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A17589 The countesse of Marres Arcadia, or sanctuarie Containing morning, and evening meditations, for the whole weeke. By M. Ia. Caldwell sometimes preacher of Gods Word, at Fawkirke. Enriched with a godlie treatise, called, An ascension of the soule to heaven, by meditation on the passion of our Lord Iesus Christ. Caldwell, James, 1580?-1616.; Anderson, Patrick, 1575-1624. 1625 (1625) STC 4366; ESTC S116200 116,521 496

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with him Rom. 5.6 7. thus that loving Christ when wee were yet of no strengtht dyed at his time for the vngodlie that through death which was for the redemption of the transgressions Heb. 9.15 they which are called might receive the promise of the eternall inheritance Doubtlesse one will scarse die for a righteous man but yet for a good man one dare die Thus I say that God setteth out his love towards vs seeing that while wee were yet sinners Christ doth for vs wee were altogether deformed of polluted Eze. 16.34.56 and poysoned parents from whom descended an hereditarie corruption whi●h wee increase daylie by the abhominable and detestable thoughtes words and deades none eye pittied vs none had compassion vpon vs when we lay not halfe dead but starke dead and buried in sinne But thou as the Samaritane tooke vs vp and made vs thy people Luc. 10.33 which were not thy people beloved which were not bel●ved H●s 2.23 that beeing delivered out of the hands of our enemies wee might serve thee all the dayes of our life without feare Luc. 1.75 in holinesse and righteousnesse before him 4. What doeth thy Spouse and Redeemer require at thine handes for all these his kindnesse bestowed vpon thee euen that thou shouldest loue him againe For in this appeareth the love of GOD towardes vs 1. Iohn 4.19 because GOD sent his onely begotten Sonne in the world that we might live through him heerein is love not that we loved GOD but that hee loved vs and sent his Sonne to be a reconciliation for our sinnes Let vs prooue therfore thankefull obedient and direct our life according to his will and word Now this is the love of God 1. Iohn 1.3 that wee keepe his Commandementes No man will say hee loveth the King and gaine-stand his Lawes but for every trisle small moment will contraveene the same such is the inconstancie and ingratitude of corrupt nature that wee will place the obiect of our love in flat contrarie thinges to the libertie which we haue acquyred by Christ. Let vs therefore bee ashamed of this perverse extreme vnthankfuln●ss● and reciprocate our mutuall love vnto him least wee bee excluded from that eternall Ioy and blessednesse with the guest Mat. 22.12.13 which had not on the wedding garment who was bound hand and foote taken away and casten into vtter darknesse Secondlie our Mediator craveth of vs that wee imitate and expresse his example so farre as hee shall bestowe his heavenlie grace vpon vs for heerevnto are wee called for Christ also suffered for vs 1. Pet. 2.21 leaving vs an example that wee shoulde followe his steps Wee shoulde therefore studie and endevour our selves to acquyre these vertues which shined in him as first Phil. 2.8 his obedience to his heavenly Father and humilitie vnto Death even the Death of the Crosse Secondlie Faith and Prayer in all our afflictions and persecutions and dangers for hee waiteth patientlie for the Lorde Psal 39.1 and hee inclined vnto him and heard his crye Thirdlie his patience for he was oppressed he was afflicted yet did hee not open his mouthe hee was brought as a sheepe to the slaughter Esay 53.7 and as a sheepe before her sherer is dumbe so hee opened not his mouth Fourthly love to our neighbour for this new Commandement gave hee vnto vs Iohn 13.34.35 That wee should love one another as hee hath loved vs so also wee should love one another for by this shall all men know that wee are his Disciples if wee love one another Fifthlie wee shall meditat aright on his Passion if wee after his example forgive our enemies Mat. 5.44 when they offend vs love them though they hate vs praye for them though they curse vs. Thirdlie our Mediator craveth of vs Col. 3.5 that wee mortifie our members which are vpon the earth we cru●ifie the flesh with the affections by putting off the old man which is corrupt through the deceiueable lustes and putting on the new man which after God is created vnto righteousnesse and true holines●e that we walk honestlie as in the day time Eph. 4.14 not to fulfill the concupiscence of the flesh Rom. 13.13 for that were to forget Christes passion to seeke to crucifie him againe to serue our enemy from which to redeme vs Heb. 6.6 Christ died to destroy that as much as in vs is which Christ so dearly had bought for what mother will cause incision to bee made in all the woundes of her bodie and to gush out her blood for the cleansing of the sores of her childe but Christ hath not spared one drop for vs. Fourthlie hee craues that wee stedfastlie beli●ue by him to bee s●ved and liue and die in true repentance for our sinnes which made a division betwixt God and vs which brought the Sonne of God from heauen into this Vaile of miserie and caused his death which should make our heartes to bleed and flee from Sinne as from a Serpent to renounce Sathan with his workes to bee grieued for our sins to cry for mercie continuallie Then GOD will reioyce and delite to doe vs good Eph. 1.3 then will hee blesse vs with spirituall blessings in heavenlie places And whatsoeuer wee shall doe it shall prosper Psal 1.3 Psal 32.7 Psal 23.6 2. Tim. 3.8 for hee shall compasse vs with his mercie as with a Shield Doubtlesse kindnesse shall follow vs all the dayes of our life and wee shall remaine for euer in these Ioyes appointed for them that looke for the appearance of the Lord Iesus Christ to their immortalitie Amen IOANNES LODOvicus Vives ADmirabilē cerno speciem amoris Caput inclinat tua celsitud● ut nos exaudiri possimus speremus porrigis os●ulum ad pacē reconciliationem quam tu offensus lasusque nobis offers ultrò qui fecimus iniuriam expandis ad complexum brachia ostendis perforatas manus ut omnia dilargiar● nihil retineas Apertum est latus cordis tui ut illuc nos recipias si velimus per ostium patens ingredi fixos habes pedes ut sciamus nunquam te à nobis recessurum si ipsi non recess●rimus O pater noster Domine vid●s duritiam nostri cordis nedum lentitatem Non satis est nos tam blandè tam dulciter tam amicè allici atque invitari trahe rape nos finge novum cor obsequens nam hoc nostrum lapideum est nullas sentit blanditias nullâ ingentium bonorum spe movetur LECTORI PRo servis Dominus moritur pro s●ntibus insons Pro aegroto medicus pro grege pastor obit Pro populo Rex mactatur pro milite Ductor Proque opere ipse Opisex proque homine ipse Deus Quid servus sons aegrotus quid grex populusque Quid miles quid opus quid ve homo solvet Amet. B. R. An Ascension of the SOVLE to Heaven
my love and my light Learne mee to forget those things that are behind mee Phi. 3.13 and follow hard towards the mark O Lord open thine owne Treasures and sende downe of thy spirituall graces Let mee finde a lifting vp vertue in thy spirit continuallie raising vp my spirit Speake peaceable things to my soule this morning that all the day long I may rejoyce in thee Giue mee faith to applye the sweete promises of mercie made in thy Worde Hedge mee so about with thy grace that my secreet corruptions breake not out Let my whole life bee a walking with thee and a moving towards thee Iohn 12.32 Draw mee everie day somewhat neerer to thy selfe and deface the image of sinne in me that the image of Christ may bee set vp in my soule Bee thou O Lord a bulwarke to thy servant that the violent spait of the corruption of this time dryve mee not away Save mee that I communicat not with the sinnes of other men 1. Tim. 5.22 and cleanse mee from my owne sinnes As this bodie of clay weareth and wasteth graunt O Lord that sinne may weare and waste in me Bring the worke of thine owne grace to perfection and leade mee from faith Rom. 1.17 to faith and from feeling to feeeling 1. Cor. 13.12 vntill faith end in sight and feelling into an endlesse fellowship which I hope to enjoy in the Heavens with my blessed Head and Husband Iesus Christ Amen Evening meditation of the fourth Day I Blesse the time wherein I was acquainted with thy Majestie If thou hadst not sent the light of thine owne Spirit Eph. 2.12 as I was borne a stranger I had died a strāger I confesse O Lord that before my calling I was doing the workes of the flesh Eph. 2.3 and of the minde and was by nature the child of wrath as well as others But thou O Lorde who art riche in mercie through the great love that thou hast loved mee in Christ Iesus Eph. 2.4 hast made mee to see that I was walking in a way to mine owne damnation Thou in mercie reclaimedst mee and broughtest mee backe yea thou diddest pardon those selfe-same sinnes in mee for the which thou hast condemned others O Lord what didst thou see in mee more than in others Nothing but matter of wrath and condemnation Yea Lord as thou didst separate Eliah from Elisha 2. King 2.11 walking in one way together by a fyrie chariot so hast thou shedde mee from the reprobat sometime walking in one course with them I say with thy servant David Not vnto mee Psal 115. 1. not vnto mee O Lord but vnto thy Name let the glorie bee given Who is able to thinke aright of thy mercy all thy wayes are mercy truth to them that feare thee Psal 25.1 When I remember what I haue beene I am enforced to wonder at thy mercie If thou hadst beene as readie to punish mee for my sinne as I was readie to commit sinne I had had my portion amongest the damned Spirites ere now What follie was there wherein I did not take pleasure I stopped mine care at the voyce of GOD and hearkened vnto the voyce of the Serpent The deceitfull pleasures of sinne ensnared my soule but thou hast broken the grinne Psal 124.6 and my soule like a bird hath escaped all thinges are naked and patent before him Heb. 4.13 with whom we haue to do Thou didst see Nathanael vnder the figge tree Iohn 1.48 I do therefore in all humilitie crave thee mercie for all my sinnes before my calling and also after my calling Like a Dogge I haue returned to my vomite 2. Pet. 2.22 and like a Sowe washed I haue defiled my selfe in the myre againe After that thou hadst made mee cleane these same sinnes for the which I haue lamented and repented I haue falne into againe As my salvation was begunne of thy mercie so let it bee continued and perfected of that same mercie for mercie is all I leane to At that last houre when all these outward comforts as false friends will flie from mee in my greatest neede then Lord bee at my right hand yea bee in the secreet corner of mine heart that my death as well as my life may edifie others in the faith of Christ Let my mouth whilst I haue breath vtter foorth a good matter Psal 45.1.2 Then leade thou mee through the valley of death and in end bring mee into that glorious and lightsome Pallace where the glorie of God shineth most brightlie ●sal 17.15 that my soule may ever bee delighted with the brightnesse of his Face and may haue my part in that Songe of Thankes●giving Rev. 5.9.10 c. which the glorified Spirites sound to the praise of GOD to whom be everlasting praise Amen Morning meditation of the fift Day O Heavenly Father as all the waters runne into the Ocean so doth all poore sinners powre out their complaintes in thy bosome Thou art the onelie refuge of a wearied soule to thee onelie doe wee flie in our greatest necessities and at thy mouth doe wee seeke resolution in our most perplexed affaires I haue manie things to lament to thy Majestie but in speciall I lament to thee that my meditations are so confused and mixed with impertinent cogitations Lorde this is a token of a confused heart I am sorie that the heart which should bee the dwelling place of thy Spirit should bee so preoccupied by earthlie fleshlie and profane cogitations I may withdrawe my selfe from the companie of the Worlde but allace I can not with drawe my selfe from a profane heart where ever I goe I carrie a profane heart about with mee and albeit thou givest mee an outward libertie to bow the knee of my bodie yet my spirite is bound Ah Lord I can neither speake nor thinke of thee as I should doe Thou art infinite vnmeasureable incomprehensible what can a finite creature take vp of an infinite God Forgive mee Lord that I worship thee in such ignorance let mee see thee in a clearer light and I shall worshippe thee with a greater affection The better O Lord that I know thee the better I loue thee the more will I reverence thee That woman of Samaria Iohn 4.9 before Thee knew thee preferred a drinke of water to thee but from time shee knew thee shee esteemed much of thee and preferred thee vnto all things To the end therefore O Lorde that thou may haue that rowme in mine heart that thou oughtest to haue manifest thy selfe more clearelie to my soule Drawe abacke this curtaine off my soule that I may take thee vp more sensiblie I crave light with the increase of light and grace with the increase of grace faith with the increase of faith and because that heere is no perfection Graunt I may studie to a growth vntill thou perfite thine owne worke and in the meane time O Lorde consider what I am
minde most evidently to vs it belongeth to the Iustice GOD by the same reasonable creature Gen. 3.15 the Devill should bee overcome which hee had gloried to bee subdued by him as God therefore hee triumphed over Death The offering of Isaac is a shadow of this dispensation done for vs Gen. 22.8 Isaac being a type of the divinitie and the Rain of the humanitie In the purification of the Leper also for whom was taken two Sparrowes aliue and cleane whereof the one was killed Lev. 14.4 and the other dipped in the blood of the slaine then let g●e the live Sparrow into the broad fielde And so of the two Goates offered for the sinnes of the people whereof the one was sacrificed and the other did escape 2. What did hee suffer in Soule and Body man hath sinned so did hee suffer in both not in his Passion onely but all the time of his life hee was in the flesh As his povertie flight to Egypt and all other his persecutions contained in the historie of his Gospell declare Esay 53.4 3. Why s●ffered hee surelie hee hath borne our iniquities and caried our sorrowes 1. Pet. 2.24 hee his own selfe bare ●ur sinnes in his body on the tree that wee beeing delivered from sinne should live in righteousnesse by whose stripes wee are healed Thy trespasses brought shame and ignominie on thy Savi●ur and nailed him to the Crosse and drived him to the lowest part of the earth Hence doeth shine God his Iustice and Mercie to vs w●rd a●d esp●●ially Iesus Christ his l●ve to vs all Of his Iustice punishing sin The Angells which kept not their first estate deludge of Noah Iud. 6.7 the subversion of Sodom Gen. 19.24 and Gomorrha are examples which suffer the vengeance of eternall fire Chorah Numb 16.32 Mat. 23.37.38 ●sal 76.2 Dathan and Abiram their destruction and the miserable desolation of Ierusalem the bewtie of the earth and the chosen habitation of GODS worship can beare record B●t none of them all can bee compared with this that God would not but by the death of his onely begotten Sonne be pacised for our sinnes Cease therefore to provocke so iust a GOD by thy wickednesse Psal 95 7.8 since thou receiuest a kingdome that can not bee shaken craue grace Heb. 12 2● that thou may so serue GOD that thou mayest please him with reverence and feare for even thy GOD is a consuming fire Rom. 1.15 whose wrath is revealed frō Heaven against all vngodlinesse and vnrighteousnesse of men The fierce Lyon is tamed and dauntoned when the Whelp is beaten with roddes in his sight Psal 147.19.20 cast thou off superfluitie of maliciousnes for whilst thou seest not onelie the people dearest to GOD of any Esay 2.6 for hee hath not so done to everie nation so dangerouslie forsaken because they did not repent nor acknowledge the day of their visitation but his well-beloved Sonne also in whom hee is well pleased mayest thou behold to die 1. Iohn 3.5 that execrable death because he appeared that hee might take away our sinnes and in him is no sinne Despise not therefore the riches of his bountifulnesse Rom. 2.4 and patience and long suffering not knowing that the bountifulnesse of GOD leadeth thee to repentance It behoued our woundes to bee verie deepe and corrupt which could not bee healed Esay 1.6 but by the woundes of the Sonne of God hee hath redeemed vs not to sinne but from sinne not with corruptible thinges as Siluer or Gold 1. Pet. 1.17.18 Heb. 10.29 but wi●h the precious bloode of Christ as of a Lambe vndefyled and without spotte How sore punishment shall hee bee thought worthie which treadeth vnder foote the Sonne of GOD and compteth the blood of the Testament as a vnworthy thing wherewith hee was sanctifyed and despiteth the the Spirit of Grace Againe nothing more could declare GODS mercie Rom. 5.8 than the death of his owne Sonne what is dearer to man Ioh. 3.16 than his owne children Iacob deploreth his sonne Ioseph David yeelded a bitter and heavie sorrow for Abs●lon yea Gen. 37.34.35 2. Sam. 18.23 Ier. 31.15 in Rama was a voyce heard murning and weeping and great lamentation Rachel weeping for her children and would not bee comforted for such cace hath procured in many astonishment rather than teares seeing therefore that GOD hath delivered his Sonne begotten from all eternitie Phil. 2.6 equall with himselfe coessentiall and consubstantiall to a shamefull death for thee despare not with that damned Crue Cain Saul and Iudas But rouse vp thy selfe in the cons●ience of GOD'S mercie saying with David The Lord is full of compassion and mercy slow to anger and of great kindnesse hee will not alwayes chyde nor keepe his anger for euer Psal he hath not delt with vs after our sinnes nor rewarded vs after our iniquities for as high as the Heauen is aboue the Earth so great is his mercies towardes them that feare him So farre as the East is from the West so farre hath hee remoued our sinnes from vs. As a father hath compassion on his children so hath the LORD compassion on them that feare him For as by one mans dissobedience Rom. 5.20.21 many were made sinners So by the obedience of one many shall also be made righteous For where sinne aboundeth there grace aboundeth more that as sinne hath reigned vnto death so might grace also reigne by righteousnes vnto eternall Life by Iesus Christ our Lord who was made a curse for vs Gal. 4.4 5. that the blessing of Abraham might come on thee through Christ Iesus Thus is hee made vnto vs of GOD 1. Cor. 1. 30. Wisedome Righteousnesse Sanctification and Redemption Seeing therefore that wee haue Christ the pledge of GODS favour and l●ue who hath payed more than wee were indebted and hee restored that which hee tooke not Psal 69.4 and hath merited more for vs than the Ocean Sea is bigger thā the smallest droppe of water The righteous GOD of his Iustice being once satisfied can not sue double pay in punishing those that belieue in Iesus Christ And what can bee said of Iesus Christ his most burning Loue to mankind never Bridegrome loved his Bride so intirelie and ardently never man matched so vnworthily and with greater disparagment in marriage as Christ and his Church If thou see any cast his affection vpon a Wen●h deformed maimed yea a s●old and durty thou wilt say Such a one is benummed yea bewitched But God when we were dead in sin and trespasses Eph. 2.2 yea which is worse walked after the course of the Devill his enemie 1. Iohn 1.8 emptie and voide of all goodnesse fraughted and defyled of all vice of meere vnlookt-for love not onlie had hee given his onelie begotten Sonne to deliver vs from the bondage and staverie of Satan but hath adopted vs to be anexed heires
maye quake thy Reason bee astonished thy Vnderstanding amazed to thinke of it and so may thy Tongue to speake of it Yet may thou sorrowfull Soule rejoyce in Christ crucified Gal. 6.14 which is the onely true object of all thy solide Ioye for by vertue of his painefull Passion 1. Cor. 1.30 thine hudge ransome is payed thy running wounds are healed perfite and absolute satisfaction for all thy sinnes made The first Death converted to Life the seconde valiantlie conquered the reid Dragon Sathan 1. Pet. 5.8 that Lyon goeth about to devour thee couragiouslie subdued Rev. 20.14 Hell that gapeth for thee overcom Col. 2.14 that Obligation that was against thee cancelled sinning sinne and that sinne that hangeth so fast on Heb. 12. 1. killed thy justly offended God pacified and thou with strong cords of love and everlasting mercie betrothed and reconcealed to him Hos 2.19 And now to call to memory wretched Soule these actions which went before his Crosse mayest thou not thinke that his suffrings were exceiding great when he did sweate blood Luc. 2.7 Hee spent his Bloode in his circumcisi●● in our behalfe before and now in mount Oliues beeing in an agonie kneeling downe devotelie Luc. 22 44. and praying most earnestlie drops of Blood doeth burst through his sacred Bodie It is an vsuall thing for man in anguish to sweate but to sweate bloode and that in such quantitie and aboundance that it should trickle from him vpon the groūd is a strange thinge and an vnaccustomable thing and only proper to such an eminent personage whose Griefe was vnspeakeable and Paine vntolerable And did he thus shed drops of blood for thy sinne poore Soule and canst thou not nor wilt thou not shed teares for the same thou canst bewaile and mourne for vanishing and deceiuing toyes of this earth but for thy trespasses thy eyes are dryed and shoote vp Ob that mine head were a well of water Ier. 9.1 and mine eyes a fountaine of teares that thou mayest bewaile thy blindnesse forgetfulnesse and vngratitude And truelie it was not without cause that this terrible p●ssion did so sease vpon him for the matter which hee had in hand Col. 1.22 was weigh ie 2. Pet. 3.13 Eph. 6.12 Eph. 2.2 the worke which hee had to accomplishe was great the conflict strong the enemies mightie Luc. 4.13 their assaultes many the worke was mans eternall redemption the battell was with detestable Sinne destroying Death devouring Sathan insatiable Hell accusing Law and with the consuming Wrath of God and would not deare Soule these enemies so manie in number so mightie in power so terrible to behold make a man to feare to tremble to sweate Truelie if Christe had beene meere man onelie hee could not haue encountred with them for hee should haue succumbed vnder the burden of his owne sinne much lesse should haue releaved others But beeing very GOD and very Man Iesus Chr●ste the Iust 1. Iohn 2● hee did fight them all overcame them all led captiue all Eph. 4.8 and hath triumphed over them all it cost them all their liues for ever and h m drops of blood with strong crying and teares Heb. 5.7 What say I droppes of bloode costed him no more yes yes that which was dearest vnto him his verie Life which could not bee taken from him but laid it downe for thee Mat. 20.28 and hath the power to take it again according to his Fathers commandement But now thou seest him crowned with Glory and Honour which is made a little inferior to the Angels through the suffring of death Heb 2.9 that by Gods grace he might taste Death for all men Hee is that stronger man that entred in the strong mans house spoyled all that he had and this and much more hee did Mat. 18. 11. before hee could bring vnder so mightie enemies as man had and so accomplish so painfull a worke as Redemption is Rom. 4.10 and pacifie so great a Person as is the most hie Almightie everlasting God O my Soule diligentlie remember often cal to mind the heauenlie droppes of that inesteemable Blood which he shed for thy sake thy soule vile sinnes for thee vnworthy soule and salvation 1. Iohn ● 19. Eph. 5.5 ●sal ● Rom. 8.3 Loue him for it dearelie thanke him for it earnestlie serue him in humilitie obedience and simplicity And that thou mayst receiue deeper impression of his blood marke heere diligentlie my Soule to how many severall respects and diverse ends hee had in this worke For first Rom. 8.32 GOD the Father delivered him who spared not his owne Sonne but gaue him for vs all to death It was bee that smote the Sheepe-Heard Zach. 13. and the Sheepe was scattered For the sinnes of his people hee smote him I say Esay 53. for the Lord had laide vpon him the iniquitie of vs all And it behoued him to drinke of the cup that the Father had giuen him but what shall I say they persecute him whom they haue smitten Psal 69.26 and they adde vnto the sorrowes of them whom thou hast wounded As Iudas who said What will yee giue mee Mat. 28.15 and I will deliver him vnto you not assisting or cooperating to Gods will but perfecting his owne maliciousnesse as did the rest The Iewes also tooke him Iohn 18 13. and bound him and ledde him away vnto Annas Pilate also delivered him to bee crucified at their owne will Yea Iohn 19 16. Sathan had a enterest heerein who from the his Nativitie persued him euen to his Baptisme Mat. 4. where he hand to hand combated him but got the foyle and now hath entered in Iudas O! Eph. 5.2 but most of all deare Christ thou gauest thy selfe to death for the loue of thy Church for thou loued thy Church and gaue thy selfe for it Truelie Psal 1● 3. thou mightest haue said The snares of Death compassed mee and the grieues of the Graue caught mee I haue found trouble and sorrow Psal 22. many young Bulles haue compassed mee mighty Bulles of Basan haue closed mee about they gape vpon mee with their mouthes as a ramping and roaring Lyon Dogges haue compassed mee and the assemblie of the wicked haue inclosed mee The chiefe Priestes who should haue defēded the Shepe-Heard Bishop of our Soules 1. Pet. 2.25 1. Cor. 8.2.3 who pretended knowledge in whose handes were the Oracles of God most of all both privatlie and publicklie did procure his Death For Envy corrupted the whole masse of their learning They knew where Christ should bee borne Mat. 2.4 they had ofttimes disputed with him after that Iohn had testified of him Iohn 1.19 hee himselfe confessed and denyed not that hee was the Son of God Luc. yet they never pretermitted no opportunitie while they had his life It is good to vnderstand according to sobrietie
Iohn 2.3 and not for ours onelie but for the sins of the whole world by Faith applying the merites of Christe vnto himselfe to doe this businesse whereof Iudas destitute contemning the deepenesse of his mercie and riches of grace lost hope of recovering no man can seriouslie repent but he that looketh for forgiuenes And therefore to wrestle with temptation is first to look to the promises of God which is so sure and certaine that it is more easie that beaven earth should passe away Luc. 16.17 than they should faile or that any title of the Law should faile For the Lord is strong Exod. 34.6.7 mercifull and gracious slow to anger and aboundant in goodnes an● truth reserving mercie for thousandes forgiuing iniquities and transgressions and sinnes for the Lord is gracious and mercifull slow to anger Psal 145.89 and of great mercie the Lord is good to all and his mercie is over all his workes In this conflict cast the eyes of thy faith on Christ Iesus to whom a voyce from Heauen came Saying Mat. 3.17 This is my beloued Sonne in whom I am wel pleased For hee receiued of God the Father honour and glorie 2. Pet. 1 17 and there came such a voyce to him f●om the excellent It is reported that Alexander the Great when he saw Iaddus the hie Priest with his priestlie apparel meeting him ceased from his rage against Tyrus and also richlie rewarded him How much more when our euerlasting Priest Iesu● Christ who is just yea our righteousnesse shall appeare in the sight of God his Father making intercession for vs to mitigate his wrath Heb. 7.26 and shall giue vs forgiuenesse of sins and life everlasting for he is able perfectlie to saue them that are able to come vnto God by him seeing hee ever liueth to make intercession for them Let not therefore Sathan bereaue thee of Gods loue mercie towardes thee the merite of his passion efficacie of his death For the gift is not so as is the offence for if by the offence of one many bee dead much more the grace of God Rom. 5. 15. and the gift by grace which is by one Man Iesus Christ hath aboūded vnto many Moreouer neuer sinner yet to this day desiring to bee reconcealed with his God was euer secluded frō mercie if the sinne be great his mercies is aboundantlie more and so much more as all the whole globe of the Sea exceedeth the smallest droppe of water If thy sinne be old which thou hast drunken in from thy mothers breast and in processe of time hath euer augmented the same bee thinke thee of Gods mercie is from al eternitie if thy iniquity bee latelie committed Gods mercies are daylie renewed which euerie moment hee poureth vpon vs. And therfore poore Soule because of the savour of thy Bridgromes oyntmēts Cant. 1.2.3 his Name is as an oyntment poured out therefore the Virgines love him draw mee wee will runne after thee the King hath brought mee vnto his chamber wee will rejoyce and bee glad in thee wee will remember thy loue more than wine the righteous doe loue thee yea thou despysest not the poore sinner thou abhorredst not the confessing Thiefe neither the weeping woman neither her that was found in adulterie neither him that sate at the receipt of custome nor the humble Publican nor the denying Disciple nor the persecuting Paul yea not these that crucified thee but prayed for them Strengthen thy faith therfore in the spirituall fight by the holy meditation vse of the Sacraments for whosoeuer are baptized in Christ Gal. 3.27 hath put on Christ he covereth our nakednesse and doth wash away the filth of our Soules whose sinnes if they were as Crimson Esay 1.18 shall bee made white as Snow for it is the ●lood of Iesus Christ that cleanseth vs from all sinne 1. ●ohn 1.7 Bee not therefore affraied sinful Soule Art thou baptized in Christ hee will h●ue care of thy cause as if it were his proper owne The Rainebow was a signe of the Covenant betwixt God and man That the earth sh●uld never be destroyed by deluge of water therafter Gen. 9.13 So baptisme is a vndoubted seale of our purgation by Christ at Gods hand he made a league with vs for our foule sins never to bee cast from his presence But in the Sacrament of the blood bodie of Iesus haue we a most certaine and liuelie pawne which is our Passeover offred for vs who by his obedience hath delivered vs from the Tyrannie of death and made vs partakers of life eternall It was worthie of consideration how precislie Peters falles are registrate in the booke God For whatsoeuer thinges are written afore-time are written for our learning Rom. 15. 4 that wee through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might haue hope Peter therefore denyed his Master seven times Foure times to Maides Mat. 26.69 and three times to men First to Maides I say when he sate without the Hall and the Maide came vnto him saying that Thou wast with Iesus of Galile Secondlie as Peter was beneath in the Hall for now hee had entered but before hee was not come in There came one of the Maides of the high Priests Mar. 14.66 and when shee saw Peter warming him shee looked on him and said Thou wast also with Iesus of Nazareth Thirdlie then a Maide saw him againe and began to say to them that stood by This is one of them Fourthlie when hee went out into the Porch from the common Hall And another Maide saw him and said vnto them that were there Mat. 26.71 This man was also with Iesus of Nazareth Thus foure times denyed he his Master before these weak Vessels Man never should be courageous stout in his owne conceite The Lord is my strength my buckler and the horne of my salvation If the Lord leaue vs to our selues wee are a prey to Sathan to euerie winde and blast of temptation Thrice also denyed he before men and first Iohn 18.25 before the Souldiers standing and warming himselfe Iohn 18.26 Secondlie hee denyed before Malohus coosen whose eare hee smote off Thirdlie hee denyed him anone to them that stood by who saide vnto him againe Mat. 26.70 Mar. 14.70 Surelie thou art one of them for thou art of Galile and thy speech is like Neither doe I so punctually set these dolorours spectacles before thine eyes sinful Soule to dig vp the Sepulchres of these glorious Saints which are in heauen who repented and weeped bitterlie for their sinnes who were patterns to others not to distrust And thou Peter being converted confirme thy brethren And Dauid after his fall did teach the Lordes wayes vnto the wicked Psal 51.13 that sinners might bee converted to him The beleeving and repenting sinner therefore may be perswaded that there is euer mercie to bee found how great soever his sins
Beleeuest thou that whē the Sonne of man shall come that bee shall find faith and trueth in the earth They therefore desire this bloodie Fellow to bee put to liberty Deut. 11.12.13 that against the Law and the Innocent to be condemned Whosoeuer in place of Iustice doth not stay sin when hee may by his over-sight giueth waye to it Punish thou them therefore that thou bee not punisht for them How odious is this comparison Mat. 12.2 Christ the Author and Prince of Peace and Salvation Barabbas a mutinous bloodie Rogue Christ the Physician of al our sores the restorer of the dead vnto life Barabbas a inflicter of woūds and man slayer Christ a most perfite and absolute Patron 1. Pet. 2.21 and example of all vertue Barabbas filthily defiled within with our with all kind of vices Infinite is the difference betwixt them and yet Barabas by vote and voyce of the people is delivered The punishment of One Rom. 5. 15. doth satisfie for the wickednesse of many So the libertie to sin breedes occasion to verie many to doe the like better burne and cut one member rather than the whole bodie perish Thus is the prophesie fulfilled Esay 53.12 Hee hath poured out his Soule vnto death hee was counted with the transg●essors and bee bare the sinnes of many and prayed for the trespassers Consider heere my Soule howe vile and filthie a thing Sinne is which did dryue Christ to such deepe ignominy that hee is judged more contemptiblie than a common Briggand and Villane But this is thy sure cōfort against the wrath of God that heereby hee hath delivered thee from euerlasting shame and giuen thee a beautifull and happie Inheritance in the heavens For it doeth not appeare now what wee are but when this corruption shall put on incorruption 1. Cor. 15.53 and bee translated in the glorious libertie of the Sonnes of God Rom. 8. 21. then shall wee bee like vnto him gathered from the shame of eternall death to the Citie of the liuing God the celestiall Ierusalem into the companie of innumerable Angels and to God the Iudge of all and to the spirites of just and perfect men Heb. 12.22.23 and to Iesus the Mediator of the New-Testament to the Blood of sprinkling And not onelie Herods resembling the Iew and Pilate representing the Gentile two supreame Magistrates but al so Pilates vvife hauing her dreame gouerned by Gods providence giueth testimonie of Christs innocencie to make both Iudge Iewes the more inexcuseable A Woman truelie for modestie to bee commended that did not take vpon her Esay 45.24 any civile government but made intimation by message to her husband not to medle with Iesus Christ And for Counsell admirable farre contrarie to Iezabel 1. King ●1 7.8 who gaue advyse to idolatrous Achab how to possesse himselfe in Naboths Vine-yard for the which impietie shee was justlie punished and not shee onlie but the whole house and posteritie of Achab destroyed Let women here learne what it is to giue their husbandes bad and sinistrous informations lest the iniquitie redownd to both their posterities Indeede womens counsell is not to bee rejected but wiselie to bee ballanced Such was Abigall her counsell to Dauid 1. Sam. 25.23.24 which broght great loue before God and credite before men Men should not always ly vnder the directiō of their wiues but they shuld bee a sounding bell in their eares not to sin against Chr●st his members Pilat should haue pittied Christ if hee had loved his wife who had suffred much for him Now it is to be fulfilled which was prophesied He looked for judgment but behold oppression Esay 5.7 for righteousnesse behold a crying And againe I haue forsaken my house I haue left mine heritage I haue giuen the dearlie beloued of my Soule vnto the hands of enemies mine heritage is vnto mee as a Lyon in the Forrest it cryeth out against mee therefore haue I bated it But beholde Pilate heere greatly contraveened the law of Iustice hee knew of malicious envie Christ to bee accused yet to mitigate the Iewes mind so highlie incensed against our Saviour and to free him from the punishmēt of death commanded him to be whipped If they had known the God of Glorie 1. Cor. 2.8 they had not delt so contumeliouslie with him Great things such as are heavenlie and spirituall are contemned by the worlde But vanitie and such as are foolish deceitfulnesse and pleasures heere belowe are in great admiration but far other ways was Moses choice whē he came to age refused to be called the sonne of Pharaohs daughter and choose rather to suffer adversitie with the people of God Heb. 11.24 25.26 than to enjoye the pleasures of sinne for a season esteeming the rebuke of Christ great riches more than the treasures of Egypt for hee had respect vnto the recompense of the reward And heere consider my Soule that Christ was scourged not of one but of many this shame would thy Cautioner vnder-goe Mat. 5 1● not onelie to leaue thee heere an exsample of his patience Act. 5.41 11 1● 11.15 but also to sanctifie the diseases sicknesses which hee vseth as scourges to daunt and chastise thy wantonesse Now a crowne of Thornes is platted on his head for the Lord vseth their hands Psal 1. 16. for his Coronation Heere meditate my Soule the reparation of Adams curse Gen. 3. 18. to whom thornes and briers for his rebellion was a punishment 1. Cor. 1● 56.57 and the point and sharpnesse of our sinnes are blunted by his satisfaction for them which are briers to pierce vs through Come forth yee Daughters of Syon and behold thy King Salomon a type of Christ with the crown wherwith his mother the Iewish Church crowned him in the day of his marriage Cant. 3. 11. and in the day of the gladnesse of his heart for earnestlie desired be to eate that Pascall Lambe with them his greatest triumph is in his sufferings Hee is cloathed with a Purple garment the signe of Labour wrestling and victorie for hee was all imbrodered with his own blood This combat with Death he tooke in hand for vs for it was we that clad him there with all And all our life here is nothing else but a continuall war-fare but in the end we shall be more than Conquerours by him who loueth vs Rom. 8 3● and washed vs in that Lambes blood He is buffetted that we should not bee plagued euerlastingly with Sathan There is a R●ed put in his right hād in place of a kinglie Scepter wherby they wold insinuate that his Kingdome was waste and voyde and brittle subject to euery winde and blast of stormie tempest as the R●ede is And that his Kingdome was not guarded with anie humane helpe far are they deceiued His Kingdome is an euerlasting Kingdome for hee hath receiued the Heathen for his Inheritance
and knocketh if thou will heare his voyce and open the doore hee will come in vnto thee and supp with thee Esay 60.19.20 and thou with him where there shall bee no more Sunne to shine by day neither the brightnesse of the Moone Iohn 14.23 to shine to thee for the Lord shall bee thine euerlasting light and thy God thy glorie and the dayes of thy sorrow shall bee ended Loue him therfore freelie beloued Soule and keepe his word 2. Iohn 3.24 and his Father will loue thee hee will come vnto thee dwell with thee for hee that keepeth his commandements dwelleth in him and Christ in him and heereby shalt thou know that hee abideth in thee even by the Spirit which hee hath given thee I will intreate thee of all favour poore Soule to meditate thy omission of good thinges commission of evill and losse of wholesome time occasion which three are past by and these three present the shortnes of this life the difficultie to bee saved 1 Pet. 4.17 18. and the fewnes of them that do enter in that strait way For if judgement beginne first at the house of God what shall be the end of them which obey not the Gospel of God and if the righteous scarcelie hee saued where shall the vngodlie and sinners appeare Doe not forget these three things to come Death than the which nothing is more terrible the last Iudgment than the which nothing is more horrible eternall Punishment than the which nothing is more vntolerable O that thou were wise then wouldst thou vnderstand this Deut. 32.29 thou wouldst consider thy letter end But I poore Soule doe not know what to doe ● Chro. 20.12 but mine eyes are towards thee O Lord for trulie great travel doe sinners take to perfect their iniquities they imagine nothing impossible so they may aquire their designes The way of sinners is made plaine with stones so smooth thinke they i● Wisd 5.7 but the end thereof is hell darknesse and paine Flee from sinne as from a Serpent the teeth thereof are the teeth of a Lyon Eccl. 21.10 to slay the soules of men All iniquitie is as a two edged sword the wounds thereof can not bee healed And if thou hast sinned doe so no more but pray for thy fore-sinnes that they may bee forgiuen thee Eccl. And because thy sinne is forgiuen bee not without feare to heape sinne vpon sinne And say not The mercie of God is great hee will forgiue my manifold sinnes for mercie and wrath come from him his indignation commeth downe vpon sinners Make no tarying to turne vnto Lord and put not off from day to day for suddenlie shall the wrath of the wrath of the Lord breake foorth and in thy securitie thou shalt bee destroyed But blessed is that people whose God is the Lord for peace shall bee vpon them ●●l 6.16 and mercie and vpon the Israel of God Vnto him therefore ●h 3 20. that is able to doe exceeding aboundantlie aboue all that wee aske or thinke according to the power that worketh in vs be praise in the Church by Christ Iesus thorowout all generations for euer Amen THE AGREEMENT OF DIFFERENCES IN THE INCARNATION PASSION AND Ascension of our Saviour THE MYSTERIE OF the Incarnation A Mother and a Virgine beares a Sonne The Creature her Creator on her knee Frō all beginning yet but now begun Servant to Time Lord of Eternitie Earths Weaknes Heavēs Power in him doth dwell That is both God and Man Emanuel Meekenesse is heere combin'd with Maiestie The Lyon with the Lambe keepes peacefull place Obedience findes a Seat in Emperie This Earthly substāce breeds a heavēly grace To Poverty rich Gifts are broght by Kings Terrestriall figures of Coelestiall thinges Who sits in Heavē vpon the Throne of State Suckes here on Earth the milke of Infancie Who rules the Stars guids the sterne of Fate Sustaines the yoke of humane Miserie Eats drinks wakes sleepes weepes a mortall man In whom Immortall happines began THE MYSTERIE OF the Passion THe Iudge of Mā by Mā is iudg'd to die He that cōmands the law the law obeys Submission hath a Seat in Soveraingn'ty This stormie Night begets our Hal●yon days The best of Hope springs frō the worst of Fears And giues vs cause of Ioy from cause of Tears The Lord of Life is subiect vnto Death The Masters power the Minister obeyes At once inspyring expiring breath Submittes to Kinges yet Kings kingdomes swayes Sin vpon Vertue hath imposde a Blame Honour by Basenesse is exposde to Shame Thus from the Crosse our Blessednes is bred His suffering made it a triumphant Signe Our looks are raisde while he bowes down the Head He tasteth Vinegar to giue vs Wine Saues all by loosing all to Tyrannie Helpes all yet cryes Lamasabachtani THE MYSTERIE OF THE Resurrection and Ascension DEath frō the Graue Life to the Graue is broght Flesh without Sin sees no coruptiō By yeelding was this noble Conquest wroght O're Sin the World Death Hel al Pollution Extensiue Weaknes with intensiue Power His Hurts haue healed these woūded states of our ASCENSION He that the Earth hath for his Footestoole laid Makes his Ascens vp to his Heavenlie Seat There dwels his Power which his Mercy made And here his Mercy which his Power makes great All glorious in his Sea● he sits vpon All gratious in the Place he treades vpon Hee which is taken vp is left behind Vnbounded Power doth circumscribe al things He that hath fram'd the heart ruls the mind Doth giue Himselfe to Beggars as to Kings Mercie remaines whilst Maiestie doth tower And Grace descends with his ascending Power Succumbat ratio fidei captiva quescat A SHORT CONFESsion of our Sinnes MY life O LORD is a perpetuall rebellion against thee for who can make cleane that which is conceiued in the filth of sin My time was a Sea and flood of sorrow secluded frō all goodnes vntil thou didst put forth thy hand and pull mee into thine Arke and had I not bene made cleane in some measure by the red Sea of the Blood of thy Son in Baptisme I should haue lyen in the filthie puddle of my vyle corruption Neither hath Sathan ceased to bereaue mee of the loue whereby thou first didst loue mee Hee did not show me deceiuing Serpent the wages of Sinne but ●●eeting and turning did hyde thy wrath from mee Amitie with him is enimitie with my God His loue is hatred because the Image of my Saviour is in mee hee pursueth at my heales but if thou bee with mee who shall bee against mee I can not thinke a good thought of my selfe but shall doe all thinges through thee O Christ who strengthenst mee who is my life resurrection the hope of the afflicted my light in darknesse the wholesome dew of my drye and withered Soule my strength in weaknesse the Physitian of my