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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08448 A tragoedie or dialoge of the vniuste vsurped primacie of the Bishop of Rome, and of all the iust abolishyng of the same, made by master Barnardine Ochine an Italian, [and] translated out of Latine into Englishe by Master Iohn Ponet Doctor of Diuinitie, neuer printed before in any language Ochino, Bernardino, 1487-1564.; Ponet, John, 1516?-1556. 1549 (1549) STC 18770; ESTC S113413 128,091 218

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them the true meanyng of those thynges which the same apostles dyd writ preache and publishe abrode plentifully So that the gospell is moste perfecte and full as Paule wrote to the Hebrues And as for the pope he is all together contrary to all these thynges that be spoken First and formost he sayeth that holy scripture is imperfect and is not sufficient to declare fully all mattiers that belonge to saluacion and that he can adde vnto it as he hathe done when he allowed those bokes that be apocripha and of none authoritie for holy bokes as though they were in the canon And also when he made an innumerable sorte of decrees and decretalles and commaundementes of manne and articles of our fayth And he sayeth more ouer thougheit be closly that the twelue articles of the faythe deliuered and preached by the Apostles be not sufficient to saluacion And then the Apostles bee damnned all christian men who hath not receyued the lyghte of the articles obseruacions and commaundementes of the Pope So that it must folowe in the name of God that the Popes were wyser then Christ hym selfe or at the least wyse were more mercifull bycause they haue opened so many thynges to the worlde whiche bee as they saye necessarye to oure saluacion and neuer opened neither by Christe nor god But what a mischeuous dede is it that all these articles of the faythe made by the Pope bee all together repugnaunt and quite contrarye to the articles of the Apostles and to all holy scripture as it is well knowen For brefely in the Creade and in holye scripture it is comprehended that it is god by whose goodnes and grace throughe Christe who suffered death for vs who rose againe and ascended into heauen and sitteth on the ryghte hande of God the father all creatures muste receyue saluacion and also fele hys plentiful loue towardes vs through the holy gost and that he who beleueth in Christ shal haue lyfe euerlastyng as he hym selfe is a witnes But the contentes of the Popes articles bee all together contrary to thys geare that is to say that fayth in Christ is not sufficent to saluacion and that it is necessarye to beleue that the Pope hath authoritie ouer all And that we must beleue accordyng to the doctrine of y e Pope that neither the grace of Christ nor the death of Christ is sufficient to saluacion but that our meritorious workes must also of necessitie be added with confession deuised by the Pope and hys absolutions pardons and prayer to Sayntes and besydes all thys the fire of purgatory And that the holy gost as they saye is not enoughe for the vnderstandynge of holy scripture and to knowe the wyll and pleasure of God but that the Pope muste expounde all thynges No manne canne denye but thys is a very settinge of him selfe aboue God Daniel wrote wonderfull learnedly of hym saying that he shall induce men noughtely and wickedly to breake their promises that they haue made to God For euen as God who is the well springe of all goodnes promised in Aabraham to be our god that he woulde take y e charge of euery one of vs woulde gyue himself for vs makyng vs pertakers of all hys felicitie And we agayne haue promised hym that we wyll be hys people to aske and loke for al goodnes at his hand only to acknowledge him onely our God and will gyue thankes and render honor wurshyp to him alone On thother side the pope sayeth naye to this geare that God is angry with vs and that Christ coulde not sufficiently pacifie hys wrath but that the Pope must helpe with his authoritie and the Saynctes with their prayers and merites also we our selues with our good workes and also the deuells with theyr fyer of purgatory Therfore is it very trewe that Daniel sayd that he should chaunge the tymes he shoulde transpose the tyme of grace into the tyme of the lawe the tyme of light into the tyme of darknes Neyther thinke they it a dede mischieuouse enoughe to make newe articles of the faythe at theyr pleasure contrary to tharticles of god excepte also they depraue the lawe of god with their preceptes and commaundementes which commaundementes be also contrary to the commaūdementes of God For it is without controuersy that all the lawe of God doeth depende vpon the loue towardes god and towardes oure neighbour and the pope myndynge to destroye bothe the partes of the lawe of god hathe infected purposely these two chiefe groundes vpō the which hange al the lawe ● the prophetes For he affirmeth cōtrary to thexpresse worde of God y t god requireth not necessarely of vs that we shoulde loue hym with all our hart with all oure soule and all oure mynde but that we shoulde loue hym aboue al other thynges affirminge that to be the commaundemente and to loue god with all oure hearte is but a counsell And as touchinge oure neyghbour of a lyke sort he sayeth that it is a counsell and a perfection and not cōmaundement to loue oure enemy with all our harte but that onelye we ought to shewe outward tokens of loue towardes our enemyes And agayne whereas the lawe is most perfect there sayth he that it is vnperfecte therfore he holdeth that it is lawfull and that wee ought to adde some thing vnto it and to doe some workes besydes them that be commaunded in the lawe of god whiche be called supererogatory workes that is to say workes that be not commaunded For this cause hathe he deliuered new rules to the world new trades of lyuyng ordinaunces and commaundementes suche it may chaunce as he dremed when he was in some frensy vtterlye pugnant cōtrary to y e cōmaūdementes of god wheras god commaunded himself onely to be wurshipped he will also be wurshipped of vs and moreouer commaundeth vs that we shall not onely worship Sainctes but also theyr dead bodies and relikes God willeth and commaundeth vs that we shal make no ymage neither of himselfe neither of any other creature any picture or similitude to be worshipped The pope willeth commaundeth ymages and pictures of Sainctes to be made to bee set vp all aboute in the churche in euery corner there to be wurshipped that no place there bee voyde of ydolatrye Of a lyke sorte god commaundeth that no man should take hys name in vayne that is to saye when a man promyseth any thynge by an othe takinge god to witnes he muste kepe the thinge that he promyseth but the pope denieth that promes ought to be kept with heretikes as he taketh heretikes that is to saye with true Christian men willinge and commaunding with expresse wordes to deceaue thē that they maye be betrayed and burned thoughe he haue sworne the cōtrary neuer so much taking god and all saynctes to witnes Yea he doeth pardon forgeue and absolue men from theyr rightfull othes in honest ciuile matters so that it redounde
al the rest of thapostles and namely to Paule who wryteth in special wordes that he labored more then all the rest did in the ministery of preaching Yea and Christe himselfe before he spake these wordes to Peter commaunded the selfe same thynge to all the Apostles sayinge goe ye throughe out the vniuersall worlde and preache the Gospell to all creatures So that it can not be sayed that the office of preachynge was gyuen by Christe onely to Peter and to the Byshoppes of Rome in ordinary succession after him by whose appoyntment it shoulde also descend to other For then must it be graunted that there hath bene very fewe lawefull and trewe Byshoppes whiche had lawefull authoritie to preache and so fewe that Peter onely maye bee accountyd the trewe Byshoppe whiche preached lawefully and a fewe besides who were by him appoynted in such countryes where as he preached By thys meanes Paule and the elleuen Apostles and suche as were by them conuerted to the faythe neither were truely bishoppes neither yet preached lawefullye because they neither had their Bishoprike neither authoritie to preache of Peter And more ouer none after the death of Peter should haue bene made Bishop neither haue licence to preache besydes the Byshoppe of Rome And truely the Byshoppes of Rome haue committed a greuouse offence in that they haue hyd this large and greate authorytye of theyrs that they had so necessarye in the churche of God Then replied master Falsidicus euen as Peter quod he loued Christ more earnestly then the rest of the Apostles as it is plaine by the wordes of his aunswere when Christe demaunded him whether he loued hym more feruentlye then the rest dyd so had he more authoritie gyuen vnto hym ouer the shepe of Christ then the rest of the Apostles To this answered thimbassador of Cōstātinoble And where I praye you haue you founde that Peters aunswere was to Christ that he was more earnestly beloued of him then of the rest of y e Apostles Not withstandyng that he was so demaunded yet hys aunswere was onely in thys wyse Thou knowest O lorde that thou art belouyd of me He sayed not Thou knowest O Lorde that thou ar●e more feruentlye belouyd of me then of the rest For so coulde he neuer haue sayed without greate suspicion of arrogancie because it was vnknowē to hym how much y e rest loued Christ. But let it be graunted that Christ was more earnestly beloued of Peter then of the rest doeth it therefore folowe that Christ gaue him more power Or in case he gaue hym more was it therfore most of all For it is not all one thing to saye fede my shepe and to saye be thou head of my churche or elles Take thou more authoritie then the other Apostles And as for that Christe demaundyd of him thryse whether he loued hym or not it was done for thys ende and purpose that hys loue beinge declared by thryse confessynge myght counteruayle and somewhat make amendes for his fault Whē he thrise denied him he minded to haue Peters loue sealed as it were warranted before he would commit vnto him the cure of soules that all menne myghte knowe no man can bee a good shephard onles he loue Christ earnestly Furthermore yf your reason were a good reason it shoulde rather folowe therof that Christe declared Ihon the chiefe Byshop then Peter For it is written of Iohn this is the disciple whom Christ loued Wherfore if he were beloued of Chris● aboue other he gaue vnto him more worthye gyftes replenished him more aboūdantlye with grace and therfore placed hym aboue the other and namelye for that he was more mete for the purpose by the reason of the excellent giftes whiche he receiued at Goddes handes And so much the more bycause it shoulde rather appeare that Ihon loued Christ more then the other did was loued againe of Christ knew hī more thorowly therfore more like to be iudged worthye to feed the shepe of Christe Yt maybe proued that Christ would haue ordeined hym the vniuersall shepard not onely by reason of the noble light of the heuenly spirit wherwith he was indued and was alwayes nighe and familiare to Christe and amongest all the rest of thapostles he alone folowed him to the crosse but chiefly for thys cause that when he was vpon the crosse he committed his mother vnto him in whome only as you your selues doe confesse the lyuely churche of Christe remayned after Christes death For al thapostles were not a litle afrayed and dismayd with that terryble dolefull sight of Christes death vpon the crosse accordingly as Christe had told hym before And if Iohn were not ordeyned the supreme head of the churche of Christe then muche lesse was Peter Then sayed master Falsidicus will ye see howe Christe ordeyned onely Peter to be the chiefe Pastor of all Reade the Gospel of Luke and there shal ye fynde spoken onely to Peter Thou shalt be a fisher of menne Thereunto aunswered thimbassadour And will you see how Christe ordeyned not Peter to bee the chiefe Pastor of all Reade the Gospell of Mathewe and Marcke and there shal ye finde the same spoken also of Christ to Andrewe and the two sonnes of zebedei Wherfore it foloweth that Peter onely was not assigned of Christ to be the fisher of men Yea and consequently not alone of his owne shepe Christ neuer sayed to Peter onely fede thou my shepe be thou onely a fisher of menne To the onely will I gyue the keyes of the kingedome of heauen No he neuer saied so much as this be thou onely a shepard and a fysher aboue the reste of thapostles Take thou more authoritie then they haue But he sayed in simple and plaine wordes I will gyue vnto thee the keyes of the kyngdome of heauē and so he kept promes Mary he gaue thesame keyes also to the reste of thapostles And that this is trew it is euident For Christe gaue the keyes to Peter and to the reste of thapostles after his resurrection from deathe standynge in the middest of them when he had saluted them and shewed hys handes and hys syde that they should both see and know him that talked with them and deliuered them the keies to be in dede very Christe the sonne of god he sayed vnto them as Iohn wryteth Euen as my father sent me so I send you As though he had sayd my father sent me in to thys worlde that I shoulde preache the gospel as Esay the prophet saied longe agoe Therfore do I send you euen of thesame fashion throughe out the worlde to preache thys glad tidinges that I am nayled vpon the crosse and dead for the sinnes of the whole worlde that I am the onely and euerlastynge redempcyon and reconciler who haue purchased the fauour of the eternall father to all mannekynde by the price ran●ome of my bloude and that al the synnes of al the menne in the worlde be pardoned and