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A69104 A necessary doctrine and erudition for any Christen man set furthe by the kynges maiestye of Englande &c.; Institution of a Christen man. Henry VIII, King of England, 1491-1547.; Church of England. 1543 (1543) STC 5168.7; ESTC S110763 117,759 234

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hym our god is to conceyue hym in our hartes to cleaue faste and surely vnto hym with harte and mynde to put all our trust confidence in him to set all our thoughtes and care aboue all thynges to please hym and to depend holely of hym takyng him to be infinitely good and mercyfull vnto vs beynge his creatures and continuyng in his flocke Secondly god commandeth vs thus to do to hym onely and to no creature nor to no false and fayned god For as a kynde and louynge man can not be content that his wyfe shulde take any other husband So can not our most kynd most louing god and creatour be pleased if we shulde forsake hym and take any other goddis And surely he is more presente with vs and more ready to shewe vs all kyndnes and goodnes than any creature is or can be And already of his gyft we haue al that we haue meate drynke clothe reason witte vnderstandynge dyscretion and all good thynges that we haue perteynynge bothe to the soule and the bodye And therfore he wylle not suffre vnpunysshed soo muche ingratitude and vnkyndenesse at our handes that we shoulde forsake hym and fyxe our faythe and godly truste in any other thinge besydes hym Thyrdly by this precepte god commandeth vs not onely to truste thus in hym but also to gyue hym the hole loue of our hartes aboue all worldly thynges yea and aboue our selues so that we may not loue our selues ne any other thyng but for him according as Moises saith in the boke of Deutronomie Thy lorde god is one god Deut. vi and thou shalte loue hym with all thy harte and with all thy soule with all thy minde and with all thy strengthe and power And this loue muste brynge with it a feare that euen for very pure loue we ought to be muche ashamed and afrayde to breake the leaste of his commaundementes Lyke as the chylde the more he loueth his father the more he is lothe and afrayde to displease hym in any maner of case Fourthly all they offende agaynste thys commaundemente whiche set theyr hartes and mindes vpon any worldly thing aboue god For what so euer we loue aboue god so that we set our myndes vpon it more than we do vpon god or for it we wyl offende god truely we make that for the tyme our god For as saint Paule sayeth The couetous man maketh his goodes his god And the gluttonous man maketh his bealy his god For the one setteth his mynde vpon his goodes the other vpon his bealy more than they do vpon god and for them they will not sticke to offende god Also all they whiche haue more confidence in the creatures of god than in god do make the creatures of god theyr god And howe greuousely god is offended therewith we fynde in the boke of Paralipomenon ● Par. xvi where it is written that whan Aza kynge of Iuda beynge sore constrayned by Baasa kynge of Israell sente for helpe to Benadad kinge of Syria and gaue hym greate treasure for to allure hym to his ayde Our lorde sente the prophete Hanani to Aza the kynge of Iuda who sayde vnto hym on this maner Bycause thou haste trusted in the kynge of Syria and not in thy lorde god therfore the hoste of the kynge Syria is escaped from thy handes Were not they of Ethiopia and Libia of farre greatter power bothe in charyottes and horsemen and in numbre and multitude whyche were innumerable and yet our lorde as longe as thou dyddest put thy truste in hym dyd yelde them in to thy handes The eyes of god do beholde all the worlde and gyueth strength to them that truste in him with all theyr harte In whyche wordes it dothe appere that it is layde to Azaes charge that he dyd not beleue in our lorde bycause he dyd more trust in Benadad the hethen prince thā in our lord It is noted also in the same chapiter that where as Aza had very great peyne in his feete he sought not to our lorde for remedy of his disease but trusted more in the art and remedy of phisike Wherby we maye learne that it is one great parte of perfit belefe in our lorde god to put our truste and confidence moste principally and aboue al other in him wherfore they that do otherwyse do transgresse this commandement and make to them other goddis Also all they transgresse this commaundement whiche eyther presume so muche vpon the mercy of god that they feare not his iustice and by reason thereof do styll continue in theyr synne or elles soo muche feare his iustyce that they haue no truste in his mercy Also they be of the same sorte whiche by lottes diuination chatterynge of byrdes and lokynge of mens handes or other vnlawfull or superstitiouse craftes take vpon them certeinly to tell determine and iudge before hand of mens actes and fortunes which be to come afterwarde For what do they but make them selues goddis in this behalfe as the prophete Esaie sayeth Tell vs afore what shall come Esai xii and we shall say that ye be goddis Also al they which by charmes and witchecraftes do vse any prescribed letters sygnes or carectes wordes blessynges roddes christall stones sceptures sweardes measures or for any superstitious entente charmes or wytchecraftes hange saincte Iohns gospelle or any other thynge aboute theyr neckes or any other partes of theyr bodies or vse to drynke holy water or any other suche vayne obseruation trustyng therby to continue in long life to dryue awaye syckenes to preserue them from sicnes fier water or any other peryll otherwyse than phisike or surgery dothe allowe doo also offende agaynst this commaundement But moste greuousely of all and aboue all other they do offende agaynst this commaundement whiche professe Christe and contrary to theyr profession made at theyr baptisme do make secrete pactes and couenantes with the deuyll or do vse any maner of coniurations to rayse vp deuyls for treasure or any other thynge hydde or loste or for any maner of cause what so euer it be for suche committe so hygh offence and treason to god that there can be no greatter For they yelde the honour due vnto god to the deuyll goddis ennemie And not onely all suche as vse charmes wytchecraftes and coniurations transgresse this chiefe and high commandement but also all those that seke and resorte vnto them for any counsayle or remedy accordynge to the sayinge of god when he sayde Let no man aske counsayle of them that vse false diuinations Deu. xviii or suche as take heede to dreames or chattering of birdes Let there be no witche or enchanter amonges you or any that asketh counsaile of them that haue spirites nor of sothesayers nor that seke the trouthe of them that be dead for god abhorreth all these thinges The exposition of the seconde commaundement of god ¶ Thou shalte not haue any grauen Image nor any lykenes of any thyng that
bounde to loue theyr wyues euen as they loue theyr owne selfe and theyr owne bodies and euen as Christe loueth the churche his espouse He bringeth in the first institution of matrimonye as it was ordeyned by god in Paradise and alledgeth the wordes of god as they be before rehersed vpon whiche wordes the apostle inferreth and saythe This coniunction of man and woman togither in mariage wherby they are knytted vnited and made al one fleshe and one body Is the sacrament that is to saye a mystery and signification of that great and meruaylous coniunction whiche is betwene Christe and his churche For lyke as by vertue and efficacy of the fyrst institution of matrimony the husbande and the wyfe be made to be but one body wherof the husbād is hed Euen so Christ doth knytte and vnite conglutinate and make his churche to be one body with hym wherof he is the very head By the whiche wordes of saint Paule it appereth not onely what is the vertue and efficacy of matrimony in the vnitinge and incorporatynge of two bodies in one but also that it dothe signifye this other coniūction which is betwene Christ and his churche And that this coniunction betweene Christ and the churche is the very selfe thing whiche is signified and represented by the other coniunction of man and woman in mariage For thoughe saynt Paule vsed in this place other argumentes persuasions taken of the lawe of nature to enduce maried ꝑsons the one to loue the other saying that men naturally do loue and nourishe their owne bodies and their owne flesshe Yet he vseth this as a reason of great efficacye to persuade his purpose that is to say that all husbandes and wiues ought so to vse them selues the one to the other that their matrimony and all their workes and affections in the same myght and shuld corresponde and be cōformable and like vnto that moste holy thyng whiche is signified and represented thereby that is to say vnto that spirituall coniunction whiche is betwene Christ and his espouse the churche And that therefore especially the man ought and is bound to loue his wife and the wyfe to loue and obeye her husbande in all thinges lest by doinge the contrary they shuld make their matrimony vnlike to the thing that is signified therby And thus was matrimony not onely instituted by god sanctified by his word and dignified by his lawes euen from the beginning of the world But also Christ him selfe did accept approue and allow the same in the newe testament aswel by his worde as also by his sundry workes and dedes testifienge the same In so moch that he being inuited to a certain mariage made in Cana a towne of Galile Ioan i● did vouchesafe not onely to come thyther there to honour the said mariage with his corporall presence and with the presēce also of his blessed mother and his holy apostles but there he began also by tournyng of water in to wyne first to worke myracles to manyfeste his glory vnto the worlde Matt. xix And afterwarde in one other place whan the pharisees came vnto hym demanded whether a man might laufully be diuorced from his wife for euery cause Christ puttyng the said pharisees in remēbrance of the first institution of matrimony sayd vnto them Haue you not red how that god whiche created all thynges in the beginning did also forme and create man and woman said these wordes Therfore the man shal leaue his father and mother and shal adhere and cleaue vnto his wyfe they shal be two in one fleshe one body Wherfore vnderstand you saith he that sith man woman conioyned in matrimony be by goddis ordinance but one fleshe and one body they shuld not afterward be separated or diuorced one from the other And vnderstande you also that it is not laufull for any man to separate and diuide those persons a sunder whiche by goddis worde and his wyl and power be conioyned togither And whan the pharisees replying thervnto sayde Why than dyd Moyses commande vs to make a lybell of diuorce and so to departe and separate our selues from our wyues Christe answered them and sayd Moises consydering the hardenes and obstynacy of your hartes dyd permyt and suffre you so to do Howe be it I say vnto you that it was not so at the beginnynge that is to say it is cleane contrary to the godly institution and naturall order of the lawes of matrimony as it was instituted by god at the beginning that any mā married shulde be diuorced from his lawfull wyfe and be set at libertie to marry And therfore I say again vnto you that who so euer doth forsake his laufull wyfe onles it be for adultery commytted by her and mary an other I say he commytteth adulterye in so doinge And lykewise what woman soo euer doth forsake her laufull husbande and marrieth an other she also committeth adultery and the man also that marrieth her offendeth in like maner These wordes of Christe euydently declare his sentence in the approbation of the instytution of matrimony made at the beginning of the worlde and that it is Christes wyll and commaundement that the people of god shulde folowe and conforme theyr doinges vnto the lawes of matrimonye than made shuld obserue the same in such purity santimony as it was fyrst ordeyned without separatiō or diuorce that vnder the peyne of damnation And here also is one thing specially to be noted that in these wordes of Christe That whiche god hath conioined man may not separate is declared the infinite benignitie and goodnes of god towardes vs in that he hathe not onely conioyned our fyrste progenitours Adam and Eue togyther in maryage wherby he gaue vnto vs the originall beginnynge of our procreation but that he dothe also euer syth that tyme continually assiste man and woman and worketh with them in this cōiunction of mariage and is the very authour of all matrimonies which be laufully made betwene man and woman And therfore saint Paule saith Hebr. xiii Honorabile coniugium in omnibus thorus immaculatus that is to say Matrimony is honourable in all and the bedde vndefiled An other thyng also is to be noted that not only the act and procreation whiche els of it self were vnlawfull is by this sacrament made lawfull but also that the good bryngyng vp of chyldren borne in matrimony is so wel accepted of god that vnto it as vnto other good workes doone in faythe by grace is promysed life euerlasting accordynge to the wordes of saint Paule where he saith i. Tim. ii The woman was seduced and blynded by the serpent and soo synned dayly but she shal be saued by procreation and bringing forthe of children if the same doo perseuere and continue in faith and loue towardes god and in holynes and temperance in their actes and dedes And as this is spoken of the woman so it is also veryfied
asshes on ashwednesday doth put vs in remembrance that euery christen manne shulde considre that he is but ashes and earth and thervnto he shall retourne Bearyng of palmes on palme sonday dothe put vs in remembrance of the receiuynge of Christe in to Hierusalem a lyttell before his deathe and that we must haue the same desyre to receyue him in our hartes Crepynge to the crosse on good friday there offeryng vnto Christ before the same and kyssynge of it declareth our humble submission and thankes giuynge to Christ for our redemption whiche he hath wroughte for vs vpon the crosse And so finally the settyng vp of the sepulchre of Christe whose body after his death was buried And al other like laudable customes rites and ceremonies do put vs in remembrance of some spiritual thyng And therfore they be not to be contemned and caste away but obediently to be vsed and continued as thynges good and laudable for the purposes abouesaid The exposition of the .v. commaundement of god Honour thy father and thy mother IN this commandement / by these wordes Father and mother is vnderstande not onely the naturall father and mother whiche dyd carnally begette vs and broughte vs vp but also princes and all other gouernours rulers and pastours vnder whom we be nourished and brought vp ordred guiged And by this worde Honour in this commandement is not onely ment a reuerence and lowlines in wordes and outwarde gesture whyche chyldren and inferiours ought to exhibite vnto their parentes and superiours but also a prompt and a redy obedience to theyr lawfull commandementes a regarde to theyr wordes a forbearyng and sufferinge of them an inward loue and veneration towardes them a reuerence feare and lothenes to dysplease or offende them and a good wyll or gladnes to assiste them ayde them succour them and helpe them with theyr counsayle with their goodes and substance and by all other meanes to theyr power as hereafter is declared This is the very honour and duetie whiche not onely the chyldren do owe vnto theyr parentes but also all subiectes inferiours to theyr heades and rulers And that children owe this duetye to theyr fathers it appereth in many places of scripture in the prouerbes it is written Prou i. Obey my sonne the chastisement of thy father be not negligent in thy mothers commandementes Deu xxvi In the boke of Deutronomie it is also written Accursed be he that doth not honour his father and his mother And in the boke of Leuiticus it is sayde Leuit. xix Let euery man stande in awe of his father mother 〈◊〉 xxi And yf any man haue a stubburne and a disobedient sonne whiche wyll not heare the voyce of his father and mother and for correction wyll not amende and folowe them Than shall his father and mother take him and brynge hym to the iudge of the citie and saye This our sonne is stubburne disobedient and dispiseth our admonitiōs and is a riotour and a drunkerde Than shal al the people stone him to death and thou shalt put away the euill from the that all Israell may here therof and be afrayde Exod. xxi And in the boke of Exody it is also writtē He that striketh his father or mother he shall be put to deathe And lykewise be that curseth his father or mother shall be put to death And in the boke of prouerbes Prouer. xxviii the wise man also saith He that stealeth any thyng frō his father or mother is to be taken as a murtherer And although these great punysshementes of disobedient children by death be not now in the newe lawe in force strength but lefte to the ordre of princes gouernours and their lawes yet it euidently appereth how sore god is agreued dipleased with such disobediēce of children towardes their parentes for as moche as in the olde lawe he did appointe thervnto so greuouse punishementes And as almyghty god doth threaten these punishementes vnto those children whiche do breake this commandement so he doth promise great rewardes to them that kepe it For he that honoureth his father saythe the wyseman Eccle. iii. his synnes shall be forgyuen hym And he that honoureth his mother is as one that gathereth treasures who so euer honoureth his father shall haue ioy in his owne children and whan he maketh his prayer vnto god he is herde He that honoureth his father shall haue a long and a prosperous lyfe And as the chyldren by this commaundement be bounde to honour and obey theyr parentes accordinge as is afore expressed so it is implied in the same precepte that the parentes shulde nourysshe and godly brynge vp their chyldren that is to say that they muste not onely fynde them meate and drinke in youth and also set them forwarde in learnynge labour and some other good exercise that they maye eschue idlenes and haue some crafte or occupation or some other lauful meane to get their lyuynge but also they muste learne them to beleue and truste in god to loue him to feare him to loue their neighbours to hate no man to hurte no man to wisshe well to euery man so moch as they may do good to euery man not to curse not to sweare not to be riotous but to be sobre and temperate in al thinges not to be worldly but to set their mindes vpon the loue of god heauēly thinges more than vpon tēporall thinges of the worlde And generally to do all that is good to eschue all that is euill and this the parentes ought to do not by cruell entreatinge of theyr children wherby they might discourage them and prouoke them to hate theyr parentes but by charitable rebuking threatning and charitable chastising and correcting of them whan they do euyll and cherishynge mainteyninge and commending them whan they do well This office and duetie of the parentes towardes theyr chyldren is witnessed in many places of scripture First saint Paule writeth thus Ep●e vi Fathers prouoke not your children vnto angre but bringe them vp in the correction and doctrine of god Deut. vi And in Deutronomy al myghty god saythe Pro. xxix Teache my lawes and commandementes to thy children And the wise man saith The rod of correction giueth wisedome The chylde that is left to his owne will Prou. xiii shal be confusion to his mother And in an other place he saith He that spareth the rod hateth his sonne and he that loueth hym will se hym corrected Pro. xxiii And in an other place he saythe Se thou withdrawe not from thy childe discipline and chastysynge if thou strike hym with the rodde he shall not die thou shalte strike him with a rodde and shalt therby deliuer his soule from hell 〈…〉 And on the other syde it is written The sonne vntaught and vnchastised is the confusion of his father And for this cause we fynde in the boke of the kinges how that our
all other euyll behauyour of our tongue agaynste our neyghbours whiche all be forbidden by this commaundemente for they be rootes and occasions of murther and other bodely hurte The contrary of all these thynges be commanded by this commandement that is to saye that we shulde with our hartes loue our neyghbours and with our tonges speake well of them and to theym and in our actes and dedes do good vnto them shewyng towardes them in harte worde and dede pacience mekenes mercy and gentylnes yea thoughe they be our aduersaryes and ennemies And that this is the true sence and meanyng of this commandement it appereth by the expositiō of our sauiour Christe in the gospell Math. ● where he declareth that we shulde neyther hurte any man in dede nor speake of hym or vnto hym maliciousely or contemptuousely with our tounges nor beare malice or angre in our hartes But that we shulde loue them that hate vs say well by them that saye euyll by vs and do good vnto them that do euyll vnto vs. And accordynge to the same sayeng of Christ saynt Iohn sayth also That he that hateth his brother ● Ioan. iii. is a manqueller It is not forbydden by this commaundement but that al rulers and gouernours as princes iudges fathers maisters and suche other maye for the correction of theym whyche be vnder theyr gouernance vse suche maner of punysshemente eyther by rebukefull or sharpe wordes or by bodyly chastysing as the lawes of euery realme do permitte And not onely they may do thus but also they be bound so to do onles they se reasonable cause to the contrary and offende god if they do it not as is before declared in the .v. commaundement All rulers also muste beware and take hede that in theyr corrections and punishmentes they do not procede vpon any priuate malyce of their hartes or displeasure towardes any man or for any lucre fauour or feare of any persō but that they haue theyr eye and consideration only vpon the reformation amendment of the person whom they do correct or elles vpon the good ordre and quietnes of the common weale so that styll there may remayne in theyr hartes charitie and loue towardes the person they punyshe And lyke as the father loueth his chylde euen whan he beateth him Eeuen so a good iudge whan he gyueth sentence of death vppon any gylty person although he shewe outwardly sharpenes rigour yet inwardely he ought to loue the person and to be sorye and heauy for his offences and for the death whiche he hym selfe by the lawe doth and must nedes condemne him vnto And although inferiour rulers and gouernours maye correcte and punysshe suche as he vnder their gouernaunce yet they maye not punysshe by deathe nor mutilate maime or imprison them or vse any corporall violence towardes theym otherwyse then is permitted by the hyghe gouernour that is to say by the prince and his lawes from whom al suche authoritie doth come For no man may kylle or vse suche bodily coertion but onely princes and they whiche haue authoritie frome princes ne the sayde princes nor any for them may do the same but by and accordyng to the iuste ordre of theyr lawes and ordinances Moreouer no subiectes may drawe theyr swordes agaynst theyr prynce for any cause what so euer it be nor agaynst any other sauynge for laufull defence without theyr princes lycence And it is theyr duety to draw theyr swordes for the defence of theyr prynce and realme whan soo euer the prynce shall commande theym so to do And althoughe princes whiche be the chiefe and supreme heades of theyr realmes do otherwise than they ought to do Yet god hathe assigned no iudges ouer them in this worlde but wyl haue the iugement of them reserued to himselfe and wil punyshe them whan he seeth his time And for amendement of such princes that do otherwise than they shulde do the subiectes maye not rebell but must praye to god whyche hath the hartes of princes in his handes that he so turne theyr hartes vnto him that they maye vse the sworde which he hath gyuen them vnto his pleasure Agaynste this commandement offende al they whyche do kyll mayme or hurte any man without iuste ordre of the lawe and gyueth counsayle ayde fauour prouocation or consent therto And also all they whyche maye yf they wyll by theyr authoritie or laufull meanes delyuer a man from wrongfull death mutulation hurte or iniury and wyll not do it but wyll wyncke therat and dissemble it be transgressours of this commādement And al iudges which seyng no sufficient matter or cause of death or vpon lyght triall without sufficient examination and discussion gyue sentence of death or whan the matter or cause of death is sufficient and the triall good yet delyte in the deathe of the person be transgressours of this cōmandement And lykewyse be all those whiche in causes of lyfe deathe beyng impanelled vpon inquestes do lyghtly cōdemne or endite any person without sufficient euidence examination and discussion of the informations gyuen vnto them And moreouer all those whiche either in such causes do gyue false euidence or information eyther wittyngly contrary to their owne conscience or doubtynge of the truth of those informations or without sufficient examination do promote enforce or mainteine such euidences informatiōs or inditementes do also breake this commandement So do all they whiche wyllyngly do kyll themselfe for any maner of cause for so to doo there can be no pretence of lawfulle cause ne of iust order And therfore he that so dothe kylleth at ones both body and sowle Fynally all they whiche beare hatred and malyce agaynste their neyghbours and eyther malyciousely speake wordes of contempte dyspite checkynge cursynge and suche other or elles publysshe theyr neyghbours offences to theyr sclander rather than to theyr amendemente And generally all they that liue in yre malice enuy and murmuringe at other mens welth or reioysing at other mens trouble or hurt or suche other like they offende all againste this precepte The exposition of the seuenthe commandement of god Thou shalt not cōmitte adultery ALthough this word Adultery doth signifie properly the vnlaufull commixtion of a maryed man with anye other woman than with his owne wyfe or elles of a maried woman with any other man than her owne husbande yet in this commandement it is taken not onely for that but also for all maner vnlaufull copulation betwene man and woman maried and vnmaried and all maner of vnlaufull vse of those partes whiche be ordeyned for generation whether it be by adultery fornication incest or any other meane And in laufull matrimonye a man may breake this commandement and lyue vnchaste with his owne wyfe yf he do vnmeasurably or inordinatly serue his or her fleshely appetite or lust And of such the deuyll hath power as the angel Raphael sayde vnto Thoby Tob. vi They that marrye in suche wyse that they
praier superfluous neyther there wanteth any petition suite or request for suche thinges as be necessarie for oure iourney and passage in this worlde or for oure furtherance to that ●eming of the lyfe and glorye euerlastinge Secondly that euery good christen man may be assured to atteine the requestes made in this praier if he shall enforce hym selfe and apply his hole harte and wyll to the wyll and grace of hym vnto whom this prayer is made and also if he shal vtter and offer the said petitions inwardly with his hart and with suche faith confidence and truste in god as he requireth For surely no prayer is thankfull vnto god Ps cxviii Exod. xiiii but that whiche is made with the hart And therfore the prophet Dauid crieth to our lorde with all his hart And Moyses is noted to crye out aloude whan he spake no word with his mouth but he spake aloude with his hart And our lord by his prophete noteth Psal xxix that some pray with theyr lyppes and in their hartes minde nothinge lesse than that which they praye for And therfore who so euer intendeth by saying his Pater noster to atteyne his desyre he must haue with faith a good and ernest deuotion and his hart as nigh as he can voyde of vayne thoughtes and applyed to god so that the entente and desyre of his harte maye be ioyned alwaies with the prayer of his mouth And for this purpose it is mete moch requisite that the vnlearned people shulde vse to make theyr prayers in their mother tounge which they best vnderstand wherby they may be the more moued and stirred vnto deuotion and the more ernestly minde the thinge that they pray for Our father which art in heauen halowed be thy name OF these wordes Our father placed in the beginning of this petition all true christen mē ought to conceiue a great comfort and ioy in that they be taught and commaunded in this prayer to take almighty god for their father and so to call him as for example If oure soueraine lorde the kynge wolde saye to any of vs take me for your father and so call me what ioye in harte what comforte what confidence wolde we cōceyue of so fauourable graciouse wordes Than moch more incōparably haue we cause to reioyse that the king prynce of al princes shewith vnto vs this grace goodnes to make vs his children And surely as the naturall sonne may assuredly trust that his father wyll do for him all thinges that may be for his settyng forth and aduancemēt euen so we may vndoubtedly assure our selues that hauyng almighty god to our father vsinge our selfe as obedient children we shall lacke nothynge whiche may be profitable for vs toward the euerlastinge inheritaunce prepared for vs. And here is to be noted a lesson that as this word Father declareth the great beneuolence mercy and loue of god towardes vs as well in the creation as also in the redemption of man so it admonisheth vs againe of our duetie towardes him and howe we be bounde to shewe againe vnto hym our hole harte loue and our obedience and redynes to fulfyll all his preceptes and commaundementes with all gladnes and humilitie And therfore who so euer presumeth to come to god with this prayer and to call hym father and yet hath not full entente and purpose to vse hym selfe in all thinges lyke a kinde and an obedient sonne he cōmeth to hym as Iudas came to Christe with a kisse 〈◊〉 xx.i. pretending to be his frende and his seruant in callyng hym mayster and yet he was in dede a traytour to hym and a deadly ennemy And for this consideration euery christen man that intendeth to make this prayer ought inwardly and thoroughly to inserche and examine him selfe and yf he finde in him selfe any notable crime for the whiche he ought to be ashamed to call god his father Let him accuse him selfe therof to god and recognise his vnworthynes sayeng as the prodigall sonne sayde Father I haue offended the Luc. xv I am not worthy to be called thy sonne And with due repentaunce and firme purpose intente to amende his naughty lyfe let him lyfte vppe his harte to god and callinge for his grace of reconciltation humbly say Our father c. Moreouer by these wordes Our father is signified that we ought to beleue that almighty god is the common father of al true christen people and fatherly regardeth all throughe and by the meane of our sauiour Iesu Christe vnto whom all faitheful and obedient christen men be brethern by grace and adoption and called to inherite with him the kingdome of heauen And they be also brethern eche one to other hauing al one father which is god almighty And therfore we ought not onely to be of one spirite towardes our said father and to employ and endeuour our selues to the vttermost to please him and to kepe his lawes and commandementes but we ought also eche to consent with other in perfite loue charitie eche to helpe further other towardes the saide inheritaunce of heauen And fynally in al our praiers to god eche to cōprise other and to praye for other lyke as in this prayer we be taught to say Our father gyue vs our breade forgiue vs our synnes suffer vs not to fal into temptation and delyuer vs from euyll By these wordes whiche art in heauen we be taught that we ought to haue an inwarde desyre and a great care study to come to the place where our heauenly father is and moche couet his sighte and presence For lyke as a louynge chylde is euen desirous to be where his father is euen so oughte we euer desyre to be with our heauenly father and to endeuour our selues that our conuersation be al withdrawen from the worlde the fleshe and the deuyll and be sette in heauen and heauenly thinges Phili. iii. as saint Paule teacheth and we shulde continualy wayle and lament bycause we be not with oure heauenly father sayenge with the prophete Ps cxix wofull am I that my dwellynge apon the earthe is so moche prolonged In these wordes Halowed be thy name it is to be noted that by the name of god is vnderstande god him selfe the power of god the myght the maiestie the glory the wysedome the prouidence the mercy and goodnes of god and al suche other good thynges as in scripture be attributed vnto god And this name is halowed whan it is praised glorified sette forthe honoured and magnified of vs both in worde and deede And where in this petition we praye that his name myghte be halowed it is not to be taken or thought that this name of god whiche in it selfe is euermore moste holy most gloriouse most marueylous and full of maiestie can be eyther aduanced or diminished by vs or any thyng that we can do but we desyre here that this most holy name may accordinge as it is
Mat. xxiiii Charitie is waxed colde and synne doth abound as Christ sayeth in the gospell that it shulde yet if christen men wyll auoyde the great indignation of god it shall be good for theym whan so euer they receyue this sacrament them selues or be presente where it is ministred or vsed as speciallye in the tyme of masse to behaue them selfe reuerently in pure deuotion and prayer and not to talke or walke vp and down or to offend their brethern by any euyl example of vnreuerence to the saide sacramente excepte they wyll declare theym selfe to haue smalle regarde to our sauioure CHRIST there bodyly present of whiche vnreuerence and contempt may ensue not onely spirituall punishemementes of god by withdrawyng his grace from suche vngodly persons i. Cor. xi but also bodily and opē scourge as saint Paul sheweth to the Corinthians That for the vnworthy entreatyng and vsynge of this sacramente many amonges them were weake sycke and dyed The sacrament of Matrimony AS touchynge the sacrament of matrimonye and the institution therof you shall vnderstande that almighty god at the fyrste creation of man consideryng of his infynite goodnesse and wysedome howe necessary it was to couple and conioyne man and woman togither in mariage as well for theyr mutuall aide and comfort and for the preseruation and continuance of mankynde in lawful succession as also that the same generation myghte after the falle of mā be exercised perpetually vnto the worldes end without synne and offence towardes god dyd conioine Adam and Eue together in mariage And thā instituted matrimony and consecrated and blessed it by his holy word as appereth in the boke of Genesis where is also described the vertue and effycacye of the same by these wordes folowyng Gene. ii Nowe this bone is of my bones and this flesshe is of my flesshe and therfore the man shall leaue hys father and mother and adhere and cleaue vnto his wyse and they shall be two in one flesshe and in one bodye By whiche wordes it is mente that by the vertue efficacy of matrimony rightfully and by the auctoritie of god contracted the man and woman which were before two bodyes be nowe vnyted and made one body duryng theyr lyues so that the husbande hath no power of his owne body to vse the same as hym lyst and with whom hym lyketh but it is hys wyues and with her onely he maye vse the acte of matrimonye Nor the wyfe hathe any power of her owne body to vse it as her lyst or with whom her liketh but her body is her husbandes body and with hym onely may she vse the acte of matrimony And therfore the sayde two persones so conioyned may not after be deuided for any affection to father or mother or for any earthely thynge in the worlde but eche muste adhere and cleaue to other for as muche as they be nowe two persones in one flesshe and in one body Secondely howe that almyghty god allowing and approuing the sayd institution of matrimony sanctified and blessed it with his holy worde immediately after Noes fludde sayeng vnto Noe and his chyldren in this wyse Rom. vl Increase and be ye multiplyed and replenyshe the earthe This institution of matrimonye thus allowed by god vnto Noe and his chyldren although it was a sufficient instructiō vnto them and all theyr posteritie howe to vse the same in al puritie and clennesse to goddis pleasure and his contentation Yet god consideryng the naturall inclination of man to malyce and synne dyd afterwarde further explycate and establysshe the same by his other lawes wrytten wherby god prohibited that any matrimony shulde be made in the degrees folowyng that is to say No man shall marry with his mother hys graundame his great graundame and so vpward neither may he marry with the wyfe his father his graundfather or his greate graundefather and so vpwarde neyther any man may marry with the syster of his father or of his mother his graundefather or his graundmother and so vpwarde neyther may any man marry with the wyfe of hym that is brother to his father his mother his graundefather his graundmother and so vpwarde And lyke wyse euery woman is forbidden to marry any man within any degrees aboue rehersed It is also further forbydden that any man shall marry with hys syster whether she be his hole syster or his halfe syster begotten in mariage or out of mariage neither may he marry with his brothers wyfe nor with his wyues syster Whiche lawes of prohibition in maryage althoughe they were not by expresse wordes of God declared at the fyrste instytution of matrimonye ne also whan the same was allowed after Noes flud yet god dyd ingraue and imprinte the same lawes in the hart of man before they were wrytten by Moyses And forasmuch as the natural lyght and knowledge of man was not onely by originall synne obscured and blynded but also in the most parte of men by the increace of synne and malyce in longe continuaunce and proces of tyme almoste peryshed and extincte In so muche that they coulde not perceyue nor iudge what thynges were of theyr owne nature naught and detestable in the syght of god ne yet howe farre the naturall honestie and reuerence whiche we owe vnto suche persones as be nere of our kynne or alliance vnto vs was extended God therfore wyllyng manne to returne from darckenesse commaunded his prophete Moyses to promulgate to declare by his worde vnto the people of Israell the sayde lawes of prohibition of matrimony in certayne degrees of consanguinitie and affinitie as is before mentioned In the declaration of the whiche lawes of prohibition Moyses soo tempred his wordes that it maye euidently appere therby that not onely the Iewes but also all other the people of the worlde were as muche and as streyghtly bounden to the continual obseruation of the same lawes as they were to the other morall lawes of the ten commandementes Thyrdely / that the coniunction betwene man and woman in matrimony dothe not onely signifie and represent the perfyte and indissoluble coniunction and vnion of the nature of god with the nature of man which was fulfylled whan the second person in trinitie descendyng from his father dyd take vpon him the very forme and substance of our nature and so these two natures were vnited and knyt togither in one persone but also therby is sygnified and represented the societie and coniunction in perfite and indissoluble loue and charitie betwene Christ and his church that is to say the congregation of al christen people And this to be true saynt Paule him selfe affirmeth in the fyst chapyter of the epistle vnto the Ephesians In whiche place the apostle myndynge to proue and perswade that al women beyng marryed oughte to loue to reuerence to honour to obeye to be subiecte vnto theyr husbandes in all thinges euen as the church is subiect vnto Christe and lykewyse that all husbandes ought and be