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A71329 Here after foloweth the prymer in Englysshe sette out alonge, after the vse of Sarum. 1538; Book of hours (Salisbury). English Catholic Church. 1538 (1538) STC 16004; ESTC S105507 112,078 275

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parttaker of all that feare the of them that kepe thy commaundementes ●lorde the earth is full of thy mercye teache me thy iustifycacyons ●Hou hast delt gentilly with thy seruaunt good lorde accordynge to thy worde ●eache me goodnes lernynge and knowledge for I haue beleued thy commaundementes ●haue synned before I was humble therfore I haue kepte thy worde ●hou arte good and in thy goodnes teache me thy iustyfycacyons ●he iniquite of proude men is multyplied vpon me but I with all my hole herte shall searche out thy commaundementes ●y hert is congyled lyke mylke I truly haue thought vpon thy commaundementes ●t was good to me that thou dydest brynge me lowe that I myght lerne thy iustifycacyons ●he lawe of thy mouthe is good to me a boue a myllyon of golde or syluer ●Hy hādes haue made me and fourmed me gyue me vnderstandynge that I may lernethy commaundementes ●hey that feare the shall se me shall be glad for I haue trusted moche in thy wordes ●haue knowen lorde that thy iudgementes are equite and ī thy trueth thou haste humiliate me ●et thy mercy be shewed that it may cōfort me accordyng to thy promyse which am thy seruaūt ●et thy mercyes come to me I shal lyue for thy lawe is my meditacyon ●et the proude whiche wrongfully haue done wyckednes vnto me be cōfounded and I truely shall be exercised in thy commaundementes ●et them be conuerted to me whiche feare the and they that knowe thy testymonies ●et my herte be imaculate in thy instifycacyōs that I be not confounded ●Y soule hath faynted in thy health and I haue trusted moche in thy worde ●yne eyes haue faynted in thy promyse sayēge when wylte thou conforte me ●or I am made lyke a bottell ī the smoke I haue not forgoten thy commaundementes ●ow many be the dayes of thy seruaunt when thou wylt gyne iudgement of them that persecute me ●yked men haue shewed to me fables but not as thy lawe ●ll thy commaundementes is trueth wycked men haue persecuted me helpe me ●lmost they had consumed in the earth but I truly haue not forsaken thy commaundementes ●uycken me accordynge to thy mercy I shall kepe the testymonies of thy mouthe ●Lorde thy worde doth remayne ī heuyn euer lastyngly ●hy trueth frō generacyon to generacyon thou hast set the earth and it shall abyde ●y thyne ordinaunce the dayes cōtynue for all thynges obey vnto the ●xcepte thy lawe hadde ben my meditacyon peraduenture I had perysshed in my humylite ●sh all neuer forget thy iustifycacyons for ī thē thou hast quyckened me ●am thyne make me safe for I haue sought out thy iustifycacyons ●ynners haue awayted me to destroye me I haue vnderstande thy testymonies ●haue sene the consumacyon of euery ende thy commaundemente is very large ●Lorde how moche haue I loued thy lawe it is my meditacion all the day longe ●hou hast made me wyse ouer myn enemyes throughe thy cōmaundement for it is to me euer lastynge ●haue perceyued more then all that taught me for thy testymonies were my meditacyon ●haue perceyued more then auncyent men bycause I haue searched thy commaundementes ●haue kepte my feete frō euery euyll way that I myght kepe thy wordes ●haue not declyned from thy iudgementes for bycause thou hast set a lawe to me ●owe swete be thy wordes to my iawes and to my mouthe sweter then hony ●haue taken vnderstādynge of thy cōmaūdemētes therfore haue I hated euery waye of iiquite ●Hy worde is a lāterne vnto my feete and a lyght vnto my patthes ●haue sworne and decreed to ▪ kepe the iudgementes of thy iustyce ●lorde I am brought lowe on euery syde quycked me accordynge to thy worde ●he voluntary thynges of my mouthe o lorde make them acceptable to the and teache me thy iudgementes ●y soule is euer in my handes and I haue not forgoten thy lawe ●inners haue set a snare for me and I haue not erred from thy commaundementes ●haue goten thy testymonies by inherytaunce for euer forbycause they be the ioy of my herte ●nelyne my hert to do thy iustifycacyōs for euer for rewarde ●Haue hated the wycked and haue loued thy lawe ●hou arte my helper and my defēder and I haue trusted moche in thy worde ●ye wycked declyne ye frō me and I shall serthe the cōmaundementes of god ●eceyue me accordynge to thy promyse and I shall lyue nor thou shalte not confounde me otherwyse then I loked for ●elpe me I shall be safe and shal be ocupyed in thy iustyfycacyons euer ●hou hast despysed al that go from thy iudgementes for theyr thoughtes were vniust ●haue reputed all synners of the earthe for offēders therfore I haue loued thy testymonyes ●haue afflycted my flesshe for feare of the for I am aferde of thy iudgementes ●Haue done iustyce and ryghtwysnesse thou shalte not delyuer me to them that calūpniate me ●eceyue thy seruaūt ito goodnes let not proude men calumpniate me ●yne eyes haue fayled in thy healt the worde of thy iustyce ●o to thy seruaūt accordynge to thy mercy and teache me thy iustyfycacyons ●am thy seruaunt gyue me vnderstādynge that I may knowe thy testymonies ●t is tyme to do good lorde for they haue scattered abrode thy lawe ●herfore I haue loued thy commaundementes aboue golde and topase ●nd therofore I was let to all thy cōmaundementes I haue hated euery wycked way ●Lorde meruaylous be thy testymonyes therfore my soule hath serched them ●he declaracyon of thy wordes doth illumyne and gyueth vnderstandynge to the lytleons ●haue opened my mouthe and haue drawē my breath for bycanse I desyred thy cōmaūdemētes ●…oke vpon me and haue mercy vpon me accordynge to the iudgemēt of thē that loue thy name ●yrect my goynges accordynge to thy worde let no iniquite reygne ouer me ●edeme me frō the calumniacyon of mē that I may kepe thy cōmaundementes ●llyghten thy face vpon thy seruaunt and teache me thy iustifycacyons ●yn eyes haue brought forth streames of water bycause they haue not kepte thy lawe ●Yghtuous arte thou lord and iuste are thy iudgementes ●hou hast cōmaūded iustyce in thy testymonies and trueth moost chyefly ●he loue of the caused me consume bycause myne enemyes forgat thy wordes ●hy worde is excedyngly fyred and thy seruaūt loued it 〈◊〉 am yonge and set at nought yet haue I not forgoten thy cōmaundementes ●hy iustyce is euerlastynge thy law is truth ●…rouble and heuines haue intāgled me thy cōmaundementes are my studye ●hy testymonies be gyuen in euerlastyng equite gyue me vnderstandynge and I shall lyue 〈◊〉 Haue called vpō the with all my herte heare me lorde for I shal serch thy lawes I haue cryed vnto the saue me so that I may obserue thy cōmaundementes I haue preuented the tyme and haue cryed for I haue greatly trusted in thy cōmaundementes ●yn eyes haue preuented the daunyng of the day for to study thy worde ●orde heare my voyce accordynge to thy mercy and quycken me accordynge to thy
your body and soule Thynke how yll ye haue be stowed the tyme that he hath gyuen you to do●●naunte Thynke how many tymes he hath forgyuē you inshryft et how many tymes ye haue fallē to synne agayn Thynke in what payne ye had bēnow et euer yf god had taken you out of this worlde whan ye were in deedly synne Thynke how derely he bought you frō the daunger of the deuyll suffryng cōtynuall paynes in this worlde about the space of xxxn. yeres goynge barefote ī colde heate suffryng hōgre thyrst many shamefull ●●uryes how derely he redemed you gyuyng his p̄●●ous body his blod his soule at this point cōsydre all the paynes of his wofull passyon as god wyll gyue you grace Thynke also what payne his dere gloryous mother suffred all y t whyle Consydre his sharpe iugement at the houre of dethe And touchyng this dethe thynke osten the ron and that ye can not escape it nor knoweth whan nor how in what estate nor what place nor tyme day nor houre Thynke thā what shall become of the worldly goodes that ye haue gadred spared with grete labour how lothe ye shall be to leaue thē and all your frendes kynsfolke An y t more is whā your soule ī grete payne shall leaue your body to rotte in the erthe Consydre thā what shall become of your strenght be aute you the helthe other welthe of the body Thynke what the poore soule shall do whan it goothalone without company where it was neuer Thynke what it shall do whā it seeth the horryble enemyes that wolde drawe it to ꝑdicyon yf ye deye in deedly synne Thynke how wofull a iourney it shall he whan ye must yelde a generall rekenyng of all your werkes wordes thoughtes without excepcyō of ony thyng Thynke how god shall hyue you grace Thynke on y e horryble paynes of hell on the cruell ꝯpany of deuylles where without ende ye shall neuer haue releas yf ye deye in deedly synne And thynke on the ine stimable ioye of the sayntes ī heuē y e w iche out lorde hath promised you yf ye lyue out of deedly synne et loue hym aboue all thyng And haue ye a ꝑfyte hope yf yelyue wel ye shall come to that glory Amē ¶ And yt by ony other reasonable besynesse ye may not be so long in the chyrche at is it sayd he re afore yelde thankes to god of his goodnesse And thyne on the resydew in your how 's ones in the day or in the nyght yf ye may Whā ye are cōe fro y e chyrch take hede to your housholde or occupacyō tyll dyner tyme. And in so doyng thynke sō tyme that y e payne y t ye suffre in this worlde is nothyng to the regarde of y e in fynite glory y t ye shall haue yf ye take it mekely Thā take your refecciō or mele reasonably w tout excesse or ouer moche for beryng of your meate for there is as moche daunger ī to lytell as in to moche yf ye fast ones in a weke it is ynought besyde vigilles ymbre dayes out of lenten And yf ye tynhe y e fastyng be not good nor ꝓuffytable do by counsell Rest you after dyner an houre or half an houre as ye thynke best prayeng god that in that rest he wyll accept your helthe to y e ende y ● after it ye may serue hym y e more deuoutly The resydew of y e day bestowe ī your besinnesse to the pleasure of god As touchyn your seruyce say vn to tiers a fore dyner and make an ende of all be fore souper And whan ye may say dyryge and cōmendacyons for all chrysted soules at the leest way on the holy dayes and yf ye haue leaser say them on other dayes at the leest with thre lessōs Shryue you euery weke to your curate except ye haue grete lette and beware ye passe not a fourtenyght excepte veray grete lette Yf ye be of power refuse not your almesse to the fyrst poore body that axeth it of you that day Yf ye thynke it nedefull Take payne to here kepe the worde of god Cōfesse you euery day to god without fayle of suche synnes as ye knowe that ye haue done that day Cōsydre oftē eyther by day or nyght whan ye do a wake what our lorde dyde at that houre the day of his blyssed passyon where he was at that houre Seke a god sayth full frē de of god cōuersacyō to whome ye may dyscouer your mynde secretes Enq̄re proue hym well or ye trust ī hym And whā ye haue well ꝓued hym do all by is counsell Day lytell folowe ●●uous cōpany Eschew y e felaw shyppe of them y t ye wol de not be lyke After all werke prayse tāke god loue hi aboue all thynges serue hym his glorious moder diligētely do to nouer ther but that ye wolde were done to you loue the welth of another as your own● And in goyng to your bedde haue sōe good tought eyther of the passyō of our lord or of you sines or of y e paynes y ● soules haue purgatory or sōe other good spirituall toughtes And than I hope your lyuyng shall be acceptable and pleasyng to god Thre verytees ¶ 〈…〉 GOd our souerain lorde knowlegyng the grete fragilite inclinacyō of out synne is alway red of his infynyte ●y te and goodnesse to do vs mercy and forgyuenesse so that truly without faynyng with a good hert and contrite thought we offre and say the thre verytees folowyng ¶ ●y god I knowlege and confesse to haue often ded synned agaynst thy goodnesse brekyng thy commaundementes in suche maner and suche Of the which synnes I am sory and repēt me for the honour of the that arte all good onely worthy to be serued obeyed honoured worshypped ¶ ●ood lorde I haue good purpose by your helpe to kepe me from hens forwarde to offende you without brekyng your commaundementes and to fle esheue to my power all occasyōs of synne ¶ 〈…〉 ●ord god I haue good and stedfast wyl to be cōfessed clerely of all my synnes in tyme and place after the commaundement of you and our mother holy chyrche or at suche a feest or suche after your ordinaunce and commaundemēt of our mother holy chyrche and to make satisfaction to you and to my neyghbour To the relikes in the chirche ¶ 〈…〉 ●orpora sanctorum in pace sepulta sunt et viuent nomina eorum in eternum 〈◊〉 Letamini in domino et exultate iusti 〈◊〉 Et gloriamini omnes recticorde Dremus 〈◊〉 ●opiciare nobis domine famulis tuis per sanctorum tuorum quorum reliquie in presenti requiescunt ecclesia merita gloriosa vt eorum pia intercessione ab omnibus semper protegamut aduersis Per dominum Dratio 〈◊〉 Ancte dei genitricis marie semper virginis gloriose et beatarum omnium
Hierusalem in tyme of Easter ī the florysshynge youth of thy body without trespasse receyueddest thou thy iudgemēt of death vpon the Crosse where also thou wast dispoyled of thyn owne clothes scorned blyndefelde buffeted bounden to a pyller and scourged with thornes crowned with a reede sinyte on the heade and with innumerable paynes thy bodye was all to brused and torne For mynde of this blessed passyon I beseche the benygne Iesu graunte me afore my death very contrycyō true confessyon and worthy satisfaccyō And of all my synnes remyssyon So be it Our father whiche arte in heuyn halowed Hayle Mary full of grace our lorde is with ¶ ●Blessed Iesu maker of all the worlde that of a man may not be measured whiche closest in thy hāde all the earth Haue mynde of thy bytter sorowe Fyrste when the Iewes fastened thy blyssed handes to the crosse with bloute nayles Also to encrease more thy payn they added sorowe vpon sorowe to thy bytter woundes whē they persed thy tender feete because thou woldeste not accorde to theyr wyll And so cruelly they drew thy blyssed bodye ī length and breadeth to the measure of the crosse that all the ioyntes of thy lymmes were both losed and broken for mynde of thy moost blyssed passyon I beseche the benygne Iesu gyue me grace to kepe with me bothe thy loue and thy drede So be it Our father whiche arte in 〈…〉 Hayle Mary ful of grace our lorde be with ¶ 〈…〉 ●Iesu heuynly leache haue mynde of thy lāgour and blewnes of thy woundes and sorowe that thou suffered ī the heyght of thy crosse when thou wast lyft vp frō the earthe that thou waste all to torne ī all thy lymmes therof there was no lymme abydyng ī his ryght ioint so that no sorowe was lyke to thyne bycause that from the sooles of the feet the toppe of thy heade was no hole place and yet forgettyng ī maner al those greuous paynes thou prayed deuoutly that charytably to thy father for thy enemyes sayēge Father forgyue it them for they wote not what they do For this charytable mercy that thou shewedest to thyn enemys for mynde of those bytter paynes graunt me that th● mynde of thy bytter passyon be to me plenar remyssyō and forgyuenes of al my synnes So be it Our father Hayle Mary ful of grace our lorde is with ¶ ●Iesu very fredom of angels the paradyse of all ghostly pleasures Haue mynde of the dred and hyd●ous fearfulnes that thou suffered when al thyne enemyes lyke vnto moost wode lyons compassed about smytynge the and spyttyng on the scratchyng the with many other greuous paynes turmentynge the. For mynde of all these despyteful wordes cruel beatynges sharpe turmentes I besech the blyssed Iesu delyuer me frō all myne enemyes bodily ghostely gyue me grace to haue the defence pro●e●●yon of health euerlastynge agaynst thē vnder y ● shadowe of thy wynges So be it Our fa. Hayle ma. ¶ ●Iesu myrrour of the diuine clerenesse haue mynde of that dreade heuynesse whiche thou hadst when thou hangedst naked and myserable on the crosse and all thy frendes and acquayntaunce stode agaynst them and foūdest cōfort of none but onely thy most louyng mother faythfully standynge by the with great bytternes of herte whome thou dydest betake to thy welbeloued discyple sayeng Lo woman thy sone And lyke wyse to the discyple Lo thy mother I beseche the blyssed Iesu by the swerde of sorowe that then persed her hert to haue compassyon on me in all my troubles and afflyccyons bodily and ghostly and gyue me conforte in all tyme of trybulacyon So be it Our father which arte in Hayle Mary full of grace our lorde is with ¶ ●Iesu kynge moost worthy to be loued and frende moost to be desyred Haue mynde of the sorowe that thou haddest when thou be heldest ī the myrrour of thy moost cleare maieste the ●destynacyon of all thy chosen soules that shuld be saued by the meryte of thy passyon For mynde of the depnes of thy great mercy whiche thou haddest vpon vs lost and desperate synners and namely for the great mercy whiche thou shewedest to the thefe that hynge on thy ryght syde sayenge thus This daye thou shalte be with me in paradyse I pray the benygne Iesu to shewe thy mercye on me in the houre of my death So be it Our father Hayle Mary ¶ 〈…〉 ●Iesu wel of endles pity that sayde on the crosse of thy passyō by inward affeccyon of loue I thyrste that is to saye the health of mās soule For mynde of this blyssed desyre I besech the benygne Iesu kyndle our desyre to euery good and par●yte worke the thryste of concupyscence and burnynge of all wordelye loue in vs vtterly koole and extynguysshe So be it Our father whiche arte ī heuyn c. Hayle Mary ful of grace our lorde be with et cetera ¶ ● Iesu swetnes of hertes and ghostly pleasure of soules I beseche the for the bytternes of aysel and galle that thou tasted suffered for vs at the houre of thy death graūt that we may worthely receyue thy moost blessed body bloude for the remedy of our synnes and conforte of our soules So be it Our father whiche arte ī heuyn halowed c. Hayle Mary ful of grace our lorde is with c. ¶ ● Iesu royal strength and ghostly ioye haue mynde of the anguysshes great sorowes that thou suffered when thou cryed to thy father with a myghtye voyce what for the bytternes of thy death and also for the scornyng of the iewes sayeng thus O my god why hast thou forsaken me By this paynfull anguyshe forsake vs not in the anguysshes of our death our blyssed god So be it Our father Hayle Mary ¶ ● Iesu begynnyng and ende way lyfe vertue ī euery meane haue mynde that fro the top of the heade vnto the sooles of thy fete thou suffred for vs to be drowned in the water of thy paynefull passyon For mynde of this great payne and namely for the depenesse and wyndenes of thy woundes I beseche the blessed Iesu teache methe large precept and commaundement of loue which am drowned all ī foule syn So be it Our father whiche Hayle Mary full of grace our lorde is with ¶ ● Iesu depnes of endelesse mercy I beseche the for the depnes of thy woūdes that wēre throughe thy tendre flesshe and thy bowelles the marye of thy bones that thou vouchsaufe to drawe me out beyng drowned in the depnesse of synne and hyde me euer after in the holes of thy woundes from the face of thy wrathe vnto the tyme lorde that thy dredfull fury be passed So be it Our father which c. Hayle Mary full of grace our lorde is with cetera ¶ ● Iesu myrrour of trueth token of vnyte and sure bonde of charyte Haue mynde of thyne inumerable paynes and woūdes with the whiche frō the toppe of thy heade