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A64467 The reconciler of the Bible inlarged wherein above three thousand seeming contradictions throughout the Old and New Testament are fully and plainly reconciled ... / by J.T. and T.M. ... Thaddaeus, Joannes, fl. 1630.; T. M. 1662 (1662) Wing T831_VARIANT; ESTC R33916 334,239 278

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passively for experience which rejoyceth by patience in the latter place it is taken actively for trial and the effect of it that is tribulation for affliction trieth faith as fire doth gold 1196. Rom. 5.6 7. Christ died for us 1 Joh. 3.16 Because he that is Christ laid down his life for us and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren Col. 1.24 Christ dying for us a sacrifice and revenger paid our ransom for us John comparing the death of Christ for us and our death for the brethren doth it secundum quid for we dye not to redeem our brethren but to edifie them 1197. Rom. 5.8 God commendeth his love towards us in that when we were yet sinners Christ died for us Rom. 8.32 The Father spared not his own Son but delivered him up for us all The Father and the Son did alwaies love us and have done all things for us Christ delivered himself for our sins into the power of the devil and because we were not to be redeemed by power but by righteousness Christ the Righteous died for us and so by righteousness he overcame the devil therefore because the devil had slain Christ it was necessary that he should release those that were captives Aug. de Trin. l. 13. c. 2. and the devil by the price paid was not made rich but ensnared 1198. Rom. 5.10 When we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son Joh. 15.13 No man hath greater love than this that a man lay down his life for his friends By nature we are Gods enemies by reason of sin but by grace we are reconciled to God by Christ who died for us and we are so made the dearest friends unto God 1199. Rom. 5.12 18. As by one man sin entred into the world and death by sin so death passed over all men Ver. 19 As by one mans disobedience many were made sinners so by one mans obedience many shall be made righteous The guilt of Adam is here compared with the grace of Christ because both have that descends on their followers Adam derives his guilt on all men by nature Christ derives his righteousness by grace on all that believe on him * Rom. 5.12 18. with 19. This term of Universality All must be restrained according to the nature of the subject as Adam transfused his Sin unto all which were his off-spring so Christ also justifieth all his that is all his which believe in him Besides the preheminence of the benefit consists not in the equality of the number that Christ should save as many as are lost in Adam for then there should be only an equality not a superiority Herein the Prerogative of grace is seen 1. In the excellency of the effect Life being more excellent than Death Righteousness than Sin 2. In the powerfulness of the Work it shews a greater power to save than to destroy 3. In the preheminence of the amplitude of grace we are justified not only from one but all kind of sins 1200. Rom. 5.20 The Law entred that sin might abound Chap. 7.12 The Law is holy and the Commandment holy just and good The Law increaseth sin not of it self and its own nature but by accident because it discovers sin and the poyson of it that we may know it for by the corruption of nature we are stirred up to strive against the Commandment yet the Law remains still in it self just and good 1201. Rom. 6.3 So many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death Acts 8.13 Simon Magus and other hypocrites were baptized yet they put not on Christ To be baptized into Christ is to put on Christ the Robes of his Righteousness and Holiness which Believers who are baptized do Hieron in Rom. 6. Simon Magus and hypocrites that are not faithful receive not the Spirit but water only in Baptism for there is a common Baptism to all that are baptized but not the vertue of Baptism that is grace Aug. in Psal 77. 1202. Rom. 6.12 Let not sin reign in your mortall body Chap. 3.12 There is none that doth good no not one The first place is to exhort us to mortifie sin in us in the Regenerate sin reigns not they are wholly dead to sin in Christ and partly in themselves they that are not Regenerate know indeed what they ought to do and know that of themselves they are unable to perform it 1203. Rom. 6.14 Ye are not under the Law but under grace Gal. 3.22 The Scripture hath concluded all under sin The first place is concerning the Regenerate who are not under the malediction dominion and rigid exaction of the Law The latter place is concerning all that are subject to sin for whom the Law is a Schoolmaster to Christ by the knowledge of our sins 1204. Rom. 6.18 You are become the servants of righteousness Ver. 20. You were free from righteousness In the former place is spoken of those who were converted and freed from the yoke of sin in the latter of those that are not yet converted who are free from righteousness and are not under the government of righteousness for carnal wisdom cannot be subject to the Law of God 1205. Rom. 6.23 The wages of sin is death Wisdom 2.24 By the envy of the devil death entred into the world The wages of sin is death because the Justice of God would have it so to punish mankind that was fallen by death the Author whereof was not God but it came into the world by the envy of the devil 1206. Rom. 7.6 Now we are delivered from the Law Mat. 5.17 I came not to destroy the Law We are delivered from the curse of the Law the rigour and provocation of it to sin also from the Law or death in which we were held but that takes not away the right use of the Law in respect of us 1207. Rom. 7.7 I had not known lust unless the Law had said Thou shalt not covet 1 Tim. 3.1 If a man desireth the Office of a Bishop he desireth a good work Concupiscence taken morally is either absolutely indifferent as to eat and drink or relatively to the Law and so good or bad as it is done contrary or according to the Law being ordinate or disordinate The latter place the Law condemns 1208. Rom. 7.8 Sin in me wrought in me all manner of concupiscence Jam. 1.15 When lust hath conceived it bringeth forth sin Paul means actual concupiscence of corrupt nature James original concupiscence 1209. Rom. 7.9 I was alive without the Law once saith Paul Phil. 3.6 Touching the righteousness which is in the Law blameless Before his conversion Paul lived a Pharisee without any true knowledge of the divine Law ascribing to himself external righteousness which was hypocrisie 1210. Rom. 7.12 The Law is holy just and good 2 Cor. 3.7 It is the ministration of death The Law in it self in respect of the Author is good holy and just
God works as the Author and we must work as the Instruments we must work because God works we must work but with Gods strength * 1343. 1 Cor. 12.7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal 2 Pet. 2.15 Balaam who loved the wages of unrighteousness The former place tells us that God hath given gifts unto men that his Church may profit by those gifts and the second place doth not tell that if God did give Balaam those gifts but he gave them for this purpose that he should have made Gods Church profit thereby now that he did not use those gifts so was his own failing Besides it is the opinion of most that Balaam was a Witch And so had not those gifts as Gods Children have them from God 1344. 1 Cor. 13.2 Though I have all faith so that I could remove mountains I am nothing Rom. 3.28 We are justified by faith without the works of the Law In the first place Mat. 17.20 by all faith is meant faith of working all manner of miracles so that it can extend it self so far as to remove mountains yet charity may be separated from such a faith 1 Joh. 3.23 but it can never be separated from a justifying faith to subsist without it * 1345. 1 Cor. 13.3 Bestow all my goods it profiteth me nothing Luk. 11.41 Give alms and all things shall be clean to you The Apostle supposeth that if a man which wants charity do such acts yet he would be no better by those acts as to obtaining of heaven Our Saviour speaks of giving alms out of charity and from a right principle 1346. 1 Cor. 13.9 We know in part 1 Joh. 2.20 Ye know all things In this life our knowledge is in part and imperfect but in the next life it shall be perfected the latter place is concerning necessary things to the knowledge of Antichrist that is done by the Holy Ghost leading us into all truth by degrees and parts 1347. 1 Cor. 13.12 We see now through a glass darkly but then face to face 2 Cor. 3.18 But we all as with open face beholding the glory of the Lord. The face in Scripture is taken for Gods Essence Exod. 33.23 for his general presence Deut. 31.17 for Gods grace Num. 6.25 for his revenge Rev. 6.16 for knowledge and internal vision Exod. 33.11 of this in the first place but in the latter is meant the sight of God in our Country that is in heaven as it is said through a glass and in riddle in respect of the Law for God is seen by us in part in the Word of God as he is * 1 Cor. 13.12 with 2 Cor. 3.18 There is as much difference betwixt the knowledge we have at present of God that we shall have in heaven of him as betwixt seeing a man thorough the window at distance and seeing him face to face As for the second place it doth not compare the knowledge we have with what we shall have in heaven as the former did but it compares the knowledge we have under the Gospel with that we or our Fathers had under the law for now we in comparison of them which were under the Law seem to see face to face and they as it were thorough a glass yet we in comparison of them that are in glory seem to see as thorough a glass and they face to face 1348. 1 Cor. 13.13 Now abideth faith hope and charity but the greatest of these is charity Gal. 5.6 Faith works by love Charity being the effect of faith is the inferiour for by faith we are justified Rom. 5.1 and Christ dwelleth in us and we please God we are the sons of God and obtain eternal life Charity is not the greatest vertue but because it shall remain in the next life in its operations * 1 Cor. 13.13 with Gal. 5.6 Charity If the Apostle speaks here not of justifying faith but of faith of Miracles of which Vers 2. then there can be no question but charity far exceeds that faith But because he joyns it with hope and Divines generally understand this of saving graces let it be understood of justifying faith and yet charity hath the greatest preheminence as 1. In respect of the Object Faith respects God only Charity God and our neighbour 2. In respect of the manner of working Faith works by receiving Christ and all his benefits Charity by giving and bestowing both our affections and goods it is better to give than receive 3. In respect of duration or continuance Faith and Hope shall cease in the life to come Charity shall remain in the life to come 4. In respect of the end Love is the end and scope of the other two graces yet upon another account Faith is the principal grace viz. of our Justification 1349. 1 Cor. 14.31 You may all prophesie one by one Heb. 5.4 No man taketh this honour to himself but he that is called of God The Apostle understands all that are lawfully called to the Office of Prophesying Jer. 28 2. 1 Pet. 4.11 You all that are Prophets may prophesie one by one but this invites not others who are not to take this honour till they be called 1350. 1 Cor. 15.9 I am the least of the Apostles Ver. 10. I laboured more than they all He was the least in order because he was the last called to be an Apostle but he was greater in labouring Rom. 15.16 17. because the charge of all the Churches was committed unto him In the first place he speaks lowly of himself according to Christs commandment When you have done all those things which are commanded you say we are unprofitable servants we have done that which was our duty to do Luk. 17.10 In the latter place he speaks of those that strove with him by emulation to whom he compares himself not derogating from others but he magnifies his Apostleship from his faith and fruits of his works * 1351. 1 Cor. 15.22 In Christ shall be made alive Job 14.14 If a man die shall he live again All men shall rise to judgment Job speaks of a mans dying in the world and implies that he shall not live again in the world though he doth not exclude by this his belief that man shall live again in the next world for he said he knew his Redeemer lived c. * 1352. 1 Cor. 15.24 28. Shall deliver up the kingdom to his Father Hence the Socinians argue against the Eternal Deity of Christ to deliver up the Kingdom was not regnantis potestatem the power of the Ruler As if Christ should then cease to rule for Luk. 1.33 he was to rule to eternity By the Kingdom is to be understood the people or Church of Christ glorified and this place is to be interpreted by Eph. 4.27 To deliver the kingdom to the Father is to set the Church before the Father gloriously and therein is not the end of Christs ruling but an
that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you Chap. 16.12 I have yet many things to say unto you In the Scriptures some things are said to be full which are to be fulfilled In the former place Christ speaks concerning the knowledge of God and the perfect worship of Christians in it self in the latter concerning the understanding of this Word which the Disciples by reason of their rudeness could not bear before they had received the Holy Ghost nor did they understand it * Joh. 15.15 with 16.12 All things I have heard either he spake this Prophetically as if things to come were past or else I have declared the substance and maine though not the particulars which are to be revealed afterwards I have revealed what the Father would have me to reveal for that which is to come when the Father gives me license and authority to do it I shall * 1074. Joh. 15.24 If I had not done such works as none other man Joh. 14.12 The works that I do ye shall do and greater The former place speaks of what had been done in the time past Christ did such Miracles as none did the like The latter place tells of what the godly should do and so they should do greater works 1075. Joh. 16.13 The Spirit of Truth shall guide you into all Truth Gal. 2.11 Peter erred after he had received the Holy Ghost The Apostles were led into all truth in part and degrees of it After they had received the Holy Ghost they erred not in doctrine in writing or teaching but in life and conversation such was the errour of Peter which was to be reproved whilst he conversed amongst the Gentiles * Joh. 16.13 with Gal. 2.11 The Spirit of Truth did lead them into all truth necessary for them to know they were led into all truth but not into all truth at the same time God dispensed his truth to them sometime after a fall or doubt sometime without a fall but we know that they were led into all truth in their writings 1076. Joh. 16.24 Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my Name Mat. 6.9 Luk. 11.2 He had given them the Form of Prayer before The Disciples did indeed pray before but not so plainly with a clear knowledge of Christs Office that their prayers should be heard for the Messias that was sent * Joh. 16.24 with Mat. 6.9 Luk. 11.2 We cannot imagine that the Patriachs and Prophets with the Disciples did pray explicitely and distinctly in the name of Christ the Mediator or for his Cause though probably the Apostles and others did it more implicitely Before Christs rising from the dead they might pray for their Saviours cause and sake in general terms and yet not pray in this Christs name and for his sake as the promised Saviour to come and though they might take him to be the Christ yet not so distinctly call upon God in his name 1077. Joh. 16.26 I say not unto you that I will pray the Father for you Rom. 8.26 He makes intercession for us Christ alone doth not pray for us but we also must come to the Father and in his name and at his command pray in full assurance which is necessary for our salvation * Joh. 16.26 with Rom. 8.26 Christ in the former place would have the Disciples to know that they have favour with God and not only by his means but also of the natural propensity and proclivity of the Fathers nature towards poor Creatures who sent Christ for sinners and who is as ready to grant as they are to ask in Christs name therefore I do not say that the Father contemns you and only when I pray the Father hath a respect for you for you are even dear to the Father as you are to me The second place shews that the Spirit intercedes for us but it is by the merit of Christ and yet this hinders not but God hath a love towards us else he had not sent Christ to save us 1078. Joh. 17.3 That they may know thee Father to be the only true God Act. 20.28 The Son is God Chap. 5.4 The Holy Ghost is God Only here doth not exclude the Persons in the Divine Essence but Creatures and Idols which are no gods * Joh. 17.3 The only true God The Socinians would have the exclusive adjection he●e 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to know thee to be solum verum Deum the alone true God Christ said not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that they may know thee only to be the true God It is not the Father alone as the solitary subject of the Enunciation of being the true God but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 solus ille verus Deus is the predicate and attributed to the Father as he that sent Jesus Christ Here is excluded all that are called Gods as the Objects of Religious Worship and only the true God introduced 1079. Joh. 18.20 I speak openly to the world and in secret have I said nothing Mar. 9.28 He taught his Disciples privately in the Desert In the first place he speaks of his Doctrine which he brought from Heaven that he might reveal it to all men and teach it publikely and in the Temple not in private corners In the latter place he taught privately explaining those things which he had taught publikely * Joh. 18.20 with Mar. 9.28 Christ taught nothing in private which he bid his hearers keep to themselves but what he taught in private he would have it revealed on the house top * 1080. Joh. 18.28 That they might eat the Passeover Exod. 12. The fourteenth day Doubt Our Saviour had eaten the Passeover over night so that either Christ or the Jews hit not on the right Fourteenth day either he a day too soon or they a day too late Answer Neither the one nor the other Christ and the Jews eat both on the same night Mat. 26.17 Mar. 14.12 Luk. 22.7 The Passeover which the Jews reserved to themselves to be eaten now was not the Paschal Lamb that was eaten the night before but of the Passeover Bullock mentioned Deut. 16.2 2 Chron. 35.7 8 9. Which Bullocks were slain at the Passeover time but not for the Passeover Beast properly taken for that must be of a Lamb or Kid unalterably But those Bullocks were slain as attendants upon the Paschal from the nature of which Sacrifice they differed * 1081. Joh. 18 31. It is not lawful for us to put any man to death And yet they killed Stephen and James The Romans had taken from the Jews the power of putting to death leaving them only power to take Cognizance of an offence and judge it according to their Law not execute that Law Stephen had no leg●l tryal but slain tumultuously and James was slain by Annas who then was no more than a private person being deprived of his authority Or else it is not lawful to kill any in the Passeover time * 1082. Joh. 18.31 with Joh. 19.7 We have a
we ought to be angry and the latter the wrong done to us for which we should not be angry However the former and the latter both condemn excess of anger or such as may be sinful * 1384. Eph. 4.28 Let him that stole steal no more Rev. 22.11 Let him that is unjust be unjust still The former place is a duty or command that thieves forbear their former courses The latter is the denunciation of a Judgment they that in the daies when the Gospel is preached shall remain hardned in their sins shall by Gods Judgment be delivered to the devil and their own wicked lusts being deprived of all safety of the spirit 1385. Eph. 5.1 Be ye followers of God 1 Cor. 11.1 Be ye followers of me The Apostle warns the Ephesians to be followers of God for by that they shall fructifie the more He exhorts the Corinthians to follow him that as he followed Christ so they would learn of him as if he would have said if you cannot follow Christ yet follow me at least that am his servent 1386. Eph. 5.25 Husbands love your wives Luk. 14.26 Wives are to be beloved as they are wives but if they hinder us from following Christ they are to be hated with such a hatred as proceeds not from anger but zeal to Gods glory 1387. Eph. 5.26 Christ hath cleansed his Church by the washing of water by the Word 1 Joh. 1.7 The blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sins Christ purgeth away our spots with his bloud as with water by the Word and Sacraments as by instruments he communicates to us the power of his death 1388. Eph. 5.33 Deu. 6.13 Let the Wife see that she reverence her husband Mat. 10.28 Rather fear God Fear in respect of God must be guided the same way that love must God must be beloved above all not excluding fear which is due to others 1389. Eph. 6.12 For we wrestle not against flesh and bloud Gal. 5.17 The spirit and the flesh are contrary In the former place mention is made of our principal and capital enemy that is the devil in the latter of the concupiscence of our corrupt flesh and the strife of it against the Spirit 1390. Eph. 6.12 We wrastle not gainst flesh and bloud 1 Pet. 2.11 Abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul The Apostle in the former place saith nor that we do not wrestle against flesh and bloud but against greater and stronger enemies against principalities and powers q.d. you must not think that your main work is to contend against these petty enemies of flesh and bloud though you must contend against these but your main work is against principallities and powers The latter place tells us that lusts sight against us and yet it hinders not but we must wrestle against more The Epistle of St. PAUL to the PHILLIPPIANS HE exhorts them to patience and not to be offended with his chains but that they should live patiently in mutual love and take heed of false Teachers and study to lead a life unblameable Written from Rome by Epaphroditus 1391. PHIL. 2.7 He was made in the likeness of man and was found in fashion as a man 2 Cor. 5.16 Henceforth know we Christ no more after the flesh The first place is concerning Christs true humiliation who after his humanity was exalted of God above all creatures and made to be Lord in the glory of the Father * Phil. 2.7 with 2 Cor. 5.16 He was in likeness habit shape and nature of other men Yet we know no man after the flesh neither Paul or any other Apostle had any worldly or carnal affection to take notice of outwards as Kindred Qualities Honours c. no nor yet Christ c. they put off all carnal imaginations of Christs Kingdom which the Jews had nor did they know him i. e. seek or expect fleshly things with him or did they desire to please men but Christ and him only To whom also they stand no longer affected after any meerly humane civil or natural manner of affections such as those bare unto him who conversed with him upon earth but altogether in a divine and spiritual manner 1392. Phil. 2.9 God hath given him a Name which is above every name Mat. 1.21 In his conception Luk. 2.21 In his Circumcision they called his name Jesus By the Name above all names is understood Majesty and Glory given from God the Father unto Jesus Christ our Lord. Mat. 1.21 In his conception he was called Jesus because he shal save his people from their sins 1393. Phil. 2.12 Work out your salvation with fear and trembling 2 Tim. 1.12 I am certain because the Lord is able to keep that which I committed unto him The Apostle means fear and trembling not that which is servile but filial which is opposed to presumption and security lest we should grow insolent upon the confidence of our gifts but that we should altogether depend on the mercy and goodness of God 1394. Phil. 3.12 Not as though I were already perfect Ver. 15. So many as are already perfect Mans perfection is in heaven to which we bend our course that he means in the first place but our perfection on earth must be conformable to Christ our head in doing well and suffering The Philippians are called perfect not simply so but comparatively in respect of those that are weak Col. 3 6. Heb. 5.13 who are to be born withal by those which are strong in respect of whom also they are termed children 1395. Phil. 3.21 Christ shall change our vile bodies that they may be fashioned like to his glorious body Heb. 1.4 5.13 The Angels shall not be like him Our bodies shall be conformable to Christs glorious body which he had in his Resurrection but not by reason of his Majesty and power he hath by the Hypostatical union * 1396. Phil. 4.3 Whose names are in the book of life 2 Tim. 2.19 The Lord only knows who are his In the former place the Apostle speaks by a judgment of charity or he judgeth the tree by its fruit or men by the outward appearance He saw them walk so orderly and upon such true and real principles as he could conclude no other but that they were the Elect of God and yet this hinders not but that God only can infallibly know who are his * 1397. Phil. 4.5 The Lord is at hand 2 Thes 2.2 3. As the day of Christ is at hand let no man deceive you c. The Lord is at hand in regard of his presence and providence which may move us to be moderate Besides Christs second coming is at hand in regard of God who counts a thousand years as one day It is at hand in regard of Christians expectation who when they see the day dawning and hear the Cock crowing frequently do hence gather that the day light is at hand so they when they see the forerunners of Christs second coming do conclude