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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A86486 The true guide: or, A short treatise wherein is shewed how the weakest Christian may be able to discerne the true way of the spirit of God, from all false and erroneous ways. Very usefull and necessary for weake Christians, that are willing to know and be led in the truth, in these distracted times, wherein so many errours and divisions abound. / By a lover of the truth, R.H. Viewed and approved by diverse worthy ministers of the city of London. Printed according to order. Hollingworth, Richard, 1607-1656. 1646 (1646) Wing H2499; Thomason E344_8; Thomason E375_2; ESTC R200956 13,028 21

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but he that sins against the Holy Ghost shall never be forgiven Therefore I say again take heed of resisting the motions of the spirit of God Ob. The Apostle bids us try all things and keep that which is good 1 Thes 3.21 Ans But he bids you in the next words to avoid all appearance of evill ver 22. so you see those things that have but an appearance of evill and wherein is any danger we must avoid Ob. But they teach many sweet truths An. Therein lies the more danger So did the false Prophets come in the name of the Lord saying Thus saith the Lord as you may see Jer. 23.17 28 31. but with that they mixed their own dreams so the false Apostles transforme themselves into the Ministers of righteousnesse so the Devill when hee tempted Christ brings a sweet and comfortable truth but under it there was hid poyson which Christ discerned and therefore rejected it so you shall have some now will teach Hee that exalts Christ highest and lays man lowest is in the right and this we doe say they now this is a sweet truth who dares deny-it but there is a Colloquintida hid under it there is death in the p●t for when they explain it it is this Christ hath done that is needfull for our salvation it's truth then where 's the danger why here then we need do nothing true not in way of justification but in way of sanctification and obedience and out of love we must heare and pray confesse our sins watch over our hearts and ways c. you see there may be danger hid under the best Doctrines if they be not explained Now if you were to buy some sugar and one should tell you there 's a dainty sweet sugar at such a place but they that sell it many times mix some rats bain with it and it can hardly be discerned either by sight or taste being both white and sweet but they that eat it are poysoned by it would you buy there to try it or would you not rather goe buy at some other place where you heare a better report and where hath been no such danger I suppose you would And would you be more carefull to preserve your body from poysoning then your soule therefore take heed how you heare saith Christ Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees that is their Doctrine for a little leaven leavens the whole lump Ob. Another main allegation is They tell us we have been led in an ignorant and blinde way but if God open our eyes as hee hath done theirs and we saw that as they now see we would be of another minde and doe as they doe and the way to have our eyes opened is to forsake our Antichristian Ministers and come and join with them in their meetings Ans I confesse this must needs take with people for who would willingly be led in a blinde way but desires to see and know as much as may be therefore the Devill that old serpent knowing this makes it his main argument to prevaile with Eve to eat of the forbidden fruit telling her if shee would eat of that fruit which God had forbidden then her eyes should be opened and shee should be as God knowing good and evill this did so take with her that shee lookt upon the fruit and saw it was pleasant and much to be desired being it would be a means to open her eyes and bring her to that knowledge shee did eat of it but it brought death upon her and all her posterity so the devill seeing this argument prevailed then makes use of it still So he did in the old Prophet 1 Kings 11 so in Zedekiab so in the Pharisees who accused Christs Disciples of ignorance John 7.49 yet boasting themselves of their own light as the false Apostles did but saith Paul 1 Cor. 8.12 He that thinks he knows any thing knows nothing as he ought to know 2 Cor 10.18 He that commendeth himselfe is not approved but he whom the Lord approveth therefore avoid such you heare this is no new thing but an old bait therefore be not troudled at it Ob. But I cannot answer their Arguments they are so deep must not I then be fain to yield to them A. By no means if you will be led by the spirit of God which bids you avoid them go not after them believe them not Mat. 24.26 Again the spirit of God bids you Remember how thou hast received and heard and hold fast and repent c. Revel 3.3 and hold fast the form of wholsome words that you have bin taught 2 Tim. 1.3 And if any man if an Apostle or an Angell from heaven teach any other Gospell then you have bin taught let him be accursed Gal. 1.8 9. The Church of Thyatira had a seducing Prophetesse among them that was so deep in her doctrine that many could not understand her much lesse answer her arguments but mark what counsell the spirit of God gives them and as Revel 2.24 25. But unto you I say As many as have not known this doctrine neither the depth of Satan as they speak I will put upon you no other burthen But that which you have already Hold fast till I come Let him that hath an eare heare what the spirit saith unto the Churches Verse 29. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God they are the sons of God In Psal 27.8 saith David When thou saydst Seek my face my heart answered Lord thy face will I seek Now if the Lord hath given us such hearts that when his spirit in his word shall bid us do this but doe not that goe this way but go not that way I say if our hearts answer Lord I will doe what thou biddest me doe and go that way thou wilt lead me then wee shall not only have the spirit of God to witnesse with our spirits that we are the children of God Rom 8.16 But the spirit will seal unto us our assurance of the love of God Ephes 4.39 which is the firmest and strongest assurance that possible can be made c. Therefore I beseech you brethren by the comming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our assurance in him that ye be not shaken in minde nor be troubled neither by spirit nor by word nor by letter as from us 2 Thess 2.2 But I have met with an allegation or two of theirs whereby they deceive and draw many to their meetings which I will set down and answer very briefly The first is this they perswade people that the word delivered in private and by private men of their way is more sweet and they can profit more by it then by that which is taught in the publike Ministery to which I give a twofold answer Ans Though it be as truly and as profitably taught in publike in publike nay more truly and profitably yet it seems more sweet to you in your private way and manner because you have it not
and many shall follow their pernitious ways by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evill spoken of so in 1 Tim. 4.1 The spirit speaketh expresly that in the later times some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of Devils So in 2 Tim. 4.3.4 The time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine but after their own lusts they shall heap unto themselves teachers having itching eares and they shall turn away their eares front the truth and shall be turned to sablés So Acts 20.30 Of your own s●●ves shall 〈◊〉 arise speaking perverse things to draw Disciples after them 1 Cir. 11.10 For their must be heresies among you that they that are approved may be made manifest among you So that yee may see by these and other Scriptures its manifest there be false leaders seducing spirits now among us therefore it is good to be carefull by whom we are led but as many as are led by she spirit of God they are the sons of God Thirdly but the thing mainly intended is this That they and they onely that are the sons of God are led by the spirit of God as in this Chapter and 4 Verses Gal. 5.18 If yee be be led by the spirit of God ye are not under the law but under grace for they only have the promise Esay 30.21 Thou shalt heare a word behind thee saying This is the way walk in it So John 16.13 I will send you the spirit of truth and he shall lead you into all truth 1 John 2. 27. That anointing shall teach you all things c. We would all be counted the sons of God but who is our guide what spirit are we led by Now the most are led by an erroneous spirit the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience Ephes 2.2 That old Serpent the Devil that deceiveth the whole world Revel 12.9 he is called somtimes the spirit of errour sometimes a seducing spirit somtimes the spirit of Antichrist and such like but they all proceed from that old serpent the Devill Consider further what instruments these spirits work by not only by hypocrites such as can transform themselves into Angels of light and the Apostles of Christ as you may see 2 Cor. 11.13 14. but they can through Gods permission make use of Gods people of Prophets and Apostles the more to seduce and deceive others by and by this meanes they do marvellously prevail So the old Prophet deceived the young Prophet which all the world before could not remove from the Word of the Lord till the old Prophet came under the colour of a new light or revelation from heaven and thereby hee prevailed with the Prophet and drew him from the commandement of the Lord but it cost the good man his life as you may see 1 Kings 13.18 24. So Satan makes use of Peter to tempt Christ Matth. 16.22 See how this spirit prevailed by Peters example to draw many to seperate Gal. 2.12 insomuch that Barnabas a man full of the holy Ghost was led away with them even so this spirit prevails now by the example of some eminent men to seperate from the publike Ministery and other Ordinances of God but as many as are the sons of God they are led by the spirit of God Well you heare what spirits and Leaders there be and what instruments they make use of and how they have prevaild deceived and misled many Loving friends it marvellously behoves us to look to our selves and not to believe every spirit but to try the spirits whether they be of God or no. Q. How may one know the spirit of truth from the spirit of errour A. By the fruits of the spirit Gal. 5.20 and they are these love joy peace long-suffering gentlenesse goodnesse faith meeknesse temperance now where the spirit of God is there are these fruits in some measure But if you see men given to hatred variance emulation wrath strife sedition heresies and envyings you may know such are led by the flesh the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience therefore be not led by such spirits but reject them for as many as are the sons of God they are led by the spirit of God But seeing the Devill makes use not only of Hypocrites but of Gods own people and that of the most eminent in the Church of God to seduce and deceive others by as we have proved before then the main question will be Q. How we may know the motions or perswasions of the spirit of God from the m●tions or perswasions of the spirit of Satan A. 1. The motions and perswasions of the spirit of God are always from the Word of God or agreeable thereunto Ezek. 36.27 I will put my spirit within you and will cause you to walk in my statutes c. there is such an agreement betwixt them that they are put oft times one for another What the Word speaks the Holy Ghost speaks Heb. 3.7 Chap. 10.15 Wherefore the Holy Ghost saith Today if you will he are his voice c. 1 Tim. 4.1 Now the Spirit speaketh expresly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits c. The spirit speaketh that the Word speaketh for the spirit of God endicted the Scriptures 2 Pet. 1.21 Ephes 6.17 Then try all motions or perswasions by the Word Esay 8.20 To the Law and to the Testimony if they speak not according to this word it is because there is no light in them Therefore when Peter would have perswaded Christ from suffering Christ would not be led by that spirit but saith Get thee behind me Satan because it was contrary to the Scripture So the when the Disciples would command fire from Heaven to consume the Samaritans Christ rejects their motion and told them they knew not what spirit they were led by because it was contrary to the Word of God which bids Avenge not your selves but give place unto wrath Therefore if any shall perswade you to seperate from the people of God or the Ordinances of God know this perswasion comes not from him that calleth you as Paul told the Galathians when they were seduced from the truth they had formerly walked in Gal. 5.1 8. therefore to be rejected because it is contrary to the Scriptures Heb. 10.25 Not forsaking the assembling your selves together as the manner of some is 1 John 2.9 They went out from us because they were not of us c. If any shall perswade you from the publike and faithfull Ministery of the Word reject it for it is a spirit of errour 1 Joh. 4.6 We are of God he that knoweth God heareth us hee that is not of God heareth us not hereby wee know the spirit of truth and the spirit of errour So if any shall perswade you from the Sacrament it is not from the spirit of God but of errour for Christ commands me to do this in