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A30739 An enquiry whether the Lord Jesus Christ made the world, and be Jehovah, and gave the moral law? and whether the fourth command be repealed or altered? by Tho. Bampfield. Bampfield, Thomas, 1623?-1693. 1692 (1692) Wing B629; ESTC R10575 118,081 148

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should be proceeded against by Magistrates and by Ministers for there we find many Directions for the Discipline of transgressing Subjects by their Princes and Judges and of Members of the Church by their then Pastors But to return to those who defend the Change of the Seventh day and teach it to others let such have a care of that Threatning Mat. 5. 19 20. for if the Exceptions they make against the Law in that point be not good they are certainly dangerous to those that make them Whosoever shall break one of these least Commandments and shall teach men so he shall be called the least 〈◊〉 the Kingdom of Heaven Mat. 5. 19. And how far that least Extends think well of These Ten Commands many call the Moral Law and not to quarrel with Terms Moral signifieth pertaining to Moral Law Manners which being applied to Divine Laws may be said to be a Rule prescribed by the Lord to direct our Thoughts Words and Actions and so does include whatsoever is commanded or forbidden in Thought Word or Deed which our Lord comprehends in the love of God and of our Neighbor Mat. 22. 38 39. a part of which Moral Law all agree was in the time of Christ the Command for the Seventh day And he that will enter into Life must keep the Commandments Mat. 19. 17. Which he that keepeth loveth Christ and Christ will love him and manifest himself unto him John 14. 21. And it is easier for Heaven and Earth to pass than one tittle of the Law to fail Luke 16. 17. And surely Christ does not there exclude the Law of the Ten Commands whereof one tittle cannot pass away And let any man shew us what other Law it is that Christ there means And if it be easier for Heaven and Earth than for one tittle of the ten Commands to pass away it will be impossible to take away the Seventh day positively said to be the Sabbath of the Lord And if the Commands and therein the Seventh day stand as long as Heaven and Earth they surely stand now for the Heaven and Earth yet stand And our Lord farther confirms the Moral Law by shewing what Sins they are which defile a man Mat. 15. 3 11 18 19. Evil Thoughts Murders Adulteries Fornications Thefts False-witness Blasphemies Now Murders Adulteries Fornications Thefts and False-witnessing are Sins against the Second Table Blasphemies Sins against the First Table and Evil Thoughts Sins against every Command in both Tables The Scribes and Pharisees there transgressed the Commandments of God by their Traditions v. 3. The Commands Christ there affirms are the Fifth Command v. 4 and the Second Command v. 8 9. which Moral Law they unlorded v. 6. The Command Christ charges them with as making it of no effect or of unlording it Exod. 20. 12. Deut. 5. 16. is the Fifth Command one of the Second Table And that about their vain Worship v. 8 9 was against the Second Command in the First Table and so Christ by those instances affirms both Tables When the young man asked Christ what good thing he should do that he might have Eternal Life Mat. 19. 16 17 18 19 20. Christ answers If thou wilt enter into Life keep the Commands and names some of them as Thou shalt do no Murder and Thou shalt not commit Adultery so that Christ in his Answer referrs him to the Moral Law Charnock's Attributes pag. 612. And so Christ there affirms the Moral Law which I think does fully prove that by the general word of Commands Christ meant the Ten Commands and if Christ meant the Ten Commands and have confirmed and established them by One and much more by so many plain Scriptures what Power on Earth can alter any one of them The great Commission which the Lord gives his Ministers is to teach all Nations to observe all things Christ doth not except the Seventh day whatsoever I have commanded you Mat. 28. 19 20. A very learned Writer in his Annotations on that Text saith It implyeth that his Commands are the Universal Laws of his Catholick Church and no Man or Men have Autho●ity to make Laws for the Universal Church on Earth but He and to undertake it is to undertake the Prerogative of Christ and be Vice-Christ by Usurpation be it Pope or Councils Which I think are words of much strength consequence and truth and I may say as Cornelius to Peter We are here present to hear all things that are commanded thee of God Acts 10. 33. But if any speak not according to this Rule we are not to follow Paul further than he follows Christ 1 Cor. 11. 1. And as any person is brought to love Christ he takes present care to keep his Commands John 14 15. and Christ shews mercy to those who love him and keep his Commands Exod. 20. 6. And what other way is there to declare our selves the Friends of Christ and good Subjects to him but by doing whatever he commands us John 15. 14. 14. 21 here is no exception of the Seventh day nor elsewhere that I can find in all the Scriptures 't is by this Law of the Decalogue that we have the knowledge of Sin Rom. 3. 20. 7. 7. And we find the Apostle did not make void the Law through Faith but established it Rom. 3. 31. And the Law of Works mentioned in Rom. 3. 27 shews the Law which Faith doth not make void Rom. 3. 31 to be the Ten Commands and speaking of the same Law resolves it to be holy and the Commandment holy just and good and spiritual to which he consented as good and delighted in it after the Inner man Rom. 7. 1 12 14 16 22 25. To which the carnal mind cannot be subject Rom. 8. 7. What Law do Opposers understand by these Scriptures if not the Ten Commands And if these Scriptures mean the Ten Commands as they plainly do how comes one to be changed and mangled and the Seventh day to be excepted Which Ten Commands are called a Royal Law to be fulfilled and a Law by which all Believers shall be judged Jam. 2. 8 12. which Law in the new Covenant is promised to be given into their Minds and to be writ upon their Hearts and that by Jehovah Christ Heb. 8. 18 10 compared with Jer. 31. 33 which is farther Proof that Christ is Jehovah and this without any exception of the Seventh day But if any man sin i. e. break the Sabbath or any of the Ten Commands we have an Advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the Righteous he is the Propitiation for our sins And hereby we know that we know him if we keep his Commands John 2. 1 23. And it is as it seems to me very strange how the World should be so long misled in so discernible a case And this is the love of God that we keep his Commands 1 John 5. 3. And what can that mean if not the Ten Commands And whatsoever we ask we receive
to Moses thus say to Israel Jehovah the Mightys of your Fathers the God of Abraham the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob he hath sent me this is my name for ever Exod. 3. 15. And these Aelohim these Mightys whose Name is Jehovah gave the Ten Commands Exod. 20. 1 2. which Commands are called Christ's Commands If ye love me saith Christ keep my Commands John 14. 15. He that hath my Commands and keepeth them he it is that loveth me Joh. 14. 21 23. And in the second Command against all uninstituted Worship by the word Pesel which one late learned Writer seems willing to take out of the second Command as I doubt for I Jehovah Aeloheka Jehovah thy Aelohim thy Mightys Ael kana a jealous God where the Heb. word Ael is in the singular number and may especially point at Christ as in other places it may point at the Father and at the Holy Spirit I Jehovah thy God and if God be ours it is by Christ I Jehovah thy God shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me that love me and keep my Commands Exod. 20. 5 6. Which agrees well with that of Christ If ye love me keep my Commands John 14. 15. Jesus Christ the Propitiation for our Sins hereby we know that we know him if we keep his Commandments And he that saith I know him and keepeth not his Commandments is a Liar 1 John 2. 1 2 3 4. Upon which fourth verse a learned Paraphrast saith He that professeth the Knowledge and Faith of Christ and calls himself a Christian and yet doth not sincerely keep his Commandments is a Liar and he is not what he professeth to be And this is the love of God that we keep his Commandments 1 John 5. 3. and this is love that we walk after his Commands 2d Epistle of John v. 6. Know that Jehovah Aeloheka thy Mightys he is the Aelohim Hael Hanneeman the Faithful El the Faithful God which keepeth Covenant and Mercy with them that love him and keep his Commands Deut. 7. 9. Ye are my Friends if ye do whatever I command you John 15. 14. If ye keep my Commandments you shall abide in my love John 15. 10. They are his Commands who made the Heaven and the Earth Jehovah he made the Heavens and the Earth Exod. 20. 11. And he that made the Heavens and the Earth Gen. 2. 4. he is Jehovah as before So that the Commands are Christ's Commands and Jehovah giving the Commands by consequence Christ is Jehovah And that Christ gave the Law appears further by this The Commands are said to be given by Christ Jesus the Mediator whose voice at the giving the Law then shook the Earth Heb. 12. 24 25 26. Who gave the Law and the Gospel Jesus the Mediator spake in the Gospel by his Blood whose voice at the giving the Law on Mount Sinai did shake that Mountain Heb. 12. 24 25 26. compared with Exod. 19. 18. Sinai was moved at the presence of Aelohim the Elohe both in the plural the Mightys of Israel Psal 68. 8. The mountains skipped Psal 114. 1 4 Tremble thou Earth at the presence of the Lord Heb. Adoun another of the Names of God signifying a Stay or Pillar at the presence of the God of Jacob Psal 114. 5 6 7. the God of Israel whom Moses Aaron Nadab Abihu and seventy of the Elders saw Exod. 24. 9 10. Who spake unto Moses face to face Exod. 33. 9 12. and no man hath seen the Father but the Son John 1. 18. 6. 46. So that the God of Israel who appeared in the Mount who gave the Law was also and is Jehovah the Son the Lord Jesus Christ and blessed are they who do his Commandments Rev. 22. 14. 3. A third Proof That Christ is Jehovah When Israel journied from Mount H●r they were discouraged because of the way and the People spake against God Num. 21. 4 5. Heb. Aelohim whereupon Jehovah he sent fiery Serpents among the People Num. 21. 6. These Serpents were sent by Jehovah Neither let us tempt CHRIST as some of them tempted him in the wilderness and were destroyed of Serpents 1 Cor. 10. 9. 4. And I think I may offer another Proof from Numbers Jehovah by Moses directs Aaron how to bless the Children of Israel and Jehovah is thrice mentioned Jehovah bless thee and keep thee Jehovah make his face to shine upon thee and be gracious unto thee Jehovah lift up his countenance upon Numb 6. 22 23 24 25 26. thee and give thee Peace Jehovah bless thee and keep thee Now although blessing and keeping be from the Father Son and Holy Spirit yet here they seem peculiarly ascribed to Jehovah the Father as he that blessed and kept his People to whom Blessing is ascribed in many places of the Word Gen. 1. 28 22. And God is said to have blessed Christ for ever Psal 45. 2 c. And Keeping is ascribed to Jehovah the Father in that Christ prays to the Father to keep those whom the Father had given to Christ that they may be one as we are i. e. the Father and Christ are one John 17. 11 21 22. I pray not that thou shouldst take them out of the World which is Christ's Prayer to the Father but that thou shouldst keep them from the evil John 15. 17. So Blessing and Keeping seem eminently ascribed to the Father The Elect are kept by the Power of God through Faith to Salvation 1 Pet. 1. 23 5. spoken of God the Father And Jehovah make his face to shine upon thee and be gracious unto thee Numb 6. 25. Which shining upon us and Jehovah the Son being gracious to us may be from the Father Son and Holy Spirit yet here they seem especially to referr to Jehovah the Son The shining of his Face seems the Love and Favour of God in Christ Cause thy face to shine and we shall be saved Psal 80. 19. And how it is that we have the Favour of God and are saved but by Christ I know not And God hath shined in our Hearts in the Face of Jesus Christ 2 Cor. 4. 6. And be gracious unto thee Num. 6. 25. Now Grace came by Jesus Christ John 1. 17. The grace of God is given you by Jesus Christ 1 Cor. 1. 4. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you 1 Cor. 16. 23. 2 Cor. 13. 14. Phil. 4. 23. We believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved Acts 15. 11. And the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you Amen 1 Thess 5. 28. 2 Tim. 2. 1. c. So that Jehovah's Favour and Grace seem eminently to come from Christ Jehovah lift up the light of his countenance upon Jehovah the Holy Spirit thee and give thee Peace Num. 6. 26. Which lifting up his Countenance and giving Peace may be from the Father Son and Holy Spirit yet here they seem especially to referr to
Offerings v. 26. And yet these Texts speak of the Law in general but cannot be understood as meant of the Ten Commands because the Ten Commands were not in dispute The Law which concerned Circumcision and Purifications with their Offerings which were all ceremonial was that only then in question and so becomes applicable to that Law in question and not at all to the Ten Commands or any jot or tittle of them which were not in question which as before stand fully established And this Difference the Occasion and Context do best explain and this in Acts 21 is an Instance may open divers Expressions about the Law in some of the Epistles for Paul in those Primitive Times when the Ceremonial Law was fresh in memory and the Gospel newly preached had much ado to remove the first converted Jews from Circumcision and other Ceremonials as we find in his Epistles 1 Cor. 9. 19 20 where in the 20th Verse Law as I think referrs to the Ceremonial Law where to the Jews he became as a Jew and in the 21st Verse Law referrs to the Moral Law which unto Christ Paul was under And in other Cases Paul to preserve the Liberty he had in Christ Jesus says Titus was not compelled to be circumcised Gal. 2. 3 4 Acts 16. 3. a Liberty which Christ has purchased for his People to be no longer in Bondage to the Ceremonial Laws And upon this Difference we find Paul withstanding Peter to the face Gal. 2. 11 12 which in a good case may still be done to others though otherwise never so eminent And as to this Case of Circumcision Paul effectually lays that aside by saying that if ye be circumcised Christ shall profit you nothing Gal. 5. 1 2 3 4 for those who were for Circumcision were Debtors to the whole Law i. e. to all the Ceremonial Law and therefore he there advises them to stand fast in the Liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free and not to be entangled again with that Yoke of Bondage It may be also some amongst the Jews had Conceits Justified not by the Law of being justified by the Law of such Paul says they were fallen from Grace and that Christ was become of none effect to them Gal. 5. 4 which Saying of Paul is true Let their conceit referr to what Law it would for if Righteousness be by the Law then Christ is dead in vain Gal. 2. 21. It seems some of the Jews thought if they were circumcised and observed the external and ceremonial part of the Law they should be sure to go to Heaven and if they were that which we call Morally Righteous and as concerning the Law as Paul said of himself blameless they thought then as the Romanists do now that their Works would save them And the Romanists think also they may supererrogate whence arises the Doctrine of Merits of the Saints and Indulgences whereas true Justification is and ever was only by Faith viz. by Christ and his Righteousness by Faith in whom Abraham was justified Rom. 4. 3 9 Gal. 3. 6 Jam. 2. 23 to whom the Gospel was before preached by that word In thee shall all Nations be justified Gal. 3. 8. And yet all this Doctrine about Justification by Faith doth no way hurt or touch the Doctrin of Obedience to Christ's Ten Commands nor set any man at liberty to sin in any thing as some weakly and others maliciously would inferr for of that true Faith universal and sincere conformity to the Laws of Christ i. e. to the Ten Command● is the Evidence and constant inseparable Companion and so by works Faith is made perfect Jam. 2. 22. And 't is by Faith a Believer goes when God commands him Heb. 11. 8 and this I write also to avoid Slanders And on this Subject the generality of Protestant Ministers have written very well and if any dream that Paul made void the Moral Law by preaching up Faith God forbid or be it nor as the Greek imports Yea he established the Law Rom. 3. 31. And 't is as I have thought observable in the 2 Pet. 3. 15 16 17 Peter speaking of Paul and his Epistles says in which are some things hard to be understood which they th●t are unlearned and unstable wrest as they do also the other Scriptures Beware therefore lest ye also being led away with ●he errour of the Wicked i. e. the Lawless the Greek is Athesm●n from Thesmos a Law fall from your own stedfastness And about the Law there are many Errours and this is an Age wherein Anomy or Lawlesness as to God's Commands abounds which Anomy is rendered Iniquity Mat. 7. 23. 13. 41 and in many other Texts in the New Testament Mat. 23. 8 Rom. 6. 19 Antichrist is called that Lawless one the Mystery of Anomy 2 Thes 2. 3 to 10 and the Law i. e. the Moral Law is good and is made for the Lawless 1 Tim. 1. 8 9. And certainly it behoves us no longer to yield to this Lawlesness because the Lord Jesus Christ gave himself for his People that he might redeem them from all Anomy or Lawlesness Tit. 2 13 14 from all manner of Contrariety in Principle or in Practice in whole or in part to Christ Laws i. e. to the Ten Commands which Paul consented were all without excepting the Seventh day holy just spiritual and good in which after the Inner man he delighted and which he served i. e. yielded Obedience to it which Commands he that keepeth without excepting the Seventh day loveth Christ John 14. 21 1 John 2. 3. Which Commands some laying aside hold the Tradition of Men and the Commandments of Men and so lay aside the Commandments of God Mark 7. 7 8. The Law our Lord has given us in the Ten Commands is excellent which absolutely requires in All all manner of true Love to GOD and Man on which Two Commands which include the Commands of both Tables i. e. all the Ten Commands hang all the Law and the Prophets Mat. 22. 37 38 39 40. Obj. As for such as think that the Blessing and Sanctification in the Fourth Command are not appropriated to the Seventh day but to the Sabbath day because of the words there Wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it and so think the change of the Seventh day to be thereby insinuated Ans The express words of the Command Exod. 20. 10 are The seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God and so the Seventh day was that day and that Sabbath day which he blessed and sanctified Read the Command and Judge and the Seventh day is there twice named These I take to be the great Objections and were it not that the First day hath got possession of the Names which belong not to it and had we not been generally educated in this Mistake wherein also some of us have lived long and so are rivetted and this defended by Writers of Renown in the World I see