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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07471 Epitaphs vpon the vntymelie death of that hopefull, learned, and religious youth, Mr VVilliam Michel sonne to a reverend pastor, Mr Thomas Michel, parson of Turreff, and minister of the Gospel there) [sic] who departed this lyfe the 6 of Ianuarie, 1634. in the 24 yeare of his age. Together with a consolatorie epistle, to the mother of the sayd young man; wherein his vertues and good carriage are mentioned. Baron, Robert, 1593?-1639. 1634 (1634) STC 17857; ESTC S113173 17,133 47

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giveth to the man whom Hee hath so exercysed inward rest and refreshment mitigating his temptations pacifying his troubled thoughts and chearing his heart with heavenlie vnspeakeable consolations Upon the which sayeth GREGORIE his Soule perceaveth joye passing all measure through the hope it hath of heavenlie Glorie So then to expresse this purpose to you in fewe wordes and I shall doe it in GREGORIE his owne wordes those who are converted to GOD doe meete first with pleasant or delightsome thinges that they may bee comforted thereafter with bitter things that they may bee exercysed and last of all with sweet and sublime thinges even with joyes vnspeakeable and glorious that they may bee confirmed or corroborated agaynst all difficulties crosses and temptations Yee may see now Mistresse how gracious and mercifull GOD hath beene in His dealing both towardes you and towardes your sonne as also how great cause yee haue to leaue off your mourning for his departure and to rejoyce for his advancement to that Kingdome which GOD hath promised to all those that loue Him For if ye rejoyced at his birth because a Man was borne into this world haue yee not greater reason to rejoyce at his death seeing a Man who is the sonne of your wombe is borne into a better Worlde If your heart was glad to see him so lovinglie and heartilie welcomed to this world by the imbracinges kisses and louelie speaches of those who were then present should not your heart now daunce within you for joye seeing yee haue good reason to thinke that immediatelie after his departure hee was moste kyndlie welcomed to that other and better World by GOD his Father by CHRIST IESUS his Redeemer by that innumerable companie of Angels and by the spirits of just men made perfect For seeing there is such joye in Heaven at the conversion of a sinner what joye I praye you is there at the coronation of a sinner And to conclude if yee rejoyced so much with your friendes at his Baptisme because he then became a CHRISTIAN and was admitted into the Church militant should yee not now farre more rejoyce seeing hee is by death translated into the Church triumphant vvhere as a crowned Christian and as a glorious Saynct hee beholdeth that moste amiable and louelie yea moste Glorious Countenance of GOD in whose presence there is fulness of joye and at whose Right Hand there are Pleasures for evermore FINIS Orations and Epistles of this nature were called EPITAPHS manie ages since as any may perceaue by Nazianzens Orations and Hieroms Epistles of the lyke subject 1. Sam. 15. 18. 2. Sam. 18. 5 Amos 6. 6. Rom. 12. 15. Esay 50. 4 2. Cor. 1. 4. 2. Kings 20. 3. Iob. 1. 21. Psal. 103. 2. Iohn 16. 21. Luke 1. 46. 47. 49. Consol. ad Polyb. c. 29. 1. Cor. 2. 9. Serm. 18. ad ●●● Antioch Eccles. 1. 18 Non amisi mus sed pramisimus Non reliquit ille nos sed antecessit Consol. ad Pol. cap. 28. Dimisimus illos imò consecuturs pr●misimus Consol. ad Marciam Cap. 19. 2. Sam. 12. 23. Heb. 11. 10. Philip. 1. Eccles. 18. 1 1. Cor. 9. 27. Phil. 3. 13. Epist. 3. which hee calleth Nepotian's Epitaph 1. Cor. 2. 2. Galat. 2. 20 6. 14. Psal. 34. 4. 5. 6. Lib. 4. Moral cap. 7. Lib. 2. Sent. cap. 8. Blandimen ta dulcedinis 2. Tim. 2. 3. Certamina tentationū 1. Cor. 10. 13. Moxque 〈◊〉 immensam de spe coelest● loetitiam percipit Prius ergo illos dulcia susc●●●●nt quae consolentur postmodum amara quae exerceant tunc demum suavia sublimiae quae confirment Iames 2. 5. Dolor mortis velut obstetrix homines ad meliorem vitam educit Greg. Nyssen in Oratione de mortuis Hebr. 12 22 23. Luc. 15. Luke 15. 7. ●0 Psal. 16. 11.
vitae mortis praescius ipse suae GUL. LESLAEUS Obitum cognati sui Charissimi Magistri GVLIELMI MICHELII Iuvenis supra aetatem plerosque coaevos docti piique hac Elegia deflevit OVintum Michelius lustrum transegerat haec est Prima sacris aetas apta ministeriis Cumque annis animū dederat pater almus artem Coeperat pulchras edere primitias Heu quantam tenerâ messem succidit in herba Subrepens coeco tetrica Parca pede Huic quicunque oculos quicunque adverterat aures Iste suo aiebat tempore quantus erit At verò ante alios chari obstupuere parentes Senserunt tacito gaudia tanta sinu Heu matrum indulgens animus vanissimus augur Vt sese blandis decipit ominibus Haec puero diadema sacram cupit illa tiaram Haec nato Attalicas sperat optat opes Anticipant aliae fasces loetósque hymenaeos Partáque victrici clara trophea manu Diversum interea fallax libitina triumphum Cogitat tristes apparat exequias Laurea funereis mutantur serta cupressis Vertitur inque atras pineae toeda faces Irrita blandorum spes omnia vota parentum Mors interveniens omnia destituit At non ille tamen quem nos lugemus ademptum Non votis non spe fallitur ille sua Sublimi in superis solio cathedráque potitur Et capitolina victor in arce sedet Quodque sibi optarit quisquis sapit obtigit illi Grata quies merces magna brevísque via Vulgus iners vacuis aevum male computat annis Et frontis rugis capitis nivibus Quid transacta juvant Pylii tria saecula vatis Si periere simul praeteriere dies Non annis canísve venit censenda sed vsu Vita nec aetatem tempus inane facit Cui brevis vtilibus lux est exercita curis Huic longa in parvâ vita peracta mora est DAVID MICHELIUS Ecclesiae Edinburgenae Presbyter To the Pious Rememberance of a vvell-disposed and hopefull Youth M. WILLIAM MICHEL THis little corner'd Caue this quadrate Stone Contaynes and covers heere a Youth expir'd Whose Gifts and growing Graces everie one For multitude and magnitude admir'd Entring to act but on the Stage presented By Death's envye and violence prevented All you that Litrate Youths and Learning loue And you that Vertue cherish and effect You that pure Zeale and Pietie approue And hopefull partes in springing yeares respect Spende Spaits of Teares for his vntymelie Fall Who had in grosse these Gifts and Graces all And you his Fellow-Students and his Phieres Put to your helping-Handes to grace his Graue Whose Knowledge ritch farre over-reacht his yeares And manie Groundes of its great Greatnesse gaue Perspicuous Proofs of his most precious partes And in sight in the Tongues and Liberall Artes. AL. GARDEN GULIELMO MICHEL EGREGIAE SPEI ADOLESCENTI PRAEPROPERA MORTE SVBLATO TVne etiam Gulielme jaces nec flectere Parcas Es potis aut fati vincere duritiem Nil tibi profuerant primae robusta juventae Tempora nil surgens ignea vis animi Palladiis teneros annos colis artibus auctus Ingenio celsi mystica sacra Poli. Sed veluti flores subitos nova gaudia veris Intempestivae decutiunt Hyemes Sic inopina furens Lachesis te perculit aevì Vere novo vernam depopulata rosam ROBERTUS GORDONUS Sub obitum lectissimi Iuvenis M. GUL. MICHAELIS CARMEN FUNEBRE DVm nimio Michael juvenis contendere cursu Gaudet anhelanti pectore summa petens His potitur Pindique supra juga celsa Sionis Difficili Sophiae tramite culmen adit Sic festinanti Mors obvia Siste citatos Siste gradus inquit lectacorona tibi est Quisquis amas Musas lentè properato feraci Ingenium firmat robore longa dies D. W. In Obitum Optimae Spei Adolescentis M. GVL. MICHEL Discipuli sui quondam Charissimi EPITAPHIUM SEmentis tibi cur tantae mers dura Michelle Invidit messem primaque spica p●rit Consultò hoc factum nempe ut potioribus arvis Proventum stabilem divite falce metas IDEM GRAECE 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 GUL. WEDDERBURNUS Ecclesiae Bethelniensis Presbyter IN OBITUM SANCTISSIMI DOCTISSIMI ET ORNATISSIMI ADOLESCENTIS MAGISTRI GVL. MICHEL SS Thelog in Academia Abredonensi studiosi CARMEN FUNEBRE DVm lachrymas moerens justum sed triste tributum Pendebam tumulo clare Michelle tuo Ecce triennalem de quo spes optima natum Eripuit gremio mors inopina meo Funera funeribus luctum superaddita nostrum Ingeminant animus deficit atque manus Obstupui ingenti deerant sua verba dolori Et gemitus medios impediere sonos Occurritque tui tum sors miseranda parentis Et trahit invitas ad tua pensa manus Tum tacitus mecum Puerum tam plangis ademptum Cujus sola bonam spem tibi forma dedit Quid linquis fratri faciendum quaeso Michelle Cui tantus perijt filius ante diem Filius octonos ter habens non amplius annos Deliciae matris gloria summa patris Ille omnes Sophiâ socios superaverat olli Cingebant niveas laurea serta comas Ille sacris quatuor studijs feliciter annos Complerat studijs consona vita fuit Hunc pietas morum probitas miserisque benigna Dextera innumeris mens cumulata bonis Ornarunt olli laudem haec peperere perennem Parva licet cineres continet urna sacros Hunc vivi coluere omnes properataque lugent Funera queis solo nomine notus erat Talia sed parcas nequierunt flectere vitae Addere vel minimas nec valuere moras Haec ego dum meditor levior fit cura dolorque Cum nostra alterius comparo damna malis PROSOPOPOEIA DEFVNCTI AD PATREM DEformare genas nimium jam flendo seniles Parce pater luctus non decet iste pios Ex praeco nondum pereo sanctisque parata Regna peto angelico concomitante choro Tempus ad exiguum tristes divellimur ast mox Tempus quo laeti conveniemus erit Tempus erit regno cum nos jungemur in vno Atque alacres capiet regia celsa poli Ejusdem ad Lectorem PROSOPOPOEIA QVod curtata meae sint vitae stamina non est Quod doleas nostram Lector amice vicem Certavi egregie prostratoque hosle triumphum Loetus ago capiti pulchra corona nitet Sat vixit bene qui vixit qui morte lucratur Sic tibi contingat vivere sicque mori Posuit ANDREAS MASSAEUS Ecclesiae Drumbletensis Presbyter A Friendlie Sigh for the tymous vntymelie death of Master VVILLIAM MICHEL the Theologique expectans Coriphei DEath-rype's all Flesh hath gaynd the ende All beeing Man at anie age By Grace not Dayes true Lyfe is kende Who best not longest keepes the Stage This Spring-pluckt Rose Florefull shak't Fruit A Pupill pregnanter then guydes So 's tymelie falne Cease moaning bruit