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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A15520 A Christian dictionarie Opening the signification of the chiefe words dispersed generally through Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament, tending to increase Christian knowledge. Whereunto is annexed, a perticular dictionary for the Reuelation of S. Iohn. For the Canticles or Song of Salomon. For the Epistle to the Hebrues. By Tho: Wilson minister of the Word, at Saint Georges in Canterbury. Wilson, Thomas, 1563-1622. 1612 (1612) STC 25786; ESTC S121081 469,452 830

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the New-Testament which sealeth to vs our spirituall feeding and growing in Christ. 1. Cor. 11 20. See more in the Supper of the Lord. Papists offend which transforme this Supper of spiritual refreshing into a Sacrifice propitiatory for sinne to Loose sig To suffer one to perish and to go on to destruction Iohn 6 39. Of all that he hath giuen mee I should loose nothing to loose life sig To lay downe our life willingly for Christ his Gospell Math. 10. Hee that looseth his Life for my sake 2 To destroy it and cast it away for euer Mat. 10 39. He that will finde his Life shall loose it Lost. sig Elect which see and feele themselues lost and quite vndone because of their sinnes Luke 19 10. The son of man is come to seeke and saue that which is lost Math. 18 11. Lot sig Some square thing as a Dye or other thing cast into a Pitcher or Pot thence to be drawn out again as a means to end strife in cases of doubt as in diuisions of lands choise of officers c. Pro. 16 33. The Lot is cast into the lap but the disposition is of the Lord. Prou. 18. Acts 1 26. 2 That which fals out to bee ones proper portion or part Psal. 16 8. The Lord is my Lot Deut. 32 9. Israell is the Lot of his inheritance 3 That which is ones cheefest good and commodity Psalme 125. 3. The Rod of the wicked shall not rest on the Lot of the righteous that is vppon themselues and their good things 4 The inheritance of any person eyther earthly or heauenly Hence come those phrases in the Booke of Ioshua The Lot of Ephraim of Zabulon of Iuda c. Also Acts 26 18. 1 Col. 12. That which is translated The inheritance of the Saintes in the Originall is The Lot of the Saints 5 The reward and recompence which is rendered to any for their sinnes Esay 17 14. This is the Lot of them that are Robbers of vs. 6 Fellowship or participation in any good thing Acts 8 21. Thou hast neyther part nor Lot for so the word is in the Originall That is no fellowship to cast Lots sig To deuide a thing by Lot Math. 27 35. Upon my vesture did they cast Lots Prou. 1 14. Loue referred to Man sig An affection of the heart moouing and stirring vs to wish well and to doe good vnto something which we iustly like and finde contentment in ● Sam. 1 26. Thy Loue to me was wonderfull like to the Loue of Women This is Naturall Loue such as a Woman beareth to her Husband a Mother to the Child c. 2 An holy affection of the heart causing vs to delight in God for his goodnesse sake and in our Neighbor for Gods sake 1 Iohn 4 19. Wee Loue him because he Loued vs first Verse 21. He that Loueth God should Loue his Neighbour also This is Christian Loue which is a fruite and signe of a iustified person but is not our Iustice before God 3 That affection which more neerely straightly bindeth Friend vnto Friend 1. Sam. 18 1. And Ionathan Loued him as his owne Soule This is Loue of Friends referred to God 4 His Diuine Essence infinitely delighting himselfe in his Sonne Christ who is his wisedome and in his Spirit which is his power also in his Creatures and Children 1 Iohn 4 16. God is loue 5 His purpose and decree to choose some vnto saluation by Christ. Rom. 9 13. Iacob haue I loued This Loue is else-where called the good pleasure of his will and fore-knowledge of God Rom. 8 29. Rom. 11 2. Ephe. 1 4. 6 The fruits and effects of that Louing purpose First in the regeneration of the elect Secondly their Iustification Thirdly their Sanctification Fourthly in the grace of perseuerance Fi●tly in the hope of Glorification Rom. 5 6. He hath shed abroad his Loue in our hearts 7 The proceeding of these former fruits of grace till they come to perfection of glory Iohn 1 2. Them he Loued to the end 8 Inordinate delight and contentment in some person or thing 2 Sam. 13 1. And Amnon Loued his Sister Tamar Heere it is taken in euill part Lowlinesse sig The humblenesse of minde and modesty of godly persons Math. 11 29. For I am lowly in hart 2 An abiect and vile estate subiect to the contempt of the world Luke 1 52. And exalted them of Low degree Loynes sig pro A part of the Body which as a piller stronglie vpholdes the whole body 2 The whole man by a Sinedoche Acts 2 30. Out of the Fruit of his Loynes c. Deut. 33 11. 3 A readinesse with all our might to execute a charge or duty committed to vs. Luke 12 35. And your Loynes girt c. L. U. Lust. sig The desire of some lawfull thing tending to preseruation of Nature that is naturall Lust in it selfe good Psalme 106. 14. And Psalm 78 ●8 Requiring meat for their Lusts. 2 Corruption of Heart coueting thinges forbid Rom. 7 7. Thou shalt not Lust. This is Originall Lust or Birth-sinne 3 All euill desires and affections whether without consent or with consent 1 Pet. 2 12. Abstain from fleshly Lusts. This is Actuall Lust. 4 The desire of good things according to Gods will with a loathing of the contrary Gala. 5 7. The Spirit Lusteth against the Flesh. This is Spirituall Lust. Sée Concupisence Heere it is taken in good part 5 Will and pleasure Psal. 27 14. Giue mee not to the Lust of mine aduersary L. Y. Lye sig an officious Lye is a sin Any vntruth or falshood though vnwittingly spoken This is the largest signication of a Lye Rom. 9 1. I speake the truth and Lye not Gen. 31 32 33. 2 An vntruth conceiued and vttered with a purpose to deceiue Eph. 4. Lye not one to another Actes 5 3. This is a most strict signification and containeth vnder it al the branches following 3 Deceitfull wordes and falshood in bargaines contracts and other affaires of this Life Such was Abrahams Lye Gene. 12 ●12 And the Lie of Gehesa 2 Kings 5 25. This is a ●iuill Lye in mens matters and it is eyther sportfull and in iest or hurtfull and dangerous or officious being made in fauour of others for their help and benefit This last kinde howsoeuer it carry a shew of honestie charity because it is beneficiall to our Neighbour yet indeede and truth it is euill and damnable because it is against the commaundement which forbiddeth Lying and hath appearance of euill Also Charity reioyceth in the truth and not in Iniqui●● And lastly because we may not tell a Lye no no● in fauour and for the glory of God much lesse for the benefit of man Iob 13 7. Will you tell a Lye or talke deceitfully for God 4 An vntruth or falshood in matter of doctrine when some opinion is held contrary to the word of God 1. Iohn 2 21. No Lye is of the truth Reu. 22 15. Such as
goods whence our liueli-hood ariseth as Water springes out of a Fountaine Prouer. 5 10. Let thy Fountaines flow forth c. 7 Eyes which as a Spring or Fountaine sends forth teares as a witnesse of hearts griefe Iere. 9 1. Mine eyes a Fountaine of Teares For. sig Euery thing that hurteth the Inheritance or vineyard of the Church be it false doctrine or corrupt manners Cant. 2 15. Take away the Foxes 2 False Prophets which craftily vndermine the safety and state of Religion and of the Church Ezec. 13 4. O Israell thy Prophets are as Foxes in the wast places 3 All crafty and guilefull persons which with their carft and cunning seeke to deceiue and hurt others Luke 13 32. Tell that Foxe little Foxes sig All occasions and appearances of euils Cant. 2 15. These little Foxes to be a portion for Foxes sig To be cast out vppon the Mountaines without buriall that Foxes and Beastes may feede vppon them Psalme 63 10. They shall bee the portion for Foxes F. R. Frame of the hart sig The inward secret thoughts inclinations and purposes of the Soule as it is expounded by Moyses himselfe Gen. 6 5. The whole Frame that is the thoughts of mans hart are euill continually according to the Translation of Tremellius it should thus be read Free sig pro Such as bee Bond-men but are exempt from the yoake of slauery 1 Cor. 7 22. 2 Beleeuers whom Christ hath set free and deliuered from the Curse and rigor of the Law and not onely from yoake of Legall Ceremonies also frō the ●y●anny of sinne by his death and spirit so as they are no more vnder the bondage of sin though sinne be still in them nor neede feare the condemnation due to it also they serue God with a free ingenious spirit as Children their Father Rom. 5 7. He that is dead is Free from Sinne. Rom. 7 6. Free from Sinne that is from the Dominion of Sinne verse 14 Rom. 8 2. Free from Sinne and Death that is from the condemnation due to it as verse 1. Psalme 51 11. Iohn 8 38. This Freedome is wholy of Grace not at all of Nature Sée Will. Beleeuers are Free and not Free therefore they cry both who shall Free me from Sin Rom. 7 24. and also they tryumphantly say Christ hath freede me from the Law of Sin Rom. 8 2. They are freed wholy from the guilt and punnishment of Sinne but from corruption of sinne they are freed in part onely so farre as that it doe not raigne ouer them the Lords Frée man sig A true Christian who though he bee bond and Seruant vnto man is yet set Free by the Lord Iesus from th● seruitude of Sathan and Sinne. 1 Corin. 7 22. Frée from all men sig One that is not beholden vnto other men to liue at their cost 1 Cor. 9 19. Though I bee Free from all men Frée among the dead sig One separate from the liuing left for dead Psal. 88 5. Free among the dead like to the slaine which lie in the Graue Friend sig pro One whom we do entirely loue aboue others and vse more familiarly and priuately then we doe others as Dauid did Ionathan Pro. 18 24. A friend is neerer then a Brother 2 One to whom God imparteth his minde and secrets so familiarly and fully as one Friend dooth to another Genesis 18 17. Shall I hide this thing from Abraham Hence it is that Iames 2 29. calleth Abraham the Friend of God also the Apostles are called Christs Friendes Iohn 15 15. You I haue called Friends because what I had of my Father I haue made knowne to you Friendship of y● world sig The loue and vnmeasurable desire of carnall and worldly things Iames 4 4. The friendship or the Amity of the Wo●ld is the enimity with God Frozen in their dregs sig Stubborne Sinners which obstinately sticke in their sinnes mocking both God and Man Zephe 1 12. I will visit them that be frozen in Dregges Ier. 48 11. Fruit. sig pro The encrease which commeth of the Land of Trees of Cattle and of other Creatures Deutro 28 4. Blessed shall bee the fruit of thy Ground and of thy Cattle 2 The couersion of men to God by the ministry of his Seruants Iohn 15 16. I haue appointed that ye go and bring forth Fruite and verse 2. 3. He that abideth in me bringeth forth Fruit. In this sence the Gospell was fruitfull in all the World Coloss. 1 6. Conuersion of Sinners to the Faith is as delightful to God as sweete Fr●●● is to men A Metaphor 3 All and euery one of Gods Graces works in his Children because they come from his spirite as Fruite from a Tree and doe so please him as good Fruit is pleasing to vs. Gal. 5 22. The fruits of the Spirit is loue peace ioy c. Phil. 1 11. Filled with the Fruits of righteousnesse A Metaphor 4 The due recompence and merite of our euill workes Micha 7 13. For the Fruits of their inuentions Prouerb 31. They shall eate the Fruite of their workes 5 False doctrine the proper Fruit of a Falfe Prophet Math. 7 16. By their Fruits ye shall know them 6 The profit and commodity that comes of well doing Prouer. 31 31. Giue her of the Fruite of her hands Rom. 6 22. Ye haue your Fruit in holinesse 7 Any godly deede tending to the spirituall profit of others Phil. 4 17. I desire the Fruit c. eyther speech it selfe or the reward which comes of good or euill speech Prouer. 12 14. A man shall be filled with good thinges by the Fruit of his mouth Fruits of righteousnesse sig All good works done by iustified and righteous persons Phil. 1 11. Aboundiug with the Fruites of righteousnesse fruits worthy of repentance sig A godly and iust life meete for such as haue repentance Mat. 3 8. Bring forth Fruits worthy of repentance Fruit of the wombe sig Children Deut. 28 4. Blessed shall be the Fruite of thy womb Psal. 127 3. and 132 11. Gen. 30 2. and in Deut. 28 4. Children be called the Fruit of the body being deriued from the body of their Parents as Fruit springs from a Tree Also delightful vnto them as Fruit to our mouth Fruitfull sig Profitable as vnfruitfull signifies vnprofitable Titus 3 14. Colo. 1 6. And is Fruitfull 2 Abundant Col. 1 10. Fruitfull in good workes F. U. Full. sig The proud and such as bee swollen with high conceite of their owne sufficiencie and woorth so as they feele no neede of Christ. Luke 6 26. Woe vnto them that are Full. Reuel 3 17. affords vs an example heereof 2 Much or abundantly rich and plentifull Acts 6 5. Stephen Full of the Holy Ghost and of faith that is endued with a great portion of faith In Luke 1 28. it would not bee read Full of grace but Freely beloued as the Greek word signifies and Chrisost expounds it 3 That which is perfect or hath no want 2.
Calamus and Cynamon with all the Trees of Incense T. V. to Turne alide sig To spread and pitch Tents or to follow and go after Cant. 1 6. Why should I be as she that Turneth aside to the Flockes of thy Companions to Turne away sig To Turne toward to set and fixe her Faith as an eye vpon Christ who is rauished with the great beauty thereof Cant. 6 4. Turne away thine Eyes from me T. W. Twinnes sig Two Lambes or two Children at one birth Can. 4 2. Euery one bring out Twinnes and none is barren among them V. A. Uaile sig A Couering which Virgins did weare in token of modesty chastity and honor the taking away of this from the Church was the exposing her to reproach Cant. 5 7. The Watchmen of the Wals tooke away my Vaile from me Ualiant men of Israell sig Mighty strong men which were sound and true hearted right Israelites Cant. 3 7. Of the Ualiant men of Israell Ualley sig A low ground betweene two Hils being moyst and more fruitfull Cant. 6 10. I went to the Fruites of the Valley V. E. ful Uessels sig Hollow places filled vp fitly Cantic 5 12. And remaine by the full Vessels V. I. Uillages sig At the Cyprus Tree so it may be translated Can. 7 11. Let vs remaine in the Villages Uine sig The Church spreading herselfe and fruitfull as a Vine Also needing the presence and care of an Husbandman to prime and dresse it Cant. 7 12. Let vs see if the Vine flourish Uine in Baalhamō sig A Vine planted in a fruitfull soyle or in a place so plentious for Vines as it bringeth foorth a multitude of Vines Cant. 8 11. Salomon had a Vine in Baal-hamon Uine flourishing sig The fruits of the graces of God in the Church and the signes of the approaching of the marriage day Cant. 7 12. Let vs see if the Vine flourish Uines of Engedi sig Vines excellent and fruitfull planted at Engedi a Towne neere vnto the Red-Sea whereunto the Church is resembled for her sweete smell and pleasant fruits Cant. 1 13. My welbeloued is as a Cluster of Camphire vnto me in the Vines of Engedi Uine-yard sig The true Church of Christ committed to faithfull Ministers as to the Keepers of it Cant. 8 11. He gaue the Vineyard vnto Keepers V. N. Undefiled sig One which is free from filthinesse and spot of sinne beeing washed in the blood and sanctifyed by the Spirit of Christ. Cant. 5 2. My Vndefiled V. O. Uoyce sig The word of Christ by which hee calleth the elect to him Cant. 2 8. It is the Voyce of my Welbeloued 2 The prayers supplications thanks-giuings whereby the Church dooth as it were talke with Christ. Cant. 2 14. Let me heare thy Voice Uoice of the Turtle sig The singing or sweete Melody made by the Turtle Cant. 2 12. The Voice of the Turtle is heard in our Land W. A. to Waken sig TO disturbe the quietnesse of the Church which she hath in Christ or by any offence and prouocation to greeue her Cant. 2 7. Stir not vp nor Waken my Loue. heart Waketh sig That Faith and Spirit of Sanctifycation working still in the regenerate children of God though they bee sometime taken with a Spirituall slumber and sleepe in security Cant. 5 2. I sleepe but mine heart Waketh Wall sig A Cittie built vp such as is the Church consisting of Iew and Gentile the partition wall of Ceremonies being beaten down in the death of christ Cant. 8 9 10. I am a Wall expert in Warre sig Men skilfull in feates of Armes wise in matters of Warefare how to order battailes Cant. 3 8. They all handle the Sword and are expert in War Washing sig The making cleane and white by purging in Water Cant. 4 2. Also 5 3 I haue Washed my Feet how shall I defile them washt with Milke sig Made exceeding bright Cant. 5 12. Which are Washt with Milke watchmen sig Such as by night keep watch in a Citty or ouerlooke the Watch to see that the Watch-men do their office Cant. 3 3. The Watch-men that went about the Citty found me 2 Pastors which Watch ouer the Citty of God whereof some bee negligent and blinde as false Priestes and Prophets Popish Prelats ignorant guides and ydle Shepheardes vnder the Gospell And some bee diligent and faithfull as true Prophets Apostles and other godly Ministers Cant. 3 3. Also Cant. 5 7. The Watch-men that went about the Citty Much water sig Great force and violence vsed by Tyrants to auert and turne the Church from the loue of Christ. Cant. 8 7. Much Water cannot quench loue c. W. E. Well of liuing Waters sig Christ Iesus Authour of all good guifts whose bounty is infinite as an ouer flowing Well Cant. 4 5. welbeloued sig One deerely loued with a vehement affection of pure and sound loue such as Christ is to his church and the Church to Christ. Cant. 1 12 13 15. Also Cant. 5 10. and 7 10 11. I am my welbeloueds and his desire is toward me W. H. Wheate Sée Heape White sig Such a colour as ioyned with ruddy shewes a most excellent constitution of body and very perfit beauty Cant. 5 10. My Welbeloued is White and Ruddy White Iuory sig The pretious beautifulnesse or beautifull pretiousnesse of Christ. Cant. 5 14. His belley like Iuory Wholy delectable sig One euery way and perfitly delightfull Can c. W. I. wildernesse sig A vast barren desolate place 2 The old man with his lusts and affections which are to bee forsaken of such as will come to Christ. Can. 8 5. Who is this that commeth out of the Wildernesse Window sig The types and figures of the Law vnder which the Prophets and Patriarckes saw Christ. Can. 2 9. Looking forth of the Windowes Winter sig A time of the yeare cold and vncomfortable as also vnfruitfull when all Trees cease to bring forth 2 The State of the elect while they are the Seruants of sinne vnder the power of darknesse Can. 2 11. Behold Winter is past W. O. Worke. sig A thing wrought or done with exceeding skil Canticles 7 1. The Worke of the hand of a Cunning Workeman to Wound the heart sig To strike ones heart with a vehement affection and passion of loue Cant. 4 9. My Sister thou hast Wounded my heart Y. O. Young figs sig A Kinde of Fruite called the Figge not yet growne but growing to his ripenesse 2 A signe or token of the approaching of the Spring whereby the change and conuersion of a sinner is signified Cant. 2 13. The Fig-tree hath brought forth her young Figs. Yong Hart sig A Beast so called swift and quicke of foote 2 Christ who like a young Hart makes hast to come to his beloued Cant. 2 9. My welbeloued is like a Roe or Young Hart. two Young Roes sig The two breasts of the Church to wit the two Testaments whence sweet nourishment is drawne out for the feeding of the
hearts desire and answereable to thine expectation Farewell B. S. CVrteous Reader thou art much bound to blesse God for the great plenty and aboundance of excellent Bookes which by the handes of his painefull and godly Seruants he hath afforded thee as helps and furtherances to bring thee to the sound knowledge and right vnderstanding of his sacred word But among them all in my iudgement there is no one in our Natiue tongue that dooth more oblige thee to true thankfulnesse then the Booke thou now beholdest in regard of the great necessity and manifolde vse of the same as also the exceeding rich profit and benefite which by Gods blessing if thou make the right vse of it thou mayst reap thereby For beside the multiplicity and great variety of wholesome matter which thou shalt finde scattered through the whole worke heere thou hast most of the dark words and phrases contained in the Scripture in Alphabeticall order plainely breefely yet fully and soundly vnfolded and in most places the corrupt glosses of the Papists vpon them compendiously discouered and confuted Heere thou maist at one view see the diuers acceptations and significations of words with the figures and Tropes denoted in which the Scripture vseth them By this Book thou shalt be made able to distinguish of words which in Scripture are ambiguous to explaine wordes and phrases obscure and easily to vnderstand such as bee hard and vnknowne By this Booke if thou be a Minister thou shalt become Bonus Textuarius for what is that but to bee able to giue the true meaning and gemine sense of the Scripture and bonus Textuarius est bonus Theologus This Booke will make thee a more profitable teacher for qui bene distinguit bene decet By this Booke whosoeuer thou be thou shalt be fortified to shield thy selfe and haply others too from errour as also to see when others do erre and to draw them out of errour for errour springes from ignorance that is from misvnderstanding the Scripture Math. 22 29. By this thou shalt bee made skilfull to discerne the voyce of thy Shepheard Christ Iesus from the voyce of a stranger Iohn 10 3 5. In a word by this book in short space and with no great labour thou mayst plentifully abound in all heauenly wisedome and knowledge So that as one saith of Cicero Sciat se multum profecisse cui Cicero vnice placet In like manner it may more truelie be affirmed of this Booke whosoeuer he bee that delighteth much in it shall thereby gaine infinite benefit The Authour hath beene pleased to entitle this Booke A Christian Dictionary and so it is for it interprets wordes But it may also be worthily called The Key of the Treasures hid in holy Scripture the enemy of Ignorance The high and ready path to Knowledge The Discloser of Gods holy secrets A light for Ministers whereat they may borrow light A Lanthorne for the people to direct them in the Light And to bee short the way to make all the Lords people to prophesie as Moses wished Then Gentle Reader be not without it let it be continnally by thee yet buy it not for Nouelty because it is the first of this kinde that euer saw the light but for the vnualuable worth of it Sit tibi charus non quia rarus sed amatus quod amabilis 1. amari dignus Seneca saith Noua quamuis non magna miramur That we make much of new things though they bee not great Loe in this Booke they both meete together heere is newnesse and heere is goodnesse This worke is new and it is precious how then should it not much Inamour thee Omne tulit punctum qui miscuit vtile dulci. I. B. The Epitome and Anatomy of this Booke abridged and vnbowelled AS Starres from Heauen much light afford So do the words we find in Word But Starres shine not till they appeare Nor Words do teach till sence we heare Then read this Booke that thou mayst spie Gods mind thy minde to rectifie The signes of things it maketh bare The things themselues it doth declare Yea thing from thing it seuereth plaine That better knowledge thou mayst gaine What oddes twixt truth and error is It sheweth eke attend to this The words which Fundamentall be Are all in Table placst for thee Eke words whose matter Scriptures cleare Yet Words themselues do not appeare Praise God apply thy minde to know All Words of his both hie and low With humble heart this Booke admit And pray for grace to thriue by it The Dictionary to the Readers VNkend vnkist saith Prouerbe olde Loue springs from knowledge thus we hold To Christian world vnknowne am I Once knowne you will not passe me by Though Booke of words my Title be Yet naught but matter found in me The Authors Reply FEare not who loues the word of Grace Thee louingly he will embrace Ad Beneuolum pium literatum Lectorem SAcra cupis Dilecte Deo mysteria Christi citius melius nosere sume Librum Hunc tibi sume librum Coeli namque abdita pandit res voces ordine quasque locat Hîc facitè inuenias multo siue multa labore quaete quaeque pios posse leuare scio Sed caue non segnem reddat reddat magepromptum ad disquirendum quae liber iste tacet Sis si fortè gregis ductor bene consule nostris vtere si nescis tu meliora pr●cor Sui meliora feras nostris atque addere caeptis si inuat multis mihi grataferes T. W. Distichon SIbona quae noua dulciaquae succincta futura hîc nouitas bonitas est simul hîc breuitas Aliud ANte simplicitas moueat vel lu●idus or do aut charus liber hîc vel tibi nullus erit W. M. A Preface before the Table GEntle Reader in this vast Ocean and large Forrest of words contained in this Dictionary I doe find that there be three sorts most materiall where of I desire that thou sholdst take more especiall notice and knowledge as being of more worth and waight The first I call an Ecclesiasticall word which being translated from common vse of speech is by the Church appropriated to signifie holy and diuine things A word of this kind though it be not in the Scripture for Letter and Sillables yet is to be found there for matter and substance as Trinity c. Sacrament Indifferent Satisfaction Merit c. A word of the second rancke I doe tearme Polemicall because it pertaines to Controuersie hath in it a ground of difference betweene the true Christian which thinketh speaketh and writeth Orthodoxally and soundly and others which loue and embrace errors in fauour where of they wrest and peruert the pure wordes of Scripture as Iustification Assurance of Faith Hope of Glory Concupiscence Antichrist c. A word of the third sort is called Fundamentall of which kind I doe take such wordes to be as doe containe in them
a Candlesticke 3 Gladnesse and Ioy by benefits or deliuerances out of trouble Psal 18 28. God will light my Candle Prou 13 9. The word and Scripture of God is the only and all sufficient Candle Candle-light of the church 2. Tim 3 16 17. It teacheth all truth of saluation it conuictes all errour it instructs in all righteous workes it reprooues all sinnes The Church and Doctors are but the Candlesticke nor that neither except they beare out this light Candlestick sig A frame of Wood Iron or Brasse or other mettall wherein to sticke a Candle being lighted to giue light to them who are in the house 2 Some perticuler Churches or companie of men professing Christ and bearing out the truth of the Gospell in their Doctrine and liues as the Candle is set forth and shewed by the candlestick Reuel 1 20. The seauen Candlestickes which thou sawest are the seauen Churches Captiue sig pro One taken prisoner and held in ●●●ds Captiuity is the estate of such persons 1. Kings 8 26 47 48. In the Land of their enemies which ledde them away captiue 2 One who is bondor become prisoner to Satan and sinne So are the regenerate in part and the vnregenerate wholly Rom. 7 23. 2. Tim. 2 26. In which they are held captiues at his pleasure Captiuity led captiue sig Dauid making his enemies Tributary to him Ps. 68. 18. But especially Christ his ouercomming sinne death satan hell which held the elect prisoners Ephes. 4 8. Care sig A taking thought to please God in our owne persons by doing his will 2. Cor. 7 11. Yea what care 2 A thought-taking and study for the wel-fare of others 2. Cor 8 6. The same care for you Phil. 2 20. Who will care for your matters 3 A taking thought for the thinges of this life Which when it is moderate without distrust of God it is good and commendable If it be otherwise it is euill and forbid Mat. 6 34. Care not for tomorrow Carnall sig A fraile and transitory thing which vanished at the comming of Christ. Heb. 7 16. After the Law of the carnall commandement Thus he calleth the Leuiticall Law 2 One wholy infected with sinne Iohn 3 6. That which is borne of the flesh is flesh or carnall that is fleshly and sinfull 3 One who hath more sin then grace more flesh then spirit 1. Cor. 3 1. But as vnto carnall euen as vnto Babes c. 4 One who is in part corrupted by sinne yet hauing more grace then sinne Rom. 7 14. The Lawe is spirituall but I am carnall Cart-rope Sée Cords Catholicke sig Vniuersall or generall that which concernes not one person or place or people but reacheth vnto all people of al places times ages sex conditions Thus the church of Christ in our Creed is entituled Catholicke And the Epistles of Iames Peter and Iohn be so called The Epistle Catholicke of Iames c. Because they were sent not to one church as that to Corinth to Phillippi c. or to one person as to Philemon to Titus c but to all Iewes beleeuers euery where dispersed or to al beleeuing both Iewes and Gentiles in the world Howe this Title can agree vnto the Romain church being but a particular Church if she were as sound as shee is rotten let reasonable men iudge To say the Romish Catholicke church is asmuch as to say the whole English-Brittish-Nation Cauillation forged sig False and vniust accusation a malicious inuention to trouble a man Luke 19 8. If I haue taken from any man by forged Cauillation Zacheus being a Publican or collector of Tribute and hauing wronged many vnder pretence and colour of the Weal-publicke did therefore charge all such for enemies vnto the common-wealth whosoeuer found faulte with his robberies and harmes This was his forged cauillation A speech borrowed from such as told out who transported Figs from Athens contrary to a Law made in that behalfe to scrape some money from such as being accused by them were found guilty Cause sig Suite action controuersie Esay 1 23. The widdowes cause comes not before them 2 The matter or crime wherewith one is charged Acts 25 27. And not to shewe the causes which are laide against him C. E. Centurion sig A Captaine set ouer an hundred souldiors Acts 10 1. Mat. 8 5. C. H. Chaffe sig A Reprobate like vnto Chaffe for his vilenesse vnconstancy and barrennesse Mat. 3 12. 2 False Prophets with their false Doctrine Ier. 23 28. What is the Chaffe c Chaine sig A Collar of Siluer or Iron to weare about ones necke eyther for Ornament or punishment 2 The grace of Heauenly wisedom which is as a Chaine to decke and adorne one withall Prou. 1 9. 3 The crosse or afflictions for the Gospel 2. Tim. 1 16. He was not ashamed of my Chaine Chamber 3. sig pro Some secret place in an house Mat. 6 6. Enter into thy Chamber 2 The protection of God Esay 26 20. Enter into thy Chamber Chambering sig Vncleane and wanton behauiour Rom. 13 13. Not in chambering and wantonnesse Chaire of Moyses sig The Doctrine which God deliuered to Moyses and was taught by them that succeeded him in the Office of teaching Mat. 23 1. The Scribes Pharisies sit in Moyses Chaire heare them that is to say so long as they teach Moses Doctrine obey them Papistes are heerein deceiued interpreting this of place and succession of persons and not of truth of Doctrine Charge sig Commandement Mat. 9 30. Iesus gaue them charge 2. Tim. 4 1. Gen. 26 11. 2 Cost 2. Thes. 3 8. Because wee would not bee chargeable to others 3 Gouernment or function 1. Kings 2 3. And take heede to the charge of the Lord thy God Charity sig That affection of loue which moues vs to holde our Neighbors deare and to desire and seeke their good in euery thing which is deere vnto them and that for Christ sake according to the will of God 1. Cor. 13 4 5 6 7 8. where you haue the properties of Charity at large described Charret sig A carriage wherein were fighting men of war Iud. 1 19. Because they had Charrets of Iron 2 Captaines and strength 2. Kings 2 12. Charets of Israel 3 Angels 2. Kings 6 17. Mountaine was full of charrets Chast. Sig One borne with some naturall impediment This is naturall chastity Mat. 19 12 Sée Geld. One gelded or made chast by the Art of man This is Artificiall chastitie Mat. 19 12 Sée Geld. One fitted by God for the gift of continencie This is Christian chastitie Mat. 19 12 Sée Geld. to Chasten sig To correct in loue for our profit as a Father doth his childe Heb. 12 6. Whom the Lord loues he chasteneth Chastity sig An abstinence and forbearing not from mariage but from all strange and rouing lusts about the desire of Sex Titus 2 5. To be wise chast c. Chéerefulnesse sig A readinesse and willingnesse of minde in the doing of any good
thing Rom. 12 8. He that sheweth mercy with cheerefulnesse 2. Cor. 9 7. God loues a cheerefull giuer Children sig pro Young ones as Infants or others which bee of t●… yeares Marke 10 13. Forbid not children to come vnto me 2 All Inferiors which loue and obey their Superiors as Fathers Prou. 4 1. My children hearken Thus in Haebrew their seruants were called children Gen. 18 7. And often else-where 3 All truely humbled Christians Math. 18. 3 4. And become children 4 Such as take themselues to be very weake and vnable to do great things Ier. 1 6. Children of God sig The elect before their new byrth because God hath purposed to make them his children which by Nature are not so they are therefore called his children as if they were already as in Iohn 10 16. they are called Sheepe who God before appointed to call to the fold Iohn 11 52. To gather together into one folde the children of God Children by grace of election 2 Such Elect as beeing begotten anew by the Immortall seede of the word do beare Gods image in holinesse endeuoring in al things to do their Fathers will Luke 6 35. And you shall be the children of the most highest Eph. 4 24. 1. Pet. 1 14 15. Children by grace of regeneration 3 The Holy and Elect Angels which are the children of God by creation Iob. 1 6. The children of God came and stood before the Lord. generation of Gods Children sig The succession and race of the godly continuing successiuely from age to age by the merciful prouidence of God preseruing them Psal. 73 15. Children of wisedome sig Wise children that is all the godly which are taught hauing wisedome from aboue and are studious of that true wisedome reuealed in the word louing and practising it Luke 7 35. Wisedom is Iustified of her children Children of the day and of the light sig All such as are enlightned by the spirite to the sound and distinct knowledge of God in Christ through the Gospell 1. Thes. 5 5. Ye are the children of the light and of the day that is such as know God soundly Children of Abraham sig Them that came of Abrahams loynes though they do not beleeue Iohn 8 37. Mat. 3 9. To raise vp children to Abraham 2 Them that belieue and liue as Abraham did treading in the steps of his faith and loue such bee the children of Abraham though they be no Iewes but Gentiles Gal. 3 7. They which are of fayth the same are the children of Abraham Iohn 8 37. If you were Abrahams children ye would do the workes of Abraham Rom. 4 11 12. Children in maliciousnesse sig Such as be like little children voyde of malice and vnharmefull 1. Cor. 14 20. But as concerning maliciousnesse be ye children Little children sig Lowly persons which be little in their own eies like vnto children Math. 18 4. Whosoeuer shall receiue one such little childe Children of Israel Sig The Israelites which sprung and came out of Iacob who was called Israell Exod. 14 1. Speake to the children of Israel Childe of Promise sig One that is borne by vertue of Gods promise not by ordinary course of generation as Isaac was Rom. 9 8. The children of the promise are counted for the seede Note that all elect which be born anew by faith in the promise of grace they are the children of the promise Children of the flesh sig Such as are borne by naturall generation as Ismael was of Abraham Rom. 9 8. Which are the children of the flesh Children of the Deuill sig Such as beare the Image of the Deuill and resembleth him in malice and subtilty as children do their Father in all things doing his will Ioh. 8 44. Ye are of your father the Deuill and his will ye will do Acts 13 10. O thou childe of the deuill full of all subtilty Children of Disobedience sig Disobedient children which are giuen to disobedience Eph. 5 6. The wrath of God commeth vpon the children of disobedience Children of the night of darknes sig Such as remaine in ignorance and sinne 1. Thes. 5 5. Ye are not children of the night neyther of darknesse Children of fornication sig Eyther Bastards to wit children begotten in fornication Or Idolaters which imitate others in false worship Hose 2 4. They are the children of fornication Childe of Perdition sig A lost person appointed to destruction and running head-long thereunto So is Iudas called in Iohn 17 12. None of them is lost but the child of perdition Childe of wrath of deth of hel sig One guilty of and through desert of sinne subiect to wrath death and hell Eph. 2 3. 2. Sam. 2 5. Mat. 23 15. Christ. sig One annointed with materiall Oyle by the commandement of God as the High-priests Prophets and some Kings were vnder the Law 1. Sam. 16 13. 2 One annointed of God with the Holy-Ghost power that is with speciall guifts aboue measure and authority to execute for vs men the Office of a perfect Mediator with God that is of a Priest Prophet and King Acts 10 38. Him hath God annointed with the Holyghost and with power And v. 36. Papists robbe him of all his Offices especially of his Priest-hood by the abhominable order of Sacrificing Priests and Priest-hoode as of his kingly office by giuing Lawes which should binde the Conscience and of his Prophet-ship by vnwritten Traditions 3 The whole mysticall body of the Church comprehending both head and members 1. Cor. 12 12. As al the body is one and hath many members euen so is Christ. Heere Christ by a Sinechdoche of the chiefe part for the whole is put to signifie the holie Catholicke Church that misticall body consisting of Head and members Christians sig Persons spiritually annointed to be members and worshippers of Christ. Acts 11 26. The Disciples of Antioch were first called christians 1. Iohn 2 20. Ye haue an oyntment A Christian is one who being sometime both most base and prophane a vassall to Satan and Seruant to sinne through Adams sin and his owne is annointed now and endowed through Grace with faith and the Holy-ghost that he may become a Priest and a King vnto God to serue him in righteousnesse and true holynesse all his dayes as a person dedicate to Christ. Rom. 5 6 7 8. 1. Pet. 2 9. Ye are a Royall Priest-hood Ephes. 2 3. Children of wrath Or thus A Christian is one whome Christ hath loued and washed in his blood making him a King and Priest vnto God Reuel 1 5. Chronicles sig A briefe note of thinges done with the time expressed 2. Kings 24 5. Are they not written in the Booke of Chronicles Church sig A company of men selected gathered and called out of the worlde by the Doctrine of the Gospell to know and worship the true God in Christ according to his word 1. Cor. 1 2. To the Church of God at Corinth Reuel 2. 3. Heare what the spirit saith to the Churches
their Testimony it is finished sig Whatsoeuer was Prophefied or Figured vnder the Law touching the sufferings of Christ is now ended Iohn 19 30. Fire sig pro That Element whose property is to burne and and giue light which we commonly call Fire the vse whereof is not only for heat and light but for trying and purging Mettals 2 Christ who in regard of his mighty operation in purging the elect and separating them from the drosse of their corruption is compared to Fire Mala. 3 2. Hee is like a purging Fire and Fullers Sope. 3 The holy Ghost which is of a fiery qualitie enlightning and cleansing the heart Math. 3 11. With the holy Ghost and with Fire That is which is like vnto Fire Marke 9 49. 4 The word of God trying and examining mens Doctrines 1 Cor. 3 13. Euery mans worke shall bee reuealed by Fire that is as by the Fire it is known what Gold is currant and what is counterfeit so by the light of the word it s●al be manifested what doctrine is built vpon the foundation what not 5 The word of God to wit the Gospell preached which in another respect is likened to Fire because of the trouble it kindleth and raiseth among the wicked which resist it as if Fire were cast amongst them Luke 12 49. I am come to set Fire on the Earth 6 Afflictions great and dangerous which serue to try and purge vs as gold is tried in the Fire Ps. 66 12. We went through Fire and Water 1 Pet. 4 12 Thinke it not strange concerning the Fiery tryall 7 Extreame and most sharp paine appointed for the wicked in Hell Mark 9 34. Where the Fire neuer goeth o●t that is most grieuous paine which neuer shall haue an end 8 Gods burning displ●asu●e and wrath as the cause of all punnishment and paine to the wicked Heb. 12 verse last Esay 66. Psal. 88. Psal. 18 8. A consuming Fire went out of his mouth 9 Lightning and Thunder Psal. 148 8. Fire Ha●le Psal. 105 32. strange fire sig Common fire such as was not sent down from Heauen Le● 10 1. And offered strange fire before the Lord. Vnto which by allusion strange worship and strange Doctrines are likened flames of Fire sig The piercing knowledge of Christ searching piercing into all thinges euen the most secret thoughts of the heart Reuel 1 14. His eyes were like a Flame of fire consuming Fire sig The infinite wrath of God against faithlesse and vnrepentant sinners Heb. 12 29. Our God is a consuming Fire And often in the Prophets the wicked are likened to Stubble and Gods wrath to Fire which as easily fiercely destroyeth wicked men as Fire doth consume Stubble a Firy law sig That Fire out of which God vttered all things which he would haue done of vs or not done according to his Law Deut. 33 2. At his right hand did shine a Fiery Law pillar of Fire sig A Token of Gods visible presence seruing to guide the people of Israel in the night season thorough the wildernesse Exod. 13 21. By night in a Pillar of Fire the Holye-Ghost and with Fire sig The Holy-ghost which is like Fire of a fierie quality enlightning and purging our soules Mat. 3 11. He shall baptize you with the Holy-Ghost and Fire the bush burning with Fire not consuming sig The estate of the militant Church heere in earth mightily preserued by Gods defence amidst many great dangers and afflictions Exod. 3 2. The bush burned with Fire yet not consumed to answer● by Fire sig To send downe fire from heauen as an answer to the Prayers which were made to God for it 1. Kings 18 21. And then the God that answereth by Fire let him be God to passe or go through the Fire sig To offer vp or to Sacrifice one as a 〈…〉 Off●ring As Israel did their children to the ●doll Moloch 2. Kings 21 6. And he caused his sonnes to passe through the Fire Leuit. 20 2 3. 2 To purge or purifye mettall by Fire that it may be meete for the Lord● vse N●m 31 23. All that will abide the Fire ye shall make passe through the Fire and it shall be cleane 3 To endure affliction or to abide the triall of the Crosse. Psal. 66 1● Wee did passe through Fire and Water and thou broughtest vs to a wealthy place Firebrand sig pro A piece of wood almost burnt consuming it selfe ready to be quite extinct and put out 2 The two Kinges of Israel and Assyria which threatned Iuda as if they would destroy it themselues being shortly for all their bragges to fall and perish Esay 7 4. Feare not these Firebrands First sig That which is afore other in respect of time then it is a worde of order and hath reference to second third fourth c. Math. 10 1 The First is Simon called Peter that is hee was first called to be an Apostle 1. Cor. 15 47. The First man is of the earth the second man c. 1. Cor. 12 28. 2 That which is chiefe or more excellent Rom. 3 2. The word which is heere translated Chiefely in the Originall it signifies First And so it is also Luke 19 47. Acts 28 2. where the First of the Iewes and of the people is put for the Chiefe of the Iewes and of the people So Luke 15 22. Heere it is a word of Dignity and Honor. 3 The greatest and then it is a word of power and Authority Reuel 1 5. The First begotten of the dead and that Prince of the Kings of the earth First loue sig Former affection of loue which being decayed needed refreshing Reuel 2 4. First loo●kes sig Former actions which they were wont to do while they heartily loued the Gospell Reuel 2 5. First ●aith sig Vow in Baptisme whereby we are bounde to professe the Christian faith or that promise which younger Widdowes made to the Church to remain such that they might serue the poore 1. Tim. 5 11 12. First borne or first begotten sig The First male-Childe that was borne to a man though there were none other borne after it Gen 49 3. Reuben my First borne Deut 21 17. 2. Chr 21 2 3 4. Math 1 25. Amongst the Iewes the First borne had a two-fold prerogatiue aboue his Brethren one was a double portion in his fathers substance the other was * preheminence and rule ouer his brethren The Apostle alluding to this custome of the Iewes called Christ The First begotten of euery creature Col 1 15. And First begotten of the dead Verse 18. because hee was begotten as he was the sonne of God before things were created and being the chiefe heire of the world he had chiefe rule amongst all his Bretheren which being once dead shall after rise to eternall life First fruits sig That small portion of fruits which was First gathered to offer vnto God Exod. 22 29. 34 26. The First ripe fruits of thy land thou shalt bring to the Lord.
Iohn 8. That we may receiue a Full reward that is a perfect reward Iohn 15 11. 4 Sincere and sound Col. 4 12. That yee may stand Full in all the will of God Fulnesse sig Such a measure of perfection where nothing is lacking Iohn 1 17. Of his Fulnesse wee all receiue Col. 1 10. And sometimes it signifies only a large and plentifull portion of any thing whereof the Scripture hath inumerable examples as fulnesse of the earth c. Fulnesse of God sig Such a measure of perfection as God hath appointed to euerie one of the elect through Christ. Ephe. 4 13. and 3 19. That ye may be filled with all the fulnesse of God Fulnesse of Christ. sig The Church which being Christ his bodie he esteemes him-selfe an vnperfect head without it though in himself he be filled with al good things Ephe. 1 23. Fulnesse of the godhead sig The whole and most perfect God-head Col. 2 9. In whom dwels al the Fulnesse of the God-head bodily that is substantially Fulnesse of the blessing of the gospel sig A rich and plentifull blessing of knowledge and comfort by the Doctrine of the Gospell Rom. 15 25. With Fulnesse or abundance of the blessing of the Gospell of Christ. Fulnesse of y● Gentiles sig The whole number of the elect Gentiles called and brought home to Christ. Rom. 11 25. Till the Fulnesse of the Gentiles be come in Fulnesse of time sig That time Fully ended and come which God in his Counsell had set Galat. 44. At the Fulnesse of time Fulnesse of bread sig Excesse in eating or Gluttony Ezekiel 16 49. Pride Fulnesse of bread Full wickednesse sig Wickednesse come and growne vp to the greatest measure being now ripe for Vengeance Gen. 15 16. When the Wickednesse of the Amorite was Full. Fulfilling being referred to God sig The performance of his threatnings promises or Prophesies Math. 26 54. How then should the Scriptures be Fulfilled and 37 35. Also in those places where God is saide to Fulfill the desires of the righteous by giuing promised blessings 2. to Christ. 2 The perfect keeping of the word as by Christ onely Mat. 3 15. It behooueth vs to Fulfill all righteousnesse 3. to other men 3 An earnest desire with answereable endeuour to Fulfill the Law Psal. 119 112. I haue applyed my heart to Fulfill thy Statutes 4 Supplying something that is wanting or encreasing that which is little Phil. 2 2. Fulfill my ioy that is adde something to my ioy Iohn 17 3. My ioy is fulfilled in them Col. 1 9. 5 Truely and indeede performing a thing Gal. 6 2. Fulfill ye the law of Christ that is the law of loue which is fulfilled of such as doo indeed loue their Christian Brothers euen as Christ commanded and for Conscience of his Commaundements to Fulfill y● measure of our fathers sig To go on to doo as our Fathers did before vs following their wayes till we be as euill as they Math. 23 32. Fulfill the measure of your fathers Furnace sig Most sharpe afflictions whereby Christians are proued and known to themselues and others what they be as Golde is tried in the Furnace Deut. 4 20. The Lord hath taken you and brought you out of the Iron Furnace 1. Pet. 1 7. G. A. Gaine sig pro PRofit comming of a mans bodily labour 2 Spirituall aduantage or commodity 1. Tim. 6 6. Godlinesse is great Gaine Gall. sig A thing so called of a verie bitter quality 2 Any bitternesse whatsoeuer Psal. 69 22. They gaue me Gall to eate Lam. 3 5 15 19. 3 The euill workes of wicked men whereby they grieue God and man Deut. 32 32. Their Grapes of Gall. And verse 33. Deut. 29 18. Garden sig A place of pleasure for Hearbes and Flowers to delight our sences withall Math. 26. 36. 2 The Church wherein the righteous which be the Lords plants doo grow hauing excellent graces and bringing forth excellent workes as spices and fruit to delight Christ withall that hee may loue to walke and abide therein Cant. 6 10. I went downe to the Garden of Nuts Cantic 4 15 16. and 5 1. the Garden of the Lord sig A most excellent delicate Garden Gen. 13 10. It was as the Garden of the Lord. Such was the Garden of Eden full of al pleasures and delights a Garden watered or vnwatered sig An estate either prosperous and flourishing through Gods blessing or vnhappy wosull thorough his curse Esay 58 11. Thou shalt be as a watered Garden Esay 1 30. As a Garden which hath no water Garments sig pro That wherewith one is cloathed Math. 27 37. They deuided his Garments 1. Tim. 6 8. 2 Christ with his perfect righteousnesse imputed which as a Garment or long white Robe doth hide the spirituall nakednesse and decketh or adorns the soule with spiritual beauty This is that wedding Garment spoken of Mat. 22 11. And to this do these exhortations belong where wee are willed to put on Christ. 3 The graces of Sanctification Reu. 3 4. Which haue not defiled their Garments Hether do those exhortations appertaine which bidde vs put on the man Ephe. 4 24. And to put on mercy meekenesse humblenesse c. Col. 3 9 10 11. Garment spotted by the flesh sig Obstinate sinners their persons sins and societies Iude 23. Hate the Garments spotted by the flesh It is a speech borrowed from the custome of the Iewes which did shun eschew such as were Legally vncleane yea euen their Garments to teach Christians how to abhorre offensiue wicked persons and their company Garner sig A Store-house wherein to lay vp Corn or other things A Corne-house 2 Heauen whereinto the faithful are gathered in the end of the world as wheate after haruest is gathered into a Garner Mat. 3 12. And gather his Wheate into his Garner A Metaphor Gates sig pro That which giues vs entry or passage into an house or Citty Iudg. 16 3. And Sampson tooke the doores of the Gates of the Citty 2 A place before the Gate where Magistrates did publickly meete for hearing and determining causes Gen. 34 20. Hamor and Sechem his Sonne went vnto the Gate of the Citty Gen. 23 10. And very often else-where as in the Prophets 3 A Citty by a Sinecdoche of the part for the whole Gen. 24 60. And thy seede possesse the Gate of his enemies Psal. 87 2. 4 Iurisdiction o● power In the 5. Chap. verse 14 of Deut. Nor the strangers within thy Gates Because seats of Iudgment were erected in the gates for the administring of Iustice. Hence they signifie iurisdiction and gouernment Amos 5 12. They oppresse the poore in the Gate that is in publicke iudgement which was exercised in the Gate Also strength and power is signified by gate because of old time the chiefe fortification of the Citties consisted in their Gates where their munitions defences were placed Hence comes that phrase of the Gates of hell being put for the whole power pollicy of
Soules aliue Thus Tremellius reades it Humaine Creatures sig All ciuill Magistrates who therefore be stiled Humaine Creatures because howsoeuer they bee appointed of God yet their kindes number and order are not so of God laide out but that Man may make more or fewer of greater authority or lesse as occasions of places times and disposition of the people require 1 Pet. 2 13. Submit your selfe to euery Humaine Creature So it is read in the Originall word for word and not ordinance of man as our Translations render it I. D. Idle sig HIm that may worke and will not but ceaseth to labour through loue of ease Exod. 5 17. Ye are too Idle 2 One that is vnoccupied because hee lackes worke Math. 20 3 6. Why stand ye heere all day Idle Because no man hath hired vs. The former are Idle voluntarily but these latter necessarily Idoll sig Any Image or visible representation of false or true God though it be not worshipped nor made with any intention of worship 1. Iohn 5 21. Keep your selues from Idols 2. Cor. 6 16. What agreement hath the Temple of God with Idols Deut. 4 15. Exod 32 4. doth manifest the truth of this For the Image which the Iewes made of the true God is condemned of God himselfe Exod. 32 8. And they that made it were punished as Idolaters 1. Cor. 10 7. Neither be ye Idolaters as were some of them with whom God was not pleased 1. Cor. 10 5. Finally in the fore-named place of Deut. 4 15. the only making of an Image of God is precisely forbidden and learned Diuines both affirme proue that both Scriptures and Fathers haue in differently vsed the worde Idoll and Image for one and the selfe-same thing Witnesse that one place of Tertullian amongst many vpon those words of 1. Ioh. 5 21. Iohn saith he doth not write thus Keep your selues frō Idolatry that is from the seruice of them but From Idols that is from the very Image of them It is therefore a dotage in Popery to distinguish betweene Idoll and Image and to make the picture of a false God onely to be an Idoll Idoll is nothing sig The false and faigned Goddes of the Heathen 1. Cor. 8 4. An Idoll is nothing Gen. 31 19 30. 2 An Idoll to be as an empty and vaine Dreame not in respect of the matter whereof it is made for that is somthing but in respect of the forme which doth counterfaite and falsify true things making them seeme to be what they are not Also in respect of the vaine minde of the Idolater who wickedly imagineth some Diuinity to be in the Idol whereas there is but one true God in the world Therefore worthily is an Idoll saide to be nothing being a false and lying signe a very fixion being nothing for signification though something for substance a peece of wood or stone c. 1. Cor. 8 4. Idolatry sig The worshippe or adoration of an Image or of God before and by an Image 1. Cor. 10 7. Neither be Idolaters as they were Deut. 5 9. Thou shalt neuer bow to them nor serue them 2 The making of any Image or likenesse of God or of any creature in heauen or earth for a Religious end Deut. 5 8. Thou shalt not make to thy selfe any grauen Image or likenesse c. Gal. 5 20. Idolatry Witch-craft 1. Cor. 6 9. 3 All humain inuentions thrust into diuine seruice Deut. 12 32. Whatsoeuer I command you that do put nothing thereto 4 Setting the heart inordinately vpon any creature by fearing louing trusting in it more then in God and aboue him Thus is Couetousnes called Idolatry Col. 3 5. And wantons make their Belly their God Phil. 3 19. I. E. Jealousie sig Griefe for suspition of dishonesty in married yoake-fellowes Husbands or Wiues Num. 5 14. If he bee moued with Iealousie and be Iealous of his Wife 2 An earnest loue of others in respect of their welfare and good ioyned with great greefe for their hurt 2. Cor. 11 2. With a godly Iealousie 3 Hot displeasure and indignation of GOD. Psal. 79 5. Shall thy Iealousie burne like fire Jealous sig One greeued with suspicion of dishonesty in the married yoak-fellow with desire of reuenge Thus are men Iealous and thus also is God saide to bee Iealous when the marriage betweene him and his Church is violated and broken Deut. 5 9. For I the Lord thy God am a Iealous God that is so grieued with Idolatry as I study to reuenge it 2 One which seemeth to bee much greeued for others but it is out of a loue to him-selfe for his owne commoditie sake Gal. 4 17. They are Iealous ouer you amisse This he writeth of the false Apostles who for their owne gaine and credite did loue the Galathians Heere Iealous is taken in euill part 3 One which loueth others truely not for lucre and glory to him-selfe but for the benefit of the persons loued 2. Cor. 11 2. I am Iealous ouer you Thus Paule and all Godly Ministers are Iealous ouer the Flocke Heere Iealous is taken in good part Jehouah sig An eternall selfe-being one that hath his essence of himselfe from euerlasting and is the cause of existance or being to all things creatures which are of him by him and for him Exod. 6 3. But by my name Iehouah was I not knowne to them Acts 17 28. Rom. 11. verse last Jesting sig Pleasant and witty words being offensiue and hindering edification Ephe. 5 4. Iesting Jesus sig A Sauiour one that saueth his people from their sinnes Math. 1 21. He shall be called Iesus It is a name of his benefites to wit saluation had by Christ. Jew outward sig He that is a Iew by Nation Name and profession onely Rom. 22 8. A Iew which is one outward Jew inward sig One who is a Iew in truth though he be not so by name or Nation Rom. 2 29. He is a Iew which is one within that is to say one who professeth himselfe to be one of Gods people and is so in deede and before God in spirit and in heart Jerusalem sig Either the Citty as Psal. 125 2. 122 2 3. or the Inhabitants Math. 3 5. Or all the faithfull people of God through the Worlde Iewes and Gentiles Ioel. 2 32. I. G. Ignorance sig Want of the true knowledge of God of heauenly things Ephe. 4 18. Thorough the Ignorance that is in them This ignorance is either simple when meanes of knowledge be wanting or willfull and affected when one may know will not Ignorance being in it selfe a sinne against the first Commandement cannot excuse sin that it should be no fault at all 2 Vnbeleefe which followes Ignorance as a Companion or fruite 1. Pet. 1 14. Fashion not your selues to the former lusts of your Ignorance that is of your blinde vnbeleefe A Metanimie of the cause 3 Error through want of iudgement and right deseruing of things Leuit. 3 2. If any
2 The precious doctrine of saluation or any godly admonitiō Math. 6. 6. Cast not your Pearles before swine 3 The glorious and most happy estate of the saintes in heauen Reuel 21 21. The twelue gates were twelue Pearles People sig The elect giuen to Christ. Math. 1 21. He shall saue his People from their sinnes 2 Pillers which resembled the People Metanimie of the signe Leu. 24 8. Sprinkled on the People Peculier sig pro The choice of and most precious part of a mans substaunce seuered from the rest and laid vp for a mans selfe 2 Gods chosen and faithfull People precious in his sight Titus 2 14. And purge vs to be a Peculier people Perdition sig Destruction or eternall punnishment in hel fire Iohn 17 12. Child of Perdition Here Perdition is vsed passiuely for one destroyed suffring perdition to which he was appointed 2 Destruction or downfall of other men both in body and soule 2. Thess. 2 3. Euen the sonne of Perdition Heere the word is vsed actiuely for a destroyer who worketh Perdition Perfection or perfit sig An absolute fulnesse of grace when there is not the least want Phil. 3 12. I am not already Perfit 1. Corinth 13 10. When that which is Perfit is come Math. 19 21. If thou wilt be Perfit 2 A good degree of perfection in grace and a striuing towards the absolute fulnes of it though still there be many wants Phil. 1 5. Let vs therefore as many as be Perfect 1. Cor. 2 6. Wee speake wisedome amongst those which be Perfect Heb. 5 14. In these places Perfection is set against weaknesse rudenesse and signifies no more but a good measure of present profiting in the knowledge of God in Faith Wisedome Repentance and Obedience a tending or striuing to further perfection in these graces of Regeneration 3 Vprightnesse and sincerity as when perfection is set against hypocrisie 2. Kings 20 3. Ezekiah serued God with a perfit heart 2 Chro. 28 9. My sonne serue God with a perfit heart That is sincerely and in truth 4 That good order which by the word of God is setled in any Church when al the members therof keepe their due place and standing and performe their functions duly 2 Cor. 13 5. This I wish men your Perfection 5 One well furnished with knowledge of the word how to performe all partes of his function in the Ministry 2 Tim. 3 17. That the man of God that is the Minister may bee absolute being made Perfit to euery good worke 6 One which so gouerneth his wordes as no fault may be found with his speech Iam. 3 2. If any man sinne not in word he is a Perfit man 7 The things of this world which be most glorious and excellent Psal. 119 96. I haue seene an end of all Perfection Perfit charity sig That loue which is vnfained accomplished in the effects and fruites of loue being not equall but like to that loue wherewith God loueth vs which he shewed in deede by giuing his sonne for vs. 1 Iohn 4 18. Perfit Charity castes out feare Periury sig Forswearing or a false oath when the party that sweareth either knoweth the matter to be false or thinketh it so to be 1 Tim. 1 10. To the Periured Math. 5 33. Though the matter be true yet if hee that sweareth do thinke it bee false or not know it certainely to bee true Periury is committed in the Court of Conscience Hee that sweareth by the name of God falsely or doubtfully hee forsweareth to Permit sig To suffer and not to let a thing when one might hinder it Heb. 6 3. If God Permit Permission in God hath two things first patience or suffering 2. might or efficacy God willeth whatsoeuer hee Permitteth because nothing can be vnlesse he will haue it to be The dotage of an vnwilling Permission is to be auoided Persecution sig An obstinate pursuing others to hurt or destroy them without giuing rest or quietnesse Math. 5. 10. Blessed are they which suffer Persecution Gal. 4. 29. It is either by word or sword by deceite or violence open or disguised for Religion or for righteousnesse from false brethren or professed enemies Perseuerance sig The continuing in grace to the ende Perseuerance may stande with many deepe falles but it keepes from falling away Math. 10 22. He that Perseuereth or endureth to the end he shall be saued Sée Confirmation It is an errour to hold that true beleeuers may fall from grace either wholy for a time or for euer Person sig Some particular man or woman Gen. 14 21. Giue me the Persons c. 2 The diuine essence subsisting by it selfe Heb. 1 3. The ingraued forme of his Person 3 Outward qualities of country riches friends pouerty and such like external circumstances Rom. 2 11. God is no respecter of Persons Actes 10. 34. Luke 20 21. God doth not measure accept men by their riches worship pouerty Nation or such thinges Peruerse sig One whose heart is turned from the wisedome of the word to follow crooked and euill counsels and waies to Peruert sig To put out of order to turne vp-side-downe to bring in that which should be kept out Pro. 10 9. He that Peruerteth his way shall be knowne Pestilence sig An infection and deadly disease sent of GOD vpon men for their sinnes Leuit. 26 25. I will send the Pestilence among you Deut. 28. 21. Sée plague to be Perswaded sig To bee infallibly assured of a thing by demonstratiue certainety Rom. 8 37. I am Perswaded This is the perswation and certainety of faith 2 To be probably assured of a thing by coniecturall certainety Heb. 6. 9. Wee haue perswaded our selues better things of you This is perswasion of charity Phisition sig pro One that by Art helpeth the decayes and defectes of nature curing bodily diseases by bodily Medicines 2 Christ Iesus the onely true Soueraigne soule Phisition who by his bloud and Spirite cureth all our spirituall sicknesses Math. 9 12. The whole neede not the Phisition but the sicke I came not to call the righteous c. Philacteries sig A Thred or band of blew Silke in the ●ringes of a Garment by the beholding whereof the memory of Gods precepts was kept and preserued Or frontlets of Parchment betweene the eyes as signes of remembrance Math. 23 5. Make their Phylacteries broad Deut. 6 8. They shall be as frontlets betweene their eyes P. I. to Pierce sig To offer violence to the body by digging through or opening some part of it Iohn 19 34. One of the Souldiers pierced his side 2 To cause or worke any extremity whatsoeuer Psal. 22 16. They Pierced my handes and my feete Pietie sig A true worshipping of God soundnesse of doctrine a pure life which things do follow faith and hope 1 Tim. 4 8. Piety or godlines is profitable to all thinges 2 Naturall loue towardes parents and Kinsefolkes 1 Tim. 5 4. Let them learne to shew Piety or godlinesse towardes
then him or before him as worldlings or Seeke him amisse not in his word as Heretickes or not in all his word as Hypocrites Seeke him or lastly they Seek him too late when he is not to bee found as the fiue foolish Virgins did and all secure Christians doo Of these and such like Seekers it is written Prou. 1 20. They shall Seeke mee earely and shall not finde me to Seeke God sig To aske Counsel at his word concerning both ciuill affaires and things to be done in Religion Exod. 18 15. The people come to mee to Seeke God See face Selfe sig Ones person soule and body Math. 22 39. Loue thy Neighbor as thy selfe 2 Ones wife Ephe. 5 18. He that loueth his wife loueth himselfe 3 Our reason and will as it corrupted with sin which cleaues so close to vs we make so much of it as if it were our owne selfe Luke 9 23. Let him deny himselfe 4 The mercies of God or his truth and iustice Esay 43 25. I will put out his iniquity for my selfe 2 Tim. 2 13. He cannot deny himselfe His Mercie and Iustice be himselfe to Sell. sig pro To depart from some commodity in respect of a due price giuen vs for it to Sell the truth sig To make slight reckoning of it as men commonly do of those things which they Sell. Prou. 23 23. Buy the truth but Sell it not to Sell all we haue sig To pull our hearts from the thinges we possesse and to bee ready indeede to make Sale of them when Gods glory and the necessitie of our Neighbour requires it Marke 10 21. Sell all thou hast and giue to the poore Acts 2 45. and 4 34. 2 Willingly to depart from and forsake al our sinnes both of Nature and action open and secret and al our pleasures and profits too which we cannot hold without sinne Math. 13 44. Hee Selleth all that he hath and buyeth the fielde where the Treasure was hid to Send sig To appoint and put forth of fauour any person vnto some publike function furnishing him with guifts and authority thereunto Thus God sent his Sonne to doe the office of a Mediatour Gala. 4 4. God sent his Sonne borne of a Woman Also thus hee sendeth Ministers to preach the Gospell Rom. 10 15. How can they Preach vnlesse they be sent Ier. 14 14. I haue not Sent them 2 To endow and furnish one with authoritie and guiftes for execution of a publike function Rom. 10 15. How shall they Preach except they bee Sent. 3 To appoint a person in wrath vnto some publique function for the which hee is not fitted of God after this sort God sendeth forth foolish Shepheards and vniust Princes for the punishment of Sinners Esay 10 6. I will Send him to a dissembling Nation c. 4 To fulfill some promised good thing or some threatned euill Thus it is written that God Sendes his Spirit Iohn 16 7. If I depart I will send him vnto you Thus God is said to send the Sword or Famine c. Amos 8 11. I will Send a Famine c. 2 Sam. 24. The Lord Sent a Pestilence 5 To commit something ouer to others of trust and charge Acts 11 30. They Sent it by the handes of Barnabas and Saule Sentence sig Iudgement 2 Cor. 1 9. For we receiued the sentence of death Seraphims sig Elect and good Angels from Heauen burning like fire for the purging of the godly by the calling of God and the consuming of the wicked Esay 6 2. Seraphims stood by him Serpent sig A Creature so called being full of venome and subtiltie of all other Creatures most contrary and dangerous to mankind whereof there bee sundry kindes Gen. 3 1. And the Serpent was more subtile then all the beasts of the field 2 Sathan for his deepe wilinesse and craft likened to a Serpent Reu. 12 9. That old Serpent To the wilinesse of his Nature being exceeding crafty Sathan hath ioyned the experience of some thousand yeares therefore called an old Serpent O be watchfull and pray Wise as serpents sig Such as bee prouident and circumspect as Serpents be to see to themselues that they be not circumuented by crafty ones of this world Math. 10 16. Be wise as Serpents Seruant sig pro A Bond-man one conquered in wars or bought for Money and in that regard bound to serue him by whom his life was preserued 2 Kings 5 2. The Arramites had gone out in Bands and taken a little Maid of Israell and she serued Naamans wife Exod. 21 2. If thou buy an Hebrew Seruant Ephe. 6. 5. Col. 4 1. 2 Euery faithfull person being bought and redeemed from the bondage of sinne and Sathan to serue and obey God in righteousnesse and true holinesse Rom. 6 22. And made Seruants to GOD. Luke 1 74 75. Being deliuered from our Enemies we should serue him without feare in righteousnesse and holinesse of truth 3 One that serueth and obeyeth God not onely in the common profession of godlinesse but in some particular function and calling Thus Paul calleth himselfe the Seruant of God Rom. 1 1. Paule a Seruant of Iesus Christ. In this sence also Christ is tearmed the Seruant of his Father to execute his will as Mediatour in working mans redemption Esay 53 11. My righteous Seruant 4 One whom God doth vse as an Instrument and meanes to effect and performe his will in the worke of some particular mercy or some particular iudgement Thus may Cyrus bee called the Seruant of God his Shepheard and annointed Es. 44. Last 45 1. 5 Euery Creature of God obeying his will as a seruant obeyeth the will of his Maister Psa. 119 91. For all are thy Seruants 6 One that is in bondage vnder the Ceremonies of Moses Law Gal. 4 7. Thou art no more a seruant but a Sonne 7 One which is of a base mind hauing mean or no guifts being a man of no worth or respect for good qualities Eccles. 10 7. I haue seene Seruants on Horses 8 One of inferiour condition and low degree Eccle. 10 7. Princes walke as Seruants Seruant of righteousnesse sig One who obeyeth God in doing righteous workes commaunded in his Law Rom. 6 18. Yee are made the Seruants of righteousnesse that is yee liue righteously Such are called the Seruants of God to teach that God is serued when righteous workes are done and performed Seruant of sinne sig One who of his owne accord readily obeyeth the desires and motions of sinne Rom. 6 20. For when yee were the Seruants of sin that is when ye liued in sin doing that willingly which it commanded to Serue sig To submit our selues to obey such who are Lords ouer vs and bought vs with their Money Exod. 21 6. And he shall serue him for euer This is done willingly or vnwillingly 2 To obey and do the reuealed wil of God in the generall calling of a Christian. Hebr. 12 28. Let vs haue Grace that wee may Serue GOD. This is
our seruice of God in respect of our common vocation 3 To be obedient vnto God by doing readily and constantly the duty of some publike calling to the honour of God and the good of his people Rom. 1 9. Whom I Serue in the Gospell of his Sonne Actes 13 36. After hee had Serued his time Math. 20 28. This is our seruice of God in respect of a particular function 4 To yeild our selues vnto God by the inward obedience of the conscience witnessed by the outward gesture of the body in kneeling bowing lifting vp eyes and handes to him as to one that hath absolute power ouer vs knowledge of vs. Mat. 4 10. Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and him onely shalt thou Serue Exod. 20 5. Thou shalt not bow downe to them nor Serue them This is our religious seruice of God in his publike worship 5 To sticke vnto and to follow the true God and his true worship forsaking all strange Gods or strange worship of the true God Iosh 24 15. I and my house will Serue the Lord. to serue at the Altar sig To performe the whole office of the Leuiticall Priest whereof oblations or Sacrifices beeing a chiefe part are put for the whole by a Sinecdoche 1 Cor. 9 13. They which Serue or wait at the altar are partakers of the Altar to Serue lusts sig To obey wicked motions by consenting to them or practising them Tiuis 3 3. Seruing diuers lusts and pleasures to serue our Neighbour sig To apply our selues cheerefully and diligentlie to do him all the good we can Gala. 5 13. Serue one another through loue to Serue riches sig To loue Riches obeying the couetous desire thereof Math. 6 24. Yee cannot Serue God and Riches S. H. Shaddow sig pro A coole place feruing for bodily refreshing in time of great heat 2 A refreshing or comfort from God after or in some hot affliction or great danger as the Shaddow is comfortable to the Trauailer in time of extreame heate Psalme 91 1. Thus is God a Shaddow in respect of his protection and deliuerances 3 Such Instruments as God vseth to giue comfort and refreshing by to troubled and afflicted persons Lam. 4 20. Under his Shaddow shall we be preserued Esay 32 2. Thus good Kings and godlie Rulers are Shaddowes the shadow of death sig Extreame spirituall affliction through temptation and sin As Psal. 23 4. Though I walk through the valley of the Shaddow of death 2 Worldly trouble and calamities through the crueltie of malicious enemies Ieremy 13 16. Whilst you looke for life he turns it into the Shadow of death and darknesse the shadow of my roofe sig Mine House therein to take his rest safelie Gene. 19 8. Seeing they are come vnder the Saddow of my Roofe to Shake Earth sig To moue men vnto great admiration and astonishment as it happened at the publishing of the Law Hebr. 12 26. Whose voyce then Shooke the Earth to Shake Heauen and Earth sig To mooue with admiration both men and Angels as it came to passe at the publishing of the Gospell Heb. 12 26. I will Shake Earth and Heauen Sée 1 Peter 1 12. Acts 2 7. thinges shaken and not shaken sig The whole Ceremoniall law abolished and the aeternall Kingdom and Priest-hood of Christ. Heb. 12 27. Shame sig pro An affection which springeth by reason of some ciuill dishonesty or filthinesse appearing in the countenance by blushing Gene. 2. last ver and 3. They were naked and were without Shame This is Shame of face or naturall Shame and it is eyther of fear that we should do dishonestly or of griefe that we haue done dishonestly 2 Trouble and perturbation of minde and conscience beeing grieued and cast downe at the remembrance of sinne against God Roma 6 21. This is Shame of conscience which in wicked men is an euill affection and part of the torment of Hell but in the godly it is a good affection a signe and fruit of their repentance Ier. 31 19. Ephraim smote his thigh and was ashamed 1 Corin. 15 34. 2 Thess. 3 14. 3 Making void or forgoing that we hope for whereof followeth Shame Ro. 5 5. Hope maketh not ashamed that is doth not deceiue and frustrate vs so as we neede to be ashamed 4 Punishment or iudgement from God which makes the Sinner ashamed Iere. 13 26. That thy Shame may appeare Shamefastnesse sig A grace which well becommeth and beautifieth Women making them of a modest and reuerent behauiour 1 Tim. 2 9. Decke themselues with shamefastnesse in shape as a man sig A very true naturall man Phil. 2 7. And was found in shape as a Man that is one who in truth had the nature of a man like other men sauing for sinne Shed sig The plentifull largenesse or abundance of Gods grace powred on beleeuers Rom. 5 6. Tit. 3 6. Which is Shed on vs aboundantly Shéepe sig pro A Creature so called of a meek and harmelesse Nature very profitable to the owner euery way both aliue and dead Iob 1 3. His substance was 7000. Sheepe 2 Such as be members of the visible Church prosessing to follow Christ Iohn 21 16 17. Feede my Sheepe These be Sheepe by profession 3 Faithfull Christians which not onely professe Christ but meekly and in truth submit themselues both in their iudgement and affections to the doctrine of Christ their cheefe Pastour Iohn 10 27. My Sheep heare my voice and I know them and they follow me Sheepe by effectuall calling 4 The elect Gentiles not yet gathered into the Fold of the visible Church Iohn 10 13. I haue other Sheepe that are not of this Fold Sheep of Gods purpose and election 5 A people innocent or harmelesse 2. Sam. 24 ●7 These Sheepe what haue they done Shéepefold sig A Folde wherein to keepe Sheepe safe from the Wolfe and other wild beasts 2 The whole Catholike invisible Church consisting of beleeuing Iewes and Gentiles Iohn 10 16. That there may be one Shepheard and one Sheepfold Shepheard See Pastour Shield sig pro An Instrument of war made for defence to award and keepe off the blowes of an enemy 2 Faith which is as a Shield to beare off and beat backe the fierce temptations of Sathan Eph. 6 16. Aboue all take the Shield of Faith A Spirituall Shield 3 Diuine defence and protection Psalm 18 2. The Lord is my Shielde An heauenly Shield 4 Magistrates being Instruments of safety and defence to good men Psa. 47 9. The Shields of the World belong to God An earthly Shielde Ship sig Marriners and Marchants which Traffique in Shippes Esay 23 14. Houle ye Shippes of Tarshis 2 The Riches strength and glory of Gods enemies Psal. 48 7. Thou shalt breake the Shippes c. Esay 2 16. Shipwrack sig pro The losse wracke and ouerthrow of a Shippe by tempest or otherwise Acts 27 44. 2 The losse or falling from that doctrine which once Men did beleeue and professe 1 Tim. 1 19. And
haue the mighty God for their Lorde and are professors of the glorious Gospel of Christ. Col. 1 10. That ye might walke worthie of the Lord. Phil. 1 27. As becommeth the Gospell Worme sig pro A contemptible base creature creeping vppon the ground c. 2 A person contemned in the world and had in vile account Psal 22 6. But I am a Worme and not a man a shame and contempt of men Worship sig Ciuill reuerence due vnto men for their authority and gifts Math 9 18. There came a certain Ruler and worshipped him This is ciuill worship 2 Outward religious seruice due vnto God for the greatnesse of his Maiestie Math 4 10. Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God This is outward Diuine worship 3 Inward Religious honour of the heart sincerely louing fearing and trusting in God because of his infinite knowledge mercy and power Iohn 4. 24. Must worship him in Spirit and Truth This is inward diuine worship 4 Immoderate reuerence towardes Creatures Acts 10 25. He fell downe at his Feete worshipped him Reuel 22 8. Neither Cornelius nor Iohn did take Peter or the Angell to be God they fayled in excesse of reuerence and were rebuked to Worship the Church sig To giue honor to Christ dwelling and raigning in his Church and to honor the Church in Christ her head Esay 49 23. They shall Worship thee with their Faces toward the earth Reuel 3 9. And worship before thy Feete W. R. Wrath. sig Iust Vengeance taken vpon sinners in this world Psal. 9 11. Who knewes the power of his Wrath Eph. 5 6. Rom. 3 5. Which punisheth 2 Eternall death in hell fire 1 Thess. 5 9. God hath not appointed vs to wrath 1 Thess. 1 10. Which deliuereth vs from that Wrath to come Rom. 2 5. 3 The perturbation of minde which mooueth men to reuenge their owne wrongs Gal. 5 30. Hatred Debate Wrath. Children of wrath sig Those that are guilty of eternall death through the iust anger of God against sinne as all men be by nature and birth Ephes. 2 3. And were by Nature the Children of wrath as well as others to Wrestle sig To striue together one man with another which should ouercome the other by strength Ge. 32 24. There Wrestled a man with him till the breaking of the day 2 To fight and striue against the spirituall enemies of our saluation Eph. 6 12. We Wrestle against Principalities and Powers to be written in earth sig To bee forgotten before God and his Church Ier. 17 13. All that forsake thee shall be written in the earth to be written in Heauen sig To bee predestinated and elected eternally by the firme counsell of God to obtaine saluation by Christ. Luke 10 20. Reioyce that your names be written in heauen to be written in the booke of remembrance sig To be loued respected cared for rewarded remembred of God Mala. 3 16. A Booke of Remembrance was Written before him for such as feare the Lord. See Remembrance to suffer Wrong sig To beare and put vp quietly and patiently any harme doone vnto vs without seeking reuenge 1 Cor. 6 7. Why rather suffer ye not wrong Y. E. Yeare sig pro THe space of twelue months Luke 3 23. Iesus began to be about 30. Yeares of age 2 The whole space and time of our life Psal. 60 9. We haue spent our Yeares as a thought Y O. Yoake sig pro An Instrument of Wood or Iron to ioyne men or Oxen or other creatures together seruing eyther ●o tame or to punish A materiall yoake 2 Afflictions for sinne or the Crosse sent from God Lam. 3 27. It is good for a man to beare the Yoake from his youth This is the Yoake of Tribulation 3 Our greeuous sinnes which be the cause of our afflictions Lamen 1 14. The Yoke of my transgressions is bound vpon my hands This is the Yoake of our sinnes 4 The cruell bondage wherein Tyrants keepe Gods people Esay 9 4. Thou hast broken the Yoake of their burden This is the yoake of oppression 5 Fellowship or agreement in any thing good or euill 2 Cor. 6 14. Beare not the Toake vnequally with Infidels 6 Gods Commandements that we should beleeue in Christ and liue vprightly Mat 1 29. Take my Yoake vpon you Also verse 30. This is the Yoke of Gods promises and Precepts which is not heauy to the regenerate man 7 The Law of Moses with a strict condition of performing it perfectly Acts 15 10. To lay a Yoake vpon them whith neither our Fathers nor we were able to beare This is the Yoke of perfect obedience to the Law A Metaphor Y. R. Yron barre sig That which is hard to be broken or ouercome Prouerbs Yron Furnace sig Carefull griefe anguish and sorrow of hart for great and greeuous thraldome and slauery Deut. 4 20. The Lord hath brought you out of the Yron furnace Yron sinew sig An obstinate sinner which wil not yeeld to the worde of God no more then an Yron sinnew will yeeld Yron yoake sig A Yoake most strong and heauy that is some greeuous and cruell bondage Deut. 28 48. And he shall put an Yron yoake vpon thy necke Yong men sig Such as for yeares were but young being grown past Child-hoode and entering into mans estate 1 Sam. 21 5. The Uessels of the Young men were holy 2 The first borne of the Israelites which executed the holy things till Priestes and Leuites were consecrated Exod. 34 5. He sent Young men of the children of Israell which Offered burnt Offerings Z. E. Zeale sig INncrease of affections as of griefe ioy hatred loue Iohn 2 17. The Zeale of thy House hath eate me vp Reu. 3 19. Bee Zealous and amend 2 An honest and commendable desire kindled in our harts to imitate or go beyond others in well doing 2 Cor. 9 2. Your Zeale hath prouoked many Titus 2 14. Zealous of good workes 3 An earnest desire of doing good things belonging vnto vs and of hindering euill things being ioyned with sound knowledge and hearty loue of Gods glorie and of our Neighbours good 2 Cor. 7 11. Yea what Zeale Col. 4 13. I beare him record that he hath a great Zeale for you Thus far it is taken in good part 4 Earnestnesse of affection in good thinges when neither the maner nor end of doing is good Such was the Zeale of Iehu 2 Kinges 10 6. And of the Iewes Rom. 10 2. They haue the Zeale of God but not according to knowledge Also of Paule being a Pharisie Actes 22 15. And was Zealous towardes God 5 Fierce and fiery bitternesse when men are earnest and hot in a bad cause Phil. 3 6. Concerding Zeale I persecuted the Church Here it is taken in ill part 6 Enuy indignation Actes 5 17. Also 7 9. And 17 5. The Iewes mooued with Zeale or Enuy. The Greeke word translated Enuy or Indignation doth signifie Zeale in ill part 7 The most earnest loue of God for the good
bee glad in thee to Remain in Uillages sig To lodge and abide with fixed affections in spirituall and heauenly thinges Cant. 7 11. Let vs Remaine in the Uillages to Remember sig To call to minde and make mention of a thing with great delight Cant. 1 3. We will Remember thy loue more then Wine to Returne sig To repent of sinne by bewayling confessing and forsaking it Cant. 6 12. Returne Returne O Shulamite Returne R. I. Right hand sig That mighty power whereby the Lord vpholdeth and comforteth his Church heere in her warfare Cant. 8 3. His Right hand shall embrace me Righteous sig Such as hath Christ his Iustice by faith put vpon them and are by his spirite framed to vprightnesse of heart and manners Cant. 1 3. The Righteous do loue thee Ringes of Gold sig Rings made of Gold which were worne on the hands for Ornament sake 2 All things in Christ to bee spiritually rich and shining Cant. 4 14. His hands like Rings of Gold set with Chrysolite Riuers of waters sig Cleare running waters about which Doues delight to be Cant. 5 12. His eyes are like Doues vpon the Riuers of Waters R. O. Rose sig pro A sweet and beautifull flower Cant. 2 1. 2 Christ Iesus like to a Rose for spiritual fairenesse and comelinesse Cant. 2 1. I am the Rose of the field Roofe of the mouth sig That which proceedeth out of the mouth to wit the holy Doctrine of the Lorde which the Church doth publish Cant 7 9. And the Roofe of thy mouth like good Wine Round cup sig A vessell containing liquor for nourishment Cant. 7 2. Thy Nauill is as a Round cup that wanteth not liquor See Nauill Rowes of precious stones sig The spirituall Ornaments as faith sanctification al graces of the new man where with the church is decked by Christ her husband Cantic 1 ● Thy cheekes are comely with Rowes of stones R. V. Ruddie sig pro One of a liuely colour fresh and red 2 One goodly glorious strong and of perfect helth euerie way such an one was Christ. Can. 5 10 My welbeloued is white and Ruddie to Run after Christ. sig To desire and endeuor more and more to be ioyned vnto Christ and yeelde him greater and better obedience Cant. 1 3. Draw me we will Runne after thee S. A. Saffron sig A Sweet Plant so called 2 The faithfull and the delectable fruites which they bring foorth to God represented by Saffron Can. 4 4. Euen Spicknard and Saffron The like is to bee saide of Spicknard Calamus Camphire c. Saphire sig pro A Stone so called beautifull and precious 2 The rich and precious thinges of Christ as his wisedome righteousnesse sanctification and redemption Cant. 5 14. His belly like white Iuorie couered with Saphires Sauour sig The sweete sence and feeling of Christ his loue and benefits being more excellent and delightful then the most sauoury oyntment Cant. 1 2. Because of the Sauour of thy good Oyntments c. Sauour of the Nose sig The Sweetnesse of breath for men vse to breath by the Nose 2 The sweete and pleasant thinges as prayses prayers and other good workes which the Church doth as it were breath and bring foorth Cant. 7 8. And the Sauour of thy Nose like Apples S. C. Lippes like Scarlet thred sig Small lippes and of a red colour Cant. 4 3. Thy Lips are like a Thread of Scarlet 2 Pure and comely words Cant. 4 3. S. E. to bee set as a Seale vpon the hart sig To beioyned neerely to one highly esteemed off and alwaies had in mind as deere and pretious Cant. 8 6. Set me as a Seale on thy heart A Seale in a Ring of Gold was euer made much account of as a thing very pretious so doth the Church desire to be accounted of Christ. secret place sig The most high high God who is as a Rocke of Saluation and hiding place for his people Cant. 2 14. My Doue thou art in the Secret places of the Staires to Séeke sig To feel a want of Christ and of his graces with an earnest desire and endeuour to finde them Cant. 3 2. I will Seeke him whom my Soule loueth Cant. 4 6. 5 7. S. H. Shaddow sig Iesus Christ from whom the faithfull receiue rest peace and refreshing against hot persecutions of the World the fiery temptations of Sathan and burning heat of guiltinesse for finne euen as they which beeing parched by the heate of the Sunne are refreshed by the Shaddow of a Tree Cant. 2 3. Vnder his Shaddow had I delight and sate downe shepheards sig The holy Prophets and Apostles by whom Christ guided his Flocke and led them into heauenly pastures Cant. 1 7. Feede thy Kids by the tents of the Shepheards Shooes sig The preparation of the Gospell of peace which prepareth and armeth a Christian Soule to go thorough all temptations euen as Shooes arme the bodily feete to passe through all the difficulties of a rugged way Cant. 1 7. How beautifull are thy goings with Shooes Shulamite sig One made most perfect by the counsell and calling of God Cant. 6 12. Returne ô Shulamite S. I. Sicke of loue sig One taken and helde with a vehement and immoderate passion of loue beeing ready to sound through strong desire after the thing loued such is the affection of the Church after Christ. Cant. 2 5. For I am Sicke of loue Signet vpon his arme sig A Iewell alwaies in sight so is the Church to Christ most deare and neere vnto him as a Iewell on his heart and hand Cant. 8 6. And as a Signet vpon thine arme thousand pieces of Siluer sig The Hire and Wages paid vnto the faithful keepers of the Vine to wit Sound Teachers for their painefull labour in well husbanding the Vine of the Church Cant. 8 11. Euery one bringing for the fruit thereof a thousand peeces of Siluer Sister sig The Church of Christ being by grace of New-birth borne of God and thereby become Flesh of his Flesh and Bone of his Bone In which regard she is called his Sister Cant. 4 10. My Sister my Spouse S. L. Sléepe sig pro A Slumber or halfe asleepe 2 A Spirituall Slumber and drowsinesse in the mind and heart touching heauenly things Cant. 5 2. I Sleepe but my heart waketh S. M. smal grapes sig True Beleeuers being yet but young and weak in Faith and in the fruits thereof Cant. 2 15. For our Vines haue Small Grapes Smell sig The Sweete sauour of Christ like to the Smell of pretious Spicknard greatly delighting the Church therewith Cant. 1 11. My Spicknard gaue the Smell thereof S. O. Socket sig A foote which to a Legge is instead of a Socket Cant. 5 15. His Legges set vpon Sockets of fine Gold Sonnes of my mother sig Originall or birth sin entring with vs into the World and still dwelling with vs. Cant. 1 5. 2 The degenerate children of the Church as the wicked Priests and false Prophets
not ashamed to call them Brethren 2 Such as haue society of one true Christian profession Heb. 3 12. Brethren take heede holy Brethren sig Such as being sanctified by the Spirit are receyued into his fellowship to be one with him Hebr. 3 1. Therefore holy-Brethren Brightnesse of glory sig Christ Iesus the second person in Trinitie in whom alone did shine foorth aeternally the Image and beautie of his Fathers glorie hauing also many waies shewed foorth vnto men his Fathers bright glorie in his teaching and cleare manifestation of the gospel also in his working of miracles in both which hee set forth a glorious light of the power and goodnesse of God for the sauing of the elect Heb 1 3. The Brightnesse of his glory to Build all things sig To make all things in heauen earth but chiefly to set vp the Church of God which is an house or building Heb 3 4. But he that hath built all thinges is God C. A. Called sig Effectually drawn to Christ by the Ministry thorow the spirit Heb 9 15. That they which are Called Carnall commandement sig A Precept which enioyneth things weake and fraile not lasting and aeternall such was the whole ordination of the Leuiticall Priesthood Heb 7 16 Which is not made Priest after the Law of the carnall Commandement Carnall rites sig Certaine outwarde Ceremonies which did not come to the soule but were placed in Terrene and earthly matters Heb 9 10. Which onely stood in carnall rites Carkasses sig Their limbes and bodies by little and little languished Heb 3 17 Their Carkasses fell in the wildernesse to Cast away confidence sig To make losse of or to loose the free and ingenuous profession of the trueth whereof the confidence is in the heart Heb 11 35. And cast not away the confidence to Cease from our own works sig To doo our owne will no longer but to resigne our selues to God to yeeld him obedience by doing his will reuealed in his word Heb 4 10. Hath Ceased from his owne workes Church sig The congregation of Gods people called out of the world by the word Hebe 2 12. Amiddest the Church will I sing to thee Children sig Such as are regenerate and born a new by the spirit of Christ hauing God for their Father Hebr. 2 10. Seeing that he brought many Children to Glorie Heb 12 5. 2 Disciples which loue and obey their Teachers as Children their Father Heb. 2 13. Heer am I and the children which thou hast giuen me Citty of the liuing God sig The Church of God which is like to a Citty being ruled by one King Christ and according to his Lawes Heb 12 22. The Citty of the liuing God Cloude of witnesses sig Many witnesses euen an inumerable company of witnesses as it were a cloud of godly and religious persons by their examples of constancy prouoking vs to the like Heb. 12 1. Hauing such a Cloude of Witnesses to Come to God sig To ioyne himselfe to the true God as his seruant and true worshipper Hebr. 11 6. Hee that comes to God Companion sig One that taketh part with another in suffering Heb. 10 33. We were Companions with them to be Compassed with infirmities sig To beare about a nature subiect to the same sins and discommodities Hebru 5 2. Being Compassed with the same infirmities Compassion sig A disposition or affection prone to pitty others so much as neede is Heb. 5 2 Which is able sufficiently to haue Compassion to condemn the world sig By his deede and example in building the Arke at Gods commandement to conuict other wicked men which did swarme in the world of infidelity Heb. 11 7. By which he condemned the world to Confirm sig To stablish and ratifie a thing with signes wonders c. Heb. 2 3. And was Confirmed to Consecrate sig To sanctifie or set apart to some excellent matter Heb. 2 10. That he should Consecrate the Prince of saluation by afflection Verse 11. For he that sanctifieth c. This word expounds the former The word in the Originall signifies to make perfect Conseruation sig Saluation which is contrary to distinction Heb. 10 39. Vnto the Conseruation of our soules consolation sig Exhortation Heb. 12 5. Haue ye forgot the Consolation to Consider sig To obserue marke and watch with louing mind Heb. 10 24. Let vs Consider one another 2 To waigh ponder and thinke seriously vpon Heb 3 1. Consider the Apostle c. euill Conscience sig A Conscience accusing of sinne and terrifying with Remembrance of punishment due to sin For against an euill Conscience is set a true faithfull heart which truly beleeueth forgiuenesse of sinne Heb. 10 22. Pure from an euill Conscience to Count vnholy sig Not to discerne and put difference between the bloud of Christ and common bloud Hebr. 10 23. Count the bloud vnholy wherewith c. to Crowne with glorie sig To giue this dignity vnto Christ and by him to Gods children to haue all thinges in this worlde subiect to them and to bee fellow heyres of the heauenly kingdome Heb. 2 7. Thou Crownest him with glorie and honor and settest him aboue the works of thy hands to Crucifye againe the son of God sig To expose and lay open Christ as it were the second time nayled to the Crosse to the reproach and ignominy of all men Heb. 6 6. Crucifie againe the sonne of God Custome sig An habite gotten by Custome Heb. 5 verse last Which thorow long Custome haue their sences exercised D. A. another Day sig A certaine day Heb 4 7. to Day this Day sig The season and opportunity appointed of God for doing something Heb 4 7. 2 All that time in which God made his sonne knowne by his wonderfull workes Heb 1 5. seuenth day sig The day which was the seuenth from the creation which is our Sunday Heb 4 4. Day of temptation sig The time when the people of Israell tempted God by their contention and striuinges as if they would try his power and Iustice. Heb 3 8. Dauid sig The Booke of Psalmes penned by Dauid A Metonimie Heb. 4 7. Death sig Separation of soule and bodie being ioyned together with the wrath and cursse of God Heb 2 15. 2 Eternall death or destruction Heb 2 15. to haue power of death sig To prouoke vnto and procure sinne whence commeth death Temporall and Eternall Hebr. 2 15. to tast death sig To die or feele death coupled with Gods infinite anger Heb 2 9. Deceitfulnesse of sin sig Sinne which is a deceitefull thing or full of decerte and craft for sinne neuer appeares in hir own countenance Heb 3 13. Be hardened with the Deceitfulnesse of sinne Defiled sig Stayned and corrupted with the filthinesse of sin Heb 12 15. to Depart from God sig To fall away from God by infidelity and distrust of his word Heb 3 12. to be Depriued sig To be made frustrate or voide of the thing promised thorough Spirituall slownesse Heb 4 1. to Deuoure the
countenance and good will of God Dan. 9 17. Cause thy Face to shine vppon the Sanctuary Also it comprehendes all benefites and deliuerances whereby God doth witnesse his fauour to his people Psal. 80 3. Cause thy Face to shine that we may be saued 5 The place of Gods worship whence his Face and fauour is to bee perceiued in the Doctrine of grace soundly taught applied Gen. 4 14. I shall be banished from thy face Heereof Dauid complains 1. Sam. 26 19. Ionas 1 3. 6 Seruice before God or in the presence of God Mat. 18 10. There Angels alwayes behold the Face of my father that is do seruice in his presence Ps. 51 11. Cast me not out from thy Face that is from doing seruice before thee as a King as thou didst cast out Saule who was King before mee c. to shew his Face sig To reueale lay open or make known vnto vs his most bright and glorious Maiesty this he doth to no man Exod. 33 20. and verse 18. Shew mee thy Glory and God answered Thou canst not see my Face 2 To manifest his fauour Thus he doth continually to his Saints Psal. 80 19. Shew vs thy Face and we shall be whole Psal. 4 6. to hide his Face sig Not to take knowledge of vs and of our sinnes with dislike and meaning to punish them Psal. 51 10. Hide thy face from my sinnes that is looke not vpon them to punish them 2 To withdraw his countenance and shew forth his displeasure in some iudgement and affliction Psal. 27 9. Hide not thy Face from me to séeke Gods Face sig To aske counsell of God in things doubtfull and to pray vnto God in cases daungerous Psal. 27 8. Seeke ye my Face thy Face Lord I will seeke Face to face sig Familiarly and plainly Deut. 5 4. The Lord talked with you Face to Face Exod. 31 11. 2 Perfectly and fully 1. Cor. 13 12. Then shall we see Face to Face to fall vpon the Face sig To adore and worship God groueling vpon the ground Iosh. 7 6. And fel to the earth vpon his Face Mat. 17 6. Face of Iesus Christ. sig The knowledge which we haue of God by and through our Lord Iesus Christ who is the liuely expresse Image of his father 2. Cor. 4 6. In the Face of Iesus Christ. Colos. 1 15. Who is the Image of the inuisible God Faire How the Church is Faire sig pro Beautifull or one of good fauour goodly to see to Ioh. 42 15. Dan. 4 4. 2 The Church which is faire beautifull glorious within Cant. 4 1. Thou art Faire my loue Faire shee is for shee hath the perfect holinesse of Christ her husband imputed to her by faith that she might be without spot or wrinkle Ephes. 5 27. Also she hath the Spirit of sanctification to begin holinesse in her selfe 1. Pet. 1 2. 2. Cor. 6 11. So as she is Faire both Imputatiuely and incoatiuely and at length shall be Faire perfectly and all this spiritually For outwardly she is blacke afflicted crossed and persecuted in the world Cant. 1 4. Faith sig pro Truth and constancy in wordes and promises when that is performed in deede which in wordes was spoken and promised Rom. 3 3. Shall our vnbeleefe make the faith of God of none effect Psal. 25 10. Ps. 86 15. And in all other places where God is commended for Mercy and Truth The word in the Originall signifies Faith Gal. 5 22. Math. 23 23. 2 The Doctrine of Faith or the Gospell which we doo beleeue Gal. 1 22. Hee now preacheth the Faith which before he Destroyed 1. Tim. 1 19. and 3 9. Iude 5. 1. Tim. 4 1. and 3 9. A Metanimie of the Adiunct for the Subiect 3 Thinges promised or the accomplishment of Gods promises made in the Old Testament Gal. 3 23. We were shut vp vnto that Faith which afterwards should be reuealed 4 A naked knowledge of God ioyned with an outward profession of his religion and Faith Iam. 2 17 24. Faith if it hath no workes is dead This is Historicall or Dogmaticall Faith as Diuines call it 5 A certaine and sure perswasion of some wonderous and strange effects and workes to be done by the power of God 1. Cor. 13 2. If I had all faith Math. 17 20. This is an actiue myraculous faith which lasted but a short space 6 The knowledge and ioyful assent of the mind yeelded to Gods promises for a time till affliction come Luke 8 13. Which for a while beleeue but in time of temptation fall away Acts 8 13. This is Temporarie Faith 7 A firme and constant apprehension of Christ al his merits as they are promised and offred in the word Sacraments Ro. 1 17. The iust shall liue by Faith Gal. 3. 11 14. And in al those places of scripture where Righteousnesse Iustification life Eternal and Saluation are attributed to it This is Iustifying or sauing Faith because it enables the elect soule to receiue Christs perfect Iustice vnto Saluation in heauen This Faith once had is neuer vtterly lost as Papists fancie 8 Fidelity and faithfulnesse in doing duties to others without fraud and deceit Titus 2 10. That they may shew all good faith that is Faithfulnesse 9 Hope 1. Pet. 1 5. We are kept through Faith vnto saluatiō Yet this properly belongs to hope which is a certaine expectation of saluation promised A Metanimie of the Cause for the Effect 10 A confidence of obtaining some earthly and bodily good thing after a myraculous sort Actes 14 9. When he saw that hee had Faith to bee healed This is a passiue miraculous Faith 11 A firme knowledge and assurance of that liberty which Christians haue in thinges indifferent Rom. 14 1 22 23. Whatsoeuer is not of Faith is sin 12 Feruent study desire and zeale to practise maintaine Christian Religion and Doctrine Rom. 1 8. Your Faith is published throughout all the world 13 Righteousnesse or Iustice. Psal. 119 75. Thou hast afflicted mee in Faith or in righteousnesse and iustly 14 A Promise or Vowe 1. Tim. 5 12. They haue forsaken their first Faith Sée the word First 15 Constancy and faithfulnesse in performing duty or inconstancy and vnfaithfulnesse indifferently 1. Sam. 26 23. The Lord will rewarde euery man according to his Righteousnesse and Faith or faithfulnesse 16 Christ being apprehended by faith Rom. 9 32. Also Rom. 3 28. A man is iustified by faith So it is put and taken in the Treatise of Iustification wheresoeuer Faith is written without expresse mētion of Christ. Faith of the Elect. sig That Faith which is proper to the elect Titus 1 1 2. Acts 13 44 48. which none can haue but the elect and chosen children of God dead Faith sig A fruitlesse and vnworking Faith Iames 2 26. Faith without workes is Dead like a Dead-man a barren wombe a withered Tree effectuall Faith sig Such a knowledge of Christ as is not idle but worketh by
loue 1. Thes. 1 3. Remembering your effectuall Faith Gal. 5 6. Faith vnfaigned sig Sincere without Hypocrisie and countersetting 1. Tim. 1 5. And of Faith vnfaigned precious Faith sig An excellent faith being a most worthie guift whereby wee attaine very woorthy and precious things 2. Pet. 1 1. To you which haue obtained like precious Faith from Faith to Faith sig From one degree of Faith to another as from a little and weake Faith to a great and strong one Rom. 1 17. Reuealed from Faith to Faith For true liuely Faith encreaseth daily Faith great or little sig The degrees of Faith as men beleeue in Christ more or lesse strongly Luke 7 9. I haue not founde so great Faith Math. 14 31. O thou of little Faith This little Faith is adioyned with much doubting Faithful sig One who keepeth his word and standeth to his promise 1. Iohn 1 9. God is Faithfull 1. Cor. 1 9. 2 One who beleeueth the promises of Christ. Ephe. 1 1. To the Faithfull in Christ Iesus 3 One who faithfully and truely performes his office and charge that he is put in trust with 1. Tim. 3 11. Faithfull in all things Col. 4 9. 1. Pet. 5 12. Siluanus a Faithfull Brother to you Faithfulnesse It is Sée the Word Faith Liuely Faith what That guift of God whereby an elect regenerate soule receiueth Christ and all his benefits to be her own Iohn 1 12. Or thus more plainly That guift whereby the beleeuers are firmely perswaded not onely that the word of God all the promises are true but do belong to themselues first Faith sig The Vow of Baptisme or Faith of Christianity which yong widdowes who were lasciuious wantons did make voyde by marrying to ●nfidels so as they renounced Christianity and followed Satan Others do expound this first Faith of the promise and fidelity which young Widdowes gaue to the Church to do seruice to the poore which vpon their marriage to another husband they did frustrate 1. Tim. 4 12. Making voyde the first faith Fall sig Euery sinne especially when the will doeth consent vnto it for that is as if one shoulde stumble and take a fall Psal. 37 24. Though he fall he shall not be cast off Iames 4 2. In many things we sin all In the Originall Greeke Text it is thus We stumble or fall Also the worde Englished Offence in Rom. 5. Verse 16 17 18. In the Originall Text signifies Fall Metaphor 2 A particular departing or going from the Doctrine and profession of Christ vnto some Heresie or Idolatry after the example of Hymeneus Phyletus Alexander and other Apostataes Reu. 9 1. I saw a Starre which was fallen from Heauen into Earth 1 Corin. 10 12. Let him that standeth take heede least he Fall 2 Thess. 2 3. 1 Tim. 4 1. 3 Any aduersity or danger Pro. 24 16. A iust Man Falleth seauen times a day and riseth againe That is Many are the dangers and troubles of the righteous but the Lorde deliuereth them out of all 4 Decay or worldly ruine Reuel 17 2. Babylon is Fallen it is Fallen That is Rome is de●ayed in credit of her Doctrine and Religion in authority riches power and Iurisdiction in all these she hasteneth to an vtter finall ruine and downfall Also in all those places which speak of worldly downefals Psalme 20 8. Lam. 1 14. Reu. 17 10 Pro. 16 18. 5 Perishing for euer or euerlasting destruction Luke 2 34. He is appointed for the Fall and rising againe of many in Israell Fall of man what it is It is the defection of our first Parents in their voluntary disobedience to Gods Commaundement whence followed vppon themselues and all theyr posterity losse of Gods fauour and Image with corruption of nature and de●ert of all misery R●● 5 12 13 14 15. c. compared with Gen. 3 1 2 3 4 c. Falling away sig An vniuersall forsaking or departing from the whole doctrine of Christ after it is once knowne by the enlightening of the Spirit with a mali●io●s dispite of it because it is the truth of God Hebr. 6 6. If they fall away and 3 12 and 10 29. This is the sin of total● Apostacy whereof read more 2. Pet. 2 20. 1 Iohn 5 16. Sée Blasphemy of the Spirit to Fal from grace sig To leaue and forsake that good way and course which men had once taken for the obtaining of Grace Gal. 5 4. Ye are Fallen from Grace Such as haue once sauing Grace and bee iustified thorough Faith doe nowe Fall vtterly and wholy from it but sundry which had entered a good course to get this Grace doe afterwardes leaue it and this is to Fall from Grace in that place of Paul to Galathians They erre which think sauing grace may be wholy lost for a time or finally and foreuer False sig That which is voyd of truth being vnfound and counter●eit As False Ballance False weights False heart False doctrine False waies Psal. 119. False Witnesse Math. 27 59. They sought False Witnesse False christ sig One that professeth himselfe to be Christ and is not Math. 24 24. There shall arise False Christs This did one Dositheus of whom Theophilact maketh mention and one Theudas an Aegiptian spoken of in the Acts 5 36. and after that one Maues and Dauid George head of the Libertines of whom Iosephus writeth And one Hacket an Englishman all these named themselues Christ so did one Iohn Moore at London in the third yeare of Queen Elizabeth and two other at Oxford in the sixt yeare of Henry the third as Holinshed reporteth False Apostics sig Such as say they are Apostles and are not being Broachers of lyes and errours vnder the name of true Apostles of Christ. 1 Cor. 11 13. Reuelation's 2 2. False Prophet sig One that is a teacher of lyes wresting the Scriptures for his Belly and filthy lucre or for vaine glorie sake Mathew 7 15. Beware of False Prophets Rom. 16 18. Titus 1 11. 1 Timothy 6 3 4 5. False matter sig A lying speech or word of vntruth which may endanger another mans life Exodus 23 7. Thou shalt keepe thyselfe farre from a False matter False ballance sig Deceitfull Weights which beguile those that trust the truth of them Prou. 11 1. False Ballance are an abhomination vnto the Lord. False waies sig Whatsoeuer opinion or action swarueth from the word of God Psal. 119 128. I hate all False wayes Famine sig Scarsity of Bread euen vnto hunger or extream want of victuals Genesis 26 1. There was a Famine in that Land 2 Scarsity and want of heauenly Bread which is the word of God Amos 8 11. I will send a Famine of the hearing of the word Fanne sig Gods word preached whereby as by a Fanne the good are seuered from the bad Mathew 3 12 Whos 's Fanne is in his hand Metaphor Fasting sig A totall or whole abstinence from meats drinks and all other pleasures of this life for a certaine time to