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A02923 A Postill, or, Exposition of the Gospels that are usually red in the churches of God, vpon the Sundayes and feast dayes of Saincts written by Nicholas Hemminge a Dane, a Preacher of the Gospell, in the Vniuersitie of Hafnie ; and translated into English by Arthur Golding. ; before which Postill is sette a warning of the same Nicholas Heminge too the Ministers of Gods vvorde, concerning the co[n]tinuall agreement of Chrystes Church in the doctrine and true worshipping of God ... Hemmingsen, Niels, 1513-1600.; Golding, Arthur, 1536-1606. 1569 (1569) STC 13062; ESTC S5140 503,499 736

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faith alone Yes it is true But there is a difference too bée put betwixt the causes of saluation and the obedience that God requireth of those that bée his Wée are iustified by faith only but when wée are iustified wée are made new men that is too wit the sonnes of God and hence foorth wée must after the example of our father lead a new and blissed life But héere is too bée considered also that as there is a double marke of the children of God so ther is a double marke of the children of Sathan The marke of the children of God is one while inward and another while outward The inward is repentance faith godlinesse good conscience The outward is héering of Gods woord and honest conuersation among men For as Chryste sheweth héere that the loue of his woord and the héering of it is a marke of his Disciples so Peter requireth honest conuersation among men whereby God may bée glorified his church edified But the inward marke of Sathans children is too bée without faith without godlynesse too haue an euil conscience and euil affections too haue the maistrie The outward mark is outward contempt of the woord and a leude life Mark wel these marks and let euery man examine him self whither he bée too bée accounted among the children of God or among the children of the Diuel If hée perceiue him self too bée among the children of Sathan let him pul back his foot out of hand least he be thrown headlong intoo damnation sooner than he looked for If he perceiue him self too bée among the children of God let him giue God thanks and desire encrease of faith loue and other vertues let him desire too bée strengthened by the holy Ghoste least he bée withdrawen from his godly and holy race by the sleights of Sathan ¶ Of the second ANd my father vvill loue him and vvee vvill come vntoo him and dvvell vvith him Heere are rehersed the moste swéete frutes of kéeping the woord of God The firste frute is that the Father loueth suche as kéepe Chrystes woord For hée holdeth them right déere in his beloued Ephe. 1. How great a good thing this is it may bée vnderstood héerby that those which beléeue not in Chryst abide vnder Gods wrath according too this saying Hée that beléeueth not in the sonne the wrath of God abideth vpon him Wher as the wrath of God is there is sinne death damnation hel the tirannie of the Deuill and too bée shorte all mischéefe Contrarywise wheras is the loue of God there are the enimies ouercome there is saluation there is ioy there is life euerlasting Therefore let vs think vpon this first frute of keping Gods woord that by thinking theron wée may be kindled the more too loue the woord The seconde frute is and vve sayth hée vvill come vntoo him Than the whiche comming there can bée no greater honor If God the father the sonne and the holy Ghost come too him that kéepeth Chrystes woords vndoubtedly it foloweth that they came not too him before But that hée was in the diuels power and in the kingdome of darkenesse where death and damnation reigne It is a great frendship if a King come too his subiect it is a great honor too be visited of a mans better but vntoo this honor none other is comparable that God the father God the sonne and God the holy Ghost come vntoo a man that loueth Chryst and kéepeth his sayings The third frute is that the Trinitie not only cōmeth too a man that kéepeth Christs sayings but also maketh his dwelling with him abydeth in him Christ méeneth by this most swéete promisse that those whiche héere Chrystes woord and kéepe it are the temples of the Trinitie in whome dwelleth the father the sonne the holy Ghost And although that all the whole church is called one church of God yet is euery seuerall Christian a seuerall temple of the holy Ghost Behold how princely a promisse this is If any body should promisse a miserable man a great treasure of gold he should haue good cause too be mery and reioyce that of a poor and wretched creature he should become a riche and happie man But héere is promised a moste incomparable treasure namely the dwelling of the Trinitie in vs whiche farre surmounteth all the treasures of the world But what dooth the Father when hée dwelleth in a man what dooth the sonne what dooth the holy ghoste The father with his might shéeldeth and defendeth the men in whom he dwelleth ageinst the rage of sathan wheras sathā executeth ful power vppon all beléeuers The sonne with his wisdome and light teacheth and lighteneth them ageinst all mistes of all maner of darknes The holy ghost with his holinesse sāctifieth consecrateth anoynteth them too bée the Prophets Kings Préests and saincts of the Lord. Too be Prophets bicause we sée those things with the eyes of our faith which no bodily eare is able too conceiue Of this Propheticall office speaketh Ioel according as Luke also maketh mēcion Act. 2. Too be Kings partly bicause we are made the childrē of God by the victorie of Christ and also bicause that by the power of Christ we reigne ouer death and hel Lu. 22. I appoynt vntoo you a kingdome like as my father hath appoynted vntoo me Too bée préestes bicause when wée beléeue in Chryst wée haue aucthoritie too offer vntoo GOD the sacrifice of prayse wée haue libertie too cal vpon God through Iesus Christ our only mediator and high préest wée haue aucthoritie too teach Gods woord Howbéeit euery man according too the maner of his calling And too bée saincts bicause that through Faith in Christ wée are accoūted as pure as if wée had fulfilled y e law to the vttermost Behold what a nūber of frutes the keping louing of Chrysts woord bringeth with it There can bée no greater dignitie there can bée no greater glory there can bée no honor or worship more excellent But what shal wée lern by it To liue worthy so great honor that wée by our owne vnclennesse driue not God out of our harts but rather that wée exalt him with continual prayses in true godlinesse and sanctificatiō That so great worship ought to put vs in mind héerof Peter teacheth 1. Pet. 2. where he sayth thus you are a chosen generation a kingly préesthood a holy nation a people whom God claymeth proper too himselfe that yée should set foorth his woorks whoo hath called you out of darknesse intoo his woonderfull light You that in times past were no people are now the people of God you which in times past obteyned no mercy haue now obteyned mercy Héerevppon the Apostle inferreth Absteyne therfore from fleshly lustes which fight ageynst the soule and make your conuersation honest among the Heathen As many benefites of God then as wée héere of towardes vs so many spurres shall there bée to pricke vs forward too godly and holy lyfe Wherfore sith Chryste
through him mighte bee saued But hee that beleeueth on him is not condemned But hee that beleeueth not is condēned already bicause hee hath not beleeued in the name of the onely begotten sonne of God And this is the condemnacion that light is come intoo the vvorlde and men loued darknesse more than light bicause their deedes vvere euill For euery one that euil dooth hateth the light neyther commeth too the light least his deeds should be reproued But he that dooth the truthe commeth too the light that his deeds may bee knovvne hovv that they are vvrought in God The exposition of the Text. WE heard yesterday how the Gospel of Iesus Chryst was confirmed by a woonderfull miracle namely that Chryst sent the holy ghost from heauen in a visible shape whō not onely the Apostles felt but also al that wer that day at Hierusalem sawe according as Luke declareth Act. 2. This day the Church setteth foorth a Gospel wherin Chryst comprehendeth a summe of that doctrine for the confirmation whereof the holy Ghoste was giuen vpon Whitsonday Chryste talketh with Nichodemus who was one of the Pharisies and a Prince of the Iewes as wée shall héere more at large vpon Trinitie Sunday Untoo him dooth Chryste in the texte whiche I recited euen now declare the causes of saluation and damnation sheweth from whence commeth the originall bothe of saluation also of damnation Hée sayeth that Chryst was giuen too the intent that they which beléeue in him shoulde bée saued The reste hée witnesseth too sticke still in their damnation as wée shall cléerly sée in the exposition of the text The places 1 The commendation of Gods louingnesse and mercy towards men 2 The instrument wherby Chrystes benefites are applyed too men is sealed 3 A comfort for the godly ageinst the temptation of sinne and iudgement 4 The difference betwixte the beléeuers and the vnbeléeuers ¶ Of the first SO GOD loued the vvorlde that he gaue his onely begotten Sonne In these few woords is commended vntoo vs the louingnesse and mercy of God and that not by naked woords but by a déed most excellent of all others For it is not a true loue which eyther lyeth hid in the hart only or sitteth in the tong but which procéeding frō the innermore affection of the hart vttreth it selfe by woord and déede How then dooth God loue héer Hée loueth in such wise that he gaue euen his own sonne too be the price of the raunsome for the redēption of the world that he might by his death redéem them that were adiudged too death damnation Of this loue of God speaketh Paul Rom. 5. God condemneth his loue towards vs in that when wée were yet sinners Chryst dyed for vs. And Rom. 8 If God bée on oure side who can bée ageinst vs Who spared not euen his owne sonne but gaue him for vs all Wée dayly behold great tokens of Gods loue towards men in al our whole life in the gouernment of things Notwithstanding that loue whiche so shineth foorthe in the matters of this life is scarsly a slender shadow of that most excellent loue wherwith he embraceth vs in his sonne whom he hath giuen too most bitter death for vs. This loue of GOD hath excéeding mercy going with it of which Moises the Prophets and the Psalmes doo preach in many places out of whom I wil take a few testimonies too confirme our beléefe concerning Gods good wil towards vs. Moses Exo. 34. saith thus O Lord God of power mercifull and gentle and of much compassion and true which extendest mercy vntoo thousands which takest away iniquitie wickednesse and sinne Deut. 5. I am the Lord thy God that sheweth mercy vntoo many thousāds that loue me and kéepe my commaundements Esai 16. And his throne shalbée prepared in mercy Ionas 4. for I know that thou art a gentle and merciful God pacient and of much compassion a forgiuer of mens wickednesse Dauid Psa. 2. The earth is full of the Lords mercy And the .102 Psal. As farre as the heauen is from the earth so hath he strengthened his mercy vpon them that feare him Also Psal. 103. The mercy of the Lord is from generation too generation vpon them that fear him and his rightuousnesse vpon their childrens childrē Also in the same Psalm The Lord is merciful and gentle slow too anger great in mercy he dealeth not with vs according too our iniquities neither rewardeth he vs according too our misdéedes but as high as the heauen is aboue the earth so much hath his mercy surmounted towards them that feare him As the father pitieth his children so doth the Lord pitie thē that feare him There be many such testimonies of scripture which set out vntoo vs the vnspeakable loue and mercy of God and shew the largenesse of the same loue and mercy and the effect and applying therof For the largenes of gods mercy is séene in these poynts that it extendeth it selfe vntoo thousandes that it filleth the earth that God pitieth as the father pitieth his owne children The effect or frute of it is séene in this that it taketh away sinne that it iustifieth sinners that it acquiteth of y e due penaltie This mercy is groūded in his sone bicause he by offring himself in sacrifice hath satisfied Gods iustice by his obedience towards the law of God hath purchased rightuousnesse vntoo vs. This mercy is applied too them that loue God feare him kéepe his commaundements that is too them that beléeue in Christ which through faith performe new obedience But as touching this matter more is to be spoken in the second place Let vs héere consider more déepely the woords of the text God so loued the vvorld sayth he Who loueth God Whom loueth he The world Héer stay thy self think vpon this woord He loueth this world Ergo his healthfull louingnesse perteyneth not to the Iewes only for they ar but a péece of y e world He loueth the world Ergo he loueth not only a certeine few of y e world as the holy vertuous y t are in the world but rather Chryst cam into y e world of purpose to saue y e sinners What meneth he then by the world Al men that are in y e world Behold the Lamb of God saith Iohn which taketh away y e sinnes of the world And agein gods wil is y t al men shuld be saued As often therfore as we héer y t God loueth the world let vs think our selues to be a parcel of that world which he loueth How falles it out then y t he loueth vs cōsidering y t we are sinners God findeth two things in vs. One whiche he himselfe hath made and another which cōmeth of our selues That we are men consisting of soule body it procéedeth of him This his creature God loueth But that we are sinners we haue it not of him but it procéeeeth of our selues This dooth God hate for the
set forth the gospel concerning the chéef shepherd Iesus Chryst his care toward his shéepe and that to this intent that the faithfull ministers of the woord might in their doctrine life and charge folow the example of this shepherd Hithertoo concerning the occasion why this present Gospell is red as this day The summe of the Gospell is that lyke as Chryst professeth himselfe too be the true shepherd and to haue a care of his shéepe So on the contrary parte he testifieth that there bée woolues that lie in wait for his flock whom the hirelings séeing doo flée away leaue the shéepe too be torne in péeces by the wolues against the falsenesse of whom the Lord promiseth that he himselfe will looke to his shéepe he declareth that he hath yet other shéepe which he will bring togither that there may be made one fold and one shepherd The places are thrée 1 Of Christ the shepherd and other true shepherds 2 Of the Woolfe the hireling the fléeing of the hireling 3 Of Chrystes shéepe of their marke and of the vnitie of the shéepfold ¶ Of the firste IN the first place concerning the shepherd Chryst we haue two things The one is what is his towardnesse the other what are his benefits towards his church Now as touching Chryst the shepherd wée must alwais beare in mynd the cōfession of Thomas which we herd an eight dayes ago For wheras he saith my Lord and my God first he cōfesseth him whom he speaketh too too bée the same man that had bin crucified and dead whom he now acknowledgeth too bée risen agein from the dead in déede Secondly he confesseth also the same mā to be very God for he sayth my God Thirdly he confesseth this man God to be one person For he sayth not my Lords but my Lord. Fourthly he cōfesseth this God and man one person which is both God man too bée his sauior For he is my Lord hath charge of mée and he is my God that hath taken mée intoo his tut●on and fauor Therfore he confesseth Chryst to be the true Messias and Sauiour of the world and consequently that true shepherd that was promised of old time of whom Zach 10. I wil raise vp a shepherde vppon the earth Him doth Peter call the shepherd Bishop of our soules This haue I spoken bréefly of Thomas confession concerning Chryst the shepherd too the entent we may vnderstande what is the towardnesse or inclination of this our shepherd Now let vs héer our Lords woords I sayth he am the good shepherd but what dooth the good shepherd The good shepherd giueth his life for his sheepe That is to say he is a good shepherd which loueth his shéepe so well that he wil rather suffer death than leaue his shéepe to be a pray too théeues and to bée torne of the wolues This promis he confirmed also by his déede for he suffred a most shamefull death for his shéepe Wée haue herd how great Chrystes loue is towards his shéepe Now that we may behold his benefits which he bestoweth of his méere goodnesse we will apply the similitude of a shepherd of shéepe to Chryst our shepherd What then dooth a good shepherd First he gathereth his shéepe togither secondly he goeth before them thirdly he leadeth them forth intoo pastures fourthly he féedeth them fifthly he watcheth them sixthly he ruleth them seuenthly he defendeth them eightly he healeth them that bée hurt ninthly he fetcheth in thē that stray with his shepherds hooke and tenthly he bringeth them home when he hath fed them All these benefites dooth Chryst perfourme spiritually too his church First therfore Chryst our shepherd gathereth his shéep togither But how by the preaching of the Gospel This begā he too doo by and by after the fal of our first parēts For in spirit he was present with the Prophets and gathered many shéepe vnto him Afterward he came himself to séeke the lost shéepe And at this day he giueth preachers too gather shéepe in his name Secondly he goeth before his shéepe How In persecution and in glorie In persecution whē he suffred diuers miseries in this life which the saincts also must néedes tast of And in glory when by rising ageine from death he entered intoo the glory of heauen whom in their time all shall folow as many as bée his true shéepe Thirdly he leadeth them foorth too féede into most plesant and fine medowes as Dauid saith in the .23 Psalm he made me sit downe in well growen pastures to the waters of refreshment shall he leade mée Fourthly when he hath led them intoo the medowes he féedeth them with his woorde with his spirit With his spirit when he comforteth them and strengthneth them within and with his woord when his gospel is preached wherby faith is conceiued too beléeue vpon this shepheard Fifthly he watcheth them sitteth as it were in a watch-toure too foresée that no body fal vpon his shéepe vnbewares And this dooth he by his Angels by the faithful ministers of his woorde by the godly Magistrate and too bée short by good gouernors in families ▪ common weales and housholdes ▪ Sixthly he ruleth them namely with his spirit his word and his discipline Whervpon Dauid saith The Lorde ruleth mée and nothing shall be wanting to mée In a place of pasture hath he setled mée Seuenthly he defendeth them Wherupon Paule saith if God bée on our side who can be against vs And Dauid Although I walk in the valey of the shadow of death I wil not feare any harme bicause thou art with me Thy rod and thy staffe they haue comforted me Eightly he healeth them that bée hurt for as shéepe are oftentimes atteinted with thornes venims which are healed by the skilful shepherd so Chryst our shepherd doth cure and heale his shéep that are hurt with the thornes of euil conditions and the venim of poysoned doctrine Wherupon the .146 Psalm saith which healeth the woūded in hart bindeth vp their sores Ezech. 34. I wil féede my shéepe I wil make thē sit down I wil séeke that which was lost I will bring ageine that which was cast away I wil binde toogither that which was broken I wil strengthen y t which was weake Ninthly he fetcheth in them that stray with his shéephook while he lodeth them with the crosse and as it were casteth a sna●●le vpon their heads If that good shepherd should not doo so many shéepe would through the delights prosperities of this world bée led away from Christes flocke and cast them selues intoo the mouthes of the woolues Wherupon Dauid saith of himself It is good for mée o Lord that thou hast brought mée low that I might lerne thy Iustifications Lastly when he hath fedde them he leadeth them home Chryst gathereth féedeth defendeth and cureth his shéepe in this world as in a wildernesse of a forein realme But at the last day he shall conuey
bothe eternal and present punishment Héer had hée bin for●●● for sorowe if hée had not herd the comforte of the Prophete in Gods roume Thou shalt not die the Lorde hath taken away thy sinne At the hearing of this comforte fayth kindled in him wherby taking holde vpon the releasement began too beholde the mercie of God and rested vpon the mediatour Wée haue hearde a late a moste goodlye example in the Publicane whoo in suche wise acknowledged the greatnesse of his det that hée durst not so muche as lift vp his eyes And yet hauing bearde of the greatnesse of Gods mercie hée rayseth himselfe by faith and prayeth O God bée mercifull too mée a sinner And so hée obteyned a frée discharge of y e whole dette Let vs set before vs these exāples which playnly shew vs the doctrine of repentance and fogiuenesse of sinnes That forgiuenesse of sinnes is the frée releasement of the dette which happeneth too him that repenteth and fléeth too Gods mercie for Chrysts sake And although this release bée vtterly frée as in respect of our selues ye● if wée looke vppon Chryst who for our sinnes suffered dreadfull punishment there is made satisfaction too God for our det Let vs therfore marke wel this woord releasement which of itselfe alone conteyneth in it right manyfolde Doctrine First it ouerthroweth the Moonkish doctrine of satisfaction For if saluation befall men through releasement of the dette according too the Gospell what a madnesse is it too say that saluation happeneth for satisfaction of the det for releasemēt and payment doo so fight one ageynst an other that they can inn● wise stand both in one respecte Secondly it ouerthroweth all merites of men For howe 〈◊〉 that bée of merite which is of frée gift Paul sayth openly Unto him that woorketh rewards is giuen not of fauour but of duetie but vntoo him that woorketh not but beléeueth in him that iustifieth the vngodly his fayth is imputed too him for rightuousnesse ▪ According wherewit● Dauid also sayth Blissed are they whose iniquities are forgiuen and whose sinnes are couered Thirdly the woord of releasment ouerthroweth satisfaction which the Papists teach ▪ whiche satisfaction muste bée made as they beare men in hand by pilgrimages fastings almes déedes Also it quencheth the fire of Purgatorie For if the det bée released why is the detter punished Lastly this woord releasement openeth vntoo wretched sinners the gate of grace in the conflict of death it is the hauen of saluation and it is the welspring of al comfort And thus much concerning the first place ¶ Of the second BIcause this text cōcerning the parable of the creditor sheweth how gret gods loue mercy are toward mankind ▪ I will speake somewhat therof The mercy of God is of twoo sortes The one is vniuersall wherthrough he suffereth the sunne too rise vppon the good and bad and the other is particuler wherewith as a most déere father he embraceth the Churche of his sonne Of which Christ speaketh in the third of Iohn So God loued the world that he gaue his only begotten sonne too the intent that euery one which beléeueth in him should not perish but haue life euerlasting Our heauenly father could not by any greater recorde haue declared his mercy towards vs than in giuing his sonne who might by his death redéeme ●● from deserued damnation and giue vs euerlasting life Therefore as ofte as wée héere Gods mercy named let vs thinke th●●● things First let vs thinke how great the miserie of mankinde is before he bée receyued intoo fauoure Mankinde lieth vnder foote and wounded by the Diuell with whose venime being moreouer poys●●ed he breatheth nothing but sin for which he is subiect too eternall paines 2. The causes of this miserie are too bée thought vppon which are partly the sinnes of our first parents and also our owne filthinesse For although that by the fall of them wée hée bound vntoo the sentence of damnation yet notwithstanding by our owne 〈…〉 from day too day we are boūd too sorer punishments 3 The louingnesse of God and his gentlenesse toowards mankinde is too bée thought vpon For the louing kindnesse sayth Paule and the gentlenesse of God our Sauiour appéered vntoo all men What greater louing kindnesse could there 〈◊〉 than that he hath not cast vs away for so great shamefulnesse and filth 4. Is too bée thought vppon the raunsome that is too wit the Sacrifice of the sonne whereby mannes misery is reléeued and sinne abolished Him that knewe no sinne he made 〈◊〉 that wée might bée made the rightuousnesse of God in him 2. Cor. 5. 5 Is too bée thought vpon the way by which wée may come too the possession of Gods mercy That way is shewed in the first place and is none other than true repentance 6 Is too bée thought how far foorth Gods mercy stretcheth that it is not belonging too a fewe or too the men of one age but indifferently too all that feare him For the holie virgin béeing taught by the spirit of Chryst whom shée had conceyued by the holy Ghost singeth in this wise Gods mercie is from generation too generation too them that feare him that is too all that repent 7 Is too bée thought vppon continuall thankfulnesse in all the whole life that wée may glorifie GOD for his so greate mercie with hart mouth profession and behauiour 8 Wée must thinke howe wée may bée héedfull in framing our whole life that wée lose not so greate a benefite through our owne fault as this detter did ¶ Of the thirde THe third thing that I purposed vpon is of mutuall forgiuing eche others skapes that are woonte too happen For this goeth iointly with beléefe of forgiuenesse of sins Nowe there are twoo things y t go ioyntlye with beléefe of remission of sinnes Namely Grace Gifte Grace is the very Iustification it selfe whereby Chrystes rightuousnesse is imputed too them that beléeue and their sinnes cléerely are forgyuen Of this wée haue spoken in the firste place Gifte is the very bestowing of the holy Ghost wherthrough a man that is iustified by faith only is toogither therwithal regenerated and sanctified that is too say is mortified in the fleshe and quickened in the spirit The flesh is mortified when the custome of sinning is abolished and the spirite is quickened when wée begin to performe new obedience vnto God A certeine parcell of this quickening is mutuall forgiuing wherby eche of vs forgiue other their misdéedes and displeasures Howe necessarie this forgiuenesse is this dayes Gospel sheweth most euidently as I sayd at the entrance intoo it Chryst hath commaunded vs too pray forgiue vs our dets as wée forgiue our detters For Christ wil haue vs too folow his fathers exāple How bée it there are twoo kindes of men that offende vs. Some as soone as they perceiue themselues too haue offended doo by and by in humble wise desire forgiuenesse But as touching those that procéed too offend
this case the minister of the woorde must instructe hym that so confesseth hym selfe And if he knowe him hée muste lay before him the sinnes that hée hath perceyued by hym He muste shewe him the greatenesse of Gods wrath towarde vnrepentant persons And on the other side if in confessing himselfe he bée sorie for his sinne and promise amendement he must comfort him with the promises of the Gospell And if he say hée beléeueth the promises the minister must in Chrystes name assure him that GOD is at one with him and denounce vntoo him the forgiuenesse of hys sinnes in the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost warnyng hym earnestly too shun sin héerafter that the end of him become not worse than the begynnyng And thus much concerning the seconde kinde of confession and the absolution that answereth the same As concerning the publike confession and absolutiō I must entreat therof at another time also of the Confession y t is made to the brethren whom we haue offended ¶ Of the thirde NOw remaineth that we tell whiche is the right vse and lawfull meditation of this holy Supper Then sith this holy Supper of Chryst is the Sacrament of our redemption by the sacrifice of Chryst these things are orderly too bée consydered and earnestly weyed in the receyuing of this holy Supper Fyrst the Communicants must call too minde the cause of Christes death namely the synne of mankynd Rom. 4. He died for our sinnes Esay 43. He smote him for oure iniquities The seconde thing that is too be thought vpon is the ende of Chrystes sacrifice whiche is the redéemyng of vs from the bondage of sin and death 2. Corinth 5. For he hath made him too be sinne which knew no sinne that we by his meanes should bée that rightuousnesse whiche is allowed before God 1. Iohn 1. The blud of Iesus Chryste clenzeth vs from all iniquitie Iohn the first Chryst is the Lamb of God that taketh away the sinnes of the world Thirdly by the excellencie of this sacrifice we must consider how greate the wrath of GOD must néedes haue bin ageynst Synne which could not bée appeased by any other sacrifices than the one sacrifice of the only begotten sonne of God Fourthly the excéeding greate mercie of GOD is too bée thought vpon who would receiue vs wretched sinners intoo fauour for the satisfaction of his sonne Fifthly the great loue of the sonne of GOD is too bée thought vpon who taking mans nature vpon hym was cōtent to become a sacrifice for vs and too remoue gods wrath vntoo himselfe and satisfie Gods iustice with the punishmēt of the crosse All these things will the sonne of God haue vs too thinke vpon when he biddeth this supper too bée made in remembrance of hym When wée thus muse vpon these things beholdying Gods wrath there riseth vp a sorowfulnesse and by thinking vpvon Gods mercie and the propiciatorie sacrifice there springeth vp faith out of both which there issueth thankfulnesse confession pacience and other vertues of which this supper putteth vs in minde Too bée short as the Sonne of God maketh a couenaunt with vs too receiue vs mercifully so let vs on the other side make a couenaunt with him too beléeue him and to receiue his benefits thankfully Whiche thing that wée may vnfaynedly doo Iesus Chryst the maker of this supper graunt vntoo vs. And vntoo him with the father and the holy ghost bée honour and glorie for euer Amen The Passion of our Lord Iesus Christ according too the order of the storie compiled by laying the foure Euangelists toogither ANd vvhen they had sung an hymn Iesus going out vvēt as he vvas vvōt ouer the broke Cedron intoo mount Oliuet and his Disciples folovved him Then sayde hee vntoo them All you shall suffer offence by mee this night For it is vvritten I vvil strike the shepperd and the sheepe of the flock shall bee scattered But vvhen I am risen ageyn I vvil go before you Intoo Galilee And Peter ansvvering sayd vntoo him Though al be offended by thee yet vvill I neuer bee offended Iesus sayd vntoo him verely I say vntoo thee that this night before the Cocke crovve tvvice thou shalt denye mee thryce But he sayd more earnestly No though I should dye vvith thee yet vvill I not denie thee In likevvise also sayde all his other Disciples Then came Iesus vvith them intoo a tovvne that is called Gethsemany vvhere vvas a garden intoo vvhich he entred and his disciples with him And Iudas the traytor knew the place bycause Iesus had oftentimes resorted thyther with his Disciples Then Iesus sayde vnto them Syt yee here while I goe and pray yonder And taking with him Peter Iames and Iohn the two sonnes of Zebedee hee began too be abashed and too bee heauy and too bee greeuously vexed And hee sayde too them my soule is heauie euen vntoo deathe Tarry yee heere and watche with me and pray that yee fall not into temptation And he went from them as it were a stones cast and kneeling downe fell flat too the ground vppon his face and prayed that if it were possible that houre might passe from him saying Abba father All things are possible too thee Let this cup passe from mee Neuerthelesse not as I will but as thou wilt And he came to his Disciples and findyng them a sleepe sayd vnto Peter Simon art thou a slepe Couldest thou not do so much as watch one houre with mee Awake yee and praye that yee enter not intoo temptation Verely the spirit is ready but the fleshe is weake Ageine hee went away the second time and prayed saying Father if this cup can not passe from mee but that I must needes drinke of it thy will bee doone And returning hee found them ageine asleepe For their eyes were heauie and they wist not what to answere Then leauing them hee went his way ageine and prayed the thirde tyme the same woords saying If thou wilt thou canst remoue this cup from me Neuerthelesse thy will bee doone and not myne And there appeered to him an Angell from heauen that comforted hym And being striken wyth sorowe hee prayed very long and his swet was as droppes of blud tricklyng downe vppon the grounde And when hee was risen vp from his prayers and was come ageyne too his Disciples he found them a sleepe for very pensiuenesse And hee said vntoo the Sleepe yee from henceforth and take your rest VVhy sleepe yee it is ynough Beholde the houre is at hande and the Sonne of man is deliuered intoo the handes of sinners Vp let vs go he is at hand that betrayeth mee But pray yee least yee enter intoo temptation And by and by while he was yet speaking Beholde Iudas one of the twelue hauyng taken a band of men and officers of the high Preests and the Phariseys and the elders and the Scribes with a greate company folowing him came thither with lanternes and torches
his disciples forsooke him What suffered he in the house of Cayphas He was mocked with false witnesses he was rayled vpon beyond measure and he catched a blowe of the preests seruaunt What suffered he in the consistorie of the Préests He was charged with false witnesses he was scoffed at he was spit in the face he was buffetted he was striken blindféeld and bidden gesse who strake him What suffred he in Herods house He was scorned by the tyrant and all his whole court and in token of vtter contempt Herod clothed Iesus in a faire garment and sent him backe agein vntoo Pylate What suffered hée in the common hall There is he accused false witnesses are brought in ageinst him he is demaunded too bée crucified for more despite Pylates men of warre put a purple garment vpon him A crown of thorne is set vpon his head a réede is giuen him in his right hand and in crouching knéeling vntoo him he is scoffed at with this taunt Hayle king of Iewes they spit in his face they buffetted him his most holy head was strikē with cudgels and in y e end at the request of the préest the whole people he was condemned too the crosse a most vile kind of death What suffered he after his condemnation There is laide vpon his shoulders the tymber of the crosse wherevpon he should bée nayled hée is crucified betwéene two théeues too the intent he should bée déenied the wickeddest of them al as he hangeth on the crosse there is giuen him vineger and gall too drink and at length in these most gréeuous torments he dieth Héereby it appereth how bitter punishment the sonne of God our Lorde Iesus Chryst endured But of what things shall the gréeuousnesse of his punishment put vs in minde Sure of many things and specially of foure For first is séene the greatnesse of Gods wrath ageynst sinne For our sinne had so prouoked the wrath of God that it would not bée pacified but by the sonne of god who taking mans nature vppon him supplyeth our roome and satisfieth Gods iustice Secondly héere is séene the filthinesse of sinne For according too the qualitie of the misdéede doo the punishments also varie A traytour is punished vpon the whéele a théef on the galowes a murtherer with the swoorde and a childe offending with a rod. But the sonne of God suffered a moste shamefull death and a death that was accursed in Gods law By which thing is signified howe abhominable sinne is in the sight of God Thirdly is séene the humbling of Gods sonne who was abased beneath all creatures by whiche humbling of himselfe he testifieth his loue towards mankinde for the redéeming of whom he abode so great things Fourthly is séene the horrible and vnappeasable hatred of the Iewes ageinst the Sauior that was sent vntoo them And although nothing is héere doone more than God had determined should bée doone For Chrysts Passion was long time before prefigured and foretold by the holy Prophets of God as Peter sayth in y e first Chapter of the first Epistle yet notwithstanding the Iewes did not this thing too the intent too obey or accomplyshe the purpose of God but too satisfie their owne hatred For the nature of the woorld is such that if any man rebuke the wickednesse thereof any thing sharply it séekes too rid them out of the way too the intent it may sinne the more licentiously Let this bréefe saying suffize for the first part ¶ Of the second WE haue séene of what sort Chrysts passion was now concerning that which I haue promised in the seconde place I will shew what estimation Chrysts passion is of before God and what frute groweth therof What estimation then is it of before God The passion of our Lord Iesus Christ is the sacrifice propiciatorie wherin the euerlasting sonne of God becomming man and being appoynted by God too bée the euerlasting préest offered himselfe by the euerlasting spirite too the euerlasting father that by this his oblation he might pacifie Gods wrath and make amends for the fault and punishment of mankind too the intent that all which beléeue or shall beléeue in him might by him bée sanctified vntoo eternal life according too that saying of Iohn in his .xvij. chapter for these doo I sanctifie my self Héerby is manifested how great is the estimatiō of our Lordes passion and what frute redoundeth thereof too vs men vpon condition that we rest vpon Chryst by lyuely Fayth Chryst béeing ordeined mediator betwéene vs and God doth by his sacrifice that is too say by his death and passion pacifie Gods wrath he himself being the préest offreth himself vp too God and that is too the intent too deliuer vs from deserued damnation ▪ Wée sée therfore that ther be fiue things in this sacrifice First the préest is Chryste himselfe 2. The sacrifice or thing that is offered vp is the Prest himselfe 3. God is he to whom this sacrifice is offred vp 4. The world is it for which this oblation is made 5. The bargain couenant is that this oblatiō turneth too the welfare of the faithfull only But howe can it come too passe that the death of Chryste alone shoulde make sufficient and full amends for the sinnes of the whole worlde Beholde the Lambe of God sayth Iohn which taketh away the sinnes of the world For of the vndiuidable and vnspeakable vnion of the Godhead and māhood in one person groweth the woorthinesse estimation and endlesse merite of all the woorkes and passions of Chryste Therfore when it is sayd The sonne of man hath redéemed vs by the desert of his passion a woork of inestimable price and incomparable value is named bycause the same sonne of man that hath suffered is also God Also the death of the Sonne of man is a satisfaction bicause it is the death of such a man as is God The obedience of the Sonne of man is our rightuousnesse bicause it is the obedience of a man that is GOD. So the sonne of man forgiueth sinnes bicause hée is God The fleshe of Chryst is the foode of life bicause it is the flesh of a man that is God And although the Godhead in Chryst suffred not but his manhood only as sayth Peter Chryst suffred in the fleshe yet his passion extendeth too his whole person In so muche that what so euer reproche is doone too Chrystes manhod the same redoundeth too the reproche of his whole person according too this sentence they haue crucifyed the Lord of glorie In consideration wherof the Churche confesseth the sonne of God too haue suffred bicause hée suffred in the manhod which he had taken vpon him Of what estimation our Lordes passion is before God it is already sayd and also what is the frute therof in general Howbéeit now to the intent the frute of oure Lordes passion may bée séene the better I wil deuide it intoo partes These therfore are the frutes The first is y t obedience
is performed Phi. 2. He humbled himself and became obediēt euen vntoo the death of y e crosse The seconde is that the Deuil is ouercome For this purpose sayth Iohn appéered Chryst that he might destroy the works of the Deuil according too the first promise The womans séede shall tread down the Serpents head The thirde is that man is saued from sinne and iustified Behold sayth Iohn the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world Also Rom. 4. He dyed for our sins 2. Cor. 5. Him that knew no sin he made sin that wée might bée made the rightuousnesse of GOD in him that is too say he made Chryste a sacrifice for sinne that through his rightuousnesse we might be made rightuous before God The fourth is that the Iewes and Gentiles are made equall according too that saying Ephes. 2. For hée is our peace whiche made bothe one and hath broken down the wall that was a stop betwéene vs and hath also put away through his flesh the cause of hatred that is too say the law of commaundementes conteyned in the law written too make of twaine one new man in himselfe so making peace that he might reconcile both vntoo God in one body through his crosse The fifth is that death is abolished Osée 13. O Death I wil be thy death Too be bréefe Chrystes sacrifice is oure redemption For it is the price payd for vs wherewith God is pacified man redéemed the Deuil ouercome yea all thinges in heauen earth put vnder one head which is Chryste Ephes. 1. ¶ Of the third THe godly helthfull minding of our Lordes passion may bée brought intoo sixe partes whiche Christen folk ought too think vpon not only at this time but all the time of their whole life For the godly minding weying of these partes dooth not onely confute those whiche in the Papacie thinke them selues too haue discharged their dutie if they say ouer so many Pater nosters and Aue maries knéeling before Idols set vp for a supersticious seruice of God but also woonderfully strengthneth and comforteth the godly I wil therefore set out the sixe partes of this minding The first is that therby wil come too our mind how great the wrath of GOD must néedes haue bin for the sinnes of men which could not bée appeased by the woork of any creature but that of necessitie the onely begotten Sonne of God must die too pacifie Gods wrath by making this rightful satisfaction for sinne The second is that therby wil come too our remembrance how vnmeasurable and vnsercheable hath bin the mercie of God the Father who rather would that his onely begotten Sonne should suffer moste bitter death than that mankinde whome hée had created shoulde perishe Peraduenture thou 〈◊〉 ●urmise that God coulde haue deliuered mankinde by some other meanes What art thou that wilt teache God what he might haue done Think thou vpon Gods Iustice and mercy togither For as his mercy moued him too saue so his iustice moued him too looke for rightfull amends of the wrong Man sinned and for so doing he must either perish or make amends Nowe man béeing no more but man could not satisfie Gods Iustice and other than man none ought too doo it Gods wisdome therfore found through mercie a remedie in this case which was that the eternal sonne of God should become man by meanes wherof he both was able too satisfie Gods iustice bicause he was God and ought too doo it bicause he had taken mans nature vpon him Thus in Chrysts Passion appéereth mercie too bée mixte with iustice and wisedome hath tempered them both The thirde is that thereby will come too mynde the moste excellent and vnspeakable loue of the Sonne of God towards mankinde who vouchsaued too turne the wrathe of his Father too him selfe and too abyde so slaunderous a Death and that for his enimies as Paule beareth witnesse Rom. 5. The fourth is that thereby will come too minde the true meane whereby the frute of our Lordes Passion may bée applyed too thee so as it may bée for thy soule health This applying of it is brought too passe thrée wayes by the woord by fayth and by the Sacrament By the woorde as it were by the hande of GOD is the benefite of the Lordes passion offered vntoo thée where and as often as the Gospell of Iesus Chryst is preached and the ministers of the woorde do in Gods stéede shewe the frute of our Lordes Passion too all that héere the Gospell Ageyne when the benefite of the Lordes Passion is thus offered as it were by the hande of God it must bée receyued by Faith as it were a certeyn hande of man the which Fayth the holy Ghost woorketh in men that héere the Gospell and obey it Furthermore it is sealed vp with either Sacramente of Baptim and of the Lordes supper and the strength and vse therof is painted out as it were in tables like as wée heard yesterday Therfore when thou rehersest the Article of thy beléefe concerning the Passion of the Lorde persuade thy selfe firmely and beléeue most assuredly that the sonne of GOD suffered death for thée Which thing if thou doo thou art partaker of the Lords death in so muche that all the whole obedience of Chryst is thy acquitall from sinne and thy righteousnesse But there is a double obedience too bée marked in Christ his obedience of the Crosse and his obedience of the lawe which was his perfect fulfilling of the same Like as his obedience too the crosse is our clensing from sinne so his obedience of the law is imputed to vs for our righteousnesse Rom. 5. The fifth is that when wée bée thus made partakers of the Lords passion through faith it wil come too our remembrance what is the lotte of the godly in this lyfe For like as Christ hath suffered so will he haue the rest of the godly too suffer that they may bée comformable too the image of the sonne of God Whervpon Paule in the sixt too the Romans sayth For therefore doo wée suffer with him that wée may bée glorified togither with him The sixt is that we shal call too minde what thing Chryste who hath redéemed vs with his own blud requireth at our hands For now sith we are redéemed by him wée must obey him What willeth he First that wee should renounce his enimie the diuil Secōdly y t we should flée sin that we offend not God ageine wittingly and willingly with our sinnes Thirdly that we giue our selues too holinesse and godlinesse and that wée serue him in true feare all the dayes of our life Which thing if wée doo wée shall obteyne the ende of our fayth that is the euerlasting saluation of our soules Whiche God the Father graunt vntoo vs through Iesus Chryst our Lorde Amen Easter day The Storie of the Resurrection of our Lorde Iesus Chryst compiled by laying toogither with the foure Eaangelists AS soone as the Sabboth daye
amendmente and our owne soule helth is in hand whiche Chryste offreth vntoo all sinners that repent Too him therfore bée honoure for euermore Amen Vpon the .iiij. Sunday after Trinitie ¶ The Gospell Luke vj. BE yee mercyful as your father also is mercyfull Iudge not and yee shall not bee iudged condemne not and yee shall not bee condemned Forgiue and yee shall bee forgiuen Giue and it shall bee giuen vntoo you good measure and pressed dovvne and shaken togither and running ouer shall men giue vntoo your bosomes For vvith the same measure that yee mete vvithall shall other men mete too you ageyn And he put forth a similitude vnto them Can the blind lead the blind Doe they not both fall intoo the ditche The disciple is not aboue his master Euery man shall bee perfect euen as his maister is VVhy seest thou a mote in thy brothers eye but considerest not the beame that is in thine ovvne eye Fither hovv canst thou say to thy brother Brother let me pull out the mote that is in thine eye vvhen thou seest not the beame that is in thine ovvne eye first thou hypocrite cast out the beame out of thine ovvne eye then shalt thou see perfectly too pull out the mote that is in thy brothers eye The exposition of the Text. THis Sermon of Chrysts perteyneth too the third part of Repentance For yée know that there bée thrée partes of Repentance Sorynesse faith and new obedience or amendmēt of lyfe Sorynesse acknowledgeth the sinne and hateth and shunneth it Faith fléeth vntoo Chryst who deliuereth from sinne and iustifieth them that beléeue New obedience consisteth in four things which are Reuerence towardes God holinesse of lyfe in euery man too himself loue of our neyghbour and diligence in that vocation too which euery man is called Now for as much as these bée the partes amendment of lyfe Chryst in this Gospel frameth an exhortatiō to charitie or loue towards our neighbour the which he implyeth héere vnder his partes And bycause that mercy towardes our neighbour is as it were the first imp of it he exhorteth vntoo mercy by which he méeneth al maner of duties which we owe one to another in this life For what soeuer one oweth too another when he hath payde it he is no longer a detter sauing only of loue which we can not so fully pay but that we must always remayne detters Whervpon Paule Rom. 13. Owe nothing too any man but that yée loue one another Now too the intent wée may the more cléerly vnderstand this Gospell I will speake of two things 1 What bée the woorks of loue or of mercy which is commended vntoo vs in this place 2 What bée the reasons wherewith Chryst exhorteth vs héer too shew mercy that is too say too the woorkes of charitie towards our neighbour ¶ Of the firste BE yee mercifull c When the sonne of God exhorteth his Disciples vntoo mercy he giueth vs to vnderstād both of what mind wée ought too bée one towards another and also that in this life by reason of many infirmities eche hath néede of others helpe Which lesson if they which wil be called Christians would in these dayes beare well away there should bée lesse debate and lesse mischéefe Wée will all of vs bée called Chrysts disciples but no man wil do that he commaundeth The seruant obeyeth the commaundement of his master the handmayde hath hir eye wayting vpon his mistresse yea there is no man but he giueth more eare too his superiors in this world than many that wil bée called Christians doo giue too Chryst their God and Sauiour who hanged vppon the Crosse for them and earned heauen for them And what is the cause Forsooth for that they are Christians in worde only and not in hart For he that is a Christian in very déed mindeth nothing so muche as too obey his master Chryst of whom hée hath both his name saluation Wherfore I admonishe you too lay aside that fleshly carefulnesse too obey Chryst and diligently too marke out of this Gospel what duties towardes our neighbours hée requireth at oure handes In generall truely hée requireth louingnesse according as he saith too his Disciples Loue yee one another as I haue loued you In this they shall know you too be my Disciples if yée shal loue one another And nothing else requireth he héer when hee sayth bee merciful For they that loue are merciful they that bée merciful doo loue So the fountaine sheweth the water and the water the fountaine How bée it Christ in this place did therfore vse the woord Mercy bicause hée sheweth the nature of true loue This mercy whiche procéedeth out of loue is commended by Chryste too his Disciples in this Gospel consisteth of foure parts Of whiche the first is in the very harte and is a certaine curtesie and wel liking wherethrough wée co●●ter all things of our neighbour too the bell and always hope for better of him This curtesie dooth Chryste note by r●●●ouing the contrary when he sayth ▪ Iudge not Héeruppon the Apostle ▪ Cor. 13. Loue thinketh no euill And this is the mening of the 〈…〉 There is no cause then that any mā shoulde thinke that by this saying iudge not iudgemente is taken away eyther concerning the difference of vertues and vices in men concerning the duetie of housholders schoolem●ysters ciuill Magistrates and ministers of Gods woord or c●nserning brotherly reproofe when it is due wherby one ought t●● 〈◊〉 backe another in too the way when hee goe thamisse according too Chrystes commaundemente B●t onely that scope of the minde wherby wée take vpon vs the libertie too misdéeme other folke contrary too the rule of charitie For in respecte of iudgemente concerning the difference of things honest and dishonest the law of GOD is a grounded and vnmoueable rule vntoo vs. For whatsoeuer thing Gods law calleth dishonest or honest we also must déem the same to be so in likewise For what a blockishnesse were it not to discerne these things Wée muste therefore iudge and put a difference betwéene the tirannie of Nero and the gentlenesse of Fabritius and so of the rest Maysters of housholdes haue commaundemēt too bring vp their children in nurture and chastisement of the Lorde Also Salomon wil haue Fathers and Moothers too chasten their children And Hely the high Preest was punished bicause when hée saw his sonnes Ophne and Phinees behaue thē selues amisse in the seruice of God for they st●le away the better partes of the Sacrifises and also in their life for they defiled them selues with fornication he did not correct them with fatherly iudgemēt Héerby it is manifest that the saying of Chryst taketh not awaye the duties of Housholders whiche surely they cannot execute without iudgement and discerning betwéene things wel doone things doone amisse Ag●in what should schoolesmaisters do without iudgement For some scholers are too bée compelled too their duetie by beating and a
bicause yée must folow him into the wildernesse wheras is y e crosse famin woolues a thousand deadly daungers but rather that wée lift vp our minds intoo heauen where Chryst sitteth at the right hand of the father in heauenly glory For we that are his mēbers shal by none other way come intoo heauen than by the same that he we●● whoo is our head He in this life endured hunger cold and other distresses let vs also beare the lyke paciently Which thing if wée do wée shall one day bée glorified with him ¶ Of the second ANd the Lord said to his disciples I haue pity of this people bicause they haue folovved me novv these three dayes and haue nothing to eate And if I shal send thē avvay to their ovvn houses they vvil faint by the vvay In these woords is described the affection of Chryst toward the people y t folowed him He is sory for the hunger of their bodies much more it is to be thought y t he was sory for the hunger of their soules For as the soule is much nobler than the body so y e hunger of y e soul is much more hurtful What thē dooth the merciful Lord He féedeth the body w t bodily food the soul with ghostly food He féedes the body with earthly bread the soul with heauenly bread y t is with gods woord Héer our reasō which wil séeme to haue skil in gods matters though it be but foolish demaūdeth What is not Chryst God why then did he not woorke a miracle féede them out of hand or why did he not sustein them without bread He wold not alter y e order or nature w tout a great cause And the order appoynted by God is y t like as the body is fedde with bread so the soul should bée nourished and susteyned by Gods woord And this is it that is spoken in Moyses Man liueth not only by bread but by euery woord that procéedeth out of the mouth of God Therefore it is not his wil y t we should loke for any thing cōtrary to this order appoynted by God but that we should leane vnto his heauēly mercy looking for help at his hād in time conueniēt This order established by God madbraind heads do inuent It is written of two Hermites that fell among théeues and had not aught too eate that when they had endured hunger a great whyle and that one of the Théeues at lengthe taking pitie vpon them gaue them bread too eate The one of them sayd I will eate none vnlesse it bée giuen mée from heauen But the other tooke it with thanksgiuing ate it and anone ●●ter he that looked for bread from heauen dyed for hunger whereas the other escaped that looked for no miracle but tooke the bread that the théeues gaue him as it had bin at the hand of God The Anabaptists also inuert this order at this day Chryst hath commaunded the Gospell too bée preached that the soule may bée nourished with it as spirituall foode But the Anabaptists despysing the woord looke for new reuelations without the woord Whereby it commeth too passe that they fall into the Diuels snares who turneth himselfe intoo an Angell of light too the intent he may throwe them headlong intoo damnation Therefore bicause Chryst would not inuert the order established by God he delayed the miracle But yet at length the affection that he beareth too those that bée his which is greater than the affection of the father towards his children did ouercome him For what maner of affection Chryst beareth towards those that are his not only the Euangelist sheweth in this Gospel when he sayth I take pitie of this people But also the Prophet Esay 49. setteth it out in a most goodly figure Can the moother sayth he forget hir owne chyld y t she should not pitie the sonne of hir owne wombe Although she should forget yet will not I forget thée Beholde I haue written thée vppon my handes Also the Parable of the prodigal childe peynteth out this affection of Chrysts towards those that bée his What shall I say of similitudes parables Chrysts crosse sheweth what maner affection he had towards his owne For he so loued vs when we were yet his foes that he suffred most reprochfull death too redéeme vs. But too what purpose are all these things First too this purpose that wée should put on a childly affection toward God the father our Lord Iesus Christ. Secondly that by falling intoo consideration of his loue towardes vs we shuld in this life hold nothing déerer nothing swéeter nothing preciouser than too submit our selues wholly too his will and too obey his voyce wherein consisteth the perfection of a Christen man in this life Wee read that our father Abraham did so who after he had herd the Lorde say vntoo him Walke before me and bée perfect receiued a commaundement too offer in sacrifice his only begotten sonne Isaac whom Sara had borne vntoo him in his olde age But what dooth he he obeyed Gods wil without delay making ready a bundel of stickes went about too slea his sonne But the Angell of the Lord withhild his hand This being doone God sayd vntoo Abraham Now I know that thou fearest me We sée héer in our father Abraham how earnest he was too obey God sith he wold not spare his only sonne but wold haue killed him at the commaundement of the Lord. But alas for sorow there are many too bée found that will not kill so much as one of their affections at the commaundement of their most mercifull father God so farre of are they from desire of folowing the example of our father Abraham Furthermore Chrystes fatherly example towards vs must put vs in mind of like good will and loue towards our brethren I haue giuen you an ensample sayth he loue ye one another like as I haue loued you ¶ Of the third THis present miracle wherein God with seuen loues and a few small fishes féedeth foure thousand men serueth too this purpose too confirme the truthe of Chrysts Gospel and too encrease the faith of the people that were present wherof I wil say no more at this time But I wil speake somewhat concerning the right vsage of Gods giftes wherby we may bée stirred vp too thankfulnesse towards God and vse Gods blissing aright First therefore this is too bée obserued that the bread encreaseth in the hands of Chryst as he prayeth and giueth thanks too the heauenly father Wherby we are taught that all blissing is of the Lord according as Paule 1. Timoth. 4. teacheth when he sayth All the creatures of God are good Stay héer a litle consider how the things which thou hast as bread and drink are Gods creature and not thy creature Wherfore thou playest the théefe if thou take any thing frō him ageinst his wil. Which thing thou dost as often as thou vsest Gods creatures without thanksgiuing and
the neighbour 3. The causes of obedience that is too say of louing God and oure neighboure 4. The maner of louing 1 The affection that the Lawe requireth is louingnesse which can not please vnlesse it bée pure voyd of hypocrisie For nothing can please God which is painted bicause hée is voyd of all paynting and is holy pure and vncorrupted 2 The obiectes that is too wit the things whereabout the affection of louing must bée occupied are God and oure neighbour 3 The causes of louing God and our neighboure are set downe in the commaundement For God is too bée loued bicause hée is our God and Lord and our neyghbour is too bée loued bicause hée is our neighboure 4 The maner of louing is expressed also For God is too bée loued with all the whole heart with all the whole soule and with all the whole thought and a mannnes neighbour is too be loued as a man loueth himself Howbeit the things that wée haue touched bréefly must bée expounded more at large Loue or charitie in general is an entier affection embracing a thing with fréendly and harty good will in suche wyse as the mynd burneth in desire of it wisheth most wel vntoo it This charitie is of twoo sortes the one of God towardes the creature and the other of the creature towards God and other things Ageine the loue of God towards his creatures is of twoo sortes One vniuersall wherewith he embraceth all his creatures susteyning and vpholding them that they may continue in their state This louingnesse is called also his vniuersall mercy Another is peculiar wherby God with the inward affection of his heart loueth his Churche ryght déerely in his sonne This moued him too giue his sonne according too this saying so God loued the world that he gaue his only begotten sonne This moueth him too giue the holy Ghost This moueth him too preserue the Churche Too bée short this louingnesse maketh him too giue himselfe whole too his Churche The thinking vpon this loue of God wyll comfort vs ageinst the sentence of the Lawe ageinst the bitternesse of the crosse and ageinst temptations at the instant of death Also this louingnesse of God causeth God too chastise his children and ageyne too heale them when hée hathe striken them I haue spoken of Gods loue towards his creatures Now foloweth concerning the loue of the creature toward God men and other things This charitie or loue is the entier affection wherwith man must loue God next God his neighbour as him self This loue of the creature therfore is of two sortes also One wherwith it fauoreth God another wherwith it fauoreth the neighbour Now that loue wherewith it becommeth vs too embrace creatures hath many degrées Of whiche the firste is that whereby wée loue our brethren that are knit vntoo vs by aliance of Chrystes spirite The second is that whereby we fauour those that are bounde vntoo vs by any aliance of the fleshe The third is that wherby wée loue others that are vnknowen vntoo vs. The fourth is that wherby wée endeuour too doo good too our enimies The fifth is that wherby wée fauour eche other creature according too the degrée of their woorthinesse Whiche are the causes of louing God or wherfore doo wée loue GOD. Although it may be sufficiently knowne by the commaundement yet notwithstanding I will repeate the causes more déepely and set eche of them seuerally by it selfe Therefore the loue of man towards God first is kindled by the remembrance of Gods benefites towards vs by thinking vpon the vnmeasurable loue that hée beareth vntoo vs ward Secondly it must bée encreased by the liuely féeling of Gods fauour towards vs whereof wée haue experience euery minute And thirdly it must bée excéedingly enflamed by hope and trust of the good things promised These causes are conteyned in these woordes Loue the Lorde thy God Hée is Lorde that is too say Defendor God that is too say Gouerner and Sauiour and Thine that thou shouldest looke for all good things at his hand Wée haue after a sorte what manner a thing the loue of God is wherwith man ought too loue God and therwithall wée haue séene the causes But what is the maner of louing In what manner and after what sorte must wée loue him That is expressed in the text by these woordes VVith all thy vvhole hart vvith all thy vvhole soule vvith all thy vvhole povver vvith all thy vvhole thought This woord vvhole signifieth thrée things which must go ioyntly with mans loue towards God First that the loue of men towardes God must be perfect secondly that it be pure and thirdly that it be continuall Then are they sayd too loue God with all their whole harte which perfectly purely cōtinually bear an earnest loue towards God so as they fear him onely trust in him only and repose their hope in him only Mē are said too loue God with all their whole soule when their wil is answerable in all things perfectly purely continually too his heauenly will Which thing we pray may take place when we say Thy wil be doone Hée is loued with al a mans whole power whē all the members inward and outward doo perfectly purely continually bend thē selues togither too obey and serue God He is loued with all a mans whole thought when there is no space too be found wherein God is not loued purely perfectly and holily This is the manner of louing God substancially which neuer was in any mā since Adams fal saue only in Christ albeit there be certeine slender beginnings of it in the regenerate Of whiche thing there be foure tokens First too prefer the obedience of God before all things in the world according too this He that loueth me wil kéep my commaundements and my father wil loue him Secondly too vse the holy Misteries reuerently in the fear of God Thirdly too allure others by our example too loue God Fourthly too loue our neighbour for Gods sake Where these foure things méet thou hast euident tokens of loue begone towards God whiche must from day too day take newe encreasement in the regenerate I haue spoken of the first poynt of the lawe that is of the loue toward GOD Now wil I speake of the second point that is too wit of louing our neighbours concerning whiche let these thrée things be obserued The causes of the loue the maner and the order The causes are twaine the one is cōmaundement and the other is nature bicause man is neighbour vntoo man The commaundement of God is that wée shuld one loue another Chryst also giueth this charge Loue yée one onother Too dysobey this commandement is a most heinous offence The other cause is nature soothly for that man is neighbour too man and that many wayes as in respect of creation in respect of resemblance in respect of regeneration in respect of the common life and in respect of the glorie too come
Apostles testifie These are the things in generall that are too bée considered in this Gospell Howbéeit too the intente wée may receiue the greater frute thereby I wil propound thrée places whiche I will intreate of in this Sermon 1 What maner of affection Chryste beareth towardes vs. 2 The declaration of this present miracle with the circumstances of the same 3 An Image of all Mankinde ¶ Of the first THe Euāgelist telleth a storie of a certeine yong man that was dead and caryed out too be buryed at the sight wherof our Lord was moued with compassion For when hée behilde the sorowfull moother hée conceyued a déeper thoughte There came too his remembrance the fall of mankinde the tirannie of the Deuil the greatnesse of the miseries wherwith mankind is distressed by reason of sinne He considered it was his office too ouerthrow these fortificatiōs of Sathan For he saw in this womā a paterne of mans wretchednesse whiche did put him in minde of mannes fall and of his owne office Wée may therefore gather twoo things of this place One what wée be and another what Chryst is toward vs. Wée in very déede are miserable in distresse and damned and we cannot of our owne power wrest our selues out of so greate mischéeues Chryste is God and man and came too saue that whiche was loste who in this case vttereth his affection towardes mankinde For hée is none otherwyse mynded towards vs than he was towards this widow Hée is gréeued for hir calamities and he is gréeued for ours He helpeth hir and he wil help vs also This is the very thing that the Apostle sayth writing to the Hebrues we haue a high préest that can bée sory with vs in our infirmities Yea surely hée hathe greater affection and loue towards vs than this widow hath toward hir only sonne whom shée foloweth héer wéeping too the place of his buryall For thus sayeth the Prophete Can a woman forget the Babe of hir owne wombe though shée doo forget yet wil not I forget thée But what are the causes of this vnspeakable louingnesse of Chrystes towards vs that are all too bée dawbed with the filthinesse of many wicked crimes Surely there is no desert of ours ne woorthinesse in vs. Howbéeit there bée foure causes whereby the sonne of God is moued too embrace vs with so great louingnesse The first is his fatherly kindnesse For hée created vs and therefore wée are his by righte of creation And although hée know vs too bée ful of filth and wickednesse yet notwithstāding he findeth somewhat in vs that is his namely that wée bée his creatures Thou hast mercy on all things sayeth the wise man and thou hatest none of the things that thou haste made The seconde is the woorthinesse of our creation Namely for that wée are created too the likenesse of God according too this Let vs make man after our own image and likenesse And bicause this image was for the chéefe part thereof defaced through sinne the Lord himself came too repair it ageine Which thing cometh then too passe when wée beholding him stedfastly by true faith are transformed intoo the likenesse or image of God The third is the ende too whiche wée are created For wée are created too be the temple of God glorifying God And albéeit that this Temple was then vnhalowed through sinne yet the stuffe of it was stil remayning wherof Chryst might buyld vp a new Temple The fourth is the destruction of Sathans kingdome too ouerthrow the which Chryst came intoo this world A certein hansel of this destruction was giuen in this miracle Chryste encountered oftentimes with Sathan and oftentimes didde put him too flight and at length ouercame him when hée rose ageine from death This victorie of Chrystes shall bée séene perfect in the last day whē the last of al enimies death shall bée abolished These foure causes moued oure Lorde too take flesh vpon him and to become man and in the flesh that is in the nature of mā too suffer both in soule body for mankind And although this affection of Chrystes bée oftentimes cōmended vntoo vs in the woorde of God and warranted with many miracles yea and with the obedience of the Sonne of God himself who was obediente too the father euen vnto th● death of the crosse yet notwithstanding there be thrée things that laboure too persuade vs otherwise That is the law cōscience and the heap of miseries wherwith ▪ we be ouerwhelmed in this life For these things crye vntoo vs that wée are abiects from Chryst. The law sayeth Cursed is euery one that continueth not in all the things that are written in the book of the law And there is no man but hée séeth hée hathe innumerable wayes transgressed y e law Wée look vpon Eue who became subiect to the sentence of cursing for breaking of one cōmaundemēt and what shall become of vs that haue offēded God so often The sentence of this law is confirmed by the fearfulnesse of the conscience whiche is as good as a thousand witnesses as it is sayed in the Prouerbe The conscience is a thousand witnesses Héeruntoo perteyneth this saying of the Poet As eche mannes conscience findeth him so feeles he in his hart a ioyfull hope or dreadful feare according too desert And S. Bernarde sayth The euil conscience of our sinnes is our witnesse our iudge our tormentor and our prison for it accuseth vs it iudgeth vs and it condemneth vs. What can bée more gréeuous I pray you than day night too cary suche a witnesse about vs in our brest Many béeing conuicted by the recorde of this conscience haue abridged their owne liues while they could not endure too heare hir accusing them and bearing witnesse ageinst them Too the furtherance héerof cometh the huge heape of calamities which confirme y e sentēce of the law the conscience Ageinst these .iij. moste gréeuous temptations let vs in true repentance set Christ alone He came intoo the world to take away y e curse of the law too wipe out sin too turn intoo glory al the miseries of those that beléeue in him howbéeit in such wise as al things ar doon orderly This world is a wast wildernesse frō whence wée must passe intoo our countrey The people of Israel came not by by intoo the resting place that was promised them Ioseph came not too so great dignitie in Egipt without imprisonment before Christ entred not into his glory till he had bin first crucified dead buried Wherfore it behoueth vs also to enter into glory by the crosse For thus sayth Paule If we suffer with him we shall reigne w t him also He y t shunneth the encounter looketh for y e garland in vain No mā shal be crouned saith the Apostle but he that contendeth lawfully The same sayth we are made safe by hope Therfore ageinst the cursse of the law let vs set Christ who became accursed for vs. Ageinst our conscience
sted shall put too his hand too the healing of vs. The third is too reproue the Pharisies by this saying who iudged not aright either of his person or of his office For alwayes there be some y t séeke too picke quarels too the woorks of God Which thing warneth vs that wée should not bée the lesse diligent in dooing our duetie The fourth is that taking hold of this occasion he might instruct vs more fully concerning his owne person his loue towardes men and his office for which he was sent intoo the world by his father Now let vs wey our Lords woords for he sayth too y e Palsieman Sonne be of good cheere thy sinnes are forgiuen thee These bée the woords of the sonne of God wherfore they are to be weyed aduisedly This woord sonne is to be set ageinst despair which this present disease wold haue persuaded him vntoo This saying bee of good cheere is to be set ageinst the cursse which euil conscience wēt about to persuade y e wretch in Thy sinnes sayth he Héer grace surmounteth farre aboue sinne This saying are forgiuen is to be set ageinst y e dreame of satisfaction of merites of rightuousnesse that cōmeth by the ●awe Thy sinnes sayth he are forgiuen thée In so saying he applieth the benefite of his grace too the poore wretch Thus haue wée héere the Doctrine of saluation remission of sinnes iustification and adoption For these benefites sticke linked togither so fast continually that they cannot bée plucked asunder He requireth faith to him that beleueth he forgiueth his s●nnes whom he hath absolued frō his sinne him he adopteth too his sonne accepteth him as rightuous and whō he hath iustified him also will he glorifie by bestowing euerlasting blisse vpon him neither is ther any other way of obteyning saluation than y ● which is set out vntoo vs in this exāple The palsiemā dooth .iij. things He acknowledgeth his sin he acknowlegeth himself to be iustly punished for his sin he putteth his trust in the sonne of God Agein Chryst doth iij. things He releaseth sin he adopteth him to be his sonne accepteth him too eternal life Folow y u this exāple Acknowledge thy sin in good ernest acknowlege gods iust iudgemēt and beléeue in the sonne and thou shalt féele sensibly that Chryst will bestow his benefites vppon thée Let this suffise to bée spoken concerning the first doctrine of this Gospel and now foloweth the second ¶ Of the second ANd beholde some of the Scribes saide vvithin them selues This man blasphemeth And vvhen he savv the thoughtes of them he saide vvhy thinke you euill in your hartes Héere the grudging of the Scribes and Chrysts answere do● shew in what sort the kingdome of Chryst and the kingdome of Sathan méete one ageinst another Wée haue héere two things of which the one is the accusation of the Scribes accusing Chryst and the other is Chrystes most rightfull defence The accusation of the Scribes was this This man is a blasphemer Wherfore bicause he taketh vppon him too forgiue sinnes which perteyneth onely vntoo God For according too the phrase of the scripture Blasphemie is too attribute that thing vnto a creature which is proper or peculiare vntoo God Now too forgiue sinne is propre vntoo God ▪ which thing is assured by the testimonie of Esay where the Lord by the mouth of the Prophet sayth I am I am he that wipeth away thine iniquities for mine owne sake and I will no more remember thy sinnes Héervppon they thinke they may conclude as by an infallible consequent y t Chryst is a blasphemer after this manner Whosoeuer taketh vppon him that which is peculiare vntoo God is a blasphemer This Iesus taketh vppon him that which is peculiare vnto God Ergo this Iesus is a blasphemer And vndoubtedly it had bin a true argument if Christ had bin like the Scribes that is too wit if he had bin mere man and not God also Sée I pray you how much our Papistes and Monkes are worse than the Scribes The Scribes were taught by the word● of God to defend this proposition No man cā forgiue sinnes but onely God But the Papistes attribute forgiuenesse of sinnes too the merites of saincts too Masses and too pardons which things they deale not fréely but fel them very déerely Surely a wonderful kinde of chapmen They sel that which they haue not they sell men the smoke of woords take ready Golde for it They promisse their chapmen Heauen and deliuer them Hell But what shall wée saye of the ministers of Gods woord Doo they forgiue sinne They forgiue not of themselues but they pronounce forgiuenesse of sinnes too all that they finde like this man that was sicke of the Palsie They giue not ought of their owne But they offer another mannes by the commaundemente of Chryste For they offer forgiuenesse of sinnes by the voyce of the Gospell As many as receyue this voyce by fayth doo out of all doubte receiue forgiuenesse of sinnes For Chryst sayeth hée that héereth you héereth mée But what sayth Chryst too this accusation VVhen he savv their thoughtes hee sayde vvhy thinke yee euyl in your harts vvhyther is it easier too say thy sinnes are forgiuen thee or too say arise and vvalke Héere Chryst dooth thrée things First hée sawe the thoughtes of them whiche is the propertie of God onely Whereupon the Scribes ought too haue thought that Chryste was more than mere man For no man is able too sée the thoughts of another man For onely the spirit of God searcheth the depth of mennes hartes Secondly hée blameth them vvhy doo yee thinke euill in your hartes As if hée had sayde yée sinne in thinking amisse of mée By this wée may note ▪ that euil thoughtes are sinnes ▪ Thirdly by visible signe he confirmeth his hidden Godhead As if he had sayd you say that hée that taketh vppon him that whiche is peculiar vntoo GOD alone is a blasphemer for hée hurteth Gods name and fame Uerely I confesse this too bée true But in that yée beléeue not mée too bée GOD you doo amisse Wherfore you are blasphemers and not I. And nowe that I may shew and proue my self too be very God I heale this Palsie man with a becke onely whiche surely is peculiar too the power of the Godhead If I can doo this by my diuine power why shoulde I not also forgiue sinne Who can vtterly take awaye a disease but hée that taketh away the cause of the disease Nowe you sée with your owne eyes that I take awaye the disease and why beléeue you not that I am able too take awaye the cause of the disease also which is sinne Thus Chryst appealeth too his owne dooings whiche beare recorde of him For thus sayeth hee in Iohn If yée beléeue not mée beléeue my woorks which bear witnesse of mée Of this seconde doctrine therefore wée maye learne thrée things Firste that there is continuall battaile betwéene the kingdome of
conscience and cursse Of the second BEhold thou shalt conceiue and beare a sonne and thou shalt call his name Iesus This is the declaration of the message the sense whereof is this I by Gods commaundement doo bring thée woord that shortly thou shalt be a moother beare a sonne whom thou shalt name Iesus Undoutedly héere the most chast virgin thought vppon the promised séede She héere 's it told hir on Gods behalfe that she shal bear a sonne whom she is willed too name Iesus this name Iesus which signifieth a Sauiour she tooke too bée set ageinst the cursse and death intoo which our first parents were falne for their transgression This name is woont too bée expounded more at large vpon the day of the Circumcision wherfore as now I passe on too the rest He shall bee great sayth the Angel Great in déede as who is the son of the highest Great in déede as who should ouercome Sathan Great in déede as who should giue the greatest things Great in déede as whose kingdome is euerlasting The Lord God saith he shall giue him the seat of Dauid his father and he shal reigne in Iacobs house for euer and of his kingdome there shall bee none end If wée marke this description wée shall finde foure things too bée spoken héere concerning Chryst. For first he sheweth his true manhoode when he sayth that he shall bée borne of the virgin Ageine he suppresseth not his Godhead for he saith he shall bée called the sonne of the highest The sonne of the highest is of al one nature with the highest Thirdly whē he addeth he shall bee great he signifieth the vnion in person For although he bée God and man yet is he one person and not two In the fourth place is noted his office that he is a Sauioure and a king that shal reign for euer How could it be said of Christ that he should haue the seat of Dauid his father when as he himselfe sayth My kingdome is not of this world according also as the sequele hath declared and that Dauids kingdome was a ciuill gouernement in Iewrie Dauid hild but the shadowe of the kingdome but this his sonne possesseth the very kingdome it selfe Dauids kingdome was a figure and shadowe of Chrystes kingdome and therefore both are called one kingdome bicause Dauid was the shadowe and Chrystes was the very kingdome it selfe Besides this it is the manner of the Scripture too peint out heauenly things by outward images too the intent the comparison may help our weaknesse ¶ Of the fifth ANd Mary sayd too the Angel hovv shal this come to passe seeing I knovve no man As if shée should say how can I bée made with childe bodily as thou sayst séeing I haue not as yet companyed with man The most chaste virgin knew it was an order established by God that men should bée conceyued of the séed of man and woman Neither had shée séene or herd of any example too the contrary since the creation of our first parents And therfore folowing the iudgement and experience of hir reasō in the order that God had stablished shée demaunded How may this bée séeing I know no man shall this conception come by some straunge maner And the Angell ansvvering sayde vntoo hir The holy Ghost shall come vppon thee and the povver of the highest shall ouershadovve thee And therfore that vvhich shall bee borne of thee shall be called holie the sonne of God Héere the Angell sheweth the manner of the Conception and remoueth the cause of the Conception from nature vntoo GOD the maker of nature As if hée had sayd Thou shalt not conceiue of mannes séed but of thy séede alone shalt thou beare a Sonne and that by the operation not of nature but of grace For the holy ghost by his heauenly power shall cause a very manchilde too bée conceyued of thy séed alone Héerupon sayth Austin By the grace of God or the power of God and the woorking of the holy Ghost was that thing which is vnited too the woord taken of the virgins flesh and that for this cause that if it had bin conceyued of the seede of man it had bin vncleane as all the rest are that come of Adam And that which is of y e fleshe is flesh vntruthe and vanitie Iohn 2. Nowe it behoued that by Chryst should bée brought in grace and truthe Therfore hée could not bée begotten by man but it behoued that thing too be done by some secrete power of God too the intent that béeing cléere from all sinne and holy he might also make vs pure and holie by becomming an holie vnspotted sacrifise too his Father Ageine hée was conceyued of the holy Ghost too the intente wée might knowe that whatsoeuer the sonne speaketh is the moste assured wil of the father For the holy Ghost is the substātial loue of the father and the sonne Furthermore bicause the holy Ghoste is the spirit of sanctification and purging For he of that blud which he had made pure framed the body of Chryste that it might bée cleane and frée from all sinne as is sayd afore also These were and are the causes why it was not séemely for Chryst too bée begotten of the séed of man but by the operation of the holy Ghost alone And thereof dooth the Angel giue an incling when he sayth and therfore that holy thing that is borne of thée shalbée called the sonne of God Now although y e blissed virgin gaue credit too these words of the Angel yet notw tstanding too the intent hir faith might bée the better confirmed hée addeth a signe wherby shée is assured And beholde sayth hée thy cousin Elisabeth also hathe conceyued a Sonne in hir olde age and this is the sixth moneth too hir that is called barein As if he had said thou reasonest w t thy selfe that it is ageinst the law of nature the order established by God that thou shouldest cōceiue and bée stil a virgin bear a child and continue stil a virgin But I wil shew thée another thing which is also ageinst the order of nature Thy cousin Elizabeth is barrein both by nature by reason of yéeres By nature surely bicause shée hath liued so many yéeres with a husband and neuer had child in so muche that too hir reproche shée is called barreine By reason of yéeres for that shée is now past the yéeres of childbearing although shée had bin neuer so frutefull in times paste notwithstanding this is the sixth month since shée cōceyued such is Gods ordinance and will Wherefore confirme thy selfe with this signe and assure thy selfe it shall come too passe in déede that thou shalt beare a Childe also Sée héere the custome of God who neuer dealeth with mā by his bare woord but alwayes addeth some outward signe too the intent he may apply him selfe the more too our weaknesse while he offereth his will too our mind by his woord as it were visibly too