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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A86445 A discovery of two unclean spirits. Or, Two priests by their fruits made manifest to be out of the way of truth, and out of the life of godliness, in the broad way of destruction, therein working deceitfully the works of errour. A warning unto all scattered people that call themselves Protestants and Christians, yet are out of the faith and life of Christ, in vain traditions, and dead forms, wherein the blind-guids are leading them in the pit. Also a declaration of the light of Christ now appearing in every man, even in the conscience, by which all men are left without excuse. With a plain and true direction into the good way, which from everlasting hath been prepared to lead all that abide therein, out of transgression through death into eternal life. A short discovery of the Lords great fury and heavie indignation that will suddenly break forth upon all the disobedient. Written by one, who loves the seed of God, which is unknown to the world, A.H. in the county of Gloucester.; Discovery of two unclean spirits. Holder, Anthony. 1657 (1657) Wing H2383; Thomason E919_5; ESTC R207502 15,288 25

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after a little space thou wentst away but from the light of Christ thou canst not fly for there is no darkness nor shadow of death where the workers of iniquity can hide themselves and by the light which thou despisest art thou seen in the works of iniquity under death and after the shaddow thereof is thy heart and thoughts wandring and art not at all obedient to be taught lead and guided by Jesus Christ but art an envying as much as in thee lyes to the pure love of God and Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ and so art out of the counsel of God which is known in the light to all them who are in the life which life condemns the world and all that which is of the world is with thee in the shadow of death there is the transgressor therefore own condemnation on the disobedient in whom the power of darkness rules and guides into error and deceit rebellion and diso bedience against the light of Christ and this by the Spirit of the living God is thy spirit words and ways seen and judged who are out of the light and by the light is condemned even in thy Conscience wherein this warning shall stand to be read of thee in secret A Warning to all scattered People that call themselves Protestants and Christians yet are out of the Faith and life of Christ in vain Traditions and dead Forms wherein the blind Guids are leading them into the Pit HEar all ye scattered People who are the inhabitants of Ollveston Elburton and Alveston and elsewhere who call your selves Christians because you think you have been Baptized into the Church of Christ by some that sprinkled your faces with water and cross you on the foreheads and tell you it was in the name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost which thing they say is Baptism and a seal of the Covenant and then after you must learn the English Creed and such like things and so they tell you That you are of the Protestant Religion and the Scripture they take to talk on and one day in seven you must come into the Steeple-house which they call the House of God or Church wherein you must hear and believe without contradiction that which they in the Week have gathered out of old Books which they find written in Hebrew Greek and Latin which they call the Original and what serves their turn out of English Books and Scriptures they put to it to make up about an hours discourse with their own imaginations inventions which they call the Word of God for which you must pay a large some of Money or Tythes or else much of their hours Discourse will be in railing against you though by them you have not been profited at all so they Lord over you and you call them Master and thus you spend your time and old age comes on and death draws nigh and you remain as void of true Faith and as ignorant of Christ and your own salvation as you were when you were first crost on the fore-heads and here thousands die and perish in their sins Therefore now all you who are yet alive in your sins walking in the vanity of your minds in the uncircumcision of the flesh and talk of God and Christ in your vain imaginations yet know no other Call to appear before the Lord than the voice of a B●ll which men hath hanged up in the head of your Idols house which sound reacheth but to the earthly image that deny the Call of Christ and doth not wait for revelation whereas none knows the Father but the Son and him to whom the Son reveals him but you all stand without the revelation and knowledge of the true God in the house of imagery the outward court the first tabernacle which is not measured nor purified but you are the Gentils that stands thereon not within the pure measure but are without the holy place worshiping every one his image in the abomination that maketh desolate and so you know not the way into the holy place but are without the pure life allienated in your minds by reason of wicked works Therefore be warned all you proud and wanton ones you foolish jesters vain talkers all you covetous and worldly minded ones whose hearts are departed from the Lord you are but as the stubble you scoffing scorning ones read your figure in the dust all you carnal minded the best of you is but as a bryar the most righteous is sharper than a thorney hedge you grow on the cursed ground which brings forth bryars and thorns whose end is to be burned the Light of Israel is as a flame and the Holy One as a fire which shall devour the bryars and thorns in one * day so verily all you people every one unless you receive Christ the true light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world you are no Christians Christ is not your head and you are not his members and you also shall die and perish in your sins A Warning to you Also a Declaration of the Light of Christ now appearing and working in every man even in the Conscience by which all men are left without excuse THere is no other name given under heaven whereby you may be saved but by Jesus Christ who is the light of the world a light shining in darkness but the darkness comprehends it not and this is the condemnation of the world that light is come into the world and men love darkness rather than light rather than Christ who is set for a light to the Gentils and for salvation to the ends of the earth for God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten Son into the world that the world through him might be saved he that believeth in him is not condemned but he that believeth not is condemned already and the wrath of God abideth on him tribulation and wrath on every soul of man that doth evil he that doth evil hateth the light the true light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world is hated by the world the pearl of great price which is hid in the field the field is the World the World is set in mans heart there is the World of Faith nigh even in the heart this is the sure word of Prophesie unto which you would do well to take heed unto as unto a light shining in a dark place even in the heart of man which is in darkness turned away from God who is light and therefore cannot comprehend the light the light not shining out of darkness but in darkness under the earth under the world the day star not risen because the light is not loved the fear of the Lord is not known and none knows the Son of tighteousness risen in the heart but those that fear the Lord and all you that know not the fear of the Lord you are not come to the beginning of wisdom and you who are out
way for Grace and such like licentious and unwholsom Doctrines as I have heard thee speak seeing Jesus Christ is the way of Grace the high way of Holiness the strait and the narrow way wherein the unclean cannot walk therefore thou who art unclean hast also said that the Gift and Grace of God will not satisfie or Gifts and Graces out of Christ will not satisfie as I have heard thee speak seeing Christ is the Gift and Grace of God and out of him or beside him there is no Grace given to him is the Promise made in him dwells the fulness of the Godhead bodily and of his fulness have all we received Grace for grace which is sufficient by which Salvation comes and satisfaction in due time is made for and in all that hunger and thirst after him therefore thou that saidst The Gift and Grace of God will not satisfie art out of the truth never sent by Jesus Christ who hast preached another Gospel than what Christ himself hath Preached who said to his Disciples Except their Righteousness exceed the Righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees they should in no wise be saved but thou hast said Though we sin against the Lord and depart from him yet he loveth us and accepteth us in Christ let the mouth of the liar be stopped Doth not sin where it is not killed in the flesh and taken away by Jesus Christ yet separate between God and man in every particular as much as ever it did and is the cursed seed of the Serpent which is the evil doer that is born after the flesh in whom every man is whose image every man doth bear in whom every man is lost and is without help or hope till Christ the true light be received and so thereby his Image who is the image of God in the particular restored through the death of the mortal birth or body of sin I say is that seed and that nature wherein sin lives joyned unto Christ and so presented before God without fault doth God love the liar that must never enter or the fearful and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and whoremongers and sorcerers and idolators which shall have their part in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone and hath no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God and knowest thou not that the wicked shall be turned into hell and all nations that forget God Christ hath no communion with Belial that man of sin Christ w●ll destroy and not save and they that know not the body of sin in the particular by the cross slain and putting of they know not Christ put on in whom God is well pleased in him is his love placed and out of him God is not at all pleased and let shame cover thy face who art found a false witness that hath brought another Gospel contrary to the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ by whose light thou art seen and denied and thy spirit judged who through hypocrisie and deceit art glorying singing and boasting of Davids experiences amongst a people before thou or they are come to live Davids life and superstitiously art worshiping the unknown God in the idols Temple whereas the living and true God dwelleth not in Temples made with hands nei●her is worshipped with mens hands but they that worship him doth worship him in spirit and in truth God is worshipped in the truth where the Devil is not the false Prophet the liar and deceiver is not our God is worshipped in the spirit of life in the truth out of the Idols temple out of the Synagogues and Steeple houses which were made with mens hands even the bloudy hands of the Papists and are now the idols of the heathen who deny the light of Christ and therefore know not God but doth worship the Idols and call them Churches unto this day but they are dead images out of the spirit and out of the truth and they that build them and they that repairs them and worship in them are like unto them having ears and hear not eyes and see not and hearts but doth not understand Ah foolish man and unwise thy inscription is to the unknown God if thou hadst an eye to see thou mightst read it how thy worships stands in thy own will and thy own time out of God and his will and for thy own ends dost greatly dishonor the living and true God who is onely known and enjoyed in that truth and not at all known nor enjoyed in the ●doll nor found amongst Idolaters though they cut themselves and cry aloud yet there is no answer let that of God in thy conscience witness even the light of Christ which light doth condemne thee for taking of tythes and selling of tythes seeing that Christ hath changed the Priesthood and also changed the Law and is come the Mediator of a better Covenant even Christ the second Priest not made by the Law of a carnal Commandment but by the oath of God after the power of an endless life he is the resurrection and the life in which the second Priesthood stands which live of the Gospel which is the power of God the power of an endless life if thou hast an care to hear thou mayst hear I say the power of God which hath abolished the first Priesthood which could not continue by reason of death even Levi to whom tythes was paid a figure serving for the time then of Christ the second Priest which according to the flesh came of the Tribe of Judah which by the Law never received tythes of the tribe of Judah there is nothing spoken of Priesthood neither of tythes Now thou and all you Priests that by a carnal Commandment doth take tythes are not in the power of an endlesse life which is the power of the Gospel the second Priesthood the wisdom of God and power of God a Cross to the first Priesthood to tythes sacrifices and offerings and all things in the changeable in that that cannot continue by reason of death is all that that is out of the power of an endless life but now the first Priesthood that takes tythes and all that run for filthy lucre and preach for hire and divine for money are out of the power of an endless life all false teachers liars and deceivers that run before they are sent that use their tongues and saith the Lord saith when the Lord never spake to them are in the lusts of covetousness which is idolatry and are out of the power of an endless life therefore own shame upon thy head who takes tythes glebe-lands and such like gain thou seekest from thy quarters for telling of dreams false visions and lying divinations of thy own brain not according to the Oracles of God therefore thou couldst not say when in thy Steeple-house before thy Congregation I asked thee Whether thou didst own Jesus Christ to be thy only teacher guide and leader I say thou couldst not say he was but