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A09538 Times iourney to seeke his daughter Truth and Truths letter to Fame of Englands excellencie. Pett, Peter, fl. 1599. 1599 (1599) STC 19818; ESTC S110438 19,872 52

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her loue For when my former griefe was quite disperst And thought of former wrong farre cha'sd away My graces which with cloudes were hidden erst Gan to disclose and suddenly display Themselues and all their beauty to be wray In great perfection which when England saw Great admiration from her did it draw Astonisht with my graces most diuine For Truth of Truth may iustly speake the truth And rauisht with fayre Truths rare beauties shine It grieued her that my so grieuous ruth Shee so had suffred and to me shee su●h That I no longer would retayne in mind My late disgrace which prou'd her too vnkind Which easily obtaind shee promist mee And with a solemne oath her selfe shee bound That I should presently perceiue and see How glad shee was she had my fauour found Immediatly in selfe same minutes stound Into my hands shee freely did deliuer Two elfes that were my vowed en'mies euer Enuy the one and Superstition The other was both these two did procure Those iniuries poore Truth to fall vpon I meane those wrongs which I did late indure For so fayre England did me then assure They my disastres and distresses bred By their sole meanes I so was iniured Enuy shee tolde good England that I sought To circumuent her by some treachery And so to bring her glorious state to nought For sure shee sayd there was no remedy If still shee intertayn'd me courteously Her glory of necessity must fall And all her pompe be perioded withall And Superstition shee her selfe inuested In a rich habite which was not her owne For well shee knew that shee should be det●sted If what she were indeed it should be knowne And so might all her drifts be ouerthrowne She deckt her selfe with many a pretious gemme And on her head shee set a diademme And thus to England came shee and to hir Sayd shee was Truth and Truth did but deceaue hir And shee with Enuy kept so foule a stir That England fear'd I would of life bereaue hir For still they tolde hir I nere meant to leaue hir Till I had made hir stat● most miserable Which only Truth makes truly admirable All this did England vnto me declare And sayd these twayne hir sutly did beguile For Superstition durst with me compare And E●uy robd me of my rightfull stile To grace therewith hir mate that wretch so vile Fayre Truth saith shee know surely this for truth Had not these been nere should haue been thy ruth Their subtilty simplicity abused And by their craft they did me ouer reach Or else thou nere shouldst haue been so misused But now these hellish caitifes I will ●each What t'is t'wixt thee and mee to make a breach For now I know them and here captiues haue them Appoint their doomes not all the World shall saue them The which when I did to hir selfe referre And tolde hir Truth doth not delight in blood Shee sayd that Enuy shee would quick interre And that same other wretch foe to my good Should steruing pine and dy for want of food Thus Truth saith shee I will reuenge thy wrong And for my fault make full amends ere long This said shee pluckt from Superstitions backe My glorious ornaments and gorgeous weeds For mine they were and to supply her lacke Shee stole them from me and such lewd misdeeds It is by which hir progeny still speeds Thus stript a foule deformed hagge shee seemd I wondred how shee could be ●o esteemd Then straight shee led them both vnto their doome And thus shee vsde Truths greatest enemies Though Superstitions Sonne still liue at Rome Yet for my many grieuous iniuries And for shee wrought me such indignities Her selfe was staru'd and Enuy felt such paine As shee deseru'd though still hir brood remaine Thus England dealt for me and more then so Her loue yet further did it selfe extend Shee did not onely thus reuenge my woe But also gainst my foes my right defend Listen good Fame and with attention lend Thine eare vnto my tale whilst I declare Her loue to me her kindnes and her care Proud Superstitions Sonne soone as he knew His mothers death was onely for my sake He gathered an host a mighty crew With which he ment gainst England warre to make And forcibly me from her hands to take So great and puissant his forces were He thought her hart would be o'rewhelmd with feare For with him ioyned was his cursed sister That odious and notorious whore of Babet Her mothers death shee knew and likewise mist her Aswell as he And with her such a ●able Of paramours she had as seemed able The greatest state on earth to ru●nate And bring to greatest pompe a tragicke fate Thus mand began to manage forth his warre And proudly sent to England this defiance That shee should looke for enemies from farre If still with Truth shee kept so great allyance Such warre in auntient times did wage those giants That gainst the heauenly powers as Poets wright Opposd themselues and their presuming might Yet if shee would deliuer to his hand Truth that he might on her reuengement take He sent her word he would not hurt her land But if shee did this profer made forsake Then should his wrath it selfe vp-rouse and wake To which he thought shee could make no resistance Though God from heauen should giue her his assistance These menaces not feared her a whit Shee weighd them not but bid him doe his worst In spight of him Truth should in safety sir She sayd nor should a monster so acucrst Make her to satiate his bloody thurst Truth loue I well saith shee and well I know Truths champions God will sheild from ouerthrow This answer made Truth● enemies inraged And foming poyson swore that Truth should dye Or England● li●e should be for hers ingaged Not knowing Truth ●ust liue immorally And liue to see the cu●sed progeny Of Superstition consumed quite Though now against me they are bold to fight Towards England straight they hye in furious hast Intending to destroy 〈◊〉 To leaue her land all desolate and wast And bring her selfe into captiuitye And thus resolu'd i● swarmes they 〈…〉 The Diuill lent them 〈…〉 But God from 〈…〉 When England heard my foes 〈…〉 Together gathred she her 〈…〉 To fight for Truth whome 〈…〉 Meaning to shew no pitty ●o ●emo●e To them that sought 〈…〉 Away with me shee hasts my foes to 〈◊〉 In little kindnesse m●●ning them to greet At last they met in a large spatious playne Wholy vnlyke in shew their troupes did pa●●e For multitude the drops in showers of 〈◊〉 The other sorte was nothing so alas Compar'd to them like some small ●idge of grasse In field of come or more for my intent As seems least yle to larg●st conti●ent As those small troupes with which the 〈◊〉 Did braue and dare Darins in the field Compar'd to those o're who●e he conquest wo● When proud 〈…〉 ●as to yield Ma●ger the force he had himselfe to shield Such England
her handmaydes still To execute her pleasure and her ●ill Eliza they could not haue 〈…〉 VVisedome and learning both support her 〈◊〉 Her Wisedome is as farre beyond compare With most of weaker 〈◊〉 or 〈◊〉 kynd As brightest 〈◊〉 that in the heauens are Comparde with 〈…〉 that euer shinde Or smallest glo-wormes men by night doe finde What talke I of her 〈◊〉 such Wisedome can Be very hardly found in any man Witnesse her gouerment this forty yeares So wonderfull 〈◊〉 and ra●ely wise Wise is the Pylot that his 〈◊〉 then steeres In safety when as greatest stormes arise And euery billow mounteth to the Skies And wise Eliza that 〈…〉 so guydes In spite of sternest foes ●e 〈◊〉 betydes Millions of billowes menace the decay Of Englands common wealth yet not preuayle Nor can they make her giue them any way Or any whit to beare the lesser sayle They can not hurt her for their force doth fayle God teacheth her to rule the helme so well Her barke doth breake them when they proudest swell And as for Learnings admirable graces Let Learnings selfe her learning testifie That pen which in this Subiect largely traces At full herein her worth to amplifie In many volumes need historifie Her excellence in excellentest Artes Requires more skill then Arte to me imparts In sacred letters she so skilfull is So expert and so well experienced Her match to find●● is difficult Iwis I meane a prince that is so deeply red In holy writ for nere was registred By auntient Time in any monument One prince in sacred skill more excellent List her but speake or write what tongue she will Of sacred languages or other wise Her talke her stile appeare so full of skill As all the Muses did the same deuise But how alas can lines such worth comprise Her talke her stile are both celestiall Her wisedome and her skill angelicall Pallas moreouer they declar'd to be Victorious 〈…〉 And may not one meere blind perceiue and see They prophecide of Englands princely head All whose deseignes so prosp'rously haue sped She neuer went without the Victorie Since she obtaind the English monarchie Thus Fame thou seest that Englands gouerness● Is Pallas selfe for Wisedome learning and For faire victorious fortunate successe In euery action which she takes in hand Oh happy common wealth oh happy land Pallas she is and Vertues Palla●e eke What theme more glorious needeth Fa●e to seeke Her Fortitude her neuer dauntedmind Contemning troubles of aduersity Which all that liue sometime of 〈…〉 Her worthy princely 〈◊〉 Her Temperance in calme prosperity Are such that no pen 〈◊〉 Expresse the sam● or praise them 〈◊〉 And yet two 〈…〉 by More then by all these that haue yet been named And as those two great 〈…〉 Which for the worlds two 〈…〉 first were named Whose presence 〈…〉 Euen so E●iza is adorned by Her Chastity and 〈…〉 Should I her Chastity striue to declare So pure so matchlesse so immaculate So spotlesse and so admirably rare Nere should I satisfie or satiate My thirsty pen herein nor moderate My wandring Muse that would too tedious be And so perhaps too troublesome to thee This gemme of price this ornament of worth This precious pearle this ●ewell of esteeme I leaue to thee at full to set it forth That to the World Elizabeth may seeme Dianaes selfe and all the World may deeme The paragon of Chastity she is Whome neuer any could excell in this And yet her Equity it equalleth And is as excellent and rare as that Hon'ring asmuch diuine Elizabeth For this makes also her admired at Asmuch as any prince that euer sat On Regall throne and hard it is to name One liuing now her equall in the same Iustice and mercy she in ballance layeth The●e equally to counterpoyse each other And with them all her actions wisely wayeth Not suffring one to ouerpoise another So deales with dearest children tender mother Her iustice great her mercy is as great Iustice and Mercye both wait on her seat There wait they and when she determines ought Both of them plead and both their sentences She wisely makes together to be brought And by them both deemes what most fitting is Taking away from them all diffrences And so in one she both of them combines And both together in one band conioynes When Iustice strikes then Mercie tells her how And shewes her whome she with her sword should smite Eliza made to Equity a vow By heauens by earth and by her scepters right Iustice and mercy she would counite Sacred and mild is that seuerity When Iustice linked is with clemency Canst thou this Excellence Fame too much prise For England such a worthy prince to haue So learned and so admirably wise So vertuous religious and graue So chast so iust so mercifull to saue Speake what thou canst for this Truth dares auer Thou canst not speake too worthily of her And next adioyne her worthy Senatours Declare their Wisedome and their grauity I meane Elizabeth's wise Counsailours Supporting stayes to Englands pollicy Vpholding it as Atlas doth the sky A speciall Excellence thou shouldst omit If mention of their worth thou shouldst forget For their graue wisedome and wise grauity Tell thou the world that they fage Catoes are Nestors in Counsell when they prudently What best doth fit for Englands good declare For loue vnto their Countrey them compare To Parents in their childrens tender loue Which neuer from them will the same remoue And well thou maist to Parents loue compare Their tender loue vnto their nation So fatherly it is so great their care It seemeth greater then th'affection That Parents beare their best indeared Sonne A happie blessed Aristocratie In such a farre-excelling Monarchie I tell thee Fame their worthie names will grace Thy tale and thy discourse in euery eare And therefore in thy swift continuall race Forget thou not the same but let all heare And let it to succeeding times appeare As thou through euery land shalt swiftly passe How farre herein faire England doth surpasse Next speake of Englands dauntlesse Warriours T'will grace thy trumpe to grace them with her sound Braue Martialists victorious Conquerours Worthy eternally to be renound And with immo●tall glorie to be cround Tell their deserts and fame-deseruing laude That all the world may to their worth applaud● Vpon their plumed crests doth Honour fit In glorious weeds as great 〈◊〉 Instructing them as pupils what is fit Whilst they to her obedience professe In all their actions she is gouernesse Nor will they once from Honours precepts swer●e Whome whilst they serue all honour they deserue On Honour still attendeth Victory To grace their deeds with prosperous euent Directing them to wield couragiously Their conqu'ring blades to foes astonishment Who thinke Reuenge her selfe mongst them is sent Whilst Englands worthies fury they doe see And feele their force from which they would be free Their looks as lightning dwell foemens eyes Their hands forge thunder to their warlike looke