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A08002 Christs teares ouer Ierusalem Whereunto is annexed a comparatiue admonition to London. By Tho. Nash. Nash, Thomas, 1567-1601. 1613 (1613) STC 18368; ESTC S113095 114,515 208

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were thy Gardian or Ouer-seer thy Father Abraham dying had bequeath'd thee wholy to my trust follow thee haunt thee by my Spirit daily and hourely importune thee to remember and gather thy selfe How often haue I to this effect chidingly communed with thy soule and conscience Sinful Ierusalem why deferst thou to gather thy selfe agree with my voyce in the way Yet thou maist agree yet thy way is not finished yet thy Aduersary walkes by thee Why doost thou proroge till thy wretched life be at his waies end Is there any other life any other way when this way of woe is ended wherein thou maist agree with thine Aduersarie The Iudge the Sariant the prison thou must then awaite and despaire of opportunitie euer after to agree or be gathered to grace but looke to be gathered like grasse on the house top and throwne into the fire Promise not vnto thy selfe too many yeeres trauailing in the way Thinke not that thou shalt euer liue thy way may be cut off ere thou bee aware a thousand casualties may cut thee off in the way But how long or how short so ere thy way be my voice thine Aduersary like thy shadow still haunteth thee still treadeth on thy heeles still calls and cries out vpon thee to gather vp thy accounts and agree vvith it Shamest thou not vild image of carelesnesse so long to be cald on for so light a matter so long to liue at variance with so mighty an Aduersary It is all one as if thou shouldest owe an earthly Iudge money who hath the Law in his hand and braue him and denie to come to composition saying If I owe it you gather it or recouer it as you can How thinkest thou is there any earthly Iudge would spare thee or for-beare thee as I haue done My voice as it is my voice is thy friend but as thou abusest it turnes thine eares from ii and wilt not agree with it it is thine Aduersary It wisheth thee well and thou wishest thy selfe ill It bids thee crouch and stoope to the Prophets I send and thou stonest them It bids thee pitty the Widdow and the fatherless and thou oppressest them It bids thee repent thee of the euill thou hast committed and thou doublest it It bids thee gather and gird vp thy loines close and take the staffe of Stedfastnes in thy hand that if the flesh and the diuell assault thee in the way thou maist encounter them coragiously Instead of girding and gathering vp thy loines thou vnloosest them to all licentiousnes For the staffe of stedfastnes thou armest thy selfe with the broken Reed of inconstancy and for incountering and contending with the flesh and the diuell most slauishly thou kissest and embracest them So thou thy selfe I altogether loath makest my voice thy enemy No friend so firme but by oft ill vsage may be made a foe No meruaile thou makest me thy foe that art a foe to thy selfe Hee that loueth iniquitie hateth his owne soule hee that hateth his owne soule can neuer loue his neighbour insomuch as there is no man liuing ●…hat can loue another better then himselfe If then his ●…est loue to himselfe be to hate himselfe his loue to his neighbour must be a degree lower there is no remedie The Law commaundeth Loue thy neighbour as thy selfe And he fulfilleth the Law by hating his neighbour as himselfe I say vnto you Hee that hateth his neighbour is guiltie of the breach of all the commaundements whence it necessarily ariseth that hee vvhich loues not his owne soule is guilty of the breach of al the commandements Soule-hating Apostata Ierusalem that wouldest neuer be gathered into any compasse of good life I heere accuse thee as a Homicide of thine owne life as a transgressor of all the commaundements in hating thy selfe The most vnfortunatest is my fortune of any that euer lou'd to loue those that not onely hate mee but hate them-selues O Ierusalem not the Infidell-Romanes which shall inuade thee and make thy Citty now cleped a Citty of peace a shambles of dead bodies teare down thy Temple and sette vp a brothel house in thy sanctuary not they I say shall haue one droppe of thy blood layde to their charge not one stone of thy Temple or Sanctuarie testificatory against them Thy blood shall be vpon thine owne head whose transgressions violently thrust swords into their hands Thy Temple and thy Sanctuarie shall both cry out against thy security for sacriledg The Arke wherein the Tables of couenaunt are layde shall haue the Tables taken away and in sted of them a blacke Regester of thy misdemeanures laid in it yea my Father if all witnesses should faile would stand vp and article against thee himselfe how thou hast driuen him with thy detestable whoredomes out of his consecrated dwelling place O that thou knewest the time of thy visitation O that thou wouldest haue beene gathered together O that thou wouldest haue had a care of thy selfe had care of me I must be slaughtered for thee and yet worke no saluation for thee One crosse alone cruel Ierusalem is not able to sustaine the weight of thine iniquities ten times I must be crucified ere thou be clensed For sinne I came to suffer thy sinne exceedeth my suffering It is too monstrous a matter for my mercy or merits to worke on It woundeth me more with mediating on it then all the Speares or Nayles can wounde ●…e that are to passe through me I wold quite renounce and for-sweare mine owne safety so I might but extort from thee one thought of thine own safety Carefull am I for thee carelesse Againe this renueth my vnrest that I which am the Lord and Authour of life must bee the Authour and Euidencer against thee of death If thou hadst neuer seene the light thy walking in darkenes wold haue brought thee no waylement Ignorantia si non excusat a toto saltem excusat a tanto Ignoraunce excuseth the halfe if not the whole Thou hast not halfe an excuse hence is my tears not a quarter not the hundreth part of a quarter not a word not a sigh not a sillable Neuer did I looke on such a manifest vnmasked leprous face on a prisoner conuicted so mute Sore am I impassioned for the storme thy tranquillity is in child with Good Ieremy now I desire with thee that I had a Cottage of way-faring men in the Wildernes where I might leaue my people and liue for they be all Adulterers and a band of Rebels A Tormentor that abiureth commiseration when he first enters into the infancy of his occupation would collachrimate my case and rather chuse to haue beene tortured himselfe them torment me with ingratitude as thou doost More and more thou addest to my vnease and acquainst mine eyes with the infirmities of anguish Hauing no sinne before thou hast almost made me commit sin in sorrowing for thy sinnes Yet though I haue sounded the vtmost depth of dolour and wasted mine
and eares they li●…e when they haue told me what they haue seene heard of thy treasons I wisht that I might be as wretched as the damned so my sences therein were deceiued I am not deceiued t is thou that deceiuest thy Sauiour and deceiuest thy selfe to cleaue vnto Sathan Sathan refraine thine odious embraces the bosome of Ierusalem is mine touch not the body contracted to me Improbe tolle manus quam tangis nostra futura est she will touch him he stretcheth not out his hand to her but she breaketh violently from mee to run rauishtly into his rugged armes Alas the one halfe of my soule why wilt thou back-slide thus I loue and can haue no loue againe I loue thee for thy good thou lou'st him that flatters thee for thy hurt What lesse thing then to beleeue and be saued How canst thou beleeue wilt not heare Thy prayers are friuolous vnto God if thou deniest to heare God He must first heare God that will be heard of God I haue heard quietly all thy vpbraidings reproofes and derisions as when thou saydst I was a drunkard and possessed with a diuell that I cast out diuels by the power of Beelzebub the Prince of the diuels that I blasphemed was mad and knew not what I spake Nor was I any more offended with these contumelies then when thou calledst me the son of a Carpenter If I giue eare to all your bitternesse will not you vouchsafe me a little audience when I blesse you O Ierusalem Ierusalem that stonest and astoniest thy Prophets with thy peruersnesse that lendest stonie eares to thy Teachers and with thine yron breast dravvest vnto thee nothing but the Adamant of Gods anger what shall I doe to mollifie thee The raine mollifieth hard stones O that the stormy tempest of my Teares raight soften thy stony heart Were it not harder then stone sure ere this I had broken and brused it with the often beating of my exhortations vpon it Moses strooke the Rocke and water gusht out of it I that am greater then Moses haue strooken you with threats and you haue not mourned O ye heauens be amazed at this be afraide and vtterly confounded my people haue drunke out of a Rocke in the Wildernesse and euer since had Rockie hearts Yet will the Rockes tremble when my Thunder falls vpon them The Mason with his Axe hewes and carues them at his pleasure All the thunder of iudgements which I spend on this stony Ierusalem cannot make her to tremble or refraine from stoning my Prophets Should I raine stones vpon her with them shee would arme her selfe against my holy ones Little doth she consider that all my Prophets are Embassadours and the wronging of an Embassadour amongst mortall men is the breaking of the law of Nations which breach or wrong no King or Monarch but at his corronation is sworne to reuenge If earthly Kings reuenge any little wrong done to their Embassadours how much more shall the King of all kings reuenge the death and slaughterdom of his Embassadors The Angels in heauen as they are the Lords Embassadors in regard of their owne safety would prosecute it though he should ouer-slip it The diuell that vseth daily to sollicite the Murtherers owne conscience for vengeance against himselfe will hee spare to put the Lord in minde of his auncient decree A murtherer shall not liue God said vnto Cain The voice of thy brother Abels blood cryeth to me out of the earth that is not only Abels owne blood but the blood of all the sonnes that were to issue from his loynes cry vnto me out of the earth It is sayd in the 6. of Genesis whosoeuer shall shedde humaine blood his blood shall be shed likewise Eye for eye and tooth for tooth much more life for life shall be repayd and this equity or amends the veriest Begger or contemptiblest creature on the earth cutte off before his time shall be sure to haue If I doe them right that in their owne enmities lauish their liues shall I let their blood bee troden to durte vnder foote and bee blowne backe by the windes into the crannies of the earth when it offers to sprinkle vp to heauen who in my seruice spende their liues At my head Ierusalem threw stones when she stoned my Heralds Who stabbeth or defaceth the picture of a King but would doe the like to the King himselfe if he might doe it as conueniently Euery Prophet or messenger from the Lord representeth the person of the Lord as a Herald representeth his Kings person and is the right picture of his royalty O Ierusalem Ierusalem what thou hast doone to the least of my Prophets thou hast done vnto mee likewise My Prophets thou hast stoned me likewise thou hast stoned and with-stood The very stones in the streete shall ryse vp in iudgement against thee By the old Law he that had blasphemed reuiled his Parents or commited adultery was stoned to death by the Prophets and Elders Thou hast blasphemed reuiled thy spirituall Parents committed adultery with thine owne abhominations and loe contrariwise thine Elders and Prophets thou stonest to death Can I see this and not rise vp in wrath against thee For this shalt thou grinde the stones in the Myll with Sampson and whet thy teeth vpon the stones for hunger and if thou askest any man bread he shall giue thee stones to eate The dogges shall licke thy blood on the stones like Iezabels not a stone be found to couer thee when thou art dead One stone of thy Temple shall not be left vppon another that shall not bee throwne downe The stone which thy foolish Builders refused shall be made the head stone of the corner Your harts which are Temples of stone I will for-sweare for euer to dwell in There shall be no Dauid any more amongst you that with a stone sent out of a sling shall strike the chiefe Champion of the Philistines in the for-head And finally you shall worship stockes and stones for I will be no longer your God O Ierusalem Ierusalem all this shall be-tide thee because thou stonest the Prophets and killest them that are sent vnto thee The Fathers haue eaten sower-Grapes and the Chyldrens teeth are set on edge your Fathers tooke hard courses against the Prophets killed those I sent vnto them And if you had no other crime but that you are the sonnes of them that killed the Prophets it were too to sufficient for your subuersion but you yourselues haue stoned the Prophets and killed those I sent vnto you not onely you your selues but your sonnes for this shall be put to the edge of the Sword The blood-thirsty deceitfull man shall not liue out halfe his daies Who strikes with the sword shall perrish with the sword He that but hateth his brother is a homicide What is he then that slayeth his Brother Nay more what is he that slayeth Gods Brother Not one that beleeueth in me and doth my wil but is