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A73031 Certain godly and learned sermons, preached by that worthy seruant of Christ M. Ed. Philips in S. Sauiors in Southwarke: vpon the whole foure first chapters of Matthew, Luc. 11. vers. 24. 25. 26. Rom. 8. the whole, 1. Thess. 5. 19. Tit. 2. 11. 12. Iames 2. from the 20. to the 26. and 1. Ioh. 3. 9. 10. And were taken by the pen of H. Yeluerton of Grayes Inne Gentleman Philips, Edward.; Yelverton, Henry, Sir, 1566-1629. 1607 (1607) STC 19854; ESTC S114640 484,245 625

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rage but to glorifie Christ which glorie of his is greatest in our saluation We therefore in a spirituall confidence of the Lords loue do challenge all men and all things that euer were created that what violence soeuer they offer vs or what punishment soeuer they inflict vpon vs it is so farre from presting vs downe as it maketh vs spread higher and furthereth our saluation for God is with vs and while the bridegroome is with vs wee cannot mourne The euill they can doe is but with the dragon to fight with vs and as the enemies of God to persecute vs and though they be led to do this by the malice of their harts yet they serue but as the Lords rods to chastise vs and as Apothecaries to make drugs to cure our infirmities but so as they cannot put in one dramme more then the Lord knoweth of for he hath the tempering of the cup as it is said of Salomon The Lord weigheth the enterprises of men and their actions are in his hands and the woorst they can doe vs is but this to shorten our daies by that meanes to hasten our ioyes Hereupon we are to gather and to lay vp this comfort that if the course of nature should be altered yet euen in this confusion of nature if we call vpon the Lord his eare is readie to heare and his hand to helpe vs nay if there be any speciall iudgement and vengeance determined against a citie or a people the presence of the Lords children doth euen binde his hands that he can doe nothing while they be there as Genes 19.16 till Lot was snatched out of Sodome the fire could not fall from heauen to destroy it So that if heauen and earth conspire against vs if sea and sand should imagine vs mischiefe if the Princes of the world should set their armies against vs and like grashoppers in multitude should lie waiting for our liues if the sorrowes of death and the pangs of hell should compasse vs yet this is our shade and comfort that we liue vnder the wings of the Almightie and that wee are to the Lord as precious as the tenderest part of his eie and he that commeth so neare him the breath of his mouth shall confume him and in the middest of all these calamities wee shall stand like mount Sion and shall feare no more then the heauens were affraid Psal 125.1 Psal 91.11 Gen. 11.4 when Nimrod and his companie would haue built vp a tower vnto them For the Lord hath giuen his Angels charge ouer vs and not a haire of our head shall fall without his prouidence but as the wicked haue many waies to hurt vs so hath the Lord farre more meanes to helpe vs. Who spared not his owne Sonne This is another consolation ministred vnto vs to stay vs from fainting in afflictions that if God hath giuen vs his Sonne when wee were his enemies then much more now being reconciled vnto him will he giue vs with his Sonne all things else In this consider two parts first what it is that is said heere God deliuered vp his Sonne to death secondly that if hee giue him hee will giue all things else In the first consider two parts first the person of him that was giuen vp it was his owne Son secondly who the persons be for whom hee is giuen vp namely for all the faithfull In the first which is the person of him was giuen vp to death doth appeare the wonderfull loue of God that would vouchsafe to bestow vpon vs rebels and runnagates no woorse thing then his owne Sonne Great was the loue of Abraham toward God Gen. 22.8 that so commaunded his naturall affections as to offer vp his sonne Isaac at the Lords commaundement vnto death hauing but one sonne and he giuen him by a speciall fauor to comfort his age and him whom he loued being vertuous and religious when he had no hope to haue any more sonnes and this being the sonne of the promise in whom both himselfe and the whole world should be saued that this child should not bee banished from him but put to death and killed not before his face but with his owne hand this was a great loue for flesh and bloud to fall into But yet farre greater is the loue of God toward vs who louing Christ a thousand times more then Abraham could loue Isaac Ioh. 3.15 because betweene heauenly and earthlie things there is no comparison that God should deliuer him vp not to the whip but to the gibber not by commandement as Abraham did but of his meere and voluntarie loue and motion not into the hands of them that sorrowed to see him afflicted but into the hands of butchers that cared not how cruelly they dealt with him and this not for his friends as Abraham did for he was called the friend of God but for traitors that would haue pulled the Lord foorth of his owne seate and not to death onely as Abraham did his sonne who by the losse of his life should presently haue gained heauen but to a most cursed death and detestable and this to bee performed not in a mountaine or secret place where there should be sew beholders as Abrahams was to haue beene done but euen before the face of all the Iewes to hang as a most odious and notorious sinner to suffer his accusation to bee no lesse then for blasphemie to haue him so debased as to haue Barrabas who for an insurrection and murther was cast into prison Lu. 23.18.19 Mat. 27.22 in the choice of the people preferred before him who not onely was condemned by Pilate prosecuted by the malice of the Iewes conuinced by false testimonies scorned at by them that bad him helpe himselfe when he was in such extremitie as hee could scarce speake but that euen God his Father should arraigne him in heauen hauing all the sins of the world cast vpon him that pressed him at one time to the highest and lowest part of hell Whereupon consider that for the sinnes in our person all the horrors of hell did compasse him and all the torments of the damned did seize vpon him Reu. 19.15 and God for the time accounted him his enemie and brought him to that exigent and extremitie as he was forced to crie Father why hast thou forsaken me for if he had not bin the Sonne of God it had bin impossible to haue sustained or endured it and yet being the Son of God he was driuen so low as an Angel was faine to be dispatched from heauen to comfort him and all this to befall him who in himselfe was not in any one particular sinfull being cleane by birth and holy by conuersation True it is the high Priest was angrie with him because he tooke him as an offender in his owne person but God was angrie with him as esteeming him a sinner in our person that he which had not deserued being smitten wee that had deserued might
For if we rather desire the flesh pots of Egypt then the Manna in the wildernesse and being drawen a little from the custome of sinne by the impulsion of the spirit wee make more haste to returne backe to our vomit then to follow hard toward the marke for the price of the high calling of God in Christ then is not Christ in vs nor wee in him and being out of him there is nothing but condemnation Phil. 3.14 and we are alreadie in the iawes of the Lion Out of the first obserue that saluation is not appointed for all men for all pertaine not vnto Christ as himselfe saith Luk. 12.32 mine is a little flocke and Iohn 10.26 those that beleeue not are not of Christs sheepe but those that be his heare his voice putting a difference betweene beleeuers and those that are in truth no better than Infidels which is more liuely expressed by the reward verse 28. I giue them that is my sheepe eternall life and they perish not What becommeth then of the other They are as Iude 6. reserued vnder darknesse vnto the iudgement of the great day and the cup of vengeance and condemnation cannot passe by them because the wrath of God was neuer satisfied for them so much also is signified by Christ Mat. 7.13.14 There be two waies in the world fitting with the two fold condition of men the one strait and narrow the other wide and broad those that in this life loue not to be pinched and crouded but to haue their walkes easie and their roomes large their feete leadeth them to destruction and of this kinde saith hee there be many Let vs not therefore vainely nozzle our selues in this opinion that heauen shal hold vs all for Christ as Iohn 10.9 is that straite dore by which wee must enter and though goates may heere feede with sheepe and tares may grow vp with corne yet when we come to the fold and to the harnest our shepheard knoweth who are his and giues them onely entrance and our Lord who is the husbandman gathereth only the graine and scattereth the chaffe as before the wind for condemnation is the inheritance of all such as haue not Christ for their head and he is head to none that haue not their life from him and none liue in him but they that are ruled by him and hee ruleth none but by the scepter of his word within the reach whereof few desire to be drawen but all almost doe seeke how to slip the collar as if the patient should onely dislike that medicine which would rid him of his disease yet such are most in the world that hate to see Christ in the glasse of his word wherein he is most perfectly to be beholden and therefore no marnell though condemnation as a cloud doe couer so many Secondly let vs obserue and as it were with teares of thankfulnesse acknowledge and reuerence the speciall and spirituall loue of God Mal. 1.5 that hath so magnified himselfe vpon the borders of vs Christians that when wrath had ouerspread the earth and the curse of God for disobedience had runne through the end of the world and that we were besmeared and misshapen with sinne as vgly as the Ethiopian and condemnation as due to vs as to them that alreadie hang in hell yet hath the Lord preserued vs not from a bodily death as Exod. 1.17 the midwines did the yong Israelites but from the spirituall fire of hell which should haue tormented our soules and this meerely through Christ that lo●eth vs for though the first and originall cause of our saluation hee the loue of God yet this is conueied to vs through his sonne the Lord being as tender to vs as a father is to his childe onely through the obedience of that child and Sonne of his the Lord Iesus and therefore most fitly hath the Apostle deliuered heere this bridge of condemnation to bee broken downe that wee haue now no passage to hell through the forme and vertue of our liuing and being in Christ for there being but two impediments to our saluation first the destroying of Satans power in vs through sinne secondly the appeasing of Gods anger towards vs for sinne Christ hath remoued both these First in breaking the Serpents head Gen. 3.15 and himselfe possessing the hold which Satan kept namely the Temples of our bodies And secondly in treading the wine-presse of the wrath of God Reue. 14.19 that what possibly could in iustice be exacted of vs that himselfe paied in his owne body and person suffering for the time the paines and pangs of hell therefore there can no condemnation remaine for vs our debt being already paied to the vtmost farthing which ought to stirre vp our hearts to the praise and thankfulnesse of so good a God that passing by thousands that lay polluted in their blood no worse then wee hash thus gratiously visited and receiued vs to mercy For the second which is the meanes whereby we are fenced and freed from this condemnation namely through Christ we are to note two things First how we are said to be in Christ and Christ in vs Secondly what profit we receaue by this coniunction For the first it is such a mystery as mans imperfect wisdome and shallow reach cannot sound the bottome nor come to the depth of it but shall heereafter better be knowen by our fruition of it then now it can be by the description of it howbeit so far as this secret of God is opened vnto vs in the booke of God so farre may we seeke and no further Now this vnion betweene Christ and vs is expressed in the Scripture two waies first plainlie secondly by way of comparison the first is set foorth by Christ himselfe the master of all truth First as a thing to be felt and discerned euen in this life as Ioh. 14.20 At that day saith he shall ye know that I am in my father and you in me and I in you that is though yee shall lose the comfort of my presence bodily yet I will leaue you such a spirituall pledge of our coniunction namely my spirit as you shall know and perceiue I am onely absent from you in the flesh but am still with you to aide and succour you secondly it is plainely set foorth as a thing to bee perfectly inioyed in the life to come as Ioh. 17.23 where Christ maketh it part of his praier for all beleeuers That as thou O father art in me and I in thee so they may be also one in vs I in them and thou in me that they may be made perfect in one which places proue the vndoubted truth of this point that Christ and we are ioyned together for otherwise it had not stood with Gods iustice to haue punished Christ in our flesh nor to haue accepted our obedience in Christs person if wee had not beene in him and he in vs for it was not possible for the flesh of man so wilfully sinnig
those that are ordained in the eternall purpose of God to be saued after this sort those that are sure to be conformable to the glorious image of the Sonne of God to them all things doe worke for the best but they that are called in the Lords eternall purpose are ordained to bee conformable and made like to the glorious image of his Sonne therefore to these all things worke for the best Quos praenouit whom he knew before that is Quos vt suos cognouit whom hee knew and approued to bee his owne such should resemble his Sonne in glory that is should partake and taste of the same glory though not in the same measure according to the speech of S. Iohn in his Epistle We shall be like him he doth not say equall to him for Christ must haue the preheminence of an elder brother Hence obserue the indifferencey of the loue of God that he vseth but one and the selfe same course of discipline in his house for all his children for as he trained vp his first and eldest and best beloued sonne so will he traine and bring vs vp And how Christ was vsed here on earth the Scripture is plentifull and his owne mouth testifieth that he was worse then the beasts of the earth for he had not wherein to hide his head And therefore vnlesse wee doe despise the sufferings of Christ or thinke that God loueth vs better then he did Christ and hath prouided an easier way for vs to walke in let vs know that it is our portion to abide the indignities of the world and to bee hated of men nay if whole seas of troubles fall vpon vs wee need not bee dismaled for reuilings are made vnto vs as precious balme the whip is become but as soft silke the pangs of death but as messengers of a sweet sleepe and through Christ the graue is vnto vs as a perfumed bed Secondly obserue hence the power and vertue of Gods loue towards vs who will still haue vs beare about vs some notable marke of excellencie and of immortalitie for as at the first wee were created like to the image of God himselfe so in our second birth and restitution wee are made to resemble the image of the Sonne of God and our resemblance of Christ standeth in two things which formerly haue beene touched first in walking through the sierie afflictions of this life which we may the better doe remembring that being the sonnes of Iacob there is a ladder that reacheth from heauen to earth whereon the Angels are alwaies ascending and descending Gen. 28.12 readie to minister to the necessities of the Saints Secondly in climing vp to the seate of glorie after the Dragon hath spent his malice in sending foorth of his mouth whole flouds of waters to drowne vs Reu. 12.25 which did nothing else but onely wash away our filthinesse lest otherwise wee had beene like to that old Serpent alwaies groueling vpon the ground For certaine it is we must either resemble the Sonne in obedience or the Serpent in malice and if we thinke the inheritance of a sonne inferior and of lesse value and consequent then the curse of the Serpent then let vs runne on with Pharaoh in the heardnesse of our hearts that the Lord may shew his power in vs and after hee hath forborne vs a while in patience Ro● 9.17 cast vs to the destruction prepared for vs. Vers 30. Moreouer whom hee predestinate them also hee called and whom hee called them also hee iustified and whom hee iustified them also he glorified Here the Apostle proueth his former speech and assertion by setting downe and declaring those subordinate and second meanes or degrees whereby the Lord doth accomplish this his purpose and decree The degrees be foure whom he foreknew first them he predestinated secondly after he called thirdly then iustified fourthly and lastly them he glorified After this sort speaketh S. Iohn He that beleeueth is alreadie translated from death to life so as the whole force of the Apostles argument is this They that shall certainly be glorified to them all things worke for the best otherwise the Lords purpose should be frustrate which cannot be by reason of the degrees of executing this his purpose which neuer faile Here consider generally two parts first his fore or daining vs to glorie secondly the inferiour degrees whereby he doeth execute this his purpose to glorifie vs. In the first consider three things first what this foreknowledge of the Lord is secondly what is meant by this to be like the image of his Sonne thirdly what is meant by the first borne among brethren For this which is the first namely the foreknowledge of God it is the very same which the Apostle called before his purpose whereby the Lord meant to know vs for his owne in his euerlasting loue which is the very highest cause of our saluation For that there is no other first cause may be vnderstood in this that we are not to seeke the first cause in Christ nor the first ordaining vs to life in the mediation of Christ for the Lord had a purpose to saue some before euer Christ had a purpose to be a Mediator though not in time yet in order and that nothing but his foreknowledge made the Lord to know vs in loue and to account vs for his owne wee may see it in our paterne Christ What could induce God that mans nature should be vnited to the very nature eternall Was it possible that the humane nature of Christ could deserue it No but it onely was the Lords purpose that it should be so which being true in constituting and ordaining the head is also to be considered in the members that euen so and in the like maner the simple and onely purpose of God should shew it selfe in fore ordaining vs. Now the worthinesse of man was no cause of this for Paul saith Rom. 9.11 the Lord loued Iacob and hated Esau before they had done either good or euil and saith it is therefore a mystery to be adored rather then to be scanned by reason If wee will search after the generall cause of mans saluation or damnation it is the manifestation of the Lords iustice on some and the declaration of his mercy on others for if all should haue bin saued then had there bin no iustice with the Lord and againe if all had bin condemned then had there beene no mercy Howbeit if we descend to particulars as why the Lord ordained such a one to be saued or to be damned no reason can be giuen heereof but his eternall purpose which is onely hidden in his owne breast For we must not expostulate with the Potter why he made this vessell to honor and that to dishonor much lesse must we contend and plead with the Lord about it This learne thou the Lord hardneth the reprobate either by the substraction and drawing away of his mercy or by giuing it so and in
the beholding of the very face of God and there shall bee no markes set to keepe vs from the mount where the Lord dweleth Reu. 21.12 as there was Exod. 19.12 but as Paul speaketh 1. Corinth ●3 12 we shall then see him face to face and know him as wee ●re knowen of him and see him as God all in all that is ●ee shall behold the glory of God not standing vpon the veile of the flesh of Christ for then all mediation and intercession shall cease and this is part of that Christ praied for a litle before his death Iohn 17.24 that we might see that glory he had before the world was made for then we shall see Christ-God and the whole Godhead immediately raigning yet in Christ the Sonne of man and in vs but so as we shall no more leane and relie vpon the praiers of Christ for then he shall raigne no more as the Sonne of man in the midst of his enemies for this gouernement shall cease death which is the last enemy being then abolished and he then shall raigne ouer them vanquished as God Howbeit the fruit and benefit of this his mediation shall indure for euer and the subiection of his humane nature shall then more appeare because of the glory of his Godhead which shall then be seene fully euen such and the same as he had before eternitie yet shall this saluation more increase the glory of his humanity when we shall vnderstand and see it to bee personally vnited to the sonne of God who with God the Father and the holy Ghost shall be all in all Now the fruition and possession of this glory shal worke three effects in vs first it shall breed in vs an infinite loue toward God secondly an infinite ioy in God thirdly an infinite praise to God Infinitely shall we loue him that hath aduanced as to such honour as is endles and to such fellowship as is matchlesse our hearts shall be filled with ioy yet not able to comprehend or expresse it Mat. 25.23 therefore it is said Enter thou into thy masters ioy for this ioy is too great to enter into thee and besides the ioy we shall haue in our owne saluation we shall conceiue as great ioie for the saluation of others which is called ioy celestiall and we shall haue yet more ioy then before to see the Godhead so glorious the Lambe aduanced in our flesh and to be one person with God And this is aboue all ioies because we shal loue Christ far aboue our selues for the zeale of Gods glory shall euen eat vs vp and it shall be so great in vs as it cannot be so great for our owne saluation and then out of this loue and ioy as out of two fountaines ioyned in one shall spring and arise such continuall praise to God for this glory that we shal vncessantly sing to God in the Temple which is God himselfe so as we shall praise God in God and this shall be as the Prophet Esay saith from new Moone to new Moone and from Sabbath to Sabbath that is for euer for this loue of God is from eternitie in respect of our predestination and to eternitie in respect of our glorification and this is that we sigh and grone for and for which while wee are in the flesh absent from God wee continually pray for ROM chap. 8. vers 31.32 verse 31 What shall we say then to these things If God be on our side who can be against vs verse 32 Who spared not his owne sonne but gaue him for vs all to death how shall he not with him giue vs all things also THe Apostle before set downe that God the Father by his eternall purpose hath foreacknowledged vs and foreloued vs with an euerlasting loue in his Sonne and not vs onely but all those that to the end of the world shall loue him and manifest and shew foorth this their loue by a sincere worship and religious care to keepe his commandements and how that the Lord as he hath ordained vs and them to the same glory so at the fulnesse of time by the dispensation of his wisdome by his spirit he doth call them by the instrument of his word by the same loue doth iustifie vs in his Sonne and will glorisie vs with himselfe Now he being ouercome with the thought and meditation of these things breaketh foorth into a woonder and admiration that seeing it is thus that the Lord hath taken it vpon him neuer to leaue vs till he hath aduanced vs to heauenly places euen the seat of the Lord Iesus what shall we say The answer is giuen with the question this we must say that since he is our God as appeareth by that which went before then is it impossible wee being thus backed and hauing the Lord our bulwarke that any creature can bee of that force or be so against vs no not the diuell in hell with all his power can hinder vs from the fruition of this glorie In the other words who spared not his Sonne c. there is a further consolation set downe vnto vs to make the heape of comfort greater that since the Lord gaue as it were iudgement against his owne Son and set him foorth to a shamefull death for vs and this when we were his enemies and strangers from the life of God how can it bee he should now denie vs any thing to further our saluation being made friends with him and reconciled to him thorow his Sonne This doctrine needeth rather deepe meditation then large explication for who doth not assume to himselfe sufficiently to vnderstand it being but thus much in effect that since God in his euerlasting purpose hath thus manifested his glorie and mercie and hath ordained the end which is his glorie in our saluation and to bring it that it may come to this end hath subordinated and set downe certaine causes as calling and iustifying it is impossible any thing should hinder our saluation If God he on our side Heereupon wee must not thinke that if God be on our side we shall haue no enemies for because God loueth vs therefore we haue the more enemies and therefore wee are persecuted and subiect to the hatred of the world as Christ himselfe expresseth Ioh. 17.14 The world hateth them because saith he they are like me So as in this place the Apostle doth not meane that we should expect any immunitie and exemption on from the e●mitie and malice of men but that wee hauing this heauenly securitie and assured certaintie of the Lords protection neither Angell nor man nor diuell nor torment shall be able to ouer come vs. For this is that Paul speaketh of All things are by Christ Col. 1.16 through Christ and for Christ that is all things are created by him all things are preserued through 〈◊〉 maintained for his glorie so that our saluation being alwaies ioyned with his glorie neither shall men breath nor the diuell
CERTAIN GODLY AND LEARNED Sermons Preached by that worthy seruant of Christ M. Ed. Philips in S. Sauiors in Southwarke Vpon the whole foure first Chapters of Matthew Luc. 11. vers 24.25.26 Rom. 8. the whole 1. Thess 5.19 Tit. 2.11.12 Iames 2. from the 20. to the 26. and 1. Ioh. 3.9.10 And were taken by the pen of H. YELVERTON of Grayes Inne Gentleman So runne that ye may obtaine heare that ye may learne practise that ye may liue for euer LO●●ON Printed by 〈…〉 widow and are to be sold at her sho● 〈…〉 Church yard at the signe of the 〈◊〉 TO THE RIGHT WORSHIPFVLL SIR CHRISTOPHER YELVERTON Knight one of the Iudges of the Kings Bench and the Ladie his wife H. Y. wisheth to your present prosperities the addition of many daies in the fruitfull feare of the Lord Iesus c. RIght Worshipfull it is inspired to man by grace to fetch the compasse of this life within the reach of a spanne Psal 39 and it is suggested to him by nature to spin out his web in many daies though it bee with manie dangers Howbeit if the wings of pride did not transport vs to the height of worldlinesse and the weight of opinion did not beguile vs in the taste of happinesse we might discerne in varietie of delights but superfluitie of desires Eccl. 2 in increase of riches but excesse of sorrowes in length of yeeres but strength of cares and in the choisest footing that we take but a changeable fleeting of our estate For if our affections might alwaies feed on Manna we would loath it Num. 1 if our inheritance did stretch to the plaines of Iordan wee would enlarge it and if our preheminence 〈…〉 to heauen yet would we raise vp our heads higher These were the itching humors of Euah lineally descended to vs who thought not Paradise spacious enough for her habitation nor the dainties of Eden sweet enough for her taste nor that presence of God good enough for her companie But where the superscription of Holinesse to the Lord is engrauen on the head and the perswasion of godlinesse to be gaine is engrafted in the heart there the lust of the world and the dust of the world shal be shuffled together as paires and pearles of equall account and continuance For let the glorie of a Christian be neuer so eminent it is not greater then Salomons nor yet Salomons so great as the Lillies let the arme of the wicked be neuer so mightie it is not stronger then Pharaohs and yet Pharaohs inferior to the course of waters let the power of his command be neuer so absolute it is not larger then Nabuchadnezzars yet stifned in pride he was streightned for 7. years within the walks of wild asses yea let the apparell he puts on be neuer so royall the place where he sits neuer so iudiciall the phrase of his speech neuer so plausible and the praise of his voice neuer so popular yet can he not be lifted vp aboue Herod nor Herod by these defended from the wormes Whether then we peruse the steps of the Saints or the state of vnrepentant sinners wee see their liues equally bound vp with the cords of corruption though vnequally matched in the ioy at their separation the one falling away like a flower transplanted to a better soile the other rushing vpon the rocke of Gods wrath either shamefully deiected with the terror of iudgement while they liue or else fearefully entangled with the sense of torme●● when they die It is not therefore amisse since an enterlude is as it were appointed to be plaied on this earth wee abound couetousnesse creepeth in so closely as it grudgeth the comfort of society if we be scanted impatiency breaketh out so fiercely as it despiseth the law of propertie if we be prouoked wrath roareth out so bitterlie for reuenge as it is no manhood to sheath vp iniuries if we bee pleased flatterie followeth on so shamefully for reward as it is no masterie to obtaine victories if we be weake we blame the worke of nature that we were not made of a firmer mettall if we be strong Iob 6.12 we blaze the art of nature as if wee were steele that could not turne the edge if we be sicke 2. Chr. 16.12 we plant our faith in the Physitian to cure vs yet being sound wee shake off temperance that might preserue vs Iob 32.4 when our leaues bee greene and our wits fresh because wee want the reuerence of the aged we crie that hoary haires might quickly couer vs and being arriued at age the doore of death wee wish that slipper youth might againe beguile vs euer peruerting the times and preuenting the meanes that God hath prefixed and wearying and wasting our selues soonest in possessing that we would enioy longest For though it be the pleasure of the Almightie that wee should cherish this lampe of life yet ought wee not to consume the oyle in prizing our delights at too high a rate Iames 4.3 nor in spending on our lusts in too large a measure And though like warie shipmen wee prouide for this crazie barke which is the bodie Mat. 6.25 yet must wee not permit immoderate care like a mercilesse canker to eate through our bones But the way to ballance our selues euen and not to stray beyond our tether is to captiuate our thoughts thus farre as to recken the world but as a cradle wherein we are rocked till we aspire to some age and growth in Christ our desires but as dreames wherewith we are deluded till we attaine to some taste of Gods loue in Christ this life but as a race wherein we are wearied and perplexed till wee can recouer some sight of Christ and this body but as a prison wherein our soules lie shakled vnder the hope of being blessed in the death of Christ To which affection and perfection wee shall then ascend when being taught by his word which is truth and led by his spirit which is life we can shake off selfe-will that runneth on so fast to destruction and sway downe self-selfe-loue that swelleth vp so high to presumption and can walke in humilitie as in the sight of God contenting our selues with the portion assigned vs as his gift and with the affliction sent vs as his triall crucifying the flesh as an enemy to the quickning of the soule and trampling on this earth as an insnarer of our feete in vanitie weighing sickenesse but as the fore-runner of sleepe and welcoming death but as the sickle of the Lords haruest beholding the graue as the faithfull treasury of our bodies and looking vp to heauen as the vndoubted Paradise of our soules Now there being but two impediments to this perswasion and tranquillitie of spirit 〈◊〉 9.35 either the corruption that resteth within vs or the sorrowes brought vpon vs while we breath heere the first cleauing and clasping so close about our loynes sinne being like a leprosie that hath couered
that he is able by his power to disappoint the decree of God which is the nature of all Atheists to challenge absolute dominion vpon the earth thinking God to be shut vp in heauen but he that sitteth there laugheth them to scorne for Herod thought to haue had the life of the babe but the babe had his when the measure of his sinnes were fulfilled For the second generall point which is the obedience of Ioseph learne how willingly he takes vp his crosse he might haue thought himselfe a miserable man to haue maried such a wife as he might not accompanie with and the babe which was borne to be the cause of these vnseasonable troubles for these no doubt were the suggestions of flesh and bloud but he laieth aside consulting with the old man and fixeth his eie vpon God and casteth his care vpon the highest that as he had giuen the temptation so he knew he would likewise giue the issue like Abraham Gen. 22.8 who answered his sonne saying God will prouide a sacrifice and like this babe himselfe who afterward in his conflict of death Mark 14.36 though most tedious and grieuous to the flesh did yet submit himselfe to his fathers will So as the obedience of Ioseph is here commended by this that he presently dispatcheth not standing reasoning with the Angell nor waiting for the comfort of the day for cursed is he that doth the worke of the Lord negligently He knew this babe was the Lord of glory and that all the world could not murder him as yet because he had a worke to doe for the King of heauen yet seeing there is at this time no other doore of escape but flying hee is neither negligent nor carelesse but he accounteth all haste too little and in the night trusseth vp all he had whereby we may thinke he was exceeding poore and maketh no delay Where we learne that though we be sure the Lord will defend vs yet if we be in danger and the Lord hath opened a window for our deliuerance that we vse all possible dispatch Dauid was sure Saul could not surprise him because the Lord had promsed him the kingdome yet 1. Sam. 24.1 he hideth himselfe in caues and flieth frō one place to another to auoid his fury because though he had Gods oth that he should be king yet he would not tempt God by exposing himselfe to danger So Ioseph though he had the babe of life in his hands yet flies which is a matter of no distrust but of singular obedience because he is willed so to doe For the third point which is the fulfilling of the prophesie The Prophet Osea ch 11.1 after he had set downe the sinnes of the Israelites and had brought in God threatning them with his iudgements and with this iudgement as the greatest that he would distinguish the light of Israel by taking away his sonne which was their glory then hee is sent from God to comfort them againe after this sort that although they had beene rebellious whom the Lord had chosen in his couenant though they had not profited by his corrections and though it might agree with the Lords iustice to depriue them vtterly of his sonne yet forasmuch as Israel is his childe though he hath sent his sonne into Egypt that thereby they might consider their owne vnwoorthinesse yet for his meere mercy sake he will bring him forth againe and restore him vnto them Where we learne first that though we breake our couenant with God yet hee is faithfull that hath promised and will neuer breake his couenant with vs for his thoughts be not like our thoughts but he is the same for euer howbeit if the Lord do beare vs in his armes as he did Ephraim Osea 11.3 and leade vs with the bands of loue Iam. 1.17 if he take the yoke from our iawes and yet we will not acknowledge by whom wee are healed and in whom we are eased we shall wander in the desert of our owne lusts and languish as it were in torment of conscience before the Lord will vnfold the brightnesse of his Sunne and discouer the light of his countenance vnto vs. For though Christ shall be called out of Egypt at the last yet many sorrowes shall runne ouer the hearts of the Israelites before they shall see him Secondly in this prophesie obserue that there was neuer any thing shewed should come to Christ which was base but it was foretold before that when it came it might not seeme strange nor men might not be offended at it as heere is foretol● his flying into Egypt and his basenesse that no man would vouchsafe to looke vpon him was foretold by Esay chap. 53.2 So was it foretold that not many mighty or noble should be called for as S. Paul saith 1. Cor. 2.8 none of the Princes of the world haue knowen the wisedome of God to the end we may not be offended with the base professors of the Gospell but may be as S. Paul calleth them 1. Cor. 4.10 fooles for Christ his sake So was it foretold that in the latter daies there should be scarse faith found vpon the earth as S. Paul speaketh 1. Tim. 4.1 that we may not be discouraged with the profanenesse of the world but that wee may labour to bee of the number of those fooles to whom the riches of the Gospell is reuealed and in the company of those few whose lampes shall bee found burning and whose faith shall be found grounded vpon the perswasion of Gods loue in his sonne MATH chap. 2. vers 16 17 18 verse 16 Then Herod seeing that he was mocked of the Wise-men was exceeding wroth and sent foorth and slue all the male children that were in Bethlem and in all the coastes thereof from two yeeres old and vnder according to the time which he had diligently searched out of the Wise-men verse 17 Then was that fulfilled which is spoken by the Prophet Ieremias saying verse 18 In Rhama was a voice heard mourning and weeping and great howling Rachel weeping for her children and would not bee comforted because they were not NOW followeth the persecution it selfe the perswasion of the Angell being like a flash of lightning before a clap of thunder wherein the Euangelist deliuereth three generall points First by what occasion Herod was so set on fire and exasperate to beethinke himselfe of these murthers namely because hee thought himselfe abused Secondly the execution of this massacre with the circumstances first of the place it was in Bethlem and the townes adioyning to it secondly of the persons they were children of two yeeres old and vnder Thirdly the Euangelist noteth the fulfilling of a prophesie anciently foretold that this comming to passe they might know it was no small matter and withall that the sonne of God was sent not to raigne as a Monarch but to be persecuted vnto bloud For the first Herod thought himselfe mocked not that he was so but onely deemed himselfe so Where
all graces and so truely is it sealed vnto our soules that wee eate Christ though not corporally By the word we eate the flesh of Christ continually by faith and in the Sacrament it is only more plaine that we eate it because two senses are satisfied by it the eare hearing the word and the eie seeing the bread For the third testimony There comes a voice from heau●● by the former miracles the Lord onely prouided for the witnesse of the eye but now hee prouides for the eare also Where wee learne the wonderfull wisedome and loue of God to exercise all our senses that thereby we might be brought to a certaine perswasion of these mysteries Among the Philosophers is a great question whether the sense of sight or of hearing bee better in it selfe True it is that sight in nature is more excellent as for celerity and quickenesse so for perspicuity and sharpnesse but if the doubt bee made of the profit of these two then hearing excelleth for we can see nothing but that is visible but many more things are to be heard of which thereby may be conueied to the heart to iudge of so the largenesse of hearing is greater in the profit Besides no man profiteth by sight vnlesse he vnderstand it by hearing for which cause it pleased God to apply both in the mystery of saluation that thereby we might be sure of it we neuer doubting of that we both see and heare Faith commeth by hearing Rom. 10.17 and the holy Ghost bores the care Psal 40. and leades the eye to satisfie it setting before it in Baptisme water and in the Supper bread and wine so as it is prouided that the hearing might haue the word and the eye the sacraments Now in the voice consider what it doth expresse namely th● that flesh which stood there before them was the naturall sonne of God and this he is two waies first as he is the sonne of God by nature of the eternall substance of his Father howbeit let no man thinke fleshly of the matter for hee departed with no substance nor had any manner of change secondly as he was the sonne of Mary not by nature or adoption for then there had beene a time when he was not the Sonne of God but by personall vnion the man Christ being neuer a person by it selfe vntill it was personally vnited to the Godhead so as he was borne the sonne of God not by nature for he was of the nature of his mother so Mary is said to bee the mother of God not that she brought forth God but brought foorth that man that was God and this in respect onely of the personall vnion In that it is said my welbeloued Sonne vnderstand that all lo●● comes from him that comes to vs and wee are beloued only for Christs sake as Ch●●● 〈…〉 praieth Iohn 17. I beseech thee good Father that as 〈…〉 ●●●d me so thou wilt loue them and giue them the same glory thou guest me This is God required to doe by his owne Sonne who can a●ke nothing shall be denied him With the same loue loue thou them as I am in them so are they in me And this ministreth singular consolation that when we consider Christ to be beloued we may withall remember that with the same loue the Lord loueth his natural son with the same doth he loue vs that are adopted so as when he beholds the beauty of his sonne in whose fore-head as in a golden plate are written all our names hee turneth from our filthinesse and embraceth vs as his owne sonne and the Father and sonne are all one in desire The Lord grant we may be able to comprehend it and be willing to entertaine it that this loue may constraine vs to loue him againe otherwise it brings foorth no effectuall fruit in vs. Againe since the Father tooke all delight in this Sonne Christ Iesus and that the whole Trinity was heere at his baptizing and that the father saith in another place Sonne I will glorifie thee still Iohn 12.28 let vs learne to magnifie the Lord Iesus let him bee our ioy for who is there in heauen or earth in whom wee can set our delight better then on him which thus pleaseth the father Let vs loue him that God loueth he is the only Priest to sacrifice for vs the only Aduocate to plead for vs the onely Prophet to instruct vs the only King to gouerne vs the onely shield to defend vs we shall be made rich through his grace only righteous through his obedience onely safe through his protection onely and saued through his mediation only He that glorifies the Sonne glorifies God and he that resteth vnder the wings of the Sonne shroudeth himselfe vnder the shadow of the most high then accursed be that man or that religion that holds Christ but as the chiefe Sauior and would haue other helpes ioyned to him for we must only haue Christ and wholly Christ and assure ourselues to bee ●aued onely in him our praiers to bee heard onely through him and our wounds to be healed onely by the sight of him and to what end should we ioyne others with him since all are beloued onely for him That there is a Trinity appe●● 〈…〉 ●●er in this place a● namely the fathers voice 〈…〉 ●esence in the Done and Christ manifested and 〈…〉 flesh and these bee seuerall yet but on●●e ho●●● and all and euery of them is le●●●uah It is a mystery only to be adored yet in some measure i● to be kno●en that they should be three persons yet but one God as for example take three men Paul Iames and Iohn heere be three persons and three men but it is not so in God for in things that bee created wee must consider they are onely limited therefore the same nature in Iohn is not the same natu●●● singular and in specie that is in Paul because they bee not onely two persons but diuided in quantity and that particular nature in particular that is in Iohn cannot be in Paul So for Angels take Raphael Gabriel and Michael supposing him to bee a created Angell the same particular angelicall nature that is 〈◊〉 one is not in another for they be not onely two persons of Angels but two natures not distinct but separate Now in God 〈◊〉 make a common essence which is Iehouah wherein doth cons●●● three Elohims yet are they not three Iehouahs because his nature is simple and the selfe same is in them all and the same being is in God the Father that is in the Sonne and is tota to 〈◊〉 in euery one and the same in Vnity And if wee will haue th●● Gods then must we make a substance diuided which cannot be but there is onely a distinction Angels are separate one from another and are one without another but in the Trinity it is otherwise The Sonne is in the Father the holy Ghost in the●● both and they are all one The Sunne
him but answereth him with one onelie word of detestation Auoid Sathan For the blasphemous may not bee reasoned with if they should it would make them but burst foorth into greater outrage against the peareles and matchlesse wisedome of God giuing vs likewise by this answer secretly to vnderstand that whosoeuer goeth about to withdraw vs from God is of the diuell so likewise are they that seeke by reason to disswade vs from the shame of the crosse Therefore Mat. 16.23 when Christ indeuoured to preuent the ignominy should come vpon the crosse and to make his disciples and the rest vnuanquishable when it should come it is said there Peter tooke him aside and vsed reasons to disswade him from such 〈◊〉 comfortable speeches whereupon Christ not mildly but sharply being displeased with this carnall excoption of his bids him 〈◊〉 Sathan that is as a great enemy to him and others And so whensouer flesh and bloud shal take exception against the mystery of godlinesse it is thus sharply to bee reproued Heereupon Rom. 3.31 exceptions being taken that the law serued to no vse because Christs obedience had absolutely purchased our pardon the Apostle in like wisdome of the spirit of God answereth not onely by a simple deniall but by a deniall with a detestatio●● God forbid as that it is blasphemy to be of such opinion And sometime to this phrase the Apostle addeth more as Rom. 3.8 not replying one word but onely saith their damnation is iust rather setting before them their cursed end then conuincing them by reason for as Salomon saith A foole may not bee answered in his folly Out of the second answer which Christ maketh for our instruction and satisfaction obserue that God must haue both all outward and inward worship so as it is impious to thinke a man can keepe his soule for God when hee humbleth his bodie to strange gods and in this hee doth withdraw his reuerenc● from his owne religion either through feare or profanen●●●● reaching foorth part of the worship to another But wee must know God will haue both and in creating both hee challengeth both besides that of them both hee hath made but one man which cannot be diuided but goeth together For we are not baptised in our bodies onely but in our soules out soules only were not redeemed neither shall they onely bee sa●ed but the whole man If the bodie then be the Lords both by creation and by redemption let vs giue testimony of his worship in both otherwise it is as if a woman should protest she loued her husband at the heart and in her soule and yet should prostitute her bodie to vncleannesse but wee are espoused and maried to the Lord therefore let vs keepe both for him vnspotted Lastly out of the diuels argument let vs learne to feare and serue the Lord for if gifts may draw on worship as he pretendeth by his proffer to Christ then hath the Lord offered farre more largely for vs I will giue thee saith he eternall life and it is no aduantage to winne the world and to take the diuels offer and after to lose our soules But let vs set God on our right hand in him we liue in him wee haue our being it is hee that feedeth vs with naturall and supernaturall things and blessings godlinesse hauing the promises of this life and of the life to come 1. Tim. 4.8 hee will make vs heires of the earth the world standing for our sakes we shall be heires of heauen Ioh. 1● 2 Christ hauing prepared places for vs in his fathers house yea fellow heires with his owne Sonne tasting of no other loue Ioh. 17.24 nor feeling any other glory then his Sonne hath and therefore in the iudgement of the diuell hee shall worthily bee damned that refuseth so large an offer at Gods hand who giueth and neuer vpbraideth pardoneth and neuer reperteth Then the diuell left him c. This is the third part namely the issue and euent of the temptations had and sustained by Christ set downe in two things first that when the diuell could not ouercome him he left him secondly that the Angels attended and ministred For the first by this vnderstand that as Christ was tempted for vs and in our flesh ouercame for vs in his person so wee haue good and comfortable security that vsing the same meanes hee did according as we shall be enabled and through the grace of the same spirit wee also shall ouercome the Prince of darknesse for wee must not thinke our selues freed from these assaults the life of a Christian being a warfare the world the campe the first registring and inrolling of vs being in baptisme where we tooke a vow to be true to the Lord Iesus Christ is our victorious Captaine our enemies are the world without vs the flesh within vs as accessaries and the diuell as principall besides temptations on both hands Now the power we haue to repell these is the sword of the spirit the word of God the schoole where we learne this defence is the Church of God where we finde weapons both offensiue and defensiue a shield of faith to defend our selues and a sword of the word to offend the enemy And this may bee our comfort his rage will haue an end and his malice shall not preuaile but as Saint Iames saith If we resist him Iames 4.7 he will flie from vs that is he will hasten as fast away as he came fiercely toward vs for heere is promised victory to all that striue infeare For the second generally we note how it pleased God by wisdome and dispensation to dispose of the exinanition as I may so tearme it or the impairing and abasing of Christ while he was in the flesh that in the midst of the greatest ignominy and reproch yet he bore some marke and badge of his notable and diuine power whereby by the eies of faith hee might bee discerned to be the Sonne of God His basenesse appeareth in this that he liued in the wildernesse he was assaulted of the diuell he had no company but beasts hee was hungry and had no food but stones Sathan was busie with him to make him tempt his Father and in all this there was nothing but ignominy and extreame basenesse But after all this there breaketh foorth like the Sunne through the clouds a matter which maketh him knowen and discerned to be more then a man that the Angels come to doe him seruice And thus did it euer fall our that hee was neuer brought so low nor so neare the ground but there did at last shine forth an impregnable worke of his diuinity hee was borne in a stable his Cradle was a Manger there was lodging in the Inne but none for Mary Mat. 22. yet was there then a starre in the heauens to signifie to the Wise-men the birth of this noble personage hee was baptised by Iohn his seruant Mat 3.15.16 but a voice was heard from
made more plain● Paul Rom. 7.18 said hee knew no good thing dwelling in his flesh and heere he saith he is freed from the law of sinne and of death so as it may be thought these two places and speeches doe not agree The answer is Paul was carnall sold vnder sinne and thereby made a slaue to Sathan euen as a slaue that is sold in the market is to his master but this was onely in respect of the spirit of life which was in himselfe but now he speaketh of the spirit of life which is in Christ and applied vnto him by the vnion betwene Christ and him and so may boldly say hee is now no flesh but all spirit and doth the good he would To make it plainer 1. Ioh. 5.6 it is said that Christ came by bloud and water signifying thereby that as his bloud washeth away the guiltinesse of our sinnes so his water washeth away the filthinesse of our sinnes and that as his bloud doth iustifie vs in heauen so his water doth sanctifie vs heere on earth with which water of his because it answereth to the spirit of life which is in vs we had neede daily to be washed for as the skinne cleaueth fast to the flesh and the flesh to the bones so doth sin to our corrupt nature that we haue need continually to be cleansed by the holy Ghost which is the spirit of life of Christ in vs. And this is that water spoken of Ioh. 3.5 Except a man be borne of water and of the spirit he cannot be saued meaning thereby our regeneration and so Ioh. 13.10 where Christ alluding to them that comming out of Bathes had neede wash their lower parts because the filthinesse descendeth to the feet perswadeth vs thereby to a daily increase in a sanctified course because some corruption will hang at least at our singers end according to that Iob 9.30.31 If I wash my selfe with snow water and make my hands most cleane yet my owne clothes shall make me filthy so as though wee haue the spirit of God in vs yet our best actions are sinfull for as it is said Esa 64.6 our righteousnes is as filthy clouts the originall signifieth such clouts as come from children newly borne or such as Surgians vse to make cleane vlcers or such as beggers finde vpon dung hils to patch their ragged cloakes withall or such as are not once to be named as the Ancient writers of the Iewes doe make mention to whom this was chiefely spoken the Prophet in that place alluding to the manner of purifying in the ceremoniall law For we reade Leuit. 15.19 that vncleane things were separated both from the seruice of God and from the vse of man which being then but ceremoniall both in bodie and soule and thereby vnfit for Gods seruice and is really and morally in vs for we are vile and polluted not worthy the society one of another for feare of infecting each other and yet these are our best actions as Esay speaketh meaning thereby both the greatnesse of the number of them and the greatnesse of the excellency of them for they are all accursed before God I meane in respect of the spirit of Christ which is in vs not that the spirit causeth this vncleanenesse but through the lust sensuality and corruption of our natures euen as faire water from a cleere fountain is made filthy by running thorow vnclean channels the cause wherof is that concupiscence which through the serpents temptation entred into our first parents when they transgressed this being the first sinne that liueth and the last sinne that dieth euen as the heart is in the body of a man and this lust causeth and forceth vs to commit the euil we would not and to omit the good wee would and if it cannot preuaile this way with vs then it will entice vs partly to commit the euill and partly to omit the good by the consent of the heart onely and if it ●●●le in this it will cause such a crossing and corrupt thought to come in the way to poison the good we do that though we do it yet it deserueth death because wee are commanded to loue God with all our thoughts which if any one be ranging we doe not This is vrged the more that we may see and acknowledge how far our best actions which are in highest price and estimation with vs and which runne from the cleerest part of the wel-head are from deseruing any thing which we may yet see as in a glasse more plainely Gen. 6.5 where it is said concerning the naturall man that the mould of the desires of the thoughts of a mans heart are euill only euill and euill euery day and for euer 〈◊〉 may bee spoken of the best childe of God leaning out but this word onely For the spirit of Christ which is in vs begetteth some good thoughts and bringeth forth some good fruits that they are not onely euill though in respect of our corruption and that they taste of the vnsauory saltnes of our nature they may be said to be nothing but euill for in the choisest child of God there is the seed of the sin against the holy Ghost of apostasie of all sins but that by the working of the spirit they are so choked and weakened as they are not able to breake foorth hobeit by the remainder of sin abiding in vs all our actions are so infected poisoned as they are lothsome in the sight of God which must teach vs to humble our selues before him to craue pardon euen for our praiers which are polluted with many by-thoughts then wil he as Mal. 3.17 spare vs as a man spareth his sonne that serueth him for the Lord regardeth rather the good affection than the good action the holy fountaine from whence it procedeth rather then the effects of the fountain that it runneth thorow some corrupt veine of this earth and flesh of ours and this is in respect the spirit of life of Christ is in vs. But now if we speake of the spirit of life which is in Christ himselfe then we may boldly say we are all spirit and not flesh that Christ by his satisfaction hath taken away the accusation can come against vs for any sinne and the imperfection can be laide against vs for any action for all we doe is accepted of God in him and we can be charged with nothing for Christ maketh intercession for vs and as Eph. 2.1 God in Christ hath quickned vs that were dead in sinnes and as Heb. 2.9 Christ hath tasted death for all men So as if we speak of the spirit of life which is in Christs person we may well conclude wee are freed from the law of sin and of death Secondly obserue hence that they that will take comfort by the life of Christ must be able to apply the power of his death to the crucifying not onely in generall but euen of euery particular sinne in them as the
the profanenesse of our mindes we make a sauour of death and as it were a trumpet of debate and sedition to consume each other yea Ioh. 6.66 we see how diuers of Christs disciples went backe from him when hee preached a long sermon touching the sacrament of the supper which is a badge of our friendship with God with our brethren which proceeded not from the sacrament but from their rebellion that their sinne might bee made more sinfull yea such contagion is there in our nature as wee make Christ himselfe the authour and finisher of our hope to bee our condemnation a stone to stumble at and a rocke of offence 1. Pe. 2.8 the cause not being in him who is the light of the world but in our selues making him an occasion of our darkenesse Iohn 3.19 which by this light shall be made in the end farre more sinfull and damnable Since then the power of our corruption is so forcible as it is able to peruert all the meanes ordained for our saluation as to make the commandement of God in his law the promises of God in the Gospell the seales of God in his sacraments and the loue of God in his sonne to be vaine and of no value this must teach vs to humble our selues in the lowest degree in a hatred and detestation of our flesh and sinfull faculties of our soule which are as the poisoned soile that either casts vs or corrupts all the seeds of fruitfulnesse or wholsomenes that we throwen into it whereas our sin being disclosed both by the law and Gospell it is the more to bee hated and abhorred because it turneth the edge and benefit of both these to our destruction For what could the Lord doe more to preserue our first parents in their innocency than to set as it were a double fence about his commandement forbidding not onely the eating of the fruit but the touching of it binding the hands that they should not conuey it to the mouth and yet more hath he done for vs taking vs out of the fire by casting as it were his Sonne in the fire though as if we had neuer beene scorched or else being past sense we carrie still the coles in our bosome and will not haue them quenched with the water of the spirit to newnesse of life But let vs not be so wilfull peruerse so strong headed and stifnecked as not to bee turned into the way by the rod of the law but hauing spent the portion of the flesh and wasted the lusts thereof let vs grow in loue with our fathers house for what fruit can we haue in those things whereof we shall be ashamed or which at length shall bring shame on vs Let vs therfore shake off the sinnes we haue delighted in and then haue we suffered in the flesh and then hath Christ suffered in the flesh for vs which if he haue then is our flesh destroied in vs which if it be then shall we cease from sinne which if we doe then shall we liue after the will of God though not in perfection yet reformable to the perfection of his will and then to vs that are sanctified shall not the law be grieuous nor burdensome as Saint Iohn saith 1. Iohn 5.3 but it shall reioice the heart giuing light to the eies and sweetnesse to the taste as Dauid saith Psal God sending his Sonne c. This is the second generall p●n spoken of at first namely that what was impossible to the law is made possible in Christ wherein obserue foure things First the person which sendeth Secondly the person which is sent Thirdly the maner how he is sent Fourthly the end of his sending For the first which is God consider the cause mooued him to this mercy not any thing in vs but his owne loue and compassion towards vs as it is expressed Ioh. 3.16 God so loued the world that he sent his sonne and Ezek. 16.3.4 It is said concerning the Church of God that at the beginning she was born and begotten of the heathen her father an Amorite her mother an Hittite at the day of her birth shee had no mid-wife neither was shee washed but remained filthy shee had not so much as a swadling clout to couer her neither did any that passed by pitie her but shee was cast out in the open field lay polluted in her blood ready euery houre to perish In which words the meaning of the holy Ghost is to set forth our vnworthinesse our shame and our nakednesse If now an honorable person shall passe by and open his compassion on her and bring her home and spread his owne skirts ouer her feed her at his owne table make her beautifull and aduance her to great honour whereby she that was despised comes to be beloued of all nations and yet she should againe fall to her pollution and become a common strumpet if notwithstanding this vnthankefulnesse and apostasie he should draw her home againe and renue his former fauours towards her no reason could be giuen of this but the free mercy of him that did it euen so hath God like an honorable person full of all power and riches strength and maiesty mercy compassion seene vs polluted in our bloud before our birth borne of corrupt parents brought forth into a more corrupted place which is this world yet hath he said we shall liue he hath caused vs to bud as the flower of the field yea our time hath beene as the time of loue hee hath spread the skirts of his protection ouer vs entred a couenant with vs and we are become his now for vs to enquire the cause of this we can finde none but his willing loue to haue it so but let vs striue by the fruits of our liues to honor him and with the calues of our lippes to praise him that hath thus aduanced his mercy on vs and let vs not doe the worke of a presumptuous whore either in giuing rewards to the flesh or taking rewards of the flesh to fulfill the lusts thereof lest the Lord diminish our ordinary as Ezek 16.27 and feed vs with the blood of wrath and lealousie Againe heere note that the Lord neuer worketh but when it is impossible and the cure desperate in the eies of men for when the Law could not saue vs then rather than hee would want a people and lose the glory of his mercy hee sent his sonne to saue vs. The woman Mar. 5.25 that had her issue of blood twelue yeeres and had spent all her substance among Physitians and auailed not when man could not heale her then Christ did it when he that had beene diseased 38. yeeres and had line long at the poole of Bethesda Ioh. 5.6 and could get none to helpe him in when the water was troubled then did Christ bid him take vp his bed and walke when Ioh. 11.39.42 Lazarus had been in the graue foure daies that it was impossible for man to restore
choler is in a man the one being spoken as it is an offensiue passion the other but as it is an element or quality or part of a mans constitution so to say a man is in his heat is more then to say heat is in a man so to say that a man is couetous is a sharper speech then to say conerousnesse is in him the one shewing him to be ouercome of the sinne of couetousnesse the other but that the seed onely of the sinne is in him which is true of vs all we remaining in some part vnregenerate And this is answerable to the speech of Dauid Psa 51.5 I was borne in iniquity and in sinne did my mother conceaue me it being more to be conceaued in sinne then for sinne to be conceiued in vs as it was more for Simon Magus Act. 8.23 to be in the gall of bitternesse then for the gall of bitternesse to be in him the holy Ghost shewing by the phrase there vsed now he was ouerwhelmed and drowned in malice of hart against God And this kind of aggrauating of sinnefulnesse in a man by this kind and maner of speech was well vnderstood and vsed by the Pharisees Ioh. 9.34 where they said to him that had receaued his sight of Christ that hee was altogether borne in sinnes But now flesh and sinne may be in a man and yet he may haue an inclination to goodnesse which serueth greatly for the curing of an afflicted conscience that if wee can assure our selues without guile of spirit that we striue to the vttermost to mortifie the rebellious lusts of the flesh and that we delight more in doing of good then of euill then are we not in the flesh and then can we not but please God because we are vnited to his sonne in whom his soule delighteth for flesh that is weaknesse imperfection is in the best that euer came from the loines of man but none are in the flesh but they that giue themselues ouer and lay themselues naked to the lusts of it euen as pride is in all men but they are onely in pride that thinke they haue learned enough when they haue learned nothing of Christ truly not caring how leane and beggerly their soules bee and yet thinke they haue neuer enough to pamper vp their bodies to their best shew so there is some couerous desire in all men but they onely are in coue●●●nesse that make riches their God and are not rich in God Secondly we must vnderstand that the Scripture speaketh of flesh in two sorts first as it is part of that flesh which is in man secondly as it is the whole flesh of man Of the first the scripture speaketh of it as it is subiect to weakenesse frailty and mortality as Psa 78.39 He remembred that they were flesh yea a winde that passeth and commeth not againe and Esa 40.6 All flesh is grasse and all the grace thereof as the flower of the field Sometime the word flesh is taken for the ceremonies of the law as Gal. 3.3 Are ye so foolish that after yee haue begun in the spirit yee would be made perfect by the flesh Sometime for the basenesse of man as 2. Cor. 10.3 Though we walke in the flesh yet we doe not warre after the flesh Sometime for the estimation and credit of a man and sometime for the common course of nature as Gal. 4.29 He that was borne after the flesh persecuted him was borne after the spirit Of the second that is of the whole flesh of man the scripture speaketh as it is subiect to the wrath of God and this is that Paul meaneth heere and which is mentioned Ioh. 3.6 That that is borne of flesh is flesh that is vncleane which may be thus described It is that naturall corruption which is in vs being absolutely depriued of al heauenly grace and positiuely full of all sinne of all manner of sinnes of all the vilest sinnes by sinne meaning originall sinne which is called pri●●● foetus peccati the first birth of sinne or else sinne proceeding from it and out of it called perpetuus fomes peccati the continuall nonrishment and feeding of sinne for example water may be made hot when it is cold or cold when it is hot or may be congealed into ice yet it remaineth water but snow cannot properly bee termed snow when it is melted and turned into water for then it can be no more snow so is it with the flesh for it may be altered and changed and transformed into the image of Christ so that good things may dwell in it but then it is no more flesh But so long as flesh remaineth flesh that is vnwashed in the powers of the soule polluted by the actions of the body so long it is impossible that any goodnesse should spring from it and so impossible to please God From whence learne that so much flesh as we haue is depriued of all grace and full of all sinne and withall to confesse that euery one of vs hath so much flesh in him as deserueth wrath which ought to humble vs in praier before ●●mercy seat of God that this remnāt of corruption may be changed abated and diminished that the greatest part in vs may be regenerate and not to post ouer our sinnes as for the vsurer to say it is not he that sinneth but his vsury or for the carnal man to say it is not he that offendeth but his flesh and so to go through all sins and yet thinke he is corrupted by no sin for this were but to take Adams figleaues which were too light to couer our hypocrisie so as for him that is fleshly to recreate himselfe with vnsanctified solaces is but to make him more fleshly and for thee to sinne the more because thou art flesh is to carry fire in thy bosome Pro. 6.27 and to put it to the drie stubble whereas thou oughtest to be taught the contrary lesson by thy infirmity that since thou art weake thou wilt labour to strengthen thy selfe in the grace of Christ and since thou art so apt to sinne thou wilt lay faster hold vpon the word of promise which shall keepe thee from it for sinne must not be dead in thee in this sense as that thou art past feeling it but as by the perfect obedience of Christ it was absolutely slaine for thee so likewise by thy regeneration must it daily die in thee till by thy naturall death it do wholly die with thee On the other side let vs beware for if wee sow to the flesh that is if we be transported with a more eager desire for the duties to man then for the seruice of God or performe loue to them for the flesh that is for wordly respects and not for conscience then doe we remaine still in the flesh that is in the state of damnation For if we haue not the spirit of God to season our hearts though wee abound in knowledge both of matters concerning this
he thrust his sickle into the haruest Howbeit this order of proceeding against knowne and infamous sinners as to thrust snarling dogs out of the Church to cast the acornes among swine is not to be done by euery priuate man but by the church and congregation and if they admit any such the fault lieth in them not in those that ioyne with them for the children may take their appointed foode though some snarling and snatching curres and bastards stand by And where it is said in another place by this Apostle Eate not with him it is not meant of the Communion at the Lords table but that wee must haue no familiaritie with him not take delight in his companie Further out of the reason giuen why they were not in the flesh namely because the spirit of God was in them we gather that a man may be sure of his saluation and this is the whole drift of S. Paul in this Chapter to secure the elect of the euerlasting loue of God in his Sonne sensiblie felt in themselues for hee beginneth with this generall ground of their comfort That there is no condemnation to them that are in Christ then must they needs be saued But now all the question is who they be that are ingrafted into Christ for proofe hereof he descendeth to examine the particular course of their life which is visibly seene to all but particularly and best knowne to ones selfe this is if they walke in the spirit by a religious kinde of conuersation and their way in this is discerned by their life in the spirit that is by their ioy and comfort in godlinesse and this spirituall life is seene by not gratifying the flesh in the lustes and desires thereof and this crossing and correcting of the flesh in the pride of her lusts is seene by crucifying and killing of it with the affections thereof that is not onely beating and pressing it downe but stifling and braining of it altogether and this violence to the flesh is performed by them that haue suffered with Christ in the flesh that is that haue not listened or giuen eare to the pleasures of sinne but haue Heb. 12.1 cast away that presseth downe and the corruption that hangeth so fast on and this is done by them 1. Pet. 4.1 that cease from sinne that is that slip into it vnawares as a bird into a snare and such bee they as bestow the rest of their time after the will of God and his will being our worke we cannot but please him pleasing him it is his pleasure Lu. 12 32. to giue vs a kingdome Besides we may know whether we haue the spirit of God in vs or no as appeareth 1. Cor. 2.11.12 No man knoweth the things of man saue the spirit of a man euen so the things of God knoweth no man but the spirit of God which we haue receaued that we might know the things are giuen to vs of God which proueth that as we know our owne thoughts or words so the spirit of God in vs maketh knowen the wil of God to vs as far as is needful to be reuealed if we then know the will of God we may assure our selues we know his spirit to be in vs for his wil is not known without his spirit this spirit teaching truth but the spirit of the world broching error And 1. Io. 4.13 hereby know we that we dwel in Christ and he in vs because he hath giuen vs of his spirit which prooueth that though we know not what maner of thing the spirit is because it is inuisible and secret yet we may know we haue it by the fruits of a sanctified life after this maner speaketh Paul 2. Corint 13.5 Know yee not that Christ is in you except you be reprobates And yet the Papists would haue all reprobates counting it presumption to say we haue the spirit It is true if any presume he hath it when his life is not answerable to it he is deceaued and abused by presumption but if wee walke and trade in the spirit by a holy conuersation we may be sure we haue it for that is the argument of the Apostle that our sanctification is an vndoubted testimonie and an assured certaintie that Christ dwelleth in vs for there being but two spirits that rule in the hearts of all men the one the spirit of the world the other the spirit of God why should not our course be as prophane as others and our carriage runne after the flesh aswell as theirs if the mightier and stronger that is the spirit of Christ did not possesse our soules Yet say they No man can secure himselfe he shall be saued But as we may be sure of the spirit so may we likewise be of the riches that it bringeth which is saluation for it cannot hide so great a treasure from vs it being as an earnest pennie giuen vs that perfecteth the purchase of our inheritance in heauen for as we may trace a Hare in the snow by her footeing and come to the forme where shee sits euen so by those holy steppes that wee tread and by those spirituall bounds wherein we keepe our thoughts and our affections we may well and certainely perceaue that the spirit leades vs to the seate of God Besides this spirit of God within vs keepeth not his fruit and comfort secret to himselfe but discouereth it to vs and beareth witnesse to our spirits that we are the chosen of God and the spirit of man knowes what is in man whether his heart be filled with hypocrisie or with sinceritie with humilitie or with pride with true zeale or with counterfait that howsoeuer wee may bleare the sight of men by our dissembling yet we carrie our owne eies downe to our heart that see by what false waights we measure our fruits to God that is our religion and our righteousnesse to men that is our conuersation so as we haue a double euidence of our saluation the one backing and strengthening the other which is set foorth 1. Ioh. 5.8 There be three which beare record in earth the spirit and the water and the bloud and these three agree in one and where water is there hath bloud gone before for these two goe together as they came foorth of Christs side together Ioh. 19.34 repentance being the leader and remission of sinnes following after bloud washing away our guiltinesse and water the vncleannesse of our liues and the spirit of Christ sealing vp these things in our hearts that as by the sealing of the conueiance the purchase in law is made perfect so by the setling of our consciences in an vpright course toward God our saluation in Christ is made perfect and sure euen to vs. Yet say they wee cannot assure our selues wee shall thus continue for we haue examples of many that haue begun in the spirit and haue ended in the flesh that haue seemed fruitfull for a while and haue beene barren euer after that
haue giuen Iohn Baptist good countenance and yet haue chopt off his head for reproouing iustly It is true there is none standeth but he may fall if he leane to his owne wisedome nay he must wither if he grow vp among stones because he was neuer well rooted and whensoeuer the Lord pulleth away the vizard from any that masked vnder the cloake of religion he doth it to make them that stand strengthen themselues in Christ Philip. 4.13 and to make them that be hollow harted tremble for they that thus fall their heart telleth them before hand of it their comming to Christ being but in the Sunne-shine when there are no clouds of persecution hanging ouer and their following after him being like a theefe after his pray that will let it goe vnlesse hee may gaine by it their hearts euer misgiuing them in their owne profession and they hauing a secret corner in the flesh which they alway feede what shew soeuer they make to the contrarie But now the straight and vpright minded Christian hath his heart as adamant and his face as brasse that armes him with resolution for the Lords cause he hath no confidence in the flesh Phil. 3.3 but his whole reioycing is in Christ he feeleth such sap of the spirit at the roote that he thinketh it with Christ to be his meate to do the will of God yea he can truly and boldly say with this Apostle that neither anguish of minde nor torment of body vers 39. can seuer him or make him so much as lose the sight of his master Christ but he will euer be iust behind him for by his life he hath comfort in him by his afflictions he hath fellowship with him and by his death he shall enioy the presence of him for euermore all this heart and assurance they haue hauing their foundation from the words of Christ Iohn 10.28 None shall plucke my sheepe out of my hands And whether thou beest a sheepe or no thou canst tell by thy feeding for howsoeuer thou mayst come to graze in the outward assemblie with the congregation yet if thine eare be only feeding at Church and thy thoughts and thy affections at home in the flesh thy selfe canst tell thou art but a wolfe in sheeps clothing so that as the perswasion of our saluation is certaine and vndoubted so is it also constant and perpetuall Howbeit the power and pride of prosperitie wherewith the wicked are puffed vp and the strength and sting of aduersitie wherewith the godly are humbled and abased the one trampling vpon the earth as if it were too base to beare them the other creeping like wormes and grashoppers vpon the ground hath made many to stagger in the opinion of their profession and in the perswasion of their saluation because he seemed thus to passe by them as in a whirlewind and by the wicked with a mild and still voyce meeting them as it were in the successe of euery thing and this was that made Dauid Psal 73.13 thinke his labour in mortification to be but lost because he tasted of correction euery morning whereas they that set their mouths against heauen were lusty strong and had the waters of a full cup of prosperity wrung out to them but when he had beene in the Sanctuary of God asking counsell of him by whom he vnderstood their end to be but as a dream when one awaked they increasing their sins by their fulnesse wherby they make the sword sharper for their slaughter then he found his owne footing to be safe and theirs to be slipperie the one to begin his iourney with sorrow and to end it with peace the other to set foorth in iollitie but to come home as we say by weeping crosse for as Ioh saith Chap. 20.22 Terrors shall take the wicked as waters and the east wind shall hutle him out of his place and God shall cast vpon him and not spare him though hee would faine flee out of his hand Euen so let vs not make this comfort of our assured blessednes vncomfortable to vs by our doubting for if we wauer in this whether God loue vs and we him the chastisement of a father will prooue the scourge of a reuenger and we shall thinke he smites vs because he hates vs and lifts vs vp to cast vs downe or else wee shall imagine our store to come from our owne hands and measure our liues after the crooked line of mens example which runne on heapes to hell for their owne soules conuinceth them of their forgetfulnesse of God and then cannot he remember them in Paradise whereas we setting God alwaies at our right hand may be fure hereafter he will set vs at his and that he guiding vs by his counsell Psal 73.24 can not but in his time receiue vs to glory Therefore let vs lift vp our heads ●●d keepe the way euen within that there may be as little rubbish in the heart as can be and since through infirmitie we fall oft let our care be it be in the right way where we are sure to meere with Christ who is the way and the life to vs and let vs make the like vse trauellers do goe the faster for our fall for our faith must goe further then to beleeue there is God the father Sonne and holy Ghost and a communion of Saints c. this being but in general whereas we must beleeue it with application to our own particular as that he is a God to me in his loue to make me and by his prouidence to keepe me a Sonne to me to redeeme me when I was lost and to feede me when I am come home a holy Ghost to me to comfort me in my distresse and to worke in me a holy life a communion of Saints to me to help me with their prayers and to strengthen me by their good example And if this treasure be in thy heart thou hast the assurance of thy saluation laid vp there for thee also Againe where it is said the spirit dwelleth in you learne that we must not serue God by sits but it must be continually for the spirit remaineth not in vs for a time but taketh vp his mansion and abiding with vs and while he is with vs he is euer working as the Sunne is euer mouing and works of his owne nature stirring vp good thoughts and affections in vs at all times and is neuer idle not in vaine in vs not but that in many things we offend all but we send forth such a peale as it were of prayers and repentance after the sinne committed as it ouertakes it and turnes it back before it can flee to the iustice of God and this is that maketh S. Iohn 1. Iohn 3.9 to set it downe as a position and rule in scripture that he that is borne of God sinneth not at all because it flies forth as shot to which the hand did neuer set fire we being ouertaken sometime in weakenes that we slip
the Saints of God beloued of the Lord hauing our long robes in signe of statelinesse as Senators palmes in our hands in signe of victorie as conquerours Reu. 7.9 for we in Christ haue ouer come Satan Further wee must obserue and know though this spirit of life dwell in vs yet so long as wee are inclosed in this earthly tabernacle and haue the corruption of nature clasping about the soule as Ivie to the Oke Ioh. 13.8 we cannot be free from infirmities and sinnes nor washed so cleane but that some filth will cleaue to our hands or our feet Yet there is great difference betweene the slips and sins of him that hath and of him that hath not the spirit of God as great difference as there is betweene him that is drenched and plunged ouer head and eares in a puddle and him that hath onely fouled his foote according to the speech of Christ to Peter Ioh. 13.10 He that is washed needed not saue onely to wash his feete as if he should haue said Peter thy head and thy hands are cleane onely thy feet need washing 〈◊〉 that is alwaies in this life some inferior affection is vncleane and there will be a litle boiling against the working of the spirit but the principall purpose of our hearts shall be to please God and to loath the world For the children of God are as poisoned vessels washed by the holie Ghost 2. Cor. 10. ●● wherein notwithstanding there rests some taste and tang of their former filthinesse but the wicked are as vessels full of the poison of the diuell wherein the spirit of God neuer set footing Againe sinne in the regenerate hath a wound and is like the Sun faintly appearing through some thicke cloud but in the wicked it hath it full stroke Againe the wicked are so chained that they cannot stirre one foote to heauen and being cast from God they so little care for it as they wil with Cain Gen. 4.17 fall a building of cities and hauing lost the harmonie of a good conscience they will get some Iubal or other Genes 4.21 to plaie on the organs to make them merry but the godly though they be loosed from the chaines of the diuel yet while they soiourne heere they must draw some irons after them Againe the wicked from their birth haue turned their backs to God and their face to the diuell but the godly though they be hindred in their course and staied in their profession of godlinesse and of sanctification by some infirmities inseparable from the flesh yet doe they striue in their running to recouer their fall and wrastle for a prize that shall neuer fade And yet no doubt there is a contradiction in the wicked euen in finning as it is said Gen. 4.7 sinne lieth at the dore of Caine that is the blood of his brother Abel should torment his conscience Howbeit this combat and contradiction is but betweene his conscience that condemneth his sinne and his heart that loueth it but in them there is neuer any strife betweene affections and affections whereas the godly haue this fight betweene affections and affections as the flesh desireth to doe such a thing but the spirit that dwelleth in the flesh doth alwaies abhorre it and striueth against it So as if God hath sealed thee vp to saluation and hath giuen thee the stone of absolution and pardon for thy sinnes though thou art now discouraged at that remnant of sinne that rests in thee and fearest lest God should frowne at thee and turne his face from thee for thy weake seruice of him yet lift vp thy head thou shall bee sure heereafter through the power of this spirit to cast downe that great Goliah 2. Cor. 3.18 and thou shalt haue the full fruition of that hope thou yet doest apprehend and see as in a glasse Eph. 1.14 and if thou hast receiued but the earnest penny of the spirit in this life thou shalt be sure to receiue thy full wages and hire in the life to come Neither need we be dismaied that we limpe like Iacob 2. Cor. 5.5 2. Cor. 12.8 Genes 32.25 and be imperfect in this life for if we had not infirmities we would bee as proud as the diuell whereas now they make vs to expresse our thankefulnesse to God that hee so mercifully restraineth them and so fatherly passeth by them they serue to multiply our grones in the spirit to God Phil. 1.23 Rom. 7.24 Heb. 13.3 that we might be deliuered from this body of death and bondage of sinne yea they stirre vs vp to the loue of others to sorrow for the afflictions of Ioseph and of our brethren whereas if wee our selues were not infirme and weake we would neuer be touched with compassion Vers 11. But if the spirit of him that raised vp Iesus from the dead dwell in you hee that raised vp Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortall bodies by his spirit that dwelleth in you Howsoeuer wee haue aduantage and comfort by the former doctrine that by the extinguishment of this light which wee haue heere beneath and by the separation of our bodies from our soules sin must die and cannot otherwise be mortified than by mortalitie yet in this verse the Apostle stirreth vs vp to greater ioy and to the top of all Christian comfort shewing that the time shall come when our vile bodies shall bee made like to the glorious bodie of Christ Iesus The verse standeth on two parts first of the raising vp of Iesus Christ secondly of the raising vp of our bodies to bee made conformable to Christ our head First obserue the maner of the Apostle his speech If the spirit c. consider wisely this speech propounded by Paul as it were conditionally which doth not argue any suspended doubt fulnesse of the matter or make it any whit subject to exception but carieth with it a peremptorie necessitie that it is so the Apostle taking that for granted which cannot be denied without falling into grosse absurdities For if he should haue doubted whether Christ had beene risen againe then in vaine had he gone about to prooue that we should rise againe and therefore by this maner of phrase the Apostle cals not the matter in question as a doubt but doth boldly assume it to all Christians that Christ is risen And this is the common course of the Scripture and of the Ministers of God in all times vsually to say If there be a day of iudgement 2. Pet. 3.11 and if it be so that this booke of Gods word shall be w●●●●●●● our hearts then is there a fearefull reckoning to bee ex●●●● for which they do not as doubting of these things but taking them as granted of all men they be so certaine without contradiction So the Apostle before in this chapter vers 9. If the spirit be in you speaking to the elect for all that is spoken in this chapter belongeth onely to them that
to God but not to our selues A miserable euasion of a sottish distinctio●●● for the scope of Christ is in that place to proue from the lesse to the greater negatiuely that if such seruants whose life and death were in their masters hands as bond-men were in those times doing their duties and seruice neuer so well cannot deserue so much as thankes at their masters hands much lesse that they should emancipate and set themselues free and much lesse to be their masters heires then much lesse since there is no comparison betweene God in heauen and man on earth can we deserue at the hands of God lying in the vncleannesse of our first birth and ouergrowne with sinnes as we haue growne in yeeres to be sanctified by his spirit in this life and glorified by himselfe in the life to come for there is no bond-man so inthralled to his master as we are to God euen in respect of our first creation when we caried the glory of his image in our face and had as it were the crowne of innocency set vpon our heads and yet we wilfully ran from him to our shame till he returned vs againe in his loue so as now all that we doe is duty and not desert and why should he receiue thanks that doth but what we ought Yea say the Papists but yet we deserue something because we are not vnprofitable to our selues Absurd for what master will thinke himselfe beholden to that seruant who by his seruice only inricheth himselfe and bringeth no commodity to his master And yet by the meaning of the Papists because we get something vnder God and by his seruice God must be indebted to vs. But heereupon we say that true it is we are not vnprofitable to our selues for in Christ not onely the person but the worke also is accepted and the person onely in respect he is adopted and this adoption is onely in Christ but yet so as we neuer haue God beholden to vs. Therefore when he saith Come good seruant and faithfull Mat. 25.21 enter into thy masters ioy it is true that the Lord doth recompence the vsing of our talents well but this is so farre as we are iustified and are his sons so as first he loueth the person and then the worke and if he did not accept the iustification of the person he would disauow the worke but being his chldren though we are farre from doing that we ought yet as a kind and louing father he accepteth it pleasingly ROM chap. 8. vers 15. verse 15 For ye haue not receiued the spirit of bondage to feare againe but ye haue receiued the spirit of adoption whereby we crie Abba Father IN this verse and that which followeth the Apostle doth confirme that hee set downe before namely that wee are intitled to eternall life by inheritance and to confirme and ratifie that vnto vs wee haue this priuiledge to bee Gods sonnes and so heires of heauen The arguments he vseth be two first ye haue receiued that spirit whereby God doth witnesse that he doth accept you as his children in his naturall Sonne Christ Iesus And to proue we haue this spirit of a doption he doth it by the contrary for saith he like bond-slaues ye do not now feare the ghastly looks of the tormenter nor yee haue not now that hellish horrour and fearefull apprehension of Gods iudgements wherby Sathan vseth to whip mens consciences nor ye haue not that loud alarme of the killing law sounding in your eares and seizing vpon your soules to affright you Secondly in the verse following he proueth it by a double testimony first of Gods spirit which witnesseth this vnto vs and which were blasphemy to thinke it could suggest false things and secondly by our owne spirit which may assure our selues of it by our godly and holy conuersation By the spirit of bondage in this place is meant the holy Ghost who by the instrument of the killing letter that is the law doth propose and set downe such a condition of obedience to which we are obliged and bound by our creation and yet are now vtterly disabled by our corruption to performe it so as it is impossible to be kept and yet ought to be kept and laieth such a burthen vpon vs as neither wee nor our first parents were euer able to beare since they declined from the estate wherein they were at first created Whereupon this spirit of God by this meanes setting the law before vs as a glasse wherein wee may behold our selues conumceth the conscience of the good not done and of the euill that is done thereby shewing that no flesh can by this be iustified before God and sheweth and setteth before our eies not only the sinne but the vengeance which the sinne drawes after it so as our conscience can not bee but grieuously wounded with that hellish horrour wee haue voluntarily made our selues subiect vnto Now on the contrary the spirit of adoption is that worke of the holy Ghost whereby the incomprehensible loue of God in his Sonne is powred into our hearts that hee doth auow and know vs for his children so farre as we are not now bond-men to feare the performance of that impossible condition proposed by the law but we are heereby assured that what the law commandeth this spirit will either enable vs to performe or dispence and beare with our imperfections in not doing it with that perfection it requireth and so by consequent we ascertaine our selues that wee are the sonnes of God The parts heerein to be obserued are two there being set downe an opposing of a double spirit of contrarie natures working contrarie effects according to their natures The effect of the first being a dreadfull and fearefull expectation of endlesse and hellish torments the effect of the other being a comfortable securitie and breeding a heauenly hope that wee shall bee blessed of the Lord out of which as out of a root springeth and ariseth chearefull obedience to God our Father the other inforcing vs only through feare to loue God as bondslaues Herein is questionable whether by this spirit of bondage here spoken of is meant the spirit of Sathan or the holy Ghost that should thus terrify and affright vs. But note it must be vnderstood of Gods spirit which is the author of working holy despaire and by consequent of terror and is an occasion of despaire in the wicked and this is as proper for the spirit of God as to offer the sweet comfort of Christs bitter passion vnto vs. For by this meanes and maner of terrifying it bringeth both the elect and the reprobate to despaire but to a diuers end For the elect in this sort that shewing it impossible and past our power to performe the law euen as impossible as to build a tower to the heauens or to remooue a promontorie with our finger it bringeth vs to a holy despaire in our selus in respect of our own deserts thereby driuing vs to seeke
forth our cold petitions and that which was generally beleeued by faith before is now particularly chalenged of God by praier that wee may finde and ●●ele the former promise to be true by this particular instance of reaching foorth our requests to God by praier And the more to hearten and encourage vs in this exercise and Christian taske God giueth and graunteth our requests differing in three respects from the gifts and benefits of worldly men For first he can giue all things in his power secondly in his wisedome he giueth and neuer repenteth thirdly in his goodnes he giueth and neuer vpbraideth This is the perswasion of faith and therefore now if wee spare to speake wee may well spare to speed whereupon the Prophet Dauid saith I beleeued therefore I spake hauing his faith for most to prepare his lips to praier And surely the cause why wee call not vpon God so often or so boldly as we ought is either because our faith fail●s vs that wee thinke not to speede or else because wee haue but weake and faint hope to speede For as the Philosopher saith Qui timide rogat docet negare He that craueth fearfully draweth on a deniall for that faith that openeth the eies to see such treasures openeth the mouth to supplicate and to pray for them so as by this learne in one word that the Apostle will measure thy faith by thy praiers Whereby we crie In this word crie is implied three things first a confident boldnesse secondly a great earnestnesse thirdly an importunacy with perseuerance Boldnesse in that wee speake not softly as in feare but loud as in assurance euen as a fauorite of an earthly Prince that hath a promise to haue and obtaine what he can spie out hauing speciall security to speed commeth boldly to his Prince and craueth the performance of that was pledged vnto him by promise before Earnestnesse not to take a nay or deniall at the first at our fathers hands but to goe on with I pray you Father Good Father I beseech you Father and such like speeches of vehemency and feruency which is heere expressed by the geminating and doubling of the word Father Father Then with these must there be an import●nacy in praier which Paul expresseth Rom. 15.30 by stri●ing or wrestling in praier shewing thereby the feruency of the minde and of the voice euen as Iacob did Gen. 32.26 that would not let the Angell goe before hee had blessed him and according to the example set downe Luk. 18. ● of the widow who by her importunity which in the Greeke word signifieth impudency so troubled and wearied with her cries as it were with blowes the vnrighteous Iudge as she wrested her sute from him Christ in that parable teaching vs that wee ought to vse a holy kind of impudency in our petitions vnto God and neuer to giue him rest till hee hath yeelded to our requests which wee make in faith and present in hope Heereupon it is that the soule is very earnest with God as either being laden with some sinne which it desireth to be eased of or priuy to some wants which it faine would haue supplied or in some apprehension of Gods iudgement for sinne which it seeketh to escape or the loue of God constraining it to be thankfull for the rich mercies formerly receiued or else being assaulted with some danger and temptation craueth to bee ●●liuered so as alwaies the soule hath occasion to bee quicke and earnest in praier for causes to moue vs euen in our owne particular persons vnto this duty besides the generall cause of the Church doe daily occurre and fall out In that it is said We crie Father heere is questionable whether onely God the first person in the Trinity be to be praied vnto and not the Sonne nor the holy Ghost To this we answer that the word Father and God is taken essentially for the whole essence of the God-head which includeth them all as it is in the Lords praier or else it is taken personally for that the Sonne must be praied vnto the place is plaine Act. 7.59 And they stoned Stephen who called on God and said Lord Iesus receiue my spirit And that the holy Ghost must be praied vnto appeareth by Saint Paul who endeth his Epistle 2. Corinthians 13.13 with this praier The communion of the holie Ghost be with you So as the word Father in this place is not meant of any one distinct person subsisting in the name of Father but it is to bee vnderstood of them all the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost for as they be all offended with vs for our sinnes so must they all bee reconciled to vs by our praiers And heereupon is it that Saint Augustine saith that the whole Trinity is Father in respect of the creature and hee is onely named heere because the Father is the fountaine of the God-head and the first in order but not in time howbeit being vnderstood in respect of their diuers subsistences they are seuerall Whereupon it is true that the word Father or God is sometime taken personally as Iohn 3.16 where it is said God so loued the world that hee gaue his onely begotten Sonne that w●●●euer beleeueth in him should not perish And 1. Corinthians 8.6 Vnto vs there is but one God which is the Father of whom are all things in which places the word God is taken personally as it is also in the Greede when wee say I beleeue in God the Father But the whole Trinitie is called Father in two respects first because hee is the fountaine of the God-head and the fountaine of all loue election and saluation the will of the Father going before the will of the Sonne in order not in time Secondly because howe●●● wee pray to Christ and to the holy Ghost as we doe to God and howeuer all the workes of the Trinity be vndiuided that they doe all saue and not the Father only yet they doe it by degrees Christ saueth vs insubmitting his will to his Fathers will the holy Ghost saueth vs in perswading and leading vs to goe to Christ and fro● Christ to the Father so as our praiers are made vnto God in the name of Christ his Sonne by the direction of the holie Ghost Againe in that we name him Father learne that all our security and assurance that our praiers shall be effectuall and that we shall speede in our sutes and requests lieth in this that we are his children and so all that wee doe and performe pleaseth him no further then the person pleaseth him And therefore Dauid Psal 7. 17. 26. making a commemoration of his vertues as that there was no wickednesse in his hands that he had purposed his mouth should not offend that he had not hanted nor sorted himselfe with dissemblers doth it not the rather to moue God to heare him and to incline his eare to his petition but by these testimonies of a good conuersation
our infirmities with the courage of fighting and by them to keepe vs waking that we may discerne the storme when it commeth and cast our ank or on Christ where it shall neuer be vnloosed Here the craft and wilinesse of flesh and bloud will so one take occasion of licenciousnesse as to say if our infirmities serue to do vs good and turne to Gods glory because by this meanes we see our weaknesse then it is good to make much of them euen as Porphyrius commendeth the treason of Iudas against Christ because by Christ his death saluation is brought to many But miserable and blasphemous is this opinion for this were to turne the grace of God into wantonnes for though our infirmities doe further vs many waies to saluation yet in it owne nature sinne is alway sinfull God can make Satan a Physitian to cure Paul yet is he euer Satan that is an enemie God can make the tyrannie of Pharaoh as a trumpet to stir vp the Israelites to crie to him for helpe Exod. 2.23 yet doth this nothing diminish from his malice to Gods people Luk. 22.47 Iohn 17.12 God can make Iudas by a kisse the executioner of his decree yet doth he continue the child of perdition So as we must striue against our infirmities because they be in themselues simplie euill though qualified and tempered with the Lords hand they turne to our good Adulterie it was a horrible sinne in Dauid though it was made profitable for his soule in bringing him to such a low degree of humiliation as is set downe Psal 32.6 For the heauens to be brasse as not good in it owne nature but it is a vengeance of we want the first and latter raine whereby to ripen the fruits of the earth yet at the praier of Eliah 1. King 17. and Iames 5.16 it rained not on the earth for three yeeres and six monthes that the Lords mercie and power might the more be seene yea the Lord can create light out of darknesse yet darknesse is alwaie darknesse Adams fall it was good in that end God had ordained it namely Gen. 3.14 to prepare the waie to raise vs vp a Sauiour of the seed of the woman but it was a most damnable sinne as Satan and Adam meant it for they did it in rebellion against God Further we must consider how the persons be qualified to whom all things turne to the best it is to them that loue God which is the most excellent and Christian commendation that can be this our loue issuing and streaming from that fountaine of the loue of God Euen as all waters come from the sea as from the well-head and returne thither againe boiling out of the veines of the earth so God sending forth the streames of his loue into our hearts it must euen from the very bottome of our hearts returne to him againe for wee haue nothing but what wee haue receiued Now there was neuer any Senacherib nor Iesabel but said they loued God therefore this true Christian loue of God that it may bee seene not to be counterfeit is accompanied with six properties first with a care to keepe his commandements for such is the rule of Christ If yee loue mee keepe my commandements which wee must doe so much the rather because the Lord hath giuen and forgiuen vs much hauing made vs of enemies friends as Abraham was tearmed to bee the friend of God hauing brought vs home when we wandred in the wildernesse of sinne Luk. 1● 2● as he did the lost sonne hauing fed vs when wee wanted and had no meanes to succour vs as hee did Eliah 1. King 17.6 hauing clearelie set off the debt which we did owe and cancelled the hand-writing which was against vs. If wee should not performe obedience to such a God and weare his commandements as a frontlet before our eies our condemnation could neuer be too heauy nor our stripes too many Howbeit euerie blasphemer sieth against his owne soule that dare say euen in the height of his wickednesse he soueth God for can a woman prostitute her bodie to a varlet and mingle her flesh with his strange flesh and yet trulie say she loues her husband it is not possible no more can anie man trulie call himselfe the child of Abraham if hee doe and performe the workes of the Diuell Secondlie Iohn 8.44 this loue of God must breed in vs a base estimation and account nay rather a contempt of these earthlie things in respect of Gods loue To such a passe had Paul brought his iudgement and his affections to Philipp 3.8 when he esteemed all things but as dung in comparison of the treasure of the life to come and that he might win Christ So Moses refused the pleasures of sinne in Egypt in respect of the assurance of Gods loue manifested in his afflicted seruants Exod. 2.11 and Peter and other of the Disciples were so rauished with ioie at the call of Christ Math. 4.20 that they left their nets and forsooke the world to follow him And this is that indeede which wee shall all finde at the last to bee the truest comfort for riches are transitorie and will beguile vs honour is slipperie and will deceiue vs the world is moth-eaten and weares awaie at least wee our selues are but claie and soone perish but the loue of God in Christ endureth for euer Thirdlie this our loue of God is accompanied with a feruent zeale of his glorie and more delight wee take heerein then in the enioying the wiues of our youth This was the commendation of the Church of Thy atira Reuelat. 2.18 and by this was their loue of God discerned by their increase in the workes of charitie faith and patience and by their zeale of Gods glorie that they profited and went forward in religion more at last then at first This kinde of loue is described Cantic 8.5.6 to bee stronger then death the coales thereof to bee fierie to expresse the zeale and vehemencie of it whole flouds of affliction cannot drowne it neither can anie treasure buie it Such was the loue of Paul and of Moses that wished themselues accursed to saue their brethren Rom. 9.3 Exod. 32.32 because they thought it more glorie for God to saue many then to saue one Fourthly this our loue of God must make vs presently hate all things whereby God is openly dishonored This was it that so fiercely inflamed the wrath of Moses Exod. 32.19 that when he saw idolatrie set vp by the peoples dauncing before the calfe he broke the Tables of the Law and burned the calfe and strewed the powder of it on the waters and in detestation of their superstition made the children of Israel to drinke thereof Hereof commeth that Ezech. 9.4 that they that haue the marke in their foreheads that is such as are sealed vp to saluation doe mourne and crie for the iniquitie of the times And such was the affection of Dauid
such a maner as they do not profit by it but onely maketh them the more without excuse because they haue seen the light and yet haue loued darknes more then light And if it be asked why this mercy of the Lord hardneth them and not mollifieth them and why the Lord doth not pull them out of the fire it is because he found them corrupt in Adam But if it be asked why they are appointed to damnation here we stop our mouths and haue refuge to no other cause but to the Lords eternall purpose After the same sort doe we faie of saluation for to such as shall be saued he giueth mercy and maketh this mercy to worke vpon their hearts and finding them falne in Adam he raiseth them vp in Christ but why he doth this is not knowne to any but to himselfe Howbeit in this his purpose to saue vs he hath ordained we should find mercy in Christ by the degrees heere set downe by calling by iusufying by glorifying vs and yet to speake properly this fore knowledge 〈◊〉 God is not the cause of any thing for Adam did not fall because God foresaw i● but Adam fell therefore God foresaw it For the second point what is meant by this Like to the i●age of his son some expound it that shall be made like and conformable to his crosse which is very comfortable though not 〈◊〉 apt and fit for the place it selfe Heb. 2.10 For if the Prince of the Gentiles was consecrated through afflictions if by this meanes the Sonne himselfe learned obedience as it is Heb. 5.8 much more must we not that we shall be afflicted in the same measure or for the same cause that Christ was for he suffered for our soules and felt the smart for our sins yea and sustained the very wrath of God to his extreme anguish and horror Reu. 19.15 2. Tim. 3.12 but thus far we must resemble him that if we wil liue godly we must suffer persecution Howbeit this likenesse conformitie to Christ his image here spoken of must bee vnderstood of his glorie because of the words that follow mentioning the steps and degrees that lead to this glorie he calleth he iustifieth he glorifieth euen as he did his Son for wee are ordained to the same glory Ioh. 17.22 signified by the praier of Christ for his Apostles and al that should beleeue that his father would loue them with the same loue and crowne them with the same glorie he crowned him which is the most ioyfull message that can come to the eare of a Christan hart to be assured we shal hereafter be lifted vp and aduanced far aboue the third heauen For the third point namely that he is the first begotten among brethren consider three things first how he is our brother secondly what priuiledge he hath being eldest thirdly what priuiledge we haue aboue all other creatures by this brotherhood For the first he became our brother by this that the eternal word of God did assume take vpon himself our flesh Ioh. 1.1.2 that we might be his brethren For as to be a Mediator to God for vs he must haue a diuine humanitie and an humane diuinitie so to make vs brethren that we might haue his spirit could not be but by taking our flesh Betweene God and man euer since our first fall there hath bin enmity such and so great as none can see him and liue for Exod. 24.17 it is said that the sight of the glorie of the Lord euen in the mountaine of Sinai was like a consuming fire Esa 33.14 and as the Prophet Esay speaketh Who shall dwell with euerlasting fire This fire therefore must bee quenched and an entrance must be made for vs to the mount of God which is onely in Christ our elder brother howbeit we are become his brethren not by incarnation nor by his humane nature for then the reprobate should bee his brethren as well as wee for hee partaketh of their flesh as well as of ours But as this brother-hood commeth by the flesh in some respect so principallie by being mystically engrafted naturally into his bodie so as we are one flesh with him euen like man and wife Ephes 5.30 who are so tearmed and called in respect of a speciall and sanctified vnion and fellowship that is betweene them otherwise all men and all women are one flesh So then our brother-hood with Christ commeth not by anie grosse coalition or mixture of our natures but by spirituall regeneration as the Apostle to the Hebrewes said He that sanctifieth and they that are sanctified Heb. 2.11 are all one so that we are his brethren not by his flesh simply but because wee are sanctified by his flesh Whereby we learne to reuerence and adore the infinite and euerlasting loue of God toward vs that he would thrust as it were his Sonne out of heauen that he might descend to draw vs thither that he must come downe in such basenesse to be clothed with our nakednesse and to put on our infirmities For the second point which is the priuiledge he hath being eldest obserue that the first begotten vnder the law had two priuiledges first he was the worthiest person secondly he had a double portion As Ruben Gen. 49.3 the eldest of Iacobs sonnes should haue had but that the dignitie of his person was translated to Iuda and the priuiledge of his portion to Ephraim and Manasses This likewise appeareth Deut. 21.17 where it is commanded that the first borne of a mans strength shall haue a double portion for it is his right This then we must allow to Christ who hath two titles giuen him first he is called the first begotten of all creatures Col. 1.15 because he was before anie cerature being from eternitie according to his diuinitie Secondlie he is called the first begotten among the brethren because he was the first in mans nature that God loued after the fall of Adam Heere know that Christ as he is the Sonne-man is the naturall Sonne of God not according to his humanitie but as he is Christ-man for though his humane nature was not taken from God yet as one person being man licèt non ratione humanitatis he is the Sonne of God euen as Mary is said in the Scripture to be the mother of God in respect of the vnion of his person Another priuiledge further Christ hath that hee as sonne of man hath receiued all power from God to iudge the world Ioh. 5.22 The father hath committed all iudgement vnto the Sonne not that his manhood alone shall iudge but Christ God and man shall giue the iudgement euen so wee praie and list vp our hands to the man Christ Iesus not to his man-hood non humanitati sed homini for the humanitie separated from the diuine person of Christ is but a creature Againe Christ as our elder brother is the head of Angels not as God only but as man Heereupon also it is
sinne proues there is a law which law being broken bringeth death for the wages of sinne is death Rom. 6.23 The second sort is of them who though they be called by the booke of heauen and earth as the Gentiles were Rom. 1.20 who do see the eternall power of God in the creation of the world and other his works and liuing to a more vnderstanding age are euen by the light of nature without all excuse yet are they not inuited by the voice of the Gospell to rise from the dead but die in their sinnes as the Canibales Barbarians and the Iewes since their Apostasie to whom there pertaineth nothing but a fearefull expectation of iudgement Heereof followeth and is to be obserued that it is contrary to the scripture to thinke that it was the will of God from eternity that all should be saued for then it was his will likewise that all should come to the knowledge of their saluation for whom he hath ordained to the end them hath hee also ordained to the meanes whereas to the reprobate the sound of the word if they doe heare it is but as the noise of bels confusedly iarring in their eares and yet many there be that neuer heard it Why but it is said 1. Tim. 2.4 that it is the will of God all should be saued True all men not euery singular particular man but of euery singular condition of men some not all of all kinds but of all kinds some according to that speech of the Euangelist Mat. 4.23 Christ healed euery disease in Iury that is euery kind of disease not euerie particular disease Now if all men come not to the knowledge of the truth of God either it is done by the wil of God or against his will to say that it is against his will were impious and blasphemous for this were to hold that something could offer violence to the will of God and as if he might not otherwise haue purposed which must be far from a Christian heart to imagine If then this be done with his will then it followeth that his will is changeable if hee once meant to saue them for wee see some euen like dogges readie to rend them in peeces that offer them the pearle of the word whom if the Lord had purposed to saue Mat. 7.6 they should not continue persecutors of the truth as Paul saith of himselfe 1. Timoth. 1.12.13 It pleased Christ Iesus to put me in his seruice being before a blasphemer a persecuter an oppressor and I was receiued to mercy And where it is said 1. Iohn 2.2 that Christ is the reconciliation for the sinnes of the whole world it is to be vnderstood for the sinnes of all sorts and degrees of men gathered out of all the parts of the world and this Christ himselfe interpreteth Ioh. 17.9 when he said Father I pray not for the world and vndoubtedly he will neuer saue them he neuer praied for for whom he excluded from his praier them he neuer meant should haue benefit by his death nay hee had beene bound in duty to haue praied for all if all had been elected to saluation Now if it be asked why men are damned the answer is easie It is for their sinne howbeit it was purposed in the Lords vncontrolable decree that they should be damned before they euer sinned and being corrupt in themselues the Lord hardneth them either by withdrawing the meanes or the power of the meanes the first by ignorance the second by denying them vnderstanding hearts So as if it be demanded why the Lord hardned any it is because he found him corrupt in Adam if why hee damneth any it is because he found him a sinner in himselfe Whom he calleth he iustifieth that is doth absolutely pardon him all his sinne and absolutely impute vnto him all his Sonnes righteousnesse that as Christ for vs was made sinne so wee in Christ might bee made righteous so as iustification is the translation and remouing of our sinne to Christ and the translation and remouing of his righteousnesse to vs. To our sinne hee opposeth his obedience to the punishment of our sinne hee opposeth his satisfaction otherwise he had not fully acquitted vs by fulfilling the law vnlesse he had satisfied his Fathers wrath for our breach of the law in our corrupt birth For if a man could now fulfill all the law of God yet should hee not bee saued because he was borne corrupt and could not possibly satisfie for that was past and in performing the law afterward he should doe nothing but his duty But this is our comfort that the Lord seeing our weaknesse hath in his loue passed by it and seeing our thoughts to bee alwaies euill taketh no account nor reckoning of vs but were sembling the image of his Sonne the Lord reckoneth with him and striketh off our debts in setting them on his score who hath paid the Lord his full due euen to the vtmost farthing being in his birth cleane in his life holy and in his death obedient Whom he iustifieth he glorifieth In this life the Lord doth onely call vs and iustifie vs so as no man need say as Rom. 10.7 Who shall ascend into heauen for that were to bring Christ from aboue or Who shall descend into the deepe for that were to raise Christ from the dead for so much vertue and power of Christ as is needfull for vs wee taste of heere but our glorifying is reserued and followeth in the life to come hauing it heere only in spe and not in re in hope but not in hand This glorifying heere spoken of is meant not that wee shall haue at the last day of our separation when the world shutteth her doores vpon vs but of that glory wee shall receiue at the day of iudgement which is plaine and euident by that went before vers 21. namely that wee waite for the restoring of the liberty of the sonnes of God and for the freedome from the bondage of corruption Howbeit in the glorie of our separation two things are to be obserued first Reu. 2● 4● that we shall be freed from all feares and teares and shall haue sinne abolished secondly we shall enter into our Lords rest but the glory of the last day is farre greater and resteth in three things first in the resurrection and a waking of the body when it shall be made conformable to the body of Christ when it shall not liue by the soule only nor be maintained by outward and externall instruments of bread such like but it shall liue as the body of Christ liueth and be glorious like the Sunne which shall then exceed it selfe in glory Isay 65.17 2. Pet. 3.13 Secondly there shall be a new heauen and a new earth and in this new heauen shall dwell the soules of the Saints of God and all things else shall bee restored to their first maiesty Thirdly which is the greatest of all we shall then haue
escape And this doth set foorth the loue of God the fulnesse of it and the depth of it being not to be comprehended of all the hearts of men ioyned in one though euery one of them were wiser then Salomon but is onely to be reuerenced and adored of all Further in this deliuering vp of the Sonne of God to death we may obserue a reconciliation of two extremes infinit iustice and infinite mercy both which the Lord performed in this action Infinite iustice in that the Lord will be paid all his debt for rather then he will be vnsatisfied the bloud of Christ shall paie all for what dishonour had it beene for the King of heauen to haue suffered the Serpent to haue so insulted vpon his Maiestie and wretched man to haue so rebelliously defaced his image and so presumptuously charged him with malice and enuie yet to haue set him scotfree If the Lord had borne these indignities at our hands it had too much blemished the power of his iustice and therfore he could take no lesse satisfaction then a sacrifice of bloud and that this bloud must issue streame out of the veines of the hart of Christ hath shewed him to haue set an infinite price valuation vpon his iustice yet hath the Lord withal heerein set foorth his most perfect infinite and endlesse mercy that though he would not forgiue the debt yet he paid himselfe for God did suffer and this is such a thing as no mortall man in the same action is able to shew forth We reade of one Zaledicus king of the Locrenses that went about such a matter who making a law that who so defloured a woman should lose both his eies it fell out his owne sonne was the first that brake it whereupon the king would haue had the law executed vpon him prefering the loue of iustice before the loue of nature but what by the obtestation and intreatie of his nobles instant vpon him and what through feare of tumult and insurrection threatned if he would not dispence with the law in this yoong Prince who was of great expectation for his towardlinesse and in great fauour with the people for his vertue at last the king resolued to satisfie the law and yet to shew mercy to his sonne and therefore whereas the law was that such an offendour should lose both his eies he caused one of his sons to be put out and one of his owne shewing mercy in putting out one of his owne and iustice in putting out one of his sonnes but this was not perfect for then in mercy hee should haue put out both his owne eies or in iustice both his sonnes And no maruell for how can flesh and bloud imagine to reach the wisedome of God when our vnderstandings are but as the stubble carried to and fro with the winde and we our selues but as dust ashes that cannot reach the depth and dignitie of so glorious a Prince Now for the second point for whom this Sonne of God was giuen vp it is said for all that is for all beleeuers for so Christ expounds himself Ioh. 17.20 And therfore execrable is the opinion of Andreas a Lutheran who holds that God deliuered vp his Son for an vniuersall saluation meaning thereby to saue all if all will be saued for they that will not beleeue saith he condemne themselues But we say the purpose of God was not that Christ should die effectually for all for first he neuer died for those he neuer prayed for and Iohn 17.9 he prayed not for the world Secondly if Gods purpose had bin to haue giuen him to death for all without exception then how is it that some are already damned others haue no faith and shal be damned here after either his purpose being to saue them is frustrate and void or else God cannot do it and so something should resist the power of God which is blasphemie to thinke If God had such a purpose and after seeing the incredulitie of man he should change his minde then the execution of his will should depend vpon the incertaintie and instabilitie of the euen which doth derogate much from the al sufficiencie of God and therefore we say that hee was crucified for none but for such as haue their garments dipped in the bloud of the Lambe but for such as haue their faith burning like a lampe but for such whose workes proceed from an vndefiled heart and whose praiers through Christ his helpe ascend to the euerliuing God Further consider in these words He deliuered him vp to death that this very phrase and maner of speech is attributed to Iudas who is called Traditor a deliuerer vp or a traitor How shall we then determine of this Shall we challenge God to be euill because he deliuered him vp or excuse Iudas because he executeth that which God had purposed God forbid for neither is God to be accused that Iudas wrought with him in the same action nor Iudas to bee excused for deliuering him vp according to Gods purpose Your wicked hands saith Peter Act. 2.23 haue crucified him whom God in his determinate counsell had deliuered vp Why then shall Iudas be blamed being but the instrument Because as Iudas did it it was most wicked he doing it by the instigation of the diuell his heart being possessed with couetousnesse and blinded with infidelitie yet was it good in respect of the end whereto God had ordaine it though as it proceeded from his poisoned heart it was most execrable for alwaies the action of the instrument beareth the name or is denominated from the affection of the instrument and therefore Iudas betraying his Master for thirtie peeces of siluer it was a most damnable sinne in him and the turning of it to the saluation of the faithfull was onely the worke of God It may be said God did appoint Iudas to doe it for nothing is done but by his appointment how then can Iudas be blamed We answer this by a double comparison or similitude the soule giueth power to a lame limme or member of the bodie to mooue and to stirre yet may not the power of the soule be blamed for the lamenesse of the limme for the lamenesse thereof doth not enter into the soule neither proceedeth from the soule but from the bodie though the soule be the cause of the motion Euen so the Lord moued Iudas to the action but the imperfection and sinne in the action proceeded not from the Lord but from the diuell that had corrupted his heart And no more then the brightnesse and heate of the Sunne can be said to be the cause of the stench of the ca●kas or the corruption thereof can reach to defile the Sunne no more can the holinesse of God excuse in any action the wickednesse of man or the wickednesse of man defile his holinesse The incestuous wickednesse of Absolon the mischieuous purpose of Achitophel 1. Sa. 16.21.22 Gen. 37.27 the hatred of Iosephs
a candle then had Obadiah hid an hundred of the Lords Prophets in a caue 1. King 18.4 that neuer bowed their knees to Baal Iob. 5.22 For the Lord doth but laugh at the policies of the wicked and he in his time will discouer their shame to their faces and lift vp the heads of his seruants aboue all the tyrants of the world Now for the meanes whereby wee obtaine this victory obserue that it is by a spirituall power of the holy Ghost enabling vs to so great a worke for such is our ambition to be great men as if Demas find no preferment by the Gospell 2. Tim. 4.10 he will nothing esteeme of Pauls company Such is our desire to be rich as if we gaine by our seruants that worke with the Diuell we had rather they should be possessed still then we would lose our gaine which we may see Act. 16.19 where Paul and Silas were haled before the Magistrates onely for casting out the spirit of diuination in the maide that got her masters great aduantage by diuining Yea such and so vehement are our naturall and earthly affections and so great our greedinesse to enioy the pleasures of our life that the mariage of a wife or the triall of a yoke of oxen shall keepe vs from Christ Mat. 22.5 Luk. 14.19.20 So that it must be a greater power then the faculty or abilitie of a man for if naturally we are not able to abide the snuffe of a candle much lesse to burne in the fire Why then so many examples as we see patiently induring death for the testimony of the truth of God so many testimonies haue wee of the Lords power to enable weake vessels to hold such scalding liquer For many through presumption of their owne strength haue apostated and Peter was well neare it notwithstanding his bragge that he would not leaue his master to the death if Christ his eie had not pierced his soule to repentance for his former denials Luk. 22.61 Dauid 1. Sam. 17.45.46 confesseth that it was not in his strength to contend with Goliah neither did he come to him with sword or with speare but in the name of the God of Israel who would close him into his hands And this in truth must be our paterne and our praise in these temptations and afflictions to flie out of our selues and to run to the wings of the Lord Iesus whose grace onely is sufficient for vs and whose power is made perfect in our weakenesse for where the flesh carieth a confidence in it selfe there is no roome for the spirit for the spirit helpeth onely those that be infirme and Christ is onely a Physition for a sicke sinner Mark 2.17 Now as wee are conquerors through him that loueth vs so let vs labour that Christ may thinke his loue well bestowed his bloud well spent and his victory for vs well gained by our loue of him againe that it may be as hot as the flame that whole flouds of waters may not quench it and so strong as neither terrors in persecution nor pleasures in life nor the anguish of death may make vs forsake our ankor Christ Iesus but that wee may hold our confidence in a hope sure and stedfast which shall at the last giue vs entrance into the veile whither Christ our forerunner is for vs entred in Heb. 6.29 ROM chap. 8. vers 38 39. verse 38 For I am perswaded that neither death nor life nor Augels nor Principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come verse 39 Nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. HEere the Apostle setteth downe a conclusion full of all consolation proceeding from a diuine and heauenly resolution and christian magnan unity extended and offered by the Apostle in the person of all the faithfull wherein he doth couragiously challenge and exultantly triumph ouerall creatures being assured that nothing that euer was created could finally separate him from that loue wherewith the Lord had loued him in Christ This conclusion standeth on two parts first in the enumeration or reckoning vp of some particulars which if any thing could seuer vs from the Lord it were likely to bee some of these he named Secondly because the Apostle could not insist in the induction or bringing in of particulars he vseth a generall comprehension of all things that nothing might bee excepted in these words nor any other creature the things reckoned vp are nine which be either one contrary to another or else diuers from other For death that cannot separate vs from God for though it be most terrible to the flesh to see his prefixed end yet this is so farre vnable to seuer vs as nothing hath greater power to ioyne vs to God through the death of him that ouercame death which appeareth likewise by this that euen the wicked though they loue not to liue the life of the righteous because it is tedious through afflictions yet they can wish with Balaam Num. 23. vers 10. that their last end may be like theirs who alwaies resigne vp their soules in rest vnto the Lord. And though some wicked may make a peaceable end whereby Satan hardeneth others to thinke they are beloued of the Lord because they depart like the light of a candle and some of the elect die troublesomely whereby Satan maketh his instruments to condemne the generation of the godly yet in their inward man they doe not onely patiently expect but deepely sigh for the day of their dissolution that being vncloathed of this corruption they may be crowned with the Lords glorie for they that haue receiued the earnest of the spirit the pledge of their inheritance and the first fruits of the Lords loue and vnto whom he hath sealed and assured pardon of their sinne they do know they haue cause to expect the reuelation and shew of their happinesse being heere tossed with sundrie waues of perplexed miseries and being sure there to arriue from a tempestuous voyage to a most blessed hauen And it is ioyfull to a Christian to bee deliuered from this careful life wherein euery day is the messenger of fresh sorrowes and wherein hee findeth his corruption so burdensome so as though Paul was taken vp into the third heauen 2. Cor. 12.4 yet hee cried Who shall deliuer me from this body of sinne For heere wee know our selues to be scarce worth the ground we go on we are so worne with care and so ground with affliction but then we shall enter into the presence of God and dwell with him perpetually To be short many haue beene so rauished with this ioy which wee see but as in a mist as they haue not onely giuen vp themselues to naturall death but euen suffered violent death embracing it as chearefully as the souldier that comes after his valour shewed to be made a knight or as the King that goeth to his
beloued And verse 36. Wee are killed all the day and we are more than conquerers including all the faithfull Now that a man may know hee shall bee saued it is prooued thus A man may know certainly whether hee bee a Christian and truly ingrafted into Christ prooued by the first of Iohn 4.13 By this we may know we are ●n Christ because we haue his spirit And to prooue this 2. Cor. 13.5 Paul speaketh plainly Doe yet not know vnlesse ye haue the spirit of Christ ye be reprobates Againe a man may know whether he be led by this spirit by the fruits of this life and being led by the spirit he is sure he is the sonne of God and being his son vndoubtedly an heire of his kingdome Some will say he may know it for the present but no man can tell what hee shall be 1. Cor. 10.12 for let him that standeth take heed he fal not But know this it is no perswasion vnlesse it reach extend to that that is to come as Paul saith heere he was perswaded neither things present nor things to come could remoue him from his hold he had in Christ and we may assure our selues that he that hath begun this worke in vs if we walke before him in feare and trembling will finish it to his glory and our comfort Secondly obserue that all haue not the same measure of this resolution for there is a diuers measure of this according to the diuers degrees of faith and age of a Christian for some are such of whom the Church doth as yet trauell of and are not deliuered some are new borne to be fed with milke others are growne more in faith and come vnto a riper age of Christ as the holy Ghost saith The righteousnesse of the Gospel is reuealed from faith to faith alluding to the Sunne that riseth not in his excellencie but sendeth foorth a dawning before it appeareth and then a meane light before it commeth to the height of his brightnesse euen so there is a measure in the feeling of this perswasion but yet so as being but a graine a sparkle or a droppe of true faith it doth lay hold vpon the Lord Iesus and assure vs that we shall haue eternall life through Christ Num. 2.19 euen as none were healed but they that beheld the Serpent though some saw it more clearely then others And it is not our faith properly that saueth vs no more then it is the hand that nourisheth but as by the hand though it be weake we receiue nourishment so by faith as by an instrument not alwaies of like strength wee feed vpon Christ and all his benefits Why but this resolution heere spoken of not onely the weake but they that be strong feele not for we see by experience that none haue such securitie but they sometimes despaire through their owne feeling and priuitie of their sinnes which present themselues so many and so deformed and therefore it is so terrible as they sometimes doubt of Gods loue and kindnesse and so vehement is the perturbation of their spirits rising from their owne vnworthinesse as they seeme forsaken of the Lord and much disquieted in themselues therefore though Paul had this perswasion yet euery man cannot haue it To this answer It is not said there must be any such securitie as that there must be no doubting or such tranquillity as there must bee no trouble for Dauid seemed to doubt whether there was a God or no Psal 73.13 because he saw the wicked flourish so proudly And it is no commendation of faith to be free from doubting of Gods mercy in some measure for sometimes there are throwne against vs such fierie darts to the dismaying of our poore consciences as hardly can our buckler of faith driue them backe yea the soule of a man may euen be astonished vnder the Lords heauie hand and yet there may be true faith for though it be shaken it cannot be ouerthrowne though it be oppressed it cannot be left in distresse and though our faith may be strongly assaulted and foiled and wounded with the terrors of the Lord so as his arrowes shall euen pierce our souls and the venime thereof drinke vp our bloud and that wee shall thinke the Lord hath shut his compassion from vs yet shall wee at the last be raised vp to behold the Sun-beames of the Lords loue for the praise of faith is to ouercome by fighting that the power of the Lord may be made strong by our infirmity and weaknesse ROM chap. 8. vers verse 19 For the feruent desire of the creature waiteth when the sons of God shall be reuealed verse 20 Because the creature is subiect to vanitie not of it owne will but by reason of him which hath subdued it vnder hope verse 21 Because the creature also shall bee deliuered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious libertie of the sonnes of God verse 22 For we know that euery creature groneth with vs also and trauelleth in paine together vnto this present THe Apostle hauing formerly taught vs what way the Lord had allotted for vs to walke to heauen to wit by the same line that Christ his naturall Sonne ascended that is through a crowne of thornes and a sea of afflictions from the ladder to the crosse and from the fold to the shambles and that heerewith wee ought not to be dismaied but rather inwardly comforted First because heereby Christ and we draw together in one yoke Secondly because by this subiection in infirmitie there is wrought in vs a conformitie with him in glory Thirdly because this glory is of that kinde that the least taste of it doth farre surmount the extremitie of all our miseries in this life Yet as if he would strike the naile deeper an●●ill the cup of comfort fuller he sheweth in these verses First that a change and confusion shall be scraped off Secondly that we that are the selected of God shall be freed exempted from the feare and sense of this horrible deformation of the world Thirdly that it is certaine this spoile and consumption of the earth with the works therein shall come for wee are might so much by the insensible creatures that wait for it themselues nature informing them that their subiection to vanitie shal haue an end for as they were at first created good and became accursed for the sinne of man so shall they at length be restored with vs that are elect through the remoouing of that curse for sinne in the seede of the woman which is Christ First in that it is said there is a feruent desire in the dumbe and senselesse creatures we are not to vnderstand that there is heerein a wil and an affection or a desire or a hope or any sense or vnderstanding in the bruite beasts or other Insensible creature as the Heauen Earth Sunne Moone c. for that which they haue is onely through the instruction and instinct of
and prostrateth it selfe before God in Christ vpon confession that the soule is Satans due and deserueth to bee bound hand and foote and to bee cast into prison as vnable to pay the debt it intreateth that this obligation may bee taken from Satan it wrastleth with death and damnation and terror of conscience Coloss 2.14 and craueth a pardon bringing nothing but the very heart blood of Christ And euen as the very looking vpon the Serpent healed them in the wildernesse Num. 21.9 and nothing else could appease the tempest Ion●h 1.15 but the very casting of Ionah into the sea and the sinnes of the people Leuit. 16.22 were laid onely vpon the Goate so faith in this petition of forgiuenesse brings nothing but commeth emptie and laieth all vpon the shoulders of Christ But now betweene men and men on earth faith worketh by loue so as if we bring nothing to men but faith it is certaine wee neuer brought faith from God for since thy heart is not discernable and the spirit and piety of the heart is vnsearchable in respect of men and good to God wee cannot doe our faith vpon earth must be as busie before men in workes as it is before God in the blood of Christ And as Martha and Mary Luk. 10.39 dwelled in one house one onely to heare Christ the other working and labouring to entertaine Christ euen so our faith with Mary must onely kneele at Gods feet to heare that comfortable voice of the pardon and absolution of our sinnes in the blood of Christ but our faith on earth must labour with Martha by loue and good works to entertaine and helpe our brethren Besides wee must consider that things may worke together but not together in the same worke Euen as Christ in the worke of mediation must haue two natures a diuine humanity and an humane diuinity and we say not that Christ as God onely nor as man onely is Mediator but by these two concurring together and as wee saie that Christ is not Mediator without flesh and as truely we saie that hee raised not vp his flesh by his humanitie but suffered in the flesh and was raised vp by the power of his diuinitie onely and that his diuinitie died not but his flesh onely and in this they worked seuerally in the flesh to be ouercome of death and in the spirit onely to ouercome death yet these two in the worke of our saluation doe worke together Euen so faith worketh with loue in bringing foorth sanctification and a holy life but in the verie apprehending of Christ his bloud this power to iustifie is of faith onely Like as the roote of it selfe giues life but the roote with the branches bring foorth fruite And as the fire maketh warme by heate and light and yet the heate of the fire warmeth alone but light is inseparable from it so no faith can worke well without workes but yet there are none iustified by the power of workes but by faith onely Now where it it said Faith wrought with his workes and through the workes the faith made perfect obserue that this is meant onely of a declaration to men for we are perfectly iustified in the sight of God by the bloud of Christ And though the hand be leprous yet it can receiue sound meate so though our faith be imperfect yet our iustification is perfect For there is but one pardon in heauen through that one death and passion of Christ and before a man be perfectly iustified he cannot do a good worke for we must first be in Christ before wee haue faith and must haue faith before wee can worke for these are fruits of faith And as a Toade is not therefore a Toade because it poisons but therefore poisons because it is a Toade nor a Serpent is not therefore a Serpent because it stings but stings because it is a Serpent so we are not ingrafted into Christ because we are good but being ingrafted into Christ wee are made good Lastly obserue in the wordes that wee are not iustified because wee worke but because wee shall be saued therefore wee worke Zaccheus Luke 19.8 had not saluation because hee restored foure-fold and gaue halfe his goods to the poore but because the Lord was come into his house and had taken possession of his heart therefore hee wrought these works of faith Neither was the poore man in the Gospell healed because he should sinne no more Iohn 5.14 but Christ faith Thou art healed therefore in signe of thankfulnesse for thy health looke to thy life that thou sinne no more for heauen shall not be giuen to workes but to workers and promise of eternall life is made to the workes of the iust as they are iustified Gal. 3.11.12 and they are iustified onely in Christ for in euery worke there is imperfection not but that the spirit could worke perfectly but that euery thing is receiued according to the measure of that that doth receiue it and wee in this life are able onely to receiue the first fruites and not the fulnesse of the spirit for the spirit is like the Sea that is able to fill any vessell but no vessell is able to containe it Now in the 23. verse two parts are to be considered first the purpose of the Apostle in alledging this Scripture secondly the sense of the matter deliuered For the first if Saint Iames cited this place to proue that Abraham was imputed righteous in the sight of God by this work of sacrificing his sonne hee must needes haue wrested this Scripture which were blasphemy to say being written by the singer of God for Abraham had this imputation of righteousnesse through his beleefe giuen him and pronounced by God himselfe Genes 15.6 before either Ismael or Isaak were borne so as then the meaning of the Apostle in alledging this scripture is onely to shew that that testimony which God gaue Abraham of the excellency of his faith was declared and approued to bee true by the performance and execution of this speciall worke Now for the second point concerning the sense of the place cited namely that Abraham beleeued God and it was imputed to him for righteousnesse here we see that it is agreeable to the scripture that the obedience of the sonne which stood in two parts first in fulfilling the law secondly in satisfying for our sins is onely inherent in the sonne and was in him euen from the moment of his conception to the moment of his ascension and that wee haue onely his obedience allowed vnto vs and through the imputation thereof we are made iust not that it abideth in our selues for we are no better then Abraham but we haue it by imputation as Abraham had And this is a doctrine of great comfort and necessitie to be beleeued that wee haue it by imputation and not of our selues for now wee are sure it shall neuer faile vs nor wee shall neuer lose it as Adam at first lost
in a holy conuersation Heere will be obiected since workes are so precisely vrged what say wee to the faith of the theefe vpon the crosse what workes did he and by this example many betray their soules in presuming of the like grace Wee answer that this was a particular priuiledge giuen to that theefe euen as a pardon may bee giuen to a man vpon the gallowes and if any embolden himselfe heereupon perhaps the rope will be his hire and it is not good to put it vpon the Psalme of Miserere and the necke-verse for sometime he proueth no Clarke And for this theefe the Lord neuer did it but to one that none might presume and yet hee did it to one and did saue one in the exigent of his life that none might despaire Secondly this was a worke reserued for the manifestation of the power of the Sonne of God that he should beleeue in his fellow sufferer and desire him to saue him that when the Pharisees denied him to be the Sonne of God yet a poore wretch and a theefe should confesse it Thirdly we must not regard the shortnesse of his confession but consider the time and circumstance when and before whom this confession was made euen then when no man durst defend the innocencie of the Sonne of God when the Pharisees left him when all his Disciples were scattered and when Marie his mother that stood a farre off and knew him to be the Sonne of God and yet spake nothing in his defence whereby she finned against the first table She was his mother and saw him put to death vniustly and yet would not testifie of his innocencie whereby she bore false witnesse against him so sinned against the ninth commaundement being her sonne she did not comfort him vpon the crosse and so sinned against the fift commaundement yet when all these either doubted of his diuinity or despaired the poore theefe did confesse him to be that Christ the Sonne of God who ●●d Paradise to dispose Lastly know that he was such a wretch that he neuer knew God before and therefore was it no maruell though he committed felonie but as soone as the Lord knockt at his heart first he confesseth Christ to be God and to die an innocent Luk. 23.41 We suffer righteously but this man hath done nothing amisse wherein he wrought a worke of the first table secondly he reprooued his fellow who raned on Christ wherein he wrought a worke of the second table So as this example of the theefe is no warrant to deferre or trifle off our repentance till the last houre for hee wrought as soone as hee was called If therefore the Lord hath offered vnto vs the riches of his mercie let vs in the acceptable time embrace it and not abuse his long suffering by growing more leane and ill-fauoured by these many yeeres wee haue had of religious peace and plentie but let vs returne vnto him while he is in the way before darknesse too fast ouer-grow our soules and before death snatch vs away into the graue For the similitude which is vers 26. obserue onely that it agreeth not in all points for the soule is the cause of the life of the body but so are not good works the cause of faith but only an effect and fruit of it for faith giueth life to good works and faith worketh by loue in the person instified for we must as hath bene said first be good before we can do good and we are made good spiritually by our regeneration in Christ and we being ingrafted into him then we do good so as the meaning only of the Apostle is by this similitude to shew that when a dead man being dead can speake which is impossible then faith which hath no workes and so is but a dead faith shall iustifie and saue vs. 1. IOHN chap. 3. vers 9.10 verse 9 Whosoeuer is borne of God sinneth not for his seed remaineth in him neither can he sinne because he is borne of God verse 10 In this are the children of God knowen and the children of the diuell who so doth not righteousnesse is not of God neither he that loueth not his brother THE Apostle in the beginning of this chapter first setteth downe that God the Father by his euerlasting loue in his Sonne hath bestowed vpon the faithfull this priuiledge to be called the sonnes of God in the sonne of God Christ Iesus Secondly that this dignity to bee the sonne of God and so to be called is not to be discerned by the men of the world because they haue not knowen the Sonne hauing not his spirit for spirituall things cannot be discerned by them that haue nothing but fleshly policy Thirdly as this cannot be discerned of the world so it is impossible our selues should sufficiently conceiue of it while we remaine in the tabernacle of this life because there is another glory we expect vers 2. Fourthly he setteth downe an effect inseparable from this adoption As many as are the sonnes of God and haue this hope of future glory they striue to reformation of life not to be equally pure but to bee like pure to the Lord Iesus This hee prooueth first from the institution of the law God neuer ordained the law neither after our creation nor after our redemption but to bee kept and the reason is thus The breach of the law is a disparagement swinge and sinne it perfect strength Thirdly the godly e●e said not to sinne be 〈◊〉 he laboureth to walke in all the commandements of the Lord. Now he that walketh in the right way may somtime fall but if hee doe he● striueth to regaine it by greater carefulnesse and speedier passage● but the wicked goe cleane out of the way as if heauen stood at hell gate Lastly because in the godly there is a combat for there is two men in them in the inward man they would faine please God and by the outward as Saint Paul saith they are made captiue to sinne Rom. 7.23 but in a meere naturall man there is nothing but flesh and so no combat for where all is one there is no diuision and if there be any strife in him it is betweene his conscience and himselfe in iudgement conuincing him that it is sinne and not betweene his conscience and his affection misliking it as it is sinne for this is easily seene by his often relapse into the same sinne Now for the reason hee doth not sinne because the holy Ghost which is the seed of our second birth remaineth in him neither can he sin and this is proued by two places of scripture first Rom. 8.1 where the Apostle proueth these two graces inseparable iustification from sinne and sanctification from sinne thus There is no condemnation to him that liueth a spirituall man this is proued vers 5. by contraries They that liue after the flesh sauour the things of the flesh but he that is borne of God cannot doe so for then