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love_n death_n heart_n see_v 3,246 5 3.1254 3 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B04893 Pyramus and Thisbe: or, Love's master-piece. Behold the downfall of two lovers dear, and to their memorys, let fall a tear, a sad mistake their ruine did procure, when as they thought their friendship should endure; oh cruel fate! That cut them off in prime, and for enjoyment, would afford no time. To the tune of, Digby's farewel. 1670-1677? (1677) Wing P4317; Interim Tract Supplement Guide EBB65H[65] 1,915 2

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Pyramus and Thisbe Or Love's Master-piece Behold the downfall of two Lovers D●ar And to their Memorys let fall a Tear A sad mistake their Ruine did procure When as they thought their FriendshiP should endure Oh Cruel Fate That Cut them off in Pr●me And for Enjoyment would afford no time To the Tune of Digby's Farewel WHen all hearts did yeild unto Cupid as King And dying for Mistresses was no strang thing When Maids without coyness did candidly deal And men lov'd with constancy faith and true Zeal There liv d a fair pare of true Lovers in Greece Who have still bin accounted as Lov 's master-piece The Youth was call'd Pyramus Thisbe the Maid Their Love was immortal and never decay'd But alass their affections were crost by sad Fate To wit by the fewd and immortal debate That had bin fomented for many years space Between both their Families their whole Race Which made the fair Cuple tho scorcht w t loves fire Still smother their Flames conceal their desire They sigh'd still in private and wept all alone And dar'd not discover a Tear or a Groan They sigh'd all the Night they gaz'd all the Day Thus weeping and gazing and sighing away Their langushing Lives which they spent all in Tears In sighs in groans in amorous fears And when the whole world was composd in a sleep Their grief kept them waking to sigh to weep Thus wandring all night to the stars they complain Of hardship of fate of their torments and pain But when they no longer those pains cou'd endure Their Love did begin for to seek out some Cure And so they appointed one Night for to meet In some neighbouring Vally and there for to greet And thence fly away to some far distant Cave To love at their leasure contented to have The joyes of each other and there let loves flame Burn quietly out without danger of blame And so when that P●e●●s had run out his Race Fair Thisbe came first into the meeting place Impatient she stood and expected her Dear She thought that each moment he staid was a year Then under a Mulbery-tree down she lies But scarce was lay down when she presently spies A grim and fierce Lyon besmea'd all vvith Blood Came wandring down from she neighbou●ing wood ' Away run the Nimph to a Cave in a Fright She fly's her Mantle is lost in the flight Which the bloody Lyon takes up in his Pawes He tears it then with the Raggs wipes his jaws Soon after p●oor Pyramus came for to find His long vvisht for Thisbe but fate prov'd unkind For vvhen divine joys he did hope for to have He found but a vvinding sheet death cold Grave For vvhen that he saw his loves Mantle all tore Bedew'd all vvith blood besmear'd all with Goar And then saw the Lyon trot over the plain He falsly concluded his Thisby vvas slain O vvho can express the vast torment and smart The pangs and the anguish grief of his heart He made the Woods ring vvith his pitiful moanes The Rocks the Mountains dis Eccho his Groans Alass said Pyramus could she then find No help from the Gods are they so unkind Or else have they stole her avvay from our sight And so Rob d the Earth to make Heaven more bright O tell me kind Sta●s come and tell me but vvhere My Th●sbe is gon and I le follow my dear Two death-vvounds already I bear in my breast Once vvounded by Love by grief novv oppress I le vveep out my life I le sigh out my Soul I le groan for my Love till my Carcass grows cold Her Mantle I le take for my sad Winding-sheet In that mournful posture my Thisbe I le meet But a languishing death comes vvith too much delay Great grief is impatient of so long a stay I le make greater hast to my Love at vvhich vvord The Youth stab'd himself to the hea●t with his Sword By this time fair Thisbe was came from he Cave So pale that sher ris like a Ghost from its Grave For when she her Pyramu● dying did see She look'd much more like to a Carcass than he You 'd have thought that the Nymph woud before him have dy d She fel on his body ●hen mournfully c●y'd O ●hy my dear Pyramus ●hy so unkind Why ●un you avvay and leave Thisbe behind At Thisbie● svveet Name they Youth lifts up his eyes He looks he sighs then shuts them dyes He gaz'd till he dy'd then content vvith the sight Away to Eliziu● his Soul took its flight And 〈◊〉 did after it presently flye She struggled strove and made hast for to dye And such hast she made in ●●retaking her dear She ne ●e stay'd ●o complain nor sca●ce drop a Tear Her tender and gentle heart soon burst ●ith grief And Death stole away her fa●r Soul like a Thief Then ●●w●●er cold body she lay by her Love Both pitty'd by all the kind Gods of the G●ove The amorous ●ur●les and Nigh●ingalls ●ung Their Obs●qu●es n●a●●●●●s their Knell rung And each loving beast of ●he wood left his Cave And came so to make the dead Lovers a Grave London Printed for W. Thack●ray T. Passinger and W. Whitwood