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love_n death_n great_a son_n 3,271 5 4.9791 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B07535 An exhortatyon or warnynge, to beware of greater plagues & troubles, then are yet come vppon thys realme, for the synnes and wyckednes that hath bene, & is yet dayly commytted there in.. Coucheman, Giles. 1551 (1551) STC 5870.5; ESTC S469843 24,425 90

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suttyll enemye full well knowest thou that thee outwarde worke wythoute the promys as litle profiteth theym as doeth the sygne at the tauernes dore to thē tha● be a thyrste whan ther is n● wyne wtin to be had And ye wyl they seke theyr iustificatyon in the outwarde work● therof onely ii ii iii a And this is the cause a● the apostle sayth euery on● is become a pryuate louer o● them selues and not of they● neyghbours And how do● they loue them selues thyn● you After this maner doeth thee worldinges loue thē selues verely they ar become couetous bosters proud cu●sed speakers disobedyēt vnto fathers and mothers vnthākfull vnholye churlyshe stubborne false accusers riatours fearse dispisers of thē which are good traitoures heddie hie mīded gredy vpō voluptuousnes more thā the louers of god hauing a similitude of godly lyuynge but haue denied the power therof but soche abhorre sayth S. paul O lord what a miserable world is this whan the people bee in thys case that they haue no feare of god before their eies but think that ●hey be in good state of liuīg whā thei liue thus farre wide frō the truth of the doctrine of the gospell doth not remember that we ought to loue our neyghbors as our own self seke their welth edyfyinge to theyr comforte We are bounde to loue god wyth all our hartes powers and oure neighbors as oure self and so is all the lawe the prophetes fulfylled mat xxii d But the wicked worldlinges ar in this mind now the lord geue them grace to repente and amende it that yf they maye haue all thynges at theyr wyl pleasure they care not although the poore nedy neighbor sterue be in lack or peryshe in the meane whyle for they saye yf I be wel clothed warme what care I who goethe naked suffre colde yf I bee wel fed with the best and finest meate and lack none what care I who is an hungred and perysh for lacke of the worst meate yf I bee well couered wythe a fayre house gorgeouslye decte and in all poyntes trymmed with the beste what care I who dwelleth in a house vncouered rainynge in in euery corner spyllyng and destroying all that he hath and the house lyke to fall downe vpō his head yf I may syt warme and at ease and at reste takinge no payne hauinge money ynoughe and all thinge broughte home too me what care I who is colde takyng pa●ne and haue noo reste nor ease nyght nor daye lacking money al thing that shuld do thē good yf I may haue my rentes and farme broughte home to me wythout any studye what care I though the farmers care studye nyght and day hauing nether coat nor cloke to couer hym hys wyfe or his children withal no nor yet eat a good meales meat in a yere Thus farre is the loue of the worlde gone frō the loue of god that they care not one for another nether do they cōsyder that we al shuld be membres of one body Yf they dyd remember that we were al members of one bodye I thinke verelye that natural loue wold compel them indifferently one to care for another and one to loue another al though the● were no cōmaundemēt of loue spokē of nether in the old testamēt nor yet in the new For this we al know that the mēbres of one body be so vnited knyt in loue together to the body The righteous wyl cōsider the cause of the poore but the vngodly regardeth no vnderstāding Prou xxix that yf one member fortune to take hurte or harme al the rest suffer paine grief with hym or yf one mēber be had in honor al the rest is glad reioyce with hym also soch is the loue that partayneth to the mēbers of the body Therfore for hys sake that dyed to redeme vs al cōsyder I say remēber that we al be mēbers or shuld be to one head whych is christe that we do now awake out of synne cast awaye frō vs the clokes of dishonestie and become louers of god in his mēbers knowe that what soeuer ye doo to one of thee leaste of these my brethren sayth Christe ye do it vnto me Remembre this that our Sauiour Christ sayth thus his owne self also ●hat who soeuer geueth to one of these lyttle ones a cup of colde water in my name I tel you sayth he he shal not lose his reward Now yf this lyttle loue shewed vnto one of his creatures shall not be vnrewarded be ye sure the moche more shal the wrong iniuries done vnto thē be rewarded vnto condempnation Yet once agayne therefore I saye remember thys vnfayned loue that thee eternall God hadde vnto the whole worlde Yea hys loue was so great towardes mākynd beyng yet his enemie that he gaue his only dearly beloued sōne to the death to redeme thē from the bondage thraldō of the deuyll O what coulde he doo more for vs thē to geue thys imaculate vnspotted lambe for vs to vs that who so euer now wyll repent of the lyfe that is past beleue truste onli in him he shal be sure to be saued for hys sake so he continue to the ende And he requyreth nothing so moche of vs as to loue one āother yea by thys loue sayeth he shal al men know that ye are my disciples Now to the cōtrary yf we loue not one another then is it a playne case that we be none of hys saye what we wyll for the kingdom of god standeth not in wordes but in power for loue is the fulfylling of the hole lawe Yea he hath not onely geuen vnto vs this Iesus alone but he hath geuē vs also al thinges wyth hym yea he hath geuen vs his eternal and euerlasting worde to be our comfort to rule to gouerne our liues by to shew vs all the good wyll of oure heauenlye father towardes vs in for Iesus christes sake Yea what more coulde he haue done that he hathe not done for vs. But now yf he loke amōgeste vs for equyte he shall fynd in stede of equyte wrōge And yf he loke for righteousnes he shall haue vs full of mysery wretchednes as the Prophete sayeth for the more good he doeth vnto vs Esay ● thee more he increaseth vs with his giftes benefytes the more we go astray wantonly frō him prouoke him vnto wrath with our owne ydle vayne mad inuentions for as it is wryttē whan vanitie ydlenes getteth the ouerhand among the chyldrē of men Psal xl al are ful of the vngodly Notwithstādinge the more we receaue of him the more we ought to be thankefull vnto him for it the more we shuld be studious careful to bestowe thē to his honor glory seking alwayes his honour and prayse And not to bestow them to fulfyl our owne fylthy carnal desyre