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A13732 The soules alarum-bell Wherein the sicke soule (through the horror of conscience) being awakened from security by the sight of sinne, hath recourse to God by meditation and prayer. By H. Thompson. Thompson, Henry, fl. 1618. 1618 (1618) STC 24024; ESTC S100563 111,521 484

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loue deuoi●● of all ●ypoc●isie from a pur● heart to ●oue our Neighbour● This Honourable Lord i● true Religion whereunto ●● GOD in great mercy hat● called you so g●● cheerefull● forward Beware of thi● vaine World and of tha●●●ine trust that wiched m●● are w●●t to put in it lean●●●t vpon it but stoppe you● eares against the e●e●anting and fawning whispering● of the hollow●esse thereof and the dissolute Professors for there can bee ●● greater trespasse against the L●●● the●to ●●●● vpon Assyria to rest in the strength of Egypt to goe downe into Eth●opia Cursed is that Man that putteth his trust in Man and maketh flesh his ●●●e hee shall be like the Heath that groweth in the Wildernesse But con 〈◊〉 He that trusteth in the Lord mercy shall ●mbrace him on euerie side he shall neuer be confounded hee shall bee ●s Mount 〈◊〉 and shall neuer be remo●ed for the Lord is his secret place is with him therefore who can ●● against him What is a ●●ns ●owe what are his legges what is the swiftnesse of Horses 〈◊〉 the strength of an Hoa●● or the fauour of all th● Princes of the World i● comparison of God i● whom is onely the assurance of that euerlastin● inheritance It is the Go● of Iacob that must be ou● defence our strong Tower and Rock the Chari● and Horsemen of Israe● the testimony of his pr●sence and fauour th●● onely can make vs glad Wherefore againe and ●gaine I most humbly beseech your Honour bewa●● of vaine trust and cons●den● in Men and in things th●● are lesse worth then M●● ●nd as GOD hath in mercy ●estowed vpon your Honour ●reat wisedome so pray that ●ou may haue a discerning ●pirit that the deceiuable ●lory of this World make you ●ot forget your greatest duty ●hat so you may shine in his ●●erlasting Kingdome True Religion Honou●able Lord is effected by ●at diuine and eternall wis●●ome whereby the contem●atiue vertue of man is lif●d vp to the happy know●●dge of the Maiesty of God all other the greatest ver●●e and wherein resteth the ●●iefest contentment in this 〈◊〉 For if there be a Pare●e in this life it is seated in one of these two either in Religious Meditations or i● holy studies and godly spec●lation because whatsoeu●● is not in one of these two 〈◊〉 full of griefe vexation bi●ternesse fearefulnesse ca●● and sorrow But as Christi●● mo●esty Right Honourabl●● hath moued me to giue to e●●rie thing his due in not ce●sing from setting forth a● thing in the praise of th● which of right deserueth 〈◊〉 be commended so Christi●● Iustice and equity would 〈◊〉 suffer mee to let that pa●● without some commenda●●on whereunto I am not ab● sufficiently to giue any B● considering that slightly commend a thing were the next way to dispraise it ex●ept withall it were shr●w●ded under the Patronage of ●ome worthy Person and ●hinking it vnmeete to let ●hat go like an Orphan with●ut a father at home I haue ●resumed to commit it vnto our Honours protection not bare Lawrell which of it ●lfe for the greennesse when ●ther be withered may seem 〈◊〉 bee accepted but the same ●ecked and adorned with ●ost heauenly Meditations 〈◊〉 that as I thinke if your ●onour were presented with materiall Lawrell wherein ●esides naturall greennesse ●ere but this nece●●●ry vse that it could defend you i● your Garden from the heat● of the Sunne you would accept if not of the gift yet o● the good will of the giuer So relying my selfe still vppon your Honours wonte● accustomed fauour and clemency I doubt not but yo● will affoord mee a fauourable and friendly acceptatio● hereof For herein is not th●● greennes which consisting 〈◊〉 naturall qualities must the● wither when all things ha●● their ending according t●● their nature but the flourishing greene promises of th● co●enant of God which 〈◊〉 God himselfe last alwaie● immutable and vnchangeable Here are not the beautifull leaues of a materiall tree which delight onely the outward sight but a most familiar view and patterne of God himselfe in Christ euen to the delight of the soule and inward comfort of the spirit which take pleasure onely in Heauenly things To conclude here you are not shrowded from the heate of the Sunne but shall finde most coole shade from the parching heate of sinne from which as in duety I am bound I will pray that God in this life shield and defend you and in the life to come grant you eu●rlasting rest Thus presuming on your Honors wonted fauours and curtesies shewed vnto mee and crauing pardon for this my bold enterprise I humbly take my leaue Your Honors to be commanded in all duty and seruice HENRY THOMPSON An Admonition to the zealous Reader concerning the most godly exercise of PRAYER MAny are the godly and zealous Treatises which are already extant tending to the encouragement of those that hunger and thirst for the true seruice of the liuing God yet gentle Reader I craue thy Christian patience friendly to accept this small trauell of mine and these my simple Admonitions For among all our godly and deuoute Meditations good Christian Reader there can bee none better more acceptable to GOD more commodious and necessary to Man or more fit for vs to the attaining of a good and happy life then at all times to occupic our selues in the continuall remembrance and meditation of the life and death of our Lord Iesus Christ the which thing is plainly shewed and declared not onely by the example and doctrine of diuers holy and learned Men but also by experience it selfe And if thou wouldest flie from sinne and shunne vice then consider with thy selfe what great things the onely Sonne of God both did and suffered to the end thou mightest deliuered from sinne If thou desire to beautifie thy soule with loue humilitie gentlenes patience obedience ch●rity and other vertues then cast thine eye on the perfect and liuely patterne of all vertue which is thy LORD CHRIST himselfe If thou bee desirous to contemne the world and all worldlie vanities and nothing to care for the same then weigh with thy selfe earnestly what kind of life CHRIST our Lord led when hee was liuing here How full of troubles how full of labour and sorrow and how bitter a death hee sustained for Mans saluation Finall● if thou wouldest st●re vp and inflam● thy mind with the loue of GOD and giue him thankes what can in such a case bee more effectuall then still to call vpon GOD and to remember Christ his life and p●ssion and how many ●nd great benefits we haue receiued thereby ' Wher●upon the Apostle saide for good cause Remember you him who suffered at the hands of sinners that Man should not quaile not bee dismaied in heart and Saint Peter saith That CHRIST suffered that Man should bee also comforted with the remembrance thereof But to the intent that th●● ●ood Christian Reader maiest vse these Meditations to thy great profit thou must obserue this order that
to enlighten my mind more and more to the knowledge of thee and my selfe to inflame my heart with true charitie to preserue my senses in thy holie feare that by my will I may neither heare see nor touch any thing that is vncleane or offensiue vnto thee And if in taking of my naturall rest either thorow the suggestion of the enemy or the rebellion of mine own flesh I haue had any disordered motions or vn●haste representations in my slcepe now I am perfectly awake and by thy mercy returned vnto the vse of my reason I do vtterly disclaime the same denying all consent of my will and affections thereunto And now my gracious Lord God for this day being present I may by thy heauenly assistance resolue with my selfe so to liue in this World that I may both auoide all sinne and the occasion thereof and to leaue my accustomed vices and those especially to which I am most prone to fall vnto and that I may refer●e al my actions and endeau●urs to the praise and honour of thy holy name so to best●w my time that this day may not bee lost or passe ouer my head without some good worke tending to the true worshipping of thy holie name which laudable determinations and purpose of the amendment of my leude and loose life may accordingly take effect and giue thy blessing gracious Lord to them all O merciful God I beseech thee according to thy great mercy that thou w●lt b●ot out all mine offences for I am a wretched and a miserable sinner therefore I do heartily desire in all humility to adore and worship thee and to render vnto thee immortal praise and thanksgiuing for all thy blessings and especially for that vnspeakable goodnesse wherein thou diddest send downe thy onely begotten Sonne into this vale of miserie for the worke of our redemption whereby wee are cherished and nourished wherewith wee are cleansed and sanctified and our soules made partakers of all heauenly grace and spirituall blessings for which I yeelde vnto thee all possible thanks that a poore sinfull creature being but a handfull of dust can yeelde vnto thy diuine Maiestie being of no value without thy mercy Also thou hast vouchsafed first to wash mee with the lauer of Baptisme to the remission of that originall corruption contracted in my first Parents and afterwards thou hast brought me to the exer●ises acts of a right faith not ceasing daily to increase the same in mee by the light of thy grace and doctrine of thy holy Word O Lord I humbly thanke thee also that from my Cradle thou hast nourished clothed and cherished me supplying all things necessary for the reliefe and maintenance of this my feeble body for which euermore I wil magnifie thy holy name that in great mercy th●u hast hither to spared me albeit from my youth I haue wantonly ryoted in manifold excesses patiently expecting till by thy grace I might bee awaked from the sleepe of sinne and re●laimed from my vanities and wicked courses haddest thou dealt with mee according to my desarts my soule long ere this had been oppressed with innumerable sinnes and had beene plunged in perdition yea the yawning gulfe of hel had swallowed me quicke Lord in respect of all thy mercies graces and blessings which thou hast poured vpon mee I desire that my heart may be more and more enlarged to render vnto thee a more ample tribute of praise and thankesgiuing And now for those things whereof I stand in need and faine would obtaine at thy hands fi●st onely Lord God neuer leaue me vnto my selfe but let the bit of thy chaste feare be euer in my iawes to curbe and to keepe mee within the compasse of thy Law that I may dread nothing in the world as in the least sort to offend and displease thee for which cause let thy holy loue so temper all trials and temptations which happen vnto mee that I may profit and not lose by them thou my Creator knowest how fraile I am of my selfe and how my strength is nothing Moreouer blessed Lord ● beseeche thee that thou wouldest keepe farte from me thy seruant all pride and haughtinesse of minde all selfe-loue and vaine glory all obstinacie and disobedience all craft and hurtfull dissimulation cast downe and tread vnder my feete the spirit ●● gluttony and letcherie the spirit of sloth and heauinesse the spirit of malice and enuie the spirit of hatred and disdaine that I may neuer despise or contemne any of thy Creatures nor preferre my selfe before others but euer little in my owne sight to think the best of my bretheren and to deeme and iudge the worst of my selfe I●●est me Holy Father with the wedding garment of thy beloued son ●he supernaturall vertue of ●ll things that I may loue ●hee my Lord God with all my heart with all my soule ●nd with all my strength ●hat neither life nor death ●rosperitie nor aduersitie ●or any thing else may fe●arate mee from thy loue Grant that all inordinate af●ection to the transitorie ●hings of this World may ●ailie decay and die in mee ●hat thou alone maiest bee ●astefull pleasant and sauou●ie vnto my soule O my most gracious God ●iue vnto thy seruant an ●umble contrite and obedi●nt heart an vnderstanding ●lwaies occupied in honest ●ertuous cogitations a will tractable and euer prone t● the better affections stayed calme moderate a watch full custody of my senses● that by those windowes n● sin may enter into my soul● a perfect gouernment of m● tongue that no corrupt o● vnseemely language ma● proceede from my lips th● I may neuer slander back● bite or speake ill of m● Neighbour that I may n● busie my selfe in the faul● and imperfections of other but rather attend to the ● mending of my owne leu● life and finallie so long a● am detained in this priso● of my bodie and exild fro● my heauenly Countrie l● this be my portion and t●● comfort of my banishmen● that free from all secul● ●ares and carking solicitude of this present life whollie deuoted to thy seruice I may attend onelie to thee ● may reioice onelie in thee ● may cleaue vnto thee I may rest my soule in thee ●nd sitting in silence I may giue way and entertainment ●o the heauenlie doctrine to ●he good motions and in●pirations of thy holy Spirit In these sweete exercises ●et mee passe the solitarie ●oures of my tedious pilgrimage with patience expe●●ing the shutting vp of my ●aies and an happie end of ●his my miserable life And ●rant ô thou louer of man●ind my Lord and my God ●hat when this my earthlie ●abernacle shall bee dissol●ed being found free from all pollution of sinne as afte● Baptisme I may bee r●ckoned in the number of thos● blessed soules who throug● the merites and passion o● thy deare Sonne are held● worthy to raigne with thee● and to enioy the glorio●● presence of the blessed Trinitie Father So●ne and Holie Chost to whom of al● Creatures i●
beseech thee saue my enemies from thy wrath and forgiue them that haue offended thee like as I would bee forgiuen in those things whereby I haue offended thee Giue mee grace to order my life O Lord and the workes of my bodie soule with resolued intent neuer to offend thee whereby I may receiue the reward of thy infinite ioy and eternall felicitie O Lord Iesus Christ grant mee whatsoeuer thy diuine wisdome knoweth most expedient for mee and that this miserable life is not worthy to obtaine Grant at the houre of my death I neuer fall from thee when as I shall bee accused for my hainous offences and sinnes committed against thy omnipotent Maiestie I beseech thee breake my froward heart and make it obedient vnto thee Lord keepe me from sudden death and preserue mee so by thine almightie hand and grant me sweete Father to haue a contempt of this World that I may with a i●yfull heart come into thy blessed presence Let the remembrance of thy death make mee ioifull wherby I may endure temptations tribulations and make mee so to loue thee that I may come to inherite that ioifull immortall and glorious life most excellent blisse and endlesse felicitie which is ordained in thy heauenlie Kingdome and for thy seruants prepared Lord grant me these supplications which I haue made to thee at this present grant me here in this Pilgrimage a gracious life and ● blessed ending free from debt and deadly sinne and after my death bring mee to euerlasting life there to haue an endlesse blisse and felicitie Amen A Prayer to GOD for hi● great goodnesse vnto Man O My Soueraigne Lord Iesu the very true Son of Almightie God that sufferedst death for my sake I beseech thee Lord haue mercie on mee that am a wretched sinner but yet thy creature For thy tender passion keepe me from all perils bodilie and ghostlie and especiallie from all things that may turne to thy displeasure And with all my heart I thanke thee most mercifull Lord for the great mercies which thou hast shewed me in the great dangers which I haue beene in as well in soule as in bodie and that thy grace and endlesse mercie hath alway kept and saued mee since the houre of my birth vnto this day Lord I beseech thee let thy mercie be continued towards mee and for my great offences vnkindnesse wretched and sinfull life Lord ● humblie aske pardon for the same at thy Almighti● hands And I thanke thee mo●● gracious Lord for thy gre●● benefits and graces which thou hast so largely bestowed on me before many other Creatures who haue bette● deserued then I. Lord I doe here meekeli● prostrate my selfe in heart a● it becommeth thy seruant promising neuer to offen● thee more tendering all honour and praise to thy holi● name who liuest raigne one God World witho●● end Amen A Prayer to GOD to deli●er vs from our ghostlie Enemies MOst deare Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ I beseech thee of thy benigne goodnesse and mercie to protect saue keepe and defend me against the assaults of my ghostlie enemies for I haue no other trust hope nor succour but thee alone Grant me therefore most gracious Father to dread loue thee aboue all things in this present life and after this life ended to enioy the Kingdome prepared for all true beleeuers Further I beseech thee that thou wilt vouchsafe out of thy great mercie and clemencie to shew thy bountifull goodnesse vpon me an● to forgiue me all my sinnes and grant that I may perseuere euerlastinglie in al● goodnesse and serue thee aright that after this life ● may raigne with thee in euerlasting glorie Worl● without end Amen A Prayer to GOD da●lie to be saide O My most blessed Lord the wel spring of pity and Fountaine of endlesse mercie I humbly beseech thee to giue mee grace so to spend this my transitory life in vertuous and godly exercises that when the day of my death shal come though I feele paine in my body yet I may feele comfort in my soule and with a faithfull hope of thy mercie imbrace thy messenger so contentedlie that I may w●llingly thorow thy grace and strength depart out of this vale of mis●ri● in loue towards thee and charitie towards the World that I may hasten me to that glorious Coun●rey wherein thou hast purchased mee an inheritance for euer with thy most precious bloud O my sweete Sauiour and Lord Iesus Christ I beseech thee while thou doest suffer mee to liue in this World be so gracious a Father as to giue vnto me a contrite and cleane heart quiet and patient a bodie chaste humble and obedient to follow thy will and alwaies ready to do thee seruice To thee O God bee al● praise which hast ●ermitte● mee to accomplish thi● worke grant O ●ord● i● may bee to thee ac●eptable to my soule healthf●l and to others profitable through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen A Prayer to be vsed at all times O Heauenly Lord and Omnipotent Father the patterne of all goodnes and follower of all vertues most stoute ouerthrower of all wickednesse and sharpest rooter vp of vices mercifullie behold my frailety and pronenesse to euill Helpe me with thy super●al power that I may learne ●o despise all earthly plea●●res and the vanities there●● and loue all celestiall and ●eauenly things Make mee resist all sinne which stands betweene thy ●aiesty and my weake spi●●t ready to ouerthrow mee ●● thy mercies were not assi●●ant to my poore soule Make me to withstand all ●●mptations firmely to im●race vertue to eschew all ●orldlie honours and car●all delights and to bewaile ●●ine offences committed in ●y sight I beseech thee restraine my ●●bridled desires with thy ●●uing hand whereby I may ●●staine from a leude and ●ose life and accustome my selfe with goodnesse to th● end that by thy benefit an● gift of grace by the true wo●shipping and seruing of th● Omnipotent Maiestie I ma● possesse the Crowne of eue●lasting life in thy Kingdome● prepared for thine ●le● World without end Amen A Prayer to bee daily saide vnto our Lord Iesus Christ O Maker of Heauen an● Earth King of King● Lord of Lords which of nothing diddest make mee t● thine Image and likeness● and didst redeeme mee wit● thine owne blood when I sinner was not worthy t● name to call or with he● to thinke vpon thee Humbly I desire meek●ie pray thee that thou gent●ie wilt behold mee thy sin●ull and wre●ched seruant O haue mercie on mee thou which ●adst mercy on the woman of Canaan vpon Mary Magdalen vpon the ●ublican vpon the thiefe ●anging on the Crosse Vnto thee I confesse Lord ●y sinnes which if I would cannot hide from thee Haue mercy Lord on me or I am a wretched sinner ●hich haue sore offended ●ee in pride couetousnsse ●luttony letchery vainglo●●e hatred enuie adulterie ●●est lying backbiting ●orting dissolute and wan●●n laughing idle words ●aring tasting sleeping ●orking and many more waies
most blissefull wisedome the Word of the Father the beginning and ending of all Creatures cast thine eyes of mercie vpon me I pray thee for I am but flesh ashes and I fully perswade my selfe that it lieth not so much in me either to will any thing or to runne but all power commeth from thee whose mercie assisteth vs all Lord consider I pray thee my weake and fraile flesh and what of my selfe I am not able to performe by reason of my sinfull flesh I beseech thee to helpe and assist mee and graciously to continue such good will as thou hast shewed mee O my merciful Lord forsake mee not ô my Refuge depart not from mee ô my deliuerer make hast to succour me in thy mercies and mortifie me to the World Saue me from all deceipts of mine enemies that neither life nor death nor no hap or chance seuer mee from thee but that my loue continue both now euer and bee nothing diminished by death it selfe Lord giue me that wisdome that attendeth on thee and put mee not away from amongst thy children for I am thy seruant and sonne of thy handmaide send downe thy wisedome from thy heauenly seate that shee may be with mee and labour with mee for I am thy seruant Therefore O Lord replenish mee with the gifts of wisedome and vnderstanding for thou art my succour and onely helper in all distresse I beseech thee for thy mercies sake to pardon those s●nnes which I a most vile wretched sinner haue committed keepe me from all euill acts and from all dangers direct my path to a good end whilest I am tossed in the waues of this life and grant I may come to the possession of eternall glorie I haue loued wisdome more then health or any beauty Lord come and teach me the way how to attaine to thy wisedome Heare my prayer O God and let my cri● come vnto thee O LORD who by thy wisdome which is eternall as thou thy selfe who hast created Man who before was not and when he was lost through thy loue diddest most mercifully redeeme him againe grant I beseech thee through the inspiration of thy wisedome that I may loue thee with all my soule and let me know the way wherin I may walke for I haue life vp my heart vnto thee Deliuer me from mine enemies O Lord ●●flie to thee for succour teach 〈◊〉 to doe thy will for thou art my God Wisedome passeth wickednesse and spreadeth from coast to coast who doth strongly sweetely place all things in order Let the brightnesse of thy eternall wisedome il●uminate mine heart that it be not dimmed with the darknesse o● this World but that I may come to that Countrey where is perpetuall light Lord let thy Holy Spirit bring mee to that right light that leadeth to tread the path of righteousnesse Lord bring my sonle out of all miserie and in thy mercie destroy all mine enemies and them that trouble my soule for I am thy seruant and will surely reioice in thy name and patiently looke for thee O Lord thou art my helpe and refuge my heart doth reioice in thee and I doeput my trust in thy holie name Giue eare to me O merciful God and infuse the brightnes of thy wisdome into my mind that I may receiue thee and haue fruition of thee and see the light of thy wisedome that I may know thee truly and ●aithfully loue thee Thou O Lord hast sent redemption to thy people thou hast commanded thy Testament not to bee violated but kept for euer thy name is holy and terrible and ought still to be feared and serued in all reuerence for the feare of the Lord is the beginning of wisedome vnderstanding is good to all such as doe exercise it in his feare All wisdome commeth from thee O Lord who art the brightnes of euerlasting light the glasse of eternall Maiestie who art cleere without any spot O Orient brightnesse of the eternall Light and Sunne of Iustice come and lighten me that sit in darkenesse and in the shadow of death Cast me not away from thy face and take not from mee thy holy Spirit restore mee to the gladnesse of thy saluation strengthen mee with thy Spirit and lighten mine cles that I neuer sleepe in death lest mine enemie at anie time say I haue preuailed against him They that persecute me will reioice if I bee moued but I trust in thy mercie my heart shall reioice in thy saluation I will sing vnto thee O Lord who hast giuen mee good things and I will sing to the name of the Highest who teacheth sobrietie right●ousnesse and vertue then the which nothing is more commodious in the life of Man O glorious King who art alwaies praised among thy chosen and yet no man can speake so worthily of thee as thy Maiestie requireth Thou Lord who art among vs and whose holy name is called vpon by vs forsake vs not but at the extreame day of iudgement vouchsafe to place me among thy chosen seruants mercifully looke vpon my frailtie and fauourably giue mee a taste of thy celestiall wisdome that when I haue tasted of the maruellous sweetnesse thereof I may despise all worldly vanitie and continuallie with a burning desire cleaue vnto thee who art the cheefest goodnesse that may be who liuest and raignest one GOD World without end Amen A Prayer for the King O Almighty GOD King of Kings Lord of Lords which by thy diuine ordinance hast appointed temporall Rulers to gouerne thy People according to equitie and Iustice and to liue among them as a louing Father among naturall Children to the aduancement of the good and punishment of the euill We most humbly beseech thee fauourably to behold IAMES thy seruant our most gracious King and Gouernour and so breathe into his heart through thy holy Spirit that wisedome that is euer about the Throne of thy Maiestie whereby hee may be prouoked moued and stirred to loue feare and serue thee to seeke thy glory to banish idolatrie superstition and hypocrifie out of this Realme and vnfeinedly to aduance thy holie and pure Religion among vs his Subiects to the example of other forraine Nations O Lord defend him from his enemies send him a long and pros●erous life among vs and giue him grace not only in his owne person godlilie and iustlie to rule but also to appoint such Magistrates vnder him as may bee like affected both towards thy holy Word and toward the Common-wealth that we his Subiects liuing vnd●● his Dominion in all god●●nesse peace and wealth may passe the time of this our short Pilgrimage in thy fea●e and seruice to the glory of thy blessed name which alone is worthy of all honour for euer and euer Amen A de●oute Prayer to our LORD O Good gracious Lord most mercifull and blessed Father O sweete Sauiour ●esus Christ I wretched sinner that am vile earth and ashes doe yeeld thee most humble heartie thankes for that it hath
pleased thee of thy maruellous humility patience and loue towards man kinde to descend from the high Throne of Heauen to be incarnate by the Holie Ghost and borne of the Virgin Marie and here to suffer trouble paine for our sakes I doe beseech thee for thy bitter death and passion deliuer me from all euill and from the euerlasting paines of hell and vouchsafe through thy great mercie and goodnesse to leade me whither thou diddest leade the Thiefe crucified with thee And I beseech thee thorow thy clemencie to vouchsafe vnto mee O Lord God King of Heauen and Earth the ioyes prepared for thy chosen and so direct sanctifie and gouerne my heart my thoughts my words and deeds in thy sacred Law by keeping thy Commandements that here euer through thy helpe O Sauiour of the World I may bee safe and free and by thy bitter death passion may be broght to the glory of the resurrection so remaine in euerlasting life Amen A Prayer in temptation O Merc●full Lord and Sauiour iesus Christ the onely refuge of a desolate and afflicted soule O God thou that hast made mee and redeemed mee in whom ●ll things are possible vnto me and without whom I am able to doe nothing thou seest who I am that here prostrate my prayers and poure out my heart vnto thee what I would haue and what is fittest for mee thou knowest My soule is buried 〈…〉 and blood and would be ●●●ne dissolued and come vnto thee I am vrged against my will and violently drawne to think that which from my-heart I detest and to haue in minde the poyson and bane of my soule O Lord thou knowest mee for thy hands haue framed me and with flesh and skinne thou hast cloathed mee and loe this flesh which thou hast giuen me draweth mee to my ruine and fighteth against the spirit if thou helpest not I am ouercome if thou forsakest mee I must needes faint why doest thou set mee contrary vnto thee and makest mee greeuous and a burthen vnto my selfe Diddest thou create mee to cast me away Diddest thou redeeme mee to damne me for euer It had beene good for mee neuer to haue beene borne if I were borne to perish O my most mercifull Father where is thy olde and wonted mercies where is thy gracious sweetenesse and loue towards me become how long shall mine enemie reioice ouer mee and humble my life vpon earth and place me in darkenesse like the dead of the World What am I Lord that thou settest mee to fight alone against so mightie subtile and cruell enemies that neuer cease to bid mee a p●rpetuall battaile O Lord why doest thou shew thy might against a leafe that is tossed with euery wind and persecutest a drie stubble wilt thou therefore cast away the worke of thy hands wilt thou banish mee from thy face and take thy holy Spirit clean from me Alasse O my good Lord whither shall I goe from thy face or whither shall flie from thy Spirit or shall I flie from the incensed but to the appeased whither from thee as iust but vnto thee as mercifull Doe with mee Lord that which is good in thine eies for thou wilt doe all things in righteous iudgement one●y Lord I desire to remember I am but flesh blood sraile of my selfe and impotent to resist shew thy selfe a Sauiour vnto me and either take away mine enemies or grant mee grace that without wound or fault by thee and with thee I may ouercome them sweet Lord Amen FINIS A Table to find out the principall Prayers contained in this Booke THe way how to commend our selues to GOD in the 〈◊〉 a● our vprising Page 285. A Prayer before wee settle our selues to our Deuotions p 287. A Morning Prayer p. 291. Another Prayer for the Morning p. 296. Another Morning Prayer p. 308. A short Prayer for the Morning p. 312. A Meditation to be vsed before thou goest to bed p. 314. A Prayer for the Euening p 322. A Prayer for the Night p. 333 A Prayer to GOD for grace and to despise the vanity of the World p. 338. A Prayer to GOD to defend vs from euill company and to keepe ou● tongues from vttering ill words p. 346. A Prayer to GOD for b● great goodnesse vnto Man p. 354. A Prayer to GOD to deliuer vs from our ghostly enemies p. 357. A Prayer to GOD daily to bee said p 358. A Prayer to be vsed at all times p. 360 A Prayer to be daily saide vnto our Lord Iesus Christ p. 362. A prayer for the remission of sinnes p. 367. A general pr●yer for all kind of sin p. 380. A 〈◊〉 Faith p. 3●● A prayer vnto GOD that we may liue in his 〈◊〉 and that hee will turne his 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 p. 394. A 〈◊〉 for 〈◊〉 with their duty 400. A 〈◊〉 for children their duty p. 404. A prayer against who●●dome p. 410. A prayer for a Woman with child p. 414. A Thanksgiuing vnto God 〈…〉 deliuerance p. 41● A prayer for a si●ke Man p. 421. A prayer to bee saide before the receiuin● of the holy Communion p. ●24 A thankesgiuing after the receiuing of ● holy Communion p. ●38 A prayer to 〈◊〉 said● at the receiuing of the mystery of Christs Body in the Communion p 441. A prayer to bee saide at the receiuing of the mystery of Christs blood in the holy Communion p. 442. A morning salutation to GOD for wisedome for grace and forgiuenesse of sinnes p. ●44 A prayer for the King p. 454. A 〈◊〉 prayer to our Lord. p. 〈◊〉 A prayer in 〈◊〉 p. ●59 FINIS
the thing is more secret and profound then mans vnderstanding being placed in the prison of the body can reach vnto This is the cause that the Philosophers worldly-wise-men haue fallen into so many and sundry sects dissentions about things euen of least moment and and they doe so contend among themselues vntill falshood hauing put on the habite and vizard of truth deceiueth them all Hereunto accordeth the saying of the Preacher Chap. 3. God hath set the World in their heart or God hath giuen them the world to dispute of yet cannot man find out the worke that God hath wrought from the beginning euen to the end Be not curious therefore saith Syrach Chap 3. Vers 24 in superfluous things for many things are shewed vnto thee aboue the capacity of men and yet we see that the most ignorant doe many times soonest offend herein rushing into those matters wherof they haue no knowledge and nothing belongeth vnto them They will build Tabernacles with Peter and lay platformes for the Church whereof they haue no skill But a greater miserie as yet holdeth our actiue and practising vnderstanding for how many meanes how many reasons and wayes doth it deuise to climbe vp higher and to grow in the opinion and estimation of men For which cause the Prophet Dauid in his ●salmes saith That our whole life is like a Cobweb for as the Spider is occupied all his life time in weauing of cobwebs and draweth out of his owne bowels those threads wherewith he knitteth his nets to catch flies and often times it commeth to passe that when the Spider suspecteth no ill a Seruant that goeth about to make cleane the house sweepeth downe the cobweb and the Spider and throweth them together into the fire Euen so the greatest part of Men consume their whole time spend all their wit and strength and labour most painefully to haue their nets in a readinesse with which they may catch the flies of honors and riches and when they glory in the multitude of flies which they haue taken and promise vnto themselues rest in time to come behold Death Gods handmaide is present with the broome of diuers sicknesses and griefes and sweepeth these men away to hell fire they being fast asleepe in the chaire of securitie and so they worke together with the Workemaster in a moment of time to perish Neither is the man of meanest capacitie and least vnderstanding free from miseries Who can number the suspitions the hatreds the iealousies the enuies the cares the desires the vaine hopes the griefes and anguishes of mans mind If he doe euill hee feareth the Iudges banishment whipping reproches and torments If hee doe well hee feareth euill tongues Who is able to expresse with what insatiable desires all men are inflamed In so much that no man liuing is contented with his estate but we are all like vnto sicke men which tumble and tosse first from one side of the bed and then to the other and yet neuer find rest After this let vs behold and consider all ages how weake is infancy how ignorant is childhood how light and inconstant is adolescency how rash and confident bee young men how grieuous and irkesome is old age What is a young boy but as a brute beast hauing the forme and shape of a man What is a flourishing younker but as an vntamed horse What is an old man but the receptacle of all maladies and sicknesses And in all these ages with how great a heape of miseries necessities are we ouerwhelmed Wee must daily eate drinke and sleepe wee are daily compelled to serue many other necessities and which is much more miserable and vnhappy we must of necessitie purchase vnto our selues these occupations with infinite labours and sweatings Now who is not astonished if hee consider how all the creatures which compasse vs round about do bend their whole force and fight against mankinde as if the things which haue beene already repeated were not sufficient to fill the bosome of mans heart with miseries That same most cleere brightnesse which wee call the Sunne which is as a certaine generall Father to all liuing things doth sometimes so scorch with his beames that all things are parched and burnt vp with the heate thereof at another time he taketh his course so farre from vs that all things die with cold The Earth also which is the Mother of vs all how many men doth shee swallow vp with her downfals gulfes and quakings And what doe the Seas How many doe they deuoure Verily they haue so many rocks so many slattes and sands so many Syrtes so many Charybdes and so many perillous places that it is a most hard thing of all other to escape the danger of shipwracke and they which are most safe in the shippe haue but the thickenesse of a planke betweene them and death What shall we say of our aire Is it not many times corrupted and doth it not ingender and gather cloudes thicke mists pestilences and sicknesses As for the brute beasts they yeeld no reuerence to Man their Prince and not onely the Lyons Beares Tygers Dragons and other greater wild Beasts but the very flies also gnats fleas and other of the most small sort of liuing Creatures doe wonderfully and very vehemently trouble vexe afflict and disquiet Man It were to be wished that wee had no worse enemies then the brute beasts and that wee had no cause to stand in feare of men themselues But these also are full of fraudes deceits iniuries euil practices then the which what can be more intollerable And what meaneth so much armour pikes bowes bils swords and gunnes with diuers other instruments of Mans malice Doe not these destroy and consume moe men then doe sicknesses and diseases Histories report that by one onely Iulius Caesar which is saide to haue beene a most curteous and gentle Emperour there were slaine in seuerall battels eleuen hundred thousand men if a man of mildnesse and meeke spirit did this what shall wee looke for at the hands of most cruell Men Neither Lands nor Seas nor desert places nor priuate houses nor open streetes are safe from ambushments conspira●ies hatreds emulations theeues and pirates Are there not vexations innumerable persecutions infinite spoyling of fields sacking of Cities preying vpon mens goods firing of houses imprisonments captiuities gally slaueries renegations of Christianitie by torments inforced beside death it selfe which men daily suffer at the hands of men And yet this is that ciuill and sociable Creature which is called humane borne without clawes and hornes in token of peace loue which he ought to embrace Moreouer not onely enemies but also friends and the maintainers of peace and Iustice are fierce and cruell against men O Man the very store-house of calamitie and yet thou canst not be humbled but art proud still Neither haue we onely those foresaid corporall enemies which wee may see and shunne but which is more perillous we haue also ghostly
weakenesse of our faith is such but hee is willing to grant as farre as is expedient for our good If our darke vnderstanding would giue vs leaue duely to consider there is another motiue for feruency to bee vsed vnto that great GOD who will not be mocked with the idlenesse of ou● thoughts and lippes i● be pittifulnesse of his fauourable countenance which is so great to man as if wee doe but carefully aske it in zeale and humility of heart hee is then so ready to hearken to our requests that presently he opens his hand of bountie and powreth on vs his benefits plenteously All these respects and considerations thereto tending doe crie vnto vs in most pittifull and lamentable manner to make out hard and stony hearts to melt and cry vnto his Omnipotent and Diuine Maiestie whereby wee may grow to be more feruent in our Petitions We must not thinke that the noise of our lips as the ringing of basons meer sounds and voices that awake and flie vp whilest the inward man doth slumber and keepe downe procures audience at the hands of God The strongest and most effectuall speech in the secret eares of GOD proceedeth not from bare words but from intention of heart Hee that heareth without eares can interpret our praiers without our tongues he that made both the one and the other knowes the language of both alike He that saw Nathaniel vnder the Fig-tree before hee was called saw and sanctified Iohn Baptist in his Mothers wombe before hee came forth and read the heart of Zachcus before his conuersion seeth and blesseth our godly praiers feruently conceiued and sowen in the root of our consciences before they bring forth any fruite But if they be onely verball and vocall sounds without wringing any droppe of contrition from the conscience bloud from the spirit they may beat the aire with empty sounds but into the eares of the Almighty shall they not enter but their want of deuotion shall bee answered by him as the prayers of those Idolaters Ezechiel 8. Though they crie in mine eares with a loude voice yet wil I not heare them Therefore let vs not herein behaue our selues vnworthilie nor presume to speake to the Maiestie of GOD but with such a due respect and reuerence to his Omnipotence that in speaking wee know to whom wee doe it Let vs stirre vp both our tongues spirits that they may ioine hand in hand the sooner to preuaile with GOD. And further if wee doe thinke that our often powred out petitions and plaints to God doe not preuaile according as our fraile flesh would haue it yet wee must not be discouraged or waxe Luc. 18. 1. faint thereby but goe on still in our suite grounded vpon Faith and so importune his Maiestie euermore and more sollicite his long suffering patient eares with our faithful clamors so shall wee at last obtaine all that we godly desire Peraduenture not in the same manner that our fraile flesh desires yet in that which the LORD out of his great mercies seeth most conuenient for the helpe of the Soule and for the comfort of the Bodie It were good for vs to carry Iobs minde saying Though GOD kill me yet will I trust in him Though GOD denieth vs a while yet let vs not despaire in him for without his helpe there is no good to bee had or to be expected either for the reliefe of body or soule It is said Heauen Earth shall passe but not one tittle of his word shall fall to the ground Therefore when we haue powred forth our suite and made our petition knowne then let vs beginne anew repeate it recite it ingeminate it and dwell vpon it bee not beaten away by any distrust or temptation from thy hold Learne adherence to thy suite from the Mariners constancy which is we beseech thee O LORD we beseech thee And if wee set our he arts truely on worke they will soone finde out this theame When the affection is fastened the tongue is easie and willing to dwell thereupon For example Dauid when he heard of the death of his ●onne Absolon he said O Absolon O my sonne Absolon ô Absolon my sonne my sonne where his affection seemes onely to dwell vpon the name and memory of his Sonne and his tongue to haue forgottē to pronounce any other speech saue onely Absolon It manifesteth likewise what loue our SAVIOVR ●are towards that holy Ci●ie in that hee ingeminated ●nd repeated his sorrowes ●uer and ouer saying O Ie●usalem Ierusalem if I forget Ierusalem let my right hand ●orget ●e● c●●ning Our affections must be in oue with him a●d his bles●ed name more then Sonne ●r Citie or any worldly de●ight that it m●● be● euer ●editating in our hearts ●nd walking in our tongues ●aying My God and my Lord. And the more we are held off the nee●e● let vs preasse Let vs attend his leasure mer●ifull pleasure with patience without distrust without wearinesse The longer Abraham talked with GOD the more h● preua●ted hee brought him from the whole number to fiftie from fiftie to ten before he gaue him ouer Mar● the manner of his i●portunitie Behold I haue begunne t● speake vnto my Lord and ● am but dust and ashes L● not my Lord be angry And will speake againe once word I haue beg●●ne and againe will speak● And let not ●● Lord be angry So f●rre w● GOD from anger that he● gaue him both a patien●●are and a gracious answere in hi● most importunate request If ●●● befound there I will not destroy ●● Let vs confider and be●olde what is the force of ●raier poured forth in since●ity from the tongue of a ●ighteous and zealous man It is so powerfull in the ●ares of his Diuine Maiesty that if in the who●e City ● Citie so exceedingly sinfull ●hat the crie thereof ascen●ed vp into Heauen euen in●o the eares of the Holy of ●oliest whose wrath and re●olution was of their ouerthrow ●●d his de●●●minate decr●e past thercupon If I ●ay there had b●●ne but ten ●igh●eous persons to haue stood vp betwi●t his wrath and their sinnes for their sakes it had not beene destroied It pleaseth the eare● of his Heauenly Maiesti● right well to bee long in treated whose blessed condition and nature is neuer 〈◊〉 truly leuelled at as when 〈◊〉 persw●de our selues th●● our importunity therein c●● neuer be bur●hensome to h●● Highness● Many times h●th his M●iestie vnto vs ●●nfull and ●●serable wretches in gemin●ted recited and repeated ●●uer the riches of his merci●● As in these and the like pl●ces The Lord is mercif●● gracious 〈◊〉 to anger ab●●dant in goodnesse and 〈◊〉 〈…〉 for t●●●sands for giving i●●iq●i●●● 〈◊〉 and or a●sgressions What did he meane there by but that twise and 〈◊〉 ●imes together wee should ●●geminate recite and re●eate ouer againe our re●uests and petitions and cry or his mercy and then if he ●eeme deafe for a while and ●ake as though hee heard ●ot yet at last the
An● thou must purpose with thy selfe to doe ●othing that day which may displease God but meditate in thy minde some godly meditations desiring his assistance for the furtherance of the true seruing his omnip●tent Mai●sty ● A Prayer before wee settle our selues to our De●●tions O Most gracious Lord giue me leaue to present my selfe before thy diuine Maiestie and to poure out my vnworthy prayers in the sight of thy most mighty and glorious presence Behold mee O Lord not in my merits but in the multitude of thy mercies I now com● to make manifest my necessities and to vtter my griefe● vnto thee I come as a poor● and needy wretch vnto ● God of infinit glory I com● as a worme of the Earth vnto my Soueraigne Make● and Creatour I come as ● guiltie hainous offende●● I am not worthy to lift v● mine eyes to Heauen mu●● lesse to open my mouth in thy glorious presence o● presume to talke with ● Lord and King of so great ● Maiesty being my selfe bu● slime and ashes but ô Fathe● of mercies and God of all comfort thou promisest that who asketh shall receiue ● who knocketh shall bee le● in who seeketh shall finde● Thou inuitest the greatest ●inners and refusest not to ●eelde thy assistance to any ●hat will vse it grant mee ●herefore grace now to pray ●nto thee as my duety and ●hy desert requireth grant ●e a pureintention a fer●ent deuotion and an atten●●ue mind that it be not car●ed away with impertinent ●oughts nor any other di●raction but with humble ●eart firme hope and per●ct charity I may effectual●e pray vnto thee and aske ●f thee that which thou see●t most for thy glory and ●y good gra●t Lord I be●ech thee that thou wilt ●elpe mee to pray worthily ●at thou maiest mercifu●ly ●rant my Petitions keepe ●y thoughts from wandring r●straine my imaginations and preserue my sences from being distracted● defend O Lord my weak● heart from ghostly assaults● and so fixe my minde vpon thee that I be not carrie● away from consideration o● thy presence grant mee distinctly to pronounce my words attentiuely to apply my thoughts and to bee wholly rauished and possessed with zeale and true deuotion O Lord grant me to aske forgiuenesse with ● deepe contrition and ful● purpose of amendement ● grant me to craue thy benefits with hearty thankfulne●● for those which I haue receiued Grant mee to pray for my selfe with a perfect resignation vnto thy will and ●or all others with true cha●itie and sincere affection Affoord O Lord such com●ort to my soule as thou ●eest fit ●or mee and by the ●ssistance of thy spirit inspire ●hy good motions into mee ●hat I may feele them forci●ly accept them thankefulie and fulfill them effectu●llie Finally I humbly be●eech thee of thy mercy and goodnesse that I may praise ●hee with a true repentant ●eart to appease the fury of ●hy anger against me where●y I may come to enioy ●ith thy Maiesty eternall ●lorie without end Amen A Morning Prayer O Most gracious LORD and Omnipotent Father thou which made●● Heauen and Earth the Sea and all that is therein together with thy dearely beloued Son IESVS CHRIST and with thy holy Spirit thou hast brought vs to the beginning of this day thorow thy goodnesse now we beseech thee that this day wee fall into no sinne bu● that we may accomplish thy holy will by directing ou● words framing our thoghts and disposing our doing accordingly Helpe vs an● further vs O Lord in all ou● Prayers that whatsoeuer w● doe may alwaies take beginning from thee and being so begun wee may proceede in true seruing of thee who art the Fountaine 〈◊〉 light and most peereless● spring of Wisdome LORD vouchsafe that the beames of thy wonderfull glorie may beate against my darke and smal vnderstanding and driue from me two kinde of mists to wit sinne and ignorance wherein I was borne Thou O Lord that makest the tongues of little Infants to be eloquent teach me to rule my tongue and let thy grace and blessing bee pou●ed on my lippes Giue mee sharpnesse of vnderstanding thy heauenly word and ability to retaine it a facility to serue a good kind of interpretation a good place to vtter my words and that they may tend to thy glory and guide my entrance to the matters I speake of direct my proceeding in the same and make perfect my conclusion Come Holy Ghost fill my heart with thy faith and kindle in mee the fire of thy loue doe thus good Lord who diddest bring the Gentiles to the vnity of thy saith by all kindes of diuers and strange languages send out Lord thy holy Spirit and all things shall be created and thou shalt make fresh the face of the Earth and thou that hast taught the Hearts of thy faithfull by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost giue mee the same spirit right vnderstanding and alway to reioice in thee make mee forsake Sathan and cleaue to thee ô Christ who art the way truth and life shew me thy wayes ô Lord and teach me thy pathes direct my steps according to thy word that no vnrighteousnesse reigne ouer mee Ma●e my going perfect in thy wayes that my steps be not moued Lord whi hart the Father of grace an● mercie desend me from my enemies and receiue mee at the houre of my death Good Lord grant I may depart in a good houre out of this World and that I may arise from the death of sinne and walke in newnesse of life that when I shall rise againe at the latter day when our life shall be seene manisestly of all men I also may bee openly but fauourably seene of thy glory who liue●● and reiguest one GOD World without end Amen Another Prayer for the Morning O Lord God and my heauenly Father I do here present my selfe with my morning sacrifice vnto thy Omnipotent Maiestie crauing thy mercifull aide for the strengthening of my weake faith at this present that thereby I may be made the more apt and able to serue thy heauenly Maiesty in all holinesse and true sincerity of heart And now that the time allotted for my feeble senses is expired and that the spring of the morning approacheth I offer vp my bounden duety of praise and thankesgiuing to thy euer blessed and glorious Maiestie vpon whom all the houres and moments of life depend for adding yet more space vnto my daies for granting me a larger time of repentance for the obtaining of thy grace and exercise of vertue and amendement of my sinfull life O eternal and euerliuing God who art the guardian to all true beleeuers make me euermore to magnifie and extoll thy mercies and in true token of this my thankefulnesse hauing nothing more neere vnto me then my selfe I here offer and present my selfe body and soule vnto thy hea●enly will and pleasure beseeching thee to dispose of me as of thine owne to direct the remainder of my life to thy Honour and seruice
mee the deedes of ●e flesh which are these ●dultery fornication vnclea●●sse wantonnesse idolatry ●itchcraft hatred variance wrath strife sedition sects e●uying murther drunkennesse gluttony and such like an● plant in mee the fruites of th● Spirit as loue ioy peace long suffering gentlenesse faithfu●nesse meekenesse and temp●rance As concerning the co●uersation in times past giue● grace to put off the old m●● which is corrupt through t●● deceiuable lusts and to be ●●nued in the spirit of my mind● and to put on the new ma● which after the image of Go● is shapen in righteousnesse an● true holinesse Suffer me not to lie bu●● speake truth vnto my Neig●bour For as much as wee ●● members one of another Su●●●● me not to be angry that I 〈◊〉 let not the Sunne goe down vpon my wrath neither let 〈◊〉 giue place vnto the back-biter Grant that he which afore hath ●●ollen may from henceforth ●teale no more but rather la●or with his hands some good ●hings that hee may haue to giue vnto him that needes Let ●o filthy communication pro●eed out of my mouth but that which is good to edifie with●ll when neede is that it may ●●ue fauour with the Hearers Let all bitternesse fiercenes ●nd wrath roaring and cursed ●peaking bee put away from ●●e all maliciousnesse Make ●●ee curteous to all men and ●ercifull forgiuing euen as God for thy sake forgaue me As for fornication and all vnleannesse or couetousnesse let ●● not b●e once named among ●s as it becommeth Saints ●either filthy things neither foolish talking neither iesting which are not comely but rather giuing of thankes Put vppon me tender mercy kindnes humblenesse of minde meekenesse long-suffering forbearing my Neighbour but abou● all these thing● put vpon m● loue which is the bond of perfection grant that the peac● of God may euermore rule ●● my heart and that I may b● thankefull for all thy benefits● Finally whatsoeuer thing are true whatsoeuer things a●● honest whatsoeuer things a●iust whatsoeuer things 〈◊〉 pure whatsoeuer things p●●tain to loue whatsoeuer thing● are of honest report if there b● any vertuous thing if there ●● any laudable thing grant th●● I may haue them in my minde and practise them in my conuersation and liuing that whatsoeuer I breathe think speake ●or doe all things may bee done ●nto the honour glory and praise of thy name who liuest and raignest with God the Father and God the Holy Ghost true liuing and euerlasting GOD World without end A●en A Prayer for Faith VVEe are taught by thy holy Apostle O most louing Sauiour that whatsoeuer is not of Faith is sinne and that it is impossible to please thee without faith and therefore they that come vnto thee must beleeue that thou art God yea and s●ch a God as is both able and also will aboundantly reward all them that with true faith seeke thee For thy eyes O Lord looke vpon Faith and thou doest appeare and shew thy selfe vnto them that haue faith in thee yea through faith thou being the King of glory art married to the soules of thy faithfull makest them partakers of thy diuine nature through the wonderfull working of thy blessed Spirit Through Faith so many as beleeue are iustified made the so●nes and heires of God and haue euerlasting life By Faith we obtaine of God all good things euen whatsoeuer wee doe aske in thy name Seeing that Faith is so precious a Iewell in thy sight that without it nothing is acceptable vnto thy diuine Maiestie and I of m●ne owne nature cannot haue this most singular gift except thou giuest it vnto mee from aboue and doest breathe it into my heart by thy holy Spirit for of my selfe I am blind ignorant foolish and by no meanes can perceiue the things which pertaine to the Spirit of God I most humbly beseech thee to take away from me all infidelitie and vnfaithfulnesse which I receiued of old Adam and to plant in me true faith vndoubted beliefe that I may bee throughly perswaded that thou art the Sonne of the liuing God very God and very Ma● our alone sweete smelling sacrifice our alone Mediatour Aduocate and Interce●●or ou● alone wisdome righteousn●●●● ●anctification and redempti●●● by whom alone and for whose sake onely thy Heauenly Father is well pleased with mee whereby my sinnes are remitted grace and euerlasting life is giuen me O Lord God suffer mee not to leane to mine owne wisedome nor to beleeue as blinde flesh fansieth nor to ●eeke saluation where superstitiō dreameth but let my faith onely be grounded on thy Word And giue me grace truly to beleeue in thee with all my heart to put my trust in thee to looke for all good things of thee to call vpon thy blessed name in aduersitie and with a ioyful voice and more merry heart to praise and magnifie it in prosperitie Suffer me not to doubt neither of God my Heauenly Father ●or of God his Sonne nor of God the Holy Ghost but earnestly to beleeue that they being disti●ct persons are notwithstanding one very God beside whom there is no God neither in Heauen nor in earth Grant also that I may assuredly beleeue whatsoeuer is contained in the Holy Scriptures and by no meanes suffer my selfe to bee plucked from the veritie thereof but manfully and stedfastly abide in the same euen vnto the death rage World ●oare Diuell And this Faith O sweete Iesu● encrease thou in me more and more that at the last through thy goodnesse I may be made perfect strong in thy holy Religion and shew my selfe both before the● and the World truly faithfull by bringing forth plenty of all good workes vnto the glori● and honour of thy name which with God the Father and God the Holy Ghost liuest and raignest true God World with out end Amen A Prayer vnto GOD that we● may liue in his feare and that he will turne his plagues from vs. O Heauenly Father most merciful Lord deale not thou with vs after our sinnes neither reward vs after our iniquities Indeed thou in thy holie Law doest thereaten to punish with plagues noysome diseases such as neglect and set at nought thy will word and liue licentiously according to their owne lusts and appetites to send vpon them great plagues with many other innumerable and vnknowne infirmities as iust punishments for their iniquities Yet O Father of mercy and Lord of all comfort I beseech thee inspire into my heart such a regiment of feare to offend thy diuine Maiesty that thereby I may turne vnfeinedly vnto thee and serue thee truly learning to liue according to thy law louing one another as Christs true children in deede and not spoiling or deuouring one another For hee that loueth not his brother though he liue yet he abideth in death and hee that hateth his Brother is a Man-slayer and killeth him in his heart but loue shall couer ● multitude of sinnes and so also God shall bee glorified and shall
onely Sauiour so loue thee that all mine affections may bee set on thee alone and so embrace true godlinesse that our whole life may be a cleere mirrour of all vertue and goodnesse so shall wee through thy mercie bee found worthy guests of this thy Table and receiue these holy mysteries to the saluation of our soules Yea so shall we be well assured of the remission and forgiu●nesse of all our sinnes By the breaking of thy blessed bodie and the shedding of thy precious blood our consciences shall bee quiet our hearts shall be filled with all true and spirituall ioy we shall triumph ouer Sathan sinne death hell and desperation wee shall be partakers of all the fruites and merites of thy blessed passion bee made one body with thee fellow-heires in euerlasting glorie O Lord God let it so come to passe for the honour of thy name Amen A Thankesgiuing after the receiuing of the Communion VVEe thanke thee O Heauenly Father for the blessed passion and glorious death of thy dearely beloued Sonne our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ by whose holy wounds we faithfully beleeue and are assuredly perswaded that thy wrath is not onelie pacified towardes vs bu● that thou also are now become our most mercifull Father and hast freelie forgiuen vs all our sinnes Restore vnto vs thy heauenlie grace and make vs sonnes and heires of thine eternal glorie And because wee should not doubt of thy Fatherlie goodnesse rewards vs 〈◊〉 in the de●th of thy 〈◊〉 the same Son Christ 〈◊〉 Lord hath l●●t vnto vs not onely his holy Word but also a blessed memorial of his death and passion set forth 〈◊〉 the holy b●●ad and wine which weat this present haue receiued both for a remembrance of the breaking of his blessed body and the s●edding of his mo●● pr●●in●● blood 〈◊〉 also for the quietn●sse of our ●●onscience and ●●● the 〈◊〉 of the remissi●● of our ●●●nes through faith●●●●● We 〈◊〉 thee O Hea●●enly Father that we be neuer vnmindefull of this thy exceeding great kindness● not vnthankefull for thy ma●ifolde blessings vnspeakable mercies declared vnto vs in the glorious death of thy welbeloued Sonne but so worke thou in vs through thy holy Spirit that wee may be made worthy members of that bodie whereof thy Sonne and our Sauiour Christ Iesus is the head And that we may so faithfullie beleeue in thee and so ●eruently loue one another alway liuing in thy feare and in the obedience of thy holy law and blessed will that wee being fruitfull in all godly and Christian workes may traine our liues according to thy good pleasure in this transitorie World and after this fraile and short life obtaine the true and immortal life where thou with thy dearely beloued S●nne our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ and the Holy Ghost that most sweete Comforter liuest and raignest one true God in all honour glorie World without end Amen A Prayer to be saide at the recei●ing of the mysterie of Christs B●die in the Communion O Heauenly and blessed Father ●●render vnto thoe most hearty thankes for all thy benefits which thou hast shewed vnto mee a most wretched sinner but especially for that most sweete smelling sacrifice which thy onely begotten Son offered vnto thee on the Altar of the Crosse by giuing his most pure and vndefiled bodie vnto the death for the redemption of Mankinde in remembrance whereof according to thy wellbeloued Sonnes ordinance I now receiue this holie bread most entirely beseeching thee that I may both be partaker of the merites of thy deare Sonnes Body-breaking and also leade a life worthy so great a benefit to the glorie o● thy name Amen A Prayer to be saide at the receiuing of the mysterie of Christs bloud in the holy Communion O Blessed and mercifull Father thy loue towards mee sinful Creature is so exceeding great and vnspeakable that I cannot but giue vnto thee most humble thankes namely for the shedding of the most precious bloud of thy deare Sonne Iesus Christ by the vertue whereof thy wrath stored vp against me wretched sinner is pacified my ransome is paide the Law is fulfilled mine enemies are ouercome put to flight In remembrance of this so noble a victorie and of so great a benefit I am come vnto this Table O merciful Father to drinke of this Cup desiring thee that as my outward man is comforted by the drinking of this wine so likewise my inward man may bee comforted and made strong by true faith in the precious blood of thy most deare Sonne O Lord and my Heauenlie Father giue me thy holy Spirit which may so rule gouerne my heart that I neuer bee vnthankefull nor forgetful of this thine exceeding great kindnes but so traine my life according to thy blessed will that whatsoeuer I doe speake or thinke may bee vnto the glory of thy most blessed name and the health of my soule through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen A Morning salutation to GOD for wisedome for grace and forgiuenesse of sinnes MY Soule O Lord hath desired thee in the night season and I haue also waited for thee in spirit and minde all the morning beseeching thee that thy presence which I sore haue longed for may expell from me all my sinne Lord water the secrets of my heart with thy manifolde graces and mightily en●●●●e the same with thy loue And now my most sweete Lord Iesus Christ I rise and come early to thee in the morning and pray thee from the bottome of my heart that thou wilt hearken vnto my prayers and godlie requests which I doe most humbly in heart offer vnto thee for thou art the wisdome the eternall brightnesse and verie figure of the substance of the Father who hast created all things of nothing And because thou wouldest bring againe Man to the pleasure of Paradise thou camest downe from Heauen into this vale of miserie and by thy holie conuersation thou hast shewed and trod him the path thereunto and for ransome of all Man-kinde thou wouldest bee offered to thy Father as a most immaculate Lambe Open by thy Holy Spirit my stony and hard heart that with the eies of a perfect beliefe ● may alwaies behold thee who art King of Kings and Lord of Lords Giue m● wis●dome truly to consider of thy ●eath and passion that thereby I may profit in thee onely who art as a Booke of charitie for me Grant mee that I be vtterlie destitute of all vanities that now I be not he whom heretofore I haue beene but doe thou alwaies abide in me that so linked vnto thee I neuer s●verue or decline from thee Send downe good Lord thy wisedome from the seate of thy Maiestie that shee may labour and be with mee that I may know what is acceptable in thy sight that my heart and senses may bee enlightened whereby I may vnderstand how to bee a true follower of thy Precepts O my Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ who art most sweete vnto mee
poure his benefits plentifully vpon vs as long as the World endureth Lord God thou hast created made of thine infinite goodnesse and vnspeakable mercie for Mans comfort thy blessed Sunne-shine to be a perpetuall bright Lampe and Candle to be an ingenderer nourisher comforter of all liuing things in this inferiour VVorld This great worke and Fatherly prouidence of God ought to cause vs to praise and magnifie him alwaies and to make vs remember his manifold benefits that hath so louingly created all things for mans sake O Lord as thy mer●ies abound towards vs so grant that we may be as plentifull i● vertuous liuing and conuersation and that wee doe not thorow our wicked liues and euill behauiour pull vpon our felues thy wrath and displeafure in a busing thy good Creatures and in hoording vp the treasure of this VVorld from our need●ull and poore Bretheren and so purchase that curse which the wisedome of God v●tereth by the mouth of Salomon where he saith Who so hoordeth vp his goods shall bee cursed among the people but blessing shall light vppon his head that is liberal to the poore Bring it forth therefore ye couetous that yee may bee partakers of the blessing which is prepared for the righteous And as our Sauiour Christ saith They that are whole neede not the Phisician but they that are sicke You therefore that are sicke and haue neede seeke the helpe of that good Physician in time for there is better remedie to be had in the beginning then after a long delay and tarrying for the preseruation of our sicke soules Lord make vs earnestly and diligently to seeke helpe of the Heauenly Physician which is the pertect curer both of body and soule and make vs to apply those heauenly medicines the Precepts of thy most holie Word to the great and almost incurable diseases of our infected soules in seeking whereof we be all too remisse and slack But yet spare vs good Lord spare thy people and correct vs not in thine anger but in thy mer●y thinke vpon vs for thou art the God of mercy long suffering slow to continue displeasure and ready to forgiue But alasse how shouldest thou cease to punish shouldest shew mercy when wee cease not to sinne and offend but continue still in our wi●●ednesse without repentance What sufficient excuse can wee make or what reasonable let can we lay that thou oughtest not to punish vs Whereas there was neuer more godly preaching neuer more exhortation to repentance seldome the like crying out against sinne neuer more disswading from couetousnesse and vsurie there be daily admonitions to forsake swearing continual calling from all wickednesse beside the number of godly learned Bookes made and set forth and yet cannot all these moue vs once to repent or to desist and forsake our wonted wicked waies and fil●hy affections Defend mee Lord by thy right hand and giue a gracious ca●e to my request for all mans stayes are but vaine Lord cond●●t me in thy waies 〈◊〉 I may giue thankes to ●●ee for thy mercie and goodnesse who ne●er leauest them destitute that put their assured trust in thee who liuest and raignest one God World without end Amen A Prayer for Seruants with their dutie O Christ my Lord and Sauiour who being the Son of the liuing GOD ●● GOD himselfe from euerlasting didst not disdaine at the wil of thine Heauenly Father to make thy selfe of no reputation to become Man to take vpon thee the shape of a Seruant and to obey thy Fathers Commandement to the death yea euen of the Crosse for our saluation refusing no seruice no trauell no labour no paine that might make vnto the comfort of mankinde We most humbly beseech thee to giue all thy Seruants grace to practise thy humilitie and obedience that as thou most willingly didst serue and obey thy Heauenly Fathers good pleasure so they in like manner may with most hearty affection serue and obey their bodily Masters in all things that are agreeing with thy blessed Word not with eye-seruice as Men-pleasers but in singlenesse of heart fearing God that whatsocuer they do they may doe it heartily euen as to the Lord and not vnto Men. For as much as they are sure that they shall receiue the reward of thy Heauenly Inheritance of thee O Lord Christ while truly and faithfully they serue their bodily Masters Grant that so many as are vnder theyoake may count their Masters worthy of all honour that the name of God and his Doctrine bee not euill spoken of and that they may obey them with all feare not onely if they bee good and curteous but also though they bee sroward and please them in all things not answering them againe not picking ought from them but shew good faithfulnesse that in all things they may bring credit to the doctrine of thee our GOD and Sauiour to whom with the Father and the Holy Ghost be all honour praise and glory for euer and euer Ameu Seruants ought to account their Masters worthy of all honour I T●● 6. 1 and to be subiect vnto them with all feare not onely to the good and curteous but also to the froward 1 Pet. 2. 18 and to please them in all things not answering againe and to be no filchers nor deceiuers of them in any thing but shew all good faithfulnes Tit. 2. 9. 10 in singlenesse of their hearts as vnto Christ not with seruice to the eye as Men-pleasers but as the seruants of Christ doing the will of GOD from their hearts with good will seruing the Lord and not Men. Ephe. 6. 5. 6. 7. A Prayer for Children and their dutie AS thou O mercifull Father hast giuen commandement vnto all Fathers and Mothers to bring vp their Children in thy feare nurture and doctrine so likewise thy good pleasure is that children should honour and reuerence their Parents diligently giue care vnto their vertuous instructions and faithfully obey them As thou hast promised health honour glorie and riches long life and all that good is vnto them that honour reuerence and humbly obey their Fathers Mothers so hast thou threatned vnto disobedient Children ignominy euil same contempt shame dishonor pouerty sicknesse short life and such other plagues Yea in thy holy Law thou dost not onely pronounce them accursed that dishonour their Fathers and Mothers but thou also commandest that if anie Childe be stubborne and disobedient and will not heare but rather despise the commandement of his Father and Mother the same should bee stoned to death without mercy so greatlie doest thou abhorre disobedience and rebellion against all persons but especially against Parents I therefore heartily wishing that the plagues of thy fierce wrath for thou O Lord art a consurning fire may bee farre from them most humbly beseech thee to engraue in the hearts of all Children of whatsoeuer age kinde estate or degree they be true honour heartie reuerence and vnfeined obedience towards their Pare●ts Giue them