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A36029 Poems on several occasions originals and translations. Dingley, William, 1672 or 3-1735. 1694 (1694) Wing D1503; ESTC R837 37,005 122

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's willing when the Flesh is weak 'T is true a strange but efficacious course By which the violent take Heaven by force Where those who Conquer are oblig'd to serve Where the Besiegers not Besieged starve Blind Scribes who did St. John for Fasting blame As if that Vertue from the Devil came Whereas that cursed Spirit ne're resorts To empty Stomachs but to empty Hearts Abstinence was our Saviour's potent Arms By which he quell'd the force of Satan's Charms While we each day with costly Dainties dine And please our Gust with Bowls of sparkling Wine Our craving Appetites we ne're controul Ne're pinch the Belly to relieve the Soul When from the Body any Pains arise 'T is from their pamp'ring not expelling Vice These are the Baits by which we taken are Our Tables often thus become a Snare Judas had scarce his Masters Traytor been Had not the Sop made Satan ent●r in Thus Meat which should our humane Life sustain Proves oft the foretast of Eternal Pain While we like Damocles are richly fed Worse Judgments than his Sword hang o're our Head What Fury Israel once attended thee Falling from Murmuring to Gluttony When at thy great Deliverer's command Numberless Multitudes did crowd the Land Flesh as the Dust and Fishes as the Sand. Swift as the Quails Death's winged Arrows fall Theirs were the Feathers these were fledg'd withal But if God's Wrath a too light Motive prove Exchange the Scene contemplate on his Love His Dearest Son leaves Heavens sweet repose Forsakes his Father dwells among his Foes Behold him in the lonely Desarts where He worse than his Fore-runners Fate doth bear He eats no Locusts no wild-Honey there Here no Disciples bring him ought to eat To do his Father's Will is all his Meat Hence to a Garden he does now repair A second Paradise while he was there Where whilst God walk'd the Garden seem'd to be More like to Eden than Gethsemane Lo how he prays that Man's original Sin Might have its Exit where it enter'd in That there the second Adam might attone For what the first had in a Garden done Flat on the Ground besmear'd with Gore he lies And truly seems a Living Sacrifice Anticipating what his Side must shew His Tears and Sweat like Blood and Water flow Then Hell's bold Tyrant does his Charms employ This Adam like the former to destroy Audacious Fiend who would not yet forbear Nor God and Man together join'd would fear In Heaven Vanquish'd Eve he Conquer'd here Hoping he may his lost Estate regain Or else at least from hence lost Man retain He counsels him whose Aid he should implore And tempts the Deity he should adore If thou be Christ the Son of God said he Shew me some sign of thy Divinity He who made fiery Flints forth Water shed Can sure with ease transform these Stones to Bread But Christ his Miracles did then decline Such precious Jewels were not meet for Swine Did faithful Ab'ram begg him I believe From Stones themselves he would an Off-spring give And thence to propagate his Fathers Praise The Staff of Life as well as Life could raise But when the tempting Pharisees desire When Herod or the Devil a Sign require Who not the Doer but the Deed admire He will not then exert his force Divine At evil Sights the Sun desists to shine The greatest proof the God of Truth could give Was thus the great Deceiver to deceive Resistance was the only Prodigy Whereby he shew'd himself a Deity Great Potentate this Miracle alone Was more than wrought by being left undone But lo The Airy Prince with speedy care Hurries our Saviour through the yielding Air. But what did Satan then take Wings and fly His Fall so great made him rebound so high Straight at Jerusalem they both arriv'd For her One joy'd for her the Other griev'd When pitching on the highest Pinnacle Of that high House where the Most High doth dwell Christ more than mystically thither led There o're the Church his Body stood the Head There Satan does his subtile Arts peruse From one Repulse a bolder suit renews If thou art Christ cast thy self down from hence The Powers of Heaven will be thy Desence Spirits Divine will aid thee from Above Each will to thee a Guardian Angel prove But being Baulkt he now at last prepares To catch with gilded Baits and painted Snares He does the World as his last Stake propose Straight all its Glory to his View disclose Thinking to Captivate the Deity With so much Fruit so pleasant to the Eye Before me Kneel and Worship be thou Mine And all the Glories of the world are thine But how canst thou bold Villain e're deserve Worship from him whom thou thy self should'st serve How stain'd would those his Milk-white Robes appear Which on the holy Mount he once did wear Had he and thou been thus Transfigur'd here This blacker than th' Aegyptian part would shroud That brighter far than Israel's fiery Cloud But here resisted too away he goes Adds this as Fuel to his former Woes Whose smooth Assaults prevail'd on Earth no more Than his more rough Ones did in Heaven before This Innocence unspotted he must leave Not so the Son of Man as Man deceive Reflect vain Man Reflect on this and see If God be Tempted what awaits on Thee Happy were bare Temptation all thy Doom Thou scarce art oftner Tempted than o're-come Man is become the great Devourer's Prey The best of Men too oft are drawn away This Roaring Lyon will a Prophet slay Man is the Food to which the Serpent's Curst Dust he must Eat and what is Man but Dust Rouze sluggish Wretch Examine every part Pierce through the close Recesses of thy Heart And when thou dost the lurking Monster find The surest way to drive him from thy Mind Is to debar thy self of costly Fare Let him have no kind Entertainment there Plenty of Vice with Victual plenty shares 'T was a fat Soil which Satan sow'd with Tares If thou art Wicked 't is no more than Just To mortify those Members prone to Lust And mingle Water with thy Saviour's Blood To purge the greatest Guilt there needs a greater Flood If thou art Righteous be not too Remiss Praise God the more not Fast or Pray the less When thou hast almost won the Blessed Race Thou mayst not then stand still but mend thy pace Since not Improvement is abuse of Grace Satan we find as Day springs up from Night Is chang'd from Devil to a Saint of Light The Terms are too Reciprocal and we Some Saints of Light may chang'd to Devils see But stay my Muse return from this Extream And through each Passage track thy sacred Theme Behold him at the Mount of Olives where Viewing the Deity that 's seated there You 'd think Mount Olivet Mount Horeb were O how agreeable a Sight it shows The harmless Dove among the Olive Boughs There he the Eight Beatitudes express'd Which being thus deliver'd were increas'd Here
his own Ear or Eye From Beauty or from Harmony For comely Features as we view Pierce deeper than his Arrows do And Musick-strings as fatal grow As those wherewith he bends his Bow The Fowls perceive his Tyranny Who shoots more swift than they can fly The little Flocks become his Prize By Love a Burning Sacrifice All undergo the Victims doom Who tho' they die not they consume And in short Pantings pine away Less greivous are Death's Pangs than they The vaster Herd have this desire Living like Brazen-Bulls breath Fire No Infect from this Plague is free Love naught 's too great too small for Thee Nor dost to Land confine thy stay Thou too dost Neptune's Trident sway For thy Amphibious Deity Plungeth it self into the Sea Through frothy Waves its Power it shows The Son dives where the Mother rose There Sea-Nymphs Fishes there in scorn Of all the mighty Ocean burn No longer watry Tides admire Feeling within them Tides of Fire Nor does he only Reign below The Gods to him Obeisance owe. Vulcan and 's Servant Polypheme Proof against Aetna's hottest Flame Can't sustain his by which they prove That Fire it self Burns less than Love Ev'n Mars his Armour is not found Secure enough against this Wound Who bound by Mulciber remains A Captive Lover fit for Chains Phoebus whose glorious Rays bestow Both Light and Warmth to all below Altho' he burns not with the same He burns with Love's much fiercer Flame Ev'n Jove such Feats can Cupid do Submits his Thunder to his Bow And bowing towards Acrisiu's Tower Pays him a Tributary Shower Nay that he may his Duty shew He leaves his Heaven his God-head too He 's Bull or Swan what not to prove Jove rules the World and Cupid Jove Thus all things are within his Sphere His Royal-seat is every where While all Below and all Above Become one Empire Rul'd by Love On the Barbarous Execution of Dr. WILLIAM LAUD sometime Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury IT was the time when Days pass'd dimnly on Not to be measur'd by the gazing Sun Who drew a Cloudy Curtain o're his Head While Crown and Mitre were to Scaffold led Heaven cleft with Lightning cast a ghastly Look And claps of Thunder our Distractions spoke Clouds gush'd out drops for those our Martyrs shed More numerous less precious than the Red When the best Argument for being Good Was to seek Canaan through Red Sea of Blood Lambeth perhaps had never spent a Tear Had no Arch-Bishop built his Pallace there The Pious LAVD must impious Rage appease Because Vnblemish'd He 's a Sacrifice For Crimes unknown he was by those Arraign'd Who merited the Death for him design'd And were their inward dark Recesses seen Bradshaw the Pris'ner LAVD the Judge had been Undaunted LAVD knew no Assaults of Fear Those are the Fearful who the Guilty are His quiet Conscience still possesses Rest As being still with Innocence possest The Waves may roar the threatning Billows swell Wild Rage may fathom the Abyss of Hell Yet he whom present Death removes to Bliss Laughs at their Frowns whose wish conspires with his His stedfast Soul was resolutely Good Then most Couragious when by most withstood And after all that Malice could afford The Arm of Flesh was weaker than the Spirit 's Sword For 't is to him true Valour does belong Who Dies sustaining not redressing Wrong Down on the Block his sacred Head he lay Praying for those who scarce would let him pray And kneeling there perhaps was Curs'd by them Who had crav'd Blessings on their Knees from him The factious Rout that wicked Hand applaud Which with one stroke Beheads the Church and Laud. But Angels look and tremble at his Doom Tremble and Look yet wish his Soul were come As they descend the welcome Prize to bear They stay themselves upon more solid Air And while Just Men the Pride of England Mourn Increase their Company as they Return Thus Dy'd the Pious the Couragious Saint Chief of the Church the Church that 's Militant Why does his Day his fatal Day appear As undistinguish'd from the vulgar Year Let Heaven regard what Time has made unknown And when we lost our Glory hide its own Let gloomy Shades our base Neglect betray And by Concealing thus Reveal the Day A day as Black as was his Judges Crime Black as the Crime they falsly laid on him On the Power of Musick WHat Muse tho' Songstress can reveal The Charms that in blest Musick dwell First to Great WILLIAM's Camp repair And view its Magick Power there Trumpets the Souldier's strength renew These are the Arms that most subdue These animate the Meek the Tame These blow the Dead Coals into Flame These cure a Wound these heal a Scar These breath the very Soul of War Let Joshua speak in Trumpets sound The Walls obey and Tumble down Go to a Feast or Funeral Musick adapts it self to all This does the drooping Spirit chear This is the Language of Despair This raises Laughter draws a Tear Are you in peril on the Main Let but Arion's Harp complain The Dolphins to your Rescue hast And by their Aid you are Releast What Man need dread the Shades below Did he with this Companion go Theseus for want of this remains And there heholds his Friend in Chains Assistance brought from Harmony Had made Pritithous as free As once it made Euridice The place no Groans no Howling fills This Noise all other Noises stills The wretched Ghosts attentive are And Snakes unfold themselves to hear Fiends to Good Nature it beguiles Cerberus fawns each Fury smiles Credit Pythagoras his Ear Soft Musick tunes the Studded Sphere Ravish'd with which the Planets rove And fix'd Stars falsly call'd so move Such is its Vertue so sublime They dance while Sun and Moon keep Time Thus things Inanimate obey And shall Man less be mov'd than they Shall Wood upbraid us or shall Stone Both by Harmonious Artists drawn Sure that which could a Passion make Should Passions Lull'd asleep awake Our very Heart-strings ought to sute And tremble with the stringed Lute Those whom Broad ways to Heaven lead While they through stately Temples tread By the sweet Symphony that 's there Do make of One an Hymn and Pray'r Such Solemn Pleasure is confer'd That Duty seems its own Reward But Musick tho' a present Bliss Of future an Idea is When we at Things above us guess And what 's unspeakable Express We say the Heav'ns with Anthems Ring And Angels Hallelujahs sing Tho' Golden Cherubims were made Like Solomon's with Wings display'd Tho' Objects pleasing most the sight Were all improv'd to th' utmost height This would more clearly Heav'n descry This sets the Ear above the Eye But Verse alone can never shew The praise to Musick 's Power due Joyn'd in Apollo both we see The God of It and Poetry You that can imitate the God And tread the Path that he has trod Add merry Harp and mournful Flute Take well-strung Violin and
to loose his Life or win a Throne But David scorning to be thus Withstood Yet without Mercy to subdue too Good Thus speaks to Joab and in him to All Pray spare my Son but let his Army fall You may discern nor have I slightly shown The ardent Love I bear to Absalon At Amnon's Death with less Regret I bore His than the Absence of his Murderer Whom then against my Will I made Retire And with just Anger quell'd unjust Desire 'T was you our Reconcilement first begun The Favour you have sought may still be won You my good Nature to Compliance wrought You to Jerusalem the Exile brought When Two long Years within my City spent He had endur'd a Second Banishment As being still debar'd from seeing Me Me who thereby was punish'd worse than He How was I pleas'd to see thy Harvest burn And heaps of Ashes stand for Cocks of Corn Fit Emblem as I thought at once to prove To thee the Heat of Rage to Me of Love Conquer then succour the afflicted Prince Preserve his Life suppress his Insolence And when in him my Youthful Self you see Think him my Son and not mine Enemy He spoke and Joab with a flatt'ring Bow Seem'd ready to Obey but meant not so While Absalom among the Thickets rod And in the Woods appear'd a Sylvan God Subduing Men with glitt'ring Sword and Spear Nymphs with the Tresses of his flowing Hair Ev'n Oaks which stubborn against Thunder stood Paid their Respects and as he pass'd they Bow'à But One that was more Humble than the rest Stooping too low its Duty o're-express'd For now the Prince its rising Branches held A mark for Joab's Dart but David's Shield Had soon prevented it had he been there As King he 'd punish as a Father spare Witness his Tears which at the News appear'd And looks more Pale than his whose Death he heard Witness his trembling Limbs the words he spoke When thus at last his troubled Silence broke O Absalom my Son my Dearest Son My Son my Son O Dearest Absalon Why was thy blooming Age like Flowers made To Spring so Beautiful so soon to Fade As scar'd by Death thy Lilly-white is fled Thy Rosy Crimson turns to Fading-Red Thy Hair which so beguil'd the Female Kind Has Thee deceiv'd The Curled Fetters bind My Living Image to the Royal Oak Unable to Resist or ward the Stroke The Shafts that pierce thy Body wound my Soul My Grief begins where thine has reach'd the Goal If Joab would a real Kindness shew He 'd slay the Father as the Son he slew What is my Kingdom Life and Victory 'T is all but Loss when gain'd by loosing Thee For thee I wish thy Destiny my Own For thee my worst my best beloved Son Oh might I but Capitulate with Death Might I but reinfuse thy absent Breath I 'de think no Ransome for thy Life too dear I 'de be thy Slave if thou could'st Domineer Let Fate henceforth the Edge of Battle turn Let Israel rejoyce let Judah mourn I would resign my Laurel to thy Brow Wishing thou wert the same that I am now Depos'd I 'de Triumph in my low Degree And think my Chain a badge of Liberty Vain is my Wish I here am left alone My Life for ever and thy End to moan Some hidden Rancour lurkt in Joab's Breast The late Affront was not as yet supprest Thus being over-sway'd by some Disgust He mindful of Revenge forgets his Trust But I 'le forget Revenge Base Joab know I spare the Life which you to Vengeance owe. You Kill'd a Rebel yet at my Command You from a Rebel should withdraw your Hand The Guilt you punisht then return'd on you By Disobedience you a Rebel grew Think not they cannot Err who Conquest bring Conquest destroying the Victorious King A Traytor could but do as you have done You stab'd my Person when you slew my Son If other Sorrows Time allays the smart But this is too far rooted in my Heart The only Balm to heal this Malady Is the Dark entrance of Eternity Till then Farewel my Son my Dearest Son Farewel till then my Dearest Absalon Thus he continued till of Means bereft He left not speaking but of Speech was left Sighs for a time express'd his doleful Cares And then Ensu'd an Epilogue of Tears Unhappy David who Success Iaments And where Repentance is a Crime Repents Instead of Thanks to Heav'n for Ills remov'd He grieves that Prayers so effectual prov'd As to remove them Were it not too late He 'd seek his Own and not his Foes Defeat No Mimick Phrensy no disguised Wit Its Power shews to feign the want of it In seeing David now Men truly see What before Achish he but seem'd to be FINIS The TABLE A Dialogue between Apollo and Daphne pag. 1 Caphalus 's Lamentation for his Wife Procris being ignorantly slain by him as he was Hunting of Wild Beasts pag. 5 Amor Fugitivus or The fled Love Paraphras'd out of Moschus Idyllium the First pag. 7 Vpon a Bee Entomb'd in Amber pag. 9 On a Beggar Insulting over a Rich-Man's Grave pag. 18 On the Excellent translation of the First Book of Virgis's-Aeneis By Mr. Thomas Fletcher Fellow of New-College pag. 20 Lent 's Meditation pag. 22 The Resurrection of Christ pag. 38 To the late Bishop of Bath and Wells on his Departure from that See pag. 40 Vpon the Monthly Fast pag. 42 The Final Dissolution pag. 45 The New-Jerusalem pag. 48 A Lamentation for Moses pag. 52 Jonathan 's Complaint against Saul Occasion'd by his Enjoyning an Vnseasonable Fast pag. 54 A Dialogue between Dives and Lazarus pag. 56 Orpheus 's Complaint pag. 58 The Day of Pentecost pag. 59 A Copy of Verses Entituled In Libellum Clarissimi Viri Thomae Hobbii De Natura Hominis And Compos'd by Rad. Bathurst M. D. Made English pag. 62 The Seventh Elegy of the Second Book of Tibullus pag. 65 On the Death of the late Renown'd Learn'd and Honourable Mr. Robert Boyle pag. 69 On the Death of Almiral Carter pag. 72 Love Reigns Every-where pag. 76 On the Barbarous Execution of Dr. William Land sometime Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury pag. 80 On the Power of Musick pag. 83 Troas Act the First Where Hecuba complains of her Misfortunes pag. 87 Vpon the unseasonable Heat and Drought in April An. Dom. 1694. pag. 90 A Speech of Scaeva who Commanded under Caesar c. pag. 96 On the Death of a Skilful but Vnhappy Organist pag. 97 Martial Book I. Epig. 9. The Poet asserts That Honour to be truly Valuable which is Consistent with Life pag. 99 Epig. 14. The words of a Dying Wife to her Husband pag. 100 Epig. 22. On Porsenna and Mucius Scaevola Ib. Epig. 26. To Faustinus a Modest Writer pag. 101 Epig. 34. On a Deceitful Mourner Ib. Epig. 37. To Lucanus and Tullus c. 102 Book IV. Epig. 16. On a Boy Kill'd c. Ib. Epig. 44. A Description of the Mountain Vesuvius pag. 103 Epig. 68. On Varus derided for his Poor Entertainment pag. 104 Book V. Epig. 7. To Vulcan that he would spare Rome having already suffer'd by Fire Ib. Epig. 75. On Pompey and his Sons pag. 105 Book VI. Epig. 28. An Epitaph Ib. Book VII Epig 4. To Caesar c. pag. 106 Epig. 21. A Petition to the Morning Star c. pag. 107 Epig. 36. On Domitian 's stately Building pag. 108 Epig. 54. To Caesar pag. 109 Epig. 59. On a Thief who had lost one of his Eyes Ib. Martial Lib. Spec. Epig. 13. pag. 110 Martial Lib. Spec. Epig. 25. pag. 111 David 's unreasonable Grief for the Death of Absalom Ib.
POEMS ON Several Occasions ORIGINALS and TRANSLATIONS Scrinia da magnis me Manus una capit Mart. Lib. 1. Epig. 3. Printed in the Year 1694. And are to be Sold by most Booksellers A DIALOGUE BETWEEN APOLLO and DAPHNE Apollo I. WHEN my Eye first gaz'd on thee Daphne Brighter far than me Oh! so sure was Cupid's Dart Piercing my unwary Heart Blind he All-seeing seem'd but I Seem'd blind with my All-seeing Eye Daph. II. Pray kind Phoebus pray forbear You 'le obtain no Favour here Chast Diana has my Vow Which I promis'd long ago To her I owe Virginity I can't thy Sister please and Thee She runs away Apollo III. Why so swift I 'me now I fear Forc'd to chase this tim'rous Deer Would you like Diana seem Be the Huntress not the Game Your light-feet ne're from me shall stray The World 's my Circuit every day Daph. IV. But you 'le wounded halt while I Wing'd with untouch'd Chastity Cut through craggy Rocks and Dales Proudest Hills and humbleft Vales Till like Prometheus I aspire And steal thy Swiftness not thy Fire Apollo V. Yet there 's one Reserve in store Which of Conquest is secure On my well-strung Harp I 'le Play Sweeter than the Thracian Lay Which stole ev'n Fury's Hearts away To tame Thee more Unkind than They. Daph. VI. Hence to Jove's Abode repair Love some beauteous Goddess there Other Flames Ascend you see Why should yours Descend to me Or else your Physick Druggs apply That you like me may Love defy Apollo VII Why to Heaven should I repair Alas alas my Heaven 's here Why go Court some Deity Thou a Goddess art to me Why with my Druggs my Pains remove 'T is you alone can heal my Love Daph. VIII Well since then I can't be free Peneus I resign to Thee Thou my Father art 't is you Gave me Life you take it too Make me a Stock a Tree a Grove Object of any thing but Love Apollo IX Be a Tree or what you will You shall be my Mistriss still For the richer Lawrel Crown I 'le reject a Golden one Thou shalt to Rome in Triumph ride Heroes thy Bride-groom thou their Bride Daph. X. I would sooner Phoebus be Wedded thus than now to Thee Such a Wedding sure will prove My Denial not my Love While Heroes Triumph over those Who than themselves are weaker Foes I 'le o're a stronger Foe than me I 'le ride in Triumph over Thee Chorus XI Pity all ye Powers above Pity Phoebus Sick of Love Lo his Wreath at once does tell Daphne's Change and Love's Farewel● From hence the Custome first arose That Willow-Green baulkt Lovers chose Who Phoebus catch at Love like thee And find their Daphne prove a Tree At least a Ribband Green as she In Black are other Mourners seen The wretched Lover mourns in Green CEPHALUS 's Lamentation for his Wife PROCRIS being ignorantly Slain by him as he was Hunting of wild Beasts WRetch that I am who tho' I know not how A Skillful Murderer from Huntsman grow What Fate my too unerring Dart mis-led To strike my better part my Procris Dead Amongst the Bushes while she lay unseen A well-concealing not desending Skreen I to the Hunter's Virgin-Goddess pray'd And little dreaming any Harm I said May'st thou as I adore thy Sports and Thee Cause that my Darts so many Deaths may be She granted straight and by her Grant did prove A Friend to Hunters but a Foe to Love Here the Effect of my Petitions see Points to the Dead Body Petitions once now Curses are to me See how the Purple Gore defiles the Ground And blusheth for the Author of her Wound See her pale Face true Emblem of my Fear While Death instead of Venus Triumphs there Amazing Sight that does fresh Horrours breed Oh! would she ne're had or had now been hid Unlucky Stars who le Influence Combine That thus her closing Eyes should open mine But why these vain Expressions of my Grief These bring my Sorrows not my Guilt relief I 'le choose a Victim shall my Crime attone Ne're spare the worst part when the best is gone I 'le take the lukewarm Dart my self I 'le slay My cruel self that slew th'unwel come Prey 'T is I alas 't is I my self appear The real Beast I so mis-took in her Assist me Death by thy kind Aid I 'le shew My love to Justice and my Procris due I can't my Guilt and her hard Fate survive For since she 's Dead 't is Death for me to Live Amor Fugitivus or The fled Love Paraphras'd out of Moschus Idyllium the First LEnd all ye Lovers an attentive Ear Love's Goddess calling for her lost-Love hear Has any found my Cupid gone astray The Blind alas can't choose but loose his way He that discovers shall enjoy a Kiss He that produces him a riper Bliss So many Marks about the Boy appear So many Signs which none but he does bear That if to any undiscern'd he be 'T is only such who are as Blind as he Expect no Whiteness in his outward Skin That Snow is melted by the Flames within He like to Fire tho' I from Water came His Skin for want of sparkling Eyes darts Flame His Tongue much Sweetness utters more Deceit His Mind as wicked as his words are sweet One thing he speaks another thinks his Mind No less to others than his Sight is Blind His Speech drops Honey but when prone to Rage In civil Broyls his Love sick Thoughts engage His sharp and dang'rous Weapon is Deceit The Use of which discrectly is to Cheat There Falshood reigns the Truth if ought there be As far from Nakedness as cloathing He. The Crocodilish Youth himself betrays O how when angry Cruel when he Plays His fine curl'd Locks adorn a sawcy Face His Hairs are Golden but his Cheeks are Brass His Hands tho' short can reach as far as Hell His Darts wound ev'n the Dead that therein dwell If you examine throughly you will find His Body only Naked not his Mind Swift as a Bird he flutters here and there In him Men sometimes sometimes Women share And when he does to each himself impart The Perch whereon he Pitches is the Heart Slender his Arrows little is his Bow The Marks they shoot at Hell and Heaven too Like Bitterness inclos'd in Gilded Pill Rank poisnous Shafts his Golden Quiver fill From which even I too oft a Wound receive A deeper Wound than Diomedes gave All things are Cruel all alas the Sun More by this Little borrow'd Heat out-done Than he exceeds his borrow'd Heat the Moon If e're you catch him bind him Hand and Foot And be as Merciless as he to boot Take heed least he thy tender Heart beguile With Feigned Tears or a more Feigned Smile Avoid his Kiss those sweetest Lips despise Under that Honey hidden Poison lies If he his whole Artillery produce Then straight presents it freely to your use No less his Weapons than his Kiss refuse Reject
Moses's Law more fully did repeat But not so much Abolish as Compleat Whilst this bright Sun with healing Wings doth rise The Vale is rent the Cloud of Darkness flies Here are no mighty Thundrings as of Old When these same Precepts were to Moses told When from Mount Sinai great Jehovah speake And made fix'd Hills with reverend Horrour quake No harsh loud Clamours grate the Peoples Ears Th' Almighty here in still small Voice appears From Olivet to Tabor he removes One Mountain left he to another goes Lo Hor Lo Carmel Pisgah Horeb where Aaron Elisha Moses God appear Thus Hills by God and God-like Men are sought Which high the Body higher raise the Thought Where we behold with Contemplation's Eye And view more clearly Heaven by being nigh Here he was straight o'reshadow'd with a Cloud Here with him Moses here Elias stood He Glorious now as once from God he came The Dazling now as in his Chariot's Flame While thus the Harbinger of Christ was known Not in John Baptist's Person but his own Let 's then like Peter while we stand and gaze This humble Temple to their Honour raise But Oh! can this that radiant Sight repay Sure sure like him I know not what I say What sudden Change Lo straight the same I see Descended hence Ascending Calvary There Glory ends in shame The People's Cry Is from Hosanna turn'd to Crucify There 's no Attendants his Companions there For Two bright Saints two Malefactors were The Purple Robe which others might Adorn As Badge of Reverence here 's a Badge of Scorn The King of Jews a Wooden Head-piece wore A Reed instead of Golden Scepter bore Not him the Crown but He the Crown Adorns The Deity again in Bush of Thorns When he a Sacrifice for Sin was made The only Son again on Wood was laid By which Reed Crown and Cross is understood He paid for Sin proceeding first from Wood. Who can relate this Love of God who can Rather forsake himself than Sinful Man Rather than Man Eternally should Dye Death once for All seiz'd ev'n Eternity Who can express the Sorrow he did shew Exchang'd from greatest Bliss to greatest Woe Full exquisite that Torture must appear When besides Cross sharp Nails and sharper Spear To fill the Cup increase the bitter Draught Myrrh Hyssop Gall and Vinegar are brought My God why hast forsaken me that Cry Made Heaven and Earth have Fellow-sympathy Black Clouds of Night in Mourning clad the Sky Bewailing its departed Deity The Earth she moves each lofty Mountain shakes The Universe with trembling Palsey quakes The Rocky Heaps disperse themselves about And while Man ceaseth Stones themselves cry out The Temple quite throughout is rent in twain The Body suffers when the Head 's in Pain And now let 's Trace him to the Shades below This setting Sun under the Earth must go Where once again we may repeated see Not long since Earth's long since Heaven's Victory Where once for All the Son of Man shall quell Hell's Bloody Tyrant conquer'd ev'n in Hell Here pause a while here mute and silent gaze I know so much I know not what to Praise He whom the Heaven of Heavens could not contain Does in a low and narrow Tomb remain That we no longer Dead in Sin might ly That we might Live the Living God must Dye The Ever-Blessed is a Curse become To expiate our ever-cursed Doom In our behalf he Sorrow underwent And was to Hell as well as Heaven sent Not there for us new Mansions to prepare But destroy those prepar'd already there Ascend once more the Top of Calvary Thy Blessed Saviour there Expiring see There the mixt Rabble wagg their Heads in vain To addle their before unsettled Brain Ah! Thou the Temple that destroy'st they Cry Speaking the Truth by way of Irony Recover thy almost exhausted Breath And Save thy self who Savest all from Death The cruel Souldiers as may well declare The parted Raiment and the Bloody Spear At once his Body and his Garment tear Here two Extreams together met I see The Pride of Man and God's Humility Lo him Revil'd by Man whom did before Angels by some Ador'd themselves Adore Lo Him from thence to Heart of Earth convey'd In whom true Hearts as he in her's are laid That without Sin we born in Sin might dye He that without Sin liv'd for Sin does Buried lye Shall we indulge in Riot Lust and Pride And live in that for which our Saviour Dy'd Shall we too much in comely Dresses trust While he lies void of Beauty Cloath'd with Dust Is this a Season sit for Feasting grown Fasting is proper when the Bridegroom 's gone They who refuse to Crucify the Flesh Oft Crucify the Son of God afresh Their sav'ry Meat does bitter Gall appear Their Wine his Vinegar their Knife his Spear Thrice happy they who can from Meats abstain And share a little in their Saviour's Pain That Pain is Pleasure and these Losses Gain Thrice happy they who do what Mary did Affording Spring and Towel from her Head She before Death his Funeral prepares Anoints with Oyntment and Embalms with Tears Whilst that their Grief more proper will appear If after Death they in his Burial share Thus whilst with her they Weep Lament and Howl To wash his Corps they cleanse their filthy Soul May we our Master's Pattern thus maintain This Cup the Sons of Zebedee must drain With him thus Suffer e're with him we Reign T will add some Lustre to that Glorious Day To have had Tears that must be * Rev. 1 17. wip'd away Then Spring 's Green Mantle covers Paradise When from our † Gen. 2.6 Earthy part these watry Mists arise The RESURRECTION of CHRIST INvoke thy Saviour Dead and Torpid Muse That his new Life in thee may Life infuse Run to the Sepulchre in hast to view Out-run both Peter and the Other too How does his Grave unlike it self appear Spirits instead of Flesh inhabit there His Winding-sheet is all you there can find Elijah thus his Mantle left behind An Angel roll'd away the heavy Stone And sate himself in Triumph thereupon The moving which its Greatness serv'd to prove Since moving it made Earth's vast Fabrick move Hither Enquirers early Journies make From hence the Angel to Enquirers spake He who just now lay Bury'd in this Cell Unseal'd this Stone but faster seal'd up Hell What Abram represented God hath done He took the Knife and would have slain his Son And when by Works he thought his Faith to show That Friend of God was to himself a Foe There 's no Reluctance no Paternal care Both Great so great as to discover Fear And had not God with-held the fatal Stroake Making his Angel his Command revoke You then had Isaac a Burnt-offering seen A Death as wondrous as his Birth had been But though God thus refus'd his Son to spare He has not left us wholly in Despair Obtaining Conquest o're the Conquering Grave More mighty by
Destroying seems to Save Great was the Power great the Love Divine Which all preceding Miracles out-shine A meaner Prophet's Bones could once before When Dead themselves the Dead to Life Restore 'T was the Great Prophet's high Prerogative To make himself as well as others Live No Trumpet 's sound that body need revive Which is the Resurrection and the Life The Captain of Salvation needs no Call Nor Summon'd be himself that Summons all With him dead Saints forsake their ancient Urn With the Redeemer the Redeem'd return And by Experince teach us to believe All dye in Adam all in Adam live Fix then my Soul confide in this Belief And to thy Faith conform thy future Life Since that from Death thy Saviour rais'd has bin Rise from the Death Eternal Death of Sin Let not the Living Death as Life the Dead surprize Like wicked Souldiers sleep while holy Saints arise For tho' even these are Destin'd once to dye Death seems to them not Death but Extasy To the Late BISHOP of BATH and WELLS on his Departure from that See To You Great Sir my humble Muse is come To Pity since she can't reverse your Doom My Magdalene Converted first by You Stands afar off and does your Sorrows view Your Sorrows No. Your Temper I forget You kindly welcome ev'n the hardest Fate You quit your Diocess your Office leave With less Reluctance than you did Receive Contentment such a Blessing is as may By teaching to sustain the Loss repay Your Virtues all like Starry Orbs appear Brightest and largest in their lowest Sphere Ingrateful Wretch and cruel should I be To bear thy Loss as patiently as thee Ye Men of Bath for him let Tears be shed Who cloath'd the Naked who the Hungry fed Who nought for Private or Self-ends would save But like th'Apostles all in Common gave Thus he his Talent too of Knowledge us'd No less his Doctrines than his Goods diffus'd Ye Baths who oft turn others Pains to Ease Weep for your own as well as their Disease You who might once Bethesda's-Pool excel His Blessing made the Healing-Waters Heal. No need of a Celestial Angels Care When he Angelick-Man resided there But now your Efficacy will decrease Make Desolate the once frequented Place No Naham sure had bath'd his Body here Had not the Great Ei●ha dwelt so near At his Removal from that happy See None so Indifferent so Calm as he With the same Patience he his Wandrings bore As he had his * When with 6 other Bishops imprisoned in the Tower Confinement done before Tho we in him his Masters hardships read Who scarce knew where to lay his weary Head Adam my Pity shall no more engross Who bought an Apple with a Garden 's loss His Guilt depriv'd him of that blessed Coast Here Innocence its Paradise has lost Upon the Monthly FAST WHile Heathen Monarchs on themselves rely While they Mezentius-like the Gods defy Banquets and War are fit Companions thought As if they enjoy'd the Prey for which they fought These make the Pigmy soon Gigantick grow These make him Plump these Tall these Lusty too Yet ev'n these Feasts have chang'd to bloody War And made a Captive of a Conqueror While foul Excess thwarting their prime intent Impairs that Strength their mod'rate Diet leut But Christian Kings when they are Warlike seen Display a meaner yet a nobler Scene No costly Dainties crown the modest Board Each has a Stomach sharper than his Sword Till by their rig'rous Abstinence they grow As much their own as Adversaries Foe These are the means which pious Kings advance Above the reach of Conduct or of Chance Their Tears become the only Drink they tast Groanings their Musick Penitence their Feast When mortify'd with Hunger they repine They swallow Foes who plentifully Dine Foes clogg'd with Gluttony immers'd in Wine Unlikely these should bear the Spoils away Pharaoh's Fat Kine became the lean ones Prey He most secure from mortal Wounds is grown Who does not what Achilles once had done Baths not in Stygian Waters but his own Not such as those to Cowardise we owe Not such as parting Friends may challenge no. The Guilty Conscience makes the watry Eye That troubling Moon dos raise the Tide so high So Good Cornelius Fasting mixt with Tears Not for himself but for his Sins he fears And were his deeds by every Souldier shown The Red-coat almost would excel the Gown Nay those who cannot in the Field appear Tho' not in Person may be useful there Might we their lifted Hands like Moses see Reach up to Heaven and thence pluck Victory Then would their potent Prayers make us grant The Church Emphatically Militant And ev'n the Sacred Temple not in vain Reduc'd to Tabernacle once again What Palat now don 't Royal Dainties cloy Which cannot them with naked Swords enjoy Those Swords make ev'n a Feast become a Fast Whose very Sight can serve to wound the Tast 'T is Abstinence the healing Med'cine proves Abstinence Food at once and War removes Juno was forc'd to tast a Flower e're she Conceiv'd bold Mars War's bloody Deity Then pleasant Food as you would him eschew What first created War will War renew Would you have Tumults and Sedition cease By Fasting first within your self make Peace This will make furious Passions gentle grow Reduce the private and the common Foe This will compose Divisions this at length By Aiding thus extract from Weakness Strength The Final DISSOLUTION A Wake I cry'd awake my Tuneful Lyre Thou by thy various Notes thy self a Quire I struck she Groan'd I struck again but she Gave only Shrieks instead of Harmony When lo The loudest last Sound grates my Ear The Trumpet Natures Passing-Bell I hear The Sun asham'd to see his Doom does shroud His radiant Beams behind Night's darkest Cloud The Moon too Blusheth at her Fate in Blood And weeps her self into a Crimson Flood The falling Stars which falsly we so call Turn Lies to Truth and actually Fall The Heavens with more than usual Thunder shake And with their own not Earthly Substance crack The Lightning now from East to West does shine And all into one mighty Bonfire joyn The Elements dissolve with servent Sweat Ev'n Fire and Water now agree in Heat The finged Air not long since Liquid dries The breath of Life like those it leaveth Dies The parched Earth burns next and Cedars tall With Nether-woods are Fuel e're they sall The lofty Mountains with Convulsions tear As many Aeana's as are Hills appear Their Tops are kindled first which most aspire And Pyramids are more than like to Fire Thro' Stones thro' Clay the Flame its passage breaks To its Assistance it all Matter takes No more in Lime or Flints its presence cloaks These unstruck sparkle that untemper'd smoaks Beneath the Surface of the Earth does stray While hidden Metals melt themselves away Gold in Earth's Bowels cannot lie secure Ev'n in its Mines the Furnace does endure But to consume it not to
beat into a Spade Graves are as thick as Furrows made Where e're you pass a Corps you meet And Coffins crowd through every Street There 's scarce a Houshold in a Town But grieves at least the loss of One. The Winding-sheet about the Dead Grows as familiar with the Bed As those wherewith 't is over-laid While all our April Showers arise From Widows or from Orphans Eyes All Cheeks besmear'd with Pearly dew Instruct the Clouds how they should do But now the angry Powers relent Away our Grief with April went The Mountains laugh the Valleys sing And every Bird salutes the Spring A cooling Wind does first appease Then blows away the hot Disease Ev'n Heaven conscious of our woe As alter'd Looks do plainly shew Dissolves with Pity into Showers And so removes what it deplores A Speech of SCAEVA who Commanded under Caesar To his Flying Souldiers Lucan Book VI. WHat Fear your narrow Souls from Fight withdrew A Fear unknown to all that Caesar knew Mean Slaves to spare their Bloud from whom you fly Theirs who seek Yours Dare ye not turn and Dye For shame the fleshy Hills of Heroes view Die to revenge their Death who Dy'd for You. But yet suppose you could Ungrateful prove Let Anger move the Mind unmov'd by Love The Foe takes us alone for Cowards they Who by Retreating would enlarge his way Sure sure his Pass-port shall be dearly bought Pompey shall wade through Bloud to cut my Throat I could with greater Joy were Caesar by I will not say with greater Courage Dye But since he cannot see me Pompey shall Pompey who feels me shall approve my Fall Rush on my Mates and meeting break his Darts Make blunt their Iron with your harder Hearts The dusty Clouds we setting Suns do raise The Shouts that tell our Ruine and our Praise Swift as the Sound shall bring Great Caesar here When those have reach'd his Eye and these his Ear. Let 's die Victorious He when we are gone Will reap the Conquest which our Valour won On the DEATH of a Skilful but Unhappy Organist THoughtful and Sad the sweet Musician lay No Healing Melody drove Care away Which to Hell-Torments might have brought Relief Physick to any but its Owner's Grief No pleasant Pastime those fierce Pains asswage Which make a Moment swell into an Age. Grief clip'd Time's Wing and so beyond the sleight Of Nature lengthen'd at once Day and Night Sleep as affrighted left his troubled Breast And nothing less than Death can give him Rest A Rest more certain had it not been sought Had any but himself the Present brought But he impatient of a longer Life Resolves to be beholding to his Knife Which half fulfills the too severe Command Unwilling to Obey unable to Withstand The Bloud a free and easy Passage found But grosser Entrals crowd about the Wound As at some narrow Gate the hasty Rout Where none are Gone though all are Going out He unconcern'd for what he saw and felt Either of which another's Heart would melt Does with a surer Gash his Fate command No Pain can stop when Phrensy guides the hand This darted Death 't was this made wider Room While reeking Bowels leave their native home The sight of which made all Spectators mourn Till viewing his their Own within them turn The fatal Sisters start to see their Loom Cut by a forreign Hand untimely come By Rashness to prevent a riper Doom Sure the Infernal Furies prick'd him on To seek the Danger which he ought to shun 'T was they the Thracian Orpheus tore before 'T was they alas our Second Orpheus tore Hold Muse thy maim'd and worthless Verse forbear Lest thou a Fury not a Muse appear And they another Torture suffer here Martial Book I. Epigram IX The Poet asserts that Honour too be truly Valuable which is Consistent with Life IN that you so far Cato's Acts allow So far the Foot-steps Thraseas trod pursue As not their Pattern but their Fate to shun My Decianus You and I are One. That Wreath is but a Let to future Good Which fades unless refresht with Showers of Blood Give me the Man whose Life and Fame keep pace While both his Trophies and his Years increase Epigram XIV The Words of a Dying Wife to her Husband ARRIA the Sword drawn from her Bowels took And giving it to her Dear Poetus spoke Trust me I can this Stroke with ease sustain This gives the Wound 't is Yours will cause the Pain Epigram XXII On Porsenna and Mucius Scaevola WHen Mucius the deceitful Weapon drew Which not Porsenna but his Noble slew Enrag'd he thrust his hand into the Flame That erring ●and which so mistook his Aim The milder Tyrant bid him straight retire And snatch'd the living Fire-brand from the Fire Here hostile Pity does Self-love excel Grieving to see what he Rejoyc'd to feel Thave kill'd Porsenna had less Glory brought This has a Triumph o're a Triumph wrought Epigram XXVI To Faustinus A Modest Writer YOUR Thoughts correctly in your Papers drest Lie hid as when imperfect in your Breast How would your Writings please the Grecians how Vnknit our Criticks tho' an aged Brow Why will you shut out Fame that knocks at Door Why will you when you may be Rich be Poor You are too tedious if you wait for Death Who will take Yours to give your Poems breath No let them rather with their Author thrive Of Life both worthy both together Live Epigram XXXIV On a Deceitful Mourner GEllia alone her Father's Death forbears To Mourn yet entertains her Guests with tears Who takes a pride in Grief without it Lives Who Grieves sincerely he in Secret Grieves Retir'd as is the Grave his Sorrow keeps Mute as the Body therein Buried weeps Epigram XXXVII To Lucanus and Tullus Two Loving Brothers DID You so like the Starry Pair Above Share in their Fate as you surpast their Love Your Pious Contest had their Fame out-gone Obscur'd their Lustre with a brighter Sun While each would with unwilling Glory rise Each with ambitious Hast forsake the Skies And he who first did to the Shades descend Would thus bespake his Brother and his Friend Live out your Date and when my Turn is due Supply his Life who only lives in You. Book IV. Epigram XVI On a Boy Kill'd by the Dropping of an Iceickle THere is a Place they call Capena's Gate Sweating beneath the constant Waters weight A Beardless Youth as he was passing by Here unawares suck'd in his Destiny The liquid Weapon by the Heat it found Destroy'd it self and him that felt the Wound Who ever could like cruel Fortune dare Who ever daring could succeed like Her At whose Command a pointed Drop does prove As fatal as a Deluge sent by Jove Epigram XLIV A Description of the Mountain Vesuvius HEre pleasant Vines once cast a gloomy Shade Fit to conceal those Crimes their Juice had made Here once the Fat or'e-flow'd with Wine this Grove Bacchus did far beyond his Nysa
love Here Satyrs when they could not Walk by chance Stagger'd and Reel'd themselves into a Dance Here Hercules Here Venus chose to dwell Their Heaven in respect of this was Hell Now all to Flames from Flames to Ashes turn And poor Alcides once again must Burn. While the too late repenting Gods confess They wish this Ruine and their Power less Epigram LXXVIII On Varus Derided for his Poor Entertainment VVHen Varus made me his Unhappy Guest Rich Preparations sham'd the scanty Feast The Table so incumber'd was with Gold As if he meant it should no Victuals hold While all things thus in ample Order lye They starve the Belly only glutt the Eye Kind Varus I design'd with thee to Night To gratifie my Palate not my Sight Prithee or Feed me with substantial Meat Or Feed me not with Hopes of any Treat Book V. Epigram VII To Vulcan that he would Spare Rome having already suffer'd by Fire THe Aged Phoenix finds in Death relief Destroy'd by Fire that kindles into Life So Rome in Flames refin'd her ancient Rust So found prolifick Vertue in her Dust Her New-born looks all Glorious and Severe Proud and Imperious as Domitian's are Vulcan forgive forgive our Founder's wrong Tho' we from Mars we too from Venus sprung Then may thy Wife so Chast and Gentle prove As to forget all Bonds but those of Love Epigram LXXV On Pompey and his Sons BOth Asia Europe and the Libyan Coast Declare how Pompey and his Sons are lost Learn to admire their Greatness by their Doom Whose very Ashes made the World their Tomb. Book VI. Epigram XXVIII An Epitaph HEre underneath this Marble Tomb Lies once the Pride now Grief of Rome His Morals Chast Severe his Meen For Vertues Ripe for Vices Green Beauty was on his Body writ His Soul the Image bore of Wit Which like the God of it Deceas'd After Twelve Years its Twelve Signs pass'd May he whose Tears lament this Boy Or never Weep or weep for Joy Book VII Epigram IV. To Caesar desiring his speedy Return to Rome having Overthrown his Enemies IF you regard the joint Request of Rome Answer their Pray'rs excite their Joy and come We envy our more happy Conquer'd Foe And think it Conquest to be Vanquish'd so None sure can their Captivity deplore Who see the God whom we unseen Adore For while they with delight your awful Presence view Your Arms their Hands and You their Hearts subdue Epigram XXI A Petition to the Morning-Star that by an Early Appearance it would hasten Domitian in his Journey towards Rome NO longer Phosphorus our Joys delay Caesar expects when you will lead the way And Usher in One Brighter than the Day So expects Rome I fear the Northern Bear Has suck'd you up into its Vortex there You move as Heavily as that as Slow And in so doing seem as Savage too If you are Tir'd that you may make more Speed Castor for Caesar's sake will lend his Fiery Steed Officious Phoebus does your Leisure wait His Horses wonder they set out so late Aurora lies awake and fain would rise Yet still the Stars refuse to close their Eyes The chequer'd Sky with its fix'd Eyes does view Too many to be told to look too few The Moon which hitherto had seen but One Stays longing to behold another Sun Well since 't is so come Caesar come in spight Of Moon and Stars of Nature's Skreen the Night Command your Coach-man to drive swiftly on Yours is to us the Chariot of the Sun Epigram XXXVI On Domitian 's Stately Building CEase Egypt cease thy Wonders to declare Thy Pyramids must yield to Larger here Memphis struck Dumb with shame in silence dwell Nor proudly with thy artificial Mountains swell How mean were these were Caesar's House in view That greatest Miracle the World can shew Sev'n Turrets high as Rome's Seven Hills appear Pelion would seem a Valley were it near The Bank the Giants cast against the Skies Beneath the Nod of Caesar's Palace lies Whose Spires serene as Heav'n they enter show And look with Scorn on Thunder-Clouds below The Sun Domitian takes it as his due To see his Daughter Circe after you Yet tho' these Buildings may with Heav'n compare For Bulk and Beauty they like Heaven appear Too mean too little for the God that 's there Epigram LIV. To CAESAR THo' large and frequent Blessings you bestow Conquering your self with Kindness as with Arms your Foe 'T is not your Gifts your Person make approv'd But 't is the Love of This makes those Belov'd Epigram LIX On a Thief who had lost One of His Eyes A Bold Face'd Thief had One Eye left alone Nor wept that One Eye for the other gone Venture him not bereav'd of half his Light A Polypheme for Rapine as in Sight Eye him at Dinner He 'll at Dinner steal At once his Belly and his Pockets fill He ne're a Spoon or Plate behind him leaves Close as his Shirt his Napkin to him cleaves He scruples not to take a Cloak or so And tho' he brought but One departs with Two If Sleep a Servant at his Labour seize His Candle's Light secures it not from Thieves But least he should when Forreign Thefts are done Be soon for want of Practice useless grown To steal his Neighbour's Goods he steals his Own MARTIAL Lib. Spec. Epig. XIII KInd Cruel Dart that pierc'd a Teeming Sow Giving a Fertile tho' a Fatal Blow Was it Diana's Hand miss-led thee right Diana Kills Lucina brings to Light The Huntress does the Midwife's Office do Poor Brute she saw her One she felt her Two While gaping Wounds that speak her parting Breath At once let out her Young and let in Death MARTIAL Lib. Spec. Epig. XXV THE Reason why these Waters don't destroy The Mimick as those did the * Leander real Boy Is plain they 're Caesar's and the Streams that flow Can't but be gentle when the Spring is so When bold Leander sought his lovely Dame And Waves oppos'd but could not quench his Flame Thus trembling he bespoke the boist'rous Sea May I my Hero first e're you have me As I return Rage Swell and Foam again What now Obstructs me will Oblige me then DAVID 's Unreasonable Grief for the Death of Absalom A Youth of sweet Deportment lovely Meen All Beautiful without all Foul within His Body being thus by Nature Drest To shame that Pare which She Created best A Youth too Delicate you 'd think for War Careless of David David's chiefest Care Conspir'd against the Peace of Israel's Crown Against that Life to which he ow'd his Own His Sword made Drunken in his Brother's Gore Grows Thirsty now again and seeks for more A nobler Potion and a richer Floud Than was the Second-run of Amnon's Bloud Villany not by slow Degrees increas'd From the mix'd Stream the purer Fountain trac'd A tender Kid at first the Lyon gnaws The stronger Beast is for Experienc'd Paws And now bold Isr'el follows Absalon Resolv'd