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A47788 The alliance of divine offices, exhibiting all the liturgies of the Church of England since the Reformation as also the late Scotch service-book, with all their respective variations : and upon them all annotations, vindictating the Book of common-prayer from the main objections of its adversaries, explicating many parcels thereof hithereto not clearly understood, shewing the conformity it beareth with the primitive practice, and giving a faire prospect into the usages of the ancient church : to these is added at the end, The order of the communion set forth 2 Edward 6 / by Hamon L'Estrange ... L'Estrange, Hamon, 1605-1660. 1659 (1659) Wing L1183; ESTC R39012 366,345 360

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Curate give this exhortation to those that be minded to receive the same The Common Prayer DEarly beloved in the Lord ye that minde to come to the holy communion of the body and blood of our Saviour Christ must consider what Saint Paul writeth to the Corinthians how he exhorteth all persons piligently to try and examine themselves before they presume to eat of that bread and drink of that cup. For as the benefit is great if with a true penitent heart and lively faith we receive that holy Sacrament for then we spiritually eat the flesh of Christ and drink his blood then we dwell in Christ and Christ in us we be one with Christ Christ with us so is the danger great if we receive the same unworthyly For then we be guilty of the body and blood of Christ our Saviour we eat and drink our own damnation not considering the Lords body we kindle Gods wrath against us we provoke him to plague us with divers diseases and sundry kindes of death Therefore if any of you be a blasphemer of God an hinderer or slanderer of his word an adulterer or be in malice or envie or in any other grievous crime bewail your sins and come not to this holy table lest after the taking of that holy Sacrament the divil enter into you as he entred into Judas and fil you ful of all iniquities and bring you to destruction both of body and soul. Judge therefore your selves brethren that ye be not judged of the Lord. Repent you truely for your sins past Have a lively and stedfast faith in Christ our Saviour Amend your lives and be in perfect charity with all men so shall ye be meet partakers of those holy mysteries And above all things ye must give most humble and hearty thanks to God the father the son and the holy ghost for the redemption of the world by the death and passion of our saviour Christ both God and man who did humble him self even to the death upon the crosse for us miserable sinners which lay in darknesse and shadow of death that he may make us the children of God and exalt us to everlasting life And to the end that we should alway remember the exceeding great love of our master and onely saviour Jesu Christ thus dying for us and the innumerable benefits which by his pretious blood-sheding he hath obtained to us he hath instituted and ordained holy mysteries as pledges of his love and continual remembrance of his death to our great and endlesse comfort To him therefore with the Father and the holy Ghost let us give as we are most bounden continual thanks submitting our selves wholly to his holy will and pleasure and studying to serve him in true holinesse and righteousnesse all the dayes of our life Amen 1. B. of Edw. 6. In Cathedral Churches or other places where there is dayly Communion it shall be sufficient to read this exhortation above written once in a moneth And in parish Churches upon the week day it may be left unsaid Then so many as shall be partakers of the holy Communion shall tary still in the Quire or in some convenient place nigh the quire B the men on one side and the women on the other side All other that minde not to receive the said holy Communion shall depart out of the quire except the Ministers and Clerks Then shall the Minister take so much Bread and Wine as shall suffice for the persons appointed to receive the holy Communion laying the Bread upon the Corporas or else in the pattin or in some other comely thing prepared for that purpose And putting the wine into the Chalice or else in some fair convenient cup prepared for that use if the Chalice will not serve putting thereto C a little pure and clean water And setting both the Bread and Wine upon the Altar Then the Priest shall say The Lord be with you Answer And with thy Spirit Priest Lift up your hearts c. to the end of the Prefaces Common Prayer 1 B. of Edw. 6. Then shall the Minister say to them that come to receive the holy Communion Scot. Lit. this Invitation Here the Priest shall turn him towards those that come to receive the holy Communion and shall say YOU that do truely and earnestly repent you of your sins 1 B. of Edw. 6. to Almighty God and be in love and charity with your nieghbours and intend to lead a new life following the commandements of God and walking from henceforth in his holy wayes D Draw near and take this holy Sacrament to pour comfort make your humble confession to almighty God before this congregation here gathered together in his holy name meekly kneeling upon your knees E Then shall this general confession be made in the name of all those that are minded to receive the holy Communion Scot. Lit. by the Presbyter himself or the Deacon either by one of them Lit. of Q. Eliz. or else by one of the Ministers or by the Priest himself or else by the Minister himself Scot. Lit. both he and all the people all kneeling humbly upon their knees ALmighty God father of our Lord Jesus Christ maker of all things judge of all men we knowledge and bewail our manifold sins and wickednesse which we from time to time most grievously have committed by thought word and deed against thy divine majesty provoking most justly thy wrath and indignation against us we do earnestly repent and be heartily sorry for these our misooings the remembrance of them is grievous unto us the burden of them is intolerable have mercy upon us have mercy upon us most merciful father for thy son our Lord Jesus Christs sake forgive us all that is past and grant that we may ever hereafter serve and please thee in newnesse of life to the honour and glory of thy name through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen Then shall the Minister or the Bishop being present stand up and turning him self to the people Scot. Lit. pronounce the Absolution as followeth say thus ALmighty God our heavenly father who of his great mercy hath promised forgivnesse of sins to all them which with hearty repentance and true faith turn unto him have mercy upon you pardon and deliver you from all your sins confirm and strength you in all goodnesse and bring you to everlasting life through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen Then shall the Minister also say Hear what comfortable words our Saviour Christ saith to all that truely turn to him Come unto me all that travail and be heavie laden and I shall refresh you So God loved the world that he gave his onely begotten son to the end that all that beleeve in him should not perish but have life everlasting Hear also what saint Paul saith This is a true saying and worthy of all men to be received that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners Here also what saint John saith If any man
others appropriated to dayes of solemn celebration or dispersed abroad in the several offices of our Church are for the greater part borrowed from the Sacramentary of Gregory the great and where others are omitted it is upon this account because they conteined something edifying towards the invocation of Saints CHAP. IIII. An order for Evening prayer Throughout the Year Scotch Lit. After the sentences Exhortation Confession and Absolution as is appointed at Morning Prayer the Presbyter shall say or sing The priest shall say OUR father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name Thy kingdom come Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven Give us this day our dayly bread And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespasse against us And lead us not into temptation But deliver us from evil Scot. Lit. for thine is the kingdome the power and the glory for ever and ever Amen Then likewise he shall say O Lord open thou our lips Answer And our mouth shall shew forth thy praise Priest O God make speed to save us Answer O Lord make hast to help us Priest Glory be to the Father and to the Son c. As it was in the beginning is now c. Praise ye the Lord. Answer Scot. Lit. The Lord be praised Then Psalms in order as they be appointed in the Table for Psalmes except there be proper Psalms appointed for that day Then a Lesson of the old Testament as is appointed likewise in the Kalender except there be proper Lessons appointed for that day After that Magnificat in English as followeth MY soul doth magnifie the Lord c. Luke 1. Glory be to the Father and to the Son c. As it was in the beginning is now c. Or else this Psalm OSing unto the Lord a new song Psalm 98. Glory be to the Father and to the Son c. As it was in the beginning is now c. Then a Lesson of the new Testament And after that Nunc dimittis in English as followeth LOrd now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace according to thy word c. Glory be to the Father and to the Son c. As it was in the beginning is now c. Or else this Psalm GOd be merciful unto us c. Psalm 47. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the holy Ghost As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end Amen The Common Prayer 1. B. of Edw. 6. Then shall follow the Creed with other Prayers as is before appointed at Morning Prayer after Benedictus And with three Collects First of the day The second of peace Third for aid against all perils as hereafter followeth Which two last Collects shall be dayly said at Evening prayer without alteration Then the suffrages before assigned at Mattins the Clerk kneeling likewise with three Collects c. The second Collect at Evening Prayer O God from whom all holy desires all good counsels and all just works do proceed give unto thy servants that peace which the world cannot give that both our hearts may be set to obey thy commandments and also that by thee we being defended from the fear of our enemies may passe our time in rest and quietnesse through the merits of Jesus Christ our Saviour Amen The third Collect for aid against all perils LIghten our darkness we beseech thee O Lord and by thy great mercy defend us from all perils and dangers of this night for the love of thy onely Son our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen Scot. Lit. Then shall follow the prayer for the Kings Majesty with the rest of the Prayers at the end of the Letany to the Benediction Common Prayer 1 B. of Edw. 6. In the Feasts of Christmas the Epiphany St. Mathy Easter the Ascension Pentecost St. John Baptist. St. James St. Bartholomew St. Matthew St. Simon and Jude St. Andrew and Trinity Sunday shall be sung or said immediately after Benedictus this confession of our Christian faith Scot. Lit. the Presbyter and all the people standing In the Feasts of Christmas the Epiphany Easter Ascension Penrecost and upon Trinity Sunday shall be sung or said immediately after Benedictus this confession of our Christian faith WHosoever will be saved before all things it is necessary that he hold the Catholick faith Which faith except every one do keep holy and undefiled without doubt he shall perish everlastingly And the Catholick faith is this that we worship one God in trinity and Trinity in unity Neither confounding the persons nor dividing the substance For there is one person of the Father another of the Son and another of the holy Ghost But the Godhead of the Father of the Son and of the holy Ghost is all one the glory equal the majesty coeternal Such as the Father is such is the Son and such is the holy Ghost The Father uncreate the Son uncreate and the holy Ghost uncreate The Father incomprehensible the son incomprehensible and the holy Ghost incomprehensible The Father eternal the son eternal and the holy Ghost eternal And yet they are not three eternals but one eternal As also there be not three incomprehensibles not three uncreated but one uncreated and one incomprehensible So likewise the Father is almighty the son almighty and the Holy Ghost almighty And yet they are not three almighties but one almighty So the Father is God the son is God and the holy Ghost is God And yet are they not three Gods but one God So likewise the father is Lord the son Lord the holy ghost Lord. And yet not three Lords but one Lord. For like as we be compelled by the Christian verity to acknowledge every person by himself to be God and Lord So are we forbidden by the Catholick Religion to say there be three Gods or three Lords The Father is made of none neither created nor begotten The son is of the Father alone not made nor created but begotten The holy Ghost is of the father and of the son neither made nor created nor begotten but proceeding So there is one father not three fathers one son not three sons one holy Ghost not three holy Ghosts And in this Trinity none is afore or after other none is greater or lesse then other But the whole three persons be coeternal together and coequal So that in all things as is aforesaid the Unity in Trinity and the Trinity in Unity is to be worshipped He therefore that will be saved must thus think of the Trinitie Furthermore it is necessary to everlasting salvation that he also beleeve rightly in the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ. For the right faith is that we beleeve and confesse that our Lord Jesus Christ the son of God is God and man God of the substance of the father begotten before the worlds and man of the substance of his mother born in the world Perfect God and perfect man of a
20. unto verse 29. Saint Bartholomew the Apostle 1 B. of Edw. 6. Not unto us O Lord not unto us c. Psalm 115. Glory be to the Father c. As it was in the beginning c. The Collect. O Almighty and everlasting God which hast given grace to thine Apostle Bartholomew truely to beleeve and to preach thy word grant we beseech thee unto thy Church both to love that he beleeved and to preach that he taught through Christ our Lord. The Epistle By the hands of the Apostles Acts 5. verse 12. unto ver 17. The Gospel And there was a strife among them Luk. 22. verse 24 unto ver 31 Saint Matthew apostle 1. B. of Edw. 6. O praise the Lord all ye heathen c. Psal. 117. Glory be to the Father c. As it was in the beginning c. The Collect. ALmighty god which by thy blessed son didst call Matthew from the receit of custom to be an apostle Evangelist Grant us grace to forsake all covetous desires and inordinate love of riches and to follow thy said son Jesus Christ who liveth and raigneth c. The Epistle Sering that we have such an office 2 Cor. 4. verse 1. unto verse 7. The Gospel And as Jesus passed forth Mat 9. verse 9. unto ver 14. Saint Michael and all angels 1 B. of Edw. 6. Praise the Lord ye servants c. Psal. 113. Glory be to the Father c. As it was in the beginning c. The Collect. Euerlasting God which hast ordained and constituted the services of all angels and men in a wonderful order mercifully grant that they which alway do thee service in heaven may by thy appointment succour and defend us in earth through Jesus Christ our Lord. The Epistle There was a great battle in heaven Apoc. 12. verse 7. unto ver 13. The Gospel At the same time came Matth. 18. verse 1. unto ver 11. Saint Luke Evangelist 1 B. of Edw 6. By the waters of Babylon c. Psal. 137. Glory be to the Father c. As it was in the beginning c. The Collect. ALmighty God which calledst Luke the Phisycian whose praise is in the Gospel to be a Phisycian of the soul it may please thee by the wholesom medicines of his doctrine to heal all the diseases of our souls through thy son Jesus Christ our Lord. The Epistle Watch thou in all things 2 Tim. 4. verse 5. unto ver 16. The Gospel The Lord appointed other Luk. 10 verse 1. unto verse 7. Simon and Jude Apostles 1 B. of Edw. 6. O praise Gd in his holinesse c. Psal. 150. Glory be to the Father c. As it was in the beginning c. The Collect. ALmighty God which hast builded thy congregation upon the fundation of the Apostles and Prophets Jesu Christ himself being the head corner stone grant us so to be joyned together in unity of spirit by their doctrine that we may be made an holy temple acceptable to thee through Jesus Christ our Lord. The Epistle Judas the servant of Jud. verse 1. unto ver 9. The Gospel This command I you John xv verse 17. unto the end All-Saints 1 B. of Edw. 6t Proper Lessons at Mattens The first Lesson Sapi. 3. unto Blessed rather is the. The second Lesson Heb. 11. ver 12. unto If ye endure O sing unto the Lord a new Song c. Psal. 118. Glory be to the Father c. As it was in the beginning c. The Collect. A Amighty God which hast knit together thy elect in one Communion and fellowship in the mystical body of thy son Christ our Lord grant us grace so to follow thy holy saints in all vertuous and godly living that we may come to those unspeakable joyes which thou hast prepared for them that unfeinedly love thee through Jesus Christ our Lord. Behold I John saw Apoc. 7. verse 2. unto verse 13. The Gospel Jesus seeing the people c. Matth. 1. verse 1. unto ver 13. 1 B. of Edw. 6. Proper Lessons at Evensong The first Lesson Sapi. 5. unto his jealousy also The second Lesson Apoc. 19. unto And Jesus saw an Angel stand Annotations upon CHAP. V. A. The Introit what B. Epistles and Gospels very necessary why Epistles when all are not so The reason and defence of that denomination C. Advent what and why observed D. Christmas day Its antiquity variously observed in the Primitive times The Precise day dubious and unnecessary to be known Calvin passionately for it Observed by the Synod of Dort and the Belgick Church A main argument for it E. Two Communions anciently in one fore-noon F. Why the Feasts of St. Stephen St. John and Innocents are celebrated neer Christmas day G. Antiquity of the Circumcision feast H. Epiphany what Ancient I. Ashwednesday and Lent the original and various observation of them K. Palm Sunday how observed L. The holy week why so called M. Maunday Thursday a day of great note N. Good-Friday anciently a very high day a day of general Absolution O. Easter-Eve the great day of Baptising competents watching the Sepulchre whence derived P. Easter-day of Apostolical institution Q. Easter-Munday and Easter-Tuesday very anciently observed R. Dominica in Albis S. Rogation dayes why instituted T. Ascension day why rarely mentioned in Antiquity Pentecost what Synods anciently summoned about this time V. Whitsunday why so called a private conjecture W. St. Andrews day why the first festival X. Conversion of St. Paul why not observed Paul and Peter one intire festival and anciently and of late years Y. The Purification of Mary anciently how called why Candlemass-day Z The Annuntiation of the virgin Mary how Ancient A St. Philip and Jacob and All-Saints B. St. Peter hath no single day C. The Festival of Mary Magdalen why discontinued THE Introites The Introites were certain Psalms appointed for certain dayes and were at first devised as decent imployments for the people whilest the Priest was ascending up to the high Altar They did somewhat resemble those Psalms of degrees appointed in the service of the Temple Epistles and Gospels The Epistles and Gospels need no advocate to plead for them it not being imaginable that Christians assembling for sacred exercises should omit the main fundamentals of Christianity or that the Jews should have the Law and the Prophets read in their Synagogues every Sabbath-day as it is clear they had and that the Christians should debar themselves of having the Epistles and Gospels the great evidences of their faith rehearsed in their Assembly places in their Churches Having had occasion before to deliver the Practise of the Primitive Church in this particular and to evidence that those leading Fathers did not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 at peradventure and casually read these Lessons but were studious to fit and dispose them to the concernment of every Festival I shall not actum agere but onely adde that without those Lessons the Festivals would signifie little for what can
of thy son our Saviour Jesus Christ and doest assure us thereby of thy favour and goodnesse towar● us and that we be very members incorporate in thy mistical body which is the blessed company of all faithful people and be also heires through hope of thy everlasting kingdom by the merits of the most precious death and passion of thy dear son We now most humbly beseech thee O heavenly father so to assist us with thy grace that we may continue in that holy fellowship and do all such good works as thou hast prepared for us to walk in through Jesus Christ our Lord to whom with thee and the holy Ghost be all honour and glory world without end Amen Then shall be said or song Scot. Lit. Gloria in Excelsis in English GLory be to God on high and in earth peace good will towards men We praise thee we blesse thee we worship thee we glorifie thee we give thanks to thee for thy great glory O Lord God heavenly king God the father almighty O Lord the onely begotten son Jesu Christ O Lord God lamb of God son of the father that takest away the sins of the world have mercy upon us Thou that takest away the sins of the world have mercy upon us Thou that takest away the sins of the world receive our prayers thou that sittest at the right hand of God the father have mercy upon us For thou onely art holy thou onely art the Lord thou onely O Christ with the holy ghost art most high in the glory of God the father Then the minister or the Bishop if he be present shall let them depart with this blessing THE peace of God which passeth all understanding keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God and of his son Jesu Christ our Lord. And the blessing of God almighty the Father the Son and the holy Ghost be amongst you and remain with you alwayes Amen Scot. Lit. After the Divine service is ended that which was offered shall be divided in the presence of the Presbyter and the Church-wardens whereof one half shall be to the use of the Presbyter to provide him books of holy divinity the other half shall be faithfully kept and imployed on some pious or charitable use for the decent furnishing of that Church or the publick relief of their poor at the discretion of the Presbyter and Church-wardens Collects to be said after the Offertory when there is no Communion every such day one And the same may be said also as often as occasion shall serve after the Collects either of Morning and Evening prayer Communion or Letany by the discretion of the Minister ASsist us mercifully O Lord in these our supplications and prayers and dispose the way of thy servants toward the attainment of everlasting salvation that among all the changes and chances of this mortal life they may ever be defended by thy most gracious and ready help through Christ our Lord Amen OAlmighty Lord and everliving God vouchsafe we beseech thee to direct sanctifie and govern both our hearts and bodies in the wayes of thy laws and in the works of thy commandments that through thy most mighty protection both here and ever we may be preserved in body and soul through our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ Amen GRant we beseech thee almighty God that the words which we have heart this day with our outward ears may through thy grace be so graffed inwardly in our hearts that they may bring forth in us the fruit of good living to the honour and praise of thy name through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen PRevent us O Lord in all our doings with thy most gracious favour and further us with thy continual help that in all our works begun continued and ended in thee we may glorifie thy holy name and finally by thy mercy obtain everlasting life through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen ALmighty God the fountain of all wisdom which knowest our necessities before we ask and our ignorance in asking we beseech thee to have compassion upon our infirmities and those things which for our unworthy nesse we dare not and for our blindnesse we cannot ask vouchsafe to give us for the worthynesse of thy son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen ALmighty God which hast promised to hear the petitions of them that ask in thy sons name We beseech thee mercifully to incline thine ears to us that have made now our prayers and supplications unto thee and grant that those things which we have faithfully asked according to thy will may effectually be obtained to the relief of our necessity and to the setting forth of thy glory through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen Common Prayer 1 B. of Edw. 6. T Upon the holy dayes if there be no Communion shall be said all that is appointed at the Communion untill the end of the Homily concluding with the general prayer for the whole state of Christs Church miliant here in earth and one or more of these Collects before rehearsed as occasion shall serve Upon Wednesdayes and Fridayes the English Litany shall be said or sung in all places after such form as is appointed by the Kings Majestyes Injunctions or as is or shall be otherwise appointed by his Highnesse And though there be none to Communicate with the Priest yet these dayes after the Litany ended the Priest shall put upon him a plain Alb or surplesse with a Cope and say all things at the Altar appointed to be said at the celebration of the Lords supper until after the Offertory And then shall adde one or two of the Collects afore written as occasion shall serve by his discretion And then turning him to the people shall let them depart with the accustomed blessing And the same order shall be used all other dayes whensoever the people be customably assembled to pray in the Church and none disposed to Communicate with him Common Prayer 1 B. of Edw. 6. And there shall be no Scot. Lit. publick celebration of the Lords Supper except there be a good number to Communicate with the Minister according to his discretion Likewise in Chappels annexed and all other places there shall be no celebration of the Lords Supper except there be some to Communicate with the Priest And in such Chappels annexed where the people hath not been accustomed to pay any holy bread there they must either make some charitable provision for the bearing of the charges of the Communion or else for receiving of the same resort to their Parish Church Common Prayer 1 B. of Edw. 6. And if there be not above twenty persons in the Parish of discretion to receive the Communion yet there shall be no Communion except four or three at the least Communicate with the Minister Also that the receiving of the Sacrament of the Blessed Body and blood of Christ may be most agreeable to the institution thereof and to the usage of the Primitive Church In all Cathedral
mighty working whereby he is able to subdue all things to himself I commend this soul to God the Father Almighty and thy Body to the ground c. Then shall be said or sung I Heard a voyce from Heaven saying unto me Write from henceforth Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord Even so saith the Spirit that they rest from their labors 1 B. of Edw. 6. Let us pray WE commend into thy hands of mercy most merciful Father the soul of this our Brother departed N. And his body we commit to the Earth beseeching thine infinite goodness to give us grace to live in thy fear and love and to die in thy favor that when the Judgement shall come which thou hast committed to thy well-beloved Son both this our Brother and we may be found acceptable in thy sight and receive that blessing which thy well-beloved Son shall then pronounce to all that love and fear thee saying Come ye blessed Children of my Father Receive the Kingdom prepared for you before the beginning of the world Grant this merciful Eather for the Honor of Jesus Christ our onely Saviour Mediator and Advocate Amen This Prayer shall also be added ALmighty God we give thee hearty thanks for this thy servant whom thou hast delivered from the miseries of this wretched world from the body of death and all temptation And as we trust hast brought his soul which he committed into thy holy hands into sure consolation and rest Grant we beseech thee that at the day of Judgement his soul and all the souls of the elect departed out of this life may with us and we with them fully receive thy promises and be made perfect altogether through the glorious resurrection of thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord. These Psalms with other suffrages following are to be said in the Church either before or after the burial of the Corps I am well pleased that the Lord c. Psal. 116. Glory to the Father c. As it was in the beginning c. Praise the Lord O my soul c. Psalm 146. Glory to the Father c. As it was in the beginning c. omitted by Bucer O Lord thou hast searched me out c. Psalm 139. Glory be to the Father c. As it was in the beginning c. Then shall follow this Lesson taken out of the 15 Chapter to the Corinthians the first Epistle CHrist is risen from the dead and become the first fruits of them that slept For by a man came death and by a man came the resurrection of the dead For as by Adam all die even so by Christ shall all be made alive but every man in his own order The first is Christ then they that are Christs at his coming Then cometh the end when he hath delivered up the kingdom to God the Father when he hath put down all rule and all authority and power For he must reign till he have put all his enemies under his feet The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death For he hath put all things under his feet But when he saith All things are put under him it is manifest that he is excepted which did put all things under him When all things are subdued unto him then shall the son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him that God may be all in all Else what do they which are baptized over the dead if the dead rise not at all Why are they then baptized over them yea and why stand we alway then in jeopardy By our rejoycing which I have in Christ Jesu our Lord I die daily That I have fought with beasts at Ephesus after the maner of men what advantageth it me if the dead rise not again Let us eat and drink for to morrow we shall die Be not ye deceived evil words corrupt good maners Awake truly out of sleep and sin not For some have not the knowledge of God I speak this to your shame But some man will say How arise the dead With what body shall they come Thou fool that which thou sowest is not quickned except it die And what sowest thou thou sowest not that body that shall be but bare corn as of wheat or some other But God giveth it a body at his pleasure to every seed his own body All flesh is not one maner of flesh but there is one maner of flesh of men another maner of flesh of beasts another of fishes another of birds There are also celestial bodies and there are bodies terrestrial But the glory of the celestial is one and the glory of the terrestrial is another There is one maner glory of the sun another glory of the moon and another glory of the stars For one star differeth from another in glory So is the resurrection of the dead It is sown in corruption it riseth again in incorruption it is sown in dishonor it riseth again in honor it is sown in weakness it riseth again in power it is sown a natural body it riseth again a spiritual body There is a natural body and there is a spiritual body as it is also written The first man Adam was made a li●ing soul and the last Adam was made a quickning spirit Howbeit that is not first which is spiritual but that which is natural and then that which is spiritual The first man is of the earth earthy The second man is the Lord from Heaven heavenly As is the earthy such are they that be earthy And as is the heavenly such are they that are heavenly And as we have born the image of the earthy so shall we bear the image of the heavenly This say I brethren that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God neither doth corruption inherit incorruption Behold I shew you a mystery We shall not all sleep but we shall be changed and that in a moment in the twinckling of an eye by the last trump For the trump shall blow and the dead shall rise incorruptible and we shall be changed For this corruptible must put on incorruption and this mortal must put on immortality When this corruptible hath put on incorruption and this mortal hath put on immortality then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written Death is swallowen up Into victory Death where is thy sting Hell where is thy victory The sting of death is sin and the strength of sin is the law but thanks be unto God which hath given us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore my dear brethren be ye stedfast and unmoveable always rich in the work of the Lord forasmuch as ye know how that your labor is not in vain in the Lord. The Lesson ended the Minister shall say Lord have mercy upon us Christ have mercy upon us Lord have mercy upon us Our Father c. And leav us not c. Answer But deliver us from evil Amen 1 B. of Edw. 6. Priest Enter
and blood spiritually to feed and drink upon The which Sacrament being so divine and holy a thing and so comfortable to them which receive it worthily and so dangerous to them that will presume to take the same unworthily my duty is to exhort you in the mean season to consider the greatness of the thing and to search and examine your own consciences and that not lightly nor after the manner of dissemblers with God But as they which should come to a most godly and heavenly banket not to come but in the marriage garment required of God in Scripture that you may so much as lieth in you be found worthy to come to such a table The waies and means thereto is First that you be truely repentant of your former evil life and that you confess with an unfained heart to almighty God your sins and unkindness towards his Majesty committed either by will word or deed infirmity or ignorance and that with inward sorrow and teares you bewaile your offences and require of Almighty God mercy and pardon promising to him from the bottom of your hearts the amendment of your former life And amongst all others I am commanded of God especially to move and exhort you to reconcile your selves to your neighbours whom you have offended or who hath offended you putting out of your hearts all hatred and malice against them and to be in love and charity with all the world and to forgive other as you would that God should forgive you And if there be any of you whose conscience is troubled and grieved in any thing lacking comfort or counsel let him come to me or some other discreet and learned Priest taught in the Law of God and confess and open his sinne and grief secretly that he may receive such ghostly counsel advise and comfort that his conscience may be relieved and that of us as a Minister of God and of the Church he may receive comfort and absolution to the satisfaction of his mind and avoiding of all scruple and doubtfulness requiring such as shall be satisfied with a general confession not to be offended with them that doth use to their further satisfying the auricular and secret confession to the Priest nor those also which think needful or convenient for the quietness of their own consciences particularly to open their sinnes to the Priest to be offended with them which are satisfied with their humble confession to God and the general confession to the Church But in all these things to follow and keep the rule of Charity and every man to be satisfied with his own conscience not judging other mens minds or acts whereas he hath no warrant of Gods Word for the same The time of Communion shall be immediatly after that the Priest him self hath received the Sacrament without the varying of any other rite or ceremony in the Masse until other order shall be provided but as heretofore usually the Priest hath done with the Sacrament of the body to prepare less and consecrate so much as will serve the people so it shall yet continue still after the same manner and form save that he shall bless and consecrate the biggest Chalice or some fair and convenient cup or cups full of wine with some water put unto it And that day not drink it all up himself but taking one onely sup or draught leave the rest upon the Altar covered and turn to them that are disposed to be partakers of the Communion and shall thus exhort them as followeth Dearly beloved in the Lord ye comming to this holy Communion must consider what S. Paul writeth to the Corinthians how he exhorteth all persons diligently to trie and examine themselves or ever they presume to eate of this bread and drink of this cup for as the benefit is great if with a truly penitent heart and lively faith we receive this holy Sacrament for then we spiritually eate the flesh of Christ and drink his bloud Then we dwell in Christ and Christ in us we be made one with Christ and Christ with us So is the danger great if we receive the same unworthily for then we become guiltie of the body and blood of Christ our Saviour we eat and drink our own damnation because we make no difference of the Lords body we kindle Gods wrath over us we provoke him to plague us with divers diseases and sundry kindes of death Judge therefore your selves brethren that ye be not judged of the Lord. Let your minde be without desire to sinne Repent you truly for your sinnes past have an earnest and lively Faith in Christ our Saviour be in perfect Charity with all men so shall ye be meet partakers of these holy Mysteries But above all things you must give most humble and hearty thanks to God the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost for the Redemption of the world by the death and passion of our Saviour Jesus Christ both God and man who did humble himself even to the death upon the Cross for us miserable sinners lying in darkness and the shadow of death that he might make us the children of God and exalt us to everlasting life And to the end that we alway should remember the exceeding love of our Master and Saviour Jesus Christ thus doing for us and the innumerable benefits which by his precious blood shedding he hath obtained to us he hath left in these holy Mysteries as a pledg of his love and a continual remembrance of the same his own blessed body and precious blood for us spiritually to feed upon to our endless comfort and consolation To him therefore with the Father and the Holy Ghost let us give as we are bound continually thanks submitting our selves wholly to his holy will and pleasure and studying to serve him in true holiness and righteousness all the daies of our life Amen Then the Priest shall say to them that be ready to take the Sacrament If any man here be an open Blaspemer Advouterer in malice or envy or any other notable crime and be not truly sorry therefore and earnestly minded to leave the same vices or that doth not trust himself to be reconciled to Almighty God and in charity with all the world let him yet a while bewail his sinnes and not yet come to this holy Table least after the taking of this most blessed bread the Devil enter into him as he did into Judas to fulfill in him all iniquity and to bring him to destruction both of body and soul. Here the Priest shall pause a while to see if any man will withdraw himself and if he perceive any so to do then let him commune with him privily at convenient leasure and see whether he can with good exhortation bring him to grace and after a little pause the Priest shall say You that do truly and earnestly repent you of your sinnes and offences committed to Almighty God and be in love and charity with your neighbours and intend
to lead a new life and heartily to follow the Commandements of God and to walk from henceforth in his holy wayes draw near and take this holy Sacrament to your comfort make your humble Confession to Almighty God and to his holy Church here gathered together in his name meekly kneeling upon your knees Then shall a general Confession be made in the name of all those that are minded to receive the holy Communion either by one of them or else by one of the Ministers or by the Priest himself all kneeling humbly upon their knees Almighty God father of our Lord Jesus Christ Maker of all things Judge of all men we acknowledg and bewail our manifold sinnes and wickedness which we from time to time most grievously have committed by thought word and deed against thy divine Majestie provoking most justly thy wrath and indignation against us we do earnestly repent and be heartily sorry for these our misdoings The remembrance of them is grievous unto us the burthen of them is intollerable have mercy upon us have mercy upon us most mercifull Father for thy son our Lord Jesus Christs sake Forgive us all that is past and grant that we may ever hereafter serve and please thee in newness of life to the honour and glory of thy name through Jesus Christ our Lord. Then shall the Priest stand up turning him to the people say thus Our blessed Lord who hath left power to his Church to absolve penitent sinners from their sinnes and to restore to the grace of the heavenly Father such as truely believe in Christ have mercy upon you pardon and deliver you from all sinnes confirme and strengthen you in all goodness and bring you to everlasting life Then shall the Priest stand up and turning him to the people say thus Hear what comfortable words our Saviour Christ saith to all that truly turn to him Come unto me all that travail and be heavy laden and I shall refresh you So God loved the world that he gave his onely begotten Son to the end that all that believe in him should not perish but have life everlasting Hear what S. Paul saith This is a true saying and worthy of all men to be embraced and received that Jesus Christ came into this world to save sinners Hear also what S. John saith If any man sin wee have an Advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the righteous he it is that obtained grace for our sinnes Then shall the Priest kneel down and say in the name of all them that shall receive this Communion this Prayer following WE do not presume to come to this Table O mercifull Lord trusting in our own righteousness but in thy manifold and great mercies we be not worthy so much as to gather up the crumbs under thy Table But thou art the same Lord whose property is alwayes to have mercy Grant us therefore Gracious Lord so to eat the flesh of thy dear Son Jesus Christ and to drink his blood in these holy Mysteries that we may continually dwell in him and he in us that our sinfull bodies may be made clean by his body and our soules washed though his most precious blood Amen Then shall the Priest rise the people still reverently kneeling and the Priest shall deliver the Communion first to the Ministers if any be there present that they may be ready to help the Priest and after to the other and when he doth deliver the Sacrament of the body of Christ he shall say to every one these words following The body of our Lord Jesus Christ which was given for thee preserve thy body unto everlasting life And the Priest delivering the Sacrament of the bloud and giving every one to drink once and no more shall say The bloud of our Lord Jesus Christ which was shed for thee preserve thy soul unto everlasting life If there be a Deacon or other Priest then shall he follow with the Challice and as the Priest ministreth the bread so shall he for the more expedition minister the wine in form before written Then shall the Priest turning him to the people let the people depart with this Blessing The Peace of God which passeth all understanding keep your hearts and mindes in the knowledge and love of God and of his son Jesus Christ our Lord. To the which the people shall answer Amen Note that the Bread that shall be Consecrated shall be such as heretofore have been accustomed And every of the said consecrated Breads shall be broken in two peices at the least or more by the discretion of the Minister and so distributed And men must not think less to be received in part then in the whole but in each of them the whole body of our Saviour Jesu Christ Note that If it doth so chance that the wine hallowed and consecrate doth not suffice or be enough for them that do take the Communion the Priest after the first cup or Chalice be emptied may go again to the Altar and reverently and devoutly prepare and consecrate another and so the third or more likewise beginning at these words Simili modo postquam coenatum est and ending in these words Qui pro vobis pro multis effundetur in remissionem peccatorum and without any levation or lifting up Imprinted at London the 8th day of March 2º EDW. 6 ti by R. Grafton Anno 1548. Addenda PAge 22. after line 12 begin another Division Thus. Chancellors Commissaries c. As much is it for the both honour and Interest of Christianity That the Professors of that Religion live as well as believe answerable to her Rule Upon this account in the Infancy of the Church for the first three hundred years the first care taken was That morall scandalls should not be committed at all the next was That when committed they should not be known amongst or taken notice of by the Heathens to the infamy of Christianity To this end all Offences of what nature or degree soever Ecclesiastical or Civil had their audience before the Bishop and his Bench of Elders which consistory according to the merit of the cause did admonish correct censure Nor did it take notice of crimes onely but if any contention or brabble chanced to happen between Party and Party the matter was so ordered as it was amicably composed by Arbitration and in case any were refractory and stubborne they were cast out of the Society of Christians Such was the Clergy Discipline before the Supream Magistrates entertained the Christian Faith And although after Constantine Lay-Courts took off Civil Lawes from the Church nisi alteruter Litigatorum aliter postularet unless one of the litigant parties should request to have the cause tried in the Bishops Consistory Yet did the Bishop notwithstanding keep up his Court for the cognizance of crimes Ecclesiastical by which I intend not onely such as are committed by persons Ecclesiastical contrary to Canons but also such others as were of