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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A60307 The History of the Turks describing the rise and ruin of their first empire in Persia, the original of their second : containing the lives and reigns of their several kings and emperors from Ottoman its first first founder to this present year, 1683, being a succinct series of history, of all their wars (forreign and domestick) policies, customs, religion and manners, with what else is worthy of note in that great empire. I. S. 1683 (1683) Wing S39; ESTC R31795 386,077 658

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the hazard of a Battle to revenge the indignity of whose approach Osman who then lay sick in his Pavilion haveing notice Command Sinan Bassa and Mahumet Bassa should with all the Greek Soldiers and others to the number of 74000 should go out and meet the Enemy who by the craft of the forerunners of his Army drawing the Turks within his strengths had with them there a mortal Battle wherein 10000 of their Souldiers were slain and the two Bassa's in great confusion obliged to fly to the Camp leaving most of their Insigns and all their baggage as a prey to the Persians who hightned with this success advanced within sight of the Turks Camp sending a Herauld to the sick General to demand of him Battle of which accepting though not able to be there present when as Battle being joyned after a long and doubtful fight victory inclined to the Persians who in the end slew 20000 of the Turks and amongst the rest the Bassa's of Caramite and Trepez●nd and Sanzack of Brusia with five other Sanzacks and among the Prisoners were taken Amurath Bassa of Caramania and divers other of note Upon news of this bad success the Genral fearing to have his Army wasted to nothing by continual skirmishes in a strange Countrey having Fortified Tauris and made Giaffer Bassa of Tripolis Governour he was about to decamp when on a suddain the neighing of Horses the noise of Drums and Trumpets were heard which putting the Army into a great consternation and soon caused them in great confusion to run all to that side where they supposed the noise was when in the mean while Emir the Persian Prince on the other side without any sound of Trumpet or beat of Drum with 28000 Souldiers entered their Camp took 18000 Camels laden whom he sent away by 6000 of his Souldiers and then charging furiously upon such as he found insomuch that after a hard Battle fought 20000 Turks lay scattered on the Plain many of which were slain by their own Artillery which by Osmans Command being furiously discharged at the Armies the murthering shot made lanes before them without discerning between Friend and Foe but night coming on and the Persians weary with slaughter retired and were for a while faintly pursued by the Turks Osman lying all this while sick in his Pavilion sore afflicted with the Bloody Flux and hearing what havock the Persians had made died the grief of so great a loss hastening his end Yet was his death for a long space kept secret least thereby the Army should be discouraged which now was returning under the leading of Sinan or Cicala as some called him Bassa Osman in his Will having delivered to him the charge of the whole Army Yet the Persian Prince with 14000 Horse and Foot followed them at the heels still cutting of the straglers and had utterly destroyed them had not his design been discovered which obliged him to retreat with the loss of 3000 of his Men so that by long and tedious marches the Turks wasted Army arriving the Van after the publication of the Generals death were discharged all but a certain number retained who under the leading of D●ut Chan a Renegado Persian were sent to the relief of Teflis which without any loss they performed Now the Castle built in Tauris much grieved the Persians to take which they used their utmost endeavour but it being strong of it self and defended by a strong Garrison their attempts proved unsuccessful When at the same time great mischief arose in the Kingdom of Persia for 10000 Turcomans a people bordering upon the Georgians and resolving to revenge themselves for the death of Emir Chan offered their service to the Persian Sophy under the leading of their two Captains Mahomet Chan and Calife Chan to whom the Sophy as a pledge of his love and their safety delivered Tamas his young Son whom they had no sooner got into their power but they proclaimed him King of Persia and in all hast marched towards Casbiu the Regal City in hopes to surprize it and seat young Tamas on his Fathers Throne of which the Sophy and his eldest Son having notice pursued hard after them when overtaking them at a place called Calisteza a dayes journey on this side Casbiu the Prince gave them Battle and after a dangerous and doubtful conflict put them to flight In which they being swiftly pursued the two rebellious Captains were taken and by the Kings Command had their heads stricken off young Tamas being likewise taken was sent Prisoner to the Castle of Cabaca those that escaped the Battle fled to Solyman Bassa of Babylon which put an end to the Rebellion Giaffer Bassa Governour of Tauris after the departure of the Turkish Army understanding that the Persian Prince was Levying a great Army to Besiege the City sent an Express to Sinon or Siculi Bassa to send him Aid for the defence of the City and Castle the which by reason of the flight of some and death of othersome of his men must otherwise fall into the hands of the Enemy now notwithstanding great preparation for that purpose were made they could not be put into the City by reason of the near approach of the Persian Army without manifest hazard of exposing them to the mercy of their Enemies Yet it so fell out that the Governour without any recruits maintained the City and Castle the Persians not being so urgent for the recovery of the same as was expected Upon notice of Osmans death Amurath chose Ferat Bassa once more his General who departing from Constantinople in the month of April 1586 and passed over into Asia where having compleated his Army at Sinas upon notice that Tauris was in danger he marched thitherward though with great caution the enemy should charge him at unawares and by reason of the dissensions arisen amongst the Persian Captains sent to oppose him and the Treason of Aliculican now alienated from his Prince and holding secret correspondence with the Turkish General he without any loss relieved Tauris and having caused a strong Fort to be built at Churchine near unto the said City and two others at C●y and Carn and left therein sufficient Garrisons and store of provision he sent succours to Teflis in Georgia and so with little or no loss returned to Erzirum By this time the Persian Prince who and Mahomet his father now grown old ruled the Kingdom had notice of the Treason of Aliculi Chau and Emanguli Chan whom he had drawn into his confederacy he prepared his Forces to march against them whereupon the latter submitted and was received into favour but howsoever it happened whether with his knowledge or not the Prince the chief glory of Persia sleeping in his Pavilion was by an Eunuch run through the body supposed to be done at the instance of Abas Miriza his younger brother to advance whom to the Persian Diadem Aliculi Chan had revolted from the obedience of the Sophy and plotted with the
by the Senate and dismissed of his high charge Capello being appointed to succeed him who being strengthned with an additional supply of Gallies Galliasses and Ships of War he wasted the Island whilst Morosini with two and twenty Ships faced the Towers of the Dordanellis in the Hellespont and braved the Ottoman power incountering such Gallies as in a dead calm were sent out against him which after a sharp dispute he obliged to retire and then sailed to joyn his Admiral perswading him to give the Turks Battle but whilst he delayed they landed an additional strength of forty thousand men on the Island and kept their Gallies so close within the Harbour that they could not be indammaged without great disadvantage to the Christians nor did the Fire-Ships too late prepared to burn them succeed by reason they took Fire too soon yet the succeeding year Morosini having notice that the Turks were Landed at Scio and that they carelesly romed up and down came thither with divers Ships of War took several of their Gallies and in them many prisoners of note but soon afterward being serated from his Squadron in a storm he was set upon by fifteen Gallies of Rhodes and boarded where fighting valiantly he was slain by a Musquet Bullet yet his Ship upon the coming in of two Galliasses was rescued The funeral solemnity of this renowned Captain was celebrated with all Pomp at Venice Not by Sea only but at Land the Turks invaded the Venetian Territories for pouring a multitude of men into Dalmatia yet were not greatly successful for Leonardo Foscolo the Venetian General on that side overthrew their Forces in divers conflicts In one of which he took the Sanzack Licca and slew his Son recovered Saccovar Polissano Islan and Novogrode the latter of which by order of the Senate he demolished and pursuing his good success took all the Cities and Towns the Turks held on that side utterly driving them out of Dalmatia but this joy was palliated by the unwelcome news of the Fleets being wrecked in the Archipelago and a great number of Ships and Gallies broken to pieces which so raised the drooping courage of the Turks that they advanced to the Walls of Candia and straitly besieged it but were so valiantly repulsed by the Christians that had put themselves into it that after the loss of thirty thousand men they were obliged to retire as not being capable of gaining it though Foscolo about this time proved successful in taking Clissa a strong Fort scituate in the confines of Dalmatia and overthrew Feckeli Bassa killing and taking Prisoners the greatest part of his Army which caused Morlaches to revolt and several of the principal inhabitants of Scutary to treat with the Venetian General about putting that City into his hands to take possession of which seven thousand men were sent who seized some several smal places but ere they could arrive at Scutari their design was discovered and they obliged for the preservation of their lives to betake themselves to the Mountains for as many as were taken the Turks impailed them alive The Grand Visier inraged for the loss of Clissa dispatched Dervis Bassa into part of Bosna with a powerful Army to assault Spelatro against whom the Venetian General marched together with Serich Capt. of Morlaches but by reason of the Christians disorderly march in gathering the spoil of the Countrey the Turks set upon a part of the Army and put it to the rout though Serich and other Dalmatian Captains did all that men could perform In this conflict 400 Christians were slain and as many taken Prisoners amongst the latter of which was the Captain of Moriaches whom the Turks flayed alive and afterwards impailed yet though they subdued his body they could not conquer his invincible mind he bearing the same Constancy and Resolution in his torments as he had done in Battle During these transactions Ibrahim indulged himself in all manner of pleasures leaving the management of all his affairs to his Bassa himself being wholly directed by a wench who in the nature of a Baud or procurer went from bath to bath to take a view of the Ladies and those she perceived fairest she inquired out the places of their abode and recommended them to her Lord who upon hearing her praise their beauty would instantly be enamoured of them and send to fetch them either by fair means or force to his Bed This course taken for a while without coutroul she at length filled his ears with the commendation of a Sultaness Widow to his brother Morat deceased but this Woman could by no intreaty be won to his Lust nor obliged with presents to comply alledging she had vowed perpetual Widowhood and that her former Lord to was living in conceit which denyal the more inraged Ibrahim now grown impatient of delay wherefore he intended to snatch that by force that intreaty could not gain wherefore watching her one day as she came out of the Bath he siezed her in his armes which she perceiving resolved upon the defence of her Chastity and therefore drew her Dagger a weapon which the Sultaness and Chief Lady wear at their sides and offered to wound him in her own defence which observing let go his hold at what time the bustle causing a loud clamour his Mother came from her apartment who understanding what had happened began to reprove her son of his lascivious behaviour during which the Sultaness found means to escape which so incensed Ibrahim that he confined his Mother to the old Seraglio interdicting her his presence till with submission and many intreaties she had obtained pardon After the loss of this Sultaness his procurer called by him Shecher Para casting her eyes upon the Daughter of the Mufti a young Lady of excellent beauty so warmed the heart of Ibrahim with the relation of her rare perfections that he resolved to have her at any rate and therefore at first resolved to send for her by force but considering the power of the Mufti he upon second thoughts suppoled it not convenient to incense him by such a rash action but rather to send for him and to treat with him about taking his daughter to be one of his Sultana's which he did and reasoned with him about that affair but the old man who intirely loved his daughter and well considering the wandering loves of Ibrahim and that he having already sons her off spring would be either poisoned strangled or become sad recluses after his death inwardly resolved not to consent to his request yet dissembled the matter in excusing so great an honour to one that was unworthy of it but withal concluded to deal with his Daughter in the best mannen to the Sultans advantage but by their Law could oblige her therein no further then her free consent allowed Pleased with this answer Ibrahim dismissed the Mufti with several rich presents thinking his wishes should now be satisfied but the old man having hardened his Daughter not to
the same afflicted and brought low by the Tyranny of Stephano their Vayvod who the better to secure him in his Estate had caused most of the Nobility to be cruelly and shamefully murthered upon which the Moldavians disdaining the Tyrants rule who was wont to say that he valued not his Subjects love so they feared him rose in Arms against him choosing for their Prince Alexander son to Jeremy their former Vayvod who with a great power entering the Countrey had many strong places put into his possession which the Tyrant understanding and finding the hatred of his Subjects generally bent against him he fled till strengthened by a supply of Turks and Tartars he again returned and gave the Prince Battle but was therein overthrown after which Alexander was proclaimed with the consent of all the Nobility Vayvod of Moldavia whereupon he sent Ambassadors to the Grand Seigniour to inform him that he would do nothing prejudicial to his Imperial Majesty but that what he had done was at the instance of the Nobility to free the Countrey from a Tyrant but e'r these Ambassadors could arrive at Constantinople they were imprisoned at the commandment of the Bassa of Buda and being afterward put into the power of Stephano he caused their heads to be cut off and their bodies to be cast into the Danube and then having recruited his Forces returned again into Moldavia where in a second battle he was overthrown and most of his Army slain himself hardly escaping to Michna Prince of Valachia but soon after Alexander having notice that the said Michna and Hebraim a Turkish Bassa were raising great Forces to assist Stephano he sent Boyartsk ye his Ambassador to Michna to make him his friend or at least to perswade him to desist from taking part with the Tyrant but the proud Bassa contrary to the will of the Vayvod Michna caused the Ambassador to be clapped in Irons and sent prisoner to Constantinople where upon his arrival contrary to the Law of Nations he was condemned to the Gallies to excuse which the Vayvod sent an Ambassador to Prince Alexander promising him that unless it were by the absolute command of the Grand Siegniour which he durst not disobey he would not assist his Competitor and at the same time it being rumoured that Bethlem Gaber was likewise raising Forces to invade Moldavia the Prince sent an other Ambassador to him who to the Ambassador protested his innocency therein and that he intended no harm to Alexander his master but on the contrary greatly desired his friendship and for his fathers sake would assist him in what lay in his power but that which caused a great trouble in Moldavia was the death of Prince Visnouviskie who was poisoned by a Greek Priest in receiving the Sacrament for which the impious actor was fryed to death in a wyer chair having first confessed that he was induced to commit that hellish exploite at the instance of the Princes enemy who upon the Priests detection were fled Anno 161. at the incessant intreaty of Stephano the Sultan sent Skinder Bassa with a powerful Army to to restore him to the Vayvod-ship of Moldavia whereupon Prince Alexander sent to his friends as well in Polonia as in other parts of Christendom to Aid him against the Common Enemy and thereupon received great Aid especially out of Polonia under the leading of Prince Coreski who shortly after Marryed the Princess Alexandrina Sister to Prince Alexander and having refreshed the Army the two Princes as joynt Commanders marched against the Bassa and in a set battle overthrew him near unto Cochona together with the Forces of Stephano and pursuing their Victory entered Valachia where entering Bonza without resistance he was by the Estates of that Province intreated to take upon him the Vayvodship for that they being weary of the Turkish thraldom from which Michna their Vayvod had absolutely refused to free them they resolved for that reason to chuse an other but the Prince refused the charge he would not deprive his friend of his possession yet consented that Prince Cherbanne son to the late Vayvod should take the charge upon him but whilst these things were in agitation Shindar Bassa had gathered a great power and proclaimed Michna Vayvod of Moldavia Stephano by reason of his frequent overthrows being now fallen into disgrace with the Sultan and on a sudden the said Bassa with his multitude invironed the Princes Camp where he together with his mother Prince Coreskie and his fair Princess Alexandrina were taken prisoners as were all the Camp except five hundred Polonians who under the leading of the Lord Tischevish cut their way through the Army of the Turks yet for a long time the Princes remained disguised amongst the common prisoners in hopes of being admitted to their ransoms but at length all except the Princess Alexandrina were carryed to Constantinople but she falling into the hands of a Tartarian Captain was carryed into Tartary where she was hardly dealt with till at length she was ransomed for 3000 Chequins having during her Captivity been delivered of a fair son The year following the Turks spoiled the Seacoast Towns of Italy taking many rich prizes and had the like repayed them by the Christian Gallies in the Mediterranean and greater mischiefs had insued had not Achmet the Turkish Sultan died having lived thirty years and reigned fifteen appointed by reason of his sons minority his brother Mustapha whom he had a long time kept prisoner to succeed him in the Ottoman Empire CHAP. XIX Mustapha the first of that Name Ninth Emperour of the Turks his Life and Actions AChmat being dead Mustapha his Brother the First that had been saved alive since the foundation of the Ottoman Empire succeeded him by his appointment his Children of which Osman was the Eldest being too weak to sway the Scepter of so mighty an Empire So that this Mustapha brought from a straight Prison every day expecting Death now advanced to a Throne to rule the East forgeting his former devout Life began to Tyrannize over his Subjects more then his Predecessors which caused him to be hated of many especially for that he imprisoned the French Ambassador and his servants breaking thereby the Law of Nations upon pretence that they had been instrumental in the escape of Prince Coreskie out of the Black Tower who by the assistance of a Greek Priest descended from the top thereof on a rople Ladder drawn up by a bottom of Packthred brought in a Pie to the said Prince by the Ambassadors Secretary though contrary to his knowledge with the Prince likewise escaped one Rigaut a French Captain who by the assistance of the said Priest disguised in Priestly Vestments for that purpose prepared got passage into Italy notwithstanding all the Ports were beset with their pursuers Nor was the Ambassador only imprisoned but his servants and himself evilly intreated especially the former two of which were put to the torture according to the Turkish manner which