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A02793 Two godlie and learned sermons, preached at Manchester in Lancashire before a great audience, both of honor and vvoorship. The first, containeth a proofe of the subtill practises of dissembling neuters, and politique worldlings. The other, a charge and instruction, for all vnlearned, negligent, and dissolute ministers: and an exhortation to the common people, to seeke their amendment, by prayer, vnto God. By Simon Harward, preacher of the woord of God, and Maister of Arte, late of Newe Colledge in Oxfoord. Harward, Simon, fl. 1572-1614. 1582 (1582) STC 12924; ESTC S112568 108,746 262

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nor death nor Angelles nor principalities nor powers nor thinges present nor thinges to come nor height nor deapth nor anie other creature shall be able to seperate vs from the looue of GOD which is in Christe Iesus our Lord. Argolandus the Prince of Affrica ●ganne to laye a foundation when he came to Charles the great the king of Fraunce and was purposed to haue forsaken his Heathenish superstition and to haue embraced the true Religion of Christe But when he sawe thirteene poore folkes simplie arrayed to be set at meate before Charlemaigne he asked him what he meant to entertain such simple wretches in his presence The king made aunswer These be they whome I keepe alwaies before me in remembraunce of my maister his freends And beeing demaunded of what maister and of what freends He sayde Of my maister Christe and his twelue Apostles who liued in poore and base estate heere vpon earth If the case be so said Argolandus that your maister vseth his freends no better I care not greatlie for his freendship neither doo I meane to be anie of his freends And so the Heathen Prince refused to become a Christian because he did not consider that the Crosse was alwaies a companiō of the Gospel of Christ and that the children of God were to be iudged and measu●ed not by outward prosperitie but by inward graces therefore with shame ●he gaue ouer his building so that it might iustly haue been said vnto him This man beganne to builde and was not able to make an ende But we must consider that the charges of a Christian building is not to imagine that we shall leade a softe easie quiet ritch delicate and pleasaunt life in honour ●itches daintie fare pride and pleasures of the world But we must sit downe so make our accoūpts That we must be content to forsake all we haue Luk. 14.33 for the name of Christe and patientlie to submit ourselues to all troubles whatsoeuer for the bolde and open confessing of the Lord Iesus our sauiour For so doth our mai●er Christ foretell his Disciples when ●e sayth vnto them Beware of men Math. 10 1● Iohn 16. ● for ●ey will deliuer you vp to the councelles ●nd scourge you in their Sinagogues They ●hall excommunicate you yea the time ●all come that whosoeuer killeth you shall thinke he dooth God good seruice If ye were of the world Iohn 15.19 16.20 the world would looue his owne but because ye are not of the world but I haue chosen you out of the world therfore the world hateth you Ye shall weepe and lament but the world shall reioyce Now therfore that we christian Soldiers may in time be carefull for sufficient furniture against the day of trial and thinke vppon our haruest before the hower doo come that the stroakes shall light vpon vs and learne aforehande what duetie we owe vnto our cheefe captaine Iesus Christe and how we may in all thinges please him for as Paule sayth No man that warreth will entangle himselfe in the affaires of this life 2. Tim 2 4.5 because he woulde please him which hath chosen him to be a Soldier and if anie man striue for a maisterie he is not crowned except he striue as he ought to doo That vve may therefore endeuour in time to knowe howe we ought to striue and as vvise builders sit downe and cast our accoumptes before vve ●ake that vvorke in hande to be professours of the Gospell of Christe I trust that this Treatise vvill be some thing auayleable to prouoke vs therevnto if the Reader thereof will not so much respect and looke for any ●urious and artificiall handeling of the same as ponder and laye vppe in his ●eart the proofes and reasons vvhich ●re simplie and plainlie therein contey●ed I vvas purposed also to haue pen●ed the seconde parte of this Texte vvhich I handeled in the same place ●e next morning following But because I shall haue occasion to ●treate more at large of that article ●f Iustification in an other vvorke vvhich I am determined by Gods as●taunce heereafter to publishe I ●ue thought good nowe to omit it ●d in steede thereof to ioyne an o●her Sermon which I made too before in the same place the last time that Ministers were there ordained That as in the first Sermon generallie all mē maie learne how to striue and how to cast their accoumpts in their Christian profession so in the second especially Ministers may learne the same which are as it were captaines and cheefe builders vnder our Lord and sauiour Iesus Christ It may peraduenture seeme vnto you a tedious thing that so large a Treatise should at once be vttered vnto the people but you may easilie consider that the matter which we had then in hand was not to be posted ouer with quick speede and celeritie but that euen as in the Apostles time Ministers were appointed with fasting prayer so it was behoouefull that I should at that time with continuance in preaching and praier keepe the people occupied longer then the wunted māner and withdraw them from their accustomed diet And againe if nowe in penning the discourse I haue in some places enlarged it I trust you wil not denie but that the waightinesse of the matter dooth greatlie require it The Lorde giue grace bothe to me which haue vttered this doctrine out of his holy woord and also to you which shall reade the same that beeing watered with the dewe of his holy spirite it may so reforme vs renew vs and builde vs vp into the perfect building of Christe that we may euerie one of vs discharge our dueties in our seueral vocations and let our light so shine before men that they may see our good workes and glorifie our Father in heauen Amen Farewell in Christe Iesu from VVarrington the. 8. of Maie Anno. 1582. Yours in the Lord Simon Harwarde A godlie and learned Sermon against the subtill practises of dissembling Neuters Rom. 10.19 〈◊〉 thou shalt confesse with thy mouth the Lord Iesus and shalt beleeue in thy hart that God raised him vp from the dead thou shalt be saued THe holie Apostle S. Paul the elect vessell of God the seruaunt of Iesus Christe and the Doctor of the Gentiles writeth this Epistle ●o all that were in Roome beloued of the Lord called to be Saintes which were ●o instructed before by Andronicus Iunia Vrbanus and others that their faith was published throughout all the world In which Epistle as I declared vnto you yesterday after that he hath saluted them in 〈◊〉 Lord he first prooueth vnto them That ●o man can be saued by him selfe and by ●is owne merites but that bothe Iew and Gentile were in themselues condempned The Gentiles were condempned by the ●nowledge which they had by the creatures 〈◊〉 God because by the creation of the world ●ey knewe that there was a God and ther●re if they did not feare him as God they were left
all excusable And secōdly by the lawe of nature which God hath ingrafted in their hearts their owne consciences eyther accusing or excusing them The Iewes he condempneth by the written lawe of God which they read and heard continuallie yet not withstanding were daylie transgressours of the same so that they which were without the lawe did perish without the lawe and they which were vnder the lawe were iudged by the lawe and therefore that bothe Iewes and Gentiles were all sinners and depriued of the glorie of God were iustified fréely by grace through the redemptiō that is in Christ Iesus which he prooueth bothe by the ensample of Abraham who about fouretéene yéeres before he was circumcized was counted iust only by faith and by the sentence of Dauid who pronoūceth That man only blessed whose iniquities are for giuen whose offences are couered and to whome the Lorde dooth not impute his sin Afterward he maketh a comparisō of Christ with Adam of Death with Life of the Lawe with Grace In the sixt Chap. he descendeth from Iustification to Sanctification shewing them by an argument taken of Baptisme That they which were baptized in Christe were baptized into his death And therefore as Christe was raysed vp from the dead by the glorie of God the Father so they also should walke in newnesse of life not giuing their members seruaunts to vncleannes and iniquitie but making them seruants to righteousnes and holines of life Which that they might the better doo he sheweth them in the next Chapter of the right vse of the Lawe and of the bent ready will which euerie Christian ought to haue to the vttermost of his power to performe the law of God and with the vertue of his spirit to striue against the flesh And then he setteth downe the conclusion of the first part of his Epistle next after his salutation to wit That there is no condempnation to them which are in Christ Iesu which walk not after the flesh but after the spirit because the spirite of adoption which they haue receyued in their harts wherby they cried Abba Father dooth so seale in them the hope of euerlasting life that nothing ●s able to seperate thē frō the loue of God which is in Iesus Christe their Lord. Now in the thrée Chapters following the .9.10 ● 11 He disputeth Of the iust reiecting of the Iewes and of the free calling of the Gentiles Wherein after that he hath in the last Chapter layde downe the foundation thereof in the frée election purpose of God Who will haue mercy on whome he will haue mercie and whome he will he hardeneth and dooth of the same lūpe of clay make some vesselles of honour some of dishonor some vesselles of mercy to shewe foorth his goodnesse and some vesselles of destruction to be glorified in his power Now in this tenth Chapter least God should séeme vniust in reiecting those whome he had ordained to be vessels of wrath He sheweth an other seconde cause of the casting away of the Iewes because they were ignoraunt of the righteousnes of God and went about to establish their owne righteousnes and would not submit them selues to the righteousnes of God And because the Apostle S. Paul did long for nothing so much Rom. as that Israel might be saued so that for their sakes he desired to be seperated from Christe for his brethren which were his kinsmen according vnto the flesh He therefore beginneth héere to instruct them in the faith of Christe teaching them That Christe was the end of the lawe for righteousnes vnto al beleeuers And shewing them that the promise of God in Deuteronomy Deut. 30.14 The woord is verie neere vnto thee euen in thy mouth and in thy heart for to do it Was it therfore spoke because they were not able of them selues to performe the ●awe of God and to obtaine righteousnes thereby but that in that place God dooth signifie the woord of faith which we doo preache which is néere vnto thée in thy mouth and in thy heart for If thou shalt confesse with thy mouth the Lord Iesus and beleeue in thine hart that God raised him againe from the dead thou shalt be saued In which péece of Scripture we haue two thinges to consider first That we are iustified only by faith in the death and resurrection of Christ Iesus Secōdly That we must shewe foorth the fruite of our faith to confesse him with our mouthes But because the confession of our mouthes is first set downe in this place as well in the sentence of Paul and also in the woords in Deuteronomy The woord 〈◊〉 neere vnto thee euen in thy mouth and ●n thy heart I haue thought it best at this ●me to followe the same order which the ●oly Ghost dooth vse in this place and to speake first Of the fruite of confession And secondly Of the tree of faith rooted and grounded vpon the death and resurrection of Christe Rom. 10.9 If thou shalt with thy mouth cōfesse the Lord Iesus c. The Apostle beginneth héere first with the Mouth because the Tongue is one of the principallest partes of mans body as S. Iames sayth If a man sinne not in woord he is a perfect man able to bridle the whole body For if the tongue be well vsed he compareth it to a little bit which ruleth the Horse be he neuer so fierce vntamed and to a rudder which though it be small yet it gouerneth the huge Ships béeing tossed assaulted with many blustering stormes and tempests But if it be ill vsed he sayth It is a world of wickednes it defileth the whole body it setteth a fire the course of nature and is it selfe set on fire of hell And therfore Anacharsis the Philosopher béeing asked What was the best wholsomest part of any thing and what the wurst and most vnholsome When it was thought that he would haue made aunswer of two seuerall partes to a double question he aunswered in one single woorde saying The Tongue Because béeing well vsed it is of all partes of mans body the best and on the other side béeing yll vsed the wurst and therefore if we imagine the case ●o be thus that we should carie about with vs two boxes whereof the one conteyneth most deadlie Poyson and the other a soueraigne Remedy against all diseases what great héede would we take vnto them least if the one of them should run out we should be most daungerouslie infected or if any of the other should be spilt we should loose so precious a Iewel In the Tongue there is bothe there is venemous Poyson and there is also a soueraigne Medicine for all infirmities and maladies and therefore what great care ●ought we to haue least eyther by abusing it we be infected or otherwise by out negligence loose the right vse thereof To rehearse all the poysons of the Tongue as Rayling vaine babling filthy talke lying slaundering cursing
whom we must be gathered Iohn 10.7 and brought home vpon his shoulders the onely doore by whom we must enter Math. 9.12 Math. 17.5 Iohn 1.4 5.26 1. Cor. 3 11. Ephe. 2.10 the onely Phisicion to cure our maladyes the onely Maister whom we must heare the way the trueth the lyfe the light the foundation and chéefe corner Stone on whome onely wee must builde our onely hope and consolation our wisdome iustification Math. 12.21 1. Cor. 1.30 Math. 11.27 Ephe. 2.18 1. Tim. 2.5 Iohn 4.10 7.38 sanctification and redemption the only Mediator and Aduocate betwixt God and mā whose bloude onely dooth purge vs from all our sinnes We must confesse hym to bee the onely giuer of the warer of lyfe whereof whosoeuer tasteth shall neuer thirste Iohn 6.51 but it shall bee in his belly as a Fountaine springing vp to eternall lyfe the onelye bread of lyfe whych came downe from Heauen of whom whosoeuer eateth shall liue for euer Rom. 13.14 Gal. 5.16 the onely riches whereby our pouertie must be releeued the onely rayment wherewith our nakednesse must be couered The victorious Lion of the Tribe of Iuda Gen. 49.10 1. Cor. 15.55 by whom all our enemyes are subdued the Diuil unchained Hell gates destroyed death swallowed vp in victorie Ephe. 2.16 Colos 2.14 the wrath of God slaine the law crucifyed sinne vanquished and abolished and we our selues made partakers of the euerlasting Crowne of glorie Ephe. 2.22 4.15 2. Cor. 11.2 We must confesse him to be the onely head of the body the onely husband of his deare Spouse the Church The Alpha and Omega the beginning and the ending which was and is to come euen the almighty for euer the holy and true Apoc. 1.8 3 7. which hath the Key of Dauid which openeth and no man shutteth and shutteth and no man openeth who by his incarnation natiuity circumcision exile Baptisme fasting temptation doctrine miracles agonyes bloudy sweate paynefull passion Math. 16.27 Luk. 24.52 Hebr. 8.1 10 12. 1. ●hes 4.16 death resurrection and ascention ouercame all our enemyes and now sitteth at the right hand of God the father almighty making intercession for vs and shall come at the laste day to iudgement in the twinkeling of an eye with the blaste of a trumpet and sound of an Archangell to iudge bothe the quicke and the dead If we thus confesse the Lord Iesus héere in earth Math. 10 3● then haue we a comfortable promise that he will likewise confesse vs before his ●ther which is in Heauen Hebr. 2.11 he will not be ashamed to call vs brethren he will giue vs this honourable title to be called Heires of God fellow Heires with Iesus Christ Rom. 8.17 And thus much of the first part how euery Christian muste with his mouthe confesse the Lorde Iesus Of the second part which is that we must beleeue in heart that God raysed him vp againe from the dead because it conteyneth the Article of iustification a matter large and waighty not lightly to be posted ouer but requiring a longer discourse as béeing the cheefest principle of Christian Religion I am therefore purposed God willing to intreate therevpon to morrow at the firste morning prayer In the meane time let vs meditate vpon this which we haue learned alreadye that not onely our soules but our whole bodyes are made to glorifie God the Creator 1. Cor. 6.19 Christe Iesus the Redéemer and the holy ghost the sanctifier and as all the body so especially the tongue Phil. 2.11 that euery tongue should confesse that Iesus is the Lord to the glory of God the Father we haue heard also where we must confesse the Lorde Iesus as in all places Psalm 22.22 so especially in the middest of the congregation and amongst our brethren because we are not borne to our selues 1. Pet. 4.11 1. Thes 5.11 but first to the honour and praise of the name of God and then to the edification instruction and comforte of our brethren Ephe. 6.4 and last of all to the godly bringing vp and reléeuing of our selues and our familyes in the feare and nurture of the Lorde We haue hearde all those reasons aunswered which are drawne from the example of Naaman Paul and Nicodemus to cloake and couer that dissembling in religion which is flatly and plainely condemned by the worde of God because that if Christ doo dwel in our harts by faithe Ephe. 3.17 it is vnpossible that the Diuell should be in the tongue and the other mēbers of the body which haue their life of the heart and are gouerned by the heart and also because God béeing a iealious God Exod. 20.5 will suffer no part of his Spouse to be giuē to any but to himselfe alone we haue heard also the sundry sorts of the policies of worldly wise men which are all contrarie to the true and constant confessing of the Lorde Iesus therewithall the manner how they must repent and amēd which is by casting away all respect of feare or fauour of mē or of the losse of lande liuing yea and of the life it selfe constantly with the mouthe to confesse the Lord Iesus and so much the rather because if anye trouble or persecution should come Rom. 8.28 yet all things will worke for the best to those that loue God We haue heard the plagues and heauie iudgements of God shewed all vpon those which for any worldly respect haue renoūced the Lord Iesus as also vpon thē which haue sought by violence to enforce others therunto Titus 1.16 And last of all we haue heard the manner howe we must confesse him not onely in worde but also indéede that he is our Iesus that is our Sauiour and therefore will saue vs is also able to saue vs being the heire of all things in Heauen in earth and therefore that without all wauering Actes 4.12 we hope assuredly to be saued by him looke for no saluatiō in any other if we thus confesse him in this world he will also confesse vs before his father Luke 12.8 Hebr. 2.11 Rom. 8.17 before his holy Angels in Heauē he wil acknowledge vs to be his brethrē fellow heires whē he shal pronoūce the ioyfull sētēce Come ye blessed of my father inherit you the kingdō prepared for you frō the foundations of the world Then shall we be with the Lambe and go whether he goeth then shall we make an other ioyefull confession with heauenly Harmonie and moste pleasaunt melodie when we shall accompany the Archangels Thrones Powers Dominions Cherubins Seraphins Patriarks Prophets Apostles Martyrs Virgins Confessours Angels Elders and innumerable thousands of Saints and with a new Songe for euer glorifying our Lord Iesus saying Apoc. 4.8 5.11 Thou Christ which was slaine art worthy to receiue power and riches and wisdome and strength and honour and glorie and blessing Holy
fruite shall the Trée be knowne Euery good Tree bringeth foorth good fruite and a corrupt tree bringeth foorth corrupt fruite Doo men gather Grapes of Thornes Gala. 5.6 or Figges of Thistles Paule will haue the faith of euery Christian to woorke thorough charity For if the faith of a Christian be compared to a Trée then euen as the roote of a Trée sucketh Iuice out of the earth the body receaueth of the roote the braunch taketh of the body and the fruite shooteth out of the braunche euen so the faithe of a Christian must firste be rooted and grounded vpon the death and passion of Iesus Christ then must it send vp the Sap of loue and loue must blossome foorth in good woorkes And thus if our faith be not a dead faith but a liuely faithe not a barren faithe but a fruitfull faith not an idle faith but a working faith a faithe working thorow charitie then are we pure spiritual Wheate for the Barnes of the Lorde The Church héere ye sée is compared to a Haruest thē if we bring foorth nothing but Tares of sinne and wickednesse we can looke for no other but to be gathered by the Reapers Math. 13.30 into a bundell and to be throwne into the Furnace of euerlasting fier Isa 5.2 It is compared also to a Viniarde which the Lord hath hedged and gathered out the Stones and planted it with the best Plants and built a Tower in the midst thereof and made a Wine Presse therein then if in stéede of the swéete Grapes of holynesse and righteousnesse we bring foorth nothing but the wilde Grapes of sinne and wickednesse that the Lorde may saye vnto vs as he saith vnto the Iewes Isa 5.4 what could I haue done to my Viniarde which I haue not done and beholde now when I looke for Grapes it bringeth foorth nothing but wilde Grapes then haue we a seuere iudgement denounced against vs by God himselfe he will breake downe the Hedge of the Viniard he wil lay it waste Math. 7.19 he will let in the wilde Boare to deuour and spoile it yea he will hew downe the trees and cast them into vnquencheable fier We are compared also to ground on which the sower doth sowe his seed Luke 8.5 then if we be that harde ground whereinto the Seede of Gods woorde cannot enter but that it is pluckt away by Sathan euen as seede by the high wayes side is snatcht away by the Fowles of the ayre or if we be that drie grounde whervpon the fruite dooth wither away because it wanteth the moysture of the dew of Gods holy spirite or if we be the thorny grounde whereupon the fruite is choaked with the bryers and brambles of cares and ritches and voluptuous liuing then are our hartes euill and vnfruitfull ground Mark 11.13 ●● therefore before God accursed euen as the Fig tree which had florishing leaues without fruite was by our Sauiour Christ accursed dried vp by the rootes for euer but if we desire to be blessed of the Lord we must indeuor to be good groūd that is Luke 8.15 as our sauiour dooth himselfe expoūd it with a good honest hart to heare the word of god to keep it to bring forth fruite with patience not to be idle and fruitlesse hearers to let it in at the one eare and out at the other eare to heare it in the Church and leaue it in the Porche but to heare it to kéepe it Rom. 2.13 and to bring foorth fruite with patience for not the hearers of the woord but the dooers shall be iustified Not euery one that saith vnto me Lord Lord Math. 7.21 shall enter into the kingdome of heauen but he that dooth the will of my Father in heauen Luke 11.28 Blessed are they which heare the woord of God and keepe it So then with hearing ye must ioyne kéeping with talking we must ioyne walking with professing expressing with exhortation conuersation with science conscience with faithe charitie For it shall not be asked in the dreadfull day of iudgement what we haue heard nor what we haue learned nor what we haue read but how we haue beléeued Math. 7.19 and what we haue doone and that same Tree which hath not brought forth good fruite shall be hevven downe and throwne into vnquencheable fier they which in the haruest do prooue to be tares shall be bound together by the Angels of God Math. 13.30 and cast into the Furnace of eternall death where the worme neuer dyeth and the flame neuer goeth out We are called also by the Apostle Paul Gods Husbandrie 1. Cor. 3.9 Vos estis Agricultura dei ye are Gods Husbandrie Whereby we are admonished of our dutie that the more that we are husbanded by the worde of God the more plentifull ought we to be in good workes or otherwise our condemnation will be the greater We cannot alledge the ensample of our forefathers nor of any others in this time which haue not the like Husbandrie bestowed vpon them For Mat. 25.20.22 to whom the Lord committeth but two Talents of him he will looke for but the increase of two But to whomsoener he committeth fiue Talents of him he will looke for the increase of fiue The Scholemaister will not require Latin of him that neuer learned any but he which hath learned it he must giue an accoumpt for it When a Maister dooth sende foorth his seruaunt in the night time if he haue missed his way a little he will not deale so rigorously with him but when hee sendeth him in the day time if he misse his way then he shall more hardly be excused Where the Husbandman dooth take great paines in husbandrie there will he looke for much fruite but where he neuer tooke any paines there it will greeue him the lesse to haue some thornes and thistles briars and brambles And therefore consider good people how the Lord hath dealt more mercifully with you of this Towne of Manchester then euer he did with your forefathers or then now he dooth with any place about you He hath giuen you a large Talent he hath reuealed his holy will most plainely and plentifully vnto you he hath sent you foorth in the daye time euen in the light of his glorious Gospell he hath sent his seruaunts early and late to husband your hearts and to sowe therein the seede of his most holy and blessed worde take héede therfore that your fruites be aunswerable therevnto or otherwise assure your selues that your cōdemnation shall be the greater Luk. 1● 47.48 for he that knoweth the will of his Maister and will not doo it he shal be beaten with many stripes and to whom soeuer much is committed of him shall much be required And thus dearely belooued ye see how these allegoryes so often vsed in the Scriptures of Haruest Trées Viniarde Grounde Séede Husbandrie doo all admonish you of Gods great mercy towards you
therefore we ought to dispense the word faithfully in season and out of season 2. Tim. 4.2 knowing that if any doo perish thorough our default a seuere accompt shall be required at our hands We are called builders to edifie build the body of Christ Isa 49.17 Ephe. 4.12 15. that is his Church and to ioyne it vnto the head Christ and therefore we muste labour painefully and take heede where we laye our foundation that we build not vpon the sand but vpon the foundatiō of the Prophets and Apostles Ephe. 2.20 Iesus Christ himselfe béeing the chiefe corner Stone We are called Luke 6.39 the leaders of Gods people to leade them into all trueth and therefore we must take héede that we haue alwayes the word of God a Lanterne to our feete and a light vnto our pathes Psal ●19 105 for otherwise if the blinde leade the blinde Math. 15.14 they shall bothe fall into the Ditche we are called Sheepeheards and Pastors and therfore we ought to feede the stock committed to our charge or otherwise there is no loue of Christ in vs. Iohn 21.15 For our Sauiour mooued the question thrife to Peter Simon thou sonne of Iona doost thou loue me his aunswer was Lord I loue thee Lorde thou knowest that I loue thee Then feede my Sheepe feede my Lambes And therefore it is vnpossible that there should be any sparckle of the loue of Christ in our hearts except we haue a care to feede those Lambes for when he shed his bloud Ezech. 34.4 to strengthen the weake to heale the sick to binde vp the broken to bring home that which is driuē away to seeke that which is lost and to defend thē frō being deuoured of the wild beasts of the field which we c●̄ neuer do vnlesse we be able to interpret the scriptures to apply them to the instruction comfort of the people therefore 〈◊〉 ●3 2 〈◊〉 2.24 Paul requireth in the Minister that he be 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 sit to teache al● commaūdeth Timothy to shew himselfe 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 rightly deuiding the worde of trueth 2. Tim. 2.15 not onely and barely reading for that were to giue whole loaues vnto Children for the which they should be neuer the better but cutting and deuiding the worde of trueth Math. 4.19 Luke 5.5 and as it were breaking vnto them the bread of life We are Fishers of men and therefore we must at Christes commaundement continually let downe our Nets We are called Gods Stewards Luk. 12.42 16.1 and therefore we ought to be faithfull and wise and giue vnto the Household of God their portion of meate in due season Happy is the Seruaunt whom the Maister when he cōmeth shall finde so dooing We must euery one of vs be as it were Gen 41.57 another Ioseph that when the Aegiptians are pinched with famine they may finde reliefe at Iosephs hande The first thing then that is required in a Minister is that he haue knowledge and vnderstanding how to doo his Embassage how to feed with discretion first with Milke and thē with stronge meate how to labour in the Lords Haruest how to builde how to leade the people of God how to watch ouer them how to lighten their hearts and to season them with the knowledge of Gods holy worde The Prophet saith Math. 2.7 that the lippes of the Priest must preserue knowledge that the people may seeke the lawe at his mouth For he is the Messenger of the Lord of Hoastes and not onely should their lippes preserue knowledge but they must euen eate the rowle of Gods booke Ezech. 3.2 3. Apoc. 10.9 and fill their bowels with the volume thereof whereby is signified the profounde and deepe knowledge and inward digesting of the worde of God which ought to be in euery Minister Esai 56.10 The Prophet dooth greatly complaine of the blinde watchmen which cannot sée and the dombe Dogges which cannot barke and God denounceth a seuere iudgement against them saying Ezech. 13.3 Woe be vnto the foolish Prophets which follow their owne spirite and haue seene nothing Exod. 28.33 About the skirts of the robe of Ephod were goulden Bels alwayes sounding to signifie that the Priest wheresoeuer he went should be able to found out the worde of trueth and therefore we which are called to be labourers in the Lords Haruest to instruct the people in the worde of God Let vs first learne how we must doo it for labour wee neuer so painefully 2. Tim. 2.5 yet if wee labour not as we ought to doo our labour is all in vayne The labouring Husbandman must firste be able to choose good Seede and then to Sowe it with discrescion euen so the Minister must first be able to disseuer the trueth from falsehood light from darkenesse and meate from poyson and then to vtrer his Doctrine applying it to the profit and comfort of the hearers The Husbandman must fyrste Plowe the Soyle and bruse the Cloddes before hee commit the Séede vnto the ground euen so must the Minister fyrst bruse the cloddes and knotty affections of mens hearts by the Preaching of the Lawe and then Sowe therein the sweete promises of the glorious Gospell of Iesus Christ Some are of this iudgement that onely the lawe and the threatnings of God against sinne ought now to be preached bothe because the manners of men are growen to be so wicked and desperate that they haue néede of a sharpe and desperate remedie and also because that Christian libertie the more it is preached the more it is abused I confesse these thinges to be true and too true the Lorde be mercifull vnto vs But how so euer sinne be increased and Christian libertie abused yet good brethren we must so procéede in teaching that rather Christe be framed in the hearts then Moses and that rather by acknowledging Gods benefits men may be drawen to loue him then be driuen by feare to flie from him For if Christe doo come into our hearts it is vnpossible but that he should bring with him new vertues new actions new motions and a spirite sanctifying all thinges and where Christe is not receaued there is it in vaine to speake of any morrall vertue or vice whatsoeuer Eph. 3.17 If Christe doo dwell in our hearts by faythe then must it néedes follow that wee should bee rooted and grounded in looue and saye with the Apostle 2. Cor. 5.14.15 The loue of Christe constrayneth vs for this wee knowe that if Christe dyed for vs wee which liue should not liue vnto our selues but liue vnto him which dyed for vs and rose againe that as he gaue his body and bloud vpon the Crosse for vs so we should giue our bodyes and soules to serue him and shew our selues thankfull for the worke of our redemption knowing that he did not therefore die for vs that we should wallow in sinne and wickednesse
Mamples Crosier staues Miters not with sundrie such sottish ceremonies foolish gestures as haue bin vsed héeretofore in the creating of popish Bishops and Priests greasie shauelings and Idolatrous Massemongers but simplye and plainely with laying on of hands and with prayer And for this cause my Lorde hath thought it conuenient at this time not to ordayne the Ministers secrety in his Closet as hath beene wickedly practised of others heeretofore but to bring them into the face of the congregation to the end that we altogether might with one heart and one voyce praye vnto the Lorde of the Haruest that hee will make them profitable Labourers in his Haruest And nowe therefore deare brethren let vs not accoumpt this busynesse A Spectacle to bee gazed vpon but let vs all with one accorde lifte vp our mindes vnto the Father of Heauen thorough the merits and intercession of his welbelooued sonne Iesus Christ Let vs pray vnto the Lorde of the Haruest that hee will graunt not onely to these which are nowe to be sent foorth but also to all vs which are sent already the grace of his holy and comfortable spirite Luke 24.49 that he will endew vs with power from an high that he will so powre out vpon vs the spirite of wisdom and vnderstanding Cor. 4.3.4 Ephe. 6.19 that we may know the myseryes of his will that he will so open vnto vs the dore of vtterance that we may bouldly publish the secret of the Gospell that we may with discretion wisely painefully faythfully and dilligently feede the flocke of Christe which he hath purchased with his bloud so that no vnthankfulnesse of the world may discourage vs or driue vs from the performing of our dutie that we may fulfill our Ministerie Colos 4.17 1. Tim. 4.16 and continue in doctrine not to put our handes to the Plough and then to looke backe againe as many in these our dayes preach dilligently for a time while they haue nothing but when they haue gotten good liuings then the fat ●ennes laye no Egges For if we thus looke backe agayne Luke 9.62 then we haue our iudgement denounced against vs by Christ him selfe that we are not fit for the kingdom of God Let vs also pray vnto God that he will roote out all rauening Wolues all Hierlings Timeseruers and dombe Dogges 2. Thes 3.1 Psa 51.18 which hinder the course of the Gospel that he wyl giue his word free passage and builde vp the walles of Ierusalem that he wil giue vnto vs al the spirite of sanctification that we may let our light so shine before men Math. 5.16 that they may see our good woorkes and glorifye our Father in Heauen that so we may labour with both handes in the Haruest of the Lorde with exhortation and conuersation with life doctrine whereby there may be plentie of pure spirituall Wheate to the lawde and prayse of God and great heapes of true beleeuers to be gathered into the Barnes of euerlasting ioyes And finally that he wyll blesse all Schooles of Learning with increase in all godly knowledge and graunt vnto all Students that they may alwayes haue his feare before theyr eyes and make this the chéefe end of all their Studyes the glory of his holy name the profit of the Church and the maintenaunce of the common wealth whereby the number of true Labourers may be increased for the Haruest is great and the Labourers are but few And thus good people that I may nowe draw to an end yée haue heard out of this charge giuen by our Sauiour Christe vnto his seuentie Disciples all such profitable Lessons as my slender Tallent would suffer me at this tyme to delyuer vnto you Much more might be spoken heare Math. 21.22 Ephe 3.12 Iam. 1.6 Hebr. 4.16 Luke 11.9.10 of the manner how we ought to pray to the Lord of the Haruest that we must pray in faith grounded vpon Gods promises with full assuraunce that our request shall be graunted and that he will not forsake his church and againe that we should be touched inwardly Rom. 8.26 Iohn 4.24 1. Ioh. 5.14 Psalm 25.1 with the want of the thing that we desire and therefore that we praye in spirit and trueth in heart lament as well the small number of true and faithfull Labourers as also the great aboundaunce of Wolues and Hierlings Luke 18.1 Rom. 12.12 1. Thes 5.17 Colos 4.2 and that we ought to continue in praier although we haue not our requests at the first but that Théeues murderers doo dayly créepe in more more and that we must pray onely Iohn 1● 13 1. ●im ● 5 1. Iohn 2. ● Math. 3.17 for the merits and intercession of Iesus Christ who is only the mediator betwixt God and Man in whome the Father ir well pleased that the Flocke may not perrishe for which he shed his bloud Psalm 50.15 Iam. 1.5 and finallye that we ought to direct our prayers onely to the Lord of the Haruest who is onely able to heare vs Ioel. 2.52 Actes 10.26 Apoc. 19.10 Rom. 1.25 and onely of power to helpe vs and not to any Saint or Angell in Heauen ascribing that to the Creature which is due vnto the Creator who be blessed for euer and euer But because these matters require a larger discourse then the weakenesse of my voyce wyll nowe permitte me to vtter I haue thought good rather to passe them ouer bréefely then by continuing my speach either to weary you and my self or to withhould you any longer from a far more learned exhortation which shall immediatly be giuen you The Lord of his infinite mercy giue vs grace so to laye vp these profitable Instructions in our hearts that as we haue heard them attentiuely so wee may bring foorth fruite accordingly that we of the Ministerie maye with all wisdome and discretion feede the Flocks committed to our charge that we may labour so dilligentlye faithfullye and paynefully in the woorke of the Lorde that no vnthankfulnesse of the worlde may driue vs which haue now put our hands to the Plowe to looke back againe that wee maye take heede vnto our selues and to our doctrine and continue therein whereby we maye saue our selues and those that heare vs that we may not gather with the one hand and scatter with the other hand but labour with bothe hands with worde and lyfe as well by our agreeing together with brotherly looue and gooing hande in hand together in the woorke of the Lorde as also by all integritie holynesse and purenesse of liuing least while we preach vnto others 〈◊〉 selues become reprobates And the 〈◊〉 ●e out the dew of his holy spirit 〈◊〉 you that are the hearers that the séede which we sawe amongst you may neither 〈◊〉 out of your hearts by Sathan as the seede by the high way side is deuoured by the Powles of the ayre nor choaked with the Briars and Brambles of voluptuous liuing and
❧ Two godlie and learned Sermons preached at Manchester in Lancashire before a great Audience both of Honor and VVoorship The first containeth a reproofe of the subtill practises of dissembling Neuters and politique worldlings The other a charge and Instruction for all vnlearned negligent and dissolute Ministers And an Exhortation to the common people to seeke their amendment by prayer vnto God By Simon Harward Preacher of the woord of God and Maister of Arte late of Newe Colledge in Oxfoord Si Deus nobiscum quis contra a nos Homo Deo lutum figulo ¶ Imprinted at London by Iohn Charlewood and Richarde Ihones 1582. ❧ The Preface to the Christian Reader FOr as much as the profession of a Christiā 2. Tim. 4.7 Ephe. 6.11 1. Thes 5.8 is in the holie Scriptures oftētimes compared vnto the life of a soldier because we are as it were sworne in the Sacramēt of Baptisme to fight manfullie vnder the banner of Iesus Christe not onelie against the vaine and wicked entisementes of the fleshe whereby we are drawne to the abhominable lustes and pleasures of voluptuous liuing and against the daūgerous assaultes of Satan the Prince of this world which seeketh continuallie to deuoure vs and to drowne vs in the pit of desperation confusion but also against the subtill snares of the world which either by ritches and the glorie ●hereof dooth prouoke vs vnto coue●ousnesse or else by slaunderings reui●nges iniuries and oppressions dooth ●rre vs vp to impatiencie hatred enuie ●nd malice we are therefore to call to remembraunce cōtinuallie that notable propertie and qualitie of a Christian Soldier to arme our selues with patiēce against the daie of triall that we may as Saint Paul sayth to Timothie Suffer affliction ● Tim. 2.3 as good Soldiers of Iesus Christe And this dooth our Sauiour teach vs in the Gospell after the Euangelist Saint Luke Luk. 14.31 when he asketh the question VVhat King going about to make warre against an other King dooth not sit downe and take councel whether he be able with ten thousand to meet him which commeth against him with twentie thousande VVhereby he dooth admonishe vs to ponder and weigh our strength and abilitie beforehand and not rashlie and careleslie to enter into the battaile And therefore as that Captaine is greatlie to be condempned which wil not prouide for any helpe and furniture vntill the time doo come that the onset must be giuen and the stroakes begin to flie about him And as that Soldier sheweth him selfe verie carelesse and negligent vvhich will neuer thinke vpon his armour and weapons vntill the time doo come that he must enter into the combat Euen so that christian is ouermuch giuen to carnall securitie vvhich being a Soldier in the Spirituall warfare of Christe vvherin the victorie bringeth no earthlie triumph but the incorruptiple crowne of glorie and the losse is not the death of the body onelie but the casting of bothe body soule into hell fire vvill not yet once sit downe to take councell aforehand of his abilitie nor once remember his weapon of patience nor once by praier make prouision for it vntill the houre doo come that euen now the trumpet dooth crie alarum and his enimies fal vpon him Of which sort of Soldiers I am afeard there are verie many in the Realme of Englād vvhich because the Lord hath giuen vs many happy plentifull and peaceable yeeres vnder our gratious Princesse Elizabeth the Lord lōg preserue her Maiestie and giue vs grace so to repent and amend our sinfull liues that for our wickednesse and vnthankfulnesse her daies be not shortned do therefore lothe to heare the preaching of the armour of patience and not once remēber to pray vnto God for the obtaining of the same But rather they seeke by their pollicies to ioyne them selues in league with the enimies of Christe that if trouble and affliction should come they may auoide the daunger not by patience in suffering for the name of Christe but by a trayterous shrinking from their Lord and sauiour And these may well be compared to the Ostridge who when there was a battell between the foure footed Beasts and the Birds to please the Beastes shewed foorth his hoofe and to make the Birds beleeue that he was of their side he put foorth his byll winges and so pretēding to take part with bothe was in deede traytor to bothe And therfore wheras of late beeing appointed by my very good Lord the Bishop of Chester I preached a Sermon at Manchester in Lankashire as concerning the bolde constant confessing of the Lord Iesus and the patient suffering of affliction for his names sake I haue thought good to publishe the same in writing to the view of those Christian Soldiers into whose handes it shall please God to send it that therby they maie learne bothe the faithfulnesse which they owe vnto their grande captaine Iesus Christe and the prouision which they ought to make in time for the armour of patience and also be admonished howe they shall sit downe and take councell and make their accoumpts of the charges which are required to a Christian mans profession And this our sauiour dooth reach vs by an other similitude taken of the wisedome which ought to be in a builder VVhich of you sayth he beeing minded to builde a Tower Luk. 14.28 dooth not first sit downe and count the costes and charges whether he haue sufficient to performe it or no least that after he hath laide the foundation and is not able to finishe it all that beholde it beginne to mocke him saying This man beganne to builde and was not able to make an ende Euen so all we which builde our selues vppon the foundation of the Prophets and Apostles Iesus Christe him selfe being the head corner stone must first sit downe and cast our accoumpts whether we be able to performe it or no. In what manner must we reckon our charges First whether we be fullie resolued to shewe foorth the fruite of our profession in our liues and conuersations For otherwise vnlesse with hearing we ioyne dooing with professing expressing Our sauiour sheweth vs Math. 7.27 That we build not vpon the rocke but wee are like vnto the foolishe man which buildeth vpon the sande where the raine falling and the floods running and the windes blowing doo beate downe the house so that the fall thereof is great And secondlie we must count our charges whether we be thorowlie determined by the grace and assistaunce of God whome we call vpon continually for helpe strength succour constantlie with the mouth to confesse the Lorde Iesus and with patience to take vp our crosse and followe him so that Neither father nor mother nor wife nor children nor brother nor sister nor farmes nor Oxen nor lande nor liuing nor golde nor siluer nor worldlie promotion nor tribulation nor anguishe nor persecution nor famine nor nakednesse Rom. 8.35 nor perill nor swoorde nor life