke of Christ to thintent that all that shal loke therevpon may prayse magnifie thee o lord that vouchesafest to sende vs suche pastores and guydes And so assiste them most mercyfull lorde with thy heauenly grace that al worldlye respectes layd aparte they may frely open the truthe mayntayne the same and what stormes of aduersitie soeuer fall vpon them that they neyther for losse of ryches or promotion neyther for feare of paynfull tormentes or death it selfe swarue in any poynte from the sounde and syncere fayth of the catholike church And make them good lorde as readye and willinge in all that they may to set forward the same faythe as false prophetes and blynde preachers haue bene of late to set forwarde peruerse doctrine and heresye Gyue also vnto the nobilitie of this realme suche a zeale to the maynteynaūce of thy holy churche and suche harty good willes to the good gouernement of this our coūtrye and suche charytable hartes to the poore cōmons that both the godlye orders vsed in thy diuine seruyce may be duely and reuerently obserued and kepte and also the whole realme by their wisdome may be wysely ruled and the poore that haue bene of late dayes sore oppressed maye throughe thy lyberall goodnesse be mercyfully relieued And graunte them O lorde alway to care as much for the commoditie of them that be their tenauntes as for theyr owne and so to loue them as the parentes do loue their children and in no wyse to pyl and impouerishe them And thou O lorde whiche art the gyuer of al good thinges graunt them suche an earnest desyre of vertue and y t they may so in theyr lyuing practyse it as both they them selfes for theyr owne soules helth may please the therwith and also all those that be vnder theyr rule maye be by their godly example prouoked to folowe the same O moste gratiouse lorde whiche art the aucthour of peace and concorde powre downe vpon all the people of this realme the pleasaunte dewe of thy grace and so mollyfye theyr hartes that they may waxe gentle sobre meke patiente and charitable to thintente that the deadly dissension that is amonge vs y e great grudge and malice that we beare one to another may be vtterly taken away and gyue vs good lorde one hart and one way as the Prophete sayeth that amitye loue peace concorde vnitie maye reygne in stede therof And sende all suche as be proude and stubborne humble and lowlye myndes that they may acknowledge both them selfes vile and wretched synners and the onlye to be theyr lorde and god Graunt also good lorde that those that haue greadye couetouse hartes may earnestly thinke vpon their ende and consider not only that nothinge shall they carye with them out of this wretched worlde but also that they shal render a most strayght accompt to god both howe they haue gotten theyr goodes and also howe they haue bestowed them Therfore we beseche the to sende them grace betyme to repent them of theyr abhominable couetousnes and to make amendes to all them whom for the satisfyinge of theyr vnsatiable desyres they haue so miserably oppressed Most myghty lorde which arte the shilde defence of all such as put their trust in thee so ayde vs agaynste all forreyne enemies as both they may when soeuer they shall assaulte vs be by thy helpynge hande ouerthrowen and vanquyshed and we thy seruauntes contynewe in peace Most mercyfull lord which art the wel of trueth and verye trueth it selfe which art the authour of light and very light it selfe gyue vnto all such as by the deuilles ministers persuasion haue forsaken the truthe and fallen to heresye and through blind ignoraunce and proude presumpsion haue gone from the pure lyghte of thy holye churche and cropen into the darke corners of cursed error that they may throughe thy gratiouse goodnesse bothe be so touched in their hartes that they will frely confesse thy fayth catholike and also so illumined with the cleare light of true knowledge that they from henceforthe moste humblye will submitte them selfes to the godly order of theyr blessed mother y e churche catholike wherevnto whē they be throughly reconciled we besech the that they may continue still in it and euermore with glad heartes embrace al the holsom rules and preceptes therof to thende y t at length they may be pertakers of thy glory with all the blessed sainctes in heauē And moreouer with a moste feruent desyre we do besech the that it may please thy goodnesse not only to purge thys realme of al heresy false doctrine which haue bene y e cause of all