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A02435 A description of the Church of Christ, with her peculiar priuiledges, and also of her commons, and entercommoners With some oppositions and answers of defence, for the maintenance of the truth which shee professeth: against certaine Anabaptisticall and erronious opinions, verie hurtfull and dangerous to weake Christians. Maintained and practised by one Master Iohn Smith, sometimes a preacher in Lincolneshire, and a companie of English people with him now at Amsterdam in Holland. Whome he hath there with himselfe rebaptised. By I.H. Etherington, John, fl. 1641-1645. 1610 (1610) STC 12567; ESTC S118987 75,210 130

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of cold water to any one of the lest of these Marke 9.41 in my Name saith the Lord shall not leese his reward but shall haue eternall life As it is written Come ye blessed of my Father inherit the kingdome prepared for you from the beginning of the world For I was an hungrie and you gaue me meate I was a thirst and you gaue me drinke c. Yee did it to these saith he if but to the least of these my brethren yee did it to me Mat. 25.34 35 36. And againe Whosoeuer receiueth one of the least of these little ones in my Name saith the Lord receiueth me and with me him that sent me O happie man therefore that can perceiue and doe these things But hee that despiseth you despiseth me and him that sent me And this is it which Iohn meaneth He that saith he is in that light 1. John 2.9 and hateth his brother is in darkenes vntill this time But he which loueth his brother abideth in that light and there is none occasion of euill in him And againe Hereby we know that we are translated from death to life because we loue the brethren 1. Iohn 3.16 meaning the Lords brethren the little Sheepe to whom he will say Come yee blessed inherit the Kingdome for euer These loue their enemies Matt. 5.44 If they hunger they feede them if they thirst they giue them drinke if they curse they blesse if they persecute they pray and weepe for them And these are the light of the world Matt. 5.14 15. the Candle on a Candlesticke the Citie set vpon a Hill whereof Dauid spake when he said Glorious things are spoken of thee Psal 87.3 thou Citie of God and this if one will he may visibly see for a Citie set vpon a hil cannot bee inuisible And to this alone is power giuen to binde and loose Ioh. 20.23 to remit and to retaine sinnes euen to these I meane are these Keyes giuen whom God approueth and will approue for euer Indeede many are called but these are they that are chosen these loue one another and thereby doe they know each other to bee borne of God and to be loued of God and that they doe loue God I say for that they loue those that are borne of God 1. Iohn 2.5 As it is written Hereby we know that yee are in him And this is the kingdome which the Lord saith Iohn 3.3 No man can see but he that is borne againe And this is that house of Leui 1. Peter 29. Hebrew 12.23 that royall Priesthood spoken of the peculiar people the congregation of the first borne who are all written in heauen The chosen generation and people set at libertie If you will receiue it Mat. 18.4 Reuel 3.12 these are they that haue the preheminence these are all the Priests of God and serue in his Temple for euer These he hath made pillars in his house and shall goe no more out these are blessed and holy and haue al their parts in the first resurrection and shall not be hurt in the second death These are they that are risen with Christ Reuel 20.6 Reuel 2.11 and seeke those things which are aboue who are dead to sinne and crucified to this world these are they that haue ouercome the world and haue receiued the white stone and the new name of the Lord. And this is the little flocke to whom he saith Luke 12.32 Be of good cheere for it is your fathers pleasure to giue you a kingdome And this alone is that Citie of God Reuel 3.11 which onely is named the new Ierusalem and these are the Citizens and of these the scripture meanes which saith Where two or three be gathered together in my name there am I in the midst of them And behold I am with you saith he vnto the end of the world But perhaps you will say if this bee the Church of Christ which you haue here described Obiection to whome the Keyes of the Kingdome of heauen and all those titles and priuiledges doe onely belong then was there neuer such a Church in the world in one fellowship congregated and constituted by baptisme pertaking together in the Lords supper and all other exercises of Religion consisting onely of such vnmoueable stones as you speake of For with the Lord himselfe and with his eleuen Apostles one was who did prooue a diuell And many also were with Christ before and were Baptised which fell away and afterwards with his Apostles also which fell away and were offended It is true indeed but what saith it Answere Ioh. 2.19 If they had bin of vs they would haue continued with vs but of that Church they neuer were that hath the preheminence and vnto whom those excellent titles and treasures of God doth belong for although they did partake with them in receiuing the word and beleeuing the truth thereof and of the elementish Baptisme and the signes of the Lords bodie and blood and all other such like common things yet were they neuer baptised in heart returned and became as little children neither yet did euer eat his flesh and drinke his blood Mat 18.3 truly and indeed by faith for want wherof they could neuer enter into the kingdome of heauen nor yet had euer life in them as it is written And therefore of that Church and kingdome they neuer were Iohn 6.53 nor yet did euer partake with them in their peculiar things nor neuer came into their courts of rest nor Citie of peace But to the returned little ones doe all those great things belong those excellent priuiledges euen to them that eate his flesh Iohn 6.54 and drinke his blood who haue all of them eternall life abiding in them whom the Lord Iesus will raise vp at the last day as he himselfe saith But how then did that Church iudge of them Question you will say while they were with them did they not beleeue that they were returned and did they not accompt of them as they did of those that were returned and borne againe that had eaten Christs flesh and drunke his blood vnto eternall life seeing they were baptised with them and did eate the same bread and drinke the same wine with them also did they not iustifie them and approue of them as of the rest That Church did neuer so approue of them Answere they were neuer so blind and desperatly bold as your Master Smith to iustifie and approoue of those whom God doth condemne they are not so rash as you and your Church to affirme they know not what They are better aduised and better taught then so That Church kingdome which we speake of was neuer so deceiued in her entercōmoners to account and approue them as borne againe because they did partake with her children in all these common things But she and her children iudged alwayes the truth of them and neuer were deceiued
Cor. And waite with patience laboring to see it by any means they will bring forth fruit euen the fruit of the good tree The good fruitwhich when they see they do reioice imbrace them knowing thereby that they are borne of God their owne father as Children of that holy Church Ierusalem their mother purged and purchased through his eternall Testament in the bloud of that one Lord the Lambe 1. John 3.14 to be an holy habitation to himselfe for euer And here is no loue lost betweene these brethren such loue betweene them as neuer was betweene earthly brethren As the stocke they came of in their new generation doth excell in glory inriches in power 1. Iohn 5.1 in wisedome in bounty in mercy and loue all Fathers and Mothers in nature be they neuer so high in place of this world euen that they can giue Kingdomes and thousand thousands of Gold and Treasure to their Children and possesse them of all the pleasures that the world can afford and with all the signes of loue that nature can expresse I say as the great God of Heauen doth excell the greatest that euer was on earth And as his loue is infinite beyond theirs and his abilitie also to performe the same So doe the gifts the signes and seales of his loue excell theirs And as his children doe come of a more noble stocke then theirs and are more honourablie descended euery way So doe they excell in loue ten thousand degrees for ehey loue for other and greater respects And as loue was the beginning and cause of this happinesse 1. Iohn 4.19 euen the loue of the eternall God as the Scriptures witnesse So loue is the end of their conuersation Heb. 13.8 in and through Iesus Christ yesterday to day and the same for euer This is that name so secretly written vpon them that no man can Reade or know it but they alone which haue it Reuel 3.12 and vpon them onely is his Name written New Ierusalem as it is written Him that ouercommeth will I make a Pillar in the Temple of my God And he shall goe no more out And I will write vpon him the name of my God and the name of the Citie of my God euen the newe Ierusalem which commeth downe from heauen from my God And my new name And this is the ende which whosoeuer endureth vnto is faithfull to the death and shall receiue the Crowne of life Many false Prophets shall arise and deceiue many Mat. and because iniquitie shall abound the loue of many shall bee cold but he that endureth to the end euen this true and perfect loue the contrarie to iniquitie and to loue that is cold he shall be saued And this is the Baptisme of the holy Ghost and fire Matth. 3.11 euen the fire of Gods loue the coals wherof are fiery coales and a burning flame which much water cannot quench neither the flouds drowne But it breaketh foorth and returneth such a loue to his God and Father ●an 8.7 and to his Lord and redeemer as no man knoweth but he that hath it And such a loue to his fathers Children those little ones his and his Lords brethren as they neuer know nor shall know who are neuer borne againe Yea he returneth loue to al men euen to his enemies Prou. 21.22 Rom. 12.20 21. Psal 15.2 4. If he hunger or thirst he feedes and giues them drink and so heapes coales of this fire vpon his head Hee speaketh the truth from his hart and with his tongue vseth no deceit Hee esteemeth not himselfe but is vile in his owne eyes Hee enuieth not 1 Cor. 13.4 5 6. The Sunne goes not downe vpon his anger Hee reioyceth not in iniquitie but alwayes in the trueth and in doing good to others Loue seeketh not her owne And are not these fruits which may distinguish betweene the good tree and the bad These fruites those righteous men neuer brought foorth which fell away Heb. 3.14 Their blade was neuer like this fruit Their beginnings were neuer like these endings Those first were neuer like these last Matth. 22.14 which are the first euen the first borne For many are called but fewe chosen And this is Ierusalem that poore little sweete holy Citie Reuel 11 2. which hath bene troden vnder feete of those heathen Gentile Courtiers and outside Christians not worth the measuring these many hundred yeres And this is the Hill which once stood vp aboue the Hils whose light did shine from East to West Rom. 1.8 euen to the worlds end To it the Nations flocke to heare and see the things that were of her so famous throgh the world To whom shee cried saying Come whosoeuer will and take of the water of life freely Reuel 22.17 whereat many reioyced beleeued and were Baptised Of which some were made pet takers of her peculiar things And were not onely beleeuers of the trueth and Baptised with the Baptisme which thereunto belonged but were Baptised in heart broken and dissolued into a thousand teares And beleeued in him who also Baptised them with the holy Ghost and fire The other hard and vnbaptised in heart refusing that graceso freely offered them Iudging the common Faith and Baptisme which they had receiued sufficient to serue their turne Supposing that one Talent safely kept would stand them enough insteede when the day of account should come despised the little ones that were borne and Baptised from aboue Acts 20.29 And thus began the mysterie of iniquitie to worke and grew vp in time aboue the Hill of God and like Wolues spared not his flocke tooke possession indeede of the outward Court gathered strength got a head And trode downe that liberall free Citie the true mother and nurse to the Lords lambes and babes This head of theirs is that great Antichrist Reuel 13.1 that beast which rose out of the sea with seuen heads and ten hornes who hath reigned now twelue hundreth and three yeeres and yet still reigneth and shall till seuen and fiftie moe be come And then his dayes his times Reuel 11.3 moneths and yeeres shall be accomplisht euen one thousand two hundred and sixtie and his Crownes puld from his head his Citie burnt with fire and vpon that woman which saith I sit being a Queene am no widow and shall see no mourning shall come shame and confusion howling and crying and vtter desolation euen she which now calleth her selfe by the name of the true mother and like an harlot challengeth the husband of the true spouse to bee hers Mat. 23.35 And these are the ofspring of Caine the race and line of those Pharasies at whose hands the Lord said should be required the blood of all the Prophets from righteous Abell to Zacharias yea these are all one house with them And so are all the assemblies and congregations in the world be they neuer so cleane without doing
truth for it is sharper then any two edged sword Take heede therefore and marke well the thinges that are heere written vnto you and search the Scriptures whether they be so or no for they are GODS witnesses and they tell the truth what euer man saies and I pray you take heede you mistake not the Lord for his word is a mistery especially these things which are called the secrets of the kingdome of heauen And beware that you affirme not any thing which he hath not said nor meant nor gain-say or diminish any thing from his intent and howsoeuer ye haue failed therein already yet considering as I perswade my selfe you are not of those louers and makers of lies for I hope farre better things of you M. Smith Reu. 22.15 and therefore that we may vnderstand the Lord and see his secrets euen the secrets of his kingdome Let vs intreate him with broken and humble hearts for the spirit of trueth that holy annointing which is true and not lying that as it doth teach vs euen so we may abide in him and so let vs write and speake Let vs annoint our eyes with eye salue that we may see euen with the water of a dissolued broken heart and we shall see better things then forme and fashion That we may discerne betweene those that haue but the forme of godlinesse and them that haue the power thereof That wee may see and know those little ones whom to receiue is to receiue the Lord and to loue them whom to loue is to loue the Lord and to loue the Lord is life for euermore And this is that loue without the which all knowledge and all faith doth but make vs as sounding brasse and tinckling Cimballs For by this loue 1. Cor. 13.1 2 3. we shall know that we are translated from death to life and by this loue we shal approue our selues to the little ones to haue that one peculiar faith with them the assurance of the loue of God vnto vs in Christ Iesus and of our reconciliation with God through him And this is the faith which one speaketh of in a certaine place to one that would haue beene esteemed Iam. and no doubt esteeming of himselfe too as if he had that speciall peculiar faith which only the Lords redeemed haue Shew me saith he thy faith by thy works and I will shew thee my faith by my workes Thou hast faith I graunt thee and dost beleeue but what that there is one God well yea and one Lord Iesus Christ also and one holy spirit and one faith and one baptisme yea and one Church purchased and sanctified by the bloud of the Lord Iesus Christ And dost thou beleeue all these things indeed thou dost well but I tell thee the diuell doth beleeue it also and doth tremble for one may haue faith though not that speciall faith nor yet the fruites that follow the same One may by faith cast out diuels and that in the name of Christ Iesus Mat. 7.22.23 and do many great wonders and yet a worker of iniquity What then Obiection doth not man liue by his faith alone doth works make his faith aliue Answere Man doth liue by his faith alone Heb. 10.38 Haba 2.4 yea the iust man and his faith doth make his works aliue as the branches of a Tree receiue their sappe and life from the roote But you will say Obiection what faith is this you meane are there many kindes of faith and the Scripture saith one faith one baptisme and so Answere The Scriptures meane one faith to life Ioh. 3.15 and one baptisme to life as it saith Whosoeuer beleeueth in him shall not be confounded and that whosoeuer beleeueth in him shall not perish but haue eternall life And againe whosoeuer beleeueth and is baptised Mar. 16.16 shall be saued What then will you say is there a faith and baptisme which men may haue perish Yea for Iudas beleeued and was baptised Act. 8.13 Simon Magus beleeued and was baptised and many thousand more which yet shall be found the workers of iniquity Obiection You will say then what faith is that that you meane may it be distinguisht from the other It may But first Answer I will tell you what I take the word faith to meane as it is wrought in men in generall respecting God It is an vndoubted perswasion wrought in the heart by the force and power of the holy Ghost in the reuelation of the worde of God of the truth of all or some or any of the things thereby reuealed for faith is the ground of thinges hoped for Heb. 11.1 and also the euidence of the thinges not seene By faith men vnderstand that there is onely one God that the world was created by his word By faith men beleeue that whatsoeuer hath beene said or done in the world by God his seruants his Prophets and Apostles are all true and were done by the power of God yea by faith men haue and doe worke wonders themselues As all these things may be vnderstoode and done by faith and yet such beleeuers and workers for all their faithfulnesse may goe to hell So there is a mysterie reuealed that whosoeuer doth beleeue shall not perish but shall haue eternall life Esa that is to say a word of great grace and mercy giuen out a couenant of life and peace of pardon and deliuerance made to the poore and broken in heart Mat. 11.5.28 Mat. 15.24 the weary and heauie loaden the lost sheepe the hungry and thirsty the contrite and broken spirited euen to him that doth repent And none can beleeue this word and promise of life and pardon assuredly to pertain vnto themselues but these alone And of this seeker alone is God found to him doth he looke for his sonnes sake the Mediator of his couenant Mat. 5.3 and doth write him blessed and doth assure him pardon and reconciliation by his promised spirit whereby he is sealed and hath set to his seale that God is true and is fully assured that God is true and is fully assured that God loueth him in Christ Iesus and that his name is written in the booke of life And this is faith also which doth beleeue this thing and this is the thing that doth distinguish betweene it and the other and this faith if you wil that I shall define in few wordes It is a full and certaine perswasion wrought in the poore and broken heart by the comforter of peace and reconciliation with God in and through Christ Iesus his Lord and this is the faith which worketh by loue and this is that peculiar faith spoken of before and is but one was euer the same Nowe concerning that one Baptisme a little more As in the olde time there was Circumcision of the skinne and Circumcision of the heart but the Circumcision of the heart was the onely chiefe Circumcision which whosoeuer had was onely
concerning them They receiued the word with ioy and gladnesse Mat. 13.20 Acts 2.41 Luke 9 62. They tooke the Plough by the hand indeed The foule spirit was gone the Sowe was washt the blade sprung vp These things the Church did see and know was true in them and so farre it did approoue of them did yeeld vnto them the common things and were of one accord therein together The Church stones of life looked for fruit from them but fruit they neuer saw They hoped the best till they saw the worst They knew not the tree but by the fruit and that not till it had brought forth either good or bad But by their fruit they do know them as it is written Doe men gather Grapes of Thornes or Figges of Thistles can a good tree bring foorth bad fruit or a bad tree good fruit no not possible A good tree cannot bring foorth euill fruit Mat. neither can a bad tree bring foorth good fruit euery tree that bringeth not foorth good fruit is hewen downe and cast into the fire The Scripture doth neuer any where teach or speake like your Master Smith That euill trees may be knowen to be good trees by bearing of good fruit and yet be cut downe and cast into hell fire for bearing of euill fruit for you say that a tree which shall be hewen downe one that may fall away doth bring forth as good fruit as the good tree or good ground doth and that there can no difference be discerned by their fruits between them contrary to the Scripture which saith to the children of the kingdome Mat. 12.33 Yee shall know them by their fruits Meaning the good trees by the good fruit which they bring foorth from the trees that bring not foorth good fruit and from the euill trees which bring foorth euill fruite And as they knowe certainely the good tree by his good fruit and the euill tree by his euill fruit so they doe also know that those trees which growe in the Lords field Luke standing as branches in the vine Iohn 15.2 and bring not foorth good fruit are accursed like the figge tree Mat. 21.19 Mat. 3.10 must be hewen downe with the euill trees and cast into euerlasting fire But perhaps you will say Obiection these trees cannot be so distinguish't and knowne till the end for the Lord saith Mat. 24.13 He that endureth to the end shall be saued And the righteous man may fall from his righteousnesse as testifieth the Prophet and die Eze. And the vnrighteous man turne from his vnrighteousnesse and liue So that there can be no such certainty as you speake of vntill the end Heere I would first know of you Answere what ende you thinke the Lord doth meane whether the end of the world or the end of their life in the flesh If you mean the end of the world then Moses Elias the Prophets and Apostles might yet perish for to that ende they are not yet come But they are and shall bee saued therefore that end it cannot be what then the ende of their life in the flesh that end is it which you intend I dare say Then indeed there is no certainty in this world to be had till the houre of death then is the Doctrine of your fellowes the Dutch Anabaptists true who affirme that the most righteous man lustified and borne againe from aboue may fal away and perish at any time euen till his last howre then should mans saluation depend vpon his last gaspe Then no man can reioyce that his name is written in the Booke life till he be dead or else they may haue their names blotted out againe after they be written therein as indeede they doe affirme But man may be certainely assured of reconciliation with God Rom. 1.38.30 and that his name is written in the booke of life and sealed there by an indelible couenant before the moment or houre or day of his death therefore that end it cannot be But stay Obiection may not the righteous man fall from his righteousnes then Such righteous men as I told you of before Answere may fall from their righteousnesse Euill Trees and euill ground which neuer brought foorth good fruit As from some the foules of the Aire catch away the seed that is sowne in their harts and they fall away Mat. some by persecution are offended some the cares of this world doe choake And so the righteous man doth fall from his righteousnesse The washed sow is turned to wallow in the mire againe 2. Pe. 20.2 The dogge to his vomit againe He that tooke the Plough by the hand hath looked behind him and is made vnmeete for the kingdome of heauen for euer The vncleane spirit that was cast out Mat. 12.45 is returned with seauen worse then himselfe and re-entereth the house swept and the ende of this man is worse then his beginning It had beene better for him that he had neuerknowne the way of truth his condition was better before hee tooke the Plough in hand then it is now in this end of his wherein he hath giuen it ouer turned backe entertained his euill companion againe with seauen more worse then he Question But what is then the end which whosoeuer endureth vnto and doth attaine shall be saued The end therefore is the fruit as reaping is the end of Ploughing Answere And as wee looke for fruite after wee haue sowne our Corne in the earth So doth the Lord looke for fruit of the seede he hath sowne in vs. Such fruite as whosoeuer bringeth forth shall neuer be hewen downe and giuen to the burning fire But is like the tree planted by the riuer side Psal 1.3 which bringeth forth his fruit in due season whose leafe shall not fade And this is the plantation of God and these are his trees and the branches of his owne Vine Christ Iesues and euery branch that berareth fruit in him hee purgeth like a good husbandman Ioh. 15.1.2 that it may bring forth more fruit And if you aske what fruit that is I tolde you before yet if you will haue it againe It is Loue euen that new commaundement the perfection which the Lord commaundeth Mat. 5.48 saying Be ye perfect as your heauenly Father is perfect It is the first resurrection which whosoeuer attaineth is blessed holy for euer They that attaine to this end are blessed in their life Deut. Mat. and blessed at their houre of death and blessed at the end of the world and blessed for euermore These righteous men neuer fall from their righteousnes their names are neuer rased out of die booke of life Mat. 18.14 but vnrighteous men may turne to their righteousnes And therfore these righteous men encourage all exhorte all hope all things endure all things forbeare and are gentle vnto all 1.
Nations as Christ saith for his name sake Leaue these differences and controuersies and leaue all Then let vs take our pleasure and shake hands with the world and looke after preferments in the earth and promotions as others doe Answere Vnwise man whatsoeuer thou at that doest make this obiection and doest so speake For tell me must thou needs erre on the right hand or on the left Because the law of our land doth not persecute thee for righteousnesse sake wilt thou therefore be disobedient and suffer for thy sinnes Because a godly life and persecution cannot be seperated in this world asunder as it is written 2. Tim. 2.12 Whosoeuer will liue godly in Christ Iesus must suffer persecution and whosoeuer will be his Disciple must take vp his crosse daily and follow him wilt thou therefore because thou knowest not how to take vp his Crosse nor how to liue godly in Christ Iesus Take vp a Crosse of thine owne making 1. Pet. 2.12 and because thou wilt be sure to suffer speake euill of them that are in authority resist the ordinance of God and so suffer for euill doing If thou be one of the Lords iustified faithfull ones thou shalt finde aduersaries enow euery day though law and authority should bee on thy side and take thy part Hee is the Minister of God for thy wealth Dauid though he were King himselfe and none in the world aboue him but God yet could hee not preuent the mockes and taunts and drunken songs that were of him nor yet the manifold enemies that pursued his soule night and day wherefore he crucified himselfe and prayed oft with a broken heart and a contrite spirit to him that was able to deliuer him frō all those his ghostly enemies watering his cheeks and bed full many a time and oft with teares Learne therefore to take vp Dauids Crosse to suffer and to be crucified with him with Christ his Lord learne to be Christs Disciple and seruants as Dauid was and to loue the Lord and walke in his waies as Dauid did and thou shalt haue enemies enow wil find thee out both naturall and spirituall thou shalt not neede to goe seeke them onely take vp thy Crosse willingly and with patience and then if thou so suffer with him thou shalt be sure also to raigne with him Shew me one word in all the new Testament that requireth thee to suffer for those thinges that thou pretendest or tell mee which of the Apostles or Christians in the Apostles times did suffer for speaking against or disobeying the law of ceremonies except it were vniustly Act. 25.7.8 and then Paul when the Iewes laide many and greeuous complaints against him which they could not proue answeres for himselfe That he had neither offended any thing against the law of the Iewes Act. 24.14 15. nor against the Temple nor against Caesar onely he sought Christ Iesus in whom all those things which the Iewes called heresie were accomplisht and the vse of them no more of necessity but were then become all indifferent Ver. 18.19.20 I say shew mee one that euer did suffer for those or the like things that you our Reformists or Separatists or Anabaptists doe now pretende That God by his Gospell and new Testament doth approue and we will then acknowledge ye haue the truth amongst you and doe suffer for righteousnesse Or else know this that you are they the Scripture speaketh of Makers of Sects fleshly hauing not the spirit and despise gouernement speaking euill of them that are in authority Luk. 19.8 separating your selues from others being puft vp knowing nothing doting about questions and strife of wordes whereof commeth enuy raylings strife and euill surmisings And are not those Luk. 20.21 that edifie themselues in the most holy faith praying in the holy Ghost and that keepe themselues in the loue of God looking for the mercies of the Lord Iesus Christ vnto eternall life Mat. 5.11.12 1. Pet. 3.17 And if ye suffer for these things blessed are ye Neither thinke that if thou giuest ouer thy contentions about these differences of thine and fightings with shaddows that then thou must needs take thy pleasure in this world and shake handes with it and looke after preferments in the earth and promotions as others some doe Neither take me as if I iustifie those that haue turned their heat into coldnes nor yet those that can play with both hands because they will keepe their credite with those that are zealous and not lose that neither which they gape for whensoeuer it fals who are fedde till they are grosse with fat and yet gape for more These are the cunninger sort of subscribing Reformers who speake euill of that in priuate which they conform to in publicke who vnder pretence of preaching the Gospell for the good of others preach and preferments who reigne in their spirits and word more like Lords then many of those whose places and titles and honours they spight and speake against because it is not theirs Neither do I iustifie any that hauing authority more or lesse doe raigne as Lordes ouer Gods heritage that loue salutations and greetings delighting to be called Lords affecting greatly the Title Rabby sporting themselues with the afflictions of Iacob that tread the holy Citie Ierusalem vnder their feete as the Popes and Lords of Rome haue done and doe For as I condemne no one for his greatnesse of place or Titles or power and authority whomsoeuer so no more doe I iustifie the euill workes of any but know and am assured that whosoeuer he be that doth loue the wages of Balam and doth post after Balakes preferment as Balam did is no better then hee And also whosoeuer doth the workes of the Pharisees and Scribes and of their generation the sonnes of the whore of Babylon shall be found as indeede they are the very of-spring of those Scribes and Pharisees and the children of that whore their moher though they disclaime her neuer so much and therfore thogh they come like sheep prophecying in the name of Christ preaching oftentimes his word and truth as Balam did and like those whom our Sauior speaketh of yet we must beware of them as of false Prophets And we shall know them hardly by their cloathing which is their preaching and doctrines for therein they can and doe oftentimes imitate the Sheepe But by their fruits saith the Lord yee shall know them And therefore especially this I iustifie wish and desire that all that professe Christ and his Gospell and the administration thereof would take heede they resist not the power seeing it is the Ordinance of God and that they would not bee high minded but feare And also that they that haue authority and power and haue a great place as they professe Christ and his Diuine word and the ministration thereof that they would doe the workes of Christ in meekenesse and lowlines of heart louing the righteous
effects and beginnings for the raine doth fall on all and the Sunne shines without respect Yet when the fruite doth appeare after this generall blade Mar. 4 28. whereby the good ground is knowne from the bad as the wheat is from the tares and after this generall raine and sun-shine the good ground like good trees doth bring forth good fruit There doth appeare so great a difference betweene them as is betweene end and beginning betweene first and last betweene the blade and the fruite Betweene the kingdome compared to a Net wherein all sorts of fish is caught both good and bad and the kingdom compared to a field wherein lay a treasure hid of so great worth Mat. 13.44 that whosoeuer could get possession of it though it cost him all that euer hee had if it were neuer so much yet should his gaine be great and infinite And betweene those little ones who are borne againe whose loue is great for great respects Who know they are translated from death to life And those vnreturned ones 1. Ioh. 3.14.15 that loue not nor know whether they goe And as the difference is great in regard of the vncertainty of the one and the certaine euerlasting happinesse of the other So haue they a Charter so great and freedome so strong with so many priuiledges belonging thereunto as no Citie in the world Reu. 21. nor kingdome can afford the like And wherein those entercommoners on whom God hath shewed his bounty in giuing them Sunne and raine and haue not yet brought forth fruit can haue no part nor fellowship neither ought any more to presume to touch or meddle with then those that might not touch nor stay the Arke or him to whom Peter said thou hast no part nor fellowship with vs Act. 8.21 nor in this administration But those poore little rich fruitfull ones are the onely Priests of God the stay and pillars of his Arke of Arks not made of wood Reu. 1.5.6 which now is gone to wrack but of heauenly enduring matter and trees of life and although they be the pillars and stayes of it yet are they not the builders But the Lord alone Reu. 3.12 who saith vpon this rock will I build my Church Mat. 16.18 Now as these fruitfull trees and free-borne Citizens doe pertake and haue fellowship together in the priuiledges peculiar to this holy Church City of God 1. Pet. 2.9 being as one saith a chosen generation a royall Priesthood an holy Nation a people set at liberty So do they shew forth the vertues of him that hath called them whose loue is perfect in them whereby they know each other to be borne of God as S. Iohn saith Hereby we know that ye are in him 1. Ioh. 2.5 And as these are knowne either to other by their fruit which fruit I will not speake of heere seeing it is as I thinke plainly described before So out of the great heape of Commoners doe sometimes appeare euill trees who are knowne also to those that are borne againe by their euill fruit the fruit of death Luk. 6.43.14 to be vncurable euill trees That is so seene against the light and them that walke in it as that they shall receiue the sentence of eternall death euen while they liue trees twise dead Iud. 12. 1. Cor. 16.22 and pluckt vp by the rootes of whom it is written Let him be cursed And as the good ground or trees do not appeare all at once out of the generall field of Commoners but when it pleaseth him who giueth the encrease some sooner some later So no more doe the euill trees appeare all at once but now and then when their euill fruite is ripe some breake forth betimes some stay longer some not at all to the Church I meane vntill the great day of account who then shall be found speechlesse without the wedding garment And as the euill seruant Mat. 22.12 Luk. 19.20 Mat. 25.8 that hid his Masters talent And as the fiue foolish virgins who found no oyle in their lamps when the bridegroome came supposing till then all was well Euen so likewise is there many of his beloued ones not knowne to others but the Lord himselfe vntill that day who then with the rest of their fellowes shall bee made manifest to all yea euen to those who shall then admire their glory and riches when themselues shall lye in dust and shame So that when the Lord saith in his Parable Mat. 13.26.27 That when the wheat did appeare by the fruit then did also appeare the tares his meaning is not that in the generall kingdome all the wheat appeares at once and all the tares but as I haue said before And therefore the seruants must not goe to weeding at the first sprout of the eare though some wheat and some tares doe euidently appeare least they plucke vp wheat with tares For some of both shall remaine vnknowne vnto them vntill the great haruest day And this is Ver 30 and shall be the condition of the common field vniuersity of Christians vntill that day and therefore the seruants must spare to iudge or iustifie till their fruits doe euidently appeare And as the Sunne doth shine and the raine doth fall equally vpon them I meane those Christians that shall proue tares as those that shall prooue good wheat Mat. 5.44.45 fit for the Lords owne barne So ought also his seruants to be kind to the vnkinde and mercifull to all Insomuch as in the first effects before mentioned there doth appeare little or no difference Now hauing thus distinguished betweene Christian and Christian Kingdome and Kingdome tree and tree Let vs see how matters doe fall out betweene them and how they doe agree and also how they ought to walke and carrie themselues toward each other And that we may the easier accomplish our purpose we will deuide these great company of Christians into two parts that is to say Some borne of God returned and become as little children to whom he hath giuen the keyes of the kingdome and all those priuiledges before spoken of and a thousand treasures more besides on whom the second death shall neuer haue power nor the gates of hell preuaile The other vnregenerate equall partakers with the regenerate in all the common first thinges before mentioned but not in the second effects the last and speciall things Now these kinde of brethren doe often times offend the little ones and despise them because they are little in their owne eyes and poore in their own spirit and are returned and become as little children because their fruits of loue appeare beyond theirs knowing their owne works to be euill and their brothers good wherefore the Lord saith to those brethren Mat. Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones these lost sheepe whom I haue sought out for I say vnto you howsoeuer you esteeme of them Their
doe reuile and persecute them thinking they doe God seruice There doth yet remaine sacrifice and he may be both prayed for John 16.2 and exhorted to repentance and repenting find grace and pardon both with God and his true Church Luk. 23.34 Act. 7.60 and for such doth the Lord himselfe pray saying Father forgiue them for they know not what they doe and another saith Lord lay not this sinne to their charge So that this sinne or trespasse heere is not any sinne committed simply and alone against the ten Commaundements But it is to sinne against the new couenant in them that obey it For the Lord doth not heere giue rules and directions whereby to learne men to keepe the ten commaundements but to teach them to obey the Gospell yet not so but that euery sinne committed against the Gospell is also a breach of the law But one may sinne against the law and yet not against the Gospell not that any man hath leaue to sinne against or breake any of the ten commandements but in many things as one saith we sinne all and loue couereth a multitude of these sinnes and as it is written Iam. 3.2 1. Pet 4.8 Psal 32.1 Blessed is that man whose iniquities are couered so that as God in his loue doth couer the manifold iniquities of his blessed ones so doe they all couer multitudes of those sinnes in others And that it cannot bee meant of the literall breach of any of the ten commaundements experience may proue for if a man see his brother commit adultery or murder or theft or heare him take the name of God invaine or see him worship an Idoll or any other such like grosse sinne how may these rules and directions in this place serue for this man for after that he which onely is priuie to his fault beside God and himselfe hath plainely rebuked him as the Scripture other where doth commande him so to doe Leuit. 19.17 If hee will nor heare him Mat. 18. how may he then proceed according to the direction of Christ if he take one or two and then telleth him his fault and reproue him before them or him and the other denieth any such fault that he accuseth him of and taketh him or them whom he bringeth for witnesse to beare witnesse against him to proue him a slaunderer and so he may proceede against him in mens iudgement more lawfully and more agreeable to Christs direction then he may against the other because he hath one or two witnesses whereas the other hath none and so those witnesses whom he taketh to beare witnes against another commeth now against himselfe wherefore it is manifest that no man may accuse another of any sinne especially of that kind though he saw it with his eyes or heard it with his eares except he hath other eye or eare witnesses besides himselfe least hee bee condemned for transgression and punished for an euill doer Deut. 19.15 for an accusation may not be receiued vnder two or three witnesses So then the Lord dooth not meane here by trespasse any of the grosse sinnes of the Commaundements nor yet the smaller multitudes of them which loue doth couer but hee meaneth the sinnes or trespasses committed against the little ones that are borne againe hating them or despising them for that they walke in the light and so in despising them they despise the Lord Iesus and his father that sent him and so they sin against that light which should saue their soules which being done wittingly is vnpardonable And as the law of life and saluation is more excellent then the law of death so doth the sin excell in greatnesse As it is written If he that despised Heb. 10.28 29. Moses law died without mercie vnder two or three witnesses O how much sorer punishment suppose ye shall he be worthy that treadeth vnder feete the Sonne of God and counteth the blood of the Testament as an vnholy thing wherewith hee was sanctified and doth despight the spirit of grace So then to sinne against the law is one thing and to sinne against the Gospell is another Wherefore by trespasse here is meant pardonable sinne committed against the new Testament and those that walke in the light thereof vnwittingly And the trespassers are such as are not yet borne of God for hee that is borne of God sinneth not 1. Ioh. 5.18 neither is there any occasion of euill in him meaning by sinne and euill the sinne to death and the sinne not to death before mentioned for if he could sinne the sinne not to death hee must needes sinne the sinne to death because he cannot doe it ignorantly As Paul did 1. Tim. 1.13 who said I was receiued to mercy for I did it ignorantly seeing he knoweth the light which Paul did not then for how is it possible that he which is borne of God who loueth God and his brother also that is begotten of him who walketh in the light which is his life and saluation that he should hate his brother whom hee so loueth or despise the light which his soule delighteth in or resist the same seeing that his whole life and felicity doth consist therein And we know that he that is borne of God loueth God and he that loueth God 1. Iob. 3.9 loueth his brother also which is begotten of God and so he cannot sinne neither is there any occasion of those euils in him as it is written 1. John 5.1 Now let vs proceed seeing that the way as I hope is made cleere If thy brother trespasse against thee goe tell him his fault between thee and him alone Mat. 18.15 if he heare thee thou hast wonne thy brother That is to say If any one of those Disciples and brethren in common things not regenerate doe despise or speake euill of any one of you that are returned and reuile or persecute you for the lights sake wherein you walke Thou shalt informe him of his fault between thee and himselfe alone and giue him to vnderstand that if he despise speake euill of reuile or persecute thee he doth it vnto the Lord whom he professeth exhort him to humble his heart and be conuerted and walke in that light himselfe and then hee shall loue both it and embrace and loue them also that walke in it if he take knowledge of his faults and receiueth thy words of exhortation and counsell and say vnto thee it repenteth me thou shalt forgiue him seeing thou hast won thy brother but if he heare thee not Ver. 16 take yet with thee one or two that by the mouth of two or three witnesses euery word may be confirmed That is to say if he scorne thy information and despise both thee and thy exhortation still proceeding in his euill against thee and the light in thee thou shalt not yet giue him ouer but take yet with thee one or two of thy fathers owne children of those little returned ones
thy brethren and seeke his loue as before with all courtesie and meekenesse of exhortation and if he still resist thy loue and vtter wordes of scorne against thee or reuile thee as enuie cannot hide it selfe Then can that one or two witnesse against him and will if that he will not heare them neither but first let them also admonish him that so euery word that he speaketh euill against thee or the light in thee may be confirmed And if he refuse to heare them tell it vnto the Church if he refuse to heare the Church also let him be vnto thee as an Heathen man and a Publican that is If hee still like a scorner refuse to giue eare and to receiue instruction at the handes of that one witnesse with thee or two tell it to the Church These he hath made Pillars in his house and they shall goe no more out Reu. 3.12 that is to those little ones borne of God being gathered together in my name who onely haue this priuiledge to be my Church and Pillar of truth for if there were fiue hundred brethren more beside the little humble ones yet none can iudge this cause but they This Church doth neuer condemn the inocent and let the guilty goe free This Church neuer decreed lies and condemned the truth And if he refuse to heare this Church let him bee vnto thee no longer as a brother and a fellow partaker in the common things of the kingdome wherein before he did and might take part with thee as a disciple of Christ but let him be vnto thee and vnto all the Church euen as a Heathen that beleeueth not the truth of the Ghospell and as a Publican that professeth the practise of sinne Verily I say vnto you Ver. 18 whatsoeuer you binde on earth shall be bound in heauen and whatsoeuer you loose on earth shall be loosed in heauen for to you it is to whom I haue giuen the Keyes of the Kingdome of Heauen as well to binde them that sinne against you and the Conenant of loue written in you with the bond of death and to shut the gate of mercy and loue against them as also to lose the bonds of iniquity and the cords and chaines of their sinnes that do repent and to open the gates of my kingdome of mercy life vnto them so that whatsoeuer ye binde on earth is bound in heauen and whatsoeuer ye lose on earth is losed in heauen For if he escaped not that despised him that spake on earth how should he then escape that despiseth him that speaketh from heauen And as he died without mercy vnder two or three witnesses that despised Moyses law Much more lamentable and fearefull is the condition of him that despiseth that law and couenant of grace whereby his soule should liue resisting the voice of the bride and of her children which sought his good How much greater is his bondage and sorer shall his punishment be that is condemned by that Church where the Prince of the couenant doth sit of treason against his bloud by the testimony of two or three witnesses It had been good for that man if he neuer had beene borne And better for him after hee was borne that a milstone had beene hanged about his neck and throwne to the bottome of the Sea before he fell to despise the Lord in his Sanctuarie and to resist his spirit of grace in his little ones Againe verily I say vnto you That if two of you my brethren that beleene in me Ver. 19 agree in earth vpon any thing concerning my word and the meaning thereof either for the sentence of death to the disobedient or mercy and life to the returned sinner whatsoeuer ye shall aske the Father in my name if it be life for him that sinneth not vnto death or whatsoeuer else is necessary and good for the kingdome he will giue it you For Ver. 20 where two or three be gathered in my name there am I in the middest of you what will hee not therefore giue you for my sake Aske and ye shall receiue that your ioy may be full These are priuiledges belonging only to those little ones that are born of God who haue their parts in the first resurrection against whom the gates of hell shall not preuaile nor yet the second death But there was euermore an Israell after the flesh which persecuted that Israell which is after the spirit and shall be to the worlds end For this generation shal not passe away till the Lord himselfe come Mat. 24.34 And if there were not an Israell not of God Paul would neuer haue said To the Israell which is of God And if there were not an earthly Ierusalem he would neuer haue told vs of a heauenly Yea there were two Ierusalems in all times Two Israels in all ages two mothers two test aments two seeds euen from the beginning As Caine and Abell Ismaell and Isaack Esau and Iacob Two lands of Canaan heauenly and earthly Two rests carnall and spirituall As it is written saying To day if ye will heare his voice harden not your hearts least ye enter not into this rest Euen then while they were in possession of the earthly rest Heb. which by vnhardning their hearts and hearing his voice they might haue entred into Euen the same way which euer was still remaines and shall doe to the worlds end Euen the same rest the same heauenly Ierusalem the same congregation of the first borne the same holy City the same Church which hath had in it at all times the same power from God to binde and loose to remit and to retain sinnes And this is the bride the Lambs wife This is she to whom is granted to be cloathed in white aray And these are they that watch and are sober attending with their Lampes burning to meete the bridgeroome their husband These all vnhardened their hearts and heard his voice and entred into his rest The rest and peace with God rest to their soules euen that rest which is said to remain to the people of God Heb. 4.9 And whosoeuer entred into that rest did first heare his voice that is receiued the word of faith And whosoeuer receiued that word of faith did first vnharden his heart that is did first repent was lost and dead crying and bewailing with an vn-vtterable desire of life his sinnes death and these are the dead which heare the voice of the sonne of man and liue Ioh. 5.25 And this is that one baptisme spoken of and is called the baptisme of repentance Acts. 19.4 Mark and the beginning of the Gospell the preparation to the word of faith That one faith spoken of and they that are borne againe of these two Mat. 3.3 Ephe. 4.5 haue all receiued that one spirit spoken of euen the spirit of adoption and are all seruants vnto that one Lord and children to that one God their