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A75707 Good courage discovered, and encouraged: in a sermon preached before the commanders of the military forces, of the renowned citie of London. In the parish church of Great St. Helens. May the 17. 1642. By Simeon Ash, preacher in London. Ashe, Simeon, d. 1662.; England and Wales. Parliament. 1642 (1642) Wing A3956; Thomason E149_26; ESTC R3991 25,215 40

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many foyles loose many of thy souldiers yet bee not dismayed for certainely as a Conquerour thou shalt bring the people to Canaan Thirdly Then the recompence assured upon all them who stoutly stand to the cause of God is more rich and large then I can relate To him that overcommeth will I grant to sit with mee in my Throne And from this assurance Rev. 3. 21. the Apostle Paul incourageth the Corinthians Therefore my beloved Brethren Bee yee stedfast and unmoveable alwayes abounding in the worke of the Lord for as much as yee know that your labour is not in vaine in the Lord. God 1 Cor. 15 58. will requite all paines taken all sorrowes suffered and you that have lost houses or land or father or mother or wife or Ma●h 19. 29. children for Christ and his cause besides that inward peace and tranquilitie and ioy which an hundred fold exceed all sublunary contents to bee enioyed here you shall inherit hereafter everlasting life And againe feare none of those things which thou shalt suffer Behold the Devill shall cast some of you into prison c. Be thou faithfull unto death and I will give thee a Crowne of life Feed on these promises for Cordials flow from them to cheere your drooping hearts and to strengthen courage Seventhly in large your loue If those hearts which now doe but drop love might flow forth streames of love upon Gods cause our Kings honour and the Kingdomes welfare how wonderfully would our courage be increased Both reason and religion wil give in manifold strong arguments to augment our love to our Prince our Parliament our peace our priviledges our posterity and doubtlesse our love and valour will grow together Love will adventure farre Women are the more feeble the more fearefull Sexe and yet love in a tender mother will produce bold adventures to save the babe of her wombe The timorous mother who is wont to tremble at the report of a Musket will almost come to a Cannons mouth to save her Child from being broken in peeces Love doth it Have you not in the countrey sometimes seene an Ewe in defence of her lambe to turne head upon a mastive dog and to stampe although at other times the barking of a little whelpe will make a whole flocke of them to runne away O love doth it And the poore Hen shee will fly at the Kite to save her brood Love doth it O that you and I had this Love Love to Zion to the Gospel of peace Love to Christ and the pure ordinances of grace Love will make brave and bold adventures And as it will adventure farre so it will endure much and long The Apostle saith Charity beareth all things endureth all things Iacob though he had tedious dayes and 1 Cor. 13. 7. weary nights a fore service under a sowre Vncle a churlish Master yet he served seven yeares for Rachell and they seemed unto him but a few dayes for the love hee had to her Gen. 29. 20. Love is strong as death many waters cannot quen●h love neither can the flouds drowne it if a man would give all the substance of his house for love it would utterly be contemned Cant. 8. 6. 7. What ●f one should come to a woman and make this motion be content that your child be torne in peices and here is a thousand pounds for you Her answer would be ready Not for a thousand worlds yea shee would almost spit in his face who should presse such a proposition what rend my child in peices There is nothing can conquer love so it would be with us in reference to Gods commandements the liberty of Gospel ordinances No promises no threats no means fayre or fowle would take us off from appearing in the defence of them if our hearts were more enflamed with love Eightly Walke exactly keepe your consciences cleare Notable is that direction of the Lord Deut. 13. 8. Ye shal keep all the commandements which I command you this day that you may be strong Suppose a man who hath a wound or an impostu mated swelling on his body should goe into the Campe if any touch him hee skritcheth and he cries come not neare me you know the reason and the application is familiar and easie to the point in hand wounds in our consciences will make us timerous and cowardly but The Righteous is as bold as a lyon He that walkes uprightly Pro. 28. 1. walkes boldly Take a man who hath no brokennesse no boyles no ●lanes no bruises handle him shake him crush him crowde him thrust him cast him notwithstanding he can better beare all this rugged usage then another can a fillip with the finger I beseech you mind the application of this for the Lords sake take heed make not inroads and breaches upon your consciences goe not against your light for guilt will make you cowardly Adam as soone as hee had sinned he runs and puts his head in a bush what was the matter hee heard a whistling wind and hee runs away What hast thou sinned faith God I that is the matter For if Adam had kept his heart sound if hee had not sinned hee would with boldnesse have encountred with any approaches either of the creatures or his Creator Ninthly Improve your experiences It would bee of singular use to us to bestow many houres both together and asunder in recounting the many great things which the Lord hath done for us both in former times of later we have nationall deliverances Citie deliverances Family mercies personal mercies to improve providence Give me leave to cal to mind two most seasonable now to be remembred considering the end of our assembling at this time I am credibly informed that your selvs who are here to honour God for your health continued peace maintained lives lengthened had that day when you were abroad two notable experiences of Gods providence for your preservation 1. There were muskets broken in the field and yet neither the Muskettiers nor any neare them received the least harme although the throng of people was very great Might not some mens eyes limbs or lives have been lost by such accidents if the all-ordering hand of the Almighty had not prevented such like dangers The other passage of divine providence is more remarkeable 2 Gods hand turned aside graciously and strangely a kindled match which was cast towards a basket full of Gunpowder which stood in the field for that dayes service From what malicious heart and by what mischievous hand this match was cast the Lord hee knoweth whom we this day magnifie as the God of our salvations Beloved the remembrance of such like providences should incourage our adventures for the Lord whose hand hath diverted many unseen unexpected dangers But I had almost forgot to give in my proof that the improvement of experiences increaseth courage I pray you observe it in Ios 10. 25. And I shua said unto them feare not nor bee dismayed be strong and of good courage for thus shall the Lord doe to all your enemies against whom yee sight Our God hath many times disappointed the designes of our enemies many of them who hated us and endeavoured our undoing and desolation have beene discovered and brought to shame the Lord hath trampled upon them gloriously These meditations enlarged by particular pregnant instances I commend unto you as meanes to increase your courage Lastly when ever you have occasion to shew your courage goe out selfe denyingly in the strength of your God Be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might Ephes 6. 10. Through God we shall doe valiant y. Psal 60 12. David was a man as in other kinds so in this imitable when hee came against Goliah who threatned to pluck him in peices as a Faulkoner doth a bird his words are very observable 1 Sam. 17. 45. Thou commest to me with a sword and with a speare and with a shield but I come to thee in the name of the Lord of host● the God of the Armies of Israel whom thou hast defied Let these be the breathing of your seules Some trust in Chariots and some in horses but wee will remember the name of the Lord our God They are brought down and fallen but neare risen an stand upright Save Lord let the King heare us when we c●ll Thus be carefull to make addition of prayer unto all the other meanes of Christian courage Pray heartily selfe-denyingly and believingly Advance God and plead his promise and expect assistance according to his promise B● of good courage and he shall strengthen your heart all yee that hope in the Lord. FINIS It is ordered by the Committee of the House of Commons in Parliament concerning printing that this Booke intituled Good Courage discovered and incourared be printed Iohn White 26. May 1642.
GOOD COVRAGE DISCOVERED AND ENCOVRAGED IN A SERMON preached before the Commanders of the Military Forces of the Renowned Citie of London In the Parish Church of Great St. Helens May the 17. 1642. By SIMEON ASH Preacher in London DEVT. 20. 2 3 4. And it shall be when yee are come nigh unto the Battell that the Priest shall approach and speake unto the people And shall say unto them Heare O Israel you approach this day unto Battel against your Enemies Let not your hearts faint feare not and doe not tremble neither be yee terrified because of them For the Lord your God is he that goeth with you to fight for you against your enemies to save you LONDON Printed by Iohn Dawson for Iohn Barroughes and are to be sold at his shop at the golden Dragon neare the Inner Temple-gate in Fleet-street 1642. TO THE RIGHT WORSHIPFVLL the Aldermen and Commoners unto whom the Militia of the Citie of London is committed the Serjeant Major Generall the Colonels the Lieutenant Colonels Ser●eant Majors Captaines and other officers of the trained Bands of the said Citie Right Worshipfull COrnelius Centurion of the Italian Band is thus commended by the Holy Ghost that hee was a devout man and one that feared God And I may report thus much to your h●nour and to move others to make imitation that you have begun and hitherto carr●ed on your Martiall affairs relig●ously For having put the City into a posture of defence before the execution of the Militia you joyntly sought God by Prayer for good successe The Lord heard your Prayers for you went forth and returned home without the least touch of danger to your selves or your Companies This remarkeable Providence called you againe together to praise the God of salvations the God of your mercies Hereupon you were pleased to appoint me very unworthy to assist you in the service of Thankesgiving A service not unseemly for the Hoast of Heaven This Sermon which upon that occasion I preached through the Constructions of your Love found such acceptance that you commanded it to come abroad to doe you further service And seeing you gave it good entertainment as it was first presented it makes bold to wa●te upon you without change of habit expecting your Protection Although I somewhat suspect that sundry amplifications in the Sermon which affected the Auditors may not be so pleasing to the Iudicious Reader yet your desires to have it prin●ed as it was preached makes me to run that adventure The Lord of Hosts guide guard and encourage you in all your good undertakings for peace and truth and make you carefull to put Christian references upon all your services for the honour and safety of our King the welfare of his Kingdomes and the continued Prosperity of this famous Citie This your prudent and pious perseverance in the worke so well begun will draw forth many prayses to God many prayers for you and much rejoycing in the hearts of all them who sincerely affect you of which number I beseech you account him one who is Your Servant in and for Christ SIMEON ASH GOOD COURAGE DISCOVERED AND INCOVRAGED PSAL. 31. 24. Be of good Courage RIght worshipfull and worthy Gentlemen whose desires and whose service of thanksgiving I am now attending I hope you are come hither with an intention First to honour God for preservation enjoyed through his providence to whom you prayed My Text lookes back unto such a businesse The Lord preserveth the faithfull therefore let Verse 23. the faithfull upon such experiences in way of prayse in way of requitall learne to bee of good courage Secondly I beleeve you are come together in expectation for the future to receive further favours from the God of your present prayses and my Text lookes forward to that Bee of good courage and hee shall strengthen thine heart and wait I say on the Lord. My Text is short the words in our translation are not many in the originall there is but one word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Septuagint renders the Hebrew word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Quit your selves like men Viriliter agite play the men Rob●ramini bee yee strong The Counsell here given is for all Christians at all times needfull but for you and at this time most seasonable Bee yee couragious First The Counsellour was a Worthy a Souldier a Warriour a Commander a King David as the title tels you Hee cals for courage Secondly The Persons counselled they are Saints faithfull ones O yee Saints love him his manner is by his speciall providence to preserve you Therefore bee yee of good courage The point lies faire which I conceive pertinent and now purpose to prosecute Gods people must bee of good courage D●ctr I shall briefly suggest the Scriptures proofe in a threefold gradation wherein good courage is called for First Saint Paul an Apostle with Apostolicall authority perswades to it 2 Cor. 16. 13. Quit yee like men Secondly Iehosaphat a King with regall authority commands it 2 Chron. 19. ult Deale couragiously Thirdly The great God of Heaven and Earth putting himselfe under a warlike notion as the Lord Generall of all the forces in the World the Lord of Hosts He peremptorily presseth it Haggie 2. 4. Now bee strong ô Zorobabel saith the Lord and bee strong ô Ioshua the Sonne of Iozedek the High Priest and bee strong the people of the Land saith the Lord and worke for I am with you saith the Lord of Hosts Three things there be that I shall speake to in the prosecution of this point First The explication of the vertue the grace called for wherein I will endeavour to discover what this courage is Secondly The confirmation of this truth by reasons from which this Doctrine may undeniably bee concluded and by which you may all bee fully convinced that there is aboundant cause why all Gods people should bee couragious Thirdly The application of all by way of use that my Sermon may be the more serviceable Christian courage may thus bee described It is the undaunted A Description of good Courage audacity of a sanctified heart in adventuring upon difficulties and undergoing hardships for a good cause upon the call of God There are six things considerable in the description that I have given which I will particularly point at and prove First the Genus the common nature of it it is an undaunted audacity This Animosity as some phrase it it is common both unto men and to some bruits The Lion Prov. 30. 30. is said to bee the strongest among beasts that turneth not away from any And there is an elegant description of the warre horse in regard of boldnesse Job 39. 19. c. Hast thou given the horse strength hast thou cloathed his neck with thunder Canst thou make him afraid as a gras-hopper the glory of his nostrils is terrible hee paweth in the valley and rejoyeth in his strength hee goeth out to meete the armed men Hee