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A08528 An homilie of Marye Magdalene declaring her ferue[n]t loue and zele towards Christ / written by that famous clerke Origene ; newly translated ... Origen. 1565 (1565) STC 18847; ESTC S2254 23,199 94

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An Homilie of Marye Magdalene declaring her feruēt loue and zele towards CHRIST written by that famous clerke ORIGENE Newly Translated and Imprinted ANNO DOM. M.D.LXV Prouerbiorum 1. Audiens Sapiens sapientior erit Prouerb 18. Non recipit Stultus verb● prudentiae Nisi ea dixeris quae versantur in corde cius This worthye man Origene lyued and taught in the yeare of our Lord 225. The Gospel Iohannis ●0 MARY stoode without at the sepulchre wee pinge And as she wept she bowed herself into the Sepulchre And saw two Angels in white sitting the one at the head and the other at the fete where the body of IES VS had layne And they saide vnto her Woman why weepest thou She sayd vnto them They haue taken away my lorde I knowe not where they haue layd him When she had thus said she turned her selfe backe and saw IESVS standing and knewe not that it was IESVS Iesus saieth vnto her Woman why weepest thou whom sekest thou She supposing that he had ben the gardyner saide vnto him Sir if thou hast born him hence tell me where thou hast laid him I wil take him away IESVS saide vnto her Mary She turned her selfe and said unto him Raboni whiche is to say Maister IESVS saith vnto her Touche me not for I am not yet ascended to my Father but go to my breethern and say vnto them I ascend vnto my father and to youre father and to my GOD your GOD. Marye stoode without at the Sepulchre weeping c. PVRPOSING to speak to your charytable eares at this present solemnitie most derely beloued the godly loue of that blessed woman Mary Magdalene recoursed to my remembraūce howe for that she loued our Lorde aboue all thinges folowed hym goynge to his death where his Disciples forsoke him And howe for that she was kyndled with the fire of true loue in her vehement desire wepinge continually departed not frome his sepulcher For Marye as sayeth the Euangelist stode without at the Sepulcher weping We do hear welbelo●●d of Maries standing without at the Sepulchre we heare also how she wepeth let vs if we can consyder the cause of her standyng let vs also se why she wepeth for both of this her stāding may we take profite and also of her weeping may we be edifyed Loue it was that made her to stand sorowe constrained her so to wepe She stoode lookyng aboute yf perchance she coulde see him whom she loued But wepte therfore bicause whom she sought for she thought was quite taken away wherby her sorow was doubled Fyrste sorowynge for hym being dead and now sorowing for him taken away and of both griefes this laste was the greater for it was without comfort The first cause of her sorowynge was for that she had lost his lyfe but of this sorowe had shee some comfort for that she thought to haue retained hym dead as he was ▪ But yet of this heauynes could she not fynd comfort for that she found not his dead body Thus fearing if that she found not his body the loue of him her Mayster wold sone waxe colde within her breaste by the syghte yet whereof shee hoped shee mighte ware warme againe In deede Mary was com to his sepulchre bringing with her the odours ointmentes whiche she had prepared that as before when hee was alyue shee had annoynted with precious oyntmēt his fete so now she mought anoynte his whole dead body with oyntmēt and wyth her spyces embaulme it And lyke as fyrste she had at Luc. 7. his feete shedd her teares and wept bitterly and with her teares watred his feet for the death of her owne soule so now she cometh to water the Sepulcher with teares for the deathe of her Maister But fyndinge not the bodye in the Sepulchre her laboure of anointinge was lost but the sorowe of her waylyng more increased Present he was not to haue her seruice and yet absent he was not to cause her to sorowe Presente he was not whome she would haue embau●ed and yet absent he was not to cause her to weepe Therfore the more she wepte the further he was absente Certes Mary bitterly wept for Sorowe was heaped vppon sorowe And two great sorowes she caried in one heart whiche fayne she woulde haue eased with her teares but they coulde not And therefore was wholye plunged in sorowe fainting both in heart and body and what she shold do she knew not for what could this woman do but wepe whiche bothe had dolor intolerable and founde in comforte no remedy In deede Peter and Iohn came with her to the Sepulcher but whē they founde not the body they wente foorthwith theyr waye home againe But Mary abode without at the Sepulcher weeping And as one Rom. 4. hoping against hope did yet pet souere in hope Peter and Iohn were afrayd and therfore stode not but Mary feared not bycause she had nothinge lefte her as she thought for whiche shee ought to feare for shee had loste her Maister whome shee loued so singularly that beside him she could loue nothing could hope for nothing she had loste the life of her foule nowe she thought it better to dye than to liue thin king perhappes in her death to haue founde whome in her lyfe she coulde not fynde withoute whom notwithstanding she was not able to lyue Strong as the ●anti● 8. Deathe is loue for what more could death do in Marye Shee became as it were without life without sence hauing sence she vsed no sence Seinge she dyd not see hearing shee heard not neither was she where she was for wholy was shee there where her Maister was who notwithstandynge where he was shee knewe not she soughte for him but found him not and therfore cōtinued stāding at the Tombe and wept altogether lamentable all together miserable O Mary what hope what coūsail what heart was in the which alone didst stande at the Sepulchre when the Disciples were departed Thou camest before them thou returnedst with thē and after them also there remainedst Why dyddst thou thys wert thou wiser then they Or didst thou loue more then they bycause thou fearedste not as they Truely Mary was nowe wise in nothyng but in louinge and to sorowe for her beloued She had forgot to feare forgot to ioy yea forgot her owne self What shoulde I more say She had forgote all thynges except him whome shee loued aboue al things And which is wōderful shee was so forgetfull that shee knewe not him neither Beleue me if she had knowen hym she had not searched for hym in his Tombe and if she had kept his words still in minde she had not forowed as of one deade but should haue reioyced of him as liuing nor should she haue wept as of one which was takē away but she should haue reioyced for that he was risen again For Iesus had forespoken that thus he Luce. 14. should dyc and that he shoulde rise againe the
her selfe but for thy sake is out of her selfe why therfore saiest thou Why weepest thou whome sekest thou Doest thou thinke that she can say I wepe for the I seek the except thou first inspire her and say in her heart I am he whome thou we peste for and for whom thou sekeste Doeste thou thinke that she can knowe the so longe as it shal please the to hide thy self But she supposinge that he had ben the gardiner said vnto him Sir if thou hast caried him hence tell me where thou hast laid him and I will take him vp O sorowe miserable O loue vnspeakable This woman was so couered with a thicke cloude of wo and sorowe that she saw not the Sun that in the morning tyde arising shone by her windowes and by the eares of her bodye was now entred into the house of her heart But bicause she lāguished in her loue of this languishinge the eyes of her heart became so dym that she coulde not se him whome she sawe For she did see Iesus but she knew not it was Iesus O Mary it thou sekest Iesus why doeste thou not acknowledge Iesus And if thou knowest Iesus why sekest thou Iesus Beholde Iesus commeth vnto the and hee whom thou sekest asketh of the Woman why wepest thou and thou supposest him to be a gardīer to shew thou knowest him not For Iesus is also a gardiner because he soweth all good seede in the gardin of thy soule and in the hearts of his faithful he planteth euery good Herbe and watereth it in the soules of his sainctes And it is IESVS himself which talketh with the. But therefore perhaps thou doest not knowe him bycause hee corporally talketh with ye. Thou sekest a dead one and therefore thou doest not acknowledg him as liuing Haue I not truly espied that this is the cause wherefore he went from the and why he appeared not vnto the For why should he appeare vnto the for whome thou doest not seke Thou verely soughtest for that which was not and soughtest not for the which was Thou didst seke Iesus and didste not seke Iesus and therefore in seinge Iesus thou didst not knowe Iesus O pittiful and sweete Maister I can not altogether excuse this thy disciple I can not frely defende this her error And yet for all that shee erred bycause she soughte the for suche an one as once she had seene the and for suche a one as she had lefte the when thou wert laied in thy graue For she had sene thy body taken downe dead from the crosse layed in a tombe and so greate sorowe had taken hold of her for thy death that she coulde not hope of thy life And suche sorowe had possessed her herte for thy buriall that shee coulde thinke nothinge of thy resurrection To conclude Ioseph put thy body into a tombe Mary had buried there her spirite also so vnseparably ioyned it as it were vnited it with thy body that she could more easily seperate her liuing soule frō her liuing body thē her louing spirit from thy dead body for the spirite of Mary was rather in thy body thē in her owne body and when she eaftsones soughte for thy body she did then also seeke for her own spirit and when she lost thy body she lost with it her own spirit what meruaile thē if she had no sense which had lost her spirit what maruail was it if she knew not the which had no spirite where with shee shoulde knowe the Restore therfore vnto her again her soule which thy body hath within it selfe and shee shall recouer furthwith her sense againe and forsake her error But how did she erre which did so sorowe for the and did so loue the Truly if she erred I speake without doubtinge that she wyst not she erred and so her error proceded not of error but of loue and grefe Therfore O mercifull and iuste Iudge the loue shee bare to thee and the sorowe she toke for the may excuse her before the if perhaps she erreth of the. And marke not the error of the woman but the loue of thy disciple whiche did not wepe of error but of sorowe and of loue and said vnto the Sir if thou hast borne him hēce tel me where thou hast laid him and I will take him vp O how skilfully is she ignorante how learnedly doth she erre To the Angels she said They haue takē him away and they haue layed And she said not Ye haue taken him and Ye haue layed him because the angels neyther tooke the out of thy Tombe nor layed the in any place but to thee shee said If thou hast borne him away where haste thou laied him bicause thou indede didst beare thy selfe out of the Tombe and layds●e thy self in the place where thou arte To the angels she said not Tell ye me bicause thee Angels coulde not tell wholy what had ben done of the nor howe it had bene done of the but to the shee saith Tel thou me bycause it is not vnpossible for the to tel that which was possible for the to do for thou rosest againe by thyne owne power that whiche was done of the thou diddeste it thy selfe But what is this Lorde that Mary so often speaketh repeteth this worde Where haste thou layd him For shee had said to the Apostles firste of all where haue they layed him The selfsame answer she spake vnto the Angels Wher haue they layed him And nowe speaketh to the of thy selfe Where haste thou layd him This word wax eth exceding swete in her heart that so aboūdeth in her mouth Lertes thy swetenes maketh it more sweete and she dothe this for thy loue sake bycause shee remēbreth that thou saidst once Ioh. 11. of her brother Where haue ye laid him for sithens that she heard this word of thy mouth she hath kept it diligently in her heart and hath delighted to vse it in her speache O howe dothe shee loue thy person that so loueth thy voice O how moch doth she desire to see thy countinaunce which so desirously pronoūceth thy worde And howe gladlye wolde she kisse thy feete whiche so gladly vseth thy sayinges what is this also O good Iesu that she speaketh to the of the And I will take him vp Ioseph feared and durste not take doun thy body from the Crosse but in the night and but askinge it of Pilate but Mary abydeth not Ioh. 19. for the night nor fereth Pilate but boldly pronounceth saying I will take him vp O Mary putte the case that the body of Iesus were layed in the palayce of the high Preist where the cheife Apostle did warme him selfe at the fyer what woldeste thow doe I wolde take him vp O wonderful woman in boldenes O woman no womā and what if the Dam sell the dore keeper should ask● the what wilt thou do I wil take him vp O vnspeakable loue of this woman O meruailous audacitye of a
be shorte I seke not for Angels but him who made me and Angels I seke not angels but the Lorde of my self and of angels They haue take away my soueraigne Lorde him onely will I seeke he alone can comfort me but I cā not tel where thei haue laid him I looke about if I can see him but I se him not faine I wolde finde the place where he is layed but I fynde it not O wofull Wtoman that I am what shall I do whether shal I go and whether is my beloued gon I sought for him in his Sepulchre and there I found him not I called him but he answered me not wo is me where shal I seeke him where shall I fynd him I will rise truly I will go about I will search in al places I can I will geue no sleepe to myne eyes I will geue no reste to my feete vntil I shall fynde him whome my Soule loueth Wepe ye myne eyes gushe out with teares stynte not walke ye my feete runne about reste not Alas alas whether is my ioye gone where doth my loue hyde him where is my sweete Lorde why hast thou m● health forsakē me O vnsufferable sorowes O intolerable perplexitie of minde I se troble on euery side what to chuse I know not If I abide next his Tomb yet I finde him not yf I go frō his Tombe I know not wretch whether to go I know not wherto seeke him To departe from the Tombe is death vnto me to stande at the Tombe is griefe incurable how be it better it is for me to keepe still my Lordes Tombe then to go far from it any further for in goinge further perchaunce at my returne again I shall fynde bothe him takē away also his sepulcher destroyed I will stande therefore here will I dye that yet at leste wyse I may be buried nye the sepulchre of my Lorde O how happy shal my body bee if it bee buried nighe vnto my Master O how blessed shall my Soule be whiche passing forth of thys bryckle vessel of my bodie may by and by enter into my Lords glorious Sepulcher My body hath alwaies ben to my soule labour and trauaile my Lords sepulcher shall be vnto me rest and honor Therfore I will not forsake this Sepulcher bycause thus to die it shall be my cōforte and in my death it shall be my reste So longe as I liue I will abide by it when I dye I wil cleaue fast vnto it neither aliue nor dead I wil be seperated from it Alas what a wretched woman I am wherefore did I not then this foresee when I behelde my lorde buryed why did not I stande with him wherefore did I not with trewe attendance keepe the Sepulchre then had I not bewayled his taking away for I had either withstanded them which toke him away or els had gone after them But O woful case I wold haue kepte the lawe and haue let go the Lord of the law I wolde haue obeied the lawe and haue not kept him to whom the lawe it selfe is obediente though with Christe to abyde had not ben to transgresse the lawe but to fulfyl the lawe For the paschal Lambe is not disteined by the deathe of him but is again iterate renewed His corps doth not defile the cleāe but clenseth the defiled he healeth all suche as touch him and dothe illuminate all suche as come to him But what do I renewe the memory of my sorow I wente I returned I founde the Tombe opened but founde not him I soughte for I will stande therefore I will waite lokinge if happely hee may any where appeare But howe shall I stande alone desolate The Disciples be gone theire waye and haue left me alone weping None do appeare who woulde sorow with me No where doth hee appeare whiche with mee wolde seeke the Maister Here haue appeared Angels but I knowe not for what cause they haue appeared If to comforte me they oughte not then to bee ignorante wherefore I weepe If they bee not ignorante for what I weepe why say they to mee Why wepest thou Do they therefore question with mee to let me from wepinge I beseche them not to swade me to that that they will not counsell mee to that for or els let them kill me What needes mo wordes I will not obey them I will not cease to weepe duringe my lyfe but I finde my lorde But what may I do to finde him whither shall I turne me to whom shall I go of whome shal I inquire of whome shall I aske counsail who shal haue compassiō on me who shall comfort me who shall Cant. 1● shew me whom my soul loueth Cant. 2. where he is bestowed where he lieth at noontide where he resteth I beseche you tel him how I pyne with loue and consume with sorowe and that there is no dolor as is my dolor Turne Tren ● againe my beloued turn again Cant 6. my hartes desire and dearling Psalm 50. O amiable O delitable geue againe to me the gladnes of thy comfortable presēce Shew me Cant. 2. thy countinaunce let thy voice Psal 90. sounde in mine eares for thy ●0 118. voice is sweete and thy visage is beutiful O my hope confoūd mee not in myne expectation Shew me thy face and it shall suffice my soul While Marye did thus mourn and thus wept as she spak these things She turned her selfe back and sawe Iesus standing and knew not it was Iesus Iesus said vnto her woman why weepest thou Whome seekest thou O thou the desire of her soule why doeste thou aske her why wepeste thou and whome seekeste thou She but a little before with her very eies to the great dolour of her heart beheld the her whole hope to be hanged vpō the tree and saieste thou nowe vnto her why wepest thou She the third day beheld thy hādes wherwith she hath ben oftē blessed thy feet which she had kissed and whiche she had watered with her teares nailed vpon the crosse thou being her whole sorow saiest vnto her Why wepest thou She beheld the geuīg vp of her spirit that is to say thy spirite and saiest thou now why wepest thou Yea furdermore she supposeth thy body is stoln away whych she came to anoīt that by som meāes she might cōforte her self and saiest thou why wepest thou whome seekest thou Thou well knowest that the alone she seeketh the alone she loueth for that she contemneth all things and sayeste thou What seekeste thou Swete Maister for what purpos I pray that doest thou prouoke this womans spirite for what purpose doeste thou vexe her Soule She wholye dependeth on thee she wholye abydeth in thee All her hope is in the all dispaire in her self She doth so seeke the that seekinge the she can seeke nothinge but the she can minde nothinge but the and therefore perchaunte she doth not know the because she is not in
woman O woman no womā she excepter hno place she preferreth none she speketh without fear she promiseth absolutely Tel me where thou haste laied him and I will take him vp O Woman greate is thy faith great is thy cōstancy Therfore O good Lorde why haste thou forgottē to say Let it be don vnto the as Mat. 1● thou wilt And Be of good cher Mat. 1● ▪ thy faith hath made thou safe Hast Psal ▪ 76. thou forgotten to haue mercye wherfore then doest thou not te● her where thou haste layed thy selfe that she may take the vpp vpon her hert and beare thee in her body and shew the vnto thy disciples Do not I beseech the sweete Maister prolonge her desire any more for lo now these three daies shee hathe endured waytinge for the hath nothing Mat. 8. to eate and hath naught where with to feede her hungry sowle but thou by disclosinge thy selfe doest reache vnto her the bread of thy body doest fyl her with thy fragments of the basket of her heart Wherefore if thou wilte that she faynte not by the way refresshe and comforte the bowels of her soule with the plesaūtes of thy taste For thou art Sapi. 16. the liuing bread whiche haste in the al maner delectablenes and all sauour of swetenes for the life of her body will not long endure onles thou quickly shewest thy self which art the life of her soul Iesus sayed vnto her Mary She turned her selfe and sayd vnto him Rabboni which is to say maister Iesus saied vn to her Touch me not Opermutatiō of the right hand of the highest Greate sorow is now turned in to greate ioy The teares of sorow be changed into the teares of loue So sone as Mary heard this worde Marye for so was her Maister wonte to call her she did perceaue before in that name a certain singular swetenes of callinge and by that shee knew him to be her Maister of whom she was called Thē her spirite reuiued her sence came again And when Iesus wolde more haue added Mary coulde not paciently tarry to heare any more but for very greate ioye interrupted him saying Rabboni for she thought she needed no word that had found the word and thought it farre more profitable to handel the word then to hear any manner of wordes O loue stronge and vnpacient It was not enough for her to se Iesus and to speake with Iesus Luc. 6. and. 8. onles also she touched Iesus for she knewe that vertue wente out from him and howe that he healed all men O moste pitifull Lorde and moste swete Maister how good arte thou to those that be of a pure hearte Psalm 73. howe sweete art thou to those that be of an vprighte hearte and be ●ap 1. lowly in spirite O howe blessed be they that seeke the in singelnes of heart and how happy be they that truste in the. It is verily trew vndoubtedly trewe that thou louest althat loue the Prou. 8. and doste neuer forsake them that Psal 9. put their truste in thee For beholde this thy louer did seke the vnfainedly and hath found the trewly She trusted in the she is not forsaken of the but hath obteined by the more then she loked for at the. Let vs therefore bretherne follow the good affection of thys woman that we may come to the like effecte Let eueri one wepe vnto Iesus and seeke faithfully Iesus that will not hyde hym selfe from a sinner that seketh him Learne sinfull man of a sinfull woman whose sinnes notwithstandinge be forgeuen her Learn to wepe for Gods absence and to desire his presence Learne of Marye to loue Iesus and to trust in Iesus and by seekinge Iesus in this search to feare no aduersitie and besides Iesus to receiue no comfort and for Iesus to cōtemne all thinges Learn of Mary to seeke for Iesus in the Se pulcher of thy heart Rol away the stone from the doore of the Sepulcher of God remoue all hardnesse and put away euerye thing that may hinder thy faith take away all wordly desire frō thy hearte and serche diligently whether Iesus be in it And if thou finde not Iesus in it stand without and weepe persiste in faith and looke outwardly to others whether happely thou maiest see hym in anye And wythe weepinge pray Iesus that hee wil vouchsafe to entre into the and will dwell in the and leste perchance with a proud stiffe vp right necke thou put him away from the humbly incline thy self and bowe downe vnto him and looke often into the Sepulchre of God whiche is in thee and if thou shalte see Angels there sittinge one at the head an other at the feete that is yf thou shalte knowe in thy hearte as it were heauenly desires appertaining aswell to this actiue lyfe as to the contemplatiue lyfe by the which neuertheles thou canst not see and haue Iesus bee not with these contentid do not yet faint and geue ouer but wepe seeke still Iesus in thy self vntil thou fynde him And if he so chaūce at any time to appeare vnto the and to presēt him self vnto thi desire doe not presume of thy selfe as though thou knowest him but inquire of him and beseche him he will shew him selfe vnto the. I dare boldely vndertake if in faith thou shalte stande at the tombe of thy hearte if wepingly thou shalt seeke Iesus shalt cōtinue in sekīg if thou shal bow down thyselfe with humbl●nes if by Maries exaumple thou wilt receaue no cōfort of Iesus except thou receuest Iesus hee wil reuele him selfe vnto the thou shalte fynde him and knowe him So that thou shalt not neede to ask of other where is Iesus but thou shalte rather tel and shew him to others say For I haue seene the Lorde and hee spake these things vnto me To whom with the Father and the holye ghoste bee all honor and glory worlde without ende AMEN AN HOMILIE OF ABRAHAM how he offered by his sonne Isaac written by ORIGEN Newly translated Anno. M.D.LXV An Homilie of Abraham how he offered vp his Son written by ORIGEN AFter these thinges God did proue Abraham and sayd vnto hī Abraham Abrahā Take thyne onelye sonne Isaac whome thou louest and offer him vp for a brent sacrifice vn to me in one of those mountaines whiche I shall shew the. Geue eare to this which I haue to say I speake to you thou drawnye to the Lord you I say which thinke your scluesto be faithfull and consider diligently how the faith of the faith full is proued as by the wordes which haue ben rehearsed vnto you shall appeare And it came to passe that after these things almightye God did proue Abraham and said vnto him Abraham Abraham and then answered he Lo here I am Marke wel euery thing as it is written for in euery one of thē if a man can dig depe he shal finde treasure and perhaps where