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A09181 A frutefull booke of the comon places of all S. Pauls Epistles right necessarye for all sortes of people, but especially for those of the ministerye dyligentelye sette foorthe by Thomas Paniell. Anno. 1562; Bible. N.T. Epistles. English. Selections. Paynell, Thomas. 1562 (1562) STC 19492; ESTC S114192 128,237 388

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Isaac when he was tempted and he offerd him beynge his only begotten sonne whiche had receaued the promyses of whom it was sayed In Isaac shal thy seede be called For he considered that God was able to rayse vp again from death Wherefore he receaued him for an ensample In fayth Isaac blessed Iacob and Esau concerninge thinges to come By fayeth Iacob when he was a dyinge blessed bothe the sonnes of Ioseph and bowed him selfe toward the toppe of his cepter By fayth Ioseph when he dyed remembred the departinge of the chyldren of Israell and gaue commaundemente of his bones By fayeth Moses when he was borne was hydde three monethes of his father and mother Because they sawe he was a proper chylde neyther feared they the kinges cōmaundemente By fayeth Moses when he was great refused to be called the son of Pharaos doughter and chose rather ●o suffer aduersitye wyth the people of God then to enioye the pleasures of synne for a ceason and estemed the rebuke of Christe greater riches then the treasure of Egipte for he had respecte vnto the rewarde By fayeth he forsoke Egipte and feared not the fearcenes of the king for he endured euen as he hadde sene him which is inuisible Throughe fayeth he ordayned the ester lambe and the effusion of bloud least he that destroyed the first borne shoulde touche them By fayth they passed through the redde sea as by drye lande whiche when the Egiptians had assayed to do they were drouned By fayth the walles of I●rico fell downe after they were compased aboute seuen ●ayes By fayth the harlot Raab perished not wyth the vnbeleuers when she had rec●aued the spyers to lodgi●ge peaseablye And what shal I more say the time woulde be to shorte for me to tell of Gedeon of Baruch and of Sampson and of Iephthae also of Dauid and Samuell and of the prophetes which throughe ●ayth subdued kingdomes wroughte righ●eousnesse obtayned the prom●sses s●opp●d the mouthes of Lyons quenched the violence of fy●r ●scaped the edge of the swearde of weake were made stronge wa●ed val●ente in fyghte turned to ●ligh●e the armyes of the alyentes and the woman-receaued theyr deade raysed to lyfe agayne And th●se all throughe fayth obtayned good reporte and receaued not the ●romes God prouidinge a bet●er thing for vs that they withoute vs shoulde not be made perfecte ¶ Of hope Cap. 6. HOope maketh not ashamed For we are saued by hope But hope that is seene is no hope For howe canne a manne hope for that whi●he he seeth But and if wee hope for that we see not then do● we with pacyence abyde for it Reioycinge in hope What soeuer thynges are wr●tten afore tyme are wrytten ●or oure learnyng that we thorow pacience and comforte of ●he scriptures might haue hope The God of hope fyll you wyth all ioye and peace in beleuinge that y● maye be ryche in hope thorowe the power of the holye ghoste Let vs not put oure truste in oure selues but in God which rayseth the dead to life agayne Such trust we haue through Christ to god ward not that we are sufficyent of our selues to thinke any thing as it were of our selues but our ablenes commeth of God Seinge then that we haue such trust we vse great boldnes For in Christ we haue trust accesse through confydence by faith on him And therefore wyth all confiden●● Christ shall be magnifyed in my bodye whether it be throughe lyfe or elles death For Christe is to me life and death is to me a vauntage For the hopes sake which is la●● vp in store for you in heauen of whiche hope ye haue heard before by th● true worde of the gospell From whence we loke for a sauiour euen the Lorde Iesus Christe whiche shal chaunge our vile bodies that they maye be fa●honed like vnto hi● glorious body according to the workinge wherby he is able to subdue al thinges to him selfe For he which eareth shuld eare in hope and that he whiche thresheth in hope shoulde be partaker of hy● hope This is a sure sayinge and of all parties worthye to be receaued For therefore we laboure and suffer rebuke because we beleue and hope in the lyuinge God which is the sauyour of all men but sp●cially of thos● that beleue Which hope we haue as an ancre of the soule bothe sure and stedfaste and entringe in to the thinges which are within the vayle Seing brethren that by the meanes of the bloud of Iesu we may be bold to enter in to that holye place by the newe and lyuinge waye whiche he hathe prepared for vs throughe the vayle that is to saye by hys fleshe and that we haue also an high priest which is ruler ouer the house of God let vs drawe nere with a true hart in a full fayth sprinkeled in our hartes frome an euyll conscience and washed in oure bodyes with pure water let vs kepe the profession of our hope withoute waueringe for he is faithfull that promised We haue confydence because we haue a good conscience in all thyngs and a desire to him honestlye Caste not awaye therefore youre confidence which hath a greate reward to recompence Let vs therfore go boldely vnto the seate of grace that we maye receiue mercye and fynde grace to helpe in the tyme of neede ¶ Of charitye Cap. 7. THe charitye and loue of God is shed abroad in our harts by th● holy ghost which is geuen vnto vs. For we know that all things work for the best vnto them that loue God which al are called of purpose Then who shall separate vs from the loue of God shal tribulation or anguish or persecution eyther hunger eyther nakednesse eyther parell either swearde as it is written For thy sake are we killed all daye longe and are coumpted as shepe appointed too be slayne Neuerthelesse in all these thynges we ouercome strongely thorowe hys healpe that loued vs yea and I am sure that neyther death neyther life neyther Aungels nor rule neyther pow●r neither thinges presente neither thinges to come neyther strength neither heigh neyther loweth neither any other creature shall be able to departe vs from the loue of God shewed in Christ● Iesu our Lorde Owe nothinge to any man but to loue one an other For he that loueth an other fulfyllethe the lawe For thou shalt not commytte ad●●●tery Thou shal●e not steale Thou shalt● not beare false witnes Thou shalt● not desyre and so foorth if there be any other commaundement they ar● all comprehended in thys sayinge Loue thy neyghboure as thy selfe Loue hurteth not hys neyghboure Therefore is loue the fulfyllinge of the lawe Let loue be withoute dissimulation And be kynde one to an other wyth brotherly loue Beynge seruente in sprite He that is ioyned vnto the Lorde is one sprite who so loueth God the same is knowen of hym Knowledge maketh
a man swell but loue edifieth Let no man s●ke his owne profit but let euerye manne seke an other● wealthe And yet do I shewe you a more excellente waye Thoughe I speake wyth the tonges of menne and A●ngels● and ●et had no charitye I wer● euen as ●oundynge brasse or as ● tinklinge cymball And thoughe I coulde prophesye and vnderstand● all secretes and all knowledge yea if I hadde all fayth so that I could● moue mountaynes oute of theyr pla●ces and yet had no charitye I wen● nothinge And thoughe I bestowe● all my goodes to feede the poore an● thoughe I gaue my bodye euen tha● I burned and yet had no charitye i● profiteth me nothinge Charitye su●fereth longe and is courteous charitye enuyeth not charitye doeth no● frowardly swelleth not dealeth no● dishonestlye seketh not her owne i● not prouoked to anger thinketh no● euyll reioyseth not in iniquitye bu● reioyseth in the truthe suffereth all thinge beleueth all thinges hopeth all thinges endureth in all thinges Thoughe the prophesyinge fa●le other tonges shal cease or knowledge vanyshe awaye yet charitye falleth neuer awaye Nowe abideth fayth hope and charitye euen these three but the chefe of these is charitye Laboure for loue Let all youre businesse be done in loue Grete ye one an other with an holy kysse if anye man loue not our Lorde Iesus Christe the same be anathe mameranatha My loue be with all in Christe Iesu. Our mouth is open vnto you our heartes is made large ye are in no strayte in vs but are in a strayte in youre owne bowelles hauinge lyke rewarde wyth me I speake as to my children Set youre selues therefore at large Wherfore shew vnto thē in profe of your loue of the reioysinge that we haue of you that the congregations maye see it I am gelous ouer you with Godly● gelousye In loue serue one an other For all the lawe is fulfylle● in oure worde Thou shalt loue thy neyghboure as thy selfe Be ye therefore ●olowers of God as deare chyldren and walke in lou● euen a● Christe loued vs and ga●● hym s●lfe for vs an offerynge and ● sacrifyce of a swete sauer to God Aboue all theese thinges put o● loue whiche is the ●onde of perfec●●nesse But as touchinge brotherlye lo●● ye neede not that I wryte vnto you For ye are taughte of God to lo●● one an other ye and ●hat thynge v●relye ye do vnto all the brethren The ende of the commaundeme●● is charitye that commeth of a pu●● hearte and of a good conscyence and of fayeth vnfayned frome t●● whiche thinges some haue erred a●● are tourned vnto vayne iangling●● because they woulde be doctoures 〈◊〉 the scrip●ure and yet vnderstand 〈◊〉 what th●y speake neyther where● they affyrme Therefore let vs consider one an other to prouoke vnto loue and too good workes and let vs not forsake the feloshippe that we haue amonge oure selu●s as the man●r of so●e is but let v● comforte one an other● and that so muche the more because y● see that the daye draweth nye Let brotherli loue continue with you And let not euery man loke on his owne thynges but on the thinges of other men ¶ Of feare Capitu 8. BE not hye mynded but feare seinge tha● God spared not the naturall braunches least happelye he also spare not the. Rulers are not to be fear●d for good workes but for euyll Wylte thou be wythoute feare of the power Do well then and so shalt thou be praised of the same For he is the minyst●r of Godde for thy wealthe but and if ●hou do euyll then feare for he beareth not the swerd for noughte but is the minyster of God to take vengeaunce on them that doo euyll But I feare least as the serpent beguiled Eue thorow his suttelty euen so youre wyttes shoulde be corrupte from the synglenes that is in Christ. I feare least when I shall come I shal not find you such as I wold a●d I shall be found vnto you such as I would not I feare leaste peraduenture there be founde amonge you debate ●nu●inge wrath s●ryfe bacbytinges whisperinges swellings and dyscorde I feare leaste when I come agayne God bri●ge me lowe amonge you ●nd that I shal bewaile many of th●m which haue sinned alreadye and haue not repented of the vnclenn●s fornication and wa●●ann●s whych they haue committed I am in feare of you leaste I haue bestowed on you laboure in vayne Wherfore my dearly beloued work your owne saluation wyth feare and tremblynge For why I was amōg you in weaknes and in fear in much trēbling Let vs feare ●her●fore least any of vs forsakynge the prom●sse of entr●●ge in to hys re●● shoulde seeme to come behinde and be lacking ●or vnto you it was declar●d as wel as vnto them For if we sinne wyllingelye after that wee haue receaued the knowledge of the truthe there remayneth no more sacrifyce for synnes but a fearefull lookinge for iudgemente and violent fyre which shall deuour the adu●rsaryes He that despiseth Moses lawe dyeth wythoute mercy vnder two or th●ee wy●nesses Of howe muche sorer puni●hement suppose ye shall he be coumpted worthy whi●h tread●●h vnder fote the sonne of God● and ●oumpteth the bloude of the Testamente as an vnho●ye thing wherwyth he was sanctified and doth dishonour to the spirit of grace It is a fearefull thinge to fall in ●eo ●he handes of the l●uinge God Therefore let vs serue God with feare and reuerence submittinge our selues one to an other in the feare ●f God ¶ Of humility and against pryde Cap. 9. FOr I saye thorow the grace that vnto me geuen is to euerye man amonge you that no man esteme of him selfe more then it becōmeth hym to esteme but that he discretely iudge him self In gyuinge honoure go one before an other be not hye mynded but make youre selues equall to thē of the lower sort be not wyse in your owne opinions Auenge not youre selues but geue rowme ●o vnto wrathe Let vs not be vain glorious prouoking one an other and enuyinge on● an other Let nothinge be done thorow strife or vayne glorye but in mekenesse of mynde euerye man esteme other bet●er then him self Let the same mynd be in you that was in Christe Iesu the which made him selfe of no reputation takinge vpon him the shape of a seruaunte Yf anye man seme to him selfe that he is somewhat when in dede he is nothinge He deceau●th him selfe Knowledge maketh a man swell Yf any man thinke that he knoweth anye thinge he knoweth nothinge as he ought to knowe Yf any man teache other wise and is not contente with the wholesome wordes of oure Lorde Iesus Christe and with the doctrine of Godlynesse he is pufte vp and knoweth nothing but wasteth his braynes aboute questions and strife of wordes whereo● springe enuy strife raylinges euyl
aboue that we aske ca. eod God wyl haue all men saued ca. eo Gods kindnes ledeth to repentaunce capitu 22● Gods woorde was committed to the Iewe ca. 37 Gods house is the cōgregation ca. 38 Gods husbandrye ca. 39. Goddes iudgemente is accordinge to truthe ca. 2● Godly liuers suffer persecutiōs ca. 10 Godlynes hath promises of the lyfe that is nowe and to come ca. 15 Godli sorow causeth repentaūce ca. 31 Godlynes is great ryches ca. 19 Godly edifyinge is by faith ca. 28 Go forewarde in good workes ca. 10 Go not too lawe one wyth an other capitu 22 Glorify god in body spirit ca. 23.41 Glory in infirmyties ca. 27 Grace is more plentuous then synne capitu 30 Grace is no grace where workes auayle ca. 37 H. Handle the word of truth iustly ca. 11 Halte not out of the way ca. eod Hate that is euyll ca● 41 Haue no felowship with deuils ca. 34 Haue peace with all men ca. 41 Haue them in honoure that haue the ouersig●te of you cap. 60 Heauen hath an enduring substance capitu 10. He that suffreth tribulation is counted worthye of the kingedome of god capitu 10 He that prouideth not for his household is worse then an infidele cap. 11 He that resisteth power resisteth god capitu 14 He that praiseth him selfe is not alowed ca. 27 He that wyll not worke shoulde not eate ca. 28 Heretikes are to be auoided● ca. 11 Heresies must ned●● be ca. 21 Helpe those that by any chaunce are fallen in to any ●aute ca. 15 His seruaunt thou art to whom thou obey●● cap. 14 Hynder not the gospell ca. 20 Holde fast the worde of god ca. 36 Hope is layed vppe for vs in ●●ore in heauen ca 2 Hope putteth no man to shame● ca 6 Hope saueth a man ca eodē Hope that is sene is no hope ca. eo How the ministers of god should behaue them selues ca. 10 Honour true widowes ca. 59 the Husband is the wiues head ca. 58 Husbandes loue youre wyu●s ca. eo Husbandes be not bytter vnto youre wyues ca. eodē I. Iesus the greate shepehearde ca. 3 Iesus the a●ctour and finisher of our faieth ca. 4 Iesus the mediatour of the new Te●tament cap. 38 Iesus suffered without the gate ca 43 Iesus continueth for euer ca. 49 If thou mayst be free vse it cap. 11 If thou stande take heede thou faule not capi● 12 If thou be y ● son thou art heire● ca. 43. If the rote be holy the braunches are holy ca. 40 If god be on our syde who canne be agaynst vs. ca. 44. I desire to be wyth Christe cap. 33 In mā dwelleth no good thing ca. 30 In man are two lawes cap. eodem In a great mannes house are vessels of golde and wood capit 44 In the latter dayes some shall geeue hede to deuilyshe doctrine ca. 25 In Christe dwelleth all the fulnes of the godheade capi 48 In two and three witnesses all thinges doo stande cap. 68 Inobedience brought condempnation on all menne ca. 14 It becommeth a preacher too speake freelye ca. 70 It became Christ to be made like vnto hys breethren capi 47 It is appoynted that men shall once dye ca. eod It is good for a man not to touche a woman capitu 57 It is better to marye then to burne capitu 58 It is dampnable to breake the firste sayeth ca. 59 Iudge not hastly● capi 14 Iudge not one an other ca. 22 Iudge nothinge vntyll the lord come capitu eodem Iustification cometh not by the dedes of the lawe but by fayth ca. 53 K. Kepe holye daye with purenesse and truth cap. 29 the Kingedome of god is not in wordes but in power ca. 9.28 Kingedome of god is not meate and dryncke but righteousnes ca. 20 Knowledge maketh a man too swell capitu 7.9 Know not Christ after the flesh ca. 13 Know ye not that a lyttle l●uen sowreth the whole l●mpe of dow ca. 17 L. Labour with thy hands cap 15 Lay from you that old man capi 16 Lay hand on eternall lyfe ca 32 Lay sodenly hands on no man ca. 61 Lawes are geuē to the vnrighteous capitu 35. the Law made nothing perfect ca. 51 the Lawe hathe but the shadowe of good thinges to come cap. 52 the Lawe is good if it be vsed lawefullye cap. 53. Learne to be content in what so euer estate ye ●e ca. 15. Let youre woordes be well sauoured with salte capitu 12 Let not sinne raigne in your mortall bodyes ca●●7 Let not sinne haue power ouer you capitu 35. Let vs do euyll that good maye come thereof capi 45 Let euerye man haue hys wyfe to auoyde fornication ca. 58 Let vs eate and drinke tomorow we shal dye ca. 65. Lye not one to an other ca. 35. the Let●er killeth ca. 39 Leaue father and mother and contynue with thy wyfe capi 38 Liue after the flesh and die ca. 16.17 the Loue of Christ passeth knowledge capitu ● Loue fulfylleth the lawe ca. 7 Loue thy neighbour as thy self ca● 7 Loue hurteth not ca. ●od Loue without diss●mulation ca. eodē Loue god he wil know the. ca. eodē Loue edifieth ca. eo Loue falleth neuer away ca. eodē Loue and his properties ca eodē ●he Lord knoweth them that are his capitu 13 Luste not after euil things ca. 35. Lust had not ben knowen but by the lawe co● 50. M. ●ake your bodyes a quicke sacrifice vnto god cap. 16 Make not prouision for y e flesh ca. eo Manne doeth not what he would but what he woulde not ca. 30 Man is iustified by fayth ca. 50. Man when he prayeth muste be bare ●eade capitu 59. Man is the ymage of god ca. eodem Man neuer sawe god ca. 73 Mans conscyence accuseth or excuseth capi 45. Masters threaten not your seruaunts ●api 60. Malitius and euyll speaking corrup●eth good maners capi 65. Meate maketh vs not acceptable to god cap. ●0 Meate is to be receiued with thanks geuinge capitu 51. a Mediator is not a mediator of one capitu 53. Medle with your own busines ca. 36 Mens sinnes go to iudgement before hande cap. 45 Men seeke theyr owne and not that whic●e is Iesus Christes cap. 66 Melchisedech kinge of Salem ca. 55 Minysters of the altare are partakers of the alter ca. ●● Mortif●e the deedes of the fleshe and lyue cap. 16.17 Mortifye your members which● are on the earth ca. 16 Moses was a proper childe ca. 5 Moses estemed the rebuke of Christe greater ryches then the treasure of Egypte cap. eode Mounte Syna ca. ●4 N. Naturall men perceaue not the thinges of the spirit ca. 12. Noe throughe the arke condempned the worlde ca. 7 No man knoweth anye thinge as he oughte to know ca. 9 No man that is geuen to God entangleth him selfe with worldly busines capitu 11. No manne speakinge in the spirit of God defyeth Iesus ca 34 No man hateth his owne flesh ca. 38 No man despiseth an alowed
hath caused me ●his to do partlye for Titus sake whiche is my felowe and healper as concerninge you partely because of other whiche are our brethr●n and the messengers of the congr●gations and the glorye of Christe Wherefore shewe vntoo them proofe of youre loue and of ●he reioysynge that we haue of you that the congregat●ons may se it Of the ministringe to the saynctes ●t is but superfluus for me to write vnto you for I knowe youre readynes of minde whereof I boast my self vnto them of Macedonia For Achaia was prepared a yeare ago and your feruentn●s hathe prouoked manye Neuerthelesse yet haue I sent theese brethren least oure reioysinge ouer you shuld be in vaine in this behalfe and that ye as I haue sayed prepare youre selues l●aste paraduen●ure if they of Macedonia come wyth me and fynde you vnprepared the boast that I made in ●hys matter shoulde be a shame to vs I saye not to you Wherefore I thoughte it necessarye to exhorte the bretheren to come before hande vnto you For to prepare youre good blessinge promysed afore that it myghte be readye so that it be a blessinge and not a defraudinge For the office of this ministration not onely supplieth the neade of the sainctes but also is abundaunt therein that for this laudable ministringe thankes might be geuen to God of manye Whiche prayse God for the obedience of your professinge the gospell of Christ and for youre singlenes in disstributinge to them and to all men and in their prayers to God for you longe after you for the abundaunt grace of God geuen vnto you Would to God ye could suffer m● a little in my foolishnes yea and I pray you forbeare me● Bear ye one an others burthen and so fulfyll the law of Christ. Let him that is taughte in the word minister vnto him y t teacheth him in all good thinges Brethren if any man be falen bi chaunce in to any faut ye whiche are spiritual helpe to amend him in the spirit of mekenes considering thy selfe l●ast thou also be tempted Let him that stole steale no more but let him rather laboure with his hands some good thing that he may haue to geue to him that nedeth B● ye courteous one too an other and mercyfull forgeuinge one an other euen as God for Christes sake forgaue you I supposed it necessaye to sende brother Epaphroditus vnto you my companion in laboure and felowe souldiour youre Apostell and my minister at my nedes For he longed after you and was full of heauines because ye hadde hearde saye that he shoulde be sycke And no doubte he was sicke and that nye vnto death but god had merci on him not on him only but on me also lest I shuld haue sorowe vpon sorow I sent him therfore the diligent liar that when ye shoulde se him ye mighte reioyce agayne and I mighte be the lesse sorowefull Receaue him therefore in the Lord with all gladnes and make muche of suche because that for th● worke of Christe he wente so farre that he was nye vnto deathe and regarded not his lyfe to fulfyll that seruice which was lackinge of your● parte towarde me Ye I besech the Germane my yoke felowe helpe those which laboured wyth me in the Gospell and wyth Cl●ment also and with other my labour felowes whose names are written in the booke of lyfe I reioyce in the Lorde greatelye that now at th● laste ye are reuiued agayne too care for me in that wherein ye were also carefull but ye lacked oportunity I sp●ake not because of necessitye For I haue learned in what so euer estate I am there with to be content notwithstanding ye haue well done that ye bare part with me in my tribulation Ye of Philippos knowe that in the beginning of the gospell when I departed frome Macedonia no congregation bare parte with me as concerninge geuinge and receauinge but ye only For when I was in Thessalonica ye sente once and afterwarde agayne vnto my nedes not that I desire gyftes but I desire aboundante frute on youre parte I receaued all and haue plenty I was euen fylled after that I had receaued of Epaphroditus that came frome you an odour that smelleth sweete a sa●rifice accepted and pleasaunte to God We praye you brethren comforte the feble minded receaue the weake For God is not vnrigh●eous that he shoulde forget youre worke and labour that proceadeth of loue whiche loue ye shew in his name which haue ministred vnto the sayntes and yet minister Yea and we desyre that euerye one of you shewe the same diligence to the stablishing of hope euen vnto the ende For ye had pitty on them that were in ●andes Be not forgetfull to kepe hospitalitye and lodge straungers for therby haue diuers receaued Aungels into theyr houses vnwares Remember them that ●●e in bondes euen as though ye were in bonde with them Be mindefull of them which are in aduersiti as ye which are yet in your bodies To do good and to distribute forget not for with suche sacrifices God is pleased I besech you brethrē suffer the wordes of exhortation Excercise thy selfe vnt●o Godlynesse For bodilye excercise profiteth little but Godlinesse is good vnto al thinges as a thinge which hath promises of the life that is nowe and of the life to come ¶ Of temperaunce and sobrietye and of bodily castigation Capitu. 16. BRethren we are now debtters not too the fleshe to liue after the fleshe For if ye lyue after the fleshe ye must dye But if ye mortifye the dedes of the bodye by the helpe of the spirit ye shall liue I beseche you therfore brethren by the mercyfulnesse of God that ye make youre bodyes a quicke sacrifice holy and accptable vnto God And make not prouision for the flesh to fulfyll the lustes of it He which is weake eateth earbes It is good neither to eate flesh neyther to drincke wyne I therefore tame and chast my bodye and bringe it in to subiection lest after I haue preached to other I my self should be a castaway Therfore let vs behaue our selues as the ministers of God in fastinges in chastitye in watchinge And let vs clense oure selues from al filthines of the flesh and sprite I say walke in the spirite● and fulfyll not the lustes of the fleshe for the fleshe lus●eth contrarye to the spirite and the sprite contrarye to the fleshe Theese are contrarye one to the other so that ye canne not doe that whiche ye woulde They that are Christs haue crucified the flesh with the appe●ies and lustes In the which in time passed ye walked accordinge too the course of this worlde and after the gouernours that ruleth the ayre the spirite that nowe worketh in the children of vnbeliefe amonge whiche we also had our conuersation in time past in the lustes of oure fleshe and fulfylled the wyll of the fleshe and of
Thankes be to God whiche hathe geuen vs victorye through our Lord Iesus Christ. For it is God whiche s●ablished vs and you in Christe and hath anointed vs which hath also sealed vs and hath geuen the earnest of the spyrite in our har●es Yf ye be Chrstes then are ye Abraham sede and heyres by promes Because ye are the sonnes of God God sente the spirite of his sonne in to youre hartes whiche crieth Abba fa●her Wherefore now thou art not a seruaunte but a sonne if thou be the sonne thou art also the heire of God through Christ. As manye are ledde by the spirite of God they are the sons of god For ye haue not receaued the spyrite of bondage to feare anye more but ye haue receiued the spirit of adoption where by we crye Abba father The same spirite cer●ifieth our spirit that we are the sons of god Yf we be the sonnes we are also hei●rs the ●eiers I meane of God and heiers annexed with Christe if so be that we suffer together that we maye be gloryfied together Therefore brethren we are after the nature of Isaac children of promes But as thou he that was borne carnallye persecuted hym that was borne spiritually Euen so it is now Neuerthelesse what sayeth the scripture put awaye the bonde woman and her sonne For the sonne of the bonde woman shal not be heier with the sonne of the free woman So then brethren we are not children of the bonde woman but of the free woman ¶ Of the exellencye of the supernall graces graunted vnto the faythfull of Christe newlye in the primytiue churche Capitu. 43. BLessed be God the father of our Lorde Iesus Christe whiche hath blessed vs with all maner of spirituall blessinges in heauenlye thinges by Chri●te to the prayse of the glory of his grace wherewith he hathe made vs accepted in the beloued by whome we haue redempcion throughe his bloudde euen the forgeuenesse of synnes accordinge to● the riches of his grace In whom al●o ye after that ye hearde the worde of truthe I meane the Gospell of youre saluation where in ye beleued were sealed with the holye spirite of promes whiche is the earnest of our inheritaunce to redeme the purchased possession and that to the la●d of his glorye But God whiche is riche in mercy thorowe his greate loue wherewith he loued vs euen when we wer dead by synne hath quickened vs together in Christ for by grace are ye saued and hathe raysed vppe together and made vs sytte together in heauenlye thynges thorowe Christe Iesus for to shewe in tyme too come the exceadinge riches of his grace in kindenes to vs ward● in Christe Iesu. Nowe therefore ye are no more straungers and ●oriners but citysins with saints and of the hosholde of God and are b●ilte vpon the foundation of the Apostles prophets Iesu Christ being the head corner stone in whom euery buildinge coupled together groweth vnto an holye temple in the Lorde in whome ye also are builte together and made an habitation for God in the spirit U●to euery one of vs is geuen grace accordinge to the measure of the gift of Christe Wherfore he saieth He is gone vp an hye and hath ledde captiuitye captiue and hath geuen giftes vnto menne And the verye same made some Apostles some prophets some Euāgelistes some Shepeherds and some Teachers That the saints mighte haue all thinges necessary to worke and minister with all to the edifyinge of the bodye of Christe tyll we euerye one in the vnitye of faith and knowledge of the sonne of God growe vp vnto a perfecte man after the measure of age of the fulnesse of Christe Ye were an ensample to all that beleue For youre fayeth whiche ye haue to God sprede her selfe abroade in all quarters so greatelye that it nedeth not vs to speake anye thynge at all For they them selues shew of you what manner of entringe in we had vnto you and how ye turned to God frome ydols for to serue the liuinge and true God and for to looke for his sonne frome heauen whome he raysed frome death I meane Iesus which deliuereth vs from wrath to come For this cause thanks we God with oute ceasinge because that when ye receaued of vs the worde wherewith God was preached ye receiued it not as the worde of manne but euen as it was in deede the woorde of God which worketh in you that beleue The grace of oure Lord was more abundant with fayth and loue which is in Christ Iesu. God saued vs and called vs with an holy callynge not accordinge to oure deddes but accordinge too hys own purpose and grace which grace was geuen throughe Christ Iesu before the worlde was but is now declared openlye by the appearinge of oure sauioure Iesus Christe whiche hathe put awaye death and hath broughte life and immortalitye vnto light through the gospell wherunto I am appointed a preacher and Apostell and a teacher of the gentiles For the whyche cause I also suffer theese thinges Neuerthelesse I am not ashamed For Christ gaue him selfe for vs to redeme vs frome all vnrighteousnesse and to pourge vs a peculiar people vnto him selfe feruently geuen vnto good workes For we our selues also wer in times paste vnwise disobediente deceiued in daunger and geuen to lustes and diuers manners of voluptiousnes liuing in malitiousnes and enuy full of hate hatynge one an other But after that the kindenesse and loue of oure sauioure to man warde appeared not of the dedes of righteousnes which we wroughte but of his mercye he saued vs by the fountayne of the new byrth of the holy ghost whiche he shedde on vs aboundantly thorowe Iesus Christ our sauioure that we once iustifyed by his grace shulde be heyre● of e●●r●al● ly●e thorowe hope We haue an altare wher●of they maye not ●ate whiche serue in the tabernacle For the bodyes of th●se beasts whose bloud is brough● in to the holye place by the pryest to pourge s●nne are burnt w●●hout the ten●●s Therfore Iesus to sanctifye the people with his own● bloud suffer●d w●●hout the ga●e ¶ Of predestination and the ●oreknowledge of God Capit● 44. WE knowe that all thynges work for the best vnto them that loue God whiche are called of purpos● For those which he knewe be●or● he also ordayned before that they shuld be like fash●oned vnto the shape of his sonne that ●e mighte be the fir●t begotten sonne amonge manye brethren Moreouer whiche ●e predestinated and appo●nted before them also he called And wh●●he he called them also he ●ust●●●ed which ●e iust●f●ed them he also ●lor●●●ed What shall we then saye 〈◊〉 these th●nges Yf God be on oure ●●de who can be againste vs which ●pa●ed not hi● owne sonne but ga●●●im f●r vs all how shall he not with him geue vs al things also who shall lay any thinge to the charge of Gods chosen It is God that