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love_n death_n heart_n see_v 3,246 5 3.1254 3 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A68427 Here begynns the mayng or disport of chaucer; Complaint of the black knight Lydgate, John, 1370?-1451?; Chaucer, Geoffrey, d. 1400, attributed name. 1508 (1508) STC 17014.3; ESTC S114461 10,999 30

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my hert ble● Of pitouse wo and my hond eke quake Quhen that I write eke for this māis saik For vnto wo accordeth compleynyng And dule ful chere vnto hevinese To sorow alsso syking and weping And pytouse murnyng vnto drerynese And quho that ●chall write of distresse In party nedeth to know selyngly The cause and rute of● suiche a malady B●t I allate that am off wit bot dulle And has no knowlage of suiche mate●● For to discerne and wyrten at the fulle The wofull compleynt quhiche that yheschal her● Bot evyn like as doth a ●cryuenere That can nemore bot that he schal w●te Ryght as his maister beside hym dotth end●te Ryght so fare I that of no sentement Can sey ryght nought in conclusio●ne Bot as I herd quhen that I was present This man compleyn̄ wyth a p●touse sonne For ewyn̄ like wyth out additioun̄ Off disseuerē othir more or lese For to reherce anon I well me drese And if that ony now be in this place That feel in loving bryinyng of feruence Or hendrit war in to his lad●s grace Wyth fals towng● or wyth pe●●lence To see trew men that newir did offence In worde nor deid in thare entent Iff ony suiche be here now in present Lat hym of reuth lay to audience Wyth duleful chere and sobre countenance To here this man beful he sentence His mortale wo and his pturbaunce Compleyn now lynig in a traunce Wyth luke wp cast and wyth re●ful chere Theffecte of quhiche was as yhe schall here The thought oppressit wytht in wart sikes sor● The peynful lyffe the body langwising The woful goost the hert rent and tore The pitouse chere pale in complenyng The dedely face like asshis in shynyng The salt teris that from̄ myn eyn̄ fall Playn can declare the ground of my peyn̄ all Quhois hert is ground to bleid in hevinese The thought refette of wo and compleynt The breste is chist of dule and drerynese The body eke so feble and so feynt Wyth hote and cold myn axes is so meynt That now I chill for defaut of heet And hoot as gleid now sodeynly I sueet Now hoot as fire and cold as asses dede Now hoote from̄ cald and cold from̄ hote ayene Now cold as yse now hote as coles rede For heet I brynne and thus bituix tueyū ypossed am and al for cast in peysi So that my cold pleyenely as I fele Off grevaunce cold is cause ewiry dele This is the caulde of inwart hie distress Colde of dispite and cold of cruelle hate This is the cold that doth his besines Ayenest treuth to fight and to debate This is the cold that wold the fyre a ba●e ●f trew menyng allace the harde quh●e This is the cold that wold me begile For ewir the bett that I treuth ment Wyth all my myght feithfully to serue Wyth hert all to be diligent The les thank allace I can deserue Thus for my treuth dangere doth desterue For one that schuld my deth of mercy lett Hath maid dispite now his suerd to quhett Ayenes me and his arowes file To tak vengeance of wilfull cruelte And tovngis fals throw thare sleightly wile Haue goun avvere that wol nat styntid be Of fals envy of vvreth and innymyte Haue conspirit ayenes all ry t and low Of thare malice thare throv Ishcalbe sllow And malebousche gon first the tale tell To sklander treuth of indignatioun̄ And fals report so loud rong the bell That myserabile if and fals suspection̄ Haue treuth I brought to his dampnation̄ So that allace wrongfully he dieth And his place now falsnese occupieth And entred is in to treuthis lond And hath there of fully possessioun̄ Of y t ful god that first the treugh fond How maist you suffre suiche oppressioun̄ That falsehede schuld haue iurisdictioun̄ In treuthis ry t to slee hym giltlese In his franchise he may nat lyve in pese Falsely accused and of his foon foriugede Wythoutē ansuare quhill he vvas absent He dampned was and may nat bene excusit Fro cruelte satt in iugement Off hastisnese wyth out a wisement And badde de denye be execute anone ▪ His iugement in presence off his fon̄ Auctornay may none admittit be To excuse treuth now in ward to speke To feith nor soth the iuge list nought se Theire is no gayn bot he wol be wreke A lorde of treuth to the I call and clepe How may thow se thus in thi presence Withouten mercy inurihit innocence Now god that art off treuth souueraine And seist how I lig for treuth ibound Sore knett in loues fyere cheyne Evyn at the deth ouergirt wyth many o wound That likly bene flewir for to sound And for my treuth am damned to y e deth And not to abide bot drow longere thi breth Consider and se in thinē eternale ryght How that myn hert professyt sum tyme was For to be trew wyth al my full myhht Onely to one the quhiche now allace Off volente wyth out any trespas Myn accusoures hath tak vnto grace And cheriseth thaym my deth to purchace Qubat meneth this quhat is this vvound vvre Off purveyaunce Iff I schall it call O god of loue that false thai so assure And trew allace doun of thi quheil be fall And yhite in soth this is the worst of all That wrongfully false hede of treuth hath she name ▪ And treuch ayenwart of falshede berth the blame This blynd chamise this stormy auenture In loue hath most his experience For quho that doth wyth treuth moist his cure Schall for his meid fynd moist offence That serueth loue wyth all his diligence For quho can feyne wnd loulyhede He falleth nought to fynd grace and spe●d For I louet one ful long sithen gone Wyth al my hert body and ful myght And to bene dede my hert can nought gone From my behest bot hold that I haue hight Though I be banyst out of hyr syght And by hyr mouth dampned that I schal dey Wnto my behest yhite I woll obey For ewir sithen that the world bygan Quho so lust luke and in storye rede He schall ay fynd that the trew man Was put abak quhere as y ● falle hede yfurtherede was for loue takꝭ now hede To slee the trew and hath of thame no charge Quhere as the fals goith frely at his large I tak recorde off palamydes The trew man the noble wourthy kny t That ewir loued and of his peyn no relese Nought wythstonding his manhede and his my t Loue vnto hym did full grete vnryghe For ay the bett he do in chiualrye The more he was hendryt be envy And ewir the bett he did in eviry place Throw his knythede and his besy peyn̄ The ferthir was he fro his ladiis grace For to hir mercy myght he nevir acteyne And to his doth he coud It nat refreyne For no dangere bot ay o bey and serue As he best coud pleynly till he sterue Quhat was the fyne alsso
of Hercules For all his conquest and his worthynese That was of strenth alone pereles For like as bokes list of hym exprese He sett pilers throw his hey prowes A way at gaddis for to singnyfy That no man myght hym passe in chenalry The quhiche pileris bene ferre be yond Jnde ysett of gold for a remibraunce And for all that yhite was he sett byhynd Myth thame that loue list ●●billy avaunce For hym sett last apon adaunce Ayenes quhois help may none stryve For all his treuth yhite he loste his lyve Phebus also wyth all his psaunt lyght Quhen that he went here in erd low Wnto the hert wyth Menus syght ylvoundit was throw Lupidis olvn̄ bow And yhite his lady list nought hym to know Thogh he ●o hir loue his hert did blede Sche leit hym go and tuke of hym no heide Quhat schall Isey of yhong Pyramus Offtrew trestram for all his hey ●nown̄ Of Achilles or off Antonyus Offarcite or of hym palamoun̄ Quhat was the end off here passioun̄ Bot after sorow deth and than thare grave Lo here the guerdoun that this loueris have Bot fals Jasoun with his doubilnese That was vntrew to kokes to med●● And the●●●s rute of vnkyndnese And wyth thes two eke the fals enee Lo thus the fals ay in o degre Hadde in loue there lust and al there will And saue falsehede thare was none othir skill Off thebes eke the fals arcite And demephoun̄ eke for his sleuth Thei hadde thare lust and al that myght delyte For al thare falsehede and grete vntreuth Thusewir loue allace in that is reuth His fals legis furtherith quhat he may And sleith the trew vngudely day by day For trew adone was sleyn̄ with the bore Amyd the forest in the grene slade For venus loue he felt al y e sore Bot vlcanus wyth hir no mercy mayde The foule chulle had many nyghtes glade Quhere mars hir kny t and hyr man To fynd mercy nor confourt none he can Alsso the yhong fresch ypomenes A lusty fre as off his corage That for to serue wyth all his hert he cheise Athalamice so feire of hyr visage Bot loue allace quyt hym so his wage Wyth cruel danger pleynly at the last yat wyth the deth guerdounlese he past Lo here the fyne off loues seruice Lo how he can his seruand quyte Lo how he can his feithfull men dispise To slee the trew and fals to respite Lo how he doith the suerde of sorow bite In hertis suche as moste his lustis obey To saue the fals and do the trew dey For feith ne oth worde nor assurance Trew menyng a waite nor besinese Still port ne faithfull actendaunce Manhede no my t in armes worthinese Pursoyte off worschip nor no hie prouesse In stronge long rydyng nor trauale Ful lyte or nought in loue doth avale Perele nor deth in see nor a lond Hunger nor thrist sorow nor seknese Ne grete emprise for to tak on hond Sheddnig of blude no manfull hardinese Nor oft wounding at savtes by distrese Nor in partyng in lyfte nor deth alsso Al is for nonght loue taketh no heid therto ●ot losingeris with thare slatterye Throw thare fallehede and with thare doubilnese Wyth tales new and many tenyeit lic By false semblaunce and count fetid humblesse Wnder coloure depeynt wyth stedefastnese Wyth fraude cowert wnder a pitouse face Excep be now rathest vnto grace And gan thame self best magnyfye Wyth fenyeid port and presumptioun̄ They change there cause in fals sucquydry Ondir menyng of double ententiousi To think on in thare opynioun̄ And scy they ought to sett h●● selue aloft And hender treuth as It is sene ful oft The quhiche thyng I by now al to der● Thounkid be venus and bi r god Cupide As It is sene by my oppressit chere And by his arawes that s●iken in my syde That sane deth I nothing abyde From̄ day to day alloce the hard quhsle Quhenewir his dart that hym list to file My wofull hert for to ryve a two For faute of mercy and lak of pite Of hyr that causeth all my peyne and wo And list nat ones of grace for tose Wnto my treuth for hyr cruelte And moost of all yhste Inte compleyne That sche hath Joy to lauche at my peyne And wilfully hath my deth I snorn̄ Al giltelese and woot no cause quby Saue for the treuth that I haue hadde aforne To hyr allone to serue moste feithfully A god aboue vnto the I cry And to thy blynd doublen deite Of this grete wroung I compleyne me And to thy stormy wilfull variance Mengit with change and gete vnstabilnese Now wp now doun● so rynnyng in thy chaunce That the to trist may be no sikenese I wyte It no thing bot thy doubilnese And quho that is one archere and is blynd Merheth no thing bot shuteth be the weynd And for that he hath no discretioune Withoutyn a wise helattith his arow go For lakke of syght and alsso of resoune In his schutyng it hapeth oft so To hurt his frende rathare than his foo So doth this god with his scharp stone The trew sleith and letteth the falce gone And of his wounding this is the worst of all Ouhen he hurteth he doth so cruell wreche And maketh the sike for to cry and call Wnto hys foo for to bene his leche And hard it is for a man to seche Wpon the poynt of deth in iupardye Wnto his foo to fynd remedye Thus fareth now euynly by me That to my foo that yaue my hert o wound Moot are mercy grace and pite And nomely there quhere none may be found For now my sore my leche woll confound And god of kynde so hath sett myn bre My lyues foo to haue my wo in cure Allace the quhile now that I was borne Or that I saughe euer the bright sonne For now I se that ful long a forne I was borne my destan●e was spunne By percas syscryn to slee me if they koune For they my deth shapen er my shert Only for treuth I may it nat aster● The myghty goddes alsso of nature That vndre god hath the gouernaunce Of wordly thinges co●●u●t it to hir cure Disposeth hath throw their wyse purueyaunce To yif my lady so muche suffiliaunce Of al vertous and there with all purueyde To murthir treuth hath tak danger to gide For b●unte beaute schap and semebly hede Prudence wit and passingly f●●ren●se Benyng port gladde chere with loulyhede ●f womanhede right plentoule largese Nature did ful in byremprese Ouhan sche by wrought and al thir last dysedeyne To hendre treuth sche maid her chamberleyne Ouham to my sche yf and fal●s suspectioun With myle bileue ●che maid for to be Then of 〈…〉 his conclusion For to exile reuth and eke pite Out of hyr court to mak mercy fle So that dispite holdeth furth his reyne Throw hasty bileve of tales that men feyne And thus I am for my