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A08282 A pathvvay to patience in all manner of crosses, tryals, troubles, and afflictions: inwardly for sinne, or outwardly by sicknesse, pouerty, enemies, imprisonment, banishment, slaunders, disobedience of children, houshold-crosses betweene man and wife, &c. With necessary prayers for euerie of them; as also for diuers other necessarie purposes. By I.N. Norden, John, 1548-1625? 1626 (1626) STC 18615; ESTC S119966 125,732 476

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tentations that I may be able to resist whatsoeuer assaults of the deuill and his Ministers As for mine owne power alas it is euen weakenes it selfe but my hope and strength is of thee I can alledge nothing neither canst thou finde any thing in mee either woorthie or acceptable whereby I might haue hope either to haue my sinnes forgiuen me or to be released or eased of my sicknesse or to be restored to my former health or strength yet I haue hope O Lord that thou in mercie wilt pardon my sinnes in the merites of my Redeemer and that for his sake thou wilt either restore me to health or speedily to end this my grieuous infirmity which if for the grieuousnesse of my sinnes thou thinke sit to lay yet more heauily vpon me strengthen me so much the more with perfect faith and godly patience that I may beare it that the apprehension of death which is something terrible to flesh and bloud daunt me not But that I may rest assured that thou thus rebukest mee not in thine anger nor that thou chastisest me in thy heauie displeasure but rather of thy loue which is better vnto me then life O Father what shall I render vnto thee for all thy benefits for they haue bin infinite towards me And euen this thy fatherly correction I acknowledge not the least for hereby Lord I finde thy gracious purpose to be to reclayme me from my wonted sinnes which without thy mercy cannot but procure not the death of my body only but of my soule also so dearely redeemed by the bloud of thy dearest Son O strengthen Lord strengthen my faith that I may now at the last take such firme assured holde of the merites of Iesus Christ that all my sinnes and vngodly deseruings may be couered and that his righteousnesse may be imputed vnto me I doe confesse O Lord to my shame and griefe that before thou diddest correct me I went awry I followed too much the desires of my corrupt hart But now Lord I doe heartily repent me that euer I offended thee but if it be thy gracious good wil and pleasure and if in thy wisdome thou thinke it fit to restore mee to my former health which I humbly leaue vnto thee I shall endeuour by thy grace to walke more warily and shunne the enticements that haue seduced me and the allurements of Sathan that haue deceiued mee But if thou haue determined this my sicknesse to be my last and finall trouble I shall most heartily embrace it with a longing expectation for the time of my dissolution And when the time commeth accept it with a ioyfull and glad heart and that I may be the more truly and readily prepared at the instant of the departure of my soule from my body wash me throughly and make me cleane that I may appeare before thee in the immaculate roabes of Christs righteousnes and not in mine owne polluted garments of corruption That I may heare that most sweet and comfortable voyce of my Redeemer Come thou blessed of my Father enter into and possesse the ioyes prepared for thee from the beginning of the world which grant gracious Lord God for Iesus Christes sake to whom with thee and the holie Ghost be all honor praise and glory for euer O Lord encrease and euermore and more strengthen my faith and fill my heart with vnfained godly desire to be speedily dissolued that I may liue with thee in heauen Amen A Prayer to be said for a sicke man or woman of faithfull friends that come to visite him or her LOrd God Almighty and Father of incomprehensible mercy we here assembled before thy Maiestie in the name of thy most beloued Son Iesus Christ are bold to present our humble petitions vnto thee in the behalfe of this sicke person lying heere visited with sicknes which thou mightest iustly haue laide and inflicted vpon any of vs as great sinners and haue spared him or her but such hath been thy mercy hetherunto towards vs as to afford vs health expecting the time wherein we cannot auoyde but must taste of the same cup. We acknowledge Lord that thou neuer sendest this or any other crosse or affliction to any no not to such as thou louest best but the end therof though bitter for the time to flesh and bloud is happinesse yet doest thou iustly whatsoeuer thou doest and we acknowledge that sinne is the cause of all thy fatherly visitations And forasmuch as it cannot bee but that this sicke party is oppressed in the weakenes of his body by the strong tentations of that common enemie Sathan who endeuoureth so to lay his sinnes to his charge whereof no man is free that if it were possible he might so farre feare him with thy seuere Iustice for the same as that he might despaire of thy mercies and consequently of his owne saluation Wherefore wee thy weake seruants here assembled doe humbly and hartily pray thee to abandon and abolish that infernall Serpent that his false suggestions creepe not into the heart of this sicke party but arme him or her so with a liuely faith that thy holy Spirit may so possesse his soule that the enemie may finde no place for his tentations Besprinkle his heart so with the meritorious bloud of thy Sonne that the deuill seeing and obseruing a stronger then himselfe to possesse the house of his soule he may be enforced to flie and no further to pursue him Cause Lord that some tokens may appeare in this sick person that his soule and conscience are quieted by the presence of the holy Ghost in him whereby we thy most humble suppliants may receiue some comfort in the fruit of our prayers for him And as touching his sicknes we submit our desires to thine owne will yet if thy good pleasure be so as to restore him to the former health which wee in his behalfe entreate thee to the end that hee and we may glorifie thee for thy great mercie in healing him and that he by this thy fatherly correction may learne to liue the residue of the time that he shall here enioy in new and more perfect obedience But if otherwise thou be pleased to dispose of him namely to take him out of this mortall-life giue him wee humbly pray thee an vnderstanding heart to know and to consider his mortality and the glory to come a sound minde perfect memory with a feeling faith patience and obedience that without feare with cheerefull alacrity hee may surrender his soule vnto thee Receiue it good Father as the soule of an Elect Saint and send his body which must rest and remaine in the earth vntill the generall rising againe of the dead a most ioyfull resurrection that he may then enioy the full perfection of glory with thee both in soule and body which we humbly pray thee in the name of Iesus Christ graciously to graunt and that it would please thee to come quickly and finish the worke which thou hast begun
miserie and what comfort this comfortlesse place affordeth where I can neither sleepe nor wake but vnder locke But Lord as Paul and Ioseph through thy onely loue towards them and thy prouidence ouer them found grace and fauour with their keepers so worke in the hearts of them vnder whose custodie I am that they vse no stricte seueritie towards me that I may call vpon thee more freely and feruently O Lord I am poore and my Creditors haue no pitie there is no compassion in man but with thee is mercie and timely Redemption thou hast thine owne time to correct and thine owne time and meanes to comfort a time to cast downe and a time to rayse vp though thou seeme to forget thy poore prisoners in permitting them to suffer long and to endure much yet hast thou a fatherly care of them and in thy good time doest euermore deliuer them I beseech thee in the loue thou bearest to Christ thy Sonne my Mediator that when thou seest the measure of mine imprisonment is sufficient to satisfie the seueritie of my Creditors worke their hearts to that compassion towards me though I bee vnable to pay them all as that they may remit my restraint and admit me to my former libertie that I may the better follow the meanes by mine owne lawfull industrie and thy blessings whereby I may attaine vnto such a portion as I may be able as I am willing to pay them all and to owe nothing to any man before I goe hence and bee no more seene but loue If it bee thy good pleasure Lord to take me out of this life before I can make ful satisfaction to my Creditors impute it not vnto me as a sinne but accept my will to doe it as the true performance of it that in peace with thee and as much as in mee lyeth with all men I may surrender my soule into thy hands which though my body be my soule is not so imprisoned as to be restrained from comming vnto thee nor preuented of it ascention to the place of libertie and glorie where Christ my Sauiour is ascended notwithstanding the crueltie of them that now couet to retaine my flesh whereof it may be if they could they would wish to make some profit for their satisfaction which I must then leaue vnto their wils to be disposed Most humblie comending my selfe my soule and my body into thy diuine and heauenly custody vntill the time In the name of Iesus Christ thy Sonne to whome with thee and the holy Ghost be for euer as hath beene from the beginning eternall glorie Amen O Lord increase my faith endue me with perfect Patience and in thy mercie timely deliuerie A Caueat for cruell Creditors that keepe poore men in prison whom they know vnable to pay that for which they keepe them in prison THE practise of Christian charity hath euermore beene to doe to other men as a man desireth others to doe vnto himselfe and is grounded vpon the words and strict commaund of Christ himselfe who willeth all men that whatsoeuer they would that men should doe vnto them they should doe vnto others And againe by way of caueat he saith Take heede what ye doe and how ye deale with other men for what measure ye met to them the same shall be measured to you againe this is the truth yet are ye so hard hearted as for a little money or other matter to keepe a poore man in prison depriue him of his liberty preuent him of the exercise of his calling disable him to prouide for his owne and the reilefe of his poore wife and children and yet account your selues Christians If ye be Christians in deede and not in name onely you cannot but commiserate the necessity of your brethren and approue your selues Christians by louing them by helping them by relieuing their necessities and that freely for Christes sake whose they are as he hath commanded Be not such louers of your selues as onely to respect your owne priuate profit and to encrease it by oppressing your poore brother for so he is howsoeuer base and howsoeuer your selues are glorious And in steed of comforting ayding and relieuing him to imprison him the more to impouerish him doth not this show you are none of the houshold of faith who loue one another helpe one another relieue one another as fellow members of one body whereof Christ is the head There is a prouerbe in deed Charitie begins at home And so it seemes and where it begins there it ends where it is bred there it lyes at least it neuer goes abroad to the comfort of the comfortlesse to helpe the poore to relieue the Widow and the Orphan This keeping charity in a mans priuate bosome is the cause that man is become a deuill to man Wolfes deuouring one another by vsurie by extortions by fraud by deceitfull contracts and vncharitable bargaines in wrapping poore innocent men that stand in neede of the helpe of your aboundance in bands morgages and such griping and cruell conditions as poore men are not able to performe and vpon breach of payment or not performing some vnreasonable conditions you vnconscionably exact the penalties take the forfaitures and all aduantages that the seuerity of the Law will allow you thereby vndoing husband wife children and many times the friends of a distressed man and many times not satisfied with all that the poore man and his friends are able to make you keepe the poore body of the party in prison for the vttermost farthing and content your selues oftentimes to passe by the Grate where you heare the poore crie for bread bread O wofull and most impious vncharitablenesse fearefully condemned by the sentence of God himselfe Nay who hath not heard with his eares hatefull to be heard some cruell man say hee would make dice of his debters bones he were as good to say hee would eate his flesh like a Caniball And what lesse doe they that enforce a poore debter to perish in prison there to leaue his bones and flesh too for the satisfaction of the Creditor to make vse of both his bones for dice and his flesh for Mummy fit Relicks for cruell creditots sweet odours for their consciences and wholsome Phisick for their hearts Alas what will a poore mans carkasse profit you what vse can you put it vnto being dead in prison if you retaine him till he pay that he cannot pay dye there he must But your policie is there to keepe him in miserie to draw compassion towards him of some of his friends to engage themselues for your satisfaction It sauours indeede of policie not of piety Is not one mans vtter vndoing enough but the ouerthrow of two or three more and their families for company as often times it happeneth by your extreame crueltie O miserable Creditors can you truly pray to God that is mercifull forgiue my debts as I forgiue my debtors your selues so vnmercifull
beene as the hand to giue him from thee food for his body whereby by thy blessing he hath beene corporally sustained and growne strong in the flesh though weake in spirituall graces which are not in me to instill into him no● bestow vpon him He is indeed of the poluted seede of offending Adam yet maist thou be pleased and I humbly pray thee to accept him into thy fauour instructe him in thy feare indue him with heauenly knowledge and a perfect faith in thee and guide him by thy grace in a godly religious and sincere conuersation that he may cease to doe euill and cleaue vnto that which is good then shall hee serue thee and I shall prayse thee for his reformation and saluation Let neither his sinnes nor mine O Lord any more prouoke thee to anger lest thy seuere iudgements should fall vpon him and shame and griefe vpon vs his parents but his repentance shall be our comfort and wee shall reioyce in his conuersion and not onely we his parents but all the godly shall reioyce at his returne into the spirituall Societie of thy Saints Graunt it gracious Lord God for thy Christs sake whose righteousnesse accept as his righteousnesse and thy sonnes merits for mine and my sons many sinnes Amen Lord increase in him the holy feare of thy great name faith and obedience vnto thee and giue me grace with patience and prayer to wayte his holy reformation A perswasion to patience in the crosses that often fall betweene man and wife fit to be considered of maried folkes for their mutuall comfort with counsell to such as intend to mary THere is no man or woman fit for mariage estate that is ignorant and consider not of the causes for which that holy estate was instituted of God But now in this latter age many rashly enter into it neither knowing the causes rightly nor vse it reuerently which is the occasion of many breaches betweene man and wife In former times men and women were onely maried but now boyes gerles that onely feele by natures instinct that mariage is a pleasant life and are onely led by that lawe of lust to runne and rush headlong into that sacred estate without feare or wit like a barde horse into a battle not fore-seeing nor considering the dangers and troubles they runne into which holy estate ought not to be vndertaken but with highest reuerence vnto and in the feare of God the author of it Many onely consider that God created man male and female the man for the woman the woman for the man and consider not the sacred vse nor the institution of mariage they looke not into the beginning how God created man and the woman of the man to the end they two should by this coniunction become one and of one heart and one minde in two bodies they can peraduenture saye that indeed the woman was made of the ribbe of the man but that that bone became flesh of his flesh and by that meanes they two became one they cannot conceiue and yet will aduenture without either examination or consideration of the danger to take a wife and the woman a husband their least duties to God not learned of them at all nor considered Hastie mariages bring commonly as hastie repentance not that praise worthie repentance for sinne but for the sorrowe their vnaduised mariage hath brought them vnto rashly vndertaken without asking counsell of God whence doe spring all the troubles iarres brawles and discontentes betweene the man and the wife thus vnaduisedly coupled together But man and wife conioyned together in the Lord namely where they onely aime to liue together in his holy feare and humblenesse of heart in a liuely faith craue his holy fauour and fatherly direction to guide and gouerne them and after due reuerence vnto the Lord they yeeld mutuall and godly loue one to another with due obedience to God and after one to the other labouring to keepe peace vnitie and concorde betweene themselues in ayding helping cherishing sustaining each other in pouertie as in riches in sickenesse as in health and be of like godly affection one towards another with daily mutuall prayers to God that he will giue a blessing vnto them they may assure themselues to liue in plentie and peace and whatsoeuer crosses troubles or afflictions befall them they encourage one the other in the feare of God to beare them together with equall patience and whatsoeuer blessing they receiue at the hands of God they together giue thankes for the same These maried folkes thinke it not sufficient as many doe to ioyne hand in hand a token of their intire affections one to the other but heart with heart in the feare of God neuer to be disioyned vntill death deuide them But how can hearts be truely ioyned together that are of contrarie dispositions as many proue to be that make showe of a godly loues beginning can bitter and sweet can loue and hatred can ioye and griefe dwell together and how can hearts contrarily affected comfort one the other in the Lord can a truely louing wife reioyce to see her husband grieue or can a religiously kinde husband sing seeing his wife lament will they not rather enquire the cause of each others sadnesse and seeke the meanes to remoue it their ioye sorrow should be one as they are one they should beare equally one anothers burthen and neuer to be bitter one towards the other It is against the nature of man to hurt wittingly or wilfully his owne flesh but rather to vse all meanes to perserue it and therefore as man and wife by this sacred coniunction are of twaine made as it were one intire bodie though disiunct in person how can the one seeke to hurte the other but they must both feele the smart Discorde and dislike betweene man and wife is a crosse of all crosses a griefe of all griefes and a miserie aboue all miseries vnto either partie fearing God for as peace and concorde betweene them buildeth and establisheth the house so quarels and brawles turne it vpside downe Peace and loue twixt man and wife makes bitter waters sweet but hatred and iarres bring best things out of taste The good agreement betweene man and wife is one of the three things commended by God and man and the contrarie condemned of both If the loue and vnitie of brethren bee so sweete and pleasant a thing as that Dauid compares it to the most pretious oyntment what may be thought of the mutuall loue and godly agreement betweene a man and his wife when as either of them is to forsake father and mother brother and sister and all friends to betake them each to other A miserable thing it is and aboue all other former times in this our age to be lamented to see and obserue and many times to feele the discordes and quarels that arise betweene the husband and the wife the
of my corrupt heart that though they may begin to worke sin in me Lord suppresse them before they come to execution Disperse Lord and dispell all the clouds of ignorance and errors that darken mine vnderstanding and giue me wisedome rightly to know thee and thy Sonne Christ and what he hath done for my soule and through thy grace restraine me this day from that thou hast commanded me to shun and let me doe nothing but what may please thee then whatsoeuer I shall thinke speake or determine shall be to thine owne glorie profitable to my selfe and others Preserue me from the secret and hidden snares of Satan who is restles to allure me to sinne inticing me to imbrace the vanities of the world and to yeeld to the lusts of mine owne corrupt nature But Lord as I haue by thy prouidence past the darkenesse of this night doe now enioy the joyfull benefit of the light of this day so let me this day auoide all the workes of darkenesse and as the day doth administer light vnto my corporall eyes the better to doe the works offices of my calling so let the light of thy Spirit O Lord shine in my soule that I may walke in the light of thy truth in true obedience to the good example of others Thou hast allotted me a calling in this life giue me power wisedome rightly to performe it my best endeuours can little preuaile without thy blessing and direction and therefore I humbly pray thee to prosper whatsoeuer I take in hand this day Blesse mine vnderstanding O Lord that I may rightly know and be able truely faithfully to performe what belongeth vnto my place and calling Blesse the health of my body the strength and continuall vse of my limbes senses which of them selues are weake and may soone decay without thy blessing Increase O Lord and confirme my faith grace wisedome and obedience euerie day more and more that I may euerie day more and more dye vnto sinne and be made stronger and more perfect in righteousnesse Heale O Lord all my corporall and spirituall infirmities and dispose my heart that I may be euerie day more and more mindfull that this my life is short and that this day may be my last day and let me so walke this day as if it should be the last day of this my mortall life that I may be assured of the immediate entrance into that life which is eternall with Christ my Redeemer And vntill that last day shall come O Lord I intreate thee in the name of Iesus Christ that this day and all the rest of my daies and nights may be prosperous and blessed vnto me the day for the performance of my calling the night for my rest vntill I come to my finall and perpetuall rest with thee and thy Sonne to whom with thy blessed Spirit I ascribe all honour praise and glory Amen Lord● euermore increase my faith A Prayer to be said before a man goes to his nightly rest O Gracious Lord God heauenly Father the keeper and preseruer of all that come vnto thee for succour I haue been through thy great mercie and prouidence kept preserued defended fed sustained and relieued this day now come to an end and now as the night succeedeth the day and the darkenes the light so I knowe O Lord that death will succeede my life and the graue my bed Lord thou madest in the beginning light and darknes night day morning euening and all to thine own glorie to the vse of wretched man who in the beginning turned his light into darkenesse that darkenesse hath ouershadowed al that haue proceeded of his corrupt seed among whom O Lord I am so bemisted and blinded with that originall darkenes as I cannot see nor truely conceiue the light of thy most sacred word without that spirituall light shining from thine illuminating Spirit Thou madest two lights O Lord to endure for euer the Sun to gouerne the day and the Moone to giue light in the night yet doe not these lights O Lord direct our feete in the wayes of righteousnesse nor our pathes in obedience but rather lead vs to the occasions to sin but it is the supernaturall light O Lord that proceedeth from the brightnesse of thy louing countenance that directeth aright those that are thy children of the light By this light O Lord guide me that the night of ignorance ouer shadowe me not from beholding thy louing countenance which is more pretious more sweete vnto me then all earthly delights The day-light wherein I should onely followe with godly diligence in my calling to serue thee turneth into the darkenes of my minde without thy spirituall light how much more will the darkenesse of the night miscarrie my corrupt hart into idle and vngodly thoughts especially by the temptations of the Prince of darkenes when thy light faileth me For such O Lord is the nature of my polluted heart that it neuer resteth to infuse euill imaginations into my mind especially in my night wakings and in my sleepe to trouble me with sundrie euil vngodly dreames wicked phantasies showing thereby the fruites of my sinfull nature Therefore gracious Father I finding in my selfe thou knowing mine imperfections better then my selfe I come in all humblenesse praying thee to assist me with thy grace that I may conuert my heart from the euils whereunto it is enclined and onely incline and frame it to the sincere seruice of obedience to thee and to dedicate my mind will and affections in my night wakings either to meditate of thy word or in making my faithfull prayers vnto thee I cannot O Lord through the weakenesse of my corrupte nature subsist without cōpetent rest sleep yet I know thou slumbrest not nor sleepest but with thee the day and night are alike light and in thy prouidence and loue hast an eye ouer all that are thine whether they sleep or wake Giue therefore command O Lord vnto thy heauenly watchmen to keepe me and all that I haue from danger this night so will I lay mee downe vnder the shadowe of thy protecting winges to take my rest this night faithfully cōmending my soule and body and all that belong vnto me into thy most powerfull and fatherly tuition so shall I not feare what Satan or any malicious instrument of his shall practise or plot against me And in this assurance O Lord confirme my faith from night to day and from day to night that all the dayes and nights of my life may be rightly spent in a holy and sanctified conuersation to thy glorie and mine own comfort vnto the end of all my nights and dayes through Iesus Christ my Sauiour and Redeemer Amen Lord encrease and confirme my faith this night and euermore A PATH-VVAY TO GODLY PATIENCE IN all manner of Afflictions AFliction heere in this life is vnto the Godly as it were a Schoole to learne them Patience A most
and Iesus Christ and therefore must thou continually wrestle as long as thou liuest here in the flesh not onely with the infirmities of flesh and bloud but against principalities against powers and against spirituall wickednes against worldly gouernours the Princes of the darknesse of this world all inuisible And thinke not thy chiefest conflict to be with the visible men of this world but looke euery houre to be assayled by one spirituall enemie or another and when thou feelest any motion in thy heart to any kinde of sinne thinke thou presently now I must either fight or be foyled for there is no string away Sathan hath swift wings he will ouertake thee and finde thee out goe where thou wilt and that thou findest in thy selfe by the present horrour of thy conscience for thy sinnes which hee layes before thee as in an vgly glasse shewing them to be so monstrous as they be vnto thee as hell it selfe Be not yet dismayed take hold of Christ though not with thy hand as the woman in the Gospell yet with thy heart fasten vpon him with a liuely faith and hold him fast for nothing preuailes with him nor against Sathan and sinne but a strong and liuely faith in Iesus Christ. In this assurance stand fast be not afraide though thou be guilty of many and great sinnes so was Dauid and many worthy men of olde yet they obtayned pardon and were through the merites of Christ imputed righteous The mercy of GOD wrought vpon their sinnes for if all men were of them selues righteous needing no repentance how should the mercies of God appeare what auayled then the death and merites of Christ Why should he be reputed a Redeemer a Sauiour or wherefore should he be called a Mediatour if there were no sinne or sinners Hee came not to call the righteous such as feeling no sinne in themselues hold themselues iust but hee came in deede to call sinners to repentance and to saue through his bloud such as feele and acknowledge their sinnes Therefore be thou not afraid though thou feele thy sinnes burthensome vnto thee hee euen Christ came to ease them if thou faithfully beleeue in him And thinke not but faith and true repentance can and will turne Gods iustice into mercy his anger into fauour and his most heauie displeasure into loue euen into that loue wherewith God loueth his dearest children freely for he loueth none that loue not him and none can loue him but such as he loueth for to loue God and to be beloued of God are of God alone And they to whom he vouchsafeth this heauenly fauour to loue him are filled with all fulnesse of whatsoeuer may make them assured of their saluation quieting and pacifying their afflicted consciences and giuing them inward setled peace Therefore if thou haue and feele an inward godly sorrow that thou hast offended so louing a God and hast in thy selfe a desire to be reformed and to be reconciled to God Thou needest not feare for the loue of God towards thee is not absent neither are thou altogether destitute of thy loue towards him And therefore whatsoeuer Sathan doth suggest against thee beleeue him not beleeue thy Redeemer he is the truth he euen he doth assure thee that at what time so euer thou shalt repent thee of thy sinnes from the bottome of thy heart the Lord will put them out of his remembrance He is the truth that hath promised this and he will assuredly performe saluation euen to thee though thou be a grieuous sinner if thou truly repent and faithfully beleeue that thy sinnes are pardoned in his bloud who is also the way he hath traced out before thee and for thee a perfect example of righteousnesse patience and obedience walke in it then as he is also the life he shall be thy life and mauger sinne Sathan and death thou shalt liue and liue for euer Pray therefore vnto GOD faithfully and feruently and he will assuredly ease thee euen here of that heauie burthen wherewith thy conscience seemeth to be grieuously afflicted and oppressed And for thy further instruction and helpe if thou be so ignorant as not knowing how to pray to thy comfort thou mayst vse the Prayer following or according to the measure of that grace which God hath giuen thee sigh and groane inwardly to God who accepts euen inward desires to repent and to be reconciled to God as if they were prayers in deede so it be in faith from the heart or thou mayest vse any other godly prayer which may best expresse the sorrow of thy heart for thy sinnes the forgiuenesse of them and the assurance of thy saluation A Prayer for the forgiuenesse of sinnes that afflict the weake conscience of a sinner OEternall euerliuing and most louing Lord God in Iesus Christ towards them that feare thy name and walke vprightly before thee and a seuere Iudge vnto impenitent sinners who onely knowest the thoughts and secrets of all hearts from whose all-seeing eye no sinne or sinners can be hidden Consider Lord that I was originally made to thine owne Image in righteousnesse and holinesse and that I became corrupt and consequently sinfull by his transgression in whom I was first made holy and doe confesse my selfe O Lord one of and the worst of all the cursed seede of him in whom all posterities became accursed and I cannot conceale the corruption which I haue had receiued from them by whom I was begotten and borne and that this corruption now become mine hath begotten and brought forth so many and monstrous sins in me as I am not onely not worthy to be called thy Sonne but ashamed to be knowne to be the worke of the hands of so great so gracious and so righteous a God for my sinnes O Lord are so great so hainous so odious and so many in number as haue so farre ouergorged my corrupt heart so infected my wretched soule with the filthinesse of them that I feele euen the stink of them so loathsome vnto mine own guilty Conscience as I cannot but holde my selfe detestable in thy sight Mine Iniquities are gone euer mine head a burden too heauie for me to beare O wretch that I am how dare I come into thy presence such a trayne and troope of intollerable sins accompaning me Thou canst not Lord but obserue see and seeing and obseruing my hainous sinnes how can I but feare that thou in Iustice wilt not only put me back and reiect me and my praiers but worthily and deseruedly confound me I haue an accuser a Iudge and an executioner within me I am Arraigned and condemned euen by the accusation and witnesse of mine owne guilty Conscience the horror whereof hath beene and is such as hath made mee affraid to seeke to thee whome I haue so deeply offended for pardon lest that in thy fury and in the seueritie of thy Iustice thou shouldest leaue me to the will of him
if thou were one whom Sathan had in his owne power hee would permit thee to rest quietly he would not disturbe thee but finding thee to be inwardly enclined to seeke the Lord praying for pardon in his Sonnes merites which hee cannot endure without roaring and raging against thee suspecting that he hath lost thee now altogether though thou were somtimes something seruiceable or rather according to naturall corruption slau●shly enclined to his workes of darknesse before the Lord in fauour visited thee with his fatherly corrections to reclayme thee from Sathan and sinne to make thee his obedient Sonne and the more thou declinest from him and his tentations and the more thou louest and enclinest to serue God with a pure heart the more will hee euer seeke to molest thee and if it were possible to driue thee to dispaire But feare not whatsoeuer he shall obiect against thee or lay vnto thy charge though when he seeth thee weakest hee will trie his strength against thee most Beleeue that when thou art weakest God is strongest for thee and Sathan though hee dare to tempt the dearest children of God as he did Christ himselfe yet he trembleth when he seeth Christ with his holy Spirit assisting thee and by his merites layd hold on by a liuely faith comforting thee feare him not therefore but encline thine heart vnto God and know that this thy sicknesse hath not fallen vpon thee by chance or by Sathans malice It came euen by Gods meere prouidence in loue to correct thee here in the flesh to call thee home vnto him that thou perish not with them whom Sathan hath subdued that haue not walked in the feare of the Lord whome Gods louing corrections could not reforme A greater mercy of God can not be obserued then to draw a sinner out of the power and slauery of sinne and Sathan by a gentle hand to make him hi● owne Coheire with Iesus Christ his Sonne and it is the end of this his correcting thee Repent thee therefore of thy former sinnes and beleeue sted fastly that in and through the bloud and merits of Christ thou shalt assuredly be saued and so shalt thou finde that this enemie of thine will giue ouer further to pursue thee As touching the forgiuenesse of thy sinnes how haynous so euer they be in quality or how many so euer in number they shall not be imputed vnto thee Thou hast beene already taught that all afflictions of whatsoeuer kinde doe proceed and are inflicted vpon vs for sinne and especially for the neglect of hearing the word of God and practising what it teacheth And yet not alwayes simply for sinne but sometimes that the glory of God may the more appeare especially in healing the sicke Lazarus dyed and yet Christ said that his sicknesse was not vnto death not so vnto death but that hee knew hee could and would raise him againe though hee were foure dayes dead and buried And therefore was his sicknesse and death onely that the glory of God might be seene by raising of him and the faith of his Disciples be the more confirmed but we must impute our sicknesses and all other crosses as layde vpon vs for our sinnes and learne by the example of good Hezekias to turne our selues vnto God and to mourn not so much for our sicknesse as for our sinnes Thou therefore that art thus afflicted in body and no doubt in minde also repayre vnto God in liuely faithfull and earnest prayer aboue all things for the pardon of thy sinnes for prayer if it be feruent is the most euident argument that thou art the childe of God and preuaileth much for where true saith is there necessarily followeth true repentance faith and repentance for sinne and offending God are inseperable And if thy repentance be serious it will either produce outward teares or inward griefe for your sinnes though teares be not alwayes ready not verball prayers powerfull especially in a sick man whose powres are commonly so shaken with the force of the disease as griefe of the heart can hardly wrest teares from the eyes or words from the lips yet with God it shall be accepted both sufficient prayers and preuailing teares if thou finde such griefe in thy heart for thy sinnes and such a desire to be reconciled vnto God in Christ as may but moue inward and silent sighes vnto God who respecteth more the holy disposition of the heart then any outward action or gesture of the body it shall bee sufficient though some outward showe of faith and repentance be necessary for the satisfaction of such as visite a sicke person if he can but showe it by the tongue in speaking though weakely confessing his sinnes lifting vp his hands or eyes it may argue the inward heart wel prepared and that hee wanteth not the spirit of God And therefore if your sicknesse be so violent as that you cannot showe verball tokens of the working of Gods spirit in you whereby they that come to visite you cannot witnesse for you your sorrow by your outward cōfession It is enough that God knoweth it by your inward true sorrow of heart It was enough that God saw that good King Hezekiah in his sicknesse inwardly bewayling his sinnes though hee could not with plaine termes vocally and with fluent words as hee was wont but inwardly to mourne like a Doue and to chatter like a Crane very weakely and obscurely yet God vnderstoode him and accepted his weake vtterance as a most earnest and effectuall prayer So that if it come to passe that thy weakenesse become such as thou canst not vocally and verbally pray as by thy sicknesse it may come to passe though thou be in present perfect memory thy heart though neuer so faint may yet haue a feeling of Gods mercies and may shew it selfe powerfull to God though it seeme weake vnto men for God is absolute in vnderstanding can and doth conceiue the meaning of thy heart farre better then in thy best strength thou canst thy selfe vnderstand it As for thy present sick estate thou must not be carelesse of it but after prayer for pardō of thy sinnes thou mayest craue restitution of thy bodily health if God who can restore it thinke it fitter for thee then death and thou art not only not forbidden but commaunded to seeke the lawfull helpe of the Physician prouided that thou depend not so vpon the Art of the Phisician as to exempt and neglect thy prayer to God for a blessing vpon it for if God giue not a Diuine working vnto the physick howsoeuer it may seeme to worke it may helpe one part and hurt another A cluster of Figges healed Hezekiah and the washing in Iordan the Leaper yet neither the Figges nor the water of their owne nature cured their diseases it was God gaue the vertue to both and therefore whether thine infirmitie be inward or outward with the meanes vse prayer that God may giue
a blessing Beware thou seeke not to the reputed cunning men and women who are supposed to heale by their Charmes and Spels who if they preuaile in any cure it is by the permission of God by the deuill The surest remedie is to haue thy recourse to God and not to Baalz●b●b as Ahaziah who dyed the death for running to Witches and Wizards the limbs of the deuill but put thy trust in the all-sufficient God alone vsing such lawfull meanes as hee hath appointed both for the ease of thy soule and health of thy body and then recommend the issue to him with godly patience committing thy will to his will If he restore thee to thy former health be thou thankfull to him and let thy thankfulnes appeare by a new and godly course of life and true obedience If he haue otherwise determined of thee namely to call thee out of this miserable mortall life reioyce and be glad for thy soule now sicke in sin shall suddainly receiue a new and glorious life thy body now oppressed with griefe shall be at rest though it perish and rot in the graue it shall rise againe and meete the soule and be thereunto again vnited with farre greater glory then thy hart can thinke In the meane time seeke or thinke of nothing but of the things that are aboue and endeuour to haue thy heart thine vnderstanding thoughts and affections so qualified and the Lampe of faith in the merits of Christ so liuely enlightned that thou mayest ioyfully meet the Bridegrome Christ in soule and body when hee shall appeare in the cloudes in glory and maiestie to giue euery man according to his works Be not afraide therefore of Death it is but the seperation of the soule now as in a prison from the body which is but a carkasse full of naturall infirmities which the soule possesseth for a little time fraught onely with miseries with griefe and feare which being dissolued shall bring end to all thy cares dangers feares miseries and afflictions and bring thee to the Paradise of God where thou shalt feele no more of these vnsauourie things of the flesh for the Lord will transforme this thy vile base and corrupt body and make it like vnto his most glorious body Then shalt thou be no more subiect to sinne or sicknesse no aduersity nor anguish shall afflict thee no enemies shall trouble thee no slanders disgrace thee And where thou art here mortall subiect to all the former euils thou shalt be there immortall The face of God which is the fountaine of light shall there shine vpon thee and no darknesse shall ouershadow thee all perfection of ioy glory and gladnesse thou shalt finde there and be so plentifully filled with the contemplation of the aboundance of those heauenly pleasures that you will or can delight in nothing but in the beholding of the most glorious face of Iesus Christ and onely delight in the association of that heauenly company which ioyes if thou truly knewest here as thou shalt enioy them there Thou wouldest be content rather to endure a thousand deaths then to be depriued of them Prepare thy selfe therefore with all diuine furniture with faith hope loue and all other holy and heauenly affections to goe the way of all flesh Lay willingly downe thy carnall part in the graue to become dust whereof it was made and commend thy soule into the hands of God that gaue it and of Iesus Christ who redeemed it And according to the counsell that God gaue to Hezekiah set thy house in order And aboue this thy corpora●l habitation set thy soule in order and as much as in thee lyeth haue peace with all men Depart in the loue of and to thine enemies And as farre as the possibilitie of thy earthlie substance will extend owe nothing to any man when thou departest hence but loue and thinke not much neither let it grieue or trouble thy minde to leaue thy worldly wealth which was but lent thee thy father mother wife children lands possessions siluer gold and the things that haue beene or are most deare vnto thee to hasten to this heauenlie habitation where eternall glorie shall bee thy wealth the eternall God thy Father Iesus Christ thy brother all the Saints and Angels and all the holie and most glorious heauenlie companie shall bee far more comfortable vnto thee then all the former who were both mortall and inconstant And in steede of the base and vncertaine possessions in the earth thou shalt possesse a Kingdome for euer In steede of thy gold and siluer and thy most precious Iewels thou here for a moment enioyest thou shalt enhabite a Citie whose walls are gold garnished with all maner of precious stones farre excelling the rarest and richest that euer the earth yeilded whose beauty and excellencie the tongue of man no not of an Angell can truly expresse to our apprehension But shadowed out vnto vs vnder these most precious ornaments incomprehensible Should any carnall consideration therfore hinder thee from a willing minde to change this thy mortall and miserable life as short as euill for a life so glorious and permanent The longer thou continuest here the more cause thou hast to desire to be dissolued for that thou here doest augment daily thy sinnes and euery day brings new griefe Prepare thy selfe therefore without delay make thee readie that when GOD shall call thee thou mayest be willing to goe And for thy better preparation vse prayer often in a liuely faith and if thine infirmitie will permit thee vse this prayer following or any other godly prayer with holy meditation to season thy soule through the holy Ghost commending thy spirit vnto God in Iesus Christ. A Prayer to be often said of a sicke man or woman O Lord my GOD and my most louing and mercifull Father in thy beloued Sonne Iesus Christ I thy most vnworthy creature heauie laden with the burthen of my manifold and grieuous sinnes much oppressed with the infirmity and sicknesse which thou hast iustly inflicted vpon my corrupt and weake body doe humbly pray thee to pardon my sinnes and giue me patience to beare this thy gentle correction in which I doe heartily submit my selfe vnto thy heauenly will whether it be thy pleasure to permit me yet a little while to enioy the health of my body to serue thee or to take my soule out of the lothsome prison of my sinfull carkasse into thine owne hands where I know it shall be safe and not perish And therefore Lord giue me a godly contented minde to suffer my body to returne vnto the earth from whence it was taken there to rest vntill it shall please thee to raise it againe at the last resurrection and to make it of a mortall an immortall and of a corruptible to make it a perfectly glorious body In the meane time O Lord I doe beseech thee to fortifie and strengthen my soule against all
at the iust proceeding of the Magistrate whose Lawes I haue offended nor against them by whome I was found guiltie nor against the Iudge by whose Sentence I am condemned for they are all thy Ministers O Lord and haue done nothing but what thy good pleasure is they should doe And therefore I impute vnto thee O Lord all equitie Iustice and righteousnesse to my selfe nothing but sinne shame confusion O God though thy Iustice requite that sinners should here be punished yet thou reseruest mercie to them that are sorie that they haue offended thee I am sorie O Lord I am sorie that I haue committed the least sinne against thee but this grieuous sinne for which I am inforced to suffer I lament and repent more then death it selfe because I haue thereby dishonoured thee wronged those to whome I rather should haue done my best dutie I haue caused others to sinne by the example of my sinne and haue inticed them that otherwise might haue liued without the danger I haue drawne them into so that I may be said to be guiltie not onely of mine owne blood but of theirs also that haue sinned by my meanes or with mee and deserue like punishment O Lord remember that all men are sinners and there are great and crying sinnes and there are sinnes of infirmitie but Lord the sinnes that I haue committed haue cryed and thou hast heard them they cryed vnto thee for this punishment which thou hast determined iustly to be inflicted vpon me and as the censure is already past vpon me which I cannot auoid so doe I expect the time beseeching thee in the aboundance of thy mercies to giue me constancie to perseuere in a liuely faith vnto the end If my lot Lord be vntimely death and that I see I must suffer for the guilt of my trangressions here let me finde fauour with thee as that Theefe did who suffered for his sinnes and was receiued into Paradice not of desert but of thy free mercie O deale not with me Lord after my merit for then the death of my body or what soeuer corporall punishment were no satisfaction to thy Iustice Haue mercie therefore vpon me O Lord and what course soeuer man taketh with my body receiue thou my soule into thine eternall Paradice My heart is prepared O God my heart is prepared and into thy hands Lord I commend my body to be punished and my soule to be glorified in the merits of Iesus Christ my Redeemer Amen O Lord encrease my faith and confirme it to the end For such as are imprisoned for debte THe Law of equitie which is the Lawe of God requireth that a man should owe nothing to man but loue and good will which is hard at all times for the most of men to performe there must bee as there euer hath bin lending borrowing buying and selling Debitor and Creditor some debters would but cannot paye some haue wherewith will not paye the first may be pityed the other exacted For the same Lawe of equitie giueth lawfull power to a Creditor vpon conuiction to cast him into prison and there to detaine him till he paye it Many thinke that what is lent them is as if they found it making no reckoning to repaye it and so in steed of satisfaction and thankes they bring griefe vnto the Lender But in the same Chapter ver 3. men are aduised that haue occasion to borrowe to keepe their word to deale faithfully and kindely with the Lender so shall their necessities bee alwayes releeued But Men of euill conscience as is there further said standing in neede of another mans helpe will kisse their hand and humble themselues vntill they haue gotten what they desire and when they should repay it they prolonge the time and giue a carelesse answer and though they bee able yet scarse giue the halfe againe or deceiue him of his mony and insteed of thankefulnes and loue they giue him curses rebuke euill words for the good hee hath done them And this is the cōmon course of politicke and wilfull Banckeruptes and euill disposed persons that get what they can into their hands of others mens goods and either voluntarily take shelter in one prison or another intending a forceable moderation and qualification of their debts or else conuey away their goods and estates secretly and fleeth the Country intending to pay nothing at all though their estates be able to discharge their debtes and to leaue competent meanes of the rest to maintaine and releeue themselues by which sinister and too common a dishonest practise many haue vniustly inriched themselues But such fraudulent getting goods come little short of if it equalize not meere roberie though for a while they may smile at and reioyce in their impious pollicie If thou therfore haue or intende thus subtillie to defraude thy Creditors hauing sufficient to satisfie them and in the meane time sufferest thy Creditors to want who peraduenture haue as much need as thy selfe there is not onely no pitie to be had of thine imprisonment but fit a more seuere punishment were inflicted vpon thee especially if thou be of the number of them that will rather spend that in prison or in standing out in Lawe to defraude a Creditor knowing that in equitie it is due then with the same money to make him honest satisfaction or in part But if thy debt haue grown by meere necessitie of borrowing and thou at the time of receiuing it hadst a true sincere and godly purpose to repaye it by probable expected meanes and in the meane time some crosse by the finger of God hath befallen thee whereby thou art indeed preuented of thy true meaning of the performance of thy faithfull promise thou art to bee excused in thy breach and pityed in thine imprisonment not hauing conueniently wherewith to pay and if thy Creditor able to forbeare doe continue the hardnesse of his heart towards thee still detaining thee thinke it a fatherly chastisement vpon thee to inure Patience in thee wherein if thou submit thy selfe to Gods will in working for thee by faithfull prayer thy Patience shall produce the experience of the loue and fauour of God towards thee so shalt thou not need to bee so much ashamed of thine imprisonment as he may be iustly condemned that detaines thee thou maist reioyce seruing the Lord when he shall be sorie that hee dealt so vncharitablie with thee It behoueth thee yet to examine thy selfe and thy life past whether thou haue liued in the feare of God and in godly diligence in thy calling or whether thou hast past thy time in idlenesse in ryoting gaming and company keeping according to the course of too many in this corrupt age and hast beene compelled through thy deserued necessitie to supplie either thine owne vanities or thy poore family to borrow not knowing any meanes nor hauing a godly purpose to repay it if it be so and thy Creditors haue
it is decreed it must Thou must forgoe it all and giue account for all If thou voluntarily leaue them for Christes sake thou shalt finde a farre greater treasure in heauen If thou haue some beneficiall Office or place of dignitie in the world and for the profession of Christ thou bee thrust from it and lose thine honour and reputation among men what losest thou seeing thou art sure of a more high and excellent place and of farre greater honour in heauen If thy Parents thy friends contrarily minded disdaine thee discountenance thee and cast thee cleane out of their fauour and societie and seeme to be ashamed of thee vndergoe it with godly patience for Christ for whose sake thou endurest these things will not be ashamed of thee but will acknowledge thee to be his adopted brother and coheire with him of the Kingdome of his Father Thinke it therfore an honour and no shame vnto thee to be brought forth in the open view and vpon the publick stage of the world to be a witnesse of the truth of Christ and to suffer for the same Thou shalt be esteemed in the sight of good and godly men aboue those that onely preach it and barely professe it when there is no feare of troubles for it and in the time of persecution will not auowe vnto the world by their suffering what they haue taught and outwardly professed in the world for it is one thing to professe and publish the truth of Christ with the mouth in time of peace and another thing to auouch it boldly seeing trouble and euen death it selfe before their faces for the constant perseuerance in the same It is commonly reputed an ignominious thing to be imprisoned and a more reproachfull thing to be put to death after the manner of wicked men But let not this at all daunt thee for Christ at his death whose cause thou maintainest contented himselfe to be hanged as a Thiefe and a Murtherer for such were the companions of his death yet was the Crosse whereon he suffered a more triumphant Chariot of honour then the most pompous triumph of the greatest Monarch of the world for his greatest victories And be thou assured that if thy lot in the wisedome and loue of God be such towards thee as to number thee among his faithfull witnesses constantly suffering death for his sake thou shalt be crowned among the victorious Martyrs Remember the most honourable title that St. Paul giueth vnto that constant seruant of Christ Stephen stiling him the Martyr of Iesus Christ And of Antipas whom St. Iohn calleth a faithfull Martyr of Christ Then which there cannot be a more glorious remembrance of the dead Thinke not therefore that thou art the first that hath suffered for Christ but if thou look into the eleuenth of the Hebrewes thou shalt see such a cloude of like witnesses that haue professed and suffered as thou doest as will encourage thee to stand fast vnto the end And if thou consider the times not farre past thou mayst vnderstand of an infinite number of thine owne Country men and women euen the weakest sexe who haue gone the same way before thee with vnuanquishable patience euen to death and therefore with like patience runne the same race looking vnto Iesus Christ the Author and finisher of thy faith who for the ioy that was set before him endured the bitter death of the Crosse and despised the shame and is set at the right hand of the Throne of God where thou shalt behold him and his glory and be pertaker of it after thou hast endured a little speaking against of sinners persecution and death it selfe which is the most glorious liuerie of Gods dearest children whereby they are fashioned to the image of their Redeemer and which shall giue an end to all thy sorrowes and shame and bring thee to endlesse ioy and glory which not onely the Apostles of Christ but euen late Martyrs vnderstoode rei●y●ing that they were accounted w●rthy of the honour to suffer for their Masters sake What canst thou then less conceiue but that it is the meere loue of God in Christ towards thee to make choyse of thee among and aboue many others to afford thee this honour to be a maintainer of the glory and authority of the truth of Christ against the falshood and false authority assumed by Antichrist Therefore let it not trouble thee neither be thou the more fearefull to stand fast in thy profession because thou seest a million of Newters on euery side of thee who for the loue of their riches pleasures and carnall commodities the nicenesse of their owne dainty flesh their affection to father mother wife children and esteemed friends to be content to runne with the time and in steede of renouncing the things of this world for Christ rather to renounce Christ for the world In what a miserable case are these poore people poore be they neuer so rich that hold it a thing indifferent to follow God or Baal Christ or Antichrist forgetting that Christ dyed for them and that they shold acknowledge him whose bloud not Antichristian Bulls and Pardons must clense them from or to dye in their sinnes The reason of this their luke-warmenesse is for that the spirit of God by whom the faithfull haue power and strength to maintaine the truth to death dwelleth not in them who worketh mightily in the children of Saluation so that persecution for the same daunteth them not scourgings whippings scossings mockings stonings burning or whatsoeuer death cannot remoue their constancie in the profession of what they beleeue To conclude therefore with thee who art now vnder the crosse of persecution not knowing what end the Lord wil make with thee submit thy selfe to his will vndergoe with godly patience whatsoeuer the aduersaries of the Gospel of Christ shall lay vpon thy body thy soule they cannot touch and commend both thy body and thy soule into the hands and good pleasure of GOD thy heauenly Father in Christ in whom thou art blessed for whom thou sufferest and for whose sake thou shalt receiue a glorious reward In hope of which reward all the former Martyrs that haue beene content to spend their liues for Christ were willing to lay downe their liues desiring to be dissolued and to see the face of him for whom they suffered Feare not therefore if occasion so require to yeeld thy body to the mercilesse enemies of Christ they may kill the body the soule they cannot touch But if thou shouldest forsake him he will forsake thee and hee it is that can kill thy body and thy soule too and cast both into hell If a man take away thy life for Christ they doe thee a fauour against their willes they depriue thee of a mortall that thou maist immediatly receiue an immortall and a most glorious life from their tyrannie thou shalt be transported to the louing imbracements of thy
wheresoeuer thou shalt be pleased to dispose of mee meanes to sustaine mee Thou art euery where Lord and raignest and rulest ouer all people thou possessest and disposest all things for all men The whole earth is thine the whole masse of gold and siluer is thine the Cattell vpon all the mountaines and in all the valleyes vpon the earth are thine and thine to giue Thou gauest Abraham and Lot portions of lands and Heards of Cattell in aboundance in a land wherein they were strangers Thou blessedst Iacob constrained to flee a poore man only with a Scrip and a Staffe and thou broughtest him againe to the place from whence he was constrained to flee with mighty Droues Lord how mercifully diddest thou worke for Ioseph abandoned from father mother and friends solde as a Slaue falsly accused guiltlesse imprisoned yet at last made the chiefe vnder a strange King of a mighty people When Eliah was enforced to flee from Ahab the King such was thy fatherly care of him that rather then hee should want his necessary foode thou appointedst the very Rauens to bring him foode morning and euening And cōmandedst a poore Widow to feede him in Sareptha And because she was poore thou through thy power and loue of thy seruant vouchsafedst to encrease her little oyle and meale neere totally consumed into so great a quantity as shee had not onely sufficient aboundantly to releeue her selfe and her family in the extreame dearth and famine But to pay her debts with the remainder When Dauid was enforced to flee from the fearefull fury malice of Saul thou diddest not leaue him destitute of necessaries euen in the very mountaines and desert places O my God how can I but assure my selfe of thy like power ouer mee thy loue towards me and thy prouidence for me hauing receiued so many sweet testimonies of thy helping so many whom in their banishments thou hast sustained and relieued in former times Thou art the same God and of the same power and prouidence therfore Lord forsake not mee in this place where I am a stranger where I haue no friend no meanes of any constant assurance to be relieued Lord let not my sinnes hinder the worke of thy mercies towards me but pardon all my sinnes and blot out all mine offences through the bloud of my Sauiour Iesus Christ whose merites extendeth to the saluation of all beleeuers through the whole earth O embrace mee Lord with the armes of thy mercies euen here where I am a stranger keepe me vnder the shadowe of thy winges teach mee wisedome that euen here I may seeke thee and finde thee and may receiue here such reliefe and comfort as I here giue glory to thy holy name for thine vndeserued fauor towards me Amen Lord encrease my faith Comfort and encouragement for Parents that are crossed and grieued at the vngodlines and disobedience of their children fit for all Parents to reade AMong the Iewes it was a reproach and a kinde of shame for a woman to be barren and now in this our age many men and women that haue begotten and borne children become grieued and ashamed that euer they begat or bare them by reason of their disobedience and vicious liues Children are the gift of God and a great blessing and comfort to godly Parents if they be good and vertuous if they feare God and walke in his wayes and then can they not but obay their Parents A wise and a godly sonne maketh a glad father but a foolish and wicked sonne is a heauines to his mother When children proue wicked disobedient rebellious and refractarie it is the greatest griefe vnto godly and religious Parents that any earthly crosse or affliction can yeeld for as the comfort is great vnto a man to beget sonnes and daughters whom God hath chosen to encrease the Kingdome of Christ So contrarily a greater griefe there cannot be vnto him then to obserue his children enclined to be members of Sathan or Antichrist Especially when a godly Father hath endeuoured through a godly and religious care to educate a sonne in the true feare and knowledge of God yet to see him to proue wicked and vngodly But thou that art thus afflicted through the wicked and irreligious course of a rebellious sonne after all the good meanes thou hast vsed to reduce him to obedience the feare of God Consider with patience that although God haue giuen thee power to be his Father in begetting him and to his Mother to beare him yet neither thou in begetting nor shee though she nourished him in her womb did giue him either forme or life How much lesse canst thon or she forme or frame his minde to vertue and godlinesse thou mayest giue good wholsome counsell vnto his eares but thou canst not infuse grace and goodnesse into his heart yet it is thy duty to doe thy best endeuour to giue him good and godly counsell with faithfull prayer to God that hee will so water the seede as it may bring forth good fruit and more the most godly Parents cannot doe It is with Parents in their desires to make their children fruitfull in godlinesse as it is with the husbandman that couets a fruitfull haruest who manures his ground soyles it ploughes it sowes it harrowes it and as neere as he can keepes and preuents the vermine from deuouring the seede sowne yet it is not his labour skill and diligence that can make it spring vp he cannot forme the blade nor infuse the graine into the eare Nor so preuent the vermine but that they will deuoure some of the seede neither can the most godly Father by his best counsell make good an vngodly Sonne Hee may sowe the good seede of the feare of God vpon the ground of his heart hee may harrow it with sharpest and seuerest threates and may endeuour to preuent venemous vices that offer to choke the good seede that hee hath sowne But if his heart be stonie thornie or neere the high way of the common sinnes of this world All his labour care and diligence will proue in vaine he must leaue the infusion of grace into his heart vnto God and to worke the practice of godlinesse in him to whom a godly Father becomes a daily and faithfull petitioner that he will driue away Sathan and the swarme of his wicked instruments from deuouring the good seede and from sowing the tares of sinne and the weedes of vngodlines in him This corrupt world is so full and fraught with wicked and ly centious youth that as soone as a young man or Mayde hath liberty to enter into the companie and societie of wantons and vngodly youth they become commonly so infected with their manners as they drinke in all kindes of vices as it were wine making them many times so drunken with vanities by examples and lewd enticements as the best counsell of wisest Parents cannot make them truly sober againe And to
originally from Sathan who moueth and maketh mariages as farre as in him lyeth betweene vnequals which may import many inconuenient matches not made in the feare and reuerence of God great inequality of yeares and much difference in estates cause often disparagements Houses and riches are the inheritance of Fathers but a prudent and vertuous wife is the gift of God And he that findeth such a one rec●iueth a fauour from the Lord. But how can any man thinke that God will bestow such a fauour vpon him without asking Abrahams seruant that was but put in trust to get a wife for Isaack his Maisters sonne went not rashly and as the prouerbe is hand ouer head in this weighty businesse as to take the first that came to hand as many doe that conclude the match at the first sight But hee prayed vnto the Lord to send him good speede in the choyse and wayted the Lords prouidence and besought him to shew him certaine probable tokens that the mayde Rebecka was she whom God had appointed for Isaack That businesse which is begun with faithfull Prayer to God seldome or neuer succeedeth ill And aboue all other earthly occasions there is none of higher importance then the choyse of a wife or a husband either of them being an assured crosse or a comfort as long as both of them doe liue And for want of this heauenly beginning faithfull Prayer to God it many times comes to a helli●h ending which may be a motiue to stirre vp men and women intending to entertaine this holy estate to craue direction and wisedome from God both for their choyse and peace in that estate And because many already coupled together seeme discontent and afflicted in minde at their mutuall crosses now past reuocation They must be content to make a vertue of necessity namely to vndergoe the burthen that the one vnkindly layes vpon another and to pray either that God will ease it or giue them patience to beare it A Prayer fit to be said by man and wife together or by either of them at any time in priuate O Lord our GOD most mercifull and louing Father in Iesus Christ vouchsafe as it hath pleased thee of thy great mercy to conioyne vs man and wife together according to thy holy institution in the beginning So let our hearts be truly conioyned vnto thee in a liuely faith and true obedience And so frame our affections one towardes another as there appeare no cause of breach of our sincere mutuall duties to the offence of thee But by thy blessing wee may as long as we liue endeuour to preserue and maintaine peace and vnity betweene our selues being a thing pleasing vnto thee Endue vs both Lord with thy grace heauenly spirit that as thou hast by thy holy ordinance of ●wayne now made vs one so our hearts affections and enclinations may be euer one not according to our naturall dispositions but answerable to thy blessed commandements that wee giue no cause of offence each to other and that wee may euer endeuour to continue perfect and mutable in our mutuall loue which we by nature cannot doe for wee are corrupt and sinfull of our selues and alwayes most enclinable to forbidden things We haue also O Lord thou knowest a subtill and malicious aduersarie who striueth to crosse in vs all good desires and to peruert our best duties to raise discordes debates quarels and as much as in him is to breake the band of fidelity which we made each to other before thee He began thou knowest O Lord with the first couple Adam and Heuah It was he that seduced the woman and shee by his meanes betrayed the man and so subuerted their blessed estate of innocencie and made them subiect to all kindes of miseries and their posterities whereof we thy poore seruants are feeble and sinfull members And as he began in malice and subtilty to betray our first Parents So is he alwayes busie to sowe the seedes of debate and strife betweene vs. But Lord preuent him and assise vs by thy power that we may haue power to resist him and all his suggestions and tentations Then as thou Lord hast ioyned vs together nothing shall seperate our mutuall loues but Death And forasmuch Lord as this estate though in it selfe honorable may bring vpon vs many troubles crosses and afflictions incident to marriage estate in the world yet by thy fatherly blessing we shall be able to vndergoe them with patience or to auoyd them with thankfulnes It is not in vs in our wisedomes strength or policies to preuent or auoyde the infinite troubles and vexations which this estate bringeth with it Therfore we humbly pray thee O Lord to endue vs with wisedome frō aboue that whatsoeuer thou haue determined shall befall vs be it pouerty or plenty sicknesse or health weale or woe we may embrace the one with patience the other with thanks And in both support vs in thy loue guide vs by thy grace protect vs by thy power and prouide for vs in thy prouidence If pouerty or want assaile vs supply our necessities if riches encrease make vs thankfull and alienate our hearts from too much loue of them If sicknesse or any corporall infirmity ceaze vs be thou our Physician to cure vs If health continue leaue vs not in security but giue vs watchfull hearts to wayte the time of thy visitation If the fruits of our bodies encrease encrease to vs the meanes to sustaine them both with corporall spirituall necessaries And prepare vs for the day of our departure out of this mortall life and in the meane time so season vs in all heauenly and diuine knowledge with true faith and perfect obedience vnto thee as that day may be vnto vs the first day of our euerlasting Sabaoth Be thou also wee humbly beseech thee O Lord a continuall guide vnto vs in our calling Blesse vnto vs and vnder our hands whatsoeuer we endeuor to performe in thy feare and let thy blessing be vpon all that appertaineth vnto vs. If enemies seeke to molest vs to trouble vs or to hurt vs preuent them of their euill deuices and graunt that wee giue no cause of offence to any nor be stirred vp to reuenge vpon euery light occasion but vpon all occasions to leaue the reuenge to thee And that we may seeke to maintaine peace with all men to loue our neighbours to comfort the comfortlesse and as farre as thou shalt be pleased to enable vs to h●lpe succour and relieue the poore and needie and to doe vnto other men as wee desire other men to doe vnto vs To guide and gouerne our family in thy feare to frequent the places where thy holy word is preached seeking the Kingdome of Iesus Christ and to doe all other holy duties according to thy will vnto our liues end Amen O Lord encrease our faith and our mutuall loue one towards another How the Husband ought to behaue himselfe towards his
wherein as we haue both come short of our duties through our frailties so we both feele the bitternesse of the breach of our duties eche to other which thou hast commanded O take from mee Lord whatsoeuer iust cause shee may obiect against me in defence of her pretended discontentments and season her heart O Lord with meekenesse humblenesse patience peace and loue Let neither of our naturall infirmities O Lord nor Satans practise and malice moue or make any more contentions quarels or debates betwixt vs but as thou hast made vs by thine holy ordinance one so let our loues mindes and affections be one that wee may henceforth liue louingly peaceably and religiously in thy faith feare and obedience and truely seruing of thee as long as we both shall liue Amen Lord encrese my faith and send vs quietnesse peace and loue for euer more How the wife ought to behaue her selfe towards her husband though he be faultie and hard to be pleased THe complaintes of husbands of their discontents proceeding from the supposed euill of their wiues are not seene so common as are the clamours of wiues against their vnthriftie and vnkind husbands yet it may be if they were equally ballanced there would be no great difference in the weight but that commonly husbands haue more priuiledges ouer their wiues being become wise in thee and righteous before thee not trusting in a seeming and outward and verball holinesse but neuer to rest satisfied vntill I finde the effectuall working thereof in my soule through thy holy Spirit and an assurance through faith that my sinnes and my former neglect through the merits and mediation of my Sauiour Christ according to thy promises in him be freely pardoned and forgiuen me Thou hast taught mee O Lord to praye that I may doe thy will here in earth as thy will is done in heauen and yet such is the corruption of my will that it seemeth to striue to preferre it selfe before thy will by this vntamed and peruerse will of mine I haue done all that I haue hetherunto done as it were to crosse thy will although I haue verbally prayde as thou likewise hast taught mee Not to be led in temptation I haue not onely yeelded to euery temptation offered to moue me to sinne but haue sought many and many times occasions and opportunities to sinne in so much as I haue turned those blessed Petitions which thou hast taught me to make vnto thee for my reformation and consolation into meere wantonesse sinne O heauy is thy wrath and seuere are thy iudgements due vnto me for these my transgressions and wicked deseruings I could not auoyde thy seuere sentence of vtter condemnation were there not mercie with thee aboue thy displeasure and had I not a Mediator with thee and such a powerfull and preuailing Aduocate as can worke peace with thee for me when thou art angrie what should become of me In him therefore O my God worthily offended with me I fall downe before thy foot-stoole in his name for whose sake thou hast promised to heare most grieuous sinners and to pardon greatest offenders and the greater the sinnes are which thou forgiuest the greater appeareth thy mercie my sinnes are great yet farre greater are thy mercies yet Lord I haue not therefore the more presumed vpon thy mercie to commit sinne or to omit my dutie in walking more religiously and vprightly before thee then I haue done Consider Lord that corruption hath seduced me and Satan deluded me and now I finde that I haue gone astray and gladly would I now returne vnto thee neuer to fall backe againe assisted by thy grace and therefore Lord extend the Scepter of thy louing fauour towards me in token of thy reconciliation with me so shall my heart within me now cast down for feare of thy iudgements reioyce and be glad in thee my soule shall cleaue vnto thee and therefore Lord cast the cancelled Bill of my sins out of thy hands into my heart as an acquittance for all my sinnes purged through the blood of that immaculate Lambe Christ Iesus to whom with thee and the holy Ghost be all honor and prayse for euer Lord euermore increase my faith A comfortable conclusion showing the benefit of afflictions to the end wee may beare them in what nature or kinde soeuer they befall vs with the more resolute and godly patience IT is before obserued that God exerciseth all his children with one crosse or affliction or another not all and euerie one alike neither in weight measure or number which to expresse in perticular is impossible for they are without number yet the greatest and most principall are before remembred as a preparatiue for euerie child of God to looke for them and to settle them selues to vndergoe them with patience when they come for euerie child of God may be assured sooner or later to taste of some of them and that when one trouble is past to prepare himselfe for another for commonly when one crosse is gone another comes God will not leaue his children idle and to liue in carnall securitie here lest they should forget him and so turne his fauour into wantonnesse Therefore saith Dauid As one deepe calleth another deepe by the noyse of the waters so one affliction calles for another Sinne calles for sicknesse sickenesse for pouertie pouertie for enemies enemies for contempt vexation and slaunder If thou haue neither sickenesse pouertie enemies nor contempt yet sinne thou hast which calles also for disobedience in thy children disquietnes in thy wife falsehood in thy seruants losse of goods death of thy vertuous children or thy louing wife these are commonly reputed crosses and who is free from them all Be assured if thou be the true child of God one or some or all these will visite thee by turnes Innumerable troubles saith Dauid haue compassed me about on all sides and that is the condition of Gods deerest Saints here to suffer affliction on all sides and to be exercised with temptations of diuers sortes The seruant is not aboue his Lord if they haue persecuted me saith Christ they will also persecute you if Christ had trouble here so must we As Christ through many troubles and persecutions came to glorie so must euery of his Elect drinke of the same cup Through many troubles they must enter into the Kingdome of heauen Hee that will liue religiously and in the feare of God must looke for tryals and troubles in the world and continuall temptations of Satan to drawe him to sinne that by his sinnes he may offend God that if it were possible God might forsake him The most godly haue many sinnes and sinne is the cause of all troubles as appeareth by that which is said before and if we sinne shall we thinke we shall not be punished though not as the meerely wicked in Gods hote dipleasure but in loue and the punishments may seeme alike with
discontented Wife IT is before shewed and there is none that is or ought to be of either sex ignorant that the man and the wife are of two distinct persons made one entire misticall body The man the head of the woman and the woman a principall member of that head whom she ought to obay In the head is or ought to be reason wisedome iudgement and all other gifts whereby it may rightly guide and direct the inferiour members and the whole body Therfore thou man that hast taken a wife and made her a member of thine owne body thou art bound to loue her with a perfect loue according to the counsell of the counsell of the Apostle who spake by the spirit of God Let euery man loue his wife as himselfe And this loue consisteth in cherishing her in giuing her competent maintenance in defending her from danger as thou thy selfe desirest to cherish maintaine and defend thine owne person Thou must dwell with her thou must doe vnto her all such duties as that holy estate whereunto you haue beene both called and as the faith plighted each to other requireth And thou husband thinke not that because she is the weaker and made subiect vnto thee that thou therefore shouldest neglect her or tiranize ouer her but to be so much the more tender ouer her by how much she is weaker Thou must loue her as Christ loueth the Church whereof thou art a member and gaue his life for it And thinke not that because thy wife hath some infirmities that therefore it is lawfull for thee to loathe her or leaue her for if Christ should so deale with his Church or with thee a member of it as to cast it or thee off for the blemishes of it who could be loued of him Let not therefore euery fault that she commits in her weakenesse cause thee to be bitter vnto her in words gesture or deedes for by this meanes thou mayest cause the meekest woman to become like one of the furies But dwell with her as a man of knowledge in passing by her infirmity for if thou loue her thou wilt not obserue at least reproue all that shee doth through weakenes against thy liking If her faults be wilfull and in thine opinion grosse and intollerable such as by nature thou seemest not to be able to beare Shew not in thy hastines a more grosse infirmity in being too furious but reproue her with meekenesse admonish her gently Let thy corrections be comfortable counsell strike her not for it is the greatest reproach in the world for a man to beate his wife And it is the way in deede though she loued thee before to cause her to hate thee And what gaynest thou by thy seuerity but a heape of coales vpon thine own head If thou canst reclaime her by counsell thou shewest great wisedome If thou canst beare with her faults so they be not capitall against God thou shalt be commended of all good men for thy patience If neither reproofe nor counsell nor conniuencie will bring her to obay thee yet art thou not to leaue her But consider seriously with thy selfe whether the cause or some great part of it be not in thee whereby shee is moued to speake or doe that whereat thou takest offence Art thou not a Gamester art thou not Prodigall of thy purse art thou not idle in thy calling art thou not often in Tauernes Ale-houses in lewde and suspicious companies consuming that vpon strangers which should maintaine thine estate and family when peraduenture thy wife and children languish in penurie at home hast thou not or dost thou not purpose to make away some things that thy wife brought thee goods or lands against her will If any of these occasions moue her thou hast reason to beare with her and more reason to reforme thy selfe for commonly men thus giuen ouer to these vngodly courses are most apte to abuse their wiues if thou be innocent free from these and thy wife through her vnciuile and immodest cariage towards thee doe abuse thee and neither counsell nor kindnesse gentle intreatie nor seuerest threates will calme her thou must sit downe by it in silence and saye It is my crosse and I will beare it The best course thou canst take to remoue this inconuenience is for thee to giue good example to liue vertuously to serue God and to praye with her and for her to repent thee of thy sinnes vnfainedly and suffer these domesticall and houshold crosses patiently Be not wilfull nor too wise in thine owne conceite as to thinke thou canst tame thy wife more by tyrannie then tractability search and peraduenture thou shalt finde thine owne faultes as great or greater then hers If thou could as well see thine owne as thou obseruest hers thou wouldest acknowledge thine owne sinnes hath caused her to become a trouble vnto thee reforme therefore what is amisse in thee and thou shalt finde a comfortable issue of thy good endeauours and prayer A Prayer to be said often of a man who hath a wife of refractarie conditions O Gratious Lord God mercifull and euer-louing Father in Iesus Christ who hast the disposing of all hearts the working and setling of all good affections in man and wife the one towards the other Thou art the Father of all that loue thee the keeper and helper of all that come vnto thee in a liuely faith who receiue comfort of thee in whatsoeuer trouble or affliction I humble my selfe before thee and pray thee in the name of Iesus Christ to pardon and to forgiue me my sinnes the ground of all my troubles the greatest whereof O Lord I finde to be the vnquietnesse of my wife and her infirmities thou gauest her me and I tooke her for a helper but thou seest she showeth her selfe rather a crosse then a comfort vnto me to the griefe of my heart and the more by reason we offend thee by our contentions Lord consider her weakenesse and her infirmities and giue her wisedome and grace to reforme them The corruption of nature O Lord is strong in vs both in her to commit things grieuous vnto mee in me too great and vnaduised reproofe of her Lord vouchsafe vnto vs both thy holy Spirit worke in vs conformitie and obedience to thy will patience to beare one the others weakenesse I cannot Lord excuse or cleere my selfe of deseruing thy iust displeasure towards me by reason of mine owne sinnes but must and doe confesse my selfe worthily crossed by her that should haue bin my comfort for how can I expect obedience of her that is by nature weake when I my selfe that shoulde showe more strength obey not thee O Lord reforme in me whatsoeuer thou seest imperfect then maist thou in mercie be pleased to reforme her We came not together Lord without thy prouidence wee were conioyned by thee and by thee commanded to loue and to cherish one the other