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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A12490 A confutation of a certen booke, called a defence of the true, and Catholike doctrine of the sacrame[n]t, &c. sette fourth of late in the name of Thomas Archebysshoppe of Canterburye. By Rycharde Smyth, Docter of diuinite, and some tyme reader of the same in Oxforde Smith, Richard, 1500-1563. 1550 (1550) STC 22819; ESTC S105000 121,196 338

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of the scriptures the general conciles and the docteurs expositions of gods word to be so much blynded and so long à tyme But pride wyl haue à fal as it hath euer had heretofore espacially in thē that haue matched them selfes in matieres of religion against his dear espouse the church agaynst whom hel gates that is to say synne heresie neuer could nor neuer shal preuaile For did not Matth. 16. christ which euer was hard in his prayers as he sayth hym self praye for Peter that his fayth that is to say the fayth of the catholike church which Lucae 20. Ioan. 11. Heb. 5. he had receaued and confessed should not decaye Agayne doth not paul affirme Ephes 5. that christ loued his spouse the church so dearly that he gaue hymself for her to death for to cleanse her frō al fylthynes of synne that she should not haue one spotte therof Houe can these sainges of christ and paul stand wyth their opinion that say as my lord doth that the church hath erred yn the fayth and hath committed idolatry so many hundred yeares euen sēce the begynnyng of it Is this christ dearly to loue her Is this the office of Ro 12. 1. Cor. 11. 12 Coloss 1. à good husband towardes his wyfe Is this to purge her from euery spot of synne Wold christ which is head of the church and the church his body suffre that his oune hody runne in to heresie superstition blasphemye Marke 1. paril 9. Psal 136 such other abymynable crimes and to abide so long yn them He suffered the Synagoge of the ieues to fal yn to bodilie captyuite and to lye afflicted theryn but. lxx yeres and then he made her francke and free agayne and wold he then suffre christes church which he loued much more then he did the Synagoge to runne in to such abomynations and to continue stil in them at the least as my lord sayeth in his booke foure or fyue hundreth yeares Went not as christ sayth in Matth. 20. the parable god furth in the morning early to cal men to wourke yn his vyneyard Howe is it then true that he called not men vnto the ryght fayth of this sacramēt the space of M. yeres after this sacrament was instituted vntil berengarius came and then called but à very fewe in nombre Called not christ his church the kyndome Matthaei 13 Note of heauen Why then do these men make her the kyndom of hel by ascribinge vnto her heresie blasphemye idolatrie What blynd arrogancye and arrogant blyndnes is this Who can abide it What hart is so hard and stony that it can forbeare weapyng lamenting and mournyng for them that are this blynded do dailie make many other mē so blynd that they do fal vnwares headlong in to the den of heresie and damnation for euer Cal and crye good reader contynuallie Psal 67. nyght daye vnto god and saye Aryse ó lord aryse that thy ennymies may be dispersed and confounded Say deuoutly wyth tongue and Psal 43. mynde Aryse vp o lord why doest thou sleap Aryse vp expel vs not from the for euer Why turnest thow thy face from vs Doest thou forget our pouerte and trouble Arise vp ó lord helpe vs ó lord and delyuer vs for thy names sake Pray I say Christian reader and ceasse not that thou be not led yn to tentation and fal frō the ryght belief of the holy church but that thou maest stand theryn māly and confesse it vntil thy death and therby obteyne that infinite and endles ioyes which god hath promysed vnto al that contynue in his loue and the kepyng of his commaundementes vntil their lyfes endes The whych our lord Iesus Christ for his deare and bytter passions sake graunt vnto vs to whom wyth the father and the holie goost be honour and prayse for euer Amen ❧ That it pertayneth onlye vnto the church of christ to expound the scripture to discusse al doubtes of our fayth Whych shal at any tyme ryse emonge vs And that also the general concils ought not to be despised but much regarded obediently receaued and foloued NOwe for as much as euery man is as Dauid and Paul Psal 115 affirme à lier of hymself and the holie spirit of god Rom. 3. was promysed of Christ vnto the church to teache her al trueth and to abide stil wyth her for euer for to rule Ioan. 14. 1● directe and lead her from tyme to tyme that she shold not erre in the faith and pure religion of Christ who can iustly denye but that the authorite to expound the scriptures and to determyne controuersies of the fayth rysing out of the same must neades pertayne vnto her only and not vnto one particuliere person nor to any one countrey or region For as S. Augustine A verite vnwritten sayed that he wold not haue beleued the euangele except christes De praescript haereticorum church had moued hym so to do and agayne as we knowe not which is scripture and which is not but only as Tertulian saith by the church so hou can I be certayne of the ryght sense of scripture and what I ought to beleue but by the catholike church If an heretike shold nowe denye any part of the scripture as Manicbaeus and other refused al the old testamēt as Marciō Holie scripture can not be ꝓued to be scripture but onlie by the church denyed al the gospels except lukes as Ebion wold not receaue pauls epistles and as luther repealed S. Iames epistle and the Apocalypsis what haue we to conuict thē but the churches authorite Why then ought not the church to expound scripture and to be iudge yn al matters of trauerse in religion For how tel me can the scripture be theryn iudge which euery man taketh as he lysteth and expoundeth it as lyrinēsis sayeth also as experiēce doth teach after his oune mynde fantasie Did not al heretikes that euer haue bene afore our daies and that noue are alleage scripture for them as wel as the catholike men May she then Which is à wytnes alleaged vpon both sides be iudge betwene them This moued Tertulian to say that in De praescr matieres of doubt in our fayth we must not apeale vnto the scripture in which there is either no victorie or vncertayne or els but lyttle certayne but vnto the church of christ which is euer gouerned and ruled by the holie goost and so erreth not whollie in our fayth Did not this thing also stere the fathers euen at the begynnyng of the church to cal and make assembles and general concels to discusse matters of controuersie and to suppresse heresies What els but that caused S. Austen Ianuario to affirme that the authorite of general concils was very holsome good for mennes saluation that the iudgement of then ought to be preferred before any one bysshops iudgement and the