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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A20739 A true relation of the right Christianly departure, or death, of the most Noble Earle Philippus Lodouicus Earle of Hanaw and Rieneck, Lord of Mutzenbergk, &c. Vncle to the Count Palatine. Who blessedly deceased, in the Lord, on Sunday the ninth of August 1612. betwixt eight and nine of the clocke in the morning, being returned from his great ambassage for England. Faithfully penned by Ioannes Appelius preacher at Alten-Hasell. Translanted out of the Germane tongue by S.R. Appelius, Joannes.; S. R. 1612 (1612) STC 712; ESTC S100203 16,541 36

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Ah my Lord Iesu I come vnto thee thou wilt not cast me away Besides this hée said vnto the Preacher of the old Citie Now I seele your comfort the vertue of Christs blood doeth now refresh my heart I feele now the forgiuenesse of my sinnes and that I am a childe of God and heyre of life eternall The next Morning his Excellencie desired to be remoued into a large roome newly built because as he had told vnto his Chamberlaine the dead body might the easier be prepared by the Phisitians for the buriall In this new roome came vnto him his wife with the aforesaid Lady of Orange and there he subscribed and sealed diuers Letters ●… The sixt of August before the breaking of the day came vnto him at his request the Lady of Orange and he spake with her about the Prince Palatins widow at Herdelberg the Duchesse of Bouillon and other friends telling her what he would haue said and written vntothem hereupon he said vnto her in french Ah my louing and vertuous Lady I am a sicke man Rehearse vnto me some comfortable sentence She answered My déere Lord and Brother I sée you so richly furnished with the comfort of Gods holy spirit that I cannot comfort you any further His Excellencie vrging to haue from her out of Gods word some sentence she aleadged the words of our Sauiour Iohn 3 16. God so loued the world that hee hath giuen his onely begotten Sonne that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life and added comfort your selfe héerewithall my déere brother his Excellencie answered well sayd my Lady This is the greatest and surest comfort of the faithfull with this comfort will I dye happily I beseech my louing God from my hart for such a blessed departure through the vertue of the satisfaction of my Lord Iesus Christ Whatsoeuer you shall aske the Father in my name hee will giue it vnto you O Lord Iesus Christ I commit my Soule into thy hands now and at all times His Excellencie caused the Germane Bible to be giuen to me and desired to heare some obseruations on the 91. Psalme but the french Preacher entring drew him some comforts out of the 90. and 91. Psalme Then his Excellencie said vnto the Preacher Ah I am a very sicke man I haue had a heauy night but I confesse that my sinnes haue deserued this and more then this yet I comfort my selfe with the mercy of my Lord Iesus Christ by whose vertue and intercession no heauier crosse shall be layd on me then I shall be able to beare hee knowes what is best for vs hee dissembleth not with vs I relye on him The Preacher answered your Excellencie be comforted and be patient Christ is that good shepheard that giueth vnto his shéepe euerlasting life hée hath receiued them into his hands from his Father and kéepeth them faithfully that none of them be taken out of his hands your Excellencie hath heard beléeued and followed the voyce of the said Shepheard That is it said his Excellencie which now the diuell setteth before mée and troubleth me because I haue not heard and followed the voyce of my Shepheard The Minister answered The Diuell alwayes followeth his old custome from whence hée is called a Lyar and a Murtherer for hée lyeth accusing your Excellencie not to haue heard nor followed at all the voyce of Christ your shepheard It is plaine that your Excellencie neuer despised the same but heard and followed it though it may be not alwayes with such earn●●nesse and zeale as was required And what if your Excellencie had not yet heard nor followed the voyce of that good shepheard it is not yet too late to doe the same you read in the 95. Psalme 7. 8. To day if you will heare his voyce harden not your hart This present howre and moment is promised in the holy Scriptures Pray yet in Christ Iesus his name for the pardon of your sinnes and this day they shall be pardoned vnto you for so speaketh and promiseth God As true as I liue I desire not the death of sinners but that they repent liue The Lady Emilia being present his Excellencie said vnto her this night I could not vnderstand nor receiue consolation but now I vnderstand and receiue it very well Héerevpon I answered The Lord be praysed that now your Excellencie receiueth the same Confirmet Deus quod operatus est Psal 68. This day his Excellencie caused certaine little Prayer bookes with which hee often had vsed to exercise himselfe to be brought to his bedde and ordayned for euery Childe one for a remembrance writing therein their sundry names and adding there vnto his Christian vow and fatherly admonition The eldest Sonne Philippus Mauritius receiued from his Father the Germane Bible which his Excellencie had taken along with him in Bohemia France England and other Countries and in the which hée did reade or caused to be read euery Morning and Euening certaine Chapters whereof hée noted with blacke greene or red Incke the chiefe heads and on the Margine wrote the true vses thereof in short words as a faithfull Minister should doe in his calling Hence it appeareth that his Excellencie hath sought the Lord Iesus his Sauiour according to his commandement Iohn 5. in the Scriptures only and hath found him and in him life eternall and true saluation The words written for his eldest Sonne were these MY Sonne PHILIPPVS MAVRITIVS Count of Hanaw Feare GOD and keepe his Commaundements I haue beene this night in great anguish I haue thought on many things which I wish you could know my Childe yet this I tell you Keepe thy selfe all thy life time close vnto thy God his helpe and assistance is necessary vnto thee would to God that I could write the great richesse of his mercy goodnesse and faithfulnesse experimented by mee these former dayes I haue the foretaste of the eternall glory The Lord helpe thee vnto mee in due time Amen In these pangs of death I doe desire to be deliuered and to be with my Lord Iesus Christ O Iesus Christ thou faithfull Sauiour how doe I loue thee thy promises are true thy loue is great thy heart is faithfull towards me I commend my Spirit into thy hands thou faithfull God thou hast deliuered and sanctified mee Lord I waite on thy saluation Thy faithfull Father PHILIPPVS LODOVICVS The second Sonne Willelmus Reynhart receiued his booke with these wordes MY deare Sonne serue thy God with thy whole hart in spirit and truth I haue destinated thee therevnto Esteeme it not to be a shame for thee to serue GOD and his Church GOD is the greatest Lord thy Creator Keepe in honour the true seruice of God Obay and serue thy deare Mother vnder whose hart thou hast line Honour and serue thy eldest Brother as thy Lord for such is the ordinance and also my will Beare with him if thou be in the right then art thou happier then he if thou
praise God as they did at Bethlem And when I would comfort his Excellencie with the hope of recouerie of his health hee answered very earnestly these words My louing Minister can you counsell me with a good conscience that I should thrust my selfe againe into this wicked and troublesome world On Friday Morning his Excellencie charged to shut all the doores and to admit no man vnto him that hée might not be séene vncouered because of the excéeding great heat But about the Euening beginning againe to speake very comfortably of eternall life hée cryed twise with a loude voyce Open all the doores let all my people come in that they may sée how ioyfully I dye that they all may be comforted by my example Hee thought also on his Wife in Childe-bed and said How well and wisely doth the Lord ordaine all things hee hath deliuered my Wife from the pangs and labour of Childe-birth that shée should not haue two griefes at once shée will the sooner passe ouer the griefe of my departure The Phisitians counselled his Excellencie not to ouer-weary himselfe by too much speaking wherevnto he answered Should I not speake of my louing God he hath giuen mée a tongue to that end They did likewise disswade him from taking the fresh Ayre by opening of a window his Excellencie answered Should I not behold the faire heauens whether I shal come anone When his Excellencie did sée through the window his new built Turret and spake of it I said This is a fayre Turret but your Excellencie knoweth well which is the spirituall Turret of our soules from thence shall you receiue helpe and consolation his Excellencie said héerevpon Good-night and caused the window to be shut and looking on his bed said Christ hath suffered for me at the fearefull Crosse I am not worthy of this ease I answered your Excellencie is worthy of it and seeing God hath giuen you the same receiue it thankfully Lying on his bed he stretched his right legge on the side stoke his hand on it and said O you deere legge you haue had a long time no rest your rest draweth néere One of his Exceilencies seruing-men going out of the Chamber his Excellencie commended vnto me his diligence and faithfulnesse His Excellencie did lift vp to heauen his hands and eyes very often and said O thou great and strong God Thou almightie God Thou holy God Thou good and true God and added alwaies therevnto some short and feruent prayer Docter Luther calleth such prayers Stossgebete that is thrusting or thronging prayers because they come from the zealous heart with force and are cast out before the mercie seate of God according vnto the speach of the 55. Psalme Cast thy burthen vpon the Lord. His Excellencie did also often repeate these sentences Psalme 50. verse 15. Call vpon mee in the day of trouble so will I deliuer thee and thou shalt glorifie mee Psalme 91. 15. Hee shall call vpon mee and I will heare him I will be with him in trouble I will deliuer him and shew him my saluation Philip. 1. 23. I desire to be loosed and to be with Christ Psalme 27. 14. Hope in the Lord be strong comfort thine heart and trust in the Lord. I depart in peace and in ioy should not I be glad I haue obtayned of my God what I demaunded yea more then I requested His Excellencie could not be satisfied with the 23. Psalm The Lord is my shepherd hée caused mée to reade the same thrée times and as once I read these words yea though I should walke through the darke valley his Excellencie said that darke valley is now vnto me reasonable light O Lord stay thine anger from me that I may be refreshed before I goe hence Hée made likewise very good vse with the two last verses of the 38. Psalme Forsake mee not O Lord bee not thou farre from me my God Haste thee to helpe me O Lord of my saluation Hence it appeareth that man consisteth of flesh and spirit that the old and new Adam dwelleth in him and that these two are alwayes in combat one against another as long as man liueth héere And when man is cast by the Counsell of God into the Ouen of misery and is tempted by the heate of the Crosse then Soule and Body Flesh and Spirit fight one against the other The worldlings haue no féeling of such a Spirituall combat but Gods children féele the same euery day and pray O Lord Leade vs not into temptation yet leade vs according vnto thy will but deliuer vs soone from the Euill-one and from all that might hinder our saluation Hence it commeth that the true beléeuers when they féele such a combat betwixt the Spirit and the Flesh or sée and heare it in others that they hould it for a good token according vnto the saying of Saint Iames Cap. 1. 2. My Brethren count it exceeding ioy when you fall into diuers tentations Also verse 12. Blessed is the man that endureth tentation The vnbeléeuing worldlings and Hipocrites who know not how wonderfully God dealeth with his Saints hold it for an euill signe or token and speake with derision of it which they would not doe if they vnderstood the example of our Sauiour Iesus Christ who was tempted thrée times by the Diuell Also if they knew that all things doe turne good vnto those that loue God Also that they must be made like vnto the Image of his Sonne Rom. 8. Hence it fell out that his Excellencie besides these excellent speaches of consolation feeling in his heart the testimonie of Gods holy Spirit did vtter sometimes words of complaint and sorrow by the frailtie of his sinnefull siesh and of old Adam yet sought finally the victorie Hée complayned sometimes of the miserie of this life of the manifold sinnes wherevnto the corrupt nature is subiect of the fearefulnesse of death of the paines of hell and said Ah I miserable sinfull man O Lord hast thou forgotten mée wilt thou shew no more mercy Is thy mercy turned to anger c. euen as Dauid speaketh in the 77. and 88. Psalmes Also my paines are too great I can suffer them no longer And whereas these words did séeme to come from vnpatience against the gracious helpe of God his Excellencie was comforted and admonished by me and other assistants with many good and holy sentences vnto Christian patience it is not néede to set them downe here His Excellencie did receiue this comfort and did correct his former vnpatience with these words Ah I doe prouoke my God vnto anger by my vnpatience I will doe it no more If I haue receiued from God good things I will beare patiently the euill hée will not forsake me he hath not forsaken me yet I will prescribe vnto him no measure forsake me not O Lord that I forsake not thée Besides went on thus Ah what a heauy battell is before me wherevpon I told him your Excellencie is now in the estate wherein your
not to be tempted aboue our abilitie and power His Excellencie laid both his hands in my right hand and I laid my left hand on his head and thus gaue a very good attention vnto those things which were alledged by mée The Physitians did admonish his Excellency to sléepe whereupon I said in the name of the Lord Christ doe I lay my hand on your head I beséech him to strengthen and refresh you Thus hée tooke a little sléepe and I went out of the roome but being awaked againe I was called for and his Excellencie said vnto mée that I should lay againe my hand on his head in the name of the Lord Christ I did it and hée fell in sléepe againe On Sunday about nine of the clocke in the morning which was the day of his deliuerance something was brought vnto him for to eate and to get rest the Physitians said that then all would be well His Excellencie answered if it should be better after my sléepe then I desire no more of this onely I wish for so much strength that I may commit my soule vnto my Sauiour and speake yet once with my wife Thus did wée voyde the roome in hope of rest leauing onely his Steward with him When wée thought that his Excellencie tooke rest Loe his Steward knéeled before his bedde and sayd with his Excellencie the Lords Prayer Wée being entred his Excellencie lift vp his head and eyes and cryed out with a ioyfull voyce Now am I once deliuered and stroke his breast with his hand saying O déere hart how hast thou béene tormented and martyred thou shalt now be comforted Then called he for his Wife but for certaine reasons and for to decline those heauy lamentations it was not done Then sayd his Excellencie vnto his Steward bid my Wife good-morrow and tell her I leaue this world ioyfully and willingly The Bell rung for the Sermon in the olde Citie his Excellencie said Neuer did that Bell sound so in my eares as now it doth I answered This Bell calleth your Excellencie now to the song of Angels of which you told mée before yesterday Then said his Excellencie Well Let vs sing thus layd downe his head and began to sing the song of the Angels Luke 2. which is vsed in the Germane Churches Glory be to God in the high heauens c. Wée followed after him Then began his Excellencie to sing the 118. Psalme verse 24. This is the ioyfull day indeed Which God himselfe hath wrought Let vs be glad and ioy therein In hart in minde and thought Wée followed againe with a low and weare voyce Then came his Excellencie to the 116. Psalme I loue the Lord because my voyce And prayer heard hath hee c. Thus was to be séene the Spirit of Adoption in the hart of his Excellencie And when wée spake together for to prepare our selues to prayer His Excellencie noted the same and commanded vs to knéele downe and to pray hee repeated euery word zealously but chiefely the Lords Prayer and the Articles of Christian faith and when those that were about him did comfort his Excellencie with some good sentence he repeated the same after them as long as his tongue could doe it I feared that too much speach might haue hindered his Excellencie therefore I brake of and after a while rehearsed vnto him the words of our Sauiour Ioh. 3. God so loued the world that he hath giuen his onely begotten sonne c. And I asked whether his Excellencie vnderstood them then hée turned his eyes on mée and sayd the word I haue told it These short words did I report vnto the assistants and added that his Excellencie had aboundantly declared which was his Faith Hope and Comfort wherein hée liued and now was to dye namely the onely begotten Sonne of God Besides this I cryed often vnto his Ercellencie these words O Lord Iesus Christ I commit my Spirit into thy hands thou hast deliuered mée thou true and faithfull God Whilest this was repeated vnto his Excellencie he rendred his spirit quietly and blessedly The words of our Sauiour wherewithall I comforted him at his last houre were before without my knowledge propounded vnto him by the Lady of Orange and by himselfe written in his Germane Bible so that by Gods prouidence the same were alleadged by mée for he entended to dye therein both willingly and happily Thus departed his Excellencie after the ending of the Sermon in the old Church and the Prayer conceined for his Excellencie and other Christian Maiestrates And this is the plaine and true relation of the blessed departure of his Excellencie out of this wicked world from whence wée haue to take instruction and example to liue according vnto Gods holy will preparing our selues as he did tunely with true Faith Hope and Loue that when the howre of death comes wée may in Christian patience depart well comforted both willingly and blessedly This graunt vnto mée and all beléeuers the father of mercy by his holy Spirit for the onely propitiatorie Sacrifice of his deare Sonne and our Sauiour Iesus Christ Amen MATTHEVV 10. 22. Hee that endureth to the end hee shall be saued APOCCALIPSE 2. 7. To him that ouercommeth will I giue to eate of the tree of life which is in the middest of the Paradise of God FINIS